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of David. And Hezekiah prospered in all his
30. stopped] Compare verses 3, 4.

Gihon] The upper spring of Gihon is represented to-day by St

Mary’s Well; compare Bädeker, Palestine⁵, pp. 25, 83, and note on
verse 3 above.

on the west side of the city] Render, westwards to the city. The
direction followed by the tunnel through which Hezekiah brought the
waters from the upper spring of Gihon (St Mary’s Well outside the
city) to the Pool of Siloam within the walls is roughly west or south-
west; see G. A. Smith, Jerusalem, 1. 102 f.

³¹Howbeit in the business of the ambassadors ¹

of the princes of Babylon, who sent unto him
to inquire of the wonder that was done in the
land, God left him, to try him, that he might
know all that was in his heart.
¹ Hebrew interpreters.

31. who sent] Read rather, with LXX., who had been sent.

to inquire of the wonder] According to 2 Kings xx. 12; Isaiah

xxxix. 1, the ostensible reason of the embassy was to congratulate
Hezekiah on his recovery. The real object was to gain over Judah to
an alliance against Assyria, from which Babylon was constantly
seeking to revolt.

to try him, that he might know, etc.] The phrase is based on

Deuteronomy viii. 2.
³²Now the rest of the acts of Hezekiah, and his
good deeds, behold, they are written in the
vision of Isaiah the prophet the son of Amoz,
in the book of the kings of Judah and Israel.
32. his good deeds] Compare xxxv. 26 (of Josiah); Nehemiah xiii.
14 (of Nehemiah).

the vision of Isaiah ... in the book of the kings] The reference is
apparently to Isaiah xxxvi. 2‒xxxix. 8 = 2 Kings xviii. 17‒xx. 21.

³³And Hezekiah slept with his fathers, and they

buried him in the ascent of the sepulchres of
the sons of David: and all Judah and the
inhabitants of Jerusalem did him honour at his
death. And Manasseh his son reigned in his
33. in the ascent of the sepulchres of the sons of David] What is
implied by “the ascent of the sepulchres,” the phrase being found
only here? Some hold that it means a place outside the royal
burying-ground, and that, since exclusion from the royal sepulchres
was a mark of dishonour otherwise confined to the bodies of wicked
kings (xxi. 20, xxiv. 25, xxvi. 23, xxviii. 27) the statement could hardly
emanate from the Chronicler himself but must be derived from some
old and presumably trustworthy source: an unsatisfactory view.
Certainly the Chronicler cannot have understood the phrase to mean
anything derogatory to Hezekiah, and there is, in fact, no necessity
to interpret it as some place outside the royal sepulchres. On the
contrary, it is reasonable to suppose that it means a definite part of
this royal cemetery, the lower slopes (“ascent”) or possibly the higher

did him honour] compare xvi. 14, xxi. 19.

Chapter XXXIII.
1‒10 (compare 2 Kings xxi. 1‒16).
Manasseh’s Reign. His Apostasy.

¹Manasseh was twelve years old when he

began to reign; and he reigned fifty and five
years in Jerusalem. ²And he did that which
was evil in the sight of the Lord, after the
abominations of the heathen, whom the Lord
cast out before the children of Israel.
1. in Jerusalem] The Chronicler omits here the name of
Manasseh’s mother, Hephzi-bah.

³For he built again the high places which

Hezekiah his father had broken down; and he
reared up altars for the Baalim, and made
Asheroth, and worshipped all the host of
heaven, and served them.
3. the Baalim] i.e. the gods—of Canaan—Baalim being the plural
of the word Baal (Lord, i.e. God). See the notes on xvii. 3, and 1
Chronicles viii. 33.

Asheroth] compare xiv. 3 (note).

the host of heaven] See the note on xviii. 18. Compare 2 Kings
xvii. 16; Jeremiah viii. 2.
⁴And he built altars in the house of the Lord,
whereof the Lord said, In Jerusalem shall my
name be for ever.
4. shall my name be for ever] Compare vii. 16.

⁵And he built altars for all the host of heaven in

the two courts of the house of the Lord.
5. the two courts] Compare iv. 9 (note).

