Paper II-ss Sfs Pre Exam 2024
Paper II-ss Sfs Pre Exam 2024
Paper II-ss Sfs Pre Exam 2024
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ij? SET
0 Wn^ff a^xHT aigsfiJTN; tttt CO
CN Roll No. Candidate should write his/her
Roll No. in the given boxes
•5? ^ Ws^n/Total No. of Questions : 100 0
gfei^^iRezn/No. of Printed Pages: 32 0
{•} WPf/Time:2'^nJ^/Hours •^iI^b/Total Marks: 200 0
i*5r 0
V? ■2TI 3I^-3fHRFT ^ ^3Tr - -fMt ^ -ri ^ t 1 ^ ^ ^^ f I 0
•5? ^ ^ MftcT WTT 100 t I ^ % 3W-3f^T^ MftcT TO 0
S?.« 0
f, 3PW ^ 31^-3^1^ WT # I 'ft
0 •S'
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35 ^ 3i^-3(w^i 3^ ^ wsm ^ ^ 11 ^^ ^
0 Iq^ltftcT Tt 35 ^ f, 3RI8IT ^ ^ 3[^-3fw=bl Tm I 0
0 ■R^ 3tR-R^ (^.TTIT.3TR. -^ffe) ^ e!TR3^ ?mT ^ dcy^K 3Tf%cT ^ 1
«J)H"M( (3Tt,TTiT.3TR. ^Ri) Rl Rl '^, I i#
^ ^ TO-3f^4)i % 3Tf^ 3# -Mter ^sn=T rk 3RT ^ ^ d^rr 0 =
0 (3ft.TTiT.3Tn:. ^) ni ^ ^ I
0 9. ^ 1%^ 31^ ^ 3RRT: ^ ^ 3s[ur ^ ^i«TlrM=h 3T^ ^ ^ 3R^ % ?T«rT 3tM ^4id<l" ^
/ft ^ ^ Tjnr^ I
••• V'
ij? •••
1. This Question Booklet is printed in Hindi and English languages. Candidates should select any 'ft
e one of the two languages according to their convenience. 0
2. The Question Booklet contains 100 questions. The examinee should verify that the requisite 0
e number of questions are printed in the Question Booklet, otherwise he/she should ask for another 0
Question Booklet. 0
$• 3. All questions are compulsory. 0
4. All questions carry equal marks. V/
5. "The cover page indicates the number of pages in the Question Booklet. The examinee should 0
verify that the requisite number of pages are attached in the Question Booklet, otherwise he/she 0
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0 9. If there is any sort of mistake either of printing or of factual nature in any question, then out of 0
0 the Hindi and English versions of the question, the Hindi version will be treated as standard. •:/
'ft /ft
PE/II/2024 (1-A)
1. W, 10^%X^' 5. "(33^ % wpj", ^ % »\H^
iTtwT^t I m sft I
11^^M\^^^ 10^ t,^Itw Tf sflT TO O
f+d41 cri^Mt? (A)
(A) 31
(B) ^
(B) 32
CO ^
(C) 30
(D) 33
(C) 36
(D) 72
3. ^^Trgf7^2n^^, MRd#23n^%^t,
^Tft1tot21, 19
t: 9
(A) 10
(B) 15
(C) 17
(D) 18
(B) 43
(C) 29 (D)
(D) 74 9
PE/II/2024 (2-A)
1. In a row of girls, Rama is 10^^ to the left One morning during sunrise, Ravi was
of Radiia and Radha is 17*^^ from the right standing facing a pole. The shadow of the
end. Sheela is 4*^^ from right of Rama. If pole was forming on the left side. Ravi
Sheela is lO*"^ from the left end, then how was facing towards :
many girls are there in the row ? (A) South
(A) 31
(B) North
(B) 32
(0) Bast
(C) 30
(D) West
(D) 33
(C) 36
(D) '72
(A) 10 I
(B) 15 . 1
(C) 17 B
(D) 18
(C) 29 (D)
(D) 74 ■
. PE/II/2024 (3-A)
7. 'TRAINING' ^ ^ 11. i^^ pjrf^^60 ^ ^^11
3Ic^ t,^5 1^4
ITSfJdTt? ^sniTT 11 ^^ ^ I?
•(A) GAIN ^?
