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Socio Psychological Effects of

Urban Green Areas Case of
Kirklareli City Center 1st Edition


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Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs
2020, Volume 4, Number 1, pages 47– 60

Socio-Psychological Effects of Urban Green Areas:

Case of Kirklareli City Center
*1Dr. Ezgi TOK , 2M.Sc. Merve GÜROĞLU AĞDAŞ , 3M.Sc. Mete Korhan ÖZKÖK , 4M.Sc. Azem KURU
Faculty of Architecture, Kirklareli University, Kirklareli, Turkey
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Article history: Urban open green spaces have an important role in today's health
Received 20 April 2019
Accepted 6 June 2019 problems and the necessity for the urban health to create green areas that
Available online 30 August have high accessibility for all citizens. Acceleration of urbanization in recent
2019 decades decays balance of green areas and impervious surfaces in cities
because of rent seeking society. The main problem associated with
Keywords: adequate provision of green area and fair access for residents. According
Green Spaces; to the “Spatial Planning Policy Framework” the green area per capita in
Socio-Psychological urban area (10 m²), Kırklareli doesn’t provide green space per capita. The
Effect; aim of the study is to identify the socio-psychological effects of the green
Urban Planning; areas in the Kirklareli. Objectives of the study is to determine the correlation
Urban Health.
between socio- psychological criterias with green space accesiblity, per
capita and visiting time and to discuss the findings rationale. The following
This work is licensed under a
hypothesis was proposed “urban green areas on inhabitants have positive
Creative Commons Attribution - effects on human health, quality of life and stress”. In this context, a survey
NonCommercial - NoDerivs 4.0. was conducted to analyze the socio-psychological effects of urban green
spaces in Kirklareli. Expected outcome of the study is that green areas are
associated with positive emotions, green space per capita and accessibility
This article is published with Open that can assist to decrease inequalities in health.
Access at
Copyright © 2019 Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs. All rights reserved.
accessibility to urban green space decrease,
1 . Introduction therefore presence of open and green areas is
Historically, from the beginning of the 20th century, needed more than ever before. Due to the
there has been an awareness of the importance adverse effects of the decline in the areal size of
of green space in urban planning (Verheij et al., urban green space in the urban areas, studies on
2008). However, the population growth rates have the effects of green areas on urban health have
been increasing exponently, natural and semi- started to be carried out (Cicea and Pîrlogea,
natural areas (agriculture, pasture, forest and 2011).
urban green areas) are under pressure in urban *Corresponding Author:
fringe (Martinez-Gonzalez et al., 2001). As a result Faculty of Architecture, Kirklareli University, Kirklareli, Turkey
of this situation, green space per capita and Email address:

How to Cite this Article:

Tok, E , Ağdaş, M.G., Özkök, M.K and Kuru, A. (2020). Socio-Psychological Effects of Urban Green Areas: Case of Kirklareli City Center. Journal
of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 4(1), 47-60.

Green area and health has a positive relationship

Today, physical inactivity has become a global (Ersoy, 2015; Maas et al., 2009). Studies have
health problem that the World Health Organization pointed out that relation between green areas
emphasizes as a risk factor. Although life-styles vary and human health affect quality of life and stress-
from region to region, in some countries the rate of reduction. The use of green areas contributes
inactivity is about 80%. However, regular physical positively to coping with stress and green areas
activity is associated with heart disease, diabetes, play a key role in designing healthy environments
breast-cancer risk, mental health and quality of in cities. In the last thirty years, it has been exposed
life. For that reason, it is vital that all nations should that the healing effect of urban green areas has
provide the opportunity of safe and accessible been found in terms of public health and it has
environments to be physically active in their daily been observed that there is a positive correlation
lives in order to improve their personal and social to decline stress and mental exhaustion between
health to ensure their social, economic and how often individuals use green areas and how
cultural development. In this context, the world much time they spend in green areas (Grahn et al.,
health organization has identified the draft global 2003; Nielsen and Hansen, 2007; Stigsdotter et al.,
vision for 2018-2030 as “more active people for a 2010).
healthier world”. One of the action plans to In general, the benefits of green areas;
achieve this goal has been identified as Socially; provides social interaction (Ersoy, 2015;
strengthening the access chances of all individuals Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011; Maas et al., 2009;
of all ages to high quality public and open green Verheij etal., 2008; Aydemir, 2004; Oktay, 1998),
areas, recreation areas, sports facilities (WHO, opportunity to meet with nature (Kremer et al.,
2018). Urban green areas are considered as the 2016), physical activity (Verheij et al., 2008),
main environment providing opportunities for promotes public health (Ersoy, 2015; Cicea and
various physical activities for cities (Koohsari et al., Pîrlogea, 2011), stress-reducement (Honold et al.,
2015). 2016 ; Ersoy, 2015; Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011;
In the zoning regulation, green areas are defined Verheij et al., 2008; Kaplan, 2001), prevents from
as green spaces that include the playpen, depression (Bratman et al., 2015), helps to get rid
playground, resting, walking, picnic and of fatigue (Verheij et al., 2008), aesthetic to the
recreational areas, which are reserved for society built environment (Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011;
to benefit (Planned Areas Zoning Regulation, Aydemir, 2004), activities for recreation and
2017). The urban green and open areas are entertainment and the chance to escape the city
designed in a certain hierarchy according to their life (Aydemir, 2004).
variety and qualities. These can be listed as; Moreover it has many ecological benefits. These
children's playground, small scale neighborhood benefits include oxygen production, dust and
unit park, neighborhood and urban parks, regional bacteriological treatment of the atmosphere
parks and national parks. The neighborhood parks (Ersoy, 2015; Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011), reduction
could have children's playgrounds, parks, sports of gases causing air pollution (Ersoy, 2015), shading
areas and passive green space activities (Ersoy, areas, noise reduction (Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011),
2015). Urban open and green areas should be climatic control (Shishegar, 2014; Cicea and
accessible to pedestrians at neighborhood and Pîrlogea, 2011, Aydemir, 2004; Oktay, 1998),
subscales (Ersoy, 2015; Aydemir, 2004). The areal preservation and maintenance of local
size should be suitable for their intended use, and vegetation (Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011, Aydemir,
they should be ergonomic, safe, aesthetic and 2004; Oktay, 1998), and regulation of ecosystem
accessible to all layers of society, (Aydemir, 2004). services (Shishegar, 2014, Roberts et al., 2019).
The level of physical activity, asphalt roads, Green areas add economic identity to the city
playgrounds (Kaczynski et al., 2008), woodland (Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011; Aydemir, 2004), attracts
areas, water elements (Kaczynski et al., 2008; investment, increases the value of urban space
Schipperijn et al., 2013), lighting, walking and and housing (Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011), makes
cycling routes, bicycle parking, beautiful positive contributions such as attracting tourists
landscape, the size of the green area (Schipperijn (Cicea and Pîrlogea, 2011; Aydemir, 2004 ). The
et al., 2013), safety (Maas et al., 2009). interaction between man and nature is beneficial
Studies on the positive effects of open and green for the health and happiness of individuals (Fuller
areas on individuals gain importance (Martinez- and Gaston, 2009; Roberts et al., 2019). Being in
Gonzalez et al., 2001). The quality of life in cities natural environments positively affects blood
mostly depends on the availability of attractive pressure, cholesterol and stress reduction, and has
and accessible green areas. There is a common a positive specific relationship with mental health
consensus on the necessity of urban green areas and cardiovascular diseases (Bedimo-Rung et al.,
for the health and happiness of individuals (Cicea 2005). Interaction with nature can take place by
and Pîrlogea, 2011). watching a natural landscape or by being in a
Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 48

