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LS 17614 (Part 3) 2021 - ISO 5667-3 2018

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S{rrLd !y 8Sa Edg€ qd6 ttr ltda6 lroltr AE [, Oi.g. Co@Lnl Savio.. - ro,raia ({d.fiipd!84&nsl.

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lP d,6 202.1a2.12a.21E - (*t l A$-20231227-25

fitdT eB6 lS 176{4 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018
lndian Standard
I Supersedrng lS 3025 (Part 1) : 1987 ]

wmfr qqqilT dqlei

- 6\
cTrrrr wd* rrqIET{i{HUr s{h€qrm{

Water Quality Sampling

Part 3
Preservation and Handling of Water Samples

lcs 13.060.45

o Bts 202'1

qrcfrq qrffi qt
rrFFF q"fi, 9 qEE€nE ss< qrrf, r$ ffi_ t toooz
!,$x\ r.bis-oov_in \Mru/-standardsbis_in

December 2021 Price Group 14

Slppa.d by BSA Edoo uds nt EqB ,lm BIS h. OrEg. CoBrdi SdvLc - tdlele (.nf,adt td.llCg,rErdt)
tP .ddt@ 21n14-12a.210 - &d 27/1?,1t2315:a72 .lfitd als>2041227-5

Water Quality Sedional Committee, CHD 36

This lndian Standard (Part 3) whicfi is identical with ISO 5667-3 : 2018 'Whter quality
Sampling Part 3: Preservation and handling of water samples' issued by the lntemational-
Organization for Standardization (lSO) was adopted by the Bureau of lndian Standards on
recommendation of the Water Quality Seclional Committee and approval of the Chemical Division
'under the general title 'WATER QUALIry SAMPLING" this standard is being published in several
- 5667-3
other parts. This part is an adoption of ISO : 2018 which specifies general requirements for
sampling, preservation, handling, transport and storage of all water samples induding those for
biological analyses.
The other parts ot this lndian Standard are:

lS 17614 (Part 1) :2021 \Iater quality Sampling : Part 1 Guidance on the design of sampling
programmes and sampling techniques (under pint)
lS 17614 (Part 4) : 2021 \/ater quality Sampling : Part 4 Guidanc€ on sampling from lakes,
natural and man-m ade (under pint)
lS 17614 (Part 5) : 2021 Vlhter quality Sampling : Part 5 Guidance on sampling of drinking
waterfrom treatrnent works and piped distribution systems (under ptint\
lS '17614 (Part 6) : 2021 \ hter quality Sampling : Part 6 Guidance on sampling of rivers and
sveams (under - pintl
lS 176'14 (Part 7) : 2021 \ hterquality Sampling : Part 7 Guidance on sampling of water and
steam in boiler planls (under pint)
lS 17614 (Part 8) : 2021 Water quality Sampling : Part
- I Guidance on the samding of wet
deposition (under pin|
lS 17614 (Part 9) : 2021 Vlhter quality Sampling : Part 9 Guidance on sampling from marine
waters (under pnnt) -
lS 17614 (Part 10) :2021 Water quality Samding : Part 10 Guidance on sampling of waste
waleB (under pintl -
lS '17614 (Part 12) : 2021 Water quality :
Sampling Part 12 Guidance on sampling of bottom
sediments from rivers, lakes and estuarine areas (under pintl
lS 17614 (Part 131 :2021 Vlhter quality Sampling : Part 13 Guidance on sampling of sludges
(under pin0 -
lS 17614 (Part 14\'. 2021 Vlhter quality Sampling : Part 14 Guidance on quality assurance and
quality control of environmental water sampling and handling (under
lS 17614 (Part 151 :2021 \ryater quality Sampling : Part 15 Guidance on the preseNation and
handling of sludge and sediment samples lunder pint)
lS 17614 (Part 16\ .2021 Water quality Sampling : Part 16 Guidanc€ on biotesting of samples
(under pint) -
lS 17614 (Part 17) . 2021 \A,bter quality
- Sampling . Pad '17 Guidance on sampling of bulk
suspended solids (under pnno
lS 17614 (Part 19\ : 2021 Water quality Sampling : Part'19 Guidance on sampling of marine
sediments(under print)
lS 17614 (Pan 2Ol :2021 \ hterquality-Samding : Part20Guidanceontheuseof sampling data
for decision making Compliance with thresholds and classification
systems (underpnnt)-

(Continued on third cover\

Supdin ry BS8 Edg€ lds rtr tlE ftn BtS raor,.rs C.etanr S:.rvi* - lotrara ( uEd,.Br.s4ee,rEr.dn) _
tP ,dttt.{. 202.14?,121218 - .}srcd 2 12tNZ3 15:1722 4 in !r BIS-2023' 227-Zi

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

This document is intended to be used in conjunction with ISO 5667-1, which deals with the design of
sampling programmes and sampling techniques.

Where possible this document has been brought into line with current standards. Where new research
or validation results have provided new insights, the tatest knowledge has been used.

Guidance on validation protocols can be found in ISO 17034.

ISO 5567-3 provides in Table A.1 validated preservation times and/or conditions as well as descriptions
of best practice. Table A-1 also refers, for each analyte, to those ISO standards available at the date of
publication ofthis ISO 5667-3. This is however not an exhaustive lisL Other methods may be used when
they have been validated. However, it is strongly recommended that where a method validation is not
available, the preservation times for the analyte as listed in Table A.1 for ISO test methods be followed.

The preservation and storage conditions and maximum storage times per analyte as listed in Table A.1
should be regarded as default conditions to be applied in the absence of any other information,

However, if validation of preservation techniques and holding times has been carried out, relative
to specific circumstances and matrices, by a laboratory, then, provided that it can produce evidence
of this validation where they differ from those set out in Tahlsj-l of this standard, these validated
preservation and storage conditions and maximum storage times are deemed acceptable for use by the
validating laboratories.
Attention is drawn to the proposed development of a new part in the ISO 5667 series, which further
elaborares on ISO 5667-3:2018, Annex C, and which will contain guidelines and the elaboration of the
required techniques of how to validate new storage times or preservative methods and details of the
techniques described.

Supplid by BSa Edge unds rh€ lire fM als ld OrnelE CoNhaol S*iE - lo&ara (anuEdheFt'3a{@ml.{m) -
lP addr*2O2.112.121.21a -- ll.ied 2112Dn23 15:17:22 .gan$ B5-2041227-25

This page has been intentionally left blank

Suppain !y BSE Edg6 ondslt lire frm aE ld olEge Co@la.t S€-b6 _ totter. (anur.dtaFraaaoomf qn) -
\P .ddte - d.d 27t12|2o23 15:a7:22 agahst Bls-2o231227'25
lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021
ISO 5667{ : 2018

lndian Standard

listed in AnEc)LA are

- This document and the analytical International Standards
complementary. Where no analytical IDternational Standard is applicable, the technique(s)
described in Tables A.1 to A.3 take(s) normative status.
When new or revised analytical standards are developed with storage times or preservative
techniques differing from those in Tables A.1 to A-3, then the storage times or preservative
techniques should be validated and presented to ISO/TC 147 /SC 6/WG 3 for incorporation into
the next revision ofthis document.

1 Scope
This document specifies general requirements for sampling, preservation, handling, transport and
storage ofall water samples including those for biological analyses.

It is not applicable to water samples intended for microbiological analyses as specified in ISO 19458,
ecotoxicological assays, biological assays and passive sampling as specified in the scope oflSO 5667-23.

This document is particularly appropriate when spot or composite samples cannot be analysed on site
and have to be transported to a laboratory for analysis.

2 Normative references
The following documents are referred to in the text in such a way that some or all of their content
constitutes requirements of this documenL For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For
undated references, the latest edition ofthe referenced document (including any amendmentsl applies.

ISO 3696, Woter lor analytical laboratory use

- Specification ond test methods

ISO 5667 (all parts), Water quality Sampling

ISO 19458, Water quality Sompling for microbiological analysis
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes ofthis document, the following terms and definitions apply.
ISO and IEC maintain terminological databases for use in standardization at the following addresses:
IEC Electropedia: available at http://www.electroped
ISO Online browsing platform: available at
property that the parameter[sJ of interes! information or content of the sample container has not been
altered or lost in an unauthorized manner or subject to loss ofrepresentativeness

Sl+laLd !y BSa Eda6 lidd ilb ac..e ,,!, &S td Oi.e. Cnur.n Sai6 , ror.& (dlrdh+&.!aCer{.ffi)
lP &a 2@_1a2-121 2L - U 27112t2p3 t5:17 Z 4*nl E/5..tu,31?47,s
lS 17611 (Prrt 3f : 202{
ISO 5667.3 : 2018

saDple preservation
any procedure used to stabilize a sample in such a way that the properties
under examination are
maintained stable from the collection step until preparation for analysii

ry9F I to entry: Different analytes may require several samples from the same source that
are stabilized by
different procedures.

[SOURCE: ISO 11074:2015, 4.4.20, modified Note 1to entry has been addedl
sample storage
process, andthe result ofkeeping a sample available under predefined conditions, usually for a specified
time interval between collection and further treatment ofa sample

Note 1 to entry: Specified time is the maximum time interval.

[SOURCE: ISO 11074:2015, 4.4.22, modified Note 1 to entry has been added; "soil sample" has been
changed to "samplel -
storagc time
period of time between filling of t}le sample container and further treatment of the sample in the
laboratory, if stored under predefined conditions
Not€ 1 to entry: Sampling finishes as soon as the sample container has been fllled with the sample. Storage time
ends when the sample is taken by the analyst to start sample preparation prior to analysis.

Note 2 to entry: Further treatmentis, for most analytes, a solvent extraction or acid destruction. The inital steps
of sample preparation can be steps complementary to the storaSe conditions for the maintenance of anal)rte

4 Samplingand chainofcustody
If there is a need to take samples, this is done according to a sampling programme. The first step is to
design a sampling programme. Guidance on this topic is given in ISO 5667-1.

Depending on the sample type and matrix, the guidelines found in ISO 19458 and in the relevant part(s]
oflSO 5557 shall be consulted.

The process of preservation and handling of water samples consists of several steps, During this
process, the responsibility for the samples might change. To ensure the integrity of the samples, all
steps involving the sample shall be documented.

AII preparation procedures shall be checked to ensure positive or negative interferences do not occur.
As a minimum, this shall include the analysis ofblanks (e.g. field blank or sample container) or samples
containing known levels of relevant analytes as specified in ISO 5667-74.

S Reagents and materials

preservatives (e.g, acids, alkalis, formaldehyde) need to be used with
- Certain
caution. Sampling personnel should be warned of potential dangers, and appropriate safety
procedures should be followed.
The following reagents are used for the sample preservation and shall only be prepared according
to individual sampling requirements. All reagents used shall be of at least analytical reagent grade
and water shall be of at least ISO 3696, grade 2. Acids referred to in this document are commercially
available "concentrated" acids.

S{pdi'd !y aS8 Edgo und* tE li'B ftur 8lS hN OiEg. co@la.l s.tui4 - lo,or. (!) _
tP .ddr6 2@.112_12a2ta -N 27n2t:o23 $:17:22 4f,,n r BtsZOz3t 22T-25

lS 17614 (Part 3) :2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

All reagents shall be labelled with a "shelf-life", The shelf-life represents the period for which the
reagent is suitable for use, ifstored correctly. This shelflife shall not be exceeded. Any reagents that are
not completely used by the expiry of the shelf-life date shall be discarded.

NOTE Often the shelf-life of reagents is supplied by the receiving laboratory.

Check reagents periodically, e.g. by field blanks, and discard any reagent found to be unsuitable.

Between on-site visits, reagents shall be stored separately from sample containers and other equipment
in a clean, secure cabinet in order to prevent contamination,

Each sample shall be labelled accordingly, after the addition ofthe preservative, Otherwise, there could
be no visible indication as to which samples have been preserved, and which have not.

5.1 Solids

5.1.1 Sodium thiosulfate pentahydrate, NazSz0:.SHzo, w(NazSzo3.SH2OJ > 99 %.

5,1,2 Ascorbic acid, CeHaOo, w(C6HsO6J > 99 %.

5.1.3 Sodium hydroxide, NaoH, w(NaOHJ > 99 %.

5.1,4 Sodium tetraborate decahydrate, NazB+O2.10H2O, w(Na2BaO7.l0H2O), > 99 Vo.

CAUTION Sodium tetraboratc decahydrate is known to be a carcinogen, mutagen and

- toxin
reproductive (CMR).

5.1.5 Hexamethylenetetramine (hexamine, urotropine), CoH rzN+, w(Ce H pNa') > 99 Vo.

5.1.6 Potassium iodide, KI, w[KI) > 99 o/o.

5,1.7 lodine, Iz. w(lz) > 99 %.

5,1,8 Sodium acetate, C2H3NaOz, w(CzH:Naozl > 99 %.

5.1.9 Ethylenediamine, CzHeNz, w[C2HsN2] > 99 %.

5,2 Solutions.

S.2.1 Zinc acetate solution C4H 6OaZn (lo g/1).

Dissolve 10,0 g of zinc acetate in. -100 ml of water . Dilute to 100 ml with water. Store the solution in a
polypropylene or glass bottle for a maximum period of 1 a.

5,2.2 Orthophosphoric acid {p = 1,7 E/mlJ, H3POa, w[H3POaJ > 85 %, c[H3POa] = 15 mol/I.

s.2.3 Hydrochloric acid (p = 1,2 g/mll, HCl, l,[HCl] > 36 %, c(HCl) = 12,0 mol/.

s,2,4 Nitric acld (p = 1,42 g/mlJ, HNO3, w(HNO3) > 65 %, c(HNOrl = 15,8 mol/|.

5,2.S Sulfuric acid (p * 7,84 g/ml),H2SOa (freshly preparedl.

Dilute concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SOa), p * 1,84 g/ml, w[H2SO+) = 98 o/o 1+ I by carefully adding the
concentrated acid to an equal volume ofwater and mix.

SupdLd by Bsa Edlp udr t b..s rm AS tu Om.s. Co|E,L saYia - r&b (rxr!(tlepd.LarEr..dn) -
tP tua2@j12-t2a.21a - @27nTZ@71ra72 e4fr.I Bl920z3r227_25
lS '17614 (Part 3l : 2021
ISO 5667-3 : 2018

WARNING Adding the concentrated acid to the water caD give violent reactions because ofan
exothermic- reaction.

5.2.6 Sodium hydroxide solution (p:0,40 g/mlJ, NaoH.

5.2.7 Formaldehyde solution fformalinJ, CH2O, 9[CH2OJ = 37 o/o ro 4O % ffreshly prepared]'

WARNING Beware of formaldehyde vapours. Do not store large numbers of samples in small
work areas.-

5.2.8 Disodium salt of ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA) (p 0,025 g/mlJ,

CroHrlNzNazOe'2HzO, w[CroHr+NzNa20s'2 H2OJ > 99 %.

