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BSC Sem 1 & 2 (Major-Minor) Bio-Science (Microbiology) Revised Syllabus From 2023-24 (DT 05-06-2024)

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B. Sc.

Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University,


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus

NEP 2020

(Effective from June, 2023)

(Revised – 2024)

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023


NEP 2020, CBCS Semester system

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology)

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I & II (New)
(Effective from June 2023)

(Revised – 2024)

Paper No., Paper title, Teaching & Evaluation Scheme

Semester I

Paper No. Paper Title Course Hrs/ External Internal Total Duration
Credit week marks marks marks of Exam

BM-MJ- 101 Introduction to 3 3 35 35 70 1.5 Hrs


BM-MJ- 102 Basic Microbial 3 3 35 35 70 1.5 Hrs


BMP-MJ-101 Introduction to 1 2 15 15 30 2 Hrs


BMP-MJ-102 Basic Microbial 1 2 15 15 30 2 Hrs


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology)

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I & II (New)
(Effective from June 2023)

(Revised – 2024)

Semester II

Paper No. Paper Title Course Hrs/ External Internal Total Duration
Credit week marks marks marks of Exam

BM-MJ- 201 Microbial 3 3 35 35 70 1.5 Hrs


BM-MJ- 202 Microbial 3 3 35 35 70 1.5 Hrs


BMP-MJ-201 Microbial 1 2 15 15 30 2 Hrs


BMP-MJ-202 Microbial 1 2 15 15 30 2 Hrs


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology)
NEP 2020, CBCS Semester system
B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology)

It is a three-year Bachelor's degree &four-year Honours course as per NEP 2020

which can be pursued after passing 12th Science. The subject includes the study of microbes
and the science of micro-organisms -Microbiology. It mainly focuses on the understanding of
the diversity of micro-organisms and the wide application of these life forms in various fields
& nature. The course includes the study of major aspects of microbiology & allied discipline
for the better understanding and use of microscopic forms of life.

Program Outcome:

PO1 Students shall learn basic fundamental aspects of microbiology such as microbial
diversity, microbial taxonomy, microbial physiology, microbial genetics, microbial
biochemistry, and microbial ecology.
PO2 Students shall acquire the knowledge regarding applied field of microbiology like
medical microbiology, food and dairy microbiology, environmental microbiology,
industrial microbiology, biotechnology.
PO3 Students shall acquire the awareness regarding the important role of microorganisms
in human health and diseases, environment.
PO4 Students shall learn the knowledge regarding microbial technology and its
applications in the production of important microbial products.
PO5 Program shall generate skilled manpower ready to use by various industrial sectors.

Program Specific Outcome:

PSO1 Students will develop the skill to observe, isolate, identify and cultivate the microbes.
PSO2 Students will acquire the GLP in microbiology laboratory.
PSO3 Students will develop practical skills of various instruments and techniques used in
diverse field of microbiology as well as biological science.
PSO4 Students will develop communication skills, effective presentation skills and
interpretation skills.
PSO5 Students will be graduates in Bioscience (microbiology) who shall understand the
societal problems and play a vital role by providing microbial solutions.
PSO6 Students will be able to build their careers in public health, dairy and food,
environmental organizations, pharmaceuticals and fermentation industries, even in
research laboratory & academic field.

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - I
Bioscience (Microbiology)

Course Description:

Course Code BM-MJ- 101

Course Title Introduction to Microbiology
Course Type Core (Major)
Course Credit 03

Course Overview:

This course introduces about the world of microbes, the science of microbes, its scope
& relevance, the history of microbes and its development in microbiology.

Course Objectives:

➢ To introduce microbes & microbiology.

➢ To describe the current position and importance of microorganisms in the living world
➢ To introduce various microbes and their distribution in nature.
➢ To learn various microbial discoveries and contributions of scientists.
➢ To study various developments in the field of microbiology.
Course Content:

Unit: I Introduction to Microbial World. [15 Hrs]

➢ Introduction to science of microbes - Microbiology.

➢ Position of Microbes in the living world. Binomial system, three kingdoms,
introduction to prokaryotes, four kingdoms. Whittaker’s five kingdoms & Carl
Woese’s classification.
➢ Taxonomic status of viruses
➢ A major group of microorganisms
Prokaryotes microbes – Eubacteria & Archeobacteria.
Eukaryotes microbes – Protista (Photosynthetic, Nonphotosynthetic & slime molds),
Fungi (Yeast & Mold)
Acellular – Viruses.
➢ Distribution of microorganisms in nature.

