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Negotiation Skills Training

Tailored and In-House Negotiation Skills Training

Our Negotiation Skills Training can be tailored as an in-house programme to address specific issues within your company. (Click here to send individuals on our Open Negotiation Skills Course)
Negotiation Training Objectives

* Understanding Types of Negotiation * Seeing Other Points of View * Reading Other People * Defining Your Negotiation Style * Working with Your Own Negotiation 'Rules' and Beliefs * Playing the 'Game' of Negotiation * Negotiate Upwards and Downwards * Knowing Your Bottom Line * Knowing What to Give Away * Dealing with Hidden Agendas * Making Decisions * Finessing * Closing The Deal
Negotiation Skills

We all have to negotiate. Sometimes it's 'hard' negotiation, such as negotiating a new piece of work, a salary increase or the price we'll pay for a house, an advertising campaign or a used car. Sometimes it's 'soft' negotiations such as getting your children to do their homework (well, actually, that's probably hard), deciding who's going to do what in your team or handling staff conflict. The principles are the same though. Our approach to good negotiation isn't about winning and it isn't about someone else losing. It is, however, about learning to 'play the game' better, because that's what negotiation is - a game. And like any game there are rules and conventions. Our negotiation programmes help people define their own rules and beliefs about negotiation and how they either support or get in the way of success. From there we look at each person's individual negotiation style and develop people's negotiation skills in being able to see better what's going on for other people, reading body language, and handling tricky meetings.

We like to think our work is aspirational, with people getting a real feel and flavour of how the best negotiators work: with subtlety and flair; knowing what to give away, when to make demands and how to compensate when there are difficulties; how to let go of their positions, giving up one want and choosing another.
Great Negotiation Skills

Great negotiators can fight tooth and nail and yet lose with good grace when necessary. Not only that, they are a pleasure to negotiate with because they take care of you at the same time as taking care of themselves. Impact Factory can help you become one the 'good guys'. It seems some people are born negotiators and relish 'doing the deals'. The rest of us aren't and need some form of negotiation skills training to encourage us to put a toe into the fray. Maybe in your company you may need a lot more than a toe when your people have to enter the negotiating fray.
Hard Negotiation Skills

It may be that you have people who do need to do 'hard' negotiations such as union or other contracts, bargaining with suppliers, reaching a settlement. Extra negotiation skills training including understanding just how negotiations 'work', how to 'play the game', closing the deal and holding your nerve may be the very tools they need to make their jobs easier and less stressful when entering the negotiating arena.
Soft Negotiation Skills

On the other hand you may have groups of people who mostly have to deal with 'soft' negotiations, where it's less about 'what kind of deal can I cut?' and more about collaboration, cooperation and agreement. There may be people in your company who now have to include negotiating in their job descriptions when it was never expected of them before. If they aren't one of those born negotiators, they may well find this additional 'ask' quite challenging, even a bit scary. You could also have some old negotiating 'hands' who could use of brush up, new negotiators who find it a bit intimidating or uncomfortable, people who'd feel a lot more confident if they had some additional negotiation skills - all good reasons to give your negotiators a helping hand. Tailored specifically to each group our Negotiation Skills Training Programmes are designed to help delegates conduct successful, professional customer and client negotiations.

Main Issues Discussed were

1.Defining Negotiation 2.Terminologies of Negotiate. 3.Developing a Structure for Effective Negotiation.(win-win) 4.Process and phases of Negotiation. 5.Handling Conflict and Impasse in Negotiations. 6.Devising Problem-Solving Techniques 7.Going through negotiation Styles. 8.Negotiating and taming hard negotiators. 9.A Checklist for Successful Negotiations

Practical Negotiation Skills Training

Course Objective

To give participants the confidence to enter into negotiation knowing the importance of such aspects as a win:win situation, how to protect yield, and the use of concessions. It is a very practical course, giving the delegates the opportunity to use their newly learnt skills in realistic situations. The course is designed for participants with little experience in negotiation. It focuses on the essential skills and stages involved. By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

Identify the four stages of negotiation Understand the importance of setting objectives and preparation Recognise the difference between selling and negotiation Successfully use variables and concessions Maintain progress through difficult negotiations Identify when to close the deal

Negotiation Skills 'How To Negotiate Successfully At All Levels And Get Winning Solutions'

Who Should Attend?

This highly enjoyable 'experiential' programme is designed for account managers, salespeople, managers, and other personnel who need to improve their negotiation skills.

