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Exam : 310-011 Title : Solaris 8 System Administration I

# QUESTION 1: Given that permfile has its permissions set as follows: Chmod 2666 permfile Which three statements about the permfile permissions are true? (Choose three) A. The sticky bit is set. B. The file has the SUID bit set. C. Mandatory locking is enabled. D. The file is not executable by any user. E. The associated group has read and write permissions. F. The associated group has read, write, and execute permissions. Answer: C,D, E. Explanation: chmod 20#0 - if the # is 7,5,3, or 1 then Set group id on execution. If the # is 6,4,2 then Mandatory locking is set. And 0666 means rw- for owner, group and others. (Sticky bit is set by 1000. Set userid on execution is 4000)*

# QUESTION 2: Which single character is a Regular Expression denotes "zero or more occurrences of the previous". Answer: * Explanation: Three metacharacter 1. ? - matches any single character. 2. * - matches zero or more (0-N) occurrences of any character. 3. [..] - represents a set of characters of which any one can match. Ex. [a-z], [A-Z], [0-9].

# QUESTION 3: Which command displays an Access Control List for a file? A. 1sac1 B. getac1 C. aclget D. faclget E. getfacl Answer: E Explanation: - getfacl. setfacl is to set ACL list. Other commands do not exist. The following example sets the file owner permissions to read/write/execute, file group permissions to read only, other permissions to none, and the ACL mask

permissions to read on the ch2.doc file. In addition, the user george is given read/write permission; however, due to the ACL mask, the sffective permissinons george are read only.$ setfacl -s u::7,g::4,o:0,m:4,u:george:7 ch2.doc$ getfaclch2.doc# file: ch2.doc# owner: nathan# group: sysadminuser::rwxuser:george:rwx #effective:r--group::r-#effective:r--mask:r--other:---

# QUESTION 4: Given: $ 1s -1d telephone drwxrwsrwx 2 lesley sp 512 Aug 3 17:28telephone Which command clears the SGID-bit causing this behavior? A. chmod g-1 telephone B. chmod g-s telephone C. chmod 767 telephone D. chmod 0777 telephone E. chmod 0767 telephone Answer: B Explanation: chmod "+" is to add permission "-" is to take away, and "=" is to assign permissions.

# QUESTION 5: Your umask value is set to 022 and you create a file. Which set of permissions are associated with this file? A. rw-r--r-B. rwxr--r-C. ----w--wD. rw-rw-rwE. rwxrwxrwx Answer: A. Explanation: Remember that the permissions for created files will always be the numeric value 666 minus the umask value. (666 - 022 = 644) Important Points: to make permanent change, change the umask value in user's .profile or .cshrc. If you just change it on the current shell session, the effect is only temporary! (Next time, you log in, it will be lost!)

# QUESTION 6: Which command string displays the file and directory names that begin with the characters a, b, or c and that end with number 1? A. ls -d abc*1 B. ls [a-c*1] C. ls -ld [abc]*1

D. ls {a,b,c}/* Answer: C. Please refer to Question 2.

# QUESTION 7: Your current working directory is the /export/home_a/user1 directory. Which two command strings put you into the /export/home_b/user20 directory? (Choose two) A. cd ../user20 B. cd../home_b/user20 C. cd../../home_b/user20 D. cd /export/home_b/user20 Answer: C and D. C is correct, because it use relative path. D is correct, it use absolute path. cd ../ once, will go up to home_a dir. another cd ../ will go up to export directory. Explanation: the directory structure is like this: /export----/home_a/user1 you are here (working dir- "pwd") ----/home_b/user20

# QUESTION 8: Your current working directory contains: ./ ../ .tst dir1/ file1 file2 file3 file4 Which command copies the .tst file into the dir1 directory? A. cp * dir1 B. cp .* dir1 C. cp *.* dir1 D. cp .tst dir1 Answer: D. Only D copies .tst file to dir1. A will copy all files to dir1. B will copy all hidden files (.profile etc) to dir1. C will copy all files too.

# QUESTION 9: What is the purpose of the file command? A. The file command is used to transfer files between file systems. B. The file command attempts to classify the file type based on the file's content. C. The file command reports on file size, file ownership, and access permissions. D. The file command is used to search binary data streams for references to readable ASCII files. Answer: B. It is used to determine the type of a file. It can take -b option, meaning donot follow symbolic links, or -f ffile, ffile is file containing a list of the file to be examined. Examples: $file /tmp /tmp: directory $ file /usr/bin/cp /usr/bin/cp: ELF 32-bit MSB executable SPARC Version 1.


What is the result of using the following command? # mkdir -p dir1/dir2/dir3 A. It creates three directories, named dir1, dir1/dir2, and dir1/dir2/dir3 respectively. B. It creates three directories, named dir1, dir2 and dir3, using the current working directory as the parent directory. C. It attempts to create dir1/dir2/dir3, but posts appropriate error messages if the parent directory of dir1 or dir1/dir2 do not exist. D. It creates three directories, named dir1, dir2 and dir3, and overrides the permission modifications created by the file mode creation mask. Answer: A. The -p option tells mkdir to create an entire new structure at once (even the dir1 is not exist yet) Watch out the wording - it tried to trick you!

