Subtrench 2 Trencher
Subtrench 2 Trencher
Subtrench 2 Trencher
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1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................... 3
2 VEHICLE FRAME AND STRUCTURE ..................................................................... 4
2.1 RECOMMEDATIONS .......................................................................................... 4
3 TRACK DRIVE SYSTEM............................................................................................. 5
3.1 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT .............................................................................. 5
3.1.1 DESIGN LOAD AND LIFE.......................................................................... 7
3.1.2 SEALS AND SEAL COUNTER-FACES.................................................... 7
3.1.3 PRESSURE COMPENSATION ................................................................... 8
3.1.4 DRIVE MOTOR PRESSURE & FLOWS ................................................... 8
4 HYDRAULIC SYSTEM................................................................................................ 9
4.1 GENERAL DESCRIPTION .................................................................................. 9
4.2 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT ............................................................................ 10
4.2.1 HPU PUMPING SYSTEMS ....................................................................... 10
4.2.2 TRACK DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM ..................................................... 11
4.2.3 CUTTER DRIVE CONTROL SYSTEM ................................................... 11
4.2.4 AUXILLIARY SYSTEM ............................................................................ 11
4.3 COMPENSATION & SYSTEM INSTALLATION.......................................... 15
4.3.1 TECHNICAL ASSESSMENT .................................................................... 16
4.4 HPU MOTOR & COOLING ISSUES ................................................................ 17
5 WATER SYSTEM........................................................................................................ 19
6 BURIAL SYSTEMS..................................................................................................... 21
7 SURFACE ELECTRICS .............................................................................................. 24
7 SURFACE ELECTRICS .............................................................................................. 24
8 UMBILICAL & WINCH ............................................................................................. 25
9 SUBSEA ELECTRONICS AND ELECTRICS ......................................................... 26
10 SURFACE ELECTRONICS AND SOFTWARE .................................................. 27
11 SUMMARY .............................................................................................................. 28
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This report is the result of a request by Oceanteam Power and Umbilical (OPU) to
perform a preliminary assessment of the Subtrench Two (ST2) trenching system.
As was highlighted in the report of the Van Oord equipment the ST2 is not a finished
article and should only be considered to be in a prototype stage of development.
It is the purpose of this report to highlight some of the areas that require development and
redesign to provide a reliable, operational and maintainable tractor/trenching unit.
It is understood that the system was intended for operation from depth of 100 metres to
the tide line. It is not currently a system that can operate at any distance from a water
supply that is not adequate to cool the prime mover electric motors. (Pleuger, the motor
manufacturers, quote water supply requirements of 100m3/hr for each electric motor).
The onshore logistic requirements to satisfy this need are not insignificant. The only time
that ST2 has been used for a beach transition the cooling water was supplied from an
offshore barge.
It is the purpose of this report to identify the major areas where additional work is
required. It should not be considered a final and exhaustive definition because as work is
started it is not unrealistic to expect other areas will be found that require attention.
This report reviews each major component or system which requires attention, provides a
summary description, identify the status and make recommendations.
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The vehicle frame appears to be a simple and robust structure which provides the base for
mounting the Komatsu PC300-3 track frames and tooling. There is a Finite Elemant
Analysis (FEA) of the frame produced by Worley Parsons Services Pty. Ltd, Australia.
It appears to have been conducted using the DNV Dynamic Amplification Factors (DAF)
and load cases supplied by Subtrench Pty.
Whether the load cases applied and the DAF used are appropriate to the current vehicle
configuration and intended use would have to the subject to a more detailed investigation.
It is quite apparent that the vehicle current status does not reflect the original design
intent. As an example the original concept for the vehicle included:-
1. An articulated boom crane for loading cables onto the vehicle for post lay burial.
2. A docking system for launch and recovery.
There may be many more elements of the design intention which may have been ‘lost’ or
changed due to the pressures of project timescales.
The impression is that the engineering approach initially used was measured and
professional and that subsequent project timescale pressures compromised the design
intent. It is clear that a number of modifications were made at a very late stage which
were expedient ‘quick fixes’ which has compromised the integrity of the design intent
and the quality of the work is in some case poor. The overall maintainability and
accessibility of the vehicle is very poor and will be discussed in more detail later in the
It should be noted that the tubular structure of the frame has been designed as a pressure
vessel. This has been done to reduce in water mass and to prevent internal corrosion.
After lift testing in Zuillichem a certification plate has been attached to the tubular frame
by drilling and pop-rivets! This will require inspection and rectification.
The attachment for the umbilical the vehicle is starboard mid-ships and is rigidly bolted
to the vehicle structure.
