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Journal of General Virology (2016), 97, 2043–2057 DOI 10.1099/jgv.0.


Review Canine parvovirus: the worldwide occurrence of

antigenic variants
Carla Miranda1,2 and Gertrude Thompson1,2
Correspondence Department of Veterinary Clinics, Instituto de Ci^
encias Biom
edicas de Abel Salazar (ICBAS),
Gertrude Thompson Universidade do Porto, 4050-313 Porto, Portugal 2
Centro de Investigaç~
ao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Geneticos (CIBIO), InBio, Laboratório
Associado, Universidade do Porto, 4485-661 Vair~
ao, Portugal

The most important enteric virus infecting canids is canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2). CPV is the
aetiologic agent of a contagious disease, mainly characterized by clinical gastroenteritis signs in
younger dogs. CPV-2 emerged as a new virus in the late 1970s, which could infect domestic
dogs, and became distributed in the global dog population within 2 years. A few years later, the
virus’s original type was replaced by a new genetic and antigenic variant, called CPV-2a. Around
1984 and 2000, virus variants with the single change to Asp or Glu in the VP2 residue 426 were
detected (sometimes termed CPV-2b and -2c). The genetic and antigenic changes in the
variants have also been correlated with changes in their host range; in particular, in the ability to
replicate in cats and also host range differences in canine and other tissue culture cells. CPV-2
variants have been circulating among wild carnivores and have been well-documented in several
countries around the world. Here, we have reviewed and summarized the current information
about the worldwide distribution and evolution of CPV-2 variants since they emerged, as well as
the host ranges they are associated with.

Introduction younger dogs (Nelson et al., 1979; Carman & Povey, 1985;
Parrish, 1995; Hoelzer et al., 2008a). Myocarditis may be seen
Canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2) is one of the most after infection of neonatal puppies, where the clinical signs
important enteric pathogens of dogs. This virus is extremely are seen a number of weeks after infection (Meunier et al.,
contagious, causing high morbidity with increased inci- 1984; Sime et al., 2015). Canine parvoviral infection is also
dence in shelters, pet stores and breeding kennels. The dis- characterized by a drop in the white blood cell counts as a
ease is characterized by a rapid clinical course with death result of the infection of the bone marrow infection and other
that can often occur 2–3 days after onset of signs in non- lymphoid tissues (Kelly, 1978; Appel et al., 1979).
protected hosts (Carman & Povey, 1985; Parrish, 1995). It
can affect dogs at any age, but severe infection is most com- The main method for controlling the disease in domestic
mon in puppies between 6 weeks and 6 months of age animals is by vaccination. After the emergence of the dis-
(Houston et al., 1996). All breeds are susceptible to the dis- ease, modified live virus vaccines were soon developed,
ease, although the mixed breeds are described to be less sus- being the first CPV vaccine available in 1979. The vaccines
ceptible than many pure-breds. Rottweilers, Doberman appear to be safe and to confer protective immunity allow-
Pinschers, English Springer Spaniels, American Pit Bull Ter- ing much of the disease to be controlled. However, the virus
riers and German Shepherd are the pure-breds that have is still widely distributed in nature, and if pups are not vac-
been reported with higher risk for CPV enteritis (Glickman cinated, and or when maternal antibodies interfere with
et al., 1985; Houston et al., 1996). their vaccination, they generally become naturally infected
(Parrish, 1999). The evolution of the virus raises questions
The infection is generally acquired by the faecal-oral route about the efficacy of some vaccines, so that an understand-
through the contact with faeces from infected dogs or con- ing of the variation is required (Truyen, 2006).
taminated surfaces. Upon entering the body, the virus affects
mainly mitotically active tissues, such as the lymphoid tissues,
intestinal epithelium and bone marrow, as well as the heart Aetiology of CPV-2
in neonatal pups. Following an incubation period of 3–
7 days, the disease can be characterized by two clinical forms,
the enteric form that comprises vomiting, haemorrhagic diar- The CPV-2 belongs to the genus Protoparvovirus, member
rhoea, depression, loss of appetite, fever and dehydration in of the Parvoviridae family, that has been included within the

000540 ã 2016 The Authors Printed in Great Britain 2043

C. Miranda and G. Thompson

species Carnivore protoparvovirus 1, together with Feline first positive sera in the USA, Japan and Australia were
panleukopenia virus (FPV), Mink enteritis virus (MEV) reported early in 1978 (Parrish, 1999). Since that year, the
and Raccoon parvovirus (RPV), according to the Interna- virus has been ubiquitous in dogs throughout the world
tional Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (Tijssen et al., (Parrish, 1999). During 1979, wild coyotes in the USA also
2011). became widely infected (Thomas et al., 1984).

