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INSIGHT CSP 2017 Test 07

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1. With reference to buffer stock of 2. Disguised unemployment usually
foodgrains, consider the following happens among family members
statements engaged in agricultural activity.
3. According to ILO report,
1. Buffer Stock is the stock of unemployment rate in India is
foodgrains, namely wheat and rice increasing since 2011
procured by the government
Which of the statements given above
through Food Corporation of
is/are correct?
India (FCI).
2. Buffer stocks are required to a. 1 and 2 Only
stabilize prices during period of b. 2 and 3 Only
production shortfall through c. 2 Only
open market sales. d. All
3. The seasonality of production and
procurement is a decisive factor 3. Consider the following statements
in determining the minimum with reference to National Food for
norm of food grains stocks Work programme
required in a particular quarter
of the year 1. It was launched on November 14,
4. In addition to buffer norms, 2004 in 150 most backward
Government has prescribed districts of the country with the
Strategic Reserve of wheat and objective of intensifying the
rice generation of supplementary
wage employment.
Which of the above statements is
2. The programme is open to all
rural poor who are in need of
a. 2 Only wage employment and desire to
b. 3 Only do manual unskilled work.
c. 2 and 4 Only 3. This programme, along with
d. None NREGA is still run in these 150
districts as a supplementary
program to benefit the poor
2. With reference to unemployment,
Which of the statements given above
consider the following statements
is/are correct?
1. In case of rural areas, there is a. 1 and 3 Only
seasonal and disguised b. 1 and 2 Only
unemployment. Urban areas have c. 2 Only
mostly educated unemployment. d. All Page 2
4. Analysis of poverty based on d. All
social exclusion and vulnerability
is now becoming very common.
With reference to this, consider 5. With reference to Public
the following statements Distribution System (PDS),
consider the following statements
1. According to social exclusion
concept, poverty must be seen 1. PDS, till 1992, was a general
in terms of the poor having to entitlement scheme for all
live only in a poor surrounding consumers without any
with other poor people, specific target.
excluded from enjoying social 2. In June 1997, the
equality of better-off people Government of India
in better surroundings. launched the Targeted Public
2. The working of the caste Distribution System (TPDS)
system in India is an example with focus on the poor. The
of social exclusion identification of the poor
3. Social exclusion may lead to, under the scheme is done by
but can cause more damage the States as per State-wise
than, having a very low poverty estimates of the
income. Planning Commission for
4. The N. C Saxena Report 1993-94 based on the
(from the National methodology of the “Expert
Commission for Enterprises in Group on estimation of
the Unorganised Sector), proportion and number of
based on data between the poor” chaired by Late Prof
period 1993–94 and 2004–05, Lakdawala.
states that 77% of Indians live 3. In order to make TPDS more
on less than 20 a day focused and targeted towards
5. Vulnerability to poverty is a poor, the Antyodaya Anna
measure, which describes the Yojana (AAY) was launched
greater probability of certain in December, 2000 for one
communities or individuals of crore poorest of the poor
becoming, or remaining, poor families.
in the coming years. 4. Under national food security
act 2013, reforms include
Which of the statements given above
door-step delivery of
is/are correct?
foodgrains to the TPDS
a. 1 and 3 Only outlets, application of
b. 1,2,3 and 4 Only information and
c. 1,2,3 and 5 Only communication technology Page 3
tools, diversification of Which of the statements given above
commodities distributed is/are correct?
under the PDS over period of
a. 1,2 and 3 Only
time etc.
b. All
Which of the statements given above c. 2,3 and 4 Only
is/are incorrect? d. 4 Only
a. 1 and 3 Only
b. 3 and 4 Only
7. With reference to population
c. 2 and 3 Only
density in India, consider the
d. None
following statements

