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Current Affairs Magazine June 2024 - PDF Only - CLAT Risers 2025 Batch

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1. Indian Art & Culture 1

1.1 Nata Pratha............................................................................ 1 1.3 Perumbalai............................................................................ 2
1.2 Nalanda University............................................................. 1

2. History 3
2.1 Neolithic Age Rock Carvings Discovery ................... 3 2.2 Birsa Munda’s 124th Death Anniversary................. 3

3. Society & Social Issues 4

3.1 Global Gender Gap Index................................................. 4 3.5 Ayush Healthcare System Usage in India: NSSO
3.2 Representation of Women in the New Lok Sabha.4 Survey...................................................................................... 6
3.3 Child Nutrition Report 2024.......................................... 5 3.6 Digital Health Incentive Scheme ................................. 6
3.4 Women Often Outlive Men but in Poorer Health:
Lancet Study.......................................................................... 6

4. Geography & Disaster Management 7

4.1 Disaster-Resilient Infrastructure................................. 7 4.4 Heatwaves- Not a Notified Disaster............................ 8
4.2 Urban Heat Island Effect.................................................. 7 4.5 Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network (BCNN).8
4.3 Earth’s Inner Core is Slowing Down........................... 7 4.6 Stromatolites ....................................................................... 8

5. Polity & Governance 11

5.1 Patna High Court Strikes Down 65% Quota In 5.6 Cooperative Societies & RTI Act.................................15
Bihar.......................................................................................11 5.7 Conjugal Rights..................................................................15
5.2 Coalition Government in India....................................11 5.8 Kerala Assembly Passes Resolution to Rename
5.3 The Moment For A New Federal Compact.............13 State as ‘Keralam’..............................................................16
5.4 Post Office Act, 2023.......................................................13
5.5 The Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair
Means) Bill, 2024..............................................................14

6. International Relations 18
6.1 Successes and Challenges in the India-U.S. 6.5 Russia-North Korea Pact................................................20
Relationship........................................................................18 6.6 WIPO Treaty........................................................................21
6.2 Indian Migrants in Gulf Countries.............................18 6.7 Fourth International Conference on Small
6.3 India-Bangladesh Relations.........................................19 Island Developing States (SIDS-4).............................21
6.4 UNSC Non-Permanent Members Election..............20 6.8 Gaza Peace Plan.................................................................22

7. Indian Economy 24
7.1 Internationalization of Indian Rupee.......................24 7.9 Vadhavan Port ...................................................................29
7.2 Structural Shift Towards Formal Employment....25 7.10 Top 10 Largest Economies in the World in
7.3 RBI MPC Meeting: Repo rate Unchanged at 6.5 ..25 2024........................................................................................29
7.4 SEBI Issues Framework for Surveillance Lapse 7.11 Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress Report
Penalty...................................................................................26 2024........................................................................................30
7.5 Variable Rate Repo (VRR) Auction............................26 7.12 Sustainable Development Report 2024..................30
7.6 Launch of Rs 2800 Crore Digital Agri Mission.....27 Economic Prospects Report...........................31
7.13 GlobalRTSEPFP
7.7 Centre Revised MSP For 14 Crops.............................27 7.14 Energy Transition Index 2024....................................31
7.8 Reserve Bank of India Launched Three Major 7.15 The State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture
Initiatives..............................................................................28 2024........................................................................................31


8. Environment & Biodiversity 33
8.1 The Air of the Anthropocene Project.......................33 8.8 The Nagi & Nakti Bird Sanctuaries Recognised as
8.2 Environmental Performance Index...........................33 Ramsar Site..........................................................................37
8.3 India’s Deep Sea Mission...............................................33 8.9 Barda Wildlife Sanctuary ..............................................37
8.4 Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting....................34 8.10 Jal Shakti Ministry Reviews Namami Gange
8.5 67th Council Meet of Global Environment Mission, Launches E-flows Monitoring System...38
Facility...................................................................................35 8.11 Hollangapar Gibbon Sanctuary...................................38
8.6 The Bonn Climate Change Conference....................35 8.12 Development of Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary
8.7 Project ‘Monsoon Croaks’ .............................................36 as India’s Second Home for Cheetahs......................38

9. Science & Technolgy 40

9.1 International Year of Quantum Science and 9.12 Agnibaan SubOrbital Technology Demonstrator
Technology (IYQ)..............................................................40 (SOrTeD) ..............................................................................47
9.2 Compressed Biogas- Potential and Its 9.13 Astronomical Transients...............................................48
Challenges............................................................................41 9.14 Pushpak RLV.......................................................................48
9.3 EU’s New AI Rules ...........................................................41 9.15 Reverse Transcriptase (RT)..........................................49
9.4 Facial Authentication Technology.............................42 9.16 Oral Formulation of Hydroxyurea to Treat
9.5 GNSS-Based Electronic Toll Collection System....43 Sickle Cell Disease............................................................49
9.6 AlphaFold 3: Artificial Intelligence Model.............43 9.17 Human African Trypanosomiasis (HAT)................50
9.7 Pathogens in Space..........................................................44 9.18 Methanol Poisoning.........................................................51
9.8 Three craters discovered on Mars by scientists 9.19 “PRAGATI- 2024” (Pharma Research in
of Physical Research Laboratory................................45 AyurGyan And Techno Innovation)...........................52
9.9 Aditya L1 Mission.............................................................45 9.20 Twelve Nations Signed Zero Debris Charter.........53
9.10 New Method To Generate Virus-Like Particles....46 9.21 Green-Beard Genes..........................................................53
9.11 Galaxy JADES-GS-z14-0..................................................47

10. Internal Security 59

10.1 Reasi Terror Attacks Underscores Fragility of A. Personalities in News......................................................65
J&K Peace.............................................................................59 B. Places in News ..................................................................65
10.2 The Urgent Need for a National Security Doctrine C. Schemes in News .............................................................66
in India..................................................................................60 D. Miscellaneous ....................................................................67
10.3 Blueprint for Warfare in Cyberspace.......................60

11. Test Yourself 70


Indian Art & Culture

1 Indian Art & Culture

1.1 NATA PRATHA together. Couple can perform all obligations of

husband and wife without entering into marriage.
Context: Recently, the National Human Rights
Commission (NHRC) issued notices to the Union
Ministry of Women and Child Development and the 1.2 NALANDA UNIVERSITY
States of Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Context: The campus of Nalanda University was
and Gujarat over a practice known as ‘Nata Pratha’. formally inaugurated by the Prime Minister.

More on News About Nalanda University

™ The ‘Nata Pratha’ is comparable to modern forms ™ Institute of National Importance (INI): Nalanda
of prostitution. Given the immoral consequences University, located in Rajgir in the Nalanda district
of ‘Nata Pratha’ on women and minor girls, the of Bihar, India, is a central research university
NHRC has called for its eradication and abolition. designated as an Institute of National Importance
(INI) and excellence.
What is Nata Pratha?
™ About: The word “Nata” means relationship. It
involves selling “on a stamp paper” or marrying
off underage girls from some communities.

About Bhils
™ The Bhil are one of the largest tribal groups,
living in Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Karnataka, Madhya
Pradesh, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and
™ The name is derived from the word ‘billu’,
which means bow.

™ These “sales and marriages” are usually conducted

by their own families.Traditionally, both the man
and the woman who enter into a relationship are Background of Revival of Nalanda University
supposed to be married or have been widowed, but
™ 2006: President APJ Abdul Kalam officially
the custom has evolved to include single people
proposed reviving Nalanda.
as well.
™ 2007: Bihar Assembly passed the University of
™ Prevalent: This custom is prevalent in parts of
Nalanda Bill to create a new international
Rajasthan, Gujarat and Madhya Pradesh. It is
university near the ancient site in Rajgir.
mainly practiced by the Bhil tribe, one of the
largest tribes in South Asia. ™ 2010: Parliament replaced this Act with the
Nalanda University Bill, designating the university
™ Provision: It allows a man to have a live-in
as one of “national importance” and outlining
relationship with a married woman. However, it is
governance rules.
allowed only if both the man and the woman are
already married to other people. ™ 2013: Masterplan for the campus, proposed by
B V Doshi’s Vastu Shilpa Consultants, was selected
™ No Need for Formal Ceremony: Under this system,
after an international competition.
no formal marriage ceremony is required to live


Indian Art & Culture

Nalanda Mahavira Key Findings

™ “Mahavira” in Sanskrit/Pali means “great ™ Geometrical Signs On Graffiti: A total of 1,028
monastery”. inscribed potsherds were recovered during the
™ Nalanda Mahavira was active from the fifth to
thirteenth century CE. y The most common graffiti marks are
™ Founded by: Kumar Gupta of the Gupta dynasty geometrical signs, particularly two oblique
in Bihar in the early 5th century and it flourished lines meeting a central vertical at the top.
for over 800 years till the end in 12th century CE. ™ Potteries
™ Hiuen Tsang’s Account (7th century Chinese y Demonstrate the proper chronological
traveller): sequences of pottery assemblage.
y Provided the most detailed description of ƒ The pottery occurring from the lower-most
ancient Nalanda. level is very thin and the fine BRW and
y Estimated 10,000 students, 2,000 teachers, black ware are the more dominating types
and a large retinue of servants at the y Clay Used: clay used for making the potteries
monastery. However, multiple scholars was fine and well-levigated clay.
dispute Hsuan Tsang’s figures based on
archaeological evidence. Black and red ware culture (BRW)
™ Monastic learning establishment: Nalanda was ™ It is an early Iron Age archaeological culture of
renowned as the world’s first residential the northern Indian subcontinent.
university. It was a monastic establishment in ™ It is dated to roughly the 12th – 9th century BCE,
the sense that it was primarily a place where and associated with the post-Rigvedic Vedic
monks and nuns lived and studied. civilization.
™ Destroyed by: In the 1190s, the institution fell
victim to arson by Bakhtiyar Khilji, a Turko- ™ Swastik-like symbols were also collected:
Afghan military general. The devastating fire Interestingly, a fully shaped black-and-red ware
raged for three months, destroying what was bowl containing the swastik sign is exposed.
arguably the most valuable collection of Buddhist y These graffiti marks are confined to the Iron
wisdom. Age and early historic period.
™ Rediscovered: The university was rediscovered ™ Few more excavated objects
in 1812 by Scottish surveyor Francis Buchanan-
Hamilton and later identified as the ancient y It unearthed more than 200 terracotta objects
university by Sir Alexander Cunningham in representing human and bird figurines,
1861. beads, wheels, sling balls, spindle whorls,
™ UNESCO World Heritage Site: It is also a UNESCO lamps and hopscotches.
World Heritage Site y An unidentified copper coin and a copper
bell containing an upper projection were also
Context: The report, titled ‘Excavations at Perumbalai Perumbalai
2022’ published by the Department of Archaeology, ™ Perumbalai is located on the bank of the
was released by Chief Minister M.K. Stalin Nagavathi (ancient Palar), one of the tributaries
of Cauvery river.




2 History

2.1 NEOLITHIC AGE ROCK CARVINGS ™ Trident Carving: A trident carving, symbolizing
the Iron Age, implies the enduring importance of
DISCOVERY the site across different historical periods.
Context: Recently, Mauxi village in Sattari taluka of ™ Early Settlers: The existence of the Dhawad
Goa has become a hotbed of neolithic discoveries with community, among the early settlers and skilled
ancient rock carvings being discovered on the Zarme ironsmiths, contributes an additional dimension to
riverbed. the historical tale, despite later displacement by
new settlers.
Key Findings about the Rock carvings
Depictions: The carvings depict animals like zebus,
bulls, and antelopes, as well as footprints and
y The circular cavities on the rock surface Context: Indian Tribal leader and freedom fighter Birsa
indicate the community’s role in discovering Munda died on June 9, 1900, at age 25. 9th June 2024,
historical artifacts. marks his 124th death anniversary.
™ Significance of Rock Etchings: Around 20 rock What was the Ulgulan movement?
carvings with bruising techniques and
contemporary tools recovered from the riverbed ™ The Ulgulan movement of 1899 also used weapons
confirm the historical importance of the site. and guerrilla warfare to drive out foreigners.
™ Munda encouraged the tribals to refuse to follow
Dhawad Community colonial laws and pay rent.
About: The Dhawad community, belonging to the ™ Munda spent most of his time between 1886 and
Tirole-Kunbi group, resides in Maharashtra, India. 1890 in Chaibasa, close to the centre of the Sardari
Specifically, they are a subset of the Kunbi Tirole caste, agitation.
which is predominantly an agricultural community ™ The Sardars’ activities strongly impacted him. He
situated in the Khandesh region of Maharashtra. participated in anti-missionary and anti-
government programmes and started a movement
™ Mysterious Cupules: One notable feature is a rock called ‘Ulgulan’, or ‘The Great Tumult.’
with cupules found outside the Puravati Temple, ™ Munda soon emerged as a tribal leader who brought
initially interpreted as representing a star people together to fight for these issues.
constellation with 27 cupules but later found to
have 31 cupules, raising curiosity about their Religious Reform Movement
significance. ™ Founding of Birsait: In the late 19th century, Birsa
y The exact purpose of the cupules remains Munda founded a new religious movement called
unknown. “Mundaism,” “Kisangism,” or “Birsait Sect.”
y Leading the faith of ‘Birsait’, he became a God-
Significance of the Findings like figure who came to be referred to as
™ Neolithic Origins: The Archeological Survey of ‘Bhagwan’ (God) and ‘Dharti ka Abba’ (father
India has confirmed the Neolithic origins of the of the earth) by his followers.
site, as this era marks a significant milestone in y This movement aimed to revive traditional
human history when the domestication of cattle Munda customs and beliefs and unite the
Munda people against their oppressors.


Society & Social Issues

3 Society & Social Issues

3.1 GLOBAL GENDER GAP INDEX Empowerment’, while ‘Economic Participation

and Opportunity’ slightly improved.
Context: Recently, India has slipped two places on the
World Economic Forum’s (WEF) Global Gender Gap Global Rankings
Index to 129th place.
™ Top Rankers: Iceland was followed by Finland,
About the Global Gender Gap Index Norway, New Zealand and Sweden in the
top five.
™ It annually benchmarks the current state and
evolution of gender parity. y The majority of the top 10 most gender-equal
y It is the longest-standing index tracking the countries are in Europe, with Ireland and Spain
progress of numerous countries’ efforts re-entering the top 10 this year.
towards closing these gaps over time since its y The U.K. was ranked 14th, while the USA was at
inception in 2006. 43rd place.
™ Bottom Rankers: Globally, Sudan was ranked last
on the index of 146 countries, while Pakistan
slipped three places to 145th.


Context: The 18th Lok Sabha will support 74 women
MPs, making 13.63% of the elected strength of the
Lower House, down from 78 in the 17th Lok Sabha.

™ Published by: World Economic Forum (WEF)

™ Score: The Global Gender Gap Index measures
scores on a 0-100 scale and scores can be
interpreted as the distance covered towards parity
(i.e. the percentage of the gender gap that has been
™ Analysis: The index examines a subset of 101
countries that have been included in every edition
of the index since 2006. Women Profile in The 18th Lok Sabha
™ Candidate Profile:
Findings related to India
y Women constituted 10% (797) of the 8,360
™ Lower than Previous Year: With a population of
more than 140 crore, India has closed 64.1% of its candidates contesting elections in 2024.
gender gap in 2024 and the decline of two places y This is the first time that women candidates’
from 127th last year. proportion
touched 10%
™ Reason for Rank Lowering: This slight regression ™ Representation over the years:
is mainly the result of small declines in y First Lok Sabha in 1952: Women made up just
‘Educational Attainment’ and ‘Political 4.41% of the strength of the Lower House.


Society & Social Issues

y Lowest representation: In the 1971 Lok More on News

Sabha, women constituted only 3.51% of the ™ The report examines the status, trends, inequities
total membership. and drivers of child food poverty in early
y Peak representation: Women constituted childhood.
14.36% of the House in the 17th Lok Sabha
of 2019. Key Findings of the Child Nutrition Report
™ International Comparison: Women constitute 2024
46% of MPs in South Africa, 35% in the UK, and ™ High Food Poverty: Globally, one in four children
29% in the US. are living in severe child food poverty in early
childhood, amounting to 181 million children
3.3 CHILD NUTRITION REPORT 2024 under 5 years of age.
Context: Recently, UNICEF released “Child Nutrition
Report 2024”- titled as “Child Food Poverty: Nutrition
deprivation in early childhood”.

™ Major Drivers of Severe Child Food Poverty:

y Poor food environments for children
y Poor feeding practices in early childhood
y Household income poverty affecting children
and their families
y The food, health and social protection
systems are failing children’s right to good food
and nutrition.
y Conflicts & Shocks: The global food and
nutrition crisis and localized conflicts and
climatic shocks are intensifying severe child
food poverty, especially in fragile countries.

About Child Food Poverty

™ UNICEF has introduced the concept of child food poverty to bring dietary deprivation and poor quality diets
in early childhood to the forefront of global efforts to achieve the nutrition targets of the Sustainable
Development Goals.
™ UNICEF defines child food poverty as children’s inability to access and consume a nutritious and diverse diet
in early childhood (i.e., the first five years of life).


Society & Social Issues


IN POORER HEALTH: LANCET ™ The scheme was launched on January 1, 2023 and
is now extended till June 30, 2025
Context: A recent analysis by the Lancet Public Health The Digital Health Incentive Scheme (DHIS)
reveals that globally, men face a greater disease burden ™ It is meant for digitising patients’ health records
and tend to die prematurely compared to women. and linking them with the Ayushman Bharat
Digital Health Account (ABHA ID).
3.5 AYUSH HEALTHCARE SYSTEM ™ Launched by: National Health Authority (NHA)
Context: According to the NSSO survey, almost every y To promote digital health transactions in the
second individual in India used the Ayush healthcare country and also provide a boost to the
system. healthcare providers for adopting digital health.
™ It found that 46 percent of rural and 53 percent y To incentivise providers of digital health
of urban individuals rely on this traditional medicine solutions such as hospital’s health
management information system (HMIS)
About AYUSH System and laboratory management information
system (LMIS) to make available the right
™ Ayush healthcare system includes Ayurveda,
Yoga and Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and software at an affordable cost
Ayushman Bharat Digital Health Account
™ This will also include home-based remedies/self-
medication/self-treatment used by a member of (ABHA ID)
the household knowing the preventive or beneficial ™ ABHA ID is a unique 14 digit identification
effects of the treatment/medication. identity for people, like an Aadhaar ID allowing
one to store and share their medical records
First Exclusive All-India Survey on ‘Ayush’ digitally.
™ The first exclusive all-India survey on ‘Ayush’ ™ The ID is linked to the digital framework of the
was conducted by the National Sample Survey hospitals, and all the patients’ records are
Office (NSSO) from July 2022 to June 2023 as part linked to it.
of the 79th round of the National Sample Survey y This ID can then be used to securely store,
(NSS). access, and share the healthcare records,
™ This survey covered the entire country, excluding such as doctor’s prescriptions, diagnostic test
a few inaccessible villages in the Andaman & results.
Nicobar Islands.
™ The broad objectives of the survey were to ™ Incentive Based:
collect information on: y Government and private hospitals, clinics,
y Awareness of people about the traditional nursing homes, diagnostic labs, and
system of healthcare (Ayush system of pharmacies are paid Rs 20 for each
medicine), additional record they digitise, over and above
y Uses of Ayush for prevention or treatment of the threshold of 100 transactions a month.
ailments, y The scheme is applicable to both public and
y Awareness of the households about home private hospitals and digital solution
remedies, medicinal plants, local health companies (DSCs) creating digital health
tradition/folk medicine. records which can earn incentives up to Rs 4
Context: The Digital Health Incentive Scheme (DHIS)
has been extended for a year by the central Government. RTSEPFP


Geography & Disaster Management

4 Geography & Disaster


Context: The aftermath of cyclone Remal causing
extensive damage in the form of Landslides and West
Bengal Region, upgradation and overhauling the
disaster management system is the need of the hour.

More on News
™ Report by the Centre for Science and
Environment: The extreme summer months in
Indian cities over the last two decades is due to
rising temperature, relative humidity, a rapid
Cyclone Remal increase in built-up areas and concretisation
and changes in land use.
™ Remal means “sand” in Arabic and was named by
Oman ™ Consecutive Hot Year: This is the third straight
year of severe heat waves in India, which have
™ Landfall: The storm made landfall near Mongla
been far longer, over 10 days-long — this time than
port, Bangladesh and the adjoining Sagar
the usual four to eight days.
Islands in India’s West Bengal state with a wind
speed of up to 135kmph (84mph)
™ Remal was the first cyclone to hit the Bay of 4.3 EARTH’S INNER CORE IS SLOWING
Bengal this year in advance of the June-September DOWN
monsoon season. Context: A recent study published in the Journal Nature
™ Cyclone Remal advanced to a severe cyclonic suggests that Earth’s inner core began slowing its
storm from low pressure in bay of bengal in just rotation in 2010, potentially altering the length of a day
three days. by fractions of a second.


Context: Climate change has led to a rise in temperature ™ Researchers from the University of Southern
and humidity, but the growing urban sprawl has also California analyzed seismic data and nuclear
played a role in heating up Indian cities, which has tests and provided “unambiguous evidence” of

resulted in the “urban heat island effect”. this slowdown, sparking debate on core dynamics
and Earth’s rotation. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 7

Geography & Disaster Management

™ Reason for Slowing Down: novel tool Bayesian Convolutional Neural Network
y They observed a slowdown starting around (BCNN).
2010, possibly influenced by the outer core’s
movements generating Earth’s magnetic field
About Bayesian Convolutional Neural
or gravitational forces. Network (BCNN)
™ It is a variant of the Convolutional Neural
y It uses advanced technologies including
Artificial Intelligence (AI), deep learning, and
machine learning (ML).
™ It forecasts the onset of El Niño and La Niña phases
of the El Niño Southern Oscillation (ENSO).
y It can predict these climate patterns up to 15
months in advance.
y The model’s predictive capabilities leverage the
connection between these phases and gradual
oceanic changes, coupled with atmospheric
™ Implications of Slowdown:
y The inner core’s rotation is crucial in generating
Earth’s magnetic field, which shields the Operational Details
planet from harmful solar radiation and ™ The model calculates predictions based on the Niño
influences geological processes. 3.4 index value.
y Therefore, any changes in the inner core’s ™ This index averages sea surface temperature
rotational speed could potentially impact (SST) anomalies in the central equatorial Pacific
Earth’s magnetic properties, possibly affecting region, spanning from 5°N to 5°S and 170°W to
geomagnetic events and natural conditions on 120°W.
the planet’s surface.
4.4 HEATWAVES- NOT A NOTIFIED Context: The discovery of living stromatolites on
DISASTER Sheybarah Island in Saudi Arabia is a big step forward
in understanding Earth’s ancient history and the
Context: Renewed demand for including Heatwaves as
development of life.
a Notified Disaster under the Disaster Management
(DM) Act, 2005 is being made considering the ongoing What are Stromatolites?
extreme spell of heat waves across the country.
™ About: Stromatolites are layers of limestone
More on News formed mainly by blue-green algae growth. They
have thin, alternating light and dark layers and
™ Heat Waves of 2024: The Indian Meteorological
come in flat, hummocky, or dome shapes.
Department has reported 10-22 above-normal heat
wave days in different parts of the country, i.e., large
parts of northern, eastern, and central India
between April and June 2024, with more heat
spells expected.
™ Importance: The States will be able to use their
disaster response funds or SDRF to provide
compensation and relief and other mitigation
and adaptation activities for heat waves.
y Currently, states need to use their own funds
for these activities.