⁶He also made his children to pass through

the fire in the valley of the son of Hinnom: and
he practised augury, and used enchantments,
and practised sorcery, and dealt with them
that had familiar spirits, and with wizards: he
wrought much evil in the sight of the Lord, to
provoke him to anger.
6. He also made] In the Hebrew there is stress on the pronoun
“He” (that wicked one!).

to pass through the fire] Compare xxviii. 3 (note).

in the valley of the son of Hinnom] Compare Jeremiah vii. 31, 32.

practised augury] The precise meaning of the Hebrew word

(‘ōnēn) is quite uncertain, so that we cannot be sure what form of
divination is meant. “Augury” among the Romans consisted chiefly in
observing birds and interpreting the observations made, but auguries
were also taken from other natural phenomena.

practised sorcery] The Hebrew word (kishshēph) probably means

“to make a magic brew with shredded herbs.”
with them that had familiar spirits] The Hebrew word (ōb)
probably means a necromancer who used ventriloquism in the
practice of his art. The witch of Endor (1 Samuel xxviii.) was such a
person. LXX. here has [ἐποίησεν] ἐνγαστριμύθους, i.e. “he appointed

⁷And he set the graven image of the idol,

which he had made, in the house of God, of
which God said to David and to Solomon his
son, In this house, and in Jerusalem, which I
have chosen out of all the tribes of Israel, will I
put my name for ever: ⁸neither will I any more
remove the foot of Israel from off the land
which I have appointed for your fathers; if only
they will observe to do all that I have
commanded them, even all the law and the
statutes and the ordinances by the hand of
7. the graven image of the idol] In 2 Kings xxi. 7, Revised Version
“the graven image of Asherah.” For Asherah compare xv. 16 (note).

⁹And Manasseh made Judah and the

inhabitants of Jerusalem to err, so that they
did evil more than did the nations, whom the
Lord destroyed before the children of Israel.
9. And Manasseh made Judah, etc.] Compare Jeremiah xv. 4,
where the captivity itself is referred back for its cause to the evil
deeds of Manasseh.
¹⁰And the Lord spake to Manasseh, and to
his people: but they gave no heed.
10. the Lord spake] i.e. by prophets; compare 2 Kings xxi. 10‒

11‒13 (not in 2 Kings).

The Punishment of Manasseh, and his Repentance.

It has been urged that the tradition of Manasseh’s captivity in

Babylon, his restoration to the throne of Judah, and his attempt at
reformation—events related only by the Chronicler—ought not to be
regarded as historically true, but are simply inventions put forward as
a possible explanation of the (to the Chronicler) strange fact that the
wicked king Manasseh reigned for no less than fifty and five years.
The objections to the tradition are not slight—in view of the general
character of the Chronicler’s work. In particular, the story of
Manasseh’s penitence might easily be an assumption to justify the
fact of his long reign, and it is very difficult to correlate it with
Jeremiah xv. 4, where the captivity of the nation is expressly
declared to be due to Manasseh’s wickedness. The evidence is not
decisive, however; and a brief and perhaps half-hearted repentance
towards the close of his reign might well be forgotten or deemed
negligible. The evidence against the historicity of the tradition of the
captivity of Manasseh is much less strong, being chiefly the silence
of Kings. The facts mentioned in the following note indicate that
there is nothing inherently improbable in the tradition, and it is
therefore legitimate to accept it as very possibly correct, although we
are not yet able to confirm it from the Assyrian records.

¹¹Wherefore the Lord brought upon them the

captains of the host of the king of Assyria,
which took Manasseh in chains ¹, and bound
him with fetters, and carried him to Babylon.
¹²And when he was in distress, he besought
the Lord his God, and humbled himself
greatly before the God of his fathers.
¹ Or, with hooks.

11. Assyria] Manasseh is mentioned in an Assyrian list of kings

tributary to Esar-haddon and Asshur-bani-pal, but no Assyrian
inscription at present known speaks of his captivity. We have,
however, monumental evidence that there was a great insurrection
against Asshur-bani-pal, the grandson of Sennacherib, in which
Western Asia (and perhaps Manasseh) was involved. The
subsequent restoration of Manasseh to his kingdom is not incredible,
for Neco I of Egypt was first put in fetters and afterwards sent back
to Egypt. (Driver in Hogarth, Authority and Archaeology, pp. 114‒

in chains] Rather, with hook (as margin); compare 2 Kings xix.

