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Artificial Intelligence Page No 1

II Year B.Tech. CSE(AI&ML)-II Semester

Artificial Intelligence
Course Objectives

1. Understanding artificial intelligence (AI) principles, approaches and

uninformed and informed search strategies.
2. Implementation of Search techniques and solving constraint satisfaction
3. Develop a basic understanding of the building blocks of AI as presented in
terms of knowledge based agents and propositional logic.
4. Understating the logical formalization using first order logic representation.
5. Implementing Knowledge representation and quantification of uncertainty.


Introduction, Intelligent Systems, Foundations of AI, Sub areas of AI and its

applications. Solving Problems by Searching: Problem-Solving Agents, Searching
for Solutions, Uninformed Search Strategies: Breadth-first search, Uniform cost
search, Depth-first search, Iterative deepening Depth-first search, Bidirectional
search, Informed (Heuristic) Search Strategies: Greedy best-first search, A* search,
Heuristic Functions.

Beyond Classical Search: Hill-climbing search, simulated annealing search, Local
Search in Continuous Spaces, Searching with Non-Deterministic Actions,
Searching wih Partial Observations, Online Search Agents and Unknown

Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Defining Constraint Satisfaction Problems,

Constraint Propagation, Backtracking Search for CSPs, Local Search for CSPs, the
Structure of Problems.

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Propositional Logic: Knowledge-Based Agents, The Wumpus World, Logic, Propositional

Logic, Propositional Theorem Proving: Inference and proofs, Proof by resolution, Horn clauses
and definite clauses, Forward and backward chaining, Effective Propositional Model Checking,
Agents Based on Propositional Logic.

First-Order Logic: Representation, Syntax and Semantics of First-Order Logic, Uses of First-
Order Logic, Knowledge Engineering in First-Order Logic.
Inference in First-Order Logic: Propositional vs. First-Order Inference, Unification and Lifting,
Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining, Resolution.

Knowledge Representation: Ontological Engineering, Categories and Objects, Events. Mental
Events and Mental Objects, Reasoning Systems for Categories, Reasoning with Default
Quantifying Uncertainty: Acting under Uncertainty, Basic Probability Notation, Inference Using
Full Joint Distributions, Independence, Bayes’ Rule and Its Use,


1. Understand the informed and uninformed problem types and apply search strategies to solve
2. Apply difficult real life problems in a state space representation so as to solve them using AI
techniques like searching and game playing.
3. Design and evaluate intelligent expert models for perception and prediction from intelligent
4. Formulate valid solutions for problems involving uncertain inputs or outcomes by using
decision making techniques.
5. Demonstrate and enrich knowledge to select and apply AI tools to synthesize information and
develop models within constraints of application area.
6. Examine the issues involved in knowledge bases, reasoning systems

Text Books:

1. Artificial Intelligence, George F Luger, Pearson Education Publications

2. Artificial Intelligence, Elaine Rich and Knight, Mc graw - Hill Publications

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Reference Books:

1. Introduction to Artificial Intelligence & Expert Systems, Patterson, PHI

2. Multi Agent systems- a modern approach to Distributed Artificial intelligence,
Weiss.G, MIT Press.
3. Artificial Intelligence : A modern Approach, Russell and Norvig, Printice Hall

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 Artificial Intelligence is concerned with the design of intelligence in an artificial device. The term
was coined by John McCarthy in 1956.
 Intelligence is the ability to acquire, understand and apply the knowledge to achieve goals in the
 AI is the study of the mental faculties through the use of computational models
 AI is the study of intellectual/mental processes as computational processes.
 AI program will demonstrate a high level of intelligence to a degree that equals or exceeds the
intelligence required of a human in performing some task.
 AI is unique, sharing borders with Mathematics, Computer Science, Philosophy,
Psychology, Biology, Cognitive Science and many others.
 Although there is no clear definition of AI or even Intelligence, it can be described as an attempt
to build machines that like humans can think and act, able to learn and use knowledge to solve
problems on their own.

History of AI:
Important research that laid the groundwork for AI:

 In 1931, Goedel layed the foundation of Theoretical Computer Science1920-30s:

He published the first universal formal language and showed that math itself is either
flawed or allows for unprovable but true statements.
 In 1936, Turing reformulated Goedel’s result and church’s extension thereof.

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 In 1956, John McCarthy coined the term "Artificial Intelligence" as the topic of the Dartmouth
Conference, the first conference devoted to the subject.

 In 1957, The General Problem Solver (GPS) demonstrated by Newell, Shaw & Simon
 In 1958, John McCarthy (MIT) invented the Lisp language.
 In 1959, Arthur Samuel (IBM) wrote the first game-playing program, for checkers, to achieve
sufficient skill to challenge a world champion.
 In 1963, Ivan Sutherland's MIT dissertation on Sketchpad introduced the idea of interactive
graphics into computing.
 In 1966, Ross Quillian (PhD dissertation, Carnegie Inst. of Technology; now CMU) demonstrated
semantic nets
 In 1967, Dendral program (Edward Feigenbaum, Joshua Lederberg, Bruce Buchanan, Georgia
Sutherland at Stanford) demonstrated to interpret mass spectra on organic chemical compounds.
First successful knowledge-based program for scientific reasoning.
 In 1967, Doug Engelbart invented the mouse at SRI
 In 1968, Marvin Minsky & Seymour Papert publish Perceptrons, demonstrating limits of simple
neural nets.
 In 1972, Prolog developed by Alain Colmerauer.
 In Mid 80’s, Neural Networks become widely used with the Backpropagation algorithm (first
described by Werbos in 1974).
 1990, Major advances in all areas of AI, with significant demonstrations in machine learning,
intelligent tutoring, case-based reasoning, multi-agent planning, scheduling, uncertain reasoning,
data mining, natural language understanding and translation, vision, virtual reality, games, and
other topics.
 In 1997, Deep Blue beats the World Chess Champion Kasparov
 In 2002,iRobot, founded by researchers at the MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab, introduced Roomba,
a vacuum cleaning robot. By 2006, two million had been sold.

Foundations of Artificial Intelligence:

 Philosophy
e.g., foundational issues (can a machine think?), issues of knowledge and believe, mutual

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 Psychology and Cognitive Science
e.g., problem solving skills
 Neuro-Science
e.g., brain architecture
 Computer Science And Engineering
e.g., complexity theory, algorithms, logic and inference, programming languages, and system
 Mathematics and Physics
e.g., statistical modeling, continuous mathematics,
 Statistical Physics, and Complex Systems.
Sub Areas of AI:

1) Game Playing
Deep Blue Chess program beat world champion Gary Kasparov
2) Speech Recognition
PEGASUS spoken language interface to American Airlines' EAASY SABRE reseration system, which
allows users to obtain flight information and make reservations over the telephone. The 1990s has
seen significant advances in speech recognition so that limited systems are now successful.
3) Computer Vision
Face recognition programs in use by banks, government, etc. The ALVINN system from CMU
autonomously drove a van from Washington, D.C. to San Diego (all but 52 of 2,849 miles), averaging
63 mph day and night, and in all weather conditions. Handwriting recognition, electronics and
manufacturing inspection, photo interpretation, baggage inspection, reverse engineering to
automatically construct a 3D geometric model.
4) Expert Systems
Application-specific systems that rely on obtaining the knowledge of human experts in an area and
programming that knowledge into a system.
a. Diagnostic Systems : MYCIN system for diagnosing bacterial infections of the blood and
suggesting treatments. Intellipath pathology diagnosis system (AMA approved). Pathfinder
medical diagnosis system, which suggests tests and makes diagnoses. Whirlpool customer
assistance center.

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b. System Configuration
DEC's XCON system for custom hardware configuration. Radiotherapy treatment planning.
c. Financial Decision Making
Credit card companies, mortgage companies, banks, and the U.S. government employ AI
systems to detect fraud and expedite financial transactions. For example, AMEX credit
d. Classification Systems
Put information into one of a fixed set of categories using several sources of information.
E.g., financial decision making systems. NASA developed a system for classifying very faint
areas in astronomical images into either stars or galaxies with very high accuracy by learning
from human experts' classifications.
5) Mathematical Theorem Proving
Use inference methods to prove new theorems.
6) Natural Language Understanding
AltaVista's translation of web pages. Translation of Catepillar Truck manuals into 20 languages.
7) Scheduling and Planning
Automatic scheduling for manufacturing. DARPA's DART system used in Desert Storm and Desert
Shield operations to plan logistics of people and supplies. American Airlines rerouting contingency
planner. European space agency planning and scheduling of spacecraft assembly, integration and
8) Artificial Neural Networks:
9) Machine Learning

Application of AI:

AI algorithms have attracted close attention of researchers and have also been applied
successfully to solve problems in engineering. Nevertheless, for large and complex problems, AI
algorithms consume considerable computation time due to stochastic feature of the search

1) Business; financial strategies

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2) Engineering: check design, offer suggestions to create new product, expert systems
for all engineering problems
3) Manufacturing: assembly, inspection and maintenance
4) Medicine: monitoring, diagnosing
5) Education: in teaching
6) Fraud detection
7) Object identification
8) Information retrieval
9) Space shuttle scheduling

Building AI Systems:
1) Perception
Intelligent biological systems are physically embodied in the world and experience the world
through their sensors (senses). For an autonomous vehicle, input might be images from a
camera and range information from a rangefinder. For a medical diagnosis system, perception is
the set of symptoms and test results that have been obtained and input to the system manually.
2) Reasoning
Inference, decision-making, classification from what is sensed and what the internal "model" is
of the world. Might be a neural network, logical deduction system, Hidden Markov Model
induction, heuristic searching a problem space, Bayes Network inference, genetic algorithms,
Includes areas of knowledge representation, problem solving, decision theory, planning, game
theory, machine learning, uncertainty reasoning, etc.
3) Action
Biological systems interact within their environment by actuation, speech, etc. All behavior is
centered around actions in the world. Examples include controlling the steering of a Mars rover
or autonomous vehicle, or suggesting tests and making diagnoses for a medical diagnosis
system. Includes areas of robot actuation, natural language generation, and speech synthesis.

The definitions of AI:

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a) "The exciting new effort to make computers b) "The study of mental faculties through
think . . . machines with minds, in the full and the use of computational models"
literal sense" (Haugeland, 1985) (Charniak and McDermott, 1985)

"The automation of] activities that we "The study of the computations that
associate with human thinking, activities such make it possible to perceive, reason, and
as decision-making, problem solving, act" (Winston, 1992)
learning..."(Bellman, 1978)
c) "The art of creating machines that perform d) "A field of study that seeks to explain and
functions that require intelligence when emulate intelligent behavior in terms of
performed by people" (Kurzweil, 1990) computational processes" (Schalkoff, 1
"The study of how to make computers do
things at which, at the moment, people "The branch of computer science that is
are better" (Rich and Knight, 1 99 1 ) concerned with the automation of
intelligent behavior" (Luger and
Stubblefield, 1993)
The definitions on the top, (a) and (b) are concerned with reasoning, whereas those on the bottom, (c)
and (d) address behavior.The definitions on the left, (a) and (c) measure success in terms of human
performance, and those on the right, (b) and (d) measure the ideal concept of intelligence called

Intelligent Systems:

In order to design intelligent systems, it is important to categorize them into four categories (Luger and
Stubberfield 1993), (Russell and Norvig, 2003)
1. Systems that think like humans
2. Systems that think rationally
3. Systems that behave like humans
4. Systems that behave rationally
Human- Like Rationally

Cognitive Science Approach Laws of thought Approach

“Machines that think like humans” “ Machines that think Rationally”

Turing Test Approach Rational Agent Approach

“Machines that behave like humans” “Machines that behave Rationally”

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Scientific Goal: To determine which ideas about knowledge representation, learning, rule systems
search, and so on, explain various sorts of real intelligence.
Engineering Goal:To solve real world problems using AI techniques such as Knowledge representation,
learning, rule systems, search, and so on.
Traditionally, computer scientists and engineers have been more interested in the engineering
goal, while psychologists, philosophers and cognitive scientists have been more interested in the
scientific goal.
Cognitive Science: Think Human-Like

a. Requires a model for human cognition. Precise enough models allow simulation by

b. Focus is not just on behavior and I/O, but looks like reasoning process.

c. Goal is not just to produce human-like behavior but to produce a sequence of steps of the
reasoning process, similar to the steps followed by a human in solving the same task.

Laws of thought: Think Rationally

a. The study of mental faculties through the use of computational models; that it is, the study of
computations that make it possible to perceive reason and act.

b. Focus is on inference mechanisms that are probably correct and guarantee an optimal solution.

c. Goal is to formalize the reasoning process as a system of logical rules and procedures of

d. Develop systems of representation to allow inferences to be like

“Socrates is a man. All men are mortal. Therefore Socrates is mortal”

Turing Test: Act Human-Like

a. The art of creating machines that perform functions requiring intelligence when performed by
people; that it is the study of, how to make computers do things which, at the moment, people
do better.

b. Focus is on action, and not intelligent behavior centered around the representation of the world

c. Example: Turing Test

o 3 rooms contain: a person, a computer and an interrogator.

o The interrogator can communicate with the other 2 by teletype (to avoid the
machine imitate the appearance of voice of the person)

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o The interrogator tries to determine which the person is and which the machine

o The machine tries to fool the interrogator to believe that it is the human, and
the person also tries to convince the interrogator that it is the human.

o If the machine succeeds in fooling the interrogator, then conclude that the
machine is intelligent.

Rational agent: Act Rationally

a. Tries to explain and emulate intelligent behavior in terms of computational process; that it is
concerned with the automation of the intelligence.

b. Focus is on systems that act sufficiently if not optimally in all situations.

c. Goal is to develop systems that are rational and sufficient

The difference between strong AI and weak AI:

Strong AI makes the bold claim that computers can be made to think on a level (at least) equal to

Weak AI simply states that some "thinking-like" features can be added to computers to make them
more useful tools... and this has already started to happen (witness expert systems, drive-by-wire cars
and speech recognition software).
AI Problems:

AI problems (speech recognition, NLP, vision, automatic programming, knowledge

representation, etc.) can be paired with techniques (NN, search, Bayesian nets, production systems,
etc.).AI problems can be classified in two types:

1. Common-place tasks(Mundane Tasks)

2. Expert tasks

Common-Place Tasks:
1. Recognizing people, objects.
2. Communicating (through natural language).
3. Navigating around obstacles on the streets.

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These tasks are done matter of factly and routinely by people and some other animals.
Expert tasks:
1. Medical diagnosis.
2. Mathematical problem solving
3. Playing games like chess
These tasks cannot be done by all people, and can only be performed by skilled specialists.
Clearly tasks of the first type are easy for humans to perform, and almost all are able to
master them. The second range of tasks requires skill development and/or intelligence and only some
specialists can perform them well. However, when we look at what computer systems have been able to
achieve to date, we see that their achievements include performing sophisticated tasks like medical
diagnosis, performing symbolic integration, proving theorems and playing chess.

1. Intelligent Agent’s:
2.1 Agents andenvironments:

Fig 2.1: Agents and Environments

2.1.1 Agent:
An Agent is anything that can be viewed as perceiving its environment through sensors and acting
upon that environment through actuators.

 A human agent has eyes, ears, and other organs for sensors and hands, legs, mouth, and
other body parts foractuators.
 A robotic agent might have cameras and infrared range finders for sensors and various
motors foractuators.
 A software agent receives keystrokes, file contents, and network packets as sensory

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inputs and acts on the environment by displaying on the screen, writing files, and sending
network packets.

2.1.2 Percept:
We use the term percept to refer to the agent's perceptual inputs at any given instant.

2.1.3 PerceptSequence:
An agent's percept sequence is the complete history of everything the agent has ever perceived.

2.1.4 Agent function:

Mathematically speaking, we say that an agent's behavior is described by the agent function that
maps any given percept sequence to an action.

2.1.5 Agentprogram
Internally, the agent function for an artificial agent will be implemented by an agent program. It is
important to keep these two ideas distinct. The agent function is an abstract mathematical
description; the agent program is a concrete implementation, running on the agent architecture.

To illustrate these ideas, we will use a very simple example-the vacuum-cleaner world shown in Fig

2.1.5. This particular world has just two locations: squares A and B. The vacuum agent perceives
which square it is in and whether there is dirt in the square. It can choose to move left, move right,
suck up the dirt, or do nothing. One very simple agent function is the following: if the current
square is dirty, then suck, otherwise move to the other square. A partial tabulation of this agent
function is shown in Fig 2.1.6.

Fig 2.1.5: A vacuum-cleaner world with just two locations.

