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Leadership style,
organizational culture and
performance: empirical
evidence from UK
a a
Emmanuel Ogbonna & Lloyd C. Harris
Cardiff Business School, University of
Wales, Colum Drive, Cardiff, CF1 3EU, UK
Version of record first published: 18 Feb

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style, organizational culture and performance: empirical evidence from UK
companies, The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 11:4,

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Int. J. of Human Resource Management 11:4 August 2000 766–788

Leadership style, organizational culture

and performance: empirical evidence
from UK companies

Emmanuel Ogbonna and Lloyd C. Harris

Abstract The topics of leadership and organizational culture have attracted consider-
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able interest from both academics and practitioners. Much of the interest in the two areas
is based on explicit and implicit claims that both leadership and culture are linked to
organizational performance. However, while the links between leadership and perform-
ance and between culture and performance have been examined independently, few
studies have investigated the association between the three concepts. This paper examines
the nature of this relationship and presents empirical evidence which suggests that the
relationship between leadership style and performance is mediated by the form of
organizational culture that is present. The paper concludes with a number of implications
for theory and practice.
Keywords Organizational culture; leadership style; performance; United Kingdom.

An examination of the literature in the Ž elds of organizational culture and leadership
Ž nds that the two areas have been independently linked to organizational performance.
For example, researchers have examined the links between leadership styles and per-
formance (see Bycio et al., 1995; Howell and Avolio, 1993), and also between
organizational culture and performance (see Deal and Kennedy, 1982; Denison, 1990;
Ouchi, 1981; Pascale and Athos, 1981; Peters and Waterman, 1982; Kotter and Heskett,
1992). Furthermore, numerous aspects of the organizational culture literature allude to
the role of leaders in ‘creating’ and ‘maintaining’ particular types of culture (for
example, Schein, 1992; Siehl, 1985). Equally, the literature on leadership suggests that
the ability to understand and work within a culture is a prerequisite to leadership
effectiveness (see Hennessey, 1998).
However, despite the implicit and explicit linking of leadership and culture in many
parts of organization theory, little critical research attention has been devoted to
understanding the links between the two concepts and the impact that such an
association might have on organizational performance. The absence of critical literature
exploring the performance implications of the links between organizational culture and
leadership is surprising given the numerous references to the importance of the two
concepts in the functioning of organizations (see, for example, Fiedler, 1996; Schein,
1992). The aim of this paper is to provide empirical evidence of the links between
different types of organizational culture, a range of leadership styles and organizational

Dr Emmanuel Ogbonna, Cardiff Business School, University of Wales, Colum Drive,

Cardiff, CF1 3EU, UK (tel: +44 29 2087 5212; fax: +44 29 2087 4419; e-mail: Dr Lloyd C. Harris, Cardiff Business School.
The International Journal of Human Resource Management
ISSN 0958-5192 print/ISSN 1466-4399 online © 2000 Taylor & Francis Ltd
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance 767
performance. This is achieved through the presentation of the results of a cross-
sectional survey of leadership style, organizational culture, and performance across UK
The paper begins with a brief review of the literature on leadership, organizational
culture, and performance. This is followed by a discussion of the methodology adopted
for the study and the presentation of the Ž ndings and analysis of responses to a mailed
questionnaire exploring the links between the two concepts and performance. The
evidence demonstrates that the relationship between leadership style and performance is
mediated by the nature of organizational culture. In the Ž nal part of the paper, the
conclusions and implications of the study are highlighted.

Literature review

The literature review presented in this paper is examined in three stages. First, studies
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of the links between leadership style and performance are discussed. Second, research
into the organizational culture–performance link is examined and, Ž nally, studies
combining the analysis of both organizational culture and leadership style are

Leadership and performance

An overview of the history of research into the topic of leadership Ž nds that the
literature on leadership and performance can be broadly categorized into a number of
important phases. Early studies on leadership (frequently categorized as ‘trait’ studies
on leadership) concentrated on identifying the personality traits which characterized
successful leaders (Argyris, 1955; Mahoney et al., 1960). Trait theories assume that
successful leaders are ‘born’ and that they have certain innate qualities which
distinguish them from non-leaders (see Stodgill, 1948). However, the difŽ culty in
categorizing and validating these characteristics led to widespread criticism of this trait
approach, signalling the emergence of ‘style’ and ‘behavioural’ approaches to
leadership (Stodgill, 1948). Style and behavioural theorists shifted the emphasis away
from the characteristics of the leader to the behaviour and style the leader adopted
(Hemphill and Coons, 1957; Likert, 1961). The principal conclusion of these studies
appears to be that leaders who adopt democratic or participative styles are more
successful (see, for example, Bowsers and Seashore, 1966). In this sense, these early
studies are focused on identifying the ‘one best way of leading’.
Similarly to trait theories, the major weakness of style and behavioural theories is
that they ignore the important role which situational factors play in determining the
effectiveness of individual leaders (Mullins, 1999). It is this limitation that gives rise to
the ‘situational’ and ‘contingency’ theories of leadership (for example, Fiedler, 1967;
House, 1971; Vroom and Yetton, 1974) which shift the emphasis away from ‘the one
best way to lead’ to context-sensitive leadership. Although each study emphasizes the
importance of different factors, the general tenet of the situational and contingency
perspectives is that leadership effectiveness is dependent on the leader’s diagnosis and
understanding of situational factors, followed by the adoption of the appropriate style to
deal with each circumstance.
However, in an apparent return to the ‘one best way of leadership’, recent studies on
leadership have contrasted ‘transactional’ leadership with ‘transformational’ leadership.
Transactional leaders are said to be ‘instrumental’ and frequently focus on exchange
768 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
relationship with their subordinates (Bass and Avolio, 1993). In contrast, transforma-
tional leaders are argued to be visionary and enthusiastic, with an inherent ability to
motivate subordinates (Bycio et al., 1995; Howell and Avolio, 1993).
Although the brief summary above indicates that research into leadership has gone
through periods of scepticism, recent interest has focused on the importance of the
leadership role to the success of organizations. Fiedler (1996), one of the most respected
researchers on leadership, has provided a recent treatise on the importance of leadership
by arguing that the effectiveness of a leader is a major determinant of the success or
failure of a group, organization, or even an entire country. Indeed, it has been argued
that one way in which organizations have sought to cope with the increasing volatility
and turbulence of the external environment is by training and developing leaders and
equipping them with the skills to cope (Darcy and Kleiner, 1991; Hennessey, 1998;
Saari et al., 1988). These claims are based on the assumption of a direct link between
leadership and organizational performance. This assumption requires critical review.
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Widely celebrated cases of a direct leadership–performance link may be found in