About the Programme

It approaches the skills, techniques, strategies and philosophy of negotiation in such a way, that each delegate will not only understand the theory, but also have the opportunity to use it in highly interactive, practical role play situations enabling him / her to successfully negotiate at all levels. The majority of the course consists of actual negotiation role plays that increase in complexity as the three days progress. Delegates from the Middle Eastern office of a multinational company, described as 'the most successful company in the world', said this course was one of the best they have ever attended!

Course Objectives

To provide each delegate with the knowledge and confidence to conduct successful negotiations with skilled buyers and negotiators, without making excessive concessions To allow delegates to improve their selling and negotiating skills through a series of enjoyable and highly participative exercises To provide them with a clear understanding of the techniques and interpersonal skills required to be an effective negotiator To focus on weaknesses identified by delegates in their present knowledge of negotiating skills, and address these problems in a constructive and positive manner To prepare a development plan for delegates that identifies their future development objectives in relation to negotiation skills

What You Will Gain

A better understanding of negotiation and the techniques and interpersonal skills required to be successful The opportunity to participate in realistic negotiation exercises that will help you to understand your strengths and weaknesses as a negotiator A development plan that identifies future objectives for helping you to improve your negotiation skills

Programme Contents
All three days of the programme start with an introductory session from the Tutor and then move into 'experiential' role play exercises. After each exercise there is a detailed debrief and tutor input, before moving on to the next exercise. It is a continually improving scenario for each delegate, - as they receive feedback from those they have negotiated with, and from observations made by the Tutor and others. This format works exceptionally well and participants find it an enjoyable and safe environment to work in. During each day, key themes will be explored and learning points emphasised. DAY ONE is spent examining the key basic ideas required for successful negotiation. Cost / concession areas, the use of variables, and the five outcomes of negotiation are discussed. Delegates are encouraged to examine their preferred Negotiating Style (or Styles), and to understand and appreciate that there are other styles that may be useful to use in negotiating. They also need to identify the style of those they are negotiating with. A number of role plays will be conducted on Day One. DAY TWO has many exercises for delegates to participate in. Some of the key learning points from the day relate to 'Hot Buttons' and the types of behaviours used by successful negotiators. Other issues explored are dealing with multicultural issues in negotiation, and the importance of thorough preparation before entering into any negotiation discussions. Communication and influencing skills are covered and delegates will learn to appreciate that it is not always about how we like to deliver information that is important, but how other people like to receive information. DAY THREE starts with a review of the first two days and the key learning points from them. It then moves on to more sophisticated exercises and the varied aspects of team negotiation. Key points covered during the day include: dealing with dirty tricks in negotiation, common mistakes made by negotiators, and identifying a very clear framework for negotiations when delegates return to their work environment. Over the three days of the course, the topics listed below will be covered. But

much of the programme involves delegates preparing for, and participating in, role play negotiations. ** **Delegates will participate in a minimum of six 'experiential' negotiation role play exercises during the programme. Topics covered over the three days:

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What Is 'Negotiation'? How Does Negotiation Differ From Selling? What Are The Skills & Qualities Needed To Be An Effective Negotiator? Identifying Your Current Strengths & Weaknesses As A Negotiator Negotiating Styles Influencing Styles The General Principles Of Negotiation The Five Main Outcomes Of Negotiation The Negotiation Process

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The Importance Of Communications In Negotiation The Importance Of Non-Verbal Communication Effective Questioning Techniques Listening Skills In Negotiation 'Dealing With The Difficult One' - The Low Reactors The 'P's Of Negotiation

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Preparation Guidelines The Climate For Negotiations Opening The Negotiation The Importance Of Adopting The 'Right Attitude' Some Rules For Team Negotiation The Phases Of The Negotiation Some Common Mistakes Key Points & Negotiation Techniques

In the competitive trading conditions of the twenty-first century, we are all under pressure to deliver better results. Buyers and sellers at the forefront of the commercial relationship and managers negotiating internally, all face increasing pressure to achieve more.

This Negotiation training course describes a range of successful negotiating techniques and explains how you can use them to help you achieve your key objectives.