Dissolve 25 g EDTA in 1 000 ml of water,

5.2.9 Ethanol C2H5OH, (p(C2HsOHl = 96 %.

5.2,10 AJkaline Lugol's solution, 100 g potassium iodide (5.1.61, 50 g iodine (5.1.71, and 250 g sodium
acetate [5^13] in 1 000 ml water to pH 10.

5.2.11 Acidic Lugol's solution, 100 g potassium iodide (5.r.6J,50 g iodine (5.1.71 and 100 ml glacial
acetic acid (5.2.17) in 1 000 ml water to pH 2.

5,2,12 Neutralized formaldehyde solution, formaldehyde solution (5.2.71 neutralized with sodium
tetraborate (5.1.41 or hexamethylenetetramine (5.1.51. Formalin solution at 100 g/l gives a final solution
of 9(CH2OJ = 3,7 o/o to 4,0 o/o.

WARNING Beware offormaldehyde vapours. Do not store large numbers of samples in small
work areas.-

5.2.13 Ethanol preseryetive solution.

Ethanol rSJ9l, formaldehyde solution (5.2.7.) and glycerol (5.2.18J (100 + 2 + 1 parts by volume,

5.2.14 Sodium hypochlorite NaOCl, w{NaOCll = 10 %. Dissolve 100 g sodium hypochlorite (NaOClJ in
1 000 ml of water.

5.2.15 Potassium iodate KlO3, w(KIO3l = 10 %. Dissolve 100 g potassium iodate IKI03] in 1 000 ml
of water.

5.2.16 Methanoic acid (formic acid) CH2O2, tp(CH2Oz) > 98 Vo.

5.2.17 Glacial acetic acid C2H4O 2, w{C2H4O2) > 99 o/o.

5.2,18 Glycerol (glycerin, glycerine) C3H5 (OH)3.

5.3 Materials.

5.3.1 Container and cap, types as specified in 'l'ables A. t to A.3.

I.3.2 Filter, pore size 0,40 [m to 0,45 pm, unless a different filter size is specified in the analytical
Internati onal Stan dard.

on'{F C6@ltnt s'rvb.. ' l(obie ('nulrdhePdE!'CEnBr'cdn)
qtd" ltt litl.t ftm BIS lo'
SuD?&d by EsA Ede€
i"*_.r,,..,..rrr_ &2.,t2J-.1r!t.,,o.i. at xBlnl-zs
lS t,6i4 (pert !) : 2O2i
lS0 56673 : 20{8

6 Containers

6.1 Container selection and preparadon

provides some guidance
is of maior importance and ISO 5657-1
The choice of sample container (5'3'1J
on this subiect"

shall also be given
to tL3. The same considerahons ffi ; ;; ;"b;ilri;uitable;onhineimaterial
to if,e selection of cap liner materials'

the samole and the expected *"g. "i ir"i"r"ln'r'niti
sri,"Uf. iypes of cJntainers for each analyte to be
."r.r."d are given in Tab!rl\' ! to A'3'
prescribed can be different from those used for
NoTE For very low concenEations of metals' containers
in thi analytical lnternational standards'
higher concentrations, Details canle-i;";; i;-13lrGAL rr
as polyethylene (PE) or polytetrafluoroethylene
lfthe samples are to be frozen, suitable containers,such
(PTFEl, shall be used to prevent breakage'
containers with a certificate of
The use of disposables is preferred' Some manufacturers supply
cleanliness. lf such a certiticate oicie"niin".r ir supplied, it
is-nlt necessary to clean or rinse the
containers before use.

6.2 Filtration on site

Filtration on site is required in some cases.
Groundwaters shall be filtered on site if dissolved metals need to be analysed.
waters shall be filtered (5J.21 on site, if this is required according to Anllex A. Unless specified
- otherwise, a filter pore size 0,40 pm to 0,45 pm shall be used'

If immediate filtration on site is impossible, then the reason and the time between sampling and
filtration shall be added to the test report.

6.3 Ftlltng the contalner

The container (5.3.1J shall be filled completely unless prescribed differently in Tables A.1 to A.3 or the
analytical International Standard used. If the samples are to be frozen as part of their preservation,
sample containers shall not be completely filled. This is in order to prevent breakage which may arise
from expansion of ice during the freezing and thawing process.
If no preservatives are present in the bottle, then prerinsing the bottle may be advisable. Guidance on
prerinsing can be found in ISO 5667-14,

7 Sample handling and preservation

7.1 Sample handling and presersadon for physical and chemlcal examlnadon
Waters, particularly fresh waters, waste waters and groundwaters, are susceptible to changes
as a result of physical, chemical or biological reactions which may take place between the time of
sampling and the commencement of analysis. The nature and rate of these reactions are often such
that, if precautions are not taken during sampling, transport and storage (for specific analytes), the
concentrations determined are different to those existing at the time of sampling.

The extent of these changes is dependent on the chemical and biological nature of the sample, its
temperature, its exposure to light, the type of the container in which it is placed, the hme between

slrpfa.d !y 8S8 Edge !.dd th6 lidB ftm BIS h. qrEg. co.oLnl S€ i.- ' roht. (euradh.rd,EE4ogtrddn) -
lP &162@.112j21216 - dd 2111212023 15:a7 22 .g.he BIS'2O23',1227'25

lS 17514 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

sampling and analysis, and the conditions to which it is subiected, e.8. agitation during transporL
Further specific causes ofvariation are Iisted in a) to f).
- The presence of bacteria, algae and other organisms can consume certain constituents of
the simples. These organisms can also modify the nature of the constituents to produce new
constitu;nts. This biological activity affects, for example, the concentrations of dissolved oxygen,
carbon dioxide, compounds of nitrogen, phosphorus and, sometimes, silicon.

b] Certain compounds can be oxidized either by dissolved oxygen present in the samples, or by
atmospheric oxygen [e.g. organic compounds, FeIll) and sulfides].

cJ Certain substances can precipitate out of solution, e.g. calcium carbonate, metals, and metallic
compounds such as Al(OH]3, or can be lostto thevapourphase (e.g. oxygen, cyanides, and mercuryJ.

d) Absorption of carbon dioxide from air can modify pH, conductivity, and the concentration of
dissolved carbon dioxide. Passage of compounds like ammonia and silicon fluoride through some
types ofplastics may also affect pH or conductivity.
eJ Dissolved metals or metals in a colloidal state, as well as certain organic compounds, can be
irreversibly adsorbed on to the surface ofthe containers or solid materials in the samples.
fl Polymerized products can depolymerize, and conversely, simple compounds can polymerize.

Changes to particular constituents vary both in degree and rate, not only as a function of the type of
water, but also, for the same water type, as a function ofseasonal conditions.

These changes are often sufficiently rapid to modify the sample considerably in a short time. In all
cases, it is essential to take precautions to minimize these reactions and, in the case of many analytes,
to analyse the sample with a minimum of delay. If the required precaution for changes is filtration on
site, then a filter (5.3.2J shall be used.

Details ofthe sample preservation are given in Table A.1.

7.2 Sample handling and preservation for biologlcal examlnadon

The handling of samples for biological examination is different from that for samples requiring
chemical analysis. The addition of chemicals to the sample for biological examination can be used for
either fixation and/or preservation of the sample. The term "fixation" is defined as the protection of
morphological structures, while the term 'preservation" is defined as the protection of organic matter
from biochemical or chemical degradation. Preservatives, by definition, are toxic, and the addition of
preservatives may lead to the death of living organisms. Prior to death, irritation may cause the most
delicate organisms, which do not have strong cell walls, to collapse before fixation is complete. To
minimize this effect, it is important that the fixation agent enter the cell quickly.
IMPORTANT Acidic Lugol's solutions (52,11) can lead to the loss of structures in organisms
- the
or also lead to loss of small organisms (e.g. some flagellates); in this case, use an ilkaline
Lugol's solution (5.2.10), e.g. during the summer, when the appearance of silico-flagellates is
frequently observed.
The fixing and/or preservation of samples for biological examination shall meet the following criteria:

al the effect of the fixative, and/or preservative, on the loss of the organism shall be known

b) the fixative or preservative shall effectively preventthe biological degradation of organic matter at
least during the storage period ofthe samples;

c) the fixative, and/or preservative, shall enable the biological analyte (e.g. organisms or taxonomical
groups) to be assessed during the storage period of the samples.

Details ofthe preservation of samples are given in'Iable A.2.

Suppbd b, 8SE Edg. udd n e.rE tun AE to. oi.q! Codlel Sdvt- tobb (.Mr6.r.'t Lol|tddr) -

t? &t*2o2.112.12a.21E - tHad 211217023 15:a7:t2 .t*td AE_20231227'25

lS 17614 (Pail t) : 21121

ISO 56673 : 2018

7.3 Sample handllng and preservation for radlochemical analysis

WARNING Radioprotection such as shielding may be necessary, depending on the activity of
the sample.
There is little difference between the handling of samples for radiochemical analysis and the handling
of samples for physicochemical analysis.

The delay between sampling and measurement has to be consistent with the radioactive halHife of
the radionuclides of interest. The conditions to be taken for adequate storage are independent of the
radioactive half-life, but identical to those required for the corresponding stable isotope.
NOTE Cooling radiological samples is primarily used to prevent algal growth and biological spoilage. It is
not a necessary preservation step for radiochemical analyses, These samples are often combined with those for
physical, chemical or biological analysis.

I Sample transport
Cooling or freezing procedures shall be applied to bamples to increase the time period available for
transport and storage and if required by Tables A.1 to A.3. When transport takes place, the sampling
plan (e.g.lSO 5667-11 shall consider:

the time between sampling and start oftransport;

transport time;
starting time of analysis in the laboratory.
This sum ofthese three periods is Iimited to the maximum storage times according to Tables A.1 to A-f,.

If the maximum storage time cannot be met, then the sampling plan shall be reformulated to allow
these requirements to be accommodated.

A cooling temperature of the device during transport of (5 t 3) 'C has been found suitable for many
applications, Cooling and freezing procedures applied shall be in line with instructions from the
analytical laboratory. Freezing especially requires detailed control of the freezing and thawing process
in order to return the sample to its initial equilibrium after thawing.

Containers holding samples shall be protected and sealed during transport in such a way that the
samples do not deteriorate or lose any part of their content. Container packaging shall protect the
containers from possible external contamination, particularly near the opening, and should not itself
be a source of contamination.

Glass containers shall be protected from potential breakage during transport by appropriate packaging.
Samples shall be transported as soon as possible after sampling and with cooling ifnecessary according
to Tables A.1 to A.3.

Laboratory samples for dispatch or transport by third parties and preserved Iaboratory samples should
be sealed in such manner that the integrity of the sample can be maintained.

Samples required for (potential] regulatory investigations should be sealed to a level that meets the
requirements of the authorities or other organization[s] concerned with the transport of the sample.

During transportation samples shall be stored in a cooling device capable of maintaining a temperature
of [5 t 3) "C. For proper evaluation ofthe conditions during transport, a device capable ofrecording the
[maximum) temperature ofthe air surrounding the sample may be used.
NOTE Devices capable of logging of the air temperature during the transportation are available, but their
use and adequate calibration can be costly.

Supdbd b, BSA Eds6 (n, ho llc-E tm BIS fd Olt.s. Co@Lri Swir - lol-b (artrdErdnLolld..dn) -
lP &d 2@.1a2.121 21a -e 211217l,3 15:a72 q.ha a,s-2o231227-?5

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3:2018

9 Identification of samples
Container labels should withstand wetting, drying and freezing without detaching or becoming
illegible. The labelling system shall be waterproof to allow use on site.

The exact information given in the sampling report and on the sample labels depends on the objectives
of the particular measurement programme. In all cases, an indelible label shall be secured to the sample

For each sample, at least the following information shall be available.

A unique identifier, traceable to

date, time and location of sampling;
sample number;
description of sample;
name of sampling personnel;
details of sample preservation, or fixation used;
details of sample storage used;
any information regarding integrity and manipulation of the sample;
any other information, as necessary.
A unique identifier, traceable to sample date, location, and sample number shall appearon the label
- of the sample container.

All other information is supplementary and should be detailed in the sample report.

10 Sample reception
All information regarding sample, handling and storage shall be included in a sampling reporL
Laboratory staff shall receive and check information on sample preservation and sample transport

In all cases, and especially when a "chain of custody" process needs to be established, the number of
sample containers received in the laboratory shall be verified against the number of sample containers

11 Sample storage
The storage duration of the water samples within the laboratory is specific to the analyte(s] to be
analysed. Samples shall be stored no longer than the maximum storage period given in Tables A.1 to
A.3. The maximum storage time includes the time of transport to the laboratory (3f$.

The refrigeration conditions within the laboratory shall be [3 t 2J "C. Where samples are frozen for
preservation, unless otherwise specified, the temperature shall be maintained below -18'C. Exceptions
to these refrigeration conditions are listed in Tables A.1 to 43.

When thawing frozen samples, it is recommended that each sample container be placed in a separate
secondary container to minimize the risk of liquid loss, should a split become apparent during the
thawing process or a rupture occur during initial freezing and storage. A mild impact can cause splitting
of some plastics at low temperatures.

supcti'd by 8SB Edgo und6 r'ta liBM lm ctrr!. coBt
Bls fd nl sNia - tolt r. ($uEdh.Ft, -
lP .<Nt62O2.'112-12!218 - d.d 2h2nt23 15:17 .ZZ .(Ptsr als-2o231227-25

1S17614 (Part s) : 2021

ISO 56673 : 2018

With respectto thawing, itis recommended thatthis be done under ambient conditions, unless specified
otherwise in Tables A.1 to A.3 or the analytical International Standard being used.

SupeLd !t BSB Edg€ uridsttE lir.s tm AE b. oln s. ConarLnl sdis ' koost' (e€dh'pd!'a6smr'6m) -
lP a&t@2@1a2 17,,.21a ' .hd 2 ago,d 8ls-?!731227'25
27112!2t23 15"a7

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018


Techniques for sample preservation

A,1 General
This document and the analytical International Standards listed in this annex are complementary. See
the Notice on page 1.

