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Executive Summary

This is the internship report based on the three month long internship program that I have
successfully completed in IFIC Bank Limited, Lalmatia Branch under the “Loan & Advance”
division from January 01, 2012 to March 31, 2012 as a requirement of my BBA program on
Department of Tourism and Hospitality Management, University Of Dhaka. As being
completely new to practical, corporate world setting, every hour spent in the bank gave me some
amount of experience all the time all of which cannot be explained in words. But nevertheless,
they were all useful for my career.

This report mainly focuses on Consumer Finance which is one of the most important parts of
“Loan & Advance” division. The report also contains some aspects of general banking which
are unavoidably related to the Consumer Finance.

Lalmatia Branch of IFIC Bank has highly efficient human resource for “Loan & Advance”
department. They maintain the whole tasks perfectly. Their efficiency and effort made the branch
more profitable.

For the first four weeks of my internship program on “Loan & Advance” division, I was
assigned for supporting the staff of the branch. In next eight weeks I was assigned for some
specialized tasks like opening FDR account, L/C, PSS (Pension Savings Scheme) etc. Beside
these I had performed different types of computer oriented task like creating different form,
developing logos and monograms.

Before drawing any conclusion based on this report it may be noted that the report was prepared
in a very short term and there is lack in data. But still the report may be useful for designing any
further study to evaluate the consumer loan facilities provided by the banks.

Chapter 1


The word “Bank” flows on a country‟s whole economy as blood flows on human body.
Bank is the driver of modern economy. In Bangladesh, bank and other financial
institutions are playing important role for shaping a better economy. Banks are providing
necessary funds for executing various programs underway in the process of economic
development. They collect savings of large masses of people scattered throughout the
country, which in the absence of banks would have remained ideal and unproductive.
These scattered amounts are collected, pooled together and made available to commerce
and industry for meeting the requirements. And Over the past ten years, banking system
becomes accustomed to accepting the rapid pace of changes in terms of product and

In Bangladesh, Whole banking system is fully guided by Bangladesh Bank. The banking
system of Bangladesh is composed of variety of banks working as nationalized
commercial banks, specialized bank, private banks, foreign banks and development
banks. With the other banks private banks are performing their task efficiently and
effectively for filling up the customer requirements.

IFIC Bank Limited is one of the best private commercial banks in Bangladesh in terms
of efficiency, capital adequacy, asset quality, liquidity, sound management and
profitability. At present the bank is operating their banking operations for providing the
best services with a view to accelerating socio-economic development of the country.
The bank is offering different personalized services to the customer. „Consumer Finance‟
is one of the categories by which bank can reach to customer in a very effective way and
fulfill their needs and wants.

1.1. Background of the study

No knowledge is fully complete unless it is fully supported by events on ground.

Whatever may be the quality of theoretical knowledge, it is not complete without
practical implication on ground. This realization is more pronounced in the study of
Business Administration where experience on ground plays a dominant role.

Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) is designed with an excellent combination of

practical and theoretical aspects. After completing the BBA, it is required for every
student to complete the internship or dissertation program with duration of three months.
As a student of BBA to fulfill the requirement of this Degree, I was assigned to pursue
Internship in IFIC Bank Limited, Lalmatia Branch, Dhaka.

I have tried my best to use this opportunity to enrich my knowledge on banking system
specifically on consumer banking. After observing thoroughly, I have prepared this report
on the basis of my performed task, findings and observation relating to the topic.

1.2. Objective

The core objective of this study is to analyze Consumer Banking of IFIC Bank Ltd
(Lalmatia Branch). The other objectives of the report are as follows:

 To complete the final task of my BBA program.

 To make a bridge between the theories and practical procedures of corporate


 To evaluate the factors affecting performance of the bank.

 To analyze consumer loan of this bank specifically of Lalmatia branch.

 To emphasize areas where improvement is possible.

 Finally, to mark out the repot with some recommendations.

1.3. Methodology of the study

The study includes a systematic procedure from selection of the topic to preparation of
the final report. To prepare the final report, I had completed some steps. These are;

Firstly I had identified the data sources and collected data. Data was collected
from both the primary & secondary sources. The details of these sources are
highlighted below:

While collecting the primary data I had made a questionnaire survey. For the
servey I had selected target population, sample size and other things. These are;

 Target population: All clients of IFIC Bank Limited

 Sampling Technique: Simple Random Sampling.
 Sample size: 20 customers.

Classification, analysis, interpretations and presentation of data: Some

pictorial tools were used in this report for analyzing the collected data and
to classify those for interpreting them in a clear and understandable manner.
The collected data were scrutinized and were pointed out for executing some
findings. Few recommendations were also made for overcoming different

Following figure shows the whole process at a glance;

Source: Developed by author

1.4. Reliability of the data

The data collected are highly reliable in the sense that all data generated in the report are
used exclusively by BKB. The auditors‟ report on the financial statements and the
correspondence with different desks generate the reliable information to compose the
report successfully.

1.5. Scope of the Study

As I was working with the IFIC Bank at Lalmatia Branch, I got the opportunity to learn
different thing about Loan, L/C, and Account opening etc.

 The report would help top management in planning and decision making.
 The report would help management in identifying the key areas of weakness and
 The report would aware the top management to take corrective and appropriate
measure timely to improve the company performance.
 The report would also help the shareholders as a guide to companies‟ present and
future position.

1.6. Limitations of the study

In preparing the report, I have experienced some acute problems that have affected the
presentation of the report. The problems were-

a) Lack of information or data

Bank is a sophisticated business sector. So the bank was not interested to provide me
confidential data. As a result in my report there is a confidential data limitation. Besides,
in spite of being listed Bank as its IPO is yet to market, it has no publicly available
annual report. The only report I have had to depend on is the auditor‟s reports that are
devoid of explanation and trend analysis. Moreover, the bank has no organized product
publicity, documents or leaflets for all the products.

b) Time constraint

It is something like impossible to cover the entire credit management & Foreign
Exchange phenomena exploiting a three month time period while an employee or an
officer is awarded with one or two year probationary period to do his or her particular
job. Moreover, I was not assigned for a specific task in each day. So I was not able to
understand banking activities deeply.

c) Comparison status

I have had a few opportunities to compare the credit management system of IFIC Bank
with that of other contemporary and common size banks. It was mainly because of the
shortage of time and internship nature.

e) Limitations and restrictions of data

In some case, it was not possible to get the exact amount and statistical record because of
their safety measure. They follow strict rules and regulations regarding these issues.

f) Lack of using statistical tools

A satisfactory number of statistical data were not found.