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2.1.6 Agentfunction

Percept Sequence Action

[A, Clean] Right

[A, Dirty] Suck

[B, Clean] Left

[B, Dirty] Suck

[A, Clean], [A, Clean] Right

[A, Clean], [A, Dirty] Suck

Fig 2.1.6: Partial tabulation of a simple agent function for the example: vacuum-cleaner
world shown in the Fig 2.1.5

Function REFLEX-VACCUM-AGENT ([location, status]) returns an action If

status=Dirty then return Suck

else if location = A then return Right

else if location = B then return Left

Fig 2.1.6(i): The REFLEX-VACCUM-AGENT program is invoked for each new percept (location, status) and
returns an action each time
Strategies of Solving Tic-Tac-Toe Game Playing

Tic-Tac-Toe Game Playing:

Tic-Tac-Toe is a simple and yet an interesting board game. Researchers have used various approaches to
study the Tic-Tac-Toe game. For example, Fok and Ong and Grim et al. have used artificial neural
network based strategies to play it. Citrenbaum and Yakowitz discuss games like Go-Moku,
Hex and Bridg-It which share some similarities with Tic-Tac-Toe.
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Fig 1.

A Formal Definition of the Game:

The board used to play the Tic-Tac-Toe game consists of 9 cells laid out in the form of a 3x3 matrix (Fig.
1). The game is played by 2 players and either of them can start. Each of the two players is assigned a
unique symbol (generally 0 and X). Each player alternately gets a turn to make a move. Making a move is
compulsory and cannot be deferred. In each move a player places the symbol assigned to him/her in a
hitherto blank cell.

Let a track be defined as any row, column or diagonal on the board. Since the board is a square
matrix with 9 cells, all rows, columns and diagonals have exactly 3 cells. It can be easily observed that
there are 3 rows, 3 columns and 2 diagonals, and hence a total of 8 tracks on the board (Fig. 1). The goal
of the game is to fill all the three cells of any track on the board with the symbol assigned to one before
the opponent does the same with the symbol assigned to him/her. At any point of the game, if
there exists a track whose all three cells have been marked by the same symbol, then the player
to whom that symbol have been assigned wins and the game terminates. If there exist no track
whose cells have been marked by the same symbol when there is no more blank cell on the board then
the game is drawn.

Let the priority of a cell be defined as the number of tracks passing through it. The priorities of the
nine cells on the board according to this definition are tabulated in Table 1. Alternatively, let the
priority of a track be defined as the sum of the priorities of its three cells. The priorities of the eight
tracks on the board according to this definition are tabulated in Table 2. The prioritization of the cells
and the tracks lays the foundation of the heuristics to be used in this study. These heuristics are
somewhat similar to those proposed by Rich and Knight.

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Strategy 1:


1. View the vector as a ternary number. Convert it to a decimal number.

2. Use the computed number as an index into Move-Table and access the vector stored there.

3. Set the new board to that vector.


1) Elements of vector:

0: Empty

1: X

2: O

→ the vector is a ternary number

2) Store inside the program a move-table (lookuptable):

a) Elements in the table: 19683 (39)

b) Element = A vector which describes the most suitable move from the


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1. A lot of space to store the Move-Table.

2. A lot of work to specify all the entries in the Move-Table.

3. Difficult to extend

Explanation of Strategy 2 of solving Tic-tac-toe problem

Stratergy 2:

Data Structure:
1) Use vector, called board, as Solution 1
2) However, elements of the vector:
2: Empty
3: X
5: O
3) Turn of move: indexed by integer
1,2,3, etc

Function Library:

a) Return a location on a game-board.
IF (board[5] = 2)
RETURN 5; //the center cell.
RETURN any cell that is not at the board’s corner;
// (cell: 2,4,6,8)
b) Let P represent for X or O
c) can_win(P) :
P has filled already at least two cells on a straight line (horizontal, vertical, or
d) cannot_win(P) = NOT(can_win(P))
2. Posswin(P):

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IF (cannot_win(P))
RETURN index to the empty cell on the line of
Let odd numbers are turns of X
Let even numbers are turns of O
3. Go(n): make a move

1. Turn = 1: (X moves)
Go(1) //make a move at the left-top cell
2. Turn = 2: (O moves)
IF board[5] is empty THEN
3. Turn = 3: (X moves)
IF board[9] is empty THEN
4. Turn = 4: (O moves)
IF Posswin (X) <> 0 THEN
Go (Posswin (X))
//Prevent the opponent to win
ELSE Go (Make2)
5. Turn = 5: (X moves)

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IF Posswin(X) <> 0 THEN
//Win for X.
ELSE IF Posswin(O) <> THEN
//Prevent the opponent to win
ELSE IF board[7] is empty THEN
ELSE Go(3).

1. Not efficient in time, as it has to check several conditions before making each
2. Easier to understand the program’s strategy.
3. Hard to generalize.

Introduction to Problem Solving, General problem solving

Problem solving is a process of generating solutions from observed data.

−a problem is characterized by a set of goals,
−a set of objects, and
−a set of operations.
These could be ill-defined and may evolve during problem solving.

Searching Solutions:
To build a system to solve a problem:
1. Define the problem precisely
2. Analyze the problem
3. Isolate and represent the task knowledge that is necessary to solve the problem
4. Choose the best problem-solving techniques and apply it to the particular problem.

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Defining the problem as State Space Search:
The state space representation forms the basis of most of the AI methods.
 Formulate a problem as a state space search by showing the legal problem states, the legal
operators, and the initial and goal states.
 A state is defined by the specification of the values of all attributes of interest in the world
 An operator changes one state into the other; it has a precondition which is the value of certain
attributes prior to the application of the operator, and a set of effects, which are the attributes
altered by the operator
 The initial state is where you start
 The goal state is the partial description of the solution

Formal Description of the problem:

1. Define a state space that contains all the possible configurations of the relevant objects.
2. Specify one or more states within that space that describe possible situations from which the
problem solving process may start ( initial state)
3. Specify one or more states that would be acceptable as solutions to the problem. ( goal states)
Specify a set of rules that describe the actions (operations) available

State-Space Problem Formulation:

Example: A problem is defined by four items:

1. initial state e.g., "at Arad―
2. actions or successor function : S(x) = set of action–state pairs
e.g., S(Arad) = {<Arad  Zerind, Zerind>, … }
3. goal test (or set of goal states)
e.g., x = "at Bucharest‖, Checkmate(x)
4. path cost (additive)
e.g., sum of distances, number of actions executed, etc.
c(x,a,y) is the step cost, assumed to be ≥ 0
A solution is a sequence of actions leading from the initial state to a goal state

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Example: 8-queens problem

1. Initial State: Any arrangement of 0 to 8 queens on board.

2. Operators: add a queen to any square.
3. Goal Test: 8 queens on board, none attacked.
4. Path cost: not applicable or Zero (because only the final state counts, search cost might
be of interest).

State Spaces versus Search Trees:

 State Space
o Set of valid states for a problem
o Linked by operators
o e.g., 20 valid states (cities) in the Romanian travel problem
 Search Tree
– Root node = initial state
– Child nodes = states that can be visited from parent
– Note that the depth of the tree can be infinite
• E.g., via repeated states
– Partial search tree

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• Portion of tree that has been expanded so far
– Fringe
• Leaves of partial search tree, candidates for expansion
Search trees = data structure to search state-space

Properties of Search Algorithms

Which search algorithm one should use will generally depend on the problem domain.
There are four important factors to consider:

1. Completeness – Is a solution guaranteed to be found if at least one solution exists?

2. Optimality – Is the solution found guaranteed to be the best (or lowest cost) solution if there exists
more than one solution?

3. Time Complexity – The upper bound on the time required to find a solution, as a function of the
complexity of the problem.

4. Space Complexity – The upper bound on the storage space (memory) required at any point during the
search, as a function of the complexity of the problem.

General problem solving, Water-jug problem, 8-puzzle problem

General Problem Solver:

The General Problem Solver (GPS) was the first useful AI program, written by Simon, Shaw, and Newell
in 1959. As the name implies, it was intended to solve nearly any problem.

Newell and Simon defined each problem as a space. At one end of the space is the starting point; on the
other side is the goal. The problem-solving procedure itself is conceived as a set of operations to cross
that space, to get from the starting point to the goal state, one step at a time.

The General Problem Solver, the program tests various actions (which Newell and Simon called
operators) to see which will take it closer to the goal state. An operator is any activity that changes the

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state of the system. The General Problem Solver always chooses the operation that appears to bring it
closer to its goal.

Example: Water Jug Problem

Consider the following problem:

A Water Jug Problem: You are given two jugs, a 4-gallon one and a 3-gallon one, a
pump which has unlimited water which you can use to fill the jug, and the ground on which
water may be poured. Neither jug has any measuring markings on it. How can you get
exactly 2 gallons of water in the 4-gallon jug?

State Representation and Initial State :

We will represent a state of the problem as a tuple (x, y) where x represents the amount of
water in the 4-gallon jug and y represents the amount of water in the 3-gallon jug. Note 0 ≤x≤ 4,
and 0 ≤y ≤3. Our initial state: (0, 0)

Goal Predicate - state = (2, y) where 0≤ y≤ 3.

Operators -we must defi ne a set of operators that will take us from one state to another:

1. Fill 4-gal jug (x,y) → (4,y)


2. Fill 3-gal jug (x,y) → (x,3)


3. Empty 4-gal jug on ground (x,y) → (0,y)


4. Empty 3-gal jug on ground (x,y) → (x,0)


5. Pour water from 3-gal jug (x,y) →! (4, y - (4 - x))

to ll 4-gal jug 0 < x+y 4 and y > 0
6. Pour water from 4-gal jug (x,y) → (x - (3-y), 3)
to ll 3-gal-jug 0 < x+y 3 and x > 0
7. Pour all of water from 3-gal jug (x,y) → (x+y, 0)

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into 4-gal jug 0 < x+y 4 and y 0
8. Pour all of water from 4-gal jug (x,y) → (0, x+y)
into 3-gal jug 0 < x+y 3 and x 0

Through Graph Search, the following solution is found :

Gals in 4-gal jug Gals in 3-gal jug Rule Applied

0 0
1. Fill 4
4 0
6. Pour 4 into 3 to ll
1 3
4. Empty 3
1 0
8. Pour all of 4 into 3
0 1
1. Fill 4
4 1
6. Pour into 3
2 3

Second Solution:

Control strategies
Control Strategies means how to decide which rule to apply next during the process of searching for a
solution to a problem.
Requirement for a good Control Strategy

Artificial Intelligence Page 25

1. It should cause motion
In water jug problem, if we apply a simple control strategy of starting each time from the top of
rule list and choose the first applicable one, then we will never move towards solution.
2. It should explore the solution space in a systematic manner
If we choose another control strategy, let us say, choose a rule randomly from the applicable
rules then definitely it causes motion and eventually will lead to a solution. But one may arrive
to same state several times. This is because control strategy is not systematic.

Systematic Control Strategies (Blind searches):

Breadth First Search:

Let us discuss these strategies using water jug problem. These may be applied to any search problem.

Construct a tree with the initial state as its root.

Generate all the offspring of the root by applying each of the applicable rules to the initial state.

Now for each leaf node, generate all its successors by applying all the rules that are appropriate.

8 Puzzle Problem.

The 8 puzzle consists of eight numbered, movable tiles set in a 3x3 frame. One cell of the frame is always
empty thus making it possible to move an adjacent numbered tile into the empty cell. Such a puzzle is
illustrated in following diagram.

Artificial Intelligence Page 26

The program is to change the initial configuration into the goal configuration. A solution to the problem
is an appropriate sequence of moves, such as “move tiles 5 to the right, move tile 7 to the left, move tile
6 to the down, etc”.


To solve a problem using a production system, we must specify the global database the rules, and the
control strategy. For the 8 puzzle problem that correspond to these three components. These elements
are the problem states, moves and goal. In this problem each tile configuration is a state. The set of all
configuration in the space of problem states or the problem space, there are only 3, 62,880 different
configurations o the 8 tiles and blank space. Once the problem states have been conceptually identified,
we must construct a computer representation, or description of them . this description is then used as
the database of a production system. For the 8-puzzle, a straight forward description is a 3X3 array of
matrix of numbers. The initial global database is this description of the initial problem state. Virtually
any kind of data structure can be used to describe states.

A move transforms one problem state into another state. The 8-puzzle is conveniently interpreted as
having the following for moves. Move empty space (blank) to the left, move blank up, move blank to the
right and move blank down,. These moves are modeled by production rules that operate on the state
descriptions in the appropriate manner.

The rules each have preconditions that must be satisfied by a state description in order for them to be
applicable to that state description. Thus the precondition for the rule associated with “move blank up”
is derived from the requirement that the blank space must not already be in the top row.

The problem goal condition forms the basis for the termination condition of the production system. The
control strategy repeatedly applies rules to state descriptions until a description of a goal state is
produced. It also keeps track of rules that have been applied so that it can compose them into sequence
representing the problem solution. A solution to the 8-puzzle problem is given in the following figure.

Example:- Depth – First – Search traversal and Breadth - First - Search traversal

for 8 – puzzle problem is shown in following diagrams.

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Exhaustive Searches, BFS and DFS

Search is the systematic examination of states to find path from the start/root state to the goal state.

Many traditional search algorithms are used in AI applications. For complex problems, the traditional
algorithms are unable to find the solution within some practical time and space limits. Consequently,
many special techniques are developed; using heuristic functions. The algorithms that use heuristic

Artificial Intelligence Page 28

functions are called heuristic algorithms. Heuristic algorithms are not really intelligent; they appear to
be intelligent because they achieve better performance.

Heuristic algorithms aremore efficient because they take advantage of feedback from the data to direct
the search path.

Uninformed search

Also called blind, exhaustive or brute-force search, uses no information about the problem to guide the
search and therefore may not be very efficient.

Informed Search:

Also called heuristic or intelligent search, uses information about the problem to guide the search,
usually guesses the distance to a goal state and therefore efficient, but the search may not be always

Uninformed Search Methods:

Breadth- First -Search:
Consider the state space of a problem that takes the form of a tree. Now, if we search the goal along
each breadth of the tree, starting from the root and continuing up to the largest depth, we call it
breadth first search.

• Algorithm:
1. Create a variable called NODE-LIST and set it to initial state
2. Until a goal state is found or NODE-LIST is empty do
a. Remove the first element from NODE-LIST and call it E. If NODE-LIST was empty,
b. For each way that each rule can match the state described in E do:
i. Apply the rule to generate a new state
ii. If the new state is a goal state, quit and return this state
iii. Otherwise, add the new state to the end of NODE-LIST
BFS illustrated:

Step 1: Initially fringe contains only one node corresponding to the source state A.

Artificial Intelligence Page 29

Figure 1

Step 2: A is removed from fringe. The node is expanded, and its children B and C are generated.
They are placed at the back of fringe.

Figure 2

Step 3: Node B is removed from fringe and is expanded. Its children D, E are generated and put
at the back of fringe.

Figure 3

Step 4: Node C is removed from fringe and is expanded. Its children D and G are added to the
back of fringe.

Artificial Intelligence Page 30

Figure 4

Step 5: Node D is removed from fringe. Its children C and F are generated and added to the back
of fringe.

Figure 5

Step 6: Node E is removed from fringe. It has no children.

Figure 6

Step 7: D is expanded; B and F are put in OPEN.

Figure 7

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Step 8: G is selected for expansion. It is found to be a goal node. So the algorithm returns the
path A C G by following the parent pointers of the node corresponding to G. The algorithm

Breadth first search is:

 One of the simplest search strategies

 Complete. If there is a solution, BFS is guaranteed to find it.
 If there are multiple solutions, then a minimal solution will be found
 The algorithm is optimal (i.e., admissible) if all operators have the same cost. Otherwise,
breadth first search finds a solution with the shortest path length.
 Time complexity : O(bd )
 Space complexity : O(bd )
 Optimality :Yes
b - branching factor(maximum no of successors of any node),
d – Depth of the shallowest goal node
Maximum length of any path (m) in search space
Advantages: Finds the path of minimal length to the goal.
 Requires the generation and storage of a tree whose size is exponential the depth of the
shallowest goal node.
 The breadth first search algorithm cannot be effectively used unless the search space is quite

Depth- First- Search.

We may sometimes search the goal along the largest depth of the tree, and move up only when further
traversal along the depth is not possible. We then attempt to find alternative offspring of the parent of
the node (state) last visited. If we visit the nodes of a tree using the above principles to search the goal,
the traversal made is called depth first traversal and consequently the search strategy is called depth
first search.

• Algorithm:
1. Create a variable called NODE-LIST and set it to initial state

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2. Until a goal state is found or NODE-LIST is empty do
a. Remove the first element from NODE-LIST and call it E. If NODE-LIST was empty,
b. For each way that each rule can match the state described in E do:
i. Apply the rule to generate a new state
ii. If the new state is a goal state, quit and return this state
iii. Otherwise, add the new state in front of NODE-LIST
DFS illustrated:

A State Space Graph

Step 1: Initially fringe contains only the node for A.

Figure 1

Step 2: A is removed from fringe. A is expanded and its children B and C are put in front of

Figure 2

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Step 3: Node B is removed from fringe, and its children D and E are pushed in front of fringe.

Figure 3

Step 4: Node D is removed from fringe. C and F are pushed in front of fringe.

Figure 4

Step 5: Node C is removed from fringe. Its child G is pushed in front of fringe.

Figure 5
Step 6: Node G is expanded and found to be a goal node.

