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The Effect of Playing Music On The Confidence Leve

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com Procedia
Social and
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 30 (2011) 2061 – 2063 Sciences


The effect of playing music on the confidence level

Nasram Shayan a*,Teymor AhmadiGatabb,Jalal Ghanbari Jeloudar c,
Khadijeh Saleh Ahangar d
a Allzahra University, Tehran, Tehran, Iran
b Islamic Azad University,Qhaemshahr Branch , Young Researchers Club, Qhaemshahr,Iran
c Islamic Azad University,sari Branch , sari,Iran
d university of social welfare and rehabilitationTehran,Tehran, Iran


Introduction: Music means to express feelings through voices, which its most important factors are the sound and rhythm. In the
present study, we attempted to examine the effect of playing music on self-esteem through comparison of young students
individually.Methods: The present method is a descriptive and comparative method. The sample group consists of 100 boys and
girls students between 11 to 17 years old which 50 cases were art students and 50 cases are non-student. And two groups with the
implementation of confidence questionnaire were compared. For data analysis, SPSS software was used.Results:The results
show that playing music caused to increase the confidence.Discussion:Music training influences on increasing self-confidence of
adolescents. It is recommended that music training should be included in educational programs so that students in addition
increasing the confidence can benefit from other musical influences in their lives.

Keyword: playing music, confidence of youth


Apparently, a lot of physical illnesses and pains result from restlessness and mental disorders. Mind needs to be
cared in such a way that harmful elements can’t penetrate into it .Protective methods are introduced as the mental
health .One of the methods for creating peace in human and for being in mentally healthy condition is art
therapy(Anaseri,1997).Art ,on the one hand, is considered as the first primitive tool which harmoniously is at the
service of human’s idealistic and aesthetic needs and on the other hand, it is a device which can ease sadness and
hardship in human life.
Music is one of art tool which transfers human are feeling, emotion, understanding and awareness without speech
and language. It is the language of dreams, expectations and feelings in human (Irani, 1993).It is also regarded as
human physiological, spiritual, physical, emotional, social and mental need. Music helps human to reach
unbelievable unexplainable relief in his/her life(Zadehmohammadi,1998).Today, it has been proved that music
practicing increases learners’ IQ a lot specially in childhood and before puberty age. This influence becomes more
unfolded when a learner spends some part of his/her daily time practicing music instrument physically and studying

1877-0428 © 2011 Published by Elsevier Ltd. Open access under CC BY-NC-ND license.
Selection and/or peer-review under responsibility of the 2nd World Conference on Psychology, Counselling and Guidance.
2062 Nasram Shayan et al. / Procedia
– - Social and Behavioral Sciences 30 (2011) 2061
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or reviewing music theories. Mind, fingers and bodily and mental parts of brain are engaged by these activities .This
is similar to what happens in sports. Complex links which occur among neurons.

Methods:The present method is a descriptive and comparative method. The sample group consists of 100 boys and
girls students between 11 to 17 years old which 50 cases were art students and 50 cases are non-student. And two
groups with the implementation of confidence questionnaire were compared. For data analysis, SPSS software was
4-1-Self – esteem among boys:
According to data driven from boys’ self – esteem, distribution table4-1 associated with boys’
self - esteem is presented .The following table shows self – esteem distribution among boys.
Table4-1: Distribution of self – esteem among boys.
Cumulative percentage Percentage Frequency Self – esteem among boys
56/0 56/0 28 Low
80/0 24/0 12 Average
100/0 20/0 10 High
100/0 50 Total

According to above table, 28 participants, that is 56.0 %, out of total numbers possess low self – esteem, but they
hold the maximum frequency. Also 10 participants, equal to 20%,have high self – esteem ,but they hold the
minimum frequency.
4-2-Self – esteem among girls:
Based on data driven from girls’ self – esteem ,frequency distribution table 4-2 is given .

The following table demonstrates self – esteem distribution among girls.