numerous anecdotal accounts of improvements of company performance attributed to
changes in leadership (see, for example, Nicholls, 1988; Quick, 1992; Simms, 1997).
However, empirical studies into the links between leadership and performance have
been lacking. One notable exception is the detailed study of the impact of leadership on
performance in the somewhat surprising context of Icelandic Ž shing ships. Thorlindsson
(1987) suggests that variations in the performance of different Ž shing ships, under
identical conditions, can be accounted for by the leadership skills of captains. Over a
three-year period, Thorlindsson (1987) revealed that the leadership qualities of the ship
captains accounted for 35 to 49 per cent of variation in the catch of different crews.
Other studies which examine the links between leadership and performance coincide
with the re-emergence of the ‘one best way to lead’ debate. Of particular relevance is
the resurgence of interest into charismatic leadership, which is frequently referred to as
transformational leadership (Bass and Avolio, 1993). A number of researchers theorize
that transformational leadership is linked to organizational performance (see, for
example, Bycio et al., 1995; Howell and Avolio, 1993). Conceptually, it is argued that
the visionary and inspirational skills of transformational leaders motivate followers to
deliver superior performance (Nicholls, 1988; Quick, 1992).
In summary, much of the above evidence presented as supporting the claim of a
leadership–performance link is anecdotal and frequently over-concentrates on the
‘transformational’ role of leaders in corporate successes (for example, Quick, 1992;
Simms, 1997; TafŽ nder, 1995). It would appear that few studies have responded to the
observation of Porter and Mckibbin (1988) that much of the research reported as
supporting this claim is either inconclusive or empirically suspect. The limited or
inconclusive character of research Ž ndings in this area suggests the need to investigate
further the nature of the relationship between leadership and performance.

Organizational culture and performance

While the evidence of a leadership–performance link is largely anecdotal, considerably

more research has empirically examined the organizational culture–performance
relationship. Indeed, an examination of the literature is likely to conclude that
organizational culture is one of the most popular concepts in the Ž elds of management
and organizational theory. One re ection of the popularity of the culture concept is the
increasing number of theoretical perspectives (see Martin, 1992) and organizational
disciplines which utilize the concept (for example, Harris and Ogbonna, 1999).
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance 769
It is arguable that the academic acceptance of culture, without the usual squabbles
and scepticism associated with new concepts, is a major indication of the perceived
importance of the concept (Alvesson, 1990). However, this is not to infer that there is
consensus on the meaning and relevance of the concept. On the contrary, there is
widespread disagreement on the deŽ nition and scope of the organizational culture
concept (see Ogbonna and Harris, 1998a). Consequently, it is pertinent to note three
main issues. First, many researchers note that treating culture as a unitary concept
reduces its value as an analytic tool (for example, Martin, 1992; Ogbonna and Harris,
1998a; Pettigrew, 1979). Second, culture cannot be equated to power and politics or
climate (Denison, 1996; Riley, 1983; Schein, 1986); and, third, there is disagreement on
whether organizational culture can be easily changed (Legge, 1994; Ogbonna, 1993).
One of the major reasons for the widespread popularity of and interest in
organizational culture stems from the argument (or assumption) that certain organiza-
tional cultures lead to superior organizational Ž nancial performance. Many academics
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and practitioners argue that the performance of an organization is dependent on the

degree to which the values of the culture are widely shared, that is, are ‘strong’ (see
Deal and Kennedy, 1982; Denison, 1990; Kotter and Heskett, 1992; Ouchi, 1981;
Pascale and Athos, 1981; Peters and Waterman, 1982).
The claim that organizational culture is linked to performance is founded on the
perceived role that culture can play in generating competitive advantage (see Scholz,
1987). Krefting and Frost (1985) suggest that the way in which organizational culture
may create competitive advantage is by deŽ ning the boundaries of the organization in
a manner which facilitates individual interaction and/or by limiting the scope of
information processing to appropriate levels. Similarly, it is argued that widely shared
and strongly held values enable management to predict employee reactions to certain
strategic options thereby minimizing the scope for undesired consequences (Ogbonna,
1993). Theorists also argue that sustainable competitive advantage arises from the
creation of organizational competencies which are both superior and imperfectly
imitable by competitors (Reed and DeFillippi, 1990). To this end, it is argued that the
‘uniqueness quality’ of organizational culture makes it a potentially powerful source of
generating advantage over competitors. Indeed, many commentators have advised
organizations and researchers to exploit the multiple advantages which could be offered
by culture rather than focusing on the more tangible side of the organization (for
example, Johnson, 1992; Prahalad and Bettis, 1986).
Early researchers who link culture to organizational performance are unequivocal in
their claims. An illustration of this is derived from the works of the so-called
‘excellence writers’ who argue that successful organizations are distinguished by their
ability to promote cultural values which are consistent with their chosen strategies (for
example, Deal and Kennedy, 1982; Ouchi, 1981; Pascale and Athos, 1981; Peters and
Waterman, 1982). Although this view met with initial popularity, the principal tenets of
the argument have been subjected to extensive criticism (for example, Legge, 1994;
Ogbonna, 1993; Willmott, 1993).
By the 1990s, researchers assessing the links between culture and performance were
more cautious. For example, Gordon and DiTomaso (1992) and Denison (1990) both
propose that there is a link between certain organizational culture characteristics and
performance but each add a number of provisos. In particular, they note that culture will
remain linked with superior performance only if the culture is able to adapt to changes
in environmental conditions. Furthermore, the culture must not only be strong (widely
shared), but it must also have unique qualities which cannot be imitated. However,
more recently, it has been suggested that the relationship between culture and
770 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
performance is tenuous (Hop et al., 1992; Lewis, 1994; Lim, 1995; Ray, 1986;
Willmott, 1993). Indeed, the growing popularity of the resource-based view of
competitive advantage suggests that the degree to which a culture can be theorized to
determine a sustainable advantage is dependent upon the value, rarity, imitability, and
sustainability of the culture concerned (Barney, 1986, 1991).
Overall, the literature on organizational culture is rich and diverse. Much of the
richness is founded on the claim by many researchers that culture is linked to
organizational performance. While, some theorists have questioned the universality of a
culture–performance link, sufŽ cient evidence exists to suggest that organizational
culture is associated with organizational performance.