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

Unit: II History & Scope of Microbiology. [15 Hrs]

➢ Scope & relevance of Microbiology.

➢ Microbiology as a science – Basic & Applied area of microbiology
➢ Discovery of microbial world & Microorganism. Contribution of Leeuwenhoek-
➢ Spontaneous generation and Biogenesis.
➢ Golden age of microbiology. Louis Pasteur& Robert Koch
Fermentation & Germ theory of disease, Pure culture technique & Koch postulate.
Lister & antisepsis. Contribution of Edward Jenner & Pasteur in Immunology.

Unit: III Development in Microbiology. [15 Hrs]

➢ Birth of Modern Chemotherapy – Ehrlich

Antibiotics - Fleming & Waksman
➢ Development in field of Medical Microbiology
Discovery of phagocytosis, immunity, bacterial toxin & antitoxin
➢ Development in field of Agriculture Microbiology
Soil microbiology – Contribution of Winogradsky, Beijerinck, Plant pathology.
➢ History & Discovery of virus
➢ Microbial Genetics & Molecular Biology.
One gene one enzyme – Beadle & Tatum, DNA as hereditary material – Griffith,
Avery et al.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to understand the
basics of microbes and microbiology.
CO2 They will know various micro-organisms, their distribution, scope & relevance of
CO3 They will understand history and contribution of scientist in the field of microbiology.
CO4 They will also learn about the development in various fields of microbiology.


❖ Microbiology – An Introduction 11th ed. by Tortora (Pearson India)

❖ Elementary Microbiology Vol. I by H. A. Modi (Ekta Prakasan)
❖ Microbiology 5th ed. by Pelzar, Chan &Kreig (Tata McGraw-Hill)
❖ Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology 7th ed. by A. J. Salle (Tata McGraw- Hill)


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - I
Bioscience (Microbiology)

Course Description:

Course Code BM-MJ- 102

Course Title Basic Microbial Techniques
Course Type Core (Major)
Course Credit 03

Course overview:

This course introduces the basic principles of microscopy, different types of

microscope, and microscopy. Also provide knowledge regarding dyes, stains, and staining of
bacteria. It also covers the basic sterilization method, culture media, and isolation technique.

Course Objectives:

➢ To introduce the basic principle of microscopy.

➢ To describe components of microscope & types of microscopy – Light & Electron.
➢ To introduce dyes, stains, staining solutions, and staining techniques.
➢ To study various sterilization methods.
Course Content:

Unit: I Microscope and Microscopy. [15 Hrs]

➢ Structure & properties of light. Working principle of microscope

Objectives, Resolution, NA, Immersion objectives, Condenser, Ocular
➢ The Light Microscope, Optical & mechanical components of microscope.
➢ Types of Light Microscopy. Bright-field & Dark-field microscopy.
Phase-contrast & Fluorescence microscopy
➢ Limits of resolution & basic component and principle of electron microscope
➢ Transmission and Scanning electron microscope. Scanning probe microscopy

Unit: II Dyes, Stains, and Staining. [15 Hrs]

➢ Basic concept of dyes and stains. Types of stain. (Classification of stain)

➢ Application of dyes in microbiology: Indicator & Inhibitor dyes.
➢ Fixatives, mordent, decolorizer & intensifier. Staining solution
➢ Mechanism of staining& staining of bacteria. Simple (Direct & Indirect)
➢ Introduction to differential staining & special staining.

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

Unit: III Microbial Control. [15 Hrs]

➢ Overview of microbial control methods.

➢ Pattern of microbial death.
➢ Sterilization by Physical agents: Heat (Dry & Moist heat), Low temperature. Filtration
and Radiation.
➢ Sterilization by Chemical agents: Aldehyde, Alcohol, Halogens Heavy metals,
Phenolic, Quaternary Ammonium compound, and Sterilizing Gases.
➢ Evaluation of antimicrobial agent effectiveness.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 After completing this course, the student will be able to understand the
basic principles of microscope and types of microscopy.
CO2 They will know about electron microscopes & types of electron microscopes.
CO3 They will understand the basic concept of dyes, stains, staining solutions, and staining
of bacteria.
CO4 They will also learn about microbial control and common sterilization methods.