# QUESTION 11: Which vi character sequence replaces all occurrences of the string Solaris with the string Solaris Operating Environment in the current file? A. :s/Solaris Operating Environment/Solaris/ B. :r/Solaris/Solaris Operating Environment/g C. :%s/Solaris/Solaris Operating Environment/ D. :%s/Solaris/Solaris Operating Environment/g Answer: D. This question asks how to do global substitution. Only D is correct. Explanation: To change all occurrences of text "old" to text "new": :%s/old/new/g<CR> or :1,$ s/old/new/g<CR>

# QUESTION 12: Which three characters can be entered from command mode in the vi to change the last line mode? (Choose three) A. : B.; C. ^ D. / E. + F. ? G. $ H. % Answer: A, D, and F.

# QUESTION 13: Which vi command is used to copy three lines of text to memory and then paste theses lines above the current line? A. 3cP B. 3yyP

C. 3yyp D. :3c/p E. copy:3pp Answer: B. yy is to yank the current line. You can add N before that(yy) to make N line yank. To put the yanked buffer before the current line (above the line), you have to use P. "p" is to put the yanked buffer after the current line.

# QUESTION 14: Which command should be used to uninstall patch 106793-01? A. patchrm 106793-01 B. patchdel 106793-01 C. patchadd -d 106793-01 D. patchinfo -d 106793-01 Answer: A. To remove a patch, you should use - patchrm [options] patch_id.

# QUESTION 15: Which three configuration parameters are set up during the Solaris 8 Operating Environment custom installation procedure? (Choose three) A. 64-bit support. B. File system layout C. User disk usage quotas. D. System printer selection. E. Software Cluster configuration. Answer: B, C, E.

# QUESTION 16: You have just installed the SUNWaudio package with the command: # /usr/sbin/pkgadd -d /cdrom/sol_8_sparc/s0/Solaris_8/Product SUNWaudio Which command tests the accuracy of the package installation? A. pkgadd -v SUNWaudio B. pkgchk -v SUNWaudio C. pkginfo -v SUNWaudio D. pkginst -v SUNWaudioe Answer: B. The pkgchk command is used to check the accuracy of installed package. -v is Verbose mode.

# QUESTION 17: Which file maintains a list of currently mounted file systems? A. /etc/rmtab B. /etc/mnttab

C. /etc/vfstab D. /etc/inittab E. /etc/dfs/sharetab Answer: B. The file /etc/mnttab contains information about other file systems that have been mounted by the system. It is a MNTTAB File System!

# QUESTION 18: Which command mounts the device /dev7dsk/c1t0d0s0 on the mount point /mnt so that it prevents the creation of files larger then 2 GB? A. mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 /mnt B. mount nolargefiles /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 /mnt C. mount /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 -nolargefiles /mnt D. mount -o nolargefiles /dev/dsk/c1t0d0s0 /mnt Answer: D. The correct syntax to mount a file less than 2 GB is: mount [options] raw-device mount-point For restriction to less than 2 GB files, you have to specify "-o nolargefiles" option.

# QUESTION 19: Each directory is a file system mount point. Which two file systems contain kernel modules? (Choose two) A. / B. /tmp C. /usr D. /var E. /export Answer: A and C. Explanation: A - / (root) is the top-most file system. It contains /etc - for Solaris configuration files, /etc/ and /devices - all hardware configuration files, /kernel - the OS kernel and device drivers. /usr - /usr contains sharable files such as system library routines (/usr/lib), which may be either architecture-dependent or -independent. Please check the notes #12 too for more info.

# QUESTION 20: What is the result of mounting a file system with the noatime option enabled? A. It enables ufs logging. B. It disables the update of file access times. C. It prevents the creation of files larger then 2 GB. D. It prevents the user form updating the file modification times. Answer: B. Reference to Solaris System Administration Guide, Vol. 1, page 444. Explanation: Suppresses access time updates on files, except when they coincide with updates to the ctime or mtime. See stat(2). This option reduces disk activity on file systems

where access times are unimportant (for example, a Usenet news spool). The default is normal access time (atime) recording. This only applies to UFS.

# QUESTION 21: What is the name of the directory where the kernel device information file path_to_inst is found? Answer: /etc More info.: The devfsadm command manages the special device files in the /dev and /devices directories. By default, devfsadm attempts to load every driver in the system and attach to all possible device instances. Then it creates the device files in the /devices directory and the logical links in the /dev directory. In addition to managing the /dev and /devices directories, devfsadm also maintains the path_to_inst(4) instance database. Important: how to display device configuration: 3 commands - prtconf, sysdef, dmesg.

