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List of Interview Questions - HR & Technical: Source: Internet

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The document discusses various types of interview questions including HR, technical, design and programming questions.

Common HR and technical interview questions include questions about communication skills, problem solving, creativity, time management and work experience.

Common design questions include questions about UML diagrams, class diagrams and design patterns.

List of Interview Questions HR & Technical Source : Internet

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HR Interview Questions:

1. 2. 3.

How communication plays an important role in your life? How do you handle stress in your life? Tell me about a problem or issue you needed to resolve. How did you apply your problem-solving skills and creativity? Describe the steps involved.

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

How creativity plays a important role for successful organizations? What are the benefits of creativity? How does creativity and innovation differ? How does Creative talents can be used to manage stress? Describe An Instance When You had To Overcome A Difficult Situation. What have you done outside of formal education to improve yourself?

10. What is the perfect way to implement the time management in your work life as a manager? 11. If you have given a project to take illegal step by a company, what will you do? 12. Which of the three monkey will you choose? Why1. bura mat dekho.2. bura mat suno.3. bura mat kaho. 13. What do you regard as the significant achievement in your life? 14. What do you believe you are best and why? 15. What kind of a software you like to design when you are given a chance to help people? 16. What would you do for the growth of this company? 17. How has BTech prepared you for this job? 18. What are your development areas? 19. In what sort of company do you like to work in? Why? 20. What if we don't hire you? 21. You are a team member of a 5 group team. Your best friend is your team leader. You are provided with a project and you should submit in 30 days. Every alternate day after the project is started Your team leader goes to client and comes up with the changes to be made. 10 days completed and there is no progress in the project. How do you handle this situation and tell your friend ie., the team leader? 22. How will you ensure your learning? 23. Why should we not hire you? 24. Why do you want to join in industry and not do higher education? 25. How do you organize your priorities? 26. Where do you see yourself after 10 years from now?

27. Why do you like to join this company? What would you do for the growth of this company? 28. Why do you think you would do well at this job? 29. What is more important to you: the money or the work? 30. Tell me about your ability to work under pressure? 31. Do your skills match this job or another job more closely? 32. What motivates you to do your best on the job? 33. Are you willing to work overtime? Nights? Weekends? 34. Would you be willing to relocate if required? 35. Are you willing to put the interests of the organization ahead of your own? 36. If you were hiring a person for this job, what would you look for? 37. What qualities do you look for in a boss? 38. Tell me about a time when you helped resolve a dispute between others? 39. What has been your biggest disappointment? 40. Do you have any questions for me? 41. Tell me about yourself? 42. What experience do you have in this field? 43. Do you consider yourself successful? 44. What do you know about this organization? 45. What have you done to improve your knowledge apart from those taught in the college? 46. Why do you want to work for this organization? 47. Are you a team player? 48. How long would you expect to work for us if hired? 49. If you had enough money to retire right now, would you? 50. Explain how you would be an asset to this organization? 51. What is your greatest strength? 52. Tell me about your dream job? 53. Do you prefer working alone or in groups ? 54. What has been the most important person or event in your own self development? 55. Which is your favorite subject? 56. What qualities do you have which will make you a committed and responsible professional in corporate life. 57. What kind of job do you see yourself holding five years from now? 58. Why did you decide to pursue engineering? 59. What would you say is the most important thing you are looking for in a job? 60. How can a Fresh(Without any Experience) Engineer contribute to a company's Growth? 61. What are short term and long term objectives? what are most significant achievement? 62. What goals do you have in your career?How do you plan to achieve these goals

