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Truman Themes 2+ Effects of Camera Positions

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9e E SB

The Truman Show – major themes

Useful vocabulary I want to

remember to talk about the
major themes

Limits of Simulated Reality

Truman has grown up on Seahaven Island and despite the fact that
every single person around him is a hired actor, his reactions to his
world are completely real. Therefore, "The Truman Show" blurs the
lines between reality and fiction, which, according to its creator,
Christof, is why it is so compelling. The problem is that as Truman starts
to explore his natural human instincts and desires, the show must try
to keep up with him. It is much easier for Christof to exercise this kind
of emotional power when Truman is young and impressionable, but as
he nears 30, he knows that there are answers beyond what he sees in
front of him. Therefore, the simulation starts to fail, because ultimately
- there is a limit to the fakery (the wall of the dome).

During his "TruTalk" interview, Christof explains that "The Truman
Show" is funded by product placement and that everything on the
show is for sale. Weir invokes commercials from the 1950s and 1960s,
as characters like Truman's wife, Meryl and his best friend, Marlon,
turn straight to the camera and showcase an item they are being paid
to endorse. This reminds the viewers of The Truman Show and "The
Truman Show" that Truman's entire life is actually a commercial
venture; Truman himself has become a commodity under Christof's
gaze. Weir's film posits the world portrayed by commercials, and their
promise of that world, is false.

The most valuable asset that Truman possesses is himself. After 29
years of living his entire life on television, Truman is a priceless entity.
Without him, "The Truman Show" would be nothing. When he decides
to break free, though, Truman exercises this power, acting out the
ultimate rebellion against his overlord, Christof. Truman is actually
willing to die to get off Seahaven Island, and Christof is forced to
confront his creation and beg him to stay. Just as Eve could not resist
the temptation of the apple, Truman cannot quell his curiosity to see
what lies outside of Christof's Eden. The film is a bit of a coming-of-age
tale, as Truman's illusions about himself are shattered. The quest for
truth is worth the risk of the unknown.
9e E SB

Useful vocabulary I want

to remember to talk about
the major themes

Authenticity (Reality vs. fake)

[The Truman Show] is just as - if not more - relevant as it was when it came
out in 1998. With the growing popularity of the reality television genre
and the habitual "over sharing" that comes with access to social media, it
has become increasingly difficult to differentiate what is real about a
person and what is a construction intended for the consumption of an
audience, no matter how small. While Truman Burbank has grown up in
an entirely manufactured environment with actors playing the roles of all
his friends and family, his reactions and emotions are real. Christof cites
Truman's "authenticity" as the reason that so many people love to watch
him, but it is also the most difficult aspect of the show to maintain. It takes
thousands of people and nearly 5,000 hidden cameras in order to give the
viewers the authenticity they love in Truman. However, over the course
of the film, Weir makes it clear that even though he lives under
surveillance 24/7, Truman's emotions and dreams are his own. "You never
had a camera in my head," Truman tells Christof before leaving Seahaven
Island for the first - and last - time.

EXTRA: Living in a perfect world? (Utopia/Dystopia)

Christof created Seahaven Island in his vision of utopia (a community or a
society possessing highly desirable or perfect qualities). However, this
vision of utopia is only "desirable" if everyone living there shares the same
definition of "perfection." Christof's vision, though, is his alone - he tells
Truman that Seahaven is better than what exists outside it, but Truman
has not seen enough to make this decision on his own. Truman spends
the entirety of the film looking for the truth about what exists beyond the
horizons of his world, and it becomes abundantly clear that he will do
anything in his power to escape Christof's grasp. Christof might see
himself as the creator of a utopia, but he is really a despot. Therefore,
Christof's utopia is Truman's dystopia (which is the opposite of a utopia -
an environment or community that is undesirable or frightening).

EXTRA: The Power of the Media

The Truman Show is a satire. […] Christof is a mysterious character with a
God complex who uses his omnipresence to control Truman - both
physically and mentally - for the sake of ratings. Weir […] brings viewers'
attention to how far the media is willing to go to gain an audience. Weir
has said that he was editing The Truman Show during Princess Diana's
death, and while he certainly blames the paparazzi who drove her off the
road, he asserts that the audience who consumed her public identity was
just as complicit. Similarly, Truman's audiences are complicit in his
entrapment, as Christof (a symbol of the all-powerful media), would be
powerless without their attention.

Adapted from: (13.03.2019)

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