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Design, construction and performance analysis of a maize thresher for rural


Article · June 2011


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3 authors:

Joel Nwaeze Nwakaire Boniface obinwanne Ugwuishiwu

University of Nigeria University of Nigeria


Ohagwu Chukwuemeka Jude

University of Nigeria


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J.N. Nwakairea , B.O. Ugwuishiwub , C.J. Ohagwuc
Department of Agric. & Bioresources Engineering, University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Nigeria

The processing of agricultural product into quality forms not only prolongs the
useful life of these products but also increases the net profit farmers make from
such products. In this work, emphasis was place on demand led design which
involved understanding the need of the farmer and designing an appropriate sys-
tem that meets that need. The objectives of the work were to design, construct,
and evaluate a low cost maize sheller for rural farmers in Nigeria. The methods
used involved the collection of farmers opinion on their sheller needs, selecting
appropriate materials, and utilization of theories of failure that enable the deter-
mination of allowable shear stress on the bearing supports. The communication
methods used were an interactive sessions with farmers especially the women and
children, in other to determine their shelling problems. Comparison was made
between the human performance index for shelling and the machine performance
index. The human mechanical efficiency, through-put capacity and grain handing
capacity are 45%, 26.67kg/hr and 21.1kg/hr at a biomaterial test weight of 20kg
with actual shelled weight of 15.8kg at a shelling time 45 minutes. For machine in-
dices, through-put capacity and the grain handing capacity of the sheller are 86%,
119.76kg/hr and 109.99kg/hr respectively. The price difference shows a drastic
reduction in the purchase price of maize thresher by N 32,500.00 ( 216.67), which
represent 56.52% price reduction. Market days were also used as an opportunity
to show the farmers and agro-processors the advantage of using the maize sheller.
Keywords: thresher, performance Analysis, design, rural dweller

1. Introduction and protein, alcoholic beverages, food sweet-

eners and, more recently, fuel [1]. In Africa,
Maize, the American Indian word for corn, maize has become a staple food crop that are
means literally that which sustains life. It is, known to the poorest family. It is used in vari-
after wheat and rice, the most important ce- ous forms to alleviate hunger, and such forms
real grain in the world, providing nutrients for include pap or ogi, maize flour, and etc. It
humans and animals and serving as a basic is because of the importance place of maize
raw material for the production of starch, oil that its processing and preservation to an op-

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2, June 2011.

timum condition must be analyzed. The ma- 2. Literature Review
jor steps involved in the processing of maize
Maize shelling a post harvest operation,
are harvesting, drying, de-husking, shelling,
is the removal of maize seeds from the cob.
storing, and milling. For the rural farmers to
This operation can be carried out in the
maximize profit from their maize, appropri-
field or at the storage environment. Maize
ate technology that suites their needs must be
shelling, therefore is an important step to-
used. The processing of agricultural products
wards the processing of maize to its various
like maize into quality forms not only prolongs
finished products like flour. The different
the useful life of theses products, but increases
methods of maize shelling can be categorized
the net profit farmers make from mechaniza-
based on various mechanization technology
tion technologies such products. One of the
used. These includes: hand-tool-technology,
most important processing operations done to
animal technology, and engine power technol-
bring out the quality of maize is shelling or
ogy [2]. Hand technology involves the use of
threshing of maize.
hand tools in shelling, while as observed an-
imals were used in threshing on the field by
1.1. Statement of the problem marching on the maize. Engine powered tech-
Traditional shelling methods do not sup- nology involves the use of mechanical assis-
port large-scale shelling of maize, especially tance in threshing or shelling the maize. Some
for commercial purposes. Locally in Nige- examples were seen in [3], the maize sheller
ria, the region that is the highest producer that was design and constructed in Nigeria.
of maize is the northern part of the country To facilitate speedy shelling of maize in order
it was observed that most shelling of maize to reduce post harvest deterioration, mechan-
was done by hand shelling. Hand shelling ical shellers are recommended, because hand-
take a lot of time, even with some hand oper- shelling methods cannot support commercial-
ated simple tools. It was also observed in the ized shelling.
study area, Nasarawa State, most mechanical An average moisture content of 15% to 18%
shellers were designed for multi-grain thresh- for maize that was to be threshed or shelled
ing or shelling, which causes great damage was reported by [4]. Moisture content seri-
to the maize seeds besides breaking the cob ously affects the threshability of maize. An-
to pieces. The available shellers locally, were other factor that affect the threshability of
equipped with rotating threshing drum with maize in a mechanized system is the size of the
beaters or teeth, which cause damages to the maize cob. The mechanical shellers need to be
seed. Besides, the cost of purchasing such adjusted to the various sizes of cobs. Accord-
shellers were high for the poor rural farmer, ing to [5] the various sizes of maize cob ranges
and therefore necessitated the design of low- from 50mm to 85mm depending on variety.
cost system that will be affordable and also There are also engineering design factor that
increase threshing efficiency but reduce dam- affect the design of mechanical shellers. These
age done to the seed. factors are the design of the power transmis-
sion shaft, selection of the prime mover, type
1.2. Objectives of the work of pulley, appropriate belt design, key and se-
lection of appropriate bearings support.
The specific objectives of the work were to According to [6], the power delivered by a
design, construct, and test a low-cost maize shaft is given by
sheller, to evaluate the efficiency of the maize
sheller, and to use the maize sheller in es- P =F ×V (1)
tablishing an agro-processing centre for rural Where P = power (Nms−1 ), F = Force of
farmers. threshing (N), and V = velocity (m/s).

