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Mary Our Help Devotional August 2024

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Mary Our Help Devotional



Mary Our Help Devotional
Mary Our Help devotional is published by All
scriptures except otherwise stated are from Good News, New
International Version, New Jerusalem, The New Community
Bible and New International Version.

Copyright © 2024
TEL: +2349125243166

All rights reserved. No part of this devotional may be

reproduced in any form or by any means, including
photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical
methods, without the permission of Mary Our Help.



Dearly beloved in Christ, this is to inform you that the
novena to for married and singles will begin on the 15th of
August, 2024.

The initial section of the prayer is intended for those seeking

to entrust their relationship to God or to have God provide
them with an appropriate partner. It is recommended for
those experiencing significant delays, disappointments and
setbacks in their plans to get married.

The second part of the prayer is for married couples who

wish to entrust their marriage to God or seek divine
intervention regarding their marriage. It is recommended for
those seeking love, peace, understanding, deliverance,
faithfulness, provision and divine healing in their marriage.




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All praise and glory to Lord Jesus Christ and honour to

Mother Mary for the publication of this daily devotional.

Special thanks also goes to Hellen Arinaitwe (Uganda),

Lucy Karanja (Kenya), Sandra St Ange (Saint Lucia), Leah
Ngacha (Kenya), Sizakele (South Africa), Izuchukwu
Chinyelu Rita (Nigeria), Ann Tome (Kenya), Mary
Okoloba (Nigeria), May Maloba (Kenya), Arimbo Bridget
(Cameroon), Jackcilia Ebere (South Sudan), Claire
Nyapucha (Kenya), Onuoha Stella (Nigeria), Jane Ngugi
(Kenya), Frances Ogbonna (Nigeria), Comfort Dakorah-
Bendah (Ghana), Jackson Mureithi (Kenya), Jerome
Mugisha (Uganda), Chika (Nigeria), Daniela Farcas
(Nigeria), Vera Osuofia (Nigeria), Mary Our Help admin,
all the editors and those who have contributed in one way
or another.

Please remember them all in your daily prayers. God bless

you all.

AUGUST 1, 2024
John. 3:17

God continually invites us back to Him and works for our

good, even when we do not understand what He is doing in
our lives. He longs to walk with us as a loving Father even
when we stumble and fall. God wants our life, not our death.
He is always working to help us return to Him and He is
continually inviting us closer to Him. How has God called
you back to Him or closer to Him in the past?

Though we can experience many painful things in our lives,

God is always working for our good. It can be remarkable
to look back and see how God has been working for our
good. How has God worked for your good in the past, even
when it was difficult for you to see it at the time? All people
are flawed, and we are powerfully influenced by our
relationships with other fallen people. We often tend to
project our experiences with our parents or others close to
us onto our relationship with God. What might you tend to
project onto God from your relationships with others?

God knows what we are capable of and incapable of. He

longs for us to bring our imperfections to Him and allow
Him to walk with us. What are your greatest weaknesses
that you can bring to God?

Passages from John

First John chapter three, verse one says, see what love the
father has given us. That we should be called children of
God. And so, we are. In my life, in the lives of family and
the lives of friends, and the entirety of the scriptures, the
father’s message is a loving, beckoning message. Come
back to me. Come back to me. We were made from Him.
We were made for Him. So, living according to that
union, putting ourselves in a place where we are drawing
closer and closer to God, that is, the abundant life. I love
John 10:10. That is one of my very favorite verses in
scripture. “I came that they might have life and have it to
the full.”
God wants us to live the abundant life and the most
abundant life we can live is one in which we experience the
love of the Father, which is always to us. Yet sometimes
we fail to avail ourselves to that, or sometimes we fail to
recognize the nature of God’s love for us, or the fact that he
loves us at all, that we walk away from it and we deviate
from that design, from that plan.

God wants our conversion, which is what Lent is for. We
bring ourselves to the desert. We are removed there by the
Holy Spirit so we can receive with more clarity without so
many distractions from the world or from ourselves, we
receive with more clarity. What is His will for us? He wants
our life, not death, not our downfall. It is Satan who desires
us to fall, to be defeated, to be separated from God, but the
Lord is always working for us to return to Him. He is always
inviting us to come to Him and He is glad when we do so.

We are all so familiar with John 3:16. “God so loved the

world that He gave His only son that all who believe in
Him might not perish, but have eternal life.” That is very
good and so true, but when we pair that with the next
verse, John 3:17, we understand things more fully. “God
did not send his son into the world to condemn the world,
but to save the world through him.” God looks upon his
own creation with love, always with love, always with hope
that we will return to him.
God does not desire our, our death. He desires our lives. He
wants us to experience the triumph, the joy of the
resurrection because in every lack in anything that we
want, in every unmet desire, the Lord still says, I fulfill
that. I am what you need.

• Lord speak to us and say, tell me about that. What is it
that you don’t want to talk to me about? Let’s work on
that. And the father does so in love. We know from
our life experiences, we know from scripture that to run
away from God’s love, from His provision, from His
will, for our lives, which is completely merciful and
just and loving, we know that to run from that, to
deviate from that means confusion and misery. And
when we do so, the Lord waits and always says, come
back to me.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here


AUGUST 2, 2024
Psalm 34:18

This is a very encouraging verse to us as Christians of the

21st century. Especially in our day to day struggles as we
try to follow and emulate Christ. It encourages us that even
at our difficult or trying moments; when we feel all is lost,
as if God is not near us or doesn’t care about us or maybe
that He is not even listening to our prayers, those are the
times when He is more closer to us than we think. At times
the devil fills our minds with many negative thoughts,
especially when we are going through a hard time, to make
us feel as though God has abandoned us and doesn’t care for
or love us. But Matthew 6:26-27, “look at the birds of the
air they do not reap or sow or store away in barns and yet our
heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not much more
valuable than they?” reassures us even more of God’s
presence in our lives during difficult moments.

Encouraged by the story of Job, after all he went through, he

remained faithful to God during tribulations and later on God
rewarded him with double portions in everything he had lost.
This tells us that sometimes God allows us to go through
trying times to prepare us for something big or to teach us a

When we are experiencing difficulties, let us be mindful that

God’s grace is sufficient for us. “For my power is made
perfect in weakness” (2 Corinthians 12:9). “He cannot test
us beyond our faith” (1 Corinthians 10:13).

In the book of Romans 12:12, “let your hope keep you joyful.
Be patient in your troubles and pray at all times”. This word
of God encourages us to pray during our trying moments. As
St. Padre Pio said, “if we have time to worry then we have
time to pray”.

• Lord, thank you for being closer to me during my
difficult moments and thank you for reassuring me
with your word.
• Thank you for loving me unconditionally.
• Forgive me for the times I have felt as though you
don’t love me and that you have abandoned me.
• Forgive me for doubting your saving power.
• Forgive me for seeking worldly help.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160
• For the full readings of today, Click here


AUGUST 3, 2024
James 5:13-20

The preceding chapter in the Epistle of St James has

described the ideal congregation that lives in cooperation
and harmony in accordance with heaven's peaceable grace
and the repudiated wrangling, privilege and domination.
James addresses communities more than individuals. To the
twelve tribes in the diaspora he promotes an ethic in
integrity that emphasises building one another up. He ends
the epistle with the verses from a lesson that apparently
somewhat is a miscellaneous array of exhortations.

The verses describe some of the goings on one might expect

to observe in the sort of community James has in mind.
Although James uses the form of imperative verbs, the
context of the whole letter warrants our reading these verses
not just as an array of commands.

A congregation under the influence of James would be

committed to sharing each other’s burdens and joys. In
previous chapters, James envisions a community where
class and poverty do not divide disciples. Here he applies
the same logic to grief, illness and sin. If one member is
sick the whole congregation is weak. Anyone who is
affected should feel confident to ask for help from their
neighbours, and the congregation leaders will pray on their
behalf and anoint them with oil. Although James does not
point it here, oil was not emphasised prominently as it was
not necessarily readily available to the poorest Christians.

James also re-introduced the topic of truthfulness as an

aspect in the passages. He has focused on the distribution
consequences of intemperate speech. Here he emphasises
the positive necessity of telling the truth. He insists that
disciples should tell the truth at all times to the extent that
they need never take an oath since everything they say is

• Heavenly Father thank you for your word.
Lord in your word there is power, grace, healing,
mercy and forgiveness. Help us dear Lord to be
always faithful to you. Help us to be witnesses to
your word in season and out of season.
• May we live our lives according to your word,
that by our way of live we may draw others to you.
• And so dear Father, we thank you for hearing
my prayer in Jesus precious name.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 4, 2024

1 John 3:4,12, Mathew 15: 18-20, Romans 5: 12,17,

Ephesians 2:2, Proverbs 4:15, Romans 6:12 14, Romans
8:12-13, 1Corinthians 15:34, James 4:17

Sin is described as a “transgression” of God's spiritual law.

The passage reads, “Whosoever committeth sin
transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the
law”. One who commits sin violates or disobeys the will of
God as revealed in the Bible. It is any failure to meet God’s
perfect standard of holiness. It can be internal or external Sin
is anything (in thought, speech, or behaviour) which does not
honor God or conform to his commands.

Types of sin
Catholic doctrine distinguishes between personal sin (also
sometimes called "actual sin") and original sin. Personal sins
are either mortal or venial. Mortal sins are sins of grave
(serious) matter, where the sinner performs the act with full
knowledge and deliberate consent.

Mortal sin is when we do what we are commanded not to do.

When people think about “sin,” this is what they think about.
I doubt this type of sin needs much explanation, but here are
a few examples:
• Acts of violence against others.
• Theft and taking what is not yours.
• Adultery and breaking your vows.

Venial is a sin that is relatively slight or that is committed

without full reflection or consent. While a venial sin
weakens the sinner's union with God, it is not a deliberate
turning away from God and so does not wholly block the
inflow of sanctifying grace.
Venial sins are those sins which exist because we failed to
do what God commanded. It points to our failure to do what
is right. It also means the absence of something that should
be there. “Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do
and doesn’t do it, sins.”
Too often, we only think about sin as something that we
“do.” Examples of Venial sin;
• Thanklessness which leads to coveting or theft.
• Silence in the midst of obvious oppression (racism,
poverty, human trafficking, etc.).

• Neglecting the Great Commission and failure to talk about
the gospel with others who do not believe.
• A stingy spirit which leads to a lack of generosity (not
tithing, not giving to others who are in need, etc.).

Sources of Sin
• Desire to be like God/greed for power-One may want to
challenge God. For example Scientists and one longing
to be superior in a society.
• Disobedience of man/breaking of the commandments-
Killing others mercilessly and not obeying God’s
• Lack of faith in God- Doubt God’s existence and
relating the issues facing you, asking yourself how the
unseen God can come in thus resort to manmade
• Anger and jealousy made Cain to kill Abel after God
had high regards for him.
• Man’s ambition-man wanted to know what is good and
• Free will choice- God gave them a chance either to
choose obedience or disobedience towards God.

Consequences of sin
Sin affects our relationship with God, turning the love that
belongs to Him alone and pointing it inward toward
ourselves. We reject Him in favour of anyone and anything

Rejection of God and rebellion against Him is death. The

scriptures tell us over and over that sin leads to death and
destruction because there are consequences with going
against the grain regarding how God designed us to live and
obey him. Physically – Sin can cause an internal conflict
with God and us, leading to health issues and taking a
physical toll on your body.

Sin places your own desires above God’s desires, which

leads to failure to obey what God has instructed. In this
sense, sin is self-worship and self-idolatry. All sin is a failure
to keep the first Commandment (have no other gods before

Sin proclaims that God is neither trustworthy nor to be

obeyed. Sin erodes faith, Sin brings shame. In the OT if a
person sinned he had to bring bulls and rams as a guilt
offering for the remission of sins. Years after year they had
to come for cleansing from their sin with the blood of an
What you need to do to avoid sin.
1. Understand what you should and shouldn't do. Start with the
Ten Commandments.
2. Don't rationalize. Take God's rules as they are.
3. Don't think about sin.
4. Don't put yourself in tempting situations neither should you
tempt others.
5. Pray every day, that is, say the Lord's Prayer and the Holy
Rosary every day if possible frequently.
6. Talk to God about the sin disturbing you.
7. Get a Bible and read it every day.
8. Fasting
9. Asking for the graces to avoid sin.

1. Pray that God may give us the spirit to know when
2. Pray that God May grant us the graces to know the
type of sins disturbing us
3. Pray that God may grant us graces to detest sin from
the bottom of our hearts
4. Pray for graces to make good confession always.
5. Pray for sinners of the whole world.
6. Pray for graces of praying without ceasing.
7. Say the daily prayer on page 160
8. For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 5, 2024
Mark 4: 35-41
Reflecting on the above Bible verses, my takeaway is that
Jesus and his disciples were in a noise place wanting to be in
a quiet place, Jesus told his disciples to get into a boat and
go across to the other side of the lake. In our lives today, if
we want to experience the presence of God, we need a quiet
place for God doesn’t operate in a noisy place, it means that
we need to have a clear and heart, a heart which is not noisy
with filthy thoughts, such as hatred, jealousy, complains,
negativity, and ungratefulness. If we want God to speak to
us, we must have some silence moment in our hearts to listen
to God’s and witness his presence.

As the disciples were enjoying the boat ride, suddenly a

strong and violent wind blew up and the waters began to spill
over into the boat so that the boat was filled with water and
about to sink. The devil comes to strike us at a time when we
seem to be enjoying this physical life, relaxing and not in
prayer. For example, the disciples were not praying on that
journey, they were simply enjoying the ride. This reminds us
that we should always be on guard praying all the time, even
when we on a journey, while enjoying a party our hearts
should be in communication to God always asking for his
protection and guidance. Otherwise, it is when we relax and
forget to pray that the devil hits us.

Jesus was in the back of the boat, sleeping with his head on
a pillow. The disciples woke him up and said, “Teacher,
don’t you care that we are about to die?” The lesson for us
here today is that Jesus is ever present in our lives and among
us just at the back yard, and whenever we have troubles or
any problems, he will be quiet sleeping, because he doesn’t
want to interfere in our lives, he wants us to make our own
decision, unless we decide to call upon him in prayer Jesus
cannot come to our rescue. God created us without our
permission, but for our salvation after he was crucified for
us, he gave us the choice to choose life or death, and
choosing life, means we must be in constant touch with Jesus
in prayer asking him to come to our rescue. If we don’t ask
Jesus, he will be present but continue to sleep and being
silent. One word from us to call Jesus and immediately he
will respond just as he quick woke up when the disciples
called him.

Jesus stood up and commanded the wind “be quiet “and he

said to the waves “be still” the wind died down and there was
a great clam. The storms of our lives are many such as
troubled marriages, divorce, barrenness, sickness, poverty,
economic hardships, lack of jobs, wars, floods, famine, lack
of school fees and the list is endless. All the above storms
continue to disturb our lives to the extend of almost sinking
with us. The only solution is to call upon Jesus and one word
from him will stop all the storms of our lives. Why are you
frightened? Men of little faith? Fear is the weapon of the
devil that he uses to disorganize us, Christians. The disciples
were frightened because their faith was not strong, they had
some doubts and that is why they asked Jesus if he didn’t
care that they were going to die. If their faith was strong, they
should have believed that even if Jesus is asleep, he will still
stop the storm.

The disciples were frightened and began asking who is this

man that the winds obey him? This shows that they are even
more frightened after the storm has stopped than before, they
are frightened because they had seen something strange, they
were used to Jesus’ healing and feeding multitudes of people
but not the winds obeying him. This shows that Jesus is the
king of universe, he created nature and therefore he has full
authority over it and it obeys him completely.

• Lord Jesus you are the king of the universe and
everything in it, may you give me the grace to remain
faithful to you and obey your commands as the winds
and waves did without any questioning.
• Abba Father, may you increase our faith and give
us the grace to always call upon you in prayer just as
the disciples called you from sleep. Lord come to our
rescue and stop the storm in our life.
• Lord Jesus, may you give us the grace to always
create time to communicate to you and have silence in
my heart so that I can listen to your voice and
experience your presence in our life.
• Lord give us the grace to realize that you are always
near us and only waiting for us to call you through
• God our father, help us to know that there is nothing
impossible for you and that all we need is to have faith
and trust in you to stop the storm in our life.
• Pray the daily consecration prayer on page.
• For the full readings of today, Click here

Dearly beloved in Christ, this is to inform you that the
novena to for married and singles will begin on the 15th of
August, 2024.

The initial section of the prayer is intended for those seeking

to entrust their relationship to God or to have God provide
them with an appropriate partner. It is recommended for
those experiencing significant delays, disappointments and
setbacks in their plans to get married.