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Figure 6

The solution path A-B-D-C-G is returned and the algorithm terminates.

Depth first searchis:

1. The algorithm takes exponential time.

2. If N is the maximum depth of a node in the search space, in the worst case the algorithm will
take time O(b ).
3. The space taken is linear in the depth of the search tree, O(bN).

Note that the time taken by the algorithm is related to the maximum depth of the search tree. If the
search tree has infinite depth, the algorithm may not terminate. This can happen if the search space is
infinite. It can also happen if the search space contains cycles. The latter case can be handled by
checking for cycles in the algorithm. Thus Depth First Search is not complete.

Exhaustive searches- Iterative Deeping DFS


 It is a search strategy resulting when you combine BFS and DFS, thus combining the advantages
of each strategy, taking the completeness and optimality of BFS and the modest memory
requirements of DFS.

 IDS works by looking for the best search depth d, thus starting with depth limit 0 and make a BFS
and if the search failed it increase the depth limit by 1 and try a BFS again with depth 1 and so
on – first d = 0, then 1 then 2 and so on – until a depth d is reached where a goal is found.

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procedure IDDFS(root)
for depth from 0 to ∞
found ← DLS(root, depth)
if found ≠ null
return found

procedure DLS(node, depth)

if depth = 0 and node is a goal
return node
else if depth > 0
foreach child of node
found ← DLS(child, depth−1)
if found ≠ null
return found
return null

Performance Measure:
o Completeness: IDS is like BFS, is complete when the branching factor b is finite.

o Optimality: IDS is also like BFS optimal when the steps are of the same cost.

 Time Complexity:

o One may find that it is wasteful to generate nodes multiple times, but actually it is not
that costly compared to BFS, that is because most of the generated nodes are always in
the deepest level reached, consider that we are searching a binary tree and our depth
limit reached 4, the nodes generated in last level = 24 = 16, the nodes generated in all
nodes before last level = 20 + 21 + 22 + 23= 15

o Imagine this scenario, we are performing IDS and the depth limit reached depth d, now
if you remember the way IDS expands nodes, you can see that nodes at depth d are
generated once, nodes at depth d-1 are generated 2 times, nodes at depth d-2 are
generated 3 times and so on, until you reach depth 1 which is generated d times,
we can view the total number of generated nodes in the worst case as:
 N(IDS) = (b)d + (d – 1)b2+ (d – 2)b3 + …. + (2)bd-1 + (1)bd = O(bd)

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o If this search were to be done with BFS, the total number of generated nodes in
the worst case will be like:
 N(BFS) = b + b2 + b3 + b4 + …. bd + (bd+ 1 – b) = O(bd + 1)
o If we consider a realistic numbers, and use b = 10 and d = 5, then number of
generated nodes in BFS and IDS will be like
 N(IDS) = 50 + 400 + 3000 + 20000 + 100000 = 123450
 N(BFS) = 10 + 100 + 1000 + 10000 + 100000 + 999990 = 1111100
 BFS generates like 9 time nodes to those generated with IDS.
 Space Complexity:

o IDS is like DFS in its space complexity, taking O(bd) of memory.





 We can conclude that IDS is a hybrid search strategy between BFS and DFS inheriting their

 IDS is faster than BFS and DFS.

 It is said that “IDS is the preferred uniformed search method when there is a large search space
and the depth of the solution is not known”.

Heuristic Searches:

A Heuristic technique helps in solving problems, even though there is no guarantee that it will never
lead in the wrong direction. There are heuristics of every general applicability as well as domain specific.
The strategies are general purpose heuristics. In order to use them in a specific domain they are coupler
with some domain specific heuristics. There are two major ways in which domain - specific, heuristic
information can be incorporated into rule-based search procedure.

A heuristic function is a function that maps from problem state description to measures desirability,
usually represented as number weights. The value of a heuristic function at a given node in the search
process gives a good estimate of that node being on the desired path to solution.

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Greedy Best First Search

Greedy best-first search tries to expand the node that is closest to the goal, on the: grounds that this is
likely to lead to a solution quickly. Thus, it evaluates nodes by using just the heuristic function:
f (n) = h (n).

Taking the example of Route-finding problems in Romania, the goal is to reach Bucharest starting from
the city Arad. We need to know the straight-line distances to Bucharest from various cities as shown in
Figure 8.1. For example, the initial state is In (Arad), and the straight line distance heuristic hSLD (In
(Arad)) is found to be 366. Using the straight-line distance heuristic hSLD, the goal state can be reached

Arad 366 Mehadia 241 Hirsova 151

Bucharest 0 Neamt 234 Urziceni 80
Craiova 160 Oradea 380 Iasi 226
Drobeta 242 Pitesti 100 Vaslui 199
Eforie 161 Rimnicu Vilcea 193 Lugoj 244
Fagaras 176 Sibiu 253 Zerind 374
Giurgiu 77 Timisoara 329
Figure 8.1: Values of hSLD-straight-line distances to B u c h a r e s t.
The Initial State

After Expanding Arad

After Expanding Sibiu

Artificial Intelligence Page 38

After Expanding Fagaras

Figure 8.2: Stages in a greedy best-first search for Bucharest using the straight-line distance heuristic
hSLD. Nodes are labeled with their h-values.

Figure 8.2 shows the progress of greedy best-first search using hSLD to find a path from Arad to
Bucharest. The first node to be expanded from Arad will be Sibiu, because it is closer to
Bucharest than either Zerind or Timisoara. The next node to be expanded will be Fagaras,
because it is closest.
Fagaras in turn generates Bucharest, which is the goal.

Evaluation Criterion of Greedy Search

 Complete: NO [can get stuck in loops, e.g., Complete in finite space with repeated-
state checking ]
 Time Complexity: O (bm) [but a good heuristic can give dramatic improvement]
 Space Complexity: O (bm) [keeps all nodes in memory]

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 Optimal: NO

Greedy best-first search is not optimal, and it is incomplete. The worst-case time and space
complexity is O (bm), where m is the maximum depth of the search space.


Hill Climbing Algorithm

We will assume we are trying to maximize a function. That is, we are trying to find a point in the search
space that is better than all the others. And by "better" we mean that the evaluation is higher. We might
also say that the solution is of better quality than all the others.

The idea behind hill climbing is as follows.

1. Pick a random point in the search space.

2. Consider all the neighbors of the current state.
3. Choose the neighbor with the best quality and move to that state.
4. Repeat 2 thru 4 until all the neighboring states are of lower quality.
5. Return the current state as the solution state.
We can also present this algorithm as follows (it is taken from the AIMA book (Russell, 1995) and follows
the conventions we have been using on this course when looking at blind and heuristic searches).

Artificial Intelligence Page 40

Function HILL-CLIMBING(Problem) returns a solution state
Inputs: Problem, problem
Local variables: Current, a node
Next, a node
Loop do
Next = a highest-valued successor of Current
If VALUE[Next] < VALUE[Current] then returnCurrent
Current = Next

Also, if two neighbors have the same evaluation and they are both the best quality, then the algorithm
will choose between them at random.

Problems with Hill Climbing

The main problem with hill climbing (which is also sometimes called gradient descent) is that we are not
guaranteed to find the best solution. In fact, we are not offered any guarantees about the solution. It
could be abysmally bad.

You can see that we will eventually reach a state that has no better neighbours but there are better
solutions elsewhere in the search space. The problem we have just described is called a local maxima.

Simulated annealing search

A hill-climbing algorithm that never makes “downhill” moves towards states with lower value (or higher
cost) is guaranteed to be incomplete, because it can stuck on a local maximum. In contrast, a purely
random walk –that is, moving to a successor chosen uniformly at random from the set of successors – is
complete, but extremely inefficient. Simulated annealing is an algorithm that combines hill-climbing
with a random walk in some way that yields both efficiency and completeness.
Figure 10.7 shows simulated annealing algorithm. It is quite similar to hill climbing. Instead of picking the
best move, however, it picks the random move. If the move improves the situation, it is always
accepted. Otherwise, the algorithm accepts the move with some probability less than 1. The probability
decreases exponentially with the “badness” of the move – the amount E by which the evaluation is

Artificial Intelligence Page 41

worsened. The probability also decreases as the "temperature" T goes down: "bad moves are more
likely to be allowed at the start when temperature is high, and they become more unlikely as T
decreases. One can prove that if the schedule lowers T slowly enough, the algorithm will find a global
optimum with probability approaching 1.
Simulated annealing was first used extensively to solve VLSI layout problems. It has been applied widely
to factory scheduling and other large-scale optimization tasks.

function S I M U L A T E D - A N NEALING( problem, schedule) returns a solution state

inputs: problem, a problem
schedule, a mapping from time to "temperature"
local variables: current, a node
next, a node
T, a "temperature" controlling the probability of downward steps
current MAKE-NODE(INITIAL-STATE[problem])
for tl to ∞ do
T schedule[t]
if T = 0 then return current
next a randomly selected successor of current
EVALUE[next] – VALUE[current]
if E> 0 then current  next
else current  next only with probability eE /T


 We have considered algorithms that work only in discrete environments, but real-world
environment are continuous.
 Local search amounts to maximizing a continuous objective function in a multi-dimensional
vector space.
 This is hard to do in general.
 Can immediately retreat
 Discretize the space near each state
 Apply a discrete local search strategy (e.g., stochastic hill climbing, simulated annealing)

Artificial Intelligence Page 42

 Often resists a closed-form solution
 Fake up an empirical gradient
 Amounts to greedy hill climbing in discretized state space
 Can employ Newton-Raphson Method to find maxima.
 Continuous problems have similar problems: plateaus, ridges, local maxima, etc.

Best First Search:

 A combination of depth first and breadth first searches.

 Depth first is good because a solution can be found without computing all nodes and breadth
first is good because it does not get trapped in dead ends.
 The best first search allows us to switch between paths thus gaining the benefit of both
approaches. At each step the most promising node is chosen. If one of the nodes chosen
generates nodes that are less promising it is possible to choose another at the same level and in
effect the search changes from depth to breadth. If on analysis these are no better than this
previously unexpanded node and branch is not forgotten and the search method reverts to the

OPEN is a priorityqueue of nodes that have been evaluated by the heuristic function but which have not
yet been expanded into successors. The most promising nodes are at the front.

CLOSED are nodes that have already been generated and these nodes must be stored because a graph is
being used in preference to a tree.


1. Start with OPEN holding the initial state

2. Until a goal is found or there are no nodes left on open do.

 Pick the best node on OPEN

 Generate its successors
 For each successor Do
• If it has not been generated before ,evaluate it ,add it to OPEN and record its

Artificial Intelligence Page 43

• If it has been generated before change the parent if this new path is better and
in that case update the cost of getting to any successor nodes.

3. If a goal is found or no more nodes left in OPEN, quit, else return to 2.


1. It is not optimal.
2. It is incomplete because it can start down an infinite path and never return to try other

Artificial Intelligence Page 44

3. The worst-case time complexity for greedy search is O (bm), where m is the maximum depth of
the search space.
4. Because greedy search retains all nodes in memory, its space complexity is the same as its time
A* Algorithm

The Best First algorithm is a simplified form of the A* algorithm.

The A* search algorithm (pronounced "Ay-star") is a tree search algorithm that finds a path from a given
initial node to a given goal node (or one passing a given goal test). It employs a "heuristic estimate"
which ranks each node by an estimate of the best route that goes through that node. It visits the nodes
in order of this heuristic estimate.

Similar to greedy best-first search but is more accurate because A* takes into account the nodes that
have already been traversed.

From A* we note that f = g + h where

g is a measure of the distance/cost to go from the initial node to the current node

his an estimate of the distance/cost to solution from the current node.

Thus fis an estimate of how long it takes to go from the initial node to the solution


1. Initialize : Set OPEN = (S); CLOSED = ( )

g(s)= 0, f(s)=h(s)

2. Fail : If OPEN = ( ), Terminate and fail.

3. Select : select the minimum cost state, n, from OPEN,

save n in CLOSED

4. Terminate : If n €G, Terminate with success and return f(n)

5. Expand : for each successor, m, of n

Artificial Intelligence Page 45

a) If m € *OPEN U CLOSED+

Set g(m) = g(n) + c(n , m)

Set f(m) = g(m) + h(m)

Insert m in OPEN

b) If m € *OPEN U CLOSED+

Set g(m) = min { g(m) , g(n) + c(n , m)}

Set f(m) = g(m) + h(m)

If f(m) has decreased and m € CLOSED

Move m to OPEN.


 A* begins at a selected node. Applied to this node is the "cost" of entering this node (usually
zero for the initial node). A* then estimates the distance to the goal node from the current
node. This estimate and the cost added together are the heuristic which is assigned to the path
leading to this node. The node is then added to a priority queue, often called "open".
 The algorithm then removes the next node from the priority queue (because of the way a
priority queue works, the node removed will have the lowest heuristic). If the queue is empty,
there is no path from the initial node to the goal node and the algorithm stops. If the node is the
goal node, A* constructs and outputs the successful path and stops.
 If the node is not the goal node, new nodes are created for all admissible adjoining nodes; the
exact way of doing this depends on the problem at hand. For each successive node, A*
calculates the "cost" of entering the node and saves it with the node. This cost is calculated from
the cumulative sum of costs stored with its ancestors, plus the cost of the operation which
reached this new node.
 The algorithm also maintains a 'closed' list of nodes whose adjoining nodes have been checked.
If a newly generated node is already in this list with an equal or lower cost, no further
processing is done on that node or with the path associated with it. If a node in the closed list
matches the new one, but has been stored with a higher cost, it is removed from the closed list,
and processing continues on the new node.

Artificial Intelligence Page 46

 Next, an estimate of the new node's distance to the goal is added to the cost to form the
heuristic for that node. This is then added to the 'open' priority queue, unless an identical node
is found there.
 Once the above three steps have been repeated for each new adjoining node, the original node
taken from the priority queue is added to the 'closed' list. The next node is then popped from
the priority queue and the process is repeatedThe heuristic costs from each city to Bucharest:

Artificial Intelligence Page 47

Artificial Intelligence Page 48
A* search properties:

 The algorithm A* is admissible. This means that provided a solution exists, the first solution
found by A* is an optimal solution. A* is admissible under the following conditions:

 Heuristic function: for every node n , h(n) ≤ h*(n) .

 A* is also complete.

 A* is optimally efficient for a given heuristic.

 A* is much more efficient that uninformed search.

Iterative Deeping A* Algorithm:


Let L be the list of visited but not expanded node, and

C the maximum depth
1) Let C=0
2) Initialize Lto the initial state (only)
3) If List empty increase C and goto 2),
extract a node n from the front of L
4) If n is a goal node,
SUCCEED and return the path from the initial state to n
5) Remove n from L. If the level is smaller than C, insert at the front of L all the children n' of n
with f(n') ≤ C
6) Goto 3)

Artificial Intelligence Page 49

 IDA* is complete & optimal Space usage is linear in the depth of solution. Each iteration is depth
first search, and thus it does not require a priority queue.

 Iterative deepening A* (IDA*) eliminates the memory constraints of A* search algorithm

without sacrificing solution optimality.

 Each iteration of the algorithm is a depth-first search that keeps track of the cost, f(n) = g(n) +
h(n), of each node generated.

 As soon as a node is generated whose cost exceeds a threshold for that iteration, its path is cut
off, and the search backtracks before continuing.

 The cost threshold is initialized to the heuristic estimate of the initial state, and in each
successive iteration is increased to the total cost of the lowest-cost node that was pruned during
the previous iteration.

 The algorithm terminates when a goal state is reached whose total cost dees not exceed the
current threshold.


Knowledge Based Agents:

A knowledge-based agent needs a KB and an inference mechanism. It operates
by storing sentences in its knowledge base, inferring new sentences with the
inference mechanism, and using them to deduce which actions to take. ... The
interpretation of a sentence is the fact to which it refers.

Knowledge base = set of sentences in a formal language Declarative approach

to building an agent (or other system): Tell it what it needs to know – Then it
can Ask itself what to do— answers should follow from the KB Agents can be
viewed at the knowledge level i.e., what they know, regardless of how
implemented or at the implementation level i.e., data structures in KB and
algorithms that manipulate them.

The Wumpus World: A variety of "worlds" are being used as examples for
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Planning. Among them the Vacuum
World, the Block World, and the Wumpus World. The Wumpus World was
introduced by Genesereth, and is discussed in Russell-Norvig. The Wumpus
World is a simple world (as is the Block World) for which to represent
knowledge and to reason. It is a cave with a number of rooms, represented as a
4x4 square.

The wumpus world is a cave consisting of rooms connected by passageways.

Lurking somewhere in the cave is the terrible wumpus, a beast that eats anyone
who enters its room. The wumpus can be shot by an agent, but the agent has
only one arrow. Some rooms contain bottomless pits that will trap anyone who
wanders into these rooms (except for the wumpus, which is too big to fall in).
The only redeeming feature of this bleak environment is the possibility of
finding a heap of gold. Although the wumpus world is rather tame by modern
computer game standards, it illustrates some important points about
intelligence. A sample wumpus world is shown in Figure 7.2. The precise
definition of the task environment is given, as suggested in Section 2.3, by the
PEAS description: • Performance measure: +1000 for climbing out of the cave
with the gold, –1000 for falling into a pit or being eaten by the wumpus, –1 for
each action taken, and –10 for using up the arrow. The game ends either when
the agent dies or when the agent climbs out of the cave.

