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Parazoa Phylum Porifera

Metazoa or Diploblastic Radiata Phylum coelenterates

Eumetazoa Triploblastic Bilateria Acoelomates Phylum Platyhelminthes
Pseudocoelomates Phylum Aschelminthes
Coelomates Protostomes Phylum Molluska
(first mouth ) Phylum Annelids
Phylum Arthropoda
Deuterostomes Phylum Echinodermata
(anus first) Phylum Chordata

Phylum Porifera 1. Ostia and Operculum 2. Choanocytes and Pinacocytes

3. Except Mykospongida have skeleton
Sycon Marine sponge
Spongilla Fresh water sponge
leucolsenia Tubular marine sponge
Wuplectella or venus flower basket Siliceous sponge
Phylum coelenterates 1. Gastrozoids 2. Nemoatocytes and mesogloe
3. Polymorphism 4. Physalia Phalagica, Portugese man of war
5.Metagenesis/ Alternation of Generation
Phylum 1.Flat worms 2 . Flame Cells
Platyhelminthes 3. Tape worm (Taenia Saginata) 4. hermaphrodite
Class E.G Form Digestion Larva
Tubellaria Planaria Free (Cuti) Fully dev No
Trematoda Liver Fluke (Larva) Parasitic Poorly dev Yes
Cestoda Tape Worm Parasitic Fully absent no
Phylum 1. Five classes 2. Nematoda → Round worms
Aschelminthes 3. Ascaris lumbricoides 4. Rnterobius vermicularis (Pinworm)
4. Shor male with satea 5. 27 million eggs. 2 lak eggs per day.
Phylum Molluska 1. soft bodies, 2 largest phylum
nd 2. Mantle and Radula
(Glochidiam Larva) 3. Single Heart 4. Colourless blood with WBCS
5.External ferlitizatin in gills 6.Haemocyanin (Cu)
Phylum Annelids 1. Little ring, Ring worms 2. Metamerically segmented
(Trochhopora Larva) 3. Pseudo hearts 4. Haemoglobin in blood
5. Satea (earthworm), parapedia in Neries
6.Hermephrodeite 7. Nephridiopore
Phylum Arthropoda 1. Jointed legs , Larges (2.mullusk) 2.haemolymph and Haemocoel
3. Resp: trachea and gills 4. Malphigian tubules
5.Arachinids, spider and scorpion → book lungs 6. Metamorphosis
Type Metamorphosis Example
Ametabola No Collembolan & other wingless insects
Hemimetabola Incomplete Cockroaches & wasps and other insects
Holometabola complete Flies, butterflies, moths, beetles e
Phylum 1. spin skin → star fish Echinoderms Respiratory Structures
Echinodermata 2. Bil→ larva, Rad → adult Starfish Papule
(Bipinnaria Larva) 3. Tube Feet Sea urchins Peristomical gills
4.Pyloric cacea, 10pairs Sea urchins Cloacal respiratory tract
5. few viviparous Brittle star Genital bursae
6. eye → light receiving organ. 7. Regeneration
8. no parasitic 9. All marine
Sub phylum → Tornaria Larva of balanglossus is same as bipinnaria
Hemichordata of → both larva’s have same creatine phosphate energy source
Chordata 1. Acron worm is example 2. Single glomerulus with blood vessel
3. 3 regions: protosomes, mesosome, metasome or proboscis, collar, trunk
Phylum Chodata 1. Notochordata 2. Dipnoi → lung fishes
Divisions Sub phylum Groups
Proto Urochordate Tunicate→ tunic → tunicin
-chordata Larva are free swimmin
or Cephalo- ----------- Long pointed body → sea lancelet
Acrania chordate Filter feeders
Craniata Vertebrata Pisces (fishes) 48 % vertebrates, 29000 living species
Amphibia Devoinin period →fish move to shallow water
[Tadpole larva] hibernation
Reptilian 4 embryonic membranes. carnivores,
Reptiles → Mesozoic period. Dinosaurs→ jurassic
Aves (Birds) (1861).Archeopteryx → reptiles + birds
[flightless and Only left ovary Only uropygial gland at tail
flighting birds] Oval nucleated RBCs Sound box → syrinx
Third eye lid → nictating membrane
Extra embryonic membranes

