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Module-1 - L& D

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Training constitutes a basic concept in human resource development. It is

concerned with developing a particular skill to a desired standard by
instruction and practice. Training is a highly useful tool that can bring an
employee into a position where they can do their job correctly, effectively,
and conscientiously. Training is the act of increasing the knowledge and skill of
an employee for doing a particular job.
 Definition of Training:
 Dale S. Beach defines training as ‘the organized procedure by which
people learn knowledge and/or skill for a definite purpose’. Training refers
to the teaching and learning activities carried on for the primary purpose of
helping members of an organization acquire and apply the knowledge,
skills, abilities, and attitudes needed by a particular job and organization.
Benefits of Training to Organizations

 1. Increased efficiency of employees:

 An effective training programme can make the employees of the company work in an effective manner. With training
people gain confidence and this confidence is seen in the output and results.
 2. Reduced supervision:
 An employee needs to be supervised when he works. When the employee has got sufficient training the amount of
supervision required is less as mistakes are less. This reduces the workload of the supervisor.
 3. Less amount of wastage:
 The amount of wastage by an employee is reduced a lot due to training and therefore if we take an account of the
amount of wastage we find that the company has saved a lot of money.
 4. Reduced turnover:
 Proper training improves chances of obtaining promotions and employees are happy because they have better
opportunities Due to this their chances of leaving their current job reduces greatly thereby reducing employee turnover in
the company.
 5. Helps new employees in the organization:
 Training always benefits employees whether old or new. In case of new employees, training helps them a lot . This is
because new employees may not be aware of the functioning of the organization and training helps them to gain
knowledge and insight into the working of the company.
Difference between Training, Learning
and Development
 Training is a process of imparting skills or  Learning, on the other hand, is a
knowledge to employees for a specific broader and more general term
job or task. that encompasses the acquisition of
 It is typically focused on improving job- knowledge, skills, and attitudes
specific skills or knowledge, such as through various means.
learning how to operate a piece of
equipment or use a new software  Learning can happen through
program. formal education, informal
experiences, social interactions, or
 Training is often provided through formal personal reflection.
sessions, such as classroom training,
online courses, or on-the-job training.  Learning can be intentional or
 For example, a company might provide unintentional and can result from a
training to its employees to improve their variety of factors, such as
job-related skills, such as communication, observation, reflection,
leadership, or technical knowledge. experimentation, and feedback
Difference between Training, Learning
and Development
 Development refers to the process In summary, training focuses on the
of growing, evolving, or improving acquisition of specific knowledge or
over time.
skills, learning involves a broader
 It can involve the acquisition of new range of experiences and can be
knowledge or skills, as well as the intentional or unintentional, and
refinement of existing ones.
development involves the process of
 Development can occur in various growth and improvement over time.
domains, including personal,
professional, and social, and it can
be facilitated through a variety of
experiences, such as education,
training, mentoring, and coaching.
How To Develop A Training And