1. The Northern Plains and

6. With reference to jet streams,
Kerala in the south have high
consider the following statements
to very high population
densities because of the flat
1. Over India, subtropical
plains with fertile soils and
easterly jet streams blow
abundant rainfall.
south of the Himalayas, all
2. Assam and most of the
through the year except in
Peninsular states have
moderate population densities.
2. In summer, the subtropical
Hilly, dissected and rocky
easterly jet stream moves
nature of the terrain,
north of the Himalayas with
moderate to low rainfall,
the apparent movement of the
shallow and less fertile soils
have influenced population
3. An easterly jet stream, called
densities in these areas.
the tropical westerly jet
3. India supports and sustains
stream blows over peninsular
17.5% of the world population
India, approximately over
and there is an increase of
14°N during the summer
17.5% population in 2011 over
4. Jet streams are a narrow belt
of high altitude (above 12,000 Which of the statements given above
m) westerly winds in the is/are correct?
troposphere. Their speed
a. 1 and 3 Only
varies from about 110 km/h
b. 2 and 3 Only
in summer to about 184 km/h
c. 1 and 2 Only
in winter.
d. All Page 4
equator but moves north or
south with the apparent
8. Consider the following
movement of the sun.
Which of the statements given above
1. These are the most is/are incorrect?
widespread forests of India.
a. 1 Only
They are also called the
b. 2 Only
monsoon forests and spread
c. 3 Only
over the region receiving
d. None
rainfall between 200 cm and
70 cm.
10. Which of the following biosphere
2. Teak is the most dominant
reserve in India is not a part of
species of this forest.
the World Network of Biosphere
Bamboos, sal, shisham,
Reserves, based on
sandalwood, khair, kusum,
the UNESCO Man and the
arjun, mulberry are other
Biosphere (MAB) Programme
commercially important
To which type of forests in India does a. Nokrek
above description refer to? b. Panna
c. Panchmarhi
a. Tropical deciduous forests
d. Nicobar Islands
b. Tropical rain forests
c. Montane forests
d. Tropical rain forests
11. Soon after Independence, India
faced many new challenges. From
9. Consider the following
among the following statements,
statements about The Inter
which were the most important
Tropical Convergence Zone
challenges that were important
and urgent for India?
1. It is a broad trough of high
1. To ensure the development
pressure in equatorial
and well-being of the entire
society and not only of some
2. This is where the northeast
and the southeast trade winds
2. To shape a nation that was
united, yet accommodative of
3. This convergence zone lies
the diversity in our society.
more or less parallel to the Page 5
3. To establish democracy.
4. To develop industries and
Which of the statements given above
bring economic growth
is/are correct?
Select the correct answer using the codes
a. 1 and 3 Only
b. 2 and 3 Only
a. 1,2 and 3 Only c. 1 and 2 Only
b. 1,2,3 and 4 d. All
c. 2,3 and 4
d. 2 and 3 Only
13. Consider the following
statements with reference to
12. Consider the following Dravidian movement
statements about ‘Whips’ in
Indian polity 1. Though some sections of this
movement had ambitions of
1. The main function of the creating a Dravid nation, the
Whips is to keep members of movement took to arms and
their party within sound of violence was inevitable
the Division Bell whenever 2. It used democratic means like
any important business is public debates and the
under consideration in the electoral platform to achieve
House. its ends.
3. The movement strongly
2. During sessions, the Whips of opposed the Brahmins’
different parties send to their dominance and affirmed
supporters periodic notices, regional pride against the
also sometimes called 'Whips', political, economic and
apprising them when cultural domination of the
important Divisions are North.
expected, telling them the
Which of the statements given above
hour when a vote will
is/are correct?
probably take place, and
requesting them to be in a. 1 and 2 Only
attendance at that time b. 2and 3 Only
3. The Chief Whip of the c. 3 Only
Government Party in the Lok d. 1 and 3 Only
Sabha and Rajya Sabha is the
Minister of Parliamentary
Affairs. Page 6
14. Consider the following 4. At independence the entire
statements about Article 370 of region except Manipur and
the Indian Constitution Tripura comprised the State
of Assam.
1. Article 370 gives greater
Which of the above statements is/are
autonomy to Jammu and
Kashmir compared to other
States of India. a. 1,3 and 4 Only
2. The State has its own b. 2,3 and 4 Only
Constitution. c. 1,2 and 4 Only
3. All provisions of the Indian d. All
Constitution are applicable to
the State.
4. Laws passed by the Parliament 16. Consider the following
apply to J&K only if the State statements with reference to Goa
1. In January 1967, the Central
Government held a special
Which of the statements given above ‘opinion poll’ in Goa asking
is/are correct? people to decide if they
wanted to be part of
a. 1 and 4 Only
Maharashtra or remain
b. 1,2 and 4 Only
c. 1,3 and 4 Only
2. This was the only time in
d. All
independent India that a
referendum-like procedure
was used to ascertain people’s
15. With reference to reorganization
wishes on a subject.
of North Eastern states, consider
3. In 1967, Goa became a State
the following statements
of the Indian Union.
1. Meghalaya, Manipur and Which of the statements given above
Tripura became Indian states is/are incorrect?
in 1972
a. 3 Only
2. Arunachal Pradesh and
b. 1 and 2 Only
Mizoram became separate
c. 2 and 3 Only
States only in 1986
d. None
3. Nagaland State was created
after the creation of
Meghalaya, Manipur, Tripura
and Mizoram Page 7
17. Consider the following Which of the above statements I incorrect?
statements with reference to
a. 1 Only
population growth in India
b. 2 Only
c. None
1. The period from 1901-1921 is
d. Both
referred to as a period of
stagnant or stationary phase of
growth of India’s population,
since in this period growth 19. Data from Indian Remote Sensing
rate was very low, even satellites are used for various
recording a negative growth applications of resources survey
rate during 1911-1921. and management under the
2. The decades 1921-1951 are National Natural Resources
referred to as the period of Management System (NNRMS).
steady population growth. Which of the following is not one
3. The decades 1951-1981 are of its applications?
referred to as the period of
population explosion in India, 1. Snow-melt run-off
estimates for planning water
which was caused by a rapid
use in down -stream
fall in the mortality rate but a projects
high fertility rate of 2. Land use and land cover
population in the country. mapping
3. Urban planning
Which of the above statements is/are 4. Forest survey
correct? 5. Wetland mapping
6. Environmental impact
a. 1 and 2 Only analysis
b. 1 and 3 Only 7. Mineral Prospecting
c. 2 and 3 Only
d. All Select the correct answer using the codes
18. Consider the following a. 1,2,3,4 and 7
statements b. 1,2,4,5,6 and 7
c. 2,3,4 and 7
1. Languages spoken in d. All
Meghalaya, Nicobar Islands
belong to the family of 20. With reference to Mumbai port,
consider the following statements
Austric languages
2. Languages spoken in Assam 1. It is a natural harbour and the
and Jammu and Kashmir biggest port of the country.
belong to the family of Indo- 2. It has country’s largest oil
European terminal Page 8
3. The port is administered by a. 2 and 3 Only
the Mumbai Port b. 1,2 and 3 Only
Trust (MbPT), an c. 2,3 and 4 Only
autonomous corporation d. All
belonging to a private trust of
Which of the above statements
is/are incorrect? 22. With reference to latest Human
Development Index data,
a. 1 ad 3 Only consider the following statements
b. 2 and 3 Only
c. 3 Only 1. India has been ranked 136
d. None among 187 countries evaluated
for human development index
2. India’s HDI value went up
21. With reference to water from 0.345 to 0.554 between
pollution, consider the following 1980 and 2012, an increase of
statements 61 per cent or an average
annual increase of 1.5 per cent.
1. Total dissolved solids (TDS) is 3. Life expectancy at birth and
the term used to describe the mean years of schooling have
organic salts and small increased
amounts of inorganic matter 4. As for the Multidimensional
present in solution in water. Poverty Index (MPI), India
2. The principal constituents are does worsse than Bangladesh
usually calcium, magnesium, and Pakistan
sodium, and potassium cations
and carbonate, Which of the above statements is/are
hydrogencarbonate, chloride, correct?
sulfate, and nitrate anions.
3. Primary sources for TDS in a. 1 and 2 Only
receiving waters b. 2,3 and 4 Only
are agricultural and residential c. 3 and 4 Only
runoff, leaching of soil d. 1,2 and 3 Only
contamination and point
source water
pollution discharge from
industrial or sewage 23. With reference to gandhiji’s
treatment plants. views on development, consider
4. If TDS is less than the following statements
300mg/litre then it’s graded as
‘excellent’ for drinking 1. He was quite apprehensive
about the on-going
Which of the above statements is/are development particularly the
correct? way industrialisation has
institutionalised the loss of Page 9
morality, spirituality, self- 3. The increase in land under
reliance, non-violence and pastures and grazing lands can
mutual cooperation and be explained by the
environment. encroachment of forest land
2. In his opinion, austerity for and water bodies in villages
individual, trusteeship of
social wealth and non-violence Which of the statements given above
are the key to attain higher is/are correct?
goals in the life of an
individual as well as that of a a. 1 and 2 Only
nation. b. 1,2 and 3
3. His views were also re-echoed c. 3 Only
in the Club of Rome Report d. None
“Limits to Growth” (1972),
Schumacher’s book “Small is
Beautiful” (1974), Brundtland
Commission’s Report “Our 25. Consider the following
Common Future” (1987) and statements regarding coffee
finally in the “Agenda-21 cultivation
Report of the Rio Conference”
(1993). 1. Coffee is a tropical plantation
Which of the above statements is 2. India mostly grows superior
incorrect? quality coffee, arabica, which
is in great demand in
a. 2 Only International market
b. 3 Only 3. It has become the primary
c. 1 Only export and backbone for
d. None African countries like Uganda,
Burundi, Rwanda, and
24. With reference to land usage Ethiopia
pattern in the country, consider
the following statements Which of the statements given above
is/are correct?
1. Share of area under forest,
area under non agricultural a. 1 and 2 Only
uses and current fallow lands b. 1 and 3 Only
has shown a decrease between c. 2 and 3 Only
1960s and 2000s (as per d. All
reported area)
2. Barren and wasteland, 26. Consider the following
culturable wasteland, area statements about satyagraha
under pastures and tree crops
and net area sown have shown 1. The idea of satyagraha
an increase in their areas emphasised the power of
during the same time truth and the need to search
for truth. Page 10
2. It suggested that if the cause 2. The accused was denied the
was true, if the struggle was right to know the accusers and
against injustice, then physical the evidence used in the trial
force was not necessary to 3. The act was repealed in 1922
fight the oppressor.
3. According to Gandhiji, 4. The infamous Jallianwala Bagh
satyagraha is a passive massacre of 1919 was a result
resistance force of reaction against this act
4. Without seeking vengeance 5. The Rowlatt act was one of
or being aggressive, a the causes of the civil
satyagrahi could win the battle disobedience movement
through non-violence
5. This could be done by Which of the above statements is/are
appealing to the conscience of correct?
the oppressor. People –
including the oppressors – had a. 1,3,4 and 5 Only
to be persuaded to see the b. 2,3,4 and 5 Only
truth, instead of being forced c. 1,2,3 and 4 Only
to accept truth through the
d. All
use of violence

