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Band C Writing

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CẤU TRÚC HAY...............................................................................................................1

GARDEN CLUB............................................................................................................3
MUSIC CLUB................................................................................................................4
FITNESS CLUB.............................................................................................................7
SCIENCE CLUB...........................................................................................................8
HOME LIVING CLUB...............................................................................................10
ART CLUB...................................................................................................................11
WALKING CLUB.......................................................................................................12
FOOD CLUB................................................................................................................13
ENGLISH CLUB.........................................................................................................14
BEAUTIFUL HOMES CLUB....................................................................................15
TECHNOLOGY CLUB..............................................................................................16


piece of cake That exam was a piece of cake

brush up on sth I need to brush up on my knowledge before
taking the exam
burn the candle at both ends I burn the candle at both ends for months to
burn the midnight oil pay for my family’s expenses
call for sth call for the support
come up against sth come up against difficulties
cut down on sth Cutting down on budget is not what we
go the extra mile Suzy always goes the extra mile to make my
birthday special.
keep in touch Tom still keeps in touch with Mary, even
though they haven’t seen each other for 10
Little by little Little by little, I start to know him
make the best use of To make the best use of the capital from
investors, I think we should scale up the
make up one’s mind = decide I finally make up my mind about taking the job
one way or another We'll get out of this mess one way or another.
out of the question = impossible The class ends at 2, and leaving before then is
out of the question.
pull your socks up He has to pull his socks up if he wants to stay
in the team.
put something off = delay We have to put the meeting off for a week
put one’s feet up = relax All I want to do is put my feet up for a few
days and go to bed early each night.
show someone the ropes Lynn spent an afternoon showing the new girl
the ropes.
sit on the fence He tends to sit on the fence at meetings.
too good to be true this plan sounds/seems/is too good to be true
there’s no denying that It's a great series, but there's no denying that
it's extremely sad.
view something from a different As you grow up, you start to view the world
angle from different angles.
It is worth mentioning that It is worth mentioning that he is also a very
experienced writer.
work something out We need to work out a way to improve this
chalk and cheese I and my brother are chalk and cheese
caught between two spools I was caught between two stools when I had to
choose which university to attend.
hit the nail on the head We really hit the nail on the head with this
video. We already have a million YouTube
You hit the nail on the head with this color of
wallpaper for the living room; it looks better
than I expected
on the house = free My dinner was on the house.
pay through the nose You have to pay through the nose for a new
part and parcel Being hard-working is a part and parcel of
an eager beaver When she first started working she was a real
eager beaver.
have butterflies in your stomach I had terrible butterflies in my stomach before I
gave the speech
all in all in general
a good sight for sore eyes = sth that After twenty hours of driving, my family was a
you are happy to see sight for sore eyes.
Kill two birds with one stone Cycling to work kills two birds with one stone.
It saves money and gives you some exercise.
Hit the sack I’m exhausted, it’s time for me to hit the sack
By the skin of your teeth I passed that exam by the skin of my teeth!
a huge pain in the neck = someone or That child/situation is a real pain in the neck.
something that is annoying or
difficult to deal with

Part 1: You want to join a garden club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. Where are you from?
2. What’s the weather like today?
3. What did you do last night?
4. First language?
5. What is your favorite color?
Part 2: You are a new member of a garden club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use
20 – 30 words.
Why did you join the club?
Part 3: You are a member of the garden club. You are talking to three other members in
the garden club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: Describe your garden?
My garden is part of my home’s backyard and I really adore it. There is a big tree right in
the middle of my garden, which is surrounded by a small water fountain, several
bushes, a section for vegetables and different kinds of flowers.
B: Do people in your country like gardening?
In fact, gardening is one of the most popular pastimes in Vietnam. Being green-fingered
has quietly become not only acceptable but also aspirational, you can grow something,
and they will provide you shade, fruits, vegetables in return. And many people find
gardening very therapeutic. I mean, it is one of the best ways for people to have more
reasons to get outside, unwind, and enjoy a healthier, happier life.
C: What is your favorite season? Why?
All in all, summer is my favorite season as everything is bright and lovely. Even the fruits
and vegetables we get are so colorful that it makes a good sight for sore eyes. Further, I
enjoy my time in swimming pools and get to wear light clothes.
Part 4: You are a member of the garden club. You received this email from the club.
Dear members,
We are writing to tell you that the talk and slide show on The Gardens of Japan by
Mr.Seiko has been canceled because the speaker has been taken ill. Mr.Jones has kindly
agreed to give his talk on The Gardens of England again. I know that many of you have
already heard Mr. Jones before but I hope you will be happy to hear him once again.
Please give your suggestions.