Development Process?
1. Identify the need for training and development
 If you are conducting a training program in a company, you can assess the scope of growth for employees and the overall organisation. This can be
to start a new department, strengthen the existing teams, launch new products or upgrade existing products. Identifying the need for a training
program and choosing one that fits your requirements is essential to make employees understand and adapt to new techniques and production
 2. Set specific goals and objectives
 Once you identify organisational needs, the next step is to set a specific goal or objective for the training and development.
 Improving product quality
 Eliminating wastage of time
 Implementing safety precautions
 Assisting effective management
 3. Decide on training methods and develop a detailed plan.
 Classroom training
 Computerised training
 Simulation-based training
 Role-playing
 On-the-job or hands-on training
 Case study
 Training videos
 4. Implement the training programAfter deciding on a training plan and method, the
organisation can execute the training process through comprehensive, step-by-step
instruction and coaching. For this, the company can schedule training activities and use
the required resources. Based on the size of the group and the type of training, the
company may decide on a suitable location for the training to help make it more
 5. Evaluate the output
 It is essential for organisations to assess the impact of the program, its effectiveness and
the degree of its success. You can ask the employees for feedback to know whether the
program was helpful and to review if they have any suggestions for improvement. You can
also conduct quizzes, practical exercises and tests to assess the success of the training.
 6. Monitor performances
 The last phase before completing training and development is to monitor employee
performance. Based on the training assessment results, management can find out if the
training was adequate for the present or if they may require advanced sessions. The
management can also plan future training and development programmes and their
scope accordingly.
Training administration
 Training administration involves the management of all activities related to the planning,
implementation, and evaluation of training programs within an organization. It typically includes the
following tasks:
 Needs analysis: This involves identifying the training needs of employees, based on their current job roles,
skill levels, and performance gaps.
 Curriculum development: Once the training needs have been identified, the training administrator will
work with subject matter experts to develop the curriculum for the training program.
 Training logistics: This includes selecting the appropriate training venue, coordinating the scheduling of
training sessions, and ensuring that the necessary training materials and equipment are available.
 Participant registration: The training administrator will be responsible for managing the registration
process for participants, including communicating training details, collecting registration information,
and tracking attendance.
 Trainer management: This includes identifying and selecting the appropriate trainers, managing their
schedules, and ensuring that they have the necessary resources and support to deliver effective
 Training evaluation: The training administrator will evaluate the effectiveness of the training program, by
collecting feedback from participants, assessing the impact of the training on job performance, and
making recommendations for future improvements.
 Overall, effective training administration is critical for ensuring that employees have the skills and
knowledge they need to perform their job roles effectively, and for driving organizational success
through improved performance and productivity.
Importance of Training Administration

 Training administration is a crucial component of any organization's training and development program. It refers to
the process of managing and coordinating all aspects of employee training, including planning, scheduling,
delivering, and evaluating training activities.
 Here are some reasons why training administration is important:
 Enhances Employee Skills and Knowledge: Proper training administration helps employees acquire the necessary skills
and knowledge to perform their jobs effectively. This, in turn, leads to improved productivity, increased efficiency,
and higher quality work.
 Improves Employee Retention: Providing effective training and development opportunities to employees is a proven
way to improve employee satisfaction and engagement, leading to better employee retention rates.
 Reduces Costs: A well-planned and executed training program can help reduce costs associated with employee
turnover, absenteeism, and errors that result from lack of knowledge or skills.
 Helps Meet Business Objectives: Proper training administration can help align employee skills and knowledge with the
organization's business objectives, ensuring that employees are equipped to achieve the organization's goals.
 Ensures Compliance: Training administration is crucial for ensuring that employees are properly trained on
compliance-related issues, such as safety regulations and ethical practices, reducing the risk of legal and regulatory
 Overall, effective training administration is a key component of organizational success. It helps improve employee
skills and knowledge, increase productivity, reduce costs, and ensure compliance, among other benefits.
Training Administration Procedure

 The following are some general steps involved in a typical training

administration procedure:
 Training Needs Assessment: Conduct a thorough analysis of the skills and
knowledge required for each job position to identify the training needs of
 Training Planning: Develop a comprehensive training plan that includes training
objectives, learning outcomes, delivery methods, training resources, and
evaluation criteria.
 Training Scheduling: Schedule training sessions, taking into account employee
availability, work schedules, and training requirements.
 Training Delivery: Conduct training sessions according to the plan and delivery
methods specified in the training plan, which can include in-person, online, or a
combination of both.
 Training Evaluation: Evaluate the effectiveness of the training program by
collecting feedback from participants, assessing the achievement of learning
outcomes, and analyzing the impact on job performance.
 Training Documentation: Keep accurate records of all training activities,
including attendance records, training materials, evaluation results, and
 Continuous Improvement: Use the evaluation results to improve the training
program and make necessary adjustments to the training plan and delivery
 Compliance: Ensure that all training activities comply with legal and regulatory
requirements, such as safety regulations and ethical practices.
 Effective training administration requires careful planning, execution, and
evaluation of training activities. Following a structured procedure can help
organizations ensure that their training programs are effective, compliant, and
aligned with their business objectives.
HR topics for presentations

 1. Digitalization in HR practices
 3. Role of Employee Mental Health
 Importance of Learning and Development
 Secrets of a Happy Workplace
 Open Offices – boon or bane?
 Re-imagining Human Resources in Metaverse
 Impacts Of Green HR Practices On Employees And Sustainable Business

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