The second part of the prayer is for married couples who

wish to entrust their marriage to God or seek divine
intervention regarding their marriage. It is recommended for
those seeking love, peace, understanding, deliverance,
faithfulness, provision and divine healing in their marriage.


AUGUST 6, 2024
John 11:47-48

Jesus Christ though He came for our good, was very much
persecuted. Thus, He left these encouraging words to His
future disciples who would suffer the same fate. "Blessed
are you when people hate you, and when they exclude you,
revile you, and defame you on account of the Son of Man.
Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, for surely your reward
is great in heaven; for that is what their ancestors did to the
prophets" (Luke 6:22-23). Persecutors have various reasons
and motives for their actions. One of them, obviously, is
ignorant of whom the person is and what actually he stands
for. Do not be surprised that nobody really knows you nor
your God given mission.

Consider this for a moment. Almost everyone in your life is

more preoccupied with himself or herself than you.
Therefore, you know more about yourself than anyone who
will ever meet you. Never forget this. Therefore, it is not
what men say about you that really matters in life. It is what
God says about you and what you believe about yourself.
Jesus was slandered, He was falsely accused. They said He
was possessed with devils. Countless accusations were
hurled like stones at Jesus everyday of His life but he never
allowed them to affect him.

He knew whom He was. He believed what His Father called

Him ''My Beloved Son". He believed in himself too. He
believed in His mission. He knew that His accusers were
ignorant, unlearned and arrogant. He knew they were
simply afraid and jealous of Him.

The ammunition selected by your enemy to fight you,

always gives you a clue to his fear of you. People always
fight what they do not understand. The mind will always
resent what it cannot master. War are fought because of
ignorance and fears. Throughout human history, champions
have had their names soiled and stained. Accusations and
slanderous lies have been made against great political
leaders as well as ministers of the Gospel. This is life.
Daniel was accused of breaking the law. Joseph was falsely
accused of raping his employer's wife, Paul was accused of
arousing mobs.

Jesus never begged anyone to believe in Him. He knew that
integrity cannot be proven, it must be discerned. He never
wasted time with critics. He kept His attention on His goals,
He stayed focused. They accused Jesus of being filled with
devils. He paid no attention, He simply continued to cast out
devils (Matt:12:24). Jesus never strived to "look good" He
simply was good. He did not labour to appear truthful, He
was the truth. He never struggled to have a good reputation,
He had character.

Every successful person wants to be loved and admired. But

your enemies and critics will never leave your reputation
unstained and untarnished. You must rise above that fact,
you must never allow what others say about you to change
your personal opinion of yourself.

1. Examine your inner motives for resentment against
certain persons.
2. Pray against all destiny destroyers, those who interfere
with God's plans for your life especially those who pretend
to be your friends

3. Pray for the restoration of your lost positions, favour and
4. Pray Psalm 139.
5. Say the daily prayer on page 160
6. For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 7, 2024
Genesis 3:9

"Where are you?" This simple yet profound question calls

each one of us to introspection and spiritual awakening. Let
me begin with an anecdote that beautifully illustrates the
significance of this question.

There was once a young boy named Jeff who lived in a

small village. Jeff was known for his adventurous spirit.
One day, he wandered off into the dense forest that
bordered his village. Enthralled by the beauty of nature, he
lost track of time and, as night fell, realized he was lost. His
parents, noticing his absence were filled with worry and
began searching for him calling out his name.

Jeff, hearing the distant calls of his parents, responded, "I

am here!" But his voice was faint and lost in the vastness of
the forest. Desperately, his father called out again, "Jeff,
where are you?" The boy frightened and unsure of his
direction, could only cry out, "I am here, but I don’t know
how to get back."
The villagers, guided by the father's voice and the child's
response, eventually found Jeff. They embraced him with
tears of joy, grateful that he was safe.

Dear friends, this story reflects our spiritual journey. Often

we become lost in the "forest" of our daily lives distracted
by worldly concerns, temptations, and our own pursuits.
God’s call, "Where are you?" is not merely a question of
our physical location but a profound inquiry into our
spiritual state.

When God called out to Adam and Eve after they sinned,
He was fully aware of their physical whereabouts. His
question was an invitation for them to acknowledge their
situation, to recognize their estrangement from Him, and to
seek reconciliation. Similarly, God asks us, "Where are
you?" not because He doesn’t know, but because He wants
us to recognize our need for Him.

In the hustle of life, it is easy to become spiritually

disoriented. We may find ourselves far from God, entangled
in sin or burdened by guilt. Yet, God's voice calls out to us,
inviting us to return to Him.

There are many areas where we can find ourselves lost:

1) Lost in Career Ambitions:
We can become so focused on our professional
achievements and climbing the career ladder that we
neglect our spiritual health, family relationships,
and personal well-being. In the pursuit of success, we
may find ourselves distanced from God and our true

2) Lost in Relationships:
Relationships, whether familial, romantic, or
friendships, can sometimes lead us astray if they are
not rooted in mutual respect, love, and faith. Toxic
relationships can drain our energy and pull us away
from God’s guidance and our values.

3) Lost in Materialism:
The desire for material wealth and possessions can
overshadow our spiritual goals. When we place more
value on acquiring things than on cultivating a
relationship with God, we risk losing sight of what
truly matters.

4) Lost in Entertainment and Leisure:

While rest and recreation are important, an excessive
focus on entertainment, such as spending too much
time on social media, video games, or other
distractions, can lead us away from meaningful
engagement with God and our community.

5) Lost in Addictions:
Addictions, whether to substances, behaviors, or even
negative thinking patterns, can control our lives and
lead us far from the path God intends for us.
Overcoming these requires acknowledging our
struggles and seeking God’s help and support from

6) Lost in Business:
Our lives can become so packed with activities and
responsibilities that we forget to take time for prayer,
reflection, and worship. Constant busyness can prevent
us from hearing God’s voice and experiencing His

7) Lost in Doubt and Fear:

Doubts about our faith or fears about the future can
paralyze us spiritually. When we are overwhelmed by
uncertainty or anxiety, we may feel disconnected from
God’s presence and His promises.

8) Lost in Past Mistakes:

Dwelling on past sins or mistakes can hinder our
spiritual growth. If we are unable to forgive ourselves
and accept God’s forgiveness, we remain trapped in
guilt and shame, preventing us from moving forward in

9) Lost in Self-Reliance:
Relying solely on our own strength and wisdom, rather
than seeking God’s guidance and relying on His power,
can lead us astray. Recognizing our need for God’s
help is crucial for staying on the right path.

10) Lost in Comparisons

Constantly comparing ourselves to others can lead to
feelings of inadequacy and envy. This mindset can
distance us from God’s unique plan for our lives and
cause us to lose sight of our own worth and blessings.

11) Lost in Despair

Life’s challenges and hardships can sometimes lead us
into despair and hopelessness. In such times, we might
struggle to see God’s presence and purpose in our
suffering, feeling abandoned and lost.

12) Lost in False Teachings

Being swayed by false doctrines or misleading spiritual
teachings can lead us away from the truth of God’s

Word. It’s essential to stay grounded in Scripture and
seek God’s wisdom to discern truth from error.

In each of these areas, God’s question, “Where are

you?” serves as a call to self-awareness and
repentance. By identifying where we are spiritually
lost, we can turn back to God, seek His guidance, and
realign our lives with His will.

Reflect on the words of Psalm 139:7-10:

"Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from
your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I
make my bed in the depths, you are there. If I rise on the
wings of the dawn, if I settle on the far side of the sea, even
there your hand will guide me, your right hand will hold me

God is always near, ready to guide us back to the path of

righteousness. Our response to His call should be one of
humility and repentance, acknowledging our faults and
seeking His grace.

Let us take a moment to examine our hearts and lives
honestly. Let us respond to God's call, "Where are you?"
with a sincere heart, saying, "Lord, here I am. I am lost
without You, but I long to be found. Guide me back to
Your embrace."

1. Lord, awaken our hearts to recognize when we have
strayed from Your path. Help us to be honest with
ourselves and seek Your guidance.
2. Father, help us to balance our career ambitions with
our spiritual and family life. May we always put You
first in our decisions
3. God, grant us wisdom to nurture relationships that
honor You. Help us to avoid toxic connections and to
love others as You love us.
4. Lord, teach us to find contentment in You rather
than in material possessions. Help us to focus on
eternal treasures.
5. Father, give us strength to overcome any addictions
that hold us captive. Surround us with support and
remind us of Your healing power.

6. God, in our busy lives, help us to prioritize time
with You. May we find peace in Your presence amid
our hectic schedules.
7. Lord, in times of doubt and fear, help us to trust in
Your promises. Remind us that You are always with
us, guiding our steps.
8. Father, help us to let go of past mistakes and to
accept Your forgiveness. Heal our hearts and lead us
forward in faith.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160
• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 8, 2024
Genesis 1: (26-28)

Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our

likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and
the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild
animals, and over all the creatures that move along the
27 So God created humankind in his own image, in the
image of God he created them.
male and female he created them.
28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and
increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule
over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over
every living creature that moves on the ground.”

God creates by speaking, something only a person does. He

speaks to something that does not yet exist and the thing
addressed responds by coming into existence. From the
moment of creation, God is in a personal relationship with

his creatures as is fully expressed in the above scripture

I get intrigued about the fact that God continues to reveal

himself to us.
In the past couple of weeks, we celebrated the Solemnity of
the Holy Trinity where He proves three aspects (could be

1. He is God of relationships
Our personal relationships must reflect something about
God. The Trinity (The Father, The Son, and The Holy
Spirit) is a perfect example of such a relationship. In human
relationships, you may be able to learn about someone by
observing their actions, but this alone will not lead to a
relationship. So also, with God. That is why there is need to
embark on a journey of reading scripture. Since this passage
(verse 27) is telling us that humanity is created as God’s
image, it encourages us to understand human relationships
as somehow representing God!

We may also extend the issue of relationship to the New
Testament. Mathew 25:40 “Truly I tell you, whatsoever you
do for one of the least of my brothers that you do unto me.”
This verse could also imply that God is human.

2. There is Unity
In the Trinity, the three exist distinctively yet their unity is
indissoluble called the Triune God. The Father begets, the
who is begotten and the Holy Spirit who proceeds. Each
person of the Trinity is omniscient, omnipotent, co-equal
and fully divine.

3. Co-Existing
“Let us” begs the question whether the Holy spirit was
present in creation. Who is US? Us is the Trinity.


• Lord Jesus Christ you are God who continuously

reveals himself to us. God grant us the spirit of
Wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of yourself.
Lord I am nothing besides you. Continue to reveal
yourself to us through your Word and inspiration.
Remove any spiritual blockages that may hinder
spiritual growth in our lives. May our eyes be
enlightened always. For our hearts are restless oh Lord
until they rest in you.

• Forgive us oh Lord of any false motive or thought

that seeks to please the flesh and not your will. Create
in us a clean heart oh Lord and renew the right spirit
within us by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ.
• Deliver us from every bondage of Laziness in Jesus
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 9, 2024
Matthew 6:14-15

Unforgiveness is a dangerous disease. It kills faster than

cancer. When you learn to forgive you are untieing yourself
from these dangerous diseases. We have to let go of some
certain things. We need to be free from Unforgiveness. The
Bible tells us about the story of the king who forgave his
servant who owns him millions and that same servant was
put in prison his colleagues who owns him a small amount
of money. God forgave you and you still don't want to
forgive your fellow. How do you think this is possible?
Forgiveness is a vice versa, when you forgive, God will
forgive you. Some people say, "I will never forgive this
person" Why? Because they felt this person betrayed them.
Forgiveness does not want to know who is right or wrong.
Even if your neighbour threaten to kill you and your family
or eventually succeeded, you still need to forgive that your
neighbour. For vengeance is mine says The Lord of Host for
He will dish to anyone according to his deeds.

Jesus Christ our role model was tortured, they spit on his
face, flogged, push him around like a common criminal.
They tore his cloth, strip him naked before the whole world
and they put upon him the crown of thorns and yet He did
not say anything and still there on the cross He forgave the
thief that was mocking him. He forgave the people that
killed him.

Child of God, if the Lion of Judah, our master can forgive,

then who am I not to. It is a command He has given us to
keep forgiving. Even when his disciples asked him, How
many times does someone hurt me and I forgive? Jesus
answered him 70×7 this means Infinity.

We might find it hard to forgive at times. Most of us here

are architect of our problem you might ask how? The more
we don't forgive the more our prayers are not answered
remember that unforgiveness is a sin and sin hinders

The Bible says when you want to give God a gift and
remember that you and your brother are not in good terms
then you should leave your gift there in the Alter and go and
make peace with your brother then come back and sacrifice
your gift. How well are you doing it? Unforgiveness has tied
so many people down. When you run from one ministry to
another believing God to do a miracle for you, meanwhile
that your neighbour, your mother in-law, husband, siblings
etc might have done something and you don't want to
forgive them, my dear you are wasting your time. If you
want fast for 40 days my dear you will still remain where
you are. If you want call the most powerful man of God to
pray for you it will change nothing. You must have heard
people saying I have been to several hospitals run different
types of test and the results comes out negative but the
person is dying gradually, some people blame it to village
people which might be true but I tell that 70% of all these
sicknesses are cause by unforgiveness. Forgiveness is a
window of blessings, favour, healing and so many good

• Let us then ask the Holy Spirit to give us the grace
to always forgive so that we can be like Jesus. Heal all
our disease and pour your blessings on us as we practice
forgiveness. Help us O Lord we pray in Jesus name
• Say the daily prayer on page 160
• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 10, 2024
RUTH 2:10-20
ESTHER 4:9,17

When God has purposed to bless you, however much people

might try to bring your downfall they can't. In the book of
Ruth we read about these daughters' in-law to Naomi who
got widowed at their tender age and without even a child.

One of Naomi's daughter in-law confessed to her that she

would go with her. Ruth 1:16 "Your people are my people
and your God will be my God". It was God's wisdom that
made her make such a decision. We should always pray for
guidance in whatever decisions we want to make in life.
Naomi out of great love for her daughter in-law saw it not
fit for her to remain a widow and without a home. She asked
her to go to a farm, where she got favour in Boaz's farm.

Ruth continued to find favour before Boaz, when she was

redeemed by him and later got married to him and now she
had where she could call her own.

When we read from the book of Esther we can see that if
you live according to God's will He favours you.

Esther 2:15-18, Esther is made a queen, she got favour

before the king. We don't need artificial beauty to be
impressive, God looks at the inner being, beautify the inner
person to be pleasing before God and men. We should wear
the garment of salvation and we will receive His favour.
Esther did not beautify herself before the king.

In everything we need from God let us pray and fast and

surely with faith it will be granted.
Esther 4:15, when Esther heard that her people were to be
destroyed she sent word for them to fast for her so as when
she could go face the king she could get favour before him.
She indeed got the favour, Esther 7:1-6.
If we continue to press harder in our prayers and fasting,
surely God's favour will be upon us and we will not perish.

• Almighty and everlasting Father we pray that
you may help us turn to you in prayer and fasting
so as to get your favour.
• Through the intercession of our mother Mary,
help us to have wisdom to leave our old ungodly
ways to turn to God and thus receive His favour.
• Grant us Lord your favour even before men.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here

Dearly beloved in Christ, this is to inform you that the
novena to for married and singles will begin on the 15th of
August, 2024.

The initial section of the prayer is intended for those seeking

to entrust their relationship to God or to have God provide
them with an appropriate partner. It is recommended for
those experiencing significant delays, disappointments and
setbacks in their plans to get married.

The second part of the prayer is for married couples who

wish to entrust their marriage to God or seek divine
intervention regarding their marriage. It is recommended for
those seeking love, peace, understanding, deliverance,
faithfulness, provision and divine healing in their marriage.


AUGUST 11, 2024
GEN 3: 1-15

When you call a loved one, the first question you ask is
“where are you?” asking this question is not because you
don’t trust the person but intuitiveness is why you are
asking. After Adam had eaten the forbidden fruit and they
found out they were naked, they hid themselves from God.
So, God asked them “where are you” he asking was out of
love for man but Adam (Man) is no longer in the garden that
the Lord had kept him.

The garden is where we are kept is either family-life with

duties and responsibilities to our spouse, children, parents,
siblings, communities and Church. The garden has all we
need to success in life and assignment given to us by God.
Once in the garden, we are to discharge out duties well.
Adam eating the forbidden fruit, made him to fall out,
making him no longer in position of where he is supposed
to be. We like Adam are no longer in position of where we
are supposed to be as we are not discharging our duties and

Question we ask is “if we are still in position? Are we still
performing and discharging our duties? In our Church and
Communities, are we still maintain the position or duties
given to us. Are our spouse, children, parents, siblings
complaining because we are outside the position we occur
in the garden. Many have left the position where God had
placed us.