63. What are your career aspirations? 64. What are the significant achievements in your life 65. Why might you be successful in such a job? 66. How does this job fit in with your overall career goals? 67. Who or what in your life would you say influenced you most with your career objectives? 68. What would you most like to accomplish if you had this job? 69. What motivates to do your best on the job? Do u like to compete? Idea of success in life? Biggest failure to date? 70. Give a specific example of a time when you used good judgment and logic to solve a problem? 71. What personal characteristics do you feel you possess that would be an asset to the position for which your applying for? 72. State briefly why you have applied for this position? 73. What's the Role of IT Support in Big Corporate Companies 74. Describe a situation where you needed to influence team members to take a particular course of action that you were recommend 75. What do you think are the current challenges that the Software Industry faces? 76. What is the use of taking non-IT/non-Comp Sc engineer for a software company? How can a nonIT/non-CompSc engineer contribute 77. Why u have low percentage in ur first year,while good marks in other years? 78. What is the biggest mistake that you have done? How you have overcome it? 79. If you have to start working at this project tomorrow, what would you do tonight? 80. Can you come up with a 60 day goal plan. 81. Which project are you most proud of? 82. Do you consider yourself to be thoughtful, analytical or do you usually make up your mind fast? Give an example? 83. How do you go about making an important decision affecting your career? 84. The last time you did not know what decision to make, what did you do? 85. What was the last major problem that you were confronted with? What action did you take on it? 86. What good books have you read lately? 87. What are your outside interests? 88. On a scale of one to ten, rate me as an interviewer. 89. Would you lie for the company? 90. Looking back, what would you do differently in your life? 91. What was the toughest decision you ever had to make? 92. What are your greatest weaknesses? 93. If you won $10 million lottery, would you still work? 94. What do you worry about?

95. What makes you angry? 96. Who has inspired you in your life and why? 97. What changes would you make if you came on board? 98. Describe a decision you made that was a failure. What happened and why? 99. Tell me about a time when you failed 100. 101. 102. What historical figure do you admire and why? If you were the CEO of this company what would be the top two things that you would do? Convince me to hire you.

C Interview Questions

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

How will you invoke another program from within a C program? How will you increase the allowable number of simultaneously open files? How will you change the value of a constant variable in C? Write a program that will read a line and delete from it all occurences of the word 'the' Briefly explain the stages in execution of C program? How are printf and scanf statements statements being moved into final executable code?

6. 7. 8. 9.

What function will read a specified number of elements from a file? How will you convert an integer to a string without using itoa() function? Which one will execute faster if(flag==0) or if (0==flag) and why? Write a C program to reverse the strings stored in the following array of pointers to strings char *s[]={"To err is human..", "But to really mess things up",

10. A list of number is given. Make a program which counts the no of negative elements using array inc. 11. How will you increase the allowable number of simultaneously open files? 12. How will you invoke another program from within a C program? 13. How will you call a function, given its name as a string? 14. Write a program which produces its own source code as its output? 15. Using any bit operation how can a binary number be checked whether it is even or odd? 16. Write a C program to find a peculiar two digit number which is three times the sum of its digits. 17. Why do we use pointer instead of variable? 18. What is pointer to an array? Explain with example. 19. What is the basic principle behind recursion, other than function calling itself again & again and in which real time scenario we use it? 20. How will you find if a machine is a big endian or little endian? 21. What is the break statement used for?1. To quit the program.2. To quit the current iteration.3. To stop the current iteration and begin the next iteration.4. None of the above. 22. Write a C program for all possible combinations of letters in a word?

23. What is the significance of EOF? 24. Which IPC methods are Platform independent? 25. Will this code cause an error during runtime, error during compilation, or no error? 1.) char str[5]; strcpy (str, "hello"); 2.) char *str; strcpy (str, "hello"); 26. Explain srand() and rand() Functions 27. If we add a element to the last of a sorted sequence. Then which of the sorting method will be most efficient to sort the new sequence? 28. How will you find the number of occurrences of a particular string in the given input string? 29. Explain How Terminate & Stay Resident (TSR) and Offline programming differ from one another. 30. How will you execute a file from another C program through C programming without system command? 31. printf("%d%d",f1(),f2());What is the sequence of function execution of the above statement. 1. printf, f1(), f2()2. printf, f2(), f1()3. f1(), f2(), printf4. f2(), f1(), printf. 32. Write a C programme that read 30 integer numbers into one dimension array then using a function to sort them in desinding order (this function should use another function to exchange any two elements int 33. Write the implementation of Fix function? fix(2.5) = 2 and fix(-2.25) = -3, this is the expected result. Write the code to implement this behaviour? 34. How will you execute shell command without using system command in C-language? Write a program to execute ls -l and redirect the output to a file, without using system command? 35. Why it is not possible to create pointer to unsingned int? 36. In C if a variable is not assigned a value then why does it take garbage value? 37. What is code/binary portability? 38. Write a program that compares two files and return 0 if they are equal and 1 if they are not equal. 39. When reallocating memory if any other pointers point into same piece of memory do you have to readjust these pointers or do they get readjusted automatically? 40. What is the maximum length of command line arguments including space between adjacent arguments? 41. What is a bss data segment? 42. Which type of memory (stack or heap)is used by static and external variables? 43. What is the requirement of using fflush() in multiple scanf calls. 44. Write a program to read a file, strip the comments and write the output to another file. 45. Explain the virtual table generated in memory at the time of declaration of virtual function? 46. What is the slack memory concept in allocation of structure memory? 47. Write a program in C that does nothing not even takes memory? 48. Write a program in C to display output as "hello world" without using semicolon(;)? 49. What is Field Width Specification?