(B) RAIN j (A) 56
(C) RING (B) 60
(D) KING .'^ ■ (C) 64
(D) 65
8. I^cnKi
(B) 21
(A) 44 (C) 25
(B) 64 • ' ' (D) 26
(G) 60
PE/II/2024 (4-A)
7. Which of the following words cannot be 11. A person has to touch the top of a tower of
formed using the letters of .the word 60 feet height. In every second, he climbs
'TRAINING'? 5 feet, but slips down 4 feet. In how many
seconds would he touch the top ?
(A) 56
(B) 60
(C) 64 ■
(D) 65
(C) Some tennis players are not hockey
(C) VUFK .
(D) Some cricket players are hockey
PE/II/2024 (5-A)
13 E% A t8 ^ B%D E%
vl0\ C^arq^^ET ii7T7f
/6\ Ws 8
(A), 37
(A) 14
(B) 10
CB) 85
. CC) 4
(D)' 13 (C) 67
16, i^T=Tlrf%cr#%^-^3TT^7T^ uj^a^aqiTT %
sD 'Os
■(D) 53 •
sfl'cl ^l-o^ c^^lldl %?
19. ^ 1q5cTR % W 5^Hichi ^
C vo
11 ^ 4S (^dN ^ ajiHdd W t, ^
l^dtsi l^d^ ?
(A) 104
(B) 98
(C) 97
(D) 95
17. ^x^arsf-t,-^^3TsJ + t, + ^^-5-t
afk—^ ar^ x ^ ^ ^^^
20. 18 ^ftqf % TT^ ^ % 10 ^ q^ t, 11 aM"
1.. 15- 5-^ 5x20+ 10
q^t,^3Mf% 6 laq#
•2. 8^10-3 + 5x6
3. 6x2+ 3+ 12-3 fea^arM^q^t? '
4. 3+7-5x10 + 3
41"^ aTi<"^R^: (A) 6
CB) 9
(A) 4,1,3,2
(B) 2, 4, 3, 1 (C) 3
(C) 4,3,2,1
(D) 2,4,1,3 (D) 4
PE/II/2024 (6-A)
15, In the figure given below, triangle 18. In a cricket match^ five batsmen A, B, C,
represents doctors, circle represents
players and square represents artists. D and E scored an average of 41 runs. D
Then what is the nvunber of artists who scored 5 more than E; E scored 8 fewer
are players only ?
than A; B scored 5 fewer than D and E
aoV combined; B and C scored 117 between
/6\ Wv 8 them. How many runs did 0 score ?
(A) 37
(A) 14
CB) 10 (B) 85
(C) 4
(C) 67
(D) 13
16. Which of the following diagram indicates CD) 53 '
the best relation between Rose, Flower
and Mango ?
19. A printer numbers the pages of a book
starting with lA. If 4S is the last page of
the book, then how many pages are in the
(B) book?
(A) 104
(C) (B) 98
(C) 97
(D) (D) 95
PE/II/2024 (7-A)
21. 'm ^
^^ ^ t, o 25. TOIwrf^ra^ yla^iPi-Ml^'^(H<4)< #51^'
^PT^S: ^'wd'idl ^tcit^,%
(B) m¥U
(D) cHlIdkxKt?
(A) 3TT?fte
PE/II/2024 (8-A)
21. A condition of people or a group that 25. An environment in which the participants
exists, but members of the group consider
are free to ^think aloud'is
that imdesirable is:
(B) Problem
(B) Brainstorming
(C) Law
(C) Discussion
(D) Parameters
(D) Debate
22. Which is the last step of the Five-Step
Problem Solving model ?