# QUESTION 22: Which file system type must be passed to the mount command to mount a DOS formatted floppy disk? A. ufs B. fdfs C. pcfs D. fatfs E. dosfs Answer: C. PCFS is the default file system for DOS disk format disk. Explanation: UFS (Unix File System) is the default format for Solaris disk file system. UDF (Universal Data Format) is for DVD kind of optical media. HSFS is for CD-ROM file systems.

# QUESTION 23: The following is a listing of an /etc/rc3.d directory: README s15nfs.server s50apache s76snmpdx s77dmi What is the significance of the two-digit number that follows the s and precedes the script name in each of the directory entries? A. The two digits signify how many links exist to each respective start script. B. The two digits define the number of dependencies on other scripts to suggest logical placement of scripts for sequential execution. C. The two digits define the package sequence that defines the order in which each respective script was added to Solaris. D. The two digits define the sequence in which each script will be executed when changing to this Run Level. Answer: D. The two digits number that follows sNN... is to define the execution sequence order.

# QUESTION 24: Which PROM command boots the system using a different system file? A. boot -s B. boot -a C. boot /etc/ D. boot -f /etc/ Answer: C. Explanation: A. boot -s is to boot to init level "s". B. boot -a is to ask/interactive mode.

# QUESTION 25: Which information is provided when executing the following command? # who -r A. The current Run Level is returned. B. A current list of root users is returned. C. A list of logged-in remote users is returned. D. A reboot is performed after signaling logged-in users. Answer: A. "who -r" will show the current and last run level as well as when is the last reboot. Output will be like this: # who-r. run-level 3 Jun 10 15:27 3 0

# QUESTION 26: Which two commands should be used to acquire the online information about the /etc/vfstab file? (Choose two) A. man vfstab B. man -s4 vfstab C. man vfstab (5) D. man /etc/vfstab Answer: A and B. A displays vfstab man pages. B is correct, "man" takes -s option following by section number (1, 1M, 2-9). Explanation: Other useful options: man -l signal # list all manual pages of 'signal' -k keyword # prints out one-line summaries from the windex database (table of contents)

# QUESTION 27: For which task is the kernel responsible? A. Managing CPU resources. B. Translating user requests. C. Interrupting user keyboard entries. D. Interpreting commands from scripts.

Answer: A. The rest are responsible by the shell.

# QUESTION 28: Your system has just been brought to the boot prompt through an interrupt. Which command should you now use to minimize the amount of disruption caused to the disk-file system? A. sync B. fsck C. halt D. check E. unmount F. probe-scsi Answer: A, using sync command to synchronize the disks system. Refer to System Admin Guide Volume 1 - page 146. *(Tricky question)

# QUESTION 29: Which file is used to enable or disable the mechanism by which a system may be interrupted and brought to the boot prompt? A. /etc/kbd B. /etc/kybrd C. /etc/keyboard D. /etc/default/kbd E. /etc/default/kbrd F. /etc/default/abort G. /etc/default/keyboard Answer: D. Refers to System Admin Guide Vol. 1 Select one of the following to disable or enable a system's abort sequence: a. Remove the pound sign (#) from the following line in the /etc/default/kbd file to disable a system's abort sequence: #KEYBOARD_ABORT=disable

# QUESTION 30: You have set up a permanent customized device alias at the OBP. Which command allows you to remove the alias? A. unset B. Unalias C. nvunalias D. devunalias E. unsetalias Answer: C D, E, and B are invalid commands, and A is not a command useable in OBP. The command to set the device alias is nvalias, thus nvunalias.

# QUESTION 31: From the OBP prompt, which command displays device aliases? A. alias B. nvalias C. devalias D. prtalias Answer: B Also see #30.

# QUESTION 32: Which command is used to build a new file system on the raw special device at c0t3d0s5? A. newfs -r c0t3d0s5 B. newfs c0t3d0s5,raw C. newfs /dev/dsk/c0t3d0s5 D. newfs /dev/rdsk/c0t3d0s5 Answer: D The command newfs needs the raw logical device name of the partition as its parameter, and rdsk is more raw than dsk J

# QUESTION 33: Which command should be used to configure only those devices supported by the st driver? A. tapes -d st B. devfsadm -i st C. drvconfig -d st D. sysconfig -i st Answer: B. Use devfsadm command to dynamically configure system device tables without having to reboot the system. The "-i driver_name" option is to configure only the devices for the named driver!

