9371 22843 2 PB
9371 22843 2 PB
9371 22843 2 PB
Junaidi Mistar
Universitas Islam Malang, Postgraduate Program, Indonesia
APA sCitation: Yazid, S. R., Heriyawati, D. F., & Mistar, J. (2024). Unveiling student perspectives: Exploring
the impact of gamification in english language teaching. sEnglish sReview: sJournal sof
sEnglish sEducation, s12(1), 137-148. https://doi.org/10.25134/erjee.v12i1.9371
S. Rizal Yazid, Dwi Fita Heriyawati, & Junaidi Mistar
Unveiling student perspectives: Exploring the impact of gamification in english language teaching
ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 12, Issue 1, February 2024 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/ERJEE
S. Rizal Yazid, Dwi Fita Heriyawati, & Junaidi Mistar
Unveiling student perspectives: Exploring the impact of gamification in english language teaching
ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 12, Issue 1, February 2024 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/ERJEE
S. Rizal Yazid, Dwi Fita Heriyawati, & Junaidi Mistar
Unveiling student perspectives: Exploring the impact of gamification in english language teaching
As per her assertion, the implementation of in gamified features, especially when competition
gamification has introduced a captivating element was introduced. Dian expressed a strong
to traditional approaches, hence fostering a novel connection to this theme in the interview.
sense of value and recognition for the educational
journey. What really gets my attention is the competition
The aforementioned change in perspective was part. I'm motivated to do better because of it.
mirrored by Rizky and Bunga, who both
conveyed the notion that incorporating game- This acknowledgment signifies that the
based learning introduced a sense of enthusiasm competitive nature of gamification serves as a
inside the English classroom. While Bunga driving force for participants to strive for
emphasized the transformative power of improvement actively. Putri similarly emphasized
gamification in making the learning process more the compelling nature of the competitive side of
enjoyable. Rizky stated in the following gamification. She noted in her interview, as
interview: follows:
It's nice to learn through games. In the English A big thing that drives people is competition.
course, it is something to look forward to doing. To beat myself and do better every time is like a
While Bunga added:
The integration of competition as a
Bunga: Yeah, playing video games is a fun way motivational tool in gamification is exemplified
to learn. This makes the process of learning by the acknowledgment of personal growth as an
English more fun. objective, prompting learners to actively
participate in the learning process and exceed
Expanding upon this point, Andika and Siti their previous accomplishments.
underscored the captivating element that In addition to reinforcing the overall concept,
gamification brought to the realm of education. Fajar and Rina had a favorable reaction to the
Andika stated: competitive aspects implemented via
gamification. In the interview, Fajar stated:
I think that learning that is based on games is a
fantastic idea. Learning English becomes more There's no doubt that I like the competitive side.
engaging as a result of this addition. It makes me want to do better and set bigger
Siti further emphasized the inherent enjoyment
that the implementation of gamification provided This statement indicates that competition is not
to the English classroom. She expressed in the only embraced but serves as an impetus for setting
interview: higher targets. Rina echoed this sentiment during
the interview:
The twist that gamification adds to education is
fun to experience. It is undeniable that it makes When you want to find a balance between
English class more interesting. working with others and doing things on your
own, it's not always easy. But it's always worth
The prevailing agreement in this domain is that it. Working on my own progress is still
the implementation of gamification greatly important to me, but one of my main goals is to
enhances levels of engagement, resulting in a improve our individual and group abilities to
work together effectively."
more dynamic, stimulating, and pleasurable
English learning experience for the individuals
She is aware of the challenges present in a
competitive setting and highlights the realization
that effectively managing competition is an
Motivation through competition
important and fulfilling component of the
The utilization of gamification in English
gamified learning experience.
