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What Is The Optimal Body Mass Index in Koreans?: Djkim@ajou -

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제26차 대한당뇨병학회 춘계학술대회

S4. Obesity 2013.5.10.

What is the optimal

body mass index in Koreans?
김 대 중

아주의대 내분비대사내과
순 서
• History of body mass index
• Body mass index and diabetes
• Body mass index and cardiovascular
diseases: IHD, stroke
• Body mass index and cancer
• Body mass index and mortality
• What is the optimal BMI in Koreans?
History of Body mass index
• Lambert-Adolphe-Jacques Quetelet
– Belgian mathematician
– In 1832, Quetelet Index
– Among adults weight in kgs
seemed to increase in proportion
to the square of stature in meter.
– W/Sb (historically)
• Based on age, gender, race, diseases
• W/S2; Kg/m2, lb/in2*703

From wikipedia
History of Body mass index
• Ancel Keys, American scientist
– “Indices of relative weight and
obesity” (Journal of Chronic Diseases, 1972)
– 7,424 healthy men in 12 cohorts
– New term “body mass index”
– Useful index for grading adiposity
in population studies; kg/m2

From wikipedia
BMI Adult Chart
• Metropolitan Life
Insurance Company
(MLIC) mortality
tables in 1908

• Healthy weights
• Overweight
• obese
What is a healthy weight?
• Normative data based on the frequency
distribution of weights within the
– 85th (overweight) and 95th (obese) percentile
• Determining healthy body weight in
relation to the risk of morbidity and
overall mortality

Bray GA. J Nutr Biochem 9:489-492, 1998

What is a healthy weight?
• Normative data based on distribution
– National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS)
– In 1976-1980, aged 20-29yrs;
– 27.3 (F) 27.8 (M) kg/m2
• Problem of normative data
– Will change with survey
– 15% of population as overweight

Bray GA. J Nutr Biochem 9:489-492, 1998

What is a healthy weight?
• Minimal mortality rates and lowest risks
for developing diseases associated with
– BMI of 22 kg/m2
– 20-25 kg/m2; healthy weight range
– Committee on Dietary Guidelines;
– 19-25 as normal

Bray GA. J Nutr Biochem 9:489-492, 1998

BMI definition for obesity
• In 1980, dietary guidelines
– normal weight; <25-26 kg/m2(M) 24-25(F)
• In 1984, Health US
– Overweight; ≥28.0 kg/m2(M), 35.0kg/m1.5(F)
• In 1985, NIH consensus Development Panel
– Overweight, obesity; ≥27.8 kg/m2(M), 27.3kg/m2(F)
• In 1995, WHO, In 1998, NHLBI Expert panel
– Overweight; from BMI 27.8 to 25 kg/m2(M/F)
– Obese; ≥30.0 kg/m2(M/F)
• app. 29 million Americans, healthy to overweight
– South East Asian: cut-off BMI of 23

Am J Clin Nutr. 2000; 72(5): 1074-1081

Definition of obesity in adults

Bray GA. J Nutr Biochem 9:489-492, 1998

Accuracy of BMI to diagnose
obesity in the US adults

Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 June; 32(6): 959–966.

Accuracy of BMI to diagnose
obesity in the US adults

Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 June; 32(6): 959–966.

Accuracy of BMI to diagnose
obesity in the US adults
• Despite the good correlation between BMI
and Body Fat%, the diagnostic accuracy of
BMI to diagnose obesity is limited,
particularly for individuals in the
intermediate BMI ranges.
• A BMI cut-off of ≥ 30 kg/m2 has a good
specificity but misses more than half of
people with excess fat. These results help to
explain the U and J-shape association
between BMI and outcomes.

Int J Obes (Lond). 2008 June; 32(6): 959–966.

Risk associated with central fat

Bray GA. J Nutr Biochem 9:489-492, 1998

Cut-off points for central obesity
in Asia

Low risk: 85 (M) 80 (F)

High risk: 90 (M) 85 (F)

Oh SW. Diabetes Metab J 2011;35:561-566

BMI and diabetes in Asia
• Pooled cross-sectional analysis
• Self-reported diabetes status
• N=900,000, 18 cohorts
• Korea Multi-center Cancer (KMCC) data
in Korea (n=15,058)
• Referent BMI; 22.5-24.9 kg/m2

PLoS ONE 2011;6:e19930

BMI and diabetes in Asia

PLoS ONE 2011;6:e19930

BMI and diabetes in Asia

PLoS ONE 2011;6:e19930

BMI and diabetes in Korea
(%) Male Female 85 percentiles: 27.1
25 95 percentiles: 29.2




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M 23.6 24.3 25.1 26.0
F 22.9 23.8 24.7 25.7
Waist and diabetes in Korea
(%) Male Female




1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
M 84.3 86.4 88.7 91.2 Waist
F 77.7 80.4 83.2 86.4
한국인 당뇨병 위험지수
<35세 – 0
No – 0
흡연 나이 35-44세 – 2
Yes – 1
≥45세 - 3

<84/77cm – 0 복부 No – 0
84-90/77-84cm – 2 가족력
비만 Yes – 1
≥90/84cm – 3

<1잔 – 0
음주 고혈압 No – 0
1-5잔 – 1
Yes – 1
≥5잔 – 2

총점이 5점 이상이면 혈당 검사를 해봐야 한다.