# QUESTION 34: Exhibit: UID PID PPID C STIME TTY TIME CMD root 0 0 0 Jul 15 ? 0:01 sched root 1 0 0 Jul 15 ? 0:02 /etc/init root 2 0 0 Jul 15 ? 0:00 pageout root 3 0 1 Jul 15 ? 94:03 fsflush root 365 1 0 Jul 15 ? 0:00 /usr/lib/saf/sac -t 300 root 366 345 0 Jul 15 ? 22:47 mibiisa -r -p 32818 root 8513 8505 0 Jul 25 ?? 0:04 /usr/dt/bin/dtterm

root 10859 8513 0 Jul 25 ?? 0:00 /opt/local/bin/smbd -D root 485 163 0 Jul 15 ?? 0:08 rpc-rstatd root 826 1 0 Jul 15 ?? 0:04 /usr/sbin/in.rarpd -a root 11599 8531 0 Jul 29 pts/5 0:01 -ksh Which command terminates the in.rarpd process? A. kill 1 B. pkill 826 C. kill in.rarpd D. pkill in.rarpd E. signal in.rarpd Answer: D Pkill takes a regular expression, kill takes the PID. Pkill also will take the PID with the dash s switch.

# QUESTION 35: Which two commands display a list of active processes on the system? (Choose two) A. ps B. pkill C. prstat D. prtconf E. psrinfo Answer: A and C. Pkill kills processes, the rest?

# QUESTION 36: What is the name of the default signal that is sent to the dtmail process using the command pkill dtmail? A. EXIT B. HUP C. INT D. KILL E. TERM Answer: E.

# QUESTION 37: Which ftp subcommand, if entered prior to transferring multiple files with the mget or mput subcommands, alleviates the need to answer interactive confirmations for each file? A. mset B. noask C. prompt D. stream

Answer: C It toggles between interactive modes.

# QUESTION 38: What is the correct syntax used to copy a local file to a remote host? A. rcp filename remotehost B. rcp filename remotehost/directory C. rcp filename remotehost:/directory D. rcp filename remotehost /directory Answer: C Syntax: rcp localfile host:remotefile

# QUESTION 39: Which command should be used to extract the file install.log from the backup.tar file which is in tar format? A. tar xvf backup.tar install.log B. tar cvf backup.tar install.log C. tar xvf install.log backup.tar D. tar -ivt -I backup.tar install.log E. zcat backup.tar | tar xvf install.log Answer: A Syntax: tar flags archive filename

# QUESTION 40: Which command enables you to list, but not retrieve, the content of a tape archive copied to the default tape device /dev/rmt/0? A. tar tf /dev/rmt/0 B. tar lf /dev/rmt/0 C. tar cvf /dev/rmt/0 D. tar xpf /dev/rmt/0 E. tar xvf | /dev/rmt/0 Answer: A See No. 39. Flag t is to list, x is to extract filename from archive.

# QUESTION 41: Exhibit: 1. extract 2. add hosts 3. cd /var/tmp 4. cd /etc/inet 5. mt -f /dev/rmt/On fsf 1 6. ufsrestore ivf /dev/rmt/0

7. mv /var/tmp/etc/inet/hosts/ /etc/inet/hosts The steps that should be used to interactively restore the /etc/inet/hosts file from the second ufsdump file on a tape are shown in the exhibit. In which order should they be restored? A. 3, 6, 4, 2, 1, 5, 7 B. 3, 4, 5, 6, 2, 1, 7 C. 3, 6, 5, 2, 1, 4, 7 D. 3, 5, 6, 4, 2, 1, 7 Answer: D Explanation: It's a tough question! Try to understand it thoroughly! (Refer to Vol. ) The key to understand is how to use ufsrestore command interactively. First, cd to /var/tmp to be prepared for restore the 2nd ufsdump file. (3). Then, rewind the tape (5), and use ufsrestore command to restore the file (6). Then it followed by putting the file back (4) cd/ect/inet directory (so you can put it back); (2) use add command to add hosts add hosts file (from ufs restore interactive mode only); finally my the host to its final directory (7).

# QUESTION 42: Which command does a full backup of all files in the /export/home file system to the /dev/rmt/1 remote tape device attached to the workstation mars? A. ufsdump 0f /dev/rmt/1 export/home B. ufsdump 0f mars:/dev/rmt/1 /export/home C. ufsdump 0f /dev/rmt/1 mars:/export/home D. ufsdump 0mf mars /dev/rmt/1 /export/home E. ufsdump 0f rd=mars:/dev/rmt/1 /export/home Answer: B Remote systems is referred by name:path.

# QUESTION 43: Which option of the usermod command allows the use of duplicate user IDs? Answer: -o

# QUESTION 44: When using the command line to add, modify, or delete user accounts, or to add modify or delete groups, it is possible to use the -o option to allow duplicate users or group IDs. Which four command support the use of the -o syntax? (Choose four) A. userdel B. adduser C. useradd D. usermod E. groupmod F. groupdel G. groupadd

Answer: C, D, E, G Only when adding or modifying will duplicated user be an issue. "adduser" is nonexistent.

# QUESTION 45: A user logs into a system running the Solaris 8 Operating Environment using the telnet command. The user has been assigned a C shell (csh) and home /home/user1 directory. All of the following files exist with appropriate ownership and permissions. Which three files are used to initialize this users session? (Choose three) A. /etc/login B. /etc/.login C. /etc/profile D. /home/user1/.login E. /home/user1/.kshrc F. /home/user1/.cshrc G. /home/user1/.profile Answer: B, F, D. (yes, that is the execution order*) Explanation: First, the System global initialization file is read and executed, then user level init files - .cshrc and .login. (if the user starts another C-Shell session, only .cshrc is executed!)