In spite of all the drawbacks faced, everything has been managed well at the end. So
readers are requested to consider these limitations while reading and justifying any part
of my study.

Chapter 2

Organization’s Overview

2.1. History of IFIC Bank Limited

International Finance Investment and Commerce (IFIC) Bank Limited came into
existence in 1976 as a joint venture between the Government of Bangladesh and sponsors
in the private sector with the objective of working as a finance company within the
country and setting up joint venture banks/financial Institutions abroad.

IFIC was incorporated as a public limited company with an authorized capital of Tk. 20
core and paid up capital of Tk.10 core. IFIC commenced its operation on February 28,
1977 with a subscribed capital of Tk.5 core, contributed by leading private sector
entrepreneurs of the country. The Government held 49 percent shares and the rest 51
percent were held by the sponsors and general

But, in 1983 when the Government allowed

banks in the private sector, IFIC was converted
into a full-fledged commercial bank. The
Investment Company has transformed into
banking company In June 13, 1983 and started
activities from June 24, 1983 through Its
Motijheel Branch.

At the very beginning the 60 percent share are

owned by private entrepreneur and 40 percent
are owned by Govt. at the end of 1984 the
authorized capital was 10 core and the paid up
capital was 7crore 15 lac Taka only.

IFIC was one of the pioneer private Bank in adopting IT from its inception during 1985.
At present, they are using high-level automation systems all through their branches and
they are playing a vital role in their banking automation system. To expand
computerization facilities to all the branches of their bank and to reach improved IT
facilities to the bank's customer they are using high-level Banking Automation System.

2.2. Mission & Vision of IFIC Bank Ltd

The mission and vision of IFIC Bank Ltd is given below as they quoted


“Our Mission is to provide service to our clients with the help of a skilled and dedicated
workforce whose creative talents, innovative actions and competitive edge make our
position unique in giving quality service to all institutions and individuals that we care
for. We are committed to the welfare and economic prosperity of the people and the
community, for we derive from them our inspiration and drive for onward progress to

“We want to be the leader among banks in Bangladesh and make our indelible mark as an
active partner in regional banking operating beyond the national boundary.”


Strategic objectives:
 To enlarge the market share.
 To provide broader and more attractive services and products than rivals.
 To provide superior customer services.
 To cover more geographic areas than rivals.

Financial objectives:
 To achieve growth in earnings
 To increase the provision of dividend.
 To build a more diversified revenue base.

2.3. Management Structure

The thirteen members of the Board of Directors are responsible for the strategic planning
and overall policy guidelines of the Bank. Further, there is an Executive Committee of
the Board to dispose of urgent business proposals.

Besides, there is an Audit Committee in the Board to oversee compliance of major

regulatory and operational issues.

The CEO and Managing Director, Deputy Managing Director and Head of Divisions are
responsible for achieving business goals and overseeing the day to day operation.

The CEO and Managing Director are assisted by a Senior Management Group consisting
of Deputy Managing Director and Head of Divisions who supervise operation of various
Divisions centrally and co-ordinates operation of branches.

Key issues are managed by a Management Committee headed by the CEO and Managing
Director. This facilitates rapid decisions.

There is an Asset Liability Committee comprising member of the Senior Executives

headed by CEO and Managing Director to look into all operational functions and Risk
Management of the Bank.

Organizational Network Organogram

On the basis of management structure, IFIC Bank Ltd follows an organogram. The
organogram indicate an organizational network among different rank, division and
working areas.

Fig: Head Office Organogram
Source: Annual Report-2010

2.4. Product & Services

IFIC Bank offers a wide range of products and services. These products are categorized
for some special purpose. Categories are given below;

I. Corporate Banking

IFIC Bank is offering specialist advices and products to corporate clients to meet diverse
demands of the changing market scenario. The bank has an extensive branch network all
over the country to expedite the client‟s business growth. The bank facilitates the clients
to face the challenges and realize opportunities. The bank‟s main focus is relationship
based banking and understanding corporate and institutional business environments.
Products and services for corporate clients include: Working Capital Finance, Project
Finance, Term Finance, Trade Finance, Lease Finance, Syndication Loan etc.

II. Retail Banking

Retail Banking is mass-banking facility for individual

customers to avail banking services directly from the wide
branch network all over the country. The bank provides one-
stop financial services to all individual customers through its
innovative products & services to cater their need. With a
view to provide faster and more convenient centralized online
banking services, now, all its branches have been brought
under the real time online banking system.

IFIC Bank offers a wide variety of deposit products, loan product & value added services
to suit the customer‟s banking requirements. Products and services for individual
customer include: Consumer Finance, Deposit Product, Card, NRB Account, Student
File, SMS Banking etc.

III. SME Banking

The growth of Small and Medium enterprises (SMEs) in terms of size and number has
multiple effects on the national economy, specifically on
employment generation, GDP growth, and poverty alleviation
in Bangladesh. At present, Small & Medium Enterprise sector
is playing a vital role in creation of new generation
entrepreneurs and 'Entrepreneurs Culture' in the country. To
facilitate SME sector of the country, IFIC Bank provides
various product and services. The bank is offering different products for selected target
groups, such as –

1. Bidder's Loan
2. Contractor's Loan
3. Commercial House Building Loan
4. Muldhan
5. Possession Right Loan
6. Project Loan
7. Women Entrepreneur's Loan (Protyasha)
8. Retailers Loan
9. Transport Loan

IV. Agricultural Credit

Bangladesh is an agro-based country and majority of the population is dependent on
Agriculture. Although maximum of the
total population is dependent on
agriculture, its contribution to GDP has
gradually come down. Moreover, every
year a huge amount of food grain and other
agricultural products are imported to meet
the demand of the country. In order to
achieve desired growth in agriculture sector of the country the bank is committed to
increase present loan portfolio in agricultural sector. IFIC Bank is offering Agriculture
Loan products namely;

i) Krishi Saronjam Rin - for Agriculture Equipments
ii) Shech Saronjam Rin - for irrigation equipments
iii) Poshupokkhi & Motsho Khamar Rin - for Live
Stock & Fish Culture &
iv) Phalphasali Rin - for Fruit Orchard for individuals
& group at micro level.

