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STP Shock PreFinal

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Standard Treatment Protocol for management of common newborn conditions in small hospitals

(Adapted from WHO Guidelines)

Shock in Newborn

 Weak & fast pulse ( HR>180/min) AND

 Extremities cold to touch AND
 Capillary Refill Time >3 sec
With or without the following signs:
 Colour- very pale
 Lethargy, not arousable on stimulation

Provide warmth
Secure airway
Support breathing, circulation and temperature
Start oxygen, if saturation (<90%) is low
Measure blood glucose; correct hypoglycemia (Follow STP)

If bleeding is NOT the likely cause If bleeding is the likely cause

 Establish IV access
 Establish IV access
 Give IV normal saline or Ringer Lactate 10 ml/kg
 Give IV normal saline or Ringer Lactate 20 ml/kg
body weight over 10 min
body weight over the first hour
 If no improvement, repeat fluid of 10 ml/kg once
 Give IV 10% Dextrose at maintenance rate
after 20 minutes as above
 Treat for Sepsis (Follow STP)
 Immediately give a blood transfusion using type
 Continue O2 as required
O, Rh negative blood
 Give Vitamin K 1 mg IV

Monitor hourly (Panel 2):

• Heart rate, oxygen saturation
Determine Diagnosis (Panel 1)
•Capillary refill time
•Urine output

If signs of shock improve If signs of shock persist

 Continue maintenance IV fluid as per  Continue IV Fluid and O2

weight and day of life (Follow STP)  REFER
 Reassess above parameters hourly
 Give specific treatment based on
diagnosis (Follow specific STP) 1

For additional / next level management please refer to WHO Guidelines (Managing Newborn Problems and Pocket Book
of Hospital Care of Children),,
Standard Treatment Protocol for management of common newborn conditions in small hospitals
(Adapted from WHO Guidelines)

Panel 1: Diagnostic clues based on history and clinical examination

Cause History / Examination

Blood loss Antepartum hemorrhage

Blood loss internal/external Follow STP on Emergency
Age day 1 Management – Sheet A

Asphyxia Need for Resuscitation for poor respiratory efforts at birth

Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy (See STP for Management of
asphyxiated neonates)
Sepsis Predisposing factors for infection
Age > day 3 Follow STP

Severe dehydration Loose stool, vomiting, failure to feed + Signs of dehydration

Cardiac Term baby; normal at birth
Age day 3-4
Look for feeble or delayed femoral pulse, cardiac murmur
(coarctation of aorta)
Persistent Pulmonary Meconium stained term baby
Hypertension of the Age day 1-3
Newborn (PPHN)

Panel 2: Monitoring of baby with shock

Signs At admission 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr

Heart Rate/min
Capillary refill time
Urine output
Temperature difference

For additional / next level management please refer to WHO Guidelines (Managing Newborn Problems and Pocket Book
of Hospital Care of Children),,

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