natural environment (Huynh et al., 2013). Urban the current status after the spatial analysis. In other
green areas in cities have many benefits in terms words, the functional uses of the green areas and
of health (Fuller and Gaston, 2009; Roberts et al., their spatial qualification were measured in
2019; Lee and Maheswaran, 2010; Alcock et al., Kırklareli. In the considerations of urban open and
2014; Soga and Gaston, 2016) and well-being green areas, although the open and green area
(Fuller and Gaston, 2009; Soga and Gaston, 2016; standard in the current zoning legislation green
Roberts et al., 2019), and it is found that living in a area per capita should be 10 m², it was calculated
close proximity to the green area has a reducing in the present settlement areas in Kırklareli are less
effecton heart and respiratory diseases than 10 m2 and the green areas are not sufficient
(Villeneuve, et al., 2012; Tamosiunas et al., 2014) and qualified in terms of size and reinforcement. In
and there is a positive relationship between the this context, the aim of this study is to analyze the
higher level of physical activity (Cohen et al., 2007; possible psychosocial consequences and to
Toftager et al., 2011) and the frequency of green develop socio-spatial approaches.
areas usage (Cohen et al., 2007; Akpınar, 2014; In this context, the following correlations were
Nielsen and Hansen, 2007). The potential benefits examined;
from open green areas are becoming vital in cities • the proximity and the visiting time in the
where green areas are threatened by urbanisation green area
(Dallimer et al., 2011). • the frequency of green space usage and
There are various evidences that areal size of mood
green space near residential area is clearly • satisfaction of size of green area and the
correlated with physical activity (Bancroft et al., frequency of green area usage and
2015; Paquet et al., 2013) among individuals with visiting time
low stress levels (Fan et al., 2011), mental health The following hypotheses were tested.
(Gascon et al., 2015; Van den Berg, et al., 2015)  The frequency of use and spending time
happiness, and general health (Maas, 2006; rises as the areal size of green area
Verheij et al., 2008). The areal size of green space increases
also has a positive influence on loneliness, social  Emotionally positive feelings rise as the time
support, especially for children, the elderly and spending increases
individuals with low level economic status (Maas et User profiles and needs of these urban green areas
al., 2009). There is a positive link between how were defined by the survey study. Spatial analysis
often the green areas are visited, how much time were conducted and spatial suggestions were
is spent and the healing / decrease of stress and developed to increase the use of green areas in
depression symptoms (Bedimo-Rung et al., 2005). the city center by considering the user satisfaction
It is determined that there was a direct relationship and needs.
with the green area in terms of quality of life and
health (Grahn et al., 2003; Nielsen and Hansen, 2 . Study Area
2007; Stigsdotter et al., 2010). People living in the Kirklareli Province is located in transition area of the
green area more than 1 kilometer closeness use southern Thrace Region of Turkey. The province
open and green areas to do excercises less than has borders with Bulgaria to the north, Black Sea to
the individuals living in the green area less than 300 the east, Istanbul to the southeast, Tekirdag to the
meters (Toftager et al., 2011). It is determined that south and Edirne to the west (Figure 1). It has a land
the individuals who has an accessibility to green area of 6550 km² with an altitude of 203 meters
areas within a radius of 1-3 kilometers feel above the sea level, a continental climate system
themselves healthier compared to individuals and a total population of 351 684 (TURKSTAT, 2016).
living far away from green areas (Maas, 2006; Kırklareli city center, which is chosen as the study
Verheij et al., 2008). Spatial planning regulation area, is located in the central part of Kırklareli
states that urban open and green spaces such as province between 41 ° 50 'North Latitudes and 27
playgrounds, sports areas, and urban parks should ° 20' East Longitude (Figure 1). The amount of build
be planned with in the service area of 500 meters, up area in 2018 is about 868 hectares.
which is accessible unit for pedestrians (Spatial
Planning Regulation, 2014).
%92 of the total population lives in urban areas
according to the Turkish Statistical Institution data
of 2018. Therefore, urban areas have dense
population which lead destructive pressure on
urban green areas throughout the cities. The aim
of this study is to determine the socio-
psychological effects of the functions and areal
size of open green areas in Kirklareli, and to discuss
Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 49

Figure 1. Location Map of Study Area.