In some cases the alternative preservation techniques listed contradict each other. It is intended that
where an existing analytical International Standard is used, the preservation technique described in
that method applies. However, alternative preservation techniques given in this document can also be
appropriate. Where no preservation method is described in the analytical International Standard, or no
analytical International Standard is used, the technique(s) listed in this document shall be used.
A validation protocol used for validation studies can be found in Annex C. Reports and data regarding
validation are listed in the bibliography,

A.2 Abbreviations for plastics

FEP perfluoro(ethylene/propyleneJ PFA perfluoroalkoxy IpolymerJ
PE polyethylene PP polypropylene

PE-HD high density polyethylene PTFE polytetra f luoroethylene

PET polyethylene terephthalate PVC poly(vinyl chloride)

A.3 Physlcodremlcal and chemical analysis

See Tahle A.1. The following general remarks should be noted in relation to use ofTable A-1.
A preservation time of1 d means thatif 24 h is exceeded, this should be stated in the reporL
The types of containers are identical to those in the analytical International Standards. In some
cases, the type of container in the standard is very specific, e.g. PTFE, This is essential when very
low concentrations have to be measured. In other cases, when the specific type of plastic is not
important, the term plastics is sufficient.

A.4 Biologicalanalysis
The following general remarks should be noted in relation to use ofTable A.2.

Plastics used for containers in the laboratory are for instance pE, pTFE, pEI pB pFA, and FEp.
- lf a preservation period is not specified, it is generally unimportant The indication "1 month"
represents preservations without particular difficulty.

Supdi.d by ASB EdO. undd th. l6rE lM Bls ld OrE!tr Cdetr Sdi.- ro*.la ldubdiap.L8.l€gmil.le) ..
lP d&62O2.112 121 21A - dd 27h2?o23'15:1?:22 4S-m241227-25

1S17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 56673 : 2018

A.5 Radiochemical analytes and activities

The following general remarks should be noted in relation to use ofTablc A.3.

WARNING Radioprotection such as shielding may be necessary, depending on the activity of

the sample.
Acidification is carried out to avoid algal growth, biological spoilage, and adsorption of metal ions
- to the inner wall of the sample container.

Contamination of the sample should be avoided, especially if the sample activity is very low Some
- sample sites can have measurable activity in the soil or air, or in waters other than those being
sampled. Laboratories, as well as some items of domestic equipment, can contain radioactive
material. When sampling precipitation, any special requirements in this table are additional to
those given in ISO 5667-8. As the collection of sufficient sample can require a period of days, both
the starting and finishing times and dates should be recorded. A record of precipitation collection
for the sample station for the appropriate period should be appended. Stabilizer or carrier may be
added, ifappropriate for the analytes being measured.

- Plastics used for containers in the laboratory are for instance PE, PTFE, PET, PP, PFA, and FEP.
NOTE Some plastics bottles slowly concentrate samples over a period ofmany months by being very slightly
permeable to water. Also see the comments for e.g, radon.

Suppll.d by BSB Eds6 und6.rhe ljc.n6o tom BIS ror oll]€!. Con$trol S6ryic@ - koll€ta (anurodh.pel684@smail cdn) -
lP addr66 202 142 124.218 . dated 21h2hOB 15:47:22 .gEind Bls-?023122 7-25

Table A.1 Technlques for sample preservation Physicochemlcal and chemical analysls -o6
- - o-
Reference lnternatlonal Preservatlon and storage condltions Maxlmum validated or I q,*
Analyte to be studied
Type of container
additional to Clauses I and L[ storage times Best practice 3I
For samples high in dissolved gases, an- .. t,
alyse preferably on site. Reduction and NJ
Plastics or glass
oxidation during storage can change 9 r.r
Acidity and alkalinity t+d Best practice o..
the sample. N
IS0 9963-1:1994 For samples high in dissolved gases,
PE, borosilicate glass
No reference to ISO 5667-3 analys€ preferably on site.
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNO3
Plastics or glass [52,4). Store samples in the dark or use
IS0 9562:2004 Glass is required if dark-coloured bottles, 5d Best practice
Adsorbable organlc No reference to ISO 5667-3 the concentration is
halides IAOX) suspected to be low Ifsamples are chlorinated, Note c
Plastics Freeze to b€low -18 'C. l month Best practice
ISO 12010:2012
Alkanes, Naphthalene Short- refers normatively to Glass Rinse bottles with 2 ml isooctane
chaln ISO 5667-3
(sccPs) ISO 18635r2016 Glass Store samples in the dark or use
No reference to ISO 5657-3 dark-coloured bottles.
ISO 15586:2003 PE, PP, FEP
refers normatively to
tso 5667-3
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
Acidify to pH 1to pH 2 with HNO3
Aluminium refers normatively to concentrationsl
l month Best practice
ISO 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
ISO 17 294-2:20'16 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
tso 5557-3 PFA, FEP
suppli6d by 8sB Edc. o.d.r $. tro$ BIS ior Oe.go So lc.e - kolt.h (.nuEdn.pelD84@{ -
tP 2o2.142.121.2$ | detod 27 t12boB $:47.22.seh61 BIS'20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference lnternatlonal Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maximum Validated or
Analyte to be studied Type ofcontainer
Standard additional to Claurer8 and 11 storage times Best practice
Aluminium fcontinued.) ISO 12020:7997 Suitable plastics, no
No reference to ISO 5667-3 polyolefins (may
contain traces of Al)
ISO 10566:1994 PE
refers normatively to
ISO 5667-3:1994
Plastics or glass Waters shall be filtered on site. Acidify 27d Best practice
to pH 1 to pH 2 with H2S0a (5.2.5).
IS0 15923-1:2013
refers normatively Plastics or glass Waters shall be filtered on site. 1d Validatedtul
IS0 5667-3
ISO 7150-1:1984
No reference to ISO 5667-3

Ammonium IS0 14911:1998 Waters shall be filtered on site. Acidify

refers normatively to PE
to pH 3 I 0,5 with HNO3 (5.2.a).
tso 5667-3
ISO 11732:2005 Waters shall be filtered on site. Acidify 14d Best practice
refers normatively to Glass, polyolefins, to pH 1 to pH 2 with H2S0a (5.2.5),
lso 5667-3 PTFE Store samples in the dark or use
dark-coloured bottles.
Waters shall be filtered on site.
Freeze to below -18 'C.
l month Best practice

Anions: see the individual anions [Br, F-, Cl-, Nor, Not, soi-,-and Po;)

(,t !
.. !,
I r.r
Soppll6d by BSB Edgo undor lh6 lioons. rrcm Bls ror on€s. con& sorylc.! - *oltar. (.nuEdh.patES,losm.ll.oon) -
lP .ddr66 2@.142.12a.2! 8 ", deLd 2711212023 15:17 t22 BIS-20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued) 66

Reference lnternational PreservatioIr and storage conditions Maximum Validated or 8d
Analyte to be studied
'[ype ofcontainer
addltlonal to Clauses B and Ll storage tlmes Best practice 3i
ISO 15585:2003 .. !|
refers normatively to PE, PB FEP r.,A
ISO 5667-3
P r,r
ISO 11885:2007 For normal N
refers normatively to concentrations:
rso 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HCI (s.2.3)
or HNO: [5J.4). HCI (5.2.3) should be
Antimony ISQ 77 294 -2:2016 For low 1 month Best practice
used ifthe hydride technique is used
refers normatively to concentrations: for analysis.
IS0 5667-3 PFA, FEP
IS0 U378-1:2014 and
tSO 77 37 8-2:2074 Borosilicate glass,
refer normatively to plastics
ISO 5567-3
ISO 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PB FEP
ISO 5667-3
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
refers normatively to concentrations:
rs0 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HCI (5.2.3)
or HNO3 [s.2.4). HCI (5.2.:]) should be
Arsenic ISO 17 294-2:2016 For low 6 months Validatedlllll
used ifthe hydride technique is used
refers normatively to concentrations: for analysis.
ISO 5557-3 PFA, FEP
ISO 17378-1r2014 and
ISO 17 37 8-2:2014 Borosilicate glass,
refer normatively to plastics
rs0 5667-3
S'/pplLd b, ASa Ed!. u.dd lh. lic.n6 rrco Bls ,o, Oe.O. Con&ltsht S6rvlcn. tott L (.nudh.p.tn8,l@mel.oom) -
tP .ddtr,' 202 1a2.121.21a !- 21t12;NB $||:U .eehl ats-m231227-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference lnternational Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maxlmum Validated or
Analyte to be studied lype ofcontaiDer
Standard additional to Clauses I and 11 storage times Best practice
ISO 11885:2007 For normal
refers normatively to concentrations:
lso 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNO3
ISO 17 294-2:20L6 For low (s.2.4).
Barium refers normatively to concentrations: L month Best practice
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
tSO 149111998
refers normatively to PE Acidify to pH 3 r 0,5 with HNO3 (s.2.4).
ISO 5667-3
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
refers normatively to concentrations:
IS0 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HN0r
Beryllium 1 month Best practice
ISO t7 294-2:20L6 For low (s.2.4),
refers normatively to concentrations:
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
Store samples in the dark or use
Plastics or glass 1d Best practice
dark-coloured bottles.
Blochemical oxygen
demand (BOD) Freeze to below-18 oC. Store samples 1 month
Plastics in the dark or use dark-coloured (6 months Validatedtloll
bottles. if > 50 mgllJ

4., 1,
Q r.r
SupdLd by ASA Edgs uid.. lho lisnE llqn AA lor Om.!. g.rvlcn - loll(.L ( u'edtc!.tnC.r@miil.@m) -
rP .ddl6 202.142.12a.2! E -d .,l ?l12hv3 15117:22 rg.hd 815.2023122 7-25

Teblc A.l (continued) oo
Reference International Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or Ba*
Analyte to be studied
Type of container
additional to Clauses 8 and Ll storage times Best practlce sI
Boron ISO 11885:2007 For normal .. ,
refers normatively to concentrations: Nl
ISO 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE 9ar
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNO3
6 months Validatedlt(It] o..
ISO L7 294-2:2016 For low (s.2.4). N
refers normatively to concentrations:
IS0 5667-3 PFA, FEP
IS0 15061:2001 Remove any ozone from the sample, for
refers normatively to example, add 50 mg of ethylenediamine
ISO 5667-3:1994
(5.1-9) to 1 I of sample immediately
l month Best practice
after sampling.
lS0 10304-1:2007
Bromlde and bromlne l month Best practice
refers normatively to PE or glass
compounds rso 5667-3
Plastics or glass,
Bromine residual Analyse on site 5 min Best practice
dark coloured
ISO 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PP, FEP
ISO 5667-3
ISO 5961:1994
refers normatively to PE, borosilicate glass
rso 5667-3 Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HN03
Cadmium 6 months Val idate d [l.illl
ISO 11885:2007 For normal (s.2.4).
refers normatively to concentrationsi
tso 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
ISO L7 294-2:2076 For low
refers normatively to concentrationsl
rs0 5667-3 PFA, FEP:
supplLd ty BSE Edg. undd lh. lLsn!. lrcO EIS for O!69a Consultenl Sdvhs. - lollct (rnuEdh.p.hL@m.ll com) -
t? .dd6..202j42j2121i ' if.Ld Zt/tzho23 L:17.22 .g.lnt 8rs.20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference International Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maximum Valldated or
Analyte to be studied Type ofcontainer
Standard additional to Clauses I and ll storage times Best practice
ISO 7980:1986
No reference to ISO 5667-3
ISO 11885:2007 For normal
refers normatively to concentrationsl Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNO3
rso 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE (s.2.a) or HCI (s.2.3).
Calcium ISO 77 294-2:2O16 For low l month Best practice
refers normatively to concentrationsi
lso 5667-3 PFA, FEP
IS0 1491L:1998
refers normatively to PE Acidify to pH 3 t 0,5 with HN03 (s.2.4J.
ISO 5667-3
IS0 9439:1999
Carbon dioxide Plastics or glass Analyse preferably on site. 1d Best practice
No reference to ISO 5667-3
Plastics or glass Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HzSO+ 7d Best practice
[5.2.5) or H3POa[5.2.2J
lf loss ofvolatile organic compounds
ISO 8245:1999 is suspected due to release ofcarbon
Carbon, total organic
(roc) refers normatively to dioxide upon acidification, then
ISO 5567-3 Plastics
acidification is not suitabl€. Cool and
l month Best practice

analyse within I h.
Freeze to below -18 'C
Waters shall be filtered before
ISO 8245:1999 acidifyingto pH 1to pH 2 with H2S0a 7d Best practice
Carbon, dissolved
organic (DOCJ refers normatively to Plastics or glass (s.2.s) or H3Poa.(s.2.2).
ISO 5667-3
Freeze to below -18 oC. l month Best practice

'. o
I r.r
supplied by BsB Edg6 ond6r the lic6ns6iiom Bls lor omg. s6ryh6 " *olkata (.,1.ridhrp.iB64@qm.{,ooB) -
lP .ddlB 2o2.142.124.218 - dEr',ed 27t't2h023 15:41:22 egihn BE-20231227.25

@ Table A.1 (continued)
Reference International Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or sd
Analyte to be studied
IYpe ofcontainer
additional to Cla_uses I and 11 storage tlmes Best practice 3i
Plastics or glass Acidify to pH I to pH 2 with H2S0a Validatedtull
,. s
ISO 15705;2002 6 months Nf
Chemical oxygen demand PP, glass (s.2.s). 9qr
refers normatively to o..
{CoDcr) lSo 5667-3:1994 Plastics
Freeze to below -18 'C. 6 months Validatedlltul N
Plastics o
Chloramine Plastics or dark glass Analyse on site. 5 min Best practice
ISO 10304-4:1997
Chlorate Add NaOH (5.1.3. or 5.2.61 to
refers normatively to Plastics or glass 7d Best practice
pH 10 t 0,5
IS0 5667-3:1994
ISO 15682:2000
PE or glass
refers to ISO 5667-3
None required, common techniques do
IS0 10304-4:1997 1 month Best practice
not have an adverse effect
Chloride refers normatively to Plastics or glass
ISO 5667-3;1994
ISO 15923-1:2013
refers normatively to
rs0 5667-3
Chlorinated solvents]. See Volatile org anic compounrls
Chlorine dioxide Plastics or dark glass None required, analyse on site 5 min Best practice
Chlorine, residual Plastics or dark glass Analyse on site, 5 min Best practice
ISO 70304-4:7997
Chlorite refers normatively to Plastics or dark glass Add Na0H (5.1.3 or s.2.6) to pH 10 r 0,5 7d Best practice
IS0 5667-3:1994
suppli.d by ESB Edsc und.rlh. h.nB.l@m aE ror Om.r. E.rylc.. - loll.i. (.nu.dhrp$ -
lP addE6. 202.142.12a.21E -, bt d 2rl12ao?316:17t?2.gihl aE-20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference Internatlonal Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maximum Validated or
Analyte to be studied lYpe of container
Standard additional to ClausesS and ll storage times Best practice
Filter [5.3.2) preferably on site. Store
samples in the dark or use dark- 1d
coloured bottles.
After filtration [LLZ) and
extraction with hot ethanol, freeze
ISO 10260:1992 to below -18 oC. l month
Chlorophyll Plastics or glass Best practice
No reference to ISO 5667-3
After filffation (5-32), freeze to below filter plus
-18 "C. residue 14 d
filter plus
After ftltratlon (5^32), freeze to below
-80'c. l month
ISO 15586r2003
refers normatively to PE, PB FEP
ISO 5667-3
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNo3
Chromium refers normatively to concentrations: 6 months Validatedtl1ltl
ISO 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE
ISO 17 294 -2:20L6 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
ISO 23913:2005
Plastics or
refers normatively to 24h Best practice
borosilicate glass
ISO 5667-3
ISO 18412;2005
Plastics or
refers normatively to 4d Best practice
borosilicate glass
ISO 5667-3