28. Consider the following

Which of the above statements is/are
statements about Green
a. 1,2,3 and 5 Only
b. 1,2,4 and 5 Only 1. This strategy of agricultural
c. 2,3,4 and 5 Only development made the
d. All country self-reliant in
foodgrain production. But
27. Consider the following green revolution was initially
statements with reference to confined to irrigated areas
Rowalatt Act of 1919 only.
2. This led to regional disparities
1. This act effectively in agricultural development in
authorized the government to the country till the seventies,
imprison for up to two years, after which the technology
without trial, any person spread to the Eastern and
suspected of terrorism living Central parts of the country
in the Raj and gave the 3. The Planning Commission
imperial authorities power to initiated agro-climatic
deal with revolutionary planning in 1988 to induce
activities. regionally balanced Page 11
agricultural development in a. 1,2 and 4 Only
the country b. 1,3 and 4 Only
c. 2,3 and 4 Only
Which of the above statements is/are
d. All
a. 1 and 2 Only 30. With reference to Inland
b. 1 and 3 Only Emigration Act of 1859, consider
c. 2 and 3 Only the following statements
d. All
1. According to this act,
plantation workers were not
29. Consider the following permitted to leave the tea
statements about peasant gardens without permission,
movement during 1920 in India and in fact they were rarely
given such permission
1. In Awadh, peasants were led 2. When plantation workers
by Baba Ramchandra – a successfully participated in
sanyasi who had earlier been Non-Cooperation movement
to Fiji as an indentured and left the plantations
labourer. The movement here altogether
was against talukdars and Which of the above statements is/are
landlords who demanded from correct?
peasants exorbitantly high
rents and a variety of other a. 1 Only
cesses. b. 2 Only
2. Peasant movements were c. Both
completely peaceful during d. None
1920-21 and were integrated
with Non-Cooperation 31. Consider the following
movement nationwide statements
3. Peasants had to do begar and
work at landlords’ farms 1. In the harvested crop, the
without any payment grain seeds need to be
4. The Oudh Kisan Sabha was separated from the chaff. This
set up headed by Jawaharlal process is called winnowing.
Nehru, Baba Ramchandra and This is carried out with the
a few others. help of a machine called
‘combine’ which is in fact a
Which of the statements given above combined harvester and
is/are correct? winnower. Page 12
2. Farmers with small holdings of d. 2 Only
land do the separation of grain 33. With reference to some common
and chaff by winnowing diseases caused by
microorganisms in plants,
Which of the above statements is/are
consider the following statements
a. 1 Only 1. Rust of wheat is caused by a
b. 2 Only virus
c. Both 2. Citrus canker is caused by
d. None fungi
Which of the above is/are correct?
32. Consider the following
statements with reference to a. 1 Only
revenue systems that were in b. None
practice during the British rule in c. 2 Only
India d. Both