Virus structure Origin

Parvoviruses have small (~25 nm diameter), non-enveloped The phylogenetic relationships between CPV-2 isolates from
icosahedral capsids. The three-dimensional structure of dogs and the viruses from cats (FPV), mink (MEV), raccoon
CPV-2, FPV and CPV-2a particles has been determined at (RPV), raccoon dog (Raccoon dog parvovirus, RDPV) and
atomic resolution using X-ray crystallography (Tsao et al., blue fox (Blue fox parvovirus, BFPV) showed that all CPVs
1991; Agbandje et al., 1993; Xie & Chapman, 1996). The derived from a single common ancestor, and that the strains
virus has a linear, single-stranded and negative-sense DNA were mostly similar to viruses from different wildlife animals
genome of ~5200 nucleotides, containing two major open including raccoons and foxes (Allison et al., 2012, 2013).
reading frames (ORFs). One of which encodes the non- CPV was shown to be related to a virus similar to the long
structural proteins NS1 and NS2, and the other two struc- recognized FPV, but likely not from cats (Truyen et al.,
tural proteins VP1 and VP2. At either end of the genome, 1995). CPV-2 likely arose when it acquired mutations that
palindromic hairpins of about 150 bases are used in the rep- allowed binding to the canine transferrin receptor (TfR)
lication of the viral DNA (Reed et al., 1988; Parrish, 1999). type-1 (Truyen et al., 1996a; Shackelton et al., 2005; Allison
et al., 2012). Several studies have demonstrated that the TfR
The parvoviral capsid contains 60 protein subunits of VP1 plays a key role in the susceptibility of cells to infection by
(5–6 copies) and VP2 (54–55 copies), and those share a these viruses (Hueffer et al., 2003; Palermo et al., 2006).
common structure. The coding regions for the VP1 (727
residues) and VP2 (584 residues) proteins overlap, apart CPV and FPV are over 98 % identical in DNA sequence,
from a 143 amino acid N-terminal region unique to VP1 but have specific host ranges, antigenic and haemagglutina-
(Tsao et al., 1991; Agbandje et al., 1993). The two structural tion (HA) properties which are controlled by the capsid
proteins are produced by alternative splicing of viral protein gene (Chang et al., 1992; Truyen et al., 1995; Shack-
mRNAs (Reed et al., 1988; Wang et al., 1998; Parrish & elton et al., 2005). The successful cross-species viral transfer
Kawaoka, 2005). The VP2 protein can be cleaved near its and adaptation to the new canine host involved few amino
N-terminus by host proteases to produce another structural acid changes in and around the threefold spike (Truyen
protein, VP3. The capsid proteins have a highly conserved et al., 1995). These six genomic changes were sufficient for
central core composed of an eight-stranded, anti-parallel b- CPV-2 to acquire the canine host range, but lost the ability
barrel with flexible loops between the b-strands that inter- to replicate in feline host (Chang et al., 1992; Truyen & Par-
act to form most of the capsid surface. The surface features rish, 1992). Three differences at VP2 residues 93 (Lys to
of the capsid includes a 22 Å long raised region (spike) on Asn), 103 (Val to Ala) and 323 (Asp to Asn) between FPV
the threefold axes, a 15 Å deep depression (canyon) sur- and CPV-2 could introduce the canine host range (Chang
rounding cylindrical structures at the fivefold axes, and a et al., 1992; Truyen et al., 1995). The changes of VP2 resi-
15 Å deep depression (dimple) at the twofold axes. In addi- dues 80 (Lys to Arg), 564 (Asn to Ser) and 568 (Ala to Gly)
tion, the threefold axes are the most antigenic region of the were associated to the loss of ability to replicate in cats
capsid and serve as a target for neutralizing antibodies (Truyen et al., 1994) and are shown in Figs 1 and 2. How-
(Tsao et al., 1991; Agbandje et al., 1993). ever, residues 232 (Val to Ile) and 375 (Asp to Asn) also
changed between FPV and CPV-2 sequences. The residue
375 variation was found only in some isolates of the original
Virus emergence
strain of CPV-2, and in later CPV variants that residue
In the 1970 s, CPV-2 emerged as a new virus in domestic reverted to an Asp, suggesting that 375Asn is not critical to
dogs. It caused a pandemic disease and spread through the success of CPV in nature. However, VP2 residue 375
Asia, Australia, New Zealand, the Americas and Europe in that is located on the side of the threefold spike, this amino
early 1978 (Parrish et al., 1988, 1999). This virus was identi- acid together with 323 determines the pH dependence of
fied as CPV-2 to distinguish it from the distantly related HA (Parrish, 1991a, b; Chang et al., 1992).
minute virus of canine (MVC) or also known as CPV type 1
(CPV-1) (Carmichael et al., 1994). Molecular clock esti-
mates and phylogenetic studies indicated that CPV-2 likely Emergence of antigenic CPV-2 variants
emerged a number of years before spreading globally in
Antigenic variant CPV-2a
dogs in 1978 and 1979 (Parrish et al., 1988; Shackelton
et al., 2005; Hoelzer et al., 2008b). Testing for antibodies in After the detection of CPV-2, in many countries that virus
dog sera showed that the first positive titres in dogs in was replaced around 1980 in the USA by an antigenically
Greece and Belgium were reported between 1974 and 1976 and genetically variant virus, designated CPV-2a. While the
(Schwers et al., 1979; Koptopoulos et al., 1986), while the CPV-2 strain was present in the USA, Japan, Belgium and