Kirklareli Central District has a populated by 79 093

people according to 2018 census data. The
population of the central district has been growing
steadily since 1965 (Figure 2).

Figure 3. Urban Green Areas.

Figure 2. Population Growth by Years.

Total open and green areas were determined as

64.705 hectares within the built up areas in Kırklareli
city center of 2018. The distribution of these areas
in urban space is shown in Figures 3 and 4. Urban
green and open areas compromised; the city's
parks, squares, district sports areas, children's
playgrounds and active open and green areas
available to public use as specified in the spatial
plans production regulation. The amount of open
and green areas per capita was calculated as 0.8 Figure 4. Amount of Urban Green Areas by Neigbourhood.
m2. In this respect, it is seen that open and green
areas per capita is 10 m2 which is specified in the 3. Method
same regulation. The study consists of three sections; literature study,
survey application and spatial analysis (Figure 5).
In the conceptual framework of the study, the
literature has been extensively investigated. As a
result of this study, survey questions were prepared.
Frequency, crosstab and Pearson Correlation
analyses were applied to the survey questions. The
flowchart of the study is shown below.

Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 50


Figurel 5. Flowchart of the study.

3.1 Survey Application

A survey was conducted to define the socio-
psychological effects of urban green areas and
user satisfaction. The population of Kırklareli city
center is 77226 in 2017 based on Turkey Statistical
Institute (TSI) Address Based Population
Registration System Data (ABPRS). Accordingly, Figure 6. Number of Surveys per Neigbourhood.
the distribution of population and number of
surveys by neighborhoods is as follows (Table 1). A The questions were prepared within the scope of
total of 770 survey were applied in 4% sample size the study were grouped in three main category, in
and 95% confidence level (Table 1, App. 1). The accordance with the literature review presented
number of surveys to be conducted in in the previous chapters. In the first category,
neighborhoods was determined in proportion of questions were intended for evaluating users'
population. profile. In the second category, questions were
inquired about the duration of the existing park
Table 1: Kırklareli City Center Neighborhood Population and use, the purposes of use, the demands for close
Number of Surveys Applied in the Scope of the Study. proximity to the parks and the factors affecting the
positive / negative effects of the park use. In the
third category, questions comprised about health
problems and emotions. The questions in the
survey were generally arranged on a closed-
ended and triple Likert scale. According to the
answers given to the survey about health
problems, participants with mental disorders were
the main focus group of the study. The other
participants were evaluated as control group.
The responses of the main group and the control
group were evaluated in frequency and Pearson
correlation analysis. Pearson Correlation analysis is
a method of statistical evaluation used to examine
The highest and lowest survey percentanges in the the strength of a relationship between two,
neighborhoods are Karakas with 24% of surveys, numerically measured, continuous variables.
Karacaibrahim with 15% of surveys and Dogu and Pearson Product Moment correlation coefficient
Karahidir with 2% (Figure 6). (abbreviated as p in text) is the measurement of
correlation and ranges (depending on the
correlation) between +1 and -1. +1 indicates the
strongest positive correlation possible, and -1
indicates the strongest negative correlation
possible (for the correlation coefficients between
0.00 and 0.25 means "too weak", the value
between 0.26 and 0.49 means "weak", the value
between 0.50 and 0.69 means "medium", between
0.70 and 0.89 the value means "high" and the
Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 51

value between 0,90 and 1,00 means "too high"). health problem (See App-1, Question no: 36)
But only correlations that are significant at sigf < (Table 2, Figure 8).
0.05 or 0.01 should be considered (abbreviated as
sigf in text) (Zaid, 2015:4-12) Table 2. Frequency Analysis of Survey
3.2 Spatial Analysis Frequency
Disease Ratio (%)
In the study, GIS and Remote Sensing technologies
were used for spatial representation of green Tension 6 3
areas. Aerial photographs have a significant place Respiratory 57 29
in urban planning and are an important tool for Psychological 31 16
meeting the changing economic, social and
Orthopedic 51 26
recreational needs of the society and for
Internal 36 18
monitoring of urban development. In order to get
fast and accurate results in physical planning Others 15 8
studies, it is necessary to use aerial photographs Total 196 100
frequently. Therefore, as a quick method and
providing reliable information, aerial photographs
lead to interpretations for the future in various
In this context, satellite images of 2015, obtained
from the General Directorate of Mapping, were
rectified according to the relevant external
orientation parameters and made available for
operation (Fig. 7). These maps were digitized for
analyzing green areas distribution in the city. As a
result of this qualitative and qualitative inquiries
made about the use of urban green spaces and
related spatial formation processes. Survey data
were entered into the GIS environment and spatial
representations were made.

Figure 8. Disease reates by Neigbourhood

According to the survey data, users (31 persons)

who stated that they had psychological disorder
were identified as the main group to determine
the user profile, user satisfaction and socio-
psychological effects of the parks and the other
users defined as the control group (739 persons). In
the following sections, the results will be reported in
detail in the frequency tables, cross-tables and
correlation evaluations.
In the study, user satisfaction and socio-
psychological parameters, frequency analysis
Figure 7. Urban parks in Kırklareli city center
were obtained and correlation tests were applied
4. Results and Reviews to measure the relationship strength between the
Survey undercovered the current mood of the factors affecting the user satisfaction and socio-
users, the mood in the park and the present health psychological change. (App-1). According to this;
problems were determined.196 people responded In terms of user profile;
positively to the question whether they had a  The main and the control group is
between the ages of 18-64 and has the

Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 52


education at the secondary and higher  The usage frequency of urban open and
education level. The mean age of main green areas becomes more prominent
group is lower than the control group. once a week and more than once a week
In terms of user satisfaction; in all neighborhoods of the city. Daily park
 The main group predominantly lives in visiting is quite low throughout the city
Karacaibrahim (25,8%), Karakas (22,6%) (Figure 10-11).
and Yayla (19,6%) Neighborhoods.  The main group spends time in parks once
 The main group can access to the urban a month or several times a week. However
parks in the city by 5-10 minutes walking control group visits parks several times a
time. In the correlation test, there is a high week. Similarly, the main group usually uses
positive relationship between the distance parks less than 15 minutes, while the control
to the nearest green area and the time group spends 15-30 minutes. In the
spending in the park (sigf: 0.000, p: 0.683). correlation test, it is seen that the main
 In the control group, it is seen that this group have a positive relationship
distance is up to 15 minutes. In the between visiting timein the park and the
correlation test, there is a positive accessibility, which is negatively affected
relationship between the proximity to the by the park use (sigf: 0.027, p: -0.411).
nearest green area and the time spending In the control group, there is a negative
in the park (sigf: 0.000, p: 0.577). low-level relationship (sigf: 0.000,
 There is a negative low-level relationship p: -0.284) between the time spending in
(sigf: 0.000, p: -0.275) among the responses the park and the positive effect of
given that distance to the nearest green accessibility to the parks.
area or accessibility are positively 
impacted on park use.
 The intended use of parks for main group is
limited to recreational activities. On the
other hand it was seen that there was a
multilayered use in recreational, social and
sports activities for control group. The main
explanations for the usage of urban open
and green areas are social activity in the
Karahıdır neighborhood and recreation in
other neighborhoods. The proximity of the
parks is among the last reasons for useage
(Figure 9).

Figure 10. Duration of Urban Green Space Usage.

Figure 9. Urban Green Areas Usage.

Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 53


about lighting and insecurity which

negatively affect the use of the parks. In
the correlation test, it is seen that there is a
high level of negative relationship (sigf:
0.000, p: -0.688) between the time spent in
the park and the lack of night lighting. In
the control group, the changes in the user
profile of the evening is seen as the main
 When the cross-examination table (Table
3) was observed for the change between
the current feeling and feeling in the park;
 In both groups, the users, who stated that
they are depressed, tired and stressed in
the last period, specified that they are
happy, calm and peaceful in the park.
In addition, the correlation test was
performed for the main group, there was a
positive, medium level relationship (sigf:
0.02, p: 0.410) between feeling in the park
Figure 11. Urban Green Space Usage.
and landscape elements positively affect
the use of parking.
 Both groups choose the same equipments
such as buffet and food and beverage
units which positively effect the use of the
parks, the main group differently consider
Table 2: Cross-Table in Main Group and Control Group for Current Feelings and Feelings in the Park.

Main group

Feeling In The Park

Mood Total
Energetic Tired Happy Depressed Calm and Peaceful Stressed
Energetic 1 0 1 0 0 0 2
Tired 1 1 1 1 5 0 9
Happy 1 0 1 0 0 0 2
Depressed 0 1 3 1 3 0 8
Calm and
0 0 1 1 2 0 4
Stressed 1 0 0 0 4 1 6
Total 4 2 7 3 14 1 31
Control group
Feeling In The Park
Mood Total
Energetic Tired Happy Depressed Calm and Peaceful Stressed
Energetic 54 4 21 4 56 5 144
Tired 38 13 33 11 107 1 203
Happy 26 10 38 5 64 3 146
Depressed 6 4 12 8 25 5 60
Calm and
18 5 25 8 52 6 114
Stressed 8 3 7 7 28 6 59
Total 150 39 136 43 332 26 726

3 . Conclusion inhabitants of a city have equal rights to utilize

One of the main parameters of equaility is green space and to live a healty life. Maintaining
accessibility to open green spaces that brings community green spaces enable health benefits
healtier communities. In other words, every for inhabitants such as resting, relieving stress, and

Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 54


other psychological effects that also decrease Acknowledgement

environmental and health inequalities by This article supported by Kırklareli University as
supplying them equal opportunities to use and coordinator of Scientific Research Projects.
benefit from green spaces, such as preserving from
air pollution and noise. Many studies have proved Conflict of interests
relations between green areas in close proximity to The authors declare no conflict of interest.
residential areas and health profits affirming that
spending time in green space can affect health References
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How to Cite this Article:
Tok, E , Ağdaş, M.G., Özkök, M.K and Kuru, A. (2020). Socio-
Zaid, M.A. (2015). Correlation and Regression Psychological Effects of Urban Green Areas: Case of Kirklareli City
Analysis, SESRIC:Turkey, 4-12. Center. Journal of Contemporary Urban Affairs, 4(1), 47-60.

Appendix 1: Survey Frequency Analysis Table for Main and Control Group.

Survey evauation by users that answered the "do you have any
Survey evaluation by other users
discomfort?" (see question 36) " as "psychological discomfort”

I. User Profile
Age Groups Frequency Percent (%) Age Groups Frequency Percent (%)
Young (0-17) 24 3.2 Young (0-17) 2 6.5
Adult (18-64) 689 93.2 Adult (18-64) 28 90.3
Elderly (65+) 26 3.5 Elderly (65+) 1 3.2
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0
Minimum Age: 12 Minimum Age: 16
Maximum Age: 85 Maximum Age: 67
Average Age: 32 Average Age: 26
Gender Frequency Percent (%) Gender Frequency Percent (%)
Male 429 58.1 Male 23 74.2
Female 310 41.9 Female 8 25.8
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0
Education Status Frequency Percent (%) Education Status Frequency Percent (%)
Literate 101 13.7 Literate 2 6.5
Illiterate 25 3.4 Elementary school 7 22.6
Elementary school 109 14.7 Secondary school 6 19.4
Secondary school 206 27.9 University 16 51.6
University 298 40.3 Total 31 100.0
Total 739 100.0
II. User Satisfaction
Walking Time To Nearest Park Frequency Percent (%) Walking Time To Nearest Park Frequency Percent (%)
5 minutes 278 37.6 5 minutes 10 32.3
6-10 minutes 178 24.1 6-10 minutes 10 32.3
11-15 minutes 125 16.9 11-15 minutes 4 12.9
16-20 minutes 86 11.6 16-20 minutes 2 6.5
20 minutes and more 71 9.6 20 minutes and more 5 16.1
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0

Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 58


Purpose of Park Usage Frequency Percent (%) Purpose of Park Usage Frequency Percent (%)
Rekreation 256 35.4 Recreation 17 54.8
Spor 122 16.9 Spor 5 16.1
Social activities 253 28.0 Social activities 3 9.7
Closeness to the place where they live 88 12.2 Closeness to the place where they live 1 3.2
Socialization 50 6.9 Others 5 16.1
Others 5 .7 Total 31 100.0
Total 724 100.0
Frequency of Park Usage Frequency Percent (%) Frequency of Park Usage Frequency Percent (%)
Never 27 3.7 Never 1 3.2
Once in mount 127 17.3 Once in mount 8 25.8
Once in week 261 35.6 Once in week 7 22.6
More than one in week 251 34.2 More than one in week 9 29.0
Everyday 67 9.1 Everyday 6 19.4
Total 733 100.0 Total 31 100.0
Spending Time in a Park Frequency Percent (%) Spending Time in a Park Frequency Percent (%)
15 minutes and less 396 57.6 15 minutes and less 19 61.3
15-30 minutes 176 25.6 15-30 minutes 6 19.4
30-60 minutes 87 12.6 30-60 minutes 4 12.9
60 minutes and more 29 4.2 60 minutes and more 2 6.5
Total 688 100.0 Total 31 100.0

II.I. Question 27. Do the following have a positive impact on the use of the nearby park / green area? (Prominent 3 answers)

Urban Furniture Frequency Percent (%) Accesibility Frequency Percent (%)

Yes 311 42.1 Yes 15 48.4
No 428 57.9 No 16 51.6
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0
Facilities Frequency Percent (%) Urban Furniture Frequency Percent (%)
Yes 309 41.8 Yes 12 38.7
No 430 58.2 No 19 61.3
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0
Landscape Elements Frequency Percent (%) Landscape Elements Frequency Percent (%)
Yes 253 34.2 Yes 8 25.8
No 486 65.8 No 23 74.2
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0

II.II. Question 28. Do the following have a negative impact on the use of the nearby park / green area? (Prominent 3 answers)

Pollution Frequency Percent (%) Pollution Frequency Percent (%)

Yes 384 52.0 Yes 13 41.9
No 355 48.0 No 18 58.1
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0
Noise Frequency Percent (%) Noies Frequency Percent (%)
Yes 347 47.0 Yes 10 32.3
No 392 53.0 No 21 67.7
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0

Lack of Lighting in Evening / Insecurity

User Profile Change for Night Time Frequency Percent (%) Frequency Percent (%)
(two different answers at the same rate)

