STP Shock PreFinal
STP Shock PreFinal
STP Shock PreFinal
Shock in Newborn
Provide warmth
Secure airway
Support breathing, circulation and temperature
Start oxygen, if saturation (<90%) is low
Measure blood glucose; correct hypoglycemia (Follow STP)
Establish IV access
Establish IV access
Give IV normal saline or Ringer Lactate 10 ml/kg
Give IV normal saline or Ringer Lactate 20 ml/kg
body weight over 10 min
body weight over the first hour
If no improvement, repeat fluid of 10 ml/kg once
Give IV 10% Dextrose at maintenance rate
after 20 minutes as above
Treat for Sepsis (Follow STP)
Immediately give a blood transfusion using type
Continue O2 as required
O, Rh negative blood
Give Vitamin K 1 mg IV
For additional / next level management please refer to WHO Guidelines (Managing Newborn Problems and Pocket Book
of Hospital Care of Children),,
Standard Treatment Protocol for management of common newborn conditions in small hospitals
(Adapted from WHO Guidelines)
Signs At admission 1 hr 2 hr 3 hr 4 hr
Heart Rate/min
Capillary refill time
Urine output
Temperature difference
For additional / next level management please refer to WHO Guidelines (Managing Newborn Problems and Pocket Book
of Hospital Care of Children),,