1. Among the three revenue 34. Consider the following

systems operational during statements with reference to civil
British period i.e. Mahalwari, disobedience movment launched
Ryotwari and Zamindari, the by Gandhiji
last one was most exploitative
for the peasants 1. Mahatma Gandhi’s letter of
2. Under Mahalwari system, for 31st January 1930 was, in a
revenue purposes the name way, an ultimatum. If the
was applied to any compact demands were not fulfilled by
area containing one or more 11 March, the letter stated, the
villages, which were called Congress would launch a civil
“estates.” The revenue disobedience campaign.
settlement was made with the 2. The letter had eleven
estate—hence the demands representing peasants
term mahalwari—and there to industrialists
were distinct types 3. The most important demand
of assessment. was to reduce salt tax.
Which of the above statements is/are Which of the above statements is/are
incorrect? correct?
a. Both a. 1 and 3 Only
b. None b. 2 and 3 Only
c. 1 Only c. 1 and 2 Only Page 13
d. All b. 1 Only
c. 2 and 3 Only
d. All
35. Consider the following
statements 37. With reference to electroscope,
consider the following statements
1. Acrylic is a synthetic fiber
made of 1. It is an early scientific
acrylonitrile monomer instrument that is used to
2. Cellulose is a natural polymer detect the presence and
3. Acrylic fiber is sometimes magnitude of electrons in
called as artificial silk space.
2. Electroscopes detect electric
Which of the above statements is/are charge by the motion of a test
correct? object due to the Coulomb
a. 1 Only electrostatic force.
b. 2 Only 3. Electroscopes were used by
c. 2 and 3 Only the Austrian scientist Victor
d. All Hess in the discovery
of cosmic rays.
36. Consider the statements about Which of the above statements is/are
Haryali programme incorrect?

1. Haryali is a watershed a. 1 and 2 Only

development project b. 1 Only
sponsored by the Central c. 2 and 3 Only
Government which aims at d. All
enabling the rural population
to conserve water for 38. “‘Revolution is the inalienable
drinking, irrigation, fisheries right of mankind. Freedom is the
and afforestation. imprescriptible birthright of all.
2. The Project is being executed The labourer is the real sustainer
by Gram Panchayats with of society … To the altar of this
people’s participation. revolution we have brought our
3. It was launched by the UPA youth as incense, for no sacrifice
government in 2005 is too great for so magnificent a
cause.” Who said these words?
Which of the statements given above
is/are correct? a. Subhash Chandra Bose
a. 1 and 2 Only b. Surya Sen
c. Bhagat Singh Page 14
d. Aurabindo Ghosh 1. Bioenergy is non-renewable
energy made available from
39. Consider the following materials derived from
statements biological sources.
2. Biomass is any organic
1. Alluri Sitarama Raju led a material which has stored
tribal uprising called Rampa sunlight in the form of
rebellion chemical energy.
2. After the passing of the 1882 3. As a fuel it may
Madras Forest Act, its include wood, wood
restrictions on the free waste, straw, manure, sugarca
movement of tribal peoples in ne, and many other
the forest prevented them byproducts from a variety of
from engaging in their agricultural processes.
traditional "Podu" agricultural
Which of the above statements is
system. This led to the
a. 1 Only
Which of the above statements is/are
b. 2 Only
c. 3 Only
a. Both d. None
b. None
c. 1 Only 42. Consider the following
d. 2 Only statements

