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ID NO: 5327/17






DILLA, Ethiopia
Content pages
TABLE OF CONTENT.....................................................................................................................................i
CHAPTER ONE........................................................................................................................................1
1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................................................1
1.1 Background of the study....................................................................................................................1
1.2.1 Research question.......................................................................................................................4
1.3. Objective of the study.......................................................................................................................5
1.3.1. General Objective......................................................................................................................5
1.3.2. Specific Objective......................................................................................................................5
1.4. Significance of the study..................................................................................................................5
1.5. Scope of the study.............................................................................................................................5
CHAPTER THREE.....................................................................................................................................6
3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.............................................................................................................6
3.1. Research design and strategy...........................................................................................................6
3.2. Data source and type........................................................................................................................6
3.3. Population of the study....................................................................................................................6
3.4. Sampling and sample size.................................................................................................................6
3.6. Method of data analysis...................................................................................................................6
4. Work plan and cost budget..................................................................................................................7
4.1. Work plan.........................................................................................................................................7
4.2. Cost budget plan...........................................................................................................................8


1.1 Background of the study
The first formal theory of entrepreneurship was developed by Richard cotillion in 1725.the
defined entrepreneurship as self-employed person and bearing the risk of buying at a certain
price and selling at uncertain price. However, in 1803 the definition of entrepreneurship was
brooded to include the concept of bringing the factor of product together (chenetal, 2001)
entrepreneurship is an interaction process of entrepreneur’s rational decision making and
entrepreneurial spirit after the recognition of opportunity (Zhangan and yang, 2006)

Entrepreneurship a worldwide phenomenon with economic growth across the global positively
impacted by the emergency of new and innovative business startup, these new small business
plays a significant role in job creation, influencing politician to recognize and support
entrepreneurial, startup activity due to its positive contribution to the economy, historically
economist have supported the view that entrepreneurship is responsible for economic expansion
(cole, 1965 and weber, 1930), due to its association with profit orientation, capital investment
and creation of new market(Cantillon, 1755 and schumpter, 1934). A deeper understanding of
the competencies enabling university students to successfully lead entrepreneurial inclination
among university students (Beghri and pihit, 2011).Entrepreneurship education in process
motivation towards being entrepreneurial by inspiring students ‘persona attraction to wards
entrepreneurship and perceived behavioral control (Dugassa, 2012). It would be interesting to
follow entrepreneurial in a group of student over longer period of time in order to establish some
understanding of the predictive capability of entrepreneurial desire and future business
orientation (taatilaand Down, 2012). Diversify of educational back ground on the basic of
department officer’s possible explanation on the different of entrepreneurial perception of
university under graduating students (Wu and Wu, 2008). Students are more likely to formulate
the choice of starting entrepreneurship.

When they successfully feel, recognized evaluate their own and their interest (Zampetakis,
2009). Motivating university students towards culture of entrepreneurship and innovation can
have impact both locally and internationally under graduate students who pursue their own ideas
through entrepreneurship are more likely to find satisfaction in their careers, as well as impacting
job creation externally (ecdigetal, 2010)


Almost everywhere in the world universities are trying to focus on entrepreneurship Academic
researchers have begun to explore the entrepreneurial interests of potential entrepreneurs. As a
result of an exploratory study, Rodermund (2004) felt able to generalize that in Germany an
entrepreneurial personality (lowagreeableness and neuroticism, high extraversion, openness, and
conscientiousness) and authoritative parenting styles were linked to the entrepreneurial
competence of future entrepreneurs. According to him entrepreneurial competence could predict
entrepreneurial interest which in turn related to entrepreneurial career development in the
potential entrepreneurs.

By contrast, other researchers found an entrepreneurial personality profile mainly consisted of

the following:a high need for achievement, high entrepreneurial intention, instrumental
readiness, high entrepreneurial acceptability, creative behavior , initiative taking, taking
responsibilities, involvement in various types of risks, self-efficacy, an internal locus of control,
need for independence and autonomy, accomplishment oftasks with energy and commitment,
team building, working in teams and independently, working underpressure, leading others,
analytical competencies and persistency in following the aims (Martinez, Mora &
Vila, 2007; Ramayah&Harun, 2005).
Ethiopia is one of the developing countries in the world. There are many reasons for Ethiopia to
have lack of development. However, lack of entrepreneurial motivation and entrepreneurship
development is one of the reasons. “We are not creative and innovative enough to make
Ethiopia wealthy” look at what you your parents and grandparents and all whom you know are
doing now (Werotaw, 2010).
Some university degrees no longer hold the promise of jobs for young Ethiopians as hundreds of
thousands ofthem battle to find work. There are many university graduates that are languishing at
home. Not all graduatesare equal in the fierce battle for jobs. More substantial research work saw

other investigators exploring inother directions. It found that the intention to become an
entrepreneur mainly depended on personal attractiontowards entrepreneurship, perceived social
norms and perceived feasibility (self-efficacy). Achievement motivation and self-image have
likewise emerged as major contributory factors (Pillis& Reardon, 2007).

