CV SDE Kuldeep Bijarniya
CV SDE Kuldeep Bijarniya
CV SDE Kuldeep Bijarniya
Tech 4Y)
+91 - 9521189214 |
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Year Degree/Exam Institute CGPA/Marks
2024 B.TECH IIT Kharagpur 8.42/ 10
2019 Senior Secondary Examination (BSER) Navjeevan Science Academy, Sikar 90.20%
2017 Secondary Examination (CBSE) Shekhawati International Academy 9.6/10
SDE Intern | Amazon May 2023 - Jun 2023
Led the development of high-quality code with 98% test coverage across 4 projects and succesfully deployed to production
Enhanced retail customer metadata storage platform, introducing features resulting in 20% reduction of manual data entry
Transformed the launch date input to user-friendly calendar format, considering time zones and daylight saving adjustments
Implemented automated store hour updates on the launch date change, ensuring real-time accurate information for clients
Programming and Data Structure* Probability and Statistics Economics
Econometric Analysis Linear Algebra and Complex analysis Advanced Calculus
Mineral Economics and Business Quantitative Decision Making (Ongoing) Basic Electronics*
(* marked courses have a Laboratory Component as well)
Programming Languages: C | C++ | Python | Java | HTML | CSS | Java Script | Matlab Tools: Ms office | Git | Github
Libraries and Frameworks: C++ STL | Bootstrap | React JS | Angular JS | Node JS | Numpy | Pandas | Matplotlib
Associate Member | Technology Filmmaking and Photography Society IIT Kharagpur May 2022 - Jun 2023
Contributed to scripting, helped in editing on premiere pro and cinematography of movie for the Freshers' Production (FP)
Assisted with the scripting, editing on the premiere pro, and cinematography of the movie for the Indian Film Project (IFP)
Guided the junior team members' plan to make a movie and Directed a Freshers' Production with the help of classmates
Sponsorship Head | Rajasthan Cultural Association IIT Kharagpur May 2022 - Apr 2023
Successfully garnered partnerships with 10+ online companies, securing sponsorships to effectively promote their brand
Developed and actively maintained strong relationships with 20+ previous and new sponsors, ensuring ongoing support
Accomplished an impressive sponsorship grand total of INR 80k for the highly prosperous Khamma Ghani food fest event
Involved in the Short film Making (SFM) team in the Social and Cultural Inter-Hall Tournament 2022, LBS Hall of Residence
Participated actively in all the numerous activities organized by the NSO Health and Fitness program at IIT Kharagpur
Played a role in the silver-winning team of mining engineering in the Inter-Department virtual play tournament 2022
Aided in the creation of a choreo and dramatics scripts for LBS Hall in the Social and Cultural Inter-Hall Tournament 2022