V. Lease Finance

Lease means a contractual relationship between the owner of the asset and its user for a
specified period against mutually agreed upon rent.
IFICBL, the highly capitalized private Commercial Bank in Bangladesh has introduced
lease finance to facilitate funding requirement of valued customers and growth of their
business houses.

Lease items:
 Vehicles like Luxury Bus, Mini bus, Taxi Cabs, Cars, Pick-up, CNG three-
wheeler, etc.
 Industrial Machinery & Equipment.
 Medical Equipment.
 Machinery for Agro–based Industry.
 Construction Equipment.
 Office Equipment.
 Generators, Lifts & Elevators for commercial place.
 Sea or River Transport.

VI. Money Transfer

Joining with one of the world renowned money transfer service “Money Gram”, IFICBL
has introduced its customers to the faster track of remittance. Now IFICBL can bring
money in Bangladesh from any other part of the globe in safer and faster means than ever

VII. Treasury & Capital Market

IFIC Bank Limited is devoted to capital Market of the country and offers world standard
brokerage services for individual and institutional investors.
The Bank is responsible for origination of sales, buy and
trading of securities of capital markets. It aims to provide
relevant support to its customer with sophisticated and
innovative financial solutions and delivering the highest
quality of services. It has a seat in Dhaka Stock Exchange Limited. The Treasury
Division of IFIC Bank is engaged with Cash Management, Liquidity Planning and
Liquidity Protection.

IFIC Treasury has four different desks, which are specialized in their own area to provide
best services with respect to pricing, best possible solution for customer requirement and
market information. The different Treasury Desks are as follows:

VIII. Foreign Exchange Desk

IFIC Foreign Desk is one of the leading market maker in spot, swaps, and forward
transactions in inter-bank market. The Bank has good sources of Foreign Currency
through its own export customers, Non-residence Remittances and local & multinational
corporate houses remittances/exports.

IX. Money Market Desk

Money market dealers arrange short and medium term funds at most economical terms
which are required by the bank aside from customer deposit mobilization efforts. Money
market desk ensures that the bank remains sufficiently liquid, meeting all its financial
commitments and obligations to its customers besides meeting the SLR & CRR
requirement at minimum risk and cost to the bank. In stress liquidity condition the desk
always manages sufficient fund to provide business needs.

X. Investment Desk

Investment desk in Treasury Front Office operates within the policy frame approved by
the Board of Directors of the bank. Fund invested in different securities both for
maintenance of SLR & income generating activities. The philosophy is to manage and
maximize income within certain parameters and limits

XI. Asset Liability Management Desk

Asset Liability Management is one of the major functions of IFIC Bank Treasury. IFIC
Bank has a highly efficient ALM Desk, which is an independent unit within the Treasury
Department. Objective of the desk is to ensure efficient allocation of fund within an
acceptable, measurable and defined risk structure. The desk monitor & analyzes various
cash flows, cash positions, balance sheet gaps, daily P&L, economic trends, investment
options, arbitrage opportunities, future business growth and place the facts & findings
before the ALCO.

XII. Treasury Products

IFIC Bank Treasury deals with the following Money Market, Capital Market and Foreign
Exchange Market Instruments for managing fund, statutory requirement, liquidity and

These are the main product of IFIC Bank Limited.

Chapter 3

Topic Analysis

3.1. Consumer Financing

Consumer finance is the segment of the financial services that lends money to individual
consumers for meeting their personal, family and household needs. Consumer finance is
one of the parts of Retail Banking. An individual person may want to build a house, buy a
car or renovate own house. A student may want to complete his study; a family may want
to arrange marriage ceremony for their son or daughter. These personal needs are very
important to IFIC Bank. For this IFIC Bank gives them some kinds of loan with fixed
interest rates, which are categorized as consumer financing.

Basically, consumer financing is a part of “Loan & Advance” department. According to

the Annual Report of 2010 the total Loans and Advances of the Bank stood at TK.
48,826.26 million as of December 31, 2010 and among these loans Consumer Loans
stood at TK. 3,936 million that is 8.06% of the total.

Procedure for getting loan
For getting loan a consumer has to fulfill some requirement. After getting the papers
required, respective officer of the bank proceed for completing all formalities sanctioning
the loan.
Whole activities are shown in a flow chart below

By maintaining this flow, Lalmatia branch of IFIC Bank offer some consumer needed
product. These are described below;

3.1.1. IFIC Easy Loan

Easy Loan is to serve for fulfilling consumer‟s any personal financial needs. The loan is
absolutely hassling free & paid against financial securities. Usually this is given against
FDR, PSS, i.e. financial obligation or any primary securities. The interest charges from
the date of first withdrawals. Interest is calculated and charged only on the actual debit
balance on daily day to day basis.

Getting the loan:

Adult person having an account with IFIC Bank can easily apply for the Easy Loan.

Loan Size:

 Maximum 95% of face value of FDR

 Maximum 100%* of the MIS Amount
 Maximum 100% of the principal amount of P.S.S
 Maximum 90% of ICB unit certificate.

Loan Period: 12 to 36 Months

Interest rate: Minimum 13%.

3.1.2. Consumer Durable loan

Life is complex as it is. IFIC

makes people‟s life-style easy and
comfortable with the Consumer
Durable Loan. IFIC creates an
opportunity to satisfy Customer‟s
desire to purchase consumer
durables like- computer, television,
refrigerator, washing machine, air conditioner, music systems, motor cycle and lot of
other things by Consumer Durable Loan. Interest rate is low. Processing is simple and
quick. Bank‟s branch network is wide.

Getting the Loan:

An adult and employed person having an account with IFIC Bank can apply for the loan.
Loan Size: Maximum Tk.1 Lac.
Loan Period: 12-36 months.
Interest rate: 16.50% p.a.
Consumer Durable Loan Repayment Schedule:

Monthly installment
Loan Amount Interest Rate
36 months 24 months 12 months

Maximum Tk. 100,000/- @16.50% Tk. 3,542/- Tk. 4,922/- Tk. 9,099/-

Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.3. PARUA (Education Loan)

IFIC Bank offers Education Loan that can make a student‟s dream come true. IFIC Bank
firmly believes that expense for education is an Investment for future. Only education can
fulfill the dreams of an individual as well as a nation.

