Prayers of The Faithful
Prayers of The Faithful
Prayers of The Faithful
Response: Lord hear our prayer.
Separation of Families
That our hearts and minds may be open to the children and parents who are crying for help at
the border after they have been separated from one another, we pray,
That we may become a nation of compassion for families and children who are struggling with
violence, poverty and gang-related activities, we pray.
That our borders may be places of kind encounter through the power of the Holy Spirit, rather
than places of separation of families who are seeking to find a refuge, we pray
That all children who are separated at the border from their families may be given watchful
attention with compassionate care and be reunited to their family as soon as possible, we pray
That we may end all separations of families and other immoral practices at the border and work
for compassionate immigration reform, we pray.
That the immigrant families here that worry for the safety of their loved ones, may be comforted
in knowing God will accompany their children, we pray.
That the separation of families may end and families are reunited in their journey of finding a
better home, we pray.
For those arriving at our borders may find welcome, protection, empowered to find
opportunities and integration, we pray to the Lord.
That those who seek to make a home in this country, especially the refugees, may find us
welcoming and willing to help them, we pray to the Lord
That our Church may work in every way for refugees, immigrants and migrants through the
processes of welcoming, protecting, promoting and integrating them into our country, we pray
to the Lord.
For those who escaped from war and poverty that they may find people who will welcome them
with hospitality, we pray to the Lord.
We pray that we may accept the gifts of immigrants with open hands and hearts showing them
that we are brothers and sisters, we pray.
We pray that we may live our baptismal commitment by helping refugees and immigrants in our
country, we pray.
We pray that we may listen to the Word of God and live it out fully by our hospitality to all in our
parish, we pray.
We pray that we may hear and answer, “Here I am” to the Gospel values of being welcoming to
one another, especially our immigrant brothers and sisters, we pray.
We pray that we may reach out to touch others as Jesus did, we pray.
We pray that we are willing to help others who are in need of basic necessities as food and also
able to listen to those in need, we pray
We pray that we may find ways of following Jesus by seeking ways to help refugees, immigrants
and Dreamers and their families, we pray
God of Unity and Hope, we pray that our nation may be transformed with love. May we hear the
cries of families being separated at the border and be ready to help them in any ways we can. All
immigrants are our brothers and sisters and all children are gifts of God to us. May we grow in
caring for others and be sensitive to their needs. May we welcome those who come to our doors.
We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Other Prayers
God of All Families, Cultures, and Nations you invite all of us to work together by accepting one
another, appreciating one another, and valuing the gifts that each immigrant or refugee bring
to us. Teach us to hold one another in love and respect. Today you invite all people—especially
the young people—to bring their gifts and allow them to grow for the good of all. Help us to
welcome and appreciate each other in our parish communities. We pray this in Christ our Lord.
God of Life and Compassion, we pray for our immigrant brothers and sisters, especially the
refugees who have been uprooted from their homes and made difficult journeys to safety in
other lands. Help us to see you, Jesus, in the faces of strangers, in the cries of children traveling
to security and a better life without conflict, war and poverty. Help us to realize that we are
a people of immigrants and that many of our ancestors came to the United States to escape
war, and poverty too. May the gifts of our Gospel values help us to reach out and recognize the
strangers among us, value the gifts that they bring to us and know that in journeying together
we are each enriched. We make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen. God of our Journey,
accompany the many immigrants and refugees who are struggling for life. May we walk with one
another and support them in their journey. Help us to realize that they are truly our brothers and
sisters. Be with them with your love and compassion. We make this prayer through Christ our
Lord. Amen.