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Adventures of Dib ToV FINAL Vud8zy

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This pair of adventures features Dib Halfling-Chewer,
an ambitious and crafty goblin with an affinity for
wagons. Each adventure is written to be standalone
and completable in a single session, but they can be
run together for a low-level party, with Dib narrowly
escaping the PCs in the first adventure.
For the best character development of Dib as a villain
(and a stronger “that goblin again?”), we recommend
separating these adventures with another quest,
adventure, or task, bringing Dib back right as the PCs
start to forget about him and his vows of vengeance.
Dib’s antics, while silly and fun, can easily prompt a
more serious and dangerous storyline.
These are Tales of the Valiant roleplaying game
adventures, and they reference rules and monsters
found within the Player’s Guide and Monster Vault. For
ease of use, the stat blocks for the monsters found
within these adventures are listed alphabetically at the
end of this book.

This collection includes:
Here are a few helpful reminders for running vehicles
• Impregnable Fortress of Dib. An adventure for in combat. For more information on vehicles and their
four to six 1st-level characters who are tasked with statistics, see the Player’s Guide.
assaulting a goblin “fortress” along a trade route.
• Vehicles have a “damage threshold” number listed
• Dib’s Wagon of Doom. An adventure for four next to their AC. The vehicle ignores a single instance
to six 2nd-level characters who happen upon an of damage if it would deal an amount of damage less
armored wagon careening through a town and than the threshold number.
disturbing the locals.
• Vehicles have their own initiative in combat. Unless
WHERE TO SET THE ADVENTURES the GM decides otherwise, use the set initiative
The two adventures featured here work best in and number included in the vehicle stat block.
around smaller humanoid settlements, particularly • Vehicles require crew members to run. Creatures
those with some distance from major areas of acting as crew members don’t roll their own
civilization. Both adventures assume the settlements initiative in combat. It is assumed that creature is
and their residents can be threatened by creatures at using its entire ‘turn’ to keep the vehicle running. The
the power level of goblins. vehicle stat block explains what penalties the vehicle
If you are playing in the Midgard campaign setting, incurs when operated by fewer than the maximum
these adventures work well in the western Seven Cities number of crew members.
region, in the western reaches of Dornig near Salzbach, • As long as a vehicle has at least 1 active crew member,
or in the scrubland along the north and northeastern it can move up to its speed each round without
edges of the Ruby Sea. expending an action—just like a standard creature.


We were traveling the old trade road up near the Blind Hills when we found it, the overturned wagon in the ditch.
Evas took to the shadows, scouted ahead, and returned with strange details. The wagon had been transformed—
such that it appeared to be a fierce fortress. Signs of goblin-work were apparent: broken shields reinforcing the
walls, crude arrow slits cut into the driver’s bench, a makeshift flag hanging limply atop the whole affair. We left it
alone, but even at a distance, the smell of the odd fortress’s unfinished moat made us wretch.

BACKGROUND Fairly Hot Oil (Recharge 5–6). Multiple blobs of oil

spray all creatures within 20 feet. Each target must make
Several months back, Dib Halfling-Chewer and
a DC 10 DEX save, taking 2 (1d4) fire damage on a failed
his cronies were ejected from a nearby goblin clan
save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
for indiscriminate wrestling. Their antics, though
hilariously entertaining to themselves, were destructive DEFEATING THE FORTRESS
and dangerous to the rest of the clan. The goblins spent Adventurers can defeat the fortress in a number of ways:
several nights in the wilderness before discovering an Fire. If the wagon takes fire damage, it has a 50 percent
abandoned wagon by the side of a trade road. There, the chance of bursting into flames. While aflame, the wagon
homeless cadre transformed the wagon into a distinctly takes 7 (2d6) fire damage each round on initiative count
goblinoid fortress. They have had some success in 20. If the wagon takes 24 or more damage from being on
assaulting and looting travelers on the road. fire, the goblins inside retreat to Area 3.
Kicking in the Door. The door at the back of the
THE FORTRESS wagon is solidly reinforced. Forcing the door requires
Assaulting the fortress is a combat encounter. The a successful DC 17 STR check. The DC for this check
fortress may take two of the following actions on is reduced to 14 if the fortress has less than half its hit
initiative count 10 each round: points remaining. Once the door is forced, the goblins
Spear Thrust. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range retreat to Area 3.
5 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage. Spear Kill It. The fortress can be attacked and destroyed. It
Thrusts have advantage against creatures attempting to has an AC of 14 and 40 hit points, and it is resistant to
lift the wagon. The wagon can make this attack against piercing damage and vulnerable to fire damage. Once the
up to two creatures when it takes this action. fortress reaches 0 hit points, the goblins retreat to Area 3.
Arrow Barrage. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range Lifting the Whole Damn Thing. A creature within
80/320 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d8) piercing damage. The 5 feet of the wagon can take its action to lift and tip
wagon can make this attack against up to two creatures the fortress by succeeding on a DC 17 STR (Athletics)
when it takes this action. check. Each creature within 5 feet of the wagon can use a