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.8 Lac* (With collateral security) And Maximum TK. 3 Lac
(without collateral security)
Loan Period: 12-48 months
Interest Rate: 16.50% p.a.
Parua (Education Loan) Repayment Schedule:

Interest Monthly installment

Loan Amount
48 months 36 months 24 months 12 months

Tk. 100,000/-
@16.50% Tk. 2,861/ - Tk. 3,542/- Tk. 4,922/- Tk. 9,099/-
or multiple

Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.4. THIKANA (House Building Loan)

Home is an address, a shelter for entire life and this is what one leaves behind for the
family. To own a home from savings takes a long time and full payment at a time is
difficult too. That is why IFIC Bank offers home loan which one can buy now and pay
gradually. The purpose for this loan is to purchase Flat/ Construction of own house.

Getting the Loan

To enjoy this type of loan service holder‟s and business holder‟s monthly income has to
be minimum 3 times of equated Monthly installment and have to have an savings account
at IFIC Bank.

Loan Size: Maximum Tk. 75 Lac.

Loan Period: Maximum 15 years.
Interest rate: 15.0% p.a.
Thikana (Home Loan) Repayment Schedule:

Loan Monthly installment (Tk.)

Interest Rate
Amount 15 years 14 years 13 years 12 yearss
1,401/- 1,429/- 1,462/- 1,503/-
11 years 10 years 09 years 08 yearss
1,553/- 1,615/- 1,694/- 1,796/-
@ 15.00% p.a. 07 years 06 years 05 years 04 yearss
or Multiple
1,932/- 2,117/- 2,381/- 2,785/-
03 years 02 years 01 years
3,469/- 4,851/- 9,029/-
Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.5. Any Purpose Loan

If anyone looking for a personal loan to meet any financial requirement that's easy to get,
his or her search ends with IFIC Bank Ltd. IFIC Any Purpose Loan caters to various
needs of salaried people. With minimum formalities you can get a loan for an amount
upto Tk.3.00 lac to be repayable at 12 to 36 monthly installments. The loans are easy &
absolutely hassle free.

Getting the Loan: An adult Bangladeshi employed by the Govt/Autonomous body/

Bank/ MNC/ NGO or any other kind of employed person with at least monthly Tk.
10,000 salary then that person is eligible for the Any Purpose Loan.

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.3 lac*.

Loan Period: 12-36 months.
Interest Rate: 16.50% p.a.
Any Purpose Loan Repayment Schedule:

Monthly installment
Loan Amount Interest Rate
36 months 24 months 12 months

Tk. 100,000/- @16.50% Tk. 3,542/- Tk. 4,922/- Tk. 9,099/-

Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.6. IFIC Marriage loan

The single most important day of any one‟s life, beginning of new life in new style.
Money is only an object for such an important event and shouldn't be a barrier to its
perfection. If anyone needs extra funds to ensure his or her special day is one to
remember than IFIC Bank come forward to assist him.

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.3 lac*.

Loan Period: 12-36 months.

Interest Rate: 16.50% p.a.

IFIC Marriage Loan Repayment Schedule:

Monthly installment
Loan Amount Interest Rate
36 months 24 months 12 months
Tk. Tk. Tk.
Maximum Tk. 100,000/- @16.50%
3,542/- 4,922/- 9,099/-

Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.7. IFIC CNG Conversion Loan:

CNG Conversion Loan to help you to convert your personal vehicle to CNG. One can
avail the loan with competitive rates, convenient features and simple procedures. Due to
price hike of fuel, CNG conversion has become the necessity of time. IFIC Bank
understands the needs and offers customer the best suitable loan for CNG conversion of

Getting the Loan

For IFIC CNG Conversion Loan confirmed service holders, Businessman, Professionals
(Owner of the vehicle or valid user of the vehicle) & Corporate Clients (for more than
one Car). Maximum age limit of the borrower is 60 yrs.

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.1 lac

Loan Period: 12-36 months

Interest rate: 16.50% p.a.

IFIC CNG Conversion Loan Repayment Schedule

Monthly installment
Loan Amount Interest Rate 36 24 12
months months months
Maximum Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk.
100,000/- 3,542/- 4,922/- 9,099/-
Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.8. Home Renovation Loan

There are plenty of good reasons for choosing to renovate rather than move. For most
people, the high cost of purchasing a new home outweighs the challenges of renovating.
Recent big house price rises also means many home owners have considerable equity in
their property. This can make getting a renovation loan easier and reduces the risk of
overcapitalizing. When you decide to renovate, finding the best loan to suit your needs is
particularly important. Renovation loans can streamline the whole process and save you
money and that is why IFIC Bank brings Home Renovation Loan for helping you to
realize your dreams.

Getting the Loan

An adult Bangladeshi employed by the Govt/Autonomous body/ Bank/ MNC/ NGO or

any other kind of employed person with at least monthly Tk. 10,000 salary then he is
eligible for the Home Renovation Loan.

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.3 lac

Loan Period: 12-36 months.

Interest Rate: 16.50% p.a.

Home renovation Loan Repayment Schedule

Loan Monthly installment

Interest Rate
36 months 24 months 12 months
@16.50% Tk. 3,542/- Tk. 4,922/- Tk. 9,099/-
Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.9. IFIC Holiday Loan

IFIC Holiday Loans are easy & absolutely hassle free. If one‟s finances don't stretch to
accommodate a holiday at the moment, IFIC Bank has a Holiday Loan that could help -
an affordable, short term loan with an interest rate that's fixed, so anyone can know what
their repayments will be each month, just what they need for that dream trip.

