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The Origin of The I

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The Origin Of The “I” Samael Aun Weor


The Elohim (Holy Gods), produced from themselves (by transformation) man, in their
image. They created our collective humanity or Adam, the male and the female, he (the
collective deity) created them.

The Protoplasmatic Race in the sacred island located in the septentrion, was in truth their
first creation, a tremendous transformation of and by themselves, of the pure spiritual
existences; the Solar Adam.

From that very first Polar Race originated the Second Race: Adam- Eve or Jod-Heva,
hyperborean people, inactive androgynous.

From the hyperboreans came (always by transformation), the Third race, the Lemurian
people, the hermaphrodites that lived on the gigantic continent of Mu or Lemuria, as it
was later called, and that was located in the Pacific Ocean.

The Third Race, the last semi- spiritual one, was also the final vehicle for the innate
esotericism, instinctive, pure, virginal, unbegotten in the Illuminated Enochs of that

The separated hermaphrodite of Cain and Abel, produced the Fourth race Seth-Enos that
lived on the continent of Atlantis located in the Atlantic Ocean.

From the Atlantean people our actual Fifth Aryan Race descended, and we perversely
live on the five continents of the world.

Each one of the four preceding races perished through gigantic cataclysms and we the
fifth race will not be an exception.

We have been told that in the remote future there will exist over the face of the earth two
more races, and it is obvious that each one of them will have their own setting.

The bisexual unity of the third human root race, is an axiom of the ancient wisdom. Their
virgin individuals, raised themselves to the dignity of the Gods, because those people
were, as a matter of fact, the representation of their Divine Dynasty.

The separation into opposite sexes, certainly was made through many thousands of years
and it was a consummated fact at the end of the Lemurian race.

Let us speak now about Eden, of that paradisiacal jinn land, to which the sacred
individuals of Lemuria had constant access; in those ancient times in which the rivers of
pure water of life, emanated milk and honey.

The Origin Of The “I” Samael Aun Weor

That was the era of the titans, the concept of mine or yours did not exist then, and each
one could take from the neighbour's tree without any fear.

That was the era of the Arcadia, in which the Holy Gods of the Fire, Air, Water and Earth
were venerated.

That was the Golden Age, when the lire had not fallen on the pavement of the temple,
and broke into pieces.

Then, only the pure gold of the Divine Cosmic Language was spoken, that as a river of
gold flows under the thick jungle of the Sun.

In that ancient era the people were very simple, and as the pluralized "I" was not yet born,
they venerated the Gods of corn and the ineffable creatures of the rivers and forests.

I knew the Lemurian hermaphrodite race. It comes to my memory, those terrible

volcanoes in eruption. What a time, all of us initiates, normally used a sacerdotal cloth,
very common; those venerable sacred tunics, looked splendid with their black and white
colours, that symbolized the tremendous fight between the spirit and matter.

It was dignified with admiration, to see those giants lemurians with their noble clothes
and those sandals that had big tassels.

In the space between the eyebrows of those colossus, it was the pituitary gland, the sixth
sense, carrier of the light and page of the pineal gland.

Then, the life of all was an average of twelve to fifteen centuries.

And gigantic cities were built, protected with huge walls made by volcanic lava. I also
knew the last days of the Third race and I lived in that era cited by Genesis, that ancient
age in which Adam and Eve were expelled from Eden.

At that time humanity was already divided into opposite sexes, the sexual act was then as
a sacrament that could only be performed inside the temples. In determinate lunar cycles,
the Lemur tribes made longs trips, in pilgrimage to the holy places, with the intention of
multiplying the specie. (Let us remember the Honey Moon trip).

We the Lemurians were all sons of the will. The monarchs, King and Queen, performed
their sexual union on the very altar of the temple, the multitudes copulated inside the
sacred area and on the stone-paved yards containing many mysterious hieroglyphics. The
Holy Gods directed wisely those mystic ceremonies, indispensable to the reproduction of
the human specie and in that time no one would have thought of dirty things, because the
pluralized "I" was not yet born.

The Origin Of The “I” Samael Aun Weor

I used to live in the country with my tribe, far from the wall defended cyclopean cities;
we lived in a great hut, ranch or cabin. Close to our circular residences with palm
ceilings, I remember clearly that there was a place; the warriors of the tribe had their
meetings there.

It happened that on a certain night, all of us, fascinated by a strange luciferic power,
decided to perform the sexual act outside of the temple; every couple abandoned
themselves to the lust. Early the next morning and as nothing had happened, we had the
impudence, the shamelessness, the insolence to go to the temple as always: then
something unusual happened, something terrible.

We saw a God of Justice, a Great Master, wearing white and immaculate sacerdotal
clothes, that threaten us with a fire sword that moved everywhere; he said to us: "Get out,
unworthy," it is clear that we then escaped terrified.

It is obvious that, that event was repeated in all the corners of the Mu continent; that is
how the Adam- Eve humanity was taken away from Eden's garden. After tha t event
registered in all the religious Genesis, there were horrifying epilogues, millions of human
creatures, mixing Magic and Fornication, developed the abominable Kundartiguador

It is opportune to cite here Kalayoni the King of the serpent, the black magician guardian
of the temple of Kali, the fatal antithesis of the Eternal Mother Space. Krishna saw that at
the magic conjuration of Kalayoni, a long blue-green reptile appeared. The fatal serpent
slowly turned his body, bristled her red mane, and his penetrating eyes flashed fearfully
on her head of a monster, adorned with bright shells.

"Worship her or you will die," said the black magician... The serpent died in the hands of
Krishna. When Krishna heroically killed the Great Serpent guardian of the temple of
Kali, the Goddess of desire, mother of Cupid; he made absolutions and prayers during a
month at the mountains of Ganges.

That viper of Kali is the tempting serpent of Eden, the horrible Python that was dragged
in the mud of the earth and that Apollo irritated, wounded with his darts. It is
indispensable to comprehend, that this sinister snake is, without any doubt, the tail of
Satan, the abominable Kundartiguador organ.

When the Gods intervened eliminating from the human species that fatal organ, it
remained inside the five cylinders of the machine: the Intellect, Emotion, Movement,
Instinct and Sex, the awful consequences of the Satan's tail.

It is obvious that those bad consequences of the abominable Kundartiguador organ, form
that something called Ego, pluralized "I," myself: a conjuncture of tenebrous and
perverse entities that personify all our psychological defects.

The Origin Of The “I” Samael Aun Weor

Therefore, the pluralized "I" is a negative, lunar and luciferic fohat crystallized. The
satanic fohatic crystallization, formed the Ego.


Samael Aun Weor

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