2044 Journal of General Virology 97

CPV: the worldwide occurrence of antigenic variants

Australia prior to 1980, it was replaced by the CPV-2a vari- CPV-2c (or VP2 426Glu). Although not all scientists are in
ant in all of those countries between 1979 and 1982, as well agreement with the virus nomenclature, the reference to
as, in France and Denmark (Parrish et al., 1988). The exam- CPV-2a, -2b and -2c is prevalent in the literature. CPV-2b
ination of sera collected from wild coyotes (Canis latrans) was first detected in 1984 in the USA (Parrish et al., 1991b)
between 1979 and 1984 in the USA also indicated that these and CPV-2c was identified in 2000 in Italy (Buonavoglia
were originally infected by CPV-2 (Thomas et al., 1984), et al., 2001). However, a recent study (Decaro et al., 2007)
but that after 1980 the juvenile coyotes were being infected showed that the oldest CPV-2c strain was isolated in 1996,
with CPV-2a, as well as by the 426Asp variant (also known thus providing evidence that this variant had been circulating
as CPV-2b) (Parrish et al., 1988). in Germany 4 years before its first detection in Italy. Anti-
genic differences among the three variants are associated with
The natural global replacement of CPV-2 by CPV-2a over a
changes at residue 426 (Asn in CPV-2a, Asp in CPV-2b and
period of 2–3 years indicates that CPV-2a has a strong epide-
Glu in CPV-2c). This mutation affects the major antigenic
miological advantage over CPV-2 (Parrish et al., 1988). It was
region (epitope A), which is located at the top of the threefold
also seen that the CPV-2a and its derivatives had regained the
spike in the VP2 protein. From the DNA sequence analysis of
ability to infect cats, and it also became the most common
CPV-2a and -2b, it was shown that the second variant differ
virus in many other carnivores (Truyen et al., 1996a). CPV-
only two amino acids from the first, in the VP2 protein. The
2a became the new dominant lineage and underwent further
two CPV-2b specific coding changes resulted in differences
evolution, gaining several common point mutations in vari-
in VP2 residues 426, previously referred, and 555 in the VP2
ous lineages. Some of these mutations changed the antigenic
region (Fig. 2). The substitution of VP2 residue 555 (Ile to
properties of the capsid and reached high frequencies in viral
Val) represented a reversion to or retention of the sequence
populations (Maya et al., 2013). The CPV-2a strain that
of CPV-2, and only the difference at residue 426 determined
emerged in 1979 differs in only five or six amino acids from
the altered epitope recognized and represented a replacement
CPV-2 isolates (Parrish et al., 1991b). The changes of the res-
unique to CPV-2b (Parrish et al., 1991b). As the CPV-2b and
idues 87 (Met to Leu), 300 (Ala to Gly) and 305 (Asp to Tyr)
-2c antigenic strains differ from CPV-2a at only one position
allowed the replication in cats (Figs. 1 and 2). Other changes
(VP2 residue 426), they are now considered by some authors
also occurred in the capsid protein gene, residues 101 (Ile to
to be variants of CPV-2a rather than distinct subtypes
Thr), 297 (Ser to Ala) and 555 (Val to Ile), between originally
(Organtini et al., 2015).
CPV-2 and -2a (Tsao et al., 1991; Agbandje et al., 1993;
Truyen et al., 1996a).
Other VP2 mutations reported in the antigenic
Antigenic variants CPV-2b and -2c variants
In addition to the original CPV-2a antigenic type, there are Other non-synonymous substitutions at the VP2 region were
two antigenic variants called CPV-2b (or VP2 426Asp) and also reported in the variants. An amino acid change at VP2

(a) (b)

Fig. 1. The locations of the mutations between FPV and CPV variants in the structure of the capsid. (a) The surface of the
capsid is shown as a projection, where an icosahedral asymmetric unit of the capsid is shown as a triangle. (b)
Surface exposed of the CPV capsid, where the three VP2 426 residues (1 to 3) from the three different VP2 monomers
located on the top of the threefold spike are visible and are equivalent to shown in (a). VP2 residues 80, 564 and 568 in FPV,
as well as residues 87, 297, 300 and 305 in the new antigenic of CPV-2a, -2b and -2c (along with residue 101, which is not
surface exposed) appear to determine the ability to replicate in cats. Residues 93 and 323 differ between CPV-2 and FPV and
control canine host range and influence canine TfR binding, while residue 426 differs between the new antigenic variants
[Based on Steinel et al. (2000) and Allison et al. (2014)]. These locations were visualized using the PyMOL Molecular Graphics
System, version Schrödinger, LLC. 2045
C. Miranda and G. Thompson

FPV CPV-2 CPV-2a CPV-2b CPV-2c

(<1900) (1974/78) (1979) (1984) (2000)

80 93 103 323 564 568

87 101 300 305 555

L T GY I 426 555

CPV-2b D


Fig. 2. Some of the evolutionary processes of CPV-2 in dogs. Designation of CPV-2 antigenic variants and FPV based on
major antigenic sites occurring in the VP2 capsid protein, such as the host range players. Amino acid positions were based on
reference sequence with the accession number M24004 (FPV-b), M23255 (CPV-d), M24000 (CPV-31), M74849 (CPV-39)
and FJ005196 (G7).

position 297 (Ser to Ala) was observed both in CPV-2a and gained the ability to infect dogs via wild carnivores, as previ-
-2b. Residue 297 is located in a minor antigenic site close to ously reported, the emergence of CPV-2a was previously
epitope B, but no changes in the antigenicity of those variants suggested to be due to host adaptation in dogs (Allison
have been reported. CPV-2a/2b having a mutation at 297 res- et al., 2012). A recent study (Allison et al., 2012) showed
idue (Ser to Ala) have sometimes been designated as New that raccoons from the USA have harboured parvoviruses
CPV-2a and -2b (Martella et al., 2005; Ohshima et al., 2008). similar to CPV for over 20 years. In a phylogenetic analysis
The mutation of VP2 residue 440 (Thr to Ala) has been of the VP2 protein many RPV sequences, as well as a single
observed in the same isolates which showed a mutation of isolate from a bobcat, fell in intermediate locations between
VP2 residue 324 (Tyr to Ile). VP2 residue 440 may influence the dog-associated CPV-2 and -2a strains. Hence, RPVs
the antigenic structure as it is located in the GH loop of the may have played a central role in the transition between
VP2 protein on the surface of the capsid, while VP2 residue CPV-2 and the later CPV-2a and related variants that not
324 is likely to have an effect on CPV host range similar to only infected dogs but also regained the ability to infect
the previously characterized residue 323 (Hong et al., 2007; cats, a property lost by CPV-2. The CPV-2a-specific resi-
Mittal et al., 2014). An additional mutant, 300Asp, of CPV- dues at 87 and 101 position were likely acquired during evo-
2a/2b has been detected in recent years in domestic or wild lution of the virus in raccoons, while the changes at 300 and
felids in southern Asia, as well as in raccoons. The mutation 305 were acquired when the virus transferred back to the
300Asp is probably the expression of a further adaptation of canine host (Fig. 2). However, other wild animals may have
the virus to replication in the feline or raccoon hosts (Ikeda also played a role in the evolution and spread of CPV-2,
et al., 2000; Allison et al., 2012). such as, wolves, foxes, jackals and coyotes that have been
found to be susceptible to CPV-2 disease (Thomas et al.,
Nowadays, the three antigenic variants have a worldwide 1984; Steinel et al., 2001).
distribution, and are found to infect a variety of different
hosts. The regaining of the feline host range and infection
The significance of co-infections
of other hosts is likely to be a selective advantage for the
virus (Truyen et al., 1996a). While CPV-2 is considered a Based on clinical signs, it is not possible to distinguish any
host range variant of a virus closely related to FPV that of the CPV sequence variants (Markovich et al., 2012).