50. What is BSS segment? Where it will be? 1. #define MAX 1002. main()3. {4. int max=100;5. int a[MAX];6. int b[max];7. }

51. We say stack is allocated to the local variables ,formal arguments and return addresses of a function for manipulating function calls? but the question arises when does the stack allocation to above things 52. What is difference between reference and pointer or pass by reference and pass by pointer? 53. ex:int a=10;int b=10;int sum=a+b; without using "+" operator calculate sum 54. What do you mean by critical section in c? 55. Can printf be used as a variable as well as a procedure? 56. How can we compress any text file using c. can anybody provide me sample code? 57. What is the difference between strncpy()(not strcpy) & memcpy() function in C? 58. Explain why p++ is faster than p+1? 59. What's the "condition" so that the following codesnippet prints both HelloWorld !if "condition"printf ("Hello");elseprintf("World"); 60. What's the best way to declare and define global variables and functions? 61. What happens when you overload the stack? 62. What is a sequence point? what is its significance? 63. Write sample code or algorithim to get all possible combinations of data that will be entered from keyboard 64. What is the difference between these two syntax#include and #include "stdio.h" 65. What is the output of the following program? void main(){int *ptr =55;clrscr();printf("%d", ++(ptr));} 66. What is conditional compiling? 67. How we increment a value without using operator'+'.q2? What is single tone class? 68. What is the difference between #define and constant in C? 69. What is a NULL Macro? What is the difference between a NULL Pointer and a NULL Macro? 70. How can you calculate number of nodes in a circular Linked List? 71. What is the difference between the two* a = 0;int* a = 10; 72. How do i design an Algorithm to check if a number is an Armstrong number? 73. What do you mean by normalisation of pointers? 74. What is the type of the variable b in the following declaration?#define FLOATPTR float*FLOATPTR a,b;a) 75. What is the quickest searching method to use? 76. What is hashing? 77. What is the difference between text and binary modes? 78. How do you determine whether to use a stream function or a low-level function? 79. How can I open a file so that other programs can update it at the same time?

C++ Interview Questions


Consider a static const function y() that is private member function of a class Y. What do the static and const mean? When could this function be used?


Explain what is copy constructor and what is the difference between copy constructor and overloaded assignment operator


When is memory allocated for a function of a class? Is it when the program is complied, or only when the function is called?

4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What is Smart Pointer in C++? Why we follow top down approach in C-language and bottom up approach in C++?Explain in detail. Why is it suggested not to use malloc() or calloc() in C++ for memory allocation? When can it happen that before calling main function itself program gets crashed? Why function pointers are not dereferanced? Explain the resolution of a function by C ++ complier in the case of function overloading.

10. Explain the exception handling features of C++ program with a suitable example 11. Write a C++ program to find the GOD of two numbers 12. Write a C++ program to find the type of a triangle by reading three sides of a triangle. 13. Lets say contiguous memory is not available for vector's elements and it is occupied by something else. How does the resize function of vector allocate memory to be contiguous allocation? 14. What is the use of constant function, volatile function & static function (in programming & real life)? How do they differ from one another? 15. Why Binary Search Algorithm is a device and conquer based algorithm? 16. Write a program for all the four arithmetic operations in float data type using operator overloading concept. 17. Do Nested Classes exist? If so, where are they used? 18. Base class has some virtual method and derived class has a method with the same name. If we initialize the base class pointer with derived object, calling of that virtual method will result in which method 19. What are the advantages of inline functions over macros? 20. What is default parameter? Can a overloaded function have a default parameter? 21. What is the concept of file stream in C++? How is a file opened and closed in C++? 22. What are Default Constructor and Do Nothing Constructor 23. How will you write object into file using file concepts in C++? 24. Write a program to count the number of characters in a string using pointers. 25. What is the difference between parameter and argument? 26. What is the advantage of function overloading according to users point of view? 27. Why do we follow top down approach in C-language and bottom up approach in C++? Explain.