1. Dr B.R. Ambedkar, who

40. Gurumahisani, Sulaipet, organised the dalits into the
Badampahar (Mayurbhaj), Depressed Classes Association
Kiruburu (Kendujhar) and Bonai in 1930, clashed with
mines are famous for Mahatma Gandhi at the
second Round Table
a. Bauxite ore Conference by demanding
b. Coal separate electorates for dalits.
c. Iron ore 2. Gandhiji believed that
d. Manganese separate electorates for dalits
would slow down getting
41. Consider the following poorna swaraj from the British
statements with reference to 3. Ambedkar ultimately
bioenergy accepted Gandhiji’s position
and the result was the Poona
Pact of September 1932. Page 15
4. It gave the Depressed Classes which promised return travel
(later to be known as the to India after they had worked
Schedule Castes) reserved five years on their employer’s
seats in provincial and central plantation in foreign countries.
legislative councils, but they 2. Indentured labour was a
were to be voted in by the bonded labourer under
general electorate. contract to work for an
employer for a specific
Which of the above statements is/are
amount of time within Indian
a. All 3. Most Indian indentured
b. 1,2 and 4 Only workers came from the
c. 1,3 and 4 Only present-day regions of eastern
d. 2,3 and 4 Only Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, central
India and the dry districts of
43. “‘Communalism in its higher Tamil Nadu.
aspect, then, is indispensable to 4. The main destinations of
the formation of a harmonious Indian indentured migrants
whole in a country like India. The were the Caribbean islands
units of Indian society are not (mainly Trinidad, Guyana and
territorial as in European Surinam), Mauritius and Fiji
countries … The principle of 5. Nineteenth-century indenture
European democracy cannot be has been described as a ‘new
applied to India without system of slavery’.
recognising the fact of communal
Which of the above statements is/are
groups. The Muslim demand for
the creation of a Muslim India
within India is, therefore, a. 1,2,3 and 5
perfectly justified…” Who said b. 2,3 and 5
these words? c. 1,3,4 and 5
d. All
a. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
b. Liaquat Ali Khan 45. With reference to intercropping,
c. Muhammad Iqbal consider the following statements
d. Syed Ahmad Khan
1. Intercropping gives
44. Consider the following additional yield
statements income/unit area than sole
1. In India, indentured labourers
were hired under contracts Page 16
2. It acts as an insurance b. 2 and 3
against failure of crops in c. 1 and 2
abnormal year d. 1 and 3
3. Inter-crops maintain the 47. Which one of the following
soil fertility as the nutrient methods is best to avoid soil
uptake is made from both erosion on the steep slopes?
layers of soil.
4. It helps in reduction in soil a. Contour barriers
runoff and controls weeds. b. Contour ploughing
5. Higher amount of fertilizer c. Rock dam
or irrigation water cannot d. Terrace farming
be utilized properly as the
component crops vary in
their response of these 48. With reference to ‘earthing’
resources. consider the following statements
Which of the above statements is/are
1. The primary purpose of
earthing is to reduce the risk
a. 1,2,3 and 5 of serious electric shock from
b. All current leaking into
c. 1,2,4 and 5 uninsulated metal parts of an
d. 1,2,3 and 4 appliance, power tool, or
other electrical devices
46. With reference to CITES, 2. Earthing is the process of
consider the following statements creating an alternative path for
the flow of fault/excessive
1. Its aim is to ensure that currents safely into the ground
international trade in in the presence of minimal
specimens of wild animals and resistance or impedance.
plants does not threaten their 3. Safe Earthing Electrode is a
survival. metallic device mounted at
2. CITES was drafted as a result the highest point of the
of a resolution adopted in building to capture lightning
1963 at a meeting of members strikes and direct it to the
of IUCN earth via a safe path thereby
3. Participation is compulsory. preventing it from flowing
through the building's
Which of the statements given above
electrcial circuit.
is/are correct?
Which of the above statements is/are
a. 1,2 and 3
correct? Page 17
a. 1 and 2 Only d. None
b. 2 and 3 Only
c. All 51. With reference to the decline of
d. 1 and 3 only Mughal Dynasty, consider the
following statements
49. Regarding trade during the British
period in India, consider the 1. In 1849, Governor-General
following statements Canning announced that after
the death of Bahadur Shah
1. During 1820s, opium was the Zafar, the family of the king
largest product in India’s would be shifted out of the
exports basket Red Fort and given another
2. By helping Britain balance its place in Delhi to reside in.
deficits, India played a crucial 2. In 1856, Governor-General
role in the late-nineteenth- Dalhousie decided that
century world economy Bahadur Shah Zafar would be
3. Britain had a ‘trade deficit’ the last Mughal king and after
with India his death none of his
descendants would be
Which of the above statements is/are
recognized as kings – they
would just be called princes.
a. 3 Only
Which of the above statements is/are
b. 1 and 2 Only
c. 2 and 3 Only
d. 2 Only a. 1 Only
b. 2 Only
c. None
50. With reference to Warli revolt , d. Both
consider the following statements
52. Regarding a constitution of a
1. Godavari Parulekar was the country, consider the following
prominent leader of the revolt statements
2. Warlis were primitive tribe
living in Madhya Pradesh 1. It specifies the basic allocation
of power in a society. It
Which of the above statements is/are decides who gets to decide
correct? what the laws will be.
a. 1 Only 2. It decides how the
b. 2 Only government will be
c. Both constituted. Page 18
3. It sets some limits on what a b. 2,3 and 1
government can impose on its c. 3 and 4 Only
citizens. d. All
4. Some constitutions enable and
empower the government to 54. Amrita Devi Bishnoi Wildlife
take positive measures to Protection Award is given to
overcome forms of inequality
or deprivation. a. Tribal people of Rajasthan
who protect wildlife in the
Which of the statements given above
desert regions
is/are correct?
b. Individuals or communities
a. 1 and 2 Only from rural areas that have
b. 2 and 3 Only shown extraordinary courage
c. 3 and 4 Only and dedication in protecting
d. All wildlife
c. People who practice
53. A constitution expresses the transhumance in the forest
fundamental identity of a people. and hilly regions who protect
Which means, traditional knowledge
d. None
1. The people as a collective
entity come into being only 55. With reference to Joint Forest
through the basic constitution Management (JFM), consider the
2. It is by agreeing to a basic set following statements
of norms about how one
should be governed, and who 1. the provisions of National
should be governed that one Forest Policy 1988, the
forms a collective identity. Government of India, outlined
3. It is by providing a framework and conveyed to State
for positive discrimination, an Governments a framework for
identity is given to the people creating massive people’s
4. The constitution sets movement through
authoritative constraints upon involvement of village
what one may or may not do. committees for the protection,
It defines the fundamental regeneration and development
values that we may not of degraded forest lands
trespass. This is moral identity. 2. Joint Forest Management
(JFM) programme in the
Which of the above statements are correct? present form can be traced to
a. 1,2, and 4 the Arabari experiment Page 19
initiated by foresters in the a. 3 Only
state of West Bengal. b. 2 Only
3. In this scheme, villagers agree c. None
to assist in the safeguarding of d. Both
forest resources through
protection from fire, grazing, 57. The Indian Constitution was
and illegal harvesting in never subject to such a
exchange for which they referendum, but nevertheless
receive non-timber forest carried enormous public
products and a share of the authority. This is because
revenue from the sale
of timber products 1. It had the consensus and
backing of leaders who were
Which of the above statements is/are
themselves popular
2. It was drawn up by people
a. 1 and 2 Only who enjoyed immense public
b. 1 and 3 Only credibility
c. 2 and 3 Only 3. It was drawn by a completely
d. All elected body of
56. With reference to Jhum
Which of the above statements is/are
cultivation, consider the
following statements
a. 1 and 3 Only
1. It is also called as shifting b. 2 and 3 Only
cultivation and slash and burn c. 1 and 2 Only
cultivation d. All
2. Shifting cultivation is
an agricultural system in 58. Indian our Constitution is a living
which plots of land are document. What do you mean by
cultivated temporarily, then that? Consider the following
abandoned and allowed to statements
revert to their natural
vegetation while the cultivator 1. Like a living being, the
moves on to another plot. Constitution responds to
3. The role of slash-and-burn is experience.
significant in the 2. Even after so many changes in
current Holocene extinction. the society, the Constitution
continues to work effectively
Which of the above statements is/are
because of this ability to be
dynamic, to be open to Page 20
interpretations and the ability 60. With reference to collective
to respond to the changing farming, consider the following
situation statements
3. Almost like a living being, this
document keeps responding to 1. A group of farmers form a
the situations and collective society by pooling
circumstances arising from in their resources voluntarily
time to time. for more efficient and
4. Like a living being, our profitable farming.
constitution is also prone to 2. Collective farming or the
destruction and it’s not model of Kolkhoz was
permanent introduced in erstwhile Soviet
Union to improve upon the
Which of the above aptly describe the
inefficiency of the previous
statement in the question in the context of
methods of agriculture and to
Indian constitution?
boost agricultural production
a. 1,2 and 4 for self-sufficiency
b. 2 and 4 3. The farmers have to pay taxes
c. 1,2, and 3 on the farm produces, hired
d. All machinery etc
Which of the above statements is/are
59. With reference to the effect of
the British rule on old Indian a. 1 Only
cities, consider the following b. 2 and 3 Only
statements c. 1 and 3 Only
d. All
1. Old trading centres and ports
could not survive when the 61. With reference to waterlogging,
flow of trade moved to new consider the following statements
2. The British Rule caused rapid 1. Irrigation without proper
urbanization of old cities drainage of water leads to
waterlogging in the soil.
Which of the above statements is/are Besides affecting the crops,
correct? waterlogging reduces the
a. 1 Only salinity of the surface of the
b. Both soil
c. 2 Only 2. Waterlogging is one of the
d. None problems that have come in Page 21
the wake of the Green c. 1 and 3 Only
Revolution d. All
3. Soil may be regarded as
waterlogged when the water
table of the groundwater is 64. Dobson unit is a measurement of
too high to conveniently
a. The thickness of the ozone in
permit an anticipated activity, a column of air from the
like agriculture. ground to the top of the
Which of the above statements is/are b. The concentration of ozone
correct? molecules in a litre of air
c. The intensity of breakdown of
a. 1 and 3 Only ozone into oxygen and free
b. 1 and 2 Only radicals
c. 2 and 3 Only d. None of the above
d. All
65. Which of the following gases
62. In which one of the following contribute more towards global
regions is extensive commercial
grain cultivation not practised? a. N2O
a. American Canadian prairies b. CFCs
b. Pampas of Argentina c. Methane
c. European Steppes d. CO
d. Amazon Basin