❖ Microbiology 5th ed. by Pelzar, Chan &Kreig (Tata McGraw-Hill)

❖ Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology 7th ed. by A. J. Salle (Tata McGraw- Hill)
❖ Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology Wiley, J., & Sherwood, L.
(2020), 11ed., McGraw-Hill.
❖ Elementary Microbiology Vol. I by H. A. Modi (Ekta Prakasan)


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - I
BIOSCIENCE (Microbiology)
BMP-MJ-101: Introduction to Microbiology Practical
(Time duration: 2 hours/week)

Course Content:

1. Introduction to Basic Microbiology Laboratory Rules.

2. Introduction to common instruments in microbiology laboratory:
Autoclave, Incubator, Hot air oven, laminar air flow, Centrifuge.
3. Introduction to common equipment in microbiology laboratory: Colony
counter, Bacteriological Filter, Anaerobic jar, Micropipette.
4. Introduction to microscope – Component, use & care.
5. Microscopic examinations of Natural infusion.
6. Microscopic examinations of Pond water
7. Study of Contribution of Scientist.
8. Study of permanent slide/specimens

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Acquire technical skills in using laboratory instruments and equipment.

CO2 Demonstrate an understanding of laboratory procedures using scientific methods.
CO3 Perform and demonstrate the microscopic form of life - cyanobacteria, algae, fungi,

Reference books:

❖ Manual of Microbiology 2nd ed. by Kanika Sharma, (Ane Books Pvt. Ltd)
❖ Experimental Microbiology Vol. 1 9th ed. by Rakesh Patel & Kiran Patel (Aditya
❖ Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual 11th ed. by J. G. Cappuccino (Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd, Singapore)


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - I
BIOSCIENCE (Microbiology)
BMP-MJ-102: Basic Microbial Techniques Practical
(Time duration: 2 hours/week)

Course Content:

1. Microscopic examinations: Wet-mount preparation

2. Study of Bacterial motility by Hanging drop preparation.
3. Measurement of microorganisms
4. Observation & morphological characters of yeast, fungi & protozoa by phase contrast
& dark field microscopy
5. Preparation of staining solutions.
6. Monochrome staining by basic & acidic dye. (Positive & Negative staining)
7. Cleaning, preparation & sterilization of glassware.
8. Study of disinfectants & Antiseptics.

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Acquire technical skills to study the morphology & structure of yeast, fungi, and
CO2 Prepare the staining reagent & perform the bacterial staining.
CO3 Demonstrate their skill in sterilization of glassware & know antiseptics/disinfectants.

Reference books:

❖ Manual of Microbiology 2nd ed. by Kanika Sharma, (Ane Books Pvt. Ltd)
❖ Experimental Microbiology Vol. 1 9th ed. by Rakesh Patel & Kiran Patel (Aditya
❖ Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual 11th ed. by J. G. Cappuccino (Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd, Singapore)
❖ Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology, and Biotechnology 4th ed. by K.
R. Aneja (New Age International Publishers)

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - II
Bioscience (Microbiology)

Course Description:

Course Code BM-MJ- 201

Course Title Microbial Diversity
Course Type Core (Major/Minor)
Course Credit 03

Course Overview:

This course introduces the diverse groups of micro-organisms, their morphology,

habitat, classification, reproduction, and importance. Microorganisms can be explained
simply and in-depth.

Course Objectives:

➢ To introduce prokaryotes and their diversity to students.

➢ To study the structure & morphology of diverse groups of organisms.
➢ To study the habitat, classification, and reproduction of different groups of organisms.
➢ To learn the economic importance of prokaryotes, protozoa, algae, and fungi.

Course Content:

Unit: I Introduction to Prokaryotes. [15 Hrs]

➢ General structure of prokaryotes & function

➢ Morphology & types of bacteria. Reproduction of bacteria.
➢ Cyanobacteria. Habitat, morphology, classification, importance
➢ Archeobacteria – Bacteria of extreme environment

Unit: II Introduction to Protozoa. [15 Hrs]

➢ Occurrence & General characteristics of protozoa.