28. Why is Dynamic binding (regarding DLLs) are considered better in comparison with static binding? What are DLLs and how they work? 29. What is the use of new operator? 30. What is the compilation difference at the compiler level for C++, VC++ and C# ? 31. Why an empty Structure will occupy 2Bytes in C++ 32. While copying the objects if we say X a=b, X a(b) What will it call, assignment operator or copy constructor? Justify 33. What are the disadvantages of C++? 34. Explain why encapsulation is required? 35. What are Polymorphic Classes? 36. Is Templates also a type of Static Polymorphism? 37. What are proxy objectives? 38. How to create an object such that it should not call constructor by default? 39. What happens to the member pointers when an exception occurs in constructor, while allocating memory? 40. What is importance of const. pointer in copy constructor? 41. Why array index starts from 0[zero] only? 42. What is the use of virtual destructor? 43. Why cant one make an object of abstract class?Give compiler view of statement 44. Can C++ have a default constructor ? 45. What is a "RTTI"? 46. Have you heard of "mutable" keyword? 47. What is "strstream? 48. What are inline functions? 49. What is an object? 50. What is a class? 51. What is friend function? 52. What is public, protected, private? 53. What is abstraction? 54. What do you mean by binding of data and functions? 55. Difference between realloc() and free()? 56. What is a template? 57. What do you mean by pure virtual functions? 58. What is virtual constructors/destructors?

Algorithm Interview Questions:

1. 2.

Design an algorithm to show the different operations on degree How to find the kth largest element in a linked list? Can you do this without using extra memory and also without modifying (sorting) the list?

3. 4. 5. 6.

How will you reverse a singly linked list? Describe an algorithm to compute the average of two scores obtained by each of the 100 students Describe an algorithm to compute the average of two scores obtained by each of the 100 students Write an algorithm to input the price of a textbook. Calculate the price and print the total cost of the book after 15% VAT is added

7. 8.

What is the importance of algorithms in the field of computer science? Design a conventional iterative algorithm to traverse a binary tree represented in linked lists in postorder.


Design a conventional iterative algorithm to traverse a binary tree represented in linked lists in preorder.

10. Demonstrate the quicksort algorithm to sort a list of data elements 11. Bring out the advantages of circular queue over linear queue 12. What is recursion? Which data structure is used for recursion 13. Suggest two different methods of knowing if a given integer is prime and analyse them. 14. What is meant by algorithm profiling? 15. List out the characteristics of an algorithm 16. What is the complexity of a algorithm of finding the Cyclic Directed Graph? 17. Write an algorithm that calculates all the elements of rows and columns of a square matrix and calculate the total of primary and secondary diagonal. 18. How to find time complexity? 19. You are given a matrix. The matrix elements are such that they are sorted both horizontally and vertically. Given an element of the matrix, your job is to obtain its position in an efficient manner. Example: 20. What is validation of an algorithm? 21. What is the difference between instance(per object ) and static (shared by all objects) in report while declaring global variable? 22. What is the difference in Searching and Sorting ? 23. How can we create different functionality to objects of a same class?

Language Interview Questions:

1. 2. 3. 4.

What are the fundamental data types in PERL? Explain the concept of unary and binary operator overloading giving suitable examples. How can we reverse a string using Bourne Shell scripting? You are given an array of N integers from 1 to N. There is one integer which is repeated twice and one which is missing. Write an algorithm to find the missing integer

5. 6.

What is LPCTSTR? What does LP denote it? What is Thread ?(VC++)What is the difference between Cmutex and Csemaphone?

Data Modeling Interview Questions:

1. 2. 3.

What is the distinction between data options and parameters? How does Relational Data Modeling differ from that of Dimensional Data Modeling? List six key components of Information System Architecture. Which of these relate to database design and Why?

4. 5. 6. 7. 8.

What is the impact of Data Modeling Software Engineering? What is the difference between logical data model and physical data model in Erwin? In which normal form is the dimension table and fact table in the schema? How we are going to decide which schema we are going to implement in the data warehouse? What are the different Data Modeling software tools? Which one is considered the best among all in terms of cost, efficiency and usability ?


What is the difference between star flake and snow flake schema?

