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Savings User Guide

Oracle FLEXCUBE Universal Banking


Part No. E53393-01

April 2014
Savings User Guide
April 2014
Oracle Financial Services Software Limited

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1. Preface ...................................................................................................... 1-1

1.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 1-1
1.2 Audience.................................................................................................................. 1-1
1.3 Documentation Accessibility.................................................................................... 1-1
1.4 Organization ............................................................................................................ 1-1
1.5 Abbreviations used .................................................................................................. 1-2
1.6 Related Documents ................................................................................................. 1-2
1.7 Glossary of Icons..................................................................................................... 1-2
2. Savings - An Overview ............................................................................ 2-1
2.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.1 User Roles.................................................................................................. 2-1
2.1.2 Salient features........................................................................................... 2-1
2.1.3 Data Replication ......................................................................................... 2-1
3. Transaction Workflow ............................................................................ 3-1
3.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 3-1
3.1.1 Features of Savings Workflow.................................................................... 3-1
3.2 Workflow Interfaces ................................................................................................. 3-1
3.2.1 Locking a Workflow stage........................................................................... 3-2
3.2.2 Tracking and Auditing................................................................................. 3-2
3.2.3 Defining a Workflow stage ......................................................................... 3-2
3.3 Maintaining Function Group .................................................................................... 3-2
3.4 Maintaining Workflow Definition .............................................................................. 3-3
3.4.1 Specifying User Preferences Details .......................................................... 3-4
3.4.2 Specifying Validation Preferences Details.................................................. 3-5
3.4.3 Specifying Authorization Preferences Details............................................. 3-5
3.4.4 Specifying Branch Workflow Details........................................................... 3-6
3.4.5 Handling of Local Transactions and Pure Query........................................ 3-7
3.4.6 Maintaining Auto Assignment of Authorizer................................................ 3-8
3.4.7 Maintaining Default Authorizer ................................................................... 3-8
3.5 Maintaining User Role Definition ............................................................................. 3-9
3.5.1 Maintaining Denomination Tracking ......................................................... 3-10
3.5.2 Maintaining Savings Function Definition................................................... 3-10
3.6 Stages in Workflow Transaction Flow ................................................................... 3-11
3.6.1 Input Stage ............................................................................................... 3-13
3.6.2 Enrich Stage ............................................................................................. 3-14
3.6.3 Running Savings EOD Mandatory............................................................ 3-14
4. Common Operations .............................................................................. 4-1
4.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 4-1
4.2 Workflow Task List .................................................................................................. 4-1
4.3 Clearing a User........................................................................................................ 4-1
4.4 Authorizing a Transaction........................................................................................ 4-2
4.4.1 Manual Assignment .................................................................................... 4-2
4.4.2 Auto Assignment ........................................................................................ 4-4
4.4.3 Displaying Overrides and Errors................................................................. 4-4
4.4.4 Reversing a Transaction............................................................................. 4-4
4.5 Initiating a Customer Session.................................................................................. 4-5
4.5.1 Ending a Customer Session ....................................................................... 4-8
4.6 Opening the Branch................................................................................................. 4-8
4.7 Opening a Vault/Till ................................................................................................. 4-8
4.8 Balancing and Closing a Till .................................................................................... 4-9
4.8.1 Specifying Cash Details............................................................................ 4-10
4.8.2 TC Details................................................................................................. 4-11
4.9 Teller Totals........................................................................................................... 4-12
5. Data Replication ....................................................................................... 5-1
5.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 5-1
5.1.1 Maintaining Replication Parameters........................................................... 5-1
5.1.2 Data Replication Process ........................................................................... 5-3
5.1.3 Replicating data from Host – Automatic Refresh........................................ 5-4
5.1.4 Replicating Data Using Script .................................................................... 5-4
5.1.5 Replicating data from Branch - Ad-hoc basis ............................................. 5-5
5.2 Querying on replicated records ............................................................................... 5-8
5.3 Steps to follow during Setup.................................................................................... 5-9
6. Maintenances for Savings ...................................................................... 6-1
6.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 6-1
6.2 Maintaining TC Denomination Details ..................................................................... 6-1
7. Maintaining Passbook ............................................................................ 7-1
7.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 7-1
7.2 Maintaining Passbook Details ................................................................................ 7-1
7.3 Changing Passbook Status ..................................................................................... 7-4
7.4 Passbook Reports ................................................................................................... 7-5
8. Cash Transactions ................................................................................... 8-1
8.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 8-1
8.2 Depositing Cash ..................................................................................................... 8-1
8.2.1 Specifying denomination details ................................................................. 8-5
8.2.2 Specifying charge details............................................................................ 8-6
8.2.3 Specifying MIS details ................................................................................ 8-7
8.2.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................... 8-8
8.2.5 Specifying Project Details........................................................................... 8-8
8.2.6 Authorization stage................................................................................... 8-11
8.2.7 Viewing errors and overrides.................................................................... 8-13
8.2.8 Cash Deposit in Two Step Processing ..................................................... 8-13
8.3 Withdrawing Cash ................................................................................................. 8-15
8.3.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 8-17
8.3.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-18
8.3.3 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 8-19
8.3.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 8-20
8.3.5 Specifying Project Details......................................................................... 8-20
8.3.6 Cash Withdrawal in Two Step Processing................................................ 8-21
8.4 Transferring Cash.................................................................................................. 8-22
8.4.1 Specifying PC Details ............................................................................... 8-23
8.5 Closing out Withdrawal by Cash........................................................................... 8-25
8.5.1 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 8-28
8.5.2 Specifying the MIS Details........................................................................ 8-28
8.5.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-28
8.6 Exchanging Denominations .................................................................................. 8-29
8.6.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 8-30
8.7 Paying a Bill by Cash ............................................................................................ 8-31
8.7.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 8-34
8.7.2 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 8-34
8.8 Paying a Bill against Account ................................................................................ 8-34
8.8.1 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-37
8.8.2 Specifying the MIS details ........................................................................ 8-37
8.8.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-37
8.9 Requesting for Funds Transfer.............................................................................. 8-38
8.9.1 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-41
8.9.2 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 8-42
8.9.3 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 8-42
8.9.4 Specifying Project Details......................................................................... 8-43
8.10 Making a Stop Payment ........................................................................................ 8-45
8.10.1 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 8-47
8.11 Selling Foreign Exchange to a Walk-in Customer ................................................. 8-47
8.11.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 8-49
8.11.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-49
8.11.3 Specifying the MIS details ........................................................................ 8-49
8.11.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 8-49
8.12 Purchasing Foreign Exchange from a Walk-in Customer ..................................... 8-49
8.12.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 8-51
8.12.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-51
8.12.3 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 8-51
8.12.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 8-51
8.13 Purchasing FX against Account ............................................................................ 8-52
8.13.1 Denomination Details Tab ........................................................................ 8-54
8.13.2 Charges Tab............................................................................................. 8-54
8.13.3 MIS Tab .................................................................................................... 8-54
8.13.4 UDF Tab ................................................................................................... 8-54
8.14 Issuing a TT against Account ............................................................................... 8-55
8.14.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 8-57
8.14.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-58
8.14.3 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 8-59
8.14.4 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-59
8.15 Issuing a TT against GL ....................................................................................... 8-59
8.15.1 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 8-62
8.15.2 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 8-62
8.15.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-62
8.16 Issuing a TT to a Walk-in Customer ..................................................................... 8-63
8.16.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 8-65
8.16.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-65
8.16.3 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 8-66
8.16.4 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-66
8.17 Issuing Multiple TT against Account...................................................................... 8-66
8.17.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 8-68
8.18 Issuing Multiple TT for Walk In .............................................................................. 8-68
8.18.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 8-70
8.19 Maintaining TT Test Keys...................................................................................... 8-70
8.20 Inward TT Registration .......................................................................................... 8-72
8.20.1 Specifying Charge details......................................................................... 8-75
8.20.2 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 8-75
8.20.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-75
8.21 Liquidating a TT against GL ................................................................................. 8-75
8.21.1 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-78
8.21.2 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 8-78
8.21.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-78
8.22 Liquidating a TT against Account .......................................................................... 8-79
8.22.1 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-81
8.22.2 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 8-81
8.22.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-81
8.23 Liquidating a TT for a Walk-in Customer ............................................................... 8-82
8.23.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 8-84
8.23.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 8-84
8.23.3 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 8-84
8.23.4 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 8-85
8.24 Inquiring on a TT Transaction................................................................................ 8-85
8.25 Transaction Reversal............................................................................................. 8-86
8.26 Disbursing Loan Manually By Cash....................................................................... 8-86
8.27 Repaying Loan Manually By Cash ........................................................................ 8-89
8.28 Processing Safe Deposit Box Rentals................................................................... 8-92
8.28.1 Input Stage ............................................................................................... 8-92
8.28.2 Enrichment Stage ..................................................................................... 8-93
8.29 Viewing Availability of Denomination in Till ........................................................... 8-95
8.30 Querying Till Vault Position ................................................................................... 8-96
8.31 Sale of Foreign Currency against CASA Account ................................................. 8-97
8.31.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 8-99
8.31.2 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 8-99
8.31.3 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 8-99
8.31.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 8-99
9. Instrument Transactions ......................................................................... 9-1
9.1 Introduction.............................................................................................................. 9-1
9.2 Withdrawing Cash against a Cheque ...................................................................... 9-1
9.2.1 Specifying denomination details ................................................................. 9-4
9.2.2 Specifying charge details............................................................................ 9-5
9.2.3 Specifying the MIS details .......................................................................... 9-6
9.2.4 Specifying the UDF details ......................................................................... 9-7
9.2.5 Depositing a Cheque ................................................................................. 9-8
9.2.6 Capturing instrument details..................................................................... 9-11
9.2.7 Specifying Project Details......................................................................... 9-12
9.2.8 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-13
9.2.9 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 9-14
9.2.10 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-14
9.3 Depositing a Cheque into a GL ............................................................................. 9-14
9.3.1 Specifying Instrument Details ................................................................... 9-15
9.3.2 Specifying Instrument Details ................................................................... 9-17
9.3.3 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 9-18
9.3.4 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 9-19
9.3.5 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-19
9.4 Depositing an In-house Cheque ........................................................................... 9-19
9.4.1 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-23
9.4.2 Specifying MIS details .............................................................................. 9-23
9.4.3 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-24
9.5 Tracking a Cheque Return .................................................................................... 9-25
9.6 Cheque Return Batch ............................................................................................ 9-27
9.6.1 Maintaining Function Input Details ........................................................... 9-27
9.6.2 Triggering Cheque Return Processing Batch ........................................... 9-28
9.7 Querying Cheque Status ....................................................................................... 9-29
9.8 Selling a TC against an Account ........................................................................... 9-30
9.8.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details ........................................................ 9-33
9.8.2 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-34
9.8.3 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-34
9.8.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-35
9.9 Selling a TC against a GL...................................................................................... 9-36
9.9.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details ........................................................ 9-39
9.9.2 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-39
9.9.3 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-39
9.9.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-40
9.10 Selling a TC to a Walk-in Customer ...................................................................... 9-41
9.10.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details ........................................................ 9-43
9.10.2 Specifying Currency Denomination Details .............................................. 9-43
9.10.3 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-44
9.10.4 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-45
9.10.5 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-46
9.11 Purchasing a TC against an Account .................................................................... 9-46
9.11.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details ........................................................ 9-49
9.11.2 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-49
9.11.3 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-49
9.11.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-50
9.12 Purchasing a TC from a Walk-in Customer ........................................................... 9-51
9.12.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details ........................................................ 9-54
9.12.2 Specifying Currency Denomination Details .............................................. 9-54
9.12.3 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-54
9.12.4 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-55
9.12.5 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-56
9.13 Making Cross Border Payments............................................................................ 9-56
9.13.1 Specifying the Transfer Details................................................................. 9-59
9.13.2 Specifying the Messaging Information ..................................................... 9-59
9.13.3 Specifying the Customer Transfer Details ................................................ 9-59
9.14 Selling a DD Issue against an Account ................................................................. 9-60
9.14.1 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-64
9.14.2 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-64
9.14.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 9-65
9.15 Viewing OFAC Check Response........................................................................... 9-67
9.16 Issuing DD against Cheque................................................................................... 9-67
9.16.1 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-71
9.16.2 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-72
9.16.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 9-72
9.17 Liquidating a DD against a GL............................................................................... 9-74
9.18 Liquidating a DD against an Account .................................................................... 9-77
9.18.1 Specifying Charge Details ........................................................................ 9-82
9.18.2 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-82
9.18.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 9-82
9.19 Liquidating a DD for a Walk-in Customer .............................................................. 9-84
9.19.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 9-88
9.19.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 9-89
9.19.3 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-89
9.19.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-90
9.20 Issuing a DD to a Walk-in Customer ..................................................................... 9-91
9.20.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 9-94
9.20.2 Specifying charge details.......................................................................... 9-95
9.20.3 Specifying MIS Details.............................................................................. 9-96
9.20.4 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 9-97
9.20.5 Invoking OFAC Check .............................................................................. 9-98
9.21 Issuing a DD against a GL..................................................................................... 9-98
9.21.1 Specifying charge details........................................................................ 9-102
9.21.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-102
9.21.3 Specifying UDF Details........................................................................... 9-102
9.21.4 Invoking OFAC Check ............................................................................ 9-103
9.22 Inquiring on a DD Transaction............................................................................. 9-104
9.23 Re-validating DD Instrument ............................................................................... 9-107
9.23.1 Query Stage ........................................................................................... 9-107
9.23.2 Input Stage ............................................................................................. 9-108
9.23.3 Enrichment Stage ................................................................................... 9-110
9.24 Reprinting / Reissuing of DD ............................................................................... 9-111
9.24.1 Query Stage ........................................................................................... 9-111
9.25 Issuing Duplicate DD Instrument ......................................................................... 9-112
9.25.1 Query Stage ........................................................................................... 9-113
9.25.2 Input Stage ............................................................................................. 9-113
9.25.3 Enrichment Stage ................................................................................... 9-115
9.26 Viewing Instrument Reprint Summary ................................................................. 9-116
9.27 Selling a BC against an Account ......................................................................... 9-117
9.27.1 Specifying Charge Details ...................................................................... 9-121
9.27.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-122
9.27.3 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-122
9.27.4 Invoking OFAC Check ............................................................................ 9-124
9.28 Selling BC against Cheque.................................................................................. 9-124
9.28.1 Specifying Charge Details ...................................................................... 9-128
9.28.2 Specifying MIS details ............................................................................ 9-129
9.28.3 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-130
9.29 Close Out Withdrawal by BC ............................................................................... 9-131
9.29.1 Specifying Charge Details ...................................................................... 9-133
9.29.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-134
9.29.3 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-134
9.30 Account Close Out Withdrawal............................................................................ 9-136
9.30.1 Specifying Charge Details ...................................................................... 9-138
9.30.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-138
9.30.3 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-139
9.31 Issuing a BC against a GL................................................................................... 9-139
9.31.1 Specifying Charge Details ...................................................................... 9-143
9.31.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-143
9.31.3 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-143
9.31.4 Invoking OFAC Check ............................................................................ 9-143
9.32 Issuing a BC to a walk-in customer ..................................................................... 9-144
9.32.1 Invoking OFAC Check ............................................................................ 9-148
9.32.2 Specifying denomination details ............................................................. 9-148
9.32.3 Specifying charge details........................................................................ 9-148
9.32.4 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-149
9.32.5 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-150
9.33 Liquidating a BC against an account ................................................................... 9-150
9.33.1 Specifying charge details........................................................................ 9-154
9.33.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-154
9.33.3 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-154
9.34 Liquidating a BC against a GL............................................................................. 9-155
9.34.1 Specifying charge details........................................................................ 9-159
9.34.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 9-159
9.34.3 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-159
9.35 Liquidating a BC for a walk-in customer .............................................................. 9-160
9.35.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................. 9-164
9.35.2 Specifying charge details........................................................................ 9-165
9.35.3 Specifying MIS details ............................................................................ 9-165
9.35.4 Specifying the UDF details ..................................................................... 9-165
9.36 Inquiring on a BC Transaction ............................................................................. 9-165
9.37 Re-validating BC Instrument................................................................................ 9-168
9.37.1 Query Stage ........................................................................................... 9-168
9.37.2 Input Stage ............................................................................................. 9-169
9.37.3 Enrichment Stage ................................................................................... 9-170
9.38 Reprinting / Reissuing Banker’s Cheque............................................................. 9-171
9.38.1 Query Stage ........................................................................................... 9-171
9.38.2 Input Stage ............................................................................................. 9-174
9.39 Issuing Duplicate BC Instrument ......................................................................... 9-175
9.39.1 Query Stage ........................................................................................... 9-175
9.39.2 Input Stage ............................................................................................. 9-176
9.39.3 Enrichment Stage ................................................................................... 9-177
9.40 Reversing BC/DD Liquidation.............................................................................. 9-178
10. General Ledger Transactions ............................................................... 10-1
10.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 10-1
10.2 Miscellaneous Debits to a Customer’s Account .................................................... 10-1
10.2.1 Specifying the charge details.................................................................... 10-4
10.2.2 Specifying the MIS Details........................................................................ 10-4
10.2.3 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 10-5
10.3 Miscellaneous Credits to a Customer’s Account ................................................... 10-6
10.3.1 Specifying the charge details.................................................................. 10-10
10.3.2 Specifying the MIS details ...................................................................... 10-10
10.3.3 Specifying UDF Details........................................................................... 10-10
10.4 Miscellaneous Debit to a General Ledger Account ............................................. 10-11
10.4.1 Specifying the denomination details ....................................................... 10-14
10.4.2 Specifying the charge details.................................................................. 10-14
10.4.3 Specifying MIS details ............................................................................ 10-15
10.4.4 Specifying UDF details ........................................................................... 10-16
10.5 Miscellaneous Credit to a General Ledger Account ............................................ 10-16
10.5.1 Specifying the denomination details ....................................................... 10-19
10.5.2 Specifying the charge details.................................................................. 10-19
10.5.3 Specifying the MIS details ...................................................................... 10-19
10.5.4 Specifying UDF Details........................................................................... 10-20
10.6 Miscellaneous GL Transfer.................................................................................. 10-21
10.6.1 Specifying the charge details.................................................................. 10-23
10.6.2 Specifying the MIS details ...................................................................... 10-23
10.6.3 Specifying UDF Details........................................................................... 10-23
11. Time Deposit Transactions ................................................................... 11-1
11.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 11-1
11.2 Opening a TD Account for Multi Mode Pay In ....................................................... 11-1
11.2.1 Specifying Term Deposit Details .............................................................. 11-5
11.2.2 Specifying Interest Details ...................................................................... 11-16
11.2.3 Specifying joint account holder details ................................................... 11-18
11.2.4 Specifying the dual currency deposit details .......................................... 11-19
11.2.5 Specifying the Check List Details ........................................................... 11-20
11.2.6 Capturing the Pay-Out Parameters ........................................................ 11-22
11.2.7 Specifying Child TD Details .................................................................... 11-25
11.2.8 Capturing Pay-Out Parameters .............................................................. 11-30
11.2.9 Specifying Denominated Deposit Details ............................................... 11-32
11.3 Opening a TD Account for Multi Mode Pay Out .................................................. 11-33
11.4 Topping-up a TD.................................................................................................. 11-33
11.5 Opening a Islamic TD Account for Multi Mode .................................................... 11-37
11.5.1 Specifying Term Deposit Details ............................................................ 11-38
11.5.2 Specifying Profit Details.......................................................................... 11-41
11.6 Manual Pay-Out TD Redemption ........................................................................ 11-43
11.6.1 Capturing the Pay-Out Parameters ........................................................ 11-50
11.6.2 Specifying Child TD Details .................................................................... 11-53
11.6.3 Capturing Pay-Out Parameters Details .................................................. 11-60
11.7 Processing Close Out Withdrawal by Multi Mode................................................ 11-61
11.7.1 Maintaining Pay-out Parameters ............................................................ 11-64
12. Credit Card Payments ........................................................................... 12-1
12.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 12-1
12.2 Processing Payments by In-House Bank Cheques............................................... 12-1
12.3 Processing Payments by Other Bank Cheques .................................................... 12-4
12.4 Processing Payments by Cash.............................................................................. 12-6
12.4.1 Currency Denomination Tab..................................................................... 12-8
12.4.2 Charge Details Tab................................................................................... 12-9
12.5 Processing Payments by Account ......................................................................... 12-9
12.5.1 Charge Details Tab................................................................................. 12-12
12.6 Processing Credit Card Payment Reversals ....................................................... 12-12
12.7 Viewing Credit Card Reversal Payments ............................................................ 12-13
13. Vault Operations .................................................................................... 13-1
13.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 13-1
13.2 Transferring Cash from Vault ................................................................................ 13-1
13.2.1 Capturing denomination details ................................................................ 13-1
13.3 Transferring Cash to Vault..................................................................................... 13-2
13.3.1 Capturing denomination details ................................................................ 13-3
13.4 Buying Cash from Central Bank ............................................................................ 13-4
13.4.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 13-5
13.4.2 Specifying the MIS Details........................................................................ 13-6
13.4.3 Specifying UDF Details............................................................................. 13-6
13.5 Selling Cash to Central Bank................................................................................. 13-7
13.5.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 13-9
13.5.2 Specifying MIS Details............................................................................ 13-10
13.5.3 Specifying UDF Details........................................................................... 13-10
13.6 Buying TCs from Agent ....................................................................................... 13-11
13.6.1 Specifying TC Details ............................................................................. 13-12
13.7 Buying TCs from Head Office.............................................................................. 13-13
13.7.1 Capturing TC Details .............................................................................. 13-14
13.8 Selling TCs to Head Office .................................................................................. 13-15
13.8.1 Capturing TC Details .............................................................................. 13-15
13.9 Buying TCs from Vault......................................................................................... 13-16
13.9.1 Capturing TC Details .............................................................................. 13-17
13.10 Returning TCs to Vault ........................................................................................ 13-18
13.11 Capturing TC Details ........................................................................................... 13-18
13.12 Viewing TCs available with Vault......................................................................... 13-20
14. Balancing Operations ............................................................................ 14-1
14.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 14-1
14.2 Book Shortage....................................................................................................... 14-1
14.2.1 Specifying denomination details ............................................................... 14-2
14.2.2 Specifying the MIS details ........................................................................ 14-2
14.2.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 14-3
14.3 Booking Overage................................................................................................... 14-3
14.3.1 Specifying Denomination Details.............................................................. 14-4
14.3.2 Specifying the MIS details ........................................................................ 14-5
14.3.3 Specifying the UDF details ....................................................................... 14-6
14.4 Transfer Cash from Teller...................................................................................... 14-7
14.5 Interbranch Transactions....................................................................................... 14-9
14.6 Liquidating Interbranch Transaction .................................................................... 14-11
15. Branch Deployment Options ................................................................ 15-1
15.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 15-1
15.2 Deployment Options .............................................................................................. 15-1
15.2.1 Centralized Deployment ........................................................................... 15-1
15.2.2 De-centralized Deployment ...................................................................... 15-1
15.3 Processing Transactions in Offline Mode .............................................................. 15-3
15.4 Tanking and Untanking.......................................................................................... 15-5
15.5 Auto-Reversal Process.......................................................................................... 15-6
15.6 Offline Batch Process Flow ................................................................................... 15-6
15.6.1 Process Flow for Online Branch which uploads Offline Transactions ...... 15-6
16. Batches ................................................................................................... 16-1
16.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 16-1
16.2 Clearing Inward Cheque Data Entry...................................................................... 16-1
16.3 Clearing Inward Data Entry ................................................................................... 16-3
16.4 Consolidated Cheques Data Entry ........................................................................ 16-6
16.5 Clearing Outward Data Entry................................................................................. 16-9
16.6 Running EOD ...................................................................................................... 16-13
16.7 Querying Tellers Status ....................................................................................... 16-13
17. Reports ................................................................................................... 17-1
17.1 Introduction............................................................................................................ 17-1
17.2 Savings Insignificant Balance Accounts Report .................................................... 17-1
17.2.1 Contents of the Report ............................................................................. 17-2
17.3 Blocked Accounts Report ...................................................................................... 17-3
17.3.1 Contents of the Report ............................................................................. 17-3
17.4 Account Balance Listing Report ............................................................................ 17-4
17.4.1 Contents of the Report ............................................................................. 17-4
17.5 Saving Accounts Opened Today Report ............................................................... 17-5
17.5.1 Contents of the Report ............................................................................. 17-6
17.6 Saving Accounts Closed Today Report................................................................. 17-6
17.6.1 Contents of the Report ............................................................................. 17-7
17.7 Flat File - Cheque Book Requested Report........................................................... 17-8
17.7.1 Contents of the Report ............................................................................. 17-8
17.8 Savings Large Balance Movements Report .......................................................... 17-8
17.8.1 Contents of the Report ............................................................................. 17-9
17.9 Accounts Dormant Next Month Report.................................................................. 17-9
17.9.1 Contents of the Report ........................................................................... 17-10
17.10 Savings Account Dormant Today Report ............................................................ 17-11
17.10.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-11
17.11 Re-validated Instruments Report......................................................................... 17-12
17.11.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-12
17.12 Reissued Instrument Report................................................................................ 17-13
17.12.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-14
17.13 Duplicate Instrument Issued Report .................................................................... 17-15
17.13.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-16
17.14 Savings Overline/TOD Report ............................................................................. 17-17
17.14.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-18
17.15 Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report........................................................................... 17-19
17.15.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-20
17.16 Large Debit Balance Report ................................................................................ 17-21
17.16.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-21
17.17 Intra bank Transfer Report .................................................................................. 17-21
17.17.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-22
17.18 Flat File Cheque Book Requested Report........................................................... 17-23
17.18.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-24
17.19 Signatory Details Report...................................................................................... 17-24
17.19.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-24
17.20 Daily Processed Transactions Report ................................................................. 17-25
17.20.1 Contents of the Report .......................................................................... 17-26
18. Function ID Glossary ............................................................................. 18-1
1. Preface
1.1 Introduction
This User Manual is prepared to familiarize you with the Savings module of Oracle
FLEXCUBE. The manual gives you an overview of the module and explains all the
maintenances required for its smooth functioning. It also takes you through the different types
of transactions that may be handled through this module.

1.2 Audience
This manual is intended for your Branch Tellers, Vault Operators and Branch Supervisors to
provide quick and efficient service to customers and prospects of your bank.

1.3 Documentation Accessibility

For information about Oracle's commitment to accessibility, visit the Oracle Accessibility
Program website at

1.4 Organization
This manual is organized into the following chapters:

Preface - Gives information on the intended audience. It also lists the

Chapter 1
various chapters covered in this User Manual.

Savings - An Overview provides a snapshot of the features of the entire

Chapter 2

Transaction Workflow - Describes the role of the Workflow engine in

Chapter 3
transaction processing.

Common Operations - Details the common operations that you can per-
Chapter 4
form when processing transactions in this module.

Chapter 4 Data Replication – Details replicating host data in the branch.

Maintenances for Savings - Details the various maintenances (E.g.

Chapter 6 Account opening instructions, TC Denomination details Reconciliation
details etc.) for the module.

Maintaining Passbook - Details the maintenances needed for the issu-

Chapter 7
ance of passbook at the Bank parameter and account class level

Cash Transactions - explains all the cash-based transactions that can be

Chapter 8
performed through this module.

Instrument Transactions - Describes the various instrument-based trans-

Chapter 9
actions that can be performed in this module.

General Ledger Transaction - Explains miscellaneous debit and credit

Chapter 10
transactions GL transactions.

Time Deposit Transactions - Explains the various types of transactions in

Chapter 11
this category.

Credit Card Payments – Explains the various types of payments in this
Chapter 12

Vault Operations - Explains the different types of Vault operations availa-

Chapter 13
ble in branch.

Balancing Operations - Explains the balancing operations available in

Chapter 14
this module.

Batches - Details the various automatic processes applicable for the

Chapter 14

Branch Deployment Options - Details various branch deployment

Chapter 15

Chapter 16 Batches - Details various batch operations done in this module.

Reports - provides a list of reports that can be generated in this module

Chapter 17
and also explains their contents.

Function ID Glossary - has alphabetical listing of Function/Screen ID's

Chapter 18
used in the module with page references for quick navigation.

1.5 Abbreviations used

The following acronyms/abbreviations are used in this User Manual:

Abbreviation Description

GL General Ledger

CCY Currency

FCY Foreign Currency

LCY Local Currency

WF Workflow

RT Retail Teller

DE Data Entry

TC Traveler’s

1.6 Related Documents

 The Procedures User Manual

1.7 Glossary of Icons
Icons Function


Add row

Delete row

Option List

2. Savings - An Overview
2.1 Introduction
Savings is the web-enabled front end of Oracle FLEXCUBE, and is used for handling the
Retail Teller transactions. It is fully browser based and facilitates the processing of several
types of transactions, like cash transactions, cheque transactions, remittance transactions,
funds management transactions and so on.

A typical Savings transaction may be classified into the following five Workflow stages:
1. Capturing the transaction
2. Transaction enrichment from the host
3. Authorization by the supervisor (Local or Remote)
4. Viewing and Submission
5. Cash Disbursement

The Workflow engine which forms the core of Savings, determines the flow of the transaction
from one stage to the other.

For more details on the Workflow engine, refer the ‘Transaction Workflow’ chapter of this User

2.1.1 User Roles

You can define the User Roles, applicable in Savings, in the host. Each role may be
associated with a set of functions that are allowed for the role. For example, roles of the
following type may be created and associated to appropriate transactions:
 System Administrators
 Supervisors/Authorizers
 Vault Administrators
 Tellers

Typically, a department within a branch will have only one system administrator and a single
vault but can have any number of supervisors and tellers. However, you can add additional
roles depending on the bank’s requirement.

2.1.2 Salient features

Some of the salient features of the module are discussed below:

2.1.3 Data Replication

Host based ‘Push’ Replication is used to reproduce the critical data (maintenances/customer
data) from host to branch at regular intervals. These maintenances are pushed to the branch
automatically. The time interval between each replication cycle can be configured as per the
bank’s requirement. Host will ensure that only necessary and critical information is made
available locally in the branch.

For more details on replicating data from the host, refer ‘Data Replication’ chapter of this User

2-1 Offline and Online behavior

When branch places a request on the host, as part of the response mechanism, the system
can dynamically determine whether the branch is online with the host. Transaction reversals

You can manually reverse only authorized and completed transactions. A transaction may be
a normal completed transaction or a tanked transaction, which is believed to be complete in
all respect.

When you reverse a transaction, the data is not removed from the system. The contract will
remain in the system with the contract status as ‘Reversed’ and the accounting entries will be
reversed (negative amounts will be posted into the accounts). Also, this will update the Till
balance for the currencies (for cash transactions), wherever applicable.

You can pick up the transaction to be reversed from the transaction screen. If reversal is
applicable (i.e. you have defined a reversal workflow stage for the transaction), save icon will
be enabled. When you click on this button, the reversal request will be sent as a fresh request. Deletion of incomplete transactions

You have the provision to delete incomplete transactions at any stage prior to its completion.
This is typically done as part of the End of Day activities.

The ‘Workflow’ section in the Application Browser will display the count of Incomplete
Transactions. You can fetch any of these transactions for clearing. Once you mark a
transaction for deletion, the system will not display the transaction in the Complete/
Incomplete/Pending transactions list. Auto Reversals, Roll Forward and Timeout Handling

Auto-Reversals are applicable for transactions which have been configured as ‘One Stage’
transactions. If, during submission to host, the request (or the response) times out, then the
transaction is updated as ‘Marked for Reversal’. The untanking job will pick up such
transactions and do the needful.

However, for ‘Two Stage’ transactions, timeouts will be based on the stage of the transaction.
If the first stage request encounters a time out, the transaction will be updated as ‘Marked for
Delete’. But, if the first stage request goes through successfully, as a result of which the
transaction is saved in the host (but is unauthorized), the subsequent second stage request
time out will update the status as ‘Marked for Roll Forward’. This implies that the transaction
is complete is all respect and will be forced posted in host. But, in case of a timeout, if the
subsequent branch follow through updates (e.g. Till updates, Transaction Status updates
etc), if any, fails, the transaction status will be updated as ‘Marked for Reversal’ and not as
‘Marked for Roll Forward’.

In both the above cases, the untanking process will pick up the transactions and do the
needful. Tanking and Untanking process

The following section explains the process in branch and host:

In Branch
When the connection between branch and host is lost, the transactions will be tanked in the
branch. Subsequently, when the connection is re-established, the system will untank the
tanked transactions from the branch to host. The transactions will be saved in the transaction
log master in the same stage at which the connection between the branch and host is lost i.e.
the stage at which the transaction failed to take place in the host.

The following transaction will be tanked:

 Offline transactions
 Transactions with status ‘Marked for Delete’
 Transactions with status ‘Marked for Roll Forward’
 Transactions with status ‘Marked for Reversal’

In the branch, all the transactions which failed to reach the host are tanked. The tanked
transactions are marked with status ‘T’. The untanking process will fetch the count of pending
transactions in the branch and then upload the tanked transactions to the host when online.
During the upload, the transactions in the branch remain locked. This is to prevent other
parallel processes from picking up the same records. After successful upload, the status of
the transactions is updated to ‘P’ in the branch which indicates that the transactions have
been processed. The system, then unlocks the transactions which were locked in the branch.

In Host
The host will process the tanked transactions sent from the branch. The host will receive the
untanking requests from the branch in the form of XML via an interface. These requests will
be stored in a table. A background job will process the untanked transactions by first parsing
the XML requests received by the host. Each transaction is identified by a unique external
transaction reference number. On successful parsing, the job will forward it to the relevant
interface for further processing. If there are any errors, the host is updated with the status and
error details. If the transaction is successfully completed, the transaction status in the host will
be marked as ‘S’.

Transaction reconciliation with host

During the EOD activities in the branch, the transactions processed in the branch have to be
reconciled against their corresponding entries in the host. Each teller of the branch will
perform this activity as part of the respective Till balancing and closure. The following checks
will be done as part of the transaction reconciliation in branch:

Count of transactions in branch and host: This query will display the list of transactions based
on the type for a user for the day. In case of discrepancies it will drill down to individual

Inflow/Outflow totals of Cash Till and Debit/Credit totals in Cash GL: The total will be displayed
currency-wise for a user. This will also be a drill down, wherein, in case of any discrepancy in
a currency, you can view all the transactions in that currency.

Transactions in branch minus transactions in host: List of all transactions that are ‘Complete’
and ’Authorized’ in the branch, but have no corresponding entries in the host.

Transactions in host minus transactions in branch: List of all transactions which are
‘Complete’ and ’Authorized’ in the host, but have no entries in the branch (or are still

Transaction Amount in branch and in host: The transactions are present in branch as well as
in the host, but the sum of the transaction amounts do not match.

These mechanisms will minimize the reconciliation efforts required as a result of any branch-
host inconsistencies either at the Cash Till/GL level or at the Transaction Amount or Count

Further, based on the results and observations of these reports/queries, you can initiate
adjustment processes, as required, for Audit and Control measures.

3. Transaction Workflow
3.1 Introduction
The Workflow engine, which forms the core of Savings, guides the transaction through its
various stages. Each transaction is defined as a workflow with a series of steps or stages.

At the beginning of each stage, you (teller) have to capture the relevant data in the appropriate
screen and then click on the ‘Save’ button. Upon clicking this button, the Workflow engine
checks the Workflow definition and appropriately moves the transaction to the next logical

3.1.1 Features of Savings Workflow

The following are the features of savings workflow:

 The workflow can be defined for each function.
 For functions which consist of similar workflow, the definition is defined at a generic
 Once a stage for a transaction is completed, the workflow engine moves the transaction
to the next logical stage automatically.
 The number of stages and workflow using front end maintenance can be configured.
 Any change in workflow does not result in re-deployment.
 It minimizes the number of host trips.
 The workflow is supported in offline scenario.
 For Savings, you can have a default authorizer. If default authorizer is defined, then the
transaction gets assigned to that authorizer automatically.
 For cash transactions, you can configure the denomination tracking, whether it is
required or not.

3.2 Workflow Interfaces

The workflow engine provides the following interfaces:

Initiation of a new transaction

This interface is invoked when you select a transaction from the Menu. Internally, a Workflow
object corresponding to the transaction you select in the Menu is created and control passed
to it. This Workflow object will first check if you have the rights to execute the selected
transaction. It will then, display the appropriate screen and data.

Execute a workflow stage

This interface is called after you capture the mandatory data and click on the ‘Save’ button in
relevant transaction screen. The Workflow object, created on initiation of a new transaction,
checks if any server code needs to be invoked and appropriately invokes it with the data
received. Based on the response from the server code, the Workflow object routes the
workflow to the next appropriate stage. On completion of a stage, the stage details including
the input data xml and response data xml are logged in Savings to indicate that the workflow
has moved to the next stage.

Load a Workflow stage

This interface is invoked when you click on a stage in your task list. This results in the
Workflow object providing you the appropriate screen and data. The transaction workflow
stage status is marked as Work In Progress (WIP).

Hold a Workflow stage
This interface is used when you don’t want to execute the workflow stage immediately but
save the data captured for use at a later point.

Cancel a Workflow
This interface is used when you need to cancel a transaction at any stage.

Assign a Workflow stage

This interface is invoked when you click on the ‘Assign’ button in the assignment screen. If
you need to assign the workflow stage to a different user, the assignment screen is displayed
where you can specify the new user in the ‘Assign To’ field. Upon clicking the ‘Assign’ button,
the workflow object updates the ‘Assigned To’ column in the Log Master table. The
transaction then, appears in the pending tasks list of the new user from where the user can
pick up the transaction.

Discard a Workflow
If you need to discard a transaction at any stage, the discard interface is invoked.

3.2.1 Locking a Workflow stage

You can assign a workflow stage to more than one user. This means that any user with
appropriate rights can pick up and execute a given workflow stage. However, to ensure that
only one user executes a stage, the workflow engine ensures that as soon as one of the
assigned users selects a workflow stage for execution, the stage is locked for that user. If any
other user tries to execute the stage, the system displays an error message informing that
another user has already locked the workflow stage.

3.2.2 Tracking and Auditing

The Workflow engine provides highest level of security and auditing capabilities. It captures
and maintains the following information about every action taken by each user:
 The transaction stage that was invoked
 The name of the user who invoked the stage
 The time when it was invoked
 The data captured for the transaction
 The result of the action performed

The data thus captured will be sufficient to replay the entire life of any given transaction, at
given time. The table Txn_LogDetails holds the details of every stage of the transaction
including the input and output data.

3.2.3 Defining a Workflow stage

You can define workflow stages as per the bank’s requirements. The class generator utility
will automatically generate the transaction specific classes. The workflow definitions for all
transactions are generated in XML format. Whenever you change the workflow definition for
a transaction, the respective class should be generated again and replicated to the workflow.

3.3 Maintaining Function Group

You can logically club the function IDs to a function group using the ‘Function Group Detail’
screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STDFNGRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here you need to enter the following details:

Function Group
Specify the appropriate function group that has to be created.

Function Group Description

Specify the description of the function group code.

Function ID
Select the function ID which is part of the function group from the option list provided. The
system will list only savings functions.

The system performs the following validation while clubbing the function IDs to a function
 The function ID should be unique. Same function ID should not be mapped to multiple
function groups.
 The function group code should not be a function id.
 At least one function ID should be defined for a function group.

While generating workflow if you select function group, then the system generates online and
offline workflow. The system generates offline workflow only if the function supports offline
processing or if workflow is maintained for a group. The static data released for stage wise
response does not include override and undo (auto reversal).

3.4 Maintaining Workflow Definition

You have to maintain certain parameter which determines the workflow of a savings function.
You can either define a workflow for individual savings functions like Cash Deposit, Cash
Withdrawal or you can define for a group of similar functions like Function Group.

You can set the parameters for workflow definition for a branch using ‘Function Workflow
Definition Detail’ screen. To invoke this screen, type ‘STDWFDEF’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here you need to enter the following details:

Branch Code
Specify the appropriate branch code from the option list provided.

Function ID Group
Specify the function ID group from the option list provided.

3.4.1 Specifying User Preferences Details

MIS amendable
Check this box to amend the system defaulted MIS details.

UDF amendable
Check this box to amend the system defaulted UDF details.

Charges amendable
Check this box to modify charges picked up by system.

Exchange rate amendable

Check this box to modify the exchange rate picked up by system.

Till Required
Check this box to update the till balances. This is applicable only for cash transactions.

If Till Required is checked and if the transaction amount is greater than or equal to maxi-
mum cash deposit maintained in Retail Teller Branch parameter then the system displays
an override message. The override message can be configured as an error message also.

Denomination Tracking required

Check this box to indicate whether denomination tracking is required for cash transactions.

Signature Verification
Check this box to to mandate the signature display screen as part of the workflow for various

– If you manually traverse to ’Customer Signature\ Image View’ by pressing F12, then
the workflow (of displaying ‘Customer Signature View’) is not triggered. System will
however validate for the click of ‘OK’ or ‘Cancel’ button to post the transaction.
– Even though in Workflow definition the “Signature Verification” is checked, you
have to keep focus on the debit account and press F12 key to verify signature and
F10 to verify image, else system will throw an error during workflow stage to verify
the same.”

3.4.2 Specifying Validation Preferences Details

Inter Branch check
Check this box to indicate whether the transaction involving inter branch account needs

Authorization limit check

Check this box to indicate the transaction amount limit beyond which an authorization for the
transaction limit is enforced.

You have to maintain a currency wise transaction limit in online and offline mode. If the
limit is not maintained for a currency then transaction amount limit authorization is not en-

3.4.3 Specifying Authorization Preferences Details

Auto Authorization
Check this box to indicate transaction requires authorization.

Authorization on charge amendment

Check this box to indicate whether authorization is required in case if you have amended the
charge defaulted by the system.

Authorization on exchange rate amendment

Check this box to indicate whether authorization is required in case is you have amended the
exchange rate defaulted by the system.

Assignment Mode
Select the assignment mode to indicate whether remote authorization assignment is
automatic or manual operation. The assignment modes available are:
 Auto – It indicates whether the authorizer is chosen automatically based on default
authorizer maintenance.
 Manual – It indicates whether the maker of transaction can choose the authorizer from
the list of authorizers.

Authorization Role
Select the authorization role of the authorizers. The users belonging to this role are the valid
authorizers for this workflow. This field is applicable if assignment mode is ‘Manual’ or if
assignment mode is ‘Auto’ and no default authorizer is maintained for the user.

Two Step Role

Select the role, who can execute the second step, from the adjoining option list.

Two step role for cash deposit and cash withdrawal are maintained only if the setup is
configured for two step process. A role maintained in the two step role is not considered if the
process is a single step.

Click ‘Populate Stage’ to derive the number of stages. A maximum of two stages are
displayed, they are:
 INPUT Stage
 ENRICH Stage

The derived stages are displayed in the ‘Branch Work Flow Details’ section in the screen.

You can add another stage if single stage is populated. This is required if two stages are
enforced despite the preferences that are maintained. The stages added explicitly by you
are allowed to be deleted.

3.4.4 Specifying Branch Workflow Details

Sequence No
The system displays the sequence number.

Stage Description
The system displays the stage description.

Override Handling
Select the appropriate override handling from the drop down. The options available are:
 Auto
 Defer
 Immediate

Click on ‘Authorization Limit Check’ button to maintain the currency wise transaction limit in
online and offline mode. The ‘Authorization Limit Check’ screen is displayed.

Here you need to maintain currency wise transaction limit in online and offline mode. If the
limit is not maintained for a currency then it is treated as authorization required.

Specify the currency for the authorization limit check.

Online Amount
Specify the online amount for the authorization limit check.

Offline Amount
Specify the offline amount for the authorization limit check.

The system performs the following validation while setting the preferences for Workflow

The denomination tracking check should be Y only if ‘Till Required’ is Y.

Authorization Preference should be Y only if corresponding amendment preferences are Y.

The override handling in last stage cannot be Defer.

If you select ‘Auto Authorize’ option then the following options cannot be selected.
 Auth limit check
 IB check
 Authorization on charge amendment
 Authorization on exchange rate amendment

You cannot select the override handling to ‘Auto’.

3.4.5 Handling of Local Transactions and Pure Query

In Oracle FLEXCUBE, the workflow for local transactions and the query stage is pre-
configured. You are allowed to amend the following options in work flow maintenance:
 Till Required

 Denomination Tracking Required
 Authorization Limit Check
 Assignment Mode
 Assignment Role
 Authorization Limit Check Button

3.4.6 Maintaining Auto Assignment of Authorizer

Following are the maintenances for handling Auto Assignment of Authorizer, they are:
 Maintaining Default Authorizer
 Maintaining User Role Definition

3.4.7 Maintaining Default Authorizer

You can maintain the default authorizer by using ‘Default Authorizer Detail’ screen. To invoke
this screen, type ‘STDDEFAU’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here you need to enter the following details:

User ID
Select a user ID from the adjoining option list. The option list consists of user IDs for whom a
default authorizer needs to be maintained..

User Name
The system displays the name of the user, when you select the user ID.

Branch Code
Select the appropriate branch code. This field is enabled if the ‘All’ option is chosen in the
‘User ID’ field. If specific authorizer is selected, then the system will default the home branch
as branch code.

Branch Name
The system displays the branch name, when you select the branch name.

Default Authorizer
The system displays the default authorizer, if you already set a default authorizer while
assigning the transaction. However you are allowed to change it, if the mode assigned is
Manual. Select the authorizer ID from the adjoining option list. The option list consists of
authorizers who are mapped to a role with ‘Savings Authorizer’ flag value as ‘Y’ and ‘All’

There are two different modes of assignment of workflow transaction, they are:
 Manual - If you assign the mode as ‘Manual’ then the system will display the default
authorizer. You are allowed to change the authorizer.
 Auto - If you assign the mode as ‘Auto’ then the transaction will be automatically
assigned to the authorizer.

The system displays the description.

3.5 Maintaining User Role Definition

You can define the user role in the ‘Role Maintenance’ screen. To invoke this screen, type
‘SMDROLDF’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button. Then click ‘Branch Limit’ button on the ‘Role Maintenance’ screen.

Here you need to enter the following details:

Authorizer Role
Check this box to indicate the user role is defined.

For more information about ‘Role Maintenance’ refer ‘Defining a User Role’ topic under
‘Security Management System’ User Manual.

3.5.1 Maintaining Denomination Tracking

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates denomination tracking. For cash transactions, there is an

internal stage called Till Update. The system will update the user till with the amount of cash
transaction. If denomination tracking is checked in the ‘Workflow Definition’ screen then the
system updates the denomination wise update of Till. If denomination tracking is not checked
then you should not input the denomination details in the denomination block. If input, the
same is ignored.

3.5.2 Maintaining Savings Function Definition

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to set preferences for function ID specific configuration using
‘Branch Function Definition Detail’ screen. The primary data are pre-shipped with an option to
modify certain parameters. Here you are allowed only modify and authorize. To invoke this
screen, type ‘STDBRFUN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here you need to enter the following details:

Function Id
Specify the function Id for which preference is to be set.

Function Description
The system displays the function description.

Offline Support
Check this box to indicate if offline is allowed.

Next Date Transaction Allowed

Check this box to indicate if next date transaction is allowed.

Reversal Allowed
Check this box to indicate if reversal allowed.

Authorization Required for Reversal
Check this box to indicate if authorization is required for reversal. Reversal is an internal stage
in workflow. The system triggers reversal authorization based on the flag.

Advice Required
Check this box to indicate if advice has to be generated.

Online Advice Name

The system displays the advice template name to be used in online mode. However you can
amend it.

Offline Advice Name

The system displays the advice template name to be used in offline mode. However you can
amend it.

If new templates are not created during implementation of the product, the system will dis-
play the default advice template in online and offline advice name. If you require advices
specific to the bank, then new templates must be created during implementation and main-
tained in this screen. Also new tags required in the existing advice must be modified during

Input Stage Slip Required

Check this box to indicate if input stage slip is required.

Online Input Stage Slip Name

Specify the input stage online slip file name.

Offline Input Stage Slip Name

Specify the input stage offline slip file name.

Confirmation Required
Check this box to indicate if confirmation is required before completing the transaction.

Confirmation Message Code

System defaults the confirmation message code as ‘LBL_DEFAULT_CONFIRM’ if you have
selected ‘Confirmation required’.

Confirmation Error Type

Select the error type from the drop down list.

The system performs the following validations:

Authorization Required for Reversal can be set as Y only if Reversal Allowed is Y.

Offline Allowed and Reversal Allowed option can be set only if they are supported for the
function. The support will be as per factory shipped information.

3.6 Stages in Workflow Transaction Flow

Oracle FLEXCUBE allows you to set preferences before generating the workflow. The
following are the preferences you can set for each stage, they are:

Handling of overrides – The following options are supported:

 Defer – It indicates whether the display and remote authorization handling of savings
and host overrides raised in the current stage are combined with the branch validation
step of the subsequent stage. If the branch validation step of the subsequent stage does
not raise any overrides then the host overrides are not displayed and the transaction
proceeds. If the next host hit again results in overrides then they will be displayed.
 Immediate – It indicates whether the host overrides are handled in the current stage.
When you accept the overrides and submit the transactions for remote authorization.
The workflow proceeds only on successful remote authorization.
 Auto – It indicates whether all the overrides from branch and host do not require
authorization. The system sets the ‘Auto’ option, if you have opted for ‘Auto Authorize’
 Sl. Number – This is a system generated number which determines the sequence of
execution of the stages.

