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Terms and Conditions For Applied For Scholarships

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Scholarship Terms and Conditions - Applied for Scholarships 2023/24

These terms and conditions apply to scholarships (“Scholarships”) awarded by the

University of Bradford (the ‘University’) to its students studying on undergraduate and
postgraduate taught courses (“Courses”). Students who are in receipt of a Scholarship,
or who have been notified of the award of a Scholarship by the University, are referred
to as “Scholars”.

Additional terms and conditions for specific Scholarships, either notified to the relevant
Scholar in writing, or specified on the University’s website, will also apply to the
Scholarships (“Additional Terms”). The Additional Terms, together with the terms and
conditions set out here, are called the “Scholarship Terms”.

1. Interpretation
• The following provisions shall apply to the interpretation of the Scholarship Terms.
1.1. Capitalised terms shall have the meaning given to them in the Scholarship Terms.
1.2. Any reference to the singular includes the plural and vice versa.
1.3. Any words following the terms “including”, “include”, “in particular”, “for example”
or any similar expression shall be construed as illustrative and shall not limit the
sense of the words, description, definition, phrase or term preceding those terms.

2. The Scholarship
2.1. The Scholarship is subject to the Scholar fulfilling any conditions of admission to
the Course and maintaining their eligibility for the Scholarship for the duration of
the Course.
2.2. The Scholarship will cover the Course fees and/or costs of the Scholar related to
the Course as notified by the University in writing to the Scholar or as stated on
the relevant page on the University’s website.
2.3. Scholars who are awarded more than one Scholarship from the University may not
combine these, unless the University confirms otherwise in writing. Where more
than one Scholarship is made in the form of a fee waiver, only the largest fee
amount waived will apply.
2.4. The Scholarship is non-transferable and cannot be exchanged for cash if offered
as a fee waiver, or applied in any manner other than as notified by the University
to the Scholar in writing.
2.5. The University may terminate the Scholarship under the circumstances set out in
the Scholarship Terms and the Scholar’s right to the Scholarship shall end on the
circumstances set out in the Scholarship Terms, unless the University notifies the
Scholar otherwise in writing.
2.6. Any delay or failure of the University to terminate the Scholarship is not a waiver
of the University’s right. If the University waives any right under the Scholarship
Terms, this will not be a waiver of that right in the future.

Fees and Finance

+44 (0) 1274 236637
University of Bradford
Richmond Road
West Yorkshire
2.7. The University may require the Scholar to repay the Scholarship (including any
amount of the Course fees that have been waived) in the event of fraud or serious
academic misconduct as set out in the Scholarship Terms, or in the event of the
Scholar submitting false information in their application for the Scholarship.
2.8. The Scholar will promptly inform the University of any changes in their
circumstances, if significant, that may affect their eligibility for the Scholarship or
their study on the Course for example suspension of studies. The University
may terminate the Scholarship in the event that it determines the Scholar is no
longer eligible to receive the Scholarship.
2.9. The Scholar will inform the University of any other scholarships, bursaries or
financial assistance they receive in relation to their study on the Course. The
University may reduce or terminate the Scholarship in the event that the Scholar
is in receipt of alternative funding for their study (other than loans or financing
obtained on a commercial basis).
2.10. The offer of the Scholarship will terminate in the event that the Scholar does not
take their place on the Course for the relevant year.

3. The Course
3.1. If the Scholarship is awarded to the Scholar on basis of their application to a
particular course which the Scholar wishes to register for, then the
Scholarship may not be transferred to different Course, unless this is agreed
with the Fees and Finance Team and the donor.
3.2. The Scholar may transfer to another Course in accordance with the University’s
Ordinances and Regulations and its usual policies and processes (together the
“University’s Regulations”). The Scholarship will terminate automatically on
such transfer if 3.1 applies.
3.3. The Scholar may withdraw from the Course in accordance with the University’s
Regulations and the Scholarship will terminate automatically on the Scholar’s
withdrawal. Where the Scholarship is made as a full waiver of Scholar’s Course
fees, the Scholar will not be liable for any Course fees on withdrawal. Where the
Scholarship is a partial waiver of the Course fees, the Scholar will remain liable to
pay the remainder of the Course fees according to the University’s Regulations.
3.4. The Scholar may suspend their study on the Course in accordance with the
University’s Regulations, unless additional terms apply as confirmed to the
student in writing. The Scholarship shall be suspended for the appropriate
period, in the event that the Scholar is deemed to be withdrawn from the Course,
the Scholarship will terminate.
3.5. Students withdrawn at an Award Board who are subsequently allowed to transfer
to another programme of study will be considered as repeating for scholarship

Fees and Finance

+44 (0) 1274 236637
University of Bradford
Richmond Road
West Yorkshire
3.6. The Scholar is expected to maintain their attendance and engagement in-line with
University standards. Failure to meet the minimum attendance threshold for the
course may result in the termination of the scholarship.
3.7. The Scholar will not be entitled to the Scholarship if they defer their entry onto
the Course until the next intake and the Scholarship will terminate automatically
on such deferment.