Everything we do begins with an idea. The serpent sold the

idea of eating the forbidden fruit to Eve. She bought it and
told to Adam and the rest we know. As we know, ideas
change the World and ideas could be transformative that
either changes or mars the World. We need God and his
Spirit to cover us and transform us.

Where am I as a person in my Baptismal Vows or my

relationship with God? Am I naked? Am I in communion
with the Church? Whenever you discover your nakedness,
you should return to God and the Church has provided ways
in which we should return through the Sacrament of
reconciliation (Penance) and get our Soul and body
nourished with the Sacrament of Holy Eucharist (Holy

1. Lord, make me to have faith and Trust in you at all
2. Lord, surround me with your hedge of fire.
3. O Lord, help me to discharge my duties to my spouse,
children, parents, Communion and Church.
4. Holy Spirit, cover, transform and renew us daily to be
in Communion with you.
5. Help me to make a contrite confession to you O, Lord.
6. Say the daily prayer on page 160
7. For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 12, 2024
Psalms 46: 1 - 11 (RSCVE)

Psalm 46, can be divided into three important parts: God is

our Refuge and Strength, God is with us and is our fortress,
and God says to be still and know He is God.
This psalm is much needed in the world at a time like this
when we are faced with a plethora of problems from
inflation, war, drug abuse, kidnapping, and other
aberrations. We might feel worried and anxious, confused,
or abandoned. Nevertheless, we do not have to be afraid.
God is with us and he has made us a mighty promise. All
we have to do is to put our trust in him. Psalm 91:2 “I will
say of the Lord – my refuge and my fortress, my God in
whom I trust”. The psalmist calls us to turn solely to God
always and more especially at trying times.
It is pertinent for us to know that God is not only our refuge
but he is also our strength. In the Bible, water is used as a
symbol of God’s spirit in our midst to refresh us and
strengthen us for our journey. He is the eternal spring that
never runs dry. Jesus invites us – “let anyone who is thirsty
come to me, and let the one who believes in me drink, as the
scripture has said, out of the believer's heart shall flow rivers
of living water” (John 7:37-38). We should always
remember that the Almighty God is among us and within
us, and He is the source of strength.
God is eternal – God is the God of the past, present, and the
future. When we go through difficult times, it is easy to
become discouraged and think that God has abandoned us.
However, we need to remember how God has delivered us
in the past and trust that He will restore us. Remembering
the past can help us face the future with confidence.
The basis for our hope is firmly rooted in a past event – the
resurrection of Jesus. If it was not for Jesus there would be
plenty to fear in the world. If we feed our fear without God,
our problems and anxieties grow larger and larger.
Nevertheless, when we admit our fears to God, we are
feeding our faith instead of our fears. The adage goes – "He
who fears God has nothing else to fear." ~ Charles
Spurgeon. When we fear only one God instead of men or
women or circumstances, we can trust everything will be all
All he asks of us is that we are still and we stop and take
time to listen to him. He wants us to run to him and he will
shelter us. He will protect and look after us. He will be our
refuge and fortress.

1. We pray for the Grace of boldness, courage, faith, and
perseverance. May we remember that God is always with us
at all times and he is our refuge. Psalm 46: 11.
2. We pray that we will be able to place our complete trust
and confidence in the sovereignty of God.
3. We pray for God’s strength - Pray for God to strengthen
us spiritually, physically, financially, and vocationally.
4. We pray for the peace of God and that his Glory will shine
in our lives.
5. Say the daily prayer on page 160.
6. For the full readings of today, Click here
AUGUST 13, 2024
ELIJAH, 1 KINGS 17:7-16

The chapter opens in a hope draining expression: there will

be neither dew nor rain these coming years unless I give the
word. The closing of the heavens is a sign of the withdrawal
of the loving kindness of God since the rains were deemed
to be God’s blessings. Elijah was already a fugitive and the
Word of God invites him to go and hide by the torrent of
Cherith which means the winnowing place. Ordinarily, this
ought to be a symbol of abundance but what follows is
shocking. Elijah, a man who formerly worked for his daily
bread has to rely on the ravens to feed him daily. According
the book of Leviticus 11:15; the raven was an impure bird,
yet the Lord had to use it to feed his servant. The crow
brought him bread and meat daily. It is loathsome to imagine
a raven bringing bread and meat for man. It is a scavenger
bird. Could it have got them from the garbage site or on the
way from there? As dirty and as greedy as it is, it has to share
its loot with the prophet. Even though the Lord sent it to
deliver them to the prophet, it never consumed them along
the way. In great humility Elijah had to wait upon the
providence of the Lord. He has to be a victim of his own
As a consequence of his prophecy, the stream from which he
quenched his thirst began drying. It is at the same time a
confirmation that God is working with him; yet with the
fulfilment of the prophecy he had to suffer the blunt with the
people around him. There are two possible reactions that
may arise from the drying of the stream. One may fall into
discouragement, depression and even suicidal tendency or
turn his focus totally to the God of providence. Elijah
decided to do the latter and he heard the word of God that
came to him telling him to change location. Sometimes we
fail to meet God’s appointments because we are not attentive
enough to hear him when he speaks to us. We are often too
noisy to hear him when he speaks ordering us to run away
and hide elsewhere. God speaks even when we least expect
him. He spoke when Elijah was a fugitive in which situation
he would be justified to think that God has abandoned him.
God knows where to meet us when he is in need of us. God
tells him to wake up and leave the place. The comfortable
attitude would be to remain before the dry ravine and wish
death. Elijah responds to the invitation of God through
obedience. He is invited to go to Zarephath. Symbolically,
he is being told to move from a winnowers place (Cherith)
to a furnace or a metal purifier’s place (Zarephath). It is not
an easy transition. Winnowing is easy than smelting alloys
to purify them from dross. Elijah is being called to change
the level of his expectations. His energies are reducing for he
has little to eat yet God does not lower his standards but
increases his expectations from him. He is sent to that place.
He has a commission and goes there as a missionary. God
will never lower his standards. When he wants it done, he
increases our strength so that we may measure up with his
God assures him that he has already prepared someone to
welcome him and provide for his needs while there. It is
unfortunate for a Jew of his calibre that the one who will
welcome him is a pagan, woman, widow, poor and the only
bread winner to his young son. May be if Elijah were you or
I; we would protest asking why God would not send him to
an Israelite, man, rich and with an intact family. It is
paradoxical how God deals with those people he loves. I
guess that is why God has few friends. Elijah is in flight from
a powerful woman but God will us a vulnerable woman to
protect and nurture him. God uses a widow to redeem the
image of a murderous queen because he is God. He uses a
poor woman to nourish this man of valour that he may not
grow proud. It is paradoxically a reversed role since it is the
man who ought to assure the daily needs of a widow!
The distance between these two locations is 75 miles. The
vagabond, Elijah, who is being sought after by this fire
breathing queen must traverse all this distance with the risk
of being found out and killed. Yet he has to be obedient to
the Lord and go. He who obeys never falls in error. God
organises that the moment he gets to this village, the widow
is at the gate collecting firewood. God introduces the two to
one another. He works out in extraordinary ways through
ordinary things. He works miracles with one at his or her
place of work. Had she remained at home at that moment
there was no way they were going to meet with Elijah. But
God works it out, not by coincidence or fate but out
providence that they meet at the right place and at the right
time. That she left her home to go and work even when she
knew that she was only one meal away from her death is an
act of faith beyond hope. Even with preeminent death, she
went to work. She knew that one has to do first her
obligations and the heavens will come done to help. God
confirmed it.
She has the intuition of faith in the God of Elijah. Even if she
was a pagan, she knows the true God. When she is
confessing the truth of having the last bit of floor and oil, she
calls upon the witness of the God of Elijah (v.12) to
corroborate her testimony. Is it coincidental that a pagan
confesses Yahweh? God works with whoever he wants,
whenever he wants it and in whatever manner he wants it.
God has already prepared her and the rays of faith in
Yahweh-ism are already in her. She was at the end of the rope
of her life but she was not melancholic as many of us would
be. She was progressing with her work joyfully as usual.
She is a woman of confidence. She was not suspicious of
Elijah. They did neither belong to the same village nor to the
same bribe: her being a gentile and him being an Israelite.
She did not raise an alarm that a man had intruded into her
privacy only a few years after the death of her husband. She
was not angry with God who had taken her husband away
from her leaving her as a widow too early into her marriage.
She had to bear the burden to nurture her son single handed
the on-going famine notwithstanding, which would drive
many to hate God for not acting to their favour. She has the
audacity to listen to a man; a stranger for that matter asking
her to feed him rather than the reverse. May be any other
widow would have seen “sponsor” in the person of Elijah
and they would have seen a great relief already. All the same,
God was to work it out his way.
I find it strange that that when Elijah asks for bread from her
she talks of her death and that of her son. It is so positive of
her that even if she knew she was a meal away from her death
she did not cease to work and do good. How many of us live
in a suicidal way because we failed once in life and instead
of working to improve our status quo we move from worse
to worst? How many of us find themselves in pits and instead
of looking for ways to climb out they start digging deeper in
the whole to die there-in? How many of us continue messing
with their lives when they find themselves in a fix rather than
working on a way out? For her, she was not dead until she
will eventually be dead. She hoped beyond hope. She might
be telling herself; after all, who knows: it may change the
last moment? Her place of work becomes her place of
encountering the Divine visitation. She met the man of God
and her fortunes changed even when on her part she offered
to meet the need of the man of God. Here we have seen the
importance and the grace that flows from symbiotic
Elijah encourages her to go ahead and offer the last she had.
It is by accepting to give all that she got all back multiplied
myriad times. He who wishes to get back his life must first
lay it down. Whoever wishes to guard his life loses it forever.
Elijah tells her not to fear. Often we lose opportunities of
providence because we are overcome by fear. When fear
strikes, we react possibly through “3 F:” freezing, flight or
fighting. It is however repulsing. Elijah insists that she
begins with him first. It sounds repugnant. How on earth
would a widow begin giving the stranger the last breath of
her livelihood that held her fabric of life together when she
knew death knell had been sounded with the last meal; which
she should not take chances with?
Her conviction is put in the furnace for trial. She might by
now have realized that he is a man of God and has
surrendered her life to him. She obeys and does as
commanded and voila, the miracle happens. They enter in to
alliance through hospitality. Through that exchange of
generosity; God intervenes in to their lives and that of the
little boy without his knowledge and contribution. Her
obedience makes God work a supernatural miracle. Each
day, God made the miracle of replacing the floor and oil they
had used for it did not reduce an inch. He gave them their
daily bread. The communion they lived must be celestial.
Imagine what kind of questions the boy asked the mother
each time he saw the floor and oil did not diminish.
The two must have been of a mature conscience. From our
different cultural backgrounds we know the burden of the
“shame tag” that hangs of the life of a widow especially if
she is noted to be frequented by a man. Elijah, a man of God
was staying with her. He was impeccable and irreproachable.
He did not care what rumours may spread around their
relationship for they were clear with their interactions. When
you conscience is well formed and clear, do not worry what
others will say if what you do is right and is done for the
right reason, to the right person, in the right place and in the
right measure.
God continued to work the miracle of the kitchen. He was to
them the God of the ordinary. It is not that God has ceased to
work out miracles but it may be that we do not see them
because our miracle eye has become blind. We could not be
hearing the miracle song because our ears may have become
deaf. Alternatively, we could have seen the wonders of God
and heard the miracle song but we may be dumb to proclaim
the wonders of the lord. Could we take a moment to evaluate
ourselves to see where we could be? What God did in the
times of Elijah he still can do them to us; for us and through
us if we properly dispose ourselves according to his will in

• Pray as the spirit leads.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 14, 2024
Zechariah 5:7

Then the word of the LORD of hosts came to me, saying,

“Say to all the people of the land, and to the priests: ‘When
you fasted and mourned in the fifth and seventh months
during those seventy years, did you really fast for Me—for
Me?’” (Zechariah 5:7)

God’s word through Zechariah rebuked the people of God

for what their fasting had become – indulgent seasons of
self-pity instead of a time to genuinely seek God. The calls
upon the people to show mercy and compassion and to live
Godly lives. During the period of captivity to the
Babylonians, the question that immediately comes in our
mind is; why are these men fasting in the 5th month? And
why have they been doing this for so long? They say they’ve
been doing this for “these so many years.” Why?

Well, a review of Jeremiah chapter 52 reveals that the 5th

month was the very month in which Babylon came and
destroyed Jerusalem in 586 BC. They burned the temple to
the ground. And that all happened in the 5th month way back
about 68 years prior to Zechariah 7. And so, apparently the
Jews as they were in exile in Babylon adopted this practice
of fasting and mourning in the 5th month of the year. They
were remembering year after year the destruction of their
special city, Jerusalem. They were remembering the sin that
had led to that destruction. And their response – at least the
response of those who were more noble among them – was
to be sad and to be so sad that they couldn’t eat. God was not
simply looking for outward religion. He was looking for the
people to live by faith before Him and to live with love for
their fellow man. It is for this reason that God exhorted the
people through Zechariah to be just in how they dealt with
one another. Mercy and compassion were to rule the day.

Zechariah 7 is reminding us to ask ourselves, why do we

Fasting is posture of humility linked with Scripture. The
scribe Ezra tells us, “Then I proclaimed a fast . . . that we
might humble ourselves before our God, to seek from him a
straight way for ourselves, our children, and all our goods”
(Ezra 8:21). These spiritual effects—and the consequently
more effective prayer life that greater spirituality brings (Jas.

A decision to fast demonstrate our dependence upon God,

our fervent intercession for other people. We truly are serious
about our repentance, and that we sincerely long for new life
of deliverance and rebuild our relationship with God. When
we need wisdom we should use the gift of fasting, which will
focus our minds upon whatever situation we’re praying

Fasting releases God's supernatural power. It is a tool we can

use when there is opposition to God's will. Satan would like
nothing better than to cause division, discouragement,
defeat, depression, and doubt among us. United prayer and
fasting has always been used by God to deal a decisive blow
to the enemy.

God says, "Is not this the kind of fasting I have chosen: to
loose the chains of injustice and untie the cords of the yoke,
to set the oppressed free and break every yoke?" Isaiah 58:6

To receive God’s wisdom and direction. In the book of

Luke 4:1-2 ASV “And Jesus, full of the Holy Spirit, returned
from the Jordan, and was led in the Spirit in the wilderness
during forty days, being tempted of the devil.” Satan,
probably recognizing an opportunity he couldn’t pass up,
came to Jesus. The three specific temptations we are told
about, involve Satan encouraging Jesus to do things. Father
God had not told Jesus to do (Jesus says in John 5:18-20 and
John 12:49 that he can only do and say what the Father has
commanded). Jesus was obedient to the Father and didn’t fall
for the temptation. Instead, he quoted from Deuteronomy
8:3, "It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by
every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God." It is
written again, 'You shall not tempt the Lord your God."
(Deuteronomy 6:16). Final verse from Deuteronomy
(10:20), Jesus said, "Away with you, Satan! For it is written”.
“You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you
shall serve.”
“While they were worshiping the Lord and fasting, the Holy
Spirit said, ‘Set apart for me Barnabas and Saul for the work
to which I have called them.’ So, after they had fasted and
prayed, they placed their hands on them and sent them off.
(Acts 13:2–3; cf. 14:23)
Nehemiah fasted before beginning a major building project.
“When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some
days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of
heaven." Nehemiah 1:4 (NIV) Moses fasted before he
received the Ten Commandments. “Moses was there with the
Lord forty days and forty nights without eating bread or
drinking water. And he wrote on the tablets the words of the
covenant - The Ten Commandments" Exodus 34:28 (NIV)

To receive God’s Mercy: “Fasting is necessary on behalf of
others who need the mercy of God in their lives. In the books
of Daniel 9:3-19, Daniel fasted in order to receive guidance
from God. "So I turned to the Lord God and pleaded with
him in prayer and petition, in fasting, and in sackcloth and
ashes”. In Daniel 9:3 (NIV), "While I was still in prayer,
Gabriel, the man I had seen in the earlier vision, came to me
in swift flight about the time of the evening sacrifice. He
instructed me and said to me, “Daniel, I have now come to
give your insight and understanding”. "Daniel 9:21-22
(NIV), “First the people had disobeyed the law of God (v.
11). Then they had refused to listen to the prophets who were
sent by God to warn them (v. 14). Daniel spoke about how
God continually tried to bring Israel back to Himself. Yet
even after disaster struck them they refused to obey Him.
God still uses circumstances, other people and the Word to
bring people back to Him. Daniel’s prayer included both a
positive and negative aspect of God’s greatness and the
people’s sin. He referred to how God had delivered Israel
out of Egypt by His great power (v. 15). Then he prayed that
God would again send mercy instead of judgment to
Jerusalem (v. 16). Daniel not only confessed the sins of the
people but he identified himself with their sin as though he
were personally responsible for it (v. 16-19). Daniel did not
beg for mercy because he deserved it or the people deserved
it but so that God, himself might be glorified, as the nations
saw the great things He would do. God sends His help not
because we deserve it, but because He wants to show great
mercy. If God refused to help us because of our sin, how
could we complain? But when He sends mercy when we
deserve punishment, how can we withhold our praise and
In Jonah 3:5-10, “So the people of Nineveh believed God,
proclaimed a fast, and put on sackcloth, from the greatest to
the least of them. v10 Then God saw their works, that they
turned from their evil way; and God relented from the
disaster that He had said He would bring upon them, and He
did not do it. During these times these men understand that
God has every reason to bring judgment upon the people for
their sin, yet they plead with him for mercy and to smile upon
them once again. Likewise, there may be times when we will
need to fast in order to intercede for our Family, our nation,
our community, our church, our small group, friends, or even
people in our family. When it becomes apparent that our
routine prayers for these situations are not having an effect –
there is something we can do to “turn up the power” in our
prayers – and that is to fast for these people or situations that
so desperately need the touch of God.
Fasting is a way for us to discipline our bodies for the
spiritual battles God needs us to fight. In his letter to the
Corinthians, Paul mentions this need of physical discipline
in the spiritual battle:1 Corinthians 9:24-27 (NIV) “Do you
not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets
the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone
who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do
it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown
that will last forever..

