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Writing Activities - Jan 2024

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4 Dec 2024
How to write an
Opinion Essay
(Final Exam)
Your essay will be assessed according to these four criteria:

Focuses on how well you have completed the task, in other words,
if you have answered the topic question.

Focuses on how appropriate the writing is for the task and whether
you have used formal or informal style appropriately. For example,
is the style right for a college student?

Focuses on the way you put together the piece of writing. Are the
3. ORGANISATION ideas logical and ordered? Have you used paragraphs and
linking words?

Focuses on vocabulary and grammar. This includes demonstrating

the range of language that you know, as well as how accurate it is
• Agreeing or disagreeing
• Giving opinions
• Giving information or explanations
• Giving reasons
• Giving examples
• Comparing and contrasting ideas and opinions
• Drawing conclusion
Using Quotation as
a Hook

"Life shouldn't be printed on dollar

bills." This quote from Clifford Odets
tells us that life does not necessarily
revolve around money and material
Using Quotation as
a Hook

Malala Yousafzai, one of the young

activists of education in Pakistan
has said that " Education is the
building block of people's
success, if they gain education,
they afford to change their life."
Using Quotation as
a Hook

As quoted from Virgil, "The greatest

wealth is health." I think that there
are more significant things in our
lives that seem to be overshadowed
by our busy daily lives and worldly
delights, and they are family, friends,
health, and true happiness.
Prepare to write 1: Review useful language

You should use a range of

suitable expressions to
organise your essay and
help your reader
understand the connections
between your ideas.
Paragraphs Details

Introduce the topic using a general statement and give your

Paragraph 1 opinion. Say whether you AGREE or DISAGREE with the
Give the FIRST REASON to support your opinion. Provide
Paragraph 2 specific justifications for your opinion, using Examples if
Give the SECOND REASON to support your opinion. Provide
Paragraph 3 specific justifications for your opinion, using Examples if
Give the THIRD REASON to support your opinion. Make sure
Paragraph 4 this is clearly different from the points you made in the
previous 2 paragraphs.
SUMMARISE your ideas and repeat your opinion using
Paragraph 5
different words to provide a strong conclusion.
Prepare to write 2: Generate and organise

“Teenagers are too young to teach

other people about anything.” Do you
Example Adults often think teenagers to be
noisy, childish and violent. Some of
Introduce the topic using a general
them even don’t think they have any
statement and give your opinion. Say
adult senses or wise thoughts at all
whether you AGREE or DISAGREE
but, as a teenager, I think we’re
with the statement.
intelligent enough to teach other
people some things, and, according to
this, I do not agree with the topic.

Give the FIRST REASON to support For example, lots of teenagers have
your opinion. Provide specific better knowledge in technology, so
justifications for your opinion, using they can teach the older generation
Examples if necessary. how to deal with gadgets. In our
university there are special classes for
the senior people where they are
taught to work on computers, and their
teachers are teenagers.
Moreover, teenagers have the great knowledge
in ecology, and they are really concerned on
support your opinion. Provide
saving the planet alive. We talk a lot about
specific justifications for your
environment on classes, we take part in
opinion, using Examples if ecology Olympiads and contests for the best
necessary. ecological projects and often won them, so we
have a lot to tell the others about environmental
problems and ways of their solving.

Besides this, teenagers can teach adults

Give the THIRD REASON to support
foreign languages. According to the statistics,
your opinion. Make sure this is
50% of adult generation of our country don’t
clearly different from the points you
know any foreign languages, so we can help
made in the previous 2 paragraphs. them to come by the new knowledge or to
improve that what they have. We can teach
adults with the English language or some of us
have basic Arabic as well, so this is definitely a
plus point for us.
SUMMARISE your ideas and repeat your To sum up I can say that
opinion using different words to provide a teenagers have great
strong conclusion. knowledge in many fields
of study, so they can also
teach the people of older
generation and their
classmates and friends.
Prepare to write 2: Generate and organise
“Money Alone Cannot Buy Happiness.”
Writing Activity

Introduce the topic using a general

statement and give your opinion.
Say whether you AGREE or DISAGREE
with the statement.

Give the FIRST REASON to support

your opinion.
Provide specific justifications for your
opinion, using Examples if necessary.
Give the SECOND REASON to support
your opinion.
Provide specific justifications for your
opinion, using Examples if necessary.

Give the THIRD REASON to support

your opinion.
Make sure this is clearly different from
the points you made in the previous 2
SUMMARISE your ideas and repeat
your opinion using different words to
provide a strong conclusion.

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