Once a clear definition of the system specification has been decided and a viable
engineering solution has been identified the FEA study will need to be reviewed and the
applicability verified or a new study conducted.
The attachment and location of the umbilical termination will require reviewing once the
functionality required has been determined.
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It is understood that the track drive system utilises standard Komatsu PC300-3 left and
right hand track groups. This comprises the left and right hand track frames, front idlers,
carrier rollers, track rollers and motor/gearbox/sprocket drive assembly. The standard
track chains are used but custom designed track-plates or grousers are utilised. The
custom grousers are manufactured from an abrasion resistant plastic and have overall
length of 1.6 metres.
(N.B. From discussions with John Hall of Kamatsu at Redditch who kindly supplied
copies of service documents the, PC300-3 is quite an old mark of track assembly, the
current production mark is eight. He doubted that there were significant changes between
the Mk. 3 and Mk. 8 and remanufactured spares should be available.) Subsequent
investigation has revealed that the components do not correlate with the Komatsu
manuals. We need to establish the correct mark and model of the track assembly
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chain and trapped into this cut away. To determine the exact cause of failure further
investigations and discussions with Komatsu are required.
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Starboard Track Drive monted to track frame showing ‘Scallop’
Liaise with Komatsu and verify that the track assemblies are operating within the
allowable Gross Vehicle Weight limits.
Liaise with Komatsu and verify the that the sealing arrangement is compatible with the
operating environment.
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This has proved to have caused a major failure of one of the gearbox of the track drive
The right hand track drive motor was then removed and stripped in an effort to determine
the cause of failure. The motor was found to be full of emulsified/solidified grease and
water. One of the bearings was seized and the second could only be rotated with great
difficulty. The ‘O’ ring energising the seal was broken and deposits of sand were also
noted in the seal bearing area.
It was also noted that there did not seem to be any other steps taken to seal other static
joints in the gearbox housing or the various fill and drain points on the gearbox housing.
The conclusion is clear that the gearbox is inadequately pressure compensated.
It is suspected that the carriers and idler bearings will also be damaged to a greater or
lesser extent by water ingress due to inadequate pressure compensation. It is
recommended that all carriers and idlers should be stripped for inspection and assessment
of the most efficacious method to provide adequate lubrication and pressure
The Komatsu hydraulic drive motor seal and shaft should also be inspected for damage as
it is suspected that the seal may have blown and this could result in damage to the shaft.
Liaise with Komatsu to enable an engineered design to be implemented to properly
pressure compensate all elements of the track drive system, gearboxes, idler bearings and
Liaise with Komatsu and verify system limitations any potential compensation and
venting issues.
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The ST2 hydraulic system is a relatively simple. The as built system was found to be at
variance with original documentation delivered with the system.
After contacting Julian Brede of Subtrench Pty. Ltd in Australian more current
documentation was sent as part of the O&M manual which was more consistent with the
as built system but there were still inconsistencies. In addition there were a number of
elements which it has not been possible to verify because of the poor accessibility
described in later sections of this report. Whilst additional time could have been spent
investigating these areas the author considered that it was beyond the terms of reference
for this investigation.
The system should progressively dismantled and the information gathered used to
construct an accurate hydraulic schematic. This will enable a complete review to be
conducted of the efficacy of the system design.
The larger closed circuit pump of both motor/pump sets each supply one of the trenching
cutter motors, the smaller capacity closed loop pump each supply one of the track drive
motors and the third pump is used to provide supplies to the auxiliary functions such as
actuators for tooling control.
Two proportional pressure control valves are used to control the direction of and the
magnitude of fluid flow to and from each of the closed loop pumps. As the trench cutter
drive and the track drive motors are all of the fixed displacement type this provides
control of the speed and direction of rotation of the cutters and track drives.
The proportional pressure control valves are supplied from the boost circuit of the larger
closed loop pump.
The main hydraulic system is pressure compensated by six spring biased compensators
with an estimated theoretical capacity of 12.5 litres. The compensators have been marked
with a fill limit approximately equivalent to 8 litres of useable capacity. The
compensation pressure is estimated to be approximately 1psi when the compensator is
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There are four electro-hydraulic valve packs fitted to the vehicle. One is dedicated to the
proportional pressure valves used to control the displacement of the closed loop pumps.
The three other valve packs contain directional control valves for operation of the
auxiliary functions.
There are also two sets of diver operated directional control valves which duplicate some
of the auxiliary functions. There is also the facility to power the diver operated valves
from a hot stab hydraulic supply.
Discuss, resolve and design an engineering solution to any potential problems associated
with compensation and venting of the close coupled motors.