Strengthening the Converts Acts 14:21-23 “And when

they had preached the gospel to that city and made many
disciples, they returned to Lystra, Iconium, and Antioch,
strengthening the souls of the disciples, exhorting them to
continue in the faith, and saying, “We must through many
tribulations enter the kingdom of God.” So when they had
appointed elders in every church, and prayed with fasting,
they commended them to the Lord in whom they had
believed. By doing this, the Apostles demonstrated to God
that they needed the power of the Holy Spirit to guide their
decision making.
To receive deliverance in times of crisis. The Israelites
fasted before a miraculous victory.
“Some men came and told Jehoshaphat, "A vast army is
coming against you from

Edom, from the other side of the Sea. It is already in Hazazon
Tamar" (that is, En Gedi). Alarmed, Jehoshaphat resolved to
inquire of the Lord, and he proclaimed a fast
for all Judah." 2 Chronicles 20:2-3 (NIV)

Fasting Summary points

• It builds us up emotionally and spiritually to stand
strong against the enemy.
• It is a time of preparation. In this passage, we see that
fasting prepared Jesus to begin his public ministry
(Matthew 17) and, eventually, the cross.
• We don’t know what our future holds but God does. As
we intentionally spend time with him. He will let us
know what is upcoming and what we need to do to
• To allow the Holy Spirit to readjust our perspectives
when we get off track.

Four truths Jesus wants us to know about the relationship

between fasting and spiritual warfare:
• Satan won’t hesitate to play with our minds by making
us question who we are. He even uses Scripture to do
• Satan manipulates Script by taking them out of context
to make his point more enticing.
• Jesus was tempted but did not sin so being tempted is
NOT a sin. Acting on the temptation is.
Our way out of temptation is to turn to Jesus and Scripture.

• Lord, I invite you to be present during our fast and
I offer you all my fast for your chosen intention.
• Lord, I ask for the grace to complete the fast and I
accept whatever you choose to teach me and help me
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

Dearly beloved in Christ, this is to inform you that the
novena to for married and singles will begin on the 15th of
August, 2024.

The initial section of the prayer is intended for those seeking

to entrust their relationship to God or to have God provide
them with an appropriate partner. It is recommended for
those experiencing significant delays, disappointments and
setbacks in their plans to get married.

The second part of the prayer is for married couples who

wish to entrust their marriage to God or seek divine
intervention regarding their marriage. It is recommended for
those seeking love, peace, understanding, deliverance,
faithfulness, provision and divine healing in their marriage.


AUGUST 15, 2024
JOHN 4: 23-24

"Yet a time is coming and has now come when the true
worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and in
truth. For they are the kind of worshippers the Father
seeks. God is spirit and His worshippers must worship
in spirit and truth.'

Following God is something that some Christians take as a

duty, something that they have to do so that people will see
them and give them praise. At times we go to church for
show off, maybe we have bought a new dress or a new pair
of shoes and a flashy handbag and we are excited to go and
receive glances of admiration from those in church. When
we look into this passage, Jesus was talking to a Samaritan
woman who met him at the well and he told her everything
about her life. She was amazed at what Jesus knew about
her and because of her testimony, she called others to come
and witness Christ. Because the people have been brought
up in a particular type of spirituality, they could not believe
Jesus. Their pride and religious observances were blocking

them from recognizing the One who was sent to redeem

Like them, we alienate ourselves from spiritual growth. We

go to church but our minds are far away. Christ Himself said
that these people worship me with their mouth but their
hearts are far away. When we decide to follow God, it is a
decision to give our all to Him. It is a decision to allow Him
take the wheel of our lives and be the pilot of everything we
do. He is calling on us to worship Him from the depths of
our hearts and not just through the movements of our lips.
He needs a sincere worship.

Each time you go to church, what is on your mind? Can

someone look at you and say indeed this is a child of God?
Our lives are supposed to reflect God's love and a
manifestation of His glory. We are called to live holy lives.
We cannot be living a double standard life and we expect
God to be happy with us always. We need to come out of our
comfort zone and go the extra mile in our relationship with
God. We need to be on fire for God. Ask Him to release His
grace on us to live the lives He has called us to live. Avoid
sin like a plague and do not compromise and say God
understands. He does not understand the language of sin. He
has impacted us with grace upon grace in our journey. Let us
ask Him to fortify us for the journey ahead.

• Dear heavenly Father, you have called us to
worship you in spirit and in truth. Empower us with
your Holy Spirit to overcome our weaknesses. Set us
ablaze for you and give us the strength to remain
steadfast in your presence. Mother Mary intercede for
us and help us serve our God better each day. We ask
this through Christ our Lord. Amen
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 16, 2024
John 14:15-31

In the Gospel of John, we read about the Holy Spirit, whom

Jesus promised to send to his disciples. This Holy Spirit is
their helper and comforter. Jesus begins this passage by
saying, "If you love me, you will obey my commandments."
He uses loving him as a precondition for obeying his
commandments. Indeed, if we as Christians love Jesus, we
will also obey the Holy Spirit, whom he has promised to
send. When there is love among people, everything becomes
easier, as that love facilitates all their interactions.
"I will ask my Father, and he will send you another helper,
who will stay with you forever." (John 14:16) This helper is
the Spirit who reveals the truth about God and the world.
Therefore, as a Christian, I cannot claim to know God if I do
not know the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is my helper,
teaching me to understand spiritual things and directing me
on the path of truth. He teaches me how to pray, and there is
nothing I can do on my own except with the help of the Holy
The Holy Spirit is the presence of God within us, giving life,
light, and truth. He is knowledge, revealing to us the
knowledge of God. The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit
because it cannot see him; it is spiritually blind to the truth
he reveals. The world cannot receive the Holy Spirit because
it does not love God/Jesus. Those who love Jesus obey his
commandments and can receive his promise of the Holy
Spirit because of their love for God.
There is the presence of the Holy Trinity, and this is how it
functions: those who accept my commandments and obey
them are the ones who love me. My Father will love those
who love me, and I too will love them and reveal myself to
them. The three go together - to love God, one must love
Jesus, love the Holy Spirit, and the three can dwell together
with that person. Otherwise, loving God while hating Jesus
or the Holy Spirit cannot work. A Christian must live in
harmony with the Trinity; the Holy Spirit is the unifying
factor, binding the Father to the Son and the Son to those
who love him.
Therefore, the Holy Spirit is the foundation of Christian
lives. After Jesus Christ's death, his disciples were fearful
and kept indoors in the upper room, waiting for the coming
of the Holy Spirit. On the day of Pentecost, upon receiving
the Holy Spirit, the apostles became bold and began
preaching the good news without fear. The Holy Spirit helps
us overcome fear and become courageous. He makes us
humble, obedient, and keeps us moving and loving God.
Jesus tells us that he loves God the Father and obeys
everything as God commands him. Therefore, the Holy
Spirit is the guiding star of Christian lives, and we can only
obey the Holy Spirit if we love God and love Jesus.

• Lord Jesus, help us understand that we can do
nothing without the help of the Holy Spirit.
• Abba Father in Heaven, send us your Holy Spirit
to reveal to us the truth about God, life, and ourselves.
• Holy Spirit of love, fill our hearts with your love,
so that we can always love God, love Jesus, and obey
all his commandments.
• Holy Spirit, give us the courage to stand up for the
truth without fear.
• Holy Spirit, we pray that you give us the grace to
remain united in Christ, in faith, and in love, so that
our strong unity in you may draw more souls to God
through our actions.
• O Holy Spirit, you are our consoler and comforter.
May you always direct us to counsel and comfort those
in distress.
• God our Father, we can do nothing without the
help of the Holy Spirit. May you send us your Holy
Spirit to fill us with wisdom, understanding,
knowledge, holy fear of God, courage, faithfulness,
humility, love, and obedience to your commandments.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 17, 2024
2 Kings Chapter 20

2 Kings Chapter 20 unfolds within the broader narrative of

the divided kingdoms of Israel and Judah. King Hezekiah, a
righteous ruler of Judah, finds himself confronting a stark
reality – a terminal illness. This chapter delves into his
response, offering rich ground for a reflection on faith,
mortality, and the enduring presence of God's mercy. The
chapter opens with a somber pronouncement. King
Hezekiah is mortally ill, and Prophet Isaiah delivers the grim
(2Kgs 20:1). This stark encounter with death resonates with
the Catholic concept of "memento mori" – a reminder of
one's mortality. It is not a morbid thought, but rather a call
to live life with intention.
Catholic tradition emphasizes life as a precious gift from
God, entrusted to us for a limited time. 2 Kings 20 reminds
us to utilize this time wisely, "walking before the Lord
faithfully and wholeheartedly" (2Kgs 20:3). This translates
to living a life guided by faith, striving to do good works and
aligning ourselves with God's Will. This purpose transcends
our earthly existence and prepares us for the promise of
eternal life.
The concept of memento mori isn't solely about fearing
death. It's about appreciating the gift of life and prioritizing
what truly matters. Catholic practices such as regular prayer,
participation in the sacraments, and acts of charity all
contribute to living a life of purpose, a life that leaves a
positive mark on the world. By acknowledging our
mortality, we are spurred to focus on what has lasting value
– our relationship with God, our service to others, and the
legacy we leave behind.
Faced with imminent death, King Hezekiah doesn't succumb
to despair. Instead, he turns to God in heartfelt prayer (2Kgs
20:2-3). He recounts his faithfulness and pleads for an
extension of his life. This highlights the importance of
prayer in difficult times, a cornerstone of Christian faith. We
are encouraged to bring our worries, anxieties and desires to
God in prayer, trusting in His love and wisdom. Hezekiah’s
prayer is a model for us all. It's honest and introspective,
reflecting on his actions and motivations. He readily
acknowledges his good deeds but does not boast. Instead, he
presents his case humbly, appealing to God's mercy. This
aligns with the Christian teaching on prayer, which

encourages us to be open and honest with God, expressing
our needs and desires with a trusting heart.
The power of prayer lies not only in making requests, but
also in fostering a deeper connection with God. As we pour
out our hearts to Him, we open ourselves to His grace and
guidance. Even when the answer to our prayers is not what
we expect, we can find solace and strength in knowing that
God hears us and walks beside us through every challenge.
God, in His infinite mercy, hears Hezekiah's prayer and
grants him a miraculous recovery (2Kgs20:5). This act of
grace is a reminder that God's plans are not always our own.
He may answer our prayers in unexpected ways, but His love
and compassion are ever-present. This aligns with our
understanding of God's sovereignty. While we can petition
Him through prayer, we ultimately accept His Will with
faith, trusting that it is for our ultimate good.
This doesn't mean we passively accept whatever happens.
Freewill is a central tenet of our faith. We can strive to live
righteously, pray for guidance, and cooperate with God's
grace. However, we must also recognize the mystery of His
will. Sometimes He allows suffering or challenges in our
lives, to refine our faith, draw us closer to Him, or serve a
purpose beyond our immediate understanding.
The story of Hezekiah offers comfort and hope. Even in the
face of death, God's mercy can intervene and grant us
unexpected blessings. This doesn't diminish the reality of
suffering, but it reminds us that God is always present,
offering strength and hope even in our darkest moments.
Hezekiah desires a sign to confirm his recovery. Isaiah
offers him a choice: for the sundial to move forward or
backward (2Kgs 20:8-11). Hezekiah's request for the
sundial to recede demonstrates his strong faith. He doesn't
simply wait passively; he actively seeks confirmation and
expresses his belief that God can alter the natural order to
fulfill His promise. This aligns with the Christian concept
of cooperating with God's grace through faith and action.
Catholic theology emphasizes the importance of both faith
and good works. Faith is the foundation; a belief in God and
His love. However, true faith inspires action. We strive to
live a life that reflects our beliefs, demonstrating our love for
God through service to others and adherence to His
Hezekiah's request for a sign is not solely about satisfying
his curiosity. It's a public display of his faith, a testament to
the power of God. The miraculous movement of the sundial
would not only confirm his healing but also serve as a
powerful symbol for the people of Judah, reinforcing their
belief in God's intervention.
The chapter concludes with a seemingly incongruent turn of
events (2Kgs 20:12-19). King Merodach-baladan of
Babylon sends an envoy to congratulate Hezekiah on his
recovery. Hezekiah, perhaps out of pride or a desire to
impress, proudly shows off his wealth and treasures. Prophet
Isaiah, upon hearing this, delivers a harsh message – all these
riches will one day be carried away by the Babylonians
(2Kgs 20:17).
This turn of events offers a valuable lesson in humility.
Hezekiah's focus on earthly possessions overshadows his
initial gratitude for God's miraculous intervention. While
God provides for our needs, we are called to avoid placing
our ultimate trust in wealth or worldly treasures. These are
fleeting and impermanent, while our relationship with God
is eternal.
Isaiah's prophecy also foreshadows the future exile of the
Israelites to Babylon. This historical context reminds us that
God's blessings come with responsibility. The people of
Judah, despite having a righteous king like Hezekiah,
ultimately strayed from God's path, leading to their downfall.
Sin has consequences. We are called to live according to
God's will to avoid suffering the consequences of
The story of Hezekiah emphasizes the importance of prayer
and faith. Just as Hezekiah turned to God in prayer, we too
are called to seek God's guidance and intervention in our
Secondly, the chapter highlights God's mercy and his power
to heal. This foreshadows the ultimate act of divine mercy –
the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for the salvation of humanity.
Hezekiah's miraculous recovery prefigures the healing
power of God's grace, available to all who believe.
Thirdly, the story serves as a reminder of our mortality and
the importance of living a purposeful life. Just as Hezekiah
confronted his own mortality, we too are called to reflect on
the brevity of life and make the most of the time we have
been given. The story of Hezekiah in 2 Kings 20 offers
several takeaways that we can integrate into our daily lives
as Christians. Some key points to consider:
• Deepen your prayer life: Hezekiah's heartfelt prayer
serves as a model for our own prayer practices. Make
time for regular prayer, expressing your gratitude,
petitions, and anxieties to God.