Getting the Loan:

At least 25 years
Professional Experience:
- Salaried: permanently employed for at least 2 years by a well-reputed organization
including at least 6 months with present employer
- Self-employed: Professional exercise for at least 2 years (with adequate proof)
Minimum Monthly Income:
- Salaried: BDT 10,000
-Self Employed: BDT 25,000
Loan Size: Maximum Tk.3 lac
Loan Period: 12-36 months.
Interest Rate: 16.50% p.a.
IFIC Holiday Loan Repayment Schedule:

Monthly installment
Loan Amount 36 24 12
months months months
Tk. Tk. Tk.
Maximum Tk. 100,000/- @16.50%
3,542/- 4,922/- 9,099/-
Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.10. IFIC Peshajibi Loan

Life is continuously facing unforeseen events. For which sudden financial support is
essential. IFIC Bank is at customer side to meet up their urgency at any moment through
"IFIC Peshajibi Loan" .Whether client is a Doctor/ Engineer/ IT professional/
Management Consultant or any other professional they can find out about IFIC‟s
advancement Peshajeebi Loan that lays the foundation for their career elevation. IFIC
works for client‟s professional Satisfaction.

Getting the Loan:

Any adult salaried person in Govt. Organization/Semi Govt. Organization/Autonomous
bodies /Multinational Com./Banks/Insurance Com. /Financial Institutions/Educational
Institution having an account with IFIC Bank can easily apply for the PESHAJEEBI

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.10 lac.

Loan Period: 12-48 months.

Interest Rate: 16.50% p.a.

IFIC Peshajibi Loan Repayment Schedule:

Monthly installment
Loan Interest
Amount Rate 48 36 24 12
months months months months
Tk. Tk. Tk. Tk.
100,000/- @16.50%
2,861/- 3,542/- 4,922/- 9,099/-
or multiple

Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.11. IFIC Auto Loan

Owing a car means freedom of convenience for moving out, affords punctuality, shelter
from rain and heat during traveling and above all guarantees the much needed safety.
Owing a car is a dream of many people. To materialize your dream IFIC Bank has Auto
Loan with more flexible, affordable and convenient package option.

Getting the Loan

An adult employed person having an account with IFIC Bank then can easily apply for

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.20 lac.

Loan Period: 12-60 months

Interest Rate: 15.50% p.a.

Interest rate: 15.50% p.a

IFC Auto Loan Repayment Schedule

Monthly installment (TK.)

Loan Interest
Amount Rate 60 48 36 24 12
months months months months months
Tk.1,00,000/- 15.50%
2,407/- 2,810/- 3,493/- 4,874/- 9,051/-
or Multiple p.a.

Tk.20,00,000/- 15.50%
48,140/- 56,200/- 69,860/- 97,480/- 1,81,020/-
maximum p.a.

Source: Brochure of the specific product

3.1.12. IFIC Medical Loan:

Medical is a noble profession which is evolving fast. In a country like ours it is important
to be a part of those changes as we cannot afford to be lag behind. Keeping that in mind
and with a vision to support and promote health services, IFIC Bank is at consumer side
with their Doctors' Loan. IFIC Bank lets one to focus on Medicare of his family and
himself - taking away the worry of finance. IFIC Medical Loan caters hospitalization or
other emergency medical needs to salaried people. The loans are easy & absolutely hassle

Getting the Loan:

Maximum age limit of the borrower – 60 yrs.; in exceptional case, MD can relax the age
limit up to any age depending on the merit of the case.

Loan Size: Maximum Tk.3 lac.

Loan Period: 12-36 months.

Interest Rate: 16.50% p.a.

IFIC Medical Loan Repayment Schedule:

Monthly installment
Loan Amount Interest Rate
36 months 24 months 12 months

Tk. 100,000/- @16.50% Tk. 3,542/- Tk. 4,922/- Tk. 9,099/-

Source: Brochure of the specific product

Chapter 4

Performance Analysis
Customer Satisfaction Measurement

IFIC Bank is one the leading private banks of country. It is one of the large providers of
financial services countrywide. Strong management, skilled and experienced staffs, better
online facilities and other competitive advantages made the bank more profitable. The
personalized services of IFIC Bank delight customer more than competitors. Though the
bank has all these advantages, sometime it faces problem regarding management which
affect the profitability of the bank.
Here, I had made some analysis on the bank performances. The analysis is based on
different information I have gathered during my internship program.

4.1. Financial Highlights of IFIC Bank at a Glance

4.1.1. Deposits

The Bank mobilized a total deposit of Tk. 55,918.50 million as of December 31, 2010
including deposit of Off-shore Banking
Unit (OBU) as against Tk. 50,017.96
million as of December 31, 2009
indicating an increase of 11.80% over the
previous year. The competitive interest
rates, deposit mobilization efforts and
customers‟ confidence on the Bank
contributed to the significant growth in
deposits during the year. Source: Annual Report of IFIC Bank-2010

4.1.2. Loans and Advances

The total Loans and Advances of the Bank stood at Tk. 48,826.26 million as of December
31, 2010 including loans and advances of OBU as against Tk. 37,793.89 million as of
December 31, 2009 marking an increase
of 29.19% over the previous year. The
loans and advances portfolio of the Bank
mainly consists of Trade Financing,
Project Loans for new projects and
BMRE projects, Working Capital
Financing, SME and Lease Financing. Besides, the Bank is financing individual

borrowers under Consumer Financing Scheme. The Bank is gradually increasing its
involvement in Agricultural Sector as per directives of the Bangladesh Bank.

4.1.3. Foreign Exchange Business

Import Trade

In 2010, the Bank handled a quite

satisfactory volume of import business.
The total import business handled by
the bank stood at Tk.62,467 million (US
Dollar 935.27 million). Sugar, wheat,
pulses, soybean oil, raw materials of
garments industries, etc. are the major
import items of the bank in 2010.

Export Trade

The IFIC Bank has been facilitating export

based industries, such as, Garments, jute
and other industries to earn a substantial
amount of foreign exchange for the
country. During the year 2010, the total
export business handled by the bank stood
at Tk.55, 981 million (US Dollar 813.68
Source: Annual Report of IFIC Bank-2010

Foreign Remittance

The IFIC Bank handles both inward and outward remittance products. The outward
remittance includes FC cash/TC, FDR and Wire transfer by SWIFT. The Bank‟s inward
remittance covers Draft Service, Account
Credit Service under EFT arrangement and
cash payout service. To facilitate inward
foreign remittance in Bangladesh, special
focus has been given on establishment of
drawing arrangement. The foreign
remittance business amounted to
Tk.13,455 million in 2010 as against

Tk.13,145 million in 2009. The growth rate of foreign remittance was thus 2.35%.
Operating Profit

The IFIC Bank generated profit of Tk. 3,844.09 million in 2010 before provision
including profit from OBU as against Tk. 1,959.52 million in 2009 showing a growth of
about 96%.