10. What is data sparsity and how it effect on aggregation? 11. What is the difference between hashed file stage and sequential file stage in relates to DataStage Server? 12. When should you consider denormalization? 13. What is ERD? 14. Describe the third normal form? 15. Why are recursive relationships are bad? How do you resolve them? 16. What is an artificial (derived) primary key? When should it be used? 17. What is second normal form ? 18. What is First Normal Form ?

Data Structure Interview Questions:

1. 2.

How will you reverse a single linked list which consists of nodes a to z using recursion? While creating a heterogenous linklist we know that we use void pointer. But when we need to read the information, How will you do it? How will you figure out to what datatype does the data belong to?

3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

Is double link list a linear data structure? If Yes, Why?If No, Why? What is pre-emptive data structure and explain it with example? List out the differences between an array and a linklist data structure. What is the equivalent pointer expression for referring the same element a[i][j][k][l] What is the time complexity of adding three matrices of size NXN cell-by-cell? Write an algorithm to calculate the number of items in a static queue? What is Priority Queue? Explain with example.

10. What is Circular Queue? Explain with examples. 11. How do you convert doubly linked list to single without using structures? 12. How will you identify Stack Overflow? 13. Explain what are linear data structure & non-linear data structure? 14. Explain What is a node data structure Write a function such that the node data structure to visit all of the nodes in a binary tree? 15. What is the use of fflush() function? 16. What is the difference between declaration and definition? 17. What would be the output of the following progam?union check{ char name[10]; int age;}A;void main(){ printf("Enter your name: "); scanf("%s",&;printf("Enter your age: "); scanf("%d",&A.age);printf("Name=%s Age=%d",,A.age);} 18. What is nonvolatile memory? 19. What are the various kinds of sorting techniques? Which is has least worst case? 20. How do you overload Increment and decrement operators? 21. What is abstract data type? 22. How is memory reserved using a declaration statement? 23. What is a user-defined data type? 24. Why would you use a structure? 25. Pointer to a pointer is used in a program to ? 26. What does the symbol * signifies? 27. Why do we Use a Multidimensional Array? 28. How do you assign an address to an element of a pointer array ? 29. What is the relationship between a queue and its underlying array? 30. What is the formula used to calculate the back of the queue?

31. How is the front of the queue calculated ? 32. What is a linked list? 33. What member function places a new node at the end of the linked list? 34. What is the use of displayNodesReverse() member function? 35. Definitions of member functions for the LinkedList class are contained in? 36. Why is the constructor of the StackLinkedList class empty? 37. Why is the destructor of the StackLinkedList class empty? 38. What happens when you push a new node onto a stack? 39. What is the benefit of using a queue linked list? 40. Why is the constructor of the QueueLinkedList class empty? 41. Why does QueueLinkedList class inherit the LinkedList class? 42. What is the return value of the findNode() function? 43. What happens if an invalid index value is passed to a function? 44. Can a linked list store data other than integers? 45. What is a Tree? 46. A parent node is a node that branches into one or two other nodes, which are called child nodes. 47. What is the purpose of a left child node and a right child node? 48. Is the size of a tree the number of nodes on the tree? 49. What is hashing? 50. Why is it necessary to hash? 51. How is a key hashed? 52. Why are data members of the Hashtable class stored in the private access specifier?

OLAP Interview Questions:

1. 2.

Explain What is Multidimensional Cube? All the users are complaining that their application is hanging. How you will resolve this situation in OLTP?

3. 4. 5.

How do you implement cube security? What is the difference between OLAP and DSS? How to create a report with different objects can be seen at different countries not all the objects can be seen by all the countries people?

6. 7. 8.

What is difference between DC and ADC? How to enable security in cognos connection in cognos report net? What is the difference between Data Warehouse and online Analytical Processing?

OOPS Interview Questions:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.

What do you mean by package access modifier? What is the requirement of compile time overloading? What is Explicit Constructor? Describe why Java supports only runtime polymorphism? What is scope resolution in C++ and object oriented ? What is prototype based programming? What is the Difference between Class and Instance? Difference between data encapsulation and abstraction? Difference Between Aggregation and Composition