reaction to assist, reducing the DC by 1 for each creature AREA 3: TUNNEL AND THRONE ROOM
assisting. A creature assisting can’t take actions on its
turn. One successful check puts the wagon off-kilter, The tunnel, precariously carved and shored-up with
imposing disadvantage on its Spear Thrust and Arrow planking, runs straight for 30 feet before turning
Barrage attacks. Two successful checks tips over the sharply to reveal basic living quarters. A single
whole wagon, revealing Area 2. When this happens, any sputtering torch illuminates the small chamber and the
goblins in Area 2 retreat to Area 3. makeshift throne at the far end. Eyes blink from behind
five small mounds of dirt and bedding, and the sound
of bow strings being drawn echoes in the chamber. The
WRESTLING MOVES goblins make ranged attacks from behind half cover
The goblins inside the fortress have advantage on all until forced into melee.
grappling-related checks and attacks. When forced into
Spike Trap. At the entrance to the chamber is a simple
melee, they are as likely to attempt grabs and shoves as
spike trap. A successful DC 12 WIS (Perception) check
they are shortsword attacks. Dib, a regular goblin in
notices the trap, and a successful DC 12 DEX (thieves’
every other way, has the following additional action:
tools) check disarms it. Failure to notice or disarm the
Knee-Bar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 5 trap causes six sharp spikes to spring out of the ground.
ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d4 + 2) bludgeoning damage, PCs within 5 feet of the trap must make a DC 13 DEX
and target must succeed on a DC 12 STR save or be save, taking 3 (1d6) piercing damage on a failed save, or
restrained. Dib can choose to maintain the Knee‑Bar half as much damage on a successful one.
indefinitely but can’t move and is considered prone
The throne hides Dib’s treasure hoard. A successful
while doing so.
DC 12 WIS (Perception) check reveals the seat of the
throne is loose and offset. Inside the throne is a small
AREA 1: EXTERIOR wooden chest containing 15 gp, 60 sp, and a scrap
of cloth with Dib’s fortress design notes scribbled in
A large wooden wagon has been overturned a few feet
smudged ink.
from the road. An incomplete moat rings the structure,
and the vapors from its gelatinous contents fill the air
with a noxious stench. The wagon has been reinforced CONCLUDING THE ADVENTURE
with broken shields and scavenged planks. An
No doubt the local authorities are thankful the PCs
unfortunate fox has been nailed unceremoniously atop
removed the nuisance from the side of the road. What
a crude doorway. Slits and holes of various sizes have
of the clan from which Dib and his entourage were
been bored and carved into the walls, and the sounds of
expelled? How did the goblin develop such strong
whispering and rustling come from within. A flag made
wrestling moves? Perhaps the entire clan practices
from cloth scraps hangs unmoving in the still air.
unarmed combat—their desire to test their skills on
The goblins don’t leave the safety of the wagon
civilized folk growing as the subterranean wrestling
willingly. Interested in softer targets than a band of
rings increase in number.
adventurers, they stay under the wagon and operate
its attacks as described in Running the Adventure. In
general, if the wagon seems likely to be destroyed, the CONTINUING THE ADVENTURE
goblins retreat to Area 3. Dib has big plans and refuses to let a minor setback
like this stop him. When things start looking grim for
AREA 2: UNDER THE WAGON his current plans, he uses Nimble Escape to evade the
adventurers, vowing to get his revenge next time he sees
The inside of the makeshift stronghold is a dank and
them. Dib’s antics continue in Dib’s Wagon of Doom.
foul-smelling place. A small cauldron of rendered
animal fat boils over a smoky fire. Several poorly crafted
spears sit abandoned on the ground. A ladder leads
down through a crudely dug hole in the ground.
Once their fortress is breached, the five goblins here
retreat to the throne room in Area 3.
A successful DC 10 WIS (Perception) check uncovers
an oily sack hidden under a rock. It contains 25 sp and
some shiny rocks.


We had to walk quite quickly to escape it. I’m nearly out of breath. Well, last I saw, it was sort of chugging
along down Topaz Way. It tried to climb the hill up to the silks market, but I think whoever is inside got
tired? Goblins, no doubt. No, I wouldn’t say it was careening through the city on a path of destruction.
Definitely not—still quite a nuisance.