4.1.4. Income

The interest income increased by 20%

which was Tk. 4,667 million in 2010
including interest income of OBU and Tk.
3,872 million in 2009 due to increase in
loans and advances. During the year, both
incomes from investment and commission,
exchange gains & brokerage increased as
compared to the previous year. The income
from capital gain stood at Tk. 227.66
million during 2010 against Tk.328.59
million in 2009.
Source: Annual Report of IFIC Bank-2010

4.1.5. Expenses

The total expenses of the Bank for 2010 stood at Tk. 5,103.45 million including expenses
of OBU against Tk. 4,534.81 in 2009. The interest paid to the depositors and on
borrowings represented Tk. 2,574.52 million including OBU which was 50.45% of the
total expense. The total operating expense of the Bank was Tk. 2,528.93 million in 2010
including that of OBU in comparison to that of Tk. 1,764.84 million in 2009.

4.1.6. Capital & Reserves

The authorized capital of the IFIC

bank was Tk. 5,350.00 million and the
paid-up capital stood at Tk. 2,179.83
million as on December 31, 2010. The
reserve of the Bank stood at Tk.
3,585.61 million in 2010 against Tk.
2,453.60 million in 2009.
Source: Annual Report of IFIC Bank-2010

4.1.7. Capital Adequacy Ratio

During 2010, the capital increased by Tk. 1,784.99 million and the Bank maintained
Capital Adequacy Ratio (CAR) of 9.78% as against the required minimum of 9% under
Basel- II framework.

4.1.8. Credit Rating

The Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh Limited (CRAB) rated IFIC Bank during 2009.
The CRISL also rated the Bank for preceding 3 (three) years. The CRAB rated the Bank
„A1‟ in the Long Term and ST-2 in the Short Term in 2009 which was an improvement
in rating in the Long term. This up-gradation was due to the IFIC Bank‟s growth rate,
improvement in profitability, maintenance of good asset quality, satisfactory financial
performance and acceptable non-funded business. However, the rating of the Bank, based
on the financials of 2010, is yet to be finalized

4.2. Competition Analysis

Capital market of Bangladesh has become more competitive in last few years. Now-a-
days different foreign banks are also offering similar type of products with an almost
similar profit margin. Other commercial banks are also formulating different strategy to
get their highest profit. So, if all competitors fight with the same weapon, it direct to low
profit. By competing with these competitors IFIC Bank is growing with high profit.
Here, I had made an analysis on profit of different private banks.

Operating profit of private bank(2011 ) Islami Bank

AB Bank
Prime Bank
1600 Pubali Bank
Profit(crore taka)

1400 National Bank

1200 South East Bank
1000 BRAC Bank
600 City Bank
400 EXIM Bank
200 UCBL
0 Dhaka Bank
Bank Asia
Mercantaile Bank
Basic Bank
. One Bank

Source: Developed by authors

Most private banks clocked up significant growth in profit in the year of 2011 despite a
fall in contributions from the stock market although they claimed a liquidity crisis over
the period.

Data from some private commercial banks shows that many of them logged profit growth
ranging between 8 percent and 125 percent. In the same period of last year, most banks
made profit ranging from 30 percent to 90 percent. In the final count, the percentage of
profit growth may be a little higher or lower, said officials of different banks.

Although banks' earnings from the

stock market dropped, their growth
was led by high imports and credit
growth. The central bank's decision
to withdraw the lending rate ceiling
helped many banks charge high
interest rates, fattening up their
coffers in the process. Banks' profit
from the share market fell and that
shift operating profit lower than last

Though all these obstacle creating

barrier in earning profit, IFIC is
growing slightly. In 2011, the growth
rate was 37 percent which is one of
the remarkable rates.
The graph shows the growth rate of
private commercial banks in 2011

Source: The Daily Star

4.3. Consumer Satisfaction Measurement

Customer satisfaction is the main purpose of IFIC Bank. For satisfying customer IFIC
Bank provides different services. During my internship program I have collected
information about customer satisfaction or dissatisfaction. I have followed questionnaire
method for collecting data from customer.
On the basis of each question I have analyze consumer satisfaction or dissatisfaction.
Analyses are given below;

Target population- all clients of IFIC Bank (Lalmatia Branch).

Sample size- 20

Analyses according to questions are given below;

Service of the credit department of IFIC Bank, Lalmatia Branch is


Results Frequency Percent 80

Strongly Agree 14 70 60
Agree 4 20
Neutral 1 5
Disagree 1 5 20
Strongly disagree 0 0 Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Total Agree disagree
20 100
Source: Developed by author Source: Developed by author


From the above table and graph, we can see that 70% respondent strongly agreed that
credit department service is satisfactory. Among 20 respondent 4(20%) just agreed with
the statement and 1(5%) stayed in neutral position. It‟s indicating the best service of
credit department of IFIC Bank Ltd.

Every time bank’s executives handled your business timely and in efficient

Results Frequency Percent 100

Strongly Agree 17 85 80
Agree 3 15 60
Strongly disagree 0
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Total 20 100 Agree disagree

Source: Developed by author


Among 20 respondent 17 strongly agreed with the statement about bank‟s executive
efficiency. That means 85% respondent believe that IFIC Bank has the efficient
executives and staff for providing more personalized services to the customer.

Credit policy of IFIC Bank is helpful for individual and business firm.

Results Frequency Percent 80

Strongly Agree 14 70
Agree 2 10
Neutral 4 20 40
Disagree 20
Strongly disagree Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Total 20 100 Agree disagree

Source: Developed by author

Source: Developed by author

In the case of this statement, 70% respondent strongly agreed that bank‟s credit policy is
helpful for individual and business firm. Whereas, 20% people don‟t think the policy is
so helpful. Although bank is bound to follow the rule formulated by Bangladesh Bank
these 20% argued that bank‟s interest rate is so high in case of loan and credit.

Bank’s service charge is perfect for you.