Leadership and organizational culture

The earlier review of the literature on the relationship between leadership and
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performance and between culture and performance Ž nds that many commentators note
that the performance of an organization is dependent on the conscious alignment of
employee values with the espoused values of company strategy. This clearly indicates
that organizational culture and leadership are linked. The following is a review of the
literature on this issue.
One way of uncovering the relationship between culture and leadership is to examine
how culture has been conceptualized in organizational theory. Smircich (1983)
identiŽ es two approaches to the study of the cultural phenomenon in organizations:
culture as an organizational variable, then culture seen as something which can be
manipulated. Thus the nature, direction, and impact of such manipulation are dependent
on the skills and abilities of the leader. The majority of the literature which extols the
virtues of transformational leadership demonstrates widespread support for this view
(for example, Nicholls, 1988; Quick, 1992; Simms, 1997). In contrast, if culture is seen
as an integral part of the organization, then the thinking, feeling, and responses of
leaders are moulded by the culture (Bass and Avolio, 1993; Schein, 1992).
Schein (1992) observes that organizational culture and leadership are intertwined. He
illustrates this inter-connection by looking at the relationship between leadership and
culture in the context of the organizational life cycle. Thus, during the process of
organizational formation, the founder of a company creates an organization which
re ects their values and beliefs. In this sense, the founder creates and shapes the cultural
traits of their organization. However, as the organization develops and time passes, the
created culture of the organization exerts an in uence on the leader and shapes
the actions and style of the leader. Through this dynamic ongoing process, the leader
creates and is in turn shaped by the organizational culture. In summarizing the
consensus of opinion on the links between organizational culture and leadership, Bass
and Avolio (1993) mirror the argument of Schein (1992) by suggesting that the
relationship between the two concepts represents an ongoing interplay in which the
leader shapes the culture and is in turn shaped by the resulting culture.
Bass (1985) demonstrates the relationship between leadership and culture by
examining the impact of different styles of leadership on culture. He argues that
transactional leaders tend to operate within the conŽ nes and limits of the existing
culture, while transformational leaders frequently work towards changing the organiza-
tional culture in line with their vision. Similarly, Brown (1992) observes that good
leaders need to develop the skills that enable them to alter aspects of their culture in
order to improve their organizational performance.
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance 771
While there is no shortage of claims that leadership and culture are linked in the
literature (Bass and Avolio, 1993; Nicholls, 1988; Quick, 1992; Schein, 1992; Simms,
1997), there have been very few empirical examinations of the nature and performance
implications of this link. One exception is a recent study of organizational change in the
United States federal civil service. Hennessey concludes that leadership played a major
role in nurturing the appropriate organizational culture which helped to improve the
implementation of speciŽ c government reforms. Hennessey further argues that ‘the
most effective leaders foster, support, and sustain organizational cultures that facilitate
the type of management reform envisioned by “reinventing government” and the
attendant increases in effectiveness and efŽ ciency’ (1998: 523).
The above review Ž nds that the link between leadership and organizational
performance, the relationship between organizational culture and performance, and the
interplay between leadership and culture have each been studied separately. Inter-
estingly, few empirical studies have combined the simultaneous examination of
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organizational culture, leadership style, and performance. While some writers suggest
that (1) the style of a leader affects performance, (2) certain types of culture are linked
to superior performance, and (3) culture and leadership are related, the precise nature
and form of interaction between these three concepts is not fully understood. Clearly
further research is necessary to identify, explore, and elucidate the character and pattern
of association between organizational culture, leadership style, and performance.
However, some literature-based conclusions can be drawn. First, the purported
relationship between leadership style and performance is based largely on anecdotal
evidence (Nicholls, 1988; Quick, 1992; Simms, 1997), while the links between
organizational culture and performance are supported by empirical studies (for example,
Gordon and DiTomaso, 1992; Denison, 1990). On the basis of studies which suggest
that leadership style shapes the nature of organizational culture (see, for instance, Bass
and Avolio, 1993; Schein, 1992), it is possible to propose that:
P1 The link between leadership style and organizational performance is mediated
by the nature and form of organizational culture.
In order to guide later discussions this proposition is presented in diagram form in
Figure 1.