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The philosophy of using swash plate pumps to control the speed and direction of rotation
of the track drive motors is conceptually good. There is effectively a power match
between the pump and load which is highly efficient and will generate little heat. The
only potential concern would be that the pilot pressure control of the motor displacement
or swash provides sufficient sensitivity. There also does not appear to be an auto-
tracking, auto-heading or product following capability usually found on post-lay cable
burial machines although this should not be difficult to implement at a later date. There is
no provision for sensing the motor drive sprocket speed. This is very useful information
for controlling a sub-sea trencher.
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umbilical termination junction box. If one of the lower valve packs should require
servicing then the upper valve pack would have to be removed first.
It is quite apparent that the valve packs were assembled off the vehicle and then installed
before installing the hydraulic fittings and hoses. As can be seen in one of the
photographs the hydraulic base of the valve pack is manufactured from carbon steel
(painted where accessible after installation) and electrical valve enclosures manufactured
from stainless steel. The base manifold is welded to the stainless steel enclosure!
View of the top two valve packs and one bank of diver operated valves looking aft from
the Stbd. Side. The edge of the umbilical JB can be seen in the lower right corner.
View from the top starboard side of the diver operated valves and the upper valve pack
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View from the starboard looking at the aft of the electro-hydraulic valve packs.
As has been previously stated the information on the hydraulic schematic received from
Subtrench Pty. is incomplete but it is suspected that load control valves are fitted in the
electro-hydraulic valve pack to lock load supporting actuators in there desired position.
This is a non-preferred solution as any hose failure between the valve and actuator will
cause the load to drop in an uncontrolled manner. However it is suspected that the diver
operated valves are tee’d into the lines between the load control valves and the actuator.
This could result, when one of the burial tools is in the stowed position, with the tool
dropping uncontrollably if the diver operated valve was inadvertently operated when the
system was on deck. If this is the case it is suggested that this presents an unacceptable
risk to personnel and capital equipment.
What has been established is that when both auxiliary pumps are not required to power
any of the auxiliary functions all of the pump flow is re-circulated through one of the
valves in the valve packs. This is done to stop the pump running at ‘dead head’ at high
pressure however this practice could result in undesirable heat generation within the
hydraulic circuit. As the controller for the pump can also be used as a load sense
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controller this may provide a better solution and enable the pump flow to be circulated
through a cooler to further control the hydraulic fluid temperature if required.
All hydraulic fittings and hose ends are manufactured from carbon steel and are
consequentially heavily corroded and will require replacement.
The system should dismantled to enable a proper hydraulic schematic to be defined. The
system should be reviewed to ensure that the system is functional and safe to personnel
and capital equipment. Reposition the valve packs to provide adequate accessibility and
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As previously noted there are six compensator fitted to the hydraulic system.
The three compensators on the aft starboard quarter are interconnected with 3/8” bore
hose via quick disconnect couplings. One of the three compensators is then connected to
a rigid suction manifold along side the starboard pump set by a 3/8” hose.
The system is similar on the port side except only two compensators are used. The third
compensator on the port side is connected to a small stainless steel manifold on the centre
line of the vehicle in front of the valve packs. This central manifold is used to
interconnect the two suction manifolds and to accept the case drains from the four closed
loop pumps (two on the port & two on the starboard side). A small accumulator is fitted
starboard forward of the small central manifold to which a useful purpose or function
cannot yet be assigned.
As can be seen in the following pictures the filters are mounted above the suction
manifolds and are additionally higher than the pumps. The pump suction lines loop over
the side of the ‘bath tub’ enclosing the HPU and down into the top of the suction a
View showing the pumps filters and the top of the suction manifold.
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View showing the hoses looping up over the side of the ‘bath tub’ and up to the filters.
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seawater pressure. This ensures that any small leakage is outboard, contaminating the
hydraulic fluid but outboard of the system.
Increase the compensation system pressure.
Close couple the compensators to a suction manifold or interconnect with adequately
proportioned hoses. The compensators should preferably be below the suction manifold.
The suction lines should connect to the underside of the suction manifold.
The suction manifold should have bleed points at the highest point.
Preferably position the suction manifold higher than the pumps.
Consider reversing the orientation of the HPU so that the pumps are at the forward end of
the vehicle to improve layout weight balance and accessibility.
Optimise hose diameter to minimise bulk and improve accessibility.
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Liaise with Pleuger to determine the motor cooling requirements.
Decide what the operational requirements are for in air operation of the HPU.
Remove any form of hydraulic pump enclosure from the requirement to cool the electric
motors. If necessary implement a separate hydraulic cooling circuit.