Negotiation Course Objectives

By the end of this negotiation training course, delegates will:

Have the knowledge and tools necessary to be able to conduct any negotiation as a competitive and collaborative negotiation Understand how to make the most effective use of time available for negotiation preparation Appreciate the benefits of a wide range of persuasion techniques which are effective in commercial negotiations Be aware of the most commonly used tricks, traps and ploys used in negotiation and, more importantly, how to deal with them See for yourself the factors which make the difference between effective and average negotiators

Negotiation Skills Course Content

The Process Of Negotiation

the value of negotiating how negotiating differs from selling when selling stops and negotiation begins

How To Plan The Strategy

targets - your bottom line and optimum aim tactics and objectives planned concessions the limits of both parties power establishing the climate pursuing a win-win outcome retaining flexibility

The Negotiation

understanding the other sides needs and motivation interpersonal skills and body language presenting your case opening bids and offers dealing with objections and rejections how to avoid deadlock or how to make deadlock work for you give and take the skill of negotiation

the importance of summarising bargaining dealing with intimidating tactics

Clinching The Deal

going for commitment how to close developing a long term relationship and preparing the climate for future negotiations

Telephone Negotiation

voice and personality projection using silence controlling the call how to implement the negotiating process using the telephone

Action Plan

participants plan and discuss what they will actually do upon their return to work

What our clients think of our Negotiation Training

After the [Negotiation Skills] training session, all managers at Ongame Studios have really benefited from the training and look at each negotiation in a new light. In terms of benefit for the company, I know we have already had ROI (return on investment) from this training session. Many of the managers have also gained from it in their personal life! Thanks again for a great session! David Flynn - Ongame Studios

Program Overview Do you know when you have gotten the best deal or a fair price? Skilled negotiators do. In this negotiation training program, participants will learn to determine if they will win or lose before a negotiation even starts, to spot dirty tricks from a mile away, to take the essential steps of a skilled negotiator, and more. Through multiple case studies, hands-on activities, and videotaping, participants will practice skills learned throughout this interactive, fast-paced negotiation training program.

Program Objectives At this program's conclusion, participants should be able to:

Identify possible negotiation outcomes. List the eight steps of the negotiation process. Understand and identify different behavioral styles and adapt as necessary. Apply techniques for successful negotiation by successfully answering case studies and participating in practice cases. Recognize dirty tricks and tactics. Demonstrate the use of successful concession making. Develop an action plan to improve negotiation skills.

The following outline highlights some of the course's key learning points. As part of your training program, we will modify content as needed to meet your business objectives. Upon request, we will provide you with a copy of the participant materials prior to the session(s). Course Outline Win-Win, Win-Lose, Lose-Lose: Understanding Negotiation Outcomes Knowing where you may end up before you begin is critical to planning any negotiation. In this introductory discussion, participants will learn about negotiation outcomes, evaluate case studies to determine whether there is a possibility of winning, and discover when to use the strategy of losing because it actually makes sense. The Eight-Step Negotiation Process: From Fact Finding to Autopsy Negotiations often fall short because the key players have not paid attention to each step of the negotiation process. In this section, participants will learn about the phases of a negotiation and what questions they should ask before moving on. They will also explore the concepts of BATNA (plan b), minimum acceptance, and probing for inconsistencies. The Communication Jungle: Negotiation with Different Types of People This unit begins with Business Training Works' signature diagnostic tool, The Communication Jungle, with which participants learn to identify their own behavioral styles and those of their coworkers, clients, customers, or suppliers in order to adjust for better negotiations. This information is beneficial to all who wish to negotiate better with different kinds of people. Beyond the Basics: Deadlocks, Standstills, and Concessions Knowing when to give and how much to give are issues with which even skilled negotiators struggle. In this segment, participants will learn how to recognize, organize, and rank concessions and discover how to use them for maximum impact. Tricks, Traps, and Tactics: What to Be Aware Of

Section five explores eight common tactics and their defensive countermeasures. From exaggerated first offers to delays, participants will learn how to quickly identify tricks and what to do to turn situations around. Setting the Stage: Understanding When and Where to Negotiate Negotiation over the telephone is different from negotiation in person. An unexpected negotiation is different from one that has been carefully planned. In this part of the course, participants will learn how to use time and space constraints to their maximum advantage. Show What You Know: Practice Negotiation and Action Planning The program ends with a negotiation simulation during which participants have an opportunity to practice and reinforce the skills they have learned. They will leave with personalized action plans to improve their next negotiation.

At this negotiation skills training program's conclusion, participants will have an understanding of how to use their power base for maximum influence in the negotiation process, how to handle dirty tricks, how to make concessions, when to walk away, how to succeed in cross-cultural negotiations, and what they need to do immediately to improve their next negotiation. TRAINING . COURSE . CLASS . WORKSHOP . SEMINAR . PROGRAM

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