Figure 1 The links between leadership style, organizational culture and organizational
772 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Research design and methodology
To evaluate the efŽ cacy of the model presented in Figure 1, a descriptive quantitative
research design is clearly appropriate. Consequently, a multi-industry sample of one
thousand units was drawn from the FAME database of registered United Kingdom
Ž rms. Suitable medium- and large-sized Ž rms were selected via the utilization of a
systematic random selection procedure with appropriate units selected on a variety of
criteria, including company turnover, date of registration, and number of employees.
In order to limit potential measurement error, responses were required from key
informants knowledgeable in a variety of tactical and strategic activities (Bowman and
Ambrosini, 1997; Snow and Hrebiniak, 1980; Hambrick, 1981; Nayyar, 1992). While
some researchers argue that the use of a single respondent may be unreliable (see, for
example, Bowman and Ambrosini, 1997), other authors suggest that this issue may not
be a problem in certain contexts (see Zahra and Covin, 1993). Similarly, other
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researchers have noted the potential negative effect of multiple respondents on usable
response rates (see, for example, Malhotra, 1993), the difŽ culties of survey administra-
tion (Slater, 1995), and the problems arising from poor inter-rater reliability (see, for
example, Dholakia et al., 1993; Gundlach and Cadotte, 1994). Consequently, it was
decided to adopt a single-respondent approach and a senior executive was selected as a
key informant in each sampling unit.
The efŽ cient and effective administration and implementation of a survey sig-
niŽ cantly in uence the overall success of data generation and the achievement of
satisfactory responses (see, for example, Dillman, 1978; Churchill, 1991; Faria and
Dickinson, 1992). Indeed, a plethora of prescriptive articles and books offer helpful
suggestions on effective survey design and execution, including advice on pre-
notiŽ cation protocol, response incentives, and follow-up mailings (see, for instance,
Diamantopoulos et al., 1991; Duncan, 1979; Murphy et al., 1990; Paxson, 1992). In an
effort to improve content validity and response rates the survey was designed,
formulated, and implemented in a manner which closely followed the recommendations
of a variety of authors. In particular, the recommendations on questionnaire design and
layout, survey piloting, and pre-notiŽ cation and post-survey follow-up reminders by
Dillman (1978), Churchill (1991), and Conant et al., (1990) were adopted.
Clearly, a crucial aspect of survey methodology is the development of a questionnaire
which is appropriate for its purpose (Sheatsley, 1983; Churchill, 1991). Consequently,
a research instrument was developed which follows the framework recommended by
Churchill (1991), which in turn is based on the earlier work of Kornhauser and
Sheatsley (1976). The nine-step iterative series of guidelines developed by Churchill
(1991) provides a rigorous systematic procedure for the formulation of a questionnaire
which greatly improves content validity. A review of existing theories, operationaliza-
tions, and measures suggested that the measurement of organizational culture,
leadership style, and organizational performance could be reliably achieved via the
adoption of measures adapted from extant literature.
A variety of organizational culture theorists have presented a number of measures of
organizational culture (see, for example, Cooke and Rousseau, 1988; Xenikou and
Furnham, 1996). A review of these measures indicates that each of the developed
measures of culture re ect the creators’ view and deŽ nition of organizational culture.
Thus, where a theorist deŽ nes organizational culture as a series of values, the measure
of culture focuses on values, whereas deŽ nitions of culture which focus on artefacts
lead to measures which focus on organizational creations (see Harris and Ogbonna,
1999). However, pre-survey discussions with executives revealed that the Deshpande
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance 773
et al. (1993) view of culture was consistent with the opinions of practitioners while
concordant with contemporary theory. The measure of organizational culture adapted
from that of Deshpande et al. (1993), which in turn was largely based on the earlier
work of Campbell and Freeman (1991) and Quinn (1988), is viewed as theoretically
superior to other measures on the basis that the battery concentrates on the measurement
of two key continua of organizational culture: organic-mechanistic and internal
maintenance-external positioning. Furthermore, the measure is succinct, easy to
administer, and respondent friendly. Consequently, for practical and for conceptual
reasons the Deshpande et al. (1993) battery was adopted and used in the survey
instrument. However, the labels of culture used by Deshpande et al. (1993) were altered
to the labels competitive, innovative, bureaucratic, and community culture since these
were considered more accurate by practitioners and theoretically justiŽ able by the
researchers. The exact wording of questions and items gauging organizational culture is
presented in Table 1.
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The measure of perceived leadership style was also derived from extant literature. A
review of literature pertaining to the measurement of leadership behaviour, styles, and
characteristics suggested that a large number of measures might possibly be appropriate
(for example, Fiedler, 1967; Bowsers and Seashore, 1966). However, the measure of
perceived leadership style of House (1971a,b) and House and Dessler (1974), which in
turn was principally based on the earlier work of Fleishman (1957) and Stogdill (1963),
was presented as reliable and valid by a number of respected authors and texts (for
example, Teas, 1981; Kohli, 1989). Indeed, this measure of leadership style has been
widely used in a variety of literatures and is generally accepted as a good measure of
perceptions of leadership style (see Teas, 1981; Kohli, 1989). The precise wording of
questions and items measuring leadership style is presented in Table 2.
It is accepted that business performance is a multi-dimensional and highly complex
phenomenon (Lenz, 1981; Venkatraman and Ramanujam, 1987). While a number of
studies have measured business performance as uni- or bi-dimensional, following the
suggestions of Day and Wensley (1988) and Day and Nedungadi (1994) it was resolved
to gauge performance on dimensions which re ected a broad balance between
customer-focus and competitor-centred perspectives. Consequently, a measure of
organization performance was synthesized from a range of studies adapted from the
constructs of the preceding authors. Performance was measured by analysing long- and
short-term performance constellated around two generic questions complemented by
Ž ve variables which referred to performance in customer satisfaction, sales growth,
market share, competitive advantage, and sales volume.
While a number of past studies had utilized Ž ve-point scales to gauge perceived
leadership style (Kohli, 1989), Barnes et al. (1994) argue that a switch to seven-point
scales has no effect on principal components analysis but often improves the reliability
of answers. Consequently, it was decided to adopt the commonly used seven-point
Likert-type scoring (Likert, 1932a, 1932b) for all items, since the use of seven-point
scales may improve reliability and validity (Churchill and Peter, 1984) as well as all
response rates (Malhotra, 1993).
After two follow-up reminders, 342 responses were received. Unfortunately, twenty
of these responses were ineligible for a variety of reasons, including company
liquidation and inadequate completion of the survey instrument. Following the
recommendations of the Council of American Survey Research Organizations
(CASRO, 1982), response rates were calculated in a manner which removed ineligible
responses from the sample size. This calculation resulted in a return rate of 34.22 per
cent. The majority of respondents were male (87 per cent), the average age was 41.3
774 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
years, the average length of service was nearly six years, while the average length of
time in the current position was nearly four and one half years. No major differences
were found between early and late respondents or between population and sample
industrial classiŽ cations, suggesting that response bias may not be a problem. The
following section details the results of a range of analyses of the responses to the