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2. June 2011.

A Maize Thresher for Rural dweller 51
Force required to thresh the maize is given by belt is given by P = (T1 − T2 )V , but
by V (velocity) = (πDN )/60. Also T1 /T2 =
F = mω 2 r (2) exp(µθ csc β), where β is the grove semi-angle,
θ is the angle of lap, α is the angle of con-
Where F is force required to thresh maize,
tact at the smaller pulley, and µ is the coef-
m is mass of threshing bars, ω is the angu-
ficient of friction. According to [9], the µ of
lar velocity of shaft. The angular velocity ω
friction for rubber belt on cast iron or steel
is determined by the equation 2πN/60, where
operating on dry surface is µ = 0.3. The an-
N is the speed of threshing which is in revolu-
gle of lap for open V-belt drive is given as
tions per minute. The power delivered by the
θ = (180−2α)×π/180 rad. Also sin α(r2 r1 )/x,
shaft is F ωr. The appropriate electric motor
where x = distance between pulleys, r1 =
is determined or selected when the total power
radius of smaller pulley, and r2 is radius of
requirement for threshing in determined at an
bigger pulley. The length of pulley is given
appropriate threshing speed. According to [4]
as L = 2x + (π/2XD + d) + (D − d)2/4x.
the threshing speed that will give very low me-
The minimum shaft diameter is determined
chanical damage, but high threshing output is
using the [10] code equation which states that
within the range of 300 - 650 revolutions per
d3 = [16/(πSs )]×[(kb Mb )2 +(kt Mt )2 ]1/2 , where
minute. The relationship between the driven
d is the diameter of shaft, Mt is the overall tor-
pulley speed and the speed of the prime mover
sional moment, Mb is the bending moment Kb
is as [7];
is the combined shock and fatigue factor ap-
N1 D1 = N2 D2 (3) plied to bending moment, Kt is the combined
where N1 is speed of the driver, N2 is speed shock and fatigue factor applied to torsional
of the driven, D1 is the diameter of the driver moment, Ss is the allowable shear stress. Ac-
pulley, and D2 is the diameter of the driven cording to [10], the Kb and Kt factors when
pulley. The weight of the pulley on the shaft shock is applied suddenly to a rotating shaft is
is given as m = ρv, where m is the mass of 1.5 to 2.0 and 1.0 to 1.5 respectively. For shaft
the pulley, ρ is the density of the pulley and without key-way and with key-way, the allow-
v is the volume of the pulley. Weight is mass able stress (Ss) is 55 MN/m2 and 40MN/m2
multiplied by acceleration due to gravity (g). respectively. The bearing is selected based
The Wp (weight of pulley) = ρ × (πd2 /4) × on the load carrying capacity, life expectancy,
lp × g, where d is diameter of pulley, lp is the and reliability in line with [11]). The thresh-
length of pulley. ing force is either by impact loading as seen
Appropriate belt selection will assist in ef- in cylindrical beaters, or shearing force as seen
fective power transmission. A belt provides in hand-threshing.
a convenient mean of transferring power from The shelling machine is tested to deter-
one shaft to another. The effective pull on a mine its effective use with respect to the
belt is given by T = T1 − T2 , where T1 is ten- work to be done. For Agricultural Machines,
sion on tight-side, and T2 is tension on slack its performance according to [2], it evalu-
slide. Ts (torque on shaft) is F × r, where ated base on the throughput capacity, effec-
F is total force of threshing, which is equal tive throughput capacity and it mechanical
to the total torque requirement of the sys- efficiency. The throughput capacity (Tp ) is
tem., therefore, Ts = T ×r, Tm (motor torque) given as Tp = WT /tT in kg/hr, where Wt is
= T × r where Ts = Tm . Note that Pm (power to total weight of material handled, which in-
of motor) = ωTm , thus, the effective pull T is cludes threshed and unthreshed, and tt is the
T = Pm /(ωr), and M T (Torsional moment) total time taken in handling the materials.
= (T1 − T2 )r1 . The effective throughput capacity is the ratio
According to [8], the power transmitted of actual weight of grains handled that was not

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2. June 2011.