➢ Outline classification of protozoa
➢ Study of some protozoa (Habitat, morphology, structure, life cycle & reproduction of
Amoeba & Paramecium)
➢ Study of habitat, morphology, structure, life cycle Plasmodium.
➢ Importance of Protozoa

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

Unit: III Introduction to Algae & Fungi. [15 Hrs]

➢ The general structure, characteristics, outline classification, and Importance of Algae.

➢ Introduction to Slime molds, Water molds & their significance.
➢ The general structure, characteristics, and Outline classification of Fungi.
➢ Study of habitat, morphology, structure, life cycle & reproduction of Yeast & Mucor
➢ Cultivation, economic importance of fungi. Pathogenic & harmful fungi.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 After completing this course, the student will be able to understand the morphology &
types of bacteria, habitat, and structure of Cyanobacteria, and archeobacteria.
CO2 They will understand the basic concept of general structure, characteristics, and
outline classification, and importance of protozoa.
CO3 They will also learn about general structure, characteristics, outline classification,
cultivation & economic importance of algae & fungi.


❖ Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology Wiley, J., & Sherwood, L.

(2020), 11ed., McGraw-Hill.
❖ Elementary Microbiology Vol. II by H. A. Modi (Ekta Prakasan)
❖ Microbiology 5th ed. by Pelzar, Chan &Kreig (Tata McGraw-Hill)
❖ Microbiology-A systems Approach by M. K. Cowan and K. P. Talaro (McGraw-


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - II
Bioscience (Microbiology)

Course Description:

Course Code BM-MJ- 202

Course Title Microbial Biochemistry
Course Type Core (Major)
Course Credit 03
Course Overview:

This course offers knowledge regarding to various biomolecules to understand their

structure, classification, and importance in micro-organisms & other living organisms. It also
emphasizes on the structure, composition, and importance of nucleic acid – DNA & RNA.

Course Objectives:

➢ To provide basic concepts of structure, classification, and characteristics of

➢ To learn about various amino acids. Structure & classification of protein
➢ To understand the physicochemical properties and characteristics of fats and lipids
➢ To understand the basic biology of nucleic acid.

Course Content:

Unit: I Carbohydrates. [15 Hrs]

➢ Introduction, natural occurrence & physiological importance.

➢ Classification: aldose & ketoses. Monosaccharide, Disaccharides – Reducing & Non
➢ Polysaccharides – Mucopolysaccharides, their structure & importance.
➢ Physical properties of carbohydrates, asymmetrical carbon atoms,
stereoisomerism & optical isomerism.
➢ Configuration in Sugar: Linear & Ring structure.

Unit: II Proteins & Lipids. [15 Hrs]

➢ Introduction to amino acids. Essential amino acids, structure & importance.

➢ Peptide linkage, polypeptide – primary, secondary tertiary structure of protein.

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

➢ Properties, classification & importance of proteins.

➢ Introduction & classification of lipids. Fatty acids - saturated & unsaturated.
➢ Steroids. Physiological importance of lipids.

Unit: IV Biology of Nucleic acids. [10 Hrs]

➢ Introduction, Components and organization of nucleic acids

➢ Nucleoside, nucleotide, polynucleotide.
➢ DNA structure, properties & types of DNA.
➢ RNA structure & Types of RNA
➢ Physiological importance of Nucleic acid.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 After completing this course, the student will be able to understand
structure, types, and importance of carbohydrates.
CO2 They will know about various amino acids & their role. They also acquired the basics
of protein structure & classification
CO3 They will understand the basic concept of fatty acids, lipids, and fats.
CO4 They will also learn about nucleosides, nucleotides, and the structure of DNA &


❖ Biochemistry by Satyanarayana, 3rd ed. Books & Allied Pvt. Ltd.

❖ Harper’s Review of Physiological Chemistry. 6th ed. Lange med publication.
❖ Fundamentals of Biochemistry 6th ed. by Jain, J. L., & Jain, N. (2006)., S. Chand
❖ Biochemistry by Moore, Wiley Publishing, Inc.


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - II
BIOSCIENCE (Microbiology)
BMP-MJ-201: Microbial Diversity Practical
(Time duration: 2 hours/week)

Course Content:

1. Study of Nostoc. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)

2. Study of Oscillatoria. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
3. Study of bacteria & blue-green algae by slide/images.
4. Microscopic study of algae, fungi & protozoa by slide/images.
5. Study of Mucor. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
6. Study of Saccharomyces –Yeast. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
7. Study of Paramecium. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
8. Study of Plasmodium. (Life cycle) by slide/chart.