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.
Para: Due to the speaker’s illness, Mr Seiko’s lecture on “TGOJ” has been called off. Mr
Jones has kindly consented to repeat his speech on “TGOE”.
 I would appreciate it if we could postpone the talk on The Gardens of Japan to a
later date, therefore, Mr Seiko could still be the speaker and club members could
listen to fresh information. There is no denying that meeting a brand new speaker
will make us considerably happier.
 However, I would still be delighted/pleased to hear Mr. Jones again if the talk’s
date was set.

ĐỀ 1:
Part 1: You want to join a music club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. What’s your favorite sport?
2. How many people are in your family?
3. What did you do yesterday?
4. How do you go to school?
5. What’s your hobby?
Part 2: You are a new member of a music club. Write in sentences. Use 20 – 30 words.
When and where do you listen to music?
Part 3: You are a member of a music club. You are talking to three other members in the
music club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: When I was little, my grandmother used to sing to me, her voice was very beautiful.
Tell me about a memory you had with music?
If my memory serves me correctly, it was on my 20th birthday that my boyfriend sang
me a happy birthday song. I know that he went the extra mile to sing for me because
normally he is a shy person. I realize that music can speak when words can’t.
B: Playing loud music annoys people around you, what do you think?
There is no denying that playing loud music will annoy those around us, especially when
they need to focus on completing tasks or activities. All in all, we should only play loud
music when we are alone, otherwise we should use our headphones or earphones.
C: Your parents don't like the music you listen to. Is it because of the generation
It is clear for me that different generations have different tastes in music. Young people
tend to take fast and strong rhythms while elders take classical ones as they want to enjoy
great rhythm, lyrics and harmony.
Part 4:
Dear member,
The music club is planning to hold a concert. This concert needs to appeal to both the old
and the young.
Please give the suggestions
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.
2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.
 set up a realistic budget to cover all concert expenses related to venue booking and
any contingencies.
 create multiple ticket types and seating combos to give attendees the ultimate
flexibility of choosing what is best for them.
 promote the concert on social media so that people can easily find and join us.
 hold the concert on Sunday, which will be the most appropriate and convenient
day for both young and old people to attend.
ĐỀ 2:
Part 2: What do you usually do when you listen to music?
Part 3:
A: What are the benefits of listening to music?
It has been proven that music helps significantly improve people's mental well-being and
boost physical health. In fact, listening to music is a part and parcel of our lives.
Whenever I am in a black mood, music makes me feel over the moon and helps me let
my hair down after an exhausting day.
B: I want to play music, I think I should find a good music teacher. What do you think?
It’s not necessary to have a teacher if you want to fumble around on an instrument, and if
you have an affinity for an instrument, you can play tunes and learn it via youtube.
However, if you want to master an instrument, a good teacher is absolutely necessary.
C: Some types of music are loud, some are pleasant. What do you think?
It is obvious and completely normal. If we look at music in different parts of the world,
we find even more variations and ideas about different genres of music.
Part 4:
Dear members,
The club wants to find volunteers to organize the event. The club does not require
experience but needs to be free in the evenings.
Write an email about why you want to volunteer and contribute your ideas to the club.
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.
2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.
 set up a realistic budget to cover all concert expenses related to venue booking and
any contingencies.
 create multiple ticket types and seating combos to give attendees the ultimate
flexibility of choosing what’s best for them.
 promote the concert on social media so that people can easily find and join us.
 hold the concert on Sunday, which will be the most appropriate and convenient
day for both young and old people to attend.
 I genuinely am passionate about being in the position to help organize a music
event, especially when I can utilize my skills and knowledge about music to make
this event better.
 Volunteering is a fantastic opportunity since it provides physical and mental
rewards, improves my social skills and increases my self-esteem.