Yes 241 32.6 Yes 9 29.0

No 498 67.4 No 22 71.0
Total 739 100.0 Total 31 100.0

Dr. Ezgi TOK., et al., 59
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Abner truly told me I was beginning at the wrong end when I first
spoke to him long ago. I did not understand him then, but I begin to
do so now. I may never see things clearly, as you do, in the heavenly
light; but at least I do see that our first aim and object must be to do
God’s work on earth in His way; not blinded by our own wishes and
ambitions. The fate of poor Saul Tresithny will always be a warning
and a landmark to me. He might have grown as wild and reckless
without my teaching—with that I have nothing to do—but I did teach
him dangerous doctrines of all sorts, and his life and death are a
standing memorial to me of what such teaching may lead to. I trust
the lesson has not been learned in vain.”
“And I think his death was a very happy one,” said Bride softly. “I
think I am glad he died with us alone. He loved you, Eustace. And I
am sure if any of us had our choice, we should always choose to be
with the being we love best at the moment of our death. It was so
with him. I think it was rather beautiful and wonderful how he rose
and came to you when the hand of death was upon him. Poor Saul!
—but we need not grieve for him. Abner has ceased to grieve, and is
more peaceful and happy than I have seen him for many years. ‘To
depart and be with Christ’ was so much better for him than anything
he had to expect upon earth. He learned his lesson at the last—I am
sure his end was peace.”
After that there was no reserve on any subject between Eustace and
his betrothed wife. Bride was able to speak to him from the very
depths of her heart, and as she elevated and strengthened his
spiritual perceptions, so did he in another fashion impart to her such
knowledge of the things of this world as were beneficial to her in
forming her mind and character, and helping her to obtain a just and
accurate outlook upon the affairs of the nation and the events
moving the hearts of men. They acted as a check one upon the
other; helping, strengthening, teaching, and encouraging—growing
every day nearer in love and in spirit, finding fresh happiness and
closer unity of soul each day as it passed, and always upheld by the
thought that a few days more would see their union hallowed and
blessed in the sight of God—a thought so unspeakably sweet and
precious to both that they seldom spoke of it, though it was never
altogether out of their thoughts.
Mr. St. Aubyn was to perform the ceremony, with the cordial consent
of Mr. Tremodart, who was glad to be spared the task himself. The
Rector of St. Erme had been much at the castle when Eustace lay in
so critical a state, and the young man had profited much from his
instruction and counsel. Now he came frequently to see both Bride
and her betrothed husband, for he was one of those who rejoice to
see true spirituality in all its forms, and to be certain before hearing
pronounced any solemn and binding vows that they are spoken from
the very heart.
The Duke went about looking very happy in those days, and his
manner to his daughter was more gentle and fatherly than it had
ever been before. The whole castle was in a subdued state of
excitement, whilst a lawyer from London arrived, who was to remain
till the completion of the ceremony and see to all the needful papers.
But with these things Bride felt little concern, and went about with a
tranquil face, thankful to be spared the bustle of preparation which
would have been needful under ordinary circumstances, but which
was quite superfluous now.
A bridal dress and veil were, however, quickly provided, and Bride
was content that it should be so, knowing that her white would be
pleasing to the eye of the sick man. She herself was calmly and
tranquilly happy, spending much time beside the patient, and the rest
in earnest musings and meditation, or in visits to the poor, amongst
whom so much of her life had been passed.
It was a clear, sunny morning toward the end of January when Bride
awoke with the consciousness that it was her wedding-day—though
so quiet and uneventful a wedding as was to be hers perhaps no
Duke’s daughter had yet known. Even her name would not be
changed, as Eustace had playfully told her, nor would she leave the
shelter of her father’s roof. All the change that would take place
would be that she and her husband would take up their quarters in a
suite of rooms specially prepared for them, with Bride’s nurse and
Eustace’s man for their especial attendants. But the young wife
would continue to take her place at her father’s table when he took
his meals, waiting upon her husband and sharing his at different
hours, such hours as were prescribed by his medical man. Although
all this sounded strange to outsiders, who heard with amaze that
Lady Bride was going to marry her father’s heir while he was still
crippled and helpless, it did not seem strange to her. Others said it
was an obvious marriage of convenience and diplomacy, but never
had been a marriage of purer and truer affection. Bride robed herself
with a happy heart and a serene face, and was not surprised to
receive a message at the last that Abner would much like a few
words with his young mistress, if she could spare them for him.
He was in the great conservatory when she went down—the place
where so many talks had taken place between them, and where
Bride pictured Eustace lying in comfort and pleasure before very
long, surrounded by sweet scents and beautiful blossoms. Abner
held in his hand a beautiful bouquet of white flowers, and Bride
thanked him with one of her sweetest smiles as she took it from his
“I did want to see yu my own self, my Ladybird,” he said in a voice
that shook a little, “to wish yu every joy and a blessing on your new
life. I know there will be a blessing on it, for there’s One above as
has yu very near His heart; but yu’ll let an old man as has loved yu
ever since yu were a babe in the nurse’s arms give yu his blessing
Bride held out her slim white hand, which the old man took and
carried very tenderly to his lips; and her voice shook a little as she
said, “Thank you for that blessing, Abner. I feel my heart the warmer
for it. We know that this world’s happiness is but a small thing
compared to the glory that is to be revealed; but yet we must be
thankful when it does come to us, and take it as God’s best gift. I
think that your heart is at peace now, and that your worst trouble is
laid at rest.”
“Bless the Lord—it is so indeed. My boy died with His name on his
lips. I couldn’t ask more for myself.”
Bride could not linger. Mr. St. Aubyn had already arrived and wished
to speak with her alone. She found him pacing the room with slow
and thoughtful mien, but his eyes were very bright and glad.
“My child,” he said softly, “I wished to speak with you a few moments
before we go upstairs. I have just been seeing him you are to wed.
My dear, I think I need not say all that I feel about the change I find in
him since first I knew him. I can pronounce the benediction of holy
matrimony over you two with a glad and thankful heart. In the sight of
man and of God such a union as yours must be holy indeed.”
Bride’s eyes were softly bright.
“I know we love one another,” she said softly, “but I think that the
love of God comes first—indeed, I trust it is so.”
“I believe so truly,” he answered; “and, my child, I have been talking
to-day to Eustace. He has long been hindered by sickness from the
ordinances of the Church—the most blessed ordinance instituted by
our Lord for His faithful people to follow until His coming again.
Before that, as you know, he was something slack and doubtful, and
did not avail himself of the Christian privileges in their fullest
measure; and it is long since he has partaken of the bread and wine
blessed in the name of the Lord. And he wishes now that he may
receive this Holy Communion with you—his newly wedded wife—so
soon as you are made one. I indeed have thankfully and joyfully
assented to this, and even now the room is being prepared for the
simple ceremony which shall make you his, and then you can
together partake of that Body and Blood—the sign and symbol of the
Ineffable Love. I am sure, my child, that your heart will rejoice, as
mine does, over this return of the lost sheep to the fold. We have
known for long that that son has been turning homewards, and that
the Father has gone forth to meet him. Now we shall see him at the
Father’s table, partaking of the mystical feast which it is our Christian
privilege to enjoy. ‘Do this in remembrance of Me.’ It will, I know, be a