Context: Hyderabad-based Indian National Centre for ™ Origins: Stromatolites were prevalent during the
Ocean Information Services (INCOIS) has created a Precambrian era, over 542 million years ago.


Geography & Disaster Management

™ Formation: Stromatolite formation initiates with ™ Role of Stromatolites: Stromatolites played a key
the growth of cyanobacteria on surfaces like rocks role in the Great Oxygenation Event, significantly
or sediment. altering the Earth’s atmosphere by introducing
™ Habitation: Stromatolites flourish most in Shark oxygen.
Bay, Western Australia, where high salt levels y This oxygen initially eliminated competition for
caused by evaporation discourage snails and other stromatolites, allowing them to dominate the
organisms from eating the algae, aiding their Archean and early Proterozoic environments.
Stromatolite Deposits in India
Great Oxygenation Event ™ Vindhyan Supergroup (Central India): Rich in
™ About: Around 2.4 billion years ago, cyanobacteria stromatolites, with some formations dating back
emitted oxygen into Earth’s oceans, enriching 2.5 billion years.
them with oxygen. Over time, the oxygen began ™ Bhima Basin (Karnataka): Various stromatolite
escaping into the atmosphere, interacting with formations providing insights into ancient
methane. ecosystems.
y As oxygen release increased, methane was ™ Additional Sites: Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and the
gradually displaced, and oxygen became a Himalayas also feature smaller stromatolite
predominant component of the atmosphere. deposits.
y This significant transition in Earth’s
atmospheric composition is known as the
Great Oxidation Event.

Heat Index Recently, Delhi’s heat index soars to 50 degrees.
About Heat Index:
™ Definition: It offers insights into how humidity affects high temperatures,
resulting in a “feels-like” temperature for human comfort.
y This information can indicate discomfort levels for individuals.
Additionally, it advises on extra measures to alleviate discomfort.
Colour Codes for Heat Index:
™ Green: Experimental Heat Index below 35°C
™ Yellow: Experimental Heat Index between 36°C and 45°C
™ Orange: Experimental Heat Index between 46°C and 55°C
™ Red: Experimental Heat Index exceeding 55°C
Calculation of Heat Index: Currently, the heat index is calculated using an
equation similar to the one employed by the National Weather Service of the
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) in the USA.
National Crisis Management A meeting of the National Crisis Management Committee (NCMC) was
Committee (NCMC chaired by the Union Cabinet Secretary to review the preparedness to deal
with heat waves and forest fires.


Geography & Disaster Management

Chenab Rail Bridge Recently, Indian Railways successfully conducted a trial run of an eight-coach
MEMU train on the world’s highest railway bridge — Chenab Bridge — in
Jammu and Kashmir.
Chenab Rail Bridge:
™ Location: The world’s highest single-arch railway bridge is located
between Bakkal and Kauri in the Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir.
y It is included in the Udhampur-Srinagar-Baramulla Rail Link
™ Length and Height: The 1.3 km-long bridge is located 359 metres
above the Chenab riverbed.
™ Collaboration: The construction of the Chenab Bridge has been a
collaborative effort involving several international organisations and
prestigious Indian institutions, such as the Indian Institutes of
Technology (IITs), the Defence Research and Development
Organisation (DRDO), and the Geological Survey of India.
Chenab River:
™ About: It is an important river in India and Pakistan and a tributary of
the Indus River.
™ Origin: It is formed by the confluence of two streams, Chandra and
Bhaga, at Tandi in the upper Himalayas in the Lahaul and Spiti Districts
of Himachal Pradesh.
y In its upper reaches, the river is also known as the Chandrabhaga.
y It flows westward through the Jammu and Kashmir Union Territory,
situated between the steep cliffs of the Siwalik Range to the south
and the Lesser Himalayas to the north.
™ Key Projects/Dams on the Chenab River:
y Ratle Hydro Electric Project, Salal Dam: Hydroelectric power
project near Reasi, Dul Hasti Hydroelectric Plant: Power project in
Kishtwar District, Pakal Dul Dam (under construction): Located on
the Marusadar River, a tributary in Kishtwar District.
Olympus Mons Water frost has been detected on the towering Tharsis volcanoes atop the
massive Olympus Mons volcano near Mars’s equator for the first time.
More on News:
™ The Frost was first spotted by the European Space Agency’s ExoMars
Trace Gas Orbiter (TGO) NOMAD instrument atop the Olympus Mons
™ Findings:
y The frost patches: They are incredibly thin, about the width of a
human hair, and cover vast areas within the volcanoes’ summit
y The amount represents a staggering 150,000 tonnes of water
swapping between the surface and atmosphere each day during
Mars’ cold seasons, equivalent to 60 Olympic-sized swimming pools.



Polity & Governance

5 Polity & Governance

5.1 PATNA HIGH COURT STRIKES ™ Balancing Merit: While addressing social
inequities, it is crucial that merit is not entirely
DOWN 65% QUOTA IN BIHAR disregarded.
Context: Recently, the Patna High Court set aside the ™ Amendments made violate Equality: Court
amendments passed by the Bihar legislature in 2023 to opined that amendments are beyond the powers of
increase the reservation Backward Classes (BC), the constitution and it violates equality clause
Extremely Backward Classes (EBC), Scheduled Caste under Articles 14, 15, and 16.
(SC) and Scheduled Tribe (ST) from 50% to 65% in
educational institutions and government jobs.
Background Context: Recently, the National Democratic Alliance
™ Decision of the Bihar Government: Following the (NDA) has returned to power for a historic third
caste-based survey report, the government straight term at the Centre, but the Bharatiya Janata
decided to increase the reservation for Party (BJP) itself has fallen short of the majority mark of
Backward Classes, Extremely Backward Classes 272, which implies there will be a coalition government.
(EBC), Scheduled Castes (SC) and Scheduled
Tribes (ST) due to a lack of adequate
representation of these classes.
™ Reservation to 75%: Together with the 10%
Economically Backward Class (EWS) quota, the
Bill had pushed reservation in Bihar to 75%,
well past the 50% ceiling set by the Supreme Court.
™ Filing of PIL: A Public Interest Litigation (PIL)
petition was filed in the Patna High Court
challenging the decision of the Bihar
Government to increase reservation in the State
from 50% to 65%.

Opinion of the Patna High Court RTSEPFP

™ Purpose of Reservation: The reservation system
was created to dismantle the dominance of a few
groups and to uplift the backward classes. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 11

Polity & Governance

Coalition Government y Coalitions are formed for the sake of some

™ About: A coalition government is one in which reward, material or psychic.
multiple political parties come together and y Pragmatism and not ideology is the hallmark
often reduce the dominance of the party that has of coalition politics.
won the most seats. ™ Classification:
y The country saw coalition politics for 32 years y Pre-poll Coalition: It is considerably
of India’s 71-year electoral journey. advantageous because it provides a common
™ Features: platform for the parties to woo the electorate
y A coalition government implies the existence based on a joint manifesto.
of at least two partners. y Post-poll Coalition: It enables constituents to
y Coalition politics is not static but dynamic, as share political power and run the government.
coalition players and groups dissolve and form
new ones.

Recommendations on Coalition in India

™ Recommendations by Punchhi Commission: It
established clear rules for Governors to handle appointing
Chief Ministers in hung assemblies and hold true for the
President as well.
If there is a pre-poll coalition, it should be treated as one
political party. If such a coalition obtains a majority, the
governor shall call the leader of such coalition to form the
In case no party or pre-poll coalition has a clear majority, the
Governor should select the Chief Minister in the following
mentioned order:
™ The group of parties that have pre-poll alliances have the
largest number.
™ The largest single party claims to form the government
with the support of others.
™ A post-electoral coalition with all partners joining the
™ A post-electoral coalition with some parties joining the
government and the remaining, including independents
supporting the government from outside
™ Sarkaria Commission: It found that problems in Indian
federalism came from a lack of consultation and dialogue
between the Centre and states.
™ It signifies the role of coalition government in which
regional parties play an important role.
™ Justice M N Venkatachaliah Commission Report: It has
suggested the idea of a permanent coalition and that it
would be best if all governments in India mandatorily
achieved a 50-plus vote share.
It meant that only a government with a 50-plus % vote share
would have the necessary legitimacy to govern.



Polity & Governance

5.3 THE MOMENT FOR A NEW government and its member states. A federation is
an arrangement where two types of governments
share power and manage their respective areas.
Context: The return of coalition politics in India will
bring questions of federalism and Centre-state y This system combines national and local
relations back to the fore. governments under a common sovereignty,
with both national and federating units having
Recent Actions Taken by India autonomous domains assigned by the
™ In this last decade, India observed a number of constitution.
changes in the domain of Centre-state relations ™ Nature: The Indian Constitution establishes a
such as the establishment of National Institution federal system with a strong Union. Hence, is
for Transforming India (NITI) Aayog and the
Goods and Services Tax, abrogation of Article referred as follows:
370, etc. y Quasi-federal by KC Wheare
y There is also a focus on “One Nation, One y Cooperative Federalism by Granville Austin
Election”. y Bargaining Federalism by Morris Jones
y Federalism with Centralising tendency by
Ivor Jenning
ƒ In S.R. Bommai Case, 1994, the Supreme
Court laid down that the Indian Constitution
is federal and characterised federalism as its
‘basic feature’.


Context: New Post Office Act 2023 comes into effect
™ It intends to streamline the delivery of citizen-
centric services and extend government benefits
to the country’s most distant areas, therefore
improving the quality of life.
™ It replaced the Indian Post Office Act of 1898. This
legislative update aims to streamline regulations,
making citizen services, banking, and access to
government scheme benefits more straightforward
and efficient.

Provisions Post Office Act, 2023

™ Postal Stamp Issuance: The regulation grants
exclusive authority to India Post for issuing
postage stamps.
™ Services: The Post Office Act 2023 stipulates that
India Post will offer services as prescribed by the
central government.
™ Authority to Intercept: Authorised officers
appointed by the central government may intercept
postal articles based on reasons such as state
security, friendly foreign relations, public order,
emergencies, public safety, or violations of the Act
or other laws.
About Federalism in India ™ Examination of Parcel: Under the Post Office Act
2023, if RTSEPFP
suspicion arises, the central government
™ Refers: Federalism originates from the Latin term may authorise an India Post officer to deliver the
“foedus,” which means agreement. postal article to customs or another designated
™ An Arrangement of Collaboration: Federalism authority, which will handle the item
divides power between the central/federal accordingly. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 13

Polity & Governance

™ Regulation of Private courier services: The Post under this Act; instead, appropriate action will be
Office Act 2023, for the first time, regulates private taken by the respective public examination
courier services by bringing it under its ambit. authority.
™ Exemption from Liability: The post office and its ™ Broad Definition of Unfair Means: The Act
officials are not held accountable for loss, defines 15 actions that constitute the use of unfair
misdelivery, delay, or damage incurred during means in public examinations “for monetary or
postal services, unless specified by government wrongful gain.”
regulations. y These include leaking question papers or
™ Recovery of Unpaid Postal Service Charges as answer keys, directly or indirectly assisting
Land Revenue: Person using the postal services candidates, willfully violating norms or
will have to pay charges for the services. If the standards, tampering with computer networks
person does not pay these charges because of any or resources, creating fake websites, and more.
reason, the due charges can be recovered as land
revenue. ™ Cognisable Offence: Section 9 of the Act stipulates
that all offences are cognisable, non-bailable, and
™ Appointment of Director General: The
appointment of a Director General includes the
authority to create regulations governing all y Consequently, arrests can be made without a
essential activities related to postal service warrant, and bail is not granted as a matter of
provision. right.
™ Ending Centre’s Exclusive Privilege: The current y Instead, a magistrate will decide if the accused
Act has repealed Section 4 of the 1898 Act, which is eligible for release on bail.
granted the Centre the sole right to convey all ™ Organised Crime: Section 11 of the Act pertains
letters by post. Nevertheless, courier services have to organised crime, prescribing penalties of 5 to
circumvented the 1898 Act by categorising their 10 years of imprisonment and fines up to 1 crore
deliveries as “documents” and “parcels” rather rupees.
than “letters”.
y If any institution is involved in committing an
organised crime, its property will be liable to
5.5 THE PUBLIC EXAMINATIONS attachment and forfeiture by the government.
(PREVENTION OF UNFAIR MEANS) ™ Punishment for Violations: Imprisonment for
BILL, 2024 three to five years and a fine of up to Rs 10 lakh. If
Context: Recently, the Union government notified the the convict fails to pay the fine, additional
Public Examinations (Prevention of Unfair Means) imprisonment will be imposed according to the
Bill, 2024, effective June 21, 2024. provisions of the Bharatiya Nyaya Sanhita,
Key Provisions of the Public Examinations y Those involved in conducting the examination
Bill 2024 can be fined up to Rs 1 crore, along with other
™ It aims to prevent the use of “unfair means” in penalties.
public examinations and bring “greater ™ Investigating Authority: The Act authorises the
transparency, fairness and credibility”. Central Government to refer any case under its
™ Definition of Public Examinations: Public jurisdiction to a Central Investigating Agency as
Examinations refer to any examination conducted needed to ensure the matters are handled swiftly
by a public examination authority listed in the and with due diligence.
Schedule of the Public Examinations Bill or any ™ National Technical Committee on Public
other authority that may be notified by the Central Examinations: The bill proposes establishing a
Government. high-level committee to enhance the security of the
y The Schedule includes the Union Public computerised examination process.
Service Commission (UPSC), Staff Selection ™ Designation of a Public Servant: The Act
Commission (SSC), Railway Recruitment designates officials of the public examination
authority as public servants to ensure
Boards (RRBs), Institute of Banking
accountability and transparency in the process.
Personnel Selection (IBPS), and National
Testing Agency (NTA). y Consequently, appropriate administrative
action can be taken against any defaulting public
™ Exclusion of Candidates: Bona fide candidates of
public examinations are excluded from the scope of servants in accordance with the authority’s
the Act. Defaulting candidates will not be punished service rules and procedures.


Polity & Governance

5.6 COOPERATIVE SOCIETIES & RTI ACT ™ Constitutional Provisions:

Context: Recently, the Madras High Court ruled that y The 97th Constitutional Amendment, Part
cooperative societies are not amenable to the Right IXB (The Co-Operative Societies) was inserted
to Information (RTI) Act of 2005. into the Constitution.
y The Right to Form Cooperative Societies was
More on News included as the Right to Freedom under Article
™ Legal Rationale: The court clarified that 19 (1).
cooperative societies under the Tamil Nadu
y Article 43-B that deals with Promotion of
Cooperative Societies Act of 1983 are not ‘public
authority’ as per Section 2(h) of the RTI Act of Cooperative Societies was also inserted as one
2005. of the Directive Principles of State Policy.
y In 2021, the Ministry of Cooperation was
The Right to Information (RTI) Act created by the Government of India for realizing
™ Right to Freedom of Speech & Expression: It the vision of ‘Sahkar se Samriddhi’.
was passed by the Parliament in 2005 to enable
the citizens to exercise their freedom of speech 5.7 CONJUGAL RIGHTS
and expression under Article 19(1)(a) of Indian Context: Recently, the High Court of Karnataka
Constitution. directed the prison authorities to release a convict on
™ Mandate: It provides the right to information parole for 30 days to fulfill wife’s conjugal right to
for citizens to secure access to information under have progeny.
the control of public authorities in order to
promote transparency and accountability in the What are Conjugal Rights?
working of every public authority. ™ About: Conjugal rights refer to the mutual rights
™ Provision: Under the provisions of the Act, a and privileges between two individuals arising
citizen may request information from a “public from the state of being married.
authority” (a body of government) which is
y These rights include mutual rights of
required to reply within thirty days.
companionship, support, comfort, sexual
relations, affection, joint property rights, and
About Cooperative Societies similar rights.
™ Formation: Cooperatives are organizations formed ™ Applicability: The law recognises these conjugal
at the grassroots level by people to harness the rights in personal laws dealing with marriage,
power of collective bargaining in the marketplace. divorce, etc, and in criminal law requiring payment
y This can mean different kinds of of maintenance and alimony to a spouse.
arrangements, such as using a common ™ Recognition:
resource or sharing capital, to derive a common y Section 9 of the Hindu Marriage Act
gain that would otherwise be difficult for an recognises one aspect of conjugal rights — the
individual producer to get. right to consortium and protects it by allowing
™ Example: In agriculture, cooperative dairies, sugar a spouse to move to court to enforce the right.
mills, spinning mills etc. are formed with the pooled ƒ Right of the Consortium: It is a mutual
resources of farmers who wish to process their right that is equally available to both
produce. Amul from Gujarat is perhaps the best-
husband and wife.
known cooperative society in India.
™ Either a wife or husband can invoke this right, if one
™ Jurisdiction: Cooperatives are a state subject
of them is deprived of the benefit of another
under the Constitution.
spouse’s society (means companionship and all the
ƒ The subject ‘Cooperative Societies’ is relations related to a spouse through another
mentioned in entry 32 of the State List spouse).
under the Seventh Schedule of the y Similar provisions exist in Muslim personal
Constitution. law and the Divorce Act, 1869, which governs
y However, there are many societies whose Christian family law.
members and areas of operation are spread
across more than one state. For example, most RTSEPFP

sugar mills along the districts on the Karnataka-

Maharashtra border procure cane from both
states. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 15

Polity & Governance

5.8 KERALA ASSEMBLY PASSES ™ Views or suggestions of the State Legislature:

These are not binding to the President or The
AS ‘KERALAM’ y After receiving the suggestions of the State
Context: Kerala Assembly unanimously requested the Legislative Assembly or after the expiration
Union Government to take immediate steps under of the limited time period the bill goes back to
Article 3 of the Constitution to change the name of the Parliament.
state to Keralam.
y Then the bill gets further deliberated upon in
™ Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, called for invoking
Article 3 of the Indian Constitution to effectuate this
change in the First Schedule. ™ Majority: The bill, like any ordinary bill, must be
passed with a simple majority.
Why Keralam? ™ Parliamentary Approval: If accepted, the proposal
™ Kerala is the English word for the Malyali Keralam. is introduced as a Bill in the Parliament.
™ Historical Context: The earliest mention of the y In Parliament, the bill cannot be presented
word can be found in Emperor Ashoka’s Rock without a recommendation from the
Edict II, dated to 257 BCE. President.
™ The edict reads: “Everywhere in the dominions of y Upon becoming law, the state’s name was
King Priyadarsin, Beloved of the gods, as well as officially changed.
those of his frontier sovereigns, such as the
Chodas [Cholas], Pandyas, Satiyaputra, Article 3: Formation of new States and alteration
Ketalaputra [Keralaputra]…” of areas, boundaries or names of existing States:
™ Keralaputra, literally “son of Kerala” in Sanskrit, ™ Parliament may by law, Form a new State by
refers to the dynasty of the Cheras, one of the three separation of territory from any State or by
main kingdoms of southern India. uniting two or more States or parts of States or by
uniting any territory to a part of any State
Procedure for Renaming a State y Increase the area of any State
™ Process of renaming a state: It can be initiated by y Diminish the area of any State
either the Parliament or the state assembly.
y Alter the boundaries of any State
™ State Government’s Proposal: The proposal to
rename a state originates from the state government. y Alter the name of any State
The Union Ministry of Home Affairs reviews the Article 4:
proposal and seeks No Objection Certificates ™ Laws made under articles 2 and 3 to provide for
(NOCs) from various agencies. the amendment of the First and the Fourth
™ Centre’s Approval: Unlike renaming cities, Schedules and supplemental, incidental and
renaming a state requires approval from the consequential matters provides that law made
Centre’s Ministry of Home Affairs. under Article 2 and 3 shall not be deemed to be
™ A Constitutional amendment is necessary for this an amendment of this Constitution for the
change (under Article 3 and 4 of the Constitution). purposes of article 368.



Polity & Governance

Section 436-A of The Delhi High Court granted bail to Sharjeel Imam in the case involving charges of sedition
CrPC and UAPA violations.
More on News:
™ Reason for Bail Grant: Sharjeel Imam received bail due to Section 436-A of the CrPC.
y Judges’ Limited Discretion: Due to Section 436-A, the judges had minimal choice and
were obligated to grant bail.
Bail Under Section 436-A of CrPC:
™ Statutory Grounds for Bail
y Section 436-A of CrPC: This provision mandates bail for undertrials who have spent
more than half of the maximum sentence for their offense in jail.
ƒ There is an exception to this provision when crime is punishable by death.
ƒ Introduced in 2005, it aims to address overcrowding in prisons and expedite trials
for lesser offenses.
Article 329 (b) Recently, The Supreme Court Agreed with the Election Commission’s view that Article
329(b) restricts judicial interference.
About Article 329:
™ Enshrined in Part XV of the Constitution (Articles 324-329 specifically discuss elections).
™ Article 329, which has two clauses, concerns itself with the role of the judiciary in
electoral matters.
y Article 329 (a) says the “Judiciary is not allowed to challenge the constitutionality
of laws relating to the boundaries of electoral districts or the allocation of seats”.
y Article 329 (b) says that “Any challenges to the conduct or results of elections to
the Houses of Parliament or state legislatures must be made through a designated
legal process that is referred to as an “election petition”.
Pro-Tem Speaker ™ A Pro-tem speaker is chosen for the conduct of the house when the Lok Sabha and
legislative assemblies have been elected and the vote for the speaker and deputy speaker
has not taken place.
™ The Constitution does not expressly use the term ‘Pro-tem Speaker’.
™ Duties:
y Presiding over the first sitting of the Lok Sabha/ State Legislative Assemblies.
y Administering the oath of office to the newly elected MPs/MLAs.
y Conducting the floor test to prove the government’s majority.
y Holding the vote to elect the speaker and deputy speaker.


International Relations

6 International Relations

6.1 SUCCESSES AND CHALLENGES IN healthcare, trade, economy, science and

technology, etc.
™ Reduction of Past Constraints: Historical issues
Context: The Indian Prime Minister and the U.S. such as concerns over Jammu and Kashmir and the
President are set to meet this week at the G-7 outreach relationship dynamics with Pakistan (de-
summit in Italy. hyphenation) have been effectively managed.
About India-US Relations
™ Basis: The strategic partnership between the
United States and India is based on a mutual
dedication to democracy and preserving the
rules-based international order.
™ Strengthening Ties:
y Dialogue Mechanism: Both governments have
established over 50 bilateral dialogue
mechanisms to facilitate effective
communication and collaboration.


Context: Recently, a devastating fire broke out in an
apartment building near Kuwait City, at least 49
people, around 40 of them Indians died.

More on News
™ The recent case of deaths in a fire in Kuwait has
once again brought attention to the lack of
safety and deplorable living conditions of Indian
migrants in Gulf Countries.