63. Consider the statements with 66. Truck farming refers to

reference to viticulture
a. The regions where farmers
contribute only towards
1. It is a speciality of the
transportation of agricultural
Mediterranean region goods
2. When the grapes are used b. The regions where farmers
forwinemaking, it is also specialize in vegetables only
known as viniculture c. The regions where farmers
3. In Indian, viticulture is specialize in agricultural
prominent in far eastern marketing
d. None of the above

Which of the above statements is/are

a. 1 and 2 Only
b. 2 and 3 Only Page 22
67. Consider the following supremacy of the Parliament
statements with reference to has to operate within this
eutrophication framework.

1. It is the natural aging of a lake 3. The Judiciary, in its famous

by biological enrichment of its Golaknath ruling found a way
water. out of the existing
2. As the lake’s fertility increases complications by turning to
with more incoming nutrients, the spirit of the Constitution
plant and animal life burgeons, rather than its letter in which
and organic remains begin to it upheld that the balance of
be deposited on the lake powers between various
bottom organs of the state was a basic
3. Eutrophication increases structure of the constitution.
oxygen and hence contributes
Which of the above statements is/are
to overproduction of
a. 1 and 2 Only
Which of the above statements is/are
b. 2 and 3 Only
c. 1 and 3 Only
a. 1 and 3 Only d. 3 Only
b. 1 and 2 Only
c. 2 and 3 Only 69. With reference to Sikhs, consider
d. All the following statements