In this study, the researcher is interested in how people with an academic degree perceive
entrepreneurship as a personalcareer alternative. It is widely accepted that the educational system
of universities has to provide an academicenvironment that serve as a catalyst for high-
technology start-ups. The universities shall be fosteringinnovations and new product
development through entrepreneurship as primary task of universities. Lessresearch has focused
on the factors which deter students from engaging in creating own business.Additionally, lack of
finance has appeared as a major entrepreneurship barrier in many cases (Wilson,
Brown,Anderson &Galloway, 2003).

Both policy makers and scholars should concentrate on the question of why some people choose
an entrepreneurial career and others do not. The previous studies in the literature provide some
alternative explanations for this question. Some scholars primarily focus on the effect of
personality characteristics on decision making process. Although the results vary across the
studies, they often indicate a link between entrepreneurial intention and some personality factors,
such as self-confidence, risk-taking ability, need to achievement, and locus of control. However,
a person is surrounded by an extended range of cultural, social, economical, political,
demographical, and technological factors.

Consequently, there is a need for many entrepreneurs to be involved actively in the economic
development in order to meet the market demands and to sustain competency in the fast pace of
technology change. The assessment of entrepreneurial intention among the university students is
a necessity in order to identify their level of entrepreneurial orientation. This group of people is
very crucial as the springboard or backup to the current entrepreneurs in Ethiopia’s high-tech
industries. A majority of these students will immediately contribute more to the economic
growth after they graduate, not as salary workers but as entrepreneurs.

1.2.1 Research question
In this study researchers tried to answer the following research questions.
 How ready graduating students are to start new business?
 Whatthe intension of students is after graduated and factors limit the students from
starting their own new business?
 What type of environment is comfortable andkinds of support are needed from
government and society to start a new business?

1.3. Objective of the study

1.3.1. General Objective

The general objective of this study is to assess entrepreneurial motivation of graduating students
in Dilla University, Odayaa campus (in case of management department)

1.3.2. Specific Objective

The study had the following specific objective
 To investigate how ready graduating students are to start new business.
 To identify whatthe entrepreneurial intention of graduating students and factors limit the
students from starting their own new business.
 To assess whattype of environment is comfortable and kinds of support is needed from
government and society to start new business.

1.4. Significance of the study

This paper is expected to be contributing in many different ways. Primarily the student
researchers gain researching experience and boost their researching skill. Secondly it helps the
sample respondents to check their entrepreneurial intentions and prepare for their future. More
over other researchers may also find the findings of this research to be useful for further analysis.
Finally, the government may make use of the findings policy drafting.

1.5. Scope of the study

This research will be delineate on Dilla University and the study focus on college of business and
economics graduating class students’ department of management regarding the perception to
start their business or entrepreneurship career development. The study will conduct in Dilla
University, using students as the respondents. It looks at whether certain demographic variables
such as age, gender, family background, working status have a significant effect on creating own

3.1. Research design and strategy
For the purpose of the study to achieve the objective the researcher will use descriptive type of
research because it describes the existing phenomena and state of affair regarding the perception
of starting entrepreneurial life.

3.2. Data source and type

The researcher will use both primary and secondary data source since, it has the following
advantage. It enables the researchers with information while asking conclusion and
recommendation and taken the advantage of both source. Primary data is collected through
distributing questioner to the respondent and source from distributing both open ended and close
ended question to them.

Secondary data will collect from relevant books and internet that are relevant for the study.

3.3. Population of the study

The researchers select Dilla University graduating class student (GC 2012) from department of
management in Dilla University Odayaa campus.

3.4. Sampling and sample size

.The total number of student in Dilla university department of management graduate class student is74 of
which 50 males and 24 were females.The method of sampling will use census method. The
reason for the researcher to use census method because of the number of student is small so all of them
can participate in this study So the researcher will collect information from all of them.

3.5. Data collection tool and procedure

To collect the necessary information, the researchers use questionnaire, both closed and open
ended questionnaires willdistribute to the respondents, open ended questioners invent to them to
express their filling and closed ended questionnaires that provide alternative to choice. In
addition, it has the following advantage. It saves time, economical and quickest, less skill of

3.6. Method of data analysis

After all the required data will be collected and processed the data were analyzed and interpreted
according to their nature. Data analysis implies that future transformation of the process of data.
For the purpose of this research, researchers use the mix of tables, percentage and descriptive
analysis for describing, summarizing and the presenting data

4. Work plan and cost budget

4.1. Work plan Activities Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

1. Problem

2. Topic Selection

3. Proposal Writing

4. Proposal Summation

5. Proposal Paper

6. Data Collection

7. Data Analysis And


8. Final Report Writing

9. Paper Presentation

4.2. Cost budget plan description of items unit quantity unit cost in unit total cost
1 secretary Page 35 7 245.00
2 Papers pack 1 180 180.00
3 Pen Piece 1 10 10.00
4 Pencil Piece 1 5 5.00
5 Ruler Piece 1 5 4.00
6 binding cost Piece 2 12 24.00
sub total 668.00
contingency 10% 66.80
grand total 534.80

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