The nefarious master wrestler Dib, the goblin, is
“terrorizing” the streets of the town (or city). Since his
defeat in his roadside fortress, the would-be chieftain
has plotted his revenge. Gathering to him a new batch
of dim minions, Dib has transformed a stolen merchant
wagon into a machine of war. The wagon is powered by
several goblins inside who, while devoted to Dib, lack
the strength to pedal the thing quickly or consistently.
Dib’s plan to spread havoc through the streets has
resulted in something a bit more disappointing.
In this light‑hearted and quirky adventure, the PCs
must confront the war wagon, gain entry to it, and
defeat its defenders. The lives of several potted plants
and a few market stalls depend on it!

THE WAR WAGON access to the troublemakers inside with the most direct
approaches being to reduce the wagon to 0 hit points
A wagon that otherwise might haul crates of food to
or to break down a door or hatch. See Breached! if the
market has been capped with a crude, wooden turret
party gains access to the interior of the wagon.
composed of old boards and rusted shields. Wherever
gaps exist between the wagon and the turret, more Dib’s War Wagon
wood was hastily nailed on. Multiple slits in the walls
Huge Vehicle (12 ft. by 7 ft.)
of the wagon and its cap allow its passengers to see out
ARMOR CLASS 13 (damage threshold 5)
into the street. Small dead animals have been nailed to
the wheels. The sad carcasses turn slowly as the wagon HIT POINTS 65
lurches forward. SPEED 30 ft., 3 mph (72 miles per day)
The body of the wagon is a little over 12 feet long and VULNERABLE fire
nearly 7 feet wide. The turret sits on the back half and IMMUNE Vehicle Resilience
extends the height of the vehicle to 10 feet. There is a
reinforced door on the left side. It can be forced open
with a successful DC 18 STR (Athletics) check. There is
an emergency hatch on the turret that can be similarly CARGO CAPACITY 1,000 lbs.
forced open. The wagon lurches around, attacking the
party until it is stopped. The PCs can devise any number STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
of ways to stop the wagon from moving and gain +3 −2 +2 — — —

Armored Vehicle. Creatures inside the war wagon have
three-quarters cover from attacks outside the wagon.
Rolling Death. The war wagon can move through spaces
occupied by Medium or smaller creatures. Those caught
in its path must succeed on a DC 12 DEX save or take 5
(1d10) bludgeoning damage and be knocked prone.
We’re Tired, Boss. Each time the wagon tries to move, roll
a d6. On a 1–4, the wagon doesn’t move, as the goblins
pedaling within are too tired to get it moving. On a 5 or 6,
the wagon moves normally.

On its turn, the wagon can take two actions,
choosing from the options below (it can take
the same action multiple times). It can take only
one action if it has fewer than 3 crew. It can take no
actions if it has fewer than 2 crew.
Blade Storm. The goblins within the wagon flail sharpened
metal on long poles through holes in the wagon like
bladed oars. Two creatures of the wagon driver’s choice
that are within 10 feet of the wagon must make a DC 12
DEX save, taking 5 (2d4) piercing damage on a failed save,
or half as much damage on a successful one.
Cannon Turret. Ranged Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range
100/400 ft., one target. Hit: 8 (1d10 + 3) piercing damage.

If the wagon is reduced to 0 hit points, if the door is
forced open, or if other conditions expose the goblins or
force them to flee, the wagon is considered disabled and
can take no further actions. The interior of the wagon is
very cramped and not suitable for toe-to-toe fighting.
In general, the goblins clamber out of the wagon (or IN THE STREET
its remains) and attack the PCs in the street. They are
The wagon is puttering around a small monument and
cunning fighters and make use of cover, their mobility,
greenspace. People have fled the area, though a few
and their size.
hesitant guards watch on from a safe distance.
There are five goblins inside the wagon, along with
Monument. Pick an appropriate statue for the town.
Dib, a goblin captain. The goblins are loyal to their
It provides partial cover.
boss but are not above fleeing if the fight goes badly.
Guards. Recognizing the combat training of the PCs,
They came to town in the wagon in hopes of finding
the town’s guards don’t join combat, instead focusing
loot and murdering citizens with their amazing
on keeping civilian bystanders and lookers-on away
machine. They are equally happy killing heroes and
from combat and out of danger.
taking the heroes’ things.


Dib and his crew were once ejected from their clan’s The interior is cramped and hot. Scraps of food litter
stronghold for indiscriminate wrestling. They have since the floor, and a haze of goblin sweat fills the air. A
continued the sport and enjoy wrestling more than most ladder at the back of the wagon leads to the crossbow
things (though looting and murdering are still top of the turret. A simple pedal drive is assembled toward the
list). When these goblins use Gang Up, a creature that front with a mostly ineffective stick for steering. A few
fails the save is also knocked prone and grappled (escape crates sit on the floor. Words have been scratched in one
DC 12) by the goblin that initiated the Gang Up. side of the crates.