• Environment: A 4×4 grid of rooms, with walls surrounding the grid. The agent
always starts in the square labeled [1,1], facing to the east. The locations of the
gold and the wumpus are chosen randomly, with a uniform distribution, from
the squares other than the start square. In addition, each square other than the
start can be a pit, with probability 0.2.

• Actuators: The agent can move Forward, TurnLeft by 90◦ , or TurnRight by

90◦ . The agent dies a miserable death if it enters a square containing a pit or a
live wumpus. (It is safe, albeit smelly, to enter a square with a dead wumpus.) If
an agent tries to move forward and bumps into a wall, then the agent does not
move. The action Grab can be used to pick up the gold if it is in the same square
as the agent. The action Shoot can be used to fire an arrow in a straight line in
the direction the agent is facing. The arrow continues until it either hits (and
hence kills) the wumpus or hits a wall. The agent has only one arrow, so only
the first Shoot action has any effect. Finally, the action Climb can be used to
climb out of the cave, but only from square [1,1].
• Sensors: The agent has five sensors, each of which gives a single bit of
information: – In the squares directly (not diagonally) adjacent to the wumpus,
the agent will perceive a Stench. 1 – In the squares directly adjacent to a pit, the
agent will perceive a Breeze. – In the square where the gold is, the agent will
perceive a Glitter. – When an agent walks into a wall, it will perceive a Bump. –
When the wumpus is killed, it emits a woeful Scream that can be perceived
anywhere in the cave. The percepts will be given to the agent program in the
form of a list of five symbols; for example, if there is a stench and a breeze, but
no glitter, bump, or scream, the agent program will get

We can characterize the wumpus environment along the various dimensions

given in Chapter 2. Clearly, it is deterministic, discrete, static, and single-agent.
(The wumpus doesn’t move, fortunately.) It is sequential, because rewards may
come only after many actions are taken. It is partially observable, because some
aspects of the state are not directly perceivable: the agent’s location, the
wumpus’s state of health, and the availability of an arrow. As for the locations
of the pits and the wumpus: we could treat them as unobserved parts of the
state— in which case, the transition model for the environment is completely
known, and finding the locations of pits completes the agent’s knowledge of the
state. Alternatively, we could say that the transition model itself is unknown
because the agent doesn’t know which Forward actions are fatal—in which
case, discovering the locations of pits and wumpus completes the agent’s
knowledge of the transition model. For an agent in the environment, the main
challenge is its initial ignorance of the configuration of the environment;
overcoming this ignorance seems to require logical reasoning. In most instances
of the wumpus world, it is possible for the agent to retrieve the gold safely.
Occasionally, the agent must choose between going home empty-handed and
risking death to find the gold. About 21% of the environments are utterly unfair,
because the gold is in a pit or surrounded by pits. Let us watch a knowledge-
based wumpus agent exploring the environment shown in Figure 7.2. We use an
informal knowledge representation language consisting of writing down
symbols in a grid (as in Figures 7.3 and 7.4). The agent’s initial knowledge base
contains the rules of the environment, as described previously; in particular, it
knows that it is in [1,1] and that [1,1] is a safe square; we denote that with an
―A‖ and ―OK,‖ respectively, in square [1,1]. The first percept is
[None,None,None,None,None], from which the agent can conclude that its
neighboring squares, [1,2] and [2,1], are free of dangers—they are OK. Figure
7.3(a) shows the agent’s state of knowledge at this point.

A cautious agent will move only into a square that it knows to be OK. Let us
suppose the agent decides to move forward to [2,1]. The agent perceives a
breeze (denoted by ―B‖) in [2,1], so there must be a pit in a neighboring square.
The pit cannot be in [1,1], by the rules of the game, so there must be a pit in
[2,2] or [3,1] or both. The notation ―P?‖ in Figure 7.3(b) indicates a possible pit
in those squares. At this point, there is only one known square that is OK and
that has not yet been visited. So the prudent agent will turn around, go back to
[1,1], and then proceed to [1,2]. The agent perceives a stench in [1,2], resulting
in the state of knowledge shown in Figure 7.4(a). The stench in [1,2] means that
there must be a wumpus nearby. But the wumpus cannot be in [1,1], by the rules
of the game, and it cannot be in [2,2] (or the agent would have detected a stench
when it was in [2,1]). Therefore, the agent can infer that the wumpus is in [1,3].
The notation W! indicates this inference. Moreover, the lack of a breeze in [1,2]
implies that there is no pit in [2,2]. Yet the agent has already inferred that there
must be a pit in either [2,2] or [3,1], so this means it must be in [3,1]. This is a
fairly difficult inference, because it combines knowledge gained at different
times in different places and relies on the lack of a percept to make one crucial
step. The agent has now proved to itself that there is neither a pit nor a wumpus
in [2,2], so it is OK to move there. We do not show the agent’s state of
knowledge at [2,2]; we just assume that the agent turns and moves to [2,3],
giving us Figure 7.4(b). In [2,3], the agent detects a glitter, so it should grab the
gold and then return home. Note that in each case for which the agent draws a
conclusion from the available information, that conclusion is guaranteed to be
correct if the available information is correct. This is a fundamental property of
logical reasoning. In the rest of this chapter, we describe how to build logical
agents that can represent information and draw conclusions .


A logic must also define the semantics, or meaning, of sentences. The semantics
defines Truth the truth of each sentence with respect to each possible world. For
example, the semantics Possible world for arithmetic specifies that the sentence
―x+y=4‖ is true in a world where x is 2 and y is 2, but false in a world where x
is 1 and y is 1. In standard logics, every sentence must be either true or false in
each possible world—there is no ―in between.‖2 Model When we need to be
precise, we use the term model in place of ―possible world.‖ Whereas possible
worlds might be thought of as (potentially) real environments that the agent
might or might not be in, models are mathematical abstractions, each of which
has a fixed truth value (true or false) for every relevant sentence. Informally, we
may think of a possible world as, for example, having x men and y women
sitting at a table playing bridge, and the sentence x+y=4 is true when there are
four people in total. Formally, the possible models are just all possible
assignments of nonnegative integers to the variables x and y. Each such
assignment determines the truth of any sentence of arithmetic whose variables
are x and y. If Satisfaction a sentence α is true in model m, we say that m
satisfies α or sometimes m is a model of α. We use the notation M(α) to mean
the set of all models of α. Now that we have a notion of truth, we are ready to
talk about logical reasoning. This Entailment involves the relation of logical
entailment between sentences—the idea that a sentence follows logically from
another sentence. In mathematical notation, we write α |= β to mean that the
sentence α entails the sentence β. The formal definition of entailment is this: α
|= β if and only if, in every model in which α is true, β is also true. Using the
notation just introduced, we can write

α |= β if and only if M(α) ⊆ M(β)

Propositional Logic: A Very Simple Logic

Syntax :

The syntax of propositional logic defines the allowable sentences. The atomic
sentences Atomic sentences consist of a single proposition symbol. Each such
symbol stands for a proposition that can Proposition symbol be true or false. We
use symbols that start with an uppercase letter and may contain other letters or
subscripts, for example: P, Q, R, W1,3 and Facing East. The names are arbitrary
but are often chosen to have some mnemonic value—we use W1,3 to stand for
the proposition that the wumpus is in [1,3]. (Remember that symbols such as
W1,3 are atomic, i.e., W, 1, and 3 are not meaningful parts of the symbol.)
There are two proposition symbols with fixed meanings: True is the always-true
proposition and False is the always-false proposition. Complex sentences are
constructed from simpler sentences, using parentheses and operators Complex
sentences called logical connectives. There are five connectives in common use:
Logical connectives ¬ (not). A sentence such as ¬W1,3 is called the negation of
W1,3. A literal is either an Negation atomic sentence (a positive literal) or a
negated atomic sentence (a negative literal). Literal ∧ (and). A sentence whose
main connective is ∧, such as W1,3 ∧P3,1, is called a conjunction; its parts are
the conjuncts. (The ∧ looks like an ―A‖ for ―And.‖) Conjunction ∨ (or). A
sentence whose main connective is ∨, such as (W1,3 ∧P3,1)∨W2,2, is a
disjunction; its parts are disjuncts—in this example, (W1,3 ∧P3,1) and W2,2.
Disjunction ⇒ (implies). A sentence such as (W1,3 ∧P3,1) ⇒ ¬W2,2 is called
an implication (or con- Implication ditional). Its premise or antecedent is (W1,3
∧P3,1), and its conclusion or consequent Premise is ¬W2,2. Implications are
also known as rules or if–then statements. The implication Conclusion symbol
is sometimes written in other books as ⊃ or →. Rules ⇔ (if and only if). The
sentence W1,3 ⇔ ¬W2,2 is a biconditional.

Semantics :

The semantics defines the rules for determining the truth of a sentence with
respect to a particular Truth value model. In propositional logic, a model simply
sets the truth value—true or false—for every proposition symbol. For example,
if the sentences in the knowledge base make use of the proposition symbols
P1,2, P2,2, and P3,1, then one possible model is m1 = {P1,2 =false, P2,2 =false,
P3,1 =true}. With three proposition symbols, there are 23 =8 possible models.
Propositional Theorem Proving
In this section, we show how entailment Theorem proving can be done by
theorem proving—applying rules of inference directly to the sentences in our
knowledge base to construct a proof of the desired sentence without consulting
models. If the number of models is large but the length of the proof is short,
then theorem proving can be more efficient than model checking. Before we
plunge into the details of theorem-proving algorithms, we will need some
Logical equivalence additional concepts related to entailment. The first concept
is logical equivalence: two sentences α and β are logically equivalent if they are
true in the same set of models. We write this as α ≡ β. (Note that ≡ is used to
make claims about sentences, while ⇔ is used as part of a sentence.) For
example, we can easily show (using truth tables) that P∧Q and Q∧P are
logically equivalent; other equivalences are shown in Figure 7.11. These
equivalences play much the same role in logic as arithmetic identities do in
ordinary mathematics. An alternative definition of equivalence is as follows:
any two sentences α and β are equivalent if and only if each of them entails the
other: α ≡ β if and only if α |= β and β |= α. Validity The second concept we will
need is validity. A sentence is valid if it is true in all models. For Tautology
example, the sentence P∨ ¬P is valid. Valid sentences are also known as
tautologies—they are necessarily true. Because the sentence True is true in all
models, every valid sentence is logically equivalent to True. What good are
valid sentences? From our definition of entail Deduction theorem, we can derive
the deduction theorem, which was known to the ancient Greeks: I For any
sentences α and β, α |= β if and only if the sentence (α ⇒ β) is valid. (Exercise
7.DEDU asks for a proof.) Hence, we can decide if α |= β by checking that (α ⇒
β) is true in every model—which is essentially what the inference algorithm in
Figure 7.10 does—or by proving that (α ⇒ β) is equivalent to True. Conversely,
the deduction theorem states that every valid implication sentence describes a
legitimate inference. Satisfiability The final concept we will need is
satisfiability. A sentence is satisfiable if it is true in, or satisfied by, some
model. For example, the knowledge base given earlier, (R1 ∧R2 ∧ R3 ∧ R4 ∧
R5), is satisfiable because there are three models in which it is true, as shown in
Figure 7.9. Satisfiability can be checked by enumerating the possible models
until one is found that satisfies the sentence. The problem of determining the
satisfiability of sentences,
in propositional logic—the SAT problem—was the first problem proved to be
NP-complete. SAT Many problems in computer science are really satisfiability
problems. For example, all the constraint satisfaction problems in Chapter 5 ask
whether the constraints are satisfiable by some assignment. Validity and
satisfiability are of course connected: α is valid iff ¬α is unsatisfiable;
contrapositively, α is satisfiable iff ¬α is not valid. We also have the following
useful result: α |= β if and only if the sentence (α∧ ¬β) is unsatisfiable. J Proving
β from α by checking the unsatisfiability of (α ∧ ¬β) corresponds exactly to the
standard mathematical proof technique of reductio ad absurdum (literally,
―reduction to an absurd thing‖). It is also called proof by refutation or proof by
contradiction. One assumes a Refutation sentence β to be false and shows that
this leads to a contradiction with known axioms α. This Contradiction
contradiction is exactly what is meant by saying that the sentence (α∧ ¬β) is

Inference and proofs:

This section covers inference rules that can be applied to derive a proof—a
chain of conclu- Inference rules sions that leads to the desired goal. The best-
known rule is called Modus Ponens (Latin for Proof mode that affirms) and is

The notation means that, whenever any sentences of the form α ⇒ β and α are
given, then the sentence β can be inferred. For example, if (WumpusAhead ∧
WumpusAlive) ⇒ Shoot and (WumpusAhead ∧ WumpusAlive) are given, then
Shoot can be inferred. Another useful inference rule is And-Elimination, which
says that, from a conjunction, And-Elimination any of the conjuncts can be

For example, from (WumpusAhead∧WumpusAlive), WumpusAlive can be


By considering the possible truth values of α and β, one can easily show once
and for all that Modus Ponens and And-Elimination are sound. These rules can
then be used in any particular instances where they apply, generating sound
inferences without the need for enumerating models. All of the logical
equivalences in Figure 7.11 can be used as inference rules. For example, the
equivalence for biconditional elimination yields the two inference rules

Not all inference rules work in both directions like this. For example, we cannot
run Modus Ponens in the opposite direction to obtain α ⇒ β and α from β. Let
us see how these inference rules and equivalences can be used in the wumpus
world. We start with the knowledge base containing R1 through R5 and show
how to prove ¬P1,2, that is, there is no pit in [1,2]:

1. Apply biconditional elimination to R2 to obtain R6 : (B1,1 ⇒ (P1,2 ∨P2,1))

∧ ((P1,2 ∨P2,1) ⇒ B1,1). 2. Apply And-Elimination to R6 to obtain R7 : ((P1,2
∨P2,1) ⇒ B1,1).

3. Logical equivalence for contrapositives gives R8 : (¬B1,1 ⇒ ¬(P1,2 ∨P2,1)).

4. Apply Modus Ponens with R8 and the percept R4 (i.e., ¬B1,1), to obtain R9 :
¬(P1,2 ∨P2,1). 5. Apply De Morgan’s rule, giving the conclusion R10 : ¬P1,2 ∧
¬P2,1 . That is, neither [1,2] nor [2,1] contains a pit. Any of the search
algorithms in Chapter 3 can be used to find a sequence of steps that constitutes a
proof like this. We just need to define a proof problem as follows:

• INITIAL STATE: the initial knowledge base.

• ACTIONS: the set of actions consists of all the inference rules applied to all
the sentences that match the top half of the inference rule.
• RESULT: the result of an action is to add the sentence in the bottom half
of the inference rule.
• GOAL: the goal is a state that contains the sentence we are trying to
prove Thus, searching for proofs is an alternative to enumerating models.
In many practical cases I finding a proof can be more efficient because
the proof can ignore irrelevant propositions, no matter how many of them
there are.
Proof by resolution

We have argued that the inference rules covered so far are sound, but we have not
discussed the question of completeness for the inference algorithms that use them.
For example, if we removed the biconditional elimination rule, the proof in the preceding
section would not go through. The current section introduces a single inference rule,
resolution, that yields a complete inference algorithm when coupled with any complete
search algorithm.

We begin by using a simple version of the resolution rule in the wumpus world. Let us
consider the steps leading up to Figure 7.4(a): the agent returns from [2,1] to [1,1] and then
goes to [1,2], where it perceives a stench, but no breeze. We add the following facts to the
knowledge base:
Horn clauses and definite clause:

The completeness of resolution makes it a very important inference

method. In many practical situations, however, the full power of
resolution is not needed. Some real-world knowledge bases satisfy certain
restrictions on the form of sentences they contain, which enables them to
use a more restricted and efficient inference algorithm. One such
restricted form is the definite clause, which is a disjunction of literals of
which Definite clause exactly one is positive. For example, the clause
(¬L1,1 ∨ ¬Breeze∨B1,1) is a definite clause, whereas (¬B1,1 ∨P1,2
∨P2,1) is not, because it has two positive clauses. Slightly more general is
the Horn clause, which is a disjunction of literals of which at Horn clause
248 Chapter 7 Logical Agents most one is positive. So all definite clauses
are Horn clauses, as are clauses with no positive Goal clauses literals;
these are called goal clauses. Horn clauses are closed under resolution: if
you resolve two Horn clauses, you get back a Horn clause. One more
class is the k-CNF sentence, which is a CNF sentence where each clause
has at most k literals. Knowledge bases containing only definite clauses
are interesting for three reasons:
1. Every definite clause can be written as an implication whose premise
is a conjunction of positive literals and whose conclusion is a single
positive literal. (See Exercise 7.DISJ.) For example, the definite clause
(¬L1,1 ∨¬Breeze∨B1,1) can be written as the implication (L1,1∧Breeze)
⇒ B1,1. In the implication form, the sentence is easier to understand: it
says that if the agent is in [1,1] and there is a breeze percept, then [1,1] is
breezy. In Body Horn form, the premise is called the body and the
conclusion is called the head. A Head sentence consisting of a single
positive literal, such as L1,1, is called a fact. It too can Fact be written in
implication form as True ⇒ L1,1, but it is simpler to write just L1,1.
2. Inference with Horn clauses can be done through the forward-chaining
and backwardBackward-chaining chaining algorithms, which we explain
next. Both of these algorithms are natural, in that the inference steps are
obvious and easy for humans to follow. This type of inference is the basis
for logic programming.
3. Deciding entailment with Horn clauses can be done in time that is
linear in the size of the knowledge base—a pleasant surprise.