Results Frequency Percent 60

Strongly Agree 10 50 40
Agree 5 25 20
Neutral 2 10 0
Disagree 3 15

Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 20 100
Source: Developed by author Source: Developed by author

Here, 50% of total respondent strongly agreed that bank‟s service charge is perfect
for them, where as 25% just agreed with that statement. 10% of the total responded chose
the word „neutral‟ for the statement whereas 15% of them argued that bank‟s service
charge is not perfect for them choosing the word „disagree.‟

Bank solves any of your banking problems regarding loan promptly.

Results Frequency Percent

Strongly Agree 14 70 80
Agree 3 15 60
Neutral 2 10 40
Disagree 1 5 20
Strongly disagree 0 0 Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Total 20 100 Agree disagree
Source: Developed by author

From the above table we can see that 70% of total respondents strongly agreed that their
problems regarding loans are solved promptly by the bank and 15% just agreed with it.
10% stayed in neutral position whereas 5% respondent disagreed with the statement and
no one strongly disagreed with it.

IFIC Bank Limited has the highest quality of online service.

Results Frequency Percent 60

Strongly Agree 10 50 40
Agree 4 20 20
Neutral 1 5 0
Disagree 5 25

Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 20 100
Source: Developed by author


Among 20 respondent 10 which is 50% of total respondent, strongly agreed that online
service quality of IFIC Bank is highest whereas 5 of 20 respondent disagreed with the
statement which is 25% and another 5% of them was neutral when filling the

Bank personnel are highly qualified for their job.

Results Frequency Percent 80

Strongly Agree 15 75 60
Agree 3 15 40
Neutral 1 5 20
Disagree 1 5 0
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Strongly disagree 0 0 Agree disagree
Total 20 100

Source: Developed by author

Here, 75% of the responded strongly agreed and another 15% agreed with the statement that
Bank personnel are highly qualified for their job, where 5% were neutral and only 5% of
the respondent disagreed with it.

The time bank takes to approve the loan is satisfactory.

Results Frequency Percent 100

Strongly Agree 16 80
Agree 2 10 50
Neutral 1 5
Disagree 1 5 0
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Strongly disagree 0 0 Agree disagree
Total 20 100

Source: Developed by author

16 of 20(80%) respondents strongly agreed that the time bank takes to approve the loan is
satisfactory another 10% also agreed with this statement but 1(5%) of 20respondednt
were neutral and another 5% of them disagreed of this statement.

Atmosphere of the bank is comfortable

Results Frequency Percent
Strongly Agree 17 85
Agree 2 10
Neutral 1 5
Disagree 0 0 0
Strongly Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly
Strongly disagree 0 0 Agree disagree
Total 20 100
Source: Developed by author


From above the table we can see that 17(85%) of 20 respondents strongly agreed that
atmosphere of the bank is comfortable and 10% of them agreed with it though 5% of
them were neutral.

This bank provides the highest quality than others with whom you have ever

Results Frequency Percent 80

Strongly Agree 14 70 60
Agree 3 15 40
Neutral 2 10 0
Disagree 1 5

Strongly disagree 0 0
Total 20 100

Source: Developed by author

And at last for the question of overall quality 70% of the respondent strongly agreed and
another 15% of them agreed with the statement that this bank provides the highest quality
than others with whom you have ever dealt whereas only 55 of them disagreed and 10%
of them was neutral and no was strongly disagreed with it.

So we can conclude with the sentence that most of the customers are satisfied with the
service offered by IFIC bank.

Chapter 5

Findings, Recommendation

5.1. Findings of the study

During my internship period in Lalmatia branch of IFIC Bank, I have observed different
important facts. Some of them lead bank to higher profit and growth whereas some create
barrier sometime. In this chapter I have categorized my findings from two aspects. Some
are positive aspects and some are negative. These are described below;

5.1.1. Positives Finding


 IFIC BANK LIMITED is the 1st generation private bank of Bangladesh. As this
bank has been operating for very long time, people easily set their belief on
different services provided by the bank.

 The bank provides better personalized services to the customer that creates
positive word of mouth.

 IFIC Bank covers most of the area of Bangladesh. The bank has 95 branches in six
divisions of the country.

 The branches of IFIC bank are situated in the important commercial areas of the
country which fulfill the need of corporate people.

 All branches have been included under the real time online banking system which
made the banking operation more convenient.

 The Bank also exists in foreign countries. Now IFIC is performing its banking
operation in Maldives, Nepal, and Oman.

 By opening branches in foreign countries, IFIC is helping in getting the


 IFIC Bank has a large number of employees scattered all over the country. These
employees are contributing to our economy by their hard and soul workings. Total
numbers are 2315.

 At present government of Bangladesh holds 32.75% shares. That increase

customer‟s confidence level for creating association with the Bank.

 By providing better personalized services, IFIC Bank has created a strong

relationship with existing clients that leads to higher profit and growth.

 IFIC bank provides diversified products lines to its customer, which attracts the
customers to render the services offered by the bank.

 By providing all these facilities IFIC has emerged as a strong brand among


 IFIC Bank has a big network covering all the division of country that creates high
potential for growth.

 IFIC Bank can capture the majority portion of market through its all branches.

 IFIC bank has a wide range of consumer finance product. By offering these
products, the bank can easily attract more customers.

 The Bank is emerging as a strong online based bank. Online banking facilitates
bank‟s daily operation. That can create the positive image on customer mind.

 IFIC Bank has a strong value in capital market, which can make easier to collect
more capital for further business.

5.1.2. Negatives Finding


 IFIC Bank has not sufficient number of ATM booth. As a result an account holder
in remote area must wait for bank office hour which is not expectable. On the
other side competitors are providing more ATM facilities and attracting more

 In some branches online banking facilities are new. For these reason employees
have not adequate knowledge about online banking. This creates slow banking
operation and ultimately irritates clients.

 Most of the time bank hires employees from other banks or financial institutions
instead of promoting the internal employees. This system demotivates employees
of the bank and ultimately executes low quality output.

 IFIC Bank is offering different facilities to customer like general banking, advance
and credit facilities, bill payment, and foreign exchange. To perform all these
operations more space is required, but in the Lalmatia branch space is limited
which irritate clients.

 “Advance & Credit” department of Lalmatia branch has not sufficient staffs and
executives. There are only three officers appointed in “Advance & Credit”. As a
result sometimes employees can‟t deal with more customers at a time.

