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23 Color Opponent Theory Color Anomalies

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Thomas Salmon: Northeastern State University, USA


Scott Steinman: Southern California College of Optometry, USA


• Colour opponent theory

• Anomalies of colour vision
• Types of colour anomalies


The trichromatic theory of colour vision is based on three cone types, each of which is sensitive to a different range
of wavelengths. This explains how we can discriminate different wavelengths, and the trichromatic theory is
supported by colour matching experiments and neurophysiological studies.
The neural processing of colour becomes more complex beyond the photoreceptors. There is evidence that, after
the cones, neural signals are processed through a “colour opponent” system. Opponent processing begins within
the retina at the level of the horizontal cells. The theory states that signals from the S, M and L cones are processed
by three neural channels known as the red-green, blue-yellow and brightness channels.
Evidence of this kind of neural processing:
• The observation that you never see a mixture of red and green in the same place at the same time. When it
comes to red and green, they appear to be opposite responses of a neural system that can signal either red or
green but not both at the same time. Although people may mix colours such as blue-green, most cannot
conceive of a mix of red and green
• Similarly, with blue and yellow, you cannot see both colours at the same time in the same place. It’s either blue
or yellow. Most people cannot conceive of a mixture of blue and yellow
• Research by Hurvich and Jameson using the hue-cancellation method (See Schwartz, 2004 p. 119) support
colour opponent theory. They proposed that the response of certain neuronal channels in the visual system
varies in according to wavelength as shown in Schwartz, 2004 Fig. 5-14
• Neurophysiological recordings from monkey LGN cells showed that certain neurons respond with opposite
polarity depending on the wavelength (Schwartz, 2004 Fig. 5-16A). For example, if the animal is exposed
to a short wavelength, the neuron shows a reduced rate of firing; that is, inhibition. However, when exposed
to long wavelengths, the neuron responds with excitation
• Colour afterimages. If you stare at a green image, then view a white field, you see a red afterimage. Likewise, if
you stare at a blue image, then view a white field, you see a yellow afterimage

2014, Version 1-2 Visual Perception and Neurophysiology, Chapter 23-1

Colour Opponent Theory and Colour Anomalies


Neurons that respond with opposite signals depending on the stimulus wavelength are known as colour opponents
cells, and they are capable of relaying colour information. It is evident that our visual system includes colour
opponent neurons as well as non-colour opponent neurons (Schwartz, 2004 Fig. 5-16B). Non-opponent cells
respond with the same polarity for all wavelengths, though the magnitude of the response varies depending on
Over 100 years ago, Hering proposed that human colour perception is based on red-green and blue-yellow colour
opponent channels, but scientists of that time thought opponent theory contradicted the accepted trichromatic
theory. Hering’s opponent theory of colour vision was therefore not accepted.
Vision scientists now believe that both the trichromatic and opponent systems work together. At the receptor level,
our visual system is trichromatic, but at higher levels, perhaps beginning with the horizontal cells, the visual system
appears to use colour opponent mechanisms. This combined model of colour vision is called a “zone model.” One
example of a zone model is illustrated in Figure 23-1, below, and similar concepts are illustrated in Schwartz
Fig. 5-17.

Figure 23-1: One example of a zone model that shows the relationship between
the trichromatic and opponent parts of the visual system.


Anomalies of colour vision affect about 4.5% of the general population, or nearly 1/20 people. You will therefore
certainly see many patients who have some degree of anomalous colour vision. Colour anomalies may be broadly
classified by aetiology as either hereditary or acquired colour defects. Characteristics of these two groups are
distinct and are summarized below.

• More common
• Non-progressive, stable
• Relatively few colour naming errors in real life
• Not sight threatening
• May affect job performance when colour perception is critical to certain tasks
• Mostly affects males (96%)
• Binocular
• Diagnosis and classification straight-forward
• 99% of these are red-green defects

2014, Version 1-2 Visual Perception and Neurophysiology, Chapter 23-2

Colour Opponent Theory and Colour Anomalies



• Rare but more dangerous
• Associated with ocular disease, therefore potentially sight threatening
• Recent onset, progressive, variable
• Colour naming errors more common
• Can affect males or females
• Monocular or asymmetric
• Diagnosis and classification more difficult
• Red-green as well as blue-yellow defects


The defects can be classified according to which cone photopigment is either missing or anomalous.
• “Protan-_____” refers to an anomaly with erythrolabe (red deficient)
• “Deutan-_____” refers to an anomaly with chlorolabe (green deficient)
• “Tritan-______” refers to an anomaly with cyanolabe (blue deficient)
Colour defects may also be classified according to the magnitude of the defect. Absolute colour blindness of some
kind ends with the suffix “-opia.” Normal vision is trichromatic, but people who are completely missing one of the
cone types are known as dichromats.

• Absence of one of the three cones photopigments
• A more absolute form of “colour blindness”
• Three types depending on which pigment is missing: protanope, deuteranope, tritanope
Other people may have all three cone types, but there may be a weakness or anomaly in one of the photopigments.
These partial colour anomalies use the suffix, “-anomaly.” These people are known as anomalous trichromats.

• All three photopigments present (erythrolabe, chlorolabe, cyanolabe)
• One has an abnormal absorption spectrum that is shifted toward one of the other pigment’s spectra
• Protanomalous trichromat - erythrolabe spectrum shifted toward shorter wavelengths, making it closer
to chlorolabe
• Deuteranomalous trichromat - chlorolabe spectrum shifted toward longer wavelength, making it more similar
to erythrolabe
• See Schwartz, 2004 Fig. 6-1

Protans and deutans are sometimes referred to as red-green anomalous. These defects are usually hereditary, and
are more common. The colour response of patients with red-green anomalies are well defined.
Tritans are referred to as blue-yellow anomalous. Hereditary blue-yellow defects are very rare. If detected, you
should presume that it is an acquired defect caused by an ocular disease, until proved otherwise. You may see
references to another colour anomaly called, tetartanomaly. It is a rare subtype of tritanomaly.

2014, Version 1-2 Visual Perception and Neurophysiology, Chapter 23-3

Colour Opponent Theory and Colour Anomalies


Table 23-1: Summary of classifications


Protanope; No Deuteranope; No
DICHROMAT Tritanope; No cyanolabe
erythrolabe chlorable
Protanomalous Deuteranomalous
abnormal erythrolable abnormal chlorable Tritanomalous abnormal
(normal peak @565nm) (normal peak @ 535 nm) cyanolabe (normal peak
(SCHWATRZ, 2004 FIG. 6.1)
absorption spectrum absorption spectrum @ 430 nm)
shifted to shorter λ shifted to longer λ
ETIOLOGY USUALLY Heredity Heredity Acquired (rare)

2014, Version 1-2 Visual Perception and Neurophysiology, Chapter 23-4

Colour Opponent Theory and Colour Anomalies


• Schwartz SH. Visual Perception - A Clinical Orientation, 3rd Edition. Appleton & Lange, Stamford,
Connecticut, 2004

2014, Version 1-2 Visual Perception and Neurophysiology, Chapter 23-5

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