Forward and backward chaining:

The forward-chaining algorithm PL-FC-ENTAILS?(KB, q) determines if
a single proposition symbol q—the query—is entailed by a knowledge
base of definite clauses. It begins from known facts (positive literals) in
the knowledge base. If all the premises of an implication are known, then
its conclusion is added to the set of known facts. For example, if L1,1 and
Breeze are known and (L1,1 ∧Breeze) ⇒ B1,1 is in the knowledge base,
then B1,1 can be added. This process continues until the query q is added
or until no further inferences can be made. The algorithm is shown in
Figure 7.15; the main point to remember is that it runs in linear time. The
best way to understand the algorithm is through an example and a picture.
Figure 7.16(a) shows a simple knowledge base of Horn clauses with A
and B as known facts. Figure 7.16(b) shows the same knowledge base
drawn as an AND–OR graph (see Chapter 4). In AND–OR graphs,
multiple edges joined by an arc indicate a conjunction—every edge must
be proved—while multiple edges without an arc indicate a disjunction—
any edge can be proved. It is easy to see how forward chaining works in
the graph. The known leaves (here, A and B) are set, and inference
propagates up the graph as far as possible. Wherever a conjunction
appears, the propagation waits until all the conjuncts are known before
proceeding. The reader is encouraged to work through the example in
detail. It is easy to see that forward chaining is sound: every inference is
essentially an application of Modus Ponens. Forward chaining is also
complete: every entailed atomic sentence will be derived. The easiest way
to see this is to consider the final state of the inferred table (after the
algorithm reaches a fixed point where no new inferences are possible).
The table contains true for each symbol inferred during the process, and
false for all other symbols. We I can view the table as a logical model;
moreover, every definite clause in the original KB is true in this model.

Effective Propositional Model Checking

we describe two families of efficient algorithms for general propositional

inference based on model checking: one approach based on backtracking
search, and one on local hill-climbing search. These algorithms are part
of the ―technology‖ of propositional logic. This section can be skimmed
on a first reading of the chapter. The algorithms we describe are for
checking satisfiability: the SAT problem. (As noted in Section 7.5, testing
entailment, α |= β, can be done by testing unsatisfiability of α∧ ¬β.) We
mentioned that the connection between finding a satisfying model for a
logical sentence and finding a solution for a constraint satisfaction
problem, so it is perhaps not surprising that the two families of
propositional satisfiability algorithms closely resemble the backtracking
algorithms of Section 5.3 and the local search algorithms of Section 5.4.
They are, however, extremely important in their own right because so
many combinatorial problems in computer science can be reduced to
checking the satisfiability of a propositional sentence. Any improvement
in satisfiability algorithms has huge consequences for our ability to
handle complexity in general.

A complete backtracking algorithm

The algorithm is in fact the version described by Davis, Logemann, and

Loveland (1962).
It embodies three improvements,
• Early termination: The algorithm detects whether the sentence must be
true or false, even with a partially completed model. A clause is true if
any literal is true, even if the other literals do not yet have truth values;
hence, the sentence as a whole could be judged true even before the
model is complete. For example, the sentence (A ∨ B) ∧ (A∨C) is true if
A is true, regardless of the values of B and C. Similarly, a sentence is
false if any clause is false, which occurs when each of its literals is false.
Again, this can occur long before the model is complete. Early
termination avoids examination of entire subtrees in the search space.
• Pure symbol heuristic: A pure symbol is a symbol that always appears
with the same Pure symbol ―sign‖ in all clauses. For example, in the three
clauses(A∨¬B), (¬B∨¬C), and (C∨A), the symbol A is pure because only
the positive literal appears, B is pure because only the negative literal
appears, and C is impure. It is easy to see that if a sentence has a model,
then it has a model with the pure symbols assigned so as to make their
literals true, because doing so can never make a clause false. Note that, in
determining the purity of a symbol, the algorithm can ignore clauses that
are already known to be true in the model constructed so far. For
example, if the model contains B=false, then the clause (¬B ∨ ¬C) is
already true, and in the remaining clauses C appears only as a positive
literal; therefore C becomes pure.
• Unit clause heuristic: A unit clause was defined earlier as a clause with
just one literal. In the context of DPLL, it also means clauses in which all
literals but one are already assigned false by the model. For example, if
the model contains B=true, then (¬B∨ ¬C)simplifies to ¬C, which is a
unit clause. Obviously, for this clause to be true,C must be set to false.
The unit clause heuristic assigns all such symbols before branching on the
remainder. One important consequence of the heuristic is that any attempt
to prove (by refutation) a literal that is already in the knowledge base will
succeed immediately (Exercise 7.KNOW). Notice also that assigning one
unit clause can create another unit clause—for example, when C is set to
false, (C∨A) becomes a unit clause, causing true to be assigned to A. This
―cascade‖ of forced assignments is called unit propagation.

1. Component analysis (as seen with Tasmania in CSPs): As DPLL

assigns truth values to variables, the set of clauses may become separated
into disjoint subsets, called components, that share no unassigned
variables. Given an efficient way to detect when this occurs, a solver can
gain considerable speed by working on each component separately.
2. Variable and value ordering (as seen in Section 5.3.1 for CSPs): Our
simple implementation of DPLL uses an arbitrary variable ordering and
always tries the value true before false. The degree heuristic (see page
177) suggests choosing the variable that appears most frequently over all
remaining clauses.
3. Intelligent backtracking : Many problems that cannot be solved in
hours of run time with chronological backtracking can be solved in
seconds with intelligent backtracking that backs up all the way to the
relevant point of conflict. All SAT solvers that do intelligent backtracking
use some form of conflict clause learning to record conflicts so that they
won’t be repeated later in the search. Usually a limited-size set of
conflicts is kept, and rarely used ones are dropped.
4. Random restarts : Sometimes a run appears not to be making progress.
In this case, we can start over from the top of the search tree, rather than
trying to continue. After restarting, different random choices (in variable
and value selection) are made. Clauses that are learned in the first run are
retained after the restart and can help prune the search space. Restarting
does not guarantee that a solution will be found faster, but it does reduce
the variance on the time to solution.
5. Clever indexing (as seen in many algorithms): The speedup methods
used in DPLL itself, as well as the tricks used in modern solvers, require
fast indexing of such things.
Agents Based on Propositional Logic:

The first step is to enable the agent to deduce, to the extent possible, the
state of the world given its percept history. This requires writing down a
complete logical model of the effects of actions. We then show how
logical inference can be used by an agent in the wumpus world. We also
show how the agent can keep track of the world efficiently without going
back into the percept history for each inference. Finally, we show how the
agent can use logical inference to construct plans that are guaranteed to
achieve its goals, provided its knowledge base is true in the actual world.

The current state of the world:

The knowledge base is composed of axioms—general knowledge about

how the world works—and percept sentences obtained from the agent’s
experience in a particular world. In this section, we focus on the problem
of deducing the current state of the wumpus world—where am I, is that
square safe, and so on.
The agent knows that the starting square contains no pit (¬P1,1) and no
wumpus (¬W1,1). Furthermore, for each square, it knows that the square
is breezy if and only if a neighboring square has a pit; and a square is
smelly if and only if a neighboring square has a wumpus. Thus, we
include a large collection of sentences of the following form: B1,1 ⇔
(P1,2 ∨P2,1) S1,1 ⇔ (W1,2 ∨W2,1) ··· The agent also knows that there
is exactly one wumpus. This is expressed in two parts. First, we have to
say that there is at least one wumpus: W1,1 ∨W1,2 ∨··· ∨W4,3 ∨W4,4 .
Then we have to say that there is at most one wumpus. For each pair of
locations, we add a sentence saying that at least one of them must be
wumpus-free: ¬W1,1 ∨ ¬W1,2 ¬W1,1 ∨ ¬W1,3 ··· ¬W4,3 ∨ ¬W4,4 .
Then we have to say that there is at most one wumpus. For each pair of
locations, we add a sentence saying that at least one of them must be
wumpus-free: ¬W1,1 ∨ ¬W1,2 ¬W1,1 ∨ ¬W1,3 ··· ¬W4,3 ∨ ¬W4,4 .

A hybrid agent:

The agent program maintains and updates a knowledge base as well as a

current plan. The initial knowledge base contains the atemporal axioms—
those that don’t depend on t, such as the axiom relating the breeziness of
squares to the presence of pits. At each time step, the new percept
sentence is added along with all the axioms that depend on t, such as the
successor-state axioms. (The next section explains why the agent doesn’t
need axioms for future time steps.) Then, the agent uses logical inference,
by ASKing questions of the knowledge base, to work out which squares
are safe and which have yet to be visited. The main body of the agent
program constructs a plan based on a decreasing priority of goals. First, if
there is a glitter, the program constructs a plan to grab the gold, follow a
route back to the initial location, and climb out of the cave. Otherwise, if
there is no current plan, the program plans a route to the closest safe
square that it has not visited yet, making sure the route goes through only
safe squares. Route planning is done with A∗ search, not with ASK. If
there are no safe squares to explore, the next step—if the agent still has
an arrow—is to try to make a safe square by shooting at one of the
possible wumpus locations.
Logical state estimation

The agent program works quite well, but it has one major weakness: as
time goes by, the computational expense involved in the calls to ASK
goes up and up. This happens mainly because the required inferences
have to go back further and further in time and involve more and more
proposition symbols. Obviously, this is unsustainable—we cannot have
an agent whose time to process each percept grows in proportion to the
length of its life! What we really need is a constant update time—that is,
independent of t. The obvious answer is to save, or cache, the results of
inference, so that the inference process at the next time step can Caching
build on the results of earlier steps instead of having to start again from
Pros and Cons of Pro. Logic
Propositional logic is declarative
Propositional logic allows partial/disjunctive/negated
■ unlike most data structures and databases, which are domain-

Propositional logic is compositional

■ meaning of B1,1 P1,2 is derived from meaning of B1,1 and of P1,2

Meaning in propositional logic is context-independent

■ (unlike natural language, where meaning depends on context)

Propositional logic has very limited expressive power

■ (unlike natural language)
■ E.g., cannot say "pits cause breezes in adjacent squares“
■ except by writing one sentence for each square

[Type text]
Our Approach
■ Adopt the foundation of propositional logic – a
declarative, compositional semantics that is
context-independent and unambiguous – but with
more expressive power, borrowing ideas from
natural language while avoiding its drawbacks

■ Important elements in natural language:

■ Objects (squares, pits, wumpuses)
■ Relations among objects (is adjacent to, is bigger than) or
unary relations or properties (is red, round)
■ Functions (father of, best friend of)
■ First-order logic (FOL) is built around the above 3
Identify Objects, Relations, Functions

■ One plus two equals three.

■ Squares neighboring the wumpus are


■ Evil King John ruled England in 1200.

Prop. Logic vs. FOL
■ Propositional logic assumes that there are facts that either
hold or do not hold
■ FOL assumes more: the world consists of objects with certain
relations among them that do or do not hold
■ Other special-purpose logics:
■ Temporal logic: facts hold at particular times / T,F,U
■ E.g., “I am always hungry”, “I will eventually be hungry”
■ Higher-order logic: views the relations and functions in FOL as
objects themselves / T,F,U
■ Probability theory: facts / degree of belief [0, 1]
■ Fuzzy logic: facts with degree of truth [0, 1] / known interval
■ E.g, “the temperature is very hot, hot, normal, cold, very cold”
First-Order Logic (FOL)
■ Whereas propositional logic assumes the world
contains facts

■ First-order logic (like natural language) assumes

the world contains
■ Objects: people, houses, numbers, colors, baseball games,
wars, …
■ Relations: red, round, prime, brother of, bigger than, part
of, comes between, …
■ Functions: father of, best friend, one more than, plus, …
Models for FOL: Example
■ Five objects

■ Two binary

■ Three unary

■ One unary
Syntax of FOL: Basic Elements
■ Basic symbols: objects (constant symbols), relations
(predicate symbols), and functions (functional symbols).
■ Constants King John, 2, Wumpus...
■ Predicates Brother, >,...
■ Functions Sqrt, LeftLegOf,...
■ Variables x, y, a, b,...
■ Connectives , , , ,
■ Equality =
■ Quantifiers ,
■ A legitimate expression of predicate calculus is called well-
formed formula (wff), or simply, sentence
Relations (Predicates)
■ A relation is the set of tuples of objects
■ Brotherhood relationship {<Richard, John>, <John, Richard>}
■ Unary relation, binary relation, …

■ Example: set of blocks {a, b, c, d, e}

■ The “On” relation includes:
■ On = {<a,b>, <b,c>, <d,e>}
■ the predicate On(A,B) can be interpreted as <a,b> Є On.

b d
c e
■ In English, we use “King John’s left leg” rather than
giving a name to his leg, where we use “function
■ hat(c) = b
■ hat(b) = a a
hat(d) is not defined d

c e
Terms and Atomic Sentences
Atomic sentence = predicate (term1,...,termn)
or term1 = term2
Term = function (term1,...,termn)
or constant or variable
■ Atomic sentence states facts

■ Term refers to an object

■ For example:
■ Brother(KingJohn,RichardTheLionheart)
■ Length(LeftLegOf(Richard))
■ Married(Father(Richard), Mother(John))
Composite Sentences
■ Complex sentences are made from atomic
sentences using connectives
■ S, S1 S2, S1 S2 , S1 S 2, S 1 S2
For example:

Sibling(John, Richard ) Sibling(Richard, John)

Brother(LeftLeg(Richard ), John)
King(Richard ) King(John)
King(Richard ) King(John)
Intended Interpretation
■ The semantics relate sentences to models to
determine truth
■ Interpretation specifies exactly which objects,
relations and functions are referred to by the
constant, predicate, and function symbols
■ Richard refers to Richard the Lionheart and John refers to
the evil King John
■ Brother refers to the brotherhood relation; Crown refer to
the set of objects that are crowns
■ LeftLeg refers to the “left leg” function
■ There are many other possible interpretations that relate
symbols to model; Richard refers to the crown
■ If there are 5 objects in the model, how many possible
interpretations are there for two symbols Richard and John?
Intended Interpretation (Con’t)
■ The truth of any sentence is determined by a model
and an interpretation for the sentence’s model

■ The entailment and validity are defined in terms of

all possible models and all possible interpretations

■ The number of domain elements in each model may

be unbounded; thus the number of possible models
is unbounded

■ Checking entailment by enumeration of all possible

models is NOT doable for FOL
In General
■ Sentences are true with respect to a model and an
■ Model contains objects (domain elements) and
relations among them
■ Interpretation specifies referents for
constant symbols → objects
predicate symbols → relations
function symbols → functional relations

■ Once we have a logic that allows objects, it is

natural to want to express properties of entire
collections of objects, instead of enumerating the
objects by name Quantifiers
Universal Quantifier
■ Universal quantification ( )
■ “All kings are person”: x King(x) Person(x)
■ For all x, if x is a king, then x is a person

■ In general, x P is true in a given model under a given

interpretation if P is true in all possible extended

■ In the above example, x could be one of the following:

■ Richard, John, Richard’s left leg, John’s left leg, Crown
■ 5 extended interpretations

■ A common mistake: x (King(x) ^ Person(x))

Existential Quantifier
■ Existential quantification ( )
■ x Crown(x) OnHead(x, John)
■ There is an x such that x is a crown and x is on the John’s

■ In general, x P is true in a given model under a given

interpretation if P is true in at least one extended
interpretation that assigns x to a domain element

■ In the above example, “Crown(crown)

OnHead(crown, John)” is true

■ Common mistake: x Crown(x) OnHead(x, John)

Nested Quantifiers
■ Nested quantifiers
■ x y [Brother(x, y) Sibling(x, y)]
■ x y Loves(x, y)
■ y x Loves(x, y)
■ x y is not the same as y x
■ The order of quantification is important

■ Quantifier duality: each can be expressed

using the other
■ x Likes(x,IceCream) x Likes(x,IceCream)
■ x Likes(x,Broccoli) x Likes(x,Broccoli)
■ term1 = term2 is true under a given interpretation if
and only if term1 and term2 refer to the same object
■ Can be used to state facts about a given function
■ E.g., Father(John) = Henry
■ Can be used with negation to insist that two terms are not
the same object
■ E.g., definition of Sibling in terms of Parent:
■ x,y Sibling(x,y) [ (x = y) m,f (m = f)
Parent(m,x) Parent(f,x) Parent(m,y) Parent(f,y)]
Using FOL
■ Sentences are added to a KB using TELL, which is called
■ Questions asked using ASK are called queries
■ Any query that is logically entailed by the KB should be
answered affirmatively
■ The standard form for an answer is a substitution or binding
list, which is a set of variable/term pairs

