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“Enhancing our youths’ competitive edge through merit badges”

1. Do the following:
a. Explain to your counselor the most likely hazards you may
encounter while participating in fishing activities, and
what you should do to anticipate, help prevent, mitigate,
and respond to these hazards.
b. D
 iscuss the prevention of and treatment for the
following health concerns that could occur while
fishing, including cuts and scratches, puncture
wounds, insect bites, hypothermia, dehydration,
heat exhaustion, heatstroke, and sunburn.
c. Explain how to remove a hook that has lodged in
your arm.
d. Name and explain five safety practices you should
always follow while fishing.
2. Discuss the differences between two types of fishing outfits.
Point out and identify the parts of several types of rods
and reels. Explain how and when each would
be used. Review with your counselor
how to care for this equipment.
3. Demonstrate the proper use of two different types of
fishing equipment.
4. Demonstrate how to tie the following knots: improved clinch
knot, Palomar knot, uni knot, uni to uni knot, and arbor
knot. Explain how and when each knot is used.
5. Name and identify five basic artificial lures and five
natural baits and explain how to fish with them. Explain
why baitfish are not to be released.

ISBN 978-0-8395-0146-6
©2021 Boy Scouts of America
2021 Printing
6. Do the following:
a. Explain the importance of practicing Leave No Trace
techniques. Discuss the positive effects of Leave No
Trace on fishing resources.
b. Discuss the meaning and importance of catch and release.
Describe how to properly release a fish safely to the water.
7. Obtain and review the regulations affecting game fishing
where you live. Explain why they were adopted and what
is accomplished by following them.
8. Explain what good outdoor sportsmanlike behavior is and
how it relates to anglers. Tell how the Outdoor Code of the
Boy Scouts of America relates to a fishing sports enthusiast,
including the aspects of littering, trespassing, courteous
behavior, and obeying fishing regulations.
9. Catch at least one fish and identify it.
10. If regulations and health concerns permit, clean and cook a
fish you have caught. If you are unable to catch a fish for eat-
ing, acquire a fish, clean the fish you acquired, and cook the
fish you acquired. (It is not required that you eat the fish.)

Earning the BSA Complete Angler Award could help

you expand your fishing knowledge and experiences.
To become eligible for the award, start by earning
these three merit badges: Fishing, Fly-Fishing, and Fish
and Wildlife Management. Then complete one or more of
the following projects:
• Teach a Fishing or Fly Fishing merit badge skill to your troop, crew,
or team as part of a unit program activity.
• Help instruct Cub Scouts on fishing skills or fishery management as
part of a Cub Scout meeting or outing.
• Participate in a local fishing derby or tournament, either a Scouting
or community event.
• Complete a conservation project that will benefit a local fishery.
With the Complete Angler Award, you can become a mentor for
younger Scouts, sharing your knowledge and helping others to enjoy
a positive fishing experience. For more information, visit

Fishing Resources.

Fishing Resources
Scouting Literature Maas, Dave. Kids Gone Fishin’. Creative
Publishing International, 2001.
Scouts BSA Handbook for Boys, Scouts BSA
Handbook for Girls, Conservation Handbook, National Audubon Society. National Audubon
and Fieldbook; Camping, Cooking, Society Field Guide to Fishes: North
Environmental Science, First Aid, Fish and America, 2nd ed. Knopf, 2002.
Wildlife Management, Fly-Fishing, Kayaking, Pfeiffer, C. Boyd. The Complete Book of
Lifesaving, Soil and Water Conservation, Rod Building and Tackle Making. Lyons
and Swimming merit badge pamphlets Press, 2013.
Rosko, Milt. The Complete Book of Saltwater
With your parent’s permission, visit Fishing. Burford Books, 2013.
the Boy Scouts of America’s official
Schultz, Ken. Ken Schultz’s Fishing
retail website,, Encyclopedia: Worldwide Angling Guide.
for a complete listing of all merit IDG Books Worldwide, 2000.
badge pamphlets and other helpful Sousa, Robert J. Learn to Fly Fish in 24 Hours.
Scouting materials and supplies. Ragged Mountain Press, 2006.
Vick, Noel. Fishing on Ice. Human
Kinetics, 1999.
Books Wilson, Geoff. Geoff Wilson’s Complete Book
Baron, Frank P. What Fish Don’t Want You to of Fishing Knots and Rigs. Australian
Know: An Insider’s Guide to Freshwater Fishing Network, 2015.
Fishing. Ragged Mountain Press, 2004.
Bashline, Sylvia. The New Cleaning & DVD
Cooking Fish: The Complete Guide Casts That Catch Fish. On the Fly
to Preparing Delicious Freshwater Fish. Productions, 2010.
Creative Publishing International, 1999. Joan Wulff’s Dynamics of Fly Casting.
Circle, Homer. Bass Wisdom. Lyons Press, 2000. Miracle Productions, 2001.
Earnhardt, Tom. Boats for Fishermen.
Lyons Press, 2001.
Kaminsky, Peter, and Greg Schwipps.
Fishing for Dummies, 2nd ed.
John Wiley & Sons Inc., 2011.