28 (= Isaiah xxxvii. 29). Assyrian kings sometimes thrust a hook or
ring into the nostrils of their captives and so led them about. The
practice is illustrated on many Assyrian reliefs in the British Museum
(see Handcock, Latest Light on Bible Lands, p. 159).

to Babylon] Nineveh, not Babylon, was the capital of Assyria, but

as Asshur-bani-pal at times resided in Babylon, there is nothing
improbable in any important prisoner of his being carried thither.

¹³And he prayed unto him; and he was

intreated of him, and heard his supplication,
and brought him again to Jerusalem into his
kingdom. Then Manasseh knew that the Lord
he was God.
13. he prayed unto him; and he was intreated of him] It is very
pleasing to notice that, for all the rigidity of the Chronicler’s theology,
he allows that even an heinous sinner may repent, and that, if he
does so, he will meet with Divine acceptance.

14‒17 (not in 2 Kings).

The Later Deeds of Manasseh.

¹⁴Now after this he built an outer wall to the

city of David, on the west side of Gihon, in the
valley, even to the entering in at the fish gate;
and he compassed about Ophel, and raised it
up a very great height: and he put valiant
captains ¹ in all the fenced cities of Judah.
¹ Or, captains of the army.

14. an outer wall ... fish gate] “This can only mean that outside
the existing rampart of the citadel, on the ridge above the present
Virgin’s Spring [i.e. St Mary’s Well, see note, xxxii. 3], Manasseh
constructed another line of fortification which he carried northwards
past the Temple Mount, and round its northern slope,” G. A. Smith,
Jerusalem, 1. 208. The fish-gate was in the northern wall, probably
corresponding to the modern Damascus Gate (Jerusalem 1. 202).

Ophel] compare xxvii. 3 (note).

¹⁵And he took away the strange gods, and the

idol out of the house of the Lord, and all the
altars that he had built in the mount of the
house of the Lord, and in Jerusalem, and
cast them out of the city.
15. he took away the strange gods] Compare verse 7.
¹⁶And he built up ¹ the altar of the Lord, and
offered thereon sacrifices of peace offerings
and of thanksgiving, and commanded Judah
to serve the Lord, the God of Israel.
¹ According to another reading, prepared.

16. he built up] or he rebuilt, compare xi. 5 (note).

peace offerings] compare 1 Chronicles xvi. 1 (note).

commanded Judah] compare verse 9; 2 Kings xxi. 11.

¹⁷Nevertheless the people did sacrifice still in

the high places, but only unto the Lord their
17. but only, etc.] See note on xxxii. 12.

18‒20 (compare 2 Kings xxi. 17, 18).

The Epilogue to Manasseh’s Reign.

¹⁸Now the rest of the acts of Manasseh, and

his prayer unto his God, and the words of the
seers that spake to him in the name of the
Lord, the God of Israel, behold, they are
written among the acts of the kings of Israel.
18. his prayer] It was probably upon the ground of this remark
that the so-called Prayer of Manasses, which in the English editions
of the Apocrypha occurs just before 1 Maccabees, was composed.
The “prayer” referred to by the Chronicler is quite certainly not to be
associated even remotely with this apocryphal work, which by some
is thought to have been written originally in Greek, though it has also
been regarded as a Greek translation from some Hebrew midrashic
source. Its date is uncertain. It is given in a collection of hymns
appended to the Psalter in the Alexandrine MS. (A) of the LXX.
(Swete’s edition vol. iii. p. 824), and is also found in the Latin
Vulgate, though the translation is not by Jerome. See the edition by
Ryle in Charles’ Apocrypha, vol. 1.

the acts of the kings of Israel] See Introduction § 5, p. xxxii. Here,

since canonical Kings contains no mention whatever of Manasseh’s
prayer or the words of the seers to him, we see very plainly that this
source to which the Chronicler so often refers cannot be identical
with the canonical books of Kings.

¹⁹His prayer also, and how God was intreated

of him, and all his sin and his trespass, and
the places wherein he built high places, and
set up the Asherim and the graven images,
before he humbled himself: behold, they are
written in the history of Hozai ¹.
¹ Or, the seers So the Septuagint.