TELL(KB, King(John))
TELL(KB, x King(x) Person(x))King(John))
ASK (KB, Person(John))
ASK (KB, x Person(x)) answer :{x / John}
Example: The Kinship Domain
■ An example KB includes things like:
■ Fact:
■ “Elizabeth is the mother of Charles”
■ “Charles is the father of William”
■ Rules:
■ One’s grandmother is the mother of one’s parent”
■ Object: people
■ Unary predicate: Male, Female
■ Binary predicate: Son, Spouse, Wife, Husband,
Grandparent, Grandchild, Cousin, Aunt, and Uncle
■ Function: Mother, Father
Example: The Kinship Domain
One ' s mom is one ' s female parent.
m, c Mother(c) = m Female(m) Parent(m, c)
One ' s husband is one ' s male spouse.
w, h Husband (h, w) Male(h) Spouse(h, w)
Paren and child are inverse relations.
p, c Parent( p, c) Child (c, p)
A grandparent is a parent of one ' s parent.
g, c Grandparent(g, c) p Parent(g, p) Parent( p, c)

Male and female are disjoint categories
A sibling is another child of one’s parents
■ Male and female are disjoint categories:
■ x Male(x) Female(x)

■ A sibling is another child of one’s parent:

■ x,y Sibling(x, y) x≠y ^ p Parent(p,x) ^
Parent(p, y)
The Wumpus World
■ A percept is a binary predicate:
■ Percept([Stench, Breeze, Glitter, None, None], 5)
■ Actions are logical terms:
■ Turn(Right), Turn(Left), Forward, Shoot, Grab, Release, Climb
■ Query:
■ a BestAction(a, 5)
■ Answer: {a/Grab}
■ Perception: percept implies facts:
■ t, s, b, m, c Percept([s, b, Glitter, m, c], t) Glitter(t)

■ Reflex behavior:
■ t Glitter(t) BestAction(Grab, t)
The Wumpus World
■ The Environment:
■ Objects: squares, pits and the wumpus
■ x,y,a,b Adjacent([x,y],[a,b])
[a,b] {[x+1,y], [x-1,y],[x,y+1],[x,y-1]}
■ A unary predicate Pit(x)

■ s,t At(Agent,s,t) Breeze(t) Breezy(s), the agent infers

properties of the square from properties of its current
■ Breezy() has no time argument

■ Having discovered which places are breezy or smelly, not

breezy or not smelly, the agent can deduce where the pits
are and where the wumpus is
Diagnostic Rules
■ Diagnostic rule: lead from observed effects
to hidden causes
■ If the square is breezy then adjacent square(s)
must contain a pit
s Breezy(s) r Adjacent(r,s) Pit(r)
■ If the square is not breezy, no adjacent square
contains a pit
s Breezy(s) ( r Adjacent(r,s) Pit(r))
■ Combining both:
s Breezy(s) r Adjacent(r,s) Pit(r)
Causal Rules
■ Causal rule: some hidden property of the
world causes certain percept to be
■ A pit causes all adjacent squares to be breezy
r Pit(r) [ s Adjacent(r,s) Breezy(s)]
■ If all squares adjacent to a given square are
pitless, the square will not be breezy
s [ r [Adjacent(r,s) Pit(r)] Breezy(s)
■ First-order logic:
■ objects and relations are semantic primitives
■ syntax: constants, functions, predicates,
equality, quantifiers

■ Increased expressive power: sufficient to

define wumpus world
■ Represent the following sentences in FOL
■ Some students took French in spring 2001.
■ Every student who takes French passes it.
■ Only one student took Greek in spring 2001.
■ The best score in Greek is always higher than the best score in
■ Let the basic vocabulary be as follows:
Inference in FOL
■ Two ideas:
■ convert the KB to propositional logic and use
propositional inference
■ a shortcut that manipulates on first-order
sentences directly (resolution, will not be
introduced here)
Universal Instantiation
■ Universal instantiation
■ infer any sentence by substituting a ground term
(a term without variables) for the variable
■ vα
Subst({v/g}, α)
■ for any variable v and ground term g
■ Examples
■ x King(x) Greedy(x) Evil(x) yields:
■ King(John) Greedy(John) Evil(John)
■ King(Richard) Greedy(Richard) Evil(Richard)
■ King(Father(John)) Greedy(Father(John))
Existential Instantiation
■ Existential instantiation
■ For any sentence α, variable v, and constant symbol k that does
NOT appear elsewhere in the knowledge base, replace v with k

Subst({v/k}, α)

■ E.g., x Crown(x) OnHead(x, John) yields:

Crown(C1) OnHead(C1, John)

provided C1 is a new constant symbol, called a Skolem

■ Suppose a knowledge base contains just one
sentence, x AsHighAs(x, Everest). Which of the
following are legitimate results of applying
Existential Instantiation?

■ AsHighAs(Everest, Everest)
■ AsHighAs(Kilimanjaro, Everest)
■ AsHighAs(Kilimajaro, Everest) and AsHighAs(BenNevis,
Reduction to Propositional Inference
Suppose the KB contains just the following:
x King(x) Greedy(x) Evil(x)

■ Instantiating the universal sentence in all possible ways, we have:

King(John) Greedy(John) Evil(John) King(Richard)
Greedy(Richard) Evil(Richard) King(John)

■ The new KB is propositionalized: proposition symbols are

■ King(John), Greedy(John), Evil(John), King(Richard), etc.

■ What conclusion can you get?

Reduction Cont’d.
■ Every FOL KB can be propositionalized so as to
preserve entailment

■ (A ground sentence is entailed by new KB iff

entailed by original KB)

■ Idea: propositionalize KB and query, apply

resolution, return result
Problems with Propositionalization
■ Propositionalization seems to generate lots of irrelevant

■ E.g., from:
x King(x) Greedy(x) Evil(x)
y Greedy(y)

■ It seems obvious that Evil(John) is true, but

propositionalization produces lots of facts such as
Greedy(Richard) that are irrelevant

■ With p k-ary predicates and n constants, there are p·nk

Problems with Propositionalization
■ When the KB includes a function symbol, the set of
possible ground term substitutions is infinite
■ Father(Father(…(John)…))

■ Theorem:
■ If a sentence is entailed by the original, first-order KB, then
there is a proof involving just a finite subset of the
propositionalized KB
■ First instantiation with constant symbols
■ Then terms with depth 1 (Father(John))
■ Then terms with depth 2 …
■ Until the sentence is entailed
Unification and Lifting

Propositionalization approach is
rather inefficient
A First-Order Inference Rule
■ If there is some substitution θ that makes the premise of the
implication identical to sentences already in the KB, then we
assert the conclusion of the implication, after applying θ

x King(x) Greedy(x) Evil(x)

What’s θ here?

■ Sometimes, we need to do is find a substitution θ both for the

variables in the implication and in the sentence to be matched
x King(x) Greedy(x) Evil(x)
y Greedy(y) What’s θ here?
Generalized Modus Ponens
■ For atomic sentences pi, pi’, and q, where there is a
substitution θ such that Subst(θ, pi’) = Subst(θ, pi), for all i:

p1', p2', … , pn', ( p1 p2 … pn q)

Subst(θ, q)

p1' is King(John) p1 is King(x)

p2' is Greedy(y) p2 is Greedy(x)
θ is {x/John,y/John} q is Evil(x)
Subst(θ, q) is Evil(John)

Can be used with KB of definite clauses (exactly one positive literal)

■ GMP is a lifted version of Modus Ponens – raises
Modus Ponens from propositional to first-order logic

■ What’s the key advantage of GMP over


■ Lifted inference rules require finding substitutions

that make different logical expressions look

■ This process is called unification and is a key

component of all first-order inference algorithms
■ The unify algorithm takes two sentences and
returns a unifier for them if one exists:
■ UNIFY(p, q) = θ where Subst(θ, p) = Subst(θ, q)

p q θ
Knows(John,x) Knows(John,Jane)
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,OJ)
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,Mother(y))
Knows(John,x) Knows(x,OJ)
■ The unify algorithm takes two sentences and
returns a unifier for them if one exists:
■ UNIFY(p, q) = θ where Subst(θ, p) = Subst(θ, q)

p q θ
Knows(John,x) Knows(John,Jane) {x/Jane}
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,OJ)
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,Mother(y))
Knows(John,x) Knows(x,OJ)
■ The unify algorithm takes two sentences and
returns a unifier for them if one exists:
■ UNIFY(p, q) = θ where Subst(θ, p) = Subst(θ, q)

p q θ
Knows(John,x) Knows(John,Jane) {x/Jane}
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,OJ) {x/OJ,y/John}
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,Mother(y))
Knows(John,x) Knows(x,OJ)
■ The unify algorithm takes two sentences and
returns a unifier for them if one exists:
■ UNIFY(p, q) = θ where Subst(θ, p) = Subst(θ, q)

p q θ
Knows(John,x) Knows(John,Jane) {x/Jane}
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,OJ) {x/OJ,y/John}
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,Mother(y)) {y/John,x/Mother(John)}
Knows(John,x) Knows(x,OJ)
■ The unify algorithm takes two sentences and
returns a unifier for them if one exists:
■ UNIFY(p, q) = θ where Subst(θ, p) = Subst(θ, q)

p q θ
Knows(John,x) Knows(John,Jane) {x/Jane}
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,OJ) {x/OJ,y/John}
Knows(John,x) Knows(y,Mother(y)) {y/John,x/Mother(John)}
Knows(John,x) Knows(x,OJ) {fail}

Standardizing apart: renaming variables to avoid name clashes

UNIFY(Knows(John, x), Knows(z, OJ)) = {x/OJ, z/John}
Unification Contd.
■ To unify Knows(John, x) and Knows(y, z),
θ = { y/John, x/z } or θ = { y/John, x/John, z/John}

■ The first unifier is more general than the second

■ There is a single most general unifier (MGU)

■ MGU = {y/John, x/z}

■ For each pair of atomic sentences, give the
most general unifier if it exists:
■ P(A, B, B), P(x, y, z)
■ Q(y, G(A, B)), Q(G(x, x), y)
■ Older(Father(y), y), Older(Father(x), John)
■ Knows(Father(y), y), Knows(x, x)
Example Knowledge Base
■ The law says that it is a crime for an American to sell weapons
to hostile nations. The country Nono, an enemy of America,
has some missiles, and all of its missiles were sold to it by
Colonel West, who is American.
■ Prove that Colonel West is a criminal
■ American(x): x is an American
■ Weapon(x): x is a weapon

■ Hostile(x): x is a hostile nation

■ Criminal(x): x is a criminal

■ Missile(x): x is a missile

■ Owns(x, y): x owns y

■ Sells(x, y, z): x sells y to z

■ Enemy(x, y): x is an enemy of y

■ Constants: America, Nono, West

Example Knowledge Base
First-Order Definite Clauses
... it is a crime for an American to sell weapons to hostile nations:
American(x) Weapon(y) Sells(x,y,z) Hostile(z) Criminal(x)
Nono … has some missiles, i.e., x Owns(Nono,x) Missile(x):
Owns(Nono,M1) and Missile(M1)
… all of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West
Missile(x) Owns(Nono, x) Sells(West, x,Nono)
Missiles are weapons:
Missile(x) Weapon(x)
An enemy of America counts as "hostile“:
Enemy(x, America) Hostile(x)
West, who is American …
The country Nono, an enemy of America …
Forward Chaining
■ Starting from known facts, it triggers all the rules
whose premises are satisfied, adding their
conclusions to the known facts. This process will
continue until query is answered.

■ When a new fact P is added to the KB:

■ For each rule such that P unifies with a premise
■ if the other premises are already known
■ then add the conclusion to the KB and continue chaining
■ Forward chaining is data-driven:
■ inferring properties and categories from percepts
Forward Chaining Algorithm
Analysis of Forward Chaining
■ A fixed point of the inference process can be
■ The algorithm is sound and complete
■ Its efficiency can be improved
FC Algorithm Analysis
Sources of Complexity
■ 1. “Inner loop” involves finding all possible unifiers
such that the premise of a rule unifies with facts in
the KB
■ Often called “pattern matching”, very expensive

■ 2. The algorithm rechecks every rule on every

iteration to see whether its premises are met

■ 3. It might generate many facts that are irrelevant

to the goal
Matching Rules Against Known Facts

■ Consider a rule:
■ Owns(Nono, x) Missile(x) Sells(West, x, Nono)
■ We find all the objects owned by Nono in
constant time per object;
■ Then, for each object, we check whether it’s a
■ If more objects and very few missiles
■ Conjunct ordering problem: NP-hard
■ Heuristics?
Pattern Matching and CSP
■ The most constrained variable heuristic used for CSPs would suggest
ordering the conjuncts to look for missiles first if there are fewer
missiles than objects owned by Nono
■ We can actually express every finite-domain CSP as a single definite
clause together with some associated ground facts

Diff(wa, nt) Diff(wa, sa)

Diff(nt, q) Diff(nt, sa)
Diff(nsw, v) Diff(nsw, v)
Diff(v, sa) Colorable()

Diff(R, B) Diff(R, G)
Diff(G, R) Diff(G, B)
Diff(B, R) Diff(B, G)
Incremental Forward Chaining
■ Observation:
■ Every new fact inferred on iteration t must be derived from
at least one new fact inferred on iteration t-1

■ Modification:
■ At iteration t, we check a rule only if its premise includes a
conjunct pi that unifies with a fact pi’ newly inferred at
iteration t-1
■ Many real systems operate in an “update” mode wherein
forward chaining occurs in response to each new fact that is
TOLD to the system
Irrelevant Facts
■ FC makes all allowable inferences based on
known facts, even if they are irrelevant to
the goal at hand
■ Similar to FC in propositional context

■ Solution?
Backward Chaining
■ p1 p 2 … pn q
■ When a query q is examined:
■ if a matching fact q' is known, return the unifier
■ for each rule whose consequent q' matches q
■ attempt to prove each premise of the rule by
backward chaining

■ Backward chaining is the basis for “logic

programming,” e.g., Prolog
Backward Chaining Algorithm
Backward Chaining Example
Backward Chaining Example
Backward Chaining Example
Backward Chaining Example
Backward Chaining Example
Backward Chaining Example
Backward Chaining Example
Analysis of Backward Chaining
■ Depth-first search: space is linear in size of
■ Repeated states and incompleteness
■ can be fixed by checking current goal against
every goal on stack
■ Inefficient due to repeated subgoals
■ can be fixed by caching previous results
■ Widely used in logic programming
Logic Programming
■ Prolog
■ Lisp

■ Introduced in CS 352 (symbolic programming)

■ Write down logical representations for the following
sentences, suitable for use with Generalized Modus
■ Horses, cows, and pigs are mammals.
■ An offspring of a horse is a horse.
■ Bluebeard is a horse.
■ Bluebeard is Charlie’s parent.
■ Offspring and parent are inverse relations.

■ Draw the proof tree generated by exhaustive backward-

chaining algorithm for the query h Horse(h), where
clauses are matched in the order given.
Knowledge Representation: Ontological Engineering, Categories and Objects,
Events. Mental Events and Mental Objects, Reasoning Systems for Categories,
Reasoning with Default Information.
Quantifying Uncertainty: Acting under Uncertainty, Basic Probability Notation,
Inference Using Full Joint Distributions, Independence, Bayes’ Rule and Its


Knowledge-representation is the field of AI dedicated to representing

information about the world in a form that a computer system can utilize to
solve complex tasks.
• This topic addresses what content to put into knowledge base
• How to represent facts about the world?

Ontology engineering is a set of tasks related to the development of ontologies

for a particular domain.
• Google definition: a set of concepts and categories in a
subject area or domain that shows their properties and
the relations between them.

How to create more general and flexible representations

– Concepts like actions, time, physical objects and beliefs

– Operates on a bigger scale than knowledge engineering

• Representing these abstract concepts is sometimes called ontological

• Define general framework of concepts (because representing everything is
challenging) called as upper ontology with general concepts at the top and
more specific concepts below the hierarchy

• Limitations of logic representation

– Red, green and yellow tomatoes: exceptions and uncertainty

Defining terms in the domain and relations among them

– Defining concepts in the domain(classes)

– Arranging the concepts in a hierarchy(subclass-superclass hierarchy)

– Defining which attributes and properties classes can have and constraints on
their values

– Defining individuals and filling in property values

The upper ontology of the world. Each link indicates that the lower concept

is a specialization of the upper one.

General-purpose ontology

A general-purpose ontology should be applicable in more or less any special-

purpose domain.

– Add domain-specific axioms

• In any sufficiently demanding domain, different areas of knowledge need to be


– Reasoning and problem solving could involve several areas simultaneously

• What do we need to express?