Indian Migrants in Gulf Countries

™ The Ministry of External Affairs stated that about
8.88 million NRIs live in six Gulf nations.
y A ‘Non-resident Indian’ (NRI) is a person
resident outside India who is a citizen of India.
These six states are home to roughly 35 million
migrant workers, accounting for 10% of all
international migrants, and Indians
constitute the single largest group amongst
them.Inward Remittances: Of the total foreign
y Collaboration in Multiple Areas: Despite the RTSEPFP
inward remittances, 28.6% originated from
challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic, the Gulf countries, with Kuwait alone
India and the US have actively cooperated across accounting for 2.4% of these remittances.
multiple areas, such as defence, security,


International Relations

y India has extended 3 Lines of Credit (LOC) to

What is the Gulf Cooperation Council?
Bangladesh in the last 8 years amounting to
™ GCC, or the Gulf Cooperation Council, is a group around US$ 8 billion for development of
of six nations – Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Kuwait,
infrastructure in various sectors including
Qatar and Bahrain.
roads, railways, shipping and ports.
™ Connectivity:
6.3 INDIA-BANGLADESH RELATIONS y Railway Connectivity: Efforts for greater
Context: Recently, India and Bangladesh agreed to connectivity to forge enduring people-centric
enhance cooperation in new areas and signed partnership have resulted in rehabilitation of 6
multiple agreements. This includes strengthening ties pre-1965 rail links.
in maritime affairs and the blue economy. ƒ Operating Railway Trains:
™ Maitri Express (since 2008, connecting Kolkata
and Dhaka)
™ Bandhan Express (since 2017, connecting Kolkata
and Khulna)

More on News
™ Recently, the Bangladesh Prime Minister was on a
two-day visit to India.
™ It is the first incoming bilateral state visit by a
foreign leader after the formation of the new
government in India following the Lok Sabha

About India-Bangladesh Relations

™ Historical Ties: The foundation of India-
Bangladesh Relations was laid in the 1971
Bangladesh Liberation War. India provided
critical military and material support to assist
Bangladesh in its fight for independence from
Pakistan. ™ Mitali Express (since June 2022, between New
™ Economic and Commercial Ties: Bangladesh is Jalpaiguri and Dhaka)
India’s biggest trade partner in South Asia and y Road and Inland Water Connectivity:
India is the second biggest trade partner of Currently, five bus services routes are
Bangladesh in Asia. operational between India and Bangladesh.
y In FY 2023-24, the total bilateral trade has been ƒ India and Bangladesh have a Protocol on

reported as USD 14.01 billion. Inland Waterways Trade and Transit

™ Development Partnership: Bangladesh is the (PIWTT) that has been operational since
largest development partner of India today. 1972, for facilitating trade and transit. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 19

International Relations

y Port Connectivity: Both countries have Northern Ireland and United States of America) and
operationalized the Agreement for the usage 10 non-permanent members elected by the
of Chittagong and Mongla Ports in 2023. General Assembly for a term of two years.
™ Power and Energy: Cooperation in the power and ™ Rule 142 of the rules of procedure:The United
energy sector has become one of the crucial pillars Nations General Assembly has to elect each year
of India- Bangladesh relations. Bangladesh is five non-permanent members of the Security
currently importing 1160 MW of power from Council based on the following pattern,
India. y Five from African and Asian States
y The Maitree Super Thermal Power Plant has y One from Eastern European State
been made operational in supplying electricity y Two from Latin American States
to the Bangladesh grid. y Two from Western European and other
™ Cultural Cooperation: The Indira Gandhi Cultural States.
Centre and the Indian Cultural Centre in Dhaka
™ Election: The members are elected by a secret
both play an important role in celebration of
ballot with 2/3 majority and there are no
common cultural links between the two countries.
™ Defence Cooperation: The 5th Annual Defence
Dialogue and 4th Tri-Services Talks were held in India’s tenure as Non-Permanent Member in UN:
August 2023 in Dhaka to comprehensively review ™ India has been a non permanent member of
ongoing defence cooperation. the UN Security Council for eight terms (a total
y Joint military exercises between India and of 16 years), with the most recent being the
Bangladesh are Exercise Sampriti (Army), 2021–22 term.
Exercise Bongo Sagar(Navy). Significant achievements:
™ Historical concerns: India was at the forefront in
the fight against colonization, apartheid and
racial discrimination.
™ Drafting of the Universal Declaration of
Human Rights: India was an active contributor in
Drafting the Universal Declaration of Human
Rights with Dr. Hansa Mehta, leading the Indian
™ In 1953, the chief delegate of India at the time,
Vijaya Lakshmi Pandit was elected the first
woman President of the UN General Assembly
™ India is the largest force contributor to the global
™ Multilateral Cooperation: Both engage in various peacekeeping missions
multilateral fora such as SAARC, BIMSTEC, and
Indian Ocean Rim Association (IORA).
y Also, as per India Tourism Statistics Report 6.5 RUSSIA-NORTH KOREA PACT
2022, Bangladesh has been the second- Context: Russia and North Korea recently signed the
largest tourist-generating market for India “Treaty on Comprehensive Strategic Partnership”.
in the year 2021.
What The Pact Says?
6.4 UNSC NON-PERMANENT MEMBERS ™ Mutual defence provisions: In case any one of the
two sides is put in a state of war by an armed
ELECTION invasion from an individual state or several
Context: Pakistan, Somalia, Denmark, Greece and states, the other side shall provide military and
Panama were elected as non-permanent members of other assistance with all means in its possession
the UN Security Council for a two-year term beginning in without delay in accordance with Article 51 of the
2025. UN Charter and the laws of the DPRK and the
Russian Federation
About United Nations Security Council ™ China RTSEPFP
Is Likely To Be Conflicted About The
Elections Development: China would be wary of Russia’s
™ It is a 15 member body consisting of five growing military collaboration with North
permanent members (China, France, Russian Korea, which could undermine its near-exclusive
Federation, United Kingdom of Great Britain and geopolitical influence over Pyongyang.


International Relations

y It would also be concerned about a greater World Intellectual Property Organization

Western footprint in Asia as a result of this ™ About: It is a United Nations specialized agency
development. located in Geneva, Switzerland, set up by the WIPO
Convention in 1967.
6.6 WIPO TREATY ™ Aim: To guide the creation of an international
Context: The Treaty on Intellectual Property, Genetic intellectual property (IP) system that promotes
Resources, and Traditional Knowledge was adopted at a innovation and creativity for everyone’s benefit.
World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) ™ WIPO Membership: WIPO has 193 member states
Diplomatic Conference at its headquarters in Geneva, y India joined WIPO in 1975.
Switzerland. ™ Functions: It serves as a worldwide policy platform
where governments, intergovernmental
Background of the Treaty organizations, industry groups, and civil society
™ History: The diplomatic conference marked the convene to tackle emerging IP issues.
final stage of the negotiations that began in 2021.
The treaty is borne of a proposal by Colombia in 6.7 FOURTH INTERNATIONAL
y This is the 27th treaty under WIPO and the first DEVELOPING STATES (SIDS-4)
in the last 10 years. Context: Recently, the Fourth International Conference
™ First WIPO Treaty: It is the first WIPO treaty to on Small Island Developing States (SIDS-4) convened in
include provisions specifically for Indigenous Antigua and Barbuda, North America.
Peoples and Local Communities.
More on News
Significance of the Treaty for India ™ Theme: Charting the course toward resilient
™ Rich Biodiversity and Traditional Knowledge: prosperity
The treaty is important to India as the country holds ™ Aim: To Assess the ability of SIDS to achieve
7-8 percent of global biodiversity and a rich sustainable development, including the 2030
repertoire of knowledge based on these genetic Agenda and its Sustainable Development Goals.
About Small Island Developing States (SIDS)
Key Provisions regarding the Treaty on Intellectual
Property, Genetic Resources, and Associated
Traditional Knowledge:
™ Disclosure Requirement: It requires patent
applicants to disclose the country of origin or
source when their application involves genetic
™ Disclosure of Traditional Knowledge Providers:
If traditional knowledge linked to genetic resources
is involved, the applicant must identify the
Indigenous Peoples or local community that
provided it.
™ Genetic Resources in Patents: Genetic resources, ™ Refers: SIDS are a distinct group of 39 States and
present in entities like medicinal plants and 18 Associate Members of United Nations
regional commissions that face unique social,
agricultural crops, are frequently used in patented
economic and environmental vulnerabilities.
inventions, even though the resources themselves
cannot be patented. ™ Located: The three geographical regions in which
SIDS are located- the Caribbean, the Pacific, and
™ Establishment of Legal Framework: Once 15 the Atlantic, Indian Ocean and South China Sea
contracting parties have ratified it, the Treaty will (AIS).
establish an international legal framework. ™ Recognition: SIDS were recognized as a special
y This framework will require patent applicants case bothRTSEPFP
for their environment and development
to disclose the origin of genetic resources and at the 1992 United Nations Conference on
associated traditional knowledge used in their Environment and Development held in Rio de
inventions. Janeiro, Brazil. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 21

International Relations

™ Receive Support: y The plan is backed by the European Commission,

y Regional Level: SIDS are supported by inter- the UK, Germany, France, Egypt, Qatar and other
governmental organizations, primarily the Arab governments.
Caribbean Community (CARICOM), the
Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and the Indian About Biden’s Peace plan for Gaza
Ocean Commission (IOC). Biden’s proposal consists of three phases peace plan for
y UN Programmes of Action in Support of SIDS:
™ Phase One: The first phase lasts six weeks
ƒ SAMOA Pathway, 2014: It recognizes the
adverse impacts of climate change and sea- y It includes a comprehensive ceasefire,
level rise on SIDS’ efforts to achieve withdrawal of Israeli forces from populated
economic development, food security, areas of Gaza, and the release of Israeli hostages
disaster risk reduction and ocean held by Hamas since October 7.
management, among other challenges. ™ Phase Two: Phase two involves the exchange of all
remaining living hostages, including male soldiers.
6.8 GAZA PEACE PLAN y Israeli forces would fully withdraw from Gaza.
Context: An aide to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin y A temporary ceasefire would transition into a
Netanyahu has indicated Israel’s acceptance of a peace permanent cessation of hostilities if Hamas
deal with Hamas. fulfills its commitments.
™ Phase Three: Phase three focuses on a major
reconstruction plan for Gaza.
y Any remaining hostages who have been killed
would be returned to their families.

Factors affecting deal’s success in Israel-

Palestine Conflict
™ External Pressures:
y International Condemnation: Global criticism
of Israel’s actions, including from the US, creates
pressure for a peaceful resolution.
™ Overall Challenges:
y Deep-Rooted Conflict: The underlying issues
that have fueled the conflict for decades remain
ƒ There are conflicts over military withdrawal.
Hamas demands Israel to withdraw its
military from Gaza Strip but Israel is not
ready for it and demands “destruction of
Hamas” itself.
y Lack of Trust: Historical distrust between the
two sides makes reaching a lasting agreement
More on News difficult.
™ This decision has come amid an eight-month-long
military assault on Gaza.



International Relations

Indo-Pacific Recently, an Indian delegation participated in the Ministerial Meeting of the Indo-Pacific
Economic Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) held in Singapore.
Framework for Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)
Prosperity ™ About: IPEF was launched on 23 May 2022 in Tokyo, Japan, comprising 14 countries.
Ministerial y Australia, Brunei, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Japan, Republic of Korea, Malaysia, New
Meeting Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and USA.
™ Aim: To strengthen economic engagement and cooperation among partner countries
with the goal of advancing growth, economic stability and prosperity in the region.
™ Framework: The framework is structured around four pillars
y Pillar 1: Trade
y Pillar 2: Supply Chain Resilience
y Pillar 3: Clean Economy
y Pillar 4: Fair Economy.
y India had joined Pillars 2, 3 and 4 of IPEF while maintaining an observer status in
Pillar 1.
Thailand to Recently, the Marriage Equality Bill was overwhelmingly approved by Thailand’s Senate, the
become third upper house of the National Assembly.
Asian country Details of the Bill:
to legalise ™ Gender Neutrality:The bill updates Thai marriage laws by substituting gender-specific
same-sex terms such as “husbands” and “wives” with gender-neutral alternatives like “spouse” and
marriage “person.”
y This modification enables any two individuals, irrespective of their gender, to enter into
™ Rights for Same-Sex Couples: Same-sex couples will enjoy equal rights in several legal and
practical areas:
y Adoption: Same-sex couples have the right to adopt children.
y Inheritance: They can inherit property from their spouses.
y Taxation: Similar tax benefits as heterosexual married couples.
y Legal Decision-making: They can make legal decisions for their spouses, such as
medical treatment consent.
™ Recognition:The bill guarantees legal recognition and protection for same-sex marriages,
offering stability and legal certainty to LGBTQ+ couples in Thailand.
Burp Tax Recently, New Zealand’s center-right government announced the cancellation of the ‘burp tax’—a
plan to tax greenhouse gas emissions from livestock.
Burp Tax
™ Goal of the Scheme: To reduce methane emissions from ruminant species—hoofed
herbivores like cows, sheep, goats, and buffaloes that have a unique digestive system
enabling them to digest food that other animals cannot.
™ Reasons for Burp Tax: Fermentation in the rumen produces methane, a potent greenhouse
gas responsible for 30% of global warming since preindustrial times. Ruminant animals like
cows and sheep release methane mainly through burping.
y In New Zealand, with 10 million cattle and 25 million sheep, these emissions account for
nearly half of the country’s greenhouse gas emissions.


Indian Economy

7 Indian Economy

7.1 INTERNATIONALIZATION OF ™ Internationalization of the Indian Rupee with

Regulatory Changes: The RBI will permit persons
INDIAN RUPEE resident outside India (PROIs) to open rupee
Context: Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) accounts outside India as part of the 2024-25
allowed the opening of rupee accounts outside India. agenda for internationalizing the domestic currency.

About Internationalization of the Rupee

™ It is a process that involves increasing the use of
the rupee in cross-border transactions. These
are all transactions between residents in India
and non-residents.
™ Key Process Involved: : It involves promoting the
rupee for import and export trade and then other
current account transactions, followed by its use in
capital account transactions.
Crucial Insights on RBI’s Announcement
™ Liberalization of the External Commercial
Borrowing (ECB) Framework & Regulations:
The RBI said, the Strategic Action Plan for 2024-
25 has been finalized which includes the
liberalization of the external commercial
borrowing (ECB) framework.
y The RBI plans to liberalize regulations related
to Indian Rupee (INR) accounts for non-
residents and allow them to open rupee
accounts outside India.
™ Rationalization of Guidelines & Regulations: In
its Annual Report, the RBI said that rationalization
of various guidelines will be a priority, with an
emphasis on continuous synchronization of the
Foreign Exchange Management Act (FEMA)
operating framework with the evolving
macroeconomic environment.
y The RBI said rationalizing regulations to
promote the internationalization of the Indian
Rupee was undertaken to enable the settlement
of bilateral trade in local currencies.



Indian Economy

™ Historical Context: The Informal Economy

y 1950s: ™ It is the diversified set of economic activities,
ƒ 1959: The Centre allowed the RBI to issue enterprises, jobs, and workers that are not
special notes for the Gulf region. regulated or protected by the state.
ƒ 1966: The Indian rupee was devalued, ™ Activities Involved: The informal economy
leading Gulf countries to withdraw the Gulf consists of activities that have market value but are
rupee. not formally registered. Ex, domestic workers,
ƒ By the early 1970s, all Gulf countries waste pickers etc.
stopped using the Gulf rupee. ™ Difficult to Measure: This is because activities
y 1994: within it cannot be directly observed and most of
ƒ India accepted the Articles of Agreement of the participants in the informal economy do not
the IMF, making the Indian Rupee fully want to be accounted for.
convertible on the current account. ™ Need for a Balanced Approach: It is crucial in
ƒ India enabled external commercial addressing the informal economy, as it currently
borrowings in Rupees, including masala represents the only source of income and a critical
bonds (rupee-denominated bonds issued by safety net for millions of people.
Indian entities outside India).
FORMAL EMPLOYMENT Context: The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of
Context: Recently, the Indian Staffing Federation the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to keep the
(ISF), said that India with almost 85% informal labor, repo rate unchanged at 6.5.
generating more than half of the country’s GDP, requires ™ This marks the eighth consecutive time the rate
a structural shift towards structured and formal
has been maintained.

More on News Reasons for Keeping Repo Rate Unchanged

™ The ISF also unveiled “India@Work: Vision Next ™ Inflation Concerns:
Decade,” a blueprint for formalization of the y Despite some moderation, food inflation
informal workforce and implementation of remains high due to price pressures on
labor codes in the country. vegetables, pulses, cereals, and spices.
™ According to the e-Shram portal, over 94% of the y Volatility in crude oil prices, financial markets,
informal sector workers enrolled on the e-Shram and non-energy commodity prices could lead to
platform earn less than Rs 10,000 per month. higher inflation.
y Agriculture ranks first, accounting for 52.11% ™ Balancing Growth and Inflation
of all enrolments, followed by domestic and
y The MPC revised the GDP growth forecast to
household employees and construction
7.2% for 2024-2025, indicating a positive
economic outlook.
y The outcome of changing the repo rate:
Maintaining a neutral stance could risk
reigniting inflation while lowering rates could
hinder growth momentum.

Status of Inflation Over a Period (2024)

™ Recent Trends
y Decrease in inflation: Inflation has shown a
slight moderation since February 2024,
RTSEPFP from 5.1% to 4.8% in April 2024.
ƒ However, this decrease is narrow, and food
inflation remains high due to price pressures
on vegetables, pulses, cereals, and spices. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 25

Indian Economy


™ Repo rate stands for “Repurchasing option rate”. SURVEILLANCE LAPSE PENALTY
Context: Recently, SEBI introduced a framework on
“financial disincentives” that targets market
infrastructure institutions.

More on News
™ New Provision: Under this framework, there is a
provision for imposing penalties ranging from ₹1
lakh to ₹1 crore for each surveillance lapse during
the financial year.
™ The new framework will be applicable from July 1.

What Is Market Surveillance?

™ Market surveillance involves preventing and
investigating abusive, manipulative, or illegal
trading practices in securities markets.
™ Purpose: It ensures orderly markets by fostering
™ It is the interest rate at which the Reserve Bank of confidence among buyers and sellers in the fairness
India (RBI) lends money to commercial banks and and accuracy of transactions.
lending institutions. ™ Significance: Effective market surveillance is
™ Mechanism: Commercial banks borrow money crucial for maintaining market order, encouraging
from the RBI by selling their securities and agreeing investment, and supporting economic growth.
to repurchase them at a later date at the repo rate.
™ Impact of Rate Changes:
y Increased Repo Rate: This makes borrowing
costlier for banks, who pass on the higher costs
to customers, making loans more expensive.
y Decreased Repo Rate: Lowers borrowing costs
for banks, increases the availability of funds,
and boosts consumer demand.
™ Role of the Repo Rate
y Monetary Tool: Used to control inflation or
stimulate demand.
y Influence: It affects interest rates on all types of
loans, including personal, car, housing, and
working capital loans.

About the Monetary Policy Committee ™ Providers: Both the private sector and the public
(MPC) sector can perform market surveillance activities.
™ This committee decides the interest rate.
™ Composition: There are six members on this 7.5 VARIABLE RATE REPO (VRR)
committee. AUCTION
y Three members are appointed by the Context: RBI’s Variable Repo Rate auction sees huge
government and three by the RBI. response by banks suggesting an increased demand
™ Meetings: Discuss the country’s macroeconomic for liquidity in banking sector.
situation and determine the repo rate.
™ Considerations of factors: To set interest rates, Call Money Rate
factors like inflation, economic growth, exchange ™ RTSEPFPrate at which short term funds are
It is the
rates, and fiscal deficit are evaluated. borrowed and lent in the money market.
™ Objective: This committee aims to maintain price ™ Duration: 1 day is the duration of the call money
stability while supporting economic growth. loan.


Indian Economy

Variable Rate Repo Auction able to avail various government schemes

™ Also called Term Repo Rates, It is a liquidity including PM-Kisan and Fasal Bima Yojana
injection tool of the RBI for liquidity management through this ID.
in the economy. ƒ It will also enable them to avail financial
™ Current situation: The RBI has been conducting services like farm loans and insurance.
VRRs to inject liquidity on a temporary basis y Crop Sown Registry: The mission also
into the banking system since december 2023 envisages a crop sown registry.
y In mid-January, the tenor of the VRR was ƒ This will have a record of crops sown by a
increased to 14 days to match the CRR cycle farmer on his land.
for steady State injection. Further to this, it has
ƒ It will help better planning and estimation
been conducting short-dated VRRs (1-7day)
of crop production.
periodically to ‘fine tune’ market liquidity.
y India Digital Ecosystem of Agriculture
™ VRR Auctions: They are conducted by the RBI,
when the weighted average call money rate (IDEA): The Department is finalising a
trends above the repo rate in the interbank framework for creating an “Agristack” in the
money market, serving as a signal to the RBI of country. This Agristack will serve as a foundation
System Liquidity Deficit. for building innovative agri-focused solutions
™ Tenure: It is a short term liquidity injection against using digital technologies.
collaterals with a tenor of Overnight to 13 days y Unified Farmers Service Interface (UFSI):
usually. This aims to provide a unified platform for
y But, for injection of durable liquidity, the RBI farmers to access various services related to
conducts VRR auctions for a tenor beyond 14 weather, market prices, agro-advisory, and
days very rarely. more.
™ Rate of Interest: It generally is borrowed at a rate y Funding to States for New Technology
decided by market generally lower than Repo (NeGPA): Funds are released to states and
Rate (though not less than Reverse Repo Rate). union territories for projects involving modern
technologies like artificial intelligence,
7.6 LAUNCH OF RS 2800 CRORE blockchain, IoT, and robotics.
DIGITAL AGRI MISSION y Revamping Mahalanobis National Crop
Context: The Government has launched a Rs 2800 Forecast Centre (MNCFC): Enhancing crop
crore Digital Agri Mission as part of its agenda for the forecasting capabilities using technology.
first 100 days. y Soil Health, Fertility, and Profile Mapping:
Leveraging digital tools to assess soil health and
About the Digital Agri Mission fertility.
™ The Digital Agri Mission aims to encourage and
accelerate the use of digital technologies such as
Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, remote
sensing, robots, and drones in agriculture. CROPS
y The Mission will pave the way for creation of Context: Recently, Cabinet approved MSP hikes for all
a nationwide farmers registry, crop sown 14 kharif season crops.
registry, and georeferencing of village maps.
More on News
™ Timespan: It will be rolled out over the next two
years (till 2025-26). ™ In alignment with the government’s “clear policy”
of keeping MSPs at least 1.5 times above the cost
™ Components of the Mission:
of production as calculated by the government
y Farmers Registry: To create a farmers’ ™ However, only four of these crops have MSPs that
registry, in which every farmer will be given a will provide farmers with a margin of more than
unique ID. Example- Uttar Pradesh and 50% above their production costs
Maharashtra have already started generation of y Bajra (77%)
farmers’ ID.
y Arhar dal (59%)
ƒ Significance of Unique farmer ID: The RTSEPFP
y Maize (54%)
unique farmer ID will allow launch of new
value-added services and farmers will be y Black gram (52%) June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 27

Indian Economy

of Food & Public Distribution determines fair and

Determinants of MSP remunerative prices (FRP) for sugarcane.
While recommending price policy of various ™ Here is a list of some major crops for which MSP is
commodities under its mandate, the Commission typically announced:
keeps in mind the various Terms of Reference
(ToR) given to CACP in 2009. ™ Kharif Crops (14): Paddy, Bajra, Jowar, Maize,
Arhar (Pigeon Pea), Ragi, Moong (Green Gram),
1. Demand and supply Groundnut-in-shell, Urad (Black Gram), Soyabean,
2. Cost of production Niger seed, Sunflower, Sesamum, Cotton.
3. Price trends in the market, both domestic and ™ Rabi Crops (6): Barley, Wheat, Gram, Rapeseed/
international Mustard seed, Masur (Lentil), Jute.
4. Inter-crop price parity ™ Other Commercial Crops (2): Copra, Safflower.
5. Terms of trade between agriculture and non-
agriculture 7.8 RESERVE BANK OF INDIA
6. A minimum of 50 percent as the margin over cost LAUNCHED THREE MAJOR
of production INITIATIVES
7. Likely implications of MSP on consumers of that Context: Recently, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has
product launched three major initiatives – PRAVAAH portal, the
retail direct mobile app and a fintech repository.

