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Nat in Uganda: God Is Good, All The Time

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Nat in Uganda

An Update of 2011

God is good, all the time.

It is hard to believe that almost a year has passed since I returned to Uganda from my furlough. And, it also is hard to believe that I have lived in Uganda longer than I lived in College Station to attend four years of University. I am humbled and amazed that God has deemed me worthy to carry out his work, which fulfills a lifelong dream. God is faithful!
23 new blessings added to the Lulwanda family

Hopefully, you have had a chance to look at my blog to see what is happening with me and the children at Lulwanda. For those of you who cannot follow my blog, this newsletter attempts to summarize some highlights of my life over the past year.

Lulwanda Childrens Home

The Lord continues to bless Lulwanda in great ways. The most exciting news of 2011 was the addition of 23 sweet new children to our LCH family in April. It has been such a joy to see these children change physically, mentally, and spiritually. The beginning of December closes our school year, which has been a busy one. In addition to the normal classroom learning, Lulwanda Childrens Home Primary School participated in a number of extracurricular activities. Two of our students represented the Mbale team at the National Track and Field competition, while LCHPS placed fourth at the District level for music competition. One of the highlights of the year was the annual school tours. Eyes lit up as the nursery children zoomed around the rollercoaster track at a theme park in Kampala. The upper classes sparked their urge for world travel while watching planes take off and land at the Entebbe airport. This year also marked the first sendoff of some of our children to secondary school. Though we have missed them while they are away at boarding school, we have exciting reunions when they come home for holiday and tell us about their experiences and stories of life outside of Lulwanda.

The big brothers and sisters have finished their first year of secondary school.

Sports competition

Nat in Uganda
Arriving in Uganda in March, I hit the ground running and didnt stop until August. Since this was my first summer as Program Coordinator, I had no idea how much time and preparation it would take to host a team, much less four teams, one family, and two individuals a new summer record for LCH. The first visitors I got to personally host were two sweet ladies from Texas. I loved it! We had such a blast, not only spending time at LCH, but also having many other African experiences. The excitement continued throughout the summer as teams painted walls and murals, held teacher conferences, funded water projects, and did crafts and games with the children. The most exciting summer visitor was Janece, my step-mom. Being her second visit, she braved leading a small team and we spent a great 10 days together. It is such a blessing to have someone in my family who has been to Uganda, seen me in action, and shares a love for the children that have captured my heart. Overall, the summer was a wonderful time, both for LCH and for me, personally. Since it was my first summer to be the main host, there was a great learning curve that the Lord passed me through, both practically and spiritually. Practically speaking, I now have a number of spreadsheets that will make my life much easier next summer . Spiritually, I was stretched and broken of the need to prove myself in the new position. I learned to not rely on my own strength, but to give up control to God. Surrender to the Lord is not defeat and God loves me for who I am, not for what I do for Him. Besides, these teams are His people doing His work. Though there were trying moments, I am grateful for the lessons God taught me.

Shifting Houses
In other news, I shifted houses at the beginning of August. My previous housemates finished their commitments in Uganda and moved back to the States. So, I moved into a house with my closest friend in Mbale, Tiffany. The house is great and in the same neighborhood as my old house. We have a huge yard with a nice vegetable garden. I love living with Tiff, who loves to cook and to host people, just like I do. Tiffany is from London and even though we both speak English, there is still a language barrier that proves comical at times. We have found that common words can have drastically different meanings, depending on what side of the pond you are from. This provides many laughs as we sort out what the other person has just said. She is a blessing to me daily and I am so grateful for her.

I took Janece to one of my favorite spots in Uganda that is along the River Nile.

Nat in Uganda

A New Season for LCH

The Bible says, To everything there is a season and a time for every purpose under heaven. (Ecc. 3:1). October began a new season that the Lord is moving Lulwanda Childrens Home into. Therefore, we wait in expectation as the Father of the fatherless transitions us (physically, emotionally, and spiritually) into what He has next. At the beginning of October our beloved administrator, Edward Mukiibi resigned. Being the founding administrator, God has used Edward in a wonderful and mighty way at LCH in the past seven years. We are grateful for his faithfulness to lead and love the children and staff. Though his resignation has saddened us, we know that LCH stands not by any man, but by the Lord himself, and are excited to see what God has next. In Edwards absence, I stepped in as Acting Administrator. Despite the sudden handover and a few challenges, the Lord has been so good in sustaining and encouraging me through it all. His kindness has been evident as He continues to show me that He is already in control and is already working all things out for the good of those who love Him. After a number of interviews, I am pleased to announce that a qualified and God-fearing man, Patrick Busima, has been chosen to be the new Administrator. I will be the Assistant Administrator for the next six months and help show Patrick the ropes.

Prayer Requests
Gods continued protection and provision for the children and myself Flexibility through transition and changes Wisdom in raising 110 God-fearing children Abundant grace and love everyday Good health Continued financial blessings toward my monthly expenses Refinement and growth Willing hearts to follow the Lords leading

Baking up a Storm To quench the entrepreneurial spirit that God has given me, I now have a small baking business. I weekly provide homemade brownies to a local coffee shop that many Mzungus frequent. Not only are the taste buds of my friends happy, but it is very satisfying to make a direct contribution toward my own income, even if it is small.

Contact Information: Natalie Rolfe PO Box 1650 Mbale, Uganda, Africa

Personal Fundraising:
(MEMO line: Natalie Rolfe)

Midland Bible Church 2800 North A Street Midland, Texas 79705-5301

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