Course Outcomes:

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Acquire technical skills to study morphology, structure & reproduction of some
cyanobacteria and protozoa.
CO2 Study the morphology, structure & reproduction of some protozoa.
CO3 Demonstrate, mount & identify the algae and fungi.


❖ Manual of Microbiology 2nd ed. by Kanika Sharma, (Ane Books Pvt. Ltd)
❖ Experimental Microbiology Vol. 1 9th ed. by Rakesh Patel&Kiran Patel (Aditya
❖ Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual 11th ed. by J. G. Cappuccino (Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd, Singapore)
❖ Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology 4th ed. by K.
R. Aneja (New Age International Publishers)


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - II
BIOSCIENCE (Microbiology)
BMP-MJ-202: Microbial Biochemistry Practical
(Time duration: 2 hours/week)

Course Content:

1. Qualitative determination of monosaccharide.

2. Qualitative determination of disaccharides- Reducing Sugar
3. Qualitative determination of disaccharides- Non-reducing Sugar
4. Qualitative determination of polysaccharides.
5. Qualitative determination of protein.
6. Qualitative determination of unknown solution.
7. Detection of Pentose & Deoxyribose Sugar.
8. Preparation of standard solutions (Normal, molar, molal, Part, Percentage, PPM and
PPB solutions)

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Acquire technical skills to detect the sugar, starch & protein.
CO2 Study the biochemical properties of sugar, protein & nucleotides. Demonstrate &
identify the compound from the unknown mixture.
CO3 Prepare various types of solutions.


❖ Practical Biochemistry by Plummer Tata McGraw-Hill.

❖ Experimental physiology & Biochemistry by Chand, Jaypee publication.
❖ Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology 4th ed. by K.
R. Aneja (New Age International Publishers)


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

Veer Narmad South Gujarat University,


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus

NEP 2023

(Effective from June, 2023)

(Revised – 2024)

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology)
NEP 2020, CBCS Semester system
B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology)

It is a three-year Bachelor's degree &four-year Honours course as per NEP 2020

which can be pursued after passing 12th Science. The subject includes the study of microbes
and the science of micro-organisms -Microbiology. It mainly focuses on the understanding of
the diversity of micro-organisms and the wide application of these life forms in various fields
& nature. The course includes the study of major aspects of microbiology & allied discipline
for the better understanding and use of microscopic forms of life.

Program Outcome:

PO1 Students shall learn basic fundamental aspects of microbiology such as microbial
diversity, microbial taxonomy, microbial physiology, microbial genetics, microbial
biochemistry, and microbial ecology.
PO2 Students shall acquire the knowledge regarding applied field of microbiology like
medical microbiology, food and dairy microbiology, environmental microbiology,
industrial microbiology, biotechnology.
PO3 Students shall acquire the awareness regarding the important role of microorganisms
in human health and diseases, environment.
PO4 Students shall learn the knowledge regarding microbial technology and its
applications in the production of important microbial products.
PO5 Program shall generate skilled manpower ready to use by various industrial sectors.

Program Specific Outcome:

PSO1 Students will develop the skill to observe, isolate, identify, and cultivate the microbes.
PSO2 Students will acquire the GLP in the microbiology laboratory.
PSO3 Students will develop practical skills of various instruments and techniques used in
diverse fields of microbiology as well as biological science.
PSO4 Students will develop communication skills, effective presentation skills, and
interpretation skills.
PSO5 Students will be graduates in Bioscience (microbiology) who shall understand the
societal problems and play a vital role by providing microbial solutions.
PSO6 Students will be able to build their careers in public health, dairy & food, research &
academic fields, environmental organizations, pharmaceuticals & fermentation

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023


NEP 2020, CBCS Semester system

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology)

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester I & II (New)
(Effective from June 2023)

(Revised – 2024)

Paper No., Paper title, Teaching & Evaluation Scheme

Semester I

Paper No. Paper Title Course Hrs/ External Internal Total Duration
Credit week marks marks marks of Exam