What is the Minimum Support Price? PRAVAAH Portal (Platform for Regulatory
™ Minimum Support Price (MSP) is a government- Application, VAlidation and AutHorisation)
supported agricultural price policy implemented ™ About: PRAVAAH portal is a secure and centralized
in India to ensure that farmers receive a fair and web-based portal for any individual or entity to
remunerative price for their crops. seek authorisation, license or regulatory approval
™ MSP is price fixed by the Government of India to on any reference made by it to the Reserve Bank.
protect the producer - farmers - against excessive ™ Features: On the portal, 60 application forms
fall in price during bumper production years. covering different regulatory and supervisory
departments can be submitted online.
y On the portal, an entity can track/monitor the
status as well as RBI can send a decision related
to a specified application in a time bound
y More application forms would be made available
as may be required.

Retail Direct Mobile App

™ About: The retail direct mobile app will provide
retail investors a seamless and convenient access to
the retail direct platform and provide ease of
transacting in government securities (G-Secs).
™ Launching of Retail Direct Portal: In November
2021, the Retail Direct Scheme was launched,
granting individual investors the opportunity to
hold gilt accounts with the RBI and engage in
™ Who Recommends? : MSPs are announced by the government securities investment.
Government of India at the beginning of the
sowing season for certain crops on the basis of the About FinTech Repository
recommendations of the Commission for ™ Aim: The FinTech Repository aims to capture
Agricultural Costs and Prices (CACP). essential information about FinTech entities, their
activities, technology uses, etc.
y FinTechs, both regulated and unregulated, are
™ The Commission for Agricultural Costs & Prices encouraged to contribute to the repository.
(CACP) recommends minimum support prices ™ Management of the Repository: The FinTech
(MSPs) for 22 mandated crops and the Department Repositories are secure web-based applications


Indian Economy

and are managed by the Reserve Bank Innovation ™ Leading Ports in India
Hub (RBIH), a wholly owned subsidiary of RBI. y Largest Major Port: Jawaharlal Nehru Port
™ Functions: The repository would enable availability Trust (JNPT)
of aggregate sectoral level data, trends, analytics, y Largest Private Port: Mundra Port
etc that would be useful for both policymakers and
participating industry members. y Significant Milestone: JNPT becomes the first
100% Landlord Major Port
Context: The Vadhavan port, recently cleared by the REPORT IN NEWS
Cabinet, will be India’s first mega port.

Objective of Vadhavan Port 7.10 TOP 10 LARGEST ECONOMIES IN

™ It aims to significantly enhance the country’s sea- THE WORLD IN 2024
based trade. Recently, India rose to the 5th position among the top
10 largest economies in the world in 2024 according to
the World Economic Outlook 2024.

About Vadhavan Port

™ Location: Vadhavan, Palghar district, Maharashtra
™ Coast: Arabian Sea
™ Operated by: Vadhavan Port Project Limited
(VPPL), Jawaharlal Nehru Port Authority
™ This port initiative aligns with the PM Gati Shakti
™ Greenfield Project: The port will be built as a
greenfield project.
y It allows for modern infrastructure and
technology integration from the ground up.
™ Public-Private Partnership: The project will
leverage public-private partnerships (PPPs) for
core infrastructure, terminals, and commercial About
development, potentially bringing in expertise and ™ The world’s largest economies in 2024 include the
efficiency. United States of America, China, Japan, Germany,
and India, according to their GDP data.
Industry Scenario: Port Sector
™ Metric for Calculation: GDP serves as a vital metric
Overview of Indian Ports: for measuring a nation’s economic size.
™ Total Ports: 12 major and 200 non-major/ ™ Method: The traditional method for calculating a
intermediate ports GDP involves the expenditure approach,
y Major Ports: Under central government which combines spending on new consumer goods,
y Non-Major Ports: Under state government investments, government expenditures, and the
administration net value of exports. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 29

Indian Economy

Top Economies of the World ™ Goal: Ensure access to affordable, reliable,

™ United States of America: With a GDP exceeding sustainable, and modern energy for everyone.
$26 trillion, the United States remains the world’s y Key Targets
largest economy ƒ Universal Access: Achieve universal access
™ China: China’s economy has experienced rapid to electricity and clean cooking.
growth in recent decades, reaching a GDP of around ƒ Energy Efficiency: Double the rate of
$18.53 trillion in 2024. energy efficiency improvements.
™ Germany: The third-largest economy in the
ƒ Renewable Energy: Significantly increase
world, with a GDP of $4.4 trillion, Germany’s
strong manufacturing sector, particularly in the the share of renewable energy in the global
automotive and engineering sectors, contributes to energy mix.
its $4.30 billion GDP in 2024. ™ Niti Aayog is a nodal institute for achieving SDGS
™ Japan: Japan is the fourth-largest, most developed, by 2030.
and most technologically advanced economy, with a y The goals are poverty eradication, climate
GDP of $4.11 trillion in 2024. action, healthcare, education, and equality.
™ India: The fifth largest economy in the world, India’s
economy with a GDP exceeding $3.94 thousand Key Findings of the 2024 Energy Progress
billion in 2024 is on a fast track currently. Report
™ Increased Electricity Access Deficit: 685 million
7.11 TRACKING SDG 7: THE ENERGY people live without electricity, 10 million more than
PROGRESS REPORT 2024 in 2021.
™ Challenges in Clean Cooking Access: 2.1 billion
Context: Recently, Tracking SDG 7: The Energy Progress
people still use polluting fuels and technologies for
Report 2024 was released.
cooking, primarily in Sub-Saharan Africa and
More on News
™ Growth in Renewable Energy: Renewable
™ This report was prepared in collaboration by the electricity consumption increased by more than 6%
International Energy Agency (IEA), the in 2021, with renewables now accounting for 28.2%
International Renewable Energy Agency of global electricity consumption.
(IRENA), the United Nations Statistics Division
(UNSD), the World Bank, and the World Health
Context: Recently, United Nations Sustainable
Development Solutions Network (SDSN) released
Sustainable Development Report 2024.

Key Highlights of Report

™ Global Progress on SDGs: On average, only 16% of
SDG targets are on track to be met globally by 2030.
SDG 2 (Zero Hunger), SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities
and Communities), SDG 14 (Life Below Water),
SDG 15 (Life on Land), and SDG 16 (Peace,
Justice, and Strong Institutions) are especially
lagging behind.
™ Uneven Progress: SDG progress varies widely by
country. Nordic nations are leading, BRICS countries
are making notable strides, while poor and
vulnerable countries are lagging far behind.
™ This report highlighted various challenges due to
y Finland ranks first, followed by Sweden and
which world is not on track to meet SDG 7 by 2030.
About SDG 7 y India is 109th out of 166 countries, excelling

™ It is a Part of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals. in Poverty Reduction and Quality Education
y It was established by the United Nations targets but showing declining progress in
General Assembly in 2015. Sustainable Cities and Climate Action targets.


Indian Economy

™ UN-Mi:The new Index of Support to UN-based Crucial Insights from the Report
Multilateralism (UN-Mi) ranks countries by their ™ Top Position Holders: European nations
engagement with the UN system. Barbados is at the dominated the top ranks in the following given
top, India is ranked 139th, and the USA is last. order:
y Sweden
REPORT y Finland
Context: The World Bank recently released its June
y Switzerland
2024 Global Economic Prospects, in which it forecasts
India to remain the fastest-growing major economy, y France
expecting an average annual growth rate of 6.7% ƒ The top 10 countries account for only 1%
from FY25 to FY27. of energy-related CO2 emissions, 3% of
total energy supply, 3% of energy demand
About Global Economic Prospects Report and 2% of the global population.
™ This report was released by the World Bank. ™ Overall, 53 countries have made steady progress
™ It analyzes current global economic trends and in the past decade.
future outlook. ™ Increase in Global Average: This year saw the
highest global average scores, with modest
Key Highlights of India’s Economic Growth improvements in system performance of about
Forecast: 2023-2027 0.2% and strong progress in transition
™ Strong Growth Outlook: readiness, with a growth of 2%.
y India’s economic growth is projected to reach y Global average scores increased by 6% since
8.2% in 2023-24, which is 1.9 percentage 2015 but showed slower growth in the past
points higher than the World Bank estimated in three years.
y Moderation In India’s Growth: The World 7.15 THE STATE OF WORLD FISHERIES
Bank anticipates a moderation in India’s growth AND AQUACULTURE 2024
rate to an average of 6.7% annually from FY25 Context: The Food and Agriculture Organization of
to FY27. the United Nations (FAO) has recently released “the
ƒ This slowdown is attributed to reduced State of World Fisheries and Aquaculture (SOFIA) 2024”.
investment following a period of high
growth. More on News
™ The 2024 edition spotlights the concrete advances
7.14 ENERGY TRANSITION INDEX of Blue Transformation in action, showcasing the
role of FAO, in driving change towards sustainable
2024 aquaculture expansion and intensification.
Context: Recently, the World Economic Forum (WEF)
ranked India at the 63rd place globally on its Energy Associated International Initiatives
Transition Index. However, in 2023, India was at 67th ™ The 2023 United Nations Framework
place. Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
Ocean Dialogue recognized the potential of
About Energy Transition Index aquatic foods for providing critical climate
™ Published by: The World Economic Forum in solutions.
collaboration with Accenture. y In 2023, UN members agreed to a legally
™ Performance Track: It tracks the performance of binding treaty for conserving and
energy systems of countries across: sustainably using marine biological
y Economic development and growth diversity of areas beyond national
y Environmental sustainability jurisdiction.
y Energy security ™ FAO integrates traditional knowledge for
y Access indicators and their readiness for adapting to climate change in specific areas, like

transition to secure, sustainable, affordable and local species suited for evolving conditions.
inclusive energy systems. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 31

Indian Economy

Preston Curve The Preston curve refers to a certain empirical relationship that is witnessed between
life expectancy and per capita income in a country.
™ Origin: It was first proposed by American sociologist Samuel H. Preston in his
1975 paper “The changing relation between mortality and level of economic
™ Findings: Preston found that people living in richer countries generally had longer
life spans when compared with people living in poorer countries.
™ Problems:
y Causality: The curve illustrates correlation, not causation. It shows that
wealthier countries often have higher life expectancy, but it does not explain the
causal mechanisms.
ƒ Higher income can lead to better health care, nutrition, and living conditions,
but it is not the sole determinant of life expectancy.
y Reverse Causality: Improvements in health and life expectancy can also drive
economic growth, creating a bidirectional relationship that the curve doesn’t
Dodol Recently the Goa government formally applied for a Geographical Indication (GI) tag for
the Goan sweet called Dodol.
™ About: Dodol is a classic Goan sweet that is often called a cousin of Bebinca, the
‘Queen of Goan desserts’.
™ History: In Goa, it is believed that the sweet was introduced during Portuguese rule
in the coastal state during the 17th century.
y Some scholars claim a traditional version of the sweet was served in the royal
banquets in the Medang Kingdom of Indonesia between the 8th and 11th
™ Variations: Dodol and its variations are also popular in southern India, Sri Lanka,
Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, and parts of Southeast Asia.
Zimbabwe’s ZiG- In April 2024, Zimbabwe rolled out a new gold-backed currency called the ZiG, or
World’s Newest Zimbabwe Gold.
Currency About Zimbabwe Gold or ZiG:
™ Refers: The ZiG is the sixth currency Zimbabwe has used since the 2009 collapse
of the Zimbabwe dollar amid hyperinflation of 5 billion percent, one of the world’s
worst currency crashes to date.
™ Aim: To provide a stable and reliable foundation for the currency, which is intended
to help control inflation, encourage economic growth, restore public trust and
reduce dependence on foreign currencies.
y The introduction of the Zig represents Zimbabwe’s effort to move away from
past economic troubles and establish a more secure monetary future.
™ Uniqueness: It is unique because it is backed by gold reserves, meaning its value
is supported by the physical gold held by the government.
y In April, the ZiG started trading with an exchange rate of 13.56 to the US
dollar, as set by Zimbabwe’s central bank.



Environment & Biodiversity

8 Environment
& Biodiversity


PROJECT ™ With a commendable score of 51.9 out of 100,
Oman now occupies the 50th position globally,
Context: Recently, Researchers and artists joined the
significantly improving from its 149th rank in 2022
“painting with light” international project to make
among 180 countries.
invisible air pollution in India visible, demonstrating
the health risks posed to the population as a part of
What is the Environmental Performance
™ Painting with Light initiative is part of the Air of
the Anthropocene project.
Index (EPI)?
™ About: It is a global ranking system that assesses
About the Air of the Anthropocene Project countries’ environmental health.
(AoA) y The World Economic Forum introduced the
™ The AoA project was initiated by Robin Prince, an Environment Sustainability Index in 2002, and
artist, and Francis Pope, an environmental scientist it is updated every two years.
from Birmingham University. ™ Published by: The Yale Center for Environmental
™ It creates spaces and places for discussion about Law and Policy, in collaboration with the Columbia
air pollution, using art as a proxy to communicate University Center for International Earth Science
and create dialogues about its associated issues. Information Network.
™ Photographs taken as part of the ‘AoA initiative
stimulated discussion around the impact of air India’s Performance
pollution. ™ Rank of India: The 2024 Environmental
™ The project has also been used by the UN Performance Index ranks India 176th out of 180
International Organisation for Migration (IOM), countries, highlighting serious environmental
the UK’s Foreign, Commonwealth, and challenges.
Development Office (FCDO), and UN-Habitat to y Despite slight progress in climate change
raise air pollution awareness. mitigation, India scores poorly in air quality and
Context: Recently, Oman ranked second in the Context: India is set to be the 6th country to have its
environmental performance Index among GCC own deep-sea mission. India’s first manned
nations and in the Middle East, according to the 2024 submersible ‘Matsya 6000’ to explore secrets of deep
EPI. sea.

More on News
™ The other 5 countries are - France, the US, China,
Russia and Japan.
™ 1st Stage of harbor trail (40-50m) deep sea mission
planned by September 2024.
™ MATSYA 6000 submarine is going to play a critical
role in the Deep Sea Mission.


Environment & Biodiversity


™ Matsya6000 is India’s flagship deep-ocean CONSULTATIVE MEETING
human submersible that aims to reach the ocean Context: Recently, India concluded hosting of the 46th
bed at a depth of 6,000 m. Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting (ATCM-46)
y Accompanied by three crew members, called and the 26th Committee on Environmental Protection
“aquanauts”, the submersible carries a suite (CEP-26) 2024 in Kochi, Kerala.
of scientific tools and equipment designed to
facilitate observations, sample collection,
Key Outcomes of the Meeting
basic video and audio recording, and ™ Approval of New Management Plans: The Parties
experimentation. approved 17 updated and new management plans
for Antarctic Specially Protected Areas (ASPAs)
™ The vessel is being developed by Chennai’s and made several changes and additions to the list
National Institute of Ocean Technology (NIOT). of Historic and Monument Sites.
y Constructed from a titanium alloy, the sphere ™ Environmental Assessments: India will provide
is engineered to withstand pressures of up to detailed environmental assessments for the
6,000 bar. construction of the new research station, Maitri-
™ With Matsya, India will be the only country to II.
have an entire ecosystem of underwater vehicles ™ Promoting Renewable Energy: The ATCM
encompassing deep-water ROVs, polar ROVs, promoted increased use of renewable energy and
AUVs, deep-water coring systems, and more. emphasized strong biosecurity measures to
mitigate the risks of Highly Pathogenic Avian
About Deep Ocean Mission (DOM)
™ CEP Priorities: Addressing the impacts of sea ice
™ DOM is India’s ambitious programme, chiefly changes
implemented by the Ministry of Earth Sciences
(MoES). y Enhancing environmental impact assessments
for significant activities
™ DOM was approved by the Union Cabinet in 2021
over a five-year period in a phased manner. y Conserving the emperor penguin
™ The mission will require technologies to access and y Creating an international framework for
transport tonnes of valuable minerals from the environmental monitoring in Antarctica
ocean-bed in an environmentally safe manner. ™ Awareness Measures: A special was launched,
™ DOM is one of nine missions under the Prime alongside the unveiling of a mural titled ‘Species-
Minister’s Science, Technology, and Innovation rich Antarctica,’ aimed at raising awareness about
Advisory Council (PMSTIAC). the continent.

The Mission has Six Pillars About Antarctic Treaty Consultative

™ Technological Development: Development of Meeting (ATCM)
technologies for deep-sea mining and a manned ™ Annual Meetings: These annual meetings provide
submersible - Matsya6000 to carry three people a platform for Antarctic Treaty Consultative Parties
to a depth of 6,000 metres in the ocean. and other stakeholders to discuss pressing
™ Development of Ocean climate change advisory environmental, scientific, and governance matters
services: It involves an array of ocean observations concerning Antarctica.
and models to understand and provide future ™ Frequency of ATCM Meetings: Between 1961 and
climate projections 1994, the ATCM typically convened once every two
™ Technological innovations for the exploration years, but since 1994, the meetings have taken
and conservation of deep-sea biodiversity place annually.
™ Deep-ocean survey and exploration: It aimed at
identifying potential sites of multi-metal Committee on Environmental Protection
hydrothermal sulphides mineralisation along the (CEP-26)
Indian Ocean mid-oceanic ridges ™ Founding: The CEP was created under the Madrid
™ Harnessing energy and freshwater from the ocean Protocol, also known as the Protocol on
™ Establishing an advanced Marine Station for Environmental
RTSEPFP Protection to the Antarctic Treaty, in
Ocean Biology: Establish it as a hub for nurturing 1991.
talent and driving new opportunities in ocean ™ Role of CEP: The CEP advises the ATCM on
biology and blue biotechnology. protecting and conserving Antarctica’s environment.


Environment & Biodiversity

Antarctica Treaty Angola, Cambodia, Chad, the Comoros, the

™ Signing of the Treaty: The Antarctic Treaty was Gambia, Guinea, Lao PDR, Sao Tome and
signed in Washington on December 1, 1959, by Principe, Sierra Leone, Somalia, and Tanzania.
twelve countries whose scientists had been involved
in Antarctica during the International Geophysical
Year (IGY) of 1957-58.
y The original 12 signatories included Argentina,
Australia, Belgium, Chile, France, Japan, New
Zealand, Norway, South Africa, the Soviet Union,
the UK, and the US.
™ Categories: There are two categories of parties to
the Antarctic Treaty: Consultative, numbering 29,
and non-Consultative, numbering 27.
y Non-Consultative parties are invited to attend About Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Consultative Meetings but do not partake in
™ Establishment: On the eve of the 1992 Rio Earth
decision-making. Summit, a catalyst for action on the environment.
™ India’s Role in Antarctic Governance: India has ™ Mandate: Through its strategic investments,
held consultative party status to the Antarctic the GEF works with partners to tackle the
Treaty since 1983. planet’s biggest environmental issues.
Establishment of Indian Antarctic Research ™ Comprises: It is a unique partnership of 18
agencies — including United Nations agencies,
Stations multilateral development banks, national entities
Year Research Station Location and international NGOs — working with 183
1983 Dakshin Gangotri Antarctica ™ It is a financial mechanism for:
1989 Maitri Schirmacher Oasis, y Minamata Convention on Mercury
y Stockholm Convention on Persistent Organic
2012 Bharati Prydz Bay coast, east of Pollutants (POPs)
y United Nations Convention on Biological
Diversity (UNCBD)
8.5 67TH COUNCIL MEET OF GLOBAL y United Nations Convention to Combat
Context: The 67th Council Meet of Global Environment y United Nations Framework Convention on
Facility being convened in Washington, DC. Climate Change (UNFCCC)
™ India’s Role: India has formed a permanent
Key Highlights of 67th Council Meet of Constituency in the Executive Council of the GEF
Global Environment Facility together with Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan,
™ Amount Allocation: An amount of $736.4 million Nepal and Maldives.
will be allocated towards environment protection y India is both a donor and a recipient of GEF.
at this Global Environment Facility (GEF) council
y The councils of the GEF Trust Fund, Global 8.6 THE BONN CLIMATE CHANGE
Biodiversity Framework Fund (GBFF), and CONFERENCE
Least Developed Countries Fund and Special Context: A two weeks long Bonn Climate Change
Climate Change Fund (LDCF/SCCF) will Conference was recently concluded with the release of
consider $495.6 million, $37.8 million and an input paper on the New Collective Quantified Goal
$203 million respectively. on Climate Finance.
y The LDCF and SCCF governing body is funding
More On News
for 14 climate adaptation initiatives. RTSEPFP
™ The paper is likely to be developed into a formal
y The LDCF work program will support projects negotiating draft that can be agreed upon at COP29
related to climate resilience and adaptation in of UNFCCC in Baku, Azerbaijan. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 35

Environment & Biodiversity

A New Collective Quantified Goal on Climate y Funds: The Special Climate Change Fund
Finance (SCCF) and the Least Developed Countries
Fund (LDCF), are managed by the GEF
™ About: The New Collective Quantified Goal (NCQG)
is the increased Target for mobilizing climate ƒ The Adaptation Fund (AF) was established
finance upwards of $100 billion for the post under the Kyoto Protocol in 2001.
2025 period mandated by the Paris Agreement of
2015. United Nations Framework Convention
y The increased target, or the for the post-2025 on Climate Change (UNFCCC)
period, is to be finalised this year in COP 29. ™ The UNFCCC is the United Nations entity
™ Bonn Meetings: Hosted a technical expert established in 1992 tasked with supporting the
global response to the threat of climate change.
dialogue (TED10) to enable in-depth examination
of the elements of the New Collective Quantified ™ Membership: The Convention has near universal
Goal on climate finance (NCQG) membership of 198 Parties.
™ Parent Treaty: The Convention is the parent
™ Demands and Suggestions:
treaty of the 2015 Paris Agreement 1997 Kyoto
y India Proposal: India has formally proposed Protocol.
that developed countries should commit
themselves to providing at least $1 trillion
every year after 2025. 8.7 PROJECT ‘MONSOON CROAKS’
y Arab Countries: The Arab countries have said Context: Monsoon Croaks Bioblitz 2024, a citizen
this figure should be at least $1.1 trillion. science programme aimed at documenting the frogs of
y African countries have demanded $1.3 trillion. Kerala during the monsoon is being organised.