PE/II/2024 (9-A)
31. 198 qit^ mf t^ 3iq^K 1q^^Tf% fW
% •Jiidi % I
^nqTt%qB^ wrqq i wqq i
1 2 3
(A) "Mq"
(B) (A) 68
(B) 78
(C) "fq^jfq
(C) 88
(C) qJSkcTT
33. cftq-aM qr^^wrrarf, qfr 7 ^fqwr t,^
(D) k\Hm (oiJNchdl)
(A) 127
(B) 128
(C) 129
CD) 130
30. %sRyiiH ^tl
(A) m
34. 0^ 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ^ f^d41 3-3i^Jq" ^<9q|iT
qqrf qr ^jq^ft t, qfq 3M^ ^qr
■ (B) 3?^
(C) (A) 90
(B) 216
(C) 75
(D) 150
PE/II/2024 (10-A)
28. A decision taken by ^ individual in the 31. Number 198 is. divided into three parts
organisation is known as ^ . such that i
of theI first part, o of the
second part and — ^ ^ of the third part
(A) Individual decision
shall all be equal. Then the value of the
(B) Group decision largest part will be :
(A) 68
(C) Collective decision
(B) 78
(D) Separate decision
(C) 88
(D) 98
(B) 128
(C) 75
(D) irrelevant
(D) 150
PE/II/2024 (11-A)
35. 38. W% 52^ ^ ^^ ^
17, 8, 9; 5, 26, 19, 13, 26, 29 TO ^i^-TTisui In'chMi 11
(A) 13 T3^ ci^ WT w (3T8TfcT^ ^^rrterr
(B) 17
(C) 18 (A) 1
(D) 19
36. trfi^ % 3ri^ ITT^ ^
3^ si-cid ^xqRFa ^5^% I^4Hct,H % (C) ^
f 18,0001,^5T%
^TI^^FT 3^ ^ cj|(^ la-ciT^ -iil'ivici ^: 13
(A) 3-6%
(B) 3-5%
PE/II/2024 (12-A)
35.. The median of the is 38, One card is drawn randomly from a
17, 8, 9, 5, 26, 19,13, 26, 29 , well-shufEled pack of 52 cards. 'The
- (A) 13 probability of the drawn card being a face
(B) 17
card is:
(C) 18
(A) 1 . ■
(D) 19
(B) —
36. The following pie-chart shows the
monthly expenses and savings,of a family.
If the expenditure on the house rent is
^18,000 per month, then the sum" of the
expenditure on food and transport is : "» S
PE/II/2024 (13-A)
42. 5r^iRT5I^W^^J3lf'^37q^^^^rTcn't?
■ yqqui
(A) 5|cht^l 5^^ B^rft 37^7TO % 5R^^ ^
^(kS <aci<l I Tlf^ ^"ivwclddl
(B) 5IK:^5RW3Tq^%^n^K7I^t|
^^ "^nttte Bm iTRte ^^^ (C) ^ f^rat 5iTOr 57^
nRclfacl I 3?^^^TTR^TB^'^^TB^l"y=H|iil BtcITt, 3nft^ y^lnd^l^ =h<dl I
3mT^^W^Wtl C\
(D) 5ITOT 57^ ^ TOlT ^
^T%cr t "^7 WT: wMi 3TW 3Fft5 3i^h^ Hliil <+<dltl
■jN" ^ ^11 ^5FfW^
l§TfRT?TTfMf, ^ % 43. 3i[chii(i v5>jviq(vidi hmI^:^ PiMf^Rad if ^
^'I'JMI ^ ^Ha<^
(A) Mdiis^l
B^icfi t, ^ w 3;Rr ^"iT OT ^fcfjRT %
(B) HuF^d
% 5m# ^ 11 ^ 3T1TOT
(C) BW1^
^ c<l<ri 37^ 't 3^ %
•o (D) 3TT^>I^%cTR'
PEI11I2Q24 (14-A)
PE/II/2024 (15^A)
Mdivi II 47. "TOTfrirT % trofMro ^ ^ ^-XTT TO ^TOT "gt
PE/II/2024 (16-A)
Passage II 47. Identify which one of the following ideas
We must have these four sorts of ideas. does the author not want us to have.
We must have Mendship for all; we must be (A) We must be merciful towards people
merciful towards those that are in misery; in misery.
when people are happy, we ought to be happy (B) We must have fnendship for all.
and to the wicked we must be indifferent. So (C) We ought to be happy towards
with all subjects that come before us. If the unhappy people.
subject is a good one, we shall feel friendly (D) We must be indifferent to the
towards it, if the subject of thought is one that wicked.
want to react evil, and every reaction of evil (D) None of the above
shows that we are not able to hold the chitta
down; it comes out in waves towards the object, 49. Which of the following statements is not
and we lose our power. It is not that we lose by true with reference to this passage ?
thus restraining ourselves; we are gaining (A) Each time we suppress hatred, we
infinitely more than we suspect. Each time we see so much good energy stored up in
suppress hatred, or a feeling of anger, it is so our favour.
much good energy stored up in our favour; that (B) We must be merciful towards the
piece of energy will be converted into the higher miserable ones.