# QUESTION 46: You are working from a text-based terminal. Which command should you use to change a user's primary group? Answer: chgrp Explanation: eg. chgrp staff book.txt. - Set the new group id to staff for the file book.txt.

# QUESTION 47: A user logs into a system running the Solaris 8 operating Environment using the telnet command. The user has been assigned a Korn shell (ksh) and home /home/user1 directory. All of the following files exist with appropriate ownership and permissions. Which two files are always used by the Korn shell to initialize this user's session? (Choose two) A. /etc/login B. /etc/.login C. /etc/profile D. /home/user1/.login E. /home/user1/.cshrc F. /home/user1/.profile G. /home/user1/.logout Answer: C and F.

Explanation: The global initialization file, /etc/profile, is executed first when Korn Shell users logs in. Then the user's .profile is executed. If the user has .kshrc file for some custom setup, it will be read and executed lastly.

# QUESTION 48: The Solaris 8 Operating Environment allows users to change their passwords. By default, by how many characters must a new password differ from an old password for the change to be admitted? Answer: 3, exclusive of case.

# QUESTION 49: Drag each File Types to there correct File Type Descriptions.


Explanation: Description 1: symbolic link. Use "ln -s " to create it. Description 2: block device.

Description 3: character device. Description 4: hard link Hard link is limited to the same file system. No directory link!

# QUESTION 50: Which two commands invoke data compression? (Choose two) A. tar B. zcat C. gzcat D. jar -c E. jar -x F. compress G. uncompress Answer: D and F. "jar -c" is to create new compress archive file. So does compress. The rest either decompresses (jar -x , gzcat, , zcat, uncompress) or does no compression (just packaging - tar)

# QUESTION 51: Within the partition menu of the format command, which single command should you type to use a predefined label that was previously saved? Answer: select Select -- select a predefined table name.

# QUESTION 52: Exhibit: partition> partition> partition> ? Expecting one of the following: (abbreviations ok): 0 - change `0 partition 1 - change `1 partition 2 - change `2 partition 3 - change `3 partition 4 - change `4 partition 5 - change `5 partition 6 - change `6 partition 7 - change `7 partition select - select a predefined table modify - modify a predefined partition table name - name the current table print - display the current table label - write partition map and label the disk !<cmd> - execute <cmd>, then return quit

The exhibit shows some of the commands available within a section of the format utility. Which single command should you type next in order to completely reorganize the disk label and be prompted for the size of each slice? A. name B. print C. select D. modify Answer: D. Modify is the correct answer.

# QUESTION 53: Which subcommand within the format utility, when executed from the initial command menu, allows you to select a new disk? A. new B. disk C. save D. menu E. partition Answer: C. This is a tricky question. "new" is not a valid subcommand! "disk" is to select a disk. "save" is to save new disk/partition definitions. Menu is not a valid subcommand. "partition" is to select (define) a partition table, it contains some sub-subcommands - 0-7, select, modify, name, print, label, !<cmd>, and quit.

# QUESTION 54: You want to run an NFS client environment, but not an NFS server environment. Which Run Level should you choose as the default? A. 0 B. 1 C. 2 D. 3 E. 4 F. 5 G. S Answer: C. Run level 2 is normal operation without NFS, Web, DHCP servers running. Run level 3 is to enable network services running, which is the default run level.

# QUESTION 55: Which Run Level results in an orderly shutdown and power off, of a system? Answer: 5. Run level 5 is "power down" init state. It will shutdown the system in an orderly way and on system so equipped, power will be automatically removed.

# QUESTION 56: You are using a system running at Run Level 3. All other users have logged out. The system runs

a database application whose orderly shutdown is affected through Run Control scripts. Which two commands are acceptable to run before you shut the system down and turn the system off? (Choose two) A. halt B. init 0 C. reboot D. poweroff E. shutdown -g0 -i -y Answer: D and E. Explanation: The halt command is an emergency shutdown command, similar to init 0. halt should be usedwith care because it does not initiate the orderly shutdown of services or clean dismounting of file system. Therefore, they (halt and init 0) are not correct choices! Reboot is essentially the same as the init 6 command. So the system is shut down and reboot to the system default level defined in /etc/inittab. Poweroff command is functionally equivalent to the halt command, except that power is removed from the system after it is halted. Shutdown command is the recommend way to shut down the system. It first sends out warning message to all log-in users; this is particularly useful with multi-user servers; and it will stop all services in an orderly way and unmount all file systems; then do a sync.