Climate Finance More on News

™ Climate finance refers to local, national or ™ Organised by: The Bioblitz is being organised by
transnational financing drawn from public, The Centre for Citizen Science and Biodiversity
Informatics under the Kerala Forest Research
private and alternative sources of funding that
Institute (KFRI).
seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions
which will address climate change.
™ The UN Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the
Paris Agreement call for financial assistance from
Parties with more financial resources (developed
countries) to those that are less endowed and more
™ Principle: The funds are mobilised according to the
principle of “common but differentiated
responsibility and respective capabilities”
whereby developed countries are to provide
financial resources to assist developing countries in
implementing the objectives of the UNFCCC.
™ Supports:
y Mitigation: Large-scale investments are
required to significantly reduce emissions.
y Adaptation: Significant financial resources are
needed to adapt to the adverse effects and y A bioblitz: It is an intensive survey conducted
reduce the impacts of a changing climate over a period of time to identify as many species
™ Financial Mechanisms: as possible within a designated area.
y Global Environment Facility (GEF): It has ™ Kerala host over 200 frog species.
served as an operating entity of the financial
mechanism since the Convention’s entry into About Monsoon
RTSEPFP Croaks Project
force in 1994. ™ It is a community-driven four month long science
y Green Climate Fund (GCF) established at COP project which will start from June 1 till September
16, in 2010. 30 dedicated to documenting and studying


Environment & Biodiversity

amphibian diversity and distribution across ™ Wintering Habitat for Migratory Birds: Over
Kerala. 20,000 birds congregate during the winter
™ Aim: To address the knowledge gap regarding months, including one of the largest
the identification of key habitats of frogs by congregations of red-crested pochards (Netta
documenting the frogs of Kerala during the rufina) on the Indo-Gangetic plain.
monsoon to ultimately protect them. y As per Asiatic Waterbird Census(AWC) 2023:
™ People Participation: People of all ages can The Nakti bird sanctuary is the wetland with
participate in this project by uploading the highest number of birds reported with a
photographs of frogs and their sounds on the count of 7,844 birds, followed by Nagi bird
iNaturalist app. sanctuary with 6,938 birds.
y A volunteer frog mapper: He/She will learn to
identify various frog species, document their About Ramsar Convention
calls, observe their behaviour, and record ™ Establishment: A Ramsar site is a wetland of
essential ecological data. international importance under the Ramsar
™ Collaboration: All the scientific observations made Convention (also known as the ‘Convention on
available during the bioblitz will become part of Wetlands’), an intergovernmental
the Global Biodiversity Information Facility environmental treaty established by UNESCO in
(GBIF), a biodiversity open source database. 1971 and named after the city of Ramsar in Iran,
where the convention was signed that year.
8.8 THE NAGI & NAKTI BIRD ™ First Ramsar Site in India: Chilika Lake in Orissa
and Keoladeo National Park in Rajasthan
SANCTUARIES RECOGNISED AS ™ Largest Ramsar Site in India: Sundarbans in
RAMSAR SITE West Bengal.
Context: Recently, 2 Human-made wetlands from Bihar,
The Nagi & Nakti Bird Sanctuaries, have been 8.9 BARDA WILDLIFE SANCTUARY
recognised as wetlands of international importance Context: The Forest Department in Gujarat has initiated
under the Ramsar Convention the translocation of spotted deer and sambars from Gir
Forest to Barda Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS), Gujarat.
More on News
™ The sites were declared on the World Reasons for Translocation
Environment Day (5 June 2024) ™ Supporting Lion Reintroduction: Lions return to
™ India now hosts 82 Ramsar wetland sites with Barda after a long absence, but the area lacks
this inclusion. enough prey to sustain them.
y Currently, the highest number of such sites is y Translocating deer and sambars will provide a
in the UK (175), followed by Mexico (144) food source for these lions.
™ Kanwar Lake in Begusarai district was designated ™ Restoring the Ecosystem: Barda historically had
Bihar’s first Ramsar Site in 2020. lions, and reintroducing prey species helps restore
the natural balance.
About Nagi and Nakti Bird Sanctuaries ™ Managing Gir Forest Population:
™ The wetland was designated as a Bird Sanctuary in
y Gir has a large spotted deer population (over
™ Location: The wetlands are deemed protected
areas in the Jhajha forest range of Bihar’s Jamui y Translocating a small number helps manage
district. Gir’s population while boosting Barda’s.
™ Human-made: The Nagi and Nakti bird
sanctuaries are human-made wetlands that
About Barda Wildlife Sanctuary (BWS)
were developed primarily for irrigation ™ Location: Gujarat, India.
purposes through the construction of the Nakti y Proximity: About 15 kilometres from Porbandar
Dam. and 100 kilometers west of Gir Forest National
™ Wildlife support: The sanctuary supports globally Park.
threatened species, including the endangered ™ Landscape: Hilly terrain covering 192.31 square
Indian elephant (Elephas maximus indicus) and RTSEPFP
a vulnerable native catfish (Wallago attu). ™ Rivers: Includes the Bileshvary River and the Joghri
™ The catchment area: It is a largely dry deciduous River.
forest surrounded by hills. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 37

Environment & Biodiversity

™ Dams: Two dams, Khambala and Fodara, are y Planning of Projects: This will aid the planning
contained. and monitoring of projects, river water quality,
™ Ethnic Communities: Inhabited by ethnic groups and other key parameters.
such as Maldharis, Bharvads, Rabaris, and
™ Development Project: The ‘Gir-Barda Project’ was
initiated by the State Government in 1979 to
establish Barda as a secondary habitat for the Context: The Northeast Frontier Railway (NFR) is
Asiatic lion. planning to construct canopy bridges for Hoolock
Gibbons to move across a railway track bifurcating
Hollangapar Gibbon Sanctuary in eastern Assam.
LAUNCHES E-FLOWS ™ Aim: The decision to install canopy bridges is to
MONITORING SYSTEM facilitate easy movement of the gibbons across
the track.
Context: The Jal Shakti Ministry launched an e-flow
ecological monitoring system that allows real-time
planning and monitoring of projects, river water
quality, and other key parameters.

™ Namami Ganga Programme: The Namami

Gange programme is a flagship programme of
the Jal Shakti Ministry that involved cleaning
the Ganga and now includes its tributaries.
y The program would be implemented by the
National Mission for Clean Ganga (NMCG),
and its state counterpart organisations i.e
State Program Management Groups (SPMGs).
™ Designed: The canopy bridges are designed by the
WII in consultation with NFR.
Environmental flows (E-flows) Monitoring ™ Design: The ends of the canopy bridges as well as
System the knots will be secured and clamped or
™ About: This system allows real-time analysis of tightened using appropriate and high-grade
water quality in the Ganga, Yamuna, and their fastening materials and techniques.
tributaries. y Safety mechanism: To save the species from
y It is an integral component of the PRAYAG accidentally falling off the bridges, safety nets
portal, which monitors water quality and will be installed below the main twin-rope
sewage treatment facility performance along bridge as a fail-safe mechanism.
the Ganga River. ™ Natural design: The canopy rope bridges is
™ Developed by: The National Mission for Clean supposed to mimic the natural design with lianas
Ganga, an arm of the Jal Shakti Ministry. and creepers being guided along them.
™ Use:
y Water Quality Analysis: It enables Real-time 8.12 DEVELOPMENT OF GANDHI
analysis of the water quality of the Ganga, SAGAR WILDLIFE SANCTUARY AS
Yamuna, and their tributaries. The river INDIA’S SECOND HOME FOR
water quality is also monitored at various CHEETAHS
Context: The Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary is set to
y Monitoring of Namami Ganga Programme: It become the second home for cheetahs in India, following
also allows monitoring of the Namami Gange Kuno National Park.
programme activities at the central level.
y Ensuring optimal performance of STP’s: This About Gandhi
RTSEPFP Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary
includes monitoring the performance of Sewage ™ Geographical Position:
Treatment Plants (STPs), and ensuring that they y It is Situated in Madhya Pradesh.
operate at their rated capacity.


Environment & Biodiversity

y This Sanctuary shares border with the state of ™ Flora:

Rajasthan y Includes Khair, Salai, Kardhai, Dhawda, Tendu,
y It was designated as a wildlife sanctuary in and Palash
1974. ƒ It features a savanna ecosystem with open
grasslands and dry deciduous trees and
™ These features make Gandhi Sagar the best location
in India for cheetahs.
™ Fauna:
y Chinkara, Nilgai, Spotted Deer, Striped Hyena,
Jackal, and crocodiles

About Cheetah
™ Scientific name: Acinonyx jubatus
™ Native to Africa and central Iran
™ Fastest land animal, capable of speeds between 80
to 128 km/h
™ Threats: Faces habitat loss, human conflict,
poaching, and high disease susceptibility
™ Protection Status: Listed as Vulnerable on the
IUCN Red List
™ Re-introduction in India
y Declared extinct in India in 1952
y If reintroduced, India would likely be the only
™ Dam: The Gandhi Sagar dam was built in 1960.
country in Asia with all major big cats (lions,
y It is the third largest in India, and is located tigers, leopards, and cheetahs) in the wild
within the sanctuary.
™ Subspecies
™ River: The Chambal River runs through this
sanctuary. y Acinonyx jubatus jubatus (African Cheetah)
y Acinonyx jubatus venaticus (Asiatic Cheetah)

Characteristic African Cheetah Asiatic Cheetah

Physical ™ Slightly brownish and golden skin, ™ Slightly smaller than African Cheetahs.
Characteristics thicker than Asiatic Cheetahs. ™ Pale yellowish fawn-colored skin with more fur
™ More prominent spots and facial under the body, especially the belly.
Habitat Found all over the African continent. Found only in Iran, with the country claiming there are
only 12 left.
IUCN Red List Vulnerable Critically Endangered
Status Declared extinct in India in 1952


Science & Technolgy

9 Science & Technolgy

9.1 INTERNATIONAL YEAR OF y The proclamation has also received the

endorsements of the International Union of
QUANTUM SCIENCE AND Pure and Applied Physics, the International
TECHNOLOGY (IYQ) Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, the
Context: Recently, the United Nations has declared International Union of Crystallography, and the
2025 as the International Year of Quantum Science International Union of History and Philosophy
and Technology (IYQ) to boost research and of Science and Technology.
development in the emerging area.

About Quantum Science and Technology

About International Year of Quantum ™ An Interdisciplinary Field: Quantum Science and
Science and Technology (IYQ) Technology is an interdisciplinary field that
™ Background: harnesses the principles of quantum mechanics to
y 2023: Led by the nation of Mexico, in May 2023 develop new technologies with potentially
transformative capabilities.
the Executive Board of the United Nations
Educational, Scientific, and Cultural
Organization (UNESCO) endorsed a resolution
encouraging official UN proclamation.
ƒ It was followed by an endorsement of the
full UNESCO General Conference in
November 2023, which was co-sponsored
by nearly 60 countries.
y 2024: In May 2024, the nation of Ghana
formally submitted a draft resolution for
official proclamation of the International Year
to the U.N. General Assembly.
ƒ On June 7, 2024 the U.N. General Assembly ™ Fundamentals of Quantum Computing: There
are three
fundamentals of quantum computing-
officially declared 2025 to be The
Superposition, Entanglement and Qubits.
International Year of Quantum Science and
Technology. y Superposition: The ability of a particle to hold
two “states” at the same time. It is a fundamental


Science & Technolgy

principle where a quantum system can exist in y It has high methane content. CBG has calorific
multiple states simultaneously. value and hence can be utilized as green
y Entanglement: The strange property of renewable automotive fuel.
quantum systems. If one particle is entangled ƒ Calorific value is the measure of the energy
with another and measures the spin of the first content of a fuel, indicating the net heat
one (which resolves into either value), the released during combustion.
entangled particle will instantly resolve into the
same value.
ƒ Quantum computing uses both of these
principles — superposition and
entanglement to solve certain types of
problems much faster than classical
computers, particularly for complex
simulations, optimization, cryptography,
and searching large databases.
y Qubit or Quantum Bit: A basic unit of quantum
information. It is a two-state quantum-
mechanical system, one of the simplest
quantum systems displaying the peculiarity of
quantum mechanics.


™ Various Applications:
Context: According to a report by the Delhi-based
think tank Centre for Science and Environment y Transportation: CBG can power vehicles like
(CSE), Uttar Pradesh holds a remarkable position in cars, buses, and trucks, contributing to cleaner
India’s renewable energy landscape, with the potential transportation and reduced emissions in urban
to generate 24% of the nation’s compressed biogas areas.
(CBG). y Industry: Industrial facilities can utilize CBG to
meet their energy demands, replacing fossil
About Biogas fuels and lowering carbon footprint.
™ It is an energy-rich gas produced by anaerobic ƒ A carbon footprint is the total amount of
decomposition of biomass.
greenhouse gases (including carbon dioxide
™ It is produced from sources like agriculture and methane) that are generated by human
residue, cattle dung, sugarcane press mud,
municipal solid waste, and sewage treatment
plant waste, among others. y Power Generation: CBG can be injected into
natural gas pipelines or used for electricity
generation, diversifying the energy mix and
About Compressed Biogas (CBG) promoting renewable sources.
CBG is a renewable gaseous fuel produced through the y Cooking and Heating: CBG can be used for
anaerobic digestion of organic matter like agricultural
cooking and heating in homes and commercial
residues, animal dung, food waste, and municipal solid
waste. establishments, providing a clean and
sustainable alternative to conventional fuels.
™ Production: It requires purification of biogas (to
remove impurities like carbon dioxide, hydrogen
sulfide, and moisture). 9.3 EU’S NEW AI RULES
y This refined and compressed gas, containing Context: The EU’s recently passed AI Act, which will be
over 90% methane, becomes CBG, boasting rolled out in phases over the next two years, has ignited
properties similar to conventional compressed a battle over data transparency.
natural gas (CNG).
More On News
™ Characteristic Features: CBG is exactly similar to
the commercially available natural gas in its ™ Template: The EU’s AI Office plans to release a
composition and energy potential. template for organisations to provide “detailed June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 41

Science & Technolgy

summaries” of the content/ data used by that haven’t been mastered, or regulating them
organisations who deploy general-purpose AI badly because it has not been mastered.
models, such as ChatGPT, to train their AI models ™ Widespread Implication: The rules will have big
following a consultation with stakeholders. implications for smaller AI startups and big tech
™ Objective: To ensure an appropriate balance companies like Google (GOOGL.O), and Meta
between the legitimate need to protect trade (META.O), which have put the technology at the
secrets and, on the other hand, the protection of centre of their future operations.
privacy and creators’ rights over their content,
including copyright holders’ rights to exercise their 9.4 FACIAL AUTHENTICATION
rights under Union law.
Need for Transparency Rules Context: Recently, over 6.6 lakh pensioners utilized
™ Breach of copyright: In the past few years, a few ‘Facial Authentication Technology’ in 2023-24 to verify
big tech companies, including Google, OpenAI, and their digital life certificates (DLCs) for EPFO pensions.
Stability AI, have faced lawsuits from creators
claiming their content was improperly used to train Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
their models. (EPFO)
™ Ensure fair remuneration: There is a growing call ™ About: It is a statutory body established under
for tech companies to pay fairly, the copyrights the Employees’ Provident Fund and Miscellaneous
holders for data used by them to train their AI Provisions Act of 1952.
™ Right of consent and privacy: Every creator
should have the right to know if their work, songs, About Facial Authentication Technology
voice, art, or science was used in training the ™ About: Facial recognition, a type of biometric
algorithm. software, can uniquely identify or verify individuals
by analyzing patterns in their facial contours.
y Example: OpenAI has faced backlash for
featuring an AI-generated voice described as ™ Components: The majority of Facial Recognition
“eerily similar” to her own by actress Scarlett Technology (FRT) systems consist of three primary
Johansson in a public demonstration of the
newest version of ChatGPT. y A camera
y A database containing stored images
Challenges y An algorithm that generates a “faceprint” from
™ The Data transparency rules have the potential to captured images for comparison with those in
hinder the European AI startups’ the database.
™ Affect Europe’s AI ecosystem: The rules can result
in the shift of the AI ecosystem from Europe to
other countries and Europe can be reduced into
becoming a consumer of American and Chinese

What is Artificial Intelligence?

™ Artificial intelligence (AI) is the theory and
development of computer systems capable of
performing tasks that historically required human
intelligence, such as recognizing speech,
making decisions, and identifying patterns.
™ Umbrella term: It encompasses a wide variety of
technologies, including machine learning, deep
learning, and natural language processing (NLP).
™ Concerns: privacy, system bias, and violation of
intellectual property rights. ™ Operation:
RTSEPFP The facial recognition system operates

by initially capturing facial features via a camera,

™ Bad Regulation: Pre Mature regulation of emerging
followed by the reconstruction of these features
Technologies like AI can hinder innovation in the
using diverse software.
sector running the risk of regulating technologies


Science & Technolgy

y Subsequently, the captured facial data, along 9.6 ALPHAFOLD 3: ARTIFICIAL

with its features, is stored in a database, capable
of integration with various software applications
utilized for security measures, banking services, Context: Google Deepmind has unveiled the third major
version of its “AlphaFold” - AlphaFold 3, artificial
intelligence model, designed to help scientists design
drugs and target disease more effectively.
COLLECTION SYSTEM Structure of Proteins
Context: Indian Highways Management Company ™ Proteins are the polymers of α-amino acids and
Limited has invited Global Expression of Interest (EOI) they are connected to each other by peptide
from innovative and qualified companies to develop and bond or peptide linkage.
implement GNSS-based Electronic Toll Collection ™ There are twenty amino acids found in the body,
system in India. which assist in producing thousands of distinct
proteins in the body.
Global Navigation Satellite System ™ Proteins may have one or more polypeptide
(GNSS) chains.
™ This system is a network of satellites. y Each polypeptide in a protein has amino
y It broadcasts time and orbital information. acids linked with each other in a specific
™ This system is used in all forms of transportations sequence and it is this sequence of amino
such as space stations, aviation, maritime, rail, acids that is said to be the primary structure
road and mass transit. of that protein.
™ Any change in this primary structure i.e., the
sequence of amino acids creates a different
About GNSS-based Electronic Toll Collection protein.
System Functions of Proteins
™ It is a toll collection method without barriers, using 1. Digestion – Digestive enzymes
Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS)
technology.Calculates tolls based on the distance 2. Messenger function
vehicles travel on tolled highways. 3. Movement
™ Importance: 4. Structure and Support – Keratin, a structural
y Facilitates smoother vehicle movement on protein
National Highways. 5. Cellular communication
y Offers barrier-free tolling for a hassle-free
experience. What is AlphaFold?
y Implements distance-based tolling, charging ™ An AI tool developed by Google’s DeepMind in
users only for the distance they travel. 2018 to predict how proteins fold.
y Enhances toll collection efficiency by reducing y This artificial intelligence technology that
fraud and toll evasion. helps scientists understand the behavior of the
microscopic mechanisms that drive the cells
Key features of GNSS-based ETC in the human body.
™ Satellite-based technology: Uses Global
Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) to track vehicles
and calculate tolls based on the distance travelled.
™ Free-flow tolling: Eliminates toll booths, allowing
vehicles to pass through toll plazas without
™ Distance-based tolling: Users only pay for the
highway stretch they use.
™ Improved efficiency: Reduces congestion and
improves toll collection by eliminating leakages and RTSEPFP

evaders. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 43

Science & Technolgy

™ Solution to Protein Folding Problem: An early Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) are participating
version of AlphaFold, released in 2020, successfully in the project.
solved the “the protein folding problem.”
y Each protein is made up of a string of smaller International Space Station (ISS)
building blocks called amino acids, which ™ About: The International Space Station (ISS),
contain all the information to transform launched on November 20, 1998, stands as the
proteins — from a single sequence to a folded, largest man-made structure in space. It functions
functional 3D structure. as a living space for astronauts, a role it has
continuously fulfilled since 2011.
AlphaFold 3 ™ Objectives: The ISS aims to advance our
™ It’s built on the foundations of AlphaFold 2 & had understanding of space and microgravity while
made a fundamental breakthrough in protein fostering new scientific investigations.
structure prediction in 2020, by predicting the 3D y Additionally, it serves as a symbol of
structure of a protein from its amino acid structure. international collaboration.
™ It expands beyond proteins to provide accurate
predictions for protein interactions with other ™ Objective of the Research: To investigate the
biomolecules in living cells - such as DNA, RNA, and behavior, adaptation, and evolution of multi-drug
small molecules. resistant pathogens approximately 400 kilometers
above the Earth’s surface aboard the International
™ Significance: It can predict the behaviour of
Space Station (ISS).
other microscopic biological mechanisms,
including DNA, where the body stores genetic Key features of the Research
information, and RNA, which transfers information
from DNA to proteins. ™ Studying Drug-Resistant Pathogens: Examining
genomic adaptations of drug-resistant pathogens
™ It will potentially help to streamline the creation
can enhance precision in treatment approaches.
of new drugs and vaccines.
y Understanding pathogen persistence in
From Noise To Signal environments such as spacecraft and hospitals
™ Original AlphaFold: It was trained on the can aid in contamination control.
thousands of sequences and protein structures ™ Microbial Dynamics: Combining genomics,
present in the protein data bank, a giant protein metagenomics, and metabolic modeling enables the
repository where scientists submit study of microbial dynamics across diverse extreme
experimentally determined protein environments.
structures. ™ Comprehensive study: Investigating genomic,
™ Unlike its predecessors: AlphaFold 3 uses a functional, and metabolic enhancements seen in
diffusion model, which is what image-generating multidrug-resistant pathogens, with a specific
software also uses. emphasis on Enterobacter bugandensis, a
y The model works by first training on protein common nosocomial pathogen discovered on
surfaces within the ISS, to gain understanding.
structures, adding noise to the data, and
then trying to de-noise it. Enterobacter Bugandensis
y This way, the model becomes able to work its ™ About: Enterobacter bugandensis is a newly
way back from a noisy structure to a real discovered species in the Enterobacter genus,
protein structure. identified in 2013 from bloodstream infection cases
y This architecture also helps AlphaFold 3 in Uganda.
handle a much larger input dataset.
Multidrug-resistant pathogen
™ About: It describes a microorganism that has
9.7 PATHOGENS IN SPACE acquired resistance to multiple antimicrobial
Context: Recently, researchers have examined multi- agents, usually spanning three or more antimicrobial
drug-resistant pathogens on the International Space categories.
Station (ISS), with potential implications for astronaut ™ Manifestation: This resistance can manifest in
health as well as on Earth. different types of microorganisms, such as bacteria,
viruses, and parasites.
More on News ™ Threats: The most significant threat to public
™ Participating Organizations: The Indian Institute health among MDR forms is represented by bacteria
of Technology Madras (IIT Madras) and NASA’s that withstand multiple antibiotics


Science & Technolgy

9.8 THREE CRATERS DISCOVERED ON y Pit Crater: A depression formed by the collapse
of the surface above a void or empty
RESEARCH LABORATORY y Subsidence Crater: A depression caused by the
Context: Researchers from the Physical Research collapse of the roof of a cavity created by an
Laboratory (PRL) in Ahmedabad have found three new underground explosion, usually nuclear.
craters on Mars.
Names of Newly Discovered Craters on Mars
™ Lal Crater
™ IAU is an international non- governmental
organization that aims to advance astronomy y Named After: Prof. Devendra Lal, a
globally. distinguished Indian geophysicist and former
™ Establishment: 1919 in Brussels, Belgium. director of PRL (1972-1983).
™ Headquarter: Paris, France. y Location and Size: A 65 km wide crater
™ Objectives: It promotes research,education, and centered at -20.98° and 209.34°.
development through collaboration. y Scientific Importance: The area of Lal crater,
situated in the Tharsis volcanic region, is
entirely covered with lava.
More on News ™ Mursan Crater
™ Location of Craters: The craters are located in the
y Named After: Mursan, a town in Uttar Pradesh,
Tharsis volcanic region, approximately at
coordinates 21.0° S and 209° W. India.
™ IAU Approval: The International Astronomical y Location and Size: A ~10 km wide crater
Union (IAU) Working Group for Planetary System located on the eastern rim of the Lal crater.
Nomenclature has approved the naming of these ™ Hilsa Crater
craters based on PRL’s recommendation. y Named After: Hilsa, a town in Bihar, India.
y Location and Size: A ~10 km wide crater
situated on the western rim of the Lal crater.