이용호, 김대중, 박석원 등. Diabetes Care 2012

Risk for diabetes in middle-aged
Korean: KoGES, n=6,342


1.18 1.27
1 1


<23.0 23.0-24.9 25.0-29.9 30+ (BMI)
Clinical model 2. AROC 0.77
Lim NK, et al. Circulation J 2012
BMI and incident IHD
• Korea Medical Insurance Corporation
• In 1990 & 1992,
• 62,657 female and 106,803 male workers
– 35-59years; 44.8(M), 42.1(F)
• Follow-up for 9 years (1993-2001)

Jee SH, et al. Am J Epidemiol 2005;162:42-48

BMI and incident IHD
HR: 2.01 (1.32-3.05)

Average BMI: 23.4(M) 22.3(F)

Jee SH, et al. Am J Epidemiol 2005;162:42-48

BMI and stroke risk in Korean
• National Health Insurance Corporation
• From 1992 to 1995
• 439,582 women
• Overall incidence of stroke and subtypes
– From 1993-2005
– 13yrs

Park JW, et al. Obesity 2008;16: 396-401

BMI and stroke risk in Korean
BMI>30.0 vs. 18.5-19.9
Ischemic stroke 2.01
Hemorrhagic Stroke 1.27

Baseline BMI 23.2 Park JW, et al. Obesity 2008;16: 396-401

BMI and cancer risk
NHIC, n=1,213,829, 14yrs



1.3 1.33

1 1 1 1

<20 20-22.9 23-24.9 25-29.9 30+

Jee SH et al. Int J Cancer 2008: 123;1892-1896

BMI and cancer risk
NHIC, n=1,213,829, 14yrs
• Obesity (BMI ≥30) were at increased risk for
developing cancers
– Men
• Stomach cancer: HR 1.31
• Colon cancer: HR 1.42
• Liver cancer: HR 1.63
• GB cancer: HR 1.65
– Women
• Liver cancer: HR 1.39
• Pancreatic cancer: HR 1.80
• Breast cancer (>50yr): HR 1.38

Jee SH et al. Int J Cancer 2008: 123;1892-1896

BMI and mortality in Korean
• Korean Cancer Prevention Study (KCPS)
• 12yr prospective cohort study
• N=1,213,829, age of 30-95
– Baseline BMI 23.2
• 82,372 death
– 29,123 from cancer, 16,426 from CVD

Jee SH, et al. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 779-87

BMI and mortality in Korean

Referent BMI 23-24.9 Jee SH, et al. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 779-87
BMI and mortality in Korean
: Cancer death

Referent BMI 23-24.9 Jee SH, et al. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 779-87
BMI and mortality in Korean
: Cardiovascular death

Referent BMI 23-24.9 Jee SH, et al. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 779-87
BMI and mortality in Korean
: Respiratory cause

Referent BMI 23-24.9 Jee SH, et al. N Engl J Med 2006; 355: 779-87
BMI and CV death;
KMIC, men, 11% increase

Jee SH, et al. Am J Epidemiol 2005;162:42-48

BMI and cardiovascular mortality in
Korean men: Kangwha Cohort

Hong JS, et al. Amm Epidemiol 2007; 17: 622-627

BMI and cancer mortality in the
Asia-Pacific Cohort Studies
• Pooled analyses of 424,519 participants
• 39 cohorts, including Korea
• Overweight and obese individuals have a
significantly increased risk of mortality from
cancer (BMI≥30 vs. 18.5-24.9)
– HR 1.21 for all-cause cancer, excluding lung
and UGI tract cancer
– Colon (1.50), rectum (1.68), breast in
women >60y (1.63), ovary (2.62), cervix (4.21),
prostate (1.45), leukemia (1.66)

Lancet Oncol 2010; 11: 741-752

BMI and cancer mortality in the
Asia-Pacific Cohort Studies


Lancet Oncol 2010; 11: 741-752

Rationale for redefining obesity
in Koreans
• IASO, IOTF and WHO proposed BMI cut-
points 23.0 to 24.9 kg/m2 for being
overweight and ≥25.0 kg/m2 for obesity
in adults Asians
• In 2002, the WHO Expert Consultation
concluded that there was no universal
cut-point for overweight or obese in all
Asian populations
Rationale for redefining obesity
in Koreans
• Consultation’s recommendations
– Current WHO cut-point; 23 vs. 25
– New BMI cut-points of ≥23.0 kg/m2 for
“increased risk” and ≥27.5 kg/m2 for “high
risk” as thresholds for public health
Optimal BMI in Koreans?
• Percentiles (2011 KNHANES)
– 85 percentiles: 27.1 / 95 percentiles: 29.2
• Risk for diseases and mortality
– Diabetes: 25(F), ?(M)
• Waist: 90/85(M), 85/80(F)
– IHD: 23-24
– Stroke: linear, 21.5-22.9 (esp. <50yrs)
– Cancer: 30
– All-cause mortality: U shape, 30
– Cancer mortality: 26-28
– Cardiovascular mortality: 26-28(M) 28-30(F)
Optimal BMI in Koreans?

• Increased risk?

• High risk?
Optimal BMI in Koreans?

• Increased risk: 23 kg/m2

–Optimal BMI: <23.0

• High risk: 27 kg/m2

–Obese: ≥27.0
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