• Live a life of purpose: Do not wait for a brush with
mortality to live intentionally. Reflect on your values
and strive to live a life that aligns with your faith.
• Trust in God's Mercy: Life is full of uncertainties.
Even in the face of challenges, maintain faith in God's
love and His plan for your life.
• Practice detachment from material possessions:
While material goods can be a blessing, don't let them
become your sole focus. Seek true happiness and
fulfillment in your relationship with God and service to
• Live a life of humility: Recognize that all we have
ultimately comes from God. Avoid pride and
arrogance, and strive for a humble spirit.
2 Kings 20 concludes the story of King Hezekiah with a
powerful message that resonates deeply within our faith. It
is a story about confronting mortality, the power of prayer,
God's unwavering mercy, and the importance of living a life
guided by faith and purpose.
This passage serves as a springboard for deeper reflection on
our own lives. We are all, like Hezekiah, faced with the
reality of our impermanence. The chapter reminds us to
cherish the gift of life and use our time wisely. By aligning
our lives with God's will, we can leave a positive impact on
the world and prepare ourselves for the promise of eternal
The story also emphasizes the importance of prayer in the
Christian life. Just as Hezekiah turned to God in his time of
need, we too are called to bring our joys, sorrows, and
anxieties before Him. Prayer is a powerful tool for
strengthening our faith, finding solace in difficult times, and
receiving God's grace.
Perhaps the most profound message lies in God's mercy.
Despite Hezekiah's shortcomings, God extends His healing
hand. 2 Kings 20 reminds us that God's love is boundless
and available to all who turn to Him with sincere hearts.
As we incorporate the lessons from 2 Kings 20 into our daily
lives, we can cultivate a deeper faith, live with greater
purpose, and face life's challenges with trust and hope.
Through prayer, service to others and a life guided by God's
teachings, we can strive to build a legacy that reflects our
faith and leaves a positive mark on the world. Ultimately,
the story of Hezekiah serves as a powerful reminder that
even in the face of uncertainty, God's mercy and love endure.

• Almighty God, like King Hezekiah, I am
reminded of my own mortality. Grant me the faith
to accept your will and the courage to live each day
with purpose. Help me to focus on what truly
matters; my relationship with you and service to

• Thank you, Lord, for the gift of life and your

countless blessings. Forgive me for any moments
of pride or arrogance. Help me to detach from
material possessions and find true joy in your
presence and serving others.

• Inspired by Hezekiah's heartfelt prayer, I come

before you with open arms. Grant me the discipline
to dedicate time for regular prayer. Allow me to
express my gratitude, petitions and anxieties with a
trusting heart.

• Life is filled with uncertainties, Lord. In

moments of difficulty and despair, strengthen my
faith in your love and ultimate plan for my life.
Remind me of your boundless mercy and grace,
available to all who turn to you sincerely.
• Help me to live intentionally, reflecting on my
values and aligning my actions with your teachings.
Guide me to use my time wisely, leaving a positive
impact on the world and preparing myself for the
promise of eternal life.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 18, 2024
Luke 34:1-10

I will always sing praise to our God. I will never stop

praising him for he has done great and wonderful things for
me. In good times and in bad times his praises will always
be on my lips.

Brethren, as believers in Christ Jesus, we must cultivate the

habit of praising God irrespective of our situations,
difficulties and challenges. We must learn to praise him in
season and out of season especially when we are
experiencing trials and tribulations.

In verse 6, our memory verse says; "the helpless calls to

him and he answers, he saves them from all their
troubles" (GNB).

The Lord draws close to the broken-hearted. He doesn't

delight in seeing his children in pain. This is why when he
hears our cry, he rushes to our aid. He comforts us, he
heals us and he helps us get back on our feet. We can
always find reassurance in God, he is always ready to give
us his love and care.

1. Our Lord and our God, give us the grace to always be
grateful to you in good times and in times of difficulties,
challenges and painful situations.
2. Dear Lord please give us the grace to not despair in times
of pains and difficulties but rather learn to put all our trust
in you for you never forsake those who put all their trust in
you. Amen.
3. Say the daily prayer on page 160.
4. For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 19, 2024
Daniel 1: 1-18

Our lives as Christians is all about making choices. One of

the greatest gifts God gave us human beings is our will, the
ability to choose. That notwithstanding the choices we make
always affect us positively or negatively. The lessons drawn
today from the story of Daniel shows that choosing what God
wants is always better.
What God may ask of us may not make sense but it is always
better. The offer of God is always more succulent, the effects
are always jaw dropping, always leaving the effect of always
wanting to say could this be the God I serve? Always leaving
us with the feeling of gratitude.
Verse 9 of our reference scripture says “and God made
Ashpenaz sympathetic to Daniel. The verses before this
show that Daniel had made up his mind, he did not want to
become ritually unclean by eating food from the king’s court.
They had been selected from among Israelites in exile to be
trained so they could serve in the king’s court. When we
make up our minds to walk with Christ even in the midst of
people who are non-believing like us, God always makes a
way for us. He can make your enemy to love you and can
cause any body to favour you. Hence never limit the power
of God by choosing who in this life has to help you. The
person you think will help you may not be the one God is
planning to use. The secret here is for us never to choose to
do the wrong thing because of peer pressure. It can happen,
crowds may be pressing in on us but like Daniel, may we
always find the courage to stay resolute to our beliefs and
convictions. Heaven will always open up with answers for
Secondly it is that not everything that is made available for
us that is necessarily needed by us. Daniel and his friends ate
vegetables and water. The food from the king’s court could
be so tempting. Temptation is always at its peak when we
decide that we want to do something for God. Sometimes the
other side may not be so bad. People have made feasts before
with food and wine for all to drink, however it is important
to always keep the goal we have in mind. What do you want
out of life? What are you seeking from God? In order for us
to gain Christ we have to lose this life and sometimes being
for Christ entails giving up even what may not be bad but
giving it up because it is not necessary. 1 Corinthians
10:23 “All things are lawful [that is, morally legitimate,
permissible], but not all things are beneficial or
advantageous”. All things are lawful, but not all things are
constructive [to character] and edifying [to spiritual life].
There comes a time in our Christian Walk that sometimes
even good things are not necessary for us.
God gave the four young men knowledge and skill in
literature and philosophy. In addition, he gave Daniel skill in
interpreting visions and dreams. 18At the end of the three
years set by the king, Ashpenaz took all the young men to
Nebuchadnezzar. 19The king talked with them all, and
Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah impressed him
more than any of the others. So they became members of the
king's court. 20No matter what question the king asked, or
what problem he raised, these four knew ten times more than
any fortune teller or magician in his whole
kingdom. 21Daniel remained at the royal court until Cyrus
the emperor of Persia conquered Babylonia. Daniel 1: 17-20.
The third lesson is that remaining in Christ will bring about
evident results. From the verses above we see that people
eating only vegetables and water were looking healthier than
those in the king’s courts who were eating from his table.
They were more knowledgeable than anyone the king had
met before. Daniel had the gift of visions and interpretation
of dreams. God always gives us double. Following God will
cause even your enemies to acknowledge who you are, the
knowledge you get. This shows how much we can be blessed
as a result of choosing to follow Christ. Remember it may
seem foolish, but God’s way is always better, it may not
make sense but still choose to follow him, the world may jeer
at you but let your focus be on Christ. The process may
sometimes never make sense but trust me when the times
comes for the results God will never disappoint.
Another deep lesson to learn from this story is total trust in
God. Trusting God especially when faced with a difficult
Finally, the company we keep is important for our Christian
journey. Daniel had 3 friends who were with him throughout
the time they were selected to serve in the royal court. The
king ordered Ashpenaz, his chief official, to select from
among the Israelite exiles some young men of the royal
family and of the noble families. 4They had to be handsome,
intelligent, well trained, quick to learn, and free from
physical defects, so that they would be qualified to serve in
the royal court.
Who walks with you in this life matters, be loving to
everybody but not everyone is qualified to walk with you.
Even the pagans know this, look at the criteria they used to
select for the king’s court. What is our own criteria of
selection when it comes to the people needed for our spiritual
journey in this life? What is your criteria for selecting people
to journey with you whenever you have any objective to
attain in life? Are they people who can walk the road with

• Father give us the grace that we may be able to
choose wisely those who are meant to walk this
journey of life with us.
• In the midst of adversity Lord help me to trust in
you. When I am uncertain about tomorrow, help me to
trust in you, when the situation seems difficult Lod
help me to trust in you entirely.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 20, 2024
1Timothy 2: 1-2

The Lord is searching for who will stand in the gap; but you
must partner with the Holy Spirit. You must be baptized and
filled with the Holy Spirit for an effective and efficient


The purpose of a thief is to steal, kill and destroy (John
10:10a), just as darkness as black as night covers all the
Nation's of the World (Isaiah 60 : 2a).
Do you notice that satan has taken over so many events of
the World? He has taken control of Nation's, Government's,
Companies,Towns, Cities, Families, even Schools etc.
It's your sins that have cut you off from God. ( Isaiah 59 : 2).

Abraham interceded for Soddom and Gommorah in Genesis
18, however in Romans 8 : 34 Jesus Christ has acquitted Us
and has removed our sins and guilt.


➢ Must be humble.
➢ Must have repented.
➢ Must be at peace with God & with Men.
➢ Must be respectful.
➢ Must not tell lies or be jealous.

➢ Empty your plans and place yourself to God's disposal.
➢ Ask the Lord, ' what to pray for'.
➢ Ask the Lord, how to pray and then pray.
➢ Be attentive to hear from the Lord; ie listen after
➢ You have to love silence, so to allow God to speak to
you; ie quiet time.

➢ Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8 : 26 –
➢ Pray according to God's plan (1 John 5 : 14)
➢ Pray with vision - watch both spiritually and physically
(Matthew 26 : 41)
➢ Pray with faith (James 1 : 6- 7)
➢ Pray with compassion (Matthew 15 : 32)
➢ Pray with spiritual burden (2 Corinthians 11 : 27 – 28)
➢ Pray with love (1 Corinthians 13 : 13)
➢ Take a persistent stand (Luke 18 :1 – 8)
➢ Intercede thanking & praising the Lord (John 11 : 41)
In conclusion, we are all channels of grace. So, if grace
which is clean and free passes through us unclean vessels, it
gets contaminated before it gets to the beneficiaries (Romans
13 : 11 – 14) So, let us be guided.

I thank God for His word today.
Holy Spirit, I need You to come and teach me how to pray.
O Lord my Father, in all the ways that I have come short of
your glory, I plead for your mercy.
My Father my Maker, I need to know You more and
experience the power that resurrected Jesus Christ from
O Lord my Father, please make me a good intercessor
through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.
I thank God for answered prayers.
Say the daily prayer on page 160.
For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 21, 2024
Psalm: 4

1 Answer me when I call, O God of my righteousness! You

have given me relief when I was in distress. Be gracious to
me and hear my prayer! 2 O men, how long shall my honor
be turned into shame? How long will you love vain words
and seek after lies? Selah 3 But know that the LORD has set
apart the godly for himself; the LORD hears when I call to
him. 4 Be angry, and do not sin; ponder in your own hearts
on your beds, and be silent. Selah 5 Offer right sacrifices,
and put your trust in the LORD. 6 There are many who say,
"Who will show us some good? Lift up the light of your face
upon us, O LORD!" 7 You have put more joy in my heart
than they have when their grain and wine abound. 8 In peace
I will both lie down and sleep; for you alone, O LORD,
make me dwell in safety.

God in His righteousness give relief when we are in distress.

If we approach God in humility, He will be gracious to us
and he will hear our prayers. The psalmist is in distress
because his honor has been turned into shame. People love
vain words and seek after lies. This is not foreign to any of
us. We have been subjected to shame and pain as people
bare false witness against us, scandalize us, or accuse us
God in his faithfulness has set apart the godly for himself
and will always hear us when we pray. In all our distress
and pain, we should trust God’s faithfulness. We are urged
not to sin and to meditate in our hearts, in our beds and be
silent. We are urged to offer right sacrifices and trust in the
Lord. If we abide to God’s instructions in His goodness, He
will give us the graces sufficient to enable us go through the
most trying moment.
In our challenges, let us beg the Lord to lift up the light of
His face upon us. God is able to put more joy in our heart
than when grain and wine abound. Through God’s
graciousness we will lie down and sleep for God alone make
us dwell in safety.

1. Abba Father we approach your seat of mercy with
humility asking for forgiveness of our sins and your
consolation in our time of distress. We ask for pardon as we
entrust our wellbeing to you as we request you to hear our
2. God by the merits of the precious blood of Jesus set us
apart for your Kingdom and hear our cry as we plead your
mercy. Father of providence fill our lives with your
blessing and favours.
3. Father we trust your goodness as You put more joy in our
heart, give us grace to lie down and sleep in your safety under
your protection and guidance. Amen.
4. Say the daily prayer on page 160.
5. For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 22, 2024
MATTHEW 18:21-35

Forgiveness is defined as a release or a dismissal of

something. The forgiveness we have in Christ involves the
release of sinners from God’s just penalty and the complete
dismissal of all charges against us (Romans 8:1).
The Bible says that in God’s beloved son, we have
redemption and forgiveness of sins. It also says that God’s
gracious forgiveness of our sins is to be the measure of our
gracious forgiveness of others. Ephesians4:32.
Growing up, I remember I used to see forgiveness like
weakness or letting an undeserving person win, but it has no
connection to weakness or even emotions.
Forgiveness requires we set our pride aside and lower our
defenses. Note that everyone at a point in time or the other
has been on both the receiving and giving side of apologies,
and while giving someone we have hurt a sincere apology
requires we swallow our pride. Though, this can be difficult,
just as difficult as with forgiveness.

Forgiveness in human reasoning is difficult but Christ has
shown us many different times on how to forgive others. We
can use the Word for guidance and direction. For whom
better to learn a lesson in forgiveness from than God
There are many verses and passages in the Bible that speak
of forgiveness and its importance in our lives as Christians.
We are encouraged by scripture to forgive others following
the Lord’s example, as He forgave us. The story of Jesus
hanging on the cross, forgiving those around that tortured,
scourged Him, is the most powerful depiction of true
Jesus prayed for those who were crucifying Him (Luke
23:34). If Jesus could forgive those that had hurt Him so
deeply, what is our excuse when it comes to not forgiving
Jesus forgave the Adulterer (John 8:1-11). This story
illustrates that we are all sinners in need of a Saviour. Jesus
offers us grace and forgiveness if we believe in Him as our
Lord and Savior. No one is without sin. Christ has
demonstrated to us what true love, kindness, grace, mercy
and forgiveness means and how we are to treat others the
same way that He did.

Forgiveness should have no limits (Matthew 18:21-22).
Forgiveness is a reoccurring action in our lifetime, and it is
important for us to understand this. We will have to forgive
minor and major offenses from strangers as well as those
closest to us throughout our lives.
Readiness to forgive others is a sign of repentance, and no
limits should be set on it. We are to forgive not merely seven
times but seventy-times-seven times. Either way, Jesus
expects a lot of forgiveness from us, in fact, forgiveness must
be a constant attitude.
Forgiveness is a blessing God bestows upon those who
accept Christ (verses 23-27). We also need to know the
consequences of choosing not to forgive someone. We need
to be made aware of the damage our unforgiveness can do,
not only to our relationship with the offender, but also with
Unforgiveness directly affects our relationship with God. As
we hold on to anger and hurt, these heavy emotions make it
difficult for us to feel the nudge of the Holy Spirit or hear
God’s voice in our lives. Added to the fact that bitterness can
take a toll on our physical body as well as our emotional
state, we should therefore be reminded that failure to forgive
others will bring terrible consequences.

Aside all the above enumerated consequences, the worst of
these is the fact that the Bible says, that God will not forgive
us if we refuse to forgive others. Every one of us is indebted
to God. He forgives when we repent - but only if we practice
forgiveness towards others. If we are holding grudges and
malice and bitter feelings towards other persons, we had
better quickly take some steps toward making peace.
To forgive, does not mean we are excusing the sinful offense.
When we forgive other persons, it does not mean we are
excusing the sin. Sin is what it is, sin, and true love never
tries to make sin anything less than what it is. But
forgiveness ends the bitterness, anger, and the resentment
which usually accompany an offense against us.
To forgive does not mean we have to shrug off the injustices
that we have suffered. We need not say “oh, it was nothing,
or no harm was done.” True forgiveness does not ignore the
wrong. True forgiveness says, “What you did really hurt me
but I value you as person, and I value our relationship and so
I choose to forgive.
To forgive is not necessarily to forget. The truly forgiving
person will refuse to dwell on the offense and will choose to
move on. Though reminders may show up sometimes control
over which we do not have but we must not dwell on it. It is
possible that the scars will not soon be forgotten.
For Christians, forgiveness is not an option, it is a
requirement. All offenses are not the same, and some are
much harder to forgive than others. However, no matter how
difficult it may be at times, we are to forgive people and what
they do to us. No matter how deeply we have been wronged,
those offenses pale into the background compared to our
debt of sin which Christ has already paid.
The person who follows Christ forgives because he himself
has been forgiven by God. We have been forgiven of so much
that forgiveness should be a way of life for us. In fact, we
should forgive immediately even before we are asked to
forgive; Jesus forgave even while enemies were driving nails
into His hands and feet.
Dear brothers and sisters, it behooves us to follow through
on the Lord’s teaching on forgiveness as we continue our
journey of faith.

1. Pray to God to grant us the spirit of forgiving hearts.
2. Ask God to fill and transform our hearts by the presence
of Christ.