Context: Recently, Indian Space Research Organization
Releases Images of the Sun Captured by Aditya-L1

More on News
™ The images were taken by the remote sensing
payloads Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope (SUIT)
and Visible Emission Line Coronagraph (VELC)
aboard the Aditya-L1 spacecraft.
What is a Crater?
™ These images will aid in the study of solar flares,
™ A crater is a landform that features a hole or energy distribution, sunspots, understanding and
depression on a planetary surface. predicting space weather, and monitoring solar
™ Causes: Typically formed by an object striking the activity and UV radiation across a broad wavelength
surface or by geological activities such as meteorite, range.
volcanic activity, or an explosion.
™ Types of Craters About SUIT and VELC
y Impact Crater: A depression formed by the ™ SUIT (Solar Ultraviolet Imaging Telescope):
high-speed impact of a smaller body on a planet, Designed to image the solar photosphere and
moon, or other solid object. chromosphere in the near ultraviolet (UV) spectrum
y Volcanic Crater: A bowl-shaped depression and measure variations in solar irradiance in the
near UV range.
caused by volcanic activity, usually located
above a volcano’s vent. ™ VELC (Visible
Emission Line Coronagraph): Aims
to study the solar corona and the dynamics of
y Explosion Crater: A crater formed by an coronal mass ejections.
explosion near or below the ground surface. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 45

Science & Technolgy

Aditya-L1 way of generating non-infectious Nipah virus-like

™ About: Launched in 2023, Aditya-L1 is India’s particles (VLPs) in the laboratory, which mimic the
inaugural space mission aimed at observing the Sun wild type Nipah virus (NiV).
from a halo orbit around the Lagrange point 1
(L1) of the Sun-Earth system, located
approximately 1.5 million kilometers from Earth.

Lagrange point (L1)

™ About: At Lagrange points, the gravitational force
exerted by two massive bodies, such as the Sun
and Earth, exactly balances the centripetal force
necessary for a small object to orbit with them.
™ Advantage: L1 offers the advantage of
unobstructed and continuous observation of the
Sun, without any occurrences of occultation or
™ Number of Points: There are five Lagrange
points, of which three are unstable (L1, L2, L3)
and lie along the line connecting the two large About Nipah
masses, while two are stable (L4, L5). ™ A Pathogenic Virus: The zoonotic virus Nipah is a
highly pathogenic paramyxovirus, with a fatality
rate of up to 80% in affected humans.
y It is one of the deadliest pathogens known to
infect humans.
y Zoonotic disease means it passes from animals
to humans.
ƒ Nipah virus can be spread to people from
infected bats, infected pigs, or infected
™ Host: The natural hosts of the virus are fruit bats,
also known as flying foxes.
™ Launching Vehicle: The mission was launched About Virus-like Particles (VLPs)
aboard the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV)
XL (PSLV-C57) and carries seven payloads. ™ Non-infectious Particles: Virus-like particles
(VLPs) are molecules that closely resemble viruses,
™ Significance of Aditya-L1: To explore the processes but are non-infectious because they contain no
of coronal heating and acceleration of solar wind. viral genetic material.
y To observe the in-situ particle and plasma ™ Particles’ Characteristics: VLPs carry most of the
environment, providing valuable data for the characteristics of the virus, except their ability to
study of particle dynamics originating from the replicate (because it lacks the viral genome).
Significance of New Method to Generate
Other Solar Missions Virus-Like Particles
™ NASA’s Parker Solar Probe ™ Safe & Effective Platform: This new method offers
™ The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory by the an alternate, safe and effective platform for
European Space Agency developing neutralizing antibodies against NiV in a
™ China’s Kuafu-1 Solar Probe biosafety level-2 (BSL) laboratory.
y Biosafety Level-2 (BSL) Laboratory: This
9.10 NEW METHOD TO GENERATE biosafety level covers laboratories that work
VIRUS-LIKE PARTICLES with agents associated with human diseases
pathogenic or infectious organisms) that
Context: Recently, scientists at the Institute of
Advanced Virology (IAV), Thonnakkal, pose a moderate health hazard.
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, have developed a novel


Science & Technolgy

9.11 GALAXY JADES-GS-Z14-0 y The presence of oxygen suggests that multiple

Context: NASA’s James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) generations of massive stars had already lived
has discovered the earliest-known galaxy, JADES- their lives before observing the galaxy.
GS-z14-0 which is unexpectedly bright and large for its
More on News
™ They used JWST for observations as part of the
JWST Advanced Deep Extragalactic Survey Context: Rocket with a 3D- printed engine has been
(JADES) program. launched by space start-up Agnikul Cosmos Private
y JADES-GS-z14-0 was first seen using JWST’s
NIRCam, a powerful camera that captures near- About Agnibaan SubOrbital Technology
infrared light.
Demonstrator (SOrTeD)
y NIRSpec: Confirmed extreme distance (high
™ The Rocket: The Rocket named, Agnibaan
redshift). SubOrbital Technology Demonstrator (SOrTeD)
y MIRI: Provided more details and confirmed comprises a single piece 3D-printed engine
vast distance. designed and built indigenously, is launched
from Sriharikota.
y Sub-Orbital Launch: The mission was designed
to reach a height of about 8 kilometres before
splashing into the sea.

About Galaxy JADES-GS-z14-0

™ It is the most distant known galaxy from Earth.
™ Formation: JADES-GS-z14-0 was formed
approximately 290 million years after the Big Bang.
y Previously, the earliest-known galaxy was dated
™ Agnibaan SOrTeD will be Agnikul’s first flight and
to 320 million years post-Big Bang.
the second launch by a private startup in India.
Characteristics y 1st private rocket launch: Private launch
™ Unique Properties: The galaxy contains young provider Skyroot, achieved its first sub-orbital
stars and significant ionized gas emission. launch in 2022
™ Size: Measures about 1,700 light-years across. ™ Private Launchpad: Agnibaan SOrTeD is India’s
first launch from a private mobile launchpad,
y A light year is 9.5 trillion kilometers.
called ‘Dhanush’, established by Agnikul.
™ Mass: Equivalent to 500 million stars the size of the
™ India’s first semi- cryogenic engine: Agnibaan
SOrTeD is also India’s first semi-cryogenic engine
Findings powered rocket launch making it the first-ever
controlled flight of a semi-cryogenic liquid engine
™ Strong ionized gas emissions: Researchers found realised through additive manufacturing.
evidence of strong ionized gas emissions (including
hydrogen and oxygen) within the galaxy. y The engine called, Agnilet, uses sub-cooled
oxygen as fuel. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 47

Science & Technolgy

™ Purpose: To serve as a test flight and demonstrate than the stars in the rest of its host galaxy
in-house and home-grown technologies, gather combined.
crucial flight data and ensure optimal functioning of ™ Active galactic nucleus (AGN) : The centers of
systems for Agnikul’s orbital launch vehicle, the massive galaxies host supermassive black holes.
‘Agnibaan’. Sometimes, these black holes actively feast on
™ Payload capacity: While this was a suborbital matter in their orbit.
launch, the vehicle can fly payloads ranging from y Interactions between the black holes and the
30 kg to 300 kg. matter in this process cause the latter to
™ Competitive edge: The use of the 3D-printed acquire energy and glow with a changing
manufacturing process is likely to lower the launch brightness.
cost and cut down the vehicle assembly time.
™ Fast radio burst (FRB) : FRBs are very energetic
y Usually engine parts are manufactured sources 10-times as much energy as the
separately and assembled later. Agnibaan is Sun,which usually only last on the order of
the world’s most integrated single shot 3D milliseconds.
printed piece, signalling the unparalleled
ability to rapidly assemble rockets. 9.14 PUSHPAK RLV
Context: Recently, the Indian Space Research
9.13 ASTRONOMICAL TRANSIENTS Organisation (ISRO) completed the third Reusable
Context: Recently, an Indian-American astronomer Launch Vehicle (RLV) Landing Experiment (LEX) at
Shrinivas Kulkarni was awarded the Shaw Prize for the Aeronautical Test Range (ATR) in Chitradurga,
Astronomy in 2024 for his work on the physics of Karnataka.
astronomical transients.
Pushpak RLV
Shaw Prize ™ About: Pushpak RLV is designed as a fully
™ The annual award is given by the Shaw Prize reusable single-stage-to-orbit (SSTO) vehicle,
Foundation, which was founded in 2002 by the utilizing advanced technology derived from earlier
Hong Kong-based filmmaker, television prototypes such as the X-33, X-34, and the upgraded
executive and philanthropist Run Run Shaw DC-XA.
(1907–2014). ™ Landing Conditions Simulation: During the
™ It includes a $1.2m cash prize. mission, RLV simulated high-speed landing
™ There are also Shaw Prizes for life sciences and conditions and approaches used when returning
medicine; and mathematical sciences. from space.
™ Advanced Landing Experiments: ISRO’s second
series of RLV landing experiments showcased
About Astronomical Transients autonomous landing capability and performed
™ Transients are astrophysical phenomena that challenging maneuvers with precision.
change their brightness over a relatively short
™ These can be caused by a number of different
astrophysical sources, and each of these
transient events has particular characteristics.
™ There are many kinds of astronomical transients, all
of them united by phenomena that are violent in
some measure.
™ Significance : Astronomers study transients to
understand where their violence comes from ™ ISRO’s Reusable Launch Vehicle Technology
and what that can tell us about non-transient Initiative: This mission is a continuation of ISRO’s
events. endeavors to develop critical technologies for a
fully reusable launch vehicle (RLV), aimed at
Kinds of Transients achieving cost-effective access to space.
™ Supernovae : when the outer layers of large stars ™ Past RLV Missions: ISRO had previously conducted
blow up while their cores implode because the RTSEPFPRLV missions in 2016.
stars have run out of elements to fuse. y The experiment involved launching a winged
y Many a supernova has been known to become spacecraft into space using a rocket powered by
so bright that it emits light more intensely ISRO’s conventional solid booster engine (HS9).


Science & Technolgy

Reusable Launch Vehicle y Reverse Transcriptase is found along many

™ About: An RLV is a spacecraft designed for multiple eukaryotic and prokaryotic systems like
launches into space, significantly reducing costs telomerase, retrotransposons, retrons, and
by enabling reuse. The concept aims to recover are found abundantly in the genomes of plants
costly rocket boosters used in spacecraft launches, and animals.
potentially refueling and reusing them for future ™ Significance:
space missions.
y Established Bidirectional flow of
™ Operational Aspects by ISRO: These launch
information: The discoveries showed
vehicles feature added safeguards like heat shields,
grid fins, and other flight control surfaces. information could flow the other way, too, with
RNA giving rise to DNA.
y They are heavier than their expendable
counterparts due to extra avionics and ƒ The prevailing belief at the time was that in
propellant. The design of the spaceplane is also all living beings, hereditary information
tailored to facilitate recovery. flowed only from DNA to RNA and from RNA
to protein (ie. the ‘Central Dogma’).
9.15 REVERSE TRANSCRIPTASE (RT) y Fundamental Role in Evolution of life: The
Context: The role of Reverse Transcriptase has been discovery of reverse transcriptase activity
discovered in some recent research in bacterial across the different domains of life signifies the
defense against bacteriophages. fundamental role of the enzyme in both
prokaryotic and eukaryotic systems as well
More on News as a remarkable evolutionary continuity and
™ The Study: The researchers at Columbia functional versatility.
University in New York, found that when the ™ Scope: The Reverse Transcriptase technology has a
bacteria Klebsiella pneumoniae is infected by huge potential for,
bacteriophages (viruses that infect bacteria), they
use a non-coding RNA with specific structures that y Biotechnology Applications: Innovative
could bind to reverse transcriptase and instruct applications in biotechnology and medicine,
cells to create DNA. especially in the context of emerging
antimicrobial resistance (the ability of
About Reverse Transcriptase (RT) disease-causing microbes to resist the effects of
™ Reverse transcriptase (RNA-dependent DNA substances designed to incapacitate or kill
polymerase), is a DNA polymerase enzyme that them)
transcribes single-stranded RNA into DNA. y New Therapeutic and Diagnostic Strategies:
It could reveal novel mechanisms of genetic
evolution and viral resistance, potentially
leading to new therapeutic strategies and
biotechnological tools.


Context: The Indian Council of Medical Research has
invited Expressions of Interest for the joint development
y This enzyme is able to synthesize a double and commercialisation of low dose or pediatric oral
helix DNA once the RNA has been reverse formulation of hydroxyurea to treat sickle cell
transcribed in a first step into a single-strand disease in children.
More on News
™ Discovery: It was discovered in the labs of Howard
Temin and David Baltimore in the vesicular ™ India ranks
RTSEPFP first with the highest prevalence of

stomatitis virus ( A Retrovirus). They found a sickle cell disease in South Asia, with over 20
protein called RNA polymerase, which was involved million sickle cell affected individuals residing in
in reverse-translating RNA to DNA. the country. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 49

Science & Technolgy

About Sickle Cell Disease ™ WHO has validated the elimination of the gambiense
™ Sickle cell anemia is a genetic blood disorder that form of HAT in seven countries:
affects the production of hemoglobin, the protein y Togo (2020), Benin (2021), Ivory Coast (2021),
in red blood cells that carries oxygen throughout Uganda (2022), Equatorial Guinea (2022),
the body. Ghana (2023), Chad (2024).
™ Progress in the Fight Against NTDs: Chad has
joined other countries that have eliminated sleeping
sickness, contributing to the global target of
eliminating 100 NTDs by 2030.

™ Cause: People with sickle cell anemia have

abnormal hemoglobin levels that cause their red
blood cells to become rigid and sticky and shaped
like a crescent or sickle.
y These abnormally shaped cells can get stuck in
small blood vessels, clogging the small blood
™ Symptoms: Anaemia, pain crisis, fatigue, jaundice,
delayed growth, and increased susceptibility to
™ Occurrence: It is most commonly found in people
of African descent, but it can also occur in people
of Hispanic, Middle Eastern, and Mediterranean About HAT
descent. ™ HAT is commonly known as sleeping sickness.
™ Impact: The sickle cells also break down more ™ Disease Causing Agent: Human African
quickly than healthy red blood cells leading to trypanosomiasis (HAT) is caused by protozoan
anemia which causes a constant shortage of red parasites.
blood cells and increasing the risk of infection and
™ Transmission: Infected tsetse flies.
death from conditions like stroke, heart problems,
kidney problems, and pregnancy complications. ™ Symptoms: The disease is typically fatal if
™ Treatment: There’s no cure for sickle cell anemia. untreated, causing symptoms like fatigue,
Early detection, management, and treatment of headaches, and, in severe cases, coma.
SCD enable the affected individuals to lead a longer ™ Forms of HAT
life y There are two forms of HAT based on the
™ World Sickle Cell Day: It is celebrated on June 19 subspecies of the parasite:
to raise awareness about this genetic blood disorder
ƒ Trypanosoma brucei gambiense: Accounts
and to educate people about how to manage their
lifestyles. for 92% of reported cases.
ƒ Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense:
9.17 HUMAN AFRICAN Responsible for the remaining 8% of cases.
Context: The World Health Organization (WHO) ™ It is a landlocked country in north-central Africa.
announced that Chad has successfully eradicated the
gambiense form of human African trypanosomiasis y It is largely a semi-desert country.
(HAT). ™ Capital: N’Djamena
™ Bordering Nations: Sudan, Niger, Libya and
More on the News Central African Republic.

™ Chad has become the first country of the year and ™ Rivers: Chari and Logone
the 51st worldwide to eliminate a neglected ™ Highest point: Mount Koussi
tropical disease (NTD).


Science & Technolgy

9.18 METHANOL POISONING y Rudimentary setup: It often employs just a big

Context: Consumption of spurious liquor laced with vat where the mixture is boiled, a pipe that
Methanol in Kallakurichi district of Tamil Nadu has captures and carries the alcoholic fumes, and
cost 34 lives and caused severe injuries to many others. another pot where concentrated alcohol
condenses. Multiple rounds of distillation are
More on News carried out, to produce more potent alcohol.
™ Tamil Nadu: Liquor sales in Tamil Nadu are ™ Key Ingredient: It typically is a homemade liquor
controlled by the State, through around 5,000 to which methanol (Industrial Alcohol) is
outlets with the manufacture, trade, storage, and additionally mixed to strengthen the intoxicating
sale of methanol requiring licences under the effects or increase the bulk volume of the solution.
1959 Rules.
What is Methanol?
About Liquor
™ Chemical Formula: The methanol molecule
™ All alcoholic beverages are made by fermenting (CH3OH) consists of one carbon atom bonded
some form of sugary brew into ethanol and with three hydrogen atoms and one hydroxyl
y Distillation is an additional process to get
™ Production: Methanol is produced by combining
higher alcohol concentrations.
carbon monoxide and hydrogen in the presence
™ Liquor is an alcoholic drink produced by of copper and zinc oxides as catalysts at 50-100
distillation of grains, fruits, vegetables, or
atm of pressure and 250° C.
sugar, that have already gone through the
alcoholic fermentation process. ™ Application: Industrial applications of methanol
™ Distillation: The alcohol percentage of these use it as a precursor to acetic acid, formaldehyde,
liquids get increased after the distillation process and aromatic hydrocarbons. It is also used as a
(physically separating alcohol from a solvent and as antifreeze
fermented mixture using evaporation and ™ Laws and Regulation:
condensation.) giving them a very high alcohol y The Food Safety and Standards (Alcoholic
content of usually over 38% ABV. Beverages) Regulations 2018: It stipulates
y Liquors are always unsweetened and there the maximum permissible quantity of methanol
is no added sugar. in different liquors.
™ Example: Rum, vodka, brandy, tequila, whisky ƒ Range: These values span a wide range,
and gin are liquors, as they all go through the including “absent” in coconut fenny, 50
distillation process while beer (alcohol content
grams per 100 litres of country liquor,
5%) and wine (12%) are not.
and 300 grams per 100 litres of pot-
distilled spirits.
™ Last year also witnessed the death of approx 20
y Methanol is included in the Schedule I of the
people from consuming spurious liquor in the
State’s Chengalpattu and Villupuram districts Manufacture, Storage and Import of
Hazardous Chemical Rules 1989.
y The police determined that the arrack sellers
(Arrack is distilled from the fermented sap y Quality: The Indian Standard IS 517 applies
of the palm tree) had purchased industrial- to how the quality of methanol is to be
grade methanol from factories and had sold it ascertained
to the victims. y Packaging: The Tamil Nadu Denatured
Spirit, Methyl Alcohol, and Varnish (French
Spurious Liquor or Hooch Polish) Rules 1959, ascertains what signage
™ Hooch: It is a commonly used term for poor methanol packaging should carry.
quality alcohol, or is an alcohol meant to intoxicate.
y It is derived from Hoochinoo, a native Methanol Poisoning
Alaskan tribe that was known to produce very ™ Concentration In the Human Body:
strong liquor. y A body can still have about 33% of Methanol
™ Production Process: Hooch is produced in a much onceRTSEPFP
introduced even after 48 hours. It is
more crude setting using distillation of a completely absorbed via the gastrointestinal
fermented mixture, generally of locally available tract and the blood methanol level can reach
yeast, and sugar or fruit (often fruit waste). its maximum value within 90 minutes. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 51

Science & Technolgy

y Natural Presence: Although, the human body nerve and retina and may result in long-
contains infinitesimal quantities of methanol term or irreversible visual impairment or
(4.5 ppm in the breath of healthy individuals) even blindness
as a result of eating some fruits. ™ Ophthalmic effects have been observed in 50%
ƒ More than 0.1 ml of pure methanol per of those who have consumed methanol, and they
kilogram of body-weight can be become apparent within 24 hours.
devastating for a human body. y Methanol-poisoning can also cause cerebral
™ Metabolic acidosis: Regular intake of Methanol edema, haemorrhage, and death.
can cause a condition called Metabolic acidosis ™ Treatment of methanol-poisoning:
which is the accumulation of formic acid over y Administer pharmaceutical-grade ethanol:
time in the body. Ethanol competes very well with methanol for
y Process: The ADH enzymes metabolise the ADH enzymes, which metabolise
methanol in the liver once ingested to form ethanol around 10x faster. As a result, the
formaldehyde (H-CHO). Then ALDH enzymes methanol is kept from being metabolised to
convert formaldehyde to formic acid formaldehyde.
(HCOOH) which when accumulated leads to a y Antidote: An antidote called fomepizole
condition called metabolic acidosis. needs to be administered which slows the
ƒ Formic acid also interferes with an enzyme action of the ADH enzymes, causing the body
called cytochrome oxidase, disrupting to produce formaldehyde at a rate the body can
cells’ ability to use oxygen and leading to quickly excrete.
the build-up of lactic acid and contributing ƒ Both fomepizole and folinic acid are in
to acidosis. the WHO’s list of essential medicines.
™ The formic acid begins accumulating in y Folinic acid: It encourages the formic acid to
dangerous amounts in the body around 18-24
break up into carbon dioxide and water.
hours after ingestion, affecting the optic nerve,
kidneys, the heart, and the brain. y Dialysis: The individual may also undergo a
y Acidification of Blood: Metabolic acidosis dialysis to remove methanol and formic acid
further leads to acidaemia ie. when the salts from the blood, and mitigate damage to
blood’s pH drops below its normal value of the kidneys and the retina.
7.35, becoming increasingly acidic.
9.19 “PRAGATI- 2024” (PHARMA
Alcohol Prohibition in India RESEARCH IN AYURGYAN AND
™ In Indian Constitution: TECHNO INNOVATION)
y Article 47: The State shall, In particular Context: Recently, the Central Council for Research in
endeavour to bring about prohibition of the Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS) launched “PRAGATI- 2024”
consumption except for medicinal (Pharma Research in AyurGyan And Techno
purposes of intoxicating drinks and of drugs Innovation).
which are injurious to health.
y 7th Schedule: Alcohol is a state subject, PRAGATI- 2024
therefore the states have the right and ™ About: PRAGATI-2024 aims to encourage joint
responsibility to draft laws regarding the, research endeavors between CCRAS and the
“the production, manufacture, possession, Ayurvedic pharmaceutical industry, fostering
innovation and expansion within the Ayurveda
transport, purchase, and sale of
intoxicating liquors.”
™ Present Status: Liquor ban exists in the states of Central Council for Research in Ayurvedic
Bihar, Gujarat, Mizoram, and Nagaland while Sciences (CCRAS)
partial bans exist in Lakshadweep and Manipur.
™ About: The CCRAS operates as an independent
™ Risk: body under the Ministry of AYUSH (Ayurveda, Yoga
& Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and Homeopathy),
y Methanol consumption can lead to methanol- RTSEPFP
Government of India.
induced optic neuropathy.
™ Aim: Founded in 1978, its mission is to organize,
ƒ It is a serious condition that causes coordinate, advance, and advocate for research.
damage and loss of function of the optic


Science & Technolgy

Achievements of CCRAS ™ Significance: It will solidify their commitment to

™ Ayurvedic Formulation Development: CCRAS has the long-term sustainability of human activities
created numerous significant Ayurvedic in Earth orbit.
formulations and technologies, which have been
patented and brought into commercial use. Kessler Syndrome
™ Ayurveda Morbidity Codes: CCRAS has devised It is a possible effect that if one satellite produces
morbidity codes and standardized terminologies to debris that hits another satellite, this will create a
establish uniformity in Ayurvedic practice. chain reaction that will obliterate every orbiting
object in low earth orbit(LEO), and thus creating a
™ AYUSH Research Portal: An extensive repository
thick cloud of white dots traveling at high speed.
of Ayurvedic research, encompassing data on
medications, case reports, and clinical trials.
What is Space Debris?
9.20 TWELVE NATIONS SIGNED ZERO ™ Space debris is defined as all non-functional,
DEBRIS CHARTER artificial objects, including fragments and
Context : Recently,Twelve nations have signed the elements thereof, in Earth orbit or re-entering
Zero Debris Charter at the ESA/EU Space Council to into Earth’s atmosphere.
make space activities debris neutral by 2030. ™ Space debris tracked by radar and optical detectors.
™ Human-made space debris dominates over the
natural meteoroid environment.
™ Space Debris ESA estimates that there are currently
more than one million pieces of space debris
larger than one cm in Earth orbit.
y Each of these objects is capable of causing
catastrophic damage to space assets.
™ Risk due to Space Debris : If quick and decisive
action is not taken to improve the sustainability of
space activities,exponential growth of this debris
population will pose an ever-increasing hazard
to satellites and astronauts and could render
some orbits entirely unusable.

