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I Basics of Communication

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Paper Code: BCOM 107

1. The term “communis” is derived from word.

A. Greek
B. Latin
C. Chinese
D. English

2. Communication means information, feeling and thoughts, with others.

A. To receive
B. Exchange of
C. Conveying
D. All of the above

3. Grapevine communication is associated with …. communication.

A. Formal
B. Informal
C. Horizontal
D. Vertical.

4. Lateral communication is between

A. Superior and subordinate.
B. Same cadre of personal.
C. Subordinate and superior.
D. Among all.

5. Audio-Visual communication combines

A. Auditory only.
B. Visual only.
C. Both auditory & visual.
D. Written.

6. Which one of the following cannot be considered as communication:

A. Writing a letter to relative
B. Having dreams during the sleep
C. Talking on telephone
D. None of the above

7. Posters fall under communication.

A. Oral
B. Visual
C. Written
D. Spoken

8. Informal communication is otherwise known as communication.

A. Grapevine.
B. Lateral.
C. Visual.
D. Horizontal.

9. Horizontal communication flows through

A. Face-to-face discussion.
B. Telephonic talk.
C. Periodical meeting.
D. All the above.

10. Gestural communication is a

A. Non-Verbal Message
B. Direct conversation.
C. Oral communication
D. Written Communication.

11. Audio-visual communication is most suitable for mass ------ and mass ---------.
A. Publicity and Education.
B. Policies and Political
C. Save & Store.
D. Educational & Political.

12. Communication is derived from a Latin word “Communis” which means

A. Community
B. Share
C. Common
D. Marxist

13. Communication starts with:

A. Encoding
B. Sender
C. Channel
D. Feedback

14. Receiver should _____________the message objectively and send feedback promptly
A. Encode
B. Decode
C. Forward
D. Write
15. The two broad areas of communication are:
A. Oral and written communication
B. Verbal and written communication
C. Verbal and non-verbal communication
D. Oral and non-verbal communication

16. Culture is embedded in our:

A. gestures
B. minds
C. beliefs
D. expressions

17. Cultural intelligence helps us to know cultural:

A. differences
B. rules of behavior
C. similarities
D. rituals

18. ...... is the process of carrying out business transactions through the internet. It involves
buying and selling products and services and information via computer networks including
the internet.
A. Electronic Commerce
B. Trade
C. Commerce
D. Exchange

19. An individual’s behaviour in a foreign society becomes noticeable when it ____________

in relation to the foreign culture.
A. irritates
B. conforms
C. deviates
D. overlaps

20. Culture refers to:

A. behaviour
B. attitude
C. rules of behaviour
D. thinking

21. People in high-context cultures make business decisions on the basis of:
A. Reason
B. Interpersonal relations
C. individual needs
D. competition
22. The exclusive centre of interest in low-context communication is:
A. Information
B. Context
C. Individual perceptions
D. Emotional factors

23. In monochromic cultures, the priority is:

A. Relationships
B. The job
C. Multiple tasks
D. Goal achievement

24. The aim of cross-cultural communication training is to

A. develop business etiquette
B. give social status
C. create strong cultural ties
D. improve behaviour

25. An e-mail’s style is determined by a person’s:

A. English
B. status
C. culture
D. communicative ability

26. Which cultures tend to value quality of life more than wealth?
A. Feminine
B. Masculine
C. Universalism
D. None of the above

27. When communicating, many Latin and Asian cultures stress the value of :
A. Closeness.
B. Indirectness.
C. Avoidance.
D. Directness.

28. For most Americans, intimate space, or intimate distance, is under:

A. 12 inches
B. 48 inches
C. 18 inches
D. 24 inches
29. Libel is:
A. Malicious defamatory joke
B. Malicious defamatory written accusation
C. Slander
D. Defamatory speech

30. Spoken defamation is known as

A. Libel
B. Slander
C. Libel per se
D. Libel per quod

31. Resume is a _____ word

A. German
B. French
C. Indian
D. American

32. The simplified style business letter has:

A. a subject line
B. a salutation
C. a complimentary close
D. indentation

33. Modern business letters are usually written in:

A. simplified style
B. indented style
C. semi-block style
D. full-block style

34. Letters that please the receiver are called

A. Yes Letters
B. Routine Letters
C. Invitation Letters
D. Good news Letters

35. The primary goal of the beginning of a persuasive message is to:

A. Sell the idea
B. Gain the reader's attention
C. Establish a courteous tone
D. Present the pros and cons of the message

36. Inquiry letters are letters that:

A. Ask for more information about a product or service.
B. Ask for credit.
C. Try to reactivate business.
D. Ask for an adjustment.