joyous thing for you that the following of this gracious and simple
command shall be the first act of your married life.”
Tears were standing in Bride’s soft eyes. She put out her hand and
laid it on Mr. St. Aubyn’s arm.
“I am too happy to talk about it,” she said; “it is the one thing to make
the day complete; but oh! Mr. St. Aubyn, I have so often wanted to
thank you for what you said to me that day long ago about the lost
son and the returning home. It was such a help. It was that which
made me begin to pray in hope for Eustace, instead of naming him
only in a sort of faithless despondency. I was in danger of being like
the elder brother, and looking upon him and many others as
altogether beyond the pale of the Father’s love. After that I could
always pray in hope; and I think—I believe, that my prayers did help
him. You know what you said about that being God’s way of leading
to Him some one who would not yet pray for himself.”
The clergyman smiled tenderly upon the girl.
“God bless you, my child,” he said softly. “I think you will be your
mother over again as the years go by. Such faith as hers I have
never seen in any one else, but I think I shall live to see it in you.”
“I have received so much,” answered Bride softly, “I should not be
able to doubt even if I wished.”
Only a few minutes later, and Bride entered the room where Eustace
lay, leaning on her father’s arm, her face shaded by her veil, but not
so concealed that its serene beauty and composure could not be
seen. Some dozen of the old servants of the castle, and two or three
old friends, were present to witness the simple ceremony; but Bride
only saw Eustace; and none who caught the glance that flashed from
one to the other ever forgot it. The room was decked with flowers,
everything was perfectly simple, yet perfectly appropriate, and Mr.
St. Aubyn’s rendering of the holy words was doubly impressive from
the peculiar circumstances of the case. Bride’s vows were spoken
with a steady sweetness which brought tears to many eyes; all the
faltering was on Eustace’s part, and was made through the depth of
his emotion. It was a strangely simple yet strangely impressive
wedding, never forgotten by those who saw it. When all was spoken
that was needed to make them man and wife, Bride stooped and
kissed her husband, without a thought of any who stood by, and they
heard the passionate intensity of love in the voice that responded—
“My Bride—my wife!”
BRIDE was riding homewards from Pentreath to the castle on a
sunny day early in June. The sound of joy-bells was in the air, the
faces of men were glad and triumphant, all nature seemed in tune
with the general rejoicing which some recent event had plainly set on
foot; and the young wife’s face was glad, too, though thoughtfully
and temperately. For she knew that the news of which she was the
bearer would gladden the heart of her husband, though it would not
be to him now that source of triumphant exhilaration which it would
have been a year before.
Behind her rode the servant with a bag full of papers at his saddle-
bow. It was these letters and newspapers which had been the object
of Bride’s ride that day. Her husband had persuaded her to go
herself on the chance of news; he was always glad to make an
excuse to induce her to take the amount of needful air and exercise
which was good for her health, and she always found it so hard to
leave him.
But to-day she had been persuaded, and was now riding rapidly
homewards with her budget of news, knowing how impatiently her
husband and father at home would be awaiting her return.
Dismounting at the castle door, and taking the bag from the hands of
the servant, she passed hastily through hall and corridor into the
great conservatory, where Eustace was now daily wheeled upon his
couch. Since the beginning of May he had been taken down to a
ground-floor room in the wing which he and his wife occupied, in
order that, when possible, he might be taken out of doors, or into this
pleasant place of flowers. He had made as much progress as the
most sanguine could hope for during the past months, and recovery
was considered now only a matter of time and patience. Time and
patience were the only doctors for such a case as his, and Eustace
surprised all who came in contact with him by the extreme patience
and cheerfulness he showed under a condition of helplessness so
trying to youthful manhood; but he would say, with a smile, that Bride
made life too sweet for him for any repining to be possible. Each day
he found filled with happiness—the happiness of her presence, and
of that full community of soul which made their union what it was.
Every day brought its own measure of temporal happiness and
spiritual growth; and though the young man looked forward with
ardent expectation to the hope of being able to fight the battle of life
once more, and work in the service of his fellow-men, he recognised
fully and freely that this period of enforced idleness had been sent
him by the Father in mercy and love, and was resolved that the
lesson it was sent to teach him should not be learnt in vain.
The way in which his face kindled at the sight of his wife was a sight
good to see. She came quickly forward, bent over and kissed him,
and said softly—
“It is good news, Eustace. The Lords have passed the bill!”
“Ah!” he said, and drew a long breath. “I felt it would be so when the
King was obliged to recall Lord Grey. All parties must have known
then that the mind of the country was made up, and that the thing
was right, and must be made law. Have you read the news?”
“No; I only heard what they were all saying in Pentreath. I met many
friends, and they all told me something. The Duke of Wellington,
when he found the King would create enough new peers to pass the
bill, if that was the only resource left, retired from his place in the
House, and, some say, will retire from public life altogether. Lord
Wharncliffe and his party of waverers came over at once to the side
of Lord Grey, and so the bill was passed at once. The people are
wild with delight, the bells are being rung, and bonfires are being
built up. I sometimes wonder whether they really understand what it
is that they rejoice at. They seem to think that some wonderfully
good time is coming for them. Poor creatures! I fear they will be
disappointed. An act of constitutional justice has been done; but the
troubles of England lie far, far deeper than an imperfect system of
constitutional representation.”
Eustace was eagerly skimming the contents of newspapers and
private letters, and from time to time giving bits of information to his
wife; but the sense of her words came home to his mind for all that,
and by-and-bye, laying down the papers, he said—
“That is only too true, Bride. That is the very point upon which my
eyes have been opened latterly. I used to think that good
government and pure government was the backbone of a nation’s
prosperity and well-being—as in one sense of the word it is. I mean,
that if all men were doing their utmost to walk in the ways appointed
by God, we should have a pure and good government, and the
nation would prosper. But I see only too clearly now that I was quite
deceived in my old belief that this country and the world can ever be
renovated and made good by any scheme of political reform
instituted by man. We may do our best to be just and temperate, to
act uprightly, and think impartially of the interests of all classes; but
that alone will never raise them, never give them true happiness,
never lift them out of the degradation into which they, as well as too
many of us so-called ‘superiors,’ have fallen. There is only one
Power which can do that, only one Power mighty enough for that
task, and that is the Power of which I fear that we, as a nation of
politicians and upright rulers, think singularly little. The time may
come when we shall awake to the remembrance that God must be
Ruler in the earth if right and justice and equity are to be done; but at
present, though we listen to such words with approval from the
pulpit, we are absolutely ignorant how to put them into daily practice,
and our profession and practice are utterly at variance. That is where
our failure comes in, and where I, for one, foresee failure all along
the line. This bill may be the inauguration of an enlightened and
liberal policy for the next generation; but my old hope of seeing the
world raised out of its misery, its degradation, its wickedness by any
such means, is fading fast within me.”
Bride was silent for a while, looking out before her with a sweet sad
smile upon her fair face.
“It will not be achieved by such means,” she said quietly at last; “and