language lessons has constantly demonstrated its
Effective and enjoyable learning activities
effectiveness as a motivational tool, mostly
The participants' thoughts on the implementation
through the implementation of competitive
of gamification in English language classrooms
elements. The participants demonstrated an
highlighted the noticeable emergence of effective
awareness of the motivating component inherent
ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 12, Issue 1, February 2024 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/ERJEE
and fun learning activities. Dian observed that the narrative-based activities, creative writing
utilization of interactive games using English exercises, and conversations on contemporary
terminology proved to be both engaging and subjects not only enhances the learning
efficacious in facilitating the retention of experience but also demonstrates efficacy in
information. She stated in the following attaining educational goals. The diverse and
interview: stimulating character of these exercises
implemented within a gamified structure enriches
This was a game in which we used English the educational experience for participants.
terms. It was entertaining, and it aided me in The results provide evidence of how
recalling details. The fact that it was interactive gamification may significantly improve
contributed greatly to its usefulness. engagement, competition-based motivation, and
the efficiency and fun of learning activities. We
This suggests that gamified activities not only establish connections between these themes and
engage learners but also enhance the retention of previously published works of literature, which
information through interactive methods. helps to contextualize our findings within the
Furthermore, Aditya emphasized the significance larger field of gamified education. The
of narrative-based tasks. He stated in the combination of established research and
interview: participant viewpoints underscores the diverse
advantages of incorporating gamification into
This was something that we did with English
English language instruction. Expanding upon
tales. I gained knowledge while also having a
good time. It stood out because of the aspect of these realizations, the conversation not only
narrative. summarizes the most important discoveries but
also lays out a plan for further thought and
The use of narrative elements in English suggestions about gamified language learning.
language instruction has evolved as a distinct and
efficacious pedagogical strategy aimed at Positive impact on engagement and attitude
enhancing the enjoyment and engagement of The findings reveal a unanimous agreement
learners. Building on this, Galang highlighted the among participants regarding the positive
effectiveness of creative writing challenges. influence of gamification on their engagement and
overall attitude toward learning English. Most
This was a challenge that required creative students observe the increase of class attendance
writing from us. It was enjoyable, and it helped echo the positive relationship between
me become a better writer. It was very gamification and active participation, as noted in
successful due to the unique approach that was prior studies (Inayati & Waloyo, 2022; Zaric et
taken. al., 2020). The introduction of gamified teaching
methods appears to have transformed the
The incorporation of creative challenges not traditional classroom setting into a more dynamic
only appealed to participants' enjoyment but also and appealing environment, aligning with
contributed to the enhancement of their writing contemporary research that emphasizes the
skills. Moreover, Siti emphasized the efficacy of importance of innovative and interactive
discussing current topics. In the interview, she approaches in language education.
noted: Furthermore, participants consistently
expressed heightened enthusiasm and positive
We discussed a topic that is currently going on emotions associated with gamified learning
in the world. Although challenging, it worked activities. The participants highlight the emotional
wonders for my public speaking abilities. The
benefits introduced by gamification. These
structure of the debate was quite interesting and
engaging. sentiments align with previous studies,
emphasizing the positive affective impact of
This implies that the incorporation of pertinent gamified approaches on language learners
and demanding tasks in gamification not only (López-Faican & Jaen, 2020; Rahayu et al.,
renders the educational experience pleasurable but 2022). Furthermore, the unique and enjoyable
also amplifies essential abilities like public aspects of gamificationcontribute to the creation
speaking. of a positive and appealing learning atmosphere
Overall, the integration of interactive games, (Dian Anisa et al., 2020).