.. !,
supprLd i{ BSA Edg. und.r lh. lio.n.. tm BIS for Oq.g. Con&lt.nt S6Bk ' toll(.t. (rnundhrp.lnLogm.l.oom) -
P edd]t.'!zn2 12 121.21A - dgltrd 27,12h023 15:41:22 tgrhd AE-20231227-25

o Table A.1 (continued) 66

Reference International Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or Bq*
Analyte to be studied
lype ofcontainer addltional to LlnrJscs]B and 11 storage times Best practlce gi
ISO 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PP, FEP
ISO 5667-3
Q <,,
ISO 11885:2007 For normal N
Acidify to pH I to pH 2 with HNO3 e
Cobalt refers normatively to concentrationsi
l month Best practice N
lso 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
ISO 17 29 4-2:2076 For low
refers normatively to concentrations;
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
Store samples in the dark or use
ISO 7887:2011 5d Best practice
dark-coloured bottles.
Colour refers normatively to Plastics or glass
ts0 5667-3 For groundwater rich in iron(ll),
5 min Best practice
analyse on site.
IS0 7888:1985
Plastics or glass
Conductivity refers normatively to Analyse preferably on site, 1d Best practice
except soda glass
IS0 5667-3
IS0 15585:2003
refers normatively to PE, PP, FEP
ISO 5667-3
ISO 11885:2007
Copper Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNos
refers normatively to PE-HD, PTFE 6 months Validatedtroll
IS0 5667-3
For low
ISO 17 294-2:2076 concentrations:
refers normatiyely to PFA, FEP
ISO 5667-3
sopdbd byBSB Ede. undn lh. lico.e lrcm AE lol Om6!. Cor$ soNlcr - lollrt. ( -
tP &t.n[ 202j12t2L21' -r dda 27n2n,?3 $:a7:22 815,20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Analyte to be studied
Reference lnternational Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maximum Validated or
Type ofcontainer
Standard additional to Clauses I and LL storage times Best practice
ISO 14403-1:2012 and Add NaOH (5J-3 or 5-?-o) to adiust the 7d
lSO 74403 -212072 pH to 12. 1d if sulfide is Best practice
Cyanide, easlly ltberated Plastics or glass present
refer normatively to Store samples in the dark or use
ISO 5667-3 dark-coloured bottles. 3d Best practice
Add NaOH (5.1.3 or 52,6) to 6d
IS0 17690r2015
Cyanide, free (pH = 6) pH=11 t 0,1.
refers normatively to < 1d ifsulfide Best practice
Store samples in the dark or use
ls0 5667-3 is present
dark-coloured bottles.
1d if sulfide ls validatedtllql
Add NaoH (sJJ or 5^2,6J to adiust the present
pH to 12.
Cyanide, total IS0 14403-1:2012 and Plastics or glass
Store samples in the dark or use
ISO L4 403-2:2OL2 dark coloured bottles.
refer normatively to
7d Best practice
ISO 5667-3
Cyanochloride Plastics 1d Best practice
Detergents: See Surfactants
Dissolved solids (dry residue): See Totql solids (total residues)
Extractable organic
halldes IEOX) ln surface lfsamples are chlorinated, Note c
4d Validated[']11
and waste water
Extractable organic
halides (EOX) in If samples are chlorinated, Note c
groundwater and Glass
l month validatedteil
drinking water

.. o
I r,r
Suppll.d by BSB Edg6 undor llt.licola! lrm BIS lor OnFg. C.nEuh.ntS6Nb6s " lolbr. (.nuradhap.l664ogh.ll.@m) -
lP 3ddt@ 2c2 1a2 12a -Z1g - dded 2112|2023 15 11:22 .ezinsl BIS-20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued) 66
Reference lnternational Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or Bd
Analyte to be studied
Iype ofcontainer
additional to Clirusclg and aL storage times Best practice sI
Extractable organic Ifsamples are chlorinated, Note c .. D
Glass applies, Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with 14d Best practice Na
halldes (EOX) P r.r
HN03 (5.2.4) or H2so* [52.5]. o..
IS0 10304-1:2007 cN
refers normatively to
rso 5667-3
ISO 10359-1:1992
refers normatively to
ISO 5667-3
ISO 10359-2:1994 Plastics but not PTFE l month Best Practice
refers normatively to
IS0 5667-3:1994
lS0/TS 17951-1:2016
ISO/TS 17951-2:2016
refer to ISO 5667-3
Acidify with HCI (5.2.3J to 1 mol/l.
Hydrazine Glass Store samples in the dark or use 1d Best practice
dark-coloured bottles.
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HCI (s.2-3), 1 month Best practice
HN03 (s.2.a) or H2S04 (5,Z5).
Glasswith ground
ISO 9377-2:2000
refers normatively to
glass stopper, orwith 4d Best practice
screw cap, lined with
Hydrocarbons ISO 5657-3:1994

Glasswith ground Store samples in the dark or use

IS0 17943:2016
refers normatively to
with dark-coloured bottles.
glass stopper, or
screw cap,lined with If samples are chlorinated, Note c
tso 5667-3
PTFE applies.
Hydrogencarbonatesr See.4cidity and olkalinity
Supplbd by BsB Edgo undor ih6 lh6nr. lrm AE ror Oqog. Consuli.ol Sc.vb.. ' loltrl. ( -.
lP .ddr.6. 202.142. r24.216 .. de\.d 27t',1?h123 15:a1:22 .g.rn.l 8rS.20231227.25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference International 'Iype of contaiDer Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maximum Validated or
Analyte to be studied Standard additional to Clauses B and lLl storage times Best practice
ISO 10304-3:19971
Iodide refers normatively to PE or glass 1 month Best practice
ISO 5657-3:1994
Store samples in the dark or use
Iodine Glass
dark-coloured bottles.
1d Best practice

Plastics or
Iron(ll) borosilicate glass
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HCI (5.2.3). 7d Best practice

ISO 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PP, FEP
ISO 5657-3
I5O 11885:2007 For normal
concentrations: Acidifyto pH 1to pH 2 with HNo3
Iron refers normatively to 1 month Best practice
IS0 5657-3 PE.HD, PTFE
ISO 77294-2:2016 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
IS0 5667-3 PFA, FEP
Plastics or glass or
Freeze to below -18 "C. 6 months Validatedtrl].i]
borosilicate glass
Kleldahl nitrogen
lS0 5663:1984 Plastics orglass or Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 wlth H2S0a
No reference to ISO 5667-3 borosilicate glass (s.2. s).
l month Best practice

lS0 15585 r2003

refers normatively to PE, PB FEP
rs0 5667-3
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HN03
Lead refers normatively to concentrations 6 months ValidatedUll
tso 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
ISO 17 29 4 -2:2076
refers normatively to
For low
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP sd-
Soppllod by 8SB Eds6 und6rlh6lioon!. trelJ' Bls ror olloo€ cons{h.n1s6dic6 - korkai. (.nuEdh.p.tE84o0mell.@m) -
lP .dd6r 202.142.12t.210 - detod 2rt12h123 15.a7 .22 8is.20231227-25

! Table A,1 (continued) 66

Reference lnternational Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or sc-
Analyte to be studied
IYpe ofcontainer
addltlonal to Cl.ruses 8 and ll storage times Best practlce 3t
ISO 11885:2007 For normal '. !)
refers normatively to concentrations: NJ
ISO 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
9 r"r
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNO3 o..
ISQ 77294-2:2076 For low (sJA), N
Lithium refers normatively to concentrations: l month Best practice
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
IS0 14911:1998
refers normatively to PE Acidify to pH 3 t 0,5 with HNOs [5.2.4).
ISO 5667-3:1994
IS0 7980:1986
No reference to ISO 5667-3
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
refers normatively to concentrations: Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 wlth HNOa
1 month Best practice
ISO 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE (5#).
Magnesium ISO 77294-2:2076 For low
refers normatively to concentrationsl
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
ISO 14911:1998
refers normatively to PE Acidify to pH 3 t 0,5 with HNOg (s.2.4).
ISO 5667-3:1994
IS0 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PP, FEP
ISO 5657-3
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNO3
refers normatively to concentrations:
lso 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE
Manganese l" month Best practice
ISO 77 294-220]6 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
IS0 5667-3 PFA, FEP
IS0 14911:1998
refers normatively to PE Acidify to pH 3 t 0,5 with HNO3 (5.2.41.
ISO 5667-3
Suppllod by 8SB Edgo undnlho lic6ns. tqn Bls ior ol.g. con.uhent s6fliE - korkala (.nundh.pain8.lo0m.ll.cen) -
rP .ddr66 202.142.12,1.218 - dat d 27 /12D023 15'47:22 as.insl BIS-2023122 7-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference Internatlonal Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maxlmum Validated or
Analyte to be studied Type ofcontainer
Standard additional to Clauses 8 and lll storage times Best practice
ISO 77 29 4 -2:2O76
Plastics or Add 1 ml HCI per 100 ml ofwater to
refers normatively to
borosilicate glass ensure pH < 1.
ISO 5667-3
6 months Best praitice
lS0 17852:2006 PTFE, FEP,
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNo:
refers normatively to borosilicate glass, (s.2.+).
tso 5667-3 quartz
Mercury Add HCI (s.2.3) 1 ml/100 ml
Particular care is needed to ensure that 2d validated[el]
ISO 72846:2O72 the sample is free from contamination,
refers normatively to FEP, glass Stabilization with digestion step using
ISO 5667-3 a potassium bromide-potassium
1 month Best practice
bromate reagent takes place within the
ISO 15586r2003
refers normatively to PE, PP, FEP
lso 5667-3
For normal
concentrations: Acidifyto pH 1to pH 2 with HNO3
Molybdenum 1 month Best practice
tSO 17 29 4-2:2076 (5.2.4).
refers normatively to
IS0 5667-3 For low
Monocyclic aromatlc hydrocarbons: See Volotile organic compounds
IS0 15586:2003
refers normatively PE, PP, FEP
ISO 5667-3
lS0 11885:2007 For normal
Nickel refers normatively to concentrations: Acidifyto pH L to pH 2 with
6 months Va I idate dlril,ll oo
tso 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE
ISO 77 29 4-2:2076
refers normatively to
For low
rs0 5667-3 PFA, FEP .. D
Q r,r
Suppli6d by ASB Edg. undor lho lioomo to{' Bls ror oll€gs CoNh.nl66rylc6 - tolkal. ( -
lP .ddt46 .. det d 27t12h1n fi17:22 .!.ind AtS-2023122 ?-25

o, Table A.1 (continued) 66
Reference lnternational Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or $c-
Analyte to be studied Type ofcontainer
Standard addltlonal to Clausesj and 11 storage times Best practlce 3i
ISO 13395:1996 PE or glass 1d Best practice .-al!
refers normatively to Nf
ISO 5667-3:L994 PE or glass Freeze to below -18'C. 8d Best practice I r,r
Nltrate all waters
- IS0 15923-1:2013 Plastics or glass 1d Best practice N
refers normatively to Plastics or glass Acidifyto pH 1to pH 2 with HCI (s.2.3). 7d Best practice N
ISO 5667-3 l
Plastics Freeze to below -18 "C. month Best practice
Nitrate in waste water and Plastics or glass Waters shall be filtered on site, 4d validatedt9zl
surface water {ro11

ISo 13395:1996
Analysis should preferably be carried
refers normatively to Plastics or glass
out on site.
1d Best practice
ISO 5667-3:1994
Nitrite all waters
- IS0 15923-1:2013
refers normatively to
rso 5667-3
Nltrlte ln waste water and Plastics or glass Waters shall be filtered on site. 4d Validated[92]
surface water

IS0 29441:2010 Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with H2SOa

Plastics or glass 1 month Best practice
Nitrogen total refers normatively to (s.2- s)b.
ISO 5567-3 Plastics Freeze to below -18'C. l month Best practice
A qualitative analysis can be carried
odour Glass
out on site.
6h Best practice

Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HzSO+

[52,5) or HCI (s.2.3) or HNo3 (52.4).
Oll and grease GIass
Fill bottle to -90 70, leave sufficient
l month Best practice
Acidify to pH 1to pH 2 with HzSO+
Organic chlorine Glass
(5.2.s) or HCI or HN03 (5.2.a) . l month Best practice

IS0 17353:2004 Glass 1d Best practice

Store samples in the dark or use
Organotin compounds refers normatively to
Glass dark-coloured bottles. 7d Best practice
ISO 5667-3
Su Irm BIS lor Omega Conslignt Sery ic$ . kolkal. (.nuEdhap€1864@gmail.cor!)
ppli.d by 8SB Edg6 undd iha li.on$ -
lP addras 202-142.Q;.28 a det6l21?122023 15:47:22 esaind BIS-20231227-25

Table A,1 (continued)

Analyte to be studied Reference lnternational 'Iype ofcontainer Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or
Standard additional to Clause$.8 and lL storage times Best practice
Orthophosphates, dissolved: See Plr osphorus, dissolved
Fix the oxygen on site. Store samples in
Plastics or glass 4d Best practice
the dark or use dark-coloured bottles.
IS0 5814:2012 The electrochemical method may be
No reference to IS0 5667.3 used as well and can be carried out on
Oxygen Plastics or glass 1d Best practice
site, Store samples in the dark or use
dark-coloured bottles.
ISO 17289:2014
Plastics or glass None required, analyse on site.
No reference to ISO 5667-3
Acidifyto pH 1to pH 2 with HzSO+
2d Best practice
Plastics or glass
Permanganate index ISO 8467:1993 t5r.5).
(CODMn) No reference to ISO 5667-3 Plastics or glass Store samples in the dark. 2d Best practice
Plastics Freeze to below -18'C, 1 month Best practice
lfsamples are chlorinated, Note c t4d Best practice
Pesticides, carbamates applies.
Plastics Freeze to below -18'C. 1 month Best practice
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HCI [5.2.3J,
Pesticides, phenoxyalkanoic Glass with PTFE cap HNO3 (5.2.4) or HzSO+ (52.5)c.
herbicidesa 14d
liner or septum Acidify to between pH 3 to 4 witb
alkylhalogenated phenoxy methanoic acid (5216)c. Best practice
acids, hydroxybenzonitriles IS0 15913:2000
and bentazone refers normatively to Glass, dark coloured 3d
ISO 5667-3:1994