2046 Journal of General Virology 97

CPV: the worldwide occurrence of antigenic variants

Although a few reports suggest that CPV-2c (426Glu) may reported in 37 countries, the CPV-2b (VP2 426Asp) in 31
cause more severe clinical signs and mortality particularly countries and the CPV-2c (VP2 426Glu) reported in 21
in adult dogs than other strains (Decaro et al., 2008), others countries. Those three strains have been reported to co-cir-
describe less-severe disease and lower mortality rates in culate in 15 countries, mainly in European and South
dogs infected with that virus (Decaro et al., 2005). American countries (Fig. 3). However, these numbers may
change as there are several other countries where current
Co-infections by multiple CPV variants in domestic dogs
studies are based on CPV positive serology testing, namely
are not commonly reported, however, two cases have been
Cape Verde (Castanheira et al., 2014), Pakistan (Muzaffar
detected (Battilani et al., 2007; Vieira et al., 2008a). A recent
et al., 2006) or Zimbabwe (McRee et al., 2014).
study by Perez et al. (2014) reported two co-infections, in
which one dog was infected by CPV-2c and -2a strains, Recent epidemiological reports indicate that CPV-2a with
where the sequences examined differed in 29 nucleotides, VP2 426Asn is the predominant variant in Australia (Meers
and in the other dog the CPV sequence included a minor et al., 2007), most of Asian (Yoon et al., 2009, Phromnoi
CPV-2a strain (13.3 % of the viral population) and a major et al., 2010; Chou et al., 2013; Yi et al., 2014; Timurkan
recombinant strain (86.7 %). The recombinant strain arose et al., 2015) and European countries (Ntafis et al., 2010;
from the inter-genotypic recombination between CPV-2c Decaro et al., 2011, 2013; Cavalli et al., 2014; Filipov et al.,
and -2a strains within the VP1/VP2 gene boundary. These 2014), and this is the only variant reported in New Zealand
data indicate that co-infections and recombination are cur- (Ohneiser et al., 2015), Nigeria (Dogonyaro et al., 2013),
rently occurring between circulating strains in natural pop- Hungary (Demeter et al., 2010), Czech Republic (Decaro
ulations of CPV, indicating that both may be relevant forces et al., 2007), Slovenia and Romania (Decaro et al., 2012),
in the generation of viral diversity and the emergence of while it was not detected in Vietnam and Mexico, as well as,
new genotypes. Rapid genomic evolution by genetic inter- from an outbreak in a litter in Sweden (Table 1, Fig. 4).
change may be regulated by restricting recombination to
particular hotspots in the genome that favour the inter- The prevalence of CPV-2b (VP2 426Asp) has been reported
change of the entire VP2 gene (Perez et al., 2014). in several countries within the five continents (Table 1),
and that was found to be the predominant antigenic variant
in Ireland (McElligott et al., 2011), the UK (Decaro et al.,
The worldwide distribution of antigenic 2007), the USA (Hong et al., 2007), African countries (Stei-
nel et al., 1998; Touihri et al., 2009; Dogonyaro et al., 2013)
CPV-2 variants
and in four of nine Asian countries (Nakamura et al., 2004;
Spreading of antigenic variants in the global dog Kumar & Nandi, 2010; Ahmed et al., 2012; Soma et al.,
population 2013). Both CPV-2a and -2b were distributed in equal pro-
portion in Belgium (Decaro et al., 2013), Switzerland and
The early evolutionary history of CPV was characterized by Austria where these antigenic types were exclusively isolated
global dissemination and strain replacement. CPV-2a (Truyen et al., 2000). Additionally, a sequence with VP2
replaced the CPV-2 worldwide within 2 or 3 years, indica- 426Asp was isolated from a dog in Russia (GenBank)
tive of an increased fitness in dogs (Parrish et al., 1988). (Chausov, E.V., Ternovoi, V.A., Protopopova, E.V., Dury-
The end of 1983, Houston et al. (1996) showed that CPV manov, A.G., Shestopalov, A.M., Loktev, V.B. and Netesov,
infection had been reported in 50 countries around the S.V., unpublished data, accession number JN033694).
world. The dynamics of the spread and evolution of CPV
may have changed since it emerged. In contrast to the early Approximately 20 years after the emergence of the CPV-2c,
period, the most recent endemic phase of the disease this has been found mainly in South American (Calderón
appears to be characterized by geographical genetic differ- et al., 2011; Perez et al., 2012; Pinto et al., 2012; Aldaz et al.,
entiation (Hoelzer et al., 2008b; Clegg et al., 2011). 2013) and European countries (Decaro et al., 2011; Sutton
et al., 2013). However, that variant has not been detected in
Between 1979 and 2005, nearly 600 articles, papers, numer-
Oceania. In Poland, all isolates were classified as CPV-2c
ous text chapters and monographs have been published on
during 1995–2009, while between 1982 and 1985 the iso-
the subject of CPV-2, according to Carmichael (2005), with
lates were CPV-2a and -2b (Majer-Dziedzic et al., 2011).
over 1000 listed in PubMed. CPV infection has been
reported from Africa, Asia, Australia, the Americas and The VP2 residue 426 variants of CPV coexist in different
Europe (Steinel et al., 1998; Decaro et al., 2007; Meers et al., ratios in dog populations around the world (Truyen et al.,
2007; Kumar & Nandi, 2010; Markovich et al., 2012; Perez 1996a). Their relative frequencies and genetic characteristics
et al., 2012; Castanheira et al., 2014), and there are large vary according to the geographic region analysed and the
numbers of publications which have reported the frequen- time of sample collection. The reasons for the different
cies of different CPV variants in various countries and ratios in various countries are unknown, but immune-selec-
regions. Table 1 summarizes the presence of the CPV var- tion by vaccines based on different antigenic types seem
iants around the world in the domestic dog population, unlikely, as many vaccines used in different parts of the
based on the analysed references. Moreover, the CPV-2 var- world are based on the original type CPV-2 (Steinel et al.,
iants have been reported in 42 countries distributed 1998). Cross-protection has been demonstrated with the
among five continents. The CPV-2a (VP2 426Asn) has been use of these vaccines against infection with the different 2047
C. Miranda and G. Thompson

Fig. 3. Geographical distribution of three CPV variants based on 426 residue detected in domestic dogs worldwide. Orange,
presence of three CPV variants; green, presence of two of three CPV variants; yellow, presence of one of three CPV variants.