While saving the preferences the workflow gets generated. There are two stages for
generating a workflow. They are:
 Input
 Enrich

After generating the workflow, INPUT and ENRICH stages, the system performs the following
validations after determining whether validations need to be carried out before calling HOST:
 The system raises the inter-branch override if the transaction account does not belong
to the current branch.
 The system raises an override if the transaction amount is greater than transaction level
limit or role level limit.
 The system raises an override if you amend the exchange rate that is defaulted by the
 The system raises an override if you amend the charges that is defaulted by the system.

If validation raises any override then transaction will require Remote Authorization. On
successful Remote Authorization, transaction will proceed with Work Flow i.e. to HOST. If
validation does not return overides, transaction will proceed with Work Flow i.e. to HOST
directly. The Inter Branch and transaction limit checks are carried out in first stage and the
remaining validations are carried out in second stage.

Online and Offline transaction level limit is maintained in ‘Savings Workflow Defenition’
and Role level limit is maintained in ‘User Roles Defination’ Screen.

The diagram below consists of two stages for generating the workflow:

3.6.1 Input Stage

The system performs certain validation during input stage. During validation, if system raises
an override as Immediate, then the transaction is moved to Savings Overrides for
authorization. On successful Remote Authorization if required, the transaction will proceed
with Work Flow i.e. to HOST. If Remote Authorization is not required the transaction directly
hits HOST.

If the validation does not return overides, then the transaction will directly proceed with Work
Flow i.e. to HOST.

Under HOST, if the system raises any host overrides, then the transaction moved for override
handling validation. Here if system raises an override as Immedite, the transaction will require
Remote Authorization. On successful Remote Authorization, the transaction will proceed with
Work Flow i.e. to HOST. If Remote Authorization is not required the transaction directly hits
HOST and then moves to ENRICH stage.

If the system raises an override as Defer, then the transaction are clubbed and sent for
Remote Authorization during ENRICH stage. If the system does not raise any host override,
then the transaction directly hits the ENRICH stage.

3.6.2 Enrich Stage

The system performs certain validation during enrich stage. During validation, if system raises
an override as Immediate, then the transaction is moved to Savings Overrides for
authorization. On successful Remote Authorization if required, the transaction will proceed
with Work Flow i.e. to HOST. If Remote Authorization is not required the transaction directly
hits HOST.

If the validation does not return overides, then the transaction will directly proceed with Work
Flow i.e. to HOST.

Under HOST, if the system raises any host overrides, then the transaction is moved for
override handling validation. Here if system raises the override as Immediate, the transaction
will require Remote Authorization.

On successful Remote Authorization, the transaction will proceed with Work Flow i.e. to
HOST. And then moves to Till. If the system does not raise any override, then the transaction
directly moves to the Till. If the validation does not return any host overrides, then the
transaction directly moves to the Till.

If Till required is selected then on successful completion of the enrich stage, the system will
update the Till automatically. After updating the Till, the transaction is completed.

If ‘Advice Required’ is selected in the ‘Branch Function Definition Detail’ screen, the sys-
tem generates the advice and displays on successful completion of the transaction.

3.6.3 Running Savings EOD Mandatory

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates to make savings EOD (End of Day) mandatory to run EOD for
a particular branch wherein the workflow cannot be modified. Therefore the ‘Workflow
Allowed’ flag is maintained as ‘N’. The EOD batch run is carried out for both stages. During
the first stage, the system performs validation needed for executing savings EOD. And in the
second stage, it performs HOST call.

You have to maintain the following function to make savings EOD as mandatory for running
host EOD:

The function ‘BRNRECON’ should be maintained as a mandatory function in ‘Mandatory

Batch Programs’.

In ‘Mandatory Batch Programs’ maintenance, the End of cycle group will be ‘End Of
Transaction Input’ for the function ID ‘BRNRECON’.

The HOST keeps a track whether savings EOD execution is completed for each branch and
date. After completion, the HOST marks the savings EOD execution as completed for that

application date and branch. The batch program ‘BRNRECON’ checks if savings EOD is
completed and return success. If savings EOD is not mandatory, then ‘BRNRECON’ is not
maintained as a mandatory function

4. Common Operations
4.1 Introduction
This chapter details the common procedures and operations that should be followed while
processing transactions in Savings. This chapter is divided into the following sections:
 Clearing a User
 Authorizing a transaction
 Initiating a Customer Session

The following operations are also discussed:

 Opening a Branch
 Opening a Vault
 Opening a Till

4.2 Workflow Task List

When you click on ‘Workflow’ in the Application Browser, the following details are displayed
on the right pane:
 Number of pending transactions
 Number of transactions that are assigned to the logged in users
 Number of transactions that are yet to be assigned
 Number of transactions that have failed
 Number of transactions that are complete
 Number of transactions that are reversed

4.3 Clearing a User

Sometimes you may require to force-logout a user from Savings. You can do this if you are a
supervisor with the necessary rights to logout a user from the branch. The supervisor also has
the facility to force log off all the users at any given point of time. Typically, the force-logout
right is given to only one administrator role user in the branch.

You can invoke the ‘Clear User’ screen by typing ‘CLRU’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button. The following screen will be

You can search for the users based on the following parameters:
 User ID
 Branch Code

Once you have specified the parameters click 'Fetch' button. The system lists the following
details of the users who have logged into the application:
 Branch Code
 User ID
 User Name

To force log out a user, check the box against the relevant user record and click 'Clear' button.
The system will display a message to confirm the clear operation. To force log out all the users
in a page, check the box against the header row, which will select all the users in the page.
Further click the 'Clear' button. The selected users are logged off from the application.

4.4 Authorizing a Transaction

Authorization can happen in two ways based on the Workflow defined for the transaction –
Manual and Auto.

4.4.1 Manual Assignment

The maker can opt for either the local authorization or the remote authorization for the
transaction that is submitted with one or more overrides.

Local Authorization
The supervisor can authorize the transactions from the teller screen by entering the ID and
password. In case of local authorization, the authorizer can allow or cancel the transaction.
The following screen is used for local authorization:

The authorizer can only view the transaction details here. He or she will have to enter the
following details:

Specify the user ID of the authorizer.

Enter the password to authorize or reject the transaction.

Specify some remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Click ‘OK’ button to authorize the transaction. On successful validation of the User ID and
password, the transaction will proceed to the next stage as per workflow. The validations for
User ID will be same as in Remote Auth. The user credential validation includes ‘Holiday
Maintenance’ check also. However, if you click ‘Cancel’ button, the transaction will move to
unassigned queue.

You can view the override messages by clicking ‘Override Messages’.

Local Authorization option is not available when user authentication is via Single Sign On

Remote Auth
In this type, the Maker will assign the transaction to an authorizer using the following screen.
This screen will appear during the appropriate stage as per the Workflow definition.

In this screen, the Maker has to specify the name of the authorizer and then click the ‘Assign’
button. Upon successful assignment, a confirmation message “Successfully assigned to
OFFICER” with the name of the assignee is displayed.

The authorizer, to whom the Maker assigns the transaction, will see the same in the pending
Tasks List from where he/she can fetch the transaction for approval or rejection, as the case
may be.

Irrespective of whether the supervisor approves or rejects, the transaction will be re-assigned
to the Maker. If the supervisor approves, the Maker can fetch and see the response from his/
her Task List.

4.4.2 Auto Assignment

If the Workflow for the transaction is configured for ‘Auto Assign’ at this stage, it will assign
the transaction to all the eligible authorizers as per the assignment criteria. All the eligible
supervisors will be able to see the transactions in their pending Tasks List. The transaction
will be locked by the first supervisor who fetches it from the Task List. The supervisor will then
have to Approve/Reject the transaction. This is similar to remote authorization in case of
manual assignment.

4.4.3 Displaying Overrides and Errors

In case of any errors or overrides, the same will be displayed on the main screen in separate

The overrides have to be authorized by the supervisor and depending on the Workflow
structure, will be ‘Manual – Local/Remote’ or ‘Auto’. By default, remote authorization will be
selected. However, you can select local authorization. When you click ‘Local Auth’ button, the
‘Local Authorization’ screen is displayed. The Maker is required to take appropriate action on
the main transaction screen.

You can also reject the override for certain transactions like cheque withdrawal and inhouse
cheque deposit. If you click ‘Reject’ button, the screen will remain in the enrichment stage for
you to make changes to charge elements. Then if you click ‘Save’, the system will initiate
reversal of the transaction albeit without reversing charges.

Reject option will be applicable only for functions 1013 (Cheque Withdrawal) and LOCH
(In-House Cheque Deposit). If you reject an override, the process will remain in Enrich

During advice printing, the system will print reject advice if the ‘Reject Processing Required’
option and the ‘Reject’ option are set to ‘Y’ at the branch function definition level. The advice
will be printed using a factory shipped reject advice template.

4.4.4 Reversing a Transaction

You can reverse a completed transaction by clicking the reverse icon. When you click the
reverse icon, a confirmation message will appear before reversing the transaction asking
whether you want to reverse the transaction or not. If you have clicked the reverse icon by

mistake, then you can cancel it by clicking the ‘NO’ button on the confirmation window. You
can proceed with reversal of transaction by clicking ‘YES’ button.

4.5 Initiating a Customer Session

In Savings, you have the facility to process multiple transactions for the same customer
without having to key in the customer and account details every time. You can achieve this by
starting a Customer Session after logging into the Savings.

To start a Customer Session, go the Customer Search frame and search for a customer.

In this screen, you have to enter any search criteria for whom multiple transactions have to
be processed and then click on the ‘Search’ button. The system will display the details of the
selected customer in a format as shown above.

When you click on the hyperlink provided for ‘Customer Name’ in the screen above, the
account details of the customer will be displayed in a separate screen, as shown below also
the following customer details are displayed:
 Customer Number
 Branch Code

 Customer Name
 Customer Address
 Birth Date
 Unique Value, if any

The system will list all the accounts created for the selected customer. The following account
details are displayed on click of any Account no:
 Account Number
 Branch
 Product Name – the type of account
 Status – the date since when the current account status is effective
 Available Balance
 Current Balance

On selecting a loan account, the following summary details of the loan account will be
 Loan Product
 Loan Account Currency
 Loan Account status
 Total Amount Financed

 Total Amount Disbursed

To set a customer for a session, click ‘Start Session’ button.The message “Do you want to set
this Account Number and Details to the Session?” is displayed.

Click ‘OK’ if you wish to process multiple transactions for the account. The system will display
“Customer session is opened for Account Number 100000001, Customer Number:
DMP003IND” message to confirm the same.

The page also contains the customer’s Image (including those of other signatories of the
account), if available, and the Operating Instructions etc. will be displayed, as shown below:

You can go through the signatory details and view all customer Photos and customer
signature images using the Links ’Prev‘and ’Next’.

If you set an account number and customer details for a session, you need not enter the
Customer ID, Account and related fields for any transaction processed during the session.
However, you can override the defaulted details by selecting a different Customer ID and/or
Account for any transaction, at any point of time.

4.5.1 Ending a Customer Session

To end a customer session, click ‘End Session’ button in the customer search frame of the
screen which will be displayed in place of ‘Start Session’ button. The system displays a
message to confirm the action. Click on ‘OK’ to proceed or ‘Cancel’ to continue with the same

4.6 Opening the Branch

As soon as the EOD (End of Day) activities for the day are completed, the branch
automatically moves to the next working/posting date and is ready for Transaction Input (TI

Opening of Branch will have no processing or operational implications.

4.7 Opening a Vault/Till

You can open a Vault or a Till for the branches you have access for through the ‘Open Teller
Batch/Till’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘9001’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The option list will display the available Tills (i.e. the Tills that are yet to be used). When you
select a Till, the same will be linked to your name and locked in the system.

After selecting the Till Id, click the close icon to continue. The system will display the message
“Transaction Completed Successfully” to indicate that the Till has been marked against your
user id:

The system will also update the Till status as ‘Locked’. The entries for all the transactions that
you initiate will be posted into the Till that is marked for you. Only the user who has opened
the Till can use the Till.

The system will display an error message if you do not open a Till for transactions that require
an open Till when an event is triggered.

Opening a Till is a one time activity and should typically be done at the beginning of the

Similarly, you can perform Vault related transactions ONLY after you have opened a Vault.
The system does not perform any validations for opening a Vault. However, you can open a
vault only if you have the requisite rights.

4.8 Balancing and Closing a Till

For closing a Till, you (Teller) should ensure that the Till has zero balance at end of day. The
balance in the Till should be same as the system count. You will be allowed to close the Till
only if both the values match.

You can balance and close a Till through the ‘Till Balancing and Closure’ screen. You can
launch the ‘Till Balancing and Closure’ screen by typing ‘TVCL’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following information is available in this screen:

External Reference
This is a system generated sequence number for the transaction.

Till Id
The identification code assigned to the corresponding teller’s Till.

Branch Code
The system specifies the code of the corresponding branch.

4.8.1 Specifying Cash Details

The following information is specified in ‘Cash Details’ tab:

Currency Code
The system displays the currency code.

System Total
The system displays the total value of individual currencies used by the corresponding teller.

Cash Available
The system displays the current balance of the Till.

Shortage/Overage Amount
If the number of units for the individual currencies and the corresponding system count does
not match with the denomination details, the system will display the corresponding Shortage
or Overage Amount.

Book Overage/Shortage
To book the Overage/Shortage Amount, select the corresponding currency and click on the
‘Book Overage/Shortage’ button. In case of Shortage amount, it will launch the 7551 screen
and in case of Overage amount, it will launch the 7552 screen.

Select the corresponding currency and click on the Buy button to invoke the ‘Buy Cash From
Central Bank’ screen with the selected currency as the default currency. The function id of this
screen is 9009.

Select the corresponding currency and click on the Sell button to invoke the ‘Sell Cash To
Central Bank’ screen with the selected currency as the default currency. The function id of this
screen is 9010.

Denomination Details

Denomination Details provides the following information:

 Currency Code
 Denomination Code
 Units
 Denomination Value
 System Count
 System Total
 Shortage/Overage Units
 Shortage/Overage Amount

Update Overall Position
After booking the shortage/overage units, click the ‘Update Overall Position’ button to update
the system count with the latest shortage/overage units.

4.8.2 TC Details

TC Denomination details are available in ‘TC Details’ tab. The field values are defaulted with
the currency values handled by the corresponding teller.

The system displays the following information:

 Issuer Code
 TC Currency
 TC Description
 System Count
 TC Count
 Series
 Start Number
 End Number

After capturing the required details, click the ‘Cancel’ button to continue. If the balancing is
correct, the Till is closed. The system will confirm with the message “Transaction Completed

For more detail on processing Traveller’s Cheque (TC) transactions, refer the ‘Instrument
Transactions’ chapter of this User Manual.

4.9 Teller Totals

You can view the cash and transfer details from the ‘Teller Totals’ screen. The system will
display the vault’s cash details for a customer in the corresponding branch. You can invoke
the ‘Teller totals’ screen by typing ‘TLTT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The screen consists of the following fields:

Branch Code
The system defaults the Branch Code of the corresponding branch. However, you can modify
the branch code as per the requirement.

The system checks the ‘All’ check box, by default. It displays the details of all the Till Ids in the
corresponding branch.

Till Id
If you specify a Till Id, you will be able to query the details of the corresponding Till Id.

Currency Details
The system displays the currency of the cash transaction.

Till Id
The system displays the Till Id of the corresponding Till.

Opening Balance
The system specifies the opening balance of the Till id.

Incoming Cash
The system specifies the incoming cash for the corresponding currency.

Outgoing Cash
The system specifies the outgoing cash for the corresponding currency

Total Cash
The system specifies the total amount available in the corresponding account. The total
amount is calculated with the following equation:

Total Cash = Opening balance + (Incoming cash – Outgoing cash)

Cash in#
The system specifies the count of the cash deposits for the corresponding Till.

Cash Out#
The system specifies the count of the cash withdrawals for the corresponding Till.

Local Currency
The system displays the local currency of the logged-in account.

Transfer Count
The system displays the total count of the cheque and transfer transactions.

Transfer Amount
The system displays the total amount of the cheque and transfer transactions.

5. Data Replication
5.1 Introduction
Savings is an interface provider for processing cash transactions. Business logic is not built
in branch and hence, some of the crucial maintenances have to be replicated from the host
(Oracle FLEXCUBE) at regular intervals. The ‘Push’ based replication methodology is used
for reproducing host data in branch. This ensures that only necessary and critical information
is available in the branch. This is achieved by a job invoked at host which sends the data to
the branch in the form of an XML file. The branch then updates its internal tables with this
data. This ensures that all branches have the most up to date data at all times. Note that not
all data in host is replicated. Certain tables like static masters, user information and customer/
accounts information are replicated.

The method of replication depends upon the mode of Oracle FLEXCUBE deployment. There
are three modes of deployment viz:
 Centralized FCUBS deployment - In ‘Centralized’ deployment, replication is a seamless
process. During authorization process of any host function id whose data has to be
replicated, that data is immediately moved to corresponding branch tables. There is no
need for manual or automated process to initiate such replication.
 De-Centralized FCUBS deployment – In a ‘De-centralized’ deployment, data can be
replicated on an ad-hoc basis or in bulk. You can query on the data to be replicated and
initiate replication onto branch tables.
 Hybrid FCUBS deployment – In ‘Hybrid’ deployment, certain branches may have a
centralized deployment while some others may have a decentralized deployment. In
this mode, you can replicate data in bulk.

5.1.1 Maintaining Replication Parameters

You need to maintain the following tables for all branches where data needs to be replicated.


<Branch Code> <Branch URL of the deployed web branch




<Branch Code> Refer below Refer below Refer below

only for de-centralized branches.Y
You need to maintain the following values for de-centralized branch:

– MAIN_BRANCH - If multiple branches use the same schema, then for one branch
set this to ‘Y’ for the rest, set this to ‘N’. Decentralised branch entity is can be a
standalone branch or a sub branch. If set to ‘Y’, it indicates a standalone branch. If
set to ‘N’, it indicates a sub branch. If multiple branches use the same schema, then,
for one branch set the ‘MAIN_BRANCH’ as ‘Y’ and for rest under that branch, set to
– LOC_CODE - Location code of the branch. All sub branch location codes will be
same as that of their parent standalone branch location code.

– GEN_SCR - Y (If you require the Installer to generate the script for insertion of basic
maintenance data into the respective decentralised schema, then you need to set
this to ‘Y’. This is set to ‘Y’ for all main and sub branches at the decentralised
schema. If a branch is being added to an existing set up, then for the earlier
branches ‘GEN_SCR’ has to be set to ‘N’.


Refer below Refer below

You need to maintain the following values for centralized set-up:
– DEPLOYMENT_MODE - C (Here, C indicates Centralized, H indicates Hybrid and
D indicates Decentralized)
You need to maintain the following values for de-centralized and hybrid set-up:
– DEPLOYMENT_MODE - D or H (Here, C indicates Centralized, H indicates Hybrid
and D indicates Decentralized)

 Here function id wise replication is enabled ‘Y’ or disabled ‘N’.
 For decentralized setup, replication has to be enabled for all functions in

Function Replication Required










Function Replication Required






















5.1.2 Data Replication Process

Data replication takes place only if the parameter ‘BRANCH_INSTALLED’ is set to ‘Y’.
Replication takes place in the following stages upon successful authorization of any
maintenance in host.

The system constructs the list of data (based on the impacted function IDs) for each Savings
table that needs to be updated with data from host. The following information is captured on
authorization of a maintenance in host.
 The Function ID that caused the need for replication
 The branch from which the change was made
 Comma separated list of the Primary Key values for the functions ID
 The modification number
 The Savings table into which the record is to be stored

 A running sequence number

The system calls a replication process based on the deployment mode. If the deployment
mode is centralized, the system will call the replication process to trigger data replication as
and when there is an authorization in host for replicable data. The Savings tables will be
automatically updated. If the deployment mode is decentralized, it will call the replication

5.1.3 Replicating data from Host – Automatic Refresh

In Oracle FLEXCUBE (host), you can submit the records as a job for replication in the branch
database through the ‘Jobs Browser’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘SMSJOBBR'’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application Browser and clicking the
adjoining arrow button. Branch replication job definition will be created as part of the Oracle
FCUBS basic setup with the job name as ‘BRNRPLI’ and startup mode as ‘Manual’. The
screen shows ‘n’ number of branch replication jobs where ‘n’ is the number of branches that
require replication. The job name (BRNRPLI) will be prefixed with the unique LOC code. .

Specify the search parameters and click ‘Search’ button. The job, which is created with the
branch code in its name, runs for the respective branch. Select a particular branch job and
click ‘Pause’ button to pause the job. You can resume the job by selecting the job and clicking
the ‘Resume’ button.

If a new branch is created in for branch replication, then you need to restart the application
to view the newly created branch job in this screen.

5.1.4 Replicating Data Using Script

Initial replication for decentralized web branch happens during setup in the installer. The
Installer automatically generates the data and compiles them into decentralized branch. In
order to manually replicate using script generation, you need to follow the steps given below..

 You need to compile the Branch Installation Package in Host schema. The package
specification and body names are:
– MAIN\Branch\SQL\DIPKS_BRANCH_INSTALLATION.sql from shipment media
 After compiling dipks_branch_installation package, you have to execute the procedure
pr_start on the same package.
 On successful execution of the procedure will create the branch installation script in
work area folder as defined in cstb param.
 Finally you need to run the Installation scripts in required branch schema.

5.1.5 Replicating data from Branch - Ad-hoc basis

You can replicate records from branch manually on an ad-hoc basis using the ‘Manual
Refresh’ screen. This screen displays all maintenances pending replication. You can invoke

this screen by typing ‘STDBRREF’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Branch Code
Specify the branch code to which data should be replicated. The adjoining option list displays
all valid branch codes maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one. You can
select the value ‘ALL’ to indicate that data needs to be replicated in all branches.

Branch Name
Based on the branch code specified, the system displays the name of the branch.

Function ID
Specify the function ID for which a record has been maintained or modified, that should be
replicated. The adjoining option list displays all valid function IDs maintained in the system.

You can select the appropriate one. You can select the value ‘ALL’ to indicate that data from
all function IDs needs to be replicated.

Based on the function ID specified, the system displays a brief description of the function ID.

You can fetch replicable records for the given branch and function ID combination by striking
<F8> or by clicking ‘Query’ button.

Function Block

Based on the branch and function ID combination, the system displays the following details
for replicable function IDs:
 Branch Code
 Branch Name
 Function ID
 Function Description

Check the box adjoining the desired branch and click ‘Fetch Records’ button. Based on the
function ID specified, the system identifies matching records for replication and displays them
in the ‘Record Block’ frame. Note that you cannot click ‘Fetch Records’ button if you have
selected multiple records.

Select the required record and click ‘Replicate Functions’ button to replicate data of all listed

Record Block

You can view the following details.

Key Description
The Primary Key data to be replicated for the function Id and branch code is listed here.

Host Key
The system displays the primary keys separated by a pipe ‘I’.

Check the box adjoining the desired record and click ‘Fetch Versions’ button. Based on the
record, the system identifies all details of data that needs to be replicated and displays them
in the ‘Version Block’ frame. Note that you cannot click ‘Fetch Records’ button if you have
selected multiple records.

Select the required record and click ‘Replicate Records’ button to replicate data of all listed

Version Block

You can view the following details.

Mod No
The system displays all available versions of the record selected as per the modification
number of every record’s audit trail.

You can view the changes done in a mod number by selecting the particular mod number and
clicking on ‘View’ button, thereby launching the corresponding Function Id screen with the
particular modified data displayed in a different colour.

Time In
The system displays the time at which the version was available for replication.

Time Out
The system displays the time at which the version was replicated.

Replication Status
The system indicates the status of replication. It could be any one of the following:
 U - Unprocessed
 S - Replication Success
 F - Replication Success
 W - WIP
 C - Completed

Select the required record and click ‘Replicate Versions’ button to replicate data of all listed
versions. If multiple rows are selected then only the latest mod number will be replicated. You
can also select any of the modifications and initiate replication. On successful replication, the
status for any un-replicated older modifications for that key combination will be marked as ‘C’.

All records in this frame need to be replicated for a successful replication. Even if one record
fails, the system will treat it as a failure for the whole set of records.

You can clear the current query criteria by clicking ‘Reset’ button.

Replicate Common Data Button

Click ‘Replicate Common Data’ button to replicate the common data such as workflow, role
definition, static data. This button is applicable only to centralized set branches. The branch
tables are as follows.

Host Table Branch Table












5.2 Querying on replicated records
You can view all successfully replicated records using the ‘Successful Replication Query’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STSREPQY’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can query based on the following details.

Function Id
Specify the function ID for which you want to view the successfully replicated records. The
adjoining option list displays all valid function IDs maintained in the system. You can select
the appropriate one. You can select the value ‘ALL’ to indicate that data from all function IDs
needs to be displayed.

Specify the branch code for which you want to view the successfully replicated records. The
adjoining option list displays all valid branch codes maintained in the system. You can select
the appropriate one. You can select the value ‘ALL’ to indicate that data from all branches
needs to be displayed.

You can specify any one or both of the aforementioned criteria. Click ‘Search’ button.

The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and displays the following
details for each one of them:
 Function Id
 Branch
 Host Primary Key
 Mod No
 Status
 Time In
 Time Out

5.3 Steps to follow during Setup

Centralized Branch Setup
For centralized branch setup, you need to follow the steps given below:
 During setup, you need to select the Branch plug-in in the Installer. Select the mode of
deployment as ‘Centralized’.

 For further details on this point, refer to the installation manuals ‘Setting up Database’
and ‘Setting up Property File’.
 Replicate the common static data using the option ‘Host Data Replication’ in the
 Once the set up is complete, for common static data replication, you get one more
option with ‘STDBRREF’ screen, by clicking the button ‘Replicate Common Data’. When
you subsequently click this button, the Installer replicates only the incremental common
static data. Specific steps are not required when new centralized branches are created
using ‘STDBRANC’.
 During setup, if you have not selected Branch plug-in, then you need to replicate the
data using scripts.
 For further details on replicating data using scripts, refer to the section ‘Replicating data
Using Script’ in this chapter.

Decentralized Branch Setup

For decentralized branch setup, you need to follow the steps given below:
 During setup, you need to select the Branch plug-in in the Installer. Select the mode of
deployment as ‘De-centralized’.
 For further details on this point, refer to the installation manuals ‘Setting up Database’
and ‘Setting up Property File’.
 Replicate the data to branch schema using the option ‘Host Data Replication’ in the
 During setup, if you have not selected Branch plug-in, then you need to replicate the
data using scripts.
 For further details on replicating data using scripts, refer to the section ‘Replicating data
Using Script’ in this chapter.

6. Maintenances for Savings
6.1 Introduction
Savings requires you to maintain Travelers Cheque (TC) Denominations. The procedure for
maintaining these is discussed in the subsequent sections of this chapter.

6.2 Maintaining TC Denomination Details

You can maintain the denomination details for a TC using the ‘TC Denominations
Maintenance’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘417’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

The following details can be captured here:

External Reference Number

This is an auto generated sequence number.

Transaction Branch
The transaction branch code is displayed here.

Issuer Code
Select the Issuer code of the TC.

Currency Code
Select the transaction currency code.

Click add icon to add a new row to TC denomination maintenance details.

You can capture the following details specific to TC denomination:

Specify the id for the TC.

Denomination Value
Specify the amount of the TC.

Give a small description for the TC.

After entering the details click save button to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process

7. Maintaining Passbook
7.1 Introduction
You can maintain all the details needed for the issuance of passbook at the Bank parameter
and account class level. The details maintained at the Bank parameter and account class
level will be used for computing and issuing all on the account.

7.2 Maintaining Passbook Details

You can invoke the ‘New Passbook Issue’ web branch screen by typing ‘7030’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

External Reference Number

The system generates and displays the reference number.

Passbook Type
If inventory tracking is allowed at bank level then you will be asked to enter the passbook type.
The list of values for passbook type selection will be the list of valid stock catalog codes with
instrument type as ‘Passbooks’.

Passbook Number
If inventory tracking is allowed at bank level then system will retrieve the next available
instrument number based on the passbook type. The retrieved passbook number will be
displayed to the user only after the passbook issue is saved.

Passbook issuance is allowed despite the value selected for inventory tracking in bank pa-
rameter level

Previous Passbook No
The system displays the previous passbook number for the account.

Previous Passbook Status

The system displays the previous passbook status issued for the account.

The system displays the status as ‘active’ or ‘Reissue & Active’.

Enter a short remark about the passbook issue.

Branch Code
The system defaults the code of the current branch here.

Specify the Account Number for which you need a new passbook. The adjoining option list
displays the accounts for which the check box ‘Passbook’ was checked at the account level.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the selected account here.

Customer ID
The system displays the Customer ID based on the selected account.

Click Populate button to view charge and history details of the passbook

Charge Tab

In Charge tab, you can capture details of charges associated with the issuance of a new

Charge Component
The system displays a short charge description.

Check this box if you want to waive charges associated with issuance of new passbook.

Charge Amount
The system computes and displays the charge amount associated with the issuance of
passbook. However you can edit it.

The system displays the currency used. It need not be same as account currency.

Charge in Local Currency

The system displays the charge amount in local currency on successful Issuance of
passbook. You cannot modify it.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the applicable exchange rate if the currency used is different from the
local currency during SAVE operation. Based on the exchange rate maintained for the cross
currency, charge will be calculated and deducted from the customer account. You cannot
modify the value.

History Tab

In History tab, you can view the details of the entire passbooks issued for the account.

The system displays the details of all the passbooks issued for the selected account. The
following details are displayed:
 Passbook Number
 Issue Date
 Status
 Status Description
 Status Change Date

Passbook details are displayed in descending order based on the date of pass book issuance.

Account Entries

On saving the operation, the charge amount is liquidated. The below given table indicates the
accounting entries for the same.

Dr/Cr Indicator Accounting Role Amount Tag

DR Customer account CHG_AMT

CR Charge GL mapped CHG_AMT

7.3 Changing Passbook Status
You can invoke the ‘Passbook Status Change’ screen by typing ‘7031’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

External Reference Number

System generates and displays the reference number.

Customer ID
The system displays the Customer ID based on the selected account.

Account Number
Select the account number for which the status has to be modified.

Passbook Number
The system displays the latest passbook number issued for the selected account.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code based on the account selected.

Issue Date
The system displays the date of issue of the passbook.

You can select the status from the adjoining option list. The system defaults the current status
of the passbook from account number

Enter the reason for applying a new passbook.

The History tab gets populated on clicking Populate button.

Refer the section ‘Maintaining Passbook Details’ in the chapter titled ‘Maintaining Passbook’
in this User Manual for details about the ‘Passbook Status Change Screen

On closing the account, the passbook status is automatically changed as Account Closed
and no further status changes can be made on the same account.
Modifying the status of the passbook will not impact the Account status of the correspond-
ing account.
Printing is allowed only for the open accounts and at least once authorised accounts with
passbook facility.

7.4 Passbook Reports

You can invoke the ‘Passbook details’ screen by typing ‘CARPASBK’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code

 The system defaults the branch code as current branch code.


 Select the account from the adjoining option list .It displays all active account numbers
for which at least one passbook has been issued.
 Based on the selected account following details get displayed:
 Account Description
 Passbook Number
 Status
 To create report the following report related parameters need to be selected:
 Report Format
 Report Output
 PrinterAt
 Printer

Click Ok to generate the passbook report based on the given parameters.

8. Cash Transactions
8.1 Introduction
Teller transactions in the Savings module can be classified into four types:
 Cash transactions
 Instrument transactions
 Term Deposits transactions
 General Ledger transactions

This chapter details all the cash-based transactions that can be performed through this
module. You can perform the following types of cash-based transactions:
 Cash deposit and withdrawal
 Closing out an Account with Withdrawal
 Denomination exchange in the same currency
 Bill payments – by cash and against account
 Funds transfer request and stop payment
 Foreign exchange sale and purchase – for walk-in customer
 Telegraphic transfer (TT)
– TT issue – against account, against GL and for walk-in customer
– TT liquidation – against GL, against account and for walk-in customer
– TT inquiry
 Transaction Reversal
 Rental Payments for Safe Deposit Box

8.2 Depositing Cash

You can capture a cash deposit transaction through the ‘Cash Deposit’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘1401’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The cash deposit can be done in single step or two step process. The single step process is
the single screen approach. For the single step cash deposit, the teller accepts the cash and
accounting entries are passed in a single step. In two step process, the teller just collects the
information and posts the transaction where no accounting entries are passed. The cashier
accepts the cash and then the accounting entries are passed in the second step.

You can also specify Virtual Accounts in this screen. These virtual accounts can be used as
a routing account to credit the underlying physical account.

If a virtual account number is specified in this screen, then the F10, F11, and F12 keys will not
display any value, however the following error messages will be displayed for each of these
 F10: Customer Image not maintained for this Customer/Account in branch 214
 F11: Customer Account Balance cannot be accessed for this Customer/ Account.
 F12: Customer Signature not maintained for this Customer/Account in branch 214

Click the OK button and you will be able to proceed further with the transaction.

Here the teller can capture the following details:

Account Number
Physical Account Number:
Specify the customer account number into which the cash needs to be deposited. You can
also select an account number from the list displayed by clicking on the adjoining option list.

In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list
of corresponding account branches to select.

Virtual Account Number

You can also specify a virtual account number in this field. The physical account number is
identified based on the Virtual Account Number and Account Currency combination. If there
is no physical account available for the combination, then the default physical account number
is selected. The account currency changes as per the default physical account number.

Account Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. If you specify another account number and tab out
of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding account branch.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the account number chosen.

Transaction Currency
The system displays the local currency. If you specify another account number and tab out of
the Account Number field, the system displays the currency associated with the specified

Account Amount
The system displays the transaction amount in terms of account currency.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Net Account Amount

The system displays the net amount to be credited to the account (in the account currency)
after calculating the applicable charges. This amount depends on the charge method –
whether inclusive or exclusive.

Related Customer
The system displays the related customer.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name.

Account Currency
The system displays the currency associated with the account.

For a Virtual Account, the transaction currency is defaulted as the account currency. The
physical account number is identified based on the account currency and virtual account
number combination. If physical account number is available then the transaction currency
remains the same.

If the physical account number is not available, then the default physical account number is
selected and the transaction currency changes as per the default physical account number.
The account currency changes according to the default physical account number.

Transaction Amount
Specify the amount that should be credited to an account in terms of transaction currency. If
the account to be credited is a Trust account, this amount should be within the cash deposit
limit defined for the credited account class.

Click on pickup to default the data into the Denominations, Charges, MIS, UDF and Project
details. It is mandatory to click on ‘Pickup’ button before save.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into account
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the account currency, the system will
display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Negotiated Cost Rate
Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference
Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, then you need to
specify the negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books the online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

Token Number
Specify the token number.
The system displays ‘Cash Deposit’. You can modify it, if required.

The system generates the advice on click of ‘OK’ button or save after providing all the details.

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

You can generate a transaction slip by clicking on ‘Generate’ button after providing ac-
count number, transaction amount and clicking on pickup button. It is produced to the cus-
tomer to sign and confirm the transaction.

8.2.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the transaction
through the following fields:

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Cash Amount
The system displays the amount for which the denominations have to be captured.

Preferred Denomination
Specify the preferred denomination.

Denomination Total
The system displays the total denomination.

Denomination Details
Denomination Code
For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes.
These codes are displayed here.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, till contents are
incremented for inflow transactions like cash deposit. To reverse this default behaviour, you
can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

Click ‘OK’ to validate the denominations with the cash amount. If you click on ‘Cancel’ then
the data specified will not be available.

8.2.2 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on ‘Charges’ button to invoke
the following screen.

Here you can capture the following details:

Charge Component
The system defaults the charge components applicable to the transaction.

You can waive a certain charge for the customer by checking this box against the charge

The system displays the currency in which the charge has to be deducted.

Charge Amount
The system displays the charge amount to be deducted for the corresponding charge
component. You can edit the amount.

Charge in Local Currency

In case the transaction currency is different from the local currency, the system will compute
the local currency equivalent of the charge and display it here.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. If the charge currency
is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display ‘1’ as the exchange rate. Recalculating charges

You can modify the charges by clicking on the charges button. You can edit the charge
amount and Click “OK” button. The system displays the new charges in the main screen
against ‘Total Charge’, which subsequently updates the changes in ‘Net Account Amount’ too.

8.2.3 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ button to invoke
the following screen:

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to capture the
following details:

Transaction MIS
Specify the transaction MIS code.

Composite MIS
Specify the composite MIS code.

Refer the ‘MIS’ User Manual of Oracle FLEXCUBE Host, for further details about MIS.

8.2.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ button.

Field Name
The system displays the various User-Defined Fields (UDFs) that you have maintained for the
product in the Host.

Field Value
Specify the value for the each UDF that is displayed.

8.2.5 Specifying Project Details

You can capture project details under ‘Project Details’ button. Note that this button will be
applicable only if the cash is being deposited in a Trust account.

Specify the following details:

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:
 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project. This field will be enabled only if you have selected ‘Yes’
against ‘Unit Payment’. The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the unit holder
names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate one.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

Click save icon to save the transaction. On saving, the system checks whether the account to
be credited is a Trust account or not. If it is a Trust account, the system will check whether the
deposit amount is within the deposit limit maintained for the transaction currency at the
account class level. If the currency-wise limit has not been maintained, it will verify the deposit
amount against the deposit limit maintained for the account class. If the deposit amount
exceeds the limit, it will display an error message.

– You have to click on ‘Pickup’ button after specifying account number and
transaction amount. If you save the transaction without clicking on ‘Pickup’, then the
system displays an error message as “Please click on pickup before save”.
– After clicking on ‘Pickup’ button, if you modify the transaction account, transaction
currency, transaction amount or exchange rate then you will have to click on
‘Pickup’ again.
– You can click on the OK button after specifying the data in the denomination,
charge, MIS, UDF, and project details button for the data to persist. If you close the
screen or click on 'Cancel' button after specifying the data, then the data will not per-

The supervisor can view the transactions pending authorization in his or her task list as shown
below. You can view this list by choosing the ‘Workflow’ option in the application.

The person needs to click on the ‘Assigned’ option to view all transactions assigned to you.

In case of auto assign, the transaction will get assigned to all the eligible authorizers as per
the assignment criteria maintained at your branch. All these eligible supervisors will be able
to view these transactions in their ‘Pending Tasks’ lists. The first authorizer to fetch the
transaction from his or her task list will lock the same and then can either approve or reject it.
This process is similar to the remote authorization flow described earlier. You can view the
tasks that are approved by other supervisors in the ‘Approved’ lists and also you can view the
history of authorization in the ‘Auth-History’ lists.

Irrespective of the supervisor’s action (approve or reject), the transaction will be re-assigned
to the maker.

You can fetch and see the response from your task list.

8.2.6 Authorization stage

If the workflow for the transaction is configured as a ‘Dual-control’, the transaction will have to
be authorized by a supervisor before it gets saved as an unauthorized transaction (for manual
assign) or as an authorized transaction (for auto-assign) in the Host. In case of manual
assign, the system prompts you to get the transaction authorized at your branch. Branch
authorization can happen in either of the following ways based on the transaction
configuration in the workflow:
 Local
 Remote

When overrides are raised by the system and have to be approved, the teller will have the
option to choose between remote and local authorization. By default remote authorization will
be selected. If the teller wants local authorization then the choice has to be made explicitly. Local Authorization

In case of local authorization, the authorizer can allow or cancel the transaction. The following
screen is used for local authorization:

The authorizer can only view the transaction details here. He or she will have to enter the
following details:

User Id
Specify the user ID of the authorizer.

Specify the password with which he or she can either authorize or reject the transaction.

The authorizer can specify some remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Click ‘OK’ button to authorize the transaction. On successful validation of the User ID and
password, the transaction will proceed to the next stage as per workflow. The validations for

User ID will be same as in Remote Auth. The user credential validation includes ‘Holiday
Maintenance’ check also. However, if you click ‘Cancel’ button, the transaction will move to
unassigned queue.

You can view the override messages by clicking ‘Override Messages’.

Local Authorization option is not available when user authentication is via Single Sign On
(SSO). Remote Authorization

In case of remote authorization, you need to assign the transaction to an authorizer through
the following screen:

This screen is automatically prompted if the transaction workflow is configured as ‘Remote

Authorization’. This assignment can happen either to a particular role or a particular person.
In the screen shown above, it is to a particular person. The system displays the message
“Successfully Assigned to <USER ID>” on successful assignment.

The supervisor can view the transactions pending his authorization in his or her ‘Assigned
Txn’ list. In case of auto assign, the transaction will get assigned to all the eligible authorizers
as per the assignment criteria maintained at your branch. All these eligible supervisors will be
able to view these transactions in their ‘Pending Tasks’ lists. The first authorizer to fetch the
transaction from his or her task list will lock the same and then can either approve or reject it.
This process is similar to the remote authorization flow described earlier. You can also view
the remarks entered by the teller for that transaction.

Irrespective of the supervisor’s action (approve or reject), the transaction will be re-assigned
to the maker. The following screen will be displayed to the supervisor:

You can fetch and see the response from your task list. Click on the transaction to see the
following screen:

If the supervisor has approved, you can fetch the transaction from your task list and click save
icon to save the transaction for submitting it. Post this, the system will post accounting entries
for the transaction and update balances. In case of rejection, the transaction will move to
failed queue of the Maker.

8.2.7 Viewing errors and overrides

You can view overrides for the transaction by clicking on the ‘Override Messages’ link on the
‘Remote Authorization’ screen. You need to click on ‘OK’ to close the ‘Overrides’ window and
then take appropriate action on the main screen. Submission stage

Submission of the transaction for saving in the Host can happen in two ways:
 Single-step save – wherein the transaction is saves as ‘Auto-authorized’ in the Host.
 Two-step save – wherein the transaction is first saved as ‘Unauthorized’ in the Host and
then authorized locally or remotely (as described under ‘Authorization stage’).

After the transaction is successfully saved and the tills are successfully updated, the message
“Transaction completed successfully” is displayed.

8.2.8 Cash Deposit in Two Step Processing

During two step processing, the two step role needs to be defined at workflow level.

Role of Teller

The customer approaches the teller for cash deposit. The teller collects the details from the
customer and maintains the details like transaction account and transaction amount, specifies
the denomination details and checks the charges if anything needs to be modified or
waived.The teller then saves the transaction. The accounting entries are not passed at this
stage. The teller can choose to open or not open a till at this stage.

Role of a Cashier

The cashier picks the transaction from the pending queue which is saved by the teller. The
customer is then called by referring to the token number available in the transaction. The
cashier/vault collects the cash from the customer and checks whether the denominations
matches with the entry in the system and then saves the record. The cashier’s till gets updated
and accounting entries are passed.

The cashier role is performed by CHDP.

Accounting Entry:
Dr Cash GL Transaction Amount

Cr Customer A/c Transaction amount less the


Cr Income GL Charges

Dr Income GL Tax payable on Charge collected

Cr Tax payable GL Tax payable on Charge collected

NSF is not applicable when the Charge debit account maintained under the charges tab is a

– You cannot delete the records in 1401 if the first step is completed by the teller.
– Once the teller completes the transaction, it will be in the completed queue and the
same record will be available in the pending queue of the cashier. The transaction
can be reversed either by teller or cashier.
– If the teller picks the transaction for reversal from the completed queue, then the
number of pending records for the cashier will be reduced by one and the number
of records in reversal queue gets added up by one for the teller.
– If the cashier picks the transaction for reversal, then the completed queue of the
teller gets reduced by one and adds the reversal queue of cashier by one.

If a token is in use, i.e. one step has been completed by the teller and awaiting for cashier to
process, then if same token number is specified, the system displays an error message.

8.3 Withdrawing Cash
You can capture a cash withdrawal transaction through the ‘Cash Withdrawal’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘1001’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool
bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

When you press the ‘Tab’ key, you can move from one field to another based on the order
of field alignment. The cash withdrawal can be done in single step or two step process.
The single step process is the single screen approach. For the single step cash withdraw-
al, the teller disburses the cash and accounting entries are passed in a single step. In two
step process, the teller just collects the information and posts the transaction. In the first
step accounting entries will be passed where the customer accounts will get debited. The
cashier accepts the cash and then the accounting entries are passed in the second step.
In two step process accounting entries will be passed in steps 1 and 2.

Here the teller can capture the following details:

Account Number
Specify the customer account number into which the cash needs to be deposited. Upon
keying the account number, the system will default the Account Number, Account Branch and
Account Currency for the corresponding account.

In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will pop-up a list
of account numbers with account branch to select.

Account Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. If you specify another account number and tab out
of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding account branch.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the account number chosen.

Transaction Currency
The system displays the local currency. If you specify another account number and tab out of
the Account Number field, the system displays the currency associated with the specified

Account Currency
The system displays the currency of the account.

Transaction Amount
Specify the amount that should be debited from account in terms of transaction currency. If
the account to be debited is a Trust account, this amount should be within the cash withdrawal
limit defined for the debited account class.

Click on pickup to default the data into the Denominations, Charges, MIS, UDF and Project
details. It is mandatory to click on ‘Pickup’ button before save.

Account Amount
The system displays the transaction amount in terms of account currency.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Net Account Amount

The system displays the net amount to be debited from the account (in the account currency)
after calculating the applicable charges. This amount depends on the charge method –
whether inclusive or exclusive.

Related Customer
The system defaults the related customer.

Customer Name
The system defaults the customer name.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into account
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the account currency, the system will
display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, then you need to
specify the negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

Token No
Specify the token number.

The system displays ‘Cash Withdrawal’. You can modify it, if required.

Click OK button or save after providing all details to generate advice with token number.

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

NoteAccount Amount

You can generate a transaction slip by clicking on ‘Generate’ button after providing account
number, transaction amount and clicking on pickup button. It is produced to the customer to
sign and confirm the transaction.

8.3.1 Specifying Denomination Details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Preferred Denomination

Specify the denomination code that should be preferred. The system processes the
transactions with the preferred denominations. If the transaction amount is less than the
preferred denomination, the system will use the low valued denomination than the preferred
denomination based on the defaulting rule.

If the preferred denomination is not captured, the system will consider the highest available
denomination as the preferred denomination.

If the denomination is not available, the system will display ‘Denomination not available’

Click ‘Populate’ button to display the units of currency denomination based on the defaulting

– According to defaulting rule, the system will calculate the total amount in terms of
minimum number of currencies. It means that the system divides the total amount
into the bigger denominations first. Then the remaining amount into next biggest
denomination and so on.
– For the preferred denomination, the ‘Unit’ field will be disabled.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

8.3.2 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. You need to click on the ‘Charges’
button to invoke the following screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.3.3 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ button to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.3.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ button.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.3.5 Specifying Project Details

You can capture project details under ‘Project Details’ button. Note that this button will be
applicable only if the cash is being deposited in a Trust account.

Specify the following details:

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:

 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project. This field will be enabled only if you have selected ‘Yes’
against ‘Unit Payment’. The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the unit holder
names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate one.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

Click save icon button to go to the next stage. The authorization process is similar to cash

– You have to click on ‘Pickup’ button after specifying account number and
transaction amount. If you save the transaction without clicking on ‘Pickup’, then the
system displays an error message as “Please click on pickup before save”.
– After clicking on ‘Pickup’ button, if you modify the transaction account, transaction
currency, transaction amount or exchange rate then you will have to click on
‘Pickup’ again.
– You can click on the OK button after specifying the data in the denomination,
charge, MIS, UDF, and project details button for the data to persist. If you close the
screen or click on 'Cancel' button after specifying the data, then the data will not per-

8.3.6 Cash Withdrawal in Two Step Processing

During two step processing, the two step role needs to be defined at workflow level.

Role of Teller

The customer approaches the teller for cash withdrawal. The teller collects the details from
the customer and maintains the details like transaction account and transaction amount, and
clicks on ‘Pickup’ button and generates the advice by clicking ‘Generate’ button. It is not
mandatory for the teller to specify the denomination as cash is handed over to customer by
the cashier. The system validates the total denomination amount with cash amount and does
not update the till of the teller irrespective of till being open or closed. The accounting entries
are passed at this stage. It is not mandatory for the teller to open the till at step 1.

The teller role is performed by CHWL.

Accounting Entry:
Dr Customer A/C Txn amount + Charges

Cr Misc-credit GL Txn amount

Cr Intermediary GL Charges

Role of Cashier

The cashier picks the transaction from the pending queue which is saved by the teller. The
customer is then called by referring to the token number available in the transaction. The
cashier checks whether the denomination button has got the values by confirming with the
customer. If the data persist in the button, the cashier will cross check with the physical

denominations in hand. If respective denomination is not available then the cashier will make
required changes in the denominations and click ‘OK’ and save the transaction. If the data is
not available in the denominations tab, then the cashier should update the denomination
details and save the record. The cashier’s till gets updated and accounting entries are passed.