.Fishing Resources

Organizations and Websites Trout Unlimited

1777 N. Kent St., Suite 100
American Sportfishing Association Arlington, VA 22209-2404
1001 North Fairfax St., Suite 501 Toll-free telephone: 800-834-2419
Alexandria, VA 22314 Website:
Telephone: 703-519-9691
Website: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
1849 C St., NW
Catskill Fly Fishing Center Washington, DC 20240
and Museum Toll-free telephone: 800-344-9453
1031 Old Route 17 Website:
Livingston Manor, NY 12758
Telephone: 845-439-4810
Fly Fishers International, International
Game Fish Association, and Trout
Fly Fishers International Unlimited have each signed a
5237 U.S. Highway 89 South, Suite 11
memorandum of mutual support
Livingston, MT 59047
with the Boy Scouts of America that
Telephone: 406-222-9369
Website: emphasizes an ongoing relationship
to promote mutually beneficial
Future Fisherman Foundation
programs for recreational fishing.
5998 North Pleasant View Road
Ponca City, OK 74601
Telephone: 330-993-0014 Acknowledgments
Website: The Boy Scouts of America thanks Douglas
International Game Fish Association Precourt; Robert J. Sousa, Ph.D., U.S. Fish and
300 Gulf Stream Way Wildlife Service (retired); and Ben Jelsema,
Dania Beach, FL 33004 volunteer Scouter, for preparing this revised
Telephone: 954-927-2628 version of the Fishing merit badge pamphlet.
Website: Sousa and Jelsema have put in countless
hours through the years as coordinators of
Izaak Walton League of America
the fishing programs for the national Scout
707 Conservation Lane
jamborees. Thanks also to Howard Kern,
Gaithersburg, MD 20878
Master Leave No Trace Trainer, for his
Telephone: 301-548-0150
valuable assistance.
We are grateful to Howard E. Evans,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Ph.D., and Edward Brothers of Ithaca, N.Y.,
Administration Fisheries for their expertise and invaluable input, and
1315 East-West Highway to Bob Cary, who wrote and illustrated the
Silver Spring, MD 20910 previous edition of the pamphlet, upon
Telephone: 301-427-8029 which this edition was based. Several of his
Website: illustrations remain in this edition. Thanks
National Park Service also to Trout Unlimited for its support.
1849 C St., NW The Boy Scouts of America is grateful
Washington, DC 20240 to the men and women serving on the
Telephone: 202-208-6843 National Merit Badge Subcommittee for
Website: the improvements made in updating
this pamphlet.

Fishing Resources.

Photo and Illustration Credits U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Timothy

Knepp, courtesy—page 30 (both)
Brand X Pictures, Bugs and Insects CD—
page 74 (wasp), courtesy—pages 12 (bear),
14 (lily pads), 16 (both), 18, 25 (small-
Dan Roberts, courtesy—pages 68, 77 mouth bass), 26 (striped bass), 27 (rock
(filleting), and 85 bass), 28 (both), 29 (pike), 78 (fish and
Norm Kasch, courtesy—page 32 (casting) rice), 79 (fish and chips), 80, 82, 84, and
89 (backcountry)—cover (background,
©Mike Mareen; bobber, ©Dan Thornberg; All other photos and illustrations not
rod and reel, ©Kovalchuk Oleksandr); mentioned above are the property of or are
pages 4 (©MPH Photos), 8 (©Ethan protected by the Boy Scouts of America.
Daniels), 9 (©FedBul), 11 (pike,
©D7INAMI7S), 13 (fish, ©Solodov Central Florida Council—page 38
Aleksey; larvae, ©dragi52), 16 (sturgeon, Dan Bryant—cover (landing net, floating dive
©Alexander Raths), 17 (fishing rod, plug, spoon, jig); pages 23 (bobber), 43
©underworld), 25 (bait, ©Alexander (fly), 50 (all), 51 (bottom three), 52 (all),
Ishchenko), 26 (bait, ©Khwanchai 55–58 (all), 59 (three artificial lures),
Khattinon), 36 (yellowtail, ©holbox), 43 63–64 (all), 88 (cathole), 92 (both), and
(Woolly Bugger, ©David W. Leindecker), 93 (all)
44 (©trindade51), 52 (weighted bobber,
Ben Jelsema—pages 13 (trout), 15, 28 (fish
©Carolyn Franks), 62 (©Sebastian
head), 31 (fish in water), and 79 (fish
Vereertbrugghen), 66 (vest, ©lauraslens),
frying in pan)
68 (©Photo Spirit), 85 (©Erickson Stock),
and 89 (arrowheads, ©eurobanks) John McDearmon—illustrations on pages 10,
39, 40 (bait-casting reel), 41, 42, 43, 45
Robert Sousa, courtesy—page 21 (grayling)
(arbor knot), 46 (Palomar knot), 47 (all),
USDA Agricultural Resource Service/Scott 48 (loop-to-loop knot, 49 (all except
Bauer,, courtesy circle hook), 60 (surf rig, fish-finder rig),
—page 74 (attached ticks) 61 (all), 75 (all), and 77 (all)
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, courtesy Brian Payne—pages 17 (surf fisher), 20, 34,
—cover (fish, bottom left); pages 15, 21 38, 65, 66 (boots), and 70
(top), and 83
Bruce Levitt—page 22
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service/Duane Raver—
Randy Piland—page 88 (wastewater)
pages 23 (walleye), 24 (all), 26 (striped
bass), 27 (bluegill), 28 (catfish), 31 Rob Schuster—illustrations on pages 40
(brook and rainbow trout), and 35 (both) (spin-casting reel), 45 (improved clinch
knot), 46 (uni knot, uni to uni knot), 48
(surgeon’s knot), and 49 (circle hook)
Julie Zickefoose—illustrations on pages
11–12 (both), 14, and 19


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