# QUESTION 57: In which file is the default Run Level defined? Answer: /etc/inittab. Reference to Solaris System Administration, Vol 1. Explanation: When you boot the system or change run levels with the init or shutdown command, the init daemon starts processes by reading information from the /etc/inittab file. This file defines three important items for the init process: * The system's default run level * What processes to start, monitor, and restart if they terminate * What actions to be taken when the system enters a new run level Each entry in the /etc/inittab file has the following fields: id:rstate:action:process

# QUESTION 58: Which file defines the kernel modules to be loaded and the kernel parameters? A. /etc/modules/.conf B. /etc/conf/.modules C. /etc/system D. /etc/default/login E. /etc/drivers.lib Answer: C

# QUESTION 59: When you install a machine, which partitions are default included? (Choose two) A. /opt B. /usr C. /var D. / Answer: B, D

# QUESTION 60: Which variables are automatically setup when you login? (Choose three) A. LOGNAME B. TERM C. PATH D. LPDEST Answer: A, B, C

# QUESTION 61: You want to make the subdirectory "project" with the parent directories "docs" and "work". The final tree will be /work/docs/projects. Choose the correct command to do this. A. Mkdir /work/docs/project B. Mkdir ./work/docs/project C. Mkdir -p work/docs/project D. Mkdir -r work/docs/project Answer: C

# QUESTION 62: You should change which file in the remote machine if you want to login and do not need to input password? A. /etc/host.equiv B. $HOME/ .rhosts C. /home/ .rhosts D. / .rhosts Answer: B

# QUESTION 63: Which command are correct when you boot from CDROM? A. >boot cdrom B. >b sd (0,30,1) C. ok boot cdrom D. >b sd (0.6.2) Answer: C

# QUESTION 64: Select the 3 files used for controlling remote access. A. /etc/hosts.equiv B. /etc/.rhosts C. $HOME/.rhosts D. /etc/ftpusers E. /etc/default/ftpusers F. /etc/default/remote G. /etc/default7ftp Answer: A, C, D

# QUESTION 65: How to find all files in the system belong to use X? A. Find /-owner X -print B. Find /-user X -print C. Find /-name user X -print D. Find /-name X -print Answer: B

# QUESTION 66: What is a partition of a disk? A. A sector in a disk B. A slice in a disk C. A track in a disk D. A cylinder in a disk Answer: B

# QUESTION 67: You want to remote copy file.txt to a remote host "hosta". Choose the correct command to do this. A. Rcp file.txt hosta /tmp B. Rcp -i C. Rcp hosta file.txt /tmp D. Rcp file.txt hosta:/tmp Answer: D

# QUESTION 68: Which daemon checks the crontab during the initialization? A. Cron.d B. Crontab.d C. Cron

D. Crond Answer: C

# QUESTION 69: What is illegal character in host name? A. Letter B. Number C. Slash (/) D. Underscore (_) Answer: C

# QUESTION 70: Which option of the patchadd command does not backup the files to be patched? A. -u B. -f C. -v D. -x Answer: A

# QUESTION 71: Which function is not performed by the /etc/group file? A. Assign secondary groups for users B. Assign a name to primary groups C. Assign a group ID D. Assign a password to groups Answer: B

# QUESTION 72: Which command can edit a file? (Choose two) A. vi file B. vi -p file C. vi -r file D. vi Answer: A, C

# QUESTION 73: What shells are provided by default Solaris installation? (Choose three) A. Csh B. Tcsh C. Ksh D. Sh

E. Bash Answer: A, C, D

# QUESTION 74: What is the top directory of the file system? A. $home B. / C. Parent directory D. ~ home Answer: B

# QUESTION 75: What "Ip -d X Y" mean A. Show default printer B. Show the queue of printer X C. Print file Y in printer X D. Remove print request X and Y Answer: C

# QUESTION 76: What are the minimum permissions needed to change a directory and list it contents? A. rB. rwC. r-x D. rwx Answer: C

# QUESTION 77: In which file does the ufsdump utility record dumplevels and dates previous backups? A. /etc/default/backup B. /etc/dumpdate C. /etc/dumpdates D. /etc/default/deumdates E. /var/spool/dumpdates Answer: C

# QUESTION 78: # lpmove stock sparc means? A. Move all print requests from stock to sparc. B. Move all root printing request from stock to sparc. C. Move printing request stock to printer sparc.

Answer: A

# QUESTION 79: Who can use chmod 2750 filename command? A. Superuser B. Group manager C. Anyone in the group D. The file owner Answer: D

# QUESTION 80: What is the default minimum password length? Answer: 6

# QUESTION 81: How to use on-line help? A. Help B. Help login C. Cat login D. Man login Answer: D

# QUESTION 82: Where is the printer information directory files? A. /etc/printcap B. /dev/term/a C. /usr/share/lib/terminfo/e D. /usr/lib/printinfo/e Answer: D

# QUESTION 83: How to list crontab? (Choose two) A. As root, run crontab -1 B. As regular user, run crontab -1 C. As root, run /etc/default/cron/root D. As regular user, run crontab -e Answer: A, B