19. in the history of Hozai] Render, in the history of the seers;

compare margin and LXX., slightly emending the Hebrew text. To
take the Hebrew word (ḥōzai) as a proper name is unsuitable, since
the same word occurs as a common noun (“seers”) in the preceding

²⁰So Manasseh slept with his fathers, and they

buried him in his own house: and Amon his
son reigned in his stead.
20. in his own house] i.e. as in 2 Kings “in the garden of his own

21‒25 (= 2 Kings xxi. 19‒26).

Amon’s short Reign. Josiah succeeds him.

²¹Amon was twenty and two years old when

he began to reign; and he reigned two years in
Jerusalem. ²²And he did that which was evil in
the sight of the Lord, as did Manasseh his
father: and Amon sacrificed unto all the
graven images which Manasseh his father had
made, and served them.
21. in Jerusalem] The Chronicler omits here the name of Amon’s
mother; compare verse 1.

²³And he humbled not himself before the

Lord, as Manasseh his father had humbled
himself; but this same Amon trespassed ¹ more
and more. ²⁴And his servants conspired
against him, and put him to death in his own
¹ Or, became guilty.

23. And he humbled not himself] This verse is not in Kings.

trespassed] Render, became guilty (so margin); compare xix.

10, xxiv. 18, xxviii. 10, 13.
²⁵But the people of the land slew all them that
had conspired against king Amon; and the
people of the land made Josiah his son king in
his stead.
25. slew] Render, smote. The Hebrew word suggests that there
was a conflict between the people and the conspirators.
Chapter XXXIV.
1, 2 (= 2 Kings xxii. 1, 2).
Josiah’s good Reign.

Of Josiah only good is recorded in Kings: “he did that which was
right in the eyes of the Lord, and walked in all the way of David his
father, and turned not aside to the right hand or to the left” (2 Kings
xxii. 2). In the eighteenth year of his reign he is said to have ordered
a repair of the Temple in the course of which a discovery was made
of a book of the Law. In consequence of its injunctions a thorough
reformation was carried out by Josiah, a solemn covenant with God
being entered into by the king and all the people, and attested first
by a crusade against all idolatrous images and symbols throughout
the land and then by a grand celebration of the Passover feast (2
Kings xxii. 3‒xxiii. 27). Obviously Josiah was a king after the
Chronicler’s own heart. He makes Josiah’s reforming energy begin
as early as his eighth year, causing some changes in the order of
events (see the note on verse 3). On the record of the Passover
feast the Chronicler has naturally fastened with special pleasure, and
he expands the brief allusions to it in Kings into a detailed account
occupying xxxv. 1‒19. His narrative of the death of Josiah differs
considerably from that in Kings. Several other minor variations are
pointed out in the notes below.

¹Josiah was eight years old when he began

to reign; and he reigned thirty and one years
in Jerusalem.
1. in Jerusalem] Here the Chronicler omits the name of Josiah’s
mother; compare xxxiii. 1, 21.
²And he did that which was right in the eyes of
the Lord, and walked in the ways of David his
father, and turned not aside to the right hand
or to the left.
2. turned not aside, etc.] A commendatory phrase applied to
Josiah alone of the kings.

3‒7 (compare verse 33; 2 Kings xxiii. 4‒20).

Josiah destroys the Symbols of Idolatry.

³For in the eighth year of his reign, while he

was yet young, he began to seek after the
God of David his father: and in the twelfth year
he began to purge Judah and Jerusalem from
the high places, and the Asherim, and the
graven images, and the molten images.
3. in the eighth year ... and in the twelfth] It should be noticed that
the order of the events of Josiah’s reign given in Chronicles varies
from that given in 2 Kings Thus we have in 2 Chronicles:

(1) Destruction of idolatrous symbols throughout Jerusalem,

Judah and Israel; xxxiv. 3‒7.

(2) Repair of the Temple and Finding of the Law; xxxiv. 8‒28.

(3) Renewal of the Covenant with Jehovah; xxxiv. 29‒33.

(4) Great Passover kept; xxxv. 1‒19.

(5) Death of Josiah; xxxv. 20‒27.