Part 1: You want to join an outdoor club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. Where are you from?
2. Do you like doing exercise?
3. Where do you like to go on holiday?
4. What’s your favorite color?
5. What did you do last night?
Part 2: You are a new member of a fitness club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences. Use
20 – 30 words.
Please talk about the last time you had to run somewhere?
Part 3: You are a member of a fitness club. You are talking to three other members in the
fitness club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: I live in a tall building, I usually walk downstairs to exercise, how do you usually
Personally, I exercise by cycling in the mornings from home to work every single day.
Cycling to work kills two birds with one stone since it saves my money and strengthens
my body.
B: I usually get up early to run in the morning because I usually get tired in the evening.
What about you?
While it certainly seems like the morning is an ideal time to work out, exercising in the
afternoon or after working hours has its significant benefits. Planning on an evening
workout may mean I get some extra shuteye in the morning.
C: Nowadays, technology makes people's lives easier, but it also makes them lazy and
dislike exercise. Do you agree with this opinion?
From my point of view, I partly agree with this statement. There is no doubt that people
become overly dependent on technology and spend far too much time using it. However,
when you view it from a different angle, you can see that technology can completely
assist people in exercising by designing effective and appropriate exercises.
Part 4: You are a member of a fitness club. You received this email from the club.
Dear members,
Some equipment in the club is old and needs to be replaced. Our club is planning to hold
a sponsorship event to raise money for the upgrade of sports equipment. On the other
hand, there are also some opinions that the club should increase the membership fee to
Please give your opinions.
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.
2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.
Part 4 (phiên bản 2):
Dear members,
In order to cut costs, the club reduces some equipment that can be offered to members.
Some members offer that we can close the fitness shop and cafe.
Please give your opinions.
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.
2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.
 sports equipment is a part and parcel of exercising.
 put in place a regulation on using electricity and resources economically, if anyone
breaks it, they will be fined

Task 1:
1 What is your favorite color?
2. What is your first school?
3. What do you do in your free time?
4. What is your favorite sport?
5. What did you do last night?
Task 2: Write in sentences about 20-30 words
Why do you like science?

I’m passionate about science and I watch science videos about scientific revolutions on a
regular basis. Science provides me with a wide range of amazing information about the

Task 3: You are in a club chat room with 3 members of the club. You will answer and
exchange some opinions with those 3 people. Write answers in sentences of about 30 –
40 words.
Person A: Why did you decide to join our Science Club? How often can you go to the

I joined this club because a friend of mine recommended it to me and I badly want to gain
more knowledge about science. I have a full-time job from Monday to Friday, so I can
attend the club’s activities on weekends.
Person B: In the past, you learnt about Science in school. Do you remember something
about Science?

I’ve studied science since I was 6 years old. I still keep in mind that the Earth revolves
around the Sun and water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. I remember the history of
scientific revolutions as well.

Person C: Who is your favorite inventor or scientist? Why?

I really look up to the great scientist Marie Curie. She was the first woman to win a
Nobel Prize and the first woman to become a professor at the University of Paris.

Task 4: You have received an email from the Science Club about the club exhibition
next month.
“Dear all members in our club, our club is preparing to organize the science exhibition
next month. Both young people and elderly people can take part in our activities in the
exhibition. Could you contribute some ideas for our event team? Whether our club issues
tickets for participants? I would like to hear your contribution.”
1. Write an email to a friend. (about 50 words)
2. Write an email to reply and express your feeling to Ms. Jenny – manager of the club.
(about 120-150 words)
 set up a realistic budget to cover all concert expenses related to venue booking
and any contingencies.
 create multiple ticket types and seating combos to give attendees the ultimate
flexibility of choosing what’s best for them.
 promote the concert on social media so that people can easily find and join us.
 hold the concert on Sunday, which will be the most appropriate and convenient
day for both young and old people to attend.


Part 2:
Describe where you live?
I live in a 4-storey house with my family in Hanoi city, which is the capital of Vietnam.
In my house, there is not very much furniture but I reckon that everything is harmonious
with other things. My house is not big, yet I adore it for its simple beauty.
Part 3:
A: You have to stay in the bedroom but have to share with your brother. How do you
Honestly, I will be quite disappointed as I don't want to compromise my privacy and we
will probably have some conflicts. However, when I view it from a different angle, I can
see that by sharing a room, we can do a lot of things together and can share our mutual
interests, our feelings and our secrets that we couldn’t share with our parents.
B: It is better to live in the city than in the countryside. Do you agree? Why?
From my point of view, I partly agree with this statement. Living in a village or a city
completely depends upon individual perspectives and needs. Personally, it is worth
mentioning that there are many benefits of living in metro areas where people can
achieve their goals more easily and live a quality life.
C: Nowadays, old buildings are demolished and replaced with modern buildings. I feel
we should protect historic buildings. What do you think?
Well, yes and no. It depends on the types of buildings. For instance, there are a lot of
areas in some cities called slums, and those areas consist of half-broken, damaged,
moldy, and dirty buildings which are beyond repair. These have to be cleaned and
replaced, as they do not hold any value or cultural importance. Now if we are talking
about historic monuments like museums, cathedrals, government buildings, and so on,
these definitely have to be renovated and protected, as they are important for a city's
culture and heritage.
Part 4.
Currently, there are many young families who want to buy a house or an apartment. The
club wants the members to make suggestions to help them find homes.
1. Write to a friend (50 words)
2. Write to the manager of the club (120 words)
 The quickest way to find a house or an apartment in this age of technology is
online, on property search websites.
 If it is hard for them to look for a property online, they could visit local estate
agents. It is also worth asking friends and family and checking local notice boards
and newspapers.