 In Lalmatia Branch, Foreign Exchange department is not well established. Many

times customer can‟t get their expected service related to foreign exchange which
causes dissatisfaction.

 Though many clients are not fully aware of different facilities of bank, marketing
department of bank has not taken any steps for making them aware.

 Credit card facilities are not so upgraded.


 New generation banks are arriving in the market which may create problem for
attracting more customers.

 Capital market of Bangladesh has gone down in last few years. For this
“Bangladesh Bank” has formulated different policies on interest rate, loan and
other aspects of private bank. This may create lower profit and growth rate.

 “Bangladesh Bank” formulated a policy about opening branch outside town area.
Opening branch outside town may lead to higher expense and lower profit.

 Political instability hampers banking operation which always implies threat.

These are the main aspects I have observed during my internship program.

5.2. Recommendations

From the customer satisfaction measurement analysis and through my observation, it is

found that the bank has some weaknesses in some specific sector. To overcome this I
have made some recommendations for those specific sectors. These are given below;


 IFIC bank should increase the number of PCs with updated hardware and
 Bank management should arrange special training session on technology
especially on computer and internet.

 Training program on special software should be arranged.

 Bank should develop the online facilities. They should update the website

 IFIC Bank should set up more ATM booth in different important places and
more employees should be appointed for maintaining them.

 Top management should ensure availability of all kinds of modern technology

in every branch.

Product & Services

 More personalized service should be provided.

 To create better client the bank should increase the amount of consumer loans
in a short-term basis.

 Bank should speed up processing of loan application.

 Bank should immediately upgrade the credit card facilities.

 Bank should be innovative and diversified in its services.

 Amount of the classified loan should be reduced by taking recovery action or

 Bank need to increase its quality of customer service.

Interest & Service charge

 IFIC Bank should maintain a profitable interest rate for consumer loan. If
“Bangladesh Bank” imposes a fixed rate, bank should explain to clients gently.

 Service charge for different loan and advances should be standardized.

Human Resources

 Bank should consider internal employees while hiring from outside. Promoting
internal employee will work as motivation for all.

 Top management should be unbiased while recruiting employees.

 Human Resource Department should ensure the adequate number of staffs in

all division in every branch.

 Highly efficient employee should take responsibility for loan and advance

 Employee should be ensured with higher remuneration and facilities.

Marketing Strategy & Promotion

 The bank should focus on the marketing aspects to let customers know about their
products and offerings and more promotion activities should be done to attract
new customer.
 IFIC Bank should be involved in different social activities that will create positive
image on client‟s mind.

Environment & Atmosphere

 Authority should take necessary steps for expanding Lalmatia Branch of IFIC

 Internal atmosphere should be comfortable for all clients.

 More equipment is needed for making comfortable atmosphere of the bank.

So, these are the main recommendation for each specific sector.

5.3. Conclusion

The Banking arena in recent time is one of the most competitive business fields in
Bangladesh. As Bangladesh is a developing country, a strong banking sector can change
the socio economic structure of the country. So we can say, the whole economy of the
country in linked up with its banking system. IFIC Bank is the bank which is highly
potential commercial Bank of Bangladesh. This bank performs hundreds of important
activities both for the public and for the government as a whole. It has an outstanding
bearing to thrive our business sector. From the learning and experience point of view I
can say that I have really enjoyed my internship at IFIC Bank Ltd. From the very first
day, I was confident that this 3 months internship program at IFIC Bank (Lalmatia
Branch) will definitely help me to realize my future carrier in the job market.
Performance analysis of a department of a bank is not so sufficient to measure and
express perfectly within this short time. But it is a great opportunity for me to be
experienced with the operational environment of a successful commercial bank. This
experience will help me build my career in corporate world. Finally, it is expected that
IFIC Bank will keep contributing more and more to Bangladesh economy.


Unaudited annual report of IFIC Bank Limited -2011

Annual Report of IFIC Bank Limited (2009 & 2010)

Several Booklets from IFIC Bank.

Several Newsletters from IFIC Bank.

Credit Operational Manual of IFIC Bank Limited.

Prospectus of IFIC Bank Ltd.

BBS. 2010. Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics,

Statistics Division.

BBS, 2011. Statistical Pocket Book of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics,

Statistics Division.

MoF. 2010. Budget at a glance 2010. Dhaka: Ministry of Finance (MoF), Government of
Bangladesh (GoB).

MoF. 2010. Monthly Fiscal Reports, various issues. Dhaka: Ministry of Finance (MoF),
Government of Bangladesh (GoB).

World Bank 2010. Outlook for Remittance Flows 2011‐12. Migration and Development
Brief 13.

Bangladesh Bank. 2010. Monetary Policy Statement. Dhaka: Bangladesh Bank.

Bangladesh Bank. 2010. Economic Trend (various issues). Dhaka. Bangladesh Bank

State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2008‐09 and Outlook for FY2009‐10 (133‐163).
Dhaka, Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD.)

State of the Bangladesh Economy in FY2010‐11, implemented by the Centre for Policy
Dialogue (CPD) 04 January 2011.

Official website of The Daily

Bangladesh Bank:

Board of Investment (BOI):

Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics (BBS):

Dhaka Stock Exchange (DSE):

Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA):

Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC):


Appendix A- Organogram of IFIC Bank Limited

Board of Directors

Appendix-B : Financial Highlights

Credit Portfolio

Appendix C: Questionnaire
Customer Satisfaction Measurement
Purpose: To acquire date for preparing internship report. Acquired data will not be used for
other purpose.
Name of the respondent :
Type of association with the bank:
Gender: Male Female

Please give your opinion using tick() mark

SL Topic of data Strongly Strongly
Disagree Neutral Agree
Disagree Agree
Service of the credit department of
1 IFIC Bank, Lalmatia Branch is SD D N A SA
Every time bank’s executives
2 handled your business timely and SD D N A SA
in efficient manner.
Credit policy of IFIC Bank is helpful
for individual and business firm.
Bank’s service charge is perfect for
Bank solves any of your banking
problems regarding loan promptly.

IFIC Bank Limited has the highest

quality of online service.

Bank personnel are highly qualified

for their job.

The time bank takes to approve the

loan is satisfactory.

Atmosphere of the bank is

This bank provides the highest quality than
10 others with whom you have ever dealt. SD D N A SA


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