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EDE Project Report2021

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Project Report
Decide any product and analyze it’s good and bad features




Under the guidance of

Prof. KAZZI Ma'am

Department of Computer Technology

Brahma Valley College of Technical Education, Anjaneri, Nashik





Academic year: 2020-21


Decide any product and analyze it’s good and bad features

Program: Program code:

Course: (EDE) Course code: (22023)

This is to certify that Mr. /Ms. ………………………………………………………………………….

Roll No. ……... of ……. Semester of Diploma in …………………………………………........

…………………………of Institute: Brahma Valley College of Technical Education, Anjaneri, Nashik

(Code:0778) has completed the Micro Project satisfactorily in Subject -English (22101) for the
academic year 20…..- 20 as

prescribed in the curriculum.

Place: ……………………. Enrollment No: ……………………………………..

Date: ……………………… Exam. Seat No: …………………………………….

Subject Teacher Head of the Department Principal

Institute Seal

Student/Group Details (if group is applicable):

Sr.No Name of group Roll No Enrollment No Seat No

members/Studen t

01 NIKITA NIKAM 05 1707780027 334101

02 VIPUL SAPATE 02 1707780024 334100
03 POOJA NETAWATE 01 1707780023 334199

Name of Guide: Prof. KAZZI ma'am



1 7

The Importance of Business Analysis

2 a) Communication 8
b) Requirement
c) Implementation
d) Strategy

Characteristic of project
3 9

The project parameters: Time, Cost, Quantity and Quality

4 a) Time 10
b) Cost
c) Quantity
d) Quality
Computer system good feature
5 a) Type of processor 12
b) Hard drive
c) Random access memory (RAM)
d) Dual monitor option
e) Display type
f) Wireless connectivity
g) operating system
h) Graphics card
6 computer system bad feature
a) Leaving your laptop on a surface 14
b) Handling your laptop carelessly
c) Disregarding electrical safety
d) Wasting time on unnecessary maintenance
7 15

8 Reference


Businesses may not be in a position to satisfy all of their customers, every time, it may prove difficult to
meet the exact requirement of each individual customer, people do not have identical preferences, so rarely dose
one product completely satisfy everyone. therefore, many companies may usually adopt a strategy that is known
as computer system.

1) Introduction
In business, System Analysis and Design refers to the process of examining a business situation with the intent
of improving it through better procedures and methods. System analysis and design relates to shaping
organizations, improving performance and achieving objectives for profitability and growth. The emphasis is on
systems in action, the relationships among subsystems and their contribution to meeting a common goal.
Looking at a system and determining how adequately it functions, the changes to be made and the quality of
the output are parts of system analysis. Organizations are complex systems that consist of interrelated and
interlocking subsystems. Changes in one part of the system have both anticipated and unanticipated
consequences in other parts of the system. The systems approval is a way of thinking about the analysis and
design of computer based applications. It provides a framework for visualizing the organizational and
environmental factors that operate on a system. When a computer is introduced into an organization, various
functions’ and dysfunction’s operate on the user as well as on the organization. Among the positive
consequences are improved performance and a feeling of achievement with quality information. Among the
unanticipated consequences might be a possible threat to employees job, a decreased morale of personnel due to
back of involvement and a feeling of intimidation by users due to computer illiteracy. The analyst’s role is to
remove such fears and make the system a success. System analysis and design focus on systems, processes and

2) The Importance of Business Analysis
A project manager's primary role is to ensure the projects under his management are completed on time and on
budget. Business analysis involves defining and documenting user requirements, developing and testing
technology systems, and navigating through organizational bureaucracies. Large companies may assign
business analysts to work alongside project managers, but in small businesses, project managers may have to
take on business analysis responsibilities.