P2: Tell me a painting or a photo that you like?
One of my favorite paintings is called Mona Lisa, which was painted by an Italian artist -
Leonardo DaVinci. What attracts me the most about this painting is the Mona Lisa’s
charming smile. It’s not only the most beautiful feature on her face but also has lots of
1. I kept a painting for a long time. Tell me a thing that you have had for a long time.
I kept my ten-year-old birthday present the longest. It was a painting of a natural
landscape that my brother drew for me. Whenever I'm tired, looking at the painting
makes me feel inner peace.
2. I would like to learn painting, but I have not found an effective way. Should I take a
course at my local college? Please, give me some advice.
You had better join an art class. By that way, the teachers will show you how to draw and
the knowledge regarding art. Besides, you will have the chance to meet people having the
same interest as you and I believe you could learn so much from them.
3. Street art – where people paint on the building – are becoming popular. However,
some people criticize that it is bad. What is your opinion?
In my view, I am interested in the creativity of street art and I always respect the artist.
Having your work in a busy public area where many different people can see and
appreciate it is amazing.
“Dear all members,
The Art Club is organizing a talk to the public to attract more attention. We are going to
invite an artist to give a talk to members. As a member of our club, could you give us an
artist to join our talk and what topic should they share to gain more attention. We would
like to have more both young and elderly members.”
1. Write an email to your friend – also a member of the club.
2. Write an email to the organizer of the plan.
 invite Mr. A, who is an artist and novelist, to the talk because he is one of the most
famous and beloved speakers nowadays.
 talk about the differences between contemporary art and modern art, which is a
topic that art lovers are very interested in.
 set up a realistic budget to cover all concert expenses related to venue booking and
any contingencies.
 create multiple ticket types and seating combos to give attendees the ultimate
flexibility of choosing what’s best for them.
 promote the concert on social media so that people can easily find and join us.
 hold the concert on Sunday, which will be the most appropriate and convenient
day for both young and old people to attend.

Part 1:
1. How is the weather today?
2. What is your favorite season of the year?
3. What do you usually do in your free time?
4. What is your favorite sport?
5. What is a place you would like to visit in your country?
Part 2:
The last time you went for a walk?
The last time you went for a walk was yesterday. It was a walk around Hoan Kiem Lake.
I do this walk quite regularly actually, usually in the late evening, and usually whenever I
feel under pressure at work or school.
Part 3:
A: I often go for a walk. What about you?
I go for a walk on a regular basis as it is part of my daily routine every morning and
afternoon. My workplace is just a stone's throw from my house so I go there on foot
everyday. Well, walking is my cup of tea as it helps me keep fit.
B: I prefer to go to the countryside for a walk. Walking in the city is stressful and noisy.
What do you think?
I obviously believe it is much better to go for a stroll in the countryside than in the city
because the greenery and fresh air that you can enjoy in the countryside is scarce in the
crowded cities. Plus, rural areas are more peaceful and pollution-free which makes them
perfect for long walks.
C: In the past, people walked long distances as part of their lives. These days, they don't
walk anymore. Why?
With the advancements and conveniences of technology and transportation, people’s
lives have in many ways become increasingly easier, as well as less active. They often
use their own vehicles or book cars online when they need to go out, instead of walking.
Part 4
Dear members,
The club has planned to organize a walk across European countries. There were a few
members of the group who suggested it, but it was said that it was unrealistic.
Please send us your suggestions and your reasons.
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would
like to do. Write about 50 words
2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about your feelings and what
you think the club should do about the situation. Write about 120 - 150 words.
Nowadays, many people use their phones while walking so they don't focus on walking.
The club wants members to make suggestions on this issue.
1. Write an email to your friend. Write about your feelings and what you would
like to do. Write about 50 words
2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about your feelings and what
you think the club should do about the situation. Write about 120 - 150 words.
 while on the phone, people may not be focused on scanning for dangers around
 pedestrians should keep their eyes off of their phones until they reach their
destination and keep headphone volumes low so they can still hear street noise.
 Those who aren’t willing to stop texting while walking had better use mobile
applications that text via voice command.
 If you must use your phone while walking, stop in a safe spot out of the way of
other pedestrians and vehicles to make your call or send your text.