VP2 426 variants (Spibey et al., 2008; Wilson et al., 2013). continues nowadays. CPV-2c appeared in the year 2003
The co-existence of those three variants in various popula- (Calderón et al., 2009) and has been the predominant strain
tions in the world and in different ratios shows that there is (>90 %) since 2008 (Calderón et al., 2015). However, unex-
likely no strong evolutionary advantage for one type or the pectedly four CPV-2a samples were found during the year
other (Steinel et al., 1998). 2012, while it has reappeared with a low prevalence (<10 %).
No CPV2b strains have been detected among local samples
since 2009 (Calderón et al., 2009, 2011, 2012, 2015). The
The temporal and geographic variability and the results obtained in Argentina, together with those reported
relative frequencies previously in Uruguay (Perez et al., 2012) strongly suggest
Depending on the year of collection of the canine samples, that, in spite of the geographical proximity, wild-type CPV
the frequency of the CPV variants has revealed interesting strains undergo different evolutive pathways in each coun-
changes in their distribution and variability. Table 1 shows try, resulting in the prevalence of different strains in related
the variant types reported globally in the dog population, dog populations (Calderón et al., 2015).
while Table 2 shows their temporal variation within differ-
In Brazil, all the three variants were found circulating in the
ent countries.
canine population, however in different proportions, being
During 6 years, the variants’ prevalence was analysed on col- the predominant variant type dependent on the year of study.
lected samples of the Uruguayan dog population. CPV-2c CPV-2a was the predominant variant during 1980–1986,
was the main variant retrieved on samples from 2006, with which was substantially replaced by CPV-2b from 1990 to
only one CPV-2a (Perez et al., 2007) and CPV-2c was the 1995 (Pereira et al., 2000). All samples from 1995 to 2003
only variant detected from samples collected between 2007 were identified as CPV-2a, and from 2004 to 2006, both CPV-
and 2009. However, an unexpected epidemiological change 2a and -2b were observed. From 2006 to 2009, most of the
has occurred in Uruguay in 2010, where a divergent CPV-2a samples were characterized as CPV-2b, with only one sample
strain emerged in the CPV-2c homogenous population. This classified as CPV-2c in 2008 (Castro et al., 2010), and that
variant rapidly spread through the national dog population become the most predominant variant circulating in Brazil
and the sequence analysis showed amino acid substitutions between 2008 and 2010 (Pinto et al., 2012).
(267Tyr, 324Ile and 440Ala) that were not observed in the
Uruguayan CPV-2c (Perez et al., 2012). In 2011, the fre- The predominance of variants may also vary according to
quency of the CPV-2a increased to levels of 85 % in the the regions of the country where the samples are collected
canine population (Maya et al., 2013). In Argentina, the (Yi et al., 2014). For example in Portugal, the predominant
high prevalence of CPV-2c strains seen in the last years CPV-2 variants found in the continental south regions and

2048 Journal of General Virology 97

CPV: the worldwide occurrence of antigenic variants

Table 1. The worldwide distribution of the antigenic CPV variants in the domestic dog population

ND, no data.

Continent/country Number of CPV variants detected Year of collection Reference

2a 2b 2c

Portugal 2 94 102 2012–2014 Miranda et al. (2016)
Spain 3 1 9 2008–2009 Decaro et al. (2011)
France 4 2 1 2009–2012 Decaro et al. (2013)
Germany 5 2 1 2009–2012 Decaro et al. (2013)
Belgium 1 1 0 2009–2012 Decaro et al. (2013)
Italy 13 3 5 2008–2009 Decaro et al. (2011)
Switzerland a a 0 ND Truyen et al. (2000)
Slovenia 1 0 0 ND Decaro et al. (2012)
Austria a a 0 ND Truyen et al. (2000)
Ireland 3 4 0 2008–2009 McElligott et al. (2011)
Sweden 0 0 4 ND Sutton et al. (2013)
UK 18 21 1 2005–2006 Decaro et al. (2007)
Albania 29 0 24 2011–2013 Cavalli et al. (2014)
Bulgaria 171 40 5 2004–2014 Filipov et al. (2014)
Greece 81 1 2 2008–2009 Ntafis et al. (2010)
Romania 2 0 0 ND Decaro et al. (2012)
Hungary 24 0 0 2004–2008 Demeter et al. (2010)
Czech Republic 1 0 0 2005–2006 Decaro et al. (2007)
Poland 11 2 19 1982–1985/1995–2009 Majer-Dziedzic et al. (2011)
India 27 39 12 2006–2009 Kumar & Nandi (2010)
Vietnam 0 7 4 2002 Nakamura et al. (2004)
Taiwan 35 19 0 2011 Chou et al. (2013)
China 20 2 0 2009–2013 Yi et al. (2014)
Korea (South) 41 3 0 2007 Yoon et al. (2009)
Japan 9 95 0 2009–2011 Soma et al. (2013)
Thailand 19 7 0 2003–2004/2008–2009 Phromnoi et al. (2010)
Iraq 3 6 0 2011 Ahmed et al. (2012)
Turkey 17 8 0 2009–2011 Timurkan et al. (2015)
Russia b 1993 Chausov et al. (2011)
Tunisia 15 21 14 2007–2008 Touihri et al. (2009)
Nigeria 6 0 0 2010 Dogonyaro et al. (2013)
Namibia 3 9 0 1995–1998 Steinel et al. (1998)
South Africa 6 13 0 2010 Dogonyaro et al. (2013)
North America
USA 1 19 7 2006–2007 Hong et al. (2007)
Mexico 0 0 5 2013–2014 Pedroza-Roldan et al. (2015)
South America
Brazil 1 8 33 2008–2010 Pinto et al. (2012)
Uruguay 20 0 130 2007–2010 Perez et al. (2012)
Argentina 2 3 50 2008–2010 Calderón et al. (2011)
Paraguay 0 0 1 2009 Calderón et al. (2011)
Ecuador 2 22 29 2011–2012 Aldaz et al. (2013)
Australia 41 1 0 1980–2005 Meers et al. (2007)
New Zealand 69 0 0 2009–2010 Ohneiser et al. (2015) 2049
C. Miranda and G. Thompson