Prior to the examination of associations between leadership style, organizational

culture, and performance, a phase of data reduction was necessary. The construction of
meaningful indices was initiated by the use of principal components analysis with
varimax rotation. Factor analysis was deemed necessary since it was considered prudent
statistically to ascertain whether the adopted measures of organizational culture and
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 12:58 05 November 2012

leadership style captured differing dimensions of culture and style. The principal
components analysis of items pertaining to organizational culture (see Table 1) and
items relating to leadership style (see Table 2) were conducted individually. In
accordance with the Kaiser criterion (Kaiser, 1958), factor solutions were retained only
if they exhibited an eigenvalue greater than one and if they were conceptually clear and
interpretable (Churchill, 1991; Hair et al., 1998). It was not necessary to delete items
from the analysis due to lack of variation or because of problems of interpretation. The
identiŽ cation and labelling of the seven extracted factors is discussed below.
Table 1 presents the principal components analysis of measures of organizational
culture adapted from the work of Deshpande et al. (1993), Campbell and Freeman
(1991) and Quinn (1988). As expected, the factor analysis of these items leads to the
extraction of four factors which cumulatively explain nearly 60 per cent of the variance.
The Ž rst factor loads very heavily onto a vector generating an eigenvalue of over three
and accounting for over 22 per cent of the variance. Given that these items appear to
gauge the extent to which an organizational culture is innovative, the solution is
accepted and ascribed the label innovative culture. The second factor solution loads four
items onto a vector generating an eigenvalue of over two and accounting for nearly 16
per cent of total variance. Each of the four items appears to gauge the degree to which
an organizational culture is competitive in nature. Consequently the solution is accepted
and the factor labelled as competitive culture. The penultimate factor solution loads four
items onto a vector generating an eigenvalue of above two. The four items within this
factor solution seem to gauge the degree to which culture is bureaucratic in nature,
leading to the labelling of the factor as bureaucratic culture. The Ž nal factor loads onto
a vector generating an eigenvalue of over one. The four items focus on the extent which
the culture of an organization is focused on the generation and maintenance of an
internal community. The factor is approved and given the label community culture. It
should be noted that the labels adopted for the study correspond (respectively) to the
market, adhocracy, clan, and hierarchy cultures of Deshpande et al. (1993). However,
following discussions with informed practitioners and researchers, the labels com-
petitive, innovative, bureaucratic, and community culture are used, since they are
considered more practically applicable and conceptually valid. These labels are similar
or consistent with the suggestions of a number of organizational theorists (see, for
example, Ouchi, 1980; Mintzberg, 1979; Campbell and Freeman, 1991; Quinn,
Table 2 presents the principal components analysis of the adapted items of the House
(1971a) and House and Dessler (1974) measure of leadership style. As expected, this
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Table 1 Principal components analysis of measures of organizational culture

Factor loading†
Item Innovative Competitive Bureaucratic Community Communality
culture culture culture culture
Growth and acquiring new resources. Readiness to meet new challenges is .83057 .70023
This company is dynamic and entrepreneurial. People are willing to take risks.b .75412 .66105
A commitment to innovation and development. There is an emphasis on being Ž rst.c .68099 .47994
Entrepreneurs, innovators or risk takers.d .66354 2 .33760 .56683
An emphasis on tasks and goal accomplishment. A production orientation is shared.c .85015 .75180
Producers, technicians or hard-drivers.d .81166 .69679
Competitive actions and achievement. Measurable goals are important.a .80767 .70303
This company is production oriented. The major concern is with getting the job 2 .37925 .60300 .54354
done. People aren’t very personally involved.b
Formal rules and policies. Maintaining a smooth-running company is important .84668 .72651
This company is very formalized and structured. Established procedures generally .72129 .59151
govern what people do.b
Co-ordinators, organizers or administrators.d .64872 .43132
Permanence and stability. EfŽ cient, smooth operations are important.a .60357 .45569 .57512
Commitment to this Ž rm runs high. Loyalty and tradition are important here.c .82787 .69555
This company is personal. It’s like an extended family.b .79676 .67332
Human resources. High cohesion and morale in the Ž rm are important.a .54266 .57070
Mentors, sages or father/mother Ž gures.d .41028 .30412
Eigenvalues 3.59560 2.54243 2.16611 1.25157
% Variance explained 22.5 15.9 13.5 7.8
Cumulative % variance 22.5 38.4 51.9 59.7

Principal components analysis with varimax rotation, converging in seven iterations (all loadings less than 0.3 suppressed).
Question wording was ‘This company emphasises:’ measured on a 7-point Likert-type scale respectively anchored by (1) Not At All and (7) Very Great Extent.
Question wording was ‘To what extent does your company place a high priority on the following?’ measured on a 7-point Likert-type scale respectively anchored by
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance

(1) Not At All and (7) Very Great Extent.

Question wording was ‘The glue which holds this company together is’ measured on a 7-point Likert-type scale respectively anchored by (1) Very False and (7) Very True.
Question wording was ‘In this company the best managers are considered to be:’ measured on a 7-point Likert-type scale respectively anchored by (1) Not At All and

(7) Very Great Extent.

776 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
factor analysis leads to the extraction of three factor solutions which explain over 66 per
cent of variance (see Table 2). The Ž rst factor solution loads very heavily onto a vector
generating an eigenvalue of over Ž ve. The Ž ve items which comprise this solution are
geared towards the measurement of leadership participation. This style of leadership is
a non-directive form of role-clarifying behaviour which is gauged by the extent to
which leaders allow subordinates to in uence decisions by requesting input and
contribution. The items in this factor are conceptually consistent and easily interpreted,
leading to their labelling as participative leadership style, with a shorthand notation of
participative leadership. The second factor solution again loads heavily onto a vector
generating an eigenvalue of over two. The four items of the solution account for over
15 per cent of the variance and appear to gauge leadership consideration. This measure
of supportive leadership (occasionally referred to as leadership consideration) focuses
on the degree to which the behaviour of a leader can be viewed as sympathetic,
amicable, and considerate of subordinate needs. Consequently, the second factor
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 12:58 05 November 2012

