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The learner demonstrates understanding of personal health issues and
A. Content Standards concerns and personal health issues and concerns and the importance of
health appraisal procedures and community resources in preventing or
managing them.
B. Performance Practice self-management skills to prevent and control personal health
Standards issues and concerns.
C. Learning
Demonstrates self-management skills. H6PH-lab-19
Write the LC code for
II. CONTENT Developing Self-Management Skills
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide
2. Learner’s Materials
Pages pp.
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials
Learning Resource Power Point, projector, pictures, concept map, module
5. Values Integration Self-discipline, being responsible
EPP - groups of foods
PE - locomotor skills, physical pyramid

C. Strategies Cooperative learning, Simulation and Interactive teaching

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity
A. Reviewing previous
lesson or Class, as a review of our lesson yesterday, we
presenting the new will be having a game. It is called “Cabbage
lesson Relay”. This round thing I am holding on
represents a cabbage.

Directions: As the music plays, it will be

passed. When the music stops, the one who is
holding it will peel one page then answer the

1. It is a common condition that causes the

skin on the scalp to flake.

2. ______ is a common vision condition in

which you can see objects near to you clearly,
but objects farther away are blurry.
3. It is caused by too much exposure to
ultraviolet rays of the sun.

4. ______ is a common eye condition

experienced by many young people.

5. It is 15% to 20% above normal weight for

the age and height group.
Possible Answers:
1. dandruff
2. nearsightedness
3. astigmatism
4. sunburn
5. overweight

B. Establishing a
purpose for the
lesson I have here a song. Let us sing this in the tune
of “Row, Row, Row Your Boat”.


Written by: Francilet R. Padios

Take, take, take a bath

Do it everyday
Use a shampoo and soap to take the dirt away.

Wash, wash, wash your hands

Scrub and rub with soap ‘til clean Perform
hand washing every day to keep the germs

Brush, brush, brush your teeth Do it everyday

Use toothpaste or a dental floss to keep
cavities away.

Use, use, use a face mask

Wear it everyday
Cover your nose and mouth to keep the
viruses away.

If you practice proper hygiene, you will not get

Manage yourself, keep it clean
A healthy life, you’ll feel.

Based on the song we sung, what were the

activities that the children did?

Possible answers:
1. Taking a bath.
2. Washing of hands.
3. Brushing of teeth.
4. Using of facemask.
C. Presenting
examples/instance Excellent! Get ready with our new lesson.
s of the new lesson Our lesson today is about demonstrating self-
management skills.
Class, aside from the activities being
mentioned in the song, what are the other
ways that you know in taking care of one’s
C. Discussing new
concepts and You are now on proper age to exercise proper
practicing new self-management. Taking care of one’s self is
skills #1 a must. It is the time to know your role and
responsibilities in taking care of yourselves.

Growing-up children like you should start

developing self-management skills for your
health aspect. This is achievable in paying
attention on the following aspects:

Proper Nutrition

Now, I Oral &

Dental Proper
will be Hygiene
giving Care
you Manage
an ment
Skills Enough
Physical Activity


I have different situations inside the box. Pick

one piece of folded paper and open it. For
those who got printed numbers 1-10, they are
the one who will answer.

Directions: Describe the following situations

on the self-management skill being

1. Lenny makes sure that she has 8-9 hours of

sleeping time every day.
2. Marvin engages in active sports like
basketball and table tennis.
3.The pupils wash their hands before they eat
their snacks.
4.Relax your shoulders when you walk.
5.Visit the dentist regularly to check the
condition of your teeth.
6.Take a bath every day to make yourself
7.The children help in doing household chores
and activities like cleaning the house and
watering the plants.
8.Zoila includes fruits and vegetables in her
daily meal.
9.Francis prefers to walk in going to school to
exercise his body.
10.After doing activities at home, Riza sees to
it that she gets some rest.

Possible answers:
1. D
2. C
3. B
4. E.
5. F
6. B
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. D
Very good!
Those are different situations that shows
proper self-management skills.
Aside from the given situations, cite some
more in every aspect?

Pupil’s answer may vary

Healthy lifestyle is very important for us
D. Discussing new to do our everyday activities. We need to
concepts and demonstrate self-management skills in
practicing new
handling different personal health issues and
skills #2
concerns to help protect ourselves from
Rest and sleep allows our body to
recharge energy to prepare us for the next
day’s activity. Children should have enough
rest and sleep for them to perform tasks that
are expected for them to do. Household
chores, school works and sports activities can
drain our energy. That is why after doing such
activities, we need to have a good rest and

This will serve as a guide on how much

sleep should each children needed for proper
growth and development.