In 2 Kings on the other hand (2) and (3) precede (1), and the
reforming activity of the king is accordingly placed subsequent to the
finding of the Law in the eighteenth year of his reign. There can be
little doubt that the order in Kings is correct. The Chronicler thought it
desirable that the piety of the king should be displayed earlier, and
he has therefore dated its commencement from the eighth and
twelfth years. [This is preferable to the suggestion that “eighth”
(bishĕmōneh) and “twelfth” (bishtēym ‘esreh) may be due to a
transcriptional error of “eighteenth” (bishĕmōneh ‘esreh).]

while he was yet young] There is no clause corresponding to this

in 2 Kings, and the statement is probably due to the motive indicated
in the previous note. There is, of course, no reason to question the
piety of Josiah in his early years, for though in 2 Kings his
reformation is dated in the eighteenth year of his reign, i.e. when he
was 25 years of age (hardly “young” for a king), the favourable
judgement passed on him (2 Kings xxii. 2) is unqualified by any
suggestion that he was tardy in turning to Jehovah, and the
prophetic activity of Jeremiah is dated from the thirteenth year of
Josiah’s reign (Jeremiah xxv. 3).

in the twelfth year he began] The Chronicler spreads the

cleansing of the land over six years, i.e. from the twelfth to the
eighteenth; compare verse 8.

to purge] Josiah’s measures are more fully enumerated and

described in 2 Kings xxiii.; notice e.g. the removal of the Asherah
from the Temple (verse 6), the destruction of the houses of the
Ḳĕdēshim (compare Deuteronomy xxiii. 17, 18) which were in the
house of the Lord (verse 7), the deportation of priests from the cities
of Judah into Jerusalem (verses 8, 9), and the defiling of Topheth
and of Beth-el (verses 10, 15, 16). The Chronicler not unnaturally
prefers to avoid these details and employs the usual general terms
here, partly because he has already credited the penitent Manasseh
with a reform of this character (xxxiii. 15), partly also because he
may have been unwilling to suppose that such flagrant abuses in the
Temple as are mentioned in Kings had continued to this date.

the Asherim] compare xiv. 3 (note).

⁴And they brake down the altars of the Baalim
in his presence; and the sun-images, that
were on high above them, he hewed down;
and the Asherim, and the graven images, and
the molten images, he brake in pieces, and
made dust of them, and strowed it upon the
graves of them that had sacrificed unto them.
4. the Baalim] Compare xxxiii. 3 (note).

the sun-images] See note on xiv. 5; and compare 2 Kings xxiii.


⁵And he burnt the bones of the priests upon

their altars, and purged Judah and Jerusalem.
5. he burnt the bones of the priests] Specially at Beth-el; 2 Kings
xxiii. 15, 16.

⁶And so did he in the cities of Manasseh and

Ephraim and Simeon, even unto Naphtali, in
their ruins ¹ round about. ⁷And he brake down
the altars, and beat the Asherim and the
graven images into powder, and hewed down
all the sun-images throughout all the land of
Israel, and returned to Jerusalem.
¹ Or, as otherwise read, with their axes. The text is probably

6. Simeon] Here as in xv. 9 Simeon is regarded as belonging to

the northern tribes, but its cities were in the south; compare the note
on xv. 9, and 1 Chronicles iv. 28 ff.

in their ruins] Remark the margin, “with their axes. The text is
probably corrupt.” The Versions afford no real help. A plausible
conjecture is given by Curtis, who would read, he laid waste their

8‒28 (= 2 Kings xxii. 3‒20).

Repair of the Temple. Discovery of the Book of the Law.

⁸Now in the eighteenth year of his reign,

when he had purged the land, and the house,
he sent Shaphan the son of Azaliah, and
Maaseiah the governor of the city, and Joah
the son of Joahaz the recorder ¹, to repair the
house of the Lord his God.
¹ Or, chronicler.

8. Shaphan] According to 2 Kings he was Scribe. See 1

Chronicles xviii. 16 (note).

the governor of the city] Render, a ruler of the city; compare

xxix. 20.

the recorder] margin the chronicler; compare 1 Chronicles xviii.