37. Which of these should not be present in a business letter?

A. The name of firm or businessman
B. The date
C. Business jargon
D. Courteous leave-taking

38. Where are the details of enclosures mentioned?

A. Beginning of the letter
B. Below the signature column
C. Right-hand side of the letter
D. Main body of the letter

39. Technical accuracy of language in a letter means:

A. Active voice
B. Direct narrative
C. Simplicity
D. Correctness of grammar, spelling, and punctuation

40. ________ of the letter consists of main message.

A. Heading
B. Body
C. Greeting
D. Closing

41. Circular letters are used:

A. To send information to two people.
B. To send the same information to several people.
C. To communicate to other company.
D. To send different information inside a company

42. When asking several questions in a letter, you can make them more obvious by:
A. Putting all the questions in the closing paragraph.
B. Numbering the questions.
C. Putting all questions in the opening paragraph.
D. Putting all the questions in passive voice.

43. The keys to write a successful resume are:

A. Too long, verbose descriptions and over confident tone
B. “You” attitude, focus on your audience and think about prospective employers
C. None of the above
D. All of the above
44. A summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and
research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honours and affiliations.
A. Printed Papers
B. Curriculum vitae
C. Application letter
D. Hand-outs

45. Which of these is not mentioned in a letter of complaint?

A. Ordered quantity of goods
B. Problems in the supply of goods
C. Features in the supply of goods
D. Fault in the supply of goods

45. …… barriers are caused due to the faulty physical condition such as ringing telephone,
poor listening, etc.
A. Physical barriers
B. Semantic barriers
C. Socio-Psychological Barriers
D. Organizational Barriers

46. Words with different meanings and bad expression are included within the category of
A. Physical barriers
B. Semantic barriers
C. Socio-Psychological Barriers
D. Organizational Barriers

47. Which of these should not be avoided for effective communication?

A. Noise
B. Planning
C. Semantic problems
D. Wrong assumptions

48. __________ are problems arising from expression.

A. Cultural barriers
B. Semantic problems
C. Wrong assumptions
D. Selecting perception

49. In which of these problems, is the actual message lost in the abundance of transmitted
A. Selecting perception
B. Over communication
C. Under communication
D. Filtering
50. What does technical jargon mean in semantic barriers?
A. Technical words not understandable
B. Lame People
C. Faulty Translation
D. Body Gesture

51. Which of these is organizational barrier?

A. Status Difference
B. Rules and Regulations
C. Organizational Facility
D. All of these

52. ….. are written records of business done at the meeting.

A. Minutes
B. Circulars
C. Notices
D. Letters

53. The official record of the proceedings of the meeting is called as….
A. Minutes
B. Circulars
C. Notices
D. Agendas

54. Reports are prepared and presented at regular and prescribed intervals.
A. Periodic reports.
B. Special reports.
C. Informal reports.
D. Non-periodical reports.

55. The ….. verified and signed by the chairman of the meeting act as a prima facie evidence
of the proceedings of the meeting.
A. Minutes
B. Circulars
C. Notices
D. Agendas

56. The …. is in charge of the preparation of an agenda of the board meeting or a general
meeting in consultation with chairman of the board of directors.
A. Company Secretary
B. Shareholder
C. Member
D. Charted Accountant
57. ….. are authoritative instructions or directions relating to promotion, posting, transfer,
suspension, fixation of pay, etc, that flow from superior to subordinates that suggest
compliance by the subordinates failing which administrative actions can be taken.
A. Minutes
B. Circulars
C. Office Orders
D. Agendas

58. A ….. is a written document issued periodically by a business or any other organization
to provide information to employees, investors and other stakeholders and also to the
press and public. It contains organization’s news, plans and policies.
A. Circulars
B. Office Orders
C. Newsletters
D. Agendas

59. Which of the following are advantages of newsletters?

A. Creating awareness about organization’s products
B. Act as a marketing tool
C. Help to get in touch with customers
D. All of the above

60. Minutes of resolutions are only resolutions…

A. Recorded.
B. Development.
C. Decision-making.
D. Authenticated.

1 B 11 A 21 B 31 B 41 B 51 D
2 B 12 C 22 A 32 A 42 B 52 A
3 B 13 B 23 B 33 D 43 B 53 A
4 B 14 B 24 C 34 D 44 B 54 A
5 C 15 C 25 C 35 B 45 C 55 A
6 B 16 C 26 C 36 A 46 B 56 A
7 B 17 A 27 B 37 C 47 B 57 C
8 A 18 A 28 C 38 B 48 B 58 C
9 D 19 C 29 B 39 D 49 B 59 D
10 A 20 C 30 B 40 B 50 A 60 A

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