I q,*

Q r,r
Supplhd by BsB Edgo und6r lhs licon$ IroJn Els ror onfga consuhant s6wiE - kolkela ( ..
tP .ddt6s 2a2142.124.21A - dat6d 27t12h023 15:47 22 ag.insl BIS-2023122 ?-25

N Table A,1 (continued) -arrG

Analyte to be studied
Reference International
Iype of container
Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or sd
Standard additlonal to Clauses I and 11 storage times Best practice 3E
Pesticides containing Sample endosulfan separately keep at
a.) !
organochlorine and ISO 6468:1996 Dark glass with pH < 2 others adjust to pH 5,0 to pH 25.
1d Best practice
chlorobenzenes No reference to ISO 5657-3 PTFE cap liner IfpH is outside thatrange, extract I r,r
within 24 h. N
a-endosulfan, p-endosul- o
fan, endosulfan sulfate, N
cr's-chlordane, trans-chlor-
dane, cls-heptachlorepoxide,
heptachlol d-HCH, p-HCH,
Y-HCH, 6-HCH, aldrin, diel-
drin, endrln, lsodrin, telo"
drin, hexachlorobutadiene, Va I idate dta3l Is.4l
o,pLDDD, o,p' -DDE, o,p' -DDT, Dark glass with 7d t8ill teol I92l Ie51 tezl
p,p' -DDD, p,p' -DDE, p,p' -DDT, PTFE cap liner
1, 2,4-trichlorobenzene,
1,2,3,5, tetrachlorobenzene,
1,2,4, 5-tetrachlorobenzene,
Some organophosphorus compounds
can degrade rapidly in an aqueous
Pesticides containing IS0 10695:2000 Dark glass with environment, Therefore, unless
1d Best practice
organophosphorus No reference to ISO 5667-3 PTFE cap Iiner stability trials indicate otherwise,
extract the sample within 1d of
collection of phosphorus compounds,
Sr,pplLd by Bsa Edg6 undd ih6 lk @ ftoln AIS lor o.Ws. S. 106 . tolk l. (..uEdh.p€lE8ao0m.[.com) -
lP .ddr@ 2O2. ra2.12a.21E - dat d 27/12h123 $tl122 .g.hd AE-20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference lnternatlonal Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maxlmum Valldated or
Analyte to be studied Type of container
Standard additional to Clnusqt8 and 11 storage times Best practice
Pesticides contalning
diazinon, dichlorvos, Dark glass with
PTFE cap liner 7d Validatedl9lllul
dimethoate, dlsulfoton,
malathion mevinphos,
ISO 21458:2008 Plastics,
No reference to ISO 5667-3 e.g. polyolefin 6d Best practice
Pesticides containing l
Freeze to < -18 'C month Best practice
glyphosate IS0 16308:2014
lf samples are chlorinated, Note c
refers normatively to Glass, PE, PP
ISO 5667-3
Some organic nitrogen compounds can
degrade rapidly in an aqueous environ-
Pesticides containing ISO 10695:2000 Dark glass with ment. Therefore unless stability trials
PTFE cap liner indicate otherwise, extract the sample
2d Best practice
orBanonitrogen No reference to lS0 5667-3
within 2 d ofcollection for nitrogen
ISO 11359:1997
Pesticides containing Dark glass with
refers normatively to 7d Best practice
organonitrogen PTFE cap liner
ISO 5667-3:1994
Pesticidcs contalnlng
organonitrogen Dark glass with
atrazlne, propazlne, simazine, PTFE cap liner
l month Va I idate d [94] [92]
terbutryn o-
.. t,
Supplied by BsB Eds6 und6.lho rio6n$ tb[n Bls Io, OD€la Consult8nl Soryicos - korkaia (enuBdhapatES.l@smail.oon) ..
lP addt6$ 202.142j24.21a - detod 27h2D023 15:47:22 .garnsl BIS-20231227-25

o Table A,l (continued) 6d

Analyte to be studied
Reference lnternational
lype ofcontainer Preservation and storage conditions Maximum validated or Bd
Standard additional to Clauses B and a1 storage times Best practice
Petroleum and derivatives: See llydrocarbons 9r!
ISO 10523:2008 9or
pH refers normatively to Plastics or glass o..
ISO 5667-3 N
Validatedt8rl o
PE or glass. Exclude Analyse preferably on site. 1d Ilo!l
IS0 10523:2008
air by use ofa
- [anaerobic)
refers normatively to
specially shaped
IS0 5667-3

Acidify to pH <4 with HgPo+ (5.2.2) or 27d Best practice
H25oa (5.2.5).
Phenol index ISO 74402:7999 Acidify to pH < 4 with H3P04,( l-2)
refers normatively to PTFE, glass or H2SOa (5.2"5). Store samples in the 2Ld Best practice
lS0 5667-3:1994 dark or use dark-coloured bottles.
ISO 8165-1:1992 Glass or borosilicate
refers normatively to glass with PTFE cap
Acidify to pH < 4 with H:P0+ (5.2.2) or 27d Best practice
HzSo+ (5-iLE)c.
ISO 5667-3:1985 liner
IS0 8165-2:1999
refers normatively to Glass, dark coloured pH<2 7d Best practice
I5O 5667-3:1994
ISO 18857-1:2005
refers normatively to
IS0 5667-3 Glass with ground Acidify to pH 2 with HCI (5.2.3) or
Phenols, alkylated glass stoppet or with H2s0a (5.2.s). 14d Best practice
ISO 18B 57-2r2009
refers normatively to screw cap, lined with
ISO 5667-3
Suppllod by BsB Edg. und6, th.licoB.lrorn BIS for Om.!. Consuhsnl S6fri:s! - kolk l. (.iuEdh.petB84ogm0ll.6m) -
lP .ddr6s - dd.d 211?Do23 15:47:22 .9ei..1 Bls-20231227.25

Table A,1 (continued)

Reference lnternatlonal Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maxlmum Validated or
Analyte to be studied Iype ofcontainer additional to Clauses I and 11 storage times
Standard Best practice
IS0 8165-1:1992
refers normatively to
ISO 5667-3:1985 Glass or borosilicate
If samples are chlorinated, Note c
Phenols, chlorinated glass, with PTFE cap 2d Best practice
ISO 8165-2:19991 applies.
refers normatively to
ISO 5667-3:1994
Waters shall be filtered on site, Before
IS0 15923-1:2013 Plastics or glass or analysis, oxidizing agents may be
refers normatively to borosilicate glass removed by addition ofironIl) sulfate
ISO 5667-3 or sodium arsenite,
Freeze to below -18 oC.
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
Phosphorus, dlssolved refers normatively to concentrations: l month Best practice
IS0 5657-3 PE.HD, PTFE
ISO 77 29 4-2:2076 For low Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HN03
refers normatively to concentrations: (s.2.4).
rs0 5667-3 PFA, FEP
tSO 6878:2004 Preferably glass,
No reference to ISO 5667-3 otherwise PE, PVC

I r,r
Supprird b, 8SB Edg6 undd lho lb.n!. t.o{n Bl8 ror ot€g. coe[.nl S.rvb.r - koltai. (snuBdhgpet684@m.l.oom) _
lP sddB6 r detod 27n212021 t511122 ag.hd 8IS-2023122?-25
N Table A.l (continued) 66
Reference International Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or sd
Analyte to be studied
Iype ofcontainer addltional to Llalrses,8 and -l-1
storage times Best practlce 3I
.. ,l
Plastics, glass or
borosilicate glass 9cr
IS0 15681-1:2003 o..
refers normatively to o
ISO 5667-3 Plastics, glass or
IS0 15681-2:2003 borosilicate glass
refers normatively to
ISO 5667-3 Acidify to pH I to pH 2 with H2S0a 1 month Best Practice
Phosphorus, total IS0 11885:2007 For normal (s.2.s) or HNo3 [s.2.aJ.
refers normatively to concentrations:
ISO 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
$A 17294-2:2016 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
IS0 6878:2004 Preferably glass,
No reference to ISO 5667-3 otherwise PE, PVC
6 months validate d t 10ll
Plastics Freeze to below -18 'C,
lS0 18856:2004
Phthalates Store samples in the dark or use 4d Best practice
refers normatively to Glass
dark-coloured bottles.
rso 5667-3
SLrpplLd by ASE Edg. und.r lh6 lio6n!. tlom Bls ror 66Nlo6 ' tolk l. ( -
rP .ddr... 202.142.12a.218 - det6d 21t12n023 15:17:22 .sarnd BrS-20231227-25

Table A.1 (continued)

Reference International Preservation and storage condltlons Maximum Validated or
Analyte to be studied Type of container
Standard additional to Claussa8 and 11 storage times Best practice
ISO 6468:1996
Adjust to pH 5,0 to pH 25. If pH is 1d Best practice
No reference to lSo 5667-3
Polychlorinated biphenyls Glass, with PTFE cap outside that range, extract within 24 h.
IPcBs) liner Va lidatedls3ll!41
lf samples are chlorinated, Note c 7d I86llq0lIq2][q5]lq4
Store samples in the dark or use
dark-coloured bottles,
Polychlorinated naphthalenes ISO/TS 16780:2015
IfpH > 9, adjustto pH = 7 with H2S04
(PCNs), mono- to octa- refers normatively to Dark glass
7y Best practice
ISO 5667-3
lf samples are chlorinated, Note c
ISO 17993:2002
refers normatively to 7d Best practice
Polycyclic aromatic ISO 5557-3 Glass, with PTFE cap lf samples are chlorinated, Note c
hydrocarbons (PAHs) ISO 28540:2011 Iiner applies.
For naphtha-
refers normatively to Validatedt]!51
lene only 4 d
ISO 5667-3
ISO 11885:2007 For normal
refers normatively to concentrations:
lso 5657-3 PE-HD, PTFE
ISO 17 2i4-2:2O76 For low Acidify to pH 1to pH 2 with HNO3
refers normatively to concentrations: (Le4).
Potassium ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP l month Best practice
IS0 9964-3r1993
No reference to IS0 5667-3
ISO 14911:1998 PE
refers normatively to Acidify to pH 3 t 0,5 with HN03 (s.2.4). 66
ISO 5667-3
q, 1'
.. !,
Q r.r
SupplLd E BSB Ede . (,d., lh6 licons tM Bls ror orEga conelt..l s6ry ic6 - kolk i. (.nundh.Fka8,lo0m.ll.oom) -
lP edd@ 2o2.112.12a.218 1 deLd 271122023 15:47:22 .g.hd AE-20231227-25

Table A,l (continued) oo

Reference lnternational Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or H4"
Analyte to be studied Type ofcontainer
Standard addltional to Clauses 8 and la storage times Best practice $r-
ISO 15585:2003
'. D
refers normatively to PE, PB FEP
lso 5667-3 Qor
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HNO3 .c..
ISO 11885;2007 For normal N
(s,2.4). c
refers normatively to concentrations: l month Best practice N
IS0 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE HCI (5.2.3) should be used ifthe
Selenium hydride technique is used for analysis.
lSo L7 294-2:2076 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
ls0 5667-3 PFA, FEP
ISO/TS 17379-L:2013 and
ISO/TS 77379-2:2073
Glass or plastics Acidify to pH < 2 with HCI (5.2.3).
refer normatively to
rs0 5667-3
Plastics Waters shall be filtered on site. l month Best practice
ISO 16264:2002 Waters shall be filtered on site. Analyse
Plastics 5 min Best practice
No reference to ISO 5667-3 as soon as possible,
Silicates, dissolved
ISO 15923-1:2013
refers normatively to
ISO 5667-3
Silicates, total Plastics l month Best practice
supplird by asa Ed96 und6r th6lic.nsrbm Bls lo. om6ga con$ s6dib - loltaL (.nuddh.palEE4@rui1.@m) ..
tP.dnt6. 2o2 t42-121-218 -t dat6d 2 1212023 15:17 22,oalnd 815.20231227-25

Table A.1 [continued)

Reference International Preservatlon and storage conditions Maximum Validated or
Analyte to be studied lype ofcontainer
Standard additional to Clalsesi and 1l storage times Best practice
ISO 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PB FEP
ISO 5667-3
ISO 11885:2007 For normal
Silver refers normatively to concentrationsl Acidifyto pH 1to pH 2 with HNO3
l month Best practice
ISO 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE
ISO 77 294-2:2O16 For low
refers normatively to concentrationsi
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
IS0 11885;2007 For normal
refers normatively to concentrations:
ISO 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE Acidify to pH 1to pH 2 with HNO3
ISO 77 294-2:2076 For low (s.2.+).
refers normatively to concentrations:
Sodium rs0 5667-3 PFA, FEP 1 month Best practice
ISO 9964-3:1993
No reference to ISO 5667-3
ISO 14911:1998
refers normatively to PE Acidify to pH 3 t 0,5 with HNO3 (5.2.4).
ISO 5667-3
Solids, suspended Plastics or glass 2d Best practice

Q r,.r
suppllod b, ASB Edee od.r lh6lbon..lrcm BIS lor Ohoc. S6dL!. - kolksl. (.nundh.p.ln8:lo0m.ll.oom) ."
lP ddr.* 2v 142.1?a.21A a det d 2f11212023 15:a7t22 .geinr BIS'20231227.25

ot Table A,1 (continued) oo

Analyte to be studied
Reference International
lype ofcontainer Preservetion and storage conditions Maximum Validated or 8d
Standard additional to Clauses B and LL storage tlmes Best practice 3E
IS0 10304-1:2007 .. D
refers normatively to Plastics or glass l month Best practice Na
ISO 5667-3 o..
ISO 15923-1:2013 cN
refers normatively to
tso 5667-3
Fixthe sulfide on site by adding 2 ml
zinc acetate solution (fz-l).
Add NaOH (5.1.3) ifthe pH is not
Sulfide (easily liberated) Plastics 7d Best practice
between 8,5 and 9,0
Ifsamples are chlorinated, Note c
ISO 10304-3:1997 Fix the sulflte on site by addition of
Sulfite refers normatively to Plastics or glass L ml EDTA solution (5iLIl) per 100 ml zd Best practice
IS0 5667-3:1994 ofsample.
3d Best practice

Surfactants, anionic Add formaldehyde solution [5.2.12. 4d Best practice

see warning).
Freeze to below -18 'C. l month Best practice
Surfactants, cationic Glass 2d Best practice
Add formaldehyde solution [5.2. | 2.
Surfactants, non-ionic Class
see warning).
l month Best practice
Suppli.d by BSB Edg. ondor ih6li..n& lEm BIS ror orEgE cor$lient s6Ni.6 - kolt t. (.ouEdh.p.lm8,{Oq, -
lP -r dd.d 27h2n023 13:41:22 .s.hd 815'20231227-25

