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Unit 4 - Ellie

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4Lab 5 – Paper Roller Coaster


Oliver, Haru, Hyobin

Aim of this Assignment

 You are given an experiment which you and your group must complete before the end of
 You are given two hypothesis which you need to evaluate and then validate with
 Collect the information and then use this information to.
o Collect the appropriate information to prove if the Hypothesis is true or false.
o Using the Collected Information then use it to make an Analysis and Conclusion
about the Hypothesis.

Criterion B: Inquiring and designing

0 The student does not reach a standard identified by any of the descriptors below.
1-2 The student is able to:
ii. state a testable hypothesis
3-4 The student is able to:
ii. outline a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
5-6 The student is able to:
ii. outline and explain a testable hypothesis using scientific reasoning
7-8 The student is able to:
ii. outline and explain a testable hypothesis using correct scientific reasoning

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4Lab 5 – Paper Roller Coaster
State clearly what the two energy types are;
 Law of Conservation of Energy – Energy that cannot be created or converted from one
form to another..
 Kinetic Energy – Energy that is made because of velocity.
 Gravitational Potential Energy –It is the energy possessed or acquired by an object due
to a change in its position when it is present in a gravitational field.

Materials & Equipment

 A4 Paper
 Two Rulers
 Tape
 Toothpicks
 Pallet Sticks
 Marbles
 Scale
 Marker

Safety Considerations:
 Lab Coats should be worn
 Do not throw marbles to each other.

Change of Mass Hypothesis - When the mass of an object is increasing the kinetic energy an
object gains will increase. This is because the of the law of conservation of energy, when the
gravitational potential energy is increased the kinetic energy will increase.

Change of Height Hypothesis - When the mass of an object is increasing the kinetic energy
an object gains will increase. This is because the of the law of conservation of energy, when
the gravitational potential energy is increased the kinetic energy will increase.

1. Build your Roller Coaster (use 10 minutes)
2. Measure the Mass of the Marble
3. Using one marble place it at the 50 cm height and let it roll down.
4. Record the time taken to reach the end of the track (use video).
5. Repeat 5 times and collect the data.
6. Repeat Steps 2 – 5 using two other objects of different mass to roll down the track.
7. Repeat steps 2 – 5 using the same marble but two different heights, 30 cm and 40cm.
8. Record the Data in the Table Below
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4Lab 5 – Paper Roller Coaster
Results for Change of Mass

Time Taken to Reach end of the Track Height of

Mass of the Marble
t 1 /s t 2 /s t 3 /s t 4/ s t 5 /s h /m

m1=27 . 8 0.71 0.76 0.68 0.56 0.6 0.50 m

m2=10 . 9 0.65 0.61 0.65 0.63 0.76 0.50 m

m3=9 . 7 0.61 0.58 0.41 0.78 0.58 0.50 m

Results for Change of Height

Time Taken to Reach end of the Track Height of

Mass of the Marble
t 1 /s t 2 /s t 3 /s t 4/ s t 5 /s h /m

m1=9 . 7 0.7 0.6 0.73 0.75 0.66 0.40 m

m2=9 . 7 0.68 0.83 0.83 0.65 0.73 0.30 m

m3=9 . 7 0.71 0.69 0.61 0.6 0.53 0.50 m

 Using the information and the knowledge you have about energy explain if each of
your Hypothesis is Valid.
 You must explain using the evidence (data) you have collected from your experiment.

Change of Mass Hypothesis - When the mass of an object is increased it WILL cause an increase in
an objects speed. This is because the mass and height of an object give it more gravitational
potential energy which will be transferred into kinetic energy. The greater speed means more
kinetic energy.

1. What do you observe when you changed the Mass of the Marble?
The speed of each marbles and what is faster.
2. Is your Hypothesis Valid?
3. What Evidence do you have to support your answer above?
If the speed increases, the kinetic energy will increase too, because the kinetic energy is

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4Lab 5 – Paper Roller Coaster
proportional to the square of the speed, so doubling the speed increases the kinetic energy by a
factor of 4.

Change of Height Hypothesis – When the height the marble is dropped from is increased it will
NOT affect the objects Speed. This is because the mass and height of an object give it more
gravitational potential energy which will be transferred into kinetic energy. The greater speed
means more kinetic energy.

4. What do you observe when you changed the Mass of the Marble?
Whether the marbles go faster or slower depending on each height.
5. Is your Hypothesis Valid?
6. What Evidence do you have to support your answer above?
The higher an object goes, the more gravitational potential energy it gets. When it falls, its potential
energy is converted into kinetic energy, and since energy can neither be created or destroyed(only
converted), it will move at a faster speed.

pg. 4

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