# QUESTION 84: What type are CDROM file?

A. Pipe B. Symbolic link C. Character D. Block Answer: C

# QUESTION 85: What is the correct format of the crontab file? A. Time,date,command B. Time,owner,command C. Command,time,owner D.,process E. Time,owner,process Answer: A

# QUESTION 86: You type the following command: #chown -R user1 /export/home/user1 What statement is true? A. Only /export/home/user1 is owned by user1 B. All files and directories in /export/home/user1 are owned by user1 C. All files and directories in /export/home/user1 are owned by user1, including /export/home/user1 D. Only user1 is owned by user1 Answer: C

# QUESTION 87: Ipstat -d means: A. Delete a printing request B. Show default printer C. Print a file D. Show printing request on destination printer Answer: B

# QUESTION 88: Which command list hidden files? A. ls -l B. ls -a C. ls -h D. ls -IF Answer: B

# QUESTION 89: Which file contains the characteristics definition of printers stored? A. /usr/share/lib/terminfo B. /usr/share/lib/termcap C. /usr/share/lib/printer D. /etc/default/printer Answer: A

# QUESTION 90: How do you find all files on the filesystem belonging to userabc? A. Find / -owner userabc -print B. Find / -user userabc -print C. Find / name user userabc -print D. Find / -name userabc -print Answer: B

# QUESTION 91: Choose the two valid commands for installing patch 107588-01 A. Patchadd -R /export/root/client /var/spool/patch/107588-01 B. Patchadd -s /Solaris/_8x86/var/spool/patch/107588-01 C. Patchadd /var/spool/patch/107588-01 D. Patchadd -d /var/spool/patch/107588-01 Answer: A, C

# QUESTION 92: Which environment variable is used to set default printer? A. PRINT B. DEFAULTPRINTER C. LPDEST D. DEFAULT Answer: C

# QUESTION 93: Which of the following executes a task at 7:pm once? A. At 7:pm task B. At 1900 at> task C. At 7:00 pm at > task at> ctrl-d D. At 1900 at> ctrl-d task Answer: C

# QUESTION 94: Which command marks each entry in your current directory with a trailing character that identifies the type of each entry in the directory? A. ls -a B. ls -F C. ls -S D. ls -T Answer: B

# QUESTION 95: You are on Host A. You want to login into HostB and do not want to input a passworD. Which file should you change? A. /etc/host.equiv on HostA and the $HOME/.rhosts on HostB B. $HOME/.rhosts on HostB C. /etc/hosts.equiv on HostB D. /etc/hosts.equiv on HostA E. /etc/.rhosts and /etc/.hosts.equiv on HostA and HostB Answer: B

# QUESTION 96: When you install Solaris, which partitions are created by default? (Choose two) A. /opt B. /usr C. /var D. / Answer: B, D

# QUESTION 97: Which PROM command shows the default boot device? A. Echo B. Nvalias C. Devalias D. Printenv Answer: D

# QUESTION 98: Which command show all mounted file systems? A. Mount B. Mountall C. Umount D. Umountall

Answer: A

# QUESTION 99: You see a system administrator use the shutdown command on a system running Solaris 8, but do not see any other details. Later you se that, without any further intervention, the system is waiting at the ok prompt. Which Run Level did the administrator use? Answer: init 0

# QUESTION 100: Which of the following OpenBoot commands will create a custom device alias of disk2 for /sbus/esp/sd@2,0? (Choose two) A. Devalias disk2 /sbus/esp/sd@2,0 B. Nvalias disk2 /sbus/esp/sd@2,0 C. Alias disk2 /sbus/esp/sd@2,0 D. Nvalias disk2 sd@2,0 Answer: A, B

# QUESTION 101: Which command can delete /export/app/report directory in/export/app directory? A. rm -r report B. rmdir report C. rm report D. rmdir /export/app/report Answer: A

# QUESTION 102: Which command can print an e-mail to a printer? (Choose two) A. ? lp B. ? number lp C. ? llp D. ? number (straight line) lp Answer: A, C

# QUESTION 103: In which file is the default Run Level defined? Answer: /etc/inittab

# QUESTION 104: Who can remove print job? (Choose two)

A. Root B. File owner C. Job owner Answer: A, B

# QUESTION 105: The patchadd command will fail under what conditions? (Chose three) A. A package being patched is not installed or only partially installed. B. A package was installed with a -d argument. C. The patch requires another patch that is not installed. D. The current version or higher version of the patch is already installed. Answer: A, C, D

# QUESTION 106: How can you list the contents of the crontab file? (Choose two) A. As root, run crontab -l B. As a regular user, run crontab -l C. As root, run /etc/default/cron/root D. As a regular user, run crontab -e Answer: A, B

# QUESTION 107: Which hardware and software are needed to do a remote login and copy? (Choose two) A. Ethernet B. NFS C. TCP/IP D. NIS+ Answer: A, C

