Ridwan Ajanaku Frontend Software Engineer: Professional Experience
Ridwan Ajanaku Frontend Software Engineer: Professional Experience
Ridwan Ajanaku Frontend Software Engineer: Professional Experience
ACCELBYTE Full Time, Remote
Software Engineer I AUG 2022 - NOV 2023
● Refactored both web and desktop application codebases from class to functional components to improve code
quality, reusability, simplicity and to have the ability to use react hooks which resulted in an improved page load
performance from 70% to 100% (+30%).
● Created new features on the Accelbyte Development Toolkit (ADT) web application like displaying a 10s video
before crash, viewing crash logs, and viewing computer hardware information. These new features increased
customer retention rate by 30%.
● Identified and removed redundant code in the desktop application codebase that caused the reduction of component
file sizes by 40% .
● Completed a bandwidth throttling feature on the ADT desktop app which enables paid customers to limit their
bandwidth and reduce network congestion when multiple users are downloading their large game builds
concurrently, this helps the customers save cost up to 15%.
● Built and shipped an application tour guide feature on both ADT web and desktop apps to enable new users to easily
navigate through the entire application themselves. This feature caused a massive reduction of user complaints from
support by 70% as the majority of complaints were about how to use certain features in the application.
● Collaborated with a diverse team consisting of engineers, designers and managers in an agile environment to meet
business requirements which raised customer success rate by 20%.
● Worked in the support team of 5 members and fixed several issues and bugs raised by customers to ensure a
continuous amazing user experience throughout the entire application.
● Rankaque: An e-learning full stack application built with React and Typescript on the frontend and
Python on the backend. It is made in such a way that students ask lecturers questions anonymously and
then each question gets ranked according to its importance.
● Carscanner: A web application where you can scan cars with your mobile phone and get immediate details
about them. This app was completed with React and Typescript.
● Ridwan Ajanaku: My portfolio website finished with React, Typescript, Vite, Sass and Framer motion.
You can find other projects I've done here.
Bachelor of Engineering - Electrical and Electronics Engineering 2014-2020