3. Ask God to grant us the knowledge to know that
forgiveness is liberating, mending and draws us closer
to God.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 23, 2024
John 6:47-58

John 6:47-58
47. Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me
hath everlasting life.
48. I am that bread of life.
49. Your fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are
50. This is the bread which cometh down from heaven, that
a man may eat thereof, and not die.
51. I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if
any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever.
52. The Jews therefore strove among themselves, saying,
How can this man give us his flesh to eat?
53. Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you,
Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his
blood, ye have no life in you.
54. Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath
eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
55. For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink
56. He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth
in me, and I in him.
57. As the living Father hath sent me, and I live by the
Father: so he that eateth me, even he shall live by me.
58. This is that bread which came down from heaven: not as
your fathers did eat manna, and are dead: he that eateth of
this bread shall live forever.

Jesus is revealing himself to us; He wants us to know

who he is. Jesus is the everlasting life. If you have Jesus
you have life eternal.
The multitude being urgent for bodily food, and reminding
Him of that which was given to their fathers, He tells them
that the manna was only a type of that spiritual food which
was now to be tasted in reality, I am that bread of life.
Same as our bodies need to be nourished so do our spiritual
being need to be nourished. For this case Jesus is all we
need for our spiritual nourishment, the bread of life. He
calls Himself the bread of life, because He constitutes one
life, both present, and to come.

Jesus compares himself with the manna, He adds, Your
fathers did eat manna in the wilderness, and are dead.
For us to have eternal life we need to believe in Christ
Jesus as the new Manna and that we should not be like our
fore fathers in the Old Testament; murmuring sons of
murmuring fathers. For in nothing did that people offend
God more, than by their murmurs against Him. And
therefore are they dead, because what they saw they
believed, what they did not see they believed not, nor
understood. Believe in the Eucharist as the real Jesus even
if you don’t see him physically. The real presence of Jesus
Christ, Bread of life.
In the wilderness reminds them how short a time the manna
lasted; only till the entrance into the land of promise. The
old testament manna provided temporal aid, but the new
testament manna provides eternal help.
But are we, who eat the bread that cometh down from
heaven, relieved from death? From visible and carnal death,
the death of the body, we are not: we shall die, even as they
died. But from spiritual death which their fathers suffered,
we are delivered. Moses and many acceptable of God, eat
the manna, and died not, because they understood that
visible food in a spiritual sense, spiritually tasted it, and
were spiritually filled with it. And we too at this day
receive the visible food; but the Sacrament is one thing, the
virtue of the Sacrament another. Many a one receiveth from
the Altar, and perisheth in receiving; eating and drinking
his own damnation, (1 Cor. 11:29) as saith the Apostle. To
eat then the heavenly bread spiritually, is to bring to the
Altar an innocent mind. Sins, though they be daily, are not
deadly. Before you go to the Altar, attend to the prayer you
repeat: Forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
(Matt. 6:12) If thou forgivest, thou art forgiven: approach
confidently; it is bread, not poison. None then that eateth of
this bread, shall die. But we speak of the virtue of the
Sacrament, not the visible Sacrament itself; of the inward,
not of the outward eater. We should be well prepared while
receiving Holy Communion. We should be in a state of
grace, this prevents our death or damnation.
Our Lord pronounces Himself to be bread, not only in
respect of that Divinity, which feeds all things, but also in
respect of that human nature, which was assumed by the

Word of God: And the bread, He says, that I will give is
My flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.
This bread our Lord then gave, when He delivered to His
disciple the mystery of His Body and Blood, and offered
Himself to God the Father on the altar of the cross. For the
life of the world, i. e. not for the elements, but for mankind,
who are called the world.
Which I shall give:
This shows His power; for it shows that He was not
crucified as a servant, in subjection to the Father, but of his
own accord; for though He is said to have been given up by
the Father, yet He delivered Himself up also. And observe,
the bread which is taken by us in the mysteries, is not only
the sign of Christ’s flesh, but is itself the very flesh of
Christ; for He does not say, The bread which I will give, is
the sign of My flesh, but, is My flesh. The bread is by a
mystical benediction conveyed in unutterable words, and by
the indwelling of the Holy Ghost, transmuted into the flesh
of Christ. But why see we not the flesh? Because, if the
flesh were seen, it would revolt us to such a degree, that we
should be unable to partake of it. And therefore in
condescension to our infirmity, the mystical food is given
to us under an appearance suitable to our minds. He gave
His flesh for the life of the world, in that, by dying, He
destroyed death. By the life of the world too, I understand
the resurrection; our Lord’s death having brought about the
resurrection of the whole human race. It may mean too the
sanctified, beatified, spiritual life; for though all have not
attained to this life, yet our Lord gave Himself for the
world, and, as far as lies in Him, the whole world is
The faithful know and receive the Body of Christ, if they
labour to be the body of Christ. And they become the body
of Christ, if they study to live by the Spirit of Christ: for
that which lives by the Spirit of Christ, is the body of
Christ. This bread the Apostle sets forth, where he says, We
being many are one body. (1 Cor. 12:12)
O sacrament of mercy,
O sign of unity,
O bond of love!
Whoso wishes to live, let him draw nigh, believe, be
incorporated, that he may be quickened.

Those who receive Holy Communion God makes them to
dwell together in unity. There is peace when you receive
➢ Jesus is calling us to receive him in the Holy Eucharist.
➢ We renew our strength when we receive the Holy Eucharist
➢ Jesus is our new Moses and that we should obey him to
reach the promised land.
➢ We should receive Holy Communion with a lot of humility
and reverence.
➢ When we receive Jesus we have everything

• Dear Heavenly Father, We reflect on the gift of the
Eucharist, the New Manna that surpasses the manna you
provided to the Israelites in the wilderness. Theirs was
a physical sustenance, yet it foreshadowed the true
Bread of Life You offer us in Your Son, Jesus Christ.
• The Eucharist is not merely a symbol, but a reality –
Your very Body and Blood nourishing our souls. Just
as the manna sustained the Israelites on their journey to
the Promised Land, the Eucharist strengthens us on our
pilgrimage towards eternal life. Help us Lord to
overcome the limitations of our human understanding.
Grant us the faith to recognize the profound gift you
offer in every fragment of the Holy Eucharist. May we
crave this spiritual sustenance not just on Sundays, but
every day.
• Like the Israelites who gathered their manna each
morning, may we approach your altar with a spirit of
eager anticipation. Fill us with the grace and strength
we need to overcome the challenges of daily life and
persevere on the path You have set before us.
• We thank You Father for this incomparable gift – the
Bread of Angels, the nourishment for our souls. May
we receive the Eucharist with reverence and gratitude,
ever mindful of its power to transform us from within.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 24, 2024
Romans 8:35,37-38

"Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? shall trouble

or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger
or sword? 37-38
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through
him who loved us. For I am convinced that neither death nor
life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the
future, nor any powers neither heights nor depth nor anything
else in all creation will be able to separate us from the love
of God that is Christ Jesus our lord. "

These verses offer profound Assurance of the inseparable

nature of Christ's love for believers, Paul lists various trials
Adversities, yet emphatically, concludes that none of these
can distance us from Christ's love. This reassurance is
cornerstone of Christian faith, highlighting God's
unwavering commitment to his people, it encourages
believers to trust in God's love a midst life’s uncertainties
and challenges, fostering resilience and hope.
Related verses
John 10:28-29
l give them eternal life and they shall never perish, no one
will snatch them out of my hand, my father who has given
them to me, is greater than all; no one can snatch them out
of my father's hand".
This passage echoes the theme of security in God's love
emphasing the eternal safety believers have in Christ.
2Corinthians 4:8-9
We are hard pressed on every side, but not in despair,
persecuted, but not abandoned struck down, but not
These resonates with the idea that despite the hardships the
believers face, God’s love and strength sustain them.
Heavenly father, thank you for your unfailing love and the
assurance that nothing can separate us from you, we are
grateful for the strength and comfort your love provides in
times of trouble, help us to always remember your promises
and live confidently in your grace. Amen.
lord Jesus, in the face of challenges and hardships, remind us
that we are more than conquerors through your love. Grant
us the courage to stand firm in faith and the resilience to
overcome every obstacle. may your love be our guiding
light, Amen


Merciful father, we lift up those who are experiencing
trouble, hardships, or persecution, may they feel your
presence to be encouraged by the truth that nothing can
separate them from your love. Surround them with your
peace and strengthen their hearts. Amen
Say the daily prayer on page 160.
For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 25, 2024
Luke 5:12-14

The story of a man with leprosy is brought to us by St. Luke.

He narrates to us how the leaper approached Jesus and asked
to be made well. It is noted that in the ancient times leprosy
was associated with sin and the people who suffered from it
were isolated. Leprosy secluded people from others i.e. it was
a social disease.

This man had to make a decision of faith to be defiant of the

rules and come to Christ. He realized he had obstruction on
his way and by not overcoming them he was going to still
remain a leaper in his life. In our day to day life, we are often
faced with obstacles that hinder us from seeking the healing
touch of Jesus. Often a times, difficulties, storms, mountains
and valleys come in our way to seeking Christ.


1. The touch of Jesus transforms

Jesus’ touch transforms our lives. It changes our lives and
makes us holy. It brings the transformative presence and
relieved us of sin.
2. The touch of Jesus restores

Jesus’ touch restores our health. It restores the original plan

of God in our lives.

3. The touch of Jesus relieves

Jesus’ touch gives us rest. It relieves us of our burdens and


4. The touch of Jesus heals


For us to receive the touch of Jesus we must pursue him. We

also must present ourselves to him. For us to experience his

• We must have courage to go to him. The paralytic had the

courage to go to Jesus despite the laws placed against the
disease. We have to break through the barriers (Luke 5:18-
20). we ought to search for him. We have to move from the
roadside and look for him.
• We have to approach him with humility. When sin
overcomes us, we ought to go to Jesus with humility. We
have to accept that we are weak and ask Jesus to will and
make us well.
• We must ask. Often at times we get tired to ask, we fail to
pray. We are reminded to always go to Jesus in prayers.

Prayers removes the barriers we face in our lives. When we
ask Jesus, he will heal and touch our leprosy.
• We ought to have faith. Faith is the force that pushes us at
the feet of Christ. Jesus wants us to come to him with the
faith of the leaper. At the feet of Jesus, we experience a
touch in our troubled lives.


• Pray as the spirit leads.

• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 26, 2024
2 Kings 20:1

Prayer is a humble appeal from our impotency to God’s

omnipotence. We give Him the glory of His sovereignty and
dominion, and acknowledge that He is not only able to
procure for us what we ask, but can give us a right to, and
the blessing of what He gives.

We often ask ourselves, does prayer make any difference?

Does it really change anything? Someone once asked me that
question, only in a slightly different manner. ‘Does prayer
change God’s mind?’, the answer can bring storms of
protest, doubt and fear sets in, leading our prayer instead of
faith and confident in God. Satan knows that truth too, and
has had thousands of years to practice twisting it to his own

Referring to the sovereignty of God, he will say ‘God will

do whatever He wants to do, so it doesn’t matter if you pray.
Then switching to God’s changelessness he will say, you
think you can change things through prayer? What a joke,
you can’t change God’s mind, because God can’t change. So,
your prayers are useless. You’re running into a brick wall a
thousand miles.’

Let’s review Hezekiah’s pleading prayers, ‘In those days

Hezekiah became mortally ill. And Isaiah the prophet the son
of Amoz came to him and said to him, thus says the Lord, set
your house in order, for you shall die and not live.’ 2 Kings

Hearing he would die, Hezekiah prayed turning to the wall,

2 Kings 20:2-3. Before he left the palace, the Lord sent Isaiah
back to the king with a new message. God had heard
Hezekiah’s prayer, saw his tears, would heal him, and would
add 15 years to his life, 2 Kings 20:4-6.

Hezekiah knew his only hope was God. He went straight to

the house of the Lord and spread the letter out before the
Lord. Often times we spread our problems out before trusted
friends, a pastor or a counsellor. This is wise but we must not
neglect going first to the Lord in prayer and spreading out all
the details before Him.

God responded immediately because Hezekiah was faithful

and trusted God for most part of his life. 2 Chronicles 31:20-
21, tells us that Hezekiah was someone who had a close
relationship with God. He did what was good, right and
faithful before the Lord His God.

Additionally, he was a remarkable king after David perhaps

the most righteous and faithful king that reigned in Judah.
He did remarkable acts of service to the Lord, particularly
protecting the Lord’s worship and purifying it. But Hezekiah
was also a great man of prayer and in the prayer of Hezekiah
we can see something of a model for us as to what prayer to
the true and living God should be. Hezekiah is presented to
us in our text through two prayers that he offers to the Lord.
The first prayer is that God might be glorified in the defeat
of Sennacherib’s army. And the angel of the Lord went out
and struck down 185,000 in the camp of the Assyrians. And
when people arose early in the morning, behold, they were
all dead bodies. God fought for the nation because Hezekiah
prayed. And in doing so, God did exactly what he had always
planned to do through prayer.

We need to build a good relationship with the Father through

prayer just like a Father- Son/Child relationship, we know
when to ask and how to ask. Our Father gives good things to
those who ask Him, Matthew 7:9–11 ‘Which of you, if his
son asks for bread, will give him a stone? Or if he asks for a
fish, will give him a snake? So, if you who are evil know
how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will
your Father in heaven give good things to those who ask
him’. Fathers can’t give their children everything they want.
But they do their best to give good gifts and fulfill their
children’s needs. Jesus uses this example to remind us that
God is a much better Father than any human could ever be,
and as his Children, we can trust God to provide us with good
., and you’ll never move it. You’re pushing against Mount
Everest, but you’ll never make it sway

Hezekiah asks God to save them, not for his own glory
but for God’s glory.

It is so easy to get caught up in just giving God an itemized

list of our prayer requests but we see that Hezekiah didn’t
just make a plea for help. His ultimate goal was that
everyone would see the hand of God at work and that God
would be glorified. ‘I have sought in all my life to serve you,
Lord be merciful to me. Lord, show me your grace and your
favor. Lord show me your goodness in prolonging my life’,
Hezekiah prays very much in the spirit of Psalm 26: 1-6.

We know that the only one who is truly righteous and the
only one who keeps God’s law and covenant is Jesus, the
Messiah. And so we understand something about the
covenant of grace even more deeply and more fully than
Hezekiah did. When we pray, we are careful to come to God
only in Jesus name. We come in the name of the one who is
truly righteous, the one who perfectly kept God’s covenant
in every way. Yet like Hezekiah, those of us in Jesus Christ
can come to God saying, ‘I am a covenant keeper. I am not
perfect, but out of the intention of my heart, renewed by your
grace, I am striving to live for you, to serve you. I am your
child. I am part of your covenant. O Lord, show me your
mercy; show me your goodness.’

When Hezekiah prays as a covenant-keeper for healing,

saying to the Lord, ‘You are the giver of life. You are the one
who has always supplied your people with life and health
and strength. You are the one who can even raise one up from
his death-bed, so that in the third day he may go into your
temple and glorify you. You are the one, O Lord that grants
life to your people. You are the one who raises the dead’.

If we reason with God in prayer, we will pray for his glory

and in the end, we will pray that His will may be done. We
are speaking as child to father, a father in whom we have
utter confidence to do what is good, wise and right.
Therefore, after we have opened our hearts to God as
Hezekiah opened his heart and as David so often does in the
Psalms, we can at last turn it over to God and say, ‘Father, I
love you and I trust you and I know that you are wiser in
glorifying yourself than I am, therefore your will be done’.
The Lord shows his blessing upon Hezekiah by healing him.

• The Lord calls us then to pray seeking his glory.

• To pray effectively for the Lord to fill our minds and

hearts with the word of God.
• Holy Spirit put your mark of protection on me and all
the members of my family as this year runs out.
• Father, protect us and our people from untimely deaths
this year.
• Merciful Father, don't allow your glory depart from our
life and your church in Jesus name.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.

AUGUST 27, 2024
2 Corinthians 4: 17

2 Corinthians 4: 17. ‘For our light affliction, which is but

for a moment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and
eternal weight of glory.’

There are moments in life when certain issues and challenges

look perpetual and insurmountable.The enemy always paints
challenges as mountains that we cannot overcome. Fruitless
efforts in getting solution to life issues could also make you
conclude that challenges are everlasting. There is a word of
comfort and assurance from God's word. Life challenges
only happen for a season, the season of crisis is always for a
moment. The present challenges confronting you will soon
be over. I want you to understand that any challenge
permitted by God is for a season and for a reason.