India’s Efforts to mitigate Space Debris

™ Debris-Free Space Missions (DFSM) by 2030 :
About Zero Debris Charter The Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is
committed to ensuring that all future space missions
™ The Zero Debris Charter is written by and for the are designed to be debris-free by 2030.
global space community with the aim of shaping
™ System for Safe & Sustainable Space Operations
the global consensus on space sustainability.
Management (IS4OM) : It aims to enhance the
™ The Zero Debris Charter is a world-leading effort safety and sustainability of space operations.
to become debris neutral in space by 2030
™ Space Situational Awareness Control Centre
™ It was unveiled at the ESA Space Summit in (SSACC): ISRO has set up a SSACC to protect its
Seville meeting in November 2023. high-value assets from close approaches and
™ It emphasizes gathering a wide and varied array collisions with inactive satellites, pieces of
of space entities to define ambitious and orbiting objects, and even near-earth asteroids.
measurable space debris mitigation and
remediation targets.
™ Countries Involved : Austria, Belgium, Cyprus,
Estonia, Germany, Lithuania, Poland, Portugal, Context: Recent research has delved into the fascinating
Romania, Slovakia, Sweden and the United Kingdom phenomenon of altruism across various species,
have all pledged to adhere to the charter. sparking interest among scientists seeking to unravel its
genetic and behavioral underpinnings.
y In addition to the 12 countries, the European
™ One notableRTSEPFParea of investigation focuses on social
Space Agency also signed the Zero Debris amoebae like Dictyostelium discoideum,
Charter as an International Organisation providing valuable insights into the evolution of
(IGO). cooperative behavior in nature. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 53

Science & Technolgy

Key Findings altruism and the evolution of cooperation and

™ Genetic Basis: Studies identified “green-beard” sociality in various species.
genes that help individuals recognize and cooperate
with those carrying the same gene variant, fostering
About Altruism
altruism and preventing exploitation within groups. ™ Altruism is the selfless act of helping others without
™ Tgr Genes: Two specific genes, tgrB1 and tgrC1, expecting anything in return. This feature is
regulate altruistic behavior in Dictyostelium observed across various species in nature.
discoideum by facilitating cell recognition and y Examples: Altruism is widespread in nature.
cooperation among kin. ™ Worker honey bees sacrifice their reproductive
™ Broader Implications: These findings enhance capabilities to care for their queen and her offspring,
understanding of the genetic mechanisms behind and meerkats assuming sentinel roles to alert their
clan of potential threats.

Fog Computing: About: A decentralized computing structure, fog computing extends the
cloud capabilities to the edge of an enterprise network.
™ Edge and Cloud Analytics:It facilitates short-term analytics at the
edge, while the cloud performs resource-intensive analytics.
y It is not to be confused with edge computing--which brings data
processing closer to devices--while fog computing involves
processing data on intermediary nodes placed at the network’s edge.
Applications of Fog Computing:
™ Connected Cars, Smart Cities, Industrial IoT, Connected Health,
SupTech ™ About: Supervisory technology, or SupTech, is the use of AI and data
analytics to oversee and manage financial institutions.
™ Functions: It helps supervisors monitor whether firms are compliant
with the regulations through efficient data collection, detailed data
analysis, and accessibility.

Hydrogen Line ™ About: The hydrogen line is an important instrument in modern

astronomy from studying distant stars to looking for extraterrestrial
intelligence (if it exists).
™ Spin Alignment in Hydrogen Atoms: Each hydrogen atom is made of
one proton and one electron.
y Both these particles have a property called spin. Colloquially, the
spin can point up or down at any given time.
y When the spins of both particles are pointing up (or down), they
are said to be aligned.
y When they are pointing in opposite directions, they are anti-
™ Hydrogen Line Emission: Anti-aligned spins give the atom more
energy than aligned spins.
y When the electron flips its spin, the atom releases this excess
energy as electromagnetic radiation with a 21 cm wavelength.
y This emission appears as a characteristic line in some detectors,
known as the “hydrogen line”.
™ Discovery: Scientists discovered
this emission in 1951 and it
transformed radio astronomy.
™ Detecting Clouds: By looking for this emission, they could detect
clouds of cold, neutral hydrogen atomic gas in interstellar space.


Science & Technolgy

Xylitol ™ According to a recent study, Xylitol, a common artificial sweetener

found in products like sugar-free chewing gums and toothpaste, may
elevate the risks of blood clots, heart attacks, and strokes.
™ About: Xylitol is a sugar alcohol that is found in small amounts in fruit
and vegetables and is used in sugar-free gum, toothpaste and baked
goods. alcohol in various fruits and vegetables, is a low-calorie, blood-
sugar-friendly alternative sweetener.
™ Characteristics: It possesses anti-obesity and anti-diabetic properties,
alongside mild prebiotic effects and dental caries protection.
y It also has a very low Glycemic Index, which means it does not
spike blood sugar like regular sugar.
™ Effects: The study found that xylitol increases platelet aggregation
and activity, inducing a state of hypercoagulability.
y This elevated platelet reactivity may lead to the formation of blood
clots in vessels, potentially obstructing blood flow and leading to
severe cardiovascular events.
PraVaHa Recently, the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) has developed
Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) software named (PraVaHa).
About PraVaHa:
™ PraVaHa stands for ‘Parallel RANS Solver for Aerospace Vehicle
Aero-thermo-dynamic Analysis’.
™ Function:
y Simulate Flows: It can simulate external and internal flows on
launch vehicles, winged and non winged re-entry vehicles.
About Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD):
™ A Tool for Prediction: CFD is a tool to predict the aerodynamic and
aerothermal loads which solve numerically the equations of
conservation of mass, momentum, and energy along with the equation
of state.
DigiYatra The facial-recognition check-in service used at airports, Digi Yatra, could
soon be implemented at hotels and public places like historical monuments,
according to the CEO of Digi Yatra Foundation.
™ About: Digi Yatra is an innovative program for airport passengers that
uses facial recognition to streamline processing from entry to boarding.
y It simplifies self-bag drop and check-in by leveraging facial
recognition for identification and data retrieval, enabling paperless
travel and eliminating multiple identity checks.
™ Nodal Ministry: The Ministry of Civil Aviation.
™ Aim: It aims to establish industry benchmarks and SOPs for digital
transformation in Indian aviation.
y Integrate digital identities like Aadhaar, Driving License, and
Passport into a unified “DigiYatra” ecosystem for biometric
boarding at all Indian airports.
y Ensure a timely rollout of the DigiYatra system by coordinating
efforts across airlines, travel agents, distribution systems, and
y Conduct widespread communication
RTSEPFP and marketing campaigns to
educate the public about new standards and procedures. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 55

Science & Technolgy

Streptococcal Toxic Shock Recently, health officials are concerned about the outbreak of “flesh-eating
Syndrome (STSS) bacteria,” known as Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS), in Japan,
where almost 1,000 cases have been reported nationwide.
About Streptococcal Toxic Shock Syndrome (STSS):
™ Causes: STSS is a rare but severe bacterial infection caused by group A
Streptococcus bacteria.
y It occurs when these bacteria enter deep tissues and the
bloodstream, releasing toxins that cause a rapid and dangerous
response in the body.
™ Transmission: While it is rare for someone with STSS to spread the
infection to others directly, less severe infections with group A strep
can progress to STSS if untreated.
™ Symptoms: STSS starts with initial symptoms like fever, chills, muscle
™ Prevention: Preventing STSS involves practising good hygiene, like
washing hands regularly and covering your mouth while you cough
and sneeze.
™ Treatment: Treating STSS involves giving strong antibiotics through
an IV to kill the bacteria.
y Patients also receive fluids to stabilise their blood pressure and
help their organs work properly.
y In severe cases, surgery might be needed to remove infected tissue
and prevent further problems.
Divya Drishti Recently, a start-up Ingenious Research Solutions Pvt Ltd. created an AI tool
called ‘Divya Drishti,’ with support from the Centre for Artificial
Intelligence & Robotics (CAIR), a Defence Research Development
Organization (DRDO) laboratory located in Bangalore.
About Divya Drishti:
™ ‘Divya Drishti’ is an AI tool that combines facial recognition with
immutable physiological parameters like gait and skeleton, forming a
strong biometric authentication system.
™ Biometric Authentication: By integrating facial recognition with gait
analysis, the tool employs a dual approach that reduces the likelihood
of false positives and identity fraud, thereby ensuring more precise
™ Applications: The AI tool finds application in diverse sectors such as
Defence, Law Enforcement, Corporate environments, and Public
™ Supported by: The development supported by the Technology
Development Fund (TDF) showcases DRDO’s dedication to fostering
start-ups in the defence and aerospace sectors, in line with the vision of
‘Aatmanirbhar Bharat.’



Science & Technolgy

Purple Rain Recently, NASA’s MAVEN orbiter captured stunning purple auroras on
Mars’ nightside. Due to Mars’ lack of magnetic field, the aurora patterns
were different.
™ ⁣About: Auroras are colourful lights that are visible when energy
particles emanating from solar storms travel down the magnetic field
lines of a planet.
™ Visibility on Earth: Auroras visible on Earth and other planets differ.
As Earth’s planet is shielded by a robust magnetic field, these lights are
normally restricted to regions near the poles.
™ Magnetic Field Loss on Mars: Mars has lost its internally generated
magnetic field in the ancient past.
y Hence, when the charged particles enter Mars’ atmosphere,
there’s no protection from the barrage of energetic particles.
™ Martian Global Auroras: When charged particles hit the Martian
atmosphere, auroras engulf the entire planet.
MAVEN Orbiter
™ About: Launched in November 2013 by NASA, the MAVEN (Mars
Atmosphere and Volatile Evolution) orbiter investigates Mars’
atmosphere to uncover insights into its climate history and the
mechanisms causing atmospheric depletion.
™ Major Findings of MAVEN: MAVEN discovered that solar winds are
stripping away a significant portion of Mars’ atmosphere, leading to
substantial atmospheric loss over time.
™ Atmospheric Pulsations on Mars: The MAVEN orbiter identified two
novel types of Martian auroras: the “Christmas Lights” and a proton
aurora, exclusive to Mars.
Atlas V Rocket The United Launch Alliance Atlas V rocket is prepared to launch Boeing’s
Starliner spacecraft for NASA on its maiden crewed mission.
About Atlas V Rocket:
™ About: Atlas V is a rocket system that can only be used once. It’s the
fifth main version in the Atlas family of rockets.
™ Operation: Initially created by Lockheed Martin, the Atlas V is currently
managed by United Launch Alliance (ULA), a collaboration between
Lockheed Martin and Boeing.
™ Purpose: The Atlas V serves various purposes, including carrying
payloads for the Department of Defense (DoD), NASA, and
commercial ventures.
y Additionally, it holds the distinction of being America’s longest-
serving operational rocket.
Boeing Starliner:
™ About: Starliner is a spacecraft that carries astronauts to space,
launched by a rocket. It has a crew capsule and a service module.
Dhruva Space’s Thybolt Satellites Dhruva Space’s maiden mission with Thybolt-1 and Thybolt-2 satellites
Complete 15,000 Orbits successfully completed 15,000 orbits and deorbited.
™ Launched by ISRO’s PSLV C54 in November 2022.
™ Dhruva Space, a Hyderabad-based space tech startup, has successfully
completed its maiden mission with the Thybolt-1 and Thybolt-2
satellites. RTSEPFP
™ These satellites have securely deorbited after completing 15,000 orbits
around Earth. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 57

Science & Technolgy

TRISHNA Mission The Space Agency ISRO recently announced a satellite mission, TRISHNA.
™ This mission is a joint infrared earth observation satellite mission
between India and France.
™ TRISHNA refers to Thermal Infra-Red Imaging Satellite for High-
Resolution Natural Resource Assessment.
™ Objectives: The Primary Goal of this mission is to monitor surface
temperature and water management globally.
y It will address extreme heat issues in India and Europe.
™ Launch Details
y Tentative Launch: 2025
y Mission Lifespan: 5 years
Chang’e-6 Returns Samples from China’s Chang’e-6 became the world’s first spacecraft to bring back
Moon’s Far Side samples from the Moon’s Far Side i.e the part of the Moon that the Earth
never gets to see.
Far side of the Moon/Dark side of the Moon:
™ About the Dark Side: The Moon’s far side is often called the dark side
because it cannot be seen from the Earth, not because it does not
catch the Sun’s rays.
y Reason: The Moon is tidally locked with the Earth and therefore,
only one side of the Moon, also known as the near side is seen.
The Chang’e-6 Mission:
™ About: Chang’e is a series of lunar probes launched by China National
Space administration.
™ China and Chang’e: It is China’s sixth mission to the Moon, named
after the moon goddess Chang’e in Chinese mythology and China’s
first lunar sample-return mission.
y China is the only country to achieve a soft-landing on the far side of
the Moon.
™ Duration: The Chang’e-6 was a 53-day-long mission.
™ Exploration: In 2019, its Chang’e-4 mission landed on the region and
explored the Moon’s Von Karman crater with the help of a rover.



Internal Security

10 Internal Security

10.1 REASI TERROR ATTACKS across the International Border (IB) and LoC,
occasionally using tunnels.
Context: Recently, a bus carrying pilgrims was ambushed
by terrorists in the Reasi district of Jammu and
™ Nine pilgrims were killed, and 33 were injured.
The driver lost control of the bus, causing it to
plunge into a gorge.

More on News
™ Second Terror Attack on Pilgrims in the Area:
The terror attack in Reasi’s Pouni area, near Rajouri
district, is the second targeting of pilgrims there.
y In May 2022, a bomb planted by terrorists
caused a bus from Katra to Jammu to catch fire,
killing 4 Vaishno Devi pilgrims and injuring
24 other pilgrims.
™ Expansion of Terror Attacks in New Regions:
The recent terror attack highlights a potential
expansion of terrorist activities into new
regions, as the Reasi district had previously ™ Geography Advantage: The Pir Panjal range,
remained unaffected by the recent wave of spanning these districts, offers seasonal access to
attacks in the neighbouring districts of Rajouri Pakistan-occupied Kashmir (PoK) through
and Poonch. passes and provides militants with escape routes
™ Casualties: Since 2021, 38 soldiers and 11 and attack launchpads.
civilians have been killed in militant attacks in y The recent Reasi strike, where militants
Rajouri and Poonch districts. ambushed a bus carrying pilgrims from a forest,
underscores this operational strategy.
Reasons Behind Increased Terror Attacks ™ Attempt to Derail the Upcoming Assembly
In Jammu Elections: A spike in terrorist violence across
™ Thinning of Regional Forces: In 2020, Rashtriya Jammu and Kashmir is seen as a calculated move to
Rifles (RR) units were relocated from Poonch, derail the upcoming assembly elections and spread
Rajouri, and Reasi districts to Ladakh reducing fear among residents.
security presence and emboldening militants. ™ High-Tech, Well-Trained Militants: The militants
™ Increased Army Operations in the Kashmir are using local phones and offline apps to
Valley: Terrorism’s focus has shifted to Jammu over communicate, making the security forces harder to
the past three years due to increased Army track.
operations reducing militants’ operating space in ™ Lack of Human Intelligence Network: Human
the Kashmir Valley. intelligence is crucial in counter-insurgency
™ Challenging Terrain: The Jammu region’s vast and operations. The absence of a strong network of
complex terrain has been exploited by Pakistan- informers remains a challenge as militants and
based terror organisations to send armed terrorists their network
RTSEPFP of overground workers persist. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 59

Internal Security

™ Transparency Issues: Lack of transparency

PRELIMS regarding the status and progress of this significant
exercise despite its public announcement.
10.2 THE URGENT NEED FOR A ™ Current Challenges with Operational Directive:
Current reliance on the cryptic and inadequate
NATIONAL SECURITY DOCTRINE Operational Directive of the Defence Minister,
IN INDIA underscores the need for a comprehensive NSS.
Context: Recently, The Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) ™ Concerns about unclear Strategic guidance:
highlighted the need for a National Security Strategy There are concerns about Army Commanders’ lack
(NSS) in India. of substantive handover procedures which are
often brief and ceremonial.
About National Security Strategy (NSS) y Example- During the Doklam crisis, the
™ NSS is a document that lays down the security strategic guidance was unclear.
objectives of a country, defines its internal and ™ Divergence in Opinions: The Ministry of Defence
external challenges and provides guidance on and other government agencies may hold differing
how to achieve those objectives opinions on a formal NSS.
™ NSS should address both traditional and non- ™ Changing Threat Landscape: Adapting the NSS to
traditional threats , assess potential threats, address evolving and advanced security threats,
allocate resources, and outline diplomatic, military, such as cyber threats, terrorism, and non-traditional
intelligence, as well as defence policies. security challenges, is a continuous challenge.
™ Example- The United States, the United Kingdom,
and Russia, China and Pakistan have a 10.3 BLUEPRINT FOR WARFARE IN
Comprehensive National Security strategy,
Issues and Concerns Surrounding India’s Context: India’s first joint doctrine for cyberspace
National Security Strategy operations was released by the Chief of Defence Staff
™ Prolonged Drafting of Multiple Versions of NSS: General Anil Chauhan at a meeting of the Chiefs of Staff
Prolonged engagement in drafting multiple Committee.
versions of the National Security Strategy (NSS)
over the past two decades raises questions about The Joint Doctrine
its purpose and effectiveness. ™ It is a keystone publication that will guide
™ Establishment of Defence Planning Committee: commanders of the armed forces in conducting
Establishment of an apex-level Defence Planning cyberspace operations in today’s complex military
Committee chaired by the National Security operating environment.
Advisor in 2018 aimed at formulating the NSS and ™ The Doctrine emphasizes on: Importance will be
National Defence Strategy. However, not much placed on understanding military aspects of
progress has been achieved. cyberspace operations and providing conceptual
guidance to commanders, staff and practitioners in
the planning, and conduct of operations in
cyberspace, as also to raise awareness in our
warfighters at all levels.

Cyberspace Warfare
™ About: Cyber warfare involves the hostile actions
by a nation-state or international organization
or Non-state actors with the intention of
disrupting, damaging, or destroying another
nation’s computers or information networks
infrastructure through, for example, computer
viruses or denial-of-service attacks.

Motivations for Cyber Warfare



Internal Security

P- Hacking ™ About: It is also called data snooping or data dredging, p-hacking is a
data manipulation technique that compromises the integrity of scientific
™ Coined By: P-hacking is a term coined by researchers Uri Simonsohn,
Leif Nelson, and Joe Simmons from the Data Colada blog
™ Concerns: Such a method tweaks the data analysis to show that a
particular outcome is statistically significant, which in reality may be
untrue or mere chance.
y P-hacking is a major problem in scientific research as it produces
misleading conclusions.
Nagastra-1 Recently, Solar Industries, headquartered in Nagpur, has supplied the Indian
Army with the initial consignment of domestically produced Nagastra-1
Loitering Munitions
™ About: Nagastra-1 is a UAV-based loitering munition designed to act as
an aerial ambush system.
™ Functions:
y Accuracy: Its primary function is to hover above targets and execute
precision strikes with GPS-enabled accuracy, achieving a remarkable
precision of 2 meters.
y Precision Strike Capability: In “Kamikaze mode,” Nagastra-1 can
neutralize hostile threats by directly striking the target and
destroying itself in the process.
‘Tarang Shakti’ Recently, India is set to host its inaugural multinational air exercise, Tarang
Shakti-2024, in August, with participation from 10 countries.
Tarang Shakti
™ Aim: To improve interoperability and foster peace among the
participating air forces by promoting cooperation, strategic alignment,
and the exchange of knowledge and best practices.
™ Participating Nations: Among the countries sending contingents are
Australia, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, the United Arab Emirates, the
United Kingdom, and the United States.
Space Variable Objects Monitor Recently, a Long March 2-C rocket launched the French-Chinese satellite
(SVOM) satellite Space Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) successfully from southwestern
Space Variable Objects Monitor (SVOM) Satellite:
™ About: The SVOM satellite, a joint French-Chinese mission designed to
detect and study gamma-ray bursts, was launched from the Xichang
Satellite Launch Center in southwest China’s Sichuan Province using a
Long March-2C rocket.
™ Lifespan: The satellite has been placed into an orbit more than 600
kilometres above Earth with a planned operational lifespan of five years.
However, scientists anticipate it could remain functional for up to 20


Internal Security

JIMEX 2024 Recently, the Indian Navy’s Indigenous Stealth Frigate INS Shivalik arrived
at Yokosuka, Japan, to participate in bilateral Japan – India Maritime
Exercise 2024 (JIMEX 24)
™ About: The JIMEX series of exercises began in January 2012, particularly
emphasising maritime security collaboration.
y It is held every two years and involves the Indian Navy and the
Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF).
™ Phases of Exercise: The exercise consists of harbour and sea phases,
incorporating professional, sports, and social interactions during the
harbour phase.
y The navies will engage in joint warfighting exercises in the sea
phase to improve interoperability across surface, sub-surface,
and air domains.
™ Representation: INS Shivalik represents the Indian Navy, while the
Guided Missile Destroyer JS Yugiri represents the Japan Maritime Self-
Defense Force (JMSDF) in the exercise.
RudraM-II Air-to-Surface Missile Recently, the Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO)
successfully flight-tested the RudraM-II air-to-surface missile from Su-30
MK-I platform of the Indian Air Force (IAF) off the Odisha coast.
About RudraM-II:
™ An Indigenous Missile System: RudraM-II is an indigenously-developed
solid-propelled air-launched missile system.
™ Task: It is meant for Air-to-Surface role to neutralize many types of
enemy assets.
Rudram Missile - A Game Changer in Air-to-Surface Missiles:
™ About: Rudram, India’s first anti-radiation missile (ARM), is an Air-
to-Surface missile developed by DRDO.
™ Comprises:
y Navigation System: The missile uses a navigation mechanism
consisting of a satellite-based Global Positioning System (GPS) and
an inertial navigation system.
y Passive Homing Head: It employs a “passive homing head” for
guidance, enabling it to accurately strike targets even if the radiation
source switches off during the engagement.
™ Mandate: To detect, track, and neutralize the enemy’s radio frequency
sources, including radar, communication assets, and other radio
frequency sources.
™ Future Developments and Advanced Versions:
y RudraM-1: It primarily aims at Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses
y RudraM-2 and RudraM-3: These are under development with
ranges of 350 and 550 km, respectively.