– Categories, Measures, Composite objects, Time, Space, Change, Events,

Processes, Physical Objects, Substances, Mental Objects, Beliefs
Categories and objects

KR requires the organization of objects into categories. Although

– Interaction at the level of the object

– Reasoning at the level of categories

• Categories play a role in predictions about objects

– Based on perceived properties

• Categories can be represented in two ways by FOL

1. Predicates: apple(x)

2. Reification of categories into objects: apples

• Category = set of its members

– Example: Member(x, apples), x ∈ apples,

– Subset(apples, fruits), apples ⊂ fruits

Category Organization

Categories serve to organize and simplify the knowledge base through inheritance.

• Relation = inheritance:

– All instance of food are edible, fruit is a subclass of food and apples is a subclass of fruit then an
apple is edible.

– Individual apples inherit the property of edibility from food

• Defines a taxonomy
– Subclass relations

organize categories

FOL and Categories

First-order logic makes it easy to state facts about categories, either by relating objects to categories
or by quantifying over their members.


• An object is a member of a category

– MemberOf(BB12,Basketballs)

• A category is a subclass of another category

– SubsetOf(Basketballs, Balls)

• All members of a category have some properties

– ∀ x (MemberOf(x, Basketballs) ⇒ Round(x))

• All members of a category can be recognized by some properties

– ∀ x (Orange(x) ∧ Round(x) ∧ Diameter(x)=9.5in ∧

MemberOf(x,Balls) ⇒ MemberOf(x, BasketBalls))

• A category as a whole has some properties

– MemberOf(Dogs, DomesticatedSpecies)
Relations between Categories

Two or more categories are disjoint if they are mutually exclusive

– Disjoint({Animals, Vegetables})

• A decomposition of a class into categories is called exhaustive if each object of the class must
belong to atleast one category

– living = {animal, vegetable, fungi, bacteria}

• A partition is an exhaustive decomposition of a class into disjoint subsets.

– student = {undergraduate, graduate}

Natural kinds

Many categories have no clear-cut definitions (e.g., chair, bush, book).

• Tomatoes: sometimes green, orange, red, yellow. Mostly spherical, smaller, larger etc

• One solution: Separate what is true of all instances of a category from what is true only of typical

• subclass using category Typical(Tomatoes)

– Typical(c) ⊆ c

• ∀ x, x ∈ Typical(Tomatoes) ⇒ Red(x) ∧ Spherical(x)

• This helps us to write down useful facts about categories without providing exact definitions.

Physical composition

One object may be part of another:

– PartOf(Bucharest,Romania)

– PartOf(Romania,EasternEurope)

– PartOf(EasternEurope,Europe)

• The PartOf predicate is transitive (and reflexive), so we can infer that PartOf(Bucharest,Europe)

• More generally:

– ∀ x PartOf(x,x)

– ∀ x,y,z PartOf(x,y) ∧ PartOf(y,z) ⇒ PartOf(x,z)

Logical Minimization: Defining an object as the smallest one satisfying certain conditions.


Objects have height, mass, cost,....

– Values that we assign to these properties are called measures

• Combine Unit functions with a number to measure line segment object L1

– Length(L1) = Inches(1.5) = Centimeters(3.81).

• Conversion between units:

– ∀ i Centimeters(2.54 x i)=Inches(i).

• Some measures have no scale:

– Beauty, Difficulty, etc.

– Most important aspect of measures is not numerical values, but measures can be orderable.

– An apple can have deliciousness .9 or .1

Objects: Things and stuff

Stuff: Defy any obvious individuation after division into distinct objects (mass nouns)

• Things: Individuation(count nouns)

• Example: Butter(stuff) and Cow(things)

b ∈ Butter ∧ PartOf(p, b) ⇒ p ∈ Butter


Event calculus, models how the truth value of relations changes because of events occurring at
certain times.

• Event E occurring at time T is written as event(E,T).

• It is designed to allow reasoning over intervals of time.

Reified Fluents in Event calculus

Fluents: Is a condition that can change over time.

• In logical approach, fluent is a predicate or function that vary from one situation to the next.

– “the box is on the table” - On(box, table)

– if it can change over time - On(box, table, t)

– Here “On” is a predicate.

• Fluents can also be represented by functions are said to be reification

• When using reified fluents, a separate predicate is necessary to tell when a fluent is actually true
or not.

• For example, HoldsAt(on(box,table), t) means that the box is actually on the table at time t, where
the predicate HoldsAt is the one that tells when fluents are true.

• This representation of reified fluents is used in the event calculus.

Complete set of predicates for one version of the event calculus

• HoldsAt(f,t) - Fluent f is true at time t

• Happens(e, i) - Event e happens at time i

• Initiates (e, f , t) - Event e causes fluent f to be true after time t

• Terminates (e, f , t) - Event e causes fluent f to cease after time t

• Clipped(t, f, t2) - Fluent f ceases to be true at some point during time interval between t and t2

• Restored(t, f, t2) - Fluent f becomes true sometime during time interval between t and t2

The Axioms of the Simple Event Calculus

Collection of axioms relating the various predicates together to represent an action

• A fluent is true at time t if and only if it has been made true in the past and has not been made
false in the meantime.

The Clipped predicate, stating that a fluent has been made false during an interval, can be
axiomatized as follows:

• The Restored predicate, stating that a fluent has been made true during an interval, can be
axiomatized as follows:


Happens(Turnoff(LightSwitch1),1:00) – Lightswitch was turned off at exactly 1:00


Any subinterval of a process is also a member of same process category called process category or
liquid category

• Any process e that happens over an interval also happens over any subinterval:


In(Shankar, New Delhi) – Shankar being in New Delhi

T(In(Shankar, New Delhi), Today) – He was in New Delhi all day

Time Interval

Time is important to any agent that takes action

• 2 kinds of time intervals:

1. moments

2. extended intervals

• The distinction is that only moments have zero duration

– Partition ({Moments , ExtendedIntervals },

Intervals )

Time scale

The moment at midnight (GMT) on Jan 1, 1900 has time 0

• Interval(i) ‹ Duration(i)=(Time(End(i))−Time(Begin(i))).

• Time (Begin (AD 1900)) = Seconds (0).

• Time(Begin(AD2001)) = Seconds(3187324800)

• Time(End(AD2001))=Seconds(3218860800)

• Duration(AD2001)= Seconds(31536000)

Predicate of time intervals

Fluents and objects

Physical objects can be viewed as generalized events, in the sense that a physical object is a chunk of

• President(USA, t) is a logical term that denotes a different object at different times.

• To say that George Washington was president throughout 1790, we can write

T (Equals (President (USA), GeorgeWashington ), AD 1790)

Mental Events and Mental Objects

For a single- agent domains, knowledge about one’s own knowledge and reasoning processes is
useful for controlling inference.

• In a multiagent domains, it becomes important for an agent to reason about the mental states of
the other agents.

• Example Bob and Alice scenario

• It requires a model of the mental objects in someone’s head(knowledge base) and the processes
that manipulate these mental objects.

A formal theory of beliefs

Relationships between agents and mental objects: believes, knows, wants, intends ... are called

propositional attitudes

• Lois knows that Superman can fly:

– Knows (Lois , CanFly (Superman ))

• If Superman is Clark, then we must conclude that Lois knows that Clark can fly:

– (Superman = Clark ) ∧ Knows (Lois , CanFly (Superman )) |=

Knows(Lois, CanFly(Clark))

• “Can Clark fly?” – No. Need descriptions

• If an agent knows that 2 + 2 = 4 and 4 < 5, then we want an agent to know that 2 + 2 < 5. This
property is called referential transparency

For propositional attitudes like believes and knows, we would like to have referential opacity

Modal logic address this problem

• Modal logic includes special modal operators that take sentences (rather than terms) as

• Example: “A knows P” is represented with the notation


- where K is the modal operator for knowledge,

- agent A (written as the subscript) and a sentence

Possible Worlds And Accessibility Relations

In modal logic, consider both the possibility that Superman’s secret identity is Clark and that it

– Clark=Superman and Clark!=Superman

• Build a model, that consists of a collection of possible worlds rather than just one true world and
the worlds are connected in a graph by accessibility relations

• “Bond knows that someone is a spy” is ambiguous.

∃x KBondSpy(x)

which in modal logic means that there is an x that, in all accessible worlds, Bond knows to be a

• Bond just knows that there is at least one spy:

KBond∃x Spy(x)

The modal logic interpretation is that in each accessible world there is an x that is a spy, but it
need not be the same x in each world.

Knowledge and belief

Knowledge in terms if AI is something which is always true

• Belief on the other hand deals more with probability

• After extensive study, it is commonly said that knowledge is justified true belief
• Example:

– Eating food necessary for living, so we eat.

– Gambling to gain money. Probability. Believe we will win

• Knows(a, p) – agent a knows that proposition p is true

• Lois knows whether Clark can fly if she either knows that Clark can fly or knows that he cannot

Knowledge, time and action

Belief is also something which can change over time. For example:

• Lois believes Superman flies today

T(Believes(Lois, flies(Superman)),Today)

• The same will not be true in 100 years when he died of old age

Reasoning Systems for Categories

Categories are the primary building blocks of large-scale knowledge representation schemes.

• This topic describes systems specially designed for organizing and reasoning with categories.

• There are two types of reasoning systems:

1. Semantic networks

2. Description logics

Reasoning systems

Semantic networks

– Visualize knowledge-base in patterns of interconnected nodes and arcs

– Efficient algorithms for inferring of object on the basis of its category membership

Description logics

– Formal language for constructing and combining category definitions

– Efficient algorithms to decide subset and superset relationships between categories.

Semantic Networks

In 1909, Charles S. Peirce proposed a graphical notation of nodes and edges called existential
• A typical graphical notation displays object or category names in ovals or boxes, and connects
them with labeled arcs/links

• For Example:

– MemberOf link between Mary and FemalePersons, corresponding to the logical assertion

Mary ∈ FemalePersons

– SisterOf link between Mary and John corresponds to the

assertion SisterOf (Mary, John )

– connect categories using SubsetOf links,

Semantic Network Example

Semantic Networks

Allows for inheritance reasoning

– Female persons inherit all properties from person

– Mary inherits the property of having two legs

• The simplicity and efficiency of this inference mechanism compared with logical theorem has
been one of the main attractions of semantic networks.

• Multiple Inheritance becomes complicated because two or more conflicting values for answering
the query
• For this reason, multiple inheritance is banned in some object-oriented programming (OOP)
languages, such as Java

Another form of inference is the use of inverse links

• Example: HasSister is the inverse of SisterOf

• Drawback of semantic network is that the links between bubbles represent only binary relations.

• For example, the sentence Fly(Shankar, NewYork, NewDelhi, Yesterday) cannot be asserted
directly in a semantic network.

• But can obtain the effect of n-ary assertions by reifying the proposition

Ability to override the default values

• Example:

– John has 1 leg despite the fact that all persons have 2 legs

– This would be contradiction in a strictly logical KB.

Description logics

They are logical notations that are designed to describe definitions and properties about

• It is to formalize the semantic network

• Principal inference task is !

– Subsumption: checking if one category is the subset of another by comparing their definitions

– Classification: checking whether an object belongs to a category.

– Consistency: whether the category membership criteria are logically satisfiable

The CLASSIC language is a typical description logic

• Any CLASSIC can be written in FOL

• For example, to say that bachelors are unmarried adult males we would write

• Bachelor = And (Unmarried , Adult , Male )

• The equivalent in first-order logic would be

• Bachelor(x) ⇔ Unmarried(x)∧Adult(x)∧Male(x)

The syntax of descriptions in a subset of the CLASSIC language

Reasoning with Default Information

Default reasoning

This is a very common from of non-monotonic reasoning. Here We want to draw conclusions
based on what is most likely to be true.

We have already seen examples of this and possible ways to represent this knowledge.

We will discuss two approaches to do this:

 Non-Monotonic logic.
 Default logic.

DO NOT get confused about the label Non-Monotonic and Default being applied to reasoning
and a particular logic. Non-Monotonic reasoning is generic descriptions of a class of
reasoning. Non-Monotonic logic is a specific theory. The same goes for Default reasoning
and Default logic.

Non-Monotonic Logic
This is basically an extension of first-order predicate logic to include a modal operator, M.
The purpose of this is to allow for consistency.

For example: : plays_instrument(x) improvises(x) jazz_musician(x)

states that for all x is x plays an instrument and if the fact that x can improvise is consistent
with all other knowledge then we can conclude that x is a jazz musician.

How do we define consistency?

One common solution (consistent with PROLOG notation) is

to show that fact P is true attempt to prove . If we fail we may say that P is consistent
(since is false).

However consider the famous set of assertions relating to President Nixon.

: Republican(x) Pacifist(x) Pacifist(x)

: Quaker(x) Pacifist(x) Pacifist(x)

Now this states that Quakers tend to be pacifists and Republicans tend not to be.

BUT Nixon was both a Quaker and a Republican so we could assert:



This now leads to our total knowledge becoming inconsistent.

Default Logic

Default logic introduces a new inference rule:

which states if A is deducible and it is consistent to assume B then conclude C.

Now this is similar to Non-monotonic logic but there are some distinctions:

 New inference rules are used for computing the set of plausible extensions. So in the
Nixon example above Default logic can support both assertions since is does not say
anything about how choose between them -- it will depend on the inference being
 In Default logic any nonmonotonic expressions are rules of inference rather than

Circumscription is a rule of conjecture that allows you to jump to the conclusion that the
objects you can show that posses a certain property, p, are in fact all the objects that posses
that property.

Circumscription can also cope with default reasoning.

Suppose we know: bird(tweety)

: penguin(x) bird(x)

: penguin(x) flies(x)

and we wish to add the fact that typically, birds fly.

In circumscription this phrase would be stated as:

A bird will fly if it is not abnormal

and can thus be represented by:

: bird(x) abnormal(x) flies(x).

However, this is not sufficient

We cannot conclude


since we cannot prove


This is where we apply circumscription and, in this case,

we will assume that those things that are shown to be abnormal are the only things to be

Thus we can rewrite our default rule as:

: bird(x) flies(x) abnormal(x)

and add the following

: abnormal(x)

since there is nothing that cannot be shown to be abnormal.

If we now add the fact:


Clearly we can prove


If we circumscribe abnormal now we would add the sentence,

a penguin (tweety) is the abnormal thing:

: abnormal(x) penguin(x).

Note the distinction between Default logic and circumscription:

Defaults are sentences in language itself not additional inference rules.

Implementations: Truth Maintenance Systems

Due to Lecture time limitation. This topic is not dealt with in any great depth. Please refer to
the further reading section.

A variety of Truth Maintenance Systems (TMS) have been developed as a means of

implementing Non-Monotonic Reasoning Systems.

Basically TMSs:

 all do some form of dependency directed backtracking

 assertions are connected via a network of dependencies.

Justification-Based Truth Maintenance Systems (JTMS)

 This is a simple TMS in that it does not know anything about the structure of the
assertions themselves.
 Each supported belief (assertion) in has a justification.
 Each justification has two parts:
o An IN-List -- which supports beliefs held.
o An OUT-List -- which supports beliefs not held.

 An assertion is connected to its justification by an arrow.

 One assertion can feed another justification thus creating the network.
 Assertions may be labelled with a belief status.
 An assertion is valid if every assertion in the IN-List is believed and none in the OUT-
List are believed.
 An assertion is non-monotonic is the OUT-List is not empty or if any assertion in the
IN-List is non-monotonic.
Fig. 20 A JTMS Assertion

Logic-Based Truth Maintenance Systems (LTMS)

Similar to JTMS except:

 Nodes (assertions) assume no relationships among them except ones explicitly stated
in justifications.
 JTMS can represent P and P simultaneously. An LTMS would throw a contradiction
 If this happens network has to be reconstructed.

Assumption-Based Truth Maintenance Systems (ATMS)

 JTMS and LTMS pursue a single line of reasoning at a time and backtrack
(dependency-directed) when needed -- depth first search.
 ATMS maintain alternative paths in parallel -- breadth-first search
 Backtracking is avoided at the expense of maintaining multiple contexts.
 However as reasoning proceeds contradictions arise and the ATMS can be pruned
o Simply find assertion with no valid justification.