# QUESTION 108: How to display current shell process? A. ps -aux B. ps -ef C. ps D. ps -el Answer: C

# QUESTION 109: What is standard output? A. Tap B. Terminal

C. Printer D. Cdrom Answer: B

# QUESTION 110: What is the file type of a CDROM file? A. Pipe B. Symbolic C. Character D. Block Answer: C

# QUESTION 111: Which command defines the default ACL entries for the directory shlog? A. Setfacl -d u::rw-,g::rw-,o:r-- /shlog B. Setfacl -m d:u::rw-,d:g::rw-,d:o:r--,d:m:r-- /shlog C. Setfacl -d d:u::rw-,d:g::rw-,d:o:r--,d:m:r-- /shlog D. Setfacl -s u::rw-,g::rw-,o:r-- /shlog Answer: B

# QUESTION 112: Which is the command to stop entire LP services? A. /etc/init.d/lp stop B. lp -d C. cancel D. lpadmin -d Answer: A

# QUESTION 113: How can you send mail in command line? A. Mail -s "hi" username B. Mail username C. Mail username filename D. Mail username@machinename <filename Answer: D

# QUESTION 114: What does ps do without option? A. All jobs B. All process C. All jobs belong to user

D. All process belong to the user Answer: C

# QUESTION 115: What command will add read/write permission for the user account usera and read-only permission for group account staff to filel's ACL? A. Setfacl -c u+rw usera g+r staff filel B. Setfacl -d u:usera:rw-,g:staff:r-filel C. Setfacl -m u::rw-,g::r-filel D. Setfacl -m u:usera:rw-,g:staff:r-filel Answer: D

# QUESTION 116: Which commands will display users who currently logged into the system? (Choose three) A. Id -a B. Last C. Whodo D. Who -a Answer: B, C, D

# QUESTION 117: Which statement is true when umask 022 to umask 027? (Choose two) A. More secure B. New created files don't have write permission for others C. New created files have write permission for others Answer: A, B

# QUESTION 118: What is the Internet class for IP A. A B. B C. C D. D Answer: C

# QUESTION 119: What is correct about at? (Choose two) A. Execute once only B. Put a file at a location C. Schedule a event Answer: A, C

# QUESTION 120: In Solaris, the smallest software group that can be installed is? A. Entire Distribution plus OEM B. Developer C. Core D. Entire E. End User F. Default Answer: C

# QUESTION 121: What does the "t" mean in rwx-----t? A. Readable B. Searchable C. Setgid D. Setuid E. Sticky bit Answer: E

# QUESTION 122: Which one adds the backing up command into cron: (in fact vi)? A. crontab -e 59 23 * * 1-5 tar cvf /home/davis :wq B. crontab 59 23 * * 1-5 tar cvf /home/davis Answer: A

# QUESTION 123: The fragment size of a UFS file system is? A. 512 bytes B. 1024 bytes C. 2048 bytes D. 4096 bytes Answer: A

# QUESTION 124: Which command display file size in kilobyte? A. df B. df -k C. du D. du -k Answer: D

# QUESTION 125: dr-xr-xr-x -r-xr-xr-x What does the "r-x" mean? (Choose two) A. Writable, executable B. Readable, searchable C. Readable, executable D. Read only E. Readable, writable Answer: B, C

# QUESTION 126: Which file has login ID and other user information? A. /etc/passwd B. /etc/hosts C. /etc/group Answer: A

# QUESTION 127: Which directories can you include in your search path? A. Any directory B. Only those owned by root, IP and you Answer: A

# QUESTION 128: Solaris supports? A. Korn, Bourne, C shells B. C shell is obsolete, not supported C. Bourne shell is obsolete, not supported D. Born shells is officially supported shell Answer: A

# QUESTION 129: Root user is: A. User ID=0, Group ID=0 B. User ID=1, Group ID=0 C. User ID=0, Group ID=1 D. User ID=1, Group ID=1 Answer: C

# QUESTION 130: What does the command "ps" do without any options or arguments? A. Displays all jobs B. Displays all processes C. Displays all jobs belonging to the user D. Displays all processes belonging to the user Answer: C

# QUESTION 131: The root user may log in from a remote session: (Choose the best answer) A. If the CONSOLE variable in /etc/default/su is uncommented B. If the CONSOLE variable in /etc/default/login is uncommented C. If the CONSOLE variable in /etc/default/login is commented D. If the /etc/hosts.equiv file and the $HOME/.rhosts files have the appropriate entries Answer: C

# QUESTION 132: Your current working directory is the /export/home/user1 directory. Using relative pathname syntax, which command string moves you into the /export/home/user2 directory? A. mv /user2 B. cd ../user2 C. mv../../user2 D. cd../..user2 Answer: D

# QUESTION 133: After reading and quitting from mail, the mail file is saved in? A. Mbox B. Inbox C. Mailx Answer: A

# QUESTION 134: What affect does setting ignoreeof environment variable have? A. Shell will ignore Control-D, so you can not log out with it B. Can not end letter using mail command sine Control-D will be ignored Answer: A


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