The cashier role is performed by CHW2.

Accounting Entry:
Dr Misc-Credit GL Txn amount

Cr Cash GL Txn amount

Dr Intermediary GL Charges

Cr Income GL Charges

Dr Income GL Tax payable on Charge

Cr Tax payable GL Tax payable on Charge

NSF is not applicable when the Charge debit account maintained under the charges tab is a

– You cannot delete the records in 1001 if the first step is completed by the teller.
– Once the teller completes the transaction, it will be in the completed queue and the
same record will be available in the pending queue of the cashier. The transaction
can be reversed either by teller or cashier.
– If the teller picks the transaction for reversal from the completed queue, then the
number of pending records for the cashier will be reduced by one and the number
of records in reversal queue gets added up by one for the teller.
– If the cashier picks the transaction for reversal, then the completed queue of the
teller gets reduced by one and adds the reversal queue of cashier by one.
– If a token is in use, i.e. one step has been completed by the teller and awaiting for
cashier to process, then if same token number is specified, the system displays an
error message

By default the cash deposit and cash withdrawal will follow the single screen approach.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.4 Transferring Cash

You can capture a cash transfer transaction through the ‘Cash Transfer’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘1405’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

8.4.1 Specifying PC Details

You can capture the PC details under ‘PC Details’ tab.

Counterparty Name
Specify the name of the counterparty.

Counterparty Address 1
Specify the address 1 of the counterparty.

Counterparty Address 2
Specify the address 2 of the counterparty.

Counterparty Address 3
Specify the address 3 of the counterparty.

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the counterparty bank code.

Counterparty Account Number

Specify the external counter party account number.

Counterparty Account Type

Select the counterparty account type from the drop-down list. Following are the options
available in the drop-down list: 10 - Savings Bank
 11 - Current Account
 12 - Overdraft
 13 - Cash Credit

 14 - Loan Account
 40 - NRE
 50 - Cash
 51 - Credit Card

Sender To Receiver Information 1

Specify the sender to receiver information 1.

Sender To Receiver Information 2

Specify the sender to receiver information 2.

Sender To Receiver Information 3

Specify the sender to receiver information 3.

Clearing Network
Specify the clearing network details.

Customer Name
Specify the customer name.

If transaction account has not been entered then you need to enter the walk-in customer
name otherwise the system will default the customer name of the transaction account.

Customer Address 1
Specify the customer address 1.

If transaction account has not been entered then you need to enter the address 1 of the walk-
in customer otherwise the system will default the customer address.

Customer Address 2
Specify the customer address 2.

If transaction account has not been entered then you need to enter the address 2 of the walk-
in customer otherwise the system will default the customer address.

Customer Address 3
Specify the customer address 3.

If transaction account has not been entered then you need to enter the address 3 of the walk-
in customer otherwise the system will default the customer address.

Communication Mode
Select the mode of communication to the customer to intimate about the beneficiary account
credit. Following are the options available:
 Mobile
 E-mail

Mobile Number/Email ID
Specify the mobile number or the e-mail ID based on the communication mode selected.

If transaction account has been entered then system will default the corresponding
customer’s mobile number or e-mail ID.

On authorization of this transaction, the system will automatically create the outgoing
payment transaction in PC module for the amount of (Transaction amount – Total Charges).

After this process, any operations on branch transaction or outgoing payment transaction will
be handled independently.

Refer the section titled ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.5 Closing out Withdrawal by Cash

You can capture a close out withdrawal transaction through the ‘Close Out Withdrawal by
Cash’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1301’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

Account Number
Specify the account number that needs to be closed. The adjoining option list displays all the
accounts maintained in the Host. You can select the appropriate account number.

Account Branch
The current logged-in branch code is displayed here. However, you can modify it. Specify the
branch where the customer account which needs to be closed resides.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the selected account.

Account Currency
The system displays the account currency here.

Account Amount
The system displays the available amount in the account.

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account specified.

The system defaults ‘Close Out Withdrawal by Cash’ here. However you can modify this.

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

The Close out Withdrawal of Account transactions are processed without any change till
the ‘Branch Available’ status is marked as ‘Yes’. If the branch available status is ‘No’ or
branch date is ahead of host date, the transactions are not allowed.

Enrichment stage - 1
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details, captured in the previous stage, the system defaults the following

Account Title
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account specified.

Account Currency
The system displays the account currency here.

Account Amount
The system displays the net cash to be disbursed to the customer after deducting the
applicable charges.

A transaction slip is generated at the time of input stage completion and is produced to the
customer to sign and confirm the transaction.

Enrichment stage - 2
The system displays the following screen on clicking the ‘Proceed’ button.

In addition to the data defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following
information here: Specifying Denomination Details

This block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the transaction.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

8.5.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ tab and invoke
the following screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.5.2 Specifying the MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

8.5.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Specify the following details.

Field Description
The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product.

Field Value
Specify the value for the required UDFs.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.6 Exchanging Denominations

A customer may approach your bank to exchange currency denomination. That person may
or may not be an actual bank customer (with a valid CIF or customer account). He or she may
give you two notes of USD 50 each and ask for 10 notes of USD 10 each. This transaction
involves only denomination exchange from your till. The total value in the till will remain the
same. Hence there won’t be any accounting entries for this exchange. However, the
denomination count in the till will change and hence it needs to be updated. You can capture
such a transaction through the ‘Denomination Exchange’ screen. You can invoke this screen
by typing ‘DENM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on
the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Branch Code
The system displays the current logged-in branch code.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which your customer wishes to exchange denominations. The
adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the
appropriate one.

8.6.1 Specifying Denomination Details

This block allows you to capture exact details of the denominations being exchanged.

Currency Code
Specify the currency in which the transaction is being performed. You can select the
appropriate code from the adjoining option list.

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination.

By default, a positive value is considered to be an inflow unit. To reverse this default behaviour
and to enter the units for denominations going out, you can specify a negative value. The
summation of the total amount should be zero.

If the total value is not zero, the system will display an error message.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.7 Paying a Bill by Cash

This module allows you to undertake cash transactions for payments of all the utility bills. To
enter into such transactions, you need to invoke the ‘Bill Payment by Cash’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘1025’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here.

Product Code
The system displays the code of the retail teller product maintained in the system that will be
used for processing the transaction.

Consumer Number
Specify the consumer number for the transaction.

Bill Number
Specify the bill number here.

Bill Date
Specify the date on which the bill has been issued. The adjoining button when clicked invokes
a calendar in which you need to double-click on the appropriate date. The chosen date will
then be seen in the ‘YYYYMMDD’ format.

Bill Currency
Specify the currency in which the bill should be paid. You can select the appropriate code from
the adjoining option list that displays all the currency codes maintained in the system.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which the payment is being made by your customer. You can select
the appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the currency codes
maintained in the system.

Institution Id
Specify the unique ID corresponding to the institution towards which the bill payment is being
made. You can select the appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the
institution codes maintained in the system.

Bill Amount
Specify the amount that should be paid towards the bill.

You may enter remarks about the transaction here. This is a free format text field.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, the following details are displayed:

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the bill amount in the bill currency to
transaction currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the bill currency, the system
will display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Total Amount
The system displays the total amount inclusive of the bill amount and the charges.

A transaction slip is generated at the time of input stage completion and is produced to the
customer to sign and confirm the transaction.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, then you need to
specify the negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

8.7.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

8.7.2 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. You need to click on the ‘Charges’ tab
to invoke the following screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.8 Paying a Bill against Account

You can capture a bill payment transaction against account through the ‘Bill Payment (Against
Account)’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1075’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Product Code
The system displays the code of the retail teller product maintained in the system that will be
used for processing the transaction.

Bill Number
Specify the bill number here.

Consumer Number
Specify the consumer number for the transaction.

Bill Date
Specify the date on which the bill has been issued. The adjoining button when clicked invokes
a calendar in which you need to double-click on the appropriate date. The chosen date will
then be seen in the ‘YYYYMMDD’ format.

Institution Id
Specify the unique ID corresponding to the institution towards which the bill payment is being
made. You can select the appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the
institution codes maintained in the system.

Bill Currency
Specify the currency in which the bill should be paid. You can select the appropriate code from
the adjoining option list that displays all the currency codes maintained in the system.

Bill Amount
Specify the amount that should be paid towards the bill.

Account Number
Specify the account number of the customer against which the bill should be paid. You can
select the appropriate number from the adjoining option list that displays all the accounts
maintained in the system.

Account Branch
The branch where the chosen account resides is displayed here.

You may enter remarks about the transaction here. This is a free format text field.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, the system displays the following:

Account Currency
The system displays the currency in which the chosen account is maintained.

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account specified.

Account Title
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the bill amount in bill currency to
transaction amount in transaction currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the bill
currency, the system will display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Total Amount
The system displays the total amount inclusive of the bill amount and the charges.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, then you need to
specify the negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

8.8.1 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.8.2 Specifying the MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.8.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Field Description
The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product.

Field Value
Specify the value for the required UDFs.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.9 Requesting for Funds Transfer
You can transfer funds in a particular currency from one account to another using the ‘Account
to Account Transfer’ screen. The funding account and the beneficiary account can be in
different currencies and can belong to different branches.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1006’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can also specify Virtual Accounts in this screen. These virtual accounts can be used as
a routing account to credit the underlying physical account.

If a virtual account number is specified in this screen, then the F10, F11, and F12 keys will not
display any value, however the following error messages will be displayed for each of these
 F10: Customer Image not maintained for this Customer/Account in branch 214
 F11: Customer Account Balance cannot be accessed for this Customer/ Account.
 F12: Customer Signature not maintained for this Customer/Account in branch 214

Click the OK button and you will be able to proceed further with the transaction.

Here you can capture the following details:

From Account Details

From Account Number
Specify the account that should be debited for the funds transfer. After specifying the account
number, the system will display the From Account Branch and From Account Currency.

In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list
of account numbers with associated account branches. Choose the appropriate one.

From Account Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. If you specify another account number and tab out
of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding account branch.

From Account Description

The system displays the description of the account number chosen.
From Account Currency
The system displays the local currency. If you specify another account number and tab out of
the Account Number field, the system displays the currency associated with the account.

From Account Amount

Specify the transferrable amount in the currency associated with the From Account.

To Account Details
To Account Number
Physical Account
Specify the account that should be credited for the funds transfer. After specifying the account
number, the system will display the To Account Branch and To Account Currency. In case of
multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list of account
numbers with associated account branches. Choose the appropriate one.

Virtual Account
You can also specify a virtual account number in this field. The physical account number is
identified based on the Virtual Account Number and Account Currency combination. If there
is no physical account available for the combination, then the default physical account number
is selected. The account currency changes as per the default physical account number.

To Account Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. If you specify another account number and tab out
of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding account branch.

To Account Description
The system displays the description of the account number chosen.

For Virtual Accounts, the virtual account name is displayed in this field.

To Account Currency
The system displays the local currency. If you specify another account number and tab out of
the Account Number field, the system displays the currency associated with the account.

For a Virtual Account, the ‘From Account’ currency is defaulted as the account currency.

The physical account number is identified based on the account currency and virtual account
number combination. If the physical account number is available, then the account currency
remains the same.

If the physical account number is not available, then the default physical account number
is selected and the account currency changes as per the default physical account number.

To Account Amount
To Account Number is a read-only field displaying the transferrable amount in the currency
associated with the To Account.

Additional Details
The system displays ‘Funds Transfer from <From Account Number> to <To Account
Number>’. Once you specify the ‘From Account Number’ and ‘To Account Number’, the
system replaces the account numbers respectively.

If virtual account number is entered in the ‘To Account Number’ field, then that virtual account
number will be displayed in the Narrative field.

Click the OK button to go to the next stage.

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the external reference

Enrichment stage
On clicking the OK button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry meets the minimum criteria, it will calculate the charge based on the
transaction type. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the information defaulted from the previous stage, the following details are
displayed here:

From Account Currency

The currency in which the ‘From Account’ is maintained is displayed.

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account specified.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the from account currency into to
account currency. If the from account currency is the same as the to account currency, the
system will display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

To Amount
Specify the amount that should be credited to the account.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, then you need to
specify the negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

8.9.1 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.9.2 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.9.3 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.9.4 Specifying Project Details

You can capture project details under ‘Project Details’ tab. Note that this tab will be applicable
only if the funds are being transferred to a Trust account.

Specify the following details:

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:
 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project. This field will be enabled only if you have selected ‘Yes’
against ‘Unit Payment’. The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the unit holder
names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate one.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

Click save icon to save the transaction. On saving, the system checks whether the accounts
mentioned in the ‘from’ and ‘to’ leg of the transaction belong to the same netting group or not.
If they belong to the same netting group, the entries will not be posted. Instead the transaction
will be logged for the netting batch. On authorisation, the transaction will be made available
for the netting batch if logged for netting batch. The rest of the authorization process is similar
to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.10 Making a Stop Payment
Based on a customer’s request, you can stop a cheque drawn on an account maintained in
your bank. You can capture such a transaction through the ‘Stop Payment’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘1056’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates and displays a reference number for the transaction as soon as the
screen is invoked.

The system displays the branch code where the chosen account resides.

Account Number
Specify the account on which the stop payment needs to be imposed. You can select the
appropriate number from the adjoining option list that displays all the accounts maintained in
the system.

Stop Payment Type

Specify whether the stop payment is on the amount of a cheque or a cheque drawn on an
account. The drop-down list displays the following values:
 Amount
 Cheque

Select the appropriate one.

Start Cheque Number

In case of a stop payment on a cheque, you need to specify the cheque number of the first

End Cheque Number

In case of a stop payment on a cheque, you need to specify the cheque number of the last

The above two fields are applicable in cases wherein the customer has lost a cheque book.
So in order to prevent misuse, you can capture the cheque numbers of the lost cheque
book and impose a stop payment on all cheques in that book.

Effective Date
Specify the date from which you wish to impose the stop payment. The adjoining button when
clicked invokes a calendar in which you need to double-click on the appropriate date. The
chosen date will then be seen in the ‘YYYYMMDD’ format.

Expiry Date
Specify the date until which the stop payment needs to be active. The adjoining button when
clicked invokes a calendar in which you need to double-click on the appropriate date. The
chosen date will then be seen in the ‘YYYYMMDD’ format.

Specify the amount based on which you wish to impose a stop payment. This field is
applicable only if the ‘Stop Payment Type’ is specified as ‘Amount’.

You may enter remarks about the transaction here. This is a free format text field.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can view the following details:

Account Title
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

Account Currency
The system displays the currency in which the account is maintained.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

8.10.1 Specifying Charge Details

You can specify charge details under the ‘Charge Details’ tab. You can specify the following
details here:

Charge Components
Specify the charge component name.

Check this box to indicate that charge is waivered.

Charge Amount
The system displays the computed charge amount.

The system displays the charge currency.

Charge in Local Currency

Specify the charge in local currency.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate if the transaction currency and account currency are

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.11 Selling Foreign Exchange to a Walk-in Customer

You can sell a foreign currency to a walk-in customer in return for the equivalent amount in
another currency. To achieve this you need to invoke the ‘FX Sale (Walk-in)’ screen by typing
‘8203’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining
arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

The system displays the code of the retail teller product maintained in the system that will be
used for processing the transaction.

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Currency Sold
Specify the currency that you are selling to the customer. You can select the appropriate code
from the adjoining option list that displays all the currency codes maintained in the system.

Amount Sold
Specify the amount that is being sold in the sold currency.

Currency Received
Specify the currency that you have received from the customer in return for the currency sold.
You can select the appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the currency
codes maintained in the system.

Here, you can enter your remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
Here, you can capture the beneficiary customer’s name.

Passport/IC No
Here, you can enter the passport or other unique identification number of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address
Here, you can capture the address of the beneficiary customer.

Denomination Variance Applicable

This Check box will have the value Y by default only if you have set the required parameter
to ‘Yes’ in ‘FBTB_PARAMS’.

By default, the system displays the status of the check-box as checked. However, you can
modify this based on the transaction requirements.

If this box is checked, then based on the denominations of the currency, the system will apply
the respective variance to the rate of exchange. The variance is applied based on the
variance maintained for the currency pair involved in the transaction.

If you check this box, it is mandatory to specify the denominations in ‘FX Denominations’ sub-

On clicking the Pickup button, the following details are defaulted:In addition to the details
defaulted from the previous stage, you can view the following details:

Currency Received Rate

The system displays the exchange rate to be used for the foreign exchange sale.

The system displays the charge to be levied on the customer for the transaction.

Amount Received
Based on the exchange rate and amount bought, the system computes and displays the
amount that needs to be received from the customer in the received currency.

Net Amount
The system displays the net amount.

If you have manually changed the exchange rate, then you can recalculate the net amount by
clicking ‘Recalculate’ button.

If you have checked the check-box ‘Denomination Variance Applicable’, then the system will
apply the variance for each denomination and calculate the net amount.

8.11.1 Specifying denomination details

In the ‘Denomination’ screen, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved
in the transaction. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Denomination’ button.

In the ‘FX Denomination’ screen, you can capture details of the foreign currency
denominations involved in the transaction. If you have checked the check-box ‘Denomination
Variance Applicable’, then you must capture the ‘FX denomination details’ before Pickup
stage. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘FX Denomination’ button.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

8.11.2 Specifying charge details

This screen allows you to capture charge related details. You need to click on the ‘Charges’
screen to invoke the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.11.3 Specifying the MIS details

This screen allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ screen to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.11.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ button.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.12 Purchasing Foreign Exchange from a Walk-in Cus-

You can buy a foreign currency from a walk-in customer in return for the equivalent amount
in another currency. To achieve this you need to invoke the ‘FX Purchase (Walk-in)’ screen

by typing ‘8004’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on
the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

The system displays the code of the retail teller product maintained in the system that will be
used for processing the transaction.

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Currency Bought
Specify the currency that you have received from the customer. You can select the
appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the currency codes maintained
in the system.

Amount Bought
Specify the amount that is being purchased in the bought currency.

Currency Paid
Specify the currency that you are paying the customer in return for the currency bought. You
can select the appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the currency
codes maintained in the system.

Here, you can enter your remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
Here, you can capture the beneficiary customer’s name.

Passport/IC No
Here, you can enter the passport or other identification number of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address
Here, you can capture the address of the beneficiary customer.

Denomination Variance Applicable
This Check box will have the value Y by default only if you have set the required parameter
to ‘Yes’ in ‘FBTB_PARAMS’.

By default, the system displays the status of the check-box as checked. However, you can
modify this based on the transaction requirements.

If this box is checked, then based on the denominations of the currency, the system will apply
the respective variance to the rate of exchange. The variance is applied based on the
variance maintained for the currency pair involved in the transaction.

If you check this box, it is mandatory to specify the denominations in ‘FX Denominations’ sub-

On clicking the ‘Pickup’ button the following details will be displayed:

Transaction Currency Rate

The system displays the exchange rate to be used for the foreign exchange purchase.

The system displays the charge to be levied on the customer for the transaction.

Amount Paid
Based on the exchange rate and amount bought, the system computes and displays the
amount that needs to be paid to the customer in the paid currency.

8.12.1 Specifying Denomination Details

In the’Denomination’ screen, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved
in the transaction. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Denomination’ button.

In the ‘FX Denomination’ screen, you can capture details of the foreign currency
denominations involved in the transaction. If you have checked the check-box ‘Denomination
Variance Applicable’, then you must capture the ‘FX denomination details’ before Pickup
stage. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘FX Denomination’ button.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

8.12.2 Specifying charge details

This screen allows you to capture charge related details. You need to click on the ‘Charges’
button to invoke the screen.Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under
‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.12.3 Specifying MIS details

This screen allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ screen to invoke
the screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.12.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ screen. Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the
UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.13 Purchasing FX against Account

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates purchase of foreign currency from the branch using CASA
account. While purchasing, you can maintain denomination details for the foreign currency
amount. On completion of the transaction successfully, the system generates an advice for
the same.

You can generate the details from the purchase of foreign currency by crediting CASA
account using ‘FX Purchase against Account’ screen. You can invoke ‘FX Purchase against
Account’ screen by typing ‘8207’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can also specify Virtual Accounts in this screen. These virtual accounts can be used as
a routing account to credit the underlying physical account.

You can maintain the following parameters here:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

FX Currency
Specify a valid currency purchased by the customer from the adjoining option list. The option
list displays list of foreign currencies maintained by the bank.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary customer.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary customer which should appear in the advice.

FX Amount
Specify the amount of the foreign currency purchased by the customer.

The system displays the code of the retail teller product maintained in the system that will be
used for processing the transaction.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code of the current branch here.

Account Branch
The system displays the branch code of the branch to which the specified customer account

Passport/IC Number
Specify the passport or unique identification number of the beneficiary.

Specify additional remarks pertaining to the transaction, if any. If virtual account number is
entered in the account number field, then that virtual account number will be displayed in the
Narrative field.

Physical Account
Specify a valid CASA account to be debited for the FX sale from the adjoining option list. The
option list displays the customer accounts maintained in the system.

Virtual Account
You can also specify a virtual account number in this field. The physical account number is
identified based on the Virtual Account Number and Account Currency combination. If there
is no physical account available for the combination, then the default physical account number
is selected. The account currency changes as per the default physical account number.

Account Description
Specify the description of the specified customer account. For a virtual account, the virtual
account name is displayed here.

Account Currency
Currency of the specified customer account is defaulted here.

For a Virtual Account, the FX currency is defaulted as the account currency.

The physical account number is identified based on the account currency and virtual account
number combination. If physical account number is available then the account currency
remains the same.

If the physical account number is not available, then the default physical account number is
selected and the account currency changes as per the default physical account number.

Denomination Variance Applicable

This Check box will have the value Y by default only if you have set the required parameter
to ‘Yes’ in ‘FBTB_PARAMS’.

By default, the system displays the status of the check-box as checked. However, you can
modify this based on the transaction requirements.

If this box is checked, then based on the denominations of the currency, the system will apply
the respective variance to the rate of exchange. The variance is applied based on the
variance maintained for the currency pair involved in the transaction.

If you check this box, it is mandatory to specify the denominations in ‘Denominations’ sub-

On clicking the Pickup button, the following fields will be defaulted:

In addition to the parameters defaulted from the previous stage, you can maintain the

Currency Rate
The current exchange rate of the currency is defaulted here.

The charge amount in account currency, if any, associated with the retail teller product FXSP
is defaulted here.

The actual amount equivalent to the foreign currency which is credited to the customer
account is defaulted here.

Net Amount
Sum of the actual amount credited and the charges in account currency is defaulted here.

If you have checked the check-box ‘Denomination Variance Applicable’, then the system will
apply the variance for each denomination and calculate the net amount.

Click the ‘Recalculate’ button to recalculate the amount after modifications to values, if any.

8.13.1 Denomination Details Tab

In the ‘Denomination’ screen, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved
in the transaction. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Denomination’ button. If you
have checked the check-box ‘Denomination Variance Applicable’, then you must capture the
‘FX denomination details’ before Pickup stage in the Denomination screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying Denomination Details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

8.13.2 Charges Tab

You can maintain the charge related details of the transaction. Click on the ‘Charges’ button
to invoke the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying Charge Details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.13.3 MIS Tab

You can maintain the MIS related details of the transaction. Click on the ‘MIS’ button to invoke
the screen:.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS Details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.13.4 UDF Tab

You can capture the UDF related details of the transaction. Click on the ‘UDF’ button to invoke
the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

Click ‘Save’ to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer ‘Authorization Stage’ section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.14 Issuing a TT against Account

You can issue a Telegraphic Transfer drawn on your branch against an account through the
‘TT Issue Against Account’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8318’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

When you invoke the screen, the External Reference Number is displayed.

You need to specify the following details:

Bank Code
Specify the clearing bank code for the transaction.

TT Currency
Specify the TT currency or select a currency for the TT from the list of values.

Account Currency
Specify the currency of the account or select the account currency from the list of values.

Remitter Name
Specify the name of the remitter.

Remitter Address
Specify the address of the remitter

Remitter Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the remitter.

Remitter ID Number
Specify a unique identification value of the remitter.

Beneficiary A/C number

Specify the account number to which the proceeds have to be credited.

Beneficiary ID Number
Specify the beneficiary ID number.

Beneficiary Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the beneficiary.

Charge by Cash
Check this box “Charge by Cash” to select the charge mode, that is by cash or from account.

For the TT where Charge by “Cash” is selected, then all the TT transactions are treated as
cash transactions.

Payable Branch
Specify the branch where the transfer amount should be paid out.

Account Number
Specify the account number of the customer or select an account number from the list of

TT Amount
Specify the transfer amount.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

The date on which the instrument is issued is displayed here.

Serial Number
Specify the serial number printed on the TT.

Here, you can enter remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary of the TT.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction. The
following screen will be displayed: T

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Transaction Currency Rate

The system displays the exchange to be used for the transaction in case the transaction
currency is different from the transfer currency.

The system computes the charges applicable to the transaction and displays the amount

Generated Test Key

The generated test key is system populated. This field is system populated at Enrich stage.

8.14.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the
transaction. These details need to be mandatorily updated if ‘Charge by Cash’ is selected.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this
manual for further details.

8.14.2 Specifying charge details

Click on the ‘Charges’ tab to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further
details in this manual.

8.14.3 Specifying MIS Details

Click on the MIS tab to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this Manual.

8.14.4 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this manual.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.15 Issuing a TT against GL

You can issue a Telegraphic Transfer against a GL account for your customer through the ‘TT
Issue against GL’ screen. You can also invoke this screen by typing ‘8317’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

On invoking this screen, the External Reference Number and the Instrument Type of the
transaction are displayed.

You need to specify the following details:

Bank Code
Specify the bank code or select a bank code from the list of values.

TT Currency
Specify the TT currency or select a currency for the TT from the list of values.

Payable Branch
Specify the branch where the transfer amount should be paid out.

General Ledger Number

Specify the account number of the GL against which a TT is issued.

General Ledger Currency

Specify the GL currency in this field.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

The date on which the instrument is issued is displayed here.

General Ledger Title

The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

TT Amount
Specify the transfer amount.

Serial Number
Specify the Serial number printed on the TT.

Remitter Name
Specify the name of the remitter.

Remitter Address
Specify the address of the remitter

Remitter Phone Number
Specify the phone number of the remitter.

Remitter ID Number
Specify the remitter ID number.

Beneficiary A/C number

Specify the account number to which the proceeds have to be credited.

Beneficiary Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the beneficiary.

Specify description/remarks for the transaction. This is not mandatory.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary.

Click save icon to move to the next stage.

Enrichment Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction. The
following screen will be displayed:

In this stage, the above screen is displayed with the following information:

Txn Ccy Rate
The system displays the transaction currency.

The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

TT Amount
The system displays the TT amount.

Total Amount
The system displays the total amount of the transaction.

Generated Test Key

The generated test key is system populated. This field is system populated at Enrich stage.

8.15.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Capturing a Cash Deposit’ in this
manual for further details.

8.15.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a Cash Deposit’ in this
manual for further details.

8.15.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this manual.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.16 Issuing a TT to a Walk-in Customer
You can issue a Telegraphic Transfer to any walk-in customer through the ‘TT Issue (Walk-
In)’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8316’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

When you invoke the screen, the External Reference Number and instrument type of the
transaction are displayed.

You need to specify the following details:

Bank Code
Specify the clearing bank code for the transaction.

TT Currency
Specify the currency in which the TT is being issued.

Payable Branch
Specify the branch where the TT amount should be paid out.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which the customer is making the payment.

TT Amount
Specify the amount for which the TT needs to be drawn in the transfer currency.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

The date on which the instrument has been issued is displayed here.

Remitter Name
Specify the name of the remitter.

Remitter Address
Specify the address of the remitter

Remitter Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the remitter.

Remitter ID Number
Specify the remitter ID number.

Beneficiary A/C number

Specify the account number to which the proceeds have to be credited.

Beneficiary Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary ID Number
Specify the beneficiary Identification number.

Here, you can enter remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the telegraphic transfer is done.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary in whose favor the telegraphic transfer is done.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Transaction Currency Rate

The system displays the exchange to be used for the transaction in case the transaction
currency is different from the transfer currency.

The system computes the charges applicable to the transaction and displays the amount

Total Amount
The system computes the total amount to be paid by the walk-in customer by adding the
charge amount to the TT amount.

Generated Test Key

The generated test key is system populated. This field is system populated at Enrich stage.

8.16.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this
manual for further details.

8.16.2 Specifying charge details

Click on the ‘Charges’ tab to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual
for further details.

8.16.3 Specifying MIS Details

Click on the MIS tab to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual for
further details.

8.16.4 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this manual.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.17 Issuing Multiple TT against Account

Issuance of multiple TT against a customer account with multiple beneficiaries respectively
from single transactions is performed through this screen. The beneficiaries can be in different
banks. The charge for this TT would be the sum of individual charges for each of the
beneficiary banks. The charge can be collected either in cash or debited to the customer
account. You can invoke the ‘Multiple TT Issue against Account’ screen, by typing ‘8324’in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

When you invoke this screen, the External Reference Number, Instrument Type and
Instrument Status is defaulted.

Specify the following details in this screen:

TT Currency
Specify the TT currency or select a currency for the TT from the list of values.

Total Transfer Amount

The value in this field is defaulted. The sum total of the multiple TT amount is displayed in this

Telegraphic Transfer Date

Specify the telegraphic transfer date.

Remitter Account Number

Specify the account number of the customer or select an account number from the adjoining
option list.

Remitter Name
Specify the name of the remitter.

Remitter Address
Specify the address of the remitter

Remitter Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the remitter.

Remitter ID Number
Specify the remitter ID number.

Charge by Cash
Check the box “Charge by Cash” to select the charge mode that is by cash or from account.

Payable Bank Code

Specify the clearing bank code for the transaction.

Payable Bank
The name of the payable bank is displayed here.

Payable Branch
Specify the branch where the transfer amount should be paid out.

Serial Number
Specify the serial number.

TT Amount
Specify the transfer amount.

TT Instrument Number
The instrument number of the generated child TT’s is system populated.

Specify remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary of the TT.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary A/C number
Specify the account number to which the proceeds have to be credited.

Beneficiary ID Number
Specify the beneficiary Identification number.

TT Transaction Number
The system displays the Telegraphic Transfer transaction number in this field.

On clicking the ‘Enrich’ button, the following fields are defaulted:

Test Key
This field stores the test key generated at Enrich Stage.

TT Total Charge Amount

The value in this field is defaulted. The Total Charge will be equal to sum of all the Charges
as computed and returned by the ARC of Individual Child TTs in the Enrichment Stage.

Total Transfer Amount

The value in this field is defaulted. The sum total of the multiple TT amount is displayed in this

Charge Amount 1 to 5
These fields are defaulted by the system. It computes all 5 charges (if applicable) for each
individual child TT from their respective ARC and populates the same in the fields Charge
1,Charge 2, Charge 3, Charge 4, and Charge 5.

Charge Currency 1 to 5
The currency in which charge has to be deducted is displayed in these fields.

TT Transaction Number
The Telegraphic Transfer transaction number is defaulted in this field.

8.17.1 Specifying Denomination Details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations for the charge, if the
Charge by Cash is Y.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this
manual for further details.

8.18 Issuing Multiple TT for Walk In

Issuance of Multiple TT against a walk-in customer with multiple beneficiaries from a single
transaction is possible through this facility. You can invoke the ‘Multiple TT Issue against Walk

in’ screen, by typing ‘8323’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

When you invoke this screen, the External Reference Number, Instrument Type and
Instrument Status is defaulted.

TT Currency
Specify the TT currency or select a currency for the TT from the adjoining option list.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

Select the telegraphic transfer date in this field.

Remitter Name
Specify the name of the remitter.

Remitter Address
Specify the address of the remitter

Remitter Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the remitter.

Remitter ID Number
Specify the remitter ID number.

Payable Bank Code

Specify the clearing bank code for the transaction.

Beneficiary A/C number

Specify the account number to which the proceeds have to be credited.

Payable Bank
The name of the payable bank is displayed here.

Payable Branch
Specify the branch where the transfer amount should be paid out.

Serial Number
Specify the serial number.

TT Amount
Specify the transfer amount.

TT Instrument Number
The system generates the instrument number of the generated child TT’s.

Here, you can enter remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary of the TT.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary ID Number
Specify the beneficiary Identification number.

On clicking the ‘Enrich’ button, the system populates the following details.

TT Total Charge Amount

This field is auto populated. The Total Charge will be equal to sum of all the Charges as
computed and returned by the ARC of Individual Child TTs in the Enrich Stage.

Test Keys
This field stores the test key generated. This field is defaulted at Enrich state.

Total Transfer Amount

The value in this field is defaulted. The sum total of the multiple TT amount is displayed in this

TT Transaction Number
The system displays the telegraphic transfer transaction number in the field.

Charge Amount 1 to 5
These fields are defaulted by the system. It computes all 5 charges (if applicable) for each
individual child TT from their respective ARC and populates the same in the fields Charge 1,
Charge 2, Charge 3, Charge 4, and Charge 5.

Charge Currency 1 to 5
The currency in which the charges need to be deducted is defaulted in these fields.

8.18.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this
manual for further details.

8.19 Maintaining TT Test Keys

With this facility a unique Test Key is generated for Individual TT remittance when the funds
are being remitted to another bank. It is also beneficial for validating funds remitted from

external banks payable at the branches of Home Bank. The generated Test Key is a part of
the outgoing TT message. The test key generation is based on the following parameters:
 The remitter bank and branch.
 The beneficiary branch and bank
 The amount of remittance
 The date of remittance
 The Fax number used to send the remittance message
 A serial number

You can invoke the ‘TT Test Key Maintenance screen by typing ‘STDTTKEY’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details in this field:

External Bank Code

Select the external bank code from the adjoining option list. The option list displays all the
bank codes as maintained in the ‘Clearing Bank Code Maintenance’.

External Bank Name

This field is defaulted as per your selection in the external bank code field.

Bank Parameter 1
Select the bank parameter from the drop down list. The available parameters are as follows:
 Date
 Month
 Year
 Currency
 Amount
 Amount Range

 Home Bank Branch.
 Corresponding Bank Branch.
 Serial No.

Bank Parameter 2
Based on your selection in the Bank Parameter 1 field, select the appropriate value from the
drop down list. The list of values displayed are as follows:
 All: this value indicates that all the parameters in Parameter 1 are applicable for the
selection except amount.
 If Date is selected as Parameter 1, then the list of values will display the following
 If Amount is selected as Parameter 1, then the list of values displayed are:
– MOD 100
– MOD10

Applicable for TT type

Select the appropriate value from the drop down list. The list of values displayed are as follows:
 Both TT Type
 Inward TT
 Outward TT

Specify the actual value in this field.

Code Value
Specify the code value in this field.

8.20 Inward TT Registration

With this facility an inward remittance, that is, remittance from a external bank, is processed
in the following manner:
 Remittance for credit to a customer account: The beneficiary customer has a customer
account with the bank. The remittance on processing is credited to the customer
 Remittance is for collection by cash: The beneficiary customer collects the remitted
amount in cash.

Any charges, if applicable, is calculated and collected from the customer. The charges are
calculated based on the remitting bank and branch, beneficiary branch, amount, and so on.
The charges can be collected either in cash or debited to a customer account. At the time of
processing this inward remittance, the test key sent by the remitting bank is also validated

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8322’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

When you invoke the screen, the External Reference Number and Instrument type of the
transaction are displayed.

You need to specify the following details:

TT Currency
Specify the currency in which the customer is receiving the payment.

TT Amount
Specify the amount that the customer is receiving.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

Specify the Telegraphic Transfer Date.

Payable Branch
Specify the branch where the TT amount is paid out.

Payment Mode
Select the appropriate option from the drop down list to indicate whether the TT is Payable by
Immediate Liquidation to Account or Payable by Deferred Liquidation.

Beneficiary Account
Select the beneficiary account number from the adjoining option list.

Beneficiary Branch
The beneficiary’s home branch is displayed in this field on the selection of the beneficiary

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the telegraphic transfer is done.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary in whose favor the telegraphic transfer is done.

Beneficiary Phone Number
Specify the phone number of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary ID Number
Specify the beneficiary Identification number.

Specify remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Instrument Number
The system displays the instrument number.

Inward TT Reference
Specify the Reference No. of the Inward Inter Bank TT.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which the payment is being made by your customer.

Bank Code
Specify the clearing bank code for the transaction.

Issuing Branch
Select the branch of the external bank where the TT has been issued. Only the branches of
the External Bank for which the Bank Code is selected, is listed

Serial Number
Specify the serial number printed on the TT

Remitter Name
Specify the name of the remitter.

Remitter Address
Specify the address of the remitter

Remitter Phone Number

Specify the phone number of the remitter.

Remitter ID Number
Specify the remitter ID number.

Input Test Key

Specify the Test Key sent by External Bank on the fax message of the TT

Pick Up

Click this button to retrieve details and compute charges if applicable. The following details
are computed by the system:

Exchange Rate
Specify the rate of exchange.

The system displays the exchange to be used for the transaction in case the transaction

currency is different from the transfer currency.

Total Amount
The system computes the total amount to be paid by the walk-in customer by adding the
charge amount to the TT amount.

8.20.1 Specifying Charge details

Click on the ‘Charges’ button to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual
for further details.

8.20.2 Specifying MIS Details

Click on the MIS button to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual for
further details.

8.20.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ button of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this manual.

8.21 Liquidating a TT against GL

You can liquidate a telegraphic transfer drawn on your branch against a GL through the ‘TT
Liquidation Against GL’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8320’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

On invoking this screen, the External Reference Number of the transaction is displayed.
Select the branch code in the ‘Issuing Branch’ field and the instrument number of the TT to
be liquidated in the ‘Instrument Number’ field.

The following details will be auto populated:

Remitter Name
The name of the remitter is defaulted in this field.

Remitter Phone Number

The phone number of the remitter is defaulted in this field.

Remitter ID Number
The remitter ID number is defaulted in this field.

Test Key
The Test Key sent by External Bank on the fax message of the TT is defaulted in this field.

Beneficiary Name
The name of the beneficiary in whose favour the telegraphic transfer is done is defaulted in
this field.

Beneficiary Phone Number

The phone number of the beneficiary is defaulted in this field.

Beneficiary ID Number
The beneficiary Identification number is defaulted in this field.

Bank Code
The bank code of the clearing bank is displayed here.

Payable Branch
The system displays the current branch code (where the transaction is being captured).

Instrument Status
This indicates the mode of liquidation of the TT transaction. You can select the mode of
liquidation to any of the values available in the adjoining drop-down list:
 Payment
 Refund
 Cancel

GL Currency
The GL currency is defaulted to the instrument currency. However you can change it. The
adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the
appropriate one.

GL Number
The GL into which the amount should be liquidated is displayed here.

TT Currency
Displays the currency in which the instrument was issued.

TT Status
The system displays the last event that has been triggered for the transaction. This
corresponds to the status of the instrument.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

The system displays the date on which the TT was issued.

Beneficiary Address
The address of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Passport/IC No
The passport number or a unique identification number of the customer is displayed here.

The remarks associated with the transaction are displayed here.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates the parameters specified. The following screen
will be displayed:

The Charges, UDF, and MIS tabs will be displayed at this stage.

8.21.1 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual.

8.21.2 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual.

8.21.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this manual.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.22 Liquidating a TT against Account
You can liquidate a TT against an account through the ‘TT Liquidation Against Account’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8321’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

On invoking this screen, the External Reference Number of the transaction is displayed.
Select the branch code in the ‘Issuing Branch’ field and the instrument number of the TT to
be liquidated in the ‘Instrument Number’ field.

The following fields will be auto populated:

Remitter Name
The name of the remitter is defaulted.

Remitter Phone Number

The phone number of the remitter is defaulted

Remitter ID Number
The remitter ID number is defaulted.

Test Key
The Test Key sent by External Bank on the fax message of the TT is defaulted.

Beneficiary Name
The name of the beneficiary in whose favor the telegraphic transfer is done is defaulted.

Beneficiary Phone Number

The phone number of the beneficiary is defaulted.

Beneficiary ID Number
The beneficiary Identification number is defaulted.

Bank Code
The clearing bank code is displayed here.

Payable Branch
The branch where the TT has to be liquidated is displayed here.

Instrument Status
Specify the liquidation mode. You can choose any of the following values available in the
drop-down list:
 Payment
 Refund
 Cancel

TT Status
The system displays the last event that has been triggered for the transaction. This
corresponds to the status of the instrument.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

TT Currency
Specify the TT currency or select a currency for the TT from the list of values.

TT Amount
The system displays the TT amount.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

The system displays the date on which the TT was issued.

Account Number
Specify the account into which the TT should be liquidated.

Transaction Branch
The branch to which the account belongs is displayed here.

Beneficiary Address
The address of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

You can enter remarks for the transaction.

Enrichment Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates the parameters specified. The following screen
will be displayed:

8.22.1 Specifying charge details

The Charges, MIS and UDF tabs will be displayed at this stage. This block allows you to
capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual..

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.22.2 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual.

8.22.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this manual.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.23 Liquidating a TT for a Walk-in Customer
You can liquidate a Telegraphic Transfer for a walk-in customer and give the customer an
equivalent amount in cash. In order to capture such a transaction, invoke the ‘TT Liquidation
(Walk-In)’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8319’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

On invoking this screen, the External Reference Number of the transaction is displayed.
Select the branch code in the ‘Issuing Branch’ field and the instrument number of the TT to
be liquidated in the ‘Instrument Number’ field.

The following details will be auto populated:

Remitter Name
The name of the remitter is defaulted.

Remitter Phone Number

The phone number of the remitter is defaulted.

Remitter ID Number
The remitter ID number is defaulted.

Test Key
The Test Key sent by External Bank on the fax message of the TT is defaulted.

Beneficiary Name
The name of the beneficiary in whose favor the telegraphic transfer is done, is defaulted.

Beneficiary Address
The address of the beneficiary is displayed her.

Beneficiary Phone Number

The phone number of the beneficiary is defaulted.

Beneficiary ID Number
The beneficiary Identification number is defaulted.

Instrument Status
The system displays the liquidation mode of the TT. However, you can change it.

The adjoining drop-down list displays the following values:

 Payment
 Refund
 Cancel

Bank Code
The clearing bank code is displayed here.

Instrument Currency
The system displays the currency in which the TT has been issued.

TT Instrument Amount
The amount for which the cheque amount has been issued is displayed here.

Telegraphic Transfer Date

The system displays the date on which the TT was issued.

Payable Branch
The branch where the transfer amount is being paid out (current branch) is displayed here.

TT Status
The status of the transaction is displayed here.

Passport/IC Number
The passport number or a unique identification number of the customer is displayed here.

GL Currency
The GL currency is defaulted to the instrument currency. However you can change it. The
adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the
appropriate one.

Here, you can enter remarks pertaining to the transaction.

The Inter Bank Outward TT Issuance will not be available for the Payment in the Liquida-
tion Process. The Inter Bank Outward TT will be available for only Refund and Cancel

event at the Refund at the Issuing and Payable branch respectively, under the TT Liquida-
tion Process.Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction. The
following screen will be displayed:

The Denomination, Charges, MIS and UDF tabs are displayed at this stage.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

8.23.1 Specifying Denomination Details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the
transaction. Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’
for further details.

8.23.2 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual..

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.23.3 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ in this manual.

8.23.4 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details in
this manual.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.24 Inquiring on a TT Transaction

You can query a Telegraphic Transfer transaction for a specified branch and Instrument
Number. This can be done by using the ‘TT Inquiry’ screen. You can invoke this screen by
typing ‘7795’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Instrument Number
Specify an instrument number of the TT transaction that needs to be queried.

Issue Branch
Specify a branch for which you wish to query the TT transaction. Or select a branch from the
list of values.

After you specify the above details, click ‘Ok’ button.

The system will display the following details based on the instrument number:
 Transaction Amount
 TT Currency
 Instrument Status
 Issue Mode
 Issue Account Number
 Beneficiary Name
 Passport/IC Number

 Beneficiary Address

8.25 Transaction Reversal

You can reverse financial transactions that have been initiated by you. The transactions that
have been completed successfully are available in the ‘Completed’ list.

You can select the transaction that needs to be reversed by clicking on it.

Here you will be able to view all the transaction details. Click save icon to reverse the
transaction. The accounting entries will be reversed (i.e. negative amounts will be posted into
the accounts). This will update the till balance for the currencies, wherever applicable. The
system will display the message “Transaction Completed Successfully”.

8.26 Disbursing Loan Manually By Cash

You can manually disburse loan amount by cash using the ‘Loan Disbursement by Cash’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘5001’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. The screen is displayed below:

Specify the following details:

External Reference Number

The system displays a unique number.

The retail teller product code ‘LDCH’ is displayed in this field.

Loan Account Branch

Specify the loan account branch from which the amount is to be disbursed. You can also
select the appropriate branch from the adjacent option list. The list displays all the branches
maintained in the system.

Loan Account
Specify the loan account number from which the amount is to be disbursed. You can also
select the appropriate account number from the adjacent option list. The list displays all the
valid loan accounts maintained in the system.

Disbursement Currency
Specify the currency of the disbursement amount. You can also select the appropriate
currency from the adjacent option list. The list displays all the currencies maintained in the
system. The denomination tracking will be against this currency.

Disbursement Amount
Specify the disbursement amount.

Specify any remarks for the transaction.

After specifying the above details, click ‘Save’ button. The following screen along with the loan
details is displayed:

The details specified in the first screen are displayed here. However, you can capture the
following details:

Disbursement Amount
The disbursement amount mentioned in the first screen is displayed here. However, you can
modify the same. Specify the disbursement amount and click ‘Recalculate’ button to calculate
the total cash being disbursed.

Total Cash Disbursed

The total cash disbursed, after deducting the charges is displayed.

Exchange Rate
Specify the rate of exchange.

Loan Account Title

You can specify any title or remarks for the loan account.

Specify any remarks for the transaction.

Currency Denominations

You can specify denomination details if you have checked the ‘Denomination Tracking
Required’ option in the ‘Function Workflow Definition Detail’ screen.

Specify the number of units for each denomination.

Total Amount
The total amount for each denomination is displayed.

On saving the transaction, it will move to the enrichment stage for further processing.

The total amount of all the denominations must be equal to the total cash being disbursed.

 You cannot reverse these transactions from Savings module

 Manual disbursement through Savings module can be done only for manual
disbursement loan accounts

8.27 Repaying Loan Manually By Cash

You can manually repay retail loan amount by cash using the ‘Repayment towards Loan’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘5401’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. The screen is displayed below:

Here, you query the loan details by specifying the following:

Loan Account Branch

Specify the branch of the loan account for which the amount is to be repaid.

Loan Account Number

Specify the loan account number for which the amount is to be repaid.

Click ‘Save’ button. The total amount financed, disbursed, the total outstanding amount for
each component and currency is displayed in the following screen:

Specify the following in this screen:

Loan Account Branch

Specify the branch of the loan account for which the amount is to be repaid.

Loan Account Number

Specify the loan account number for which the amount is to be repaid.

Repayment Currency
Specify the currency of repayment amount. You can also select the appropriate currency from
the adjacent option list. The list displays all the valid currencies maintained in the system. The
denomination tracking will be against this currency.

Repayment Amount
Specify the amount to be repaid.

Specify any remarks for the transaction.

After specifying the above details, click ‘Save’ button. The following screen along with the loan
details is displayed:

Specify the following in this screen:

Repayment Amount
The amount mentioned in the input screen is displayed here. However, you can modify the
same. Specify the amount to be repaid and click ‘Recalculate’ button to calculate the total
cash being amount.

Total Cash Amount

The total amount to be paid after including all the charges is displayed here.

Exchange Rate
Specify the rate of exchange.

Loan Account Title

You can specify any title or remarks for the loan account.

Specify any remarks for the transaction.

A transaction slip is generated at the time of input stage completion and is produced to the
customer to sign and confirm the transaction.

Currency Denominations

You can specify denomination details if you have checked the ‘Denomination Tracking
Required’ option in the ‘Function Workflow Definition Detail’ screen.

Specify the number of units for each denomination.

Total Amount
The total amount for each denomination is displayed.

On saving the transaction, it will move to the enrichment stage for further processing.

– The total amount of all the denominations must be equal to the total cash amount
being paid.
– You cannot reverse these transactions from Savings module.

8.28 Processing Safe Deposit Box Rentals

Your customer can pay rental for the safe deposit box either by cash or from the account. The
cash payment is processed through the ‘Safe Deposit Rental By Cash’ screen as detailed

8.28.1 Input Stage

You can invoke the ‘Safe Deposit Rental By Cash’ screen by typing ‘3401’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button. The
following screen is displayed:

In this screen, select the Contract Reference Number of the transaction from the option list
and click the save icon. The transaction will move on the next stage.

8.28.2 Enrichment Stage

On clicking the save icon, the system will display the following screen:

In this screen, the system will display the following details:

 External Reference Number
 Product
 Contract Reference Number
 Value Date
 Due Date
 Next Due Date
 Payment Currency

 Payment Amount

You can enter the following details:

Enter additional information for the transaction.