Table A,1 (continued)

Reference Internatlonal Preservatlon and storage condltlons Maximum Valldated or
Analyte to be studied Iype ofcontainer
Standard additional to Clauses I and 11 storage times Best practice
IS0 11885:2007 For normal
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HCI [5.2.3)
refers normatively to concentrations:
IS0 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
Tin HNo3 (s.2.+). l- month validated[82]
lSO 77 29 4-2:2016 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
HCI [5.2.3] should be used ifthe
ISO 5667-3 hydride technique is used for analysis.
Total hardness: See Calcium
Total solids (total residues,
dry extract) Plastics or glass 7d Best practice

Trihalomethanes i See Volatile organic compounds

Store samples in the dark or use
ISO 7 027 -1,t2076
TUrbidity Glass or plastics dark-coloured bottles. Analyse 1d Best practice
No reference to lS0 5667-3
preferably on site.
ISO 77 294-2t2076
Plastics or Acldify to pH 1 to pH 2 wlth HNO3
Uranium refers normatively to
borosilicate glass (s.2.4).
l month Best practice
ISO 5667-3
IS0 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PB FEP
rso 5667-3
ISO 11885:2007 For normal
Vanadlum refers normatively to concentrations
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 wlth HN03 l month Best practice
IS0 5667-3 PE-HD, PTFE
ISO 17 294-2:2076 For low
refers normatively to concentrations:
ISO 5657-3 PFA, FEP

.. !a,
I r.r
co ..
SupplLd by ASa Edgo u,nor iho lrc6n3€ lm Als for orn69. S6ryE6 - kolkrt. (enundhap.hS,ro€m.t.oom) "
lP .ddl@ 202.142.12a,218 .rdd.d 27112nO23 15:11:22 ig.hsl Bls-20?31z2 r-25

Table A.1 (continued) -o-o

Reference lnternationat Preservation and storage conditions Maximum Validated or Sq*
Type ofcontainer
Analyte to be studied
Standard additional to clauses B and L[ storage times Best practice 3I
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HCI [s.2.3), Validatedistllgil '. o
7d IgIU Nf
HN03 (5.2.a) or H2S0a (s.2.5).c Qor
Glass, with PTFE cap
ISO 15680:2003
liner or Ihead-space) Ifsamples are chlorinated, Note c
refers normatively to 5d Best practice N
vials with PTFE cap applies. N
ISO S667-3
liner r52J)
For purge- and-trap, HCI
Volatile organic compounds ISO 17423 -l:L997
interferes 2d Eest practice
No reference to IS0 5667-3
Volatile halogenated
hydrocarbons, monocyclic ISO 11423-2:7997
2d Best practice
aromatic hydrocarbons and No reference to ISO 5667-3
other solvent like organic ISO 20595:2018
compounds refers normatively to 1d Best practice
ISO 5667-3
Store samples in the dark or use
lS0 17943:2015 dark-coloured bottles
Glass, with PTFE 5d
refers normatively to
cap liner If samples are chlorinated, Note c
ISO 5667-3
ISO 15586:2003
refers normatively to PE, PE FEP
ISO 5567-3
ISO 11885:2007 For normal
Acidify to pH 1 to pH 2 with HN03
Zinc refers normatively to concentrations: 6 months Validated{r1-)ol
tso 5667-3 PE.HD, PTFE
ISO L7 294-2t2016 For low
refers normatively to concentrationsl
ISO 5667-3 PFA, FEP
a According to Iso 15913:2000.
b Not recommended for simultaneous persulfate oxidation/digestion procedures.
c If the sample is suspected to have been chlorinated, for each 1 000 ml of sample, add 80 mg of NazSzOr.SHzO [5JJ) to the container after collection of sample
for after sampling).
Supplid by ASB Edg6 undd lh6 lic6ns6 iiom BIS for On€g.oomuhanl Sodicos - lo1k!i. ( -
lP eddtBs 202.142 124.218 -, deLd 2 12D023 15:47t22 .gainEl BIS-2023122 7-25

Table A,2 Techniques for the preservation of samples Biological analysis

- -
Maximum recommended
Organism group to of
TYpe Preservation technique preservation time before Comments
be studied container within the laboratory analysis
Counting and identification
Benthic macro- Plastics or glass Add ethanol (57I) to the 1 year Water in samples should first be decanted, rinsed in
invertebrates, Iarge sample to give a final volume deionized water, and returned for storage in the
samples fr aclion oI 7 0 o/o to 7 5 o/o ethanol solution.
Benthic macro- Glass Transfer to ethanol Indefinitely Special methods are required for invertebrate groups
invertebrates, small preservative solution [5JJ3; that are distorted by normal preservative treatment
samples (e.g. refer- see warning to 5.2.12) [e,9, platyhelminthes).
ence collections)
Algae and Glass or plastics Addition of0,5 partto l partby 6 months Store samples in the dark. Alkaline Lugol's solution
phytoplankton with tight volume of [acid [5.2.10] or alka- (5.2.11J is generally applicable in fresh water and acidic
fitting lid line [5.2.11)] Lugol's solution to Lugol's solution [5-ZJ0) in marine water with delicate
200 parts by volume ofsample, flagellates. For specific determination, see specific
Cool to (3 t 2)'C standard. Addition ofmore Lugol's solution may be nec-
essary if decolourization occurs. Oversaturation [deep/
brown colouring) should be avoided, yet enough Lugol!
solution [s-aJo or 5.2.1I.J should be added to turn the
sample to a cognac or straw colour.
Fill bottle to -90 0/0, leave sufficient headspace to allow
Microalgae Glass or plastics Addition of0,5 part to 1 part by 6 months Store samples in the dark. Alkaline Lugol's solution
\/ith tight volume of [acid (SJJ!) or alka- (5.2.11) is generally applicable in fresh water and acidic
fitting lid line {5.2.11)l Lugol's solution to Lugol's solution (52J0) in marine water with delicate
200 parts by volume ofsample. flagellates. For specific determination see specific
Cool to (3 t 2) "C standard. Addition ofmore Lugol's solution maybe nec-
essary if decolourization occurs. Over saturation (deep/
brown colouring) should be avoided, yet enough Lugol's
solution (5.2.10 or 5.2.11) should be added to turn the
sample to a cognac or straw colour,
Fill bottle to -90 0/0, leave sufficient headspace to allow 66
Freeze to below -18 "C 7 year Special procedures may be necessarywith groups
which are changed by standard applied preservation
(.t !
methods. ,. D
Q r.r
Soppliod bt BSB Edge underlhe licon$ rbm EIS for Om6ga Con$hanl S6aic.s - tokera {anuEdhapalE8, -
lP addr.s ', dalod 21112hO23 15:17:22 againsl BIS-20231227-25

o Table A.2 [continued) 6d
Organism group to Tlpe of Preservation technique
Maximum recommended se-
be studled contalner withln the laboratory
preservation time before
Comments 3I
Macrophytes Glass or plastics Add ethanol [5-?9) to the 6 months Fill bottle to -90 %0, Leave sufficient headspace to allow
with tight sample to give a final volume homogenization, 9or
fitting lid fraction of 7 0 o/o to 75 o/o
Freeze to below -18'C 7 Special procedures may be necessary with groups
which are changed by standard applied preservation
Benthic diatoms Glass or plastics Addition of 0,5 partto 1 part by 6 months Store samples in the dark. Alkaline Lugol's solution
with tight volume of [acid (5JJ-0] or alka- [5J-1-I) is generally applicable in fresh water and acidic
fitting lid line (5.2.11)l Lugol's solution to Lugol's solution (5.2.10) in marine water with delicate
200 parts by volume ofsample. flagellates. For specific determination see specific
Cool to (3 r 2) "C standard. Addition ofmore Lugol's solution maybe nec-
essary if decolourization occurs. Over saturation [deep/
brown colouring) should be avoided, yet enough Lugol's
solution (5.2.10 or 52-L[) should be added to turn the
sample to a cognac or straw coloul,
Fill bottle to -90 0/0, Leave sufficient headspace to allow
Add ethanol (SJ!J to the 6 months Fill bottle to -90 0/0, Leave sufficient headspace to allow
sample to give a final volume homogenization.
fraction of 7O o/o to 7 5 o/o
Pelagic diatoms Glass or plastics Addition of0,5 partto l part by 6 months Store samples in the dark. Alkaline Lugol's solution
with tight volume of [acid (5.2.10J or alka- (5,2.10 is generally applicable in fresh water and acidic
fitting lid line (5.2.r1)l Lugolt solution to Lugol's solution (5.2.10) in marine water with delicate
200 parts by volume ofsample. flagellates. For specific determination see specific
cool to (3 r 2) "c standard. Addition ofmore Lugol's solution may be nec-
essary if decolourization occurs. Over saturation (deep/
brown colouring) should be avoided, yet enough Lugol's
solution (5.2.10 or 5-jl"11J should be added to turn the
sample to a cognac or straw colour.
Fill bottle to -90 %, Leave sufficient headspace to allow
_ lolltt' ('trurdhtrtllat.elmtl @ln) _
suppr.d !y ASE Edg. unrLr lh.lio.ns! lrom BIS lot onpeu cons{lLnt s'w"'
tp sddJt.'6 2@j42.121.218 -. d..t 27n2no23 15t47 22 rg.hd BrS'20231227_?5

Table A.2 (continued)

Maximum recommended
Organism grouP to lVpe of Preservation technique preservation time before Comments
be studied contalner within the laboratorY analYsis
L year Suitable for crusteaceans and rotiferans.
zooplankton Plastics or glass Add ethanol (5i19) to the
sample to give a final volume
fraction of70 %i to 75 o/o
Add neutralized formaldehYde l year
solution (5.2.12. see warning)
Add acidic Lugol's solution 6 months Addition ofmore acidic Lugol's solution (5.2.1 1) may be
necessary if decolourization occurs,
Fresh and dry mass
Plastics or glass cool to (3 r 2) 'C 24h Do not freeze to below -1.8'C. The analysis should be
Benthlc macro- carried out as soon as possible and not later than 24 h
3 months minimum preser- Note that fresh and dry (bioJmass determinations of
macrophytes, algae, Plastics or Slass Add neutralized formaldehYde
zooplankton, fish solution (5.2.12. see warning) vation time before analysis periphyton and phytoplankton are usually based on the
cell volume measurements made during counting and
identification procedure from the preserved sample.
Mass ofash
3 months minimum preser- Note that fresh and dry (bio)mass determinations of
Benthic macro- Plastics or Slass Add neutralized formaldehYde
solution (52Je see warning) vation time before analysis periphyton and phytoplankton are usually based on the
invertebrates, macro- cell yolume measurements made during counting and
phytes, algae, identification procedure from the preserved sample.
Dry mass and mass ofash
6 months Sample is filtered through preweighed glass-fibre
Zooplankton Plastics or glass Freeze to below -18 "C
membrane filters and then frozen to below -18 "C.

(., !
? r,r
Suppliod byASBEdg6 und6rlho lioon$lqnBlS for olil6g. Cons hant S6wi.66 - kolklla ( -
lP .ddr@ 202.142 '121.21a - delod 2l12ho23 15:47:22 ag.insr 81s"20231227-25

Table A,3
- Techniques for sample preservation
- Radiochemical analytes and activities 66
Analyte or Maximum recommended Be*
Type of
activity to be
container Preservation technique preservation time before Comments 3E
studied analysis 9r!
r.r A
Acidify to pH <2 with HN03 Do notacidify ifthe sample is evaporated immediately on
Gross alpha
l month
a planchette for analysis. without acidification, however,
Q r.r
activity Plastics Ga ,.
7d store samples in the dark and cool to (3 t 2)'C ifpossible. N
None cN
Gross beta- Acidify to pH < 2 with HN03 Do notacidify ifthe sample is evaporated immediately on
1 month
activity [except io- Plastics (s.2.4) a planchette for analysis. Without acidification, however,
dine radioisotopes) None 7d store samples in the dark and cool to (3 t 2) "C if possible.

Acidify to pH < 2 with HNO3 If possible, store samples in the dark and cool to
(sJ.4) l month
Gamma-emitters Plastics [3 r 2) 'c.
lfa sample is notacidified, stora8e maybe shorter if
None 7d metal present are easily hydrolysed.
Actinides Acidify to pH <2 wtth HN03
2 months
[alpha-emitters lfpossible, store samples in the dark and cool to
such as uranium, Plastics
plutonium, [3 12) "C.
None td
americium, curium)
Add NaOH (s.2.4) to pH > 10 l month Fill bottle completely,leave no headspace and do not stir
Ifpossible, store samples in the dark and cool to
(3 t 2) "c.
r4c Plastics None 5d 0nly ifpH > 7, fill the container completely to avoid any
exchange between sample and the air above.
Ifpossible, store samples in the dark and cool to
(3 r 2) "C.
Acidify to pH < 2 with HNO3 7d For gamma-spectrometry, acidification is sufficient.
(s-2-4). For gross beta-determination, acidify to pH < 1 with
Iodine Where iodine-isotopes are meas- HN03 [5.2.4); add 2 ml to 4 ml ofNaOCl [5.2.14J per litre
(radioisotopes] Plastics
ured with gross-beta-detection ofsample, ensuring an excess offree chlorine.
techniques, add KIO3 (5.2.15) to Ifpossible, store samples in the darkand cool to
prevent losses during evaporation (3 r 2) "c.
Fill bottle completely, leave no headspace and do not stir,
Radon isotopes Glass cool to [3 r 2) "c 1d If possible, store samples in the dark.
suppliod by ASB Edgo und6r iho lic€nse rrcf Brs aor Omegs Coneheni ssdi.6 - toltaia (anuEdhapalES4@omail.6on) -
tP addr6ss 202.142 12a.218 , - det d 27t12DO23 15:17:22 against BtS-20231227-25

Tahle A.3 (continued)

Analyte or Maximum recommended
activity to be TYpeof Preservation technique preservation time before Comments
container analysis
Acidify to pH < 2 with HNO3
2 months lfpossible, store samples in the darkand cool to
Radium Plastics (s.2.4).
(3 i 2l 'C.
None 2 months
Strontium Acidify to pH < 2 with HN03 lfpossible, store samples in the dark and cool to
Plastics 2 months
radioisotopes (sJA) [3 r 2) ',C.
Fill bottle completely, leave no headspace and do not stir.
Tritium Plastics, glass 3 months If samples are analysed without distillation, store
samples in the darkand cool to (3 t 2) "C ifpossible.

.. t,
9 r.r
Supdbd by 8sB Edg. udd tr E .E ,rom Blli hi Orq. CoBL.l s.oia - loltatr (in@dh.rd,.t.ArEa.m) -
tP &a 2Q.. t12.12..21E - .M 2ltt2tlgzl 15:172. q*dBt92orJ1?,7-2s

lS 17814 (Prrt 3l : 2021

ISO 56673:2018

Annex B

Container preparation

8.1 Reagents
Unless otherwise stated, use only reagents ofrecognized analytical grade and distilled or demineralized
water or water of equivalent purity.