Challenges are like examinations, you must write if you
desire promotion in life.There is no college where students
write examinations from the commencement of the session
till the end. There is always a period for examinations, your
season of examinations will soon end, get set for your
I encourage you to stay positive and expect your
turnaround.There is a heavy glory and blessing coming your
way, i want you to get excited about your life.In Daniel
Chapter 3, God permitted Daniel to be tested before his
promotion.Those who dodge examinations will never
experience their promotion. You are welcome to your season
of promotion in Jesus name.
Let us consider certain wisdom keys that will guarantee our
rest in the midst of challenges.
(1) Always Commonise Life Challenges and Battles;
1Corin.10:13 2Corin,4:17.
‘There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man: but God is faithful,who will not allow you to be
tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation
also make a way to escape,that ye may be able to bear it’.
(2) Acknowledged And Rely On God's Faithfulness to
Overcome Life Challenge;1Sam.17:37,1Corin.10 :13.
There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common
to man : but God is faithful,who will not suffer you to be
tempted above that ye are able;but will with the temptation
also make a way to escape,that ye may be able to bear it.

• Father, I thank You for your unfailing mercy and
kindness to me and my family in the name of Jesus.
Father, let your rain of mercy and favour continue to
fall upon me and my family in the name of Jesus. I
silence every voice and tongue speaking against my
destiny and my family in the name of Jesus. By the
blood of Jesus, I reject failure and disasters in my life
and family.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 28, 2024
Mathew 6:21-34

The kingdom of God is simply God’s redemptive rule and

reign, it points to God’s kingship, His rule, and sovereignty
over all created things. To understand how to seek first the
kingdom of God, we must know the king. The kingdom
personified is Jesus. “No one can serve two masters, for a
slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be
devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God
and wealth” (Mathew 6:24).

The question we need to ask ourselves is ‘what are we

worshipping?’ Is it God or the pleasures of life (money, cars,
dresses, social media, houses, etc.)? The simplest way to
find what we worship is by looking at our hearts. Matthew
6:21 states that “where our treasure is, that is where our heart
is”. Whatever takes the most of our time, effort and
resources, is ultimately what we worship. Hence, we need
to ask if Jesus is our master or if it’s something else. Are we
worshipping power and influence, approval of people, and
social media? It is important to know that any other master
apart from Jesus will only lead us to anxiety and worry. Our
hearts are restless until they rest in God.

We can strive to seek God by doing the following:

1. Not having any other gods. Anything we treasure more
than Christ is a god in our life. We need to denounce and
repent from serving other masters.
2. We should take our anxieties to the Lord in prayer. We
must make God the King in our lives. We should not

worry about our lives, what we will eat or drink.
Worrying will add no single hour to our life span (Mathew
3. We should cling to the Word of God. Efforts should be
made to study and meditate on the Word of God every
day. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my
path” (Psalm 119:105). “So faith comes from what is
heard and what is heard comes through the Word of
Christ” (Romans 10:17).
4. We should pray continually, in season and out of season.
We should learn to pray like Jesus. This can be done by
creating an intimate relationship with Him.
5. Worshipping God is recognizing God as the Almighty and
honouring Him for who He is. We can read and pray the
Psalms when we are lost for words. “Enter his gates with
thanksgiving, and his court with praise. Give thanks to

him, bless his name” (Psalm 100:4). “Yet you are holy,
enthroned on the praises of Israel” (Psalm 22: 3).
6. Our Father desires that we draw close to Him, for he longs
to pour His goodness out on us. He promises to draw
close to us and never to forsake us. “Draw near to God
and he will draw near to you” (James 4:8).
7. In difficult and good times, when we are tempted,
worried, and anxious, we should remember to run to the
Father. Let us learn to trust that He will give us everything
we need for He is faithful, a promise keeper, a miracle
worker and a sufficient God.

• We pray for the Grace to serve and love God in
spirit and in truth.
• We pray that God will help us establish our
priorities. May we seek first the Kingdom of God
rather than seeking other things.

• We pray that God will open our eyes to
understand the Kingdom in which we are citizens.
• We pray that we continue to place our total
trust in Jesus, knowing that His plans for us are for
good and not for evil.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 29, 2024
2 Cor 5: 18-24

In this passage St. Paul calls and reminds me to examine

how my commitment to conversion is going on in my life
“All this is the work of God who in Christ reconciled us to
Himself, and who entrusted to us the ministry of
reconciliation”. Because in Christ God reconciled the
world with Himself, no longer taking into account their
trespasses and entrusting to us the message of
reconciliation” 2 Cor 5:18-19.

My charisma institutes reconciliation, such a great gift, as a

religious, I am called to carry out in fullness to my best
ability, it’s the primary work I am called to live concretely.
He who has entrusted to me this mission of reconciliation: I
should not be satisfied in just living an easy way of life as
any other Christian, no, I am called to live it radically to my
own best, to touch other people’s life with my way of living,
to emanate reconciliation, peace, serenity of life in all my
attitudes, gestures and actions around me. I am called to do
my part in the task of universal reconciliation that supposes
a denunciation of injustice and sin, and the effort to
overcome them. I must stand for the truth, to do as much as
I can, the right thing no matter what it may cost me.

Love brought Jesus down to this earth to reconcile the sinner

with God, to repair errors and save men. This is the
particular purpose of my vocation. In the light of the Word
of God I am called to discover that God is continually
calling me to conversion and He is waiting for me in the
Sacrament of Reconciliation. Reconciled, I will then feel
recreated in love and will have the strength to keep going in
the journey of faith. I should never take for granted the
sacrament of penance and to do it with all seriousness and
responsibility in order to overcome sin, limitations and
weaknesses in my life.

Christ Himself came into the world to reconcile each one of

us with God and have salvation and at the same time to
extend this great gift to others. I cannot give what I don’t
have that is: I must work hard myself to posses the gift of
reconciliation: to be reconciled with God, with others, with
myself and with creation to be able to donate it to others.
Conversion of heart is one of the most important ways to be
reconciled with God, a change of heart and life, a contrite
way of life and all this can be realized because of God’s
love, He doesn’t want anyone to perish but to be saved and
have eternal life.
The mission of reconciliation requires me to proclaim the
Gospel by word and deeds and its assurance that forgiveness
of sin is always available in Christ. Sin prevents me from
having a good relationship with God and others, but Jesus’
perfect sacrifice on the cross made atonement for sin:
“Therefore, it was necessary for Him to be made in every
respect like us, his brothers and sisters, so that He could be
our merciful and faithful High Priest before God. Then He
could offer a sacrifice that would take away the sins of the
people Heb. 2:17 and brought harmony into my life through
the relationship with Him. Jesus reconciled me to God
through His love, mercy and goodness and He grants me
every second of my existence into this life. And this enables
me to proclaim it to others that through repentance from our
sins, it’s possible and indispensable in our lives to be in
good terms with God through faith in Jesus Christ: “For, if
while we were enemies, we were reconciled to God through
the death of His Son, how much more can we be sure that,
being now reconciled, we shall be saved by His life Rm
5:10. “and through Him to reconcile to Himself all things,
whether things on earth or things in heaven, by making
peace through His blood, shed on the cross. Once you were
alienated from God and were enemies in your minds
because of your evil behavior” Col. 1:20 – 21.

The mission of reconciliation that God has entrusted to me

is a very big responsibility and task that I cannot take for
granted and He continuously makes His appeal through my
poor person “So we present ourselves as ambassadors in
the name of Christ, as if God Himself makes an appeal to
you through us. Let God reconcile you; this we ask you in
the name of Christ” 2 Cor 5:20. The mission I have received
is to bring people’s hearts of good will to God, it’s very
urgent and vital maybe today more than ever, it’s truly a
matter of life and death that’s: it’s not an option but a
condition, it’s a most, an urgent need of our time. Jesus paid
the price of our reconciliation and we are called to extend it
to all mankind because He loves us with an infinite love
“For God love the world that He gave His only begotten
Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but
have everlasting life” Jn 3:16. So, I must share and extend
this message of reconciliation in love by, living it in person
and reflecting on it as my way of life. I pray that God will
give me all the necessary graces to live out His message of
love and be a true witness of reconciliation to all those
around me.

● God our Father, all mankind exists because of Your
goodness and love, look with mercy on all of us and
grant us fulfillment in all our endeavours. May Your

Spirit guide us to live the message of love and be in
peace among us.
● Grant serenity of life to all those who are divided in
themselves, may Your sacrifice on the cross and the
blood that You shed bring salvation to them all.
● For those who are working hard in spreading the
message of reconciliation sustain them to be ever
courageous in carrying out the mission You have
entrusted to them.
● For all our members of Mary Our Help prayer group that
God will continue to sustain us and grant us all the
graces we need in living according to God’s Will. Amen

• Say the daily prayer on page 160.

• For the full readings of today, Click here

AUGUST 30, 2024
MATTHEW 9 vs 18-26

Jesus performed countless miracles and effortlessly

overcoming natural laws, such as bringing a little girl back
to life. His approach to miracles was humble; He often
performed them quietly, without seeking attention, and
sometimes even asked for silence about them.
This humility and discretion highlight Jesus' complete
dominion over the physical and spiritual worlds. He, the
Creator of the Universe, can effortlessly alter the laws of
nature and our lives with His will. Recognizing His absolute
power and authority should bolster our confidence in His
control over all aspects of existence.
Understanding Jesus' omnipotence, alongside His perfect
love and knowledge of us, should inspire profound trust in
Him. Why wouldn't we trust someone who is all-powerful,
loves us unconditionally, and desires our ultimate good?
Embracing this trust can transform our lives, allowing Jesus
to work miracles of grace within us. Reflect on the depth of
His power and His loving intention to use it for our benefit.

• Lord of all power and love, I do believe in Your
absolute authority over all things and Your complete
authority over my life. Help me to trust in You and
to trust in Your love for me in Jesus Mighty Name.
• O Lord, empower me the more to know your ways
and to obey your instructions in Jesus Mighty Name.
• Lord build my confidence in you more day by day
in Jesus Mighty Name. Amen
• Say the daily prayer on page 160

AUGUST 31, 2024
1st Corinthians 9:24-27

Winning a race requires purpose and discipline, so we should
not let anything take our eyes off our goal of knowing Christ.


1) To get the prize which is eternal life. So run with purpose
in every step disciplining yourself.
2) Don't get tired of doing good rather try to live to please
the Spirit.
3) Use every piece of God's armour to resist the enemy. (
Eph. 6:10ff)
4) Forget the past, just press on to reach the end of the race.

a) Many prophets suffered and were persecuted such as
Moses, Elijah, Jeremiah, Job etc, but they remained faithful
to God ( James 5:10 -11)
b) There is no suffering for the sake of God's kingdom that
is wasted. ( Rev. 6: 9 -11)
c) Only those who endure to the end will be rewarded by
God. ( Mark 13 : 13 )
d) We are running towards our Heavenly reward.

1) Train diligently- Prayers, Bible study, worships etc; your
spiritual progress depends upon it.
2) Say NO to friends or situations that will lead you away
from Christ.
3 ) Be self disciplined and be careful to practice what you
4 ) Don't dwell on your past, instead, grow in the knowledge
of God.
5 ) Like athletes, we must train hard and follow the rules; and
like farmers, we must work extremely hard and be patient.
6) Consistent and diligent study of God's word is very vital
(2 Timothy 2:15 )

Enduring to the end is not a way to be saved but the evidence
that a person is really committed to Jesus Christ.

• My Lord My Shepherd, guide and direct me so I don't

fall into error or the trap the enemy has prepared for me.
• Lord my Father, help me not to stop this my journey
half way.
• I pray for grace to identify and run away from every
occasion of sin.
• I pray for grace to finish well and strong through Jesus
Christ our Lord, Amen.
• Say the daily prayer on page 160.
• For the full readings of today, Click here.


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In the name of Jesus Christ, Lord Almighty in Heaven, I

come before You this day to thank You specially for Your
love, power, faithfulness and mercy upon me. I praise You
and adore You Almighty God, there is none like You; in the
heavens, on earth and beneath the earth. I submit my entire
life to You in worship as the Supreme Being and the ruler
and king of the entire universe. Lord Almighty, receive all
glory and honour and adoration. In Jesus mighty name.

Today, I beg for Your Divine Mercy. I choose You this day
as my personal Lord and my God, and I ask for the
forgiveness of all the sins that I have committed against
You. Great God, please look with pity and have mercy upon
me, my family and my lineage. Great God and Supreme
Being, I prostrate and beg You to forgive us of all our sins
which we have committed against You, and for all that we
have done which hurt You and our neighbors. Please, for the
sake of Jesus Christ crucified, have mercy upon us. Lord,
please consider His precious blood and show pity upon us.
Wash me, my family and lineage with His most precious

blood. I promise that with the help of Your grace, I will not
sin again.

Lord Almighty in Heaven, in the name of Jesus Christ, I

reject anything that is a god in my life and my family which
is not You. I denounce them and their powers over my life.
I submit my entire life and family to you, asking you to reign
supreme and let Your kingdom come and Your will be done
in me and my family.

Today, with all my heart, I humbly ask for mercy. Please

Lord, show me mercy and grant the following request and
petition which I bring before you:

(Begin to pray and present your requests as the Holy Spirit

leads you.)

Lord God Almighty in Heaven, I put all my confidence and

trust in You. You are my only hope, courage, consolation
and peace. Almighty God, if You don't help me, who else
will help me? If you don't show me mercy, from whom else
will I get mercy? Lord Almighty, please, for the sake of
Jesus Christ who was tortured, shamed, humiliated and
crucified for my sake and for Your will, please have mercy
upon me, grant all my requests and let Your will be done in
my life. Amen.

O Immaculate Mother, I renew and ratify today in thy

hands, the vows of my baptism. I renounce forever satan,
his works and all that has to do with him. I give myself
entirely to Jesus Christ the incarnate wisdom, to carry my
cross after Him all the days of my life, and to be more
faithful to Him than I have ever been before.

In the presence of all the heavenly court, I choose you this

day as my mother. I deliver and consecrate to thee my
body and soul, my good, both interior and exterior and
even the value of my good actions; past, present and
future and all that belongs to me without exception,
according to thy good pleasure, for the greater glory of
God in time and in eternity. Amen.

This Chaplet was composed in 1892 by a Franciscan Capuchin
missionary of the English Province in order to give the faithful
an easy means of honouring the Holy Ghost. It was approved
by Pope Leo XIII in 1902.

How to pray the Chaplet of the Holy Ghost

The Chaplet of the Holy Ghost has 50 beads. It begins with

three small beads, followed by 5 sets of 7 beads, each
separated by 2 large beads.

 On the three large beads,

 make the Sign of the Cross

 say an Act of Contrition... and

 recites the hymn "Come, Holy Ghost"..

 On each set of 7 small beads is prayed 7 Glory be to the


 Then, on the 2 large beads is said 1 Our Father

 and 1 Hail Mary

During the praying of each set of 7 beads, the faithful is asked

to meditate on one of the 5 mysteries (below), therefore
commemorating the Five Wounds of Jesus which are the
fountains of grace which the Holy Ghost imparts to all men.


By the Holy Ghost is Jesus conceived of the Blessed Virgin


The Meditation: "The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and
the Power of the Most High shall overshadow thee; and
therefore also the Holy which shall be born of thee shall be
called the Son of God." [LUKE. 1:35]

The Practice: Diligently implore the aid of the Divine Spirit,

and Mary's intercession, to imitate the virtues of Jesus Christ,
Who is the Model of virtues, so that you may be made
comformable to the image of the Son of God.


The Spirit of the Lord rested upon Jesus when he was


The Meditation: "Jesus, being baptized, forthwith came out

of the water: the heavens were opened to Him, and he saw the
Spirit of God descending as a dove, and coming upon Him."
[Matthew. 3:16] The Practice: Hold in the highest esteem the
priceless gift of sanctifying grace, infused into your soul by the
Holy Spirit in Baptism. Keep the promises to which you then
pledged yourself. Increase, by constant practice, Faith, Hope,
and Charity. Ever live as becometh children of God and
members of God's true Church, so as to obtain, hereafter, the
inheritance of heaven.

By the Spirit is Jesus led into the desert to be tempted by the


The Meditation: "Jesus, being full of the Holy ghost, returned

from the Jordan, and was led by the Spirit into the desert for
the space of forty days; and was tempted by the devil."
[LUKE. 4:1-2]

The Practice: Be ever grateful for the sevenfold gift of the
Holy Spirt bestowed upon you in Confirmation, for the spirit
of wisdom and understanding, of counsel and fortitude, of
knowledge and piety, and of the fear of the Lord. Faithfully
yield to His Divine guidance, so that, in all the trials and
temptations of life, you may act manfully, as becometh a
perfect Christian and valiant soldier of Jesus Christ.