a) Communication
Business analysis involves communicating complex technical details in easy-to-understand language to
stakeholders, including developers, administrative personnel and senior management. A project manager has to
understand the role of her project in improving business processes and achieving cost savings for the company.
This is important because she has to explain the organizational context to her team members and communicate
the technical details to her peers and to senior management. For example, a new quality control system project
in the manufacturing department may affect data processing functions in accounting, which means that project
managers in both departments would have to grasp the technical details to manage their respective

b) Requirements
A key aspect of project management is managing user requirements because project schedules and budgets
may slip if the requirements keep changing. For example, changes to the user interface of a software product
could take developers' time away from testing and integration, which could push back the product launch.
Sometimes, the user requirements are vague, especially for a new product, but the project manager must bring
structure and discipline to the process. He has to say "no" to design changes, even if it comes from senior
management. A large project may have a requirements management committee to screen change requests and
either approve minor changes or, for major changes, negotiate schedule extensions and additional funding.

c) Implementation
Business analysis plays an important role in project implementation, which involves development and
testing. Development includes modeling internal business processes and data flow, identifying critical
components that affect system performance, and preparing test plans. The testing phase involves testing the
individual components first, followed by testing the integrated system.

d) Strategy
Business analysis also involves understanding how external political, environmental, social and technological
forces affect corporate strategy. Project managers can benefit from this insight because a change in corporate
strategy could lead to a change in project scope. For example, new technology standards would affect a small or
large technology company's product development strategy, which might affect the scope and even viability of
ongoing research-and-development projects.

3) Characteristics of project

(1) Objectives : A project has a set of objectives or a mission. Once the objectives are achieved the project is
treated as completed.
(2) Life cycle : A project has a life cycle. The life cycle consists of five stages i.e. conception stage, definition
stage, planning & organising stage, implementation stage and commissioning stage.
(3) Uniqueness : Every project is unique and no two projects are similar. Setting up a cement plant and
construction of a highway are two different projects having unique features.
(4) Team Work : Project is a team work and it normally consists of diverse areas. There will be personnel
specialized in their respective areas and co-ordination among the diverse areas calls for team work.
(5) Complexity : A project is a complex set of activities relating to diverse areas.
(6) Risk and uncertainty : Risk and uncertainty go hand in hand with project. A risk-free, it only means that the
element is not apparently visible on the surface and it will be hidden underneath.
(7) Customer specific nature : A project is always customer specific. It is the customer who decides upon the
product to be produced or services to be offered and hence it is the responsibility of any organization to go for
projects/services that are suited to customer needs.
(8) Change : Changes occur through out the life span of a project as a natural outcome of many environmental
factors. The changes may very from minor changes, which may have very little impact on the project, to major
changes which may have a big impact or even may change the very nature of the project.
(9) Optimality : A project is always aimed at optimum utilization of resources for the overall development of
the economy.
(10) Sub-contracting : A high level of work in a project is done through contractors. The more the complexity of
the project, the more will be the extent of contracting.
(11) Unity in diversity : A project is a complex set of thousands of varieties. The varieties are in terms of
technology, equipment and materials, machinery and people, work, culture and others.

4) The project parameters: time, cost, quantity and quality

When it comes to project management, these four factors – time, cost, quality and quantity – constitute the
most important parameters. It is vital, right from the start of your project planning, to try to define the way in
which each of these will affect your project.

a) Time
Your project deadline is bound to be one of your most important parameters. What is the finish time and
why? There may well be a relationship between the budget and the deadline, in that you may have to work
within a particular financial year or account to a funder for money spent over a particular period. As well as
your final deadline, there are certain to be a number of critical time points that need to be taken into account.
We go into these in more detail in our Project management course but it is important to be clear, right from the
start, that in order to achieve the final deadline, several other ‘mini-deadlines’ will have to be met.

b) Cost
You may have to draw up the project budget, or it may have been set by others. You will certainly be
responsible for ensuring that the budget is not overspent and that income (if appropriate) is raised according to
plan. You may need to ensure that the phasing of income and expenditure is achieved successfully so that you
have enough money for the project’s needs in plenty of time. How much leeway do you have, as Project
Manager, in moving the project spend from one cost heading to another? If you are overcommitted on your
print budget but have some left over in the training cost centre, can you rob Peter to pay Paul?