Confirming these findings with existing
S. Rizal Yazid, Dwi Fita Heriyawati, & Junaidi Mistar
Unveiling student perspectives: Exploring the impact of gamification in english language teaching
literature, the positive correlation between that rivalry may elicit individuals' drive to pursue
gamification and attendance supports the idea that greater effort for challenging accomplishments
innovative teaching methods can enhance (Grant & Shandell, 2022; Stickels & Tranter,
students' willingness to actively participate in 2022). In addition, participants’ acknowledgment
language learning (Jääskä & Aaltonen, 2022; of the difficulties related to maintaining a balance
Pinter et al., 2020). The emotional impact of between cooperation and individual work within a
gamified learning, as evidenced by the competitive environment underscores the intricate
participants' expressions of joy and excitement and rewarding elements of managing competition
(Özhan & Kocadere, 2019), emphasizes on the in the context of gamified learning.
affective benefits of gamification. Additionally, The participants' favorable reactions to the
the unique and enjoyable twist identified by competitive aspect of gamification align with
participants aligns with the idea of gamification previous research that highlights the motivating
adding a layer of engagement and interest influence of competition on both engagement and
(Mercer, 2019). performance (Bond et al., 2020). The inclusion of
The findings underscore the potential of competitive components in gamified English
gamification to create a positive and engaging language learning exercises seems to have a
learning environment, fostering increased substantial impact on the motivation of players, as
attendance, active participation, and positive it cultivates a feeling of challenge, autonomy, and
emotions among English language learners. personal accomplishment.
The results indicate that the incorporation of
Motivation through competition competition in gamification acts as a potent
The results associated with the implementation of incentive, prompting individuals to actively
gamification in English language learning participate, establish more ambitious objectives,
highlight the enduring efficacy of competitive and view problems as prospects for personal
features as a means of motivating participants, development. The comprehensive comprehension
manifests as a drive to enhance performance, is of the many facets involved in the management of
consistent with other scholarly investigations that competition enhances the knowledge of how
highlight the motivational influence of competitive components contribute to the
competition within gamified environments (Li et motivating dynamics within contexts that employ
al., 2022; Zainuddin et al., 2020). This gamified approaches to language acquisition.
acknowledgment indicates that the competitive
aspect of gamification is crucial in motivating Effective and enjoyable learning activities
individuals to actively participate in the The findings referring to the integration of
educational process and strive for ongoing gamification in English language schools have a
development. notable influence on the development of effective
Participants also focus on self-improvement and enjoyable learning experiences. Participants’
and striving for excellence within the context of experience with interactive games with
competition serves as a prime illustration of the vocabulary in English underscores the concurrent
motivational influence of gamification. The advantages of active involvement and
incorporation of competition as a motivating effectiveness. The incorporation of interactive
factor not only fosters active engagement among elements within the games not only provided
learners but also cultivates a focus on individual entertainment for learners but also facilitated the
performance as a central goal (Q. Zhang & Yu, retention of knowledge. This aligns with the
2022; X. Zhang, 2021). This is also consistent notion that gamified activities have the ability to
with the self-determination hypothesis, which improve learning outcomes by employing
claims that tasks that are seen as hard and offer interactive approaches (Sailer & Sailer, 2021).
autonomy have the potential to increase intrinsic The alignment between participants’ focus on
motivation (Jones et al., 2022). story-based tasks as instructive and pleasant and
The favorable responses revealed by Fajar and the increasing awareness of narrative aspects in
Rina towards the competitive elements of language training is evident. The integration of
gamification offer further perspectives on the stories into the process of learning a language has
motivating advantages associated with such been recognized as a highly successful
features. That competition serves as a motivator instructional approach (Rong & Noor, 2019). The
for participants is recognized to establish more excellent experience that participants had with
ambitious objectives is consistent with the notion narrative-based exercises indicates that
ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 12, Issue 1, February 2024 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/ERJEE
S. Rizal Yazid, Dwi Fita Heriyawati, & Junaidi Mistar
Unveiling student perspectives: Exploring the impact of gamification in english language teaching
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ENGLISH REVIEW: Journal of English Education p-ISSN 2301-7554, e-ISSN 2541-3643
Volume 12, Issue 1, February 2024 https://journal.uniku.ac.id/index.php/ERJEE
S. Rizal Yazid, Dwi Fita Heriyawati, & Junaidi Mistar
Unveiling student perspectives: Exploring the impact of gamification in english language teaching