Cumulative percentage Percentage Frequency Self – esteem among girls
52/0 52/0 26 Low
86/0 34/0 17 Average
100/0 14/0 7 High
100/0 50 Total

According to above table,26 participants ,that is 52.0,out of total numbers possess low self – esteem, but they hold
the maximum frequency. Also, 7 participants , equal to 14%,out of all participants have high self – esteem ,but they
present the minimum frequency distribution. Since it has been accepted that variances are equal based on
sig F =0.72, sig T =0.000,null hypothesis is rejected.
According to the mean of learners’ self – esteem which is 21.88 and the mean of self – esteem in non-learners which
is 18.13,it can be inferred that learners possess more self – esteem than non – learners. This means there is a
meaningful difference between self – esteem in these two (learners, non – learners)groups.
4-5-The difference between music (learners and non – learners) and self – esteem among boys:
Difference from mean sig d.f t sig Fisher statistics Advertisement
5/880 0/000 48 5/532 0/23 1/480 Equality among variances

Because equality among variances have been accepted based on sig F =0.23 and sig T =0.000,null hypothesis is
rejected. Since the mean of self – esteem among boy learners is 22.98 and the mean of self – esteem among boy-non
learners is 10.17,it is clear that learners have higher self – esteem than non learners .This means there is a
meaningful difference among the mean of self – esteem in two (learners and non- learners)groups.
4-3-Total self – esteem:
According to the data driven from participants’ total self – esteem, frequency table4-3 is demonstrated .The
following table shows the distribution of participants’ total self – esteem.

Table4-3:Distribution of participants’ self – esteem.

Cumulative percentage Percentage Frequency Total self - esteem
54 % 54 % 54 Low
83 % 29 % 29 Average
100 % 17 % 17 High
Nasram Shayan et al. / Procedia - Social
– and Behavioral Sciences 30 (2011) 2061 ––2063 2063

100 % 100 Total

Based on above table, 54 participants, that is 54%, possess low self – esteem, but they have the maximum
frequency.17 participants, 0.17%, and hold high self – esteem with the minimum frequency.
4-4- The difference between music (learners and non – learners) and self – esteem:
Hypothesis one: <<There is a meaningful difference between music (learners and non – learners)and self – esteem
Difference from mean sig d.f t sig Fisher statistics Indexes
3/750 0/000 98 4/630 0/72 0/125 Equality of variances
4-5-The difference between music (learners and non – learners) and self – esteem among girls :
Hypothesis: <<There is a meaningful difference between music (learners and non-learners) and self – esteem >>.
Difference from mean sig d.f t sig Fisher statistics Indexes
1/620 0/17 48 1/389 0/23 1/744 Equality of variance
Because it has been accepted that variances are equal Based on sig F =0.23 and sig T
=0.000, null hypothesis is rejected.
According to the mean of self – esteem among girl learners which is 20.78 and that associated with girl non –
learners which is 19.16, it is proved that the self – esteem among girl learners is higher than girl non- learners. This
means there is no meaningful difference between the mean of self – esteem among tow (learners and non- learners)
groups. This conclusion is based on the study result.
The results of this study reveal that listening to music has a good effect on individuals’ self –esteem. Self – esteem is
the continually evaluation and judgment which an individual makes about himself/herself (Larsan, 1995).Self –
esteem is an exact fragile feeling which originally develops in childhood. It has a significant role in human’s
behavior and character. It has also has an important effect on mental and physical health. Low self – confidence
cause many mental disorders such as depression, stress and anxiety and aggression.


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-Zadeehmohammadi , A , Applying music therapy to psychotherapy , medicine and psychology ,
Tehran, Asrare danesh.
-Sateie, A(1995), The effect of music on human’s mind, Zanjan , Nikan ketab publication.
- Larsan, A(1995), Personality psychology, Karivar,Parvin, first edition , Tehran: cultural services

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