Develop and evaluate concepts for motor cooling, water bath, spray bar, closed loop, etc.
Test and develop as necessary.
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There are two Pleuger electrically driven two stage water pumps. Each motor is rated at
240kW and each pump set produces 537m3/hr at a head of 109m. At present each motor
pump set is totally enclosed by an Aluminium tube fitted with an elevated inlet. The
purpose of the elevated inlet is an attempt to draw clean water into the pump to minimise
wear of the pump rotors. In addition the enclosure ensures that all the water drawn into
the pump passes over the motor casing. This simulates the installation of the pump/motor
set in a bore hole and guarantee motor cooling. As the top of the water inlet tube is
approximately 5 metres above ground level the onboard water pumps cannot be used
unless the depth of water is at least 10 metres (estimated value). At this point any water
jetting requirements will have to be supplied by an external supply. In the case of the Q7
project this requirement was supplied from the offshore deployment barge via flexible
At present the connection point for the external supply is on the vehicle centreline
approximately 3 meters above ground level. To change from the onboard water supply to
an external water supply diver operated valves have to be operated to isolate the onboard
water pumps and direct the remote supply to the burial tool. There are also valves to
enable the supply of water to be directed to the ‘bath tubs’ surrounding the HPU motors.
The water supply to the burial tools is through two swivel joints which are incorporated
in to the tool deployment swivel at the aft end of the vehicle.
View of the aft of ST2 showing remote water connection point and water pipe work (in
red) and tool deployment swivels either side of the jetting too attachment flanges.
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There is an interconnection tube between the two water pump supplies to balance the
flows and pressures to both supplies to the jetting tools. There does not appear to be any
non-return valves or isolation valves on the pump discharges to prevent one water pump
back feeding the other. The Water distribution pipe work system would appear to be
another system that as been rushed through to satisfy operational expediency. It should be
possible to simplify and rationalise the system reducing the number of valves and volume
of pipe-work.
The aluminium enclosure for the water pump sets is heavily corroded. This is
unsurprising as the combination of unprotected aluminium in conjunction with a carbon
steel structure and pipe-work, bronze pump and stainless steel motor casing in seawater is
a good recipe for corrosion. It would improve accessibility and maintainability
significantly if the motor pump enclosure could be removed as it consumes a lot of space.
At present the feasibility of changing a pump or motor in an operational environment is
not considered feasible.
Review water system distribution design, rationalise to improve functionality and remove
the requirement for diver operated valves.
Investigate the motor cooling requirements with the view to removal of the motor/pump
Review the necessity for alternative external water supply connections other than
centreline aft.
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There is a suite of burial tools that have been designed by SubTrench Pty.
A. A 3 metre jetting tool sword & Depressor designed for the Q7 Project.
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C. A 3.3 metre cutter and depressor.
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D. A 1.3 meter cutter and depressor
The cutter is supplied as a kit of parts which fits to 3.3m cutter head and replaces
the boom of the 3.3m cutter with a shorter version. It is believed that there are
appropriate chains but this should be verified by trial assembly.
They are all attached to the vehicle via pivot bearings at the aft of the vehicle. Hydraulic
rams are used to pivot the tools into the deployed position. There does not appear to be
any ‘kick back’ load monitoring systems or any relief function on the hydraulics to
prevent excessive forces being generated. None of the actuators are fitted with load
control valves (as previously noted in the hydraulic section) which under hose failure or
leakage conditions would result in the tool dropping in an uncontrolled manner.
When the jetting tools are fitted the water is supplied to the burial tools via a rotary
coupling which passes through the pivot point for the burial tool deployment. When the
cutters are fitted the water supply pipe-work has to be disconnected as it appears the
cutter drive motors have to be fitted through the pivot bearings. The depressor which is
fitted behind the cutter is fitted with an array of water jets to clean the cutting cups as the
pass up the back of the cutting tool. It is not clear how the supply of water is effected.
There does not appear to be any documentation for the installation, operation or
maintenance of any of these burial tools.
The cutting tools require that the product is fed into the top of the depressor implying that
the product is fed over the vehicle. Whilst there is a form of product Shute over the
vehicle there is structure obscuring both entry and exit. Even if entry and exit were clear
the Shute design is not compatible with diverless operation.
All burials tools should be trial fitted to the vehicle and any anomalies resolved.
If Oceanteam desire to be independent of Subtrench Pty regarding the design of burial
tools and spares the assemblies should measured and drawn to provide documentary
The burial tool hydraulic circuits should be revised to provide safe load control and load
Design a product guide system over the vehicle which suitable for diverless operation.