a, From 14 samples from Switzerland, 35 samples from Austria and 82 samples from Germany exclusively the new antigenic types CPV-2a and
CPV-2b were isolated.
b, accession number JN033694.

in the Islands differed from those detected in the samples On the other hand, this variability should include the analy-
collected in the continental north of country (Miranda sis of the other unnamed mutations that are probably just
et al., 2016), however, the distribution of CPV in China did as or more important than the mutations in the residue
not show any geographical correlation (Yi et al., 2014). The 426. In recent years, several other mutations have been
reason for the uneven world distribution of the different reported around the world simultaneously within the VP2
viral variants is still not clearly understood but could be region (Pinto et al., 2012; Yi et al., 2014). For example, the
related to the changing dynamics that the virus has experi- amino acid substitution Thr440Ala has been described in
enced since its emergence in the 1970s (Hoelzer et al., CPV-2a and -2b strains from India, Brazil, South Africa and
2008b). These data provide new evidence of the role of local China (Chinchkar et al., 2006; Castro et al., 2010; Dogo-
genetic diversity and migration events during CPV evolu- nyaro et al., 2013; Yi et al., 2014) and in CPV-2c strains
from the USA (Hong et al., 2007) and Argentina (Calderón
tion and, emphasize the dynamic changes in CPV variants
et al., 2011). The 440 position is an important residue
and highlight the importance of ongoing surveillance pro-
because it is located at the top of the threefold spike, the
grams to provide a better understanding of the virus epide-
main antigenic site of the virus (Tsao et al., 1991). This resi-
miology (Perez et al., 2012; Maya et al., 2013). However, due is undergoing positive selection and has evolved inde-
this variability did not happen within certain countries, like pendently in different populations, which explains its
Hungary (Demeter et al., 2010; Decaro et al., 2013; Csagola worldwide presence in unrelated CPV-2 populations
et al., 2014), Japan (Ohshima et al., 2008; Soma et al., 2013) (Decaro et al., 2007). The Tyr324Ile change appeared in
and China (Zhang et al., 2010; Yi et al., 2014), where differ- CPV-2a, -2b and -2c. This was first reported in 2004 in
ent studies during several years showed the presence of the CPV-2a strains from China (Zhang et al., 2010), however, it
same predominant variant type. Based on these data, the has been described in the USA (Hong et al., 2007), Brazil
three different antigenic variants of parvovirus, 2a, 2b and (Perez et al., 2012) and Hungary (Csagola et al., 2014). Pre-
2c, are currently circulating worldwide, being however diffi- vious studies have shown that residue 324 is undergoing
cult to state which is predominant. strong positive selection in the parvoviruses of all carnivores

(a) (b)


Fig. 4. Worldwide distribution of CPV-2 variants in domestic dogs. Red, presence of CPV-2a variant (a); pink, presence of
CPV-2b variant (b); green, presence of CPV-2c variant (c).

2050 Journal of General Virology 97

CPV: the worldwide occurrence of antigenic variants

Table 2. Temporal variability of the three CPV variants within different countries

Continent/country Number of CPV variants detected Year of collection Reference

2a 2b 2c

Spain 3 1 9 2008–2009 Decaro et al. (2011)
4 11 4 2009–2012 Decaro et al. (2013)
France 0 9 7 2008–2009 Decaro et al. (2011)
4 2 1 2009–2012 Decaro et al. (2013)
Germany 5 18 14 1996–2005 Decaro et al. (2007)
8 0 7 2008–2009 Decaro et al. (2011)
5 2 1 2009–2012 Decaro et al. (2013)
Italy 80 17 0 1997–1999 Martella et al. (2005)
123 6 31 2000–2003 Martella et al. (2005)
24 4 42 2004 Martella et al. (2005)
43 3 57 2006 Decaro et al. (2007)
13 3 5 2008–2009 Decaro et al. (2011)
186 50 94 2009–2012 Decaro et al. (2013)
India 18 4 0 2003–2005 Chinchkar et al. (2006)
27 39 12 2006–2009 Kumar & Nandi (2010)
22 1 0 2011–2012 Mukhopadhyay et al. (2014)
Taiwan 10 1 0 1994–1995 Chang et al. (1996)
2 34 0 2003–2004 Wang et al. (2005)
15 13 0 2008–2012 Lin et al. (2014)
35 19 0 2011 Chou et al. (2013)
North America
USA 1 19 7 2006–2007 Hong et al. (2007)
0 9 25 2008–2009 Markovich et al. (2012)
South America
Brazil 13 0 0 1980–1986 Pereira et al. (2000)
0 21 0 1990–1995 Pereira et al. (2000)
10 0 0 1995–2001 Castro et al. (2010)
6 4 0 2002–2006 Castro et al. (2010)
2 9 1 2007–2009 Castro et al. (2010)
1 8 33 2008–2010 Pinto et al. (2012)
Uruguay 1 0 24 2006 Perez et al. (2007)
0 0 98 2007–2009 Perez et al. (2012)
20 0 32 2010 Perez et al. (2012)
39 0 7 2011
Argentina 9 4 14 2002–2008 Calderón et al. (2009)
2 3 50 2008–2010 Calderón et al. (2011)
1 1 9 2003–2010 Gallo Calderón et al. (2012)
4 0 37 2010–2013 Calderón et al. (2015)