yet, if men would but look to the Lord for help and deliverance, I truly
believe He would show us the perfect way, and restore to us those
things which are lacking in the order of our daily lives, of our worship,
of our government. We know that the powers that be are ordained of
God; but we have lost so much of His guidance. Yet I verily believe
that if men would with one voice and one heart cry to Him for light
and guidance, He would send it to them, even as in days of old. Is
He not the same yesterday, to-day, and for ever? Though we have
forsaken Him, yet He has not forsaken us. As He spoke by holy men
of old, moved by His Spirit, so I truly believe He would speak again
had men but faith to listen. But it is that which is always the
stumbling-block—the hindrance. Men have lost their faith; they will
not believe that God is still amongst them, even as of old—nay, far
more truly and nearly than of old; for Christ is the living Head of His
Church, and all who believe and are baptized are very members of
His mystical Body. And yet we say He is far away, He has passed
into the heavens, He is no more working with and amongst us, save
through the workings of the Spirit in our hearts. But I feel so very,
very sure that, would we let Him, He would fain be much more to us
than that, as indeed He will be one day—in the day when the
Kingdom shall be set up on earth.”
Eustace drew a long breath. He, too, lying there in helplessness, and
seeing much of the brightness of his early visions fade into dimness
as he watched the course of events and learned to see more of the
workings of this world, had come to think with a great longing of the
coming Kingdom, when all that is vile and evil shall be done away,
and when Christ Himself shall be revealed and rule in righteousness.
Once that thought had seemed to him as the veriest vision of the
mystic; now he had come to long for it himself with a great and
increasing longing. Loving his fellow-men as he did, he yet loved the
Lord more; and to see Him reigning over the world, and the misery
and the sin all done away, was a prospect too bright and happy not
to excite his ardent longings. Even in his satisfaction at the news just
brought, he could yet think with calm hopefulness of the time when
the crooked things should be made straight, and the rough places
plain, and men should live together in peace and love, and strivings
and hatred should be done away.
“And until that day comes,” he said softly at last, “we shall do more to
help our brethren by teaching them to look for the Kingdom of God
and of His Christ, than by stirring up in their hearts desires after
earthly good which perhaps may never be theirs.”
Bride looked up with a sweet smile.
“Ah! that is just what I feel about it, Eustace; let us do all that is right
for them, but teach them to strive after contentment and love of God
themselves. That is the only thing that will really raise them or make
them truly happy.”
“Seek ye first——” said Eustace musingly, not finishing the
quotation, for there was no need. “After all, that is the best and
highest wisdom, though for eighteen hundred years men have had
the answer to their strivings and heart-burnings under their hand,
and have not known how to use it. You must help me, sweet wife, in
the future, when I go forth, as I trust by God’s mercy I may, to take
my place in the battle of life, and stand up for the right and the truth,
as I may be called upon to do, to bear in mind that great precept, for
without it we can accomplish nothing.”
Bride gave him an eloquent glance, but made no reply, for her father
was coming in, anxious to know the news.
She told her tale once more, and the papers were read and
discussed between the two men with eager interest. It was strange
how, by almost imperceptible degrees, those two had drawn together
—not entirely in opinion, but in mutual understanding and sympathy,
so that differences of opinion seemed trifles. Now it was real
pleasure to both to be together; and though they still argued and
disputed, it was in a spirit of toleration and mutual respect and liking
which made such argument pleasant and stimulating rather than
irritating. The Duke took a more despondent view of the future of the
country than Eustace, and had far less confidence in the success of
the coming era of more liberal principles of government for
redressing wrongs and bringing about a lasting state of prosperity
and peace; but then Eustace was far less sanguine about the
coming Utopia, far more patient and reasonable when existing
wrongs were discussed, far less confident in the powers of
legislation for the elevation of mankind than he once had been. Like
many other ardent young dreamers in the forefront of the battle of
reform, he had practically left out of his calculations the mystery of
original sin—the inherent corruption of men’s hearts, and their
perversity of vision, their determination to do evil until their eyes are
opened to see God’s dealings in all things, and their hearts are
purified by the Holy Spirit. No system, however perfect, will ever
make men righteous that does not first lead them to God. It was this
that Eustace had never realised before when he sought to raise men
by increased prosperity, and wiser and more just legislation. Now he
had begun to see the futility of his former dreams, and insensibly he
grew to sympathise with the feelings of his kinsman, who had lived
through so many crises of the world’s history, but had found at the
end that human nature was never changed, and that no era of bliss
and joy followed upon the violent efforts made to secure a better
order of things.
Leaving them to talk thus together and to discuss the situation to
their hearts’ content, Bride stole away into the garden, and wandered
along some of the shady paths, thinking her own thoughts, and filled
with a sense of profound thankfulness and joy in the unity of spirit
now existing between herself and her husband. It was the same daily
joy to her that it was to him, and her heart was charged with a peace
and restful content that sometimes seemed to her to be a foretaste
of the Kingdom itself, towards which her heart was always turning.
In one of the alleys of the rose-garden she came upon Abner, who
was tying up the young shoots upon the arch, and picking off the
dead blossoms. He welcomed her with the smile that the sight of her
always called up in his eyes, and stood still with a face full of interest
whilst she told him the news.
“Well, well, well,” he said when she had done, “may be it’ll be a good
thing. It sounds just, and right, and reasonable; but I don’t
understand these big matters, and there’s a deal to be said on both
sides, so far as I can see. My poor boy would have been pleased.
He was terrible set on it; but I used to think that when he got it, he
would find himself as discontented as ever, and set off after some
new teacher who would tell him this was only the beginning of what
men must demand. May be he sees things clearer now. I sometimes
think we’ll know a deal better what to think of such matters once we
are free of the burden of the sinful flesh. But there’s always comfort
in the thought that the Lord’s working in one way or another in all
these things. He sees the fulfilment of His purpose all through,
though we can’t. That’s what I comfort myself with when things seem
blackest. The frost and the snow, the biting winds and the storms, all
seem against the gardener; but by-and-bye he sees they all have
their use, and his plants would not have done as well without them. I
always go back to that when I’m perplexed and worried. The great
Gardener will bring out His perfected garden on the earth in time;
and it should be enough for us to be trying to help Him on in our little
corner, without thinking He can’t rule the world without us.”
Bride smiled as she answered softly—
“Yes; though perhaps He wants to use some of us for great tasks, as
He uses us all for little ones. But I know what you mean, Abner, and I
feel with you. We can never fully understand God’s purposes till they
are revealed to us in His perfect Kingdom; but we can all strive to
live the life of the Kingdom here below, as far as our sinful natures
will let us, and try to make just the little corner about us bear flowers
and fruit, as a garden should. I do not think we shall be called upon
for any great work. I think our lot will lie here, away in the west, in
this little place. But, for my part, I shall be content if we can bring the
hope and the life of the Kingdom into just this little corner of the
vineyard—to our sisters and brothers of St. Bride’s Bay.”
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