Settlement Account
The system will display the account selected at the contract level. You can modify this, if

Settlement Branch
The system will display the branch selected at the contract level. You can modify this, if

Settlement Currency
The system will display the currency selected at the contract level. You can modify this, if

You can save the transaction by clicking the save icon. The following screen will be displayed:

In this screen, you can enter the details pertaining to denomination, MIS and UDF: Denomination Details

Enter the following detail:

Preferred Denomination
Specify the denomination in which the cash should be paid.

After entering the denomination click ‘Populate’. The system will default the units for the
denomination specified. You can modify the denomination and units if required.

If you do not enter any preferred denomination after clicking ‘Populate’, the system will default
the denomination code and other details to the extent of the transaction amount. If you wish
to modify these details, you may do so by clicking ‘Clear’, specifying the preferred currency
and then clicking the ‘Populate’ button.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for details on MIS and UDF

Refer the chapter ‘Operations’ in the Deposit Locker User Manual for details on payment
through account.

Click the save icon. The following screen is displayed:

8.29 Viewing Availability of Denomination in Till

You can view the count of denomination units available in Till in the ‘Denomination Count for
Transaction Currency’ screen. You can invoke this screen using the key combination ‘Ctrl+T’
only if the main screen contains ‘Denomination’ tab and the code of the currency is specified
in the main screen. For enabling ‘Ctrl+T’ key combination for this feature, check ‘Display
Denomination Details’ at the system level.

Here you can view the following details:

 Denomination Code – The denomination ID as specified in Currency definition.
 Denomination Value – The absolute value of the denomination code.

 Units Available – The count of denominations in the system.

8.30 Querying Till Vault Position

You can view the cash position for all the currencies in the Till for the current day in the ‘Till
Vault Position Query’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘TVQR’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow.

Here you can view the following details:

Branch Code
The system displays the current branch code.

Till/Vault ID
The system displays the identification of the currently logged in user.

Currency Details
Currency Code
The system displays the code of the currency available in the Till.

Opening Balance
The system displays the opening balance in the Till for the day.

Incoming Cash
The system displays the incoming cash in the Till for the day.

Outgoing Cash
The system displays the outgoing cash in the Till for the day.

Total Cash
The system displays the total cash currently available in the Till.

Check one of the Till details record to view the following currency details:

Denomination Details
Denomination ID
The system displays the denomination code for the currency in the selected till details record.

Denomination Value
The system displays the value of the corresponding denomination ID.

Opening Balance
The system displays the opening balance in the till for the day in terms of denominations.

Incoming Cash
The system displays the incoming cash in the Till for the day in terms of denominations.

Outgoing Cash
The system displays the outgoing cash in the Till for the day in terms of denominations.

Total Cash
The system displays the total cash currently available in the Till for the day in terms of

8.31 Sale of Foreign Currency against CASA Account

You can sell foreign currency from the branch through the CASA account. You can do this by
debiting corresponding account currency from CASA account. You can capture this foreign
currency sale transaction through the ‘FX Sale against Account’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘8206’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External reference
This is the unique transaction number generated by the system for each transaction. The host
system identifies a branch transaction with the external reference number.

Fx Currency
Specify the foreign currency sold by the bank to the customer from the adjoining option list.

Fx Amount
Specify the total value of the foreign currency sold to the customer.

Beneficiary name
Specify the name of the beneficiary which will be reflected in the advice.

Beneficiary address
Specify the address of the beneficiary.

The system defaults the retail teller product code. The product code for this transaction would
be FXSA.

Specify the CASA account to be debited for the foreign currency sale from the adjoining option

Account description
The description of the customer account gets defaulted based on the selected account

Account branch
The account opening branch detail gets defaulted based on the selected account number.

Account currency
The system displays the currency in which the account is maintained.

Passport/IC no
Specify either the passport number or the unique identification number of the customer.

You can input additional remarks for the transaction, if there are any.

Denomination Variance Applicable

This Check box will have the value Y by default only if you have set the required parameter
to ‘Yes’ in ‘FBTB_PARAMS.

By default, the system displays the status of the check-box as checked. However, you can
modify this based on the transaction requirements.

If this box is checked, then based on the denominations of the currency, the system will apply
the respective variance to the rate of exchange. The variance is applied based on the
variance maintained for the currency pair involved in the transaction.

If you check this box, it is mandatory to specify the denominations in ‘Denominations’ sub-

On clicking the pickup button, the following details will be defaulted:

The system displays the charge amount associated with the retail teller product FXSA in
account currency.

Amount Received
The system displays the amount received from the customer account in exchange of the
foreign currency amount sold.

Net Amount
It is the sum of actual account currency amount and the charges incurred.

If you have manually changed the exchange rate, then you can recalculate the net amount by
clicking ‘Recalculate’ button.

If you have checked the check-box ‘Denomination Variance Applicable’, then the system will
apply the variance for each denomination and calculate the net amount.

Currency Received Rate

Specify the current exchange rate of the currency.

8.31.1 Specifying Denomination Details

In the ‘Denomination’ screen, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved
in the transaction. You can invoke this screen by clicking the ‘Denomination’ button. If you
have checked the check-box ‘Denomination Variance Applicable’, then you must capture the
‘FX denomination details’ before Pickup stage in the Denomination screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further

8.31.2 Specifying Charge Details

This screen allows you to capture charge related details. You need to click on the ‘Charges’
button to invoke the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details. Recalculating Charges

You can modify any of the charges for any of the components. In case of modification, you
need to click ‘Recalculate’ button. The system will compute the new charge amount and
display the same. In case you modify the charge details and don’t click on this button, the
system will trigger the charge recalculation internally, when you click the save button.

8.31.3 Specifying MIS details

This screen allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ button to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

8.31.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ button.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The authorization process is similar to cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ for further details.

ARC Maintenance will be done for the FXSA product with the required accounting entries.

For details on the ARC maintenance, refer the section on ARC Maintenance screen in Utility
Payments user manual.

9. Instrument Transactions
9.1 Introduction
As you may recall, the Savings module allows you to perform different types of transactions.
This chapter details the various instrument-based transactions that can be performed through
this module. You can perform the following types of instrument-based transactions:
 Cheque transactions
– Cheque deposit and withdrawal
– Cheque deposit to GL
– Cheque book request
– In-house cheque deposit
– Cheque return
 Traveller’s Cheque (TC) transactions
– TC sale and purchase - against account and for walk-in customer
– TC sale against GL
 Demand Draft (DD) transactions
– DD sale against account
– DD liquidation – against GL, against account and for walk-in customer
– DD issue – to walk-in customer and against GL
– DD inquiry
– DD reprint
 Banker’s Cheque (BC) transaction
– BC sale – against account and against clearing
– BC issue – against GL and for walk-in customer
– BC liquidation – against account and against GL
– BC inquiry
– BC reprint

9.2 Withdrawing Cash against a Cheque

Your customer can withdraw money from his/her account by issuing a cheque on the account.
You can capture such a transaction through the ‘Cheque Withdrawal’ screen. You can invoke
this screen by typing ‘1013’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

Account Number
Specify the customer account into which the cash needs to be deposited.

In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list
of account numbers with account branches to select.

Account Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. If you specify another account number and tab out
of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding account branch.

Account Description
Enter a brief description on the account.

Cheque Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the cheque leaf.

Cheque Date
Specify the date displayed on the cheque leaf.

Transaction Currency
The system displays the local currency. If you specify another account number and tab out of
the Account Number field, the system displays the currency associated with the account.

Transaction Amount
Specify the amount that should be debited from another account in terms of transaction
currency. If the account to be debited is a Trust account, this amount should be within the cash
withdrawal limit defined for the debited account class.

Account Currency
The system displays the logged-in currency. If you specify another account number and tab
out of the Account Number field, the system displays the currency associated with the

Account Amount
The system displays the transaction amount. You cannot modify it..

The system displays ‘Cheque Withdrawal’. You can modify it, if required.

Click OK button to go to the next stage.

External Reference Number

The system generates and displays a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence
number generation logic. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the external
reference number.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the OK button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry meets the minimum criteria, it will calculate the charge based on the
transaction type. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, the system allows you to capture
the following information:

Account Description
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

Account Currency
The system displays the currency of the customer account.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into account
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the account currency, the system will
display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charge
The system calculates the charges applicable to the transaction and displays the amount

Account Amount
The system displays the amount to be debited from the account (in the account currency) after
calculating the applicable charges. The system adds the charge amount from the transaction
amount and displays the net value.

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account that is specified.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in foreign
currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, you need to specify the
negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books the online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

Reject Code
Specify the Reject Code. The adjoining option list displays the list of all the reject codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

If you reject a cheque without giving the reject code then that cheque can be reused. How-
ever, if you enter the reject code then the cheque will be rejected.

9.2.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the transaction
through the following fields:

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code
The system defaults the denomination code as maintained in the ‘Denomination
Maintenance’ screen.. For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate
denomination codes..

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, till contents are
decremented for outflow transactions like cash withdrawal. To reverse this default behavior,
you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

9.2.2 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ tab and invoke
the following screen.

Here you can capture the following details:

Charge Component
The system displays the charge component that is levied on the transaction.

This option is unchecked by default, thereby indicating that the charge needs to be levied.
However, you can check this option to waive the charge. If you check this option, you will have
to click the ‘Recalculate’ button to re-compute the net amount to be credited to the account.

Charge Currency
The system displays the currency in which the charge has to be levied.

Charge Amount
The system displays the charge amount in the charge currency. However you can change it.
You will then have to recalculate the charge and net transaction amount.

Charge in LCY
In case the transaction currency is different from the local currency, the system will compute
the local currency equivalent of the charge and display it here.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. If the charge currency
is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display ‘1’ as the exchange rate.

Charge Currency
The system displays the currency in which the charge has to be levied.

9.2.3 Specifying the MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

You can capture the following details here:

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to capture the
following details:

Transaction MIS
Specify the transaction MIS. The adjoining option list displays a list of transaction MIS codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Composite MIS
Specify the composite MIS. The adjoining option list displays a list of composite MIS codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

9.2.4 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

UDF Name
The system displays the various User-Defined Fields (UDFs) that you have maintained for the
product in the Host.

UDF Value
Specify the value for the each UDF that is displayed.

The MIS-related fields displayed here are based on the MIS configuration done at the

Refer the ‘MIS’ User Manual of Oracle FLEXCUBE Host, for further details about MIS.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The system displays overrides on a separate window. You can either accept or reject the
overrides and proceed with saving the transaction. If you click ‘Reject’ button, the screen will
remain in the enrichment stage for you to make changes to charge elements. Then if you click
‘Save’, the system will initiate reversal of the transaction without reversing the charges.

The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed the time of saving the input stage and au-
thorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the dual-control operations and the authorization process respectively.

9.2.5 Depositing a Cheque

You can deposit a cheque into your customer’s account through the ‘Cheque Deposit’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘6501’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

Account Number
Specify the customer account number into which the cash needs to be deposited.

In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list
of account numbers with account branches to select.

Account Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. If you specify another account number and tab out
of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding account branch.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the account number chosen.

Cheque Currency
The system displays the local currency. If you specify another account number and tab out of
the Account Number field, the system displays the currency associated with the account.

Account Currency
The system displays the currency associated with the account.

Cheque amount
Specify the amount that needs to be deposited to the account; in terms of local currency.

Account Amount
The system displays the cheque amount in terms of account currency.

Clearing Type
Specify the product that is maintained in the system for the transaction. The adjoining drop-
down list displays the outward and inward clearing products. For example:

Drawer Account Number

Specify the account number on which the cheque is drawn.

Cheque Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the cheque.

Cheque Issue Date

To specify the issue date of the cheque, click on the adjoining calendar icon and select the
appropriate date.

If the difference between the ‘Cheque issue date’ and the ‘Cheque Date’ is greater than
the ‘Cheque Stale Days’ maintained at the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen, an
error message will be displayed stating that the cheque is a stale one. However, a stale
cheque validation would not be done if the field ‘Cheque Stale days’ is not maintained at
the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for cheque clearance. .The adjoining option list displays all routing
numbers along with the Branch codes and Bank Codes. You can select the appropriate one.

The system defaults the narrative as 'Cheque Deposit - Cheque no - Cheque Number –
Drawer A/c Number - Account Number'. Once you specify the ‘Cheque Number’ and ‘Drawer
Account Number’, the system replaces the field values respectively on tabbing out from the

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click the OK button to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the OK button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry meets the minimum criteria, it will calculate the charge based on the
transaction type. The following screen is displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, the system allows you to capture
the following information:

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account specified.

Account Title
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

Account Currency
The system displays the currency of the customer account.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into account
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the account currency, the system will
display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charges
The system calculates the charges applicable to the transaction and displays the amount

Account Amount
The system displays the amount to be credited to the account (in the account currency) after
calculating the applicable charges. The system deducts the charge amount from the
transaction amount and displays the net value.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in foreign
currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, then you need to specify
the negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books the online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

9.2.6 Capturing instrument details

The instrument details that you captured in the previous stage can be viewed by clicking on
the ‘Instrument’ tab.

The system fetches the following additional details based on your previous inputs:

Bank Code
The system displays the clearing bank code based on the routing number.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the clearing bank based on the routing number.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code of the clearing bank, based on the routing number.

Branch Name
The system displays the branch in the clearing bank, based on the routing number.

Sector Code
The system displays the sector code of the clearing bank, based on the routing number.

Sector Description
The system displays the description of the sector.

Late Clearing
The system indicates whether the cheque has been cleared on the same day or is marked for
late clearing.

Regulation CC Available
Check this box to indicate that the ‘Reg CC’ facility is available for the transaction.

Special Available
Check this box to indicate that the ‘special availability’ facility is available for the transaction.

9.2.7 Specifying Project Details

You can capture project details under ‘Project Details’ tab. Note that this tab will be applicable
only if the cheque is being deposited into a Trust account.

Specify the following details:

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:
 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project.The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the
unit holder names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate

If you specify the Project Name, the system will display the Unit Ids in the list of values here.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Refer the sections titled ‘Authorization stage’ and ‘Submission stage’ under ‘Withdrawing
Cash against a Cheque’ for details on the authorization and submission.

9.2.8 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details for the transaction.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.2.9 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.2.10 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab. Click the tab button ‘UDF’. The system
displays the following details:

Click to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.3 Depositing a Cheque into a GL

Your customer can deposit a cheque into a GL. You can capture this transaction through the
‘Cheque Deposit to GL’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘6520’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

General Ledger Number

Specify the GL into which the cheque is being deposited. The adjoining option list displays all
the GL codes maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Account Title
On specifying the account number, the corresponding account title (description) is displayed.

General Ledger Currency

Specify the currency of the GL into which the customer is depositing a cheque. The adjoining
option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. You can select the
appropriate one.

Transaction Currency
The system defaults the account currency as the transaction currency. However, you can
modify it. The adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system.
You can select the appropriate one.

Transaction Amount
Specify the amount that needs to be deposited into the GL.


The system defaults the narrative as 'Cheque Return - Cheque no - Cheque Number - Reject
Reason'. Once you specify the 'Cheque Number' and 'Reject Reason', the system replaces
the field values respectively on tabbing out from the field.

9.3.1 Specifying Instrument Details

This section allows you to capture specific details about the cheque that needs to be

Clearing Type
Specify the product that is maintained in the system for the transaction. The adjoining drop-
down list displays the outward and inward clearing products. For example:

Select the appropriate one.

Cheque Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the cheque.

Cheque Date
The system defaults the system date as the cheque date. However, you can edit it from the
adjoining calendar.The chosen date will then be seen in the ‘YYYYMMDD’ format.

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for cheque clearance.

Drawee Account Number

Specify the account on which the cheque is drawn.

Check Issue Date

Specify the issue date of the cheque. You can click on the adjoining calendar icon and select
the appropriate date.

If the difference between the ‘Cheque issue date’ and the ‘Cheque Date’ is greater than
the ‘Cheque Stale Days’ maintained at the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen, an
error message stating that the cheque is a stale one will be displayed. However, stale
cheque validation would not be done if the field ‘Cheque Stale days’ is not maintained at
the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, the system allows you to capture
the following information:

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into GL
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the GL currency, the system will display
the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charges
The system displays the service charges applicable to the transaction.

General Ledger Amount

The system adds the charges to the transaction amount and displays the total amount that
will be credited to the GL.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in foreign
currency transaction. If you have specified the negotiated cost rate, then you need to specify
the negotiated reference number also.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books the online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

9.3.2 Specifying Instrument Details

This section allows you to capture specific details about the cheque that needs to be

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the clearing bank based on the routing number.

Branch Name
The system displays the branch in the clearing bank, based on the routing number.

Sector Code
The system displays the sector code of the clearing bank, based on the routing number.

Regulation CC Available
Check this box to indicate that the ‘Reg CC’ facility is available for the transaction.

Special Available
Check this box to indicate that the ‘special availability’ facility is available for the transaction.

Late Clearing
The system indicates whether the cheque has been cleared on the same day or is marked for
late clearing.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying instrument details’ and ‘Capturing instrument details’ under
‘Depositing a Cheque’ for further details about maintaining instrument details for this

9.3.3 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details for the transaction. Click on the
‘Charge Details’ tab to view the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.3.4 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

9.3.5 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab. Click the tab button ‘UDF’. The system
displays the following details:

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.4 Depositing an In-house Cheque

You can capture deposit transactions for cheques issued by your bank to your customers
through the ‘In House Cheque Deposit’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘LOCH’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

Here you can capture the following details:

From Account Details

From Account Number
Specify the drawer account number. The adjoining option list displays all the accounts
maintained in the logged-in branch. You can choose the appropriate one.

From Account Branch

The system displays the current logged in branch. This means that you will be able to specify
an account that resides in the current branch only.

From Account Description

The system displays the description of the account number chosen.

From Account Currency

The system displays the currency of the drawer account.

From Account Amount

Specify the transferrable amount in the currency associated with the From Account.

Cheque Number
Specify the cheque number.

Cheque Date
Specify the cheque date from the adjoining calendar.

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

The system displays the code of the retail teller product that will be used in the Host for
processing the transaction.

To Account Number
Specify the beneficiary account that needs to be credited with the cheque amount. The
adjoining option list displays all the accounts maintained across different branches in the
Host. You can choose the appropriate one. However, the option list will display the values only
on specifying the ‘to account branch’ field.

If you have already specified the branch codes for the beneficiary account in the ‘To Account
Branch’ field, the option list will display only those accounts that belong to the chosen branch.

To Account Branch
Specify the branch where the beneficiary account resides. The adjoining option list displays
all the branch codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

To Account Currency
The system displays the currency of the beneficiary account.

Specify the amount for which the cheque has been drawn.

Here, you can enter remarks for the transaction.

Cheque Number
Specify the number on the cheque that has been drawn.

Cheque Date
The system defaults the cheque date. However, you can modify it by clicking the adjoining
button and selecting from the calendar.

Cheque Issue Date

Specify the issue date of the cheque. You can click on the adjoining calendar icon and select
the appropriate date.

If the difference between the ‘Cheque issue date’ and the ‘Cheque Date’ is greater than
the ‘Cheque Stale Days’ maintained at the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen, an
error message stating that the cheque is a stale one will be displayed. However, stale
cheque validation would not be done if the field ‘Cheque Stale days’ is not maintained at
the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details. The following screen will be

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can view the following

Customer ID
The system displays the drawer customer’s CIF based on the value in the ‘From Account’

From Amount
The system displays the amount debited from the beneficiary account.

To Amount
The system displays the amount credited to the beneficiary account.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate for the transaction if the cheque currency and the
transaction currency are not the same.

Reject Code
Specify the Reject Code. The adjoining option list displays the list of all the reject codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

If you reject a cheque without giving the reject code then that cheque can be reused. How-
ever, if you enter the reject code then the cheque will be rejected.

9.4.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details for the transaction.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.4.2 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.4.3 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab. Click the tab button ‘UDF’. The system
displays the following details:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. On saving, the system checks whether the accounts
mentioned in the ‘from’ and ‘to’ leg of the transaction belong to the same netting group or not.
If they belong to the same netting group, the entries will not be posted. Instead the transaction
will be logged for the netting batch. On authorisation, the transaction will be made available
for the netting batch if logged for netting batch.

Refer the section ‘Maintaining Netting Group’ in the chapter ‘Accounts for Inter-Branch
Transactions’ in the Core Services User Manual for further details about netting.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

The system displays overrides on a separate window. You can either accept or reject the
overrides and proceed with saving the transaction. If you click ‘Reject’ button, the screen will
remain in the enrichment stage for you to make changes to charge elements. Then if you click
‘Save’, the system will initiate reversal of the transaction without reversing the charges.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process

9.5 Tracking a Cheque Return
A cheque transaction may not be successfully completed for want of funds in the drawer
account or if the drawer account is invalid. You can cancel a cheque issued on such an
account through the ‘Cheque Return’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘6560’ in
the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Transaction Branch
The current logged branch code is displayed here.

Drawee Accounts
Specify the drawee account number. The adjoining option list displays a list of drawee
account number. You can choose the appropriate one.

Drawer Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified drawer account number based on the
details maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

Routing No
Once the drawee account number is specified, you can select the routing number from the
adjoining option list. Alternately, you can choose a routing number along with the Branch
codes and Bank Codes from the adjoining list and view the corresponding cheque number
and account number.

Cheque Number
Specify the cheque number that needs to be tracked for return. The adjoining option list
displays all the cheques that have been issued in the branch along with the corresponding
routing number and the beneficiary account. You can choose the appropriate one.

The system defaults the narrative as 'Cheque Return - Cheque no - Cheque Number - Reject
Reason'. Once you specify the 'Cheque Number' and 'Reject Reason', the system replaces
the field values respectively on tabbing out from the field.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the above details, the system displays the following details:
 Remitter Account
 Beneficiary Account
 Customer Name
 Value Date
 Instrument Currency
 Instrument Number
 Reject Reason
 Instrument Amount

In addition to it, you can enter the following field:

Reason Code
Specify the reason code. The adjoining option list displays the list of all the reason codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Charge Details

System displays the following details under ‘Charge Details’ section:

 Charge Component
 Charge Currency

 Charge in Local Currency
 Exchange Rate

Check this box to waive the charge.

Charge Amount
System displays the calculated charge amount here. You can amend this, if required.

If you reject a cheque without giving the reject code then that cheque can be reused. How-
ever, if you enter the reason code then the cheque will be rejected.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.6 Cheque Return Batch

You can process the cheque return in bulk using an intraday batch in Oracle FLEXCUBE. For
this, you need to first maintain the batch as an intraday batch in the system.

9.6.1 Maintaining Function Input Details

You need to maintain the required batch program in 'Batch EOD Function Input' screen. To
invoke this screen, type BADEODFE’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool
bar and click the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Function ID
Specify CGREJECT. This is the function ID for running the intraday batch for cheque return.

End of Cycle Group
Select ‘Transaction input’.

Report Orientation
Select ‘Not Applicable’.

Function Input

You need to map the following parameters.

Parameter Data Type Value


EXTERNAL SYSTEM VARCHAR2 Name of the external system for which

the cheque returns are being uploaded


Once you have specified the details, save the maintenance.

For further information on this screen, refer to the section 'Specifying Data Values for EOD
Functions' in chapter ‘Automated End of Cycle Operations’ of the Automated End of Day user

9.6.2 Triggering Cheque Return Processing Batch

You can invoke 'Intra Day Batch Start' screen by typing 'BABIDBAT' in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Select the function ID of the batch to be executed. Click 'OK' button. The system triggers the
batch process.

The batch will pick up the unprocessed cheque return records and start processing the
records one by one.

Before passing the cheque return record to the main processing routine, the system validates
the entered data against the data stored in the database. If the entered data does not match
with the data stored in the database, the system logs the error and proceeds to the next

You can input the charge component and charge amount/waiver for a cheque return. The
charge component thus entered must be maintained in the ‘Arc Maintenance’ screen for the
charge product mapped to the clearing product of the cheque being returned. The charge
product, which should be an RT product, is mapped to the clearing product using the screen
‘Online Charge Product Maintenance’ (STDCHGMN). If it is not maintained, then the system
will log appropriate error for the particular cheque return and proceed to the next cheque
return record.

If you do not input any charge component for the cheque, then the system will check if any
charge component has been maintained in 'Arc Maintenance' screen for the charge product
mapped to the clearing product. If it is maintained, then system will pick that charge
component and amount and process the record.

9.7 Querying Cheque Status

You can query the details of a cheque by specifying the customer’s account number and
cheque number in the ‘Cheque Status Inquiry’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘CQIN’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

Account Number
Specify the account number. The adjoining option list displays all the valid account numbers
maintained in the account branch selected. You can choose the appropriate one.

Account Branch
Specify the branch code. The adjoining option list displays all the valid branch codes
maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Cheque Number
Specify the cheque number. The adjoining option list displays all the valid cheque numbers
maintained in the account number selected. You can choose the appropriate one.Click ‘Reset’
button once you specify the account number and cheque number. The following details will
be displayed in the screen:
 Account Title
 Customer Number
 Account Currency
 Cheque Status

Validation will be done to check if the account number specified is a valid number.

9.8 Selling a TC against an Account

You can issue a Traveller’s Cheque (TC) for your customer against his/her savings account.
In order to capture this transaction, you need to invoke the ‘TC Sale (Against A/C’) screen by
typing ‘1009’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Issuing Branch
The current logged – in branch is displayed.

Instrument Type
The instrument type corresponding to a TC issued to customers against their savings account
is displayed here.

Instrument Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

Issuer Code
Specify the issuer code to validate the TC details for sale from the adjoining option list.

Account Branch
Specify the branch in which the customer account is maintained for issuing the TC from the
adjoining option list.

Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the TC. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Currency
The transaction currency of the specified customer account is displayed here.

TC Currency
The transaction currency of the specified customer account is displayed here.

TC Amount
Specify the amount for which the TC is being issued.

Here, you can enter remarks about the transaction.

Click the save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Batch Number
The teller entry batch number is displayed.

Related Customer ID
The customer identification number of the payment initiator is displayed here based on the
chosen account number.

Customer Name
The customer name pertaining to the related customer ID is displayed here.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into account
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the account currency, the system will
display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the beneficiary name.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the beneficiary address.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount to be debited from the account (in the account currency) after
calculating the applicable charges. This amount depends on the charge method – whether
inclusive or exclusive.

Click ‘Recalc’ button to update amount/charge details.

9.8.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details

In this block you can enter the TC denomination details through the following fields:

TC Description
Select the TC denomination from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the TC
denominations maintained in the branch system.

TC Denomination
The number of available units in the denomination is displayed.

The TC Currency is displayed here.

Enter the number of TCs against each denomination in Count.

Select the TC series from the option list.

Start Number
Specify the starting serial number of TC against each denomination and press TAB.

The following details are displayed:

End Number
The system displays ending serial number of TCs against each denomination based on the
TC count you have specified.

TC Amount
The system displays the TC amount based on the value of denomination and the number of
TCs against that denomination.

System Count
The count of denominations available in the system is displayed.

9.8.2 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.8.3 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a Cheque’
for further details.

9.8.4 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.9 Selling a TC against a GL

You can issue a Traveller’s Cheque (TC) for your customer against General Ledger account.
In order to capture this transaction, you need to invoke the ‘TC Sale (Against GL)’ screen by
typing ‘8205’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Issuer Code
Specify the issuer code to validate the TC details for sale from the adjoining option list.

The current logged – in branch is displayed.

Instrument Type
The instrument type corresponding to a TC issued against GL account is displayed here.

Instrument Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

TC Currency
Specify the currency of the TC.

General Ledger Currency

Specify the currency of the GL against which the TC is being issued. The adjoining option list
displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

TC Amount
Specify the amount for which the TC is being issued.

General Ledger Number

Specify the GL against which you are issuing the TC. The adjoining option list displays all the
GL accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

GL Description
The system displays the description of the GL account number chosen.

Here, you can enter remarks about the transaction.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type.

The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Customer Number
The customer identification number of the payment initiator is displayed here based on the
chosen account number.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the TC currency into GL account
currency. If the TC currency is the same as the account currency, the system will display the
exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Total Amount
The system displays the amount to be debited from the account (in the account currency) after
calculating the applicable charges. This amount depends on the charge method – whether
inclusive or exclusive.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favour the TC is being drawn.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary.

Click ‘Recalc’ button to update amount/charge details.

9.9.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details

In this block you can enter the TC denomination details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying TC Denomination Details’ under ‘Selling a TC against an
Account’ for further details.

9.9.2 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.9.3 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under Withdrawing Cash against a Cheque’’
for further details.

9.9.4 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.10 Selling a TC to a Walk-in Customer

You can sell a TC to any walk-in customer through the ‘TC Sale (Walk-In)’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘8204’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

The current logged – in branch is displayed.

Issuer Code
Specify the issuer code to validate the TC details for sale from the adjoining option list.

Instrument Type
The instrument type corresponding to a TC issued to walk-in customers is displayed here.

Instrument Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

Transaction Date
Enter the date of issue of the TC. This is deemed to be the application date by default, and
can be changed if necessary.

TC Currency
Specify the currency in which the TC is being issued.

Account Currency
The system defaults the branch currency as the account currency. However you can change
it. The adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. You can
select the appropriate code.

TC Amount
Specify the amount for which the TC is being issued.

Here, you can enter remarks about the transaction.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction

The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the TC currency into transaction
currency. If the TC currency is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display
the exchange rate as ‘1’.

TC Amount in A/C Currency

Specify the TC amount in the TC currency.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Actual Amount
The system adds the charge amount to the TC amount and displays the total transaction

Click ‘Recalc’ button to update amount/charge details.

9.10.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details

In this block you can enter the TC denomination details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying TC Denomination Details’ under ‘Selling a TC against an
Account’ for further details.

9.10.2 Specifying Currency Denomination Details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.10.3 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.10.4 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a Cheque’
for further details.

9.10.5 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.11 Purchasing a TC against an Account

You can purchase a TC through the ‘TC Purchase (Against A/C)’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘1409’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Issuing Branch
The current logged – in branch is displayed.

Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are purchasing the TC. The adjoining option
list displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Branch
Specify the Branch in which the customer account needs to be selected for issuing the TC.
The adjoining option list displays all the branches maintained in the system. Select the
appropriate one.

TC Currency
Specify the currency of the TC.

TC Amount
Specify the amount as indicated on the TC instrument being purchased.

Issuer Code
Specify the issuer code to validate the TC details for sale from the adjoining option list.

Account Currency
The transaction currency of the chosen customer account is displayed here.

Here, you can enter remarks about the transaction.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction
type. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Related Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account specified.

Customer Name
Customer name pertaining to the Related customer ID will be defaulted and displayed here.

TC Amount in A/C Currency

Specify the TC amount in the TC currency.

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the TC currency into account
currency. If the TC currency is the same as the account currency, the system will display the
exchange rate as ‘1’.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Total Amount
The system deducts the charge amount from the TC amount and displays the total transaction

In case you change the TC amount, you will have to click the ‘Recalc’ button to re-compute
the total transaction amount and the total amount.

9.11.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details

In this block you can enter the TC denomination details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying TC Denomination Details’ under ‘Selling a TC against an
Account’ for further details.

9.11.2 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.11.3 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a Cheque’
for further details.

9.11.4 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.12 Purchasing a TC from a Walk-in Customer

You can liquidate a TC from a walk-in customer and give him/her the equivalent amount in
cash. In order to capture such a transaction, invoke the ‘TC Purchase (Walk - In)’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘8003’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool
bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Issuing Branch
The current logged – in branch is displayed.

Issuer Code
Specify the issuer code to validate the TC details for sale from the adjoining option list.

Instrument Type
The instrument type corresponding to a TC issued against GL account is displayed here.

Instrument Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

TC Currency
Specify the currency of the TC.

Account Currency
The system defaults the branch currency as the account currency. However you can change
it. The adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. You can
select the appropriate code.

TC Amount
Specify as indicated on the TC instrument being purchased.

Here, you can enter remarks about the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary of the transaction.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary of the transaction.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the TC currency into transaction
currency. If the TC currency is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display
the exchange rate as ‘1’.

Related Customer ID
System displays the customer ID applicable to walk-in customers.

Total Charge
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Total Amount
The system displays the amount to be debited from the account (in the account currency) after
calculating the applicable charges. This amount depends on the charge method – whether
inclusive or exclusive.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the beneficiary name.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the beneficiary address.

Passport/IC Number
Specify the customer’s passport number or any other identification number.

In case you change the TC amount, you will have to click the ‘Recalc’ button to re-compute
the total transaction amount and the total amount.

9.12.1 Specifying TC Denomination Details

In this block you can enter the TC denomination details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying TC Denomination Details’ under ‘Selling a TC against an
Account’ for further details.

9.12.2 Specifying Currency Denomination Details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.12.3 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

9.12.4 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a Cheque’
for further details.

9.12.5 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Withdrawing Cash against a
Cheque’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.13 Making Cross Border Payments

You can make cross border payment using the ‘Cross-Border Payment By AC’ screen.

Here you can capture the following details:

Transfer Type
Specify the type of transfer, i.e., whether the transfer is a bank transfer or a customer transfer.

Charge Whom
Specify the entity that will bear the charges. The options in the drop-down list are:
 Charges Borne by Ordering Customer
 Charges Borne by Beneficiary
 Our Chgs by Ord Cust and Rvr Chgsby Ben

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Product Code
The system displays the code of the retail teller product that will be used for processing the

The system displays the logged-in branch code.

Transaction Date
Specify the date when the transaction was initiated.

Transaction Branch
Specify the branch where the transaction is carried out.

Book Date
Specify the booking date.

From Account Currency

Specify the currency of the account from where the payment is made.

From Amount
Specify the amount that will be transferred from the sender’s account.

From Account Number
Specify the sender’s account number.

From Account Branch

Specify the branch of the sender’s account.

Route Code
Specify the route code of the transaction.

After you specify the above details, click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In this screen, in addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, the system allows
you to capture information on the following:

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account that is specified.

Account Title
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

This screen provides following details:

 Transfer Details
 Messaging Info
 Customer Transfer Info

9.13.1 Specifying the Transfer Details

In the transfer details tab, you can capture the following information:

Agent Bank
Specify the bank through which the transaction is being carried out.

Beneficiary AC No
Specify the account number of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Details
Specify the beneficiary details

Agent Bank Addr

Specify the address of the agent bank.

Cr Value Date
System displays the credit value date.

Dr Value Date
System displays the credit value date.

9.13.2 Specifying the Messaging Information

In the Messaging Info tab, you can capture the following information:

Ordering Customer
Specify details of the ordering customer.

Sender To Receiver Info

Specify the sender to receiver information of the transaction.

Charge Whom
Specify the entity that will bear the charges.

The options in the drop-down list are:

 Charges Borne by Ordering Customer
 Charges Borne by Beneficiary
 Our Chgs by Ord Cust and Rvr Chgsby Ben

Payment Details
Specify the payment details

Provide a description for the transaction.

9.13.3 Specifying the Customer Transfer Details

In the Customer Transfer Info tab, you can capture the following:

Bank Operation Code

Specify the Bank Operation Code. The values in the drop-down list are:


Instruction Code
Specify the instruction code for the transaction.

Envelope Contents
Specify the contents of the envelope.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

Once the transaction is complete, you can reverse the accounting entries of the transaction,
if required.

For more information on reversing a transaction, refer the section ‘Transaction Reversal’
under the ‘Cash Transaction’ manual.

9.14 Selling a DD Issue against an Account

You can issue a Demand Draft (DD) for your customer against his/her savings account. In
order to capture this transaction, you need to invoke the ‘DD Issue Against Account’ screen
by typing ‘1014’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on
the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

DD Details
DD Date
The date of DD issue is displayed here.

Bank Code
Specify the code of the bank that is issuing the DD. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch code at which the DD should be encashed or redeemed. The adjoining
option list displays all the branches maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch.

DD Currency
Specify the currency of the DD.

DD Amount
Specify the amount for which the DD is being drawn.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message as
“Instrument number entered is not valid”

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number of the cheques.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favour the DD is being drawn.

Verification Number
Specify the customer’s verification number.

Funding Details
Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the DD. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Account Branch
Select the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Account Amount
The amount to be credited to the account is displayed here.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch the DD by post or courier.

Use Account Address

Check this box to default the address maintained at the account level.

Specify the address to which the demand draft should be delivered. From the adjoining option
list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘DD Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name> here. However you can
modify this.

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the information defaulted from the previous stage, you can view the following

Issuing Branch
The branch code of the issuing branch is displayed here.

Instrument Number
The instrument number is displayed here.

Customer Number
The customer number is displayed here.

Account Branch
The code of the branch where the account resides is displayed here.

Customer Name
Specify the name of the customer.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate is displayed here.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Account Title
The title of the account is displayed here.

Customer ID
The customer ID is displayed here.

The total charges applicable are displayed here.

Account Amount
The amount to be credited to the account is displayed here.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the DD being issued.

Charge Amount
Specify the charge amount.

– During the issue process, based on the issue type, the system will use the
instrument types (BCW, BCA, BCG, BCC/DDW, DDA, DDG, DDC) for the
resolution of the retail product and DAO accounts.
– Instrument number generation will be based on the single instrument type (BC/DD)
at the inventory level.
– If the system is not using the inventory module, then a new instrument type called
‘BCI’ or ‘DDI’ will be used to generate (issue) the instrument and the sequence
number generation will be based on this new type.
– This will ensure that the instrument number is unique for the instrument BC or DD
irrespective of the issue type. i.e., across all types of BC, the instrument number will
be unique and similarly for all types of DD, the instrument number will be unique.

9.14.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.14.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.14.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.15 Viewing OFAC Check Response
OFAC check enables the application to call an external web service to perform black list check
for customer and customer accounts and give warnings appropriately while transacting with
black listed customers. You can also capture your remarks before overriding the black list

Click ‘OFAC Check’ button in ‘Bills and Collections - Contract Input - Detailed’ screen to view
the OFAC check response in the ‘External System Detail’ screen On clicking ‘OFAC Check’
button, system will build the request XML and call the web service. The ‘External System
details’ screen displays the response is received from the external system and you will be also
allowed to enter your remarks in this screen. The response received will also be sent to Oracle
FLEXCUBE Database layer for any further interpretations of the same. This button can be
made visible while carrying out the actual customization. Request building response
interpretation in the database layer needs to be done as part of customization to enable this.

Here, you can view /capture the following details:

External System Response

The response from the external system regarding the black listed customer is displayed here.

User Remarks
Specify your remarks regarding the black listed customer here.

9.16 Issuing DD against Cheque

You can issue a Demand Draft (DD) for your customer against an in-house cheque drawn on
his/her savings account. In order to capture this transaction, you need to invoke the ‘DD Issue
Against Cheque’ screen by typing ‘8330’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

DD Details
DD Date
The date of DD issue is displayed here.

Bank Code
Specify the code of the bank that is issuing the DD. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch code at which the DD should be encashed or redeemed. The adjoining
option list displays all the branches maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch.

DD Currency
Specify the currency of the DD.

DD Amount
Specify the amount for which the DD is being drawn.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message as
"Instrument number entered is not valid"

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number of the cheques.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favour the DD is being drawn.

Verification Number
Specify the customer's verification number.

Funding Details
Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the DD. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Cheque Number
Specify the number of the cheque being drawn for DD sale.

Account Branch
Select the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Account Amount
The amount to be credited to the account is displayed here.

Cheque Date
Specify the date of the cheque from the adjoining calendar.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch the DD by post or courier.

Use Account Address

Check this box to default the address maintained at the account level.

Specify the address to which the demand draft should be delivered. From the adjoining option
list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘DD Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name> here. However you can
modify this.

External Reference Number
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the information defaulted from the previous stage, you can view the following

Issuing Branch
The branch code of the issuing branch is displayed here.

Instrument Number
The instrument number is displayed here.

Customer Number
The customer number is displayed here.

Account Branch
The code of the branch where the account resides is displayed here.

Customer Name
Specify the name of the customer.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate is displayed here.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Account Title
The title of the account is displayed here.

Customer ID
The customer ID is displayed here.

The total charges applicable are displayed here.

Account Amount
The amount to be credited to the account is displayed here.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the DD being issued.

Charge Amount
Specify the charge amount.

9.16.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.16.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.16.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.17 Liquidating a DD against a GL
You can liquidate a DD drawn on your branch against a GL through the ‘DD Liquidation
against GL’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8311’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

DD Details
Instrument Number
Select the instrument number of the DD that should be liquidated form the adjoining option list.

Issue Branch Code

Select the issue branch code from the adjoining option list.

Issue Branch Name

the system displays the name of the issue branch based on the issue branch code.

Issue Date
The system displays the date of issue of the DD.

DD Currency
The system displays currency of the DD currency captured during 'Issue'.

DD Amount
The system displays the DD amount captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Code

The system displays the name of the payable bank code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Name

The system displays the name of the bank captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Code

The system displays the name of the payable branch code captured during ‘Issue’.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch captured during 'Issue'.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number of the cheques captured during 'Issue'.

DD Status
The system displays the status of the issued DD.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
The system displays the beneficiary in whose favour the DD is being drawn captured during

Verification Number
The system displays the customer's verification number captured during 'Issue'.

Liquidation Details
Liquidation Mode
Specify the mode of liquidation from the adjoining drop-down list.

GL Number
Specify the general ledger number that should be used to post this transaction. The adjoining
option list displays all the general ledgers maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate

GL Description
The system displays the description of the specified GL account.

GL Currency
The currency of the chosen GL is displayed here.

GL Amount
The GL amount to be credited to the account is displayed here.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘DD Liquidation- <Instrument No.> here. However you can modify

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Here you can capture the following additional details:

Instrument Type
The instrument type is displayed here.

Issue Branch
The issue branch is displayed here.

Liquidation Date
The system displays the date on which the transaction is posted.

Liquidation Mode
Specify the status of the instrument. You can choose any of the following values available in
the adjoining drop-down list:
 Payment
 Refund
 Cancel

General Ledger Number

Specify the general ledger number that should be used to post this transaction. The adjoining
option list displays all the general ledgers maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate

General Ledger Description

The system displays the description of the specified GL account.

Instrument Number
The instrument number is displayed here.

General Ledger Currency

The currency of the chosen GL is displayed here.

Demand Draft Currency

The currency of the DD instrument is displayed here.

Payable Bank
The clearing bank code is displayed here.

You can enter remarks for the transaction.

Demand Draft Amount

The amount for which the Demand Draft has been drawn is displayed here.

Issue Date
The system displays the date of issue of the DD.

Beneficiary Address
The address of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Payable branch
The branch where the DD has to be liquidated is displayed here.

Demand Draft Number

The issue number of the DD is displayed here.

Verification Number
The system displays the Verification Number details captured during issue.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit. Refer the
corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’ of this User
Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.18 Liquidating a DD against an Account

You can liquidate a DD drawn on your branch against an account through the ‘DD Liquidation
Against Account’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8312’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can specify the following details:

DD Details
Instrument Number
Select the instrument number of the DD to be liquidated from the adjoining option list.

Issue Branch Code

Select the issue branch code from the adjoining option list.

Issue Branch Name

the system displays the name of the issue branch based on the issue branch code.

Issue Date
The system displays the date of issue of the DD.

DD Currency
The system displays currency of the DD currency captured during 'Issue'.

DD Amount
The system displays the DD amount captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Code

The system displays the name of the payable bank code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Name

The system displays the name of the bank captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Code

The system displays the name of the payable branch code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch captured during 'Issue'.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number of the cheques captured during 'Issue'.

DD Status
The system displays the status of the issued DD.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
The system displays the beneficiary in whose favour the DD is being drawn captured during

Verification Number
The system displays the customer's verification number which was captured during 'Issue'.

Liquidation Details
Liquidation Mode
Specify the mode of liquidation from the adjoining drop-down list.

Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the DD. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Account Branch
Select the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Account Amount
The amount to be credited to the account is displayed here.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘DD Liquidation - <Instrument No.> here. However you can modify

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Input stage – 2
On clicking save icon, the system fetches the details of the chosen instrument and displays
them in the following screen:

Here you can capture the following additional details:

Instrument Type
The instrument type is displayed here.

Liquidation Mode
Specify the status of the instrument. You can choose any of the following values available in
the adjoining drop-down list:
 Payment
 Refund
 Cancel

Liquidation Date
The system displays the date on which the transaction is posted.

Account Currency
The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Account Number
Specify the offset account that should be used to post this transaction. The adjoining option
list displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Number
The instrument number of the DD that needs to be liquidated is displayed here.

Payable Bank
The clearing bank code is displayed here.

DD Currency
The currency of the DD instrument is displayed here.

DD Amount
The amount for which the DD has been drawn is displayed here.

You can enter remarks for the transaction.

Issue Date
The system displays the date of issue of the DD.

Payable Branch
The branch where the DD has to be liquidated is displayed here.

DD Number
The issue number of the DD is displayed here.

DD Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

Beneficiary Name
The name of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Verification Number
The system displays the Verification Number details captured during issue.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.Enrichment stage

On clicking save icon button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction
type. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Total Charges
The system displays the total charges applicable to the transaction.

Total Amount
The system displays the total amount that will be credited to the account.

9.18.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.18.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.18.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.19 Liquidating a DD for a Walk-in Customer
You can liquidate a DD or a walk-in customer and give him/her the equivalent amount in cash.
In order to capture such a transaction, invoke the ‘DD Liquidation Walk-In’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘8310’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

DD Details
Instrument Number
Select the instrument number of the DD that needs to be liquidated from the adjoining option

Issue Branch Code

Select Issue branch code from the adjoining option list.

Issue Branch Name

the system displays the name of the issue branch based on the issue branch code.

Issue Date
The system displays the date of issue of the DD.

DD Currency
The system displays currency of the DD currency captured during 'Issue'.

DD Amount
The system displays the DD amount captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Code

The system displays the name of the payable bank code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Name

The system displays the name of the bank captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Code

The system displays the name of the payable branch code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Name
The system displays the name of the branch captured during 'Issue'.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number of the cheques captured during 'Issue'.

DD Status
The system displays the status of the issued DD.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
The system displays the beneficiary in whose favour the DD is being drawn captured during

Verification Number
The system displays the customer's verification number captured during 'Issue'.

Liquidation Details
Liquidation Mode
Specify the mode of liquidation from the adjoining drop-down list.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which the customer is making the payment.

Transaction Amount
The system displays the total transaction amount.
Additional Details
The system defaults the DD Liquidation - <Instrument No.> here. However you can modify

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Input stage - 2
On clicking the save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction.

The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

The branch code is displayed here.

Liquidation Type
The liquidation type of the DD is displayed here.

Liquidation Mode
The system displays the liquidation mode of the DD. However, you can change it. The
adjoining drop-down list displays the following values:
 Payment
 Refund
 Cancel

Payable Bank
The clearing bank code is displayed here.

Instrument Number
The instrument number is displayed here.

Payable Branch
The branch where the DD amount is being paid out (current branch) is displayed here.

DD Currency
The system displays the currency in which the DD has been issued.

Issue Date
The system displays the date on which the DD has been issued.

Liquidation Date
The system displays the date on which the transaction is being posted.

Drawee Account Number

The account on which the DD has been drawn is displayed here.

DD Amount
The amount for which the DD has been issued is displayed here.

DD Number
The MICR number of the DD is displayed here.

DD Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

Transaction Currency
The system defaults the branch currency as the transaction currency. However you can
change it. The adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the Host. You
can select the appropriate code.

Here, you can enter remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
The name of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.Other Details
Any other information captured for the transaction is displayed here.

Verification Number
The system displays the verification number details captured during issue.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
Here, the system validates the inputs provided in the previous stage. If everything is found
correct, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The following screen will be

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate for the transaction if the DD currency and the
transaction currency are not the same.

Total Charge
The system computes the charge applicable to the transaction and displays it.

Net Amount
The system derives the net amount payable to the customer after deducting the applicable
charges and displays it here.

9.19.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

9.19.2 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. You need to click on the ‘Charges’ tab
to invoke the following screen.

The system displays the charge applicable to the transaction. You can waive it if required. You
then need to click ‘Recalc’ button to re-computed the net amount payable to the customer.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.19.3 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.19.4 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.20 Issuing a DD to a Walk-in Customer

You can issue a DD to any walk-in customer through the ‘DD Issue Walk-In’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘8305’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

DD Details
DD Date
The date of DD issue is displayed here.

Bank Code
Specify the code of the bank that is issuing the DD. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch code at which the DD should be encashed or redeemed. The adjoining
option list displays all the branches maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch.

DD Currency
Specify the currency of the DD.

DD Amount
Specify the amount for which the DD is being drawn.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message as
"Instrument number entered is not valid"

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number of the cheques.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favour the DD is being drawn.

Verification Number
Specify the customer's verification number.

Funding Details
Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which the customer is making the payment.

Transaction Amount
The system displays the total transaction amount.

Purchaser Details
Purchaser Name
Specify the name of the purchaser.