1. The Khalsa was inaugurated

68. With reference to the supremacy on March 30, 1699, by Guru
of the Parliament, consider the Gobind Singh, the tenth Sikh
following statements Guru
2. The Khalsa is the collective
1. In a parliamentary democracy, body of
the Parliament represents the all initiated Sikhs represented
people and therefore, it is by the five beloved-ones and
expected to have an upper can be called the Guru Panth
hand over both Executive and 3. TheKhalsa rose in revolt
Judiciary against the Mughal authority
2. The text of the Constitution under Banda Bahadur’s
and it has given powers to leadership, declared their
other organs of the sovereign rule by striking
government. Therefore, the coins in the name of Guru
Nanak and Guru Gobind Page 23
Singh, and established their d. None
own administration between 71. With reference to CFL bulbs,
the Sutlej and the Jamuna. consider the following statements
Which of the above statements is/are
1. Unlike other bulbs, CFL are
consumer friendly and don’t
a. 1,2 and 3 pose health hazard
b. 3 Only 2. The luminous efficacy of a
c. 2 and 3 Only typical CFL is 50–70 lumens
d. None per watt (lm/W) and that of a
typical incandescent lamp
70. With reference to is 10–17 lm/W
biomagnifications, consider the 3. Theluminous efficacy of
following statements lamps is the number of
lumens produced for each
1. Biomagnification refers to watt of electrical power used.
increase in concentration of 4. CFLs emit light from a mix
the toxicant at successive of phosphors inside the bulb,
trophic levels. each emitting one band of
2. This is caused by low or non- color.
existent rate of internal
degradation or excretion of Which of the above statements is/are
the substance – often due to correct?
3. Species of fish that arelong- a. 1 and 4 Only
lived and low on the food b. 2,3 and 4 Only
chain, such c. 3 and 4 Only
as marlin, tuna, shark contain d. All
more mercury.
4. High concentrations of DDT
disturb calcium metabolism in
72. With reference to Harappan sites
birds, which causes thinning
and agriculture during its period,
of eggshell and their
consider the following statements
premature breaking,
eventually causing decline in
1. Most Harappan sites are
bird populations.
located in semi-arid lands,
Which of the above statements is/are where irrigation was probably
incorrect? not required for agriculture as
they were located on the bank
a. 2 Only of Indus river
b. 3 Only
c. 4 Only Page 24
2. It is likely that water drawn 4. Under Bharat stage – III, two
from wells was used for wheelers were allowed to
irrigation. Besides, water emit up to 1 g/km of carbon
reservoirs found in Dholavira monoxide
(Gujarat) may have been used
Which of the statements given above
to store water for agriculture.
is/are correct?
3. Traces of canals have been
found at the Harappan site of a. 1,2 and 3
Shortughai in Afghanistan, but b. 1,3 and 4
not in Punjab or Sind. c. 1,2 and 4
4. Archaeologists have also d. All
found evidence of a ploughed
field at Kalibangan
(Rajasthan), associated with 74. Consider the following
Early Harappan levels statements about Indian systems
Which of the above statements is/are of medicine
1. It includes only five systems:
a. 1,2 and 4 Only Ayurveda, Yoga, Unani,
b. 1,2 and 3 Only Siddha and Naturopathy
c. 2,3 and 4 Only 2. Unani medicine first arrived in
d. All India around 12th or 13th
century with establishment
73. With reference to Bharat stage of Delhi Sultanate(1206-1527)
emission standards , consider the and Islamic rule over North
following statements India and subsequently
flourished under Mughal
1. These are emission standards Empire
instituted by the Government 3. Siddha focused to
of India to regulate the output "Ashtamahasiddhi," the eight
of air pollutants from internal supernatural power. Those
combustion engine who attained or achieved the
equipment, including motor above said powers are known
vehicles. as Siddhars.
2. The stoppage of production of
Maruti-800 is because of Which of the above statements is/are
regulation of emissions correct?
3. At present India has adopted a. All
Bharat stage –V emission b. 2 and 3 Only
norms c. 1 and 2 Only Page 25
d. 3 Only 3. Judicial activism may be
creating strains on this
75. About whom did Ambedkar said democratic principle.
that ‘his “ability to put the most 4. It has overburdened the
intricate proposals in the simplest courts.
and clearest legal form can rarely 5. It has also made an attempt to
be equalled” during drafting of make the electoral system
Indian constitution? much more free and fair
a. B.N.Rau
Which of the above statements is
b. S.N.Mukherjee
c. Alladi Krishnswamy Aiyar
d. K.M.Munshi a. 4 Only
b. 5 Only
76. Which of the following are vital c. None
functions of the environment? d. 2 Only

1. it supplies resources 78. Consider the following

2. it assimilates waste statements with regard to sharia
3. it sustains life by providing 1. The shari‘a is the law
genetic and bio diversity governing the Muslim
4. it provides aesthetic services community
like scenery 2. It is based on the Qur’an and
5. It serves human needs the hadis, traditions of the
Prophet including a record of
Which of the statements given above
his remembered words and
is/are correct?
a. 1,2,3,4 and 5 3. With the expansion of Islamic
b. 2,3, and 4 rule outside Arabia, in areas
c. 1,2,3 and 4 where customs and traditions
d. 1,3, and 4 were different, qiyas
(reasoning by analogy) and
77. With reference to judicial ijma (consensus of the
activism, consider the following community) were recognised
statements as two other sources of
legislation. Thus, the shari‘a
1. It has democratised the evolved from the Qur’an,
judicial system by giving not hadis, qiyas and ijma
just to individuals but also 4. Every Mughal leader imposed
groups access to the courts Sharia in the Indian sub
2. It has forced executive continent
accountability. Page 26
Which of the above statements is/are a. They remove pollutants from
correct? river water
b. They remove particulate
a. 1,2 and 3 Only
matter from thermal power
b. 2 and 3 Only
exhaust gases
c. 1 and 3 Only
c. They are used in air
d. All
d. None of the above

79. With reference to Lingayats, 81. Ex Situ conservation of wildlife

consider the following statements refers to

1. The Lingayats also encouraged a. Protection of threatened wild

certain practices disapproved animals in biosphere reserves
in the Dharmashastras, such as b. Conservation of endangered
post-puberty marriage and the species in zoological gardens,
remarriage of widows. botanical parks
2. They believed in the theory of c. Protection of animals through
rebirth. domestication
3. Lingayats believe that on d. None of the above
death the devotee will be
united with Shiva and will not 82. With reference to groundnut,
return to this world. consider the following statements
4. Therefore they do not practise
funerary rites such as 1. Groundnut is a rabi crop and
cremation, prescribed in the accounts for about half of the
Dharmashastras. Instead, they major oilseeds produced in the
ceremonially bury their dead. country
Which of the above statements is/are 2. China, India, Nigeria, USA
correct? and Myanmar are the major
groundnut growing countries.
a. 1,2 and 3 Only 3. Gujarat is the largest producer
b. 1,3, and 4 Only of groundnut along with
c. A and 4 Only Andhra Pradesh followed by
d. All Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and