B.1.1 Acetone (IUPAC: propanonel.

B.1.2 Hydrochloric acid,4 % volume foaction and 25 % volume fraction HCI

B.1.3 Nitric acid, 10 7o volume fraction HNO3.

8.2 Solvent-washedglasscontainers
WARNING Organic solvents can be hazardous. Provide suitable handling facilities and handle
with care, -
Non-disposable sample containers and lids for semi-volatile analysis should be washed with a
phosphate-free detergent solution, followed by thorough rinses with hot tap-water and analyte-free
water. The last step should be an acetone rinse. The lids should be in place on the container during the
rinse step (solvent in the container with the lid tightly screwed down] because the solvents can rinse
plastic from the interior screw threads on to the PTFE lining.

For analysis of volatile organic compounds, sample containers, screw caps, and septa (silicone vapour
barriersJ should be washed with a phosphate-free detergent, rinsed once with tap-water, rinsed at least
twice with analyte-free water, then dried at greater than 105 oC. A solvent rinse should generally be
avoided because it can interfere with the analysis, although a methanol rinse is acceptable.

Alternatively, single use disposable containers and lids may be used for both sample types.

8.3 Acid-washedcontainers
For trace metal analysis, new sample containers should always be used, Sample containers and lids
should be thoroughly cleaned with a phosphate-free detergent solution, thoroughly rinsed with metal-
free water, soaked for 24 h in -10 % volume fraction HNO: or -25 % volume fraction HCl, and rinsed
with metal-free water.

8.4 Containers for biological samples

Containers for the collection of toxicological or hydrobiological samples should be washed with a
phosphate-free detergent solution, triple rinsed with hot tap-water and should be finished with a 4 %
volume fraction hydrochloric acid rinse. It is possible to use disposable commercial plastic containers,
subject to verification of the absence of interference with the analysis. Manipulation of the samples is
often necessary, and the optimal methods depend on the study obiectives.

Supdled bt BSB Edge u.ds th. lire fdn BIS rr Om!. CoBt nl SdiB - knab ( uEdn F|r.S4OgtBr.@h) -
lP zddt6 2@ 112-121.21A - dEied 21 112n!23 15:17 l 815-20231227-25

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 20'18

Annex C

Protocol as used in Dutch validation studies

C.1 General
Studies of the preservation of water samples were carried out in the Netherlands between 2003 and
2011. The studies were performed bylaboratories associated with the Federation ofDutch laboratories,
calibration and inspection bodies (FeNeLabJ. The obiective was to establish preservation times for
a number of critical analyses in the most relevant types of water: groundwater, surface water, and
waste water.

A fixed protocol was used, which distinguished between four types of water: groundwater or eluate;
surface water or etTluent; food industry waste water; chemical industry waste water.

C.2 Protocol
Within each study, a minimum of between 6 and 12 different samples were used, at low and high
concentration levels. Samples were obtained and divided over various bottles on day 0 and ifnecessary
spiked. Day 0 is defined as the sampling date and date ofarrival in the laboratory.

On day 0, analyses of eight test portions [bottles] were performed and the mean, i1, of each analyte
was calculated.

Subsequent measurements ofthree test portions were carried out each day in sequence, e.g. at 1 d, 2 d,
4 d,7 d, 14 d, and 28 d. From the analytical results obtained, the mean of each analyte, fg, was

Once the difference between the mean test results of the stored test portions and the mean test results
on day 0 was more than twice the standard deviation, q established by method validation, i.e.

f6 -x-a > 2s

the preservation time was considered to have been exceeded.

C.3 Studles performed

The studies concerned the following analyses and matrices:

EOX in groundwater, surface water and waste water;

nitrite and nitrate in surface water and waste water;
pesticides containing organophosphorus or organonitrogen, in effluent and waste water;
pesticides containing organochlorine and chlorobenzenes, in groundwater, surface water
- waste water;

polychlorinated biphenyls, in groundwater, surface water and waste water;

volatile organic compounds (volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons] in
- groundwater.

Suppaad by BSB Edg6 u'ds ,F baB rm Al5 ld OFCn C6@Lnl Sdvio6 - rdr.b (aMadhalelE8,a€gnEl@) -
lP &62@.112.121.21A - dd 211212@3 15:a7:22 q.he Bls.2o7j1?7-25

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

Additionally data provided by individual members of FeNeLab were evaluated. These data were
obtained in stability studies for interlaboratory comparisons or for validation of procedures of
sampling, transport and analysis ofa specific laboratory.

C.4 Evaluations
The following analyses and matrices were evaluated:

pH in drinking water, groundwater and surface water;

pH in waste water;
pesticides containing organochlorine and chlorobenzenes in surface water, groundwater and
polychlorinated biphenyls, in surface wate4 groundwater and wastewater;
volatile organic compounds (volatile halogenated hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons] in
- waste water.

All reports and data involved are listed in the bibliography {References [81] to 805]J and are available
from The Netherlands Standardization Institute [NEN], except for References IBB1, t89l, t961 and U.esl.

Sqrdld b, asA Ede6 u.da tiE lirE tur BIS k O'.AA co.r,r.d Sdi- - robb (ff..ll*.tal&,!Eadr) -
tP fi'B2@.1a2.124.21E -d 21112t2@3 15:a72.1ldit 1'15-?,231227-25

lS '1761/t (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018


t1l ISO 5663:1984, Woter quality Determination ofKjeldahl nitrogen Method after mineralization
with selenium - -
lSo 58t4:2012, water quolity
- Determination ofdissolved oxygen - Electrochemical probe method
ISO 5951:1994, Water quality
- Determinotion ofcadmium by atomic absorption spectrometry
t4l ISO 6468:1996,Water quality Determination ofcertain orgonochlorine insecticides, potychlorine
biphenyls and chlorobenzenes
- Gas-chromatogrophic method after liquid-liquid extraction
ISO 6878:200d Woter quality
spectrometric method - Determinotion of phosphorus - Ammonium motybdate
l6l ISO 7027-1:2016, Woter quality Determination of turbidity Part 1: Quantitative methods
- -
17l ISO 7150-1:1984, Water quality Determination of ommonium Port 7: Monual spectrometric
method - -
ISO 7887:2011, Water quality
t8l - Exomination ond determination of colour
ISO 7888:1985, Wa ter quality
tel - Determination of electrical conductivigr
ISO 7980:1986, Water quality
spectrometric method
- Determination of calcium and magnesium - Atomic obsorption

[11] ISO 8165-1:1992, Water quality Determination of selected monovalent phenols Port 1: Gas-
method ofter enrichment by extroction
UZ] ISO 8165-2:1999, Water quolity Determination olselected monovolent phenols Part 2: Method
by ilerivatization ond gas chromotogrophy
- -
[13] $O a245:1999, Water quality Guidelines lor the determination of total organic corbon ITOC) and
dissolved organic carbon (DOC)
I14l ISO 8467:1993, Water quality Determination ofpermanganote index
ISO 9377-2:2OOO, Woter quolity
[1s] - Determination of hydrocarbon oil index
solvent extraction and gas chromatography
- Part 2: Method using

u6l ISO 9439:1999, Woter quality Evaluation of ultimate oerobic biodegradobility of organic
compounds in aqueous medium
- Carbon dioxide evolution test
[17] lSO 9552:2004, Water quol@ Determination olodsorboble orgonically bound halogens (AOX)
ISo 9963-1:1994, Woter quality Determination of alkalinity Part 1: Determination oI total
and com p o site a I ko I i n i ty - -
ISO 9964-3:1993, Woter quality Determinotion ofsodium and potassium Port3: Determination
of sodium anil potossium by flame emission spectrometry
- -

- Measurement of biochemical
ISO 10260:1992, Water quality parameters Spectrometric
determination of the chlorophyll-o concentration
ISO 10304-1:2002 Water qualigt of
- Determinotion of dissolved onions by liquid chromatogrophy
Port 7: Determination of bromide, chloride, fluoride, nitrate, nitrite, phosphate and sulfate
122) ISO 10304-3:1997, Water quolity Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography of
Part 3: Determination of chromate, iodide, sulfite, thiocyanate ond thiosulfate

SupdLd !, BSB Edge u.da t'rE lirc tm BIS td olrFs. CoBLnl SdvioE - t.el. ({ura<*'.pdr.81&ml.M) -
lP d.42O2.112.1?a21A - @d 27n!2@3 15:17:22 q.hd EIS-20231227-25

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

[23] ISO 10304-4:1997, Water qualitlt Determination of dissolved anions by liquid chromatography
- of
ions Port 4: Determination of chlorate, chloride ond chlorite in woter with low contaminotion
t24) ISO 10359-1:1992, Water quality Determinotion of fluoride
- - Port 7: Electrochemical probe
method for potable and lightly polluted water

t25l ISO 10359-2:1994, Water quality

- Determination of fluoride
- Part 2: Determination of
inorganically bound total fluoride after digestion ond distillation

1261 ISO 10523:2008, Water quality Determination ofpH

I27l ISO 10566:1994, Water quality
- Determination of aluminium
- Spectrometric method using
pyrocatechol violet

t28l ISO 10695:2000, Water quality Determination of selected organic nitrogen and phosphorus
compounds Gas chromatographic methods
l29l ISO 11074:2015, Soil quality
- Vocabulary

[30] ISO 11369:1992 Water quality Determination of seleAed plont treotment agents
- Method
using high performance liquid chromatography with UV detection after solid-kquid extroction

t31l ISO 11423-1:1992 Water quality Determination of benzene and some derivatives
- - Part 1:
H ead-space gas chromatographic method

[32] ISO 11423-2:1997, Water quality Determinotion of benzene and some derivatives
- - Part 2:
Method using extraction and gas chromatography

[33] ISO 1L732:2OOS, Water quality Determinotion of ammonium nitrogen

- - Method by flow analysis
(CFA and FIA) and spectometic detection

[34] ISO 11885:2002 Wa ter quanty

- Determination of selected elements by inductively coupled plasma
optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)

t35l ISO 12010:2012, Water quality Determination of short-choin polychlorinated alkanes (SCCPs) in
woter Method using gas chromatogrophy-moss spectromew $C-MS) and negotive-ion chemical
ionization (NCI)

[36] ISO [2O2O:L997, Water quality

- Determination of aluminium
- Atomic obsorption
spectrome tri c meth o ils

[37] ISO 12846:2012, Water quality Determinotion of mercury

- - Method using atomic absorption
spectrometry (AAS) with and without enrichment

[38] ISO 13395:1996, Water quality

- Determination of nitrate nitogen anil nitrite nitogen and the
sum of both by flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection

[39] ISO L4402:f999, Water quality

- Deteminotion ofphenol index by Jlow analysis (FlA and CFA)
t40] ISO 14403-1:2012, Water quality Determination of total cyanide and free cyanide using
- flow
analysis Part 7: Method using flow injection onolysis (FIA)
[41] ISO 14403-2:2012, Water quality Determination of total cyaniile anil free cyanide using
- flow
analysis Part 2: Method using continuous flow analysis (CFA)
142) ISO 14911:1998, Water quality
- Determination ofdissolved Li+, No+, NHf,, K+, Mn2+, Ca2+, Mg2+,
Sf,+ and Ba2+ using ion chromotography
- Method for woter and waste water
t43l ISO 15061:2001, Water quality - Determination of dissolved bromote - Method by liquid
chromatogrophy ofions

I44l ISO 15586:2003, Water quolity

- Determinorion of tace elements using atomic absorption
spectrometry with grophite furnoce

Sl+dLd bt ESB Eda€ ordd tlE aod's rM ats ld ODg. CdE n:m Sdi- - lolir. (rNddh.9.E l4eg@d.Gm)
tP &t62tE. t12.12121E - &d 2Um2315.a7 22 .t*td AE-20231227-25

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

t45] ISO 15680:2003, Water quality

- Gas-chromatogrophic determination ofo number of monoryclic
aromatic hydrocarbons, naphthalene and several chlorinated compounds using purge-and-trap and
thermal desorption

t46l ISO 15681-1:2003, Water quality of orthophosphate and total phosphorus

- Determination
contents by IIow analysis (FlA and CFA) Part 1: l4ethod by flow injection analysis (FIA)
[47] ISO 15581-2:2003, Water quality of orthophosphate and totol phosphorus
- Determination
contents by flow analysis (FlA and CFA) Part 2: Method by continuous flow analysis ICFA)
[48] ISO 15682:2000, Water quality
- Determination of chloride by flow onalysis (CFA ond FIA) and
photometric or potentiometric detection

[49] ISO LSTOS:2OOZ,Wa\e. quality

- Determination of the chemical oxygen demand index (ST-COD)
Small*cale sea I ed -tu be m etho d

l50l ISO 15913:2000, Water quality

- Determination of selected
phenoxyalkonoic herbicides, including
bentozones and hydroxybenzonitriles by gos chromotography ond mass spectrometry ofter solid
phase extroction ond derivatization

t51l ISO 15923-1:2013, Water quolity

- Determination of selected parameters by discrete analysis
s/stems Paft 1: Ammonium, nittate, nitrite, chloride, orthophosphate, sulfate and silicate with
- detection

[52] ISO 16264:20O2, Water quality

- Deternination of soluble silicate by f'low analysis (FIA and CFA)
and photometri c d etecti on

t53l ISO 16308:2014, Water quality

- Determination of glyphosate ond AMPA Method using high
performance liquid chromotography (HPLC) with tandem moss spectrometric -detection

t54l ISO/TS 16780:2075, Water quality

- Determination of polychlorinated nophtholenes IPCN) -
Method using gas chromatography (GC) ond mass spectrometry (MS)

tssl ISO L7034, Generol requirements for the competence ofreference materiol producers

ts6l SO fi2a9:2014, Water quality Determinotion of dissolved oxygen Optical sensor method
- -
ISO 17294-2:2O16, Water quality
ts 7l
(ICP-MS) - Applicotion of inductively coupled plasmo mass spectrometry
Part 2: Determination of selected elements including uronium isotopes
tssl ISO 17353:2004 Water quolity Determination of selected organotin compounds Gas
chrom o togra p h i c m ethod
- -
Ise] ISO 17378-1:2014,Water quolity Determination of arcenic ond antimony Part 7: Method using
hydride generation atomic fluorescence spectrometry (HG -AFS)
ISO 17378-2:2Ol4,Water quality
[60] - Determinotion oforcenic ond antimony
hydride generution otomic absorption spectrometry (H G -AAS) - Part 2: Method using

