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NIKE G077 Tear Resistance R7

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7/23/2018 Rev 7


The purpose of the test is to determine the tear strength for textile, synthetic leather and non-
woven materials by the tongue method using a tensile test machine and the tear strength of
leather and composition leather by measuring the force required to tear a specimen cut
perpendicular to the surface.

Revision # Date Author Reason
0 10/27/02 Yew T Initial Method
Update method to clarify how to report results when
1 Yew T
11/24/04 a material does not tear in a straight line.
Nancy Felten and Addition of sample size and change in sample
10/11/06 Taryn Hensley dimension
Revision of document name from “Tongue Tear
Taryn Hensley and Test” to “Tear Resistance by the Tongue Method”.
3 9/4/07
Nancy Felten Remove Webbing, Plastic, Rubber, Foam, Threads
and Laces from Table in section 5.3.
4 7/17/08 Ed Wachtel New leather sampling
5 12/17/11 Qi Liu New Knit samples
6 4/17/2012 Qi Liu Move Knit sample to NIKE G100
7 3/10/2017 Dave Horspool Addition of Composition Leather

For textiles, synthetic leather and composition leather, the minimum sample size for tongue
tear testing is 12, 3 each in 2 directions (A&B) and 2 orientations (1&2).
For leathers the minimum sample size for tongue tear testing is 6, 2 orientations (A&B) by 3

4.1 For Textile, Synthetic leather and non-woven materials
Die cut 12 rectangular specimens 7.62 x 15 cm (3 x 6 inch) from each yard of fabric. Cut
6 specimens for measurement of the tear strength of warp yarns in the “A” direction
(machine direction) and 6 specimens for measurement of the tear strength of filling yarns
in the “B” direction (cross direction). Make a 7.62 cm (3 in) cut in the long end of each
specimen as shown in Figure 1. Label specimens as A1a, A1b, A1c, A2a, A2b, A2c,
B1a, B1b, B1c and B2a, B2b, B2c. Then mark five successive 12-mm portions starting at
5-mm past the initial cut line as shown in Figure 2.

4.2 For Leather material

Die cut 2 rectangular pieces of leather 2.54 x10.16 cm (1x4 inch) (A & B) from the ISO
2418 sampling area from each of the three hides. It shall have a 0.476 cm (3/16 inch)
diameter hole located on the long axis 2.54 cm (1 inch) from one end and shall be split

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along its axis from the hole to the other end to form two tongues. See Figure 3. Cutting
pattern is similar to Figure 1 but there are just A and B direction, not A1/A2 or B1/B2.

4.3 For Composition Leather material

Using the leather tongue tear die (described in section 4.2 above), cut 6 specimens in A
(machine) direction: cut 3 samples and label specimens as A1a, A1b, A1c, and cut 3 samples
180 degrees to A1 direction and mark as A2a, A2b, A2c. Then die cut 6 specimens in B
(cross) direction, using the same method and mark as B1a-c, and B2a-c.

5.1 For Textile, Synthetic leather and non-woven materials
Set the nominal gage length at 75 mm and use a crosshead speed of 300 mm/min. Then
place the specimen in the clamps so that the slit is centered in the jaws. Each tongue is
held in a clamp in such a manner that the originally adjacent cut edges of the tongues
form a straight line joining the centers of the clamps and the two tongues present opposite
faces of the fabric to the tester. Use a knife to cut the tear if the material does not tear in a
straight line and discard those cutting values.

5.2 For Leather material and Composition Leather Material

Clamp one of the tongues on the specimen in each of the testing grips so that the long
axis of the tongue is in the direction of the motion of the movable grip. The faces of the
grips shall be approximately 50.8 mm (2 inch) from the common base of the tongues
(from the hole). Use a crosshead speed of 300 mm/min. Operate until the specimen starts
to tear.

5.3 Grip Faces

Material to be Tested Grip Face Type

Leather, Synthetic Leather, Composition Rubber coated, flat face
Leather, Textile, Package Materials, grips
Knitted mesh structure


6.1 For Textile, Synthetic leather and non-woven materials
Record the highest load value from each 12 mm section of each specimen. This results in
5 load values for each specimen (A1a, A1b, A1c, etc.). Calculate the average tear load
for each specimen (average of 5 load values).

If the material does not tear in the direction we are testing, a knife can be used to help
initiate tearing in the test direction. In some cases, the material may be weaker in the
cross direction and may not tear in the test direction even if a knife is used. If the
material fails to tear in the test direction, report the value, but note the behavior in the
notes section.

6.2 For Leather material and Composition Leather

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Record and report the initial tear strength as the result. Report the tear loads for both A
and B directions.

7.1 ASTM D 2261-83 Standard Test Method for Tearing Strength of Woven Fabrics by the
Tongue (Single Rip) Method (Constant-Rate-of-Extension Tensile Testing Machine)
7.2 ASTM D 4704-93 Standard Test Method for Tearing Strength, Tongue Tear of Leather.
7.3 Nike Test Method G054: Leather Sampling




B1 B2

Figure 1 – Cutting Pattern for Tongue Tear Specimens

5 mm

12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm 12 mm

Figure 2 – Marking of Each Tongue Tear Specimen

Bold line is the 7.62 cm (3 in) initial cut line
Mark 5 successive 12 mm sections on fabric starting 5 mm after the
initial cut line

Diameter of Hole is
4.76mm (3/16inch)

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Figure 3 – Marking of Each Tongue Tear Specimen

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