(Hoelzer et al., 2008b). Residue 324 is adjacent to 323, that these field viruses are under strong positive selection
which together with residue 93 plays an important role in pressure for CPV-2 local types.
binding to the canine TfR and affects the canine host range
(Hueffer et al., 2003), and presumably, this Tyr324Ile alter- Host ranges for antigenic CPV-2 variants
ation can result in stronger receptor binding (Csagola et al.,
2014). In addition, the Ala516Thr Hungarian-specific Domestic cats
change (Csagola et al., 2014) and the Ala297Asp circulating The original CPV-2 does not replicate in cats, on the other
in South African strains (Dogonyaro et al., 2013), suggest hand, it replicates in feline cells in vitro (Parrish, 1991a; 2051
C. Miranda and G. Thompson

Truyen & Parrish, 1992). In contrast, the new variants of The host ranges of the CPV variants are complex and
CPV-2 have also penetrated the feline host range and they are diverse. Although CPV isolates have been recovered from
able to infect and replicate in cats, causing disease indistin- domestic cats and dogs, they have naturally been detected
guishable from FPV (Truyen et al., 1996a; Battilani et al., in a variety of related carnivores. Infection with CPV has
2011). In Vietnam and Taiwan, Ikeda et al. (2000) revealed already been demonstrated in Canidae, Felidae, Procyonidae
that more than 80 % of the isolates from cats were of the CPV and Mustelidae family (Barker & Parrish, 2001; Steinel et al.,
type, rather than FPV. CPV-2a and -2b viruses have been also 2001) and the families of wild carnivores where the pres-
isolated in feline cells in vitro and in domestic cats in vivo ence of CPV were detected are summarized in Table 3.
from Japan, USA, Taiwan and Vietnam (Truyen et al., 1995, However, several studies reported the detection of CPV in
1996a; Mochizuki et al., 1996; Ikeda et al., 2000). Diseased other wild carnivores by serological analysis (Santos et al.,
cats have also been detected with CPV-2c (Miranda et al., 2009; Woodroffe et al., 2012), and consequently there are
2014) or co-infections by multiple CPV variants (Battilani no sequences available on GenBank database.
et al., 2006) or mixed infections with FPV and CVP-2-like The residue 300 is important in distinguishing the antige-
(Url et al., 2003; Battilani et al., 2011). Some studies have also nicity and host range among parvovirus but may vary
reported the presence of CPV-2 variants in faecal and bone among CPV isolates (Qin et al., 2007). Alanine holds the
marrow samples of healthy cats (Clegg et al., 2012; Haynes & position in CPV-2, in CPV-2a and -2b it is Gly and in CPV-
Holloway, 2012). Retrospective typing of parvovirus isolates 2c of the Vietnamese leopard cat Asp (Ikeda et al., 2000).
in clinically affected domestic cats has revealed a small per- During 1995–1997, CPV-2a or -2b variants were isolated
centage (about 5 %) of CPV infections caused by CPV-2a or from three leopard cats (Felis bengalensis) in Vietnam and
-2b (Truyen et al., 1996b). Taiwan. Other three leopard cats showed the substitution
(Gly to Asp) at the conserved residue 300, were designated
as Leopard cat parvovirus (LCPV), but currently designated
by CPV-2c (Ikeda et al., 2000). In 2004, nucleotide and
Wild animals
phylogenetic analysis of the capsid protein VP2 gene classi-
Parvoviruses are relatively stable in the environment and fied the Red panda parvovirus (RPPV) as a CPV-2a from
indirect transmission likely plays an important role in the red panda (Ailurus fulgens) in China. The substitution of
transmission and maintenance of the viruses in a popula- Val for Gly at the conserved residue 300 in RPPV presents
tion, particularly in wild carnivore populations which may an unusual variation in the CPV-2a amino acid sequence
be characterized by low contact rates between animals. and is a further evidence for the continuing evolution of the
Transmission between domestic and wild carnivores may virus (Qin et al., 2007). Chen et al. (2011) showed that the
also readily occur, while direct transmission through close isolates from the RDPV and Masked palm civet parvovirus
contact or predation on smaller carnivores has been pro- (MCPV) were antigenically similar to CPV-2a, but had a
posed, the viruses are probably readily transmitted across change at G300S and classified as CPV-2a-like. The G300S
long distances by fomites (Baker & Parrish, 2001; Hoelzer & mutation would have contributed to the adaptation of
Parrish, 2010). CPV-2a to raccoon dogs (Nyctereutes procyonoides) and

Table 3. Species and taxonomic family of wild carnivores infected by CPV variants, according to the references analysed

Family Species Regular name CPV variants

Canidae Canis lupus Grey wolf 2a, 2b, 2c

Otocyon megalotis Bat-eared fox 2b
Vulpes vulpes Red fox 2a
Canis latrans Coyote 2b, 2c
Nyctereutes procyonoides Raccoon dog 2a
Felidae Acinonyx jubatus Cheetah 2b
Panthera tigris altaica Siberian tiger 2c
Felis bengalensis Leopard cat 2a, 2b, 2c
Puma concolor Puma 2b, 2c
Lynx rufus Bobcat 2a, 2c
Viverridae Paguma larvata Masked palm civet 2a
Mustelidae Martes foina Stone marten 2a, 2b
Aonyx cinerea Asian small-clawed otters 2c
Ailuridae Ailurus fulgens Red panda 2a
Ursidae Ailuropoda melanoleuca Giant panda 2a
Procyonidae Procyon lotor Raccoon 2a, 2b