46. What kind of attitude should one have (D) If a man does evil to us we should
react in the form of hatred.
towards an evil subject ?
PE/n/2024 (17-A)
51. PiMlciRgci ^ ^ m6A ^ 53. PiHidf^d # ^
IT#fy^ ?
OT Wnte^'1?
1. 3nw c^l-ifcll^ % 3T^W % TTg^^
1. sjcicni^##^t I
2. yRRT dil4dl^ % % OTT^ 3^
^tut^ ^^
(A) 1
(B) %^2
(A) 1 CO 1T3:#2##
(D) ^#1^#2
(B) 2
54. I?
(C) 1 Ti^2^
2. <=i\-^-^ <#i(l^rl
4. ti<DeM'iicM«t) ct^^iel
52. RhRiI^ci ^ 1^JR^#Wt^ :
t? e\
(A) ^=icn 1
H^T^^T^iIqa •^ii.^'^'WTdHldl tl
2. ^ oqfl^^ ^ cs
oUc^^li «ld?rl^
(A) 1
% Tmrf^^ WT 11
##1^Tjxr^ ^ ^f#r ;
(B) ^cKri 2
(A) 1
(C) 1 13:^2 ^
(B) '%^^2
(O 1X3:^2##
(D) ^?Ttl^^2
(D) ^#1^#2
PE/II/2024 (18-A)
51. Which of the following organisationEil 53. With reference to effective persuasion
skill; which.of the following statements
communication is not defined by the is/are correct?
organisation's structural hierarchy ? 1. It starts with stating the importance
of following a course of action and
1. Formal communication the likely benefits.
2. It starts with stating the pros and
2. Informal communication cons offollowing a course of action.
Choose the correct answer firom the code
Choose'the correct answer firom the code given below:
given below: Code:
PE/II/2024 (19-A)
59. fHHfdRdd =^1# 173:
-indil '^KnstiHM^K o^ciR^ira"cQf^"^;
2. ^ ,
3. 2. 37^ I
4. -^Hd 3.
4. 3?^3TR^?ip^^|
6. yiki^df
7. ^Mk"O
5. 'srq^t'SR^cftoJrTKKTRtl
(A) 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 Cs
^n^fddt I
CO 1 13:^2 ^ (O 1 ^2^
(D) ^^1^^2
(D) ^cltl^#2
PE/II/2024 (20-A)
56. Consider the .following events in the 59. Consider the following steps related'to
communication process and arrange them practising the skill and arrange them in
in chronological order: chronological order:
1. Message
1. Know yotir audience.
2. Sender
2. Organise your content.
3. Encoding
4. Channel 3., Prepare compelling visuals.
5. Decoding 4. Calm yourself.
6. Receiver
5. Focus on your presentation.
7. Feedback
Choose the correct answer from the code
Choose the correct answer from the code
given below: given below:
Code: Code:
PE/II/2024 (21-A)
(JOT # 65> ; 771? 77^% 37767/^ TTT" 62. snt^jftfM FTT TO F^Tf ^?
P^fe/^a 3R^%3t7T ;
numi (B)
(C) ^FTTTOf^
Ihcii-jH '^Tt^THTST' I
PE/II/2024 (22-A)
66# 70):^^ ^ 67. yRl'^li^llcrfl oqRt) ?
iHHfdfhd ;
(A) StilPci.<=bl '51'^ f1
TTirm2 (B) ^Rr5f"^3^q^3TRTTOt%RiM.cri-s^ 11
(C) WTTsff^^q^^STTSTf^^
«TH^^Fmrf^ wjft 11
Sj ^
^ wm 13T5^^
^WM cHI=h<, <6HI Htit? =tn.cil t I i^%TT^3m^°dTFIcr
(D) q-imf 1
I^STSTt W, y,=t> <J1hi ci<=b, %?TST -mIh ^di %,
^ ^rilMlI^-^ ■JTFfi' % ^ i^W-5IWT
"SFfr^t ^H\ d=h¥cn^%'?m^Kt
(A) oittd^lR=h
[^^K-'^Tf^%^6ll=h<cll% I
(B) wnte
tlHM oqcH:^'^ Rl^ain ^ 'i'Wcni ^H'lciH
(C) 3^?^
^Wt, '
Mq" afrrIWh^^^llw TRW ^1 S3
^^^ ^ ^nTFRTT ^ ^.^TcT
(B) (B)
PE/II/2024 (23-A)
(JOT Tf^ 71 # 75): ^mm % -377677? W 72. m, cM# 3:^ <N' S3
^ TOi%f^ ^TtTO ^
(B) 4h7TT5TR)!^ft^'f|^?n%^
^^l^^twr^ 1%^3?r^ »FP7^ ^
(C) 3TT^Reb l^r^l THll^dJ
^•scr^rl % o^ci^K ^tcTT^ I ^3^<^icriirMct)^^ f^^l^dl
%^ #"te^r 11 ^^^
^1-5iH^, 37^?fr 31iR 3H^cti -JHH^il-M ^iltrfl '^rrdt't I ^7^ 73. %37^ a«ti cfl >{Jiln^WchK^i%?