Internal Security

Indian Naval Ship Kiltan Recently, Indian Naval Ship Kiltan arrived at Muara, Brunei and was
accorded a warm welcome by the Royal Brunei Navy.
More on News:
™ The visit is part of Operational Deployment of the Indian Navy’s
Eastern Fleet to South China Sea.
™ The visit will conclude with a Maritime Partnership Exercise at sea
between the Indian Navy and Royal Brunei Navy.
INS Kiltan:
™ About: INS Kiltan is built indigenously as one of the four Kamorta class
Corvettes designed by the Indian Navy’s in-house organization.
™ Project 28: As part of Project 28, INS Kiltan was built as an anti-
submarine warfare corvette by Garden Reach Shipbuilders in Kolkata.
™ Naming of the Ship: The vessel is named after a coral island within the
Aminidivi archipelago, situated in the Lakshadweep and Minicoy group
of islands.
™ Features: Kiltan is the first Indian naval ship with a carbon fiber
superstructure, reducing maintenance costs and enhancing stealth.
Project 28:
™ About: P 28 is a project aimed at constructing four Anti Submarine
Warships within India by Garden Reach Shipbuilders And Engineers
(GRSE) in Kolkata.
INS Sunayna Recently, INS Sunayna docked at Port Louis, Mauritius.
INS Sunayna:
™ About: INS Sunayna, a Saryu-class Offshore Patrol Vessel, was
commissioned at Kochi and operates under the Southern Naval
™ Features: Designed for fleet support operations, coastal and offshore
patrolling, ocean surveillance, monitoring Sea Lines of
Communication, protecting offshore assets, and performing escort
y Capable of reaching speeds of up to 25 knots.
y Features an automatic power management system.
y Equipped with state-of-the-art navigation, communication, and
electronic support systems.
y Other vessels in the Saryu class include INS Sumitra and INS


Internal Security

Red Flag and RIMPAC Exercises Recently, Indian Air Force (IAF) and Indian Navy are taking part in two mega
multinational war games named Exercise Red Flag and RIMPAC (Rim of the
Exercise Red Flag:
™ About: It is organized by the United States Air Force, stands as one of the
most prestigious and advanced multilateral air combat training
™ Objective: The exercise includes participation from multiple nations to
improve interoperability and combat readiness.
™ Location and Management: Red Flag exercises are held at two distinct
locations: Nellis Air Force Base in Nevada and Eielson Air Force Base
in Alaska.
RIMPAC Exercise 2024:
™ About: Rim of the Pacific Exercise is one of the largest biennial
multilateral naval exercises, led by the United States of America.
™ Background: RIMPAC commenced in 1971 as an annual exercise
involving the US, Australia, and Canada.
y However, starting in 1974, the maritime exercise transitioned to a
biennial event.
™ Aim: To improve the interoperability and foster trust among the navies
of friendly foreign nations.
™ Theme: “Partners: Integrated and Prepared.
™ Participating Countries: Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Brunei, Canada,
Chile, Colombia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia,
Israel, Italy,Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, the
Republic of Korea, the Republic of the Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka,
Thailand, Tonga, the United Kingdom and the United States.
China’s ‘Grey-Zone’ Warfare Beijing is deploying cognitive tools like simulated audio visuals against
Taiwan to demonstrate its ability to fight and win a future war.
About Grey Zone Warfare:
™ Grey Zone Warfare is a new, emerging battlefield-centric concept
defined as the use of coercive measures to exploit the operational
space between peace and war.
y These measures deliberately stay below a threshold so as not to
prompt a conventional military response to alter the status quo,
which otherwise would have been attracted.
™ Origin: Its beginning is attributed to the Cold War era from 1945
when the development of nuclear weapons meant direct conflicts
had to be restrained as the cost of conventional conflict had grown
too steep and the risk of escalation too profound.
™ Methods: Grey Zone Warfare is characterized by subthreshold
activities, including kinetic and non-kinetic methods by conventional
military force and irregular proxies.



Internal Security

Ahilya Bai Holkar
Context: The 300th birth anniversary of the Maratha
queen Ahilya Bai Holkar was recently celebrated

About Ahilya Bai Holkar

™ Early Life: Born in 1725 to a shepherd family in
Ahmednagar, Maharashtra.
y Strived to be recognized as a leader in her own
right, beyond being the wife of Khande Rao
™ Leadership and Governance: Took over as y Led her kingdom to 30 years of peace and
monarch after her husband’s death, breaking financial stability.
patriarchal norms.
™ Cultural and Religious Contributions: Regularly
attended Purana recitals and yagnas to uphold
her Hindu faith.

Senkaku Island On 7 June 2024, Japan protested against Beijing after four armed
Chinese coastguard vessels entered the waters of the Senkaku
island, which Tokyo considers its territory.
About Senkaku Island:
™ The Senkaku Islands dispute, or Diaoyu Islands dispute, is a
territorial dispute over a group of uninhabited islands
known as:
y the Senkaku Islands in Japan,
y the Diaoyu Islands in China, and
y the Tiaoyutai Islands in Taiwan.
y Both Japan and China claim ownership of these islands.
™ Location: The Senkaku Islands are located in the East China
Sea between Japan, China, and Taiwan.
™ Geography: the Senkaku chain comprises five islets – Uotsuri
Island, Kuba Island, Taisho Island, Kitakojima Island, and
Minamikojima Island – and three rocks – Tobise Island,
Okinokitaiwa Island, and Okinominamiiwa Island
Russian Missile Attack on Ukraine’s Seven people were injured by a Russian missile attack on the
Dnipro Ukrainian central city of Dnipro.
About Dnipro:
™ Location: City of regional significance in Dnipropetrovsk
Oblast, eastern Ukraine, covering 409,718 square kilometers.
™ Geography: Situated along both banks of the Dnieper River,
near its confluence with the Samara River. The city center is on
the right bank (Dnieper Upland), while the left bank is part of
the Dnieper Lowland.
™ Population: Ukraine’s fourth-largest city, after Kyiv, Kharkiv,
and Odesa.
™ Industrial Significance:
RTSEPFP Major industrial center with facilities
for heavy industries, producing launch vehicles, rolled metal,
cast iron, machinery, agricultural equipment, and chemicals. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 65

Internal Security

Delos Island Recently, Scientists warned that due to climate change-induced

rising sea levels, Delos, a small island in the Aegean Sea near
bustling Mykonos, could disappear within the next 50 years.
Delos Island:
™ About: Delos, situated in the Aegean Sea as part of the
Cyclades archipelago, is a rocky island. It was initially
inhabited in the 3rd millennium B.C. and gained prominence
in the 1st millennium B.C.
™ History: Delos was revered as a holy sanctuary for a thousand
years before being recognised as the birthplace of Apollo and
Artemis in Olympian Greek mythology.The island’s Sacred
Harbour includes three conical mounds linked to a goddess,
y UNESCO designated Delos as a World Heritage Site for its
outstanding archaeological remains, significant influence
on Greek architecture, and its sacred importance in
Ancient Greece.

Grant for Research and The Ministry of Textiles approved startups in technical textiles to boost innovation and
Entrepreneurship sustainability during the 7th Empowered Programme Committee (EPC) EPC meeting
across Aspiring of the National Technical Textiles Mission (NTTM) under the GREAT scheme.
Innovators in Technical About GREAT Scheme
Textiles (GREAT) ™ It encourages young innovators, scientists, technologists, and startup ventures.
™ It supports the development of functional prototypes or commercialization of
technologies in Technical Textiles.
™ Focus areas: Agro-textiles, Building-textiles, Cloth-textiles, Geotextiles, Home-
textiles, Industrial-textiles, Medical-textiles, Mobile-textiles, Oeko-textiles,
Packaging- textiles, Protective-textile.
National Forensic Recently, the Union Cabinet has approved a Central Sector Scheme called the “National
Infrastructure Forensic Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme” (NFlES).
Enhancement Scheme National Forensic Infrastructure Enhancement Scheme (NFIES):
(N.F.l.E.S.) ™ Aim: The scheme envisions expanding the Central Forensic Sciences Laboratory
(CFSL) network and establishing additional campuses for the National Forensic
Sciences University (NFSU).
y The scheme also includes plans to enhance the infrastructure at the Delhi
campus of the NFSU.
™ Financial Outlay: The scheme has a total financial outlay of Rs. 2254.43 crore
for the period from 2024-25 to 2028-29.



Internal Security

PM-KISAN scheme News: Recently, the Central Government released the 17th installment of the PM-
KISAN scheme amounting to over Rs 20,000 crore for 9.26 crore beneficiary
About Scheme:
™ PM Kisan Samman Nidhi is a Central Sector Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT)
™ It provides financial assistance to small and marginal farmers.
™ Beneficiary Details:

y Landholding farmer families with up to 2 hectares of cultivable land are

y An annual amount of Rs. 6,000 is transferred directly into Aadhaar-seeded
bank accounts in three equal installments of Rs. 2,000 each..

AIM – ICDK Water Challenge Recently, NITI Aayog’s Atal Innovation Mission (AIM) unveils the ‘AIM – ICDK
4.0 Water Challenge
™ About: It has launched the fourth edition of the Water Challenge in
collaboration with the Innovation Centre Denmark (ICDK) at the Royal
Danish Embassy in India.
™ Aim: This challenge seeks innovative solutions for critical water issues. It is
part of a unique partnership between India and Denmark centered on
green and sustainable strategies.
™ Eligibility: The challenge is open to students and young entrepreneurs
under 35. It particularly encourages early-stage startups, researchers, and
young innovators dedicated to environmental sustainability to apply.


Internal Security

QS World University Ranking In the latest QS World University Ranking, the University of Delhi moved up
2025 79 places, from 407 last year to 328 in 2024.
About QS World University Rankings
™ The QS World University Rankings are published annually by Quacquarelli
Symonds (QS).
™ These rankings assess the performance and quality of universities on a
global scale.
QS World University Rankings 2025 for India: Indian Institutes of Technology
(IITs) continue to dominate the top ranks for India in the QS World University
Rankings 2025.
Rankings of different universities
™ Top Performers
y IIT Bombay (1), IIT Delhi (2), Indian Institute of Science (IISc) Bangalore
(3), IIT Kharagpur (IIT-KGP) (4), IIT Madras (5).
CCRAS-NIIMH Collaborating The National Institute of Indian Medical Heritage (NIIMH) has been
Centre for Traditional designated as the first WHO Collaborating Centre (CC) for “Fundamental and
Medicine Research Literary Research in Traditional Medicine (CC IND-177)”.
™ About: Established in 1956, NIIMH operates under the Central Council for
Research in Ayurvedic Sciences (CCRAS), Ministry of Ayush.
™ Mandate: Its mandate includes documenting and presenting medico-
historical research in Ayurveda, Yoga Naturopathy, Unani, Siddha, and other
allied healthcare disciplines in India.
Prerna Sthal to be Inaugurated Prerna Sthal was inaugurated on June 16 by Vice President Jagdeep Dhankar.
on June 16 About Prerna Sthal:
™ Prerna Sthal is an earmarked area within the Parliament House
Complex. where key statues, including that of Mahatma Gandhi,
Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj and Bhim Rao Ambedkar, have been
relocated from their original positions.
™ Relocation with Speaker’s permission: The Parliament House Complex
falls under the jurisdiction of the Honourable Speaker of the Lok
Sabha. The Statues are being relocated within the Complex with the
Speaker’s permission.
Importance of Prerna Sthal:
™ Provide detailed information about freedom fighters.
™ Visitors can pay tribute to the leaders.



Internal Security

Kavli Prize The 2024 Kavli Prize recipients were announced recently.
™ Eight individuals were honoured for their astrophysics, neuroscience, and
nanoscience advancements.
Kavli Prize:
™ About: The Kavli Prize is named in honour of Norwegian-American
businessman and philanthropist Fred Kavli (1927-2013).
™ Award Categories: The prizes are awarded in three distinct fields:
astrophysics, nanoscience, and neuroscience—representing the largest,
smallest, and most complex realms of scientific exploration.
2024 Prize Winners:
™ Astrophysics: David Charbonneau and Sara Seager
y Contribution: Pioneering work in discovering exoplanets and
characterising their atmospheres.
™ Nanoscience: Robert Langer, Armand Paul Alivisatos, and Chad Mirkin
y Contribution: Groundbreaking contributions to nanoscience,
particularly in biomedical applications.
™ Neuroscience: Nancy Kanwisher, Winrich Freiwald, and Doris Tsao
y Contribution: Extensive research spanning decades, elucidating the
brain mechanisms underlying facial recognition.
Grand Prix Award Recently, Indian filmmaker Payal Kapadia’s first movie, “All We Imagine As
Light,” secured the Grand Prix award.
Palme d’Or Award:
™ About: The Palme d’Or, which means ‘The Golden Palm’ in English is a
award in Cannes Film Festival, France.
™ First Indian Film to get the Award: Chetan Anand’s “Neecha Nagar” is
the sole Indian film to have won the award, despite never being released in
India itself.
Cannes Film Festival:
™ About: The Cannes Film Festival is among the “big five” international film
festivals, alongside the Venice Film Festival, the Berlin International Film
Festival, the Toronto International Film Festival, and the Sundance Film


Test Yourself

11 Test Yourself

INDIAN HERITAGE & CULTURE 3.Most of the volcanoes in Iceland are

Stratovolcanoes that have a low profile and
1. Consider the following pairs: resemble a shield lying on the ground.
S. No. GI Tagged Product State / Region How many of the above statements are correct?
1. Ambaji White Marble Rajasthan (a) Only one (b) Only two
2. Lakadong Turmeric Sikkim (c) All three (d) None
3. Ajrakh Craft Gujarat 2. Consider the following pairs:
How many of the above pairs are correctly S. No. Hydroelectric Power Rivers
matched? Projects
(a) Only one pair (b) Only two pairs 1. Pakal Dul project Marusadar River
(c) All three pairs (d) None 2. Ratle Kishanganga
Answer key: 1 - (a) 3. Baglihar Kalnai
How many of the above pairs are correctly
1. Consider the following statements regarding (a) Only one (0) Only two
Global Gender Gap Index:
(c) All three (d) None
1. Global Gender Gap Index is published by
World Bank annually. 3. Consider the following statements regarding
the implications of slowing rotation speed of
2. It benchmarks the current state and evolution
earth’s inner core:
of gender parity across three key dimensions
(Economic Participation and Opportunity and 1. It could potentially affect the length of a day,
Political Empowerment). leading to minor changes in day length over
3. In 2024, India’s Rank Improved by two places long periods.
to the 129th position from 131st last year. 2. It will result in immediate and drastic climate
4. Finland retained its top position in the changes, significantly altering weather
rankings. patterns globally within a few years.
How many of the above statements are 3. It may influence the Earth’s magnetic field,
incorrect? potentially causing shifts in magnetic north
(a) Only one (b) Only two and affecting navigation systems.
(c) All three (d) None Which of the statements given above are
Answer key: 1 - (d)
(a) 1 and 2 only (b) 2 and 3 only
GEOGRAPHY & DISASTER (c) 1 and 3 only (d) 1, 2 and 3
MANAGEMENT Answer key: 1 - (a), 2 - (a), 3 - (c)
1. Consider the following statements about the
volcanic activity in Iceland: INDIAN HISTORY
1. Iceland is located on the Mid-Atlantic Ridge 1. Consider the following statements regarding
where the Eurasian and North American Mahatma

plates are moving apart. 1. Mahatma Gandhi first implemented the

2. Iceland’s volcanic activity is solely due to its Satyagraha method during the Champaran
position over a hotspot. Satyagraha.


Test Yourself

2.Mahatma Gandhi was imprisoned for How many of the statements given above is/are
nonviolent protests in South Africa during the correct?
Volkrust Satyagraha in 1913. (a) Only one
3. Gandhi exclusively relied on submitting (b) Only two
petitions to the authorities in the initial phase (c) All three
to achieve his political objectives in South (d) None
3. Consider the following statements regarding
How many of the above statements are correct?
Speaker of Lok Sabha:
(a) Only one (b) Only two
1. The institution of Speaker originated in
(c) All three (d) None India in 1921 under the provisions of the
2. With reference to Indian history, consider the Government of India Act of 1919.
following statements: 2. The speaker once elected is not eligible for re-
1.Khuntkatti system was practiced in the election.
chotanagpur region where the individual 3. The Speaker can not vote in the first instance.
owned the land fit for cultivation during the How many of the above statements are correct?
20th century. (a) Only one
2. Birsa Munda launched the Ulgulan movement (b) Only two
in 1899 to drive out foreigners. (c) All three
3. The Chotanagpur Tenancy Act (1908) allowed (d) None
the passage of tribal land to non-tribal folks. 4. Consider the following statements regarding
How many of the above statements are correct? Council of Ministers:
(a) Only one (b) Only two 1. The President cannot exercise the executive
(c) All three (d) None power without the aid and advice of the
Council of Ministers.
Answer key: 1 - (b), 2 - (a)
2. The size of this council should not exceed 15%
of the strength of the Lok Sabha.
POLITY & GOVERNANCE 3. Council of Ministers can participate in
1. With reference to the elections in India, proceedings and votings in both the Lok
consider the following statements: Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
1. The NOTA option was first implemented in How many of the above statements are correct?
the 2014 Parliamentary election in India. (a) Only one
2. The NOTA option was introduced in elections (b) Only two
to protect the ‘right to secrecy’ of voters. (c) All three
3. If NOTA receives the highest number of (d) None
votes in the constituency, the election of the 5. Consider the following statements:
constituency will be “null and void”. 1. The Vice President of India appoints a member
How many of the statements given above is/are of the Lok Sabha as the Speaker Pro Tem.
correct? 2. Speaker Pro Tem administers oath to the new
(a) Only one (b) Only two members.
(c) All three (d) None 3. When the new Speaker is elected by the House,
the office of the Speaker Pro Tem continues to
2. Consider the following statements regarding
work in absence of speaker.
Special Category Status (SCS) of states:
How many of the statements given above is/are
1. SCS was started to assist certain states who correct?
faced historical economic or geographical
(a) Only one
(b) Only two
2. It was introduced on the recommendation of RTSEPFP
(c) All three
the first Finance Commission of India.
(d) None
3. In SCS states, the Centrally Sponsored
Schemes are fully funded by the center. Answer key: 1 - (a), 2 - (a), 3 - (b), 4 - (b), 5 - (a) June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 71

Test Yourself

INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS 2. It is designed to enable peer-to-peer inter-

bank transfers through a single -click two
1. Consider the following statements United factor authentication process.
Nations Security Council (UNSC):
3. To make payment, payee’s UPI ID/VPA can
1. It is the only UN body with the authority to be captured using Near Field Communication
issue binding resolutions to member states. (NFC) technology.
2. There are 10 non-permanent members, five How many of the statements given above is/are
of which are elected each year by the General correct?
Assembly for a two-year term. (a) Only one (b) Only two
3. India is elected to the UNSC as a non- (c) All three (d) None
permanent member for 2025-26.
How many of the above statements are correct? 4. Consider the following pairs:
(a) Only one (b) Only two S. International Associated Reports
(c) All three (d) None No. Organisation
2. Consider the following statements about the 1. World Economic World Economic
Ganga Water Sharing Treaty between India and Forum Situation and Prospects
Bangladesh: (WESP) report
1. Ganga Water Sharing Treaty was signed by 2. World Bank World Economic
Indian Prime Minister H. D. Deve Gowda and Outlook
Bangladeshi Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina 3. United Nations Global Economic
Wajed in 1999. Prospects Report
2. The treaty established a 50-year water- How many pairs given above are correctly
sharing arrangement. matched?
Which of the statements given above is/are (a) Only one pair
(b) Only two pairs
(a) 1 only (b) 2 only
(c) All three pairs
(c) Both 1 and 2 (d) Neither 1 nor 2
(d) None of the pair
Answer key: 1 - (b), 2 - (d)
Answer key: 1 - (b), 2 - (b), 3 - (b), 4 - (d)
1. What is the primary goal of the RBI in
1. With reference to the forest eagle owl, consider
streamlining regulations concerning the
the following statements:
internationalization of the Indian Rupee?
1. Forest eagle owls are known for their
(a) To increase foreign direct investment in India
distinctive spots on their belly.
(b) To enable the settlement of bilateral trade in
2. In India, it is found in Himalayan foothills only.
local currencies
3. The bird is protected under Appendix II of
(c) To reduce the current account deficit
(d) To boost domestic consumption How many of the statements given above is/are
2. Gold reserves are part of India’s foreign correct?
exchange reserves. What is the primary (a) Only one (b) Only two
purpose of maintaining these gold reserves?
(c) All three (d) None
(a) To fund government expenditures
2. The State of Ocean Report is published by
(b) To support the value of the Indian rupee which of the following organizations:
(c) To provide loans to other countries
(a) United Nations Environment Programme
(d) To create gold jewelry for export
(b) National Oceanic and Atmospheric
3. Consider the following statements regarding Administration
Unified Payments Interface (UPI):
(c) United Nations Educational, Scientific and
1. It was launched by the NPCI in 2016 in Cultural Organization
conjunction with the State Bank of India (SBI). (d) Indian Ocean Rim Association


Test Yourself

3. Consider the following pairs: 2. Which one of the following best describes the
term “P-hacking”?
S. No. Ramsar sites Associated
states (a) The process of collecting additional data to
achieve a larger sample size for more reliable
1. Ankasamudra Bird Tamil Nadu
Conservation Reserve
(b) The practice of peer-reviewing research
2. Nagi and Nakti Bird Uttar Pradesh findings to validate their accuracy and
3. Karaivetti Bird Tamil Nadu (c) The manipulation of data analysis until it
Sanctuary produces statistically significant results,
4. Sandi Bird Sanctuary Bihar compromising the truthfulness of the findings.
How many of the above pairs are correctly (d) The process of conducting experiments with
matched? multiple hypotheses to find the most accurate
(a) Only one (b) Only two one.
(c) Only three (d) All four 3. Consider the following statements regarding
sickle cell disease:
4. Consider the following protected areas:
1. It is a group of inherited white blood cell
1. Pench National Park disorders.
2. Bandhavgarh National Park 2. Hydroxyurea is an effective drug for treating
3. Kanha National Park patients of sickle cell disease
4. Sanjay Tiger Reserve Which of the statements given above is/are
In how many of the given protected areas are correct?
four-horned antelopes present? (a) 1 only
(a) Only one (b) Only two (b) 2 only
(c) Only three (d) All four (c) Both 1 and 2
5. Which one of the following is associated with (d) Neither 1 nor 2
the issue of control and phasing out of the use
4. Consider the following statements regarding
of ozone depleting substances?
multi-drug-resistant pathogens:
(a) Nagoya Protocol
1. The misuse and overuse of antibiotics are
(b) Kyoto Protocol major contributing factors to the development
(c) Montreal Protocol of multi-drug-resistant pathogens.
(d) Cartagena Protocol 2. Vaccination plays no role in the fight against
Answer key: 1 - (b), 2 - (c), 3 - (a), 4 - (d), 5 - (c) multi-drug-resistant pathogens.
3. The development of new antibiotics is the only
SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY solution to the problem of MDR pathogens.
How many of the above statements are correct?
1. Consider the following statements about James
Webb Space Telescope (JWST): (a) Only one (b) Only two
1. It was developed by NASA with contributions (c) All three (d) None
from the European and Canadian space 5. Consider the following statements regarding
agencies. Nitrous Oxide (N2O):
2. It is placed at Lagrange point 2, approximately 1. Nitrous Oxide is greenhouse gas and have a
1.5 million km beyond Earth’s orbit around higher global warming potential than carbon
the Sun. dioxide (CO2).
3. Its key objective is to observe gravitational 2. The major source of nitrous oxide emissions
waves from merging black holes. comes from fertiliser usage particularly
How many of the statements given above is/are nitrogen fertilizers, such as ammonia, and
correct? RTSEPFP
animal manure.
(a) Only one (b) Only two 3. India is the world’s second largest source of
(c) All three (d) None nitrous oxide (N2O) emission. June 2024 CURRENT AFFAIRS 73

Test Yourself

How many of the above statements are 2. Consider the following statements about Chief
incorrect? of Defence Staff (CDS):
(a) Only one 1. CDS is the Principal Military Adviser to the
(b) Only two Defence Minister on all tri-Services matters.
(c) All three 2. The post of CDS was created in 2019 on
(d) None the recommendations of a Lt General DB
Shekatkar committee.
Answer key: 1 - (b), 2 - (c), 3 - (b), 4 - (a), 5 - (c)
3. CDS will not exercise any military command,
including over the three Service Chiefs.
INTERNAL SECURITY Which of the statements given above are
1. Nagastra-1, recently delivered to the Indian correct?
Army, is which type of weapon? (a) 1 and 2 only
(a) Anti-Tank Guided Missile (b) 2 and 3 only
(b) Ballistic Missile (c) 1 and 3 only
(c) Cruise Missile (d) 1, 2 and 3
(d) Loitering Munition Answer key: 1 - (d), 2 - (d)




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