Verification Number
Specify the purchaser’s verification number.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch the DD by post or courier.

Specify the address to which the demand draft should be delivered. From the adjoining option
list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘DD Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name> here. However you can
modify this.

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction.

The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Transaction Currency Rate

The system displays the exchange to be used for the transaction in case the transaction
currency is different from the DD currency.

The system computes the charges applicable to the transaction and displays the amount

Total Amount
The system computes the total amount to be paid by the walk-in customer by adding the
charge amount to the DD amount.

9.20.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

9.20.2 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details. You need to click on the ‘Charges’ tab
to invoke the following screen.

The system displays the charge applicable to the transaction. You can waive it if required. You
then need to click ‘Recalc’ button to re-compute the net amount payable to the customer.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.20.3 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.20.4 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.20.5 Invoking OFAC Check

OFAC Check enables the application to call an external web service to perform black list
check for customer and customer accounts and warn the users appropriately while
transacting with black listed customers. This will also allow capturing the user remarks in such
scenarios before overriding the black list warning.

To invoke this screen, click ‘OFAC Check’ button in ‘DD Issue Walk-In ’screen.

This button can be made visible while carrying out the actual customization. Request building,
response interpretation in the database layer needs to be done as part of customization to
enable this feature.

On clicking this button, system will build the request XML and call the web service. Once the
response is received from the external system, the user will be allowed to enter his remarks
in the screen displayed. The response received will also be sent to Oracle FLEXCUBE
Database layer for any further interpretations of the same.

9.21 Issuing a DD against a GL

You can issue a DD against a GL account for your customer through the ‘DD Issue against
GL’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8306’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

DD Details
DD Date

The system displays the date on which the DD is being issued.

Bank Code

Specify the clearing bank code. The adjoining option list displays all the clearing bank codes
maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.
Bank Name

The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch code at which the DD should be encashed or redeemed. The adjoining
option list displays all the branches maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.
Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch.

DD Currency

Specify the in which the DD is being issued. The adjoining option list displays all the currency
codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.
DD Amount

Specify the amount for which the DD is being drawn.

Instrument Number

Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message “Instrument
number entered is not valid”.

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.
MICR Number

Specify the MICR number as displayed on the DD instrument.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name

Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the DD is being issued.
Verification Number

Specify the customer’s verification number.

Funding Details
GL Number

Specify the GL against which the DD is being issued. The adjoining option list displays all the
GL codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

GL Description

The system displays the description of the specified GL account.

GL Currency

Specify the currency of the GL against which the DD is being issued. The adjoining option list
displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.
GL Amount

The GL amount is displayed here.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier

Check this box to dispatch the DD by post or courier.


Specify the address to which the demand draft should be delivered. From the adjoining
option list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system.

Additional Details

The system defaults the ‘DD Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name> here. However you can
modify this.

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the save icon button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory
data entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the
transaction. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Transaction Currency
The system displays the currency of the GL as the currency in which the transaction entries
will be posted. However, you can change it by choosing the appropriate currency code from
the adjoining option list.

The system calculates the charges applicable to the transaction and displays the amount

In case you change the charge amount or the DD amount, you will have to click ‘Recalc’
button to re-compute the total transaction amount.

Total Amount
The system adds the charge amount to the DD amount and displays the total transaction

Instrument Number
The instrument number is displayed here.

9.21.1 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details for the transaction. You can waive it if
required. You then need to click ‘Recalc’ button to re-compute the net amount payable to the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying charge details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.21.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.21.3 Specifying UDF Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.21.4 Invoking OFAC Check

OFAC Check enables the application to call an external web service to perform black list
check for customer and customer accounts and warn the users appropriately while
transacting with black listed customers. This will also allow capturing the user remarks in such
scenarios before overriding the black list warning.

To invoke this screen, click ‘OFAC Check’ button in ‘DD Issue against GL ’screen.

This button can be made visible while carrying out the actual customization. Request building,
response interpretation in the database layer needs to be done as part of customization to
enable this feature.

On clicking this button, system will build the request XML and call the web service. Once the
response is received from the external system, the user will be allowed to enter his remarks
in the screen displayed. The response received will also be sent to Oracle FLEXCUBE
Database layer for any further interpretations of the same.

Here, you can view the following details.

External System Response

The response from the external system regarding the black listed customer will be defaulted

User Remarks
You can specify your remarks here.

9.22 Inquiring on a DD Transaction

You can query on the details of a DD transaction based on the issue branch and the
instrument number of the DD transaction. For a liquidated contract only liquidation details are
displayed. You can achieve this through the ‘DD Inquiry’ screen. You can invoke this screen

by typing ‘7789’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on
the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can query on the details of a DD based on the following fields:

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number from the adjoining option list.

Issue Branch
The system displays the issue branch

DD Details
Bank Code
The system displays the bank code.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

DD Date
The date of DD issue is displayed here.

DD Currency
The system displays the DD currency.

DD Status
The system displays the status of the issued DD.

Payable Branch Code

The system displays the payable branch code.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number of the cheques.

DD Amount
The system displays the amount for which the DD is being drawn.

The system defaults the ‘DD Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name>’ for liquidated

The system defaults the ‘DD Liquidation - <Instrument No.>’ for liquidated instruments.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favour the DD is being drawn.

Verification Number
Specify the customer's verification number.

Funding Details
The system displays the funding mode based on the mode of payment for funding DD.

Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the DD. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Cheque Number
The system displays the cheque number.

Purchaser Name
Specify the name of the purchaser.

GL Number
Select the account number of the GL against which a BC is issued from the adjoining option

GL Description
The system displays a brief description on the general ledger.

The system displays the amount based on funding.

Cheque Date
The system displays the cheque date,

Verification Number
The system displays the customer verification number.

Liquidation Details
Specify the mode of liquidation from the adjoining drop-down list.

Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the DD. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

The currency of the chosen account is displayed here.

Specify the date of liquidation.

GL Number
Select the account number of the GL against which a BC is issued from the adjoining option

GL Description
The system displays a brief description on the general ledger.

The system displays the amount based on the liquidation

Delivery Details
Specify the address to which the demand draft should be delivered. From the adjoining option
list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system.

9.23 Re-validating DD Instrument

You can re-validate the expired DD instrument using ‘Revalidation of DD Instrument’ screen.

System will allow re-validating instrument only if,

 The check box ‘Allow Revalidation’ is checked in the ‘Instrument Product Maintenance’
 The instruments have not been liquidated, cancelled or refunded.
 Instrument status should be issued (INIT), Reissued (RISU), Duplicate Issue (DISU) or

9.23.1 Query Stage

To invoke ‘Revalidation of DD Instrument’ screen, type ‘DDRV’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify following details here:

External Reference
System generates and displays unique reference number to identify the re-issuance of DD

Payment Mode
The system will collect charges based on the payment mode selected at the query stage.

Issue Branch
The system defaults the current branch as the issue branch.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number for the issuance of duplicate DD instrument from the adjoining
option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.23.2 Input Stage

On clicking the ‘Save’ button, the system will display the following screen:

System displays the following details in this screen:
 External Reference
 Issue Branch
 Instrument Number
 Issue Account Number
 Expiry Date
 MICR Number
 Revalidation Count
 Duplicate Issue Date
 Demand Draft Status
 Instrument Type
 Demand Draft Currency
 Demand Draft Amount
 Payable Bank
 Issue Date
 Beneficiary Name
 Beneficiary Address

You need to specify the following details:

Revalidation Reason
Specify the reason for the re-validation of DD instrument. The reason specified here will be
shown in the revalidated instrument report.

Revalidation Frequency
System defaults re-validation frequency maintained in the ‘Instrument Type Definition’ screen;
however, you can override the re-validation frequency in days, months or years.

New Expiry Date

System generates new expiry date for the re-validated instrument calculated as,

‘Old Expiry Date + ‘Revalidation Period’.

Payment Details

You need to specify the following details under ‘Payment Details’ section:

Charge Account Number

Specify the charge account number from which the charge needs to be collected from the
adjoining option list.

Charge Currency
Specify the currency applied for the charge from the adjoining option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.23.3 Enrichment Stage

On clicking the save icon, the system will display the following screen:

Click ‘Recalc’ button to recalculate the charges in case the charges are modified. Denomination Details

If you have selected ‘Payment Mode’ as ‘Cash’ at query stage, you need to specify
Denomination details.

Total Amount
The system computes the total amount based on the specified denomination details, iIf you
have selected ‘Payment Mode’ as ‘Cash’ at query stage.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual for further details. Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual.

9.24 Reprinting / Reissuing of DD

Oracle FLEXCUBE reprints / reissues the DD due to one of the following reasons:
 Stationery got stuck in the printer
 Improper printing
 Instrument is lost by the banker

9.24.1 Query Stage

To invoke ‘DD Reprint / Reissue’ screen, type ‘DDRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details on this screen.

Issue Branch
Specify the code that identifies the branch that issued the instrument. The option list displays
all valid branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Number
Specify the number of the instrument that you wish to reprint. The option list displays all valid
instrument numbers issued at the selected branch. Choose the appropriate one.

External Reference Number

The system displays the external reference number. You cannot modify this.

Print Type
From the drop-down list, select ‘Reissue’ to reissue the DD instrument or select ‘Reprint’ to
reprint the DD instrument.

On confirming the above details, the system displays the input stage of the ‘DD Reprint /
Reissue’ screen.

Here, you need to specify the following fields:

New Instrument Number

Specify the new instrument number for the reissuance/reprinting of a new DD instrument.

New MICR Number

Specify the new MICR Number captured for the new Instrument.

Reprint / Reissue Reason

Specify the reason that should be verified during the auditing of DD reprint / Reissue. This is
a mandatory field.

Reprint / Reissue Count

The system displays the count of the current reprint / Reissue operation.

In order to keep track on reprints, the system will count the number of times the instrument
is printed. These details will be verified by branch official or auditor.

Click ‘Save’ to retain the incremented reprint / Reissue count and audit details.

9.25 Issuing Duplicate DD Instrument

You can issue the duplicate DD instrument using ‘Duplicate Issue of DD Instrument’ screen.
System will allow duplicate issuance of DD instrument only if,
 The check box ‘Allow Duplicate Issuance’ is checked in the ‘Instrument Product
Maintenance’ screen.
 The instruments have not been liquidated.
 Instrument status should be issued (INIT), Reissued (RISU).

9.25.1 Query Stage

To invoke ‘Duplicate Issue of DD Instrument’ screen, type ‘DDDI’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify following details here:

External Reference Number

System generates and displays unique reference number to identify the re-issuance of DD

Payment Mode
Select the payment mode for the duplicate issuance of the instrument from the drop-down list.
System will apply charges only for the duplicate issuance of an instrument. Cancellation
charges will be waived.

Issue Branch
Specify the branch where DD has been issued.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number for the issuance of duplicate DD instrument from the adjoining
option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.25.2 Input Stage

On clicking the ‘Save’ button, the system will display the following screen:

System displays the following details in this screen:
 External Reference
 Issue Branch
 Instrument Type
 Old Instrument Number
 New Instrument Number
 Issue Account Number
 Expiry Date
 MICR Number
 Duplicate Issue Count
 Duplicate Issue Date
 Demand Draft Status
 Demand Draft Currency
 Demand Draft Amount
 Payable Bank
 Issue Date
 Beneficiary Name
 Beneficiary Address

You need to specify the following details:

New MICR Number

Specify the new MICR Number captured for the new Instrument.

Duplicate Issue Reason

Specify the reason for the duplicate issuance of DD instrument.

Payment Details

You need to specify the following details under ‘Payment Details’ section:

Charge Account Number
Specify the charge account number from which the charge needs to be collected from the
adjoining option list.

Charge Currency
Specify the currency applied for the charge from the adjoining option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.25.3 Enrichment Stage

On clicking the save icon, the system will display the following screen:

Click ‘Recalc’ button to recalculate the charges in case the charges are modified. Denomination Details

If you have selected ‘Payment Mode’ as ‘Cash’ at query stage, you need to specify
Denomination details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual for further details.

9-115 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual.

9.26 Viewing Instrument Reprint Summary

You can view the summary of instrument reprint in the ‘Instrument Reprint Summary’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘ISSRPDET’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can query the reprint summary details based on the following details:

Issuing Branch
Specify the branch assigned to issue the instrument reprint. The adjoining option list displays
all valid branches maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Number
Specify the number of the instrument that should be queried. The adjoining option list displays
all valid instrument numbers maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Type
Specify the type of the instrument that should be queried. The adjoining option list displays all
valid instrument numbers maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Based on the aforementioned queries, the system displays the following fields:
 Issuing Branch
 Instrument Type
 Instrument Number
 Contract Reference Number
 Reprint Count
 Reprint Reason
 Maker ID
 Maker Date
 Checker ID
 Checker Date

9.27 Selling a BC against an Account

You can sell Bankers cheque (BC) against a customer’s savings account. In order to capture
this transaction, you need to invoke the ‘BC Issue Against Account’ screen by typing ‘1010’ in
the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

In this screen, you need to specify the following details:

BC Details
BC Date
The system defaults the BC date to the system date.

Bank Code
Specify the bank code that is issuing the BC. The adjoining option list displays all the bank
codes maintained in the system.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank based on the bank code selected.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch where the BC should be payable. The adjoining option list displays all the
branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system defaults the payable branch name based on the payable branch code selected.

BC Currency
The system displays the currency of the banker’s cheque.

BC Amount
Specify the amount for which the BC is being issued.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message as
“Instrument number entered is not valid”.

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the BC being issued.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the BC is being issued.

Verification Number
Specify the verification number.

Funding Details
Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the BC. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account based on the account number

Account Branch
The system displays the account branch based on the account number selected.

Account Currency
The system displays the account currency based on the account number selected.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount in account currency based on the BC amount.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch the cheque book by post or courier.

If you check ‘Dispatch by Post /Courier’, then the 'Use Account Address' or 'Address' should
be mandatory.

Use Account Address

Check this box to default the address maintained at the account level.

Specify the address to which the banker’s cheque should be delivered. From the adjoining
option list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system. The system
displays the address of the customer if the check box ‘Use Account Address’ is checked.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘BC Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name>’ here. However you can
modify this.

The system updates the beneficiary name based on the name specified in ‘Beneficiary Name’.
However you can modify it.

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it as the ‘External Reference’.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction
type. The following screen will be displayed:

The following details will get defaulted in this stage:

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number.

Customer Id
Specify the customer Id.

Customer Name
Specify the customer name.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate is displayed here.

Total Charge
System displays the total charge.

Account Title
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID based on the account specified.

The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount to be debited from the account (in the account currency) after
calculating the applicable charges. This amount depends on the charge method – whether
inclusive or exclusive.

– During the issue process, based on the issue type, the system will use the
instrument types (BCW, BCA, BCG, BCC/DDW, DDA, DDG, DDC) for the
resolution of the retail product and DAO accounts.
– Instrument number generation will be based on the single instrument type (BC/DD)
at the inventory level.
– If the system is not using the inventory module, then a new instrument type called
‘BCI’ or ‘DDI’ will be used to generate (issue) the instrument and the sequence
number generation will be based on this new type.
– This will ensure that the instrument number is unique for the instrument BC or DD
irrespective of the issue type. i.e., across all types of BC, the instrument number will
be unique and similarly for all types of DD, the instrument number will be unique.

9.27.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details such as the following:

Charge Component
The system defaults the charge components applicable to the transaction.

You can waive a certain charge for the customer by checking this box against the charge

Charge Amount
The system displays the charge amount to be deducted for the corresponding charge
component. You can edit the amount.

Charge in LCY
In case the transaction currency is different from the local currency, the system will compute
the local currency equivalent of the charge and display it here.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. If the charge currency
is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display ‘1’ as the exchange rate.

9.27.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Cost Center
Select a cost center from the list of values. The MIS code assigned to the cost center related
to the account is displayed here.

Select the type of the loan from the adjoining option list.

Select the term of the loan from the adjoining option list.

Contracts in Various Currencies

Select the currency to which the contract belongs.

Account Officer
Select the account officer who is in-charge of executing this transaction.

Standard Industrial Code

Select the industry to which the customer belongs.

9.27.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Specify the following details.

Field Name
All UDFs specified for the account class is displayed here.

Field Value
The value for each UDF is displayed here. You can alter this value if necessary.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed the time of saving the input stage and au-
thorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

9.27.4 Invoking OFAC Check

OFAC Check enables the application to call an external web service to perform black list
check for customer and customer accounts and warn the users appropriately while
transacting with black listed customers. This will also allow capturing the user remarks in such
scenarios before overriding the black list warning.

To invoke this screen, click ‘OFAC Check’ button in ‘Banker’s Cheque Sale(Against Account)

This button can be made visible while carrying out the actual customization. Request building,
response interpretation in the database layer needs to be done as part of customization to
enable this feature.

On clicking this button, system will build the request XML and call the web service. Once the
response is received from the external system, the user will be allowed to enter his remarks
in the screen displayed. The response received will also be sent to Oracle FLEXCUBE
Database layer for any further interpretations of the same.

Here, you can view the following details.

External System Response

The response from the external system regarding the black listed customer will be defaulted

User Remarks
You can specify your remarks here.

9.28 Selling BC against Cheque

You can sell Bankers cheque (BC) against an in-house cheque drawn on customer’s savings
account. In order to capture this transaction, you need to invoke the ‘Bankers Cheque Sale
Against Account’ screen by typing ‘8335’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

In this screen, you need to specify the following details:

BC Details
BC Date
The system defaults the BC date to the system date. However you can change it using the
adjoining calendar.

Bank Code
Specify the code of the bank that is issuing the BC. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch where the BC should be payable. The adjoining option list displays all the
branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system defaults the payable branch name based on the payable branch code

BC Currency
The system displays the local currency of the banker's cheque.

BC Amount
Specify the amount for which the BC is being issued.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message as
"Instrument number entered is not valid".

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the BC being issued.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the BC is being issued.

Verification Number
Specify the verification number.

Funding Details
Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the BC. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Cheque Number
Specify the number of the cheque being drawn for BC sale.

Account Branch
Select the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Account Currency
The currency of the account is displayed here.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount in account currency based on the currency.

Cheque Date
Specify the date of the cheque from the adjoining calendar.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch the BC by post or courier.

Use Account Address

Check this box to default the address maintained at the account level.

Specify the address to which the banker's cheque should be delivered. From the adjoining
option list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system. The system
displays the address of the customer if the check box 'Use Account Address' is checked.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘BC Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name> here. However you can
modify this.

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it as the 'External Reference’.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction
type. The following screen will be displayed:

The following details will get defaulted in this stage:

Instrument Number
The system displays the instrument number.

Customer Id
The system displays the customer Id.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name based on the customer Id.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate is displayed here.

Total Charge
System displays the total charge.

Account Title
The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

The system displays the customer account based on the account specified.

The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount to be debited from the account (in the account currency) after
calculating the applicable charges. This amount depends on the charge method – whether
inclusive or exclusive.

9.28.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details such as the following:

Charge Component
The system defaults the charge components applicable to the transaction.

Charge Currency
The system displays the currency in which the charge has to be deducted.

You can waive a certain charge for the customer by checking this box against the charge

Charge Amount
The system displays the charge amount to be deducted for the corresponding charge
component. You can edit the amount.

Charge in LCY
In case the transaction currency is different from the local currency, the system will compute
the local currency equivalent of the charge and display it here.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. If the charge currency
is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display ‘1’ as the exchange rate.

9.28.2 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.28.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Specify the following details.

Field Name
All UDFs specified for the account class is displayed here.

Field Value
The value for each UDF is displayed here. You can alter this value if necessary.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

9.29 Close Out Withdrawal by BC
You can close an account and pay the account balance (by issuing a BC) to the customer
using the ‘Close out Withdrawal by Bankers Cheque’ screen. You can invoke this screen by
typing ‘1300’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the
adjoining arrow button.

On invoking this screen, the External Reference Number of the transaction, the Account
Branch, and Account No are displayed.

Specify an account number or select an account number from the list of values.

Click save icon to go to the next stage – Enrich Stage.

Enrichment stage
In the Enrich Stage, the following screen is displayed:

The following details will be displayed on invoking this screen:

Account Number
Specify the customer account against which you are issuing the BC. The adjoining option list
displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Account Branch
Select the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Account Currency
The currency of the account is displayed here.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount in account currency based on the currency.

BC Details
BC Date
The system defaults the BC date to the system date. However you can change it using the
adjoining calendar.

Bank Code
Specify the code of the bank that is issuing the BC. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch where the BC should be payable. The adjoining option list displays all the
branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system defaults the payable branch name based on the payable branch code

Instrument Number
The system displays the instrument number.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number.

Serial Number
The system displays the serial number.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the beneficiary name.

Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch the bankers cheque by post or courier.

Use Account Address

Check this box to default the address maintained at the account level.

Specify the address to which the banker's cheque should be delivered. From the adjoining
option list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system. The system
displays the address of the customer if the check box 'Use Account Address' is checked.

Additional Details
Enter remarks about the transaction.

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it as the 'External Reference'.

9.29.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying Charge Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.29.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying MIS Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.29.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to go to the next stage – Authorization.

In the Authorization stage, you need to assign the transaction to a teller who will authorize or
reject the transaction.

– The contract is saved only when there are no overrides or when all overrides have
been authorized by a supervisor.
– Once the transaction is successfully authorized the customer’s account balance is
set to zero and a BC is issued for the net amount.

For more information on ‘Authorization’ and ‘Submission’, refer the section ‘Withdrawing Cash
against a Cheque’ in this manual.

Once a transaction is complete you can reverse this transaction, if required.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

For more information on reversing a transaction, refer the section ‘Transaction Reversal’ in
the ‘Cash Transactions’ manual.

9.30 Account Close Out Withdrawal
You can close an account and pay the account balance to the customer using the ‘Account
Close out Withdrawal’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1320’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

On invoking this screen, the External Reference Number of the transaction, the Account
Branch, and Account Number are displayed.

External Reference Number

The system displays the external reference number based on the account number selected.

Account Number
Select the account number from the adjoining option list.

The system displays the branch based on the account number selected.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Click save icon to go to the next stage – Enrich Stage.

Enrichment stage
In the Enrich Stage, the following screen is displayed:

The following details will be displayed on invoking this screen:

External Reference
The system displays the external reference number.

The system displays the branch code.,

Account Number
Specify the customer account number.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Account Currency
The currency of the account is displayed here.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount in account currency based on the currency.

Offset Branch
Select the offset branch from the adjoining option list.

Offset Account
Specify the offset account that should be used to post this transaction. The adjoining option
list displays all the accounts maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Account Title
The system displays the account title.

Offset Currency
The system displays the offset currency.

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it as the 'External Reference'.

9.30.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying Charge Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.30.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying MIS Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.30.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to go to the next stage – Authorization.

In the Authorization stage, you need to assign the transaction to a teller who will authorize or
reject the transaction.

9.31 Issuing a BC against a GL

You can issue a BC against a GL account for your customer through the ‘BC Issue against
GL’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8302’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

On invoking this screen, the ‘External Reference Number’ and the ‘Banker’s Cheque Date’ are
displayed. You need to specify the following details:

BC Details
BC Date
The system defaults the BC date to the system date. However you can change it using the
adjoining calendar.

Bank Code
Specify the code of the bank that is issuing the BC. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch where the BC should be payable. The adjoining option list displays all the
branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system defaults the payable branch name based on the payable branch code

BC Currency
The system displays the local currency of the banker's cheque. However you can modify it.

BC Amount
Specify the amount for which the BC is being issued.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message as
”Instrument number entered is not valid”.

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the BC being issued.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the BC is being issued.

Verification Number
Specify the verification number.

Funding Details
GL Number
Select the account number of the GL against which a BC is issued from the adjoining option

GL Description
The system displays a brief description on the general ledger.

GL Currency
Specify the currency of the GL against which a BC is issued or select a GL currency from the
list of values.

GL Amount
The system displays the amount in GL account currency.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch the BC by post or courier.

Specify the address to which the banker's cheque should be delivered. From the adjoining
option list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system. The system
displays the address of the customer if the check box 'Use Account Address' is checked in the
‘BC Issue Against Account’ screen.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘BC Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name> here. However you can
modify this.

External Reference
The system displays the external reference number.

Click the save icon to move to the next stage.

9-141 Enrichment stage

In this stage, the above screen is displayed with the following information:

General Ledger Number

Specify the GL number.

General Ledger Currency

Specify the GL currency.

General Ledger Title

The system displays a brief title for the chosen account.

Txn Ccy Rate

The system displays the transaction currency.

The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

Total Amount
The system displays the total amount of the transaction.

Instrument Number
The system displays the instrument number.

Customer ID
The system displays the customer ID.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name based on the customer ID

9.31.1 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying Charge Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.31.2 Specifying MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying MIS Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.31.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details..

9.31.4 Invoking OFAC Check

OFAC Check enables the application to call an external web service to perform black list
check for customer and customer accounts and warn the users appropriately while
transacting with black listed customers. This will also allow capturing the user remarks in such
scenarios before overriding the black list warning.

To invoke this screen, click ‘OFAC Check’ button in ‘BC Issue Against GL ’screen.

This button can be made visible while carrying out the actual customization. Request building,
response interpretation in the database layer needs to be done as part of customization to
enable this feature.

On clicking this button, system will build the request XML and call the web service. Once the
response is received from the external system, the user will be allowed to enter his remarks
in the screen displayed. The response received will also be sent to Oracle FLEXCUBE
Database layer for any further interpretations of the same.

Here, you can view the following details.

External System Response

The response from the external system regarding the black listed customer will be defaulted

User Remarks
You can specify your remarks here.

9.32 Issuing a BC to a walk-in customer

You can issue a BC to any walk-in customer through the ‘BC Issue Walk-In’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘8301’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details:

BC Details
BC Date
The system defaults the BC date to the system date. However you can change it using the
adjoining calendar.

Bank Code
Select the clearing bank code for the transaction. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch where the BC should be payable. The adjoining option list displays all the
branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system defaults the payable branch name based on the payable branch code

BC Currency
Select the currency in which the BC is being issued from the adjoining option list.

BC Amount
Specify the amount for which the BC needs to be drawn in the cheque currency.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number. On save, system validates the instrument number.

If the instrument number is available then the system moves the transaction to the enrich

If the instrument number is not available then the system raises an error message as
“Instrument number entered is not valid”.

If the instrument number is not specified the system defaults the least instrument number
which is available for the branch and the instrument type.

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number displayed on the BC being issued.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the BC is being drawn.

Verification Number
Specify the verification number.

Funding Details
Transaction Currency
The system defaults the transaction currency. However it can be modified.

Transaction Amount
The system displays the total transaction amount based on the currency.

Purchaser Details
Purchaser Name
Specify the name of the purchaser.

Verification Number
Specify the verification number.

Delivery Details
Dispatch by Post/Courier
Check this box to dispatch BC by post or courier.

Specify the address to which the banker’s cheque should be delivered. From the adjoining
option list, you can choose the valid account address maintained in the system.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘BC Issued in favour of <Beneficiary Name> here. However you can
modify this.

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it as the 'External Reference'.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction.

The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Instrument Number
The system displays the instrument number.

Customer Id

The system displays the customer ID.

Customer Name
The system displays the customer name based on the customer ID.

Transaction Currency Rate

The system displays the exchange to e used for the transaction in case the transaction
currency is different from the BC currency.

The system computes the charges applicable to the transaction and displays the amount

Total Amount
The system computes the total amount to be paid by the walk-in customer by adding the
charge amount to the BC amount.

9.32.1 Invoking OFAC Check

OFAC Check enables the application to call an external web service to perform black list
check for customer and customer accounts and warn the users appropriately while
transacting with black listed customers. This will also allow capturing the user remarks in such
scenarios before overriding the black list warning.

To invoke this screen, click ‘OFAC Check’ button in ‘BC Issue Walk-In’ screen.

This button can be made visible while carrying out the actual customization. Request building,
response interpretation in the database layer needs to be done as part of customization to
enable this feature.

On clicking this button, system will build the request XML and call the web service. Once the
response is received from the external system, the user will be allowed to enter his remarks
in the screen displayed. The response received will also be sent to Oracle FLEXCUBE
Database layer for any further interpretations of the same.

Here, you can view the following details.

External System Response

The response from the external system regarding the black listed customer will be defaulted

User Remarks
You can specify your remarks here.

9.32.2 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

9.32.3 Specifying charge details

Click on the Charges tab to capture charge related details.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying Charge Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.32.4 Specifying MIS Details

Click on the MIS tab to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.32.5 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

9.33 Liquidating a BC against an account

You can liquidate a BC against an account through the ‘BC Liquidation Against Account’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8309’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

BC Details
Issue Branch
Select the issue branch code from the adjoining option list.

Instrument Number
Select the instrument number of the BC that needs to be liquidated from the adjoining option

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage – Enrich Stage 1.

Enrichment stage - 1
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

Instrument Number
Select the instrument number of the BC that needs to be liquidated from the adjoining option

Issue Branch Code

Select the issue branch code from the adjoining option list.

Issue Branch Name

The system displays the issue branch name based on the branch code.

Issue Date
The system defaults the Issue date. However you can change it using the adjoining calendar.

BC Currency
The system displays the local currency of the banker’s cheque captured during ‘Issue’..

BC Amount
The system displays the BC amount captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Code

The system displays the name of the payable bank code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Name

The system displays the name of the bank captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Code

The system displays the name of the payable branch code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch captured during 'Issue'.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number of the cheques captured during 'Issue'.

BC Status
The system displays the status of BC.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
The system displays the beneficiary in whose favour the BC is being drawn captured during

Verification Number
The system displays the customer's verification number captured during 'Issue'.

Liquidation Details
Liquidation Mode
Select the mode of liquidation from the adjoining drop-down list.

Account Number
Specify the customer account number. The adjoining option list displays all the accounts
maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

Account Branch
Select the branch code from the adjoining option list.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

Account Currency
The currency of the account is displayed here.

Account Amount
The system displays the amount in account currency based on the currency.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘BC Liquidation - <Instrument No.>’ here. However you can modify

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

If the system date is greater than the expiry date, then the system will not allow liquidating
the instrument and will display the following error message as “Instrument Validity has ex-
pired and needs Revalidation”.

If the check box ‘Allow Revalidation’ is checked in the ‘Instrument Product maintenance’
screen, then you can re-validate the instrument using ‘Revalidation of DD/BC Instrument’
screen. After revalidation, system will allow liquidating the instrument as the expiry date gets
extended by the revalidation period.

Enrichment stage – 2
Here, the system validates the inputs provided in the previous stage. If everything is found
correct, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The following screen will be

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following
 Txn Amount
 Total Charges
 Total Amount

9.33.1 Specifying charge details

Click on the Charges tab to capture charge related details.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying Charge Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.33.2 Specifying MIS Details

Click on the MIS tab to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.33.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Depending on the ‘Display Type’ selected for customer / account in ‘Instruction Mainte-
nance’ screen, the instruction will be displayed at the time of saving the input stage and
authorizing the transaction.

For more details about viewing customer / account instructions, refer the section titled
‘Viewing Customer / Account Instructions on ‘F6’ Key-Press’ and Viewing Customer / Account
Instruction Details in Override Screen’ in this user manual.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

9.34 Liquidating a BC against a GL

You can liquidate a BC drawn on your branch against a GL through the ‘BC Liquidation
Against GL’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8308’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can capture the following details:

BC Details
Instrument Number
Select the instrument number of the BC that needs to be liquidated from the adjoining option

Issue Branch Code

Select the issue branch code where the BC is payable from the adjoining option list .

Issue Branch Name

The system displays the issue branch name based on the branch code.

Issue Date
The system defaults the Issue date. However you can change it using the adjoining calendar.

BC Currency
The system displays the local currency of the banker’s cheque captured during ‘Issue’.

BC Amount
The system displays the BC amount captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Code

The system displays the name of the payable bank code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Name

The system displays the name of the bank captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Code

The system displays the name of the payable branch code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch captured during 'Issue'.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number of the cheques captured during 'Issue'.

BC Status
The system displays the status of BC.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
The system displays the beneficiary in whose favour the BC is being drawn captured during

Verification Number
The system displays the customer's verification number which was captured during 'Issue'.

Liquidation Details
Liquidation Mode
Select the mode of liquidation from the adjoining drop-down list.

GL Number
Specify the customer account number. The adjoining option list displays all the accounts
maintained in the system. Select the appropriate one.

GL Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

GL Currency
The currency of the account is displayed here.

GL Amount
The system displays the amount in account currency based on the currency.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘BC Liquidation - <Instrument No.>’ here. However you can modify

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage – Enrich Stage 1.

Enrichment stage 1
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Clearing Bank Code

The bank code of the clearing bank is displayed here.

Payable Branch
The system displays the current branch code (where the transaction is being captured).

Liquidation Mode
The status of the DD instrument is displayed here as ‘Payment’. However, you can change it
to either of the other values available in the adjoining drop-down list viz:
 Refund
 Cancel
 Cheque Number

The MICR number of the DD instrument is displayed here.

Cheque Currency
The DD currency is displayed here. However you can change it. The adjoining option list
displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Cheque Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

Beneficiary Name
The name of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Passport/ IC No
The passport/IC number of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Beneficiary Address
The address of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Liquidation Date
The system displays the date on which the transaction is posted.

GL Currency
Specify the currency in which the transaction needs to be posted to the GL. The adjoining
option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate

GL Account Number
The amount that should be liquidated into the GL is displayed here.

The remarks associated with the transaction are displayed here.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

If the system date is greater than the expiry date, then the system will not allow liquidating
the instrument and will display the following error message as “Instrument Validity has ex-
pired and needs Revalidation”.

If the check box ‘Allow Revalidation’ is checked in the ‘Instrument Product maintenance’
screen, then you can re-validate the instrument using ‘Revalidation of DD/BC Instrument’
screen. After revalidation, system will allow liquidating the instrument as the expiry date gets
extended by the revalidation period.

Enrichment stage – 2
Here, the system validates the inputs provided in the previous stage. If everything is found
correct, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type.

The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following
 Txn Amount
 Total Charges
 Total Amount

9.34.1 Specifying charge details

Click on the Charges tab to capture charge related details.

For more details, refer the section ‘Specifying Charge Details’ under ‘Selling a BC against an
Account’ in this manual.

9.34.2 Specifying MIS Details

Click on the MIS tab to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for further

9.34.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

9.35 Liquidating a BC for a walk-in customer

You can liquidate a DD or a walk-in customer and give the customer an equivalent amount in
cash. In order to capture such a transaction, invoke the ‘BC Liquidation Walk-In’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘8307’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool
bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can capture the following details:

BC Details
Instrument Number
Select the instrument number of the BC that needs to be liquidated from the adjoining option

Issue Branch Code

Select the issue branch code where the BC is payable from the adjoining option list .

Issue Branch Name

The system displays the issue branch name based on the branch code.

Issue Date
The system defaults the Issue date. However you can change it using the adjoining calendar.

BC Currency
The system displays currency of the BC captured during 'Issue'.

BC Amount
The system displays the BC amount captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Code

The system displays the name of the payable bank code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Bank Name

The system displays the name of the payable bank code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Code

The system displays the name of the payable branch code captured during 'Issue'.

Payable Branch Name

The system displays the name of the branch captured during 'Issue'.

MICR Number
The system displays the MICR number of the cheques which was captured during 'Issue'.

BC Status
The system displays the status of BC.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
The system displays the beneficiary in whose favour the BC is being drawn captured during

Verification Number
The system displays the customer's verification number captured during 'Issue'.

Liquidation Details
Liquidation Mode
Select the mode of liquidation from the adjoining drop-down list.

Transaction Currency
The currency of the transaction is displayed here.

Transaction Amount
The system displays the transaction amount based on the currency.

Additional Details
The system defaults the ‘BC Liquidation - <Instrument No.>’ here. However you can modify

External Reference
The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage - 1
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will fetch other relevant details for the transaction. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Liquidation Type
The liquidation type of the BC is displayed here.

Liquidation Mode
The system displays the liquidation mode of the BC. However, you can change it. The
adjoining drop-down list displays the following values:

 Refund

 Cancel

Bank Code
The clearing bank code is displayed here.

Payable Branch
The branch where the cheque amount is being paid out (current branch) is displayed here.

Cheque Currency
The system displays the currency in which the BC has been issued.

Issue Date
The system displays the date on which the BC has been issued.

Liquidation Date
The system displays the date on which the transaction is being posted.

Drawee Account Number

The account on which the BC has been drawn is displayed here.

Cheque Amount
The amount for which the cheque amount has been issued is displayed here.

Cheque Number
The MICR number of the cheque is displayed here.

Cheque Status
The system displays the event that is triggered for the transaction. This corresponds to the
status of the instrument.

Transaction Currency
The system defaults the branch currency as the transaction currency. However you can
change it. The adjoining option list displays all the currency codes maintained in the Host. You
can select the appropriate code.

Here, you can enter remarks pertaining to the transaction.

Beneficiary Name
The name of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Beneficiary Address
The address of the beneficiary of the transaction is displayed here.

Other Details
Any other information captured for the transaction is displayed here.

Passport/IC Number
The passport number or a unique identification number of the customer is displayed here.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

If the system date is greater than the expiry date, then the system will not allow liquidating
the instrument and will display the following error message as “Instrument Validity has ex-
pired and needs Revalidation”.

If the check box ‘Allow Revalidation’ is checked in the ‘Instrument Product maintenance’
screen, then you can re-validate the instrument using ‘Revalidation of DD/BC Instrument’
screen. After revalidation, system will allow liquidating the instrument as the expiry date gets
extended by the revalidation period.

Enrichment stage – 2
In this stage, system validates the inputs provided in the previous stage. If everything is found
correct, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The following screen will be

In addition to the details defaulted from the previous stage, you can capture the following

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate for the transaction if the cheque currency and the
transaction currency are not the same.

Total Charge
The system computes the charge applicable to the transaction and displays it.

Net Amount
The system derives the net amount payable to the customer after deducting the applicable
charges and displays it here.

9.35.1 Specifying denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual for further details.

9.35.2 Specifying charge details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual.

9.35.3 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual.

9.35.4 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Capturing a cash deposit’ for
further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

9.36 Inquiring on a BC Transaction

You can query a BC transaction for a specified branch and Instrument Number. This can be
done using the ‘BC Inquiry’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘7790’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details:

Instrument Number
Specify an instrument number of the BC transaction that needs to be queried.The adjoining
option list displays all the instrument numbers maintained in the system. Choose the
appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

Issue Branch
Specify a branch for which you wish to query the BC transaction. You can also select a branch
from the adjoining option list.

After you specify the above details, click ‘Ok’ button. Based on the specified data, the
following details will be displayed:

BC Details
Bank Code
Specify the code of the bank that is issuing the BC. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system.

Bank Name
The system displays the name of the bank.

BC Date
The system defaults the BC date to the system date. However you can change it using the
adjoining calendar.

BC Currency
The system displays the local currency of the banker’s cheque.

BC Status
The system displays the status of BC.

Payable Branch Code

Specify the branch where the BC should be payable. The adjoining option list displays all the
branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch Name

The system defaults the payable branch name based on the payable branch code

MICR Number
Specify the MICR number.

BC Amount
Specify the BC amount.

Enter remarks about the transaction.

Beneficiary Details
Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary in whose favor the BC

Verification Number
Specify the passport/IC Number.

Funding Details
The system displays the mode of funding.

Account Number
The system displays the customer account number.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on the account.

The system displays the funding currency.

Cheque Number
The system displays the cheque number.

Purchaser Name
The system displays the purchaser name.

GL Number
The System displays the GL number.

GL Description
The system displays a brief description about GL.

The system displays the funding amount.

Cheque Date
The system displays the cheque date,

Verification Number
This indicates the verification number.

Liquidation Details
The system displays the mode of liquidation based on the mode of payment.

Account Number
The system displays the account number of the customer.

Account Description
The system displays a brief description on account.

The system displays the currency based on funding.

The system displays the date on which BC is liquidated.

GL Number
The system displays the general ledger number.

GL Description
The system displays a brief description on GL.

The system displays the amount based on funding.

Delivery Details
The system displays the address of the customer.

9.37 Re-validating BC Instrument

You can re-validate the expired BC instrument using ‘Revalidation of BC Instrument’ screen.

System will allow re-validating instrument only if,

 The check box ‘Allow Revalidation’ is checked in the ‘Instrument Product Maintenance’
 The instruments have not been liquidated, cancelled or refunded.
 Instrument status should be issued (INIT), Reissued (RISU), Duplicate Issue (DISU) or

9.37.1 Query Stage

To invoke ‘Revalidation of BC Instrument’ screen, type ‘BCRV’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify following details here:

External Reference
System generates and displays unique reference number to identify the re-issuance of BC

Payment Mode
Select the payment mode for the re-validation of the instrument from the drop-down list.
System will apply charges only for the re-validation of an instrument. Cancellation charges will
be waived.

Issue Branch
Specify the branch where BC has been issued.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number for the issuance of duplicate BC instrument from the adjoining
option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.37.2 Input Stage

On clicking the ‘Save’ button, the system will display the following screen:

System displays the following details in this screen; however you can edit it, if required:
 External Reference
 Issue Branch
 Instrument Number
 Issue Account Number
 Expiry Date
 MICR Number
 Revalidation Count
 Instrument Status
 Instrument Type
 BC Currency
 BC Amount
 Payable Bank
 Issue Date
 Beneficiary Name
 Beneficiary Address

You need to specify the following details:

Revalidation Reason
Specify the reason for the re-validation of BC instrument. The reason specified here will be
shown in the revalidated instrument report.

Revalidation Frequency
System defaults re-validation frequency maintained the ‘Instrument Type Definition’ screen;
however, you can override the re-validation frequency in days, months or years.

New Expiry Date

System generates new expiry date for the re-validated instrument calculated as,

‘Old Expiry Date + ‘Revalidation Period’.

Payment Details

You need to specify the following details under ‘Payment Details’ section:

Charge Account Number

Specify the charge account number from which the charge needs to be collected from the
adjoining option list.

Charge Currency
Specify the currency applied for the charge from the adjoining option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.37.3 Enrichment Stage

On clicking the save icon, the system will display the following screen:

Click ‘Recalc’ button to recalculate the charges in case the charges are modified. Denomination Details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual for further details.

9-170 Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual.

9.38 Reprinting / Reissuing Banker’s Cheque

On various grounds such as improper printing and issue of duplicate instruments, Oracle
FLEXCUBE allows you to reprint a banker’s cheque. The system keeps a track of such
reprints so that the bank officials or auditors can ascertain the reasons and validity of multiple
instrument printing.

9.38.1 Query Stage

To invoke ‘BC Reprint / Reissue’ screen, type ‘BCRP’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details on this screen.

External Reference Number

The system displays the external reference number. You cannot modify this.

Print Type
From the drop-down list, select ‘Reissue’ to reissue the BC instrument or select ‘Reprint’ to
reprint the BC instrument.

Issue Branch
Specify the code that identifies the branch that issued the instrument. The option list displays
all valid branch codes maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Number
Specify the number of the instrument that you wish to reprint. The option list displays all valid
instrument numbers issued at the selected branch. Choose the appropriate one.

On confirming the above details, the system displays the input stage of the ‘BC Reprint’

Here, you need to specify the following details.

Reprint Reason
Specify the reason for reprint. During auditing, the official or the auditor will verify the validity
of the reason specified here. This information is mandatory.

Reprint Count
The system displays the count of the current reprint operation. You cannot modify this.

Account Description

The system displays the description of the specified account number based on the details
maintained at ‘Customer Account Maintenance’ level.

Save the incremented reprint count and audit details.

You can view a summary of all reprint operations using ‘Instrument Reprint Summary’ screen.
For more information on this, refer to the section ‘Viewing Instrument Reprint Summary’ in this

9.38.2 Input Stage

System Displays following details:

 External Reference
 Issue Branch
 Old Instrument Number
 New Instrument Number
 Instrument Number
 Issue Account Number
 Expiry Date
 MICR Number
 Reprint / Reissue Reason
 Reprint / Reissue Count
 Reissue
 Reprint
 Instrument Status
 Instrument Currency
 Instrument Amount
 Payable Bank
 Issue Date
 Beneficiary Name
 Beneficiary Address

Here, you need to specify the following details.

New MICR Number

Specify the new MICR number captured for the new Instrument. Reprint / Reissue Reason
Specify the reason for reprint / Reissue. During auditing, the official or the auditor will verify
the validity of the reason specified here. This information is mandatory.

Reprint / Reissue Count

The system displays the count of the current reprint / reissue operation. You cannot modify

Save the incremented reprint / reissue count and audit details.

You can view a summary of all reprint operations using ‘Instrument Reprint Summary’ screen.
For more information on this, refer to the section ‘Viewing Instrument Reprint Summary’ in this

9.39 Issuing Duplicate BC Instrument

You can issue the duplicate BC instrument using ‘Duplicate Issue of BC Instrument’ screen.

System will allow duplicate issuance of instrument only if,

 The check box ‘Allow Duplicate Issuance’ is checked in the ‘Instrument Product
Maintenance’ screen.
 The instruments have not been liquidated.
 Instrument status should be issued (INIT), Reissued (RISU).

9.39.1 Query Stage

To invoke ‘Duplicate Issue of BC Instrument’ screen, type ‘BCDI’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and click on the adjoining arrow button. Following screen is

You need to specify following details here:

External Reference Number

System generates and displays unique reference number to identify the re-issuance of BC

Payment Mode
Select the payment mode for the duplicate issuance of the instrument from the drop-down list.
System will apply charges only for the duplicate issuance of an instrument. Cancellation
charges will be waived.

Issue Branch
Specify the branch where BC has been issued.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number for the issuance of duplicate BC instrument from the adjoining
option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.39.2 Input Stage

On clicking the ‘Save’ button, the system will display the following screen:

System displays the following details in this screen; however you can edit it, if required:
 External Reference
 Issue Branch
 Instrument Type
 Old Instrument Number
 New Instrument Number
 Issue Account Number
 Expiry Date
 MICR Number
 Duplicate Issue Count
 Duplicate Issue Date
 BC Status
 BC Currency
 BC Amount
 Payable Bank
 Issue Date
 Beneficiary Name
 Beneficiary Address

You need to specify the following details:

New MICR Number

Specify the new MICR Number captured for the new Instrument.

Duplicate Issue Reason
Specify the reason for the duplicate issuance of BC instrument.

Payment Details

You need to specify the following details under ‘Payment Details’ section:

Charge Account Number

Specify the charge account number from which the charge needs to be collected from the
adjoining option list.

Charge Currency
Specify the currency applied for the charge from the adjoining option list.

After providing the above details, click ‘Save’ button to move to the next stage.

9.39.3 Enrichment Stage

On clicking the save icon, the system will display the following screen:

Click ‘Recalc’ button to recalculate the charges in case the charges are modified. Denomination Details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying denomination details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual for further details. Specifying Charge Details

This block allows you to capture charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Withdrawing cash against a
Cheque’ in this manual.

9.40 Reversing BC/DD Liquidation

You can reverse the liquidated BC/DD instruments through the ‘Reversal of BC/DD
Liquidation’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘8304’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Issue Branch
Specify the branch where the instrument is issued. The adjoining option list displays all the
branches that are maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Instrument Type
Specify the instrument type which is to be reversed. The adjoining option list displays all the
DD and BCs based on the branch selected. You can select the appropriate one.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number which is to be reversed. The adjoining option list displays the
valid instrument numbers based on the instrument type selected. You can select the
appropriate one.

10. General Ledger Transactions
10.1 Introduction
You can perform General Ledger transactions such as miscellaneous debit and credit
transactions against a customer's CASA account and a GL account.

A customer's CASA account can be debited or credited in respect of GL transactions. For

example, you can debit a customer's CASA account towards service charge (with the
corresponding credit given to the Service Charge GL account). Similarly, you can credit a
customer's CASA account towards interest (with the corresponding debit given to the Interest
GL account).

Also a GL account can be debited or credited against cash transactions that do not involve a
customer's CASA account.

Each of these transactions has been explained in detail in the following sections.

10.2 Miscellaneous Debits to a Customer’s Account

You can perform miscellaneous debit to a customer account with the corresponding credit to
a GL account. Use the ‘Miscellaneous Customer Debit’ screen to carry out this transaction.

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1008’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The following details can be entered in this screen:

Account Number
Specify the customer account from which the cash needs to be debited.

Based on the account number specified, the system will display the Account Branch, Account
Description, Account Currency and GL Currency for the corresponding account. The option
list displays all valid account numbers applicable. Choose the appropriate one.

In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list
of account numbers with account branches to select.

Account Branch
By default, the system displays the logged-in branch. When you specify an account number,
the system displays the account branch based on the account number specified.

Account Description
Based on the account number specified, the system displays the description of the account.

GL Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. However, you can modify it, if required.

GL Account Number
Select the GL account number to which the cash needs to be credited..The option list displays
all valid account numbers applicable. Choose the appropriate one.

GL Description
The system displays the description based on the selected GL account number.

Account Currency
Based on the account number specified, the system displays the account currency.

Account Amount
Specify the debited amount in account currency.