damaged to the effective time of operation. spikes that simulates the tangential force ap-
plied tot eh surface of the maize, supporting
Tpe = Wa /te (4) frame-work, a threshing wall that has groves
where the falling maize rotates, and an ad-
where Tpe is the effective throughput capacity, justable spring, that allows the threshing wall
Wa is the actual weight of grain handled in kg, adjust to the different sizes of maize. It also
and ta is the effective operating time in hour. had a container for storage besides the thresh-
The efficiency in %, η is the percentage of the ing cylinder and hopper. The shaft length was
ratio of the total weight of grain actually han- 5900mm while the shaft diameter is 60mm.
dled (output), Wa (kg) to the total weight of The angular velocity (ω) is 73 rad/sec, with a
grain to be handled (input), Wt (kg). maximum available threshing force of 501.2N
at the tip of spikes. The torque developed at
η = Wa /Wt (5) the spike is 36.45Nm. The power delivered at
the threshing spikes is 2.92kW, which means
3. Materials and Methods that a prime mover power of 4 or 5hp was
used. The prime mover was a 4hp Yamaha
3.1. Design considerations combustion engine. Figures 1-4 at the ap-
The methods used were in three phases, pendix shows the completed maize thresher
the first phase involved the collection of ru- and other view of the thresher parts.
ral farmer sheller needs and other problems
associated with agricultural operation. The 3.3. Performance analysis
second stage was the design of an appropri- The throughput capacity, the actual
ate system to meet their needs, and finally to throughput capacity and the mechanic effi-
communicate results to the farmers and deter- ciency was determine using the equation men-
mine whether their problem was solved. The tion earlier in the work. 200kg of unthreshed
uniqueness of this design is that it works on maize was measured using a weighing scale.
a different principle of threshing. The earlier A local farmer was used to load the cob three
mentioned design by [3], worked on the prin- at a time into the hopper. The time taking
ciple of impact force, while this design works to load and finish threshing the 200kg was
on the principle of abrasion; an application read. The total weight of thresh grains was
of force tangentially on a surface. On the determined. The total weight of the broken
field determination of farmer shelling capac- or damaged grain was determined, and the
ity was determined. Comparison was made weight of the cob was also taken. The per-
on the time take to shell the quantity of maize centage mechanical damage was determined.
harvested per farmer and the time taken be- Comparison was between human performance
fore deterioration sets in. it was observed also index and the machine performance index.
that appropriate technology for storage was
not available including pesticides to handle 3.4. Information communication
weevil attack. Pesticides were purchased with strategy
the help of local administrators, who was told Experts from the federal Polytechnic
of he need in the community. Nasarawa Nigeria were invited to access the
performance of the machine and communicate
3.2. Design calculations to the surrounding rural community. The ma-
The average threshing plate speed is 450 chine was taken to nearby farms with large
rpm. This maize sheller comprises of a hop- hectare of maize, in order to thresh their
per design to take three maize cobs lying on its maize. The thresher was also taken to mar-
vertical axis ZY plane, a threshing plate with kets during market days for people to see the

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2. June 2011.

A Maize Thresher for Rural dweller 53
machine in operation. Rich politicians were 5. Conclusion
met to finance the building of agricultural
processing centres in the nearby farm settle- From the result above, it is clear that the
ments, about 5 of them. Agricultural exten- machine was designed successfully. The actual
sion workers were called to facilitate informa- throughput capacity of 109.99kg/hr was far
tion dissemination. The existence of the maize better than the human actual throughput ca-
thresher and its price regime was announced pacity which was determined to be 21.1kg/hr.
at local radio station and the television sta- The net present value of the thresher which
tion of the state showed pictures of the maize is N25,000 or 166.66 was attractive to the
sheller. farmers who said that available threshers in
the market was about N55,000 to N60,000 or
366.66 to 400. The price difference shows
4. Results a drastic reduction in the purchase price of
The human mechanical efficiency was de- maize thresher by N 32,500.00 or 216.67,
termined to be 45% at the biomaterial test which represent 56.52% price reduction. The
weight of 20kg with actually shelted grain number replaceable parts was low when com-
weight of 15.8kg. The human throughput ca- pared to most threshers available in the mar-
pacity was 26.67kg/hr and actual grain han- ket. The machine has an estimated useful
dling capacity of 21.1kg/hr at a shelling time life of ten years. The threshing capacity of
of 45mnutes or 0.75hr. This result is base on the maize sheller was such that it handled
the spot assessment of shelling done by five se- the threshing needs of the farmers within re-
lected farmers from different farm settlement, quired time and zero drudgery. Thus farm-
although this efficiency will drop due to in- ers had more time for other activities with
crease druggery. The efficiency and through- good strength. Both the farmers and the agro
put capacities of were 86% and 119.76kg/hr processing centers not only reduced their cost
respectively. When further evaluation was of threshing maize per bag but created more
carried to determine the actual grain through- wealth for themselves.
put capacity based on actual weight of grain The Agro-processing centres established
threshed but not broken the capacity was helped many farmers to process their agri-
109.99kg/hr. The result showed that the shel- cultural products in market acceptable from
ter was effective. which gave rise to added value to the market
Effectiveness communication tools used prices at which the farmers sold them. More
yielded result with people bringing the maize research should be done to identify the many
for threshing, farmers organized themselves in needs of the rural farmers, so that experts can
groups to purchase the machine which locally design system and proffer solution that meets
was built at a cost of twenty-five thousand their needs.
naira (N25,000) or one hundred and sixty-
six dollars, sixty six cents ( 166.66). The References
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Figure 3: An orthographic view of the thresher power shaft.
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Figure 4: An orthographic view of the pulley.

Nigerian Journal of Technology Vol. 30, No. 2. June 2011.

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