ISO/TS 17379-l:2013, Water quality

- Determination
generation otomic f luorescence spec trometry (HG -AFS)
of selenium
- Part 1: Method using hydride

ISO/TS 17379-2:2013, Water quality of selenium- Port 1: Method using hydride

t62) - Determination
generation o tomic obsorption specttometry (HG -AAS)

ISO 17690:2015, Water quolity of available free cyanide (pH 6) using flow
[63] - Determination
injection onalysis [FIA), gas-dilfusion and amperometric detection

164) ISO 17852:2006, Woter quality Determination of mercury Method using atomic fluorescence
spectrometry - -

$rp-d b, EsB Ed!6 qds itE b..B t m BtS fo. Oi.e. CoErt nt S6ivb6 - rohi. (rudr.rdE0lomt.dn) _
tp ,,,dra2@,_112j2121E _ @27n2r2@.315[t7e q*.1g ?,,z3I?2i-15
lS 17614 {Prn 3) : 2021
ISO 5aB7-3 : 2018

t65l lSo l79432o16,Water qualit! Determination ofvolotile organic compounds in water

- Method
using heodspace solid-phase micro-extroction (HS-spME) followed by'gas chromatography-mass -
spectometry (GC-MS)

[66] lSo/TS 17951-1:2016, water quality

- Determination of ftuoride using flow analysis (FIA and
CIA) Part 1: Method using flow injection analysis (FIA) and spectrometric detectioi aftir offtine

167) ISO/TS 17951-2:2016, Water quality Determination offluoride using flow anolysis (FIA and CIA)
Port 2: Method using continuous flow analysis ICFA) with qutomated in-line distillaiion
[68] ISO 17993:2O02, Water quolity Determination of 15 polycyclic oromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in
woter by HPLC with fluorescence detection after liquid-liquid extroction

[69] ISO 18412:2005, Woter quality

- Determination of chromium(Vl)
photometric method
we akly co ntaminq ted water

[70] ISO 18635:2016, Water quolity Determination of short-chain polychlorinoted alkanes (SCCPs) in
sedimenl sewage sludge and suspended (particulate) matter Method using gas chromatography- *
moss spectrometry (GC-MS) and electron capture negative ionization (ECNI)

lT ll ISO 18856:2004, Water quality

- Determination of selected phtholates using gas chromatography/
moss spectrometry

I72) ISO 18857-1:2005 , Water quality

- Determination of selected alkylphenols Port 7: Method for
- with
non-filtered somples using liquid-liquid extroction ond gos chromatography mass selective

t73l ISO 18857-2:2009, Water quality

chromatogrophic-moss spectrometric - Determination of selected alkylphenols
- Part 2: and
determination of alkylphenols, their ethoxylates

bisphenol A in non-filtered samples following solid-phase extroction and derivatisotion

l74l ISO 20595:2018, Water quolity Determination of selected easily volatile organic compounds in
water Method using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry by static headspace technique

t75l ISO 21458:2008, Woter quality

- Determination of
glyphosate ond AMPA
- Method using high
performance liquid chromatography (H PLC) and fluorometric d etection

[76] ISO 23913:2006, Water quolity Determinotion of chromium(Vl) Method using flow analysis
(FlA and CFA) and spectrometric detection
- -
1771 ISO 28540:2011, Woter quality Determination of 75 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) in
Method using gas chromatography with mass spectrometric detection (GC-MS)
t78l ISO 29441:2010, Water quality
- Determination of totol nitrogen after UV digestion
using flow analysis (CFA and FIA) and spectometric detection
- Method

I79l EN 15204:2006, Woter quality Guidonce stondard on the enumeration of phytoplankton using
inverted microscopy (U termdhl

t80] APHA, AWWA, WEF, Standard methods for the examination of water and waste water. American
Public Health Association. American Water Works Association. Water Environment Federation,
Z?nd edition,2Ol2

[81] Baiema B.L. Evoluatie van de pH metingen 2005-2007 met betekking tot monsterneming,
conservering en meetonzekerheid lEvaluotion of pH meosurements 2005-2007 with respect to
sampling, preservation and uncertaintyl. Vitens Laboratorium Rapportcode: VL-IO-AC0702-2,
January 2008

S!9dbd b, as8 Eds€ (nd- 0. liEE t m BIS b. olrl.!. CorrLnt sdYi6 - t&L ( -
lP &4 2@-L2.121 21C - *d 2l12J&7 15:11 2.t]*|e 815-20?3127-25

lS 17614 (Part 3l : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

t82l Bafema B.L. Onderzoek naar de houdbaarheid von ammonium in aongezuurde en niet aangezuurde
monsters, [Aquakem600J fResearch on moximum storage times of ammonium in acidiJied and non'
aciitifieil samplesl. Vitens Laboratorium Rapportcode: VL-lO-AC0521, December 2005

[83] Van Bakergem E., Validation oI the preservation time of organochlorine pesticides (OCP),
polychlorinated biphenyls {PCB) and non-volotile chlorobenzenes (NCBZ) rn B,aste woters. Al-West,
April 2011

[S4] Broer W. Volidotion "Preservation time organochlorine pesticides, PCB and tri-, tetra-, pento- ond
hexachlorobenzenes in gmundwoter". ALcontrol, October 2008

t85] De long G., Van Berkel E. Validotie ringonderzoek VGK en VAK in afvalwoter lValidation ofVGK and
VAK intralaboratory trails on surfoce waterl.Kiwa,proiectnummer 630000.162.001 April 2003

[86] De Kok H. Combined results of studies on preservation time of organochloropesticides,

polychlorobiphenyls and chlorobenzenes in groundwater, waste water and surface woter.
Waterschap Groot-Salland, September 2011

[87] FeNeLab. Conservering van tin in woter met solpeterzuur lPreservation of tin in water with nitric
acrdl. FeNeLab, lune 2008

[88] G6mez-Ariza f.L., Girildez I., Morales E., Ariese F,, Cofino W. Queuauviller P., Stability and storage
problems in organotin speciation in environmental sarnples. f. Environ. Monil 1999, I pp,l97-2O2

t89] Haney f.F., Hall D.J. Sugor-cooted Daphnia: A preservation technique for Clodocero. Limnol.
Oceanogr. 1973, 18 pp. 331-333

[90] KIWA. Validatie van (nieuwe) pardmeters en/of matices [Validotion of [new) parometers dnd
matricesl, Kiwa, KHRO-5.0.8, August 2003

t9U KIWA. Validatie t,b,v. ringonderzoeken onionen lValidotion for anions interlaboratory comparisonl,

192) KIWA. Validatie t,b.v, ringonderzoeken chloorpesticiden lValidation for chloropesticide

interlaboratory comparisonf, Kiw a, 2O03

[93] KlWA.Validatie t.b.v. ringonderzoeken metalen lvalidation for metals interlaboratory comparisonf.
Kiwa, 2003

[94] Landwehr f.L., Tukker l, Volidatie van conserveringstermijn ONB en OPB in afiolwoter lValiilation
of storoge times of ONBs ond OPBs in waste waterl SIKB prolect 55 Versie 1, October 2003

t95] Landwehr I,L. Validotie van conserveringstermijnen in Afvalwaten Houdbaarheid van OCB, PCB en
CB (chloorbenzenes) fValidation of storoge times in waste waten Preservotion of OCBs, PCBs, anil
CBsl. Omegam, fuly 2009
[96] Schoerbel l, Methoden der Hydrobiologie: S sswasserbiologie fHydrobiology methods: Fresh woter
biologyl. Stuttgart: Fischec 3rd Edition, 1980

l97j SIKB. Onderzoeksprogrammo validotie van conserveringstermijnen von mrJieumonsters lReseorch

programme validotion of environmental sample preservation timesl. SIKB project 55 Versie 10,
April 2003
[98] T\tin G. Volidation of the preserl,ation time of organochloropesticides, polychlorobifenyls anit
chlorobenzenes in groundwoter. Eurofins Analytico, August 2009

[99] Van Den Berg W., Yedema E, Validatie conserveertermijn EOX in water {Vatidation storage time
EOX in waterl, Dienst waterbeheer en riolering, ingenieursbureau, Rapportnummer O3.780225,
November 2003

SupdLd b, ASB EQ6 undq th6 lirc rM Bls fd orFsp Co@Lnt Sdi- - rot tr (@!.dttaFl'3ea@mrdn) -
tP .d@2@.112-12l21A - dM 27112t2@3 15:a1:22 Erh.l als-2023r227-25

lS 17614 (Part 3) : 2021

ISO 5667-3 : 2018

[100] Van Den Berg W.A.l. Onderzoek op conserveringstermijn van afvalwatermonsters voor de pH
bepaling |nvestigation into the storoge time of woste woter samples for pH determinationl.
Waterproef proiect 2007-109, September 2007

[10q Van Kranenburg P. Validatie van conserver@stermijn van oromaten en CKW in water lValidation
of the stomge time of aromatics and chlorinated hydrocarbons in water). Analytico milieu BV,
october 2003

[102] Van Den Berg M.A.E. ANVM project 209 Evaluation of preservation methods and moximum storage
times for woter somples. Delft: NEN, 2002

[103] Van Den Berg M.A,E. STOWA report 2000-26. Evaluatie van conserveringstechnieken lEvoluation
of preservation metiods]. Utrecht STOWA, 2000

[104] Waterschap Groot Salland. Validatie van conserveringstermijn van nitrite en nitraat+nitrite in
oppervlaktewater en afvalwater lYalidotion of preservation times of nitrite and nitrate+nitrite in
surfoce water and waste woterl.Waterschap Groot Salland, October 2003

[1os] Werres F., Balsaa P., SchmidtT.C. Total concentration analysis of polycylic aromatic hydrocarbons
in aqueous samples with high suspended particulote matter content,l, Chromatogr. A. !216,2009,

SlpfE br BSB EdlE (ns tE bD nw AEi ld Oi.qE Co@la.l Sdvir - tol6t ( Edr.fd.6a]&maff) -
tP .d@ 2@.112.12121a - (dod 27h2t82315:172 q/8ilat 8ts"frZ312?-25
(Continued ttom *@nd @vei

lS 17614 (Pat121) . 2021 \ hter quality Sampling : Part 21 Guidance on sampling of drinking
- by tankers or means other than distribution pipes
water distributed
(under pnnq
lS 17614 (Pan 22\ '. 2021 Water quality Sampling : Pafi 22 Guidance on the design and
installation of groundwater monitoring points (under pdnt\
lS 17614 (Paftz3\:2021 Vlhter quality Sampling : Part 23 Guidance on passive sampling in
surface waters (under pint\
lS 17614 (Pan 24\ : 2021 \ hler quality Samding : Parl 24 Guidance on the auditing of water
quality sampling (under pint)
lS 17614 (Part 25) : 2021 \ hter quality Sampling : Part 25 for microbiological analysis (under
pnn0' -
The lndian Standard lS 3025 (Part 1) : 1987 'Method of sampling and test (Physacal and Chemical)
for water and wastewater: Part 1 Sampling' prescribes the methods of sampling of water and
waslewater for physical and chemical examinalions. This is a very old slandard and hence it is not
exhaustive. The Committee responsible for formulating this standard has decided to harmonize the
method of sampling prescribed in lS 3025(Part 1) with those prescribed in lS 17614 (Patl1) : 20211
ISO 5667-1 :2020 and 17614 (Part 3) : 2021llSO 5667-3 : 2018. Hence, lS 3025 (Part'l) : '1987 will be
withdrawn afler the public€tion of these two standards.
The text of the ISO Standard has been approved as suitable for publication as an lndian Standard
without deviations. Certain terminologies and conventions are, however, not identical to those used in
lndian Standards. Attenlion is partiorlarly drawn to the following:
a) V\iherever the words 'This doarment' appear refening to this standard, they should be read as
'This lndian Standard'.
b) Comma (,) has been used as a decjmal marker, while in lndian Standards, the cunent practice
is to use a point (.) as the decimal marker.
ln this adopted standard, reference appears to certain lntemational Standards where the standard
atrnospheric conditions to be obseNed are stipulated which are not apdicable to tropical/subtropical
countries. The applicable standard atmospheric conditions for lndian conditions arc 27 r 2 "C and
65 + 5 percent relative humidi$ and shall be observed while using this standard.
ln this adopted standard, references appearto certain lntemational Standards for which lndian Standards
also exist. The conesponding lndian Standards, which are to be substituted in their respedive places,
are listed below along with their degree of equivalence for the editions indicated:

lntemational Standard Corespondi ng I ndi a n Standard Degree of


ISO 3696 vllater for analytical lS 1070 : 1992 Reagent grade water
Not Equivalent
laboratory use Specification and Specification (t hid rev i sio n\
test methods
ISO 19458 V1/ater quality lS 17614 (Part 25) : 2021llSO 19458 : ldentical with
- Sampling
for microbiological analysis 2006 \ hter quality Sampling for lso 19458:
microbiological analysis (under pnnt) 2006

The tectlnical committee has reviewed the provisions of the following lntemational Standards refened
in this standard and has dec.ided that they are acceptable for use in conjugation with this standard:

lntenational Standard Title

ISO 5667 (all parts)1) Wbter quality Sampling

ln reporting the result of a test or analysis made in accordance with this standard, if the final value,
observed oi calculated, is to be rounded ofi, it shall be done in accordance with lS 2 : '1960 'Rules for
rounding ofi numerical values ( revised )'.

1) ISO ha6 puui6hed 24 parts of ISO 5667 6erie6 wtrile the other parts of ISO 5667 serie6 are uhder developrnent lndia ha6
adopted ISO 5667 series from Pan I to Part 24.
S'rpdin by BS8 Edo€ u.tdr db titE fm Bts fd on g. Co@t nt sdvba - rot i. ( ure.Ir.pdrEaaOsm..d,) _
tP a&.@ 2q2..112_121.21E _ ffi 2t12tZV3 1s1t.A eg*trt BtS-2oAi 227-2s

Bureau of lndian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of lndian Standards Act,2Oi6 to promote
harmonaous development of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to conneded matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any
form without the prior permission in writing of BlS. This does not predude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, sucfi as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries relating to copyright be addressed to the Darecior (Publications), BlS.

Revlew of lndlan Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard along with amendments is reafrirmed when sucfl revlew indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision.
Users of lndian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or
edition by refening to the latesl issue of 'BlS Catalogue' and 'Standards: Monthly Additions'.

This lndian Standard has been developed from Doc No-r CHD 36 (15787).

Amendments lssued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of lssue Text Affected


Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi '110002
Telephones: 2323 0'131,2323 337 5, 2323 9402 Wbbsfe: www. bis. gov. in

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Southem : C.l.T. Campus, lV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113 I 2254 1216,22U 1442
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MUMBAI 4OOO93 t 2832 7891, 2832 7892


Published by BlS, New Delhi

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