2052 Journal of General Virology 97

CPV: the worldwide occurrence of antigenic variants

masked palm civets (Paguma larvata). In addition, the and may be used as a handy information source for veteri-
MCPV had a change at T301A in VP2 protein. Residue 301, narians and researchers interested in CPV and its evolution.
following residue 300, is located in loop 3 at the extremities
of the threefold spike on the viral surface. Therefore, its
changes might also affect antigenicity and host range of Acknowledgements
CPV. Other evidence for the continuing evolution of the This work was supported in part by the Foundation for Science and
CPV was the identification of the Q370R point mutation in Technology (FCT) Portugal grant SFRH/BD/76291/2011 to C.
the VP2 gene from a giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca) Miranda, such as the Human Potential Operational Programme
classified as CPV-2a (Guo et al., 2013). All variants have (POPH) and the European Union. The author(s) received no finan-
succeeded in regaining the feline/carnivores host and new cial support for the authorship and/or publication of this article.
genomic mutations can be expected in future (Steinel et al.,
Steinel et al. (2000) reported the detection of CPV-2b viral
Agbandje, M., McKenna, R., Rossmann, M. G., Strassheim, M. L. &
DNA in six cheetahs (Acinonyx jubatus) from Namibia and Parrish, C. R. (1993). Structure determination of feline panleukopenia
USA and, in a bat-eared fox (Otocyon megalotis) from virus empty particles. Proteins 16, 155–171.
Namibia. CPV-2a sequence was also found in the faecal Ahmed, A. F., Odeisho, S. M. & Karim, Z. A. (2012). Detection of canine
sample of the Siberian tiger (Panthera tigris altaica) from a parvovirus in Baghdad city by PCR technique. Proceeding of the Eleventh
German zoo. The very high prevalence of CPV-2a/2b infec- Veterinary Scientific Conference, 95–98.
tions in these large cats compared to domestic cats may sug- Aldaz, J., García-Díaz, J., Calleros, L., Sosa, K., Iraola, G.,
gest a higher susceptibility of these species for these virus Marandino, A., Herna ndez, M., Panzera, Y. & Perez, R. (2013). High
types (Steinel et al., 2000). An isolate from a stone marten local genetic diversity of canine parvovirus from Ecuador. Vet Microbiol
(Martes foina) collected in Portugal revealed the presence of 166, 214–219.
CPV-2b (Duarte et al., 2013), such a stone marten CPV-2a Allison, A. B., Harbison, C. E., Pagan, I., Stucker, K. M., Kaelber, J. T.,
strain was referred by Steinel et al. (2001). In Italy, four iso- Brown, J. D., Ruder, M. G., Keel, M. K., Dubovi, E. J. & other authors
lates from wolves analysed by Battilani et al. (2001) were (2012). Role of multiple hosts in the cross-species transmission and emer-
gence of a pandemic parvovirus. J Virol 86, 865–872.
antigenically and genetically identified as CPV-2b. The phy-
logenetic analysis from several non-domestic animals, such Allison, A. B., Kohler, D. J., Fox, K. A., Brown, J. D., Gerhold, R. W.,
Shearn-Bochsler, V. I., Dubovi, E. J., Parrish, C. R. & Holmes, E. C.
as, raccoon (Procyon lotor), coyote (Canis latrans), grey wolf (2013). Frequent cross-species transmission of parvoviruses among diverse
(Canis lupus baileyi/nubilus/occidentalis), puma (Puma con- carnivore hosts. J Virol 87, 2342–2347.
color), striped skunk (Mephitis mephitis) and bobcat (Lynx Allison, A. B., Kohler, D. J., Ortega, A., Hoover, E. A., Grove, D. M.,
rufus) (Allison et al., 2012, 2013) revealed the presence of Holmes, E. C. & Parrish, C. R. (2014). Host-specific parvovirus evolution
the three CPV variants. A recent study by Filipov et al. in nature is recapitulated by in vitro adaptation to different carnivore spe-
(2014) detected two wild carnivores parvovirus positive, a cies. PLoS Pathog 10, e1004475.
wolf (Canis lupus) and a red fox (Vulpes vulpes), both being Appel, M. J. G., Scott, F. W. & Carmichael, L. E. (1979). Isolation and
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made in a group of Asian small-clawed otters (Aonyx cin- rhagic enteritis. Vet Res 105, 156–159.
erea) (Gjeltema et al., 2015). Barker, I. K. & Parrish, C. R. (2001). Parvovirus infections. In Infectious
Diseases of Wild Mammals, pp. 131–146. Edited by E. S. Williams &
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Conclusions Battilani, M., Scagliarini, A., Tisato, E., Turilli, C., Jacoboni, I.,
Casadio, R. & Prosperi, S. (2001). Analysis of canine parvovirus sequen-
In approximately 40 years after the emergence of original ces from wolves and dogs isolated in Italy. J Gen Virol 82, 1555–1560.
CPV-2, three antigenic CPV variants are disseminated in 42
Battilani, M., Scagliarini, A., Ciulli, S., Morganti, L. & Prosperi, S.
countries. The different antigenic variants of CPV-2 are (2006). High genetic diversity of the VP2 gene of a canine parvovirus strain
prevalent in varying proportions in different countries. The detected in a domestic cat. Virology 352, 22–26.
prevalence of variants by country was found to depend on Battilani, M., Gallina, L., Vaccari, F. & Morganti, L. (2007). Co-infection
the year and region of collection of samples, however, with multiple variants of canine parvovirus type 2 (CPV-2). Vet Res
results can differ due to the lack of current studies and the Commun 31, 209–212.
continuous monitoring of the CPV-2 within countries. Battilani, M., Balboni, A., Ustulin, M., Giunti, M., Scagliarini, A. &
Unexpectedly, the last reported variant (CPV-2c) has been Prosperi, S. (2011). Genetic complexity and multiple infections with more
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