15 (note). Neither Maaseiah nor Joah is mentioned in 2 Kings.

to repair the house of the Lord] It may be conjectured that the

disrepair was not due solely to the abuses of Manasseh’s reign, but
was connected with the disaster recorded in xxxiii. 11, when an
Assyrian army carried off Manasseh to Babylon. Probably the
capture of the king was not achieved without the conquest of
Jerusalem, and the Temple may easily have suffered serious
damage at that time. Note that Kings (which does not record the
disaster mentioned in Chronicles) uses strong terms regarding the
condition of the Temple when Josiah’s work was put in hand—“to
repair the breaches of the house,” 2 Kings xxii. 5.

⁹And they came to Hilkiah the high priest, and

delivered the money that was brought into the
house of God, which the Levites, the keepers
of the door ¹, had gathered of the hand of
Manasseh and Ephraim, and of all the
remnant of Israel, and of all Judah and
Benjamin, and of the inhabitants of
Jerusalem ².
¹ Hebrew threshold.

² Another reading is, and they returned to Jerusalem.

9. And they came ... and delivered] The matter is differently

stated in 2 Kings according to which they are sent to Hilkiah with a
message to him to “sum,” i.e. to reckon, the total of the money
collected in the Temple. The Chronicler has in mind the idea which
he set forth in xxiv. 6 ff.—namely, that the money was gathered by a
body of Levites who went round the country collecting it.

the Levites, the keepers of the door] In 2 Kings xii. 9 the keepers
of the doors are called priests; compare 2 Kings xxv. 18.

of the hand of Manasseh, etc.] In 2 Kings simply “of the people”:

i.e. Kings thinks only of the Southern Kingdom; the Chronicler
includes the remnant of the northern tribes. But see also the note on
xv. 9.

and of the inhabitants of Jerusalem] So one reading of the

Hebrew (the Kethīb), in agreement with the LXX. The margin and
they returned to Jerusalem follows the other reading (the Ḳerī).

¹⁰And they delivered it into the hand of the

workmen that had the oversight of the house
of the Lord; and the workmen ¹ that wrought in
the house of the Lord gave it to amend and
repair the house;
¹ Or, they gave it to the workmen &c. See 2 Kings xxii. 5.

10. and the workmen that wrought in the house of the Lord gave
it] The “workmen” are distinguished from the “carpenters and
builders” (verse 11); overseers of some kind are meant. To oversee
the work and to do the work may be synonymous phrases here as in
1 Chronicles xxiii. 4 and 1 Chronicles xxiii. verse 24. On the other
hand 2 Kings xxii. 5 favours the rendering “And they (i.e. Shaphan,
etc., and Hilkiah, verses 8, 9) delivered it into the hand of the
workmen that had the oversight ... and they (i.e. these overseers)
gave it to the workmen that wrought....” (Compare the margin.)

¹¹even to the carpenters and to the builders

gave they it, to buy hewn stone, and timber for
couplings, and to make beams for the houses
which the kings of Judah had destroyed.
11. the houses] Compare 1 Chronicles xxviii. 11.

¹²And the men did the work faithfully: and the

overseers of them were Jahath and Obadiah,
the Levites, of the sons of Merari; and
Zechariah and Meshullam, of the sons of the
Kohathites, to set it forward ¹: and other of the
Levites, all that could skill of instruments of
music. ¹³Also they were over the bearers of
burdens, and set forward all that did the work
in every manner of service: and of the Levites
there were scribes, and officers, and porters.
¹ Or, to preside over it.

12. the overseers] There is no parallel in 2 Kings for the rest of

this verse and for verse 13. The addition is characteristic of the
Chronicler, exemplifying (1) his habit of inserting proper names,
(2) his interest in the Levites, particularly the musical class.

to set it forward] The same Hebrew word is used in 1 Chronicles

xxiii. 4, and is there rendered “to oversee the work.” (Compare the

could skill] “Skill” is used as a verb also in ii. 7, 8. Skill of

instruments = “play skilfully upon instruments.”

¹⁴And when they brought out the money that

was brought into the house of the Lord,
Hilkiah the priest found the book of the law of
the Lord given by ¹ Moses.
¹ Hebrew by the hand of.

14. This verse has no parallel in 2 Kings.

the book of the law] See the Additional Note at the end of the
chapter, pp. 337 ff.

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