80. What is the main function of Which of the above statements is/are
electrostatic precipitator correct?
electrostatic precipitator? a. 2 and 3 Only
b. 1,2 and 3 Page 27
c. 1 and 2 Only 2. Coal that has been buried
d. 1 and 3 Only deep and subjected to
increased temperatures is
bituminous coal. It is the most
83. Which of the following are popular coal in commercial
narrowly utilitarian arguments for use.
conserving biodiversity? 3. Damodar valley (West Bengal-
Jharkhand) Jharia, Raniganj,
1. Biodiversity plays a major role Bokaro are important
in many ecosystem services coalfields where anthracite is
that nature provides mined abundantly
2. Humans derive countless
Which of the above statements is/are
direct economic benefits from
nature -food (cereals, pulses,
fruits), firewood, fibre, a. 2 and 3 Only
construction material, b. 2 Only
industrial products (tannins, c. 1 Only
lubricants, dyes, resins, d. 1 and 2 Only
perfumes ) and products of
medicinal importance.
3. With increasing resources put 85. The second trophic level in a lake
into ‘bioprospecting’ nations is-
endowed with rich
biodiversity can expect to a. Phytoplankton
reap enormous benefits. b. Zooplankton
c. Benthos
Select the correct answer using the codes
d. Fishes
a. 1 and 2 86. Which of the following
b. 2 and 3 statements are incorrect?
c. 1 and 3
d. All 1. Red soil develops on
crystalline igneous rocks in
84. Consider the following areas of low rainfall in the
statements eastern and southern parts of
the Deccan plateau
1. Lignite is a low grade brown 2. Red soils develop a reddish
coal, which is soft with high colour due to diffusion of iron
moisture content in crystalline and
metamorphic rocks Page 28
Select the correct answer using the codes epitome of the fixed exchange
below rate system.
2. Each participant country
a. 1
committed to guarantee the
b. 2
free convertibility of its
c. Both
currency into gold at a fixed
d. None
3. Exchange rates were
87. Watermelon, muskmelon,
determined by its worth in
cucumber are mainly grown in
terms of gold (where the
which season?
currency was made of gold, its
actual gold content).
a. Rabi
b. Kharif Which of the above statements is/are
c. Zaid correct?
d. None
a. 1 and 2 Only
b. 2 and 3 Only
88. Intervention by the monetary
c. 1 and 3 Only
authority of a country in the
d. All
money market to keep the
money supply stable against
90. With reference to weathering
exogenous or sometimes external
process, consider the following
shocks such as an increase in
foreign exchange inflow is known
1. In weathering, oxidation
means a combination of a
a. Revaluation
mineral with oxygen to form
b. Sterilization
oxides or hydroxides.
c. Open Market operation
2. Oxidation occurs where there
d. None of the above
is ready access to the
atmosphere and oxygenated
89. Consider the following
statements regarding Gold
3. When oxidised minerals are
placed in an environment
where oxygen is absent,
1. From around 1870 to the
reduction takes place.
outbreak of the Second
4. Red colour of iron upon
World War in 1946, the
reduction turns to brown or
prevailing system was the gold
standard which was the Page 29
5. Red colour of iron upon 93. The ozone layer is located at
oxidation turns to greenish or
bluish grey. a. Troposphere
b. Mesosphere
Which of the above statements is/are
c. Ionosphere
d. Stratosphere
a. 1,2 and 3 Only
b. 4 and 5 Only 94. Consider the following
c. 3,4 and 5 Only statements about Khilafat
d. All movement

91. “The novel tells the moving story 1. The Khilafat Movement,
of Hori and his wife Dhania, a (1919-1920) was a movement
peasant couple. Landlords, of Indian Muslims, led by
moneylenders, priests and Muhammad Ali and Shaukat
colonial bureaucrats – all those Ali
who hold power in society – 2. The demand was that the
form a network of oppression, Turkish Sultan or Khalifa
rob their land and make them must retain control over the
into landless labourers. Yet Hori Muslim sacred places in the
and Dhania retain their dignity to erstwhile Ottoman empire;
the end.” To which novel does the jazirat-ul-Arab (Arabia,
this description apply to? Syria, Iraq, Palestine) must
remain under Muslim
a. Rangbhoomi (The Arena) by sovereignty
Premchand 3. Mahatma Gandhi sought to
b. Godan (The Gift of Cow) by conjoin it to the Non-
Premchand cooperation Movement.
c. Chomana Dudi by Shivaram
Which of the above statements is
d. Anguriya Binimoy by Bhudeb
Mukhopadhyay a. 2
b. 1
92. Cirque is a c. None
d. 3
a. A landform in glaciated
mountains 95. The temperature of air at any
b. Landform in desert landscape place is influenced,
shaped by wind action
c. A landform in limestone cave 1. The latitude of the place
d. None 2. The longitude of the place Page 30
3. The altitude of the place 97. Consider the following
4. Distance from the sea, the air- statements
mass circulation;
5. The presence of warm and 1. The continental slope
cold ocean currents; connects the continental shelf
and the ocean basins
Select the correct answer using the codes
2. It begins where the bottom of
the continental shelf sharply
a. 1,2,3,4 and 5 drops off into a steep slope
b. 1,3,4 and 5 3. In this region massive
c. 2,3,4 and 5 sedimentary deposits received
d. 3,4 and 5 over a long time by the
continental shelves, become
96. Consider the following the source of fossil fuels.
statements about Quit India 4. Canyons and trenches are
movement observed in this region.
Which of the above statements is/are
1. “Quit India” was genuinely a
mass movement, bringing into
its ambit hundreds of a. 1,2 and 4
thousands of ordinary Indians. b. 1,2,3 and 4
2. It was in these years that the c. 1,2 and 3
League began to make a mark d. 1,3 and 4
in the Punjab and Sind,
provinces where it had 98. Guyots refer to
previously had scarcely any
presence. a. These are low islands found in
the tropical oceans consisting
3. It was launched after the of coral reefs surrounding a
failure of the Cabinet mission central depression
plan b. These are deep valleys, some
comparable to the Grand
Which of the above statements is correct?
Canyon of the Colorado river.
a. 1 and 2 c. It is a flat topped seamount
b. 1 and 3 d. None of the above
c. 2 and 3
d. All Page 31
99. Which of the following Select the correct answer using the codes
statements about ocean salinity below
is/are correct?
a. 1,2 and 3
b. 2,3 and 4
1. The salinity of water in the
c. 3 and 4
surface layer of oceans depend
d. 1 and 3
mainly on evaporation and
100. Gel electrophoresis is a
2. Surface salinity is greatly
technique used for
influenced in coastal regions
by the fresh water flow from
a. Cutting DNA molecules to
rivers, and in polar regions by
select only wanted fragments
the processes of freezing and
b. Separating DNA fragments
thawing of ice.
c. Joining fragmented DNA
3. Wind, also influences salinity
of an area by transferring
d. None of the above
water to other areas
4. The ocean currents have
negligible role in affecting
ocean salinity Page 32

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