GL Currency
Based on the account number specified, the system displays the GL currency. However, you
can modify it, if required.

GL Amount
The system displays the account amount in terms of GL currency.

The system displays ‘Miscellaneous Customer Debit’.

Reference Number
Specify the reference number for the transaction.

External Reference
This is a system generated sequence number for the transaction.

Enrichment stage
On saving, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry. If the data
entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The following
screen will be displayed:

The following details are defaulted from the account and displayed:
 The currency associated with the account
 The account title
 The ID of the account holder

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. If the account currency
is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display ‘1’ as the exchange rate.

GL Amount
The amount credited to the GL account is displayed here. This amount will be in terms of the
GL account currency.

Account Amount
The amount debited from the customer account in account currency is displayed.

Total Charges
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

If you modify the amount to be transferred, then click ‘Recalc’ button to recalculate the charge

Negotiated Cost Rate
Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If the negotiated cost rate is specified then you should be
needed to specify the negotiated reference number.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

10.2.1 Specifying the charge details

In this block, you can capture the following charge related details:

Charge Component
The system defaults the charge components applicable to the transaction.

The system displays the type of charge that is applicable to the transaction. It could be any
one of the following:
 ‘F’ for Flat Rate
 ‘P’ for Percentage
 ‘I’ for Interest

You can waive a certain charge for the customer by checking this box against the charge

Charge Amount
The system displays the charge amount to be deducted for the corresponding charge
component. You can edit the amount.

Charge in LCY
In case the transaction currency is different from the local currency, the system will compute
the local currency equivalent of the charge and display it here.

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. If the charge currency
is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display ‘1’ as the exchange rate.

Charge Currency
The system displays the currency in which the charge has to be deducted.

10.2.2 Specifying the MIS Details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

You can capture the following details here:

MIS Class
The system displays all the MIS classes maintained in the Host. You can to select the
appropriate MIS code for each of these classes from the adjoining option list and link it to the

10.2.3 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Field Name
The system displays the various User-Defined Fields (UDFs) that you have maintained for the
product in the Host.

Field Value
Specify the value for the each UDF that is displayed.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

10.3 Miscellaneous Credits to a Customer’s Account

Similarly, you can perform miscellaneous credit to a customer account with the corresponding
debit to a GL account. Use the ‘Miscellaneous Customer Credit’ screen to carry out this
transaction. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1408’ in the field at the top right corner of
the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can also specify Virtual Accounts in this screen. These virtual accounts can be used as
a routing account to credit the underlying physical account.

If a virtual account number is specified in this screen, then the F10, F11, and F12 keys will not
display any value, however the following error messages will be displayed for each of these
 F10: Customer Image not maintained for this Customer/Account in branch 214
 F11: Customer Account Balance cannot be accessed for this Customer/ Account.
 F12: Customer Signature not maintained for this Customer/Account in branch 214

Click the OK button and you will be able to proceed further with the transaction.

The following details can be captured in this screen:

Account Number
Physical Account

Specify the customer account number into which the amount needs to be deposited.

NoteBased on the account number specified, the system will display the Account Branch,
Account Description, Account Currency and GL Currency for the corresponding account.
The option list displays all valid account numbers applicable. Choose the appropriate one.
In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will display a list
of account numbers with account branches to select.

Virtual Account
You can also specify a virtual account number in this field. The physical account number is
identified based on the Virtual Account Number and Account Currency combination. If there
is no physical account available for the combination, then a default physical account number
is selected. The account currency changes as per the default physical account number.

Account Branch
By default, the system displays the logged-in branch. When you specify an account number,
the system displays the account branch based on the account number specified.

Account Description
Based on the account number specified, the system displays the description of the account.
For a virtual account, the virtual account name is specified here.

GL Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. However, you can modify it, if required.

GL Account Number
Specify the GL account number from which the funds need to be withdrawn.

GL Description
The system displays the description of the corresponding GL account number.

Account Currency
Based on the account number specified, the system displays the account currency.

For a Virtual Account, the GL currency is defaulted as the account currency. The physical
account number is identified based on the account currency and virtual account number
combination. If physical account number is available, then the account currency remains the
same. If the physical account number is not available, then the default physical account
number is selected and the account currency changes as per the default physical account

Account Amount
Specify the credited amount in terms of account currency.

GL Currency
Based on the account number specified, the system displays the GL currency. However, you
can modify it, if required.

GL Amount
The system displays the account amount in terms of GL currency.

The system displays ‘Miscellaneous Customer Credit’.

Click the OK button to go to the next stage.

Reference Number
Enter a reference number for the corresponding transaction.

External Reference
This is a system generated sequence number for the transaction.

Enrichment stage
On saving, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry. If the data
entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The following
screen will be displayed:

The following details are defaulted from the account and displayed:
 The currency associated with the account
 The account title
 The ID of the account holder

Exchange Rate
The exchange rate used for the currency conversion is displayed here. If the account currency
is the same as the transaction currency, the system will display ‘1’ as the exchange rate.

GL Amount
The amount debited from the GL account is displayed here. This amount will be in terms of
the GL account currency.

Account Amount
System displays the amount credited to the customer account in terms of the account

Total Charges
The system computes the charges applicable for the transaction and displays it here.

If you modify the amount to be transferred, then click ‘Recalc’ button to recalculate the charge

Negotiated Cost Rate
Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If the negotiated cost rate is specified then you should be
needed to specify the negotiated reference number.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

10.3.1 Specifying the charge details

In this block, you can specify the charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

10.3.2 Specifying the MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

10.3.3 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

10.4 Miscellaneous Debit to a General Ledger Account

You can perform miscellaneous debit to a GL account with the corresponding credit to the
cash account. This transaction lets you enter a miscellaneous debit to a General Ledger (GL)
account with the corresponding credit to the cash account. Use the ‘Miscellaneous GL Debit’
screen to enter a miscellaneous debit to a GL account. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘1060’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining
arrow button.

The following details can be captured in this screen:

GL Account Number
Select the GL account number from which the funds are to be transferred to a cash account
from the option list.

GL Currency
Specify the currency of the GL account from which the funds are to be transferred.

GL Description
The system displays the description of the GL account number chosen.

GL Amount
The system displays the amount in GL account currency.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which the cash account is being credited. You can select the
appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the currency codes maintained
in the system.

Transaction Amount
Specify the amount that should be credited to the cash account in the specified currency.

Reference Number
Enter a reference number for the transaction.

You may enter remarks about the transaction here. This is a free format text field.

External Reference
This is a system generated sequence number for the transaction.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On saving, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry. If the data
entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The following
screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details, captured in the previous stage, the system defaults the following

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into GL
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the account currency, the system will
display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

SC Charges
The system displays the service charges calculated based on the maintenance in the host.

GL Amount
The system displays the total amount debited from the GL account inclusive of the service
charges in the transaction currency.

If you modify the transaction amount, then click ‘Recalc’ button to re-compute the amount to
be debited from the GL account.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number
Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If the negotiated cost rate is specified then you should be
needed to specify the negotiated reference number.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

10.4.1 Specifying the denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the transaction
through the following fields:

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, till contents are
decremented for outflow transactions like GL debit. To reverse this default behaviour, you can
specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

10.4.2 Specifying the charge details

In this block, you can specify the charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

10.4.3 Specifying MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

10.4.4 Specifying UDF details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to UDF. Click on the ‘UDF’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying UDF details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a Customer’s
Account’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

10.5 Miscellaneous Credit to a General Ledger Account

You can perform miscellaneous credit to a GL account with the corresponding debit to the
cash account. This transaction lets you enter a miscellaneous credit to a General Ledger (GL)
account with the corresponding debit to the cash account. Use the ‘Miscellaneous GL Credit’
screen to enter a miscellaneous credit to a GL account. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘1460’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining
arrow button.

The following details can be captured in this screen:

GL Account Number
Select the GL account number from which the funds are to be transferred to a cash account
from the option list.

GL Currency
Specify the currency of the GL account from which the funds are to be transferred.

GL Description
The system displays the description of the GL account number chosen.

GL Amount
The system displays the amount in GL account currency.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency in which the cash account is being credited. You can select the
appropriate code from the adjoining option list that displays all the currency codes maintained
in the system.

Transaction Amount
Specify the amount that should be credited to the cash account in the specified currency.

Reference Number
Enter a reference number for the transaction.

You may enter remarks about the transaction here. This is a free format text field.

External Reference Number

This is a system generated sequence number for the transaction.

Click ‘Proceed’ button to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On saving, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry. If the data
entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type.

The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details, captured in the previous stage, the system defaults the following

Exchange Rate
The system displays the exchange rate used to convert the transaction currency into GL
currency. If the transaction currency is the same as the account currency, the system will
display the exchange rate as ‘1’.

SC Charges
The system displays the service charges calculated based on the maintenance in the host.

GL Amount
The system displays the total amount credit to the GL account inclusive of the service charges
in the transaction currency.

If you modify the transaction amount, then click ‘Recalc’ button to re-compute the amount to
be credited to the GL account.

Negotiated Cost Rate

Specify the negotiated cost rate that should be used for foreign currency transactions
between the treasury and the branch. You need to specify the rate only when the currencies
involved in the transaction are different. Otherwise, it will be a normal transaction.

Negotiation Reference Number

Specify the unique reference number that should be used for negotiation of cost rate, in
foreign currency transaction. If the negotiated cost rate is specified then you should be
needed to specify the negotiated reference number.

Oracle FLEXCUBE books then online revaluation entries based on the difference in ex-
change rate between the negotiated cost rate and transaction rate.

10.5.1 Specifying the denomination details

In this block, you can capture details of the currency denominations involved in the

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying Denomination Details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debit to a
General Ledger Account’ for further details.

10.5.2 Specifying the charge details

In this block, you can specify the charge related details. Click on the ‘Charges’ tab to invoke
the following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

10.5.3 Specifying the MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the MIS details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

10.5.4 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the UDF details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

10.6 Miscellaneous GL Transfer

You can transfer funds from one GL account to another using Miscellaneous GL. Use the
‘Miscellaneous GL Transfer’ screen to transfer funds. You can invoke this screen by typing
‘1005’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining
arrow button.

The following details can be captured in this screen:

From GL Account Number

Select the GL account number from which the funds are to be transferred; from the adjacent
option list.

From GL Currency
The system displays the local currency. You can modify it, if required.

From GL Description
The system displays the description of the corresponding From GL Account. If the length of
the data goes beyond the screen section size, you can view and edit the description in the
popup window.

To GL Account Number
Select the GL account number to which the funds are to be transferred; from the adjacent
option list.

To GL Currency
The system displays the local currency. You can modify it, if required.

To GL Description
The system displays the description of the corresponding To GL Account. If the length of the
data goes beyond the screen section size, you can view and edit the description in the popup

From GL Amount
Enter the amount to be transferred.

To GL Amount
The system displays the transferrable amount in terms of the To GL Account currency.

The system displays ‘Miscellaneous GL Transfer from <From GL Account> to <To GL
Account>’. In Narrative field, the system displays the values specified in From GL Account
and To GL Account fields.

Click the OK button to go to the next stage.

Reference Number
Enter a reference number for the transaction.

External Reference
This is a system generated transaction sequence number.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the OK button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry meets the minimum criteria, it will calculate the charge based on the
transaction type. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details, captured in the previous stage, the system defaults the following

To Amount
The system displays the amount to be credited to the GL account (in the account currency)
after calculating the applicable charges.

10.6.1 Specifying the charge details

In this block, you can specify the charge related details.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying the charge details’ under ‘Miscellaneous Debits to a
Customer’s Account’ for further details.

10.6.2 Specifying the MIS details

This block allows you to capture details pertaining to MIS. Click on the ‘MIS’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

10.6.3 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

11. Time Deposit Transactions
11.1 Introduction
Any deposit with a fixed term or tenor is referred to as a time deposit. In Oracle FLEXCUBE,
these kinds of deposits are also referred to as term deposits.

With the time deposits (TD) module of Oracle FLEXCUBE, accounting, collateral tracking,
rollover handling and accounting, and tracking of unclaimed deposits are completely
automated. This means your staff can remain focused on customer service.

Opening a time deposit account in Oracle FLEXCUBE is similar to opening a current or

savings account (CASA). At the time of opening a TD account, payments can be made in one
of three modes. The initial payment can be made by cash, account transfer or GL transfer.

Similarly, you can redeem a TD account in one or combination of the following:

 By Cash
 By Bankers Cheque
 By Account Transfer
 By GL Transfer
 By Transfer Other Bank’s Account
 By Child TD
 By Loan Payment
 By Demand Draft

Each of these transactions has been discussed in detail in the following sections.

11.2 Opening a TD Account for Multi Mode Pay In

The TD accounts use account class of ‘deposit’ type. You can create TD accounts like any
other CASA accounts. You have to deposit the amount into the account at the time of account
creation. There are three pay-in options during account creation, they are:
 Pay in by transfer from GL
 Pay in by transfer from Savings Account
 Pay in by Cash (Only from Savings Module)
 Pay in by Cheque

– Pay-in option can be single or a combination of the three.
– In case of pay-in by cheque, the TD should be entirely funded by a single cheque.
Multi mode, combining multiple cheques or part payment by cheque and the rest by
other modes, is not allowed.
– During save, the account opening dates would be updated as expected value date
of the cheque transaction based on the float days maintained at ARC maintenance
– If the pay-in option once selected from the Main tab cannot be changed after save.
– Pay-in details of the cheque to be entered in the ‘Pay-in Details’ multi grid. You
cannot modify it. The pay-in option will be read only after first stage save.

– Pay-in option as cheque is not applicable to discounted TDs.

You are allowed to fund the TD using multiple pay-in modes. Any combination of the 3 pay-in
modes is possible. You can specify the TD funding amount percentage-wise or in absolute.

You can open TD accounts with Multi Mode Pay-In options using the ‘TD Account Opening
by Multi Mode’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘TDMM’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button

The following details can be entered in this screen:

Customer ID
Select the customer for whom the TD account is to be opened.

Customer Name
The system defaults the customer name.

Branch Code
The current logged in branch is defaulted here.

Specify the currency to be associated with the TD account. Alternatively, you can also select
the currency from the adjoining option list. All the currencies maintained in the system will be
available for selection in the option list.

Account Class
Specify the account class to which the particular account belongs. You can select the
appropriate account class from the option list that displays all ‘deposit’ type of account classes
maintained in the system. Account classes that have surpassed their end date (expired) will
not be displayed in the option list..

External Reference Number

The system defaults the generated sequence number for the transaction here.

Account Description
System displays the customer name for the selected account number.

Account Number
Specify the account number of the deposit account.

Enrichment stage
On clicking the ‘P’ button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, the following screen will be displayed:

In the enrichment stage, the details entered in the previous stage are validated from the host.
In addition to the details, captured in the previous stage, the following details are displayed:

Account No
The system displays the number assigned to the TD account.

Maturity Date
The system calculates and displays the maturity date based on the value date and the tenor
you specify for the deposit.

Next Maturity Date

The next maturity date is the default maturity date of the deposit if it is rolled over. It is
computed by the system using the tenor and maturity date specified, by adding the tenor to
the maturity date.

11.2.1 Specifying Term Deposit Details

Click on ‘Term Deposit Details’ block to capture term deposit related details.

You need to capture the following details here: Specifying Term Deposit Pay In Details

Pay-in By
Select the pay-in option from the adjoining option list. The list displays the following value:
 Cheque
 Others

If you select the pay-in option as ‘Cheque’, the other options will be unavailable. Similarly, if
you select the pay-in option as ‘Others’, the cheque option will be unavailable.

– If the pay-in option once selected from the main tab, it cannot be changed after
account class defaults.

– Pay-in details of the cheque entered in the ‘Main’ tab will be automatically displayed
in the ‘Pay-in Details’ multigrid. You cannot modify them.

If the pay-in option ‘Cheque’ is selected, you must specify the following details:

Pay-In Option
Select the pay-in mode from the drop-down list. The options available are:
 Account
 GL
 Cash

Only Account option can be multiple.

Specify the amount that funds the TD by the pay-in mode selected in percentage.

Specify the amount that funds the TD. If you have specified the percentage, then the system
computes the amount.

When Amount and Percentage options are provided, amount takes precedence and per-
centage is ignored.

Offset Branch
The system populates the branch code of the account from which fund is transferred to TD

Offset Account
Specify the account number/ GL from which the fund is transferred to TD account. This field
returns the branch code if the account is selected and NULL is returned if GL is selected. If
Pay-In mode is GL, then the system displays only GL’s and if the Pay-In mode is Account then
only accounts are displayed in the option list.

Cheque Instrument No
Specify the cheque instrument number.

Cheque Date
Specify the date of issue of the cheque.

Clearing Type
Specify the clearing type for the transaction. The adjoining option list displays a list of the
clearing types maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Drawee Account Number

Specify the drawee account number.

Routing No.
Specify the Routing number.

Account Open Date
The system displays the value date of opening the deposit account. This will be the term
deposit interest start date.

Term Deposit Amount

Specify the amount paid for the term deposit account, in the account currency.


The system will validate for the following:

– The deposit amount should be equal or greater than minimum booking amount
maintained at the ‘Deposits Cluster Maintenance’ screen, else the system will
display the error message as “the deposit amount is less than the minimum booking
– The deposit amount should be a multiple of the booking unit maintained at the ‘De-
posits Cluster Maintenance’ screen, else the system will display the following error
message as “the deposit amount must be in multiples of booking unit”.

Deposit Tenor

The system displays the tenor of the deposit account. This is the difference between the
interest start date and maturity date. In case of a change in the maturity date, the system
updates the deposit tenor accordingly.

However, the system allows you to specify a different tenor for payout term deposits. You can
indicate the deposit tenor for the payout TD by selecting one of the following options:
 Account Class Tenor - If you select this option, then system defaults the account class
deposit tenor for the payout TD during payout TD creation.
 Account Tenor - If you select this option, then the original deposit tenor of the parent TD
is considered as the deposit tenor for the payout TD. By default, this option is selected.
 Independent Tenor - If you select this option, then you can specify the tenor to be
considered for deposit in terms of years, months and days.

System validates that the deposit tenor is within the minimum and maximum tenor allowed
for the account class. If this validation fails, then system displays the error message, “Roll-
over tenor does not fall in the range of minimum and maximum tenor allowed”.

You can modify the default tenor during the following:

 Deposit account opening
 Any time before maturity during the life cycle of the deposit
 On rollover of the deposit

If you specify the tenor, the system computes the maturity date. System calculates the
maturity date for the payout deposit based on the redemption date of the original deposit and
tenor. Once the record is authorized, you cannot amend the tenor.

If the maturity date computed by the system falls on a holiday, then it will adjust the maturity
date as per the holiday treatment maintenance at Account Class level and the update the new
tenor accordingly.

The deposit tenor is represented in terms of years, months and days. For example, if the
deposit tenor is 185 days, it should be represented as 0 years, 6 months and 5 days. You
need to specify the values in the appropriate fields.

This indicates the number of years in the deposit tenor.

This indicates the number of months in the deposit tenor.

This indicates the number of days in the deposit tenor.

Original Tenor

This indicates the original tenor of the deposit. This is the tenor specified at account which is
arrived before the holiday movement.

The original tenor is represented in terms of years, months and days. For example, if the
deposit tenor is 185 days, it should be represented as 0 years, 6 months and 5 days. The
following details are displayed:

This indicates the number of years in the original tenor.

This indicates the number of months in the original tenor.

This indicates the number of days in the original tenor.

Maturity Date
Specify the maturity date of the term deposit.

Account Description
The system displays the customer’s complete name. You can modify it, if required.

Interest Payout Frequency

The system displays the payout frequency of the interest.

11-8 Denomination Details

Select Pay-In mode as cash to enable denomination tab.

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Preferred Denomination
Specify the denomination code that should be preferred. The system processes the
transactions with the preferred denominations. If the transaction amount is less than the
preferred denomination, the system will use the low valued denomination than the preferred
denomination based on the defaulting rule.

If the preferred denomination is not captured, the system will consider the highest available
denomination as the preferred denomination.

If the denomination is not available, the system will display ‘Denomination not available’

Click ‘Populate’ button to display the units of currency denomination based on the defaulting

According to defaulting rule, the system will calculate the total amount in terms of minimum
number of currencies. It means that the system divides the total amount into the bigger
denominations first. Then the remaining amount into next biggest denomination and so on.

A transaction slip is generated at the time of input stage completion and is produced to the
customer to sign and confirm the transaction.

Confirmation Received
Check this box to indicate if the confirmation is received.

An override message is displayed if the box remains unchecked “Has the customer signed
the slip?”.

Denomination Code
For every currency, the various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes.
These codes are displayed here.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, till contents are
incremented for inflow transactions like cash deposit. To reverse this default behaviour, you
can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’. Specifying Term Deposit Pay Out Details

Interest Booking Account
The system displays the TD booking amount.

Auto Rollover
Check this box to automatically rollover the deposit you are maintaining. If you check this box,
then you need to specify the rollover tenor.

Rollover Type
Select the rollover type from the drop down list. Here you can set the terms and conditions for
rollover, as follows:
 Principal - If You select ‘Principal’ option then On Maturity date System will do rollover
with Only Principle amount irrespective to the Interest booking account.(i.e. if Interest
booking account is given as TD account then on maturity date Interest amount will be
first liquidated to TD account and settled to the Payout details maintained for the TD
 Principal + Interest - If You Select ‘Principal +Interest’ option then Interest booking
account should be always TD account. On maturity date P+I amount will Rollover.
 Special Amount - If you select ‘Special Amount’ option then System will do rollover with
Specified amount irrespective to the Interest booking account. (during Second rollover
system will do rollover with the same amount by settling the New interest amount to TD
payout amount)
 Interest - If you select ‘Interest’ option then Interest booking account should be always
TD account. On maturity date Principle amount will be settled to payout option

– This field is applicable only if you have opted for auto rollover.
– System will validate for the deposit amount if the ‘Rollover Type’ is ‘Special’.

Rollover Amount
If a special amount is to be rolled over, specify the amount (less than the original deposit
amount). The amount specified here will be reckoned in the account currency.

Rollover Tenor

If ‘Auto Rollover’ box is checked, then you can indicate the rollover tenor for the TD account.
You can select one of the following options:
 Account class tenor - If you select this, the rollover tenor in days, months and years is
set to null. You cannot modify this. The system will not display the next maturity date,
as the account class default tenor is subject to change. During rollover, the default
account class tenor at the time of rollover will be taken.
 Account tenor - This is the default value. If this option is selected, the system populates
the original tenor of the parent TD as the rollover tenor. The system displays the tenor
in days, months and years. You cannot modify this. The next maturity date will be
populated by adding the account tenor to the maturity date of child TD.
 Independent tenor - If you select this, you can specify the tenor to be considered for
deposit in terms of years, months and days. The default value of the independent tenor
will be null. The next maturity date will be populated by adding the independent tenor to
the maturity date of child TD.

The tenor specified should be within the minimum and maximum tenor specified at account
class. The tenor in months cannot be greater than 11 months. If tenor months are specified,
then tenor days cannot be greater than 30 days.

The account tenor is defaulted as the deposit and rollover tenor for the child TD after the
account class is populated.

Specify the number of years in the rollover tenor.

Specify the number of years in the rollover tenor.

Specify the number of years in the rollover tenor.

Next Maturity Date

On selecting the rollover for the TD account, the system defaults the next maturity dates from
the previous tenor of the deposit.

System calculates the next maturity date based in the current maturity date and the rollover
tenor maintained at the account level. System calculates the next maturity date based on the
changes to the maturity date due to holiday treatment

Computed Amount
The system populates the computed TD amount when you click the ‘Compute Button’.
However, you are not allowed to amend it.

While saving, the system validates the ‘Computed TD Amount’ against the ‘TD Amount’
keyed in.

Maturity Amount
The system displays the maturity amount, when you click on the ‘Compute’ button. This
interest rate is based on the TD booking amount and the accrued interest till maturity.

Maturity amount will be based on the capitalized interest (P + I), if the booking account and
the interest liquidation account are the same and the interest payout details are not pro-

Refer the chapter ‘Annexure B - IC Rule Set-up’ in this user manual for details about the

Move interest to Unclaimed

Check this box to move the interest amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product in
the accounting role ‘INT_UNCLAIMED’ on Grace period End date. If you select this option,
then you will have to check the box ‘Move Principal to Unclaimed’.

– If you have selected auto rollover, then this field will not be applicable.
– Funds will be moved to unclaimed GLs only if the maturity options have not been
specified. If an account matures and no action is taken (closure or roll-over) within
the grace period, then the funds are moved to the unclaimed GLs on the EOD of the
last day of the grace period (maturity date + grace days).

Move Principle to Unclaimed

Check this box to move the principal amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product
in the accounting role ‘PRN_UNCLAIMED’ on Grace period End date. If you select this option
then only principle amount will be moved to unclaimed and Interest will be settled to TD
payout. If You select both ‘Move Interest to Unclaimed’ and ‘Move Principle to Unclaimed’
then TD amount (i.e. P+I will be moved to Unclaimed GL, irrespective to the TD payout

Payout Type
Select the pay-out mode from the drop-down list. The options available are:
 Bankers Cheque - BC
 Payments – PC
 Accounts
 General Ledger - GL
 Term Deposit - TD
 Demand Draft

Specify the amount of pay-out in percentage.

Offset Branch
The system populates the branch code of the account for pay-out.

Specify the account number/ GL for pay-out.

Account Title
Specify the account title.

Specify the description for pay-out.

Payout Component
Select the payout component from the options given below. The options available are:
 Principal
 Interest

For payout component as ‘Interest’, pay-out through TD is not supported.

Goal Account Details

Goal Reference Number
The goal reference number as received from the channels are displayed in this field.

Target Amount
The goal amount is defaulted in this field. Capturing Interest Payout Details for Banker’s Cheque / DD and PC

You can capture interest payout details for Banker’s Cheque / DD and PC in the ‘Term Deposit
Interest Payout Details’ screen.

You can capture the following details:

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

The system displays the account number.

The system displays the currency of the account.

11-13 Banker’s Cheque / DD Tab

On invoking the ‘Term Deposit Interest Payout Details’ screen, this tab is displayed by default.
You can specify the following details:

Cheque /DD Details

You can specify the following cheque or DD details here:

Bank Code
Specify the bank code. The adjoining option list displays all the bank codes maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Payable Branch
Specify the branch from which the interest is payable. The adjoining option list displays all the
bank codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Type
The system displays the instrument type.

The system displays the currency.

Beneficiary Details

You can specify the following beneficiary details here:

Beneficiary Name
Specify the beneficiary name.

Passport Number
Specify the passport number of the beneficiary.

Enter a brief description of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the beneficiary address. PC Tab

Click ‘PC’ tab on the ‘Term Deposit Interest Payout Details’ screen. The following screen will
be displayed.


You can specify the following counterparty details here:

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the counterparty bank code. The adjoining option list displays all the counterparty
bank codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Counterparty Account
Specify the counterparty account. The adjoining option list displays all the counterparty bank
codes maintained in the system. You can choose the appropriate one.

The system displays the instrument currency.

Beneficiary Details

You can specify the following beneficiary details here:

Beneficiary Name
Specify the beneficiary name.

Passport Number
Specify the passport number of the beneficiary.

Enter a brief description of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the beneficiary address.

The system supports the following payout options for interest payout:
– Account
– General Ledger
– Bankers Cheque

– Demand Draft
– Payments and Collections

 If payout details are maintained for interest component then interest liquidation happens
on the basis of payout details maintained for interest component. However, if payout
details are not maintained for interest component then interest liquidation happens on
the basis of interest book account specified.
 If payout type is chosen as Account or GL for interest component then interest
liquidation happens on the basis of offset account mentioned in the ‘Term deposit
payout details’ multi grid. If payout type is chosen as Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque
or Payments and Collections for interest component then interest liquidation happens
on the basis of payout details maintained in the ‘Interest Payout Details’ sub screen.
 Interest payout through as Demand Draft /Banker’s Cheque or Payments and
Collections happens through the same bridge GL used for principal payout.
 The system does not support payout option as Term Deposit.
 Interest payout is not supported if rollover type is interest or principal and interest. For
Interest rollover type interest liquidation will be done based on the interest book account.
 For discounted deposits if payout details are maintained for interest component, then
the system will display the error message as “Payout details for Interest component
should not be entered for Discounted Deposits”.

11.2.2 Specifying Interest Details

This block allows you to capture interest related details. Click on the ‘Interest tab to invoke the
following screen.

Rate Chart Allowed
The system defaults this preference from account class and it indicates that the system
should calculate TD interest based on the LDMM float rate maintained in the ‘LD MM Floating
Rate input’ screen (CFDFLRTI), If this box is checked, then system will pick interest rates
based on different tenors, minimum amount, currency and effective date for a TD.

Interest Rate Based on Cumulative Amount

Check this box to indicate that the system should arrive at the interest rate of a new deposit
using the cumulative amount of other active deposits, under the same account class,
customer, and currency.

The cumulation of the amount for arriving at the interest rate is done at the account level
during the save of the below events:
 Deposit account opening
 Any interest rate change to the deposit - floating rate deposits, rate change on interest
liquidation, and rate change on rollover

– When cumulating the amount of the deposits system considers the current deposit
balance of all the deposits along with the new deposit amount.
– For backdated deposit opening, all the active deposits as of the current system date
are considered to arrive at the cumulative amount, if the ‘Interest Rate Based on
Cumulative Amount’ box is checked.
– The interest rate derived is applied only to the new deposit to be opened and there
will be no changes done to the deposits which are used for arriving at the interest

Refer the section ‘Calculating Interest Rate Based on Base Amount’ in ‘Terms and Deposits’
User Manual for details about arriving at interest rate based on cumulative amount.

Continue Variance on Rollover

The system defaults it based on the Interest and Charges product. However, user can modify
this. If you modify this, during save the system prompts that “Continue variance on Rollover
Flag is modified”.

Check this box to enable continued variance on rollover. If you check this, then the system
will default account variance as current value to the rollover deposit for the next cycle.

If you do not check this, then the account variance will not be carried forward to next rollover

TD Rate Code
Specify the rate code to be used for TD calculation. The adjoining option list displays all rate
codes maintained using the ‘LD MM Floating Rate Input’ screen (CFDFLTRI). You can select
the appropriate one. You can use TD rate code only when ‘Rate Chart Allowed’ is enabled for
the Account class linked to product and for defining TD Rate code rule UDE Type should be
maintained as ‘Rate as Rate Code’ for interest rate pickup for the account.

You can Define either Rate code or TD rate code not both.

UDE Values
Specify the variance in the interest rate. This is the variance alone. This value can be modified
at anytime.

For more information on Floating Rate, refer ‘Maintaining Floating Interest Rates’ under
‘Retail Lending’ User Manual.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying interest details’ under ‘Opening a TD by account transfer’
for further details.

11.2.3 Specifying joint account holder details

In case of joint accounts, you need to specify the details of the joint holder.

Refer the section titled ‘Specifying Joint Account Holder details’ under ‘Opening a TD by
account transfer’ for further details.

11.2.4 Specifying the dual currency deposit details

In this tab, you can capture dual currency deposit details involved in the transaction. Click on
the ‘Dual CCY Deposit’ tab to capture the details:

The following details are captured in this screen:

Linked Currency
This option is defaulted from the Account Class. However you can modify this value.

CCY Option Product

This option is defaulted from the Account Class. However you can modify this value.

Exchange Rate
Specify the exchange rate.

Linked Currency Settlement Account

Specify the account of the linked currency’s settlement.

Linked Currency GL
Specify the account of the linked currency’s GL.

Fixing days
This option is defaulted from the Account Class. However you can modify this value, which is
the number of days from TD maturity date before which the Exchange Rate has to be fixed.

Yield Enhancement
Specify the additional yield percentage in this option.

Inception Fair Value

Specify the market value of the option contract at inception. This is defaulted from the Linked
Option Contract.

The following options are mandatory if the Linked Currency is specified:

 CCY Option Product
 Exchange Rate
 Linked CCY’s Settlement A/c

 Linked CCY’s GL A/c
 Yield Enhancement
 Inception Fair Value

For more details on handling dual currency deposits, refer section ‘Capturing Details for Dual
Currency Deposit’ in the chapter ‘Maintaining Customer Accounts’ in Core Entities User

11.2.5 Specifying the Check List Details

In this tab, you can capture document check list details involved in the transaction. Click on
the ‘Check List’ tab to capture the details:

You need to specify the following details:

Document Type
Specify the document type. The adjoining option list displays all the document types that are
maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Check this box to indicate that the document specified here is mandatory.

Expiry Date
Specify the expiry date of the document provided by the customer.

– Expiry date will always be greater than ‘Expected Date of Submission’ and ‘Actual
Submission Date’.
– Expected Date of Submission will always be greater than current date

Expected Date of Submission

System displays the expected date on which the customer is accepted to submit the required

Actual Date of Submission

Specify the actual date on which customer has submitted the required documents.

Document Reference
System defaults the document reference here.

Check this box to indicate that the received documents are acknowledged.

You cannot save and authorize an account if the mandatory documents are not confirmed
as ‘Checked’.

Click on this button to upload the selected document type.

Click on this button to delete the selected document.

Click on this button to view the selected document.

Document Notification Details

System defaults notification details from the ‘Account Class Maintenance’ screen.

Send Notification
This check box indicates whether to send notifications or reminders for not submitting the
mandatory documents.

Reminder Frequency (Notification)

System defaults the frequency of notification to be sent. The frequency can be one of the
 Daily
 Weekly
 Monthly
 Quarterly
 Half yearly
 Yearly

Notification will be sent only if,
– The check box ‘Send Notification’ is checked in Account Class Maintenance’
– The account status is active and authorized.
– The mandatory documents are not submitted.
Notifications will be sent based on the frequency specified.
First notification will be sent on the expected date of submission or expiry date.
If notification date falls on a holiday then system will send the notification on next working

Days (Reminder)
System defaults the number of days left for the expiry or submission due date of the
documents for sending the reminder.

System will send the following reminders:

 Reminder prior to the submission due date of the document.
 Reminder prior to the expiry date of the document.
 Overdue notifications after the due date if the document is not submitted based on the
 Notifications after the expiry date if the document is not submitted after the expiry date.

Reminder will be sent only if,
– The mandatory documents are not submitted.
– The account status is active and authorized.
Reminder will be sent only once.
If reminder date falls on a holiday then system will send the notification on next working
Reminder will be sent prior the number of days specified at the account level from expect-
ed date of submission or the expiry date.
If there are more than one notifications or reminders of the same message type for which
the notification schedule date falls on the same day for the same account, a single notifi-
cation will be sent which will have the details of all the related documents.

Remarks 1 to 10
Specify the additional information, if required.

11.2.6 Capturing the Pay-Out Parameters

You can capture the parameters for automatic pay-out by clicking on the ‘TD Payout Details’

The following details are captured here:

Branch Code
The system defaults the branch code.

Account Number
Specify the account number.

Specify the currency. Specifying Bankers Cheque Details

To capture the details for pay-out through Bankers Cheque, click on the Bankers Cheque tab.

Bank Code
Specify the bank code of the Bankers cheque.

Payable Branch
Select the payable branch from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the payable
branch linked to the selected bank code.

Cheque Currency
Specify the currency of the cheque for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/IC Number
Specify the passport number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out.

11-23 Specifying PC Details

To capture the pay-out details thought transfer to other bank account, click on the ‘PC’ tab.

The following details are captured here:

Counter Party Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the counter party for the pay-out.

Counter Party Account

Specify the account number of the counter party for the pay-out.

Specify the currency of the counter party for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/IC Number
Specify the account number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out. Specifying Term Deposit Details

To capture the details for opening a new TD as a part of pay-out, click on the Term Deposit

The following details are captured here:

Branch Code
The system defaults the branch code.

The system defaults the currency.

Customer Number
The system defaults the customer number.

Default From
Select the ‘Default From’ option to default the details from either the parent account TD
account or account class. The options available are:
 Account
 Account Class

Account Class
Specify the account class. If you have selected the ‘Default From’ as Account Class, then you
have to specify the Account Class mandatorily. Else you can leave it blank.

If you select the ‘Default From’ as Account, then on clicking of ‘P’ button, the system de-
faults the interest and deposit details from the parent TD account. Or if you select the ‘De-
fault From’ as Account Class, then on clicking of ‘P’ button, the system defaults the interest
and deposit details from the account class selected.

11.2.7 Specifying Child TD Details

The Child TD parameters are similar to the Parent TD, except the child will not have the option
to create a new TD as part of Pay-out. You can capture the details of child TD that is created
by payout by clicking on the ‘Interest’ button.


You need to capture the following details here:

Account Details
Specify the account number of the Child TD. Capturing Interest Details

Calculation Account
Select the calculation account of the Child TD from the option list.

Interest Statement
Check this box to generate an interest statement for the account. The Interest Statement will
furnish the values of the SDEs and UDEs and the interest rule that applies on the account.

Charge Booking Account

Select the charge booking branch from the option-list available. You have an option of
booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch. The accounts
maintained in the selected booking branch are available in the option-list provided. The
system liquidates the Interest/Charge into the selected account.

Interest Start Date

Select the interest start date from the option list.

Charge Start Date

Select the charge start date from the option list.

Interest Booking Branch
Select the interest booking branch from the option list.

Dr/Cr Advices
Check this box to indicate that the system must generate payment advices when interest
liquidation happens on an account. The advices are generated in the existing SWIFT or/and
MAIL format.

Charge Booking Branch

Select the charge booking branch from the option-list available. You have an option of
booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch. The accounts
maintained in the selected booking branch are available in the option-list provided. The
system liquidates the Interest/Charge into the selected account.

Product Code
Specify the product code.

UDE Currency
Specify the UDE Currency defined for the product.

Integrated LM Product
Check this box to indicate the product is an Integrated LM product.

IL Product Type
Specify the IL product type.

Waive Charges
Check this box to waive of a particular interest or charges that has been specified.This is not
applicable for TD account.

Generate UDE Change Advice

Check this box to generate the UDE change advice.

Check this box to make the product applicable again. More than one product may be
applicable on an account class at the same time. You can temporarily stop applying a product
on an account class by ‘closing’ it. You can achieve this by un-checking the box ‘Open’. The
product will cease to be applied on the account class.

Effective Date
Specify the effective date ‘Effective Date’ of a record is the date from which a record takes

Specify the open records with different Effective Dates if the values of UDEs vary within the
same liquidation period.

Specify the UDE ID for the account.

UDE Value
Specify the values for a UDE, for different effective dates, for an account. When interest is
calculated on a particular day for an account with special conditions applicable, the value of
the UDE corresponding to the date will be picked up.

Rate Code
Specify the rate code for the account. TD Rate code is not supported for child TD currently.

11-27 Capturing Details for Deposit

Click on the ‘Deposit’ tab to specify the deposit details.

You need to capture the following details here:

Maturity Date
The system defaults the maturity dates from the default tenor from the account class.
However, you can modify this date. On this date the term deposit account gets.

Next Maturity Date

On selecting the rollover for the TD account, the system defaults the next maturity dates from
the previous tenor of the deposit.

Deposit Tenor
The system calculates the tenor of the deposit account to the difference between Interest start
date and Maturity date and displays it. In case of change in maturity date, the system changes
the value of this field.

This indicates the number of years in the deposit tenor.

This indicates the number of months in the deposit tenor.

This indicates the number of days in the deposit tenor.

Auto Rollover
Check this field to automatically rollover the deposit you are maintaining. You have to indicate
‘Rollover Type’ on selecting this option.

Close on Maturity
Check this box to close the term deposit account on maturity date and transfer the amount to
the principal liquidation account. If you select this option, the principal liquidation account
should be an account other than the term deposit account.

Move Interest to Unclaimed

Check this box to move the interest amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product in
the accounting role ‘INT_UNCLAIMED’ on Grace period End date. If you select this option,
then you will have to check the box ‘Move Principal to Unclaimed’.

Move Principal to Unclaimed

Check this field to move the principal amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product
in the accounting role ‘PRN_UNCLAIMED’ on Grace period End date. If you select this option
then only principle amount will be moved to unclaimed and Interest will be settled to TD
payout. If You select both ‘Move Interest to Unclaimed’ and ‘Move Principle to Unclaimed’
then TD amount (i.e. P+I will be moved to Unclaimed GL, irrespective to the TD payout

Interest Rate Based on Cumulative Amount

Check this box to indicate that the system should arrive at the interest rate of a new deposit
using the cumulative amount of other active deposits, under the same account class,
customer, and currency.
Refer the section ‘Calculating Interest Rate Based on Base Amount’ in ‘Terms and Deposits’
User Manual for details about arriving at interest rate based on cumulative amount.
Rollover Type
You can indicate rollover type as hereunder:
 Principal - If You select ‘Principal’ option then On Maturity date System will do rollover
with Only Principle amount irrespective to the Interest booking account.(i.e. if Interest
booking account is given as TD account then on maturity date Interest amount will be
first liquidated to TD account and settled to the Payout details maintained for the TD
 Principal + Interest - If You Select ‘Principal +Interest’ option then Interest booking
account should be always TD account. On maturity date P+I amount will Rollover.
 Special Amount - If you select ‘Special Amount’ option then System will do rollover with
Specified amount irrespective to the Interest booking account. (during Second rollover
system will do rollover with the same amount by settling the New interest amount to TD
payout amount)
 Interest - If you select ‘Interest’ option then Interest booking account should be always
TD account. On maturity date Principle amount will be settled to payout option

Rollover Amount
If a special amount is to be rolled over, you have to specify the amount (less than the original
deposit amount) in the Rollover Amount field. Specifying Term Deposit Pay-Out Details

Payout Type
Select the pay-out mode from the drop down list. The options available are:
 Bankers Cheque - BC
 Transfer to Other bank - PC
 Transfer to GL – GL
 Transfer to Savings Account – AC

– For Dual Currency Deposits you are allowed to select only ‘GL’ and ‘Savings Ac-
count’ options as the pay-out mode. You can either select GL or Savings Account
but not both. You can select only one GL or one Savings account and not multiple
GLs or accounts in either case.

Specify the amount of redemption in percentage.

Offset Branch
Specify the branch code of the account for redemption.

Account Number
Specify the account number/ GL for redemption.

Specify the description for the redemption.

11.2.8 Capturing Pay-Out Parameters

You can capture the parameters for automatic pay-out by clicking on the ‘Pay-Out
Parameters’ button. To capture the details for pay-out through Bankers Cheque, click on the
Bankers Cheque tab.

The following details are captured here: Specifying Bankers Cheque Details

Bank Code
Specify the bank code of the Bankers cheque.

Payable Branch
Select the payable branch from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the payable
branch linked to the selected bank code.

Cheque Currency
Specify the currency of the cheque for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/IC Number
Specify the passport number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out. Specifying PC Details

To capture the pay-out details thought transfer to other bank account, click on the PC tab.

The following details are captured here:

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the counter party for the pay-out.

Counterparty Account
Specify the account number of the counter party for the pay-out.

Specify the currency of the counter party for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/IC Number
Specify the account number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

11.2.9 Specifying Denominated Deposit Details

Click ‘Denominated Deposit’ button on ‘TD Account Opening by Multi Mode’ screen to invoke
the ‘Denominated Deposit’ screen.In this screen you can capture details regarding the
denominated deposit.

Denomination Id
Select the denomination id from the adjoining option list. The list displays all denomination
codes allowed at the account class level.

Denomination Description
The description of the selected denomination id is displayed here.

Denomination Value
The denomination value of the selected denomination id is defaulted here.

Specify the number of units of the specified denomination.

Total Amount
The system computes the total amount by multiplying the denomination value with the number
of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the number of units
is 10, then the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

After entering all the above details, click ‘Populate’ button. The following details are displayed:

Denomination Allocation Pending Amount

This indicates the amount for which the denomination is yet to be allocated.

Certificate Allocation Pending Amount

This indicates the amount for which the certificate is yet to be allocated.

Term Deposit Amount

The indicates the deposit amount.

11.3 Opening a TD Account for Multi Mode Pay Out
Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates to create a new term deposit as a part pay-out. It allows pay out
to an account in other bank. Withdrawal (Pay Out) of funds from TD account is called
Redemption. When full funds are redeemed, it results in account closure. If the funds are
redeemed partially, then the TD account remains open.

The following are the pay out options available during account creation:
 Pay out by Demand Draft
 Pay out by Bankers Check
 Pay out by transfer to GL
 Pay out by transfer to own bank Savings Account

 Pay out by transfer to Other Bank’s Account

 Pay out resulting in a new TD

Pay-out option can be single or a combination of the six. Combination of Bankers Check
and Demand Draft is not allowed.

You can perform TD redemption using multiple pay-out modes. The system allows any
combination of the above pay-out modes.

11.4 Topping-up a TD
You can top-up a TD by adding funds to an existing active term deposit.The top-up can be
done anytime after the opening date of the TD or anytime before the maturity date of the TD.
Top-up input and approval is restricted to only those users who have sufficient rights assigned
to their user roles. Limit for input and limit for approval defined at the role level for the user is
applicable for the top-up transactions.

You are allowed to do multiple top-ups to the same account in a single day provided the
minimum and maximum booking amount and the maximum amount for the deposit account
is not breached.The top-up amount must not exceed the limit of minimum and maximum
amount allowed for the deposit. If the deposit amount after top-up exceeds the maximum
amount system displays the error message: “Deposit amount after top-up should not cross
the maximum amount limit allowed for the deposit”. On top up, the deposit amount including
top up amount is validated against the min-max limits at deposit cluster level and account
class level. If the top-up amount crosses the maximum booking amount for the deposit
currency, then the top-up is not allowed. The top-up amount is validated against the top-up
units specified for each Ccy at account class.

The top-up amount is validated against the top-up units specified for each Ccy at account
class. If top-up is not in multiples of top-up units system displays the following error message:

"Top-Up amount should be given in the Multiples of for Top-Up units"

The rate pick-up happens on top-up, based on the interest rate option defined for top-up at
account class. The rate will be applicable from the value date of top-up.

The funding of top-up amount can be through multiple modes such as Account, GL, and cash
and its combination.

You can top-up a TD using the ‘TD Top-up By Multi Mode’ screen. You can invoke this screen
by typing ‘TDTP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

The following details are captured here:

Account Number
Select the account number from the adjoining option list.

On the click of ‘P’ button the following details related to the selected account is populated in
the screen.

Account Description
The description of the selected TD account is displayed here. You cannot modify this.

Account Branch
The branch code where the selected TD account is available is displayed here. You cannot
modify this.

The currency of the selected TD account is displayed here. You cannot modify this.

Customer Name
The name of the customer holding the TD account is displayed here.

Customer No
The code of the customer holding the TD account is displayed here.

Top-up Reference Number

A system generated reference number for the top-up transaction is displayed here.

Current Deposit Details
Interest Start Date
The date from which the interest on the TD account should be calculated is displayed here.
You cannot modify this.

Principal Balance
The principal balance amount of the term deposit is displayed here. You cannot modify this.

Maturity Amount
The amount available on the maturity of the TD account is displayed here.

Maturity Date
The maturity date of the TD account is displayed here.You cannot modify this.

Deposit Tenor
The deposit tenor details of the TD are displayed here.

The tenor of the TD account in years is displayed here.You cannot modify this.The tenor of
the TD account in years is displayed here.You cannot modify this.

The tenor of the TD account in months is displayed here.You cannot modify this.

The tenor of the TD account in days is displayed here.You cannot modify this.

Top-up of Term Deposit Details

The top-up details of the TD are captured here.

Top-up Amount
Specify the top-up amount for the TD.

Value Date
Select the date on which the top-up on the TD has to be effective.The top-up value date can
be a back-dated or current date. Future dated top-up is not allowed.

– Top-up can be back-dated to the date of last financial transaction like pay-in,
interest liquidation, redemption, maturity, rollover, and top-up of funds.
– If top-up is made back-dated before last financial transaction system displays the
following error message: "Top up can be back value dated only up to the value date
of the last financial transaction”.
– Top- up value date cannot fall on a holiday. If back-dated top-up date is a holiday
system displays the following error message: "Top- up value date is holiday"

Remitter Name
Specify the name of the remitter in this field.

Enter remarks about the top-up transaction, if any.

Top-Up Pay-in Details

The pay-in details for the TD top-up is captured here.

Pay-in Option
Select the funding option from the adjoining drop-down list. The following options are
available for selection in the drop-down list:
 Account
 GL
 Cash.

Specify the percentage of top-up amount that has to be funded through the selected funding

Specify the top-up amount that has to be funded through the selected funding option.

In case of multiple pay in modes, the sum of amounts in multiple payins should match the
top up amount entered.

Offset Account
Select the offset account for passing the accounting entries.

Offset Branch
The branch where the selected offset account is available is displayed here.

After entering above details click’ Compute’ button.The system will compute the deposit
details after top-up and display it.

Deposit Details After Top-up

The following details are captured here:

Principal Balance
The principal balance amount of the term deposit after top-up is displayed here. You cannot
modify this.

Interest Rate
The new interest rate to be applied on the top-up deposit, which is maintained at the account
class level, is displayed here.

Maturity Amount
The amount that you will get on maturity of the top-up deposit is displayed here.