BM-MN- 1 Fundamental 2 2 25 25 50 1 Hrs


BMP-MN-1 Fundamental 2 4 25 25 50 4 Hrs


Semester II

Paper No. Paper Title Course Hrs/ External Internal Total Duration
Credit week marks marks marks of Exam

BM-MN- 2 Biology of 2 2 25 25 50 1Hrs


BMP-MN-2 Biology of 2 4 25 25 50 4 Hrs


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - I
Bioscience (Microbiology)

Course Description:

Course Code BM-MN- 1

Course Title Fundamental Microbiology
Course Type Core (Minor)
Course Credit 02

Course Overview:

This course introduces about the world of microbes, the scope & history of microbes,
and their development in microbiology. It also introduces the basic principles of microscopy,
different types of microscope, and microscopy. Also provide knowledge regarding the
staining of bacteria, basic sterilization methods, and isolation techniques.

Course Objectives:

➢ To introduce microbes & microbiology.

➢ To introduce various microbes and their distribution in nature.
➢ To learn various microbial discoveries and contributions of scientists.
➢ To introduce basic principles of microscopy, microscope & types of microscopy.
➢ To introduce staining techniques, various sterilization methods & isolation
Course Content:

Unit: I Microbial World: Scope & History. [15 Hrs]

➢ Introduction to science of microbes - Microbiology.

➢ Position of Microorganisms
➢ Scope & History of Microbiology.
➢ Contribution of scientists in various fields of microbiology: Antony Van
Leeuwenhoek, Louis Pasteur, Robert Koch, Joseph Lister, Edward Jenner,
Alexander Fleming.
➢ A major group of microorganisms
Prokaryotes microbes – Eubacteria (Bacteria & Cyanobacteria) and Archeobacteria.
Eukaryotes microbes – Protista (Photosynthetic – Algae)
(Nonphotosynthetic – Protozoa) & slime molds.
Fungi (Yeast & Mold)
Acellular – Viruses.

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

Unit: II Introduction to Microbial Techniques. [15 Hrs]

➢ Introduction to Microscope, principle, components & types of Microscopy. (Bright-

field, Dark-field, Phase-contrast, Fluorescence)
➢ Basic concept of dyes and stains. Application of dyes in microbiology, Mechanism of
staining of bacteria, Fixatives, mordent, decolorizer & intensifier.
➢ Monochrome staining – Direct staining & indirect staining.
➢ Basic concept of sterilization, Disinfection, and Antisepsis.
➢ Sterilization by Physical agents & Chemical agents

Course Outcomes:

CO1 After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to understand the
microbes, scope & history and contribution of scientist in the field of microbiology.
CO2 After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to understand the
basic principles of the microscope, types of microscopy, stains & staining of bacteria.
CO3 They will also learn about the Sterilization concept and common sterilization method.


❖ Microbiology – An Introduction 11th ed. by Tortora (Pearson India)

❖ Elementary Microbiology Vol. I by H. A. Modi (Ektaprakasan)
❖ Microbiology 5th ed. by Pelzar, Chan &Kreig (Tata McGraw-Hill)
❖ Fundamental Principles of Bacteriology 7th ed. by A. J. Salle (Tata McGraw- Hill)


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - I
(Time duration: 2 hours/week)
Course Content:

1. Introduction to Basic Microbiology Laboratory Rules.

2. Introduction to common instruments in microbiology laboratory:
Autoclave, Incubator, Hot air oven, laminar air flow, Centrifuge.
3. Introduction to common equipment in microbiology laboratory: Colony
counter, Bacteriological Filter, Anaerobic jar, Micropipette.
4. Introduction to microscope – Component, use & care.
5. Microscopic examinations of Natural infusion.
6. Study of Contribution of Scientist.
7. Cleaning, Preparation & Sterilization of glassware.
8. Preparation of staining solutions.
9. Monochrome staining by basic dye. (Positive staining)
10. Monochrome staining by acidic dye. (Negative staining)
11. Study of antiseptics & disinfectants
12. Study of permanent slide/specimens

Course Outcomes:

After completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Acquire technical skills in using laboratory instruments and equipment.

CO2 Demonstrate an understanding of laboratory procedures using scientific methods to
demonstrate microscopic forms of life - cyanobacteria, algae, fungi, and protozoa.
CO3 Perform the bacterial staining and observe the bacterial morphology.