There is nothing obvious of value inside the wagon.
Some of the goblins made crude seat cushions from fur
The primary concern of the town is determining if this
and moss. The crates at the back are marked in Goblin
is an isolated act of chaos by one goblin or an opening
with the word loot. The crates are entirely empty. The
salvo in a larger offensive. Perhaps a goblin leader egged
“cannon” is a heavy crossbow in excellent repair, and a
Dib on in an attempt to assess the town’s defenses. What
stack of 30 bolts sits next to it. A successful DC 15 WIS
other strange assaults lurch down the old merchant road
(Perception) check made while searching the wagon
toward the peaceful community?
reveals a loose floorboard and hidden compartment
that contains a fat sack of silver coins (203 sp) and a few
bottles of cheap spirits (worth a total of 7 gp).

The residents are relieved Dib’s wagon has been
stopped. Aside from the treasure found inside the
wagon, the PCs are rewarded with free food and drink
for several nights. A reasonable bounty (25–50 gp) might
be paid by the local guard captain or town leader.

This section contains the statistics for the monsters
necessary to run the encounters in this book.

Dib Halfling-Chewer, Goblin Captain CR 1

Small Humanoid
ARMOR CLASS 17 (chain shirt, shield)
SPEED 30 ft.
SENSES darkvision 60 ft.
LANGUAGES Common, Goblin


+0 +4 +0 +1 +1 +0

Multiattack. The goblin captain
makes two Scimitar or Shortbow
attacks. If both attacks hit one
target, the goblin captain can
make one extra Scimitar or
Shortbow attack.
Scimitar. Melee Weapon
Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft.,
one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2)
slashing damage.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4
to hit, range 80/320 ft., one target.
Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.

Get That One! The goblin captain points at a target and
calls out to a friendly goblin it can see within 30 feet of it.
The chosen goblin can use its reaction to move up to half
its speed and make one melee attack against the target.
Nimble Escape. The goblin takes the Disengage or Hide

Protect Me! When a creature the goblin captain can see
targets it with an attack, the captain can sidestep behind
an ally within 5 feet of it, moving to an unoccupied
space within 5 feet of the ally. The chosen ally
becomes the target of the attack instead.

Goblin CR 1/4
Small Humanoid
ARMOR CLASS 15 (leather armor, shield)
SPEED 30 ft.
SENSES darkvision 60 ft.
LANGUAGES Common, Goblin


−1 +4 +0 +0 −1 −1
Guard CR 1/8
Medium Humanoid (Any Lineage)
ARMOR CLASS 14 (chain shirt)
Scimitar. Melee Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, reach 5 ft., one HIT POINTS 8
target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) slashing damage.
SPEED 30 ft.
Shortbow. Ranged Weapon Attack: +4 to hit, range 80/320
ft., one target. Hit: 5 (1d6 + 2) piercing damage.
Gang Up (1/Day). The goblin moves up to half its speed
toward a creature it can see. Each friendly goblin within LANGUAGES any one language (usually Common)
30 feet of the goblin can use its reaction to join the gang
up and move up to half its speed toward the same target. STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA
This movement doesn’t provoke opportunity attacks. If the +1 +1 +1 +0 +1 +0
initiating goblin is within 5 feet of the target, the target
must make a DC 12 DEX save, taking 5 (2d4) bludgeoning
damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on ACTIONS
a successful one. For each goblin after the first that Spear. Melee or Ranged Weapon Attack: +3 to hit, reach 5
participated in the gang up and that is within 10 feet of the ft. or range 20/60 ft., one target. Hit: 4 (1d6 + 1) piercing
target, the damage increases by 1 as arrows, knives, sharp damage, or 5 (1d8 + 1) piercing damage if used with two
pocket scraps, and similar “weapons” fly at the target hands to make a melee attack.
from all angles. Afterwards, each goblin after the first that
participated in the gang up can’t use Gang Up until it
finishes a short or long rest. Protector’s Parry. When a friendly creature the guard can
see within 5 feet of it is the target of an attack, the guard
can interpose its weapon between the creature and the
Nimble Escape. The goblin takes the Disengage or Hide attacker. The friendly creature adds 2 to its AC against that
action. attack. To use this reaction, the guard must be able to see
the attacker and be wielding a melee weapon.

Never fear—the Prepared! Expanded
Collection offers short, one-shot
adventures to keep the game rolling and
players entertained while you figure out
your next move. Inside, you’ll find 31 easy-
prep adventures for every environment,
ranging from levels 1–15, ready to use in
any fantasy campaign setting!

This collection includes:

• 12 adventures originally published in Prepared!
• 12 adventures originally published in Prepared 2!
• 6 new adventures never before seen in print!
• A brand-new adventure created specifically
for this collection
• Full-color maps, fantastic scenarios, memorable
NPCs, and much more!

Never be caught without a plot again!

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