11.5 Opening a Islamic TD Account for Multi Mode
You can open TD accounts with Multi Mode Pay-In options using the ‘Islamic TD Account
Opening by Multi Mode’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘IPTDMM’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

For details about the fields in the screen refer ‘Opening a TD Account for Multi Mode Pay In’
section of this chapter.

Enrichment stage
After specifying the parameters, click the ‘P’ button, the system validates and ensures for
minimum mandatory data entry. If the data entry is found alright, the following screen will be

11.5.1 Specifying Term Deposit Details

Specify the following details:

Profit Booking Branch

Specify the profit booking branch for the customer.

Profit Booking Account

Specify the profit booking account for the customer.

For details about the fields and the tabs in the screen refer ‘Opening a TD Account for Multi
Mode Pay In’ section of this chapter. Specifying Term Deposit Pay Out Details

Click ‘TD Payout Details tab in ‘Islamic TD Account Opening by Multi Mode’ screen to
maintain payout details.

11-39 Specifying Bankers Cheque Details

11-40 Specifying PC Details

For details about the fields and the tabs in the screen refer ‘Specifying Term Deposit Pay out
Details’ section of this chapter.

11.5.2 Specifying Profit Details

This block allows you to capture profit related details. Click on the ‘Profit’ tab to invoke the
following screen:

You can specify the following details:

Profit Start Date

Select the profit start date from the option list.

Profit Booking Branch

Select the profit booking branch from the option list.

Profit Booking Account

Specify the profit booking account for the customer.

Integrated LM Product
Check this box to indicate the product is an Integrated LM product.

IL Product Type
Specify the IL product type.

For details about the fields and the tabs in the screen refer ‘Capturing Interest Details’ and
‘Capturing Details for Deposit’ sections of this chapter.

11.6 Manual Pay-Out TD Redemption

You can redeem a Term Deposit for multi mode pay out using ‘Multimode Deposit
Redemption’ screen.

For denominated deposits, payout to a child TD using the same denominated deposit ac-
count class or any other denominated deposit account class will be restricted. This restric-
tion will be applicable during opening, redemption, maturity processing or amendments.
System will do a validation for this and if the validation fails an error similar to ‘Payout to
term deposit using denominated deposit account class is not allowed for this denominated
deposits’ is displayed.

You can invoke ‘Multimode Deposit Redemption’ screen. by typing ‘1317’ in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

The following details are displayed:

Account Number
Specify the TD account which is to be pre-closed. The option list displays all valid account
numbers applicable. Choose the appropriate one.

In case of multiple accounts with the same account number, the system will displays a list
of account numbers with account branches to select.

Account Branch
The system displays the logged-in branch. If you specify another account number and tab out
of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding account branch.

Account Currency
The system displays the currency of the logged-in account. If you specify another account
number and tab out of the Account Number field, the system displays the corresponding
account currency.

Account Description
The system displays the description of the account.

Redemption Mode
Select the Redemption mode from the following options:
 Partial Redemption
 Full Redemption’.

Redemption Amount
Specify the Redemption Amount if you have selected the Redemption Mode as ‘Partial

System displays the principal amount as ‘Redemption Amount’ if you have selected the
Redemption Mode as ‘Full Redemption’.

External Reference
The system generates and displays a unique reference number for the transaction. The host
identifies the transaction with the external reference number.

Waiver Penalty
Check this box to waive the penalty for redeeming the term deposit.

This is applicable only for full redemption and not for partial redemption.

Waiver Interest
Check the box to waive the interest for redeeming the term deposit.

This is applicable only for full redemption and not for partial redemption.

Default Maturity Instructions

Check this box to default the principal payout instructions in the Term Deposit Payout Details

The instructions to payout the principal are specified during TD creation.

Principal Amount
The system displays the amount paid at the time of term deposit booking, when you click on
the ‘Compute’ button.

Interest Amount
The system defaults the rate of Interest at which the interest amount is calculated.

Tax Amount
The system displays the amount to be deducted towards tax.

Interest Rate
The system displays the current interest rate applicable after partial/full redemption when you
click on the ‘Compute’ button.

Maturity Amount
The system displays the current maturity amount after partial/full redemption.

Total Payout Amount

The system displays the total payout amount.

Refer the chapter ‘Annexure B - IC Rule Set-up’ in this user manual for details on calculating
principal and interest amount during term deposit redemption.

Specifying the Term Deposit Payout Details

Payout Mode
Select the pay-out mode from the following options:
 Bankers Check
 Payments
 Cash
 Accounts
 General Ledger
 Term Deposit
 Demand Draft
 Loan Payment

Specify the amount of redemption in percentage.

Redemption Amount
Specify the amount of redemption in absolute.

Offset Branch
Specify the branch code of the account for redemption.

Offset Account
Specify the account number/ GL for redemption.

Specify the description for the redemption

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number to be issued.

Waive Charges
Check this box to waive charges for pay-out BC issuance.

Specifying Denomination Certificate Details

Click ‘Denominated Deposits’ tab to capture denominated deposit certificate details:

Select All

Check this box to select all certificates for the account.

Certificate Number

Select the certificate number from the option list. The list displays all active certificates issued
for the account.

Certificate Status
The current status of the selected certificate is displayed here.

Certificate Amount
The amount of the certificate is displayed here.

Check this box to do a partial or full redemption.

Total Amount of Redemption

The total redemption amount is displayed here.

Number of certificate redeemed

The number of certificates currently redeemed is displayed here.

The following screen is displayed:

The following details are defaulted from the account and displayed:
 The currency associated with the account
 The account title
 The ID of the account holder

You need to specify the following:

Txn Ccy
Select the transaction currency from the option list.

Redemption Mode
Select the mode of redemption. Redemption can be either in part or in full.

Redemption Amount
Specify the amount to be redeemed. For full redemption mode, you need not enter the
redemption amount. If you want to redeem the deposit in part, enter the part redemption

The system will validate for the following:
– During partial redemption the withdrawal amount should be a multiple of withdrawal
unit maintained at the ‘Corporate Deposits Cluster Maintenance’ level, else the
system will display the error message as “Withdrawal amount must be multiples of
withdrawal unit”.
– Withdrawal amount should be greater than minimum booking amount maintained at
the ‘Corporate Deposits Cluster Maintenance’ level, else the system will display the
error message “Withdrawal exceeds minimum balance level”

Waive Interest
Check this box to waive off the calculated interest amount that is to be paid to the customer
during redemption.

Waiver Penalty
Check this box to waive the penalty for redeeming the term deposit.

You can check the ‘Waive Interest’ and ‘Waive Penalty’ boxes only for full redemption and
not for partial redemption.

Principal and Interest Details

The system displays the following principal and interest details:

Principal Amount
The system displays the amount paid at the time of term deposit booking, when you click on
the ‘Compute’ button.

Interest Rate
The system displays the current interest rate applicable after partial/full redemption when you
click on the ‘Compute’ button.

Maturity Amount
The system displays the current maturity amount after partial/full redemption.

Refer the chapter ‘Annexure B - IC Rule Set-up’ in this user manual for details on calculating
principal and interest amount during term deposit redemption.

On clicking ‘Save’ button, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data
entry. If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction
type. The following screen will be displayed:

The following details are displayed:

Txn Ccy
If you have not specified the transaction currency in the previous stage, then the account
currency is taken as the transaction currency by default. To change the default currency code,
select the currency from the drop-down list.

Exchange Rate
This is the exchange rate for the transaction currency. If the transaction currency is other than
the local currency, you can modify the transaction currency rate.

The charge to be deducted from the redemption proceeds is displayed here. The charge
amount is designated in local currency.

11.6.1 Capturing the Pay-Out Parameters

You can capture the parameters for automatic pay-out by clicking on the ‘Term Deposit
Payout Details’ button. To capture the details for pay-out through Bankers Cheque, click on
the Bankers Cheque tab.

You can maintain the following parameters here:

Bank Code
Bank code of the TD account will be defaulted from the main screen.

TD account will be defaulted from the main screen

Currency of the TD account will be defaulted from the main screen Specifying Bankers Cheque Details

Bank Code
Specify the bank code of the Bankers cheque.

Cheque Date
Select the cheque date for the pay-out.

Payable Branch
Select the payable branch from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the payable
branch linked to the selected bank code.

Country Code
Select the country code for the pay-out.

Cheque Currency
Specify the currency of the cheque for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Other Details
Specify any other details (if any) of the beneficiary.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out. Specifying PC Details

To capture the pay-out details thought transfer to other bank account, click on the PC tab.

The following details are captured here:

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the counter party for the pay-out.

Counterparty Account
Specify the account number of the counter party for the pay-out.

Counterparty Currency
Specify the currency of the counter party for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Other Details
Specify any other details (if any) of the beneficiary.

Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out. Specifying Term Deposit Details

To capture the details for opening a new TD as a part of pay-out, click on the Term Deposit

The following details are captured here:

Branch Code
The system defaults the branch code.

The system defaults the currency.

Customer Number
The system defaults the customer number.

Default From
Indicate the Default From option to default the details from either the parent account TD
account or account class. The options available are:
 Parent Account
 Account Class

Account Class
Specify the account class. If you have selected the ‘Default From’ as Account Class, then you
have to specify the Account Class mandatorily. Else you can leave it blank.

If you select the ‘Default From’ as Account, then on clicking of ‘P’ button, the system de-
faults the interest and deposit details from the parent TD account. Or if you select the ‘De-
fault From’ as Account Class, then on clicking of ‘P’ button, the system defaults the interest
and deposit details from the account class selected.

11.6.2 Specifying Child TD Details

The Child TD parameters are similar to the Parent TD, except the child will not have the option
to create a new TD as part of Pay-out. You can capture the details of child TD that is created
by payout by clicking on the ‘Term Deposit Interest’ button.

You need to capture the following details here:

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code of the Child TD.

Account Number
The system displays the account number of the Child TD.

Account Class
The system displays the account class of the Child TD.

Customer Number
The system displays the customer number of the Child TD. Capturing Interest Details

Calculation Account
Select the calculation amount of the Child TD from the option list.

Interest Statement
Check this box to generate an interest statement for the account. The Interest Statement will
furnish the values of the SDEs and UDEs and the interest rule that applies on the account.

Charge Booking Account

Select the charge booking branch from the option-list available. You have an option of
booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch. The accounts
maintained in the selected booking branch are available in the option-list provided. The
system liquidates the Interest/Charge into the selected account.

Interest Start Date

Select the interest start date from the option list.

Charge Start Date

Select the charge start date from the option list.

Interest Rate Based on Cumulative Amount

Check this box to indicate that the system should arrive at the interest rate of a new deposit
using the cumulative amount of other active deposits, under the same account class and
Continue Variance on Rollover
The system defaults it based on the Interest and Charges product. However, you can modify

Check this box to enable continued variance on rollover. If you check this, then the system
will default account variance as current value to the rollover deposit for the next cycle.

If you do not check this, then the account variance will not be carried forward to next rollover

Interest Booking Branch

Select the interest booking branch from the option list.

Dr/Cr Advices
Check this box to generate payment advices when interest liquidation happens on an
account. The advices are generated in the existing SWIFT or/and MAIL format.

Charge Booking Branch

Select the charge booking branch from the option-list available. You have an option of
booking interest/charge to a different account belonging to another branch. The accounts
maintained in the selected booking branch are available in the option-list provided. The
system liquidates the Interest/Charge into the selected account.

Product Code
Specify the product code.

UDE Currency
Specify the UDE Currency defined for the product.

Integrated LM Product
Check this box to indicate the product is an Integrated LM product.

IL Product Type
Specify the IL product type.

Waive Charges
Check this box to waive of a particular interest or charges that has been specified.

Generate UDE Change Advice

Check this box to generate the UDE change advice.

Check this box to make the product applicable again. More than one product may be
applicable on an account class at the same time. You can temporarily stop applying a product
on an account class by ‘closing’ it. You can achieve this by un-checking the box ‘Open’. The
product will cease to be applied on the account class.

Effective Date
Specify the effective date ‘Effective Date’ of a record is the date from which a record takes

Specify the open records with different Effective Dates if the values of UDEs vary within the
same liquidation period.

Specify the UDE ID for the account.

UDE Value
Specify the values for a UDE, for different effective dates, for an account. When interest is
calculated on a particular day for an account with special conditions applicable, the value of
the UDE corresponding to the date will be picked up.

Rate Code
Specify the rate code for the account.

Specify the variance in the interest rate. This is the variance alone. The effective rate will be
the sum of the TD rate code and the variance that you specify here. This value can be
modified at any point of time.

11-55 Capturing Details for Deposit

To capture the deposit details, click on the ‘Deposit’ tab.

Specify the following details:

Deposit Tenor

The system calculates the tenor of the deposit account as the difference between interest
start date and maturity date and displays it. In case of change in maturity date, the system
changes the value of this field.

However, system allows you to specify a different tenor for payout term deposits. You can
indicate the deposit tenor for the payout TD by selecting one of the following options:
 Account Class Tenor - If you select this option, then system defaults the account class
deposit tenor for the payout TD during payout TD creation.
 Account Tenor - If you select this option, then the original deposit tenor of the parent TD
is considered as the deposit tenor for the payout TD. By default, this option is selected.
 Independent Tenor - - If you select this option, then you have to specify the tenor to be
considered for deposit in terms of years, months and days
System validates that the deposit tenor is within the minimum and maximum tenor allowed
for the account class. If this validation fails, then system displays the error message, “Roll-
over tenor does not fall in the range of minimum and maximum tenor allowed”.

You can modify the default tenor during the following:

 Deposit account opening
 Any time before maturity during the life cycle of the deposit
 On rollover of the deposit

The deposit tenor is represented in terms of years, months and days. For example, if the
deposit tenor is 185 days, it should be represented as 0 years, 6 months and 5 days. You
need to specify the values in the appropriate fields.

This indicates the number of years in the original tenor.

This indicates the number of months in the original tenor.

This indicates the number of days in the original tenor.

Maturity Date
The system defaults the maturity dates from the default tenor from the account class.
However, you can modify this date. On this date the term deposit account gets.

Rollover Tenor

If ‘Auto rollover’ box is checked in deposit booking and TD payout screens then you need to
update the ‘Rollover Tenor’ to be considered

You can select one of the following options:

 Account Class Tenor - If ‘Recompute Maturity Date on Rollover’ is checked at the
account class level, then by default, this option is selected. If you select this option, then
the following are applicable:
– The value of ‘Default Tenor’ at account class is considered as the ‘Rollover Tenor’
during deposit rollover
– During opening or modification within the term of the deposit, if you change the
defaulted value for ‘Rollover Tenor’ from ‘Account Class Tenor’ to ‘Account Tenor’
or ‘Independent Tenor’, then on save system displays the override message, “Re-
pick account class tenor on rollover restrictions exists at account class”.
– On save, the ‘Next Maturity Date’ is null.
 Account Tenor - If ‘Recompute Maturity Date on Rollover’ is unchecked at the account
class level, then by default, this option is selected. If you select this option, then the
following are applicable:
– The value of ‘Original Tenor’ of the deposit account is considered as the ‘Rollover
Tenor’ during deposit rollover.
– During opening or modification within the term of the deposit, if you change the
defaulted value for ‘Rollover Tenor’ from ‘Account Tenor’ to ‘Account Class Tenor’,
then on save system displays the override message, “Recompute Maturity Date on
Rollover restrictions at account class will be ignored”.
– On save, system updates the ‘Next Maturity Date’ with the sum of maturity date and
original tenor of the deposit.
 Independent Tenor - Select this option to provide a different tenor, rather than default
from account class or account tenor. On selecting this option, you can specify the
Rollover Tenor in years, months and days combination. On save, system updates the
‘Next Maturity Date’ accordingly.

System validates that the rollover tenor is within the minimum and maximum tenor allowed
for the account class. If this validation fails, then system displays the error message, “Roll-
over tenor does not fall in the range of minimum and maximum tenor allowed”.

Specify the number of years in the rollover tenor.

Specify the number of months in the rollover tenor.

Specify the number of days in the rollover tenor.

Next Maturity Date

On clicking on ‘Save’ or ‘Compute’, system defaults the next maturity date from the previous
tenor of the deposit. This is updated only for rollover TDs.

Next Maturity Date

On selecting the rollover for the TD account, the system defaults the next maturity date from
the previous tenor of the deposit.

Deposit Tenor
The system calculates the tenor of the deposit account to the difference between Interest start
date and Maturity date and displays it. In case of change in maturity date, the system changes
the value of this field.

Auto Rollover
Check this box to automatically rollover the deposit you are maintaining. You have to indicate
‘Rollover Type’ on selecting this option.

Close on Maturity
Check this box to close the term deposit account on maturity date and transfer the amount to
the principal liquidation account. If you select this option, the principal liquidation account
should be an account other than the term deposit account.

Move Interest to Unclaimed

Check this box to move the interest amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product in
the accounting role ‘INT_UNCLAIMED’ on Grace period End date. If you select this option,
then you will have to check the box ‘Move Principal to Unclaimed’.

Move Principal to Unclaimed

Check this box to move the principal amount to the unclaimed GL mapped at the IC product
in the accounting role ‘PRN_UNCLAIMED’ on Grace period End date. If you select this option
then only principle amount will be moved to unclaimed and Interest will be settled to TD
payout. If You select both ‘Move Interest to Unclaimed’ and ‘Move Principle to Unclaimed’
then TD amount (i.e. P+I will be moved to Unclaimed GL, irrespective to the TD payout

Interest Rate Based on Cumulative Amount

Check this box to indicate that the system should arrive at the interest rate of a new deposit
using the cumulative amount of other active deposits, under the same account class and
Refer the section ‘Calculating Interest Rate Based on Base Amount’ in ‘Terms and Deposits’
User Manual for details about arriving at interest rate based on cumulative amount.
Rollover Type
You can indicate rollover type as hereunder:
 Principal - If You select ‘Principal’ option then On Maturity date System will do rollover
with Only Principle amount irrespective to the Interest booking account.(i.e. if Interest
booking account is given as TD account then on maturity date Interest amount will be

first liquidated to TD account and settled to the Payout details maintained for the TD
 Principal + Interest - If You Select ‘Principal +Interest’ option then Interest booking
account should be always TD account. On maturity date P+I amount will Rollover.
 Special Amount - If you select ‘Special Amount’ option then System will do rollover with
Specified amount irrespective to the Interest booking account. (during Second rollover
system will do rollover with the same amount by settling the New interest amount to TD
payout amount)
 Interest - If you select ‘Interest’ option then Interest booking account should be always
TD account. On maturity date Principle amount will be settled to payout option

Rollover Amount
If a special amount is to be rolled over, you have to specify the amount (less than the original
deposit amount) in the Rollover Amount field. Specifying Term Deposit Pay-Out Details

Payout Type
Select the pay-out mode from the drop down list. The options available are:
 Bankers Cheque - BC
 Transfer to Other bank - PC
 Transfer to GL – GL
 Transfer to Savings Account – AC
 Creation of new Term Deposit – TD

– For Dual Currency Deposits you are allowed to select only ‘GL’ and ‘Savings Ac-
count’ options as the pay-out mode. You can either select GL or Savings Account
but not both. You can select only one GL or one Savings account and not multiple
GLs or accounts in either case.

Specify the amount of redemption in percentage.

Offset Branch
Specify the branch code of the account for redemption.

Offset Account
Specify the account number/ GL for redemption.

Specify the description for the redemption.

11.6.3 Capturing Pay-Out Parameters Details

You can capture the parameters for automatic pay-out by clicking on the ‘TD Payout Details’
button. To capture the details for pay-out through Bankers Cheque, click on the Bankers
Cheque tab.

The following details are captured here: Specifying Bankers Cheque Details

Bank Code
Specify the bank code of the Bankers cheque.

Payable Branch
Select the payable branch from the adjoining option list. The list displays all the payable
branch linked to the selected bank code.

Cheque Date
Specify the date of the cheque for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport/ IC Number
Specify the passport or IC number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out.

Country Code
Specify the country code for the pay-out.

11-60 Specifying PC Details

To capture the pay-out details thought transfer to other bank account, click on the PC tab.

The following details are captured here:

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the bank code of the counter party for the pay-out.

Counterparty Account
Specify the account number of the counter party for the pay-out.

Specify the currency of the counter party for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Name
Specify the name of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Passport Account Number

Specify the account number of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

Specify the description for the pay-out.

Beneficiary Address
Specify the address of the beneficiary for the pay-out.

11.7 Processing Close Out Withdrawal by Multi Mode

You can close an account and pay the account balance to the customer using the ‘Close out
Withdrawal by Multi Mode’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1350’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following parameters here:

External Reference Number

The system generates a unique number based on the branch-specific sequence number
generation logic and displays it here. The Host system identifies a branch transaction with the
external reference number.

Branch Code
Branch code of the current branch is defaulted here.

Account Number
Specify a valid account number you need to close, from the adjoining option list.

Account Title
Title of the specified account number is defaulted here.

Click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is correct, the system generates additional details maintained at different
levels. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details maintained in the previous stage, the system defaults the following

Currency of the specified account number is defaulted here.

Customer ID
Customer ID of the specified account number is defaulted here.

Account Amount
Balance amount in the specified account number is defaulted here.

You can also maintain the following details, apart from the details defaulted:

Account Pay Out Details

You can maintain the following details here:

Pay-Out Option
Select a valid pay-out option for the specified account number, from the adjoining drop-down
list. This list displays the following values:
 Bankers Cheque – BC – Select if pay-out is through Bankers Cheque.
 Payout by FT – FT – Select if pay-out is through Fund Transfer.
 Payout by Cash – Select if pay-out is through Cash.
 Payments – PC – Select if pay-out is through payments.

Specify amount of redemption in percentage.

Amount to be paid-out is defaulted here based on the selected pay-out option and specified
percentage, when you save the transaction.

Instrument Number
System will default the instrument number in forthcoming enrich stage which is to be issued
to customer when BC payout mode is used.

Waive Charges
Check this box to indicate waive option for pay-out mode using RT product.

Offset Branch
Branch code of the account for redemption is defaulted here, when you select the ‘Offset

Offset Account
Specify account number you need for redemption from the adjoining option list.

If the transaction account has negative balance, and the mode used for closure is FT, the
system will debit the negative amount of the transaction account + charges associated with
account closure + the payout mode charges from the offset account, nullify the transaction
account by making it to 0 and then closes. For modes other than FT, the system displays
an error message when you try to close a negative balance account.

11.7.1 Maintaining Pay-out Parameters

You can maintain pay-out details of the account considered for redemption using the ‘Payout
Details’ screen. You can maintain details for any selected payout option. You can invoke this
screen by clicking on the ‘Payout Details’ button in the ‘Close out Withdrawal by Multi Mode’

You can maintain the following parameters here: Bankers Cheque Tab

You can maintain Bankers cheque details of the account for redemption here, if you have
selected ‘Pay-Out Option’ as ‘Bankers Cheque’.

Cheque Details

You can maintain the following cheque details:

Bank Code
Specify Bank code of the Banker’s Cheque from the adjoining option list.

Country Code
Specify Country code of the Banker’s Cheque from the adjoining option list.

Cheque Date
Specify a valid date you need to issue Banker’s Cheque from the adjoining calendar.

Payable Branch
Specify branch you need to pay the Banker’s Cheque from the adjoining option list.

Beneficiary Details

You can maintain the following beneficiary details here:

Beneficiary Name
Specify name of the beneficiary for the Banker’s Cheque.

Beneficiary Address
Specify address of the beneficiary for the Banker’s Cheque.

Passport/IC Number
Specify Passport number of the beneficiary for the Banker’s Cheque.

Specify description for the beneficiary of the Banker’s Cheque. PC Tab

You can maintain details of the other Bank, to which the balance amount of the account for
redemption is transferred.

You can maintain the following parameters here:

Counterparty Details

You can maintain the following counterparty details here:

Counterparty Bank Code

Specify the Bank code of the counterparty from the adjoining option list.

Counterparty Account
Specify account number of the counterparty from the adjoining option list.

PC Product Category
Specify PC product category from the adjoining option list.

This is an optional field. If a value is not defined for this field, then the system books PC
contract based on the PC ‘Product Category’ details maintained at ‘Account Class’ level.

Beneficiary Details

You can maintain the following beneficiary details here:

Beneficiary Name
Specify name of the beneficiary for the PC product.

Beneficiary Address
Specify address of the beneficiary for the PC product.

Passport/IC Number
Specify Passport number of the beneficiary for the PC product.

Specify description for the beneficiary of the PC product.

During account closure, the system uses PC Bridge GL, maintained at account class level,
as an intermediary GL.

12. Credit Card Payments
12.1 Introduction
Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to process transactions using Credit Cards. When
Credit Card details are received from SELECT, the system validates for Card Number, Status
and defaults the Card Holder details.

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides facility to handle these payments in the following modes:
 Payment by In-House Bank Cheque
 Payment by Other Bank Cheque
 Payment by Cash
 Payment by Account
 Payment through incoming swift message

12.2 Processing Payments by In-House Bank Cheques

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to handle Credit Card payments by cheques issued by
the bank. You can maintain these details using ‘Credit Card Payment By In-House Cheque’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CRCM’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following details here:

External Reference Number

Unique reference number is defaulted based on the branch.

Retail teller product is defaulted as CRCM.

Credit Card No
Specify a valid Credit Card number from the adjoining option list.

Credit Card Holder Name

Name of the Credit Card holder is defaulted here.

From Account Branch
Branch code of the recovery account is defaulted here. However; you can specify branch
code from the adjoining option list, if needed.

From Account Number

Recovery account number is defaulted here. However; you can specify account number from
the adjoining option list, if needed.

Account Title
Title of the recovery account is defaulted here.

From Account Currency

Currency of the account is defaulted, when account number is selected.

Cheque Number
Specify a valid cheque number for payment.

Oracle FLEXCUBE validates for the availability and status of the cheque and also for the
stop payment on the cheque.

Check Date
Current system date is defaulted as the check date.

Cheque Issue Date

Specify the issue date on the cheque from the adjoining calendar.

If the difference between the ‘Cheque Issue Date’ and the ‘Cheque Date’ is greater than
the ‘Cheque Stale Days’ maintained at the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen, an
error message stating that the cheque is a stale one will be displayed. However, stale
cheque validation would not be done if the field ‘Cheque Stale days’ is not maintained at
the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

Specify the payment amount for credit card transaction.

Amount currency can be FCY

Specify remarks for the credit card payments, if any.

Click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is correct, the system generates additional details maintained at different
levels. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details maintained in the previous stage, the system defaults the following
 To Account Number
 Customer ID
 To Amount
 Exchange Rate
 From Amount
 Charge Details
 MIS Details
 UDF Details

Click this button to recalculate charges for the cheque deposited.

After validating for the availability of the data, click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Authorization Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for the correct entry of the data. If the
data entry is correct, then the system moves the contract to for authorization. Authorization
Authority can approve or reject a transaction at this stage.

For authorization process details, refer ‘Depositing an In-house Cheque’ section in

‘Instrument Transactions’ chapter of this User Manual.

After successful authorization, you can generate the transaction from task list and save. After
saving the task, the system processes accounting entries, debiting the total transaction
amount from the recovery account and crediting the same to respective select GL maintained
for the Credit Card Product. It then generates an advice for the same.

– When an amount is paid, the system accepts the amount with out validating
payment against due amount.
– You can also configure auto-authorization with few user limits.

12.3 Processing Payments by Other Bank Cheques

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to handle Credit Card payments by cheques issued by
other banks. You can maintain these details using ‘Credit Card Payment By Cheque’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘CRCN’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following details here:

External Reference Number

Unique reference number is defaulted based on the branch.

Account Branch
Specify branch code of the Credit Card from the adjoining option list.

Specify remarks for the credit card payments, if any.

Transaction Currency
Currency of the transaction is defaulted here; however, you can modify if needed.

Transaction Amount
Specify amount of the cheque drawn.

Clearing Type
Specify clearing type you need for the cheque drawn from the adjoining option list.

Credit Card No
Specify a valid Credit Card number from the adjoining option list.

Credit Card Holder Name

Name of the Credit Card holder is defaulted here.

Cheque Number
Specify a valid cheque number for payment.

Oracle FLEXCUBE validates for the availability and status of the cheque and also for the
stop payment on the cheque.

Routing Number
Specify routing number you need for the cheque drawn from the adjoining option list

Drawer Account Number

Specify Account number on which the cheque is drawn.

Cheque Date
Cheque date is defaulted here.

Cheque Issue Date

Specify the issue date on the cheque from the adjoining calendar.

If the difference between the ‘Cheque Issue Date’ and the ‘Cheque Date’ is greater than
the ‘Cheque Stale Days’ maintained at the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen, an
error message stating that the cheque is a stale one will be displayed. However, stale
cheque validation would not be done if the field ‘Cheque Stale days’ is not maintained at
the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

Click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is correct, the system generates additional details maintained at different
levels. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details maintained in the previous stage, the system defaults the following

 Exchange Rate
 Account Number
 Account Title
 Total Charges
 Negotiated Cost Rate
 Negotiation Reference
 Instrument Details
 Charge Details
 MIS Details
 UDF Details

Click this button to recalculate charges for the cheque deposited.

For further processing details, refer ‘Depositing a Cheque’ section in ‘Instrument

Transactions’ chapter of this User Manual.

After validating for the availability of the data, click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Authorization Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for the correct entry of the data. If the
data entry is correct, then the system moves the contract to Authorization Authority for
authorization. Authorization Authority can approve or reject a transaction at this stage.

For authorization process details, refer ‘Depositing a Cheque’ section in ‘Instrument

Transactions’ chapter of this User Manual.

After successful authorization, you can generate the transaction from task list and save. After
saving the task, the system triggers clearing transaction and stores RT transaction reference
number in XREF column of the Clearing Transaction for reference.

12.4 Processing Payments by Cash

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to handle Credit Card payments by cash. You can
maintain these details using ‘Credit Card Payment By Cash’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘CRCP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following details here:

External Reference Number

Unique reference number is defaulted based on the branch.

Retail teller product is defaulted as CRCA.

Credit Card No
Specify a valid Credit Card number from the adjoining option list.

Credit Card Holder Name

Name of the Credit Card holder is defaulted here.

Transaction Currency
Specify currency in which cash is deposited for the specified credit card number, from the
adjoining option list.

Transaction Amount
Specify payment amount for credit card transaction.

Account Branch
Branch code of the current branch is defaulted here. However; you can specify branch code
from the adjoining option list, if needed.

Specify remarks for the credit card payments, if any.

Click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is correct, the system generates additional details maintained at different
levels. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details maintained in the previous stage, the system defaults the following
 Exchange Rate
 Account Number,
 Account Description
 Account Currency
 Account Amount
 Total Charges
 Negotiated Cost Rate
 Negotiation Reference
 MIS Details
 UDF Details

Click this button to recalculate charges for the cheque deposited.

12.4.1 Currency Denomination Tab

You can maintain the following denomination details here:

Currency Code
Currency code of the transaction currency is defaulted here.

Preferred Denomination
Specify preferred denomination for the Credit Card payment.

Transaction amount is defaulted here from the main screen.

Denomination Details

You can maintain the following details here:

Denomination Code
Denomination code is defaulted based on the details maintained at ‘Denomination
Maintenance’ level.

Denomination Value
Denomination value is defaulted based on the details maintained at ‘Denomination
Maintenance’ level.

Specify units you need for the specified denomination code.

Total Amount
Total amount is defaulted based on the denomination details maintained in this screen.

12.4.2 Charge Details Tab

Oracle FLEXCUBE defaults the charges maintained for the product and the customer group
at ‘Arc Maintenance’ level. However; you can modify if needed and click on ‘Recalculate’
button to display the final total amount for the transaction.

For further processing details, refer ‘Depositing Cash’ section in ‘Cash Transactions’ chapter
of this User Manual.

Click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Authorization Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for the correct entry of the data. If the
data entry is correct, then the system moves the contract to Authorization Authority for
authorization. Authorization Authority can approve or reject a transaction at this stage.

For authorization process details, refer ‘Depositing Cash’ section in ‘Cash Transactions’
chapter of this User Manual.

After successful authorization, the system processes accounting entries to respective GLs
maintained for Credit Card product.

12.5 Processing Payments by Account

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to handle Credit Card payments by Account. You can
maintain these details using ‘Credit Card Payment By Account’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘CRAP’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following details here:

External Reference Number

Unique reference number is defaulted based on the branch.

Retail teller product is defaulted as CRAC.

Credit Card No
Specify a valid Credit Card number from the adjoining option list.

Credit Card Holder Name

Name of the Credit Card holder is defaulted here.

Value Date
Current date of the system is defaulted here.

Transaction Currency
Specify currency in which cash is deposited for the specified credit card number, from the
adjoining option list.

Recovery Account
Recovery account is defaulted here from the Credit Card number. However; you can specify
a valid recovery account from the adjoining option list, if not defaulted.

Account Title
Title of the recovery account is defaulted here.

Account Branch
Branch code of the current branch is defaulted here. However; you can specify branch code
from the adjoining option list, if needed.

If account branch and transaction branch are different, then the system automatically pro-
cesses inter-branch entries.

Specify the payment amount for credit card transaction.

If the payment is in FCY, then the system converts the amount based on the exchange
rate code maintained at the ‘Product’ level

Specify remarks for the credit card payments, if any.

Click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is correct, the system generates additional details maintained at different
levels. The following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details maintained in the previous stage, the system defaults the following
 To Account Number,
 Account Description
 Account Amount
 Total Charges
 MIS Details
 UDF Details

Exchange Rate
Exchange rate value is defaulted here to convert the transaction currency to account

Click this button to recalculate charges for the cheque deposited.

12.5.1 Charge Details Tab

Oracle FLEXCUBE defaults the charges maintained for the product and the customer group
at ‘Arc Maintenance’ level. However; you can modify if needed and click on ‘Recalculate’
button to dsplay the final total amount for the transaction.

For further processing details, refer ‘Requesting for Funds Transfer’ section in ‘Cash
Transactions’ chapter of this User Manual.

Click ‘Save’ icon to go to the next stage.

Authorization Stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for the correct entry of the data. If the
data entry is correct, then the system moves the contract to Authorization Authority for
authorization. Authorization Authority can approve or reject a transaction at this stage.

For authorization process details, refer ‘Requesting for Funds Transfer’ section in ‘Cash
Transactions’ chapter of this User Manual.

After successful authorization, you can generate the transaction from task list and save. After
saving the task, the system processes accounting entries, debiting the total transaction
amount from the recovery account and crediting the same to respective select GL maintained
for the Credit Card Product.

12.6 Processing Credit Card Payment Reversals

Oracle FLEXCUBE provides a facility to handle reversal of Credit Card payments by Cash,
Cheques and Account transfer. You can maintain payment reversal details using ‘Credit Card
Payment Reversal’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘STDCCREV’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can maintain the following parameters here:

Credit Card No
Specify number of the Credit Card for which you need to reverse payments.

Transaction Ref No
Transaction reference number is defaulted here, when you select Credit Card.

Click Default button. The system defaults the following values:

 Transaction Branch
 Transaction Date
 Payment Currency
 Payment Amount
 Payment Status
 Payment Input By
 External Ref No

Specify remarks for reversal of payment, if any.

After defaulting the Credit Card payment details, click on ‘Save’ icon. The system triggers the
reversal accounting entries and reverses the transaction for the selected transaction
reference number. If the payment is an outward cheque payment, you need to manually reject
the cheque transaction and trigger the Credit Card payment reversals.

12.7 Viewing Credit Card Reversal Payments

You can view a summary of Credit Card reversal payments maintained at the ‘Credit Card
Payment Reversal’ level using ‘Credit Card payment Reversal Summary’ screen. You can
invoke the ‘Credit Card payment Reversal Summary’ screen by typing ‘STSCCREV’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

You can view records based on any or all of the following criteria:

Authorization Status
You can view records based on the authorization status of the Credit Card payment by
selecting an option from the adjoining drop-down list. This list provides the following options:
 Authorised–Select this option if the Credit Card payment is authorised.
 Unauthorised–Select this option if the Credit Card payment is unauthorised.

Credit Card No
Select a valid Credit Card number to view records based on the Credit Card number, from the
adjoining option list.

Transaction Ref No
Select a valid transaction reference number to view records based on the transaction
reference number, from the adjoining option list.

Transaction Branch
Select a valid branch code if you need to view records based on the branch code, from the
adjoining option list.

Click ‘Search’ button. The system identifies all records satisfying the specified criteria and
displays the following details for each one of them:
 Authorization Status
 Credit Card No
 Transaction Ref No
 Transaction Branch
 Transaction Date
 Payment Currency
 Payment Amount
 Payment Status
 Payment Input By

13. Vault Operations
13.1 Introduction
This chapter details the various Vault Operations that can be performed through this module.

13.2 Transferring Cash from Vault

You can transfer cash from vault using the ‘Transfer cash from Vault’ screen. You can invoke
this screen by typing ‘9007’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Select the currency to be transferred from Vault.

Transfer Amount
Specify the total amount to be transferred.

Preferred Denomination
Specify the preferred denomination.

The system displays the total amount transferred.

External Reference
This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for
a branch transaction.

13.2.1 Capturing denomination details

You have to specify the following details for the cash being transferred:

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are
decremented for outflow transactions like cash transfer. To reverse this default behaviour, you
can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

After entering these details, you need to click save icon. The specified amount will flow from
vault and gets updated.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.3 Transferring Cash to Vault

You can transfer cash to vault using the ‘Transfer cash to Vault’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘9008’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency
Select the currency to be transferred to Vault.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount to be transferred.

Preferred Denomination
Specify the preferred denomination.

The system displays the total amount transferred.

External Reference
This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for
a branch transaction.

13.3.1 Capturing denomination details

You have to specify the following details for the cash being transferred:

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are
incremented for inflow transactions like cash transfer. To reverse this default behaviour, you
can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

After entering these details you need to click save icon. The specified amount will flow into the
vault and gets updated in the branch.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.4 Buying Cash from Central Bank
You can buy cash from central bank using the ‘Buy Cash from Central Bank’ screen. You can
invoke this screen by typing ‘9009’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency
Select the currency to be bought from the Central bank.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount to be transferred.

Enter remarks about the transaction.

External Reference
This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for
a branch transaction.

After entering these details you need to click save icon. The transaction moves to the
enrichment stage.

Enrichment Stage
In this stage some additional details need to be captured on the screen. The screen displayed
is as below:

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

 Denomination

13.4.1 Specifying Denomination Details

The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are
incremented for inflow transactions like cash purchase. To reverse this default behaviour, you
can specify units in negative.

Denom Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

13.4.2 Specifying the MIS Details

You can specify the details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen.

MIS is user definable and is configured at the host. Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE Host User
manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this section:

Cost Center
The MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the transaction is
displayed here.

Account Officer
The MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction is
displayed here.

Contract in Various Currencies

Explanation required from Dev/testing team.

Standard Industrial Code

The MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer belongs is displayed here.

13.4.3 Specifying UDF Details

You can specify the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Field Name
The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product in the

Field Value
Specify the value for the required UDFs.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.5 Selling Cash to Central Bank

You can sell cash to central bank using the ‘Sell Cash to Central Bank’ screen. You can invoke
this screen by typing ‘9010’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency
Select the currency to be sold to Central bank.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount to be sold.

Enter description of the transaction.

External Reference
This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for
a branch transaction.

After entering these details you need to click save icon.

Enrichment stage

In this stage some additional fields are displayed like Exchange rate.

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

 Denomination

13.5.1 Specifying Denomination Details

The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. By default, vault contents are
decremented for outflow transactions like cash sale. To reverse this default behaviour, you
can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

13.5.2 Specifying MIS Details

You can capture the details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen:

MIS is user definable and is configured at the host. Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE host user
manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this screen:

Cost Center
The MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the transaction is
displayed here.

Account Officer
The MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction is
displayed here.

Standard Industrial Code

The MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer belongs is displayed here.

Contract in Various Currencies

13.5.3 Specifying UDF Details

You can capture the UDF details under ‘UDF’ tab.

Field Name
The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product in the

Field Value
Specify the value for the required UDFs.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.6 Buying TCs from Agent

You can buy TCs from Agent using the ‘Buy TCs from Agent’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘9011’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique
identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code
Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.

Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code
The current branch is defaulted.

13.6.1 Specifying TC Details

The following details have to be maintained:

Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.

The system displays the denomination for the specified description.

The system displays the currency.

Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.

Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining
option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count
The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list.
Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number
Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option
list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number
The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount
The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this
transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of
cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.7 Buying TCs from Head Office

You can buy TCs from Head office using the ‘Buy TCs from HO’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘9015 in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique
identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code
Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.

Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code
The current branch is defaulted.

13.7.1 Capturing TC Details

The following details have to be captured:

Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.

The system displays the denomination for the specified description.

The system displays the currency.

Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.

Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining
option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count
The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list.
Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number
Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option
list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number
The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount
The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this
transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of
cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.8 Selling TCs to Head Office
You can sell TCs from Head office using the ‘Sell TCs to HO’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘9016’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique
identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code
Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.

Enter remarks about the transaction, if any.

Branch Code
The current branch is defaulted.

13.8.1 Capturing TC Details

You have to maintain the following information in this section:

Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.

The system displays the denomination for the specified description.

The system displays the currency.

Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.

Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining
option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count
The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list.
Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number
Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option
list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number
The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount
The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this
transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of
cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.9 Buying TCs from Vault

You can buy TCs from Vault using the ‘Buy TCs from Vault’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘9017’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number
This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique
identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code
Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.

Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code
The current branch is defaulted.

13.9.1 Capturing TC Details

You have to capture the following details of the TC:

Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.

The system displays the denomination for the specified description.

The system displays the currency.

Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.

Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining
option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count
The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list.
Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number
Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option
list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number
The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount
The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this
transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of
cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.10 Returning TCs to Vault

You can return TCs to Vault using the ‘Return TCs to Vault’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘9018’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated based on the XREF Number sequence for the branch. It is a unique
identifier for a branch transaction.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency by which TC is being purchased, from the option list available.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount of transaction.

Issuer Code
Select the code of the issuer from the option list available.

Enter remarks about the transaction if any.

Branch Code
The current branch is defaulted.

13.11 Capturing TC Details

You have to specify the following details of a TC:

Select the description for the denomination of the TC from the adjoining option list.

The system displays the denomination for the specified description.

The system displays the currency.

Specify the count of the TC which you have selected.

Specify the series having the TC denomination. The valid TC series is shown in the adjoining
option list. With this reference you have to specify the start and end number.

System Count
The system count will be defaulted only if you have selected the TC series from the option list.
Otherwise this field will be blank.

Start Number
Specify the starting number of the series. If you have selected the TC series from the option
list, the start number will be defaulted. You need to modify this value.

End Number
The system defaults the end number, which is the sum of start number and the count.

TC Amount
The system defaults the TC Amount. It is the product of the denomination and the count.

After entering all the data, click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this
transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization process is similar to that of
cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

13.12 Viewing TCs available with Vault
You can view TCs available with vault using the ‘Display TCs available with Vault’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘9020’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool
bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Branch
The current branch is displayed here.

Issuer Code
Select the issuer code of the instrument from the option list available.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency in which the transaction is carried out, from the option list available. After
entering the above details, click ‘Ok’ button on the screen to view all the TCs available with
vault. The system displays the following details:
 Description
 Sys Count
 Series
 Start Number
 End Number
 Amount
 Denomination

To view the details in a vault in other branch, click ‘Reset’ button. After this you can enter the
appropriate values and click ‘Ok’ button.

14. Balancing Operations
14.1 Introduction
This chapter details the various balancing operations that can be performed using this

14.2 Book Shortage

You can book shortage of a currency using the ‘Book Shortage’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘7551’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency
Select the currency to be booked for shortage.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount to be booked for shortage.

Enter description of the transaction.

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

 Denom
 MIS
 UDF

External Reference
This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for
a branch transaction.

14.2.1 Specifying denomination details

The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code
The currency in which the transaction is being performed is displayed here.

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. Till contents are incremented as
a result of inflow transactions like cash deposit and decremented for outflows. To reverse this
default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

14.2.2 Specifying the MIS details

You can capture these details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen.

MIS is user definable and is configured at the host. Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE host user
manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this screen:

Cost Center
Specify the MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the

Account Officer
Specify the MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction.

Standard Industrial Code

Specify the MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer.

Contracts In Various Currencies

Specify the MIS code assigned to contracts in various currencies.

14.2.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

UDF Name
The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product in the

UDF Value
Specify the value for the required UDFs.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

14.3 Booking Overage

You can book overage of a currency using the ‘Book Overage’ screen. You can invoke this
screen by typing ‘7552’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking
on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Transaction Currency
Select the currency to be booked for overage.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount to be booked for overage.

Enter description of the transaction.

The screen has two tabs which are as follows:

 Denom
 MIS
 UDF

External Reference
This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for
a branch transaction.

14.3.1 Specifying Denomination Details

You can specify denomination details in the ‘Denomination’ tab of the ‘Book Overage’ screen.

The following details have to be captured in this section:

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. Till contents are incremented as
a result of inflow transactions like cash deposit and decremented for outflows. To reverse this
default behaviour, you can specify units in negative.

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

14.3.2 Specifying the MIS details

You can capture the details in the ‘MIS’ tab of the screen:

MIS is user definable and is configured at the host.

Refer to the Oracle FLEXCUBE host user manual for details.

As an example, the following details may be captured in this screen:

Cost Center
Specify the MIS code assigned to the cost center related to the account involved in the

Account Officer
Specify the MIS code assigned to the account officer in-charge of executing this transaction.

Standard Industrial Code

Specify the MIS code assigned to the industry to which your customer belongs.

14.3.3 Specifying the UDF details

You can capture these details in the ‘UDF’ tab of the screen.

Specify the following details.

Field Description
The system will display all the User-Defined Fields (UDF) maintained for the product.

Field Value
Specify the value for the required UDFs.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task
list and authorize it.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

14.4 Transfer Cash from Teller

You can transfer cash from teller using the ‘Transfer cash from Teller screen. You can invoke
this screen by typing ‘BCFT’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and
clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

This is system generated reference number for the branch, which is the unique identifier for
a branch transaction.

Branch Code
The current branch is defaulted here.

Till ID
Select the till from which the cash has to be transferred.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency to be transferred from teller.

Transaction Amount
Specify the total amount to be transferred.

You may enter remarks about the transaction here. This is a free format text field.

Denomination Details

Specify the following details.

Currency Code
The system displays the currency of the account.

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of the currency used in the transaction. For every currency, the
various denominations are assigned separate denomination codes. These codes are
displayed in the adjoining option list. Choose the appropriate one.

Denomination Value
The system computes the face value of the denomination and displays it. For instance if the
denomination code represents a USD 100, the value will be displayed as ‘100’.

Indicate the number of units of the specified denomination. Till contents are incremented as
a result of inflow transactions like cash deposit and decremented for outflows. To reverse this
default behaviour, you can specify units in negative..

Total Amount
The system computes the denomination value by multiplying the denomination value with the
number of units. For instance, if the denomination code represents a USD 100 and the
number of units is 10, the denomination amount will be ‘1000’.

The completed transaction can be viewed in the ‘Completed Transaction’ list. Click save icon
to save the transaction. The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and
authorize it.

Refer the chapters titled ‘Transaction Workflow’ and ‘Common Operations’ in this User
Manual for details on the authorization process.

14.5 Interbranch Transactions

You can transfer cash from source branch to destination branch in the ‘Interbranch
Transaction Input’ screen. You can enter vault details to which the cash will be received in this
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘1410’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following here:

External Reference
The system displays the external reference number.

You can enter any remark about the cash transfer.

Advance Request Reference No

The system displays the advance request reference number.

From Branch
The system displays the current active branch office from where the cash will be sent.

To Branch
Specify the destination branch where the cash will be received.

From Vault
The system displays the vault based on the ‘To Branch’ field.

To vault
Specify the destination vault.

Transaction Currency
Specify the transaction currency. The adjoining option lists all the currencies maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Transaction Amount
Specify the transaction amount.

Advance Request
Check this box to allow the current branch to create an advance request to another branch for

When ‘Advance Request’ box is checked, the system does the following:
– The from Branch/Vault can be selected
– The to vault (receiver) will be defaulted to current Branch/Vault
– The From vault will be defaulted fbased on sender branch
– No accounting entries or updates will be available for this transaction

Enrichment stage
On clicking save icon, the system validates and ensures for minimum mandatory data entry.
If the data entry is found alright, it will calculate the charge based on the transaction type. The
following screen will be displayed:

In addition to the details, captured in the previous stage, the system defaults the following

Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of cash that has to be transferred.

Denomination Value
The system displays the value of the denomination.

Specify the number of units of selected denomination.

Total Amount
The system displays the total amount.

The system validates whether the vault has sufficient cash balance. The system also
checks whether the operation with sending cash is allowed for the receiving branch. For
such transactions, you cannot change the transit account information. On saving the trans-
action, necessary accounting entries will be posted and the vault value will be updated.
Thus the ‘Send’ operation will be completed. However, you can reverse the contract after
authorization and the already posted accounting entries is reversed via the ‘REVR’ event.