c) Quantity
Some projects have no quantity parameters at all; others are very focused on quantity. For example, if the
project aim is to design a leaflet informing people about services, then the quantity of leaflets produced is not
one of the most important parameters. You need to produce enough for your needs, but the main factors to be
monitored will be the quality of the information given, its appropriateness to the audience, the cost involved and
the print deadline if any. However, in the example of employment training for young people, quantity is a key
factor. Funders and other stakeholders will have set clear standards for the number of young people receiving
the training and the numbers successfully placed in work.

d) Quality
Finally, you need to be aware of the quality parameters involved in the project. Quality standards may be
imposed from outside, as in the case of residential care, or they may need to be devised internally and fleshed
out in the planning stage of the project. In doing this, you need to be able to answer the question "Is this good
enough?" Quality factors apply to inputs (the raw materials for the project), to outputs (what the project
produces), to outcomes (the results of the project), and to processes (the means used to achieve the outputs). So
in the example of the employment training project, there will be quality factors in the training materials (the
inputs), in the delivery of the training (the process), in the number of young people successfully ‘passing’ the
training (the outputs), and in the kind of work the young people achieve at the end of the project (the outcomes).
The four different project parameters are sometimes shown as four perfectly balanced forces. Unfortunately,
such a situation never exists. There will always be one or two parameters that matter more than the others. In
brain surgery, for example, quality of process and outcomes matters far more than cost and deadline. It is very
important to establish with your line manager and other stakeholders what the most important parameters are.
For instance, in the production of an annual report, one organisation will want a full colour glossy report to
support its fundraising and publicity. Quality will be a key feature, quantity will be important and budget will be
less important if there is a good end result. Another, perhaps smaller, organisation will be happy with a few
photocopied stapled sheets in black and white that meet the statutory requirements and that don’t give
stakeholders the impression of money ‘wasted’ on inessent

5) Computer system good features

That means you need to take time to compare different features and consider the depreciation value of
your purchases. You need to consider the key features your employees need on a daily basis, and what types of
features will help to streamline daily activities and support your business operations for the long-term.

Here are some essential computer features for desktop and laptops to keep in mind when choosing a laptop or
desktop computer for your small business

a) Type of Processor

The higher the speed of the processor, the faster the computer will be able to handle multiple programs and
activities. If your employees work with any type of multimedia on a regular basis, it will be even more
important to invest in desktop computers or laptops built with the latest computer processors.

b) Hard Drive

The hard drive is where your computer stores all of your computer’s files and software programs. Make
sure you are investing in desktop and laptops that offer enough hard drive space to handle all of your media
files, software programs, and other files that require a lot of hard disk space. You may end up having to invest
in an external hard drive if your computer’s existing hard drive cannot accommodate for larger files such as
videos, audio files, and even digital images.

c) Random Access Memory (RAM)

The higher the RAM, the more efficiently and faster the computer will run. Make sure to compare the
amount of RAM when buying a laptop or desktop computer so you are investing in a computer system that can
handle daily tasks and activities without setbacks or interruptions.

d) Dual Monitor Options

Many employees can benefit from working with a dual monitor because the dual display can make it easier
to work with multiple windows at once and stay organized. If you want to improve workplace efficiency,
consider investing in a computer that can support multiple computer monitors, ideally through HDMI support.

e) Display Type

Does the computer or laptop monitor display have a large enough display for employees to manage multiple
screens or does it have limitations? Does the monitor have touchscreen capabilities or is it a standard screen?
Keep in mind that a large screen size with high resolution will make it easier for employees involved with
managing graphics, video, and other multimedia to perform their job duties. This is one of those computer
features that is easy to overlook but is still an important component of the workstation.

f) Wireless Connectivity

When you are planning to use wireless printers, scanners, and other gadgets designed with Bluetooth
capabilities and Wi-Fi connectivity in the office, you need to make sure the laptop or desktop computer is
designed with the latest Bluetooth and Wi-Fi functions. This can be very beneficial for a busy office setting
where you want to limit wires and cables around a work space.