solution is accepted and given the label supportive leadership style, with a shorthand
label of supportive leadership. The Ž nal factor solution comprises those items geared
towards the measurement of leadership instrumentality. This measure of leadership
style is akin to directive or transactional leadership and is designed to measure the
extent to which leaders specify expectations, establish procedures, and allocate tasks.
The solution is, therefore, given the label instrumental leadership style, with the
shorthand of instrumental leadership.
Given the widespread use of judgemental and comparative measures of performance,
an index of performance was constructed by calculating the summated mean of all items
for each case. This derived scale was labelled organizational performance. Similarly,
indices were constructed for the four types of organizational culture and the three forms
of leadership style through calculating the mean summated score for all items for each
Prior to exploring and describing the associations between leadership style, culture,
and performance, it was deemed necessary to gauge the extent of reliability and validity
for each of the indices used in later analysis. Reliability was judged via the calculation
of a Cronbach alpha coefŽ cient (Cronbach, 1951). The calculation of Cronbach alpha
coefŽ cients resulted in alpha coefŽ cients which ranged from 0.6688 to 0.9279 (see
Table 3). Six of the eight measures were above the Nunnally (1978) criterion of 0.7 and
could therefore be classiŽ ed as acceptably reliable without further discussion. However,
two of the measures fall just below this criterion, causing concern. In contrast to the
Nunnally (1978) criterion of 0.7, Peterson (1994) and Slater (1995) suggest that 0.6 is
the ‘criterion-in-use’. This suggestion, coupled with the Ž nding that the deletion of
additional items would merely reduce the coefŽ cient, led to the conclusion that scales
were well above the ‘criterion-in-use’ and thus acceptably reliable.
In addition to the previously discussed efforts to improve content validity during
questionnaire design, formulation and implementation (see Dillman, 1978; Churchill,
1991), to gauge the validation of index operationalization for each measure of items in
the scale were correlated to the whole scale. This analysis indicated signiŽ cant bivariate
relationships in the anticipated direction, indicating convergent validity (see Table 3).
To gauge discriminant validity, an approach akin to that of Gaski (1986) was adopted.
This analysis involves correlating all the measures adopted in the study and gauging the
correlation coefŽ cients between measures against the alpha coefŽ cients of factors (see
Table 4). In the case of both organizational culture and leadership style, no correlation
coefŽ cient is higher than the alpha coefŽ cient of the scale, leading to the suggestion that
the measures adopted in the study exhibit discrimination. Overall, tests of reliability and
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Table 2 Principal components analysis of measures of leadership style

Factor loading†
Item* Participative Supportive Instrumental Communality
leadership leadership leadership

Before making decisions, s/he considers what her/his subordinates have to say. 0.86698 0.76974
Before taking action s/he consults with subordinates. 0.85945 0.80183
When faced with a problem, s/he consults with subordinates. 0.84408 0.76046
S/he asks subordinates for their suggestions. 0.82952 0.76434
S/he listens to subordinate’s advice on which assignments should be made. 0.81643 0.73284
S/he helps people to make working on their tasks more pleasant. 0.78876 0.71243
S/he looks out for the personal welfare of group members. 0.30527 0.73875 0.64240
S/he does little things to make things pleasant. 0.69752 0.49712
S/he treats all group members as equals. 0.62806 0.57087
S/he explains the way tasks should be carried out. 0.78005 0.61568
S/he decides what and how things shall be done. 2 0.30433 0.69205 0.60737
S/he maintains deŽ nite standards of performance. 0.66436 0.60645
S/he schedules the work to be done. 0.66361 0.52182
Eigenvalues 5.19226 2.00325 1.40784
% Variance explained 39.9 15.4 10.8
Cumulative % variance 39.9 55.4 66.2

Principal components analysis with varimax rotation, converging in seven iterations (all loadings less than 0.3 suppressed).
Question wording was ‘Please indicate the extent to which the following statements are true of the Chief Executive OfŽ cer (or equivalent) of your company
by circling the appropriate point’ measured on a 7-point Likert-type scale respectively anchored by (1) Strongly Agree and (7) Strongly Disagree and (1) Very
True and (7) Very False.
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance
778 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Table 3 Reliability and scale validation test results for scales of organizational culture and
Scale Number of Cronbach Inter-item correlations*
scale items alpha coefŽ cient Lowest Highest
Competitive culture 4 0.7692 0.4566 0.6677
Innovative culture 4 0.7642 0.4795 0.6560
Bureaucratic culture 4 0.7022 0.4244 0.6698
Community culture 4 0.6696 0.5233 0.6998
Participative leadership 5 0.9279 0.7936 0.8409
Supportive leadership 4 0.7693 0.4233 0.6751
Instrumental leadership 4 0.6688 0.4222 0.5267
Performance 10 0.8980 0.4161 0.7436
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 12:58 05 November 2012

* Pearson correlation coefŽ cient. All correlations signiŽ cant at the 0.001 level.

validity lead to the suggestion that the measures adopted and used in later statistical
analyses fall within acceptable reliability and validity criteria.
The initial exploration of data was undertaken by the examination of the descriptive
statistics of measures of culture, leadership style, and organizational performance. As
stated earlier, all items were measured on seven-point scales resulting in a mid-point of
four. The four measures of organizational culture are each somewhat above the mid-
point of four, with reasonable dispersions of central tendency. In contrast, measures of
leadership are somewhat below the mid-point, with the mean for participative
leadership noticeably low. Since it is accepted that objective measures of performance
are highly related to the utilized measures of performance, the comparative high
performance mean may indicate an above-average SBU performance in this study (see
Dess and Robinson, 1984; Pearce et al., 1987; Venkatraman and Ramanujam, 1987).
Proposition 1 suggests that the association between leadership style and performance
is mediated by organizational culture (see Figure 1). In order to explore potential

Table 4 Discriminant validity of measures of organizational culture and leadershp style*

Competitive Innovative Bureaucratic Community

culture culture culture culture

Competitive culture 0.7692

Innovative culture .3561 0.7642
Bureaucratic culture 2 .0099 2 .3123 0.7022
Community culture 2 .1207 2 .2175 .1793 0.6696
* Italicized entries are Cronbach’s alpha coefŽ cients; others are correlation coefŽ cients.