10. Explain Component Object Model used in C, C++ and .NET 11. What are the major considerations related to well-written multi-threaded applications? 12. What is the race condition? 13. Why C considered as a High Level language? 14. Is it possible to change the address of an array? 15. What is the use of procedure overriding 16. What are enumerators? What are in-line functions? Example? 17. What is global constructor? 18. Why friend function cannot be used to overload the assignment operator? 19. What is the difference between docking container and splitter container?What is tree display?Explain 20. What are data model and class model in Object Oriented Approach specially in C++? 21. What is factory class? 22. What are the advantages of Object Oriented Modeling? 23. What is the memory allocation for pointer? 24. How do you differentiate a constructor from a ordinary function? 25. How do you differentiate between a constructor and normal function? 26. What is difference between void and null pointer. is it same? 27. What is dangling pointer?where it is used ? what are the advantages? 28. Which languages are included in object based laguages other than VB and java script 29. What is VOLATILE/Mutable in c++ 30. What is the difference between dos & windows?what is the use of overloading? 31. Difference between object-oriented programming and procedure oriented programming 32. How exactly the servlet object will create in java language? 33. What is ASSERT STATEMENTS? 34. Why C or C++ Stack index starts from 0. 35. Can we inherit private members of class ?

36. Can we create an object of Base class? If we can not create an object of base class then why we need Abstract class? 37. How macro execution is faster than function ? 38. What are the similarities between macro and function? 39. What are the default sizes of String and StringBuffer? 40. What is the implementation of pointer in prospect of C++ language? 41. What do you mean by realization in oops, what is presistent,transient object. 42. Explain the Encapsulation principle 43. Describe the principles of OOPS 44. Explain the Inheritance Principle

UML Interview Questions:

1. 2.

Explain how Sequence Diagram differ from Component Diagram? How usecase diagrams are used in software creation & what about their functions? What is the difference between sequence diagram and collaboration diagram? Can a sequence diagram be replaced by collaboration diagram?

3. 4. 5.

What is UML? How it is useful? Explain few Class Diagramming Guidelines? How to identify strong aggregation (composition) relationship between classes and what is difference between association and aggregation(while programming implementation of them)?

6. 7. 8. 9.

When was UML standard adopted? What are the uses or application of UML? What are parameterized classes in UML? Who developed UML?

10. How to indicate static methods within a UML class diagram? 11. What is the difference between an API and a framework? 12. What is a stereotype in UML? 13. What is Aggregation & Composition ?

Other Interview Questions: 1. Suppose you are given a unique task to shift the Himalaya to another place...What are all the things you will consider for the same? 2. Mr. loyd wants to fence his Square shaped land of 120 Sqft each side. If a pole is laid every 12ft how many poles do he need? 3. A circle is inscribed in a Triangle of side 6cm and a square is inscribed in the Circle. What is the area of square? 4. 6 Persons standing in queue with different age group, after two years their average age will be 43 and seventh person joined with them. Hence the current average age has become 45. Find the age of seventh 5. 6. Determine the distance between x and z intercept of the plane whose eqn is 2x+9y-3z=18 Bobby weighs 160 lbs more than his sister maria. Their combined weight is 200lbs. How many lbs does bobby weigh?


With just six weights and a balance scale, you can weigh any unit number of kgs from 1 to 364. What could be the six weights?

8. 9.

Find the base where 310 can be written as 1234? Seven different toys are distributed among 3 children how many different ways are possible?

10. Find out the total numbers between 1 to 999 that are neither divisible by 8 nor by 12?

11. A man walks at 4 km/hr on plain, then at 3 km/hr uphill and then returns through the same road at 6 km/hr downhill and at 4 km/hr on the plain. It takes altogether 6 hours. So what distance he covered 12. 1,6,15,?,15,6,1. Find the missing number in the series 13. A motor cycle stunts man belonging to a fair, rides over the with vertical walls of a circular well at an average speed of 54 kph for 5 minutes. If the radius of the well is 5 meters then the distance 14. Peter and Paul were friends. After six years Paul wil be twice as old as Peter was when peter was as old as Paul. If sum of their ages is 36 find the age of Peter? 15. If a company produces 15 different model of TV sets, 2 inchs screen and 4 different model of 4 inch screen size then how many model should vendor has for all the model. 16. If the area of a square has increased by 60%, by what percentage has its side increased? 17. What is the sum of all the four digit numbers formed using the digits 0, 1, 2 and 3. None of the two digits should be repeated? 18. Find out the total numbers between 1 to 999 that are neither divisible by 8 nor by 12 19. What is the minimum no of coins of the same size that can be placed on a table so that each coin touches only three, others? All coins must lie flat on the table. What will be the arrangement of the coins?

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