g) Operating System

It’s an age-old question Are you planning to use Apple products throughout the office or is everyone a
Windows user? Apple computers are equipped with OS X operating systems while PCs are designed with
Windows. Consider the types of computers the majority of your employees will be using or have experience
using so that you don’t have to spend a lot of time and resources for employee training.

h) Graphics Card

If your business works in a field that relies heavily on graphics, such as website design, game production, or
video production, you will need to make sure your laptop or desktop computers are designed with a graphics
card or graphics chip. The graphics card works to display images clearly.

6) Computer system bad feature

a) Leaving your laptop on a plush surface

Heat is your computers mortal enemy. If your computer gets too hot, it can reduce the lifespan of the
hardware inside, like your processor, fans, and battery-not to mention make your computer loud and sizzling to
touch. For desktop computers, the solution is pretty simple just clean out the dust once in a while with some
compressed air, and keep it out of any small cabinets. you want air to flow freely through your computer, not
get trapped in a tight space.

b) Handling your laptop carelessly

Again, while desktop have the luxury of sitting comfortable in your office, laptops are subject to all sorts
of abuse. I’ve seen people pick up the laptop by its display, open the hinge from one side with way too much
force, and toss the laptop onto the couch from the other side of the room.

c) Disregarding electrical safety

Your PC draws a sizeable amount of power, and it’s susceptible to damage from power surges-small,
temporary increases in voltages coming through the power line.

d) Wasting time on unnecessary maintenance

Back in the days of windows XP, when hardware was limited and computer were slow, PC maintenance
may have made a difference. but these days, deleting unused and temporary files is unlikely to give you a
noticeable speed boost. many “PC Cleaning” utilities are scams meant to scare you into buying their product-
and the free, less scammy once are still unnecessary most of the time.

7) Conclusion
The secret to system success is the correct organization of its data. if the data are organized so as to minimize
redundancy along the line of the structure of the business, normal changes to that business will not require
significant changes to a system based on those data. Achieving this resiliency in the face of constant business
change has been the holy grail of the computer industry for many years. it can be done if requirements arre
defined in items of a clear understanding of the inherent of the enterprise’s data.

8) Reference



1 1
Discussion and finalization of

2 2nd Preparation and submission of

3 3rd Literature Review

4 4th Collection of Data

5 5th Collection of Data

6 6th Discussion and outline of Content

7 7th Formulation of Content

8 8th Editing and proof Reading of

9 9th Compilation of Report And
10 10th Seminar

11 11th Viva voce

12 12th Final submission of Micro Project

Sign of the student Sign of the faculty

Evaluation Sheet for the Micro Project
Academic Year: 2020-21 Name of the Faculty: .m.m
kulkarni sir
Course: EDE Course code: 22023 Semester:
Title of the project: Decide
any product and analyze its
good and bad features
Cos addressed by Micro Project:
A: Formulate grammatically correct sentences.

B: Summarize comprehension passages.

C: Use relevant words as per context.

D: Deliver prepared speeches to express ideas, thoughts and emotions.

Major learning outcomes achieved by students by doing the project

(a) Practical outcome:
Deliver oral presentations using correct grammar.

(b) Unit outcomes in Cognitive domain:

Rewrite sentences using relevant forms of verbs.

(c) Outcomes in Affective domain:

1) Function as responsible person to undertake and handle project independently/ as a
team member
2) Follow Ethics

Comments/suggestions about team work /leadership/inter-personal communication (if any)


Marks out of 6 Marks out
for performance / of 4for
Roll Student Name Enrollment no group activity performanc Total out
No (D5 Col.8) e in oral/ of 10
(D5 Col.9)
01 NIKITA NIKAM 1707780027

03 VIPUL SAPATE 1707780024

05 POOJA NETAWATE 1707780023

Name , Signature of the Faculty


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