14.6 Liquidating Interbranch Transaction

You can liquidate interbranch transaction initiated by the sending branch cash from source
branch to destination branch in the ‘Interbranch Transaction Liquidation’ screen. You can

invoke this screen by typing ‘1411’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar
and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Input stage

The system displays the following:

External Reference
The system displays the external reference number.

Original reference no
The system displays the original reference number.

From Branch
The system displays the current active branch office from where the cash will be sent.

To Branch
Specify the destination branch where the cash will be received.

From Vault
The system displays the vault based on the ‘To Branch’ field.

To vault
Specify the destination vault .

Transaction Currency
Specify the transaction currency. The adjoining option lists all the currencies maintained in the
system. You can choose the appropriate one.

Transaction Amount
Specify the transaction amount.

Denomination Details
Denomination Code
Specify the denomination of cash that has to be transferred.

Denomination Value
The system displays the value of the denomination.

Specify the number of units of selected denomination.

Total Amount
The system displays the total amount.

15. Branch Deployment Options
15.1 Introduction
Oracle FLEXCUBE Branch module can be setup in three different ways.

Centralized Setup
In case of Centralized setup the Branch server, Branch object and Host object will be present
in the same machine or located in the same Datacenter. Also in case of a Centralized setup,
the Branch and Host DB objects need to be present necessarily in the same Oracle schema
and instance. This removes a complete network hop, thereby reducing transaction time – and
also eliminates the possibility of Branch going Offline with respect to the Host Server.

De-Centralized Setup
In case of a Decentralized setup, the Branch Server and Branch DB are present in a different
datacenter from the datacenter hosting the Host DB. In a Decentralized setup, all calls to Host
DB will happen through a HTTP call via the WAN. Since messages are sent over WAN, a
Decentralized setup might be relatively slow. In case the network connection between the
Branch and the Host Data center fails, the Branch will be forced to work in an Offline mode.

Hybrid Setup
This setup is a combination of Centralized & De-Centralized Branches. Out of 10 Branches
say 7 are centralized and 3 are de-centralized.

15.2 Deployment Options

Following are the branch deployment options:

15.2.1 Centralized Deployment

In a centralized deployment:
 Branch and Host DB objects are present in the same Oracle DB Schema.
 Requires network connectivity between the remote branches and datacenter at all times
 Faster transaction times.
 No offline support.

The features of this deployment are as follows:
 Availability of network connectivity at all times.
 Teller transactions always directed to Data Center server.
 No Offline transaction capability for Teller transactions.
 Good connectivity between Data center and Branches to ensure continuity of business
and performance.

15.2.2 De-centralized Deployment

In a de-centralized deployment:
 Branch Server and Branch DB are present in a different datacenter from the datacenter
hosting the FLECUBE DB.
 Branch and Host schemas will be present in different Oracle DB Instances.
 Doesn’t require network connectivity at all times.

 DC Branch Till & Transaction specific data will be available on the Branch DB.
 Transactions will be tanked in Offline mode. Untanking process is triggered once the
network connectivity is restored.
 The same Branch DB can host multiple branches.

In decentralized deployment, branch transactions can be entered in two modes, viz. online
and offline. Online Mode

If the branch is online, you can see the online status when you mouse over ‘Branch’ on the
application toolbar.

The features of this deployment are as follows:

 Teller transactions are uploaded into FLEXCUBE DB present in Data Center.
 Teller transactions are routed to the FLEXCUBE DB in Data Center through Branch
 Full functionality of teller transactions are supported
 Replication of latest data from FLEXCUBE DB to Branch DB at pre-set intervals. Offline Mode

If the branch is online, you can see the online status when you mouse over ‘Branch’ on the
application toolbar.

The features of this deployment are as follows:

 Network Connectivity between Remote Branch and Data Center is not available.
 Teller transactions are not uploaded into FLEXCUBE DB present in Data Center real
 Teller transactions are tanked in Branch Database present in the Remote Branch.
 Transactions are synchronized with FLEXCUBE Host once the connectivity is restored.
 Certain functionality like MIS/UDF/Rate pick up/Available Balance checks is not
available in Offline mode.
 No replication of data from FLEXCUBE DB to Branch DB in Offline mode.

Notification and Administration
The Change Branch functionality of FLEXCUBE will be disabled in offline mode. Which also
acts as an indicator if the Branch is online or offline.

All transaction input in Offline mode will be tanked. Untanking happens once the link is

In case, Branch switches from Offline to Online or vice versa after a transaction has been
initiated then they have to be discarded and re-input again.

Offline Exposure Control

Exposure controlled by specifying the Offline Limit at Customer Account level.

Error will be displayed during save of a transaction in Offline mode, in case the sum of all
Offline Debit transactions including the current transaction exceeds the Offline Limit.

15.3 Processing Transactions in Offline Mode

When network is down in the decentralized branch, branch will be able to post transactions in
offline mode with limited functionality.

The banks exposure in an Offline scenario will be controlled by the Offline limits set for a
Customer Account in FCC.

Any transaction being executed Offline will validate against the Account’s Offline limit (as and
where applicable) and on exceeding the same, will result in an Error. This validation will be
for the sum of Transaction amounts for all Offline Debit transactions for that Account
(including the current Transaction) against the Offline limit for the Account.

As Transactions are not going to Host, charges should be picked up locally. Following table
is replicated for this purpose - fbtb_arc_maint. From this table various charges are picked up
based on product code, currency code, Branch code, transaction type and account class
group. Charge amount is shown only if the Charge Type is FLAT and Slab/Tire Type is none.
In any other case teller is supposed to enter the charge amount.

Functionality like MIS/UDF/Rate pick up/Available Balance checks is not available in Offline

Validations that are available for Customer Account accounts are dormant, frozen, no credits,
no debits and cheque number for cheque transactions.

Oracle FLEXCUBE supports the following branch transactions in offline mode.

Sl No Function id Module Offline Description

1 9001 Maintenance Y Open Teller Batch / Till

2 9007 Maintenance Y Transfer Cash from Vault

3 9008 Maintenance Y Transfer Cash to Vault

4 9011 Maintenance Y Buy TCs from Agent

5 9012 Maintenance Y Teller Platform Status Query


6 9015 Maintenance Y Buy TCs From HO

Sl No Function id Module Offline Description

7 9016 Maintenance Y Sell TC to HO

8 9017 Maintenance Y Buy TCs from Vault

9 9018 Maintenance Y Return TCs to Vault

10 9020 Maintenance Y Display TCs available with Vault

11 BCFT RT Y Transfer Cash from Teller

12 DENM Maintenance Y Denomination Exchange

13 EODM Maintenance Y EOD Maintenance

14 OFDL Maintenance Y File download

15 REAN Maintenance Y Reassign Transactions

16 TVCL Maintenance Y Till Balancing and Closure

17 TVQR Maintenance Y Till Vault Position Query

18 1001 RT Y Cash Withdrawal

19 1005 RT Y Miscellaneous GL Transfer

20 1006 RT Y Funds Transfer Request

21 1008 RT Y Miscellaneous Customer Debit

22 1013 RT Y Cheque Withdrawal

23 1060 RT Y Miscellaneous GL Debit

24 1401 RT Y Cash Deposit

25 1408 RT Y Miscellaneous Customer Credit

26 1460 RT Y Miscellaneous GL Credit

27 7551 RT Y Book Shortage

28 7552 RT Y Book Overage

29 9009 RT Y Buy Cash From Central Bank

30 9010 RT Y Sell Cash To Central Bank

31 LOCH RT Y In-House cheque Depo

32 1009 DD Y TC Sale (Against Account)

33 1409 DD Y TC Purchase (Against A/C)

34 8003 DD Y TC Purchase (Walk-In)

35 8204 DD Y TC Sale (Walk-In)

36 8205 DD Y TC Sale (Against GL)

Sl No Function id Module Offline Description

37 5521 CG Y Inward Clearing Cheque Data


38 6501 CG Y Cheque Deposit

39 6512 CG Y Consolidated Cheques Data Entry

40 6520 CG Y Cheque Deposit to GL

41 1025 UP Y Bill Payment by Cash

42 1075 UP Y Bill Payment Against Account

43 CLCS Maintenance Y Clear Cache

15.4 Tanking and Untanking

Transactions are stored in Branch DB in Offline mode with the status as Tanked

Untanking job will pick up the Tanked transactions and store them in FLEXCUBE DB once the
connectivity is restored.

Tanked transactions can also be uploaded to FLEXCUBE DB using the UI

You can download transactions from branch DB in to file is OFDL screen.

Downloaded file will be available under the folder where the path has been given in

You can upload file into Oracle FLEXCUBE DB using STDOFUPL screen.

Intra day batch STDOFUPL will force post the transactions in FLEXBRANCH DB.

Whenever branch goes to offline mode, the offline transactions have to be uploaded to host
database either manually (file upload) or automatically (untanking job). Following which intra
day batch STDOFUPL should be run, then only all transactions will pass accounting entries.
Before Running EOD of offline branch, intra day batch (STDOFUPL –Tanked transactions
host upload, from BABIDBAT screen) has to be run, to pass the accounting entries correctly.

15.5 Auto-Reversal Process

Transactions that get timed out will be picked up by the untanking job and stored in

Batch running in FLEXCUBE DB will pick up the transactions and reverse the same in

15.6 Offline Batch Process Flow

The process flow for offline branches is as follows:
 When operations start in the morning, branch is connected and network is up.
 Transaction processing will continue as normal.
 Network is disrupted during middle of day and not restored back till end of day.
 Branch will automatically switch to offline mode.
 Branch will able to post only offline transactions.
 Before running EODM, branch should download the transactions as suggested earlier.
 Offline branch should ensure to send the file to online branch.
 After transactions have been downloaded by the branch, branch should run EODM and
check for the dates.

15.6.1 Process Flow for Online Branch which uploads Offline Transactions

The process for uploading offline transactions is as follows:

On receipt of file from offline branch, the online branch should upload the transactions as
suggested earlier.

Whenever branch goes to offline mode, the offline transactions have to be uploaded to host
database either manually (file upload) or automatically (untanking job). Following which intra
day batch STDOFUPL should be run, then only all transactions will pass accounting entries.
Before Running EOD of offline branch, intra day batch (STDOFUPL –Tanked transactions
host upload, from BABIDBAT screen) has to be run, to pass the accounting entries correctly.

16. Batches
16.1 Introduction
This chapter details the various batch operations that are done in this module.

16.2 Clearing Inward Cheque Data Entry

You can do an Inward clearing cheque data entry using the ‘Inward Cheque Clearing Data
Entry’ screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘5521’ in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generated reference number is displayed here.

End Point
Select the end point from the option list available.

Batch Number
The system generates the batch number and displays it only on Enrich.

Select the currency from the option list available.

Enter the number of rows to be displayed.

On clicking ‘Add Rows’ button, the system displays the number of rows mentioned in the
Entries Field and defaults the clearing type and added rows.

Entry Number
The system generates an unique sequence number for each Instrument Type.

Instrument Type
The system displays the default value ‘cheque’ for instrument type.

Account Number
Select the account number from the option list available.

Cheque Number
Specify the number of the cheque for inward clearing.

Specify the amount for inward clearing.

Remitter Branch
The branch where the remitter account is maintained is displayed here. However you can
modify it.

Account Title
The system defaults the account title when you select the account.

Clearing Type
Specify the clearing type of the instrument to be cleared. The option list displays all valid
clearing types maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Drawee Account Number

Specify the drawee account number.

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for cheque clearing. The adjoining option list displays all routing
numbers along with the Branch codes. You can select the appropriate one.

The system defaults the narrative as 'Cheque Paid - Cheque no - Cheque Number - Payee
A/c Number- Account Number'. Once you specify the 'Cheque Number' and 'Payee Account
Number', the system replaces the field values respectively on tabbing out from the field.

Instrument Date
Specify the instrument date.

Beneficiary Routing Number

Specify the routing number of the beneficiary bank. The adjoining option list displays Banks’
routing numbers, excluding the current bank. You can select the appropriate one.

Instrument Issue Date

Specify the instrument issue date. You can click on the adjoining calendar icon and select the
appropriate date.

If the difference between the ‘Instrument Issue date’ and the ‘Instrument Date’ is greater
than the ‘Cheque Stale Days’ maintained at the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen,
an error message stating that the cheque is a stale one will be displayed. However, stale
cheque validation would not be done if the field ‘Cheque Stale days’ is not maintained at
the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

After entering these details click save icon move to the enrichment stage.

Enrichment Stage
In this stage you can also modify the details you have entered in the input stage if required.

Click save icon to save the transaction. The system displays the message as “Transaction
Completed Successfully”.

16.3 Clearing Inward Data Entry

You can do an Inward clearing data entry using the ‘Inward Clearing Data Entry’ screen. You
can invoke this screen by typing ‘5555’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool
bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

Batch Reference
The system generated reference number is displayed here.

End Point
Select the end point. The option list displays all valid end points maintained in the system.
Choose the appropriate one.

Clearing Type
Specify the clearing type of the instrument to be cleared. The option list displays all valid
clearing types maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for clearing. The adjoining option list displays all routing numbers
along with the Branch codes. You can select the appropriate one.

Beneficiary Routing Number

Specify the routing number of the beneficiary bank. The adjoining option list displays Banks’
routing numbers, excluding the current bank. You can select the appropriate one.

Instrument Type
Select the instrument type from the drop-down list. The following are the options available in
the drop-down list:
 Bankers Cheque
 Demand draft
 Cheque

Select the currency. The adjoining option list displays all valid currencies maintained in the
system. You can select the appropriate one.

Branch Code
Select the branch code. The adjoining option list displays all valid branch codes maintained
in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Account Number
Select the account number. The adjoining option list displays all valid account numbers
maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Enter the number of rows to be displayed.

On clicking ’Add Rows’ button, the system displays the number rows that you have entered
in the Entries field.

Entry Number
The system generates an unique sequence number for each Instrument Type.

Instrument Type
The system displays the instrument type. However you can modify it by selecting one of the
following options available in the drop-down list:
 Bankers Cheque
 Demand draft
 Cheque

Account or General Ledger Number

Select the account number from the option list available.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number for inward clearing. The option list displays all valid instrument
currencies maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Amount
Enter the amount for which the instrument is being drawn.

Branch code
The system displays the branch code here.

Account Title
The account title will be defaulted from the account list of value.

The system defaults the narrative as 'Cheque Paid - Cheque no - Cheque Number - Payee
A/c Number - Account Number'. Once you specify the 'Cheque Number' and 'Payee Account
Number', the system replaces the field values respectively on tabbing out from the field.

Clearing Type
Specify the clearing type of the instrument to be cleared. The option list displays all valid
clearing types maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Issuing Branch
The branch where the issuer account is maintained is displayed here. However you can
modify it.

Instrument Currency
Specify the currency of the instrument. The option list displays all valid instrument currencies
maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Date
Specify the instrument date from the adjoining calendar.

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for inward clearing. The adjoining option list displays all routing
numbers along with the Branch codes and Bank Codes. You can select the appropriate one.

End Point
Select the end point. The option list displays all valid end points maintained in the system.
Choose the appropriate one.

Batch Number
The system generates the batch number and displays it on saving the transaction.

Drawee Account Number

Specify the account from which money is drawn.

Beneficiary Routing Number

Select the beneficiary routing number from the adjoining option list.

Enter remarks about the transaction.

Total Amount
On clicking ‘Outstanding Amount’ button, the system displays the total amount of the

Enrichment stage
In this stage you are allowed to modify any data that you have entered in the Input stage.

Click save icon to save the transaction. After the transaction is successfully saved the
message is displayed as “Transaction Completed Successfully”.

If the system date is greater than the expiry date, then the system updates Clearing Log
table with the error as “Instrument Validity has expired and needs Revalidation”.

You can process inward clearing after re-validating the instrument using ‘Clearing Repair’

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

16.4 Consolidated Cheques Data Entry

You can do a consolidated cheque data entry using the ‘Consolidated Cheque Data Entry’
screen. You can invoke this screen by typing ‘6512’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generated reference number is displayed here.

Account Number
Select the account number from the option list available.

Transaction Currency
Select the currency for the transaction the option list available.

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for cheque clearing. The adjoining option list displays all routing
numbers along with the Branch codes and Bank Codes. You can select the appropriate one.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code.

Account Description
The system displays the account description here.

Clearing Type
Specify the clearing type of the instrument to be cleared. The option list displays all valid
clearing types maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

No of Entries
Specify the number of rows you want to add when ‘Add Rows’ button is clicked. When you
click on ‘Add Rows’ button, the system adds the rows based on the specified value and
defaults ‘Clearing Type’ in all added rows.

Batch Number
The system generates the batch number and displays it on saving the transaction.

Entry Number
This is a system generated sequence number.

Instrument type
The system defaults the instrument type as cheque for consolidated cheque data entry.

Drawee Account Number

Specify the account from which money is drawn.

Cheque Number
Specify the number of the cheque for data entry.

Specify the amount mentioned in the cheque.

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for cheque clearing. The adjoining option list displays all routing
numbers along with the Branch codes and Bank Codes. You can select the appropriate one.

The system defaults the narrative as 'Cheque Deposit - Cheque no - Cheque Number -
Drawer A/c Number - Account Number'. Once you specify the 'Cheque Number' and 'Drawer
Account Number', the system replaces the field values respectively on tabbing out from the

Clearing Type
Specify the clearing type of the instrument to be cleared. The option list displays all valid
clearing types maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Cheque Date
Specify the date of the cheque.

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

If you specify the Unit ID, the system will display the corresponding project name here.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:
 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project. This field will be enabled only if you have selected ‘Yes’
against ‘Unit Payment’. The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the unit holder
names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate one.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

Cheque Issue Date

Specify the issue date of the cheque. You can click on the adjoining calendar icon and select
the appropriate date.

If the difference between the ‘Cheque Issue Date’ and the ‘Cheque Date’ is greater than
the ‘Cheque Stale Days’ maintained at the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen, an
error message stating that the cheque is a stale one will be displayed. However, stale
cheque validation would not be done if the field ‘Cheque Stale days’ is not maintained at
the ‘Branch Parameters Maintenance’ screen.

Click save icon to go to the next stage.

Enrichment stage
In this stage you are allowed to modify any data that you have entered in the Input stage.

Click save icon to save the transaction. After the transaction is successfully saved the
message is displayed as “Transaction Completed Successfully”.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

Refer the corresponding section under ‘Depositing Cash’ in the chapter ‘Cash Transactions’
of this User Manual for further details.

16.5 Clearing Outward Data Entry

You can do an Outward clearing data entry using the ‘Outward Clearing Data Entry’ screen.
You can invoke this screen by typing ‘6514’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application
tool bar and clicking the adjoining arrow button.

Here, you can capture the following details:

External Reference Number

The system generated reference number is displayed here.

Account Number
Select the account number. The adjoining option list displays all valid account numbers
maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Instrument Currency
Select the instrument currency. The adjoining option list displays all valid instrument
currencies maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.

Instrument Type
Select the instrument type from the drop-down list. The following are the options available in
the drop-down list:
 Banker’s Cheque
 Demand draft
 Cheque

Routing Number
Specify the routing number for outward clearing. The adjoining option list displays all routing
numbers along with the Branch codes and Bank Codes. You can select the appropriate one.

Batch Number
The system generates the batch number and displays it on saving the transaction.

Branch Code
The system displays the branch code here.

Account Description
The system displays the account description here.

Transaction Currency
Specify the currency of the transaction. The option list displays all valid transaction currencies
maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Clearing Type
Specify the clearing type of the instrument to be cleared. The option list displays all valid
clearing types maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

No of Entries
Enter the number of rows to be displayed.

On clicking ‘Add Rows’ button, the system displays the number rows that you have entered
in the No of Entries field.

Entry Number
The entry number is displayed here.

Instrument Type
The system displays the instrument type. However you can modify it by selecting one of the
following options available in the drop-down list:
 Banker’s Cheque
 Demand draft
 Cheque

Drawee Account Number

Specify the account from which money is drawn.

Instrument Number
Specify the instrument number for outward clearing.

Specify the amount mentioned in the instrument.

Routing Number
The system displays the routing number here. However you can modify it by specifying the
routing number for inward clearing. The adjoining option list displays all routing numbers
along with the Branch codes and Bank Codes. You can select the appropriate one.

For Outward clearing transactions, system defaults the beneficiary routing number as the
clearing branch or processing branch’s routing number.

For Outward clearing transactions, system defaults the beneficiary routing number as the
clearing branch or processing branch’s routing number.

The system defaults the current branch code here.

Account Title
Specify the account title.

The system defaults the narrative as 'Cheque Deposit - Cheque no - Cheque Number –
Drawer A/c Number - Account Number'. Once you specify the ‘Cheque Number’ and ‘Drawer
Account Number’, the system replaces the field values respectively on tabbing out from the

Clearing Type
The system defaults the clearing type specified in the main screen, when you click ‘Add Rows’
button; however, you can modify, if needed.

Drawer Account Number

Specify the drawer account number.

Account Title
Specify the account title.

Transaction Currency
The system displays the transaction currency here. However you can modify it by specifying
the currency of the transaction. The option list displays all valid transaction currencies
maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Instrument Currency
The system displays the instrument currency here. However you can modify it by specifying
the currency of the instrument. The option list displays all valid instrument currencies
maintained in the system. Choose the appropriate one.

Cheque Date
Specify the date of the cheque. You can click on the adjoining calendar icon and select the
appropriate date.

Project Name
Specify the developer project name for which payment is being made. The adjoining option
list displays all valid projects maintained in the system. You can select the appropriate one.
Input to this field is mandatory.

If you specify the Unit ID, the system will display the corresponding project name here.

Unit Payment
Indicate whether the transaction is a unit payment or not by choosing the appropriate value
from the adjoining drop-down list. The following values are available:
 Yes
 No

Unit ID
Specify the unit ID of the project. This field will be enabled only if you have selected ‘Yes’
against ‘Unit Payment’. The adjoining option list displays all unit IDs along with the unit holder
names corresponding to the project name chosen. You can select the appropriate one.

Deposit Slip Number

Specify the deposit slip number for the payment.

Enrichment stage
In this stage you cannot modify any data.

Click save icon to save the transaction. After the transaction is successfully saved the system
displays the message as “Transaction Completed Successfully”.

The approver can fetch this transaction for his/her task list and authorize it. The authorization
process is similar to that of cash deposit.

16.6 Running EOD
You can run the branch EOD using the EOD Maintenance screen. You can invoke this screen
by typing ‘EODM’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button.

The system displays the following details:

 External reference number
 Branch code

Click ‘Run EOD’ button to run the EOD for the branch.

The following validations are done before running EOD:

 Only the user who runs the EOD should be logged into the branch.
 There must be Holiday maintenance to get the Next working day.
 Balancing and closure processes for Till and Vault should be completed. There should
not be any transaction in ‘Pending’ or ‘Assigned’ stage for a user

Once these have been successfully validated, EOD proceeds with the system date change
by moving the Branch posting date to the next date. The Branch transaction sequence will
also get reset as a consequence of the execution of Branch EOD. This signifies the Beginning
of Day (BOD) for the Branch for the next working day and the Branch is ready for Transaction

16.7 Querying Tellers Status

You can view the current operational status and other details of the tellers in a branch using
the ‘Teller Platform Status Query Screen’ screen. This screen will display all the details that
will be validated during EODM (End of Day of Savings module) You can invoke this screen by

typing ‘9012’ in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking the
adjoining arrow button. The screen is displayed below:

External Reference Number

The system displays a unique number.

Branch Code
The system defaults the current logged in branch code.

The following details of the current branch are displayed for all the tellers:
 User ID – the teller user ID
 User Working – current log in status of the user
 Pending Transactions - number of transactions in the Pending Queue for the user
 Tanked Transactions - number of transactions in the Tanked Queue for the user
 Assigned Transactions - number of transactions in the Assigned Queue for the user
 Unassigned Transactions - number of transactions in the Unassigned Queue for the
 Auto Reversal Pending - number of transaction pending to be auto reversed for the user

17. Reports
17.1 Introduction
The following are the reports that you can generate in Savings module:
 Savings Insignificant Balance Accounts Report
 Blocked Accounts Report
 Account Balance Listing Report
 Saving Accounts Opened Today Report
 Saving Accounts Closed Today Report
 Flat File - Cheque Book Requested Report
 Savings Large Balance Movements Report
 Accounts Dormant Next Month Report
 Savings Account Dormant Today Report
 Re-validated Instruments Report
 Reissued Instrument Report
 Duplicate Instrument Issued Report
 Savings Overline/TOD Report
 Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report
 Large Debit Balance Report
 Intra bank Transfer Report
 Flat File Cheque Book Requested Report
 Signatory Details ReportReport
 Daily Processed Transactions Report

To generate any of these reports choose Reports in the Application Browser. Choose Savings
under it. A list of all the reports in Savings module will be displayed. You can choose to view
or print the report.

The time and the operator who generated the report will be displayed.

17.2 Savings Insignificant Balance Accounts Report

This is an exception report that lists out the customer accounts having insignificant balances.
The branches can decide to either close these accounts, or to follow up with the customers
for proper maintenance of the accounts. Branches can define the threshold amount of
insignificant balance at product level. The threshold limit is defined in the minimum balance
in the currency preferences in account class. Banks can levy service charges if minimum
balance prescribed by the bank is not maintained. You can choose to print or view the report
in pdf format.

You can invoke ‘Savings Insignificant Balance Accounts’ screen by typing ‘SVRIBACC’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

Specify the following details here:

Branch Code
Select the branch code from the adjoining option-list. The list displays all valid branch codes.
The list will not include any closed branches.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the report. Click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

17.2.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Branch Code This indicates the branch code

Product This indicates the product

Description This gives a brief description on the account class

Account Number This indicates the account number

Currency This indicates the currency

Last Credit This indicates the OLE_LINKCredit Details


Last Credit Date This indicates the date of previous credit

Last Debit Amount This indicates the Debit Details

Last Debit Date This indicates the date of previous debit

Account Balance This indicates the balance amount in the account

17.3 Blocked Accounts Report

This report lists all the blocked customer accounts with reasons for blocking. This report is
generated by the branch and is used for verification purposes.

Blocking of accounts are generally necessitated on receipt of any attachment/order from legal
or regulatory authorities. These account blocks are removed at revocation of the legal order.

You can invoke ‘Blocked Accounts’ screen by typing ‘SVRBACCL’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details here:

Branch Code
Select the branch code from the adjoining option-list. The list displays all valid branch codes.
The list will not include any closed branches.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the report. Click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

17.3.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Account Num- This indicates the account number


Customer ID This indicates the customer ID

Customer Name This indicates the name of the customer

Currency This indicates the Currency

Balance Amount This indicates the balance amount

Date This indicates the date on which the account is blocked

17.4 Account Balance Listing Report

This report lists the balance break-up of all CASA accounts for a given branch and product.
The status of the accounts like regular, dormant, restricted, etc. is also provided in the report.

You can invoke ‘CASA Balance Listing’ screen by typing ‘SVRCABLI’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Specify the following details here:

Branch Code
Select the branch code from the adjoining option-list. The list displays all valid branch codes.
The list will not include any closed branches.

Click ‘OK’ button to generate the report. Click ‘Exit’ to return to the Reports Browser.

17.4.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Account Class This indicates the account class

Description This gives a brief description on the account

Currency This indicates the currency of the transaction

Account Number This indicates the account number

Customer No This indicates the customer number

Customer Name This indicates the name of the customer

Account Status This indicates the status of the account

Book Balance This indicates the book balance

Available Balance This indicates the balance available

Un-cleared This indicates the uncleared amount


Accrued Interest This indicates the accrued interest

Hold Amount This indicates the hold amount

Accrued Till This indicates the accrued till

Last Interest This indicates the last interest

17.5 Saving Accounts Opened Today Report

This report lists the details of accounts opened on the current day, along with the details of
initial payment. The data in this report which is grouped product-wise and user-wise along
with the details of the initial amount received forms an essential part of account monitoring
process and analysis. This report is generated at EOD on a daily basis. You can invoke
‘Saving Accounts Closed Today Report’ screen by typing ‘SVRAOREP’ in the field at the top
right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
The system displays the current branch code. You can generate the report specific to this

17.5.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information, grouped by account class and

Account Class This indicates the account class. Details of saving accounts
opened during the day under this account class are displayed

Currency This indicates the currency of transaction

Customer Num- This indicates the Customer Number


Customer Name This indicates the name of the customer and the address of the
& Address customer

Account Number This indicates the account number

ACY Opening This indicates the Opening Balance in Account currency


Available Bal- This indicates the available balance


Teller This indicates the Teller ID

Supervisor This indicates the Supervisor name

17.6 Saving Accounts Closed Today Report

This report lists the CASA accounts that have been closed in the day, per product per
currency per branch. While closing the accounts, interest is charged or applied to the account
based on the credit/debit balance on the account. This report is generated at EOD on a daily
basis. You can invoke ‘Saving Accounts Closed Today Report’ screen by typing ‘SVRACREP’
in the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

Branch Code
You can generate this report for a specific branch code. Select the branch code from the
option list.

17.6.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Account This indicates the account class. Details of all savings accounts closed
Class during the day under this Account Class are displayed below.

Account No This indicates the account number of the customer

Currency This indicates the currency of the transaction

Customer This indicates the name of the customer


Closing Bal- This indicates the Closing Balance

ance as

Transaction This indicates the date of transaction


Teller ID This indicates the Teller id

Supervisor This indicates the Supervisor name

17.7 Flat File - Cheque Book Requested Report
Bank issues cheque books to a customer after the request is initiated. A flat file is generated
at EOD for issue of personalized cheque books to customers. The cheque books can also be
issued in a centralized environment.

This report provides details of flat file used for cheque book request purpose. This report is
generated at EOD on a daily basis.

17.7.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

This indicates the account number of the

Account Number

Branch Name This indicates the name of the branch

Customer Full This indicates the full name of the customer


Cheque Start No. This indicates the starting cheque number

Cheque End No. This indicates the ending cheque number

No. of Cheques This indicates the number of cheques

17.8 Savings Large Balance Movements Report

This is an exception report of large balance movements in CASA. The bank sets up an alert
at the product level to report accounts with large debit/credit balance movement. This alert
would result in an automatic exceptional report at the end of the day. The transactions carried
during the day would result in increase or decrease in available balance. When an account
balance movement has reached the threshold defined, this exceptional report is generated by
the system.

The Threshold amount is defined as the user parameter in the Batch EOD Input
(BADEODFN). This report is generated at EOD on a daily basis. You can invoke ‘Savings
Large Balance Movements Report’ screen by typing ‘SVRLBALM’ in the field at the top right
corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

17.8.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Account Class This indicates the account class

Description This indicates the description

Account Number This indicates the account number of the customer

Officer ID This indicates the id of the Officer

Transaction No This indicates the transaction number

Dr/Cr This indicates whether the transaction is a debit or a credit

Balance Move- This indicates the Balance Movement in CASA


Available Balance Balance Available

17.9 Accounts Dormant Next Month Report

This report lists the CASA accounts product-wise and currency-wise that will remain dormant
from the coming month onwards. In the absence of any customer initiated transaction in an
account for a period defined at the product level, the account is moved to the dormancy state.
From dormancy the status is changed to unclaimed deposit after a specific period.

This report is generated at EOD on a monthly basis. You can invoke ‘Accounts Dormant Next
Month Report’ screen by typing ‘SVRDOREP’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

17.9.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Branch Code This indicates the branch code

Account Number This indicates the Account Number

Account Description This gives a brief description on the account

Account class code This indicates the account class code

Customer Number This indicates the customer number

Currency This indicates the currency of the transaction

Current Balance This indicates the current balance

Last Debit Amount This indicates the last amount debited

Last Debit Date This indicates the last debit date

Last Credit Amount This indicates the last credited amount

Last Credit Date This indicates the last credit date

Last Transaction This indicates the last transaction date


17.10 Savings Account Dormant Today Report
This report lists all Current and Savings accounts that have been marked dormant in the day
per product per currency per branch.

The period for which an account is inactive, after which the status moves to dormancy, is set-
up at the product level in terms of days, months etc. When there are no customer initiated
transactions in an account for the period defined at the product level, the account is moved to
the dormancy state.

This report is generated at EOD on a daily basis. You can invoke ‘Savings Account Dormant
Today Report’ screen by typing ‘SVRADREP’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

Branch Code
You can generate this report for a specific branch code. Select the branch code from the
option list.

17.10.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

Body of the report

The generated report will have the following information:

Account Number This indicates the Customer Account Number

Account Name This indicates the Customer Account Name

Current Balance This indicates the current balance in the cus-

tomer account.

Dormancy Date This indicates the date of dormancy

Date of Transaction (Date Last Dr This indicates the last date on which there was a
and Date Last Cr) transaction in the account.

17.11 Re-validated Instruments Report

This report lists the details of the revalidated DD / BC instruments for the specified period.

You can invoke ‘Revalidated Instruments Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRREVL’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details:

Branch Code
Select the branch code from the option list.

Instrument Type
From the drop-down list, select ‘DD’ or ‘BC’ as an instrument type to get the list of DD or BC
instruments revalidated for the period chosen. Select ‘All’ to list both DD and BC instruments
for the period chosen.

From Date
System defaults the current date here; however you need to specify the date from which the
report should be generated.

To Date
System defaults the current date here; however you need to specify the date till which the
report should be generated.

Depending on the details provided in the above screen, system generates the report when
you click ‘Ok’ button.

17.11.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

The generated report will have the following information:

Issue Date Issue date of the instrument

Re-validated Date Re-validated date of the instrument

Re-validated Period Re-validated period of the instrument

Payable Bank/Branch At which bank/branch it is payable

Original Expiry Date Expiry date of the instrument before re-valida-


Instrument Amount Instrument amount

Instrument Currency Currency of the instrument

Expiry Date Expiry date of the Instrument after re-validation

Contract Reference Number Contract reference number of the instrument


Maker-Id Maker id of the re-validated transaction

Checker-Id Authorizer of the re-validated transaction

Payment Mode Payment mode selected for charge.

Instrument Number The reference number of the instrument

Beneficiary Name Name of the Beneficiary.

17.12 Reissued Instrument Report

This report lists the details of the reissued DD / BC instruments for the specified period.

You can invoke ‘Reissued Instruments Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRRISU in the field at the
top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details:

Branch Code
Select the branch code from the option list.

Instrument Type
From the drop-down list, select ‘DD’ or ‘BC’ as an instrument type to get the list of DD or BC
instruments reissued for the period chosen. Select ‘All’ to list both DD and BC instruments for
the period chosen.

From Date
System defaults the current date here; however you need to specify the date from which the
report should be generated.

To Date
System defaults the current date here; however you need to specify the date till which the
report should be generated.

Depending on the details provided in the above screen, system generates the report when
you click ‘Ok’ button.

17.12.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the

The Header carries the title of the report, branch code, report run date and time, user ID,
module code and the page number of the report.

The generated report will have the following information:

Issue Date Issue date of the instrument

Beneficiary Name Name of the beneficiary

Reissued Date Re-validated date of the instrument

Reissue Reason Reason for reissue of the instrument

Expiry Date Expiry date of the Instrument after re-validation

Instrument Amount Instrument amount

Instrument Currency Currency of the instrument

Payable Bank/Branch At which Bank/Branch it is payable.

Contract Reference Number Contract reference number of the instrument


Maker Id Maker id of the re-validated transaction

Maker Date Stamp Date on which the transaction is created

Checker Id Authorizer of the reissue transaction

Checker Date Stamp Date on which the reissue transaction is


Old Instrument Number The original instrument number

New Instrument Number The new instrument number generated

17.13 Duplicate Instrument Issued Report

This report lists the details of the duplicate issuance of DD / BC instruments for the specified

You can invoke ‘Duplicate Instruments issued Report’ screen by typing ‘RTRDISU’ in the field
at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You need to specify the following details:

Branch Code
Select the branch code from the option list.

Instrument Type
From the drop-down list, select ‘DD’ or ‘BC’ as an instrument type to get the list of duplicate
issued DD or BC instruments for the period chosen. Select ‘All’ to list both DD and BC
instruments for the period chosen.

From Date
System defaults the current date here; however you need to specify the date from which the
report should be generated.

To Date
System defaults the current date here; however you need to specify the date till which the
report should be generated.

Depending on the details provided in the above screen, system generates the report.

17.13.1 Contents of the Report

The selection options that you specified while generating the report are printed at the
beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

The generated report will have the following information:

Issuing Branch Issuing branch of the instrument

Issue Date Issue date of the duplicate instrument

Issue Reason Reason for issue of the duplicate instrument

Expiry Date Expiry date of the Instrument

Instrument Amount Instrument amount

Instrument Currency Currency of the instrument

Instrument Date Instrument date

Contract Reference Number Contract reference number of the instrument


Old Instrument Number This will be original instrument number, which

has been cancelled.

New Instrument Number This will be new instrument number generated.

Beneficiary Name Name of the beneficiary

Maker ID This is the user ID of the maker of the record

Checker ID This is the user ID of the authorizer of the


17.14 Savings Overline/TOD Report
When Current and Savings accounts are drawn above the overdraft limit sanctioned, then the
system moves to overline status. Temporary overdrafts (TOD), on an ad-hoc basis, may also
be sanctioned for the selected accounts, by an appropriate bank official when a customer
requires. In such cases, you can generate a ‘Savings Overline/TOD Report’ at EOD with
details of overline amount, overline days and credit risk rating description, for proper follow up
of these accounts and to regularize the same. The details are listed based on the product

You can invoke ‘Savings Overline/TOD Report’ screen by typing ‘STROVODR’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining
option list.

Processing Date
Specify a date when the TOD was processed in the specified branch from the adjoining

Report Format
Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list.
This list displays the following values:
 HTML – Select to generate report in HTML format.
 RTF – Select to generate report in RTF format.
 PDF – Select to generate report in PDF format.
 EXCEL – Select to generate report in EXCEL format.

Report Output
Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list.
This list displays the following values:
 Print – Select to print the report.
 View – Select to view the report.
 Spool – Select to spool the report to a specified folder so that you can print it later.

Printer At
Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:
 Client – Select if you need to print at the client location.
 Server – Select if you need to print at the server location

Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

17.14.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Savings Overline/TOD Report is as follows:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account No Indicates Customer Account Number

Maker ID Indicates Maker ID

Acc Desc Indicates the account description

Account Current Balance Indicates Account Current Balance

Current Overline Days Indicates Current Overline Days

Month To Date Days Indicates Month-to-Date Days

Year To Date Days Indicates Year-to-Date Days

Acc. Ccy Indicates Account Currency

Limit Ccy Indicates Limit Currency

Overline Amount Indicates Overline Amount

Last Debit Date Indicates Last Debit Date

Last Debit Amt Indicates Last Debit Amount

Last Credit Date Indicates Last Credit Date

Last Credit Amt Indicates Last Credit Amount

Temp OD Limit Indicates Temp OD Limit

Uncleared Funds Limit Indicates Uncleared Funds Limit

Since the Over Draft date is updated in EOD batch, the date provided as input should be
a date previous to the current date. If a date is not provided, all overline accounts will be
listed in the report. At least a single overline account should have 100% customer account

17.15 Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report

Banks provide Overline/TOD facility on a temporary basis to selected customers. You can
generate ‘Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report’ to provide details of current and savings account
with such facilities, to follow-up at the earliest. This report provides information on daily
overline and TOD based on the branch and account.

You can invoke ‘Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report’ screen by typing ‘STROVTOD’ in the field at
the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining
option list.

Processing Date
Specify a date when the TOD was processed in the specified branch from the adjoining

Report Format
Select the format in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list.
This list displays the following values:
 HTML – Select to generate report in HTML format.
 RTF – Select to generate report in RTF format.
 PDF – Select to generate report in PDF format.
 EXCEL – Select to generate report in EXCEL format.

Report Output
Select the output in which you need to generate the report from the adjoining drop-down list.
This list displays the following values:
 Print – Select to print the report.
 View – Select to view the report.
 Spool – Select to spool the report to a specified folder so that you can print it later.

Printer At
Select location where you wish to print the report from the adjoining drop-down list. This list
displays the following values:
 Client – Select if you need to print at the client location.
 Server – Select if you need to print at the server location

Select printer using which you wish to print the report from the adjoining option list.

17.15.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report is as follows:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed branch-wise as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account No Indicates Customer Account Number

Acc Desc Indicates Account Description

Customer Name Indicates the name of the customer

Last Credit Date Indicates Last Credit Date

Txn Date Indicates Txn Date

Txn Amt Indicates Txn Amount

Txn CCY Indicates Txn CCY

Limit CCY Indicates Limit Currency

Dr/Cr Indicates Debit Credit Indicator

Txn Desc Indicates the transaction description

Total OD Limit Indicates the total OD limit

Balance Indicates Account Opening Balance

– Since the Over Draft date is updated in EOD batch, the date provided as input
should be a date previous to the current date. If a date is not provided, all over line
accounts will be listed in the report.
– At least a single line should be mapped with 100% customer_account_linkages.

17.16 Large Debit Balance Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates generation of ‘Large Debit Balance Report’ at EOD with details
of CASA accounts which have exceeded the threshold limit. The details are grouped based
on the account class and currency.

17.16.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Large Debit Balance Report is as follows:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Class Indicates Account Class

Currency Indicates Currency

Threshold Amount Indicates Threshold Limit maintained at product and

currency level

Account Number Indicates Account Number whose balance has

reached threshold limit

Account Name Indicates Account description

Customer Id Indicates Customer ID

Customer Name Indicates Customer Name

Customer Telephone No Indicates Customer Mobile Number

Available Balance Indicates Account available balance

17.17 Intra bank Transfer Report

Oracle FLEXCUBE facilitates generation of the following reports from the ‘Intra Bank Transfer
Report’ screen:
 List of all Advance requests received in branch
 List of all Interbank cash transfer done in branch
 List of pending transfer request arrived at branch

You can invoke this screen by typing ‘RTRIBTXD’ in the field at the top right corner of the
Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow.

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining
option list.

From Date
Specify the date from which the report should be generated.

To Date
Specify the date to which the report should be generated.

Report Type
Select the type of report from the following options:
 Advance Request
 Completed transfers
 Pending transfers

17.17.1 Contents of the Report

The selection options that you specified while generating the report are printed at the
beginning of the report.

The contents of the report are discussed under the following heads:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Reference No Intra bank reference number

Description Description of the intraday transfer

From Branch Branch code of transfer branch

From Vault Vault of the transfer branch

To Branch Branch code of transfer

To Vault Vault of branch to which it is transferred

Transit GL Transit GL code

Sender User User (Teller) who initiated send operation

Receiver User User(Teller) who initiated receive operation

Denomination Code Denomination code

Denomination Value Denomination value

Unit Units

Total Amount Total amount of transfer

17.18 Flat File Cheque Book Requested Report

You can invoke ‘Flat File Cheque Book Requested Report’ screen by typing ‘SVRREPRT’ in
the field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

You can specify the following parameters here:

Specify a valid code of the Branch in which report is being generated, from the adjoining
option list.

17.18.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report is as follows:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Account Number Indicates Customer Account Num-


Customer Full Name Indicates the full name of the cus-


Cheque Start Number Indicates the start number of the


Cheque End Number Indicates the end number of the


Number of Cheques Indicates the number of cheques

17.19 Signatory Details Report

You can invoke ‘Signatory Details’ screen by typing ‘SVRSIG in the field at the top right corner
of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow button.

17.19.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the
report. Other content displayed in the Daily Overline/TOD Txn Report is as follows:

The Header carries the title of the report, information on the branch code, the date and time,
the branch date, the user id, the module name and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Customer Number Indicates the customer number

Account Number Indicates the Account Number

Currency Indicates the currency

Signature Displays the signature

CIF Sig Id Indicates the CIF Signature

Approval Limit Indicates the limit of approval

Type Indicates the type

Solo Indicates whether the signatory is


17.20 Daily Processed Transactions Report

You can invoke ‘Daily Processed Transactions Report’ screen by typing ‘CORDLPRT’ in the
field at the top right corner of the Application tool bar and clicking on the adjoining arrow

You can specify the following parameters here:

Branch Code
You can generate the report for a specific branch or for all the branches. If you select ‘All’, the
system will generate the report for all the branches. If you select ‘Specific Branch’, you need
to specify the branch code.

Select a valid branch code from the option list. The system will generate the report for the
selected branch.

Specify the report options and click ‘OK’ button to generate the report.

17.20.1 Contents of the Report

The parameters specified while generating the report are printed at the beginning of the

The header of the report will contain the name of the report, branch code, branch name,
branch date, user ID of the user who generated the report, module code, date and time of
running the report and the page number of the report.

Body of the Report

The following details are displayed as body of the generated report:

Field Name Field Description

Transaction Number The transaction number

Transaction Code The code that identifies the type of transaction

Transaction Amount The amount involved in the transaction

Customer Type The type of customer involved in the transaction

Account Number The account number

Booking Date The date of transaction booking

Value Date The transaction value date

Charge The applicable charge

Rate The applicable rate

Title of Accounts This indicates the title of the accounts

Maker ID The user ID of the maker of the transaction

Maker Date Stamp The date and time of the transaction

Checker ID The user ID of the checker who authorized the transaction

Checker Date Stamp The user ID of the checker who authorized the transaction

18. Function ID Glossary

Numerics 8207 ............................... 8-52

1005 ..............................10-21 8301 ............................. 9-144
1006 ................................8-38 8302 ............................. 9-139
1008 ................................10-1 8304 ............................. 9-178
1009 ................................9-30 8305 ............................... 9-91
1010 ..............................9-117 8306 ............................... 9-98
1013 ..................................9-1 8307 ............................. 9-160
1014 ................................9-60 8308 ............................. 9-155
1025 ................................8-31 8309 ............................. 9-150
1056 ................................8-45 8310 ............................... 9-84
1060 ..............................10-11 8311 ............................... 9-74
1075 ................................8-34 8312 ............................... 9-77
1300 ...................9-131, 9-136 8316 ............................... 8-63
1301 ................................8-25 8317 ............................... 8-59
1317 ..............................11-43 8318 ............................... 8-55
1350 ..............................11-61 8319 ............................... 8-82
1401 ..................................8-1 8320 ............................... 8-75
1405 ................................8-22 8322 ............................... 8-73
1408 ................................10-6 8323 ............................... 8-69
1409 ................................9-46 8330 ............................... 9-67
1410 ................................14-9 8335 ............................. 9-124
1411 ..............................14-12 9001 ................................. 4-8
1460 ..............................10-16 9007 ............................... 13-1
3401 ................................8-92 9008 ............................... 13-2
417 ...................................6-1 9009 ............................... 13-4
5401 ................................8-89 9010 ............................... 13-7
5521 ................................16-1 9011 ............................. 13-11
5555 ................................16-3 9012 ............................. 16-14
6501 ..................................9-8 9015 ............................. 13-13
6512 ................................16-6 9016 ............................. 13-15
6514 ................................16-9 9017 ............................. 13-16
6520 ................................9-14 9018 ............................. 13-18
6560 ................................9-25 9020 ............................. 13-20
7030 ..................................7-1
7031 ..................................7-4
BCDI ............................. 9-175
7551 ................................14-1
BCFT .............................. 14-7
7552 ................................14-3
BCRP ........................... 9-171
7789 ..............................9-105
BCRV ........................... 9-168
7790 ..............................9-165
7795 ................................8-85 C
8003 ................................9-51 CARPASBK ...................... 7-5
8004 ................................8-50 CLRU ................................ 4-1
8203 ................................8-47 CORDLPRT .................. 17-25
8204 ................................9-41 CQIN .............................. 9-29
8205 ................................9-36 CRAP ............................. 12-9
8206 ................................8-97

CRCM .............................12-1
CRCN .............................12-4
CRCP ..............................12-6

D STDBRREF ....................... 5-5

DDDI .............................9-113 STDCCREV .................. 12-12
DDRP ............................9-111 STDDEFAU ....................... 3-8
DENM .............................8-29 STDFNGRP ...................... 3-2
STDOFUPL ..................... 15-6
E STDTTKEY ..................... 8-71
EODM ...........................16-13 STDWFDEF ...................... 3-3
STROVODR .................. 17-17
STROVTOD .................. 17-19
IPTDMM ........................11-37 STSCCREV .................. 12-13
ISSRPDET ....................9-116 STSREPQY ...................... 5-8
L SVRACREP .................... 17-6
SVRADREP .................. 17-11
LOCH ..............................9-19
SVRAOREP .................... 17-5
O SVRBACCL ..................... 17-3
OFDL ..............................15-5 SVRCABLI ...................... 17-4
SVRDOREP .................. 17-10
R SVRIBACC ...................... 17-1
RTRDISU ......................17-15 SVRLBALM ..................... 17-8
RTRIBTXD ....................17-22 SVRREPRT .................. 17-23
RTRREVL .....................17-12 SVRSIG ........................ 17-24
RTRRISU ......................17-13
S TDMM ............................. 11-2
SMDROLDF ......................3-9 TLTT ............................... 4-12
SMSJOBBR’ ......................5-4 TVCL ................................ 4-9
STDBRFUN .....................3-10 TVQR ............................. 8-96


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