Participative Supportive Instrumental

leadership leadership leadership

Participative leadership 0.9279

Supportive leadership .5483 0.7693
Instrumental leadership 2 .0487 2 .0816 0.6688
* Italicized entries are Cronbach’s alpha coefŽ cients; others are correlation coefŽ cients.
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance 779
Table 5 Descriptive statistics

Mean Standard deviation

Competitive culture 4.22 1.11
Innovative culture 4.55 1.12
Bureaucratic culture 4.30 1.02
Community culture 4.64 1.14
Participative leadership 3.39 1.37
Supportive leadership 3.89 1.24
Instrumental leadership 3.74 1.17
Performance 5.05 0.95

associations between leadership style, organizational culture, and organizational

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performance, a path analysis approach, as discussed by Duncan (1966) and Pendhazur

(1982), was utilized. Brie y, this form of analysis involves the use of multiple
regression equations to construct a path model of associations. Szymanski et al. (1993)
argue that path analysis provides a clearer understanding of the associations than the use
of regression alone. Indeed, Szymanski et al. contend that the advantages of the path
methodology over that of simple regression stems from the ability of the technique to
‘provide insight into the magnitude of direct effects’, ‘indirect effects (i.e., the effect of
a predictor on the criterion variable through an intervening variable’ and ‘the effect
coefŽ cients (i.e., the total effect equal to the direct plus indirect effects)’ (1993: 8).
Consequently, Szymanski et al. conclude that a path methodology enables the
examination of ‘whether an indirect effect embellishes, diminishes or negates an
associated direct effect’ (1993: 8). Thus, the form of path analysis used enables the
examination of indirect as well as direct associations, thus providing a clearer
understanding of relationships (Blalock, 1972; Duncan, 1966).
Table 6 presents the standardized regression coefŽ cients (beta) and the coefŽ cient of
multiple determination (R2) as well as the signiŽ cance of the equations. Table 7
presents the direct and indirect effects of the independent variables of leadership style
and organizational culture on the performance of an organization. Indirect effects are
calculated as a simple multiplicative measure of the magnitude of sequential beta
weights (Asher, 1976), while total effects comprised the sum of direct and indirect
effects (Pendhazur, 1982). It should be noted that for each equation, tests for
multicollinearity, linearity, normality, and homoscedasicity were conducted and no
problems encountered.
The path analysis (see Figure 2) constructed from the regression equations presented
in Table 6 and summarized in Table 7 suggests that all four measures of organizational
culture and all three measures of leadership are associated with organizational
performance in some way. However, the association between the independent variables
and performance differ in three respects: Ž rst, in terms of directness, second, in relation
to the form of effect and, Ž nally, in terms of the extent of effect.
Of the seven independent factors, two measures (innovative and competitive cultures)
exert a direct effect (see Tables 6 and 7 and Figure 2). Innovative culture exerts a purely
direct effect on performance, while the effect of competitive culture is both direct and
indirect (see Table 7 and Figure 2). In contrast, measures of bureaucratic and
community culture and the three measures of leadership style all exert a purely indirect
780 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
Table 6 Total effects of independent factors (leadership style and organizational culture)
and performance regression
Dependent Independent Beta R2 Sign of F

Performance Innovative culture 0.32 0.24 0.0000

Competitive culture 0.22
Innovative culture Competitive culture 0.38 0.28 0.0000
Bureaucratic culture 2 0.24
Participative leadership 0.16
Instrumental leadership 2 0.13

Competitive culture Community culture 0.15 0.15 0.0000

Supportive leadership 0.27
Participative leadership 0.18
Instrumental leadership 2 0.11
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Table 7 Direct and indirect effects of independent factors on performance

Independent variables Direct effect Indirect effect Total effect

Innovative culture 0.32 – 0.32
Competitive culture 0.22 0.12 0.34
Bureaucratic culture – 2 0.08 2 0.08
Community culture – 0.05 0.05
Participative leadership – 0.11 0.11
Supportive leadership – 0.09 0.09
Instrumental leadership – 2 0.08 2 0.08

Figure 2 Path analysis of the links between leadership style, organizational culture and
organizational performance
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance 781
The second way in which the effects of the independent factors affect performance is
in the form of effect. The two culture factors exerting a direct in uence and the indirect
effect of the measure of community culture are all positively linked to performance,
whereas the indirect effect of the measure of bureaucratic culture is negative (total
effect 5 0.08). Similarly, two of three measures of leadership style exert an indirect and
positive effect on organizational performance (participative style, total effect 5 0.11;
supportive leadership, total effect 5 0.09). However, the indirect effect of instrumental
leadership is negative (total effect 5 0.08).
Finally, the effects of the independent factors on organizational performance differ in
terms of the impact of total effects. A review of Table 7 demonstrates that the positive
and direct effects of innovative and competitive cultures clearly exert the greatest
impact. In contrast, the indirect association of bureaucratic and community culture is
signiŽ cant but noticeably weaker. Similarly, the effect of the three forms of leadership
style is similar, with a pervasive effect upon performance. These points are important
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and will be discussed later.

In summary, all the independent factors exert an effect upon performance, although
the impact and form of the effect differ. The Ž nding of indirect links between the three
forms of leadership style and organizational performance supports the proposition
developed earlier, leading to the suggestion that sufŽ cient evidence is found to argue
that the link between leadership style and performance is mediated by organizational

Conclusions and implications

In an evaluation of studies of organizational culture, leadership style, and organizational

performance, it emerged that, while some evidence exists of links between organiza-
tional culture and performance and between leadership style and performance, the
combined study of all three of these concepts has been lacking. Consequently, based on
theories which suggest that leadership style and organizational culture are linked, it was
proposed that organizational culture mediates the association between leadership style
and performance. In an effort to redress this literature imbalance, the results of a survey
were analysed and sufŽ cient empirical evidence found to support this claim. That is, the
results of this study indicate that leadership style is not directly linked to performance
but is merely indirectly associated. In contrast, competitive and innovative cultural traits
are directly linked with performance (as predicted) while, contrary to expectations,
community and bureaucratic cultural traits are not directly related.
Whereas it is frequently assumed that organizational culture is directly linked to the
performance of an organization (for example, Denison, 1990) and that changes to
cultural traits will impact immediately on effectiveness and efŽ ciency (for instance,
Kotter and Heskett, 1992), the results of this study provide mixed support for this view.
Past research into cultural strength has suggested that cultures which are widely shared
(that is, strong) are positively linked with company success (see Deal and Kennedy,
1982; DiTomaso, 1987; Sathe, 1983; Schall, 1983; Weick, 1985; Weiner, 1988).
However, the results of the current study indicate that two forms of culture
(bureaucratic and community) are not directly related to performance. Interestingly,
both bureaucratic and community cultures are each characterized by an emphasis on
integration, internal cohesiveness, and the establishment of uniformity (that is creating
a strong culture). In this sense, in the case of internally oriented cultures, little evidence
is found to support claims of a link between cultural strength and performance. Hence,
while the results indicate that the two internally oriented cultures are weakly and
782 The International Journal of Human Resource Management
indirectly linked with performance, the total effects of such cultures on performance
(see Table 7) are such that signiŽ cant managerial attention to internal maintenance
appears unproductive or even damaging.
However, the analysis of the links between competitive and innovative forms of
culture and organizational performance Ž nds direct, strong, and positive associations.
Indeed, the coefŽ cient of multiple determination (R2) for the Ž rst multiple regression
analysis (see Table 6) Ž nds that innovative and competitive cultures account for nearly
a quarter of the variance in organizational performance. Interestingly, that which is
distinctive about both competitive and innovative cultures is the emphasis each places
on competitive external positioning and responsiveness. These Ž ndings are broadly
consistent with a range of studies which suggest that externally oriented organizational
cultures are positively linked with performance (for example, Slater and Narver, 1994;
Greenley, 1995) as well as a growing body of research which suggests that the
alignment of organizational culture towards strategic needs is a central, albeit difŽ cult,
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 12:58 05 November 2012