Part 2: You are a new member of a cooking club. Fill in the form. Write in sentences.
Use 20 – 30 words.
What do you usually eat for breakfast? Why?
Oatmeal with banana is my go to, but I'm trying to mix that up by preparing overnight
oats with seeds and other goodies. My goal is to gradually add more healthy, varied
options to my breakfast.
Part 3: You are a member of a cooking club. You are talking to three other members in
the club chat room. Talk to them using sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: Nowadays, many people order pizza to eat instead of cooking at home. What about
you ?
From my point of view, I partly agree with this statement. Ordering ready-made food
may be the best choice for a busy person as food preparing is a cumbersome and time-
consuming process. However, if you cook food at home, you will have more control over
the ingredients, which can be beneficial for health in the long run.
B: What do you usually eat when you are busy? Why?
When I am busy and don’t have time to prepare my meals, I bring snacks from home like
dried mango, wasabi peas, and blueberries to eat throughout the day. Every now and then,
I will buy something from grab-and-go places and it’s usually some combination of
protein and greens
C: Do you think it's important for children to learn how to cook?
One of the best ways to help children and teens eat healthy is to encourage them to learn
to cook. Moreover, good cooking is a way to teach kids vital skills, such as creativity and
Part 4:
“Dear members,
Nowadays, many young people do not like to cook at home. Please give advice to
encourage them to do that more.
1. To your friend, tell your friend what suggestions you will make and why?
2. To the manager. Tell the manager what suggestions you will make and why?
 If you tend to get bored while cooking, use it as an opportunity to catch up on your
favorite podcasts or listen to music that you enjoy. Listening to something
enjoyable while you prepare meals can help make the experience more
 If you don’t have much time or inclination for cooking, batch cooking will help
you cook less often.
Part 2: Write 20- 30 words
What do you usually use the internet for?
I do a ton of things on the Internet. I use it to read local as well as national news
headlines on a regular basis. I also use it for checking my emails, chatting with my
friends, finding information and shopping from home at times.
Part 3: Write 30 – 40 words
A: I usually spend 6 hours a day studying English. How do you learn English?
I think the most effective way to learn a language is to practice more with a native
speaker. By doing this, you can improve both listening and oral skills simultaneously,
you will be fluent in this language. Besides, I also keep a journal in English in my spare
B: English is a popular language in the world. What are your thoughts on this idea?
I wholly concur with this statement. There is no doubt that English is a global language
and it's spoken by a wide range of people. Learning English opens the door to some of the
world’s top colleges and universities. Moreover, learning English will make you more
employable to businesses across the world.
C: When do you usually use English?
I use English every day because my work is closely related to this language. I would say
that even if I am not using it to speak to an international team, I am probably using it to
read scientific papers or listen to podcasts about topics related to my field.
Part 4:
Nowadays more and more new words and phrases are added to the language, so many
people have strong reactions to this issue. Some people gladly accept, others argue that
there should be rules for language. Write a letter to your friend and the club manager to
express your views and explain why so many people react like this.
1. Write to a friend (50 words)
2. Write to a manager (120 – 150 words)
 The goal of the community is that we can comfortably talk to each other easily and
can understand what the partner says.
 It will help our language become more abundant and diverse. Our conversations
also will become more interesting and fascinating.
Part 2: Why do you want to join the Beautiful Homes club?
I can’t deny that I have a big love for decorating houses. By joining the club, I believe
that I can find a lot of ideas to decorate my house. Moreover, I want to have many more
friends having the same hobby as me.
Part 3:
A: I have a bad relationship with my neighbors because they often make noise. Tell me
how is your relationship with your neighbors?
Well, it is more of a friendly relation because we both work for the same company and
share our cars to work together. It is almost like a family friend and we stand by each
other at the time of need.
B: Do you prefer living in old buildings or modern buildings? Why?
Without a shadow of a doubt, I would go with a modern house for safety reasons.
Moreover, I want to enjoy the conveniences of modern, high-rise buildings where I can
enjoy the spacious and well-ventilated rooms equipped with modern facilities such as air
conditioning and lift.
C: The house should be designed in a way that is good for the environment. Do you
Agree. Building in an environmentally friendly way has many benefits, along with being
both incredibly rewarding and cost effective too. Not only are you helping to look after
the environment but you’ll also enjoy lower bills, increased energy efficiency and your
home will require less maintenance over time.
PART 4 :
Dear member,
The cost of maintaining old buildings is very high and these buildings take up a lot of
space. The government has a proposal that we knock down old buildings and build more
modern blocks.
1, write to a friend (50 words).
2, write to the club (120 – 150 words).
Too much money is wasted on repairing old buildings that should be used to knock them
down and build new ones. If we talk about old buildings that possess no exceptional
value while becoming dilapidated, entire destruction is an acceptable and understandable
decision. Poor in condition and low in quality, some buildings pose a danger to people
inside as well as pedestrians. Whether they have been reinforced or not, these buildings
can blemish the landscape and hardly justify continued maintenance. Replacing such
buildings with new ones meets the renewed needs of the city.