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The electrical system has been adapted from the SeaJet 2000 system. The power
distribution container has six transformers. Four are wired and used for the supplies to the
water pump prime movers and the HPU prime movers. There have been undocumented
modifications to the power supply control system to the main system transformers.
The transformers will require testing.
The complete power distribution system will need to checked through wire by wire to
determine the circuit diagram. (it has already been determined that there are a number of
safety issue to be addressed).
The system will then need to be evaluated to ensure that it is fit for purpose.
Deck cabling and system interconnects will require integrity checks.
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The umbilical winch currently has 570m of umbilical fitted. At present the winch does
not have a spooling mechanism fitted. There are some components which may be the
spooling system and there is a spooling assembly with an integrated ‘heave compensation
system’ of dubious functionality but some investigation will be required to clarify this
There is not a HPU to drive the winch or any associated controls. We do have a manual
for the winch. There is provision for water cooling the inside of the winch drum an
external spray bar is fitted.
The status of the umbilical & slip ring will require verification. (fibres, insulation
resistance, etc.
Review the design of the spooling mechanism/heave compensation system and modify as
Review the winch hydraulic power and control requirements and specify.
Determine winch cooling water supply requirements.
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Some elements of the SeaJet 2000 system have been incorporated in to the ST2 control
system, such the prism MUX system and the umbilical junction box. The Prism MUX
communicates to two OMRON PLC, which control of the ancillary instrumentation and
control systems. The overall integrity of the system is poor. It is inadequately fused
which result in safety hazards to divers and also a single failure of one component could
result in all systems associated to fail. The whole design philosophy is flawed. There
significant heat dissipation issues due to the multiple redundancy of power supplies all of
which are un fused
The system has two pressure pods at present because of the inefficiency of the design. It
would appear that the system has been design by someone without any experience or
knowledge of the system requirements of a sub-sea vehicle. As a result of this philosophy
there are multiple connectors into and out of and between the pressure pods and all the
myriad sensors. This is not good design practice. The more connectors there are in a
system the greater the potential for unreliability and poor systems integrity.
The overall accessibility and maintainability of all vehicle systems are also being
compromised by excessively long cables coiled up all over the vehicle.
Use a standard Hitec computer controller system reusing the existing umbilical junction
box and Prism MUX. The existing pressure vessel maybe used if the 100m depth rating is
acceptable. By using this equipment only one pressure vessel will be required.
A complete review of all ancillary equipment and sensors will be required to verify there
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The control cabin and console is modified SeaJet2000. The majority of the control panels
are acceptable and can probably be reused with the exception of the track drive operator
panel. There is not any provision for individual proportional control of the tracks. The
Human Interface for the track drive system is non-intuitive and should be modified.
The PLC system is adequate and can possibly be reused.
The control software is a standard Scada integration package. The data is poorly
presented over to many screens which would encourage operator error. To make any
input of data into the software such as calibration information or to change the cutting
tool configuration requires the input of a protection password.
Replace the Scada interface with custom written software (i.e. Poseidon similar to OJ900)
This will provide the same data acquisition facility that has proven very useful on the
OJ900 .
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Before commencing any design and engineering works to bring the system up to an
operational state it important that the senior management within Oceanteam decide what
functionality they want to achieve within practical engineering, financial and timescale
Once a final specification has been agreed it is important that a design & engineering
team is dedicated to the project to ensure that focus and design clarity is maintained. The
project should then driven by engineering requirements & objectives and not by
The ST2 is the basis for a robust trenching machine. It is believed that the basic chassis
track structure is of sound design and construction.
The hydraulic and water system motors and pumps are of excellent quality and appear to
be in good condition and have done very little work.
The conceptual design of the tool deployment pivot and tool attachment appears sound
but the practicality and maintainability of the system is unproven until all the tooling has
been trial fitted and functionality verified.
The installation and location of the equipment on the vehicle structure is frankly abysmal.
It is inaccessible and un-maintainable.
The ancillary hydraulic system and valve packs should be scrapped and redesigned once
it has been established what functionality is required of the vehicle. They can be replaced
with much smaller and compact valve pack assemblies. This will provide better
flexibility for installation and provide better accessibility and maintainability. Although
this sounds extravagant it should be possible to design manufacture a single multi-station
valve pack for circa £6k.
The electrical and control systems are a poorly executed adaptation of the SeaJet 2000
system with in many areas no documentation and others potentially unsafe. The simplest
solution would be to rework the complete system as recommended in the appropriate
sections of this report.
In order to fully understand the status and function of the system it is recommended that
the system should be dismantled back to the basic chassis and track frames to enable a
full assessment of the work to be done.
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