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Name __________________________________________Stream __________
1. Name the largest tribe in Uganda.
2. Write one way of saving money.
3. Mention one service the school provides to a community.
4. Name the country to the west of Kenya.
5. Name this traffic road sign.

6. Write one problem facing Island districts in Uganda.
7. Why should children care for vegetation at school?
8. Write any one cardinal point of a compass.
9. How was a dog useful to early man?
10. Mention any one role of leaders in a community.
11. Name the process that led to the formation of mountain Rwenzori.

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12. State the importance of good roads in a community.
13. Write UWEC in full.
14. What is culture?
15. Mention the type of weather which requires people to carry umbrellas.
16. Name one lake shared by Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo.
17. Why is Entebbe an important town in Uganda?
18. Apart from identification, give any other reason why children put on uniform?
19. What is the use of a wind vane at a weather station?
20. Name the animal used for transport in Kapchorwa district.
21. Of what importance is a class register?
22. What does YELLOW stand for on the Uganda flag?
23. How is a museum important to school children?
24. Mention the importance of a nurse in a school.
25. How was the instrument below useful to people of long ago?

26. Which type of rainfall is received around L. Victoria?
27. What is migration?

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28. Name the physical feature that covers the largest part of Uganda.
29. Why is it necessary for every school to have a playground?
30. Mention any one natural forest in Uganda.
31. Why is a pilot given a compass?
32. What lesson do children learn from the legend of the spear and the bead?
33. Under which ministry are schools?
34. What is the major economic activity carried out at L. Katwe?
35. Name one lake in Uganda crossed by the Equator.
For questions 36 - 40, answer either Christianity or Islam but not both.
36. Either: Name the prophet who built the Ark.
Or: Name the prophet who built the Ark.
37. Either: What is lent?
Or: What is Ramadhan?
38. Either: Why is Bethlehem an important town to Christians?
Or: Why is Mecca an important town to Moslems?
39. Either: In which part of the Bible do we read about the story of the creation?
Or: In which Surat do we read about the story of the creation?
40. Both: Give any one similarity between Christianity and Islam.

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41. Study the diagram below and answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the parts marked

(i) A ____________________________________________________________
(ii) B ____________________________________________________________
(b) State any two problems facing people who stay in area marked B.
(i) __________________________________________________________________
(ii) __________________________________________________________________
42. (a) What are social activities?
(b) Mention any two social activities carried out in our community.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) How do people benefit from social activities?
43. Complete the table below correctly.
Weather Weather type
Wind ____________________________
_____________________ Sunny
Temperature ____________________________
_____________________ Cloudy

44. (a) Write L.C in full.

(b) Mention any two members on a local council.
(i) ________________________________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________________________
(c) What title is given to the political head of a sub - county?

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45. (a) What is a resource?
(b) Give any two examples of a resource.
(i) _________________________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________________________
(c) Why is land referred to as the most important resource?
46. (a) Mention any two tools the early man used for hunting.
(i) ________________________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________________________
(b) State any two ways the discovery of fire improved life of the early man.
(i) ________________________________________________________________________
(ii) ________________________________________________________________________
47. Use the diagram below to answer the questions that follow.

(a) Name the map symbol above.

(b) Mention any two groups of people who need a compass.
(i) ________________________________________________________________________
(iii) _______________________________________________________________________
(c) Apart from the above map symbol in (a), name any other map symbol.
48. (a) Who is a farmer?
(b) Mention any two problems facing farmers in Uganda.
(i) _______________________________________________________________________
(ii) _______________________________________________________________________
(c) How is an Agriculture Extension Officer important to farmers?

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49. Study the map below and answer the questions that follow

(a) Name the water body marked K.

(b) Name the national game park marked T T.
(c) Give any two reasons why the Bantu settled around Lake marked M.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
50. (a) What services does a community get from the people below?
(i) Mid wife _____________________________________________________________
(ii) Driver _______________________________________________________________
(iii) Police officer _____________________________________________________
(iv) Priest ____________________________________________________________
For questions 51 to 55, answer Either Christianity Or Islam but not both.
(a) What did God create on the days below?
(i) 1st day ____________________________________________________________
(ii) 2 day ____________________________________________________________

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(b) Give any two reasons why God created man.
(i) _________________________________________________________________
(ii) _________________________________________________________________
(a) What did Allah create on the days below?
(i) 1st day _______________________________________________________________
(ii) 2nd day ______________________________________________________________
(b) Give any two reasons why God created man.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(a) What name is given to the holy place for Christians?
(b) State any two ways Christians show respect to the above holy place.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) Why is such a holy place important in a community?
(a) What name is given to the holy place for Moslems?
(b) State any two ways Moslems show respect to the above holy place.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) Why is such a holy place important in a community?
(a) What name was given to Jesus’ followers?
(b) Mention any two of Jesus’ disciples.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) How were disciples important after Jesus’ going to heaven?

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(b) What name is given to the followers of prophet Muhammed?
(c) Mention any two Caliphs of Prophet Muhammad.
(i) _____________________________________________________________________
(ii) _____________________________________________________________________
(c) How were the Caliphs useful after the death of Prophet Muhammed?
(a) Name the only son of Abraham from Sarah.
(b) How did Abraham show his faith to God?
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(c) What does the name Abraham mean?
(a) Name the only son of Ibrahim from Sarah.
(b) How did Ibra him show faith to Allah?
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(c) What does the name Ibrahim mean?
55. BOTH:
(a) What are talents?
(b) Mention any two talents you know.
(i) ____________________________________________________________________
(ii) ____________________________________________________________________
(c) How do Christians use talents to serve God (Allah)?


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