Cyclo stomata Chondrichthyes Osteichthyes

Skeleton Fibrous cartilage Cartilage bones
Body Long eel like Streamlined
Scales Lacked paired covered with placoid scales Body covered with scales
Mouth circular Ventral Jaw with teeth
Skin naked without scales covered with placoid scales
Gills by operculum Not Covered Not Covered Covered
Swim bladder Absent Absent Present
Parasitic Carnivores
Marine Aquatic

Subclass Examples
Prototheria / Duck billed platypus (Ornithorhynchus)
montremata Spiny ant eater (Tachyglossus)
Metatheria / Kangroo,
Marsupials opossum & Koala
Eutheria / Insectivore Moles & shrews
placentalia Chiroptera Bats & flying squirrels Flying mammals
cetecea Whale, dolphin, porpoises, sea loin Aquatic mammals
Carnivore Dog, cat, loin, wolves Flesh eating
Rodentia Rate, mice, squirrel, beavers Cutting habit
Edentate South American anteater, sloths No or poorly teeth
Pholidata Penguin overlapping large & horny scales
Proboscidea Elephant Long trunk
Perissodactyla Hose, zebra Odd-toed hoofed mammals
Artiodactyla Cow, goat, deer Even-toed hoofed mammals
Primates Ape, man, monkey, lemur tarsier Highest brain development

Prototheria / Egg lying mammals Offspring immature

montremata No placenta, Ovo-viviparous, Nocturnal, 20-250C
Metatheria / Pouched mammals, marsopium ,No placenta, Arboreal
Eutheria / True/Place mammals Cloca is absent
placentalia Sixteen orders
Phylum Examples
Phylum porifera 1) Sycon(marine), 3) Leucoselenia(marine),
2) Spongille(fresh water), 4) euplectella (flower basket)
Phylum 5) Hydra, Obelia, 7) Sea anemone,
Coelenterata 6) Jelly fish, 8) Corels Portugese man of war
Phylum 9) Planaria(Dugesia), 11) tape worms(taenia solium)
Platyhelminthes 10) liver flukes(fasciola hepatica),
Phylum 12) Ascaris lumbricoides 13) Enterobius vermicularis(pin worm)
Aschelminthes /
Phylum Mullusca 14) Garden snail(Helix aspersa), 18) Oyester(Ostrea lurida),
15) Slug(Limax maximus), 19) Squid(Loligo pealii),
16) freshwater mussel (Anodonta 20) Cuttle fish(Sepia officinalis),
grandis), 21) Octopus( Octopus bairdi)
17) Marine mussel(Mytilus edulis),
Phylum Annelida 22) Medicinal leech(Hirudinaria 24) Medicinal leech(Hirudinaria
medicinallis), medicinallis),
23) Earthworm(Pheritema posthuma 25) Neries
Phylum 26) Brittle star(ophiothrix fragilis), 28) sea cucumber(thyone briareus)
Echinodermata 27) sea urchin(arbacia punctulata),
Phylum 29) Acron worm(Saccoglossus 30) balanoglosus sp.
hemichordate kowalevskii)

Organism Larve Organisms Chambered

Echinodermata Bipinnaria Pisces (bony fishes) 2 chambered (1A 1V)
some annelids Trochopora Mullusca 2-3 chambered (1or2A & 1V)
Hemichordata Tornaria Amphibian 3 chambered (2A 1V)
Mullusca(balanoglossus) Glochidiam larva Reptiles 4 chambered (2A 2V)
Amphibian Tadpole Birds 4 chambered (2A 2V)
Mammals 4 chambered (2A 2V)

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