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Department of Psychology

B.A. In Psychology
Criteria for entry into the major: Must be admitted to FIU. AA or General Education Requirements must be met.
Prerequisites: 12 credits *Equivalent courses at Colleges/Universities acceptable. Must earn a “C” or better.
Title Course Cr
Introduction to Psychology PSY-2012 3
Introduction to Statistics I STA-2122 3
Human Biology BSC-2023 or [BSC-1005, BSC-2010/2011, BSC 1085/1086, BSC 2085/2086] 3
*Lower Division Psychology DEP-2000, DEP-2001, CLP-2001, SOP-2772, or PSB 2071* 3
*Lower division psychology includes any 2000 level course offered by the department of psychology.

Coursework for the Major: 36 credits required, must earn a ‘C’ or better in all courses.

Title Course Cr
Psychology of Career Development PSY-3024 2

Research Sequence: 10 credit hours which must be taken in the following order: (1, 2 and 3).
Title Course Cr
1. Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology I PSY-3211 3
2. Research Methods and Data Analysis in Psychology II PSY-3215 4
3. Senior Seminar in Psychology PSY-4931 (topics will vary) 3

Area Requirements: 15 credits total, ONE course must be taken in each of five areas A-E as listed below.

Area A: Cognitive Neuroscience (3 credits) Area B: Social (3 credits)

EXP-3523 Memory & Memory Improvement SOP-3004 Intro to Social Psychology
EXP-4204: Sensation & Perception SOP-3015 Social & Personality Development
EXP-4604 Cognitive Processes SOP-3742 Psychology of Women
PSB-3002 Intro to Bio Psychology SOP-4414 Psychology of Women
PSB-4240 Neuropsychology SOP-4731 Global Psychology* (GL)
PSB-4250 Animal Cognition

Area C: Applied (3 credits) Area D: Clinical/ Personality (3 credits)

CYP-3003 Community Psychology CLP-4134 Childhood Psychopathology
EAB-3002 Intro to Behavior Analysis CLP-4146 Psychopathology
EAB-3794 Principles of Applied Behavior Analysis CLP-4314 Health & Illness * (GL)
INP-4203 Personnel Psychology CLP-4374 Psychotherapy
INP-4313 Organizational Psychology EAB-4764 Behavior Analysis to Child Problems
PSY-4302 Psychological Testing EXP-3304 Motivation & Emotion
SOP-4842 Legal Psychology PPE-3003 Theories of Personality

Area E: Developmental (3 credits) Psychology Electives 3 psychology courses (9 credits)

DEP-3115 Developmental in Infancy 1.
DEP-3305 Adolescence 2.
DEP-3404 Adulthood 3.
DEP-4164 Children’s Learning ** see notes on psychology electives below
DEP-4464 Aging

**Psychology Electives: Can take up to 6 credits of independent psychology work courses to fulfill elective requirement:
PSY-4916 Independent Research and/or PSY-4941 Experiential Learning/Internship in Psychology and/or PSY-4914 Honors
Research Project and/or PSY-4940 Research Internship in Psychological Science. Psychology electives must be 3000 or 4000 level
psychology courses offered by the Department of Psychology.
Success Markers & Milestones

Success Markers: A success marker is a guidepost along a student's academic journey which highlight enrollment in a critical course,
or successful completion (C or better) of a critical course. Some markers require that a student completes the course (completion) and
some markers require (enrollment) in the course by the specified credit amount.
Credits 30 45 60 75 90

Enrollment STA2122 OR BSC 2023 & DEP 2000,

STA2023 DEP 2001, SOP 2772, CLP 2001, OR
PSB 2071

Completion PSY2012 STA2122 OR PSY3211 PSY3211 (no more than

STA2023 2 attempts)

Milestones: A milestone is a significant moment in the student's academic journey where a decision is typically made related to the
student's continued progress in a major. The student should be enrolled in or should have completed the following courses by the 60 or
90 credit mark, respectively.
Credits 60 90

First Time in STA2122 OR STA2023 (no more than 2 attempts) PSY 3211 (no more than 2 attempts)
College Student

Transfer Student STA2122 OR STA2023 (completed in first semester) PSY 3211 (no more than 2 attempts)

Psychology Major: Graduation Checklist & Notes:

University Core Curriculum- (UCC) or AA Degree Completed University Language (FLENT/FEX) Met
Major listed as Psychology (PSYC:BA) by the 90th credit Global Learning (GL) Requirement Met
36 credits with C or better taken for psychology coursework AA transfers- 60 credits must be taken at FIU
45 credits (minimum) of upper division credits earned If admitted to FIU with fewer than 60 credits
9credits must be earned in the summer

General Information:

1. With both FIU and transfer courses you must have at least 120 total hours (including 36 major hours) to earn a B.A. A grade of
"C" or better must be earned in the 36 major hours.
2. All courses in the major are taught in the Department of Psychology. Other courses not offered by Psychology do not count
toward the psychology major. For example, Education Psychology (EDP 3004) is taught by the College of Education. It is not
counted toward the major, although it will count as a General Elective.
3. "Upper division courses" at FIU are those with 3000 and 4000 level course numbers

For Students with an AA degree from a State of Florida or Community College (MDC, BC, PBC etc.)

1. General Education Requirement (or UCC) are met once an AA is earned from a State of (FL) College or University
2. The maximum number of credits you may transfer into FIU is 60. This means that you now have to earn at least 60 credits at
FIU to receive a Bachelor's degree.
3. Introductory (or General) Psychology meets the requirements for entry into the major
4. Additional Psychology courses taken at the lower division level (at a community college) cannot be transferred to satisfy the
Psychology major upper division courses at FIU.

For Students transferring from a College or University without an AA degree:

1. If you are transferring without a Florida AA Degree, you must meet the requirements of the University Core Curriculum (UCC)
as described in the FIU Catalog.
2. University Core Curriculum (UCC) may be met by courses transferred to FIU, courses taken from FIU or a combination of FIU
and non-FIU courses. Once accepted into FIU, transfer credits will be evaluated and any UCC deficiencies will be noted.
Students should check the (TED) database for more information on credit equivalency.

For Students transferring with earned Upper Division Course Credits

1. The maximum number of credit hours transferrable into FIU is 90. You may transfer up to 60 hours of lower division credit
hours and up to 30 hours of upper division.
2. Regardless of the number of upper division credit hours of Psychology that you have taken at another college or university,
the maximum number that you may use to meet FIU's requirements is 18. You must take 18 of the 36 required credits for the
major at FIU. Additional upper division transfer hours may be counted as general electives.

Important Note:
It is the student's responsibility to ensure a total of 120 credits is earned, of which 45 credits MUST be upper division
(300/4000 level) and 36 credits with a grade of C’ or better must be earned for the Psychology Major.

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