Part 1: You want to join a technology club. Fill in the form. Use 1 – 5 words.
1. Where are you from?
2. What’s the weather like today?
3. What do you do in your free time?
4. First language?
5. Who do you usually go to the movies with?
Part 2: : You are a new member of a technology club. Fill in the form. Write in
sentences. Use 20 – 30 words.
What do you usually use your laptop for?
I do a ton of things on my laptop. I use it to read local as well as national news headlines
on a regular basis. I also use it for checking my emails, chatting with my friends, finding
information and shopping from home at times.
Part 3: : You are a new member of a technology club. Fill in the form. Write in
sentences. Use 30 – 40 words.
A: Do you often watch movies on your laptop or go to the theater?
Because of the existence of the internet, I rarely spend time watching movies in theaters.
I love to watch movies on my laptop in the comfort of my home, aside from the fact that
it’s convenient, I almost don’t need to spend money. Going to a cinema is really costly,
not only do you spend money on tickets but you also have to pay for your snacks and fuel
for your car.
B: Tell me about a bad experience with your computer?
My worst experience was in high school. I had my laptop in my backpack. I was pulling
my backpack out of the gym lockers and dropped it. It only fell about 3 inches but the
hinges on the laptop were destroyed. It cost me nearly $200 to get the hinges repaired for
a 3-inch fall.
C: What are the benefits of technology?
Modern technology boosts productivity as well as the efficiency of human activities, as it
allows us to perform tasks in less time. Meanwhile, thanks to the huge amount of
information available, better decisions can be made, and human error reduced.
Technology helps us to keep in touch with people who are away from us with just a click.

Part 4: You are a member of a technology club. You received this email from the club.
Dear member,
Members often post on the website's club. But lately there’s been a few negatives on the
other member's post. Please give your opinion to fix the situation.

1. Write an email to your friend. Write about 50 words.

2. Write an email to the manager of the club. Write about 120 - 150 words.

The club will hold a technology fair. The club wants to find a volunteer for this event.
first .
1. Write to a friend to explain why you should be chosen as a volunteer (50 words)
2. Write to the club manager about the importance of technology and why you should be
selected (120 words)

 There is no doubt that we are experiencing a tremendous development in

technology and it is an essential part of our daily lives. Every other task we do
today relies heavily on technology. We depend so much on it that we can’t even
imagine our lives without technology. We use hundreds of gadgets in our homes,
schools, and offices.
 set up a realistic budget to cover all concert expenses related to venue booking and
any contingencies.
 create multiple ticket types and seating combos to give attendees the ultimate
flexibility of choosing what’s best for them.
 promote the concert on social media so that people can easily find and join us.
 hold the concert on Sunday, which will be the most appropriate and convenient
day for both young and old people to attend.
 I genuinely am passionate about being in the position to help organize this fair,
especially when I can utilize my skills and knowledge about technology.
 Volunteering is a fantastic opportunity since it provides physical and mental
rewards, improves my social skills and increases my self-esteem.

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