#1w vrmr%^tT ^ ^arwT^ STT%
(B) ;3^^37^mR
71. -^iTiH^l-M 4ldl ^7^'%? 75. "f%f4^ ^5Hq^ ^fw ^4 [4=hl^d 4t4
(A) 3TP^
(A) ^FN^hr^Tm
(B) 41Ri'HT
(C) 41^51^
(C) ^sncfk^rmr
(D) 37^
PE/II/2024 (24~A)
(sm 76 ^ 80): ^mm %37m w 77. f+H,^Mi\dtM d-^dl'iRBTW^aiJdl fdTdl| HBcH t?
Rnfdfhd ;
(A) m
(B) TJm
a™ ^rflcT^FT8T ito,Thto 3^ w yw CO
(D) ^FR)
^3^^ ^
t,1^RT^ •>'
■ "O -
#^1^^RFrnr%^^ ^
78. TR a#C BTW^BTBRBWT#1^BtfB^ aqw %8^T
% m^7^ 37^ ^l^M«hlO
Tmt^ 3qw^37WW,^W 3crdlWMu[ ' c\
(A) Bfw
^TW^ t,1^*^3^' 11^ ^
Ife 1^R# 7|^ ^
^^^7B^ aq^ ^WHT B13;^5IW
(D) ?TTf^
^^^^^^q^ a:^ wr^Tra^^^^B^
B^^Titt I 1^ WMM%^^^5ft^ w
few^t, ^3^ TOTT^iM? BIT^^ <IH^Rd t 79. TR ^ BfW % 3BvTRPt4 ^TTBK ^ iR^-W
^11KR a^ WT^t^ aqfl^^bit^wr iq«^ TmiR:aqqR dTFBiTRT, B^B t:
R: #1 ^^^ BIT^^^ t ^ (A) Bim
^TT^,r:^ ^wrt%WTR t art Rfe
W i^rafe BIT aTB 11 aR^%iqtor
(C) iT^
Brm ^ ^TI% t, Bt BIT BW 3qB^-3qB^ BT (D) BoRB
iTRBTT^Bfcf^Birit^sfkBBBaqTB^t I
^^%TifB^ ^ 11 arrsT% WT t 80. nW^ld^^ % 41cn BiT IbBiRT bIbT
<^1 'HHI^ I t, iqtw BTTtefB tiBTirf
76. WKR % Tm ^RTB % aqg^^ btw
PE/II/2024 (25-A)
81. 84.
(C) ^ CC)
82. o
85. 'I^Tsftf^'^rTTrq^t:
(A) (A)
(C) (C)
(A) (A)
(B) (B)
PE/II/2024 (26-A)
87. : 91.
(A) ^ (A) ^
(D) ^ (D)
(A) wm . (A)
(D) (D)
RE/II/2024 (27-A)
95.' '»T^' t 98. '^FTFft'^TT^ltarEn-^
96. chIM
99. 'Idcfl nD
(B) ^
(B) smkr
(C) ^
(C) 3Nte4,
(D) ^
100. '3#PT'^TT^Tfw^^|
(B) W
(B) ■yicl ^61 M<5C1I ^TT I
(C) ^
(D) ^
(D) si^ V3
PE/II/2024 (28-A)
etji^ ehlH
'PE/II/2024 (29-A)
PE/II/2024 (30-A)
PE/II/2024 (31-A)
PE/II/2024 (32-A)