4. Monitoring
4.1. The Scholarship is subject to the Scholar’s satisfactory academic performance,
progression and conduct.
4.2. A scholar’s progress is reviewed at the end of each academic year. You have to
achieve an overall average of 60.00% or above in all 120 credits as part of the
progression criteria to be considered for a continuing award. Please note that the
progression criteria for the scholarship are assessed separately to the academic
assessment. Information regarding progression will be taken at the point a
student progresses. Deferred and Referred modules undertaken in the following
year will not be considered.
4.3. The University may terminate the Scholarship by notice in writing:
4.3.1. if the Scholar does not show satisfactory academic performance on the Course;
4.3.2. if the Scholar has consistently poor attendance on the Course;
4.3.3. In the event of the Scholar’s exclusion from the Course as a result of a finding of
academic misconduct. The University may also (acting reasonably) require
repayment of the Scholarship, including the amount of any waived Course fees;
4.3.4. in the event of a finding of academic misconduct by the Scholar which results in a
sanction other than exclusion, including relating to enrolment, attendance,
assessment or conduct.
4.4. The University’s decision to terminate the Scholarship or require repayment of the
Scholarship may be deferred in the event that the Scholar appeals any finding of
academic misconduct.
4.5. The Scholar acknowledges that they are required to act as a representative of the
University. The Scholar must not do anything to bring (or which may reasonably
bring) the University, its employees or its students into disrepute or which may
negatively affect the University’s reputation. This includes making rude, untrue or
derogatory comments about the University, its employees, students or partners
on social media.
4.6. Where a change in fee status occurs during the course the student may no longer
be eligible for their original award. Students would be considered for eligibility
under their new fee status for any scholarships.

5. Marketing

Fees and Finance

+44 (0) 1274 236637
University of Bradford
Richmond Road
West Yorkshire
5.1. On the reasonable request of the University, the Scholar will attend internal and
external events as a representative of the University to promote and market the
Scholarship, the Course and the University.
5.2. We may use information collected regarding scholars in our University marketing
activities; however, students' names and other personal information will not be
given out without permission from the student, via an email request from us.
5.3. All scholars agree to allow us to share certain data (name, course, student ID
number etc. as required) with other parties within the university.
5.4. The University reserves the right to make reasonable changes to these terms and
conditions at any time and will advise valid scholars if this occurs, as and when

6. Data Protection
6.1. The personal data provided by the Scholar will be held and used in accordance
with the General Data Protection Regulation and the Data Protection Act 2018 (the
Data Protection laws). The purpose for processing the personal data will be for the
purpose of administering the Scholarship, as well as for the University’s business,
administrative and statutory activities.
6.2. In the case of administering the Scholarship, the legal basis for processing is
because it is necessary for the performance of these terms and conditions.
Subsequent processing may be in accordance with the University’s official
authority, legal obligations or legitimate interests.
6.3. The arrangements between the University and the individuals and organisations
that have contributed funding to its scholarships and bursaries may require the
University to provide the Scholar’s personal data to those individuals and
organisations. The University will use its reasonable endeavours to inform the
Scholar of this in advance and will do so in accordance with the Data Protection
6.4. Information relating to Scholarships is retained in accordance to the University’s
Retention and Disposal Policy. This sets out the length of time that all the
University’s records are retained.
6.5. For full information in relation to their rights and other data protection matters,
Scholars are advised to refer to the University’s data protection webpages.

7. Termination
7.1. If a Scholarship is terminated, the Scholar must repay to the University any part
of the Scholarship that has been paid in advance and which relates to the Course
after the date of termination.

8. Miscellaneous
8.1. The Scholar will comply with the University’s Regulations.

Fees and Finance

+44 (0) 1274 236637
University of Bradford
Richmond Road
West Yorkshire
8.2. Nothing in the Scholarship Terms affects the Scholar’s rights under the University’s
Regulations, including in relation to any complaint or appeal. The decision of the
University to award the Scholarship, or its termination or expiry is not subject to
8.3. In the event of a conflict between the Scholarship Terms and the University’s
Regulations, the University’s Regulations will prevail. In the event of conflict
between these terms and conditions and any Additional Terms, the Additional
Terms will prevail.
8.4. The University may make reasonable changes to the Scholarship Terms by notice
in writing to the Scholar.
8.5. The Scholarship Terms are governed by English law and any disputes in relation
to Scholarship shall be subject to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Fees and Finance

+44 (0) 1274 236637
University of Bradford
Richmond Road
West Yorkshire

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