Age Specific Time

0-3 months old 5-18 hours /day
3-12 month old 9-14 hours/day
1-3 years old 12-14 hours/day
3-5 years old 11-13 hours/day
5-12 years old 10-11 hours /day

Getting enough rest and sleep would give us
benefits. It will:
 Promote health
 Reduce heart disease
 Maintain weight
 Reduce injury risk
 Increase attention span
 Boost learning
Have Proper Nutrition
 Prepare nutritious foods.
 Drink enough water.
 Eat more vegetables and fruits.
What are the 3 groups of foods?
Integration: EPP


Observe Proper Hygiene

 Take a bath every day.
 Wash your hands regularly.
 Brush your teeth regularly.
 Cover the nose and mouth with a tissue
or the hand when coughing or sneezing.

Regular Physical Activity

 Follow the recommended physical
activity pyramid.
 Proper exercise.

Integration: locomotor skills, physical


What are examples of locomotor skills that The 3 groups of foods

includes in physical pyramid? are:
1. Go Foods
2. Grow Foods
3. Glow Foods

Let us find out if your answers are correct.

(Show in slides).
Enough Rest and Sleep
 Avoid sleeping late.
 Have enough time of sleep.

Good Posture
 Good walking posture.
 Good standing posture.
 Good sitting posture.
Maintain Oral or Dental Care
 Brush your teeth at least 3 times a day. Possible answers:
 Consult a dentist from time to time. Biking
These are the things you have to consider to
improve your self-management skills.

E. Developing
mastery (leads to Now, we will be having a group activity. What
Formative are the standards in doing group activity?
Assessment 3)
Standards in doing group
1. Share ideas.
2. Be cooperative.
3. Follow the directions
4. Work with minimal
5. Finish your work on
Directions: Demonstrate how you manage
yourself when it comes to:

Red Group – Proper Hygiene and

Oral/Dental Care
Directions: Make a jingle/song how to do it.

Yellow Group- Physical Activity and

Good Posture
Directions: Act it Out! Make a short acting to
show management skill on these aspects.

Blue Group - Proper Nutrition and

Enough Rest and
Directions: Create a poem showing proper
management skill on these aspects.

(The pupils will do the

task in specified time).

(The teacher will assess the output of each

group with the use of rubrics).

F. Finding practical Marlon is always handling his cellphone most

applications of of the time. He loves to play online games. His
concepts and skills friend misses him because he’s not joining
in daily living them anymore in playing active games like
“Tumbang Preso “and “Patintero”.
How will you help him to make him fit and
physically active?

Possible answers:
- I will tell him the
disadvantage of too much
exposure to gadgets.
- I will spend time to
encourage him to join
playing with peers.
- We will engage
ourselves in outdoor
activity like biking.

Great answer!
Why is self-management skill important to
manifest in your lives?

Possible answer:
-Having self-management
skill reduces the risk of
getting ill and acquiring
G. Making diseases.
generalizations and Very good!
abstractions about How can we demonstrate self-management?
the lesson
We can demonstrate self-
management skill by

-proper hygiene
-proper nutrition
-regular physical activity
- enough rest and sleep
- good posture
-oral or dental care

J. Evaluating learning Directions: Read the statements carefully.

Write the letter of the answer that
shows self-management skills in
handling situations.
1. Allan is suffering from obesity. He has
difficulty in choosing clothes that fit his size.
He easily gets tired and prefers sleeping or
lying on his bed. What should he do?

A. Eat food that is high in calories and fat.

B. Continue his inactive activity.
C. Perform the suggested pyramid
D. Buy chocolate drink often.

2. Mary Lutz learned that having enough sleep

is very important for the body to be healthy.
What should she do?

A. Stay late at night watching her favorite

B. Have 8-9 hours of sleep.
C. Have 3-4 hours of sleep.
D. Engage herself in online games that
lasts until midnight.

3. It is summertime. What activities should

Receli and Cathy do to make their body fit?

A. Play gadgets.
B. Use their time sitting in front of
C. Play active games like hide-and-seek
and patintero.
D. Keep lying on bed since it’s vacation.

4. Cavities occur as a result of tooth

decay. What should Elsie do to prevent
oral or dental problems?
A. Practice proper brushing of teeth.
B. Eat sugary or sweet foods like
chocolates, cakes and candies.
C. Drink very hot or very cold drinks or
D. Always drink milk tea and shake.
5. Franklin is underweight. He is sickly and
inactive. What should he do to manage his
A. Eat nutritious foods to boost his health.
B. Buy junk foods and carbonated drinks.
C. Eat processed foods like hotdogs and
canned goods every day.
D. Avoid eating fruits.

Possible answer:
1. C
2. B
3. C
4. A
5. A

K. Additional activities Directions: List your habits in terms of fitness,

for application or eating, sleeping, proper hygiene, posture, and
remediation dental care. Use the sample as your guide.


L. No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation

M. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation

N. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up
with the lesson
O. No. of learners who continue to require remediation

P. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work?

Q. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
R. What innovation or localized materials did I use/discover which I wish
to share with other teachers?

Prepared by:



Corrected by:

Subject Lecturer

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