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21 - Jaseca Sanders

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In this part of the test, you’ll hear two different extracts. In each
extract, a health professional is talking . Complete the notes with
information you hear. Now, look at the notes for extract one.

Extract 1: Questions 1-12

You hear a Cardiologist talking to a patient called Jessica Sanders. For

questions 1-12, complete the notes with a word or short phrase. You
now have thirty Seconds to look at the notes.

Patient : Jessica Sanders

Consultation Notes

Information sought : Told patient that cyanosis is when there is a

(1) to the skin and mucous membranes.

Peripheral cyanosis is caused by (2) in the red blood cells or problem

getting oxygenated blood to (3)

Condition suspected

and explanation given: (4)

Condition is likely due to transposition of the (5) . This results in the

connection of the (6) to the left pumping chamber and (7)
to the right pumping chamber.

Condition accounts for (8) % of congenital heart disease.

Treatment provided : Prostaglandin (9) to keep the

(10) open
Next steps : Will need to perform a balloon atrial septostomy (which is
a (11) ) to provide a definitive (12)

Extract 2 : Questions 13-24

You hear a Dentist talking to a patient called Chrissy White. For

questions 13- 24 , complete the notes with a word or short phrase.
You now have thirty seconds to look at the notes.

Patient : Chrissy White

Existing patient

Symptoms : (13) pain

Started with (14) pain

Previous visit

(3 months prior) : Had (15)

Sent away with (16)

Pain caused by : Several things

Particularly when patient drinks

(17) or when patient eats


Type of pain : (19) Site (20)

Filling suggested: Patient prefers (21) to metal

Extraction initially

resisted because : As makes patient (22) Next steps and

method : Extraction

Administer local anesthetic Numb tissue and do tests on gums

Expand tooth socket

Will pop out tooth with (23) Information to note : Pain

killers required due to occupation Occupation : (24)

This is the end of Part A.Now look at Part B.

Part B

In this part of the test ,you’ll hear six different extracts.In each
extract,you’ll hear people talking in a different healthcare setting.For
questions 1-6,choose the answer (A, B or C) that fits best with what
you hear.You’ll have time to read the question before you listen.
Complete your answer as you listen.Now look at question 1.

25. You hear an occupational therapist discussing a case study. How

did the occupational therapist describe her patient's post-operative
A. It was exemplary

B. It was examplary

C. It was ex-temporary

26. You hear the director of nursing and head of resourcing discussing
recruitment. When is the induction session?

A. 15th

B. 8th

C. 12th

27. You hear two vets discussing a journal article. How long has gene
therapy been seen as a way to cure disease?

A. Over 5 years

B. Over 10 years

C. Over 20 years

28. You hear an optometrist with a new machine. How far away
should patients who need reading glasses should from the eye chat?

A. 40 cm

B. 6m

C. Both

29. You hear a podiatrist discussing research. Which group(s) did the
podiatrist study?
A. Sportswomen

B. Dancers

C. Both

30. You hear members of a hospital committee discussing issues on

the ward. What was the suggestion given to deal with the lowered

A. Purchase more beds

B. Use seats as beds

C. Neither

That is the end of Part B. Now look at Part C.

Part C

In this part of the test, you'll hear two different extracts. In each
extract, you’ll hear health professionals talking about aspects of their
work. For questions 7-22, choose the answer (A, B, or C) that fits best
with what you hear.You'll have time to read the question before you
listen. Complete your answers as you listen. Now look at extract one

Extract 1: Questions 7-14

You hear doctor, Quentin Carver, giving a lecture on neurological

conditions. You now have 90 seconds to read questions 7-14

31. In dementia, which part of the brain loses the nerve cells?

A. Substantia Nigra

B. Dopamine Centre
C. Cervius Cortex

32. According to Dr Carver, how many people in England have

Parkinson's disease?

A. 120,000

B. 1 in 500

C. 145,000

33. What is the statistic of dementia sufferers who are younger than
40 years?

A. 95%

B. 5%

C. 1 in 20

34. Which of the following is not a symptom associated with

Parkinson's disease?

A. Involuntary movement

B. Stiff and inflexible muscles

C. Memory-loss
35. Which of the following drugs does Dr Carver recommend as
treatment for Parkinson's disease?

A. Levodopa

B. Levothyroxine

C. Lansoprazole

36. How much has Parkinsons UK raised for Parkinson's research and

A. Over £85million

B. Over £89million

C. Over £8.5million

37. How much has the Michael J. Fox foundation raised for
Parkinson's research and support?

A. Over £85million

B. Over £850 million

C. Over £800million

38. The end of the fear of Parkinsons can be hastened by?

A. Increased charitable giving

B. Research and clinical trials

C. All of the above

Now look at extract two

Extract 2: Questions 15-22

You hear Nurse Claire Alexander, giving a presentation on lifestyle

and wellbeing. You now have 90 seconds to read questions 15-22.

39. Which of the following statements is not true?

A. As an obese adult, you are 7 times more likely to become a type 2

diabetic than an average weight adult.

B. Obesity as an adult increases the risk of heart disease

C. Obesity as an adult triples the risk of early death.

40. Type two diabetes...?

A. Doubles the risk of mental health illness

B. Doubles the risk of early death

C. Doubles the risk of cardiac disease

41. Number of obese children entering primary school.

A. Was 60% higher than those leaving it

B. Was 60% lower than those leaving it

C. Was 16% higher than those leaving it.

42. According to Ms Alexander, in 2017, how many children were

classified as severely obese?

A. At least 21,001

B. At least 22,001

C. At least 23,001

43. What proportion of children had 5 portions of fruit and vegetable

a day?

A. Approximately 1 in 4

B. Approximately 1 in 5

C. Approximately 1 in 6

44. What proportion of adults had 5 portions of fruit and vegetable a


A. Approximately 1 in 4
B. Approximately 1 in 5

C. Approximately 1 in 6

45. How many items were prescribed for obesity treatment in the
year 2016?

A. 460,000

B. 450.000

C. 416,000

46. Which of the following is not true? The money spent on obesity
could fund:

A. 223,000 new teachers

B. 160,000 nurses

C. 80,000 doctors

That in the end of Part C.You now have two minutes to check your




1. Bluish colouration

2. Low oxygen(level)

3. The body

4. (cyanotic)heart disease

5. Great arteries

6. Pulmonary artery

7. Aorta

8. Upto 5 / 5

9. Medicine

10. Duct

11. Surgical operation/procedure

12. Correction


13. Extreme

14. Numbing

15. X-ray

16. penicillin

17. something hot

18. something cold

19. Sharp (pain)

20. All over teeth

21. Composite

22. Feel woozy

23. Pliers

24. Receptionist


25. A

26. B

27. C

28. A

29. C

30. B



31. A

32. A

33. C

34. C

35. A
36. A

37. C

38. C


39. C

40. A

41. A

42. B

43. B

44. C

45. B

46. A

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