❖ Manual of Microbiology 2nd ed. by Kanika Sharma, (Ane Books Pvt. Ltd)
❖ Experimental Microbiology Vol. 1 by Rakesh Patel & Kiran Patel
❖ Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual 11th ed. by J. G. Cappuccino (Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd, Singapore)
❖ Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology, and Biotechnology 4th ed. by K.
R. Aneja (New Age International Publishers)

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - II
Bioscience (Microbiology)

Course Description:

Course Code BM-MN- 201

Course Title Biology of Microbes
Course Type Core (Minor)
Course Credit 03

Course Overview:

This course introduces the diverse groups of micro-organisms, their morphology,

habitat, classification, reproduction, and importance. Microorganisms can be explained
simply and in-depth.

Course Objectives:

➢ To introduce prokaryotes and their diversity to students.

➢ To study the structure & morphology of diverse groups of organisms.
➢ To study the habitat, classification, and reproduction of different groups of organisms.
➢ To learn the economic importance of prokaryotes, protozoa, algae, and fungi.

Course Content:

Unit: I Introduction to Prokaryotes & Protozoa. [15 Hrs]

➢ The general structure of prokaryotes & function. Morphology & types of bacteria.
➢ Cyanobacteria - Habitat, morphology, classification, importance.
➢ Introduction to Archeobacteria – Bacteria of extreme environment
➢ The general structure, characteristics, and Outline classification of Protozoa.
➢ Study of habitat, morphology, structure, life cycle & reproduction of Amoeba &

Unit: II Introduction to Algae & Fungi. [15 Hrs]

➢ The general structure, characteristics, outline classification, and Importance of Algae.

➢ Introduction to Slime molds, Water molds & their significance.
➢ The general structure, characteristics and Outline classification of Fungi.

B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

➢ Study of habitat, morphology, structure, life cycle & reproduction of Yeast & Mucor
➢ Cultivation, economic importance of fungi. Pathogenic & harmful fungi.

Course Outcomes:

CO1 After completing this course, the student will be able to understand the morphology &
types of bacteria, habitat, and structure of Cyanobacteria, and archeobacteria.
CO2 They will understand the basic concept of general structure, characteristics, outline
classification, and importance of protozoa.
CO3 They will also learn about the general structure, characteristics, outline classification,
cultivation & economic importance of algae & fungi.


❖ Prescott, Harley, and Klein’s Microbiology Wiley, J., & Sherwood, L.

(2020), 11ed., McGraw-Hill.
❖ Elementary Microbiology Vol. II by H. A. Modi (Ekta Prakasan)
❖ Microbiology 5th ed. by Pelzar, Chan &Kreig (Tata McGraw-Hill)
❖ Microbiology-A systems Approach by M. K. Cowan and K. P. Talaro (McGraw-


B. Sc. Bioscience (Microbiology) Syllabus 2023

F. Y. B. Sc. Semester - II
(Time duration: 2 hours/week)

Course Content:

1. Study of Nostoc. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)

2. Study of Oscillatoria. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
3. Study of morphology of bacteria.
4. Study of cyanobacteria by slide/images.
5. Microscopic study of protozoa by slide/images.
6. Microscopic study of algae by slide/images.
7. Microscopic study of diatoms.
8. Microscopic study of fungi by slide/images.
9. Study of Mucor. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
10. Study of Saccharomyces –Yeast. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
11. Study of Paramecium. (Habitat, morphology, structure & reproduction)
12. Study of Plasmodium. (Life cycle) by slide/chart.

Course Outcomes:

After successfully completing this course, the student will be able to:

CO1 Acquire technical skills to study morphology, structure & reproduction of some
cyanobacteria and protozoa.
CO2 Study the morphology, structure & reproduction of some protozoa.
CO3 Demonstrate, mount & identify the algae and fungi.


❖ Manual of Microbiology 2nd ed. by Kanika Sharma, (Ane Books Pvt. Ltd)
❖ Experimental Microbiology Vol. 1 by Rakesh Patel & Kiran Patel
❖ Microbiology: A Laboratory Manual 11th ed. by J. G. Cappuccino (Pearson
Education Pvt. Ltd, Singapore)
❖ Experiments in Microbiology, Plant Pathology and Biotechnology 4th ed. by K.
R. Aneja (New Age International Publishers)


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