The Holy Ghost in the Church.

The Meditation: "Suddenly there came a sound from heaven

as of a mighty wind coming, and it filled the whole house
where they were sitting... and they were all filled with the Holy
Ghost, and began to speak... the wonderful works of God."
[Acts, 2:2, 4, 11.]

The Practice: Thank God for having made you a child of His
Church which is ever animated and directed by the Divine
Spirit, sent into this world for that purpose of the day of
Pentecost. Hear and obey the Holy See, the infallible
mouthpiece of the Holy Ghost, and the Church, the pillar and
ground of truth. Uphold her doctrines, seek her interests,
defend her rights.

The Holy Ghost in the soul of the just man and just woman.

The Meditation: "Know you not that you members are the
temple of the Holy Spirit, Who is in you?" [1 Cor. 6:19]
"Extinguish not the Spirit." [1 Thess. 5:19] "And grieve not
the Holy Spirit of God whereby you are sealed unto the day of
redemption." [Ephesians. 4:30]

The Practice: Be ever mindful of the Holy Ghost Who is within

you, and carefully cultivate purity of soul and body. Faithfully
obey His Divine Inspirations so that you may bring forth the
Fruits of the Spirit - Charity, Joy, Peace, Patience, Dignity,
Goodness, Long-suffering, Mildness, Faith, Modesty,
Continency, Chastity.

 Conclude with the I believe... as a profession of faith.

 Say finally once: Our Father...

 Hail Mary...and

 Glory be to the Father...

 for the intentions of the pope.


Lord, have mercy on us.

Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us. Father

all powerful, have mercy on us

Jesus, Eternal Son of the Father,

Redeemer of the world, save us.

Spirit of the Father and the Son,

boundless life of both, sanctify

Holy Trinity, hear


Holy Ghost,
Who proceedest from the Father and the Son, enter our
Holy Ghost,
Who art equal to the Father and the Son, enter our

Promise of God the Father, have

mercy on us Ray of heavenly
light, have mercy on us

Author of all good,

have mercy on us

Source of heavenly water, have mercy

on us

Consuming fire, have mercy

on us

Ardent charity, have mercy

on us

Spiritual unction, have mercy

on us

Spirit of love and truth, have mercy
on us

Spirit of wisdom and understanding, have mercy

on us

Spirit of counsel and fortitude, have mercy

on us

Spirit of knowledge and piety,

have mercy on us

Spirit of the fear of the Lord,

have mercy on us

Spirit of grace and prayer, have mercy

on us

Spirit of peace and meekness, have mercy

on us

Spirit of modesty and innocence, have mercy

on us

Holy Ghost, the Comforter,
have mercy on us

Holy Ghost, the Sanctifier, have mercy

on us

Holy Ghost, Who governest the Church, have mercy

on us

Gift of God, the Most High, have mercy

on us

Spirit Who fillest the universe, have mercy

on us

Spirit of the adoption of the children of God, have

mercy on us

Holy Ghost, inspire us with horror

of sin.

Holy Ghost, come and renew the face of

the earth.

Holy Ghost, shed Thy light in
our souls.

Holy Ghost,
engrave Thy law in our hearts

Holy Ghost, inflame us with the flame of

Thy love.

Holy Ghost, open to us the treasures of

Thy graces

Holy Ghost, teach us to

pray well.

Holy Ghost, enlighten us with Thy heavenly inspirations.

Holy Ghost,
lead us in the way of salvation

Holy Ghost, grant us the only necessary knowledge.

Holy Ghost, inspire in us the practice of

Holy Ghost, grant us the merits of
all virtues.

Holy Ghost, make us

persevere in justice.

Holy Ghost, be Thou our everlasting


Lamb of God,
Who takest away the sins of the world, Send us
Thy Holy Ghost.

Lamb of God,
Who takest away the sins of the world, pour down into our
souls the gifts of the Holy Ghost.

Lamb of God,
Who takest away the sins of the world, grant us
the Spirit of wisdom and piety.

V. Come, Holy Ghost!

Fill the hearts of Thy faithful,

R. And enkindle in them the fire of Thy love.

Grant, 0 merciful Father, that Thy Divine

Spirit may enlighten, inflame and purify us,
that He may penetrate us with His heavenly
dew and make us fruitful in good works,
through Our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son,
Who with Thee, in the unity of the same
Spirit, liveth and reigneth forever and ever.

Divine mercy The Chaplet of the Divine Mercy
How to Recite the Chaplet

The Chaplet of Mercy is recited using ordinary rosary beads of

five decades. The Chaplet is preceded by two opening prayers
from the Diary of Saint Faustina and followed by a closing prayer.

1. Make the Sign of the Cross

In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.

2. Optional Opening Prayers

You expired, Jesus, but the source of life gushed forth for souls,
and the ocean of mercy opened up for the whole world. O Fount
of Life, unfathomable Divine Mercy, envelop the whole world
and empty Yourself out upon us.
(Repeat three times) O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from
the Heart of Jesus as a fountain of Mercy for us, I trust in You!

3. Our Father
Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name; Thy
kingdom come; Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give
us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our trespasses as we

forgive those who trespass against us; and lead us not into
temptation, but deliver us from evil, Amen.

4. Hail Mary
Hail Mary, full of grace. The Lord is with thee. Blessed art thou
amongst women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus. Holy
Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of
our death, Amen.

5. The Apostle's Creed

I believe in God, the Father almighty, Creator of heaven and earth,
and in Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord, who was conceived
by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, suffered under
Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried; He descended
into hell; on the third day He rose again from the dead; He
ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of God the
Father almighty; from there He will come to judge the living and
the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy Catholic Church,
the communion of saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection
of the body, and life everlasting. Amen.

6. The Eternal Father

Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity
of Your Dearly Beloved Son, Our Lord, Jesus Christ, in
atonement for our sins and those of the whole world.
7. On the Ten Small Beads of Each Decade
For the sake of His sorrowful Passion, have mercy on us and on
the whole world.

8. Repeat for the remaining decades

Saying the "Eternal Father" (6) on the "Our Father" bead and then
10 "For the sake of His sorrowful Passion" (7) on the following
"Hail Mary" beads.
9. Conclude with Holy God (Repeat three times)
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One, have mercy on
us and on the whole world.


for Private Use Only.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.
Mercy of God, supreme attribute of the Creator, We trust in Thee.
Mercy of God, greatest perfection of the Redeemer, We trust in
Mercy of God, unfathomable love of the Sanctifier, ""
Mercy of God, inconceivable mystery of the Holy Trinity,
Mercy of God, expression of the greatest power of the Most High,
Mercy of God, revealed in the creation of the heavenly Spirits,
Mercy of God, summoning us to existence out of nothingness,
Mercy of God, embracing the whole universe,
Mercy of God, bestowing upon us immortal life,
Mercy of God, shielding us from merited punishments,
Mercy of God, raising us from the misery of sin,
Mercy of God, justifying us in the Word Incarnate,
Mercy of God, flowing from the wounds of Christ,
Mercy of God, gushing from the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus,
Mercy of God, giving to us the Most Blessed Virgin Mary as
Mother of Mercy, Mercy of God, shown in the revelation of the
Divine mysteries,
Mercy of God, manifested in the institution of the universal
Mercy of God, contained in the institution of the Holy

Mercy of God, bestowed upon mankind in the Sacraments of
Baptism and Penance,
Mercy of God, granted in the Sacraments of the Altar and the
Mercy of God, shown in calling us to the Holy Faith,
Mercy of God, revealed in the conversion of sinners,
Mercy of God, manifested in the sanctification of the just,
Mercy of God, fulfilled in the perfecting of the saintly,
Mercy of God, font of health for the sick and the suffering,
Mercy of God, solace of anguished hearts,
Mercy of God, hope of souls afflicted with despair,
Mercy of God, always and everywhere accompanying all people,
Mercy of God, anticipating us with graces,
Mercy of God, peace of the dying,
Mercy of God, refreshment and relief of the Souls in Purgatory,
Mercy of God, heavenly delight of the blessed,
Mercy of God, crown of all the Saints,
Mercy of God, inexhaustible source of miracles,

Lamb of God, Who didst show us Thy greatest mercy in

redeeming the world on the Cross, Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who did mercifully offer Thyself for us in every
Holy Mass, Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who take away the sins of the world through Thine
inexhaustible Mercy, Have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.

Lord, have mercy on us.

V. The tender mercies of the Lord are over all His works. R. The
mercies of the Lord I will sing forever.
Let Us Pray. O God, Whose Mercy is infinite and Whose treasures
of pity are inexhaustible, graciously look down upon us and
increase in us Thy Mercy so that we may never, even in the
greatest trials, give way to despair, but may always trustfully
conform ourselves to Thy Holy Will, which is Mercy itself.
Through Our Lord Jesus Christ, the King of Mercy, Who with
Thee and the Holy Spirit doth show us Mercy forever and ever. R.
Prayer for Family Liberation

Instruction 1. This prayer must be recited by every member of

the family.

2. Everyone should try and go for confession before starting the

3. The prayers are to be recited at midnight.
4. There must be fasting by every member of the family,
ranging from 6am-12pm, 6am-3pm, 6am-6pm, depending on
the capacity of the members.
5. The Prayer can be said for 14days, 21 or 30.
6. Try as much as possible to avoid distractions or anything that
will prevent the prayer to be completed or recited properly.


• Exodus 14
• Psalm 51 • Psalm 35 • Psalm 94
• Psalm 55
• Zechariah 14
• Nehemiah 1:3-11
• Obadiah 1:17

Prayer for Healing


1. Go for confession before starting the prayer.

2. The prayers can be recited anytime.
3. No fasting.
4. The Prayer can be said for 14days, 21 or 30.
5. Try as much as possible to avoid distractions or anything that
will prevent the prayer to be completed or recited properly.


• Call on the Blood of Jesus Christ 12 times

• Psalm 23
• Psalm 51
• Isaiah 53:5
• Isaiah 38:1-7
• Divine Mercy prayer at three o clock
HELP (To be recited on the ordinary rosary bead)


Gloria to be said on the first large bead after the cross.

Recite three hail Mary on the three small beads after Gloria.
Recite the creed on the second large bead after the three hail Mary.
On the ten small beads recite: "O Mary, help us!”.

(At the end of each decade say:)

Mary has help us. Mary wants to help us. Mary can help us. Mary
will help us.

(On the large beads say:)

O mother of perpetual help. Listen to our pleading souls. You can
help us in all our needs. Mary, with hope, we call on you.

(In conclusion, recite:)

We fly to your patronage, o holy mother of God! despise not our
petitions in our necessities: but deliver us from all dangers. o ever
glorious and blessed virgin Mary. Our lady of perpetual, pray for



Glorious Saint Michael, guardian and defender of the Church of
Jesus Christ, come to the assistance of His followers, against
whom the powers of hell are unchained. Guard with special care
our Holy Father, the Pope, and our bishops, priests, all our
religious and lay people, and especially the children. Saint
Michael, watch over us during life, defend us against the assaults
of the demon, and assist us especially at the hour of death. Help us
achieve the happiness of beholding God face to face for all
eternity. Amen.

Saint Michael, intercede for me with God in all my necessities,

especially (State your intention here...) Obtain for me a favorable
outcome in the matter I recommend to you. Mighty prince of the
heavenly host, and victor over rebellious spirits, remember me for
I am weak and sinful and so prone to pride and ambition. Be for
me, I pray, my powerful aid in temptation and difficulty, and
above all do not forsake me in my last struggle with the powers of
evil. Amen.

Glorious Archangel Saint Raphael, great prince of the heavenly
court, you are illustrious for your gifts of wisdom and grace. You
are a guide of those who journey by land or sea or air, consoler of
the afflicted, and refuge of sinners. I beg you, assist me in all my
needs and in all the sufferings of this life, as once you helped the
young Tobias on his travels. Because you are the medicine of God,
I humbly pray you to heal the many infirmities of my soul and the
ills that afflict my body. I especially ask of you the favour (Make
your request here...) and the great grace of purity to prepare me to
be the temple of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

St. Raphael, of the glorious seven who stand before the throne of
Him who lives and reigns, Angel of health,
The Lord has filled your hand with balm from heaven to soothe or
cure our pains. Heal or cure us of our diseases and guide our steps
when doubtful of our ways.


Father almighty; remember your word in Psalm 34:10 which say

“The lions may grow weak and hungry but those who seek the
Lord lack no good thing.” Also, in Proverbs 10:22 your word said
“The blessing of the Lord brings wealth, without painful toil for
it.” Father, I beg you to bless me and the work of my hands. Let
there be divine increase in [mention intention] let Your divine
favour locate me in all I do and seek to do, For in Psalm 145:15,
You open your hand and satisfy the desires of every living thing.
Father in heaven; please fulfil all my heart desires in your mercy.
I claim the word of Deuteronomy 28:11-13 which says “The Lord
will grant you abundant prosperity – in the fruit of your womb, the
young of your livestock and the crops of your ground – in the land
he swore to your ancestors to give you. V.12 The Lord will open
the heavens, the storehouse of his bounty, to send rain on your land
in season and to bless all the work of your hands. You will lend to
many nations but will borrow from none. V.13 The Lord will make
you the head, not the tail. If you pay attention to the commands of
the Lord your God I give you this day and carefully follow them,
you will always be at the top, never at the bottom. I make this
request, knowing that God will supply every need of mine
according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus. In accordance with
Philippians 4:19.

Remember your word oh Lord in Revelation 21:4 which says -

And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall
be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be
any more pain: for the former things are passed away. Standing on
this word, I beg you to open heaven and rain down your blessings
and favours oh Lord in Your mercy upon my me, my family, my
business, mention more………………………………….. God
please let your blessings overtake me in this life am living. Let
your water of life of Revelation 22:1-5 fall upon me, my education,
my family, mention more………………………………….make a
new heaven and new earth for me in accordance with Revelation
21:1. In 1 Corinthians 2:9, as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor
ear heard, neither has entered into the heart of man, the things
which God hath prepared for them that love him. Lord let all these
precious things you have prepared for me begin to manifest in my
life, I humbly beg. Show me pity and open up heaven for me. This
I ask in Jesus Christ name I pray.

Favour me and my family oh Lord for Psalms 90:17 says - And
let the beauty of the LORD our God be upon us: and establish
thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands
establish thou it. Also in Psalms 102:13, the bible made it known
that - Thou shall arise, [and] have mercy upon Zion: for the time
to favour her, yea, the set time, is come. Therefore Lord God,
make the word of Isaiah 58:11 which said - And the LORD shall
guide thee continually, and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make
fat thy bones: and thou shall be like a watered garden, and like a
spring of water, whose waters fail not, come true in my life and
in my family. In Jesus Christ name I pray, I beg you glorious and
merciful God to favour me in all aspect of life. Even in areas I
don’t deserve favour. Lord God of host, through the blood of
Jesus that was shed on the cross of Calvary,
I beg you to favour me and my family and
also…………………………………………… [add other
intention] this I believe you will do in your mercy through Jesus
Christ our Lord.


Isaiah 41:10 says - Fear thou not; for I [am] with thee: be not
dismayed; for I [am] thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will
help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my
righteousness. Also in Deuteronomy 20:4 - For the LORD your
God [is] he that goes with you, to fight for you against your
enemies, to save you. In Isaiah 40:31, the word of the lord said -
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew [their] strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not
be weary; [and] they shall walk, and never get tired. Jesus Christ
of Nazareth, you are my strength. In this life I live, you are my
power. Have mercy on me, for you are the substance in me.
Empower me with the outburst of the Holy Spirit. In your word in
Psalms 39:7, I ask: And now, Lord, what wait I for? My hope [is]
in thee. In your mercy, always be that strength that always put a
smile on my face. In 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 - you said unto me, my
grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in
weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my
infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. Jesus, in
your mercy, be my strength

God the father, Son and Holy Spirit, I thank you for the numerous
bless blessings you have showered upon me. Psalms 136:1 says
“O give thanks to the LORD; for he is good: for his mercy endures
forever” lord, I acknowledge that you are good and all you have
ever done for me are good things. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, lord
God, you said we should in everything give thanks: for this is the
will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. Therefore,
I thank you for the gift of life
I thank you for complete senses
I thank you for the food I eat daily
I thank you for your protection over me
I thank you for good health I
thank you for your love for me
I thank you for sending your son to die for me I thank
you for your mercies.
I thank you for your guidance.
I thank you lord for what you have done, what you are doing and
what you will do in my life. For in James 1:17 Every good gift
and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the
Father of lights, with whom is no fickleness, neither shadow of

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