role for senior executives (see Harris and Ogbonna, 1999). Therefore, the Ž nding of
positive associations between externally oriented cultures and performance suggests
that organizational culture change efforts should focus as much on generating external
focus as upon creating internal cohesion and consistency.
The above Ž ndings have implications for the generation of competitive advantage.
Instead of presenting an organization with an advantage over competitors, an internally
oriented organizational culture may prove comparatively disadvantageous when
compared to the advantages possible with externally oriented cultures. Indeed, the
negative links between bureaucratic culture and performance suggest that bureau-
cratization reduces short-term proŽ tability, impedes long-term growth and may even
affect the survival of the organization. In direct contrast to theories which merely
espouse the generation of widely shared values (for example, Denison 1990; Kotter and
Heskett, 1992) the results of the current study clearly demonstrate that strongly held
values are appropriate only if the culture is geared towards the external environment.
Thus, competitive and innovative cultures which are sensitive to external conditions
have a strong and positive impact on organizational performance. This point provides
some support for the work of Barney (1986, 1991) who argues that for organizational
culture to provide a source of sustainable competitive advantage, the culture must be
adaptable to external contingencies.
As predicted, the associations between the leadership styles studied and organiza-
tional performance are all mediated by some form of organizational culture (see Figure
2). An imprudent interpretation of this Ž nding could be that leadership styles are not
important in relation to performance. This interpretation would clearly be unwise.
Whereas leadership styles are not a strong direct predictor of organizational perform-
ance, the total effects analysis presented in Table 7 indicates signiŽ cant, indirect
pervasive effects on organizational performance. Furthermore, the multiple regression
analyses documented in Table 6 indicate that leadership styles are strong predictors of
both competitive and innovative cultures (which in turn are strong predictors of
Interestingly, while all of the leadership styles analysed are signiŽ cantly indirectly
associated with performance, instrumental leadership is negatively linked while
supportive and participative leadership styles are positively related (see Table 7). The
Ž nding of a negative indirect link between instrumental leadership and performance
contributes empirical evidence in support of a large number of anecdotal studies which
claim that such a ‘transactional’ leadership style is not consistent with superior
performance (see, for example, Bycio et al., 1995; Bass and Avolio, 1993). The results
Ogbonna and Harris: Leadership style, organizational culture and performance 783
of the current study also contribute to existing knowledge of the effects of supportive
and participative leadership styles. While anecdotal evidence of a direct performance
link was not supported, both supportive and participative leadership styles are positively
associated with innovative and competitive forms of culture. These results indicate that
the generation of an organizational culture, which is externally oriented, is signiŽ cantly
in uenced by the extent to which a leader is supportive of followers and includes
followers in decision-making processes.
A practical implication arising from this study pertains to what has become known as
the ‘managing culture debate’ (Ogbonna, 1993). As is indicated in the literature review,
considerable debate has occurred on the issue of whether organizational culture can be
managed. The overall conclusion of this debate appears to be that the management of
organizational culture is not possible (see Legge, 1994), although certain contingencies
(such as crises or leadership turnover) may present the opportunity to in uence
organizational culture (Martin and Meyerson, 1988). The Ž ndings of this study lead to
Downloaded by [Cornell University] at 12:58 05 November 2012

the suggestion that a potential solution to the difŽ culties associated with changing
organizational culture may involve focusing on leadership style. While, conceptually
and practically, managing culture is at best difŽ cult (Ogbonna and Harris, 1998b) and
at worst impossible (Ogbonna, 1993), changes to leadership styles are comparatively
easily achieved. Consequently, while the literature is replete with ‘quick-Ž x’ culture
change programmes designed to improve organizational performance (see Deal and
Kennedy, 1982), the Ž ndings of this paper clearly suggest that, consistent with Fiedler
(1996), leadership-change programmes would be more appropriate.
While this study is designed to provide empirical evidence of the links between
organizational culture, leadership style, and organizational performance, as with most
social science studies, the results of the study raise additional questions, while the
limitations of research suggest alternative avenues for research. Although the cross-
sectional nature of the study precludes claims of causality, additional research adopting
a longitudinal design would provide interesting insight into the direction of associa-
tions. Similarly, while the Ž ndings, implications, and conclusions of this study are
bounded by the context of the research, potentially fruitful research could involve the
replication of this study in a number of different contexts (including speciŽ c industries
or different countries). Finally, the results of this study are limited and constrained by
the measures adopted to gauge organizational culture and leadership style. While the
measures used are accepted as reliable and valid and their selection is defendable,
additional insights into association may be gained by adopting measures of culture and
leadership style which re ect different perspectives. Indeed, while it is hoped that this
study will trigger further debate, without additional research it seems likely that the
links between leadership style, organizational culture, and performance will remain
confusing to both practitioners and theorists. Indeed, Schein notes that ‘leadership and
culture are so central to understanding organizations and making them effective that we
cannot afford to be complacent about either one’ (1985: 327).


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