Quantifying Uncertainty

Acting Under Uncertainty

Agents often make decisions based on incomplete information
-partial observability
-nondeterministic actions
Partial solution (see previous chapters): maintain belief states
-represent the set of all possible world states the agent might be in
-generating a contingency plan handling every possible eventuality
Several drawbacks:
-must consider every possible explanation for the observation (even very-unlikely ones) =) impossibly
complex belief-states
-contingent plans handling every eventuality grow arbitrarily large
-sometimes there is no plan that is guaranteed to achieve the goal
-Agent’s knowledge cannot guarantee a successful outcome ... ... but can provide some
degree of belief (likelihood) on it
-A rational decision depends on both the relative importance of (sub)goals and the likelihood
that they will be achieved
-Probability theory offers a clean way to quantify likelihood

Acting Under Uncertainty: Example

Automated taxi to Airport
-Goal: deliver a passenger to the airport on time
-Action At : leave for airport t minutes before flight
How can we be sure that A90 will succeed?
-Too many sources of uncertainty:
- partial observability (ex: road state, other drivers’ plans, etc.)
- uncertainty in action outcome (ex: flat tire, etc.)
- noisy sensors (ex: unreliable traffic reports)
- complexity of modelling and predicting traffic
=) With purely-logical approach it is difficult to anticipate everything that can go wrong
-risks falsehood: “A25 will get me there on time” or
- leads to conclusions that are too weak for decision making:
“A25 will get me there on time if there’s no accident on the bridge , and it doesn’t rain and my tires
remain intact , and...”
-Over-cautious choices are not rational solutions either
ex: A1440 causes staying overnight at the airport

Acting Under Uncertainty: Example (2)

A medical diagnosis
-Given the symptoms (toothache) infer the cause (cavity)
-How to encode this relation in logic?
diagnostic rules:
Toothache ! Cavity (wrong)
Toothache ! (Cavity _ GumProblem _ Abscess _ :::)
(too many possible causes, some very unlikely)
causal rules:
Cavity ! Toothache (wrong)
(Cavity ^ :::) ! Toothache (many possible (con)causes)
Problems in specifying the correct logical rules:
Complexity: too many possible antecedents or consequents
Theoretical ignorance: no complete theory for the domain
Practical ignorance: no complete knowledge of the patient

Summarizing Uncertainty
Probability allows to summarize the uncertainty on effects of
laziness: failure to enumerate exceptions, qualifications, etc.
ignorance: lack of relevant facts, initial conditions, etc.
Probability can be derived from
statistical data (ex: 80% of toothache patients so far had cavities)
some knowledge (ex: 80% of toothache patients has cavities) their combination thereof
Probability statements are made with respect to a state of knowledge (aka evidence), not
with respect to the real world
e.g., “The probability that the patient has a cavity, given that she has a toothache, is 0.8”:
P(HasCavity(patient) j hasToothAche(patient)) = 0:8
Probabilities of propositions change with new evidence:
“The probability that the patient has a cavity, given that she has a toothache and a history of
gum disease, is 0.4”:
j hasToothAche(patient) ^ HistoryOfGum(patient)) = 0:4

Making Decisions Under Uncertainty

Ex: Suppose I believe:
P(A25 gets me there on time j:::) = 0:04
P(A90 gets me there on time j:::) = 0:70
P(A120 gets me there on time j:::) = 0:95
P(A1440 gets me there on time j:::) = 0:9999
Which action to choose?
=) Depends on tradeoffs among preferences:
missing flight vs. costs (airport cuisine, sleep overnight in airport)
When there are conflicting goals the agent may express preferences among them by means
of a utility function.
Utilities are combined with probabilities in the general theory of rational decisions, aka
decision theory:
Decision theory = Probability theory + Utility theory
Maximum Expected Utility (MEU): an agent is rational if and only if it chooses the action that
yields the maximum expected utility, averaged over all the possible outcomes of the action.

Probabilities Basics:
Random Variables

Propositions and Probabilities

Probability Distributions
Probability for Continuous Variables
Conditional Probabilities
Probabilistic Inference via Enumeration
Artificial Intelligence (BEIT703T)
VII Semester IT
Topic:- Knowledge Representation with Logic and Inferences
Prof. S. C. Sakure

(1) What are the steps associated with the knowledge Engineering process?

Discuss them by applying the steps to any real world application of your choice.
Knowledge Engineering
The general process of constructing knowledge base is called knowledge engineering. A
knowledge engineer is someone who investigates a particular domain, learns what concepts are
important in that domain, and creates a formal representation of the objects and relations in the
domain. We will illustrate the knowledge engineering process in an electronic circuit domain that
should already be fairly familiar,
The steps associated with the knowledge engineering process are :
1 Identify the task.
The task will determine what knowledge must be represented in order to connect problem instances to
answers. This step is analogous to the PEAS process for designing agents.
2. Assemble the relevant knowledge. The knowledge engineer might already be an expert in the domain,
or might need to work with real experts to extract what they know-a process called knowledge
3. Decide on a vocabulary of predicates, functions, and constants. That is, translate the important
domain-level concepts into logic-level names. Once the choices have been made. the result is a
vocabulary that is known as the ontology of the domain. The word ontology means a particular theory of
the nature of being or existence.
4. Encode general knowledge about the domain. The knowledge engineer writes down the axioms for
all the vocabulary terms. This pins down (to the extent possible) the meaning of the terms, enabling the
expert to check the content. Often, this step reveals misconceptions or gaps in the vocabulary that must be
fixed by returning to step 3 and iterating through the process.
5. Encode a description of the specific problem instance
For a logical agent, problem instances are supplied by the sensors, whereas a "disembodied" knowledge
base is supplied with additional sentences in the same way that traditional programs are supplied with
input data.
6. Pose queries to the inference procedure and get answers. This is where the reward is: we can let the
inference procedure operate on the axioms and problem-specific facts to derive the facts we are interested
in knowing.
7. Debug the knowledge base.
x NumOfLegs(x,4) => Mammal(x) Is false for reptiles ,amphibians.

To understand this seven-step process better, we now apply it to an extended example-the

domain of electronic circuits.
The electronic circuits domain
One bit adder
1 Identify the task
There are many reasoning tasks associated with digital circuits. At the highest level, one analyzes
the circuit's functionality. For example, what are all the gates connected to the first input terminal? Does
the circuit contain feedback loops? These will be our tasks in this section.
2 Assemble the relevant knowledge
What do we know about digital circuits? For our purposes, they are composed of wires and gates.
Signals flow along wires to the input terminals of gates, and each gate produces a signal on the output
terminal that flows along another wire.
3 Decide on a vocabulary
We now know that we want to talk about circuits, terminals, signals, and gates. The next step is to choose
functions, predicates, and constants to represent them. We will start from individual gates and move up to
First, we need to be able to distinguish a gate from other gates. This is handled by naming gates with
constants: X I , X2, and so on
Type(X1) = XOR
Type(X1, XOR) –binary predicate
XOR(X1) –individual type
Agate or circuit can have one or more terminal. For X1 the terminals are X1In1, X1In2, X1Out1

X1In1- 1st input of gate X1

X1In2 -2nd input of gate X1
X1Out1-Output of gate X1
4 Encode general knowledge of the domain
One sign that we have a good ontology is that there are very few general rules which need to be specified.
A sign that we have a good vocabulary is that each rule can be stated clearly and concisely. With our
example, we need only seven simple rules to describe everything we need to know about circuits:

1. If two terminals are connected, then they have the same signal:
t1,t2 Connected(t1, t2) Signal(t1) = Signal(t2)

2. The signal at every terminal is either 1 or 0 (but not both):
t Signal(t) = 1 Signal(t) =01

3. Connected is a commutative predicate:

t1,t2 Connected(t1, t2) Connected(t2, t1)

4. An OR gate's output is 1 if and only if any of its inputs is 1:

g Type(g) = OR Signal(Out(1,g)) = 1 n Signal(In(n,g)) = 1

5. An A.ND gate's output is 0 if and only if any of its inputs is 0:

g Type(g) = AND Signal(Out(1,g)) = 0 n Signal(In(n,g)) = 0

6. An XOR gate's output is 1 if and only if its inputs are different:

g Type(g) = XOR Signal(Out(1,g)) = 1 Signal(In(1,g)) ≠ Signal(In(2,g))

7. A NOT gate's output is different from its input:

g Type(g) = NOT Signal(Out(1,g)) ≠ Signal(In(1,g))

5 Encode the specific problem instance
The circuit shown in Figure is encoded as circuit C1 with the following description. First,we categorize
the gates:
Type(X1)= XOR Type(X2)= XOR

Type(X1) = XOR Type(X2) = XOR

Type(A1) = AND Type(A2) = AND
Type(O1) = OR
Connected(Out(1,X1),In(1,X2)) Connected(In(1,C1),In(1,X1))
Connected(Out(1,X1),In(2,A2)) Connected(In(1,C1),In(1,A1))
Connected(Out(1,A2),In(1,O1)) Connected(In(2,C1),In(2,X1))
Connected(Out(1,A1),In(2,O1)) Connected(In(2,C1),In(2,A1))
Connected(Out(1,X2),Out(1,C1)) Connected(In(3,C1),In(2,X2))
Connected(Out(1,O1),Out(2,C1)) Connected(In(3,C1),In(1,A2))

6 Pose queries to the inference procedure

What combinations of inputs would cause the first output of Cl (the sum bit) to be 0 and the second
output of C1 (the carry bit) to be l?
i1,i2,i3,o1,o2 Signal(In(1,C1)) = i1 Signal(In(2,C1)) = i2 Signal(In(3,C1)) = i3
Signal(Out(1,C1)) = 0 Signal(Out(2,C1)) = 1

The answer are substitutions for the variable i1,i2 and i3 such that the resulting sentence is entailed by
the knowledge base, There are three such substitutions:

{i1/1,i2/1,i3/0} {i1/2,i2/0,i3/1} {i1/0,i2/1,i3/1}

7 Debug the knowledge base

The knowledge base is checked with different constraints. For example if the assertion 1#0 is not
included in the knowledge base then it is variable to prove any output for the circuit ,expect for the input
cases 000 and 110

i1,i2,o Signal(In(1,C1)) = i1 Signal(In(2,C1)) = i2 Signal(Out(1,X1))

This claim that no output are known at X1 for the input cases 10 and 01. Therefore the axiom for XOR
gate is considered

Signal(Out(1,X1)) = 1 Signal(In(1,X1)) ≠ Signal(In(2,X1))

It the input signal are known 1 and 0 , the above sentence reduces to Signal(Out(1,X1)) = 1 1#0

Now the system is unable to infer the Signal(Out(1,X1)) =1

Generalized Modus Pones
• For atomic sentences pi, pi’, q where there is a substitution q such that Subst{q,
pi’} = Subst{q, pi}:

 It is the process of finding substitutions that make two atomic sentences identical
 Lifted inference rules require finding substitution that make different logical expression
look identical this process is called unification
 It is the key component of first order inference logic algorithm
UNIFY (p,q)=θ Where SUBST(θ,p)= SUBST(q, θ)
Θ- Unifier of two sentences
Assume θ=y
Unification algorithm returns failure as the result at two factors
i) Two sentence have different predicate name
Ex hate(m,c)
ii) Two sentence will have different number of arguments
Ex hate(m,c,x)
Query Knows (John,x) whom does john knows
The knowledg e base contain the following information

Consider the last sentence:

• This fails because x cannot take on two values
• But “Everyone knows Elizabeth” and it should not fail
• Must standardize apart one of the two sentences to eliminate reuse of variable

Standardizing apart eliminates overlap of variables, e.g., Knows(z17, OJ) by renaming its
variables to avoid name clashes
Most General Unifier
Multiple unifiers are possible:


Which is better, Knows (John, z) or Knows (John, John)?

• Second could be obtained from first with extra subs
• First unifier is more general than second because it places fewer restrictions on
the values of the variables
There is a single most general unifier for every unifiable pair of expressions
Occur Check
t1 = likes(X, Y)
t2 = likes(g(Y),
An equation that has a variable on one side and a term containing that variable on the
other side cannot be solved no matter what the substitute is. So the unification fails. The above
phenomenon is called "occurs check".
Unification algorithm

Storage and retrieval
Once the data type for sentences and terms are defined, we need to contain a set of sentences in a
i) Stores(s) – store a sentence s
ii) Fetch(s)-returns all unifiers
such that query q unifies with some sentence in KB.
An example is when we ask Knows (John, x) – is an instance of fetching
 The simplest way to implement STORE and FETCH is to keep all the facts in the
knowledge base in one long list
 The given query UNIFY(q,s) – given query call for every sentence s in the list, requires
O(n) time on an n-element KB.
 Such a process is inefficient in terms of time taken because it will unify each and every
statement of knowledge base
 Inefficient because we’re performing so many unifies.

• Example: unify Knows (John, x) with Brother (Richard, John)
There is no need to unify
 We can avoid such unification by indexing the facts in the knowledge base
 Predicate indexing puts all the Knows facts in one bucket and all the Brother facts in
 The bucket stored in a hash table for efficient access.
 We can large bucket problem with the help of multiple indexing
• Might not be a win if there are lots of clauses for a particular predicate symbol
 Consider how many people Know one another

– Instead index by predicate and first argument

 Clauses may be stored in multiple buckets
Subsumption lattice
The above set of queries are said to form a collection tree called as Subsumption lattice
How to construct indices for all possible queries that unify with it
• Example: Employs (, Richard)

Properties of subsumption lattice

• The child of any node in the lattice is obtained from its parent by single
• The “highest” common descendent of any two nodes is the result of applying the
most general unifier
• The portion of lattice , above any ground fact can bd e construct
• Predicate with n arguments will create a lattice with O(2n) nodes
• Benefits of indexing may be outweighed by cost of storing and maintaining

9 Man(x5)v person(x5)

2. Explain Forward and backward chaining (NOV 2013)(MAY 2013)(MAY 2012)(NOV 2011).
A forward-chaining algorithm for propositional definite clauses was already given. The
idea is simple: start with the atomic sentences in the knowledge base and apply
ModusPonens in the forward direction, adding new atomic sentences, until no
further inferences can be made.
First-order definite clauses
First-order definite clauses closely resemble propositional definite clauses they are
disjunctions of literals of which exactly one is positive. A definite clause either is atomic
or is an implication whose antecedent is a conjunction of positive literals and
whose consequent is a single positive literal.
This knowledge base contains no function symbols and is therefore an instance of' the
class DATALOG of Data log knowledge bases-that is, sets of first-order definite clauses with
no function symbols

• Nono… has some missles

• All of its missiles were sold to it by Colonel West

• We also need to know that missiles are weapons

• and we must know that an enemy of America counts as “hostile”

• West, who is American”

Nono, is a nation
• The country Nono, an enemy of America

America is a nation
Nation (America)

Analyse the algorithm
• Does it only derive sentences that are entailed?
• Yes, because only Modus Ponens is used and it is sound
• Does it answer every query whose answers are entailed by the KB?
• Yes if the clauses are definite clauses
Assume KB only has sentences with no function symbols
• What’s the most number of iterations through algorithm?
• Depends on the number of facts that can be added
Let k be the arity, the max number of arguments of any predicate and
Let p be the number of predicates
Let n be the number of constant symbols
• At most pnk distinct ground facts
• Fixed point is reached after this many iterations
• A proof by contradiction shows that the final KB is complete
Three sources of complexity
• inner loop requires finding all unifiers such that premise of rule unifies with facts
of database
– this “pattern matching” is expensive
• must check every rule on every iteration to check if its premises are satisfied
• many facts are generated that are irrelevant to goal




Efficiency of forward chaining
 Incremental forward chaining: no need to match a rule on iteration k if a premise wasn't
added on iteration k-1

match each rule whose premise contains a newly added positive literal
 Matching itself can be expensive:

 Database indexing allows O(1) retrieval of known facts

e.g., query Missile(x) retrieves Missile (M1)

Forward chaining is widely used in deductive databases
Backward chaining
In backward chaining, we start from a conclusion, which is the hypothesis we wish to prove, and
we aim to show how that conclusion can be reached from the rules and facts in the data base.
To determine if a decision should be made, work backwards looking for justifications for
the decision,
The conclusion we are aiming to prove is called a goal ,and the reasoning in this way is
known as goal-driven.
Eventually, a decision must be satisfied by facts

The algorithm uses composition of substitution. COMPOSE(θ1, θ2) is the substitution whose
effect is identical to the effect of applying each substitution is
SUBST(COMPOSE(θ1, θ2), p) = SUBST(θ2, SUBST(θ1, p))
In the algorithm , the current variable binding , which are stored in θ, are composed with the
binding resulting from unifying the goal with the clause head , given a new set of current
bindings for the recursive call.


Step 3

Step 4

Step 5

Step 6

Step 7

properties of backward chaining

Depth-first recursive proof search: space is linear in size of proof
Incomplete due to infinite loops fix by checking current goal against every goal on stack
Inefficient due to repeated subgoals (both success and failure)
fix using caching of previous results (extra space)
Widely used for logic programming: prolog

Two marks
1 What is Ontological Engineering
Ontology refers to organizing everything in the world into hierarch of categories.
Representing the abstract concepts such as Actions,Time,Physical Objects, and Beliefs is
called Ontological Engineering

2 1Define diagnostic rules with example?
Diagnostic rules are used in first order logic for inferencing. The diagnostic rules
generate hidden causes from observed effect. They help to deduce hidden facts in the world. For
example considering the wumpum world.
The diagnostic rule finding ‘pit’ is,
“If square is breezy some adjacent square must contain pit”, which is written as,
∀xBreezy(s)=> ∃rAdjacent(r,s)^ pit (r

S. No Propositional logic Predicate logic
1 It is less expressive power It is more expressive power
2 It cannot represent relationship among objects It represent relationship among objects
3 It does not use quantifiers It use quantifiers
4 It does not consider generalization of objects It consider generalization of objects


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