Iso 5663 1984
Iso 5663 1984
Iso 5663 1984
The member bodies of the following countries expressed disapproval of the document
on technical grounds :
United Ki ngdom
Printed in Switzerland
1 Scope and field of application Kjeldahl nitrogen: The content of organic nitrogen and am-
moniacal nitrogen in a sample determined after mineralization.
1 .I Substance determined
It does not include nitrate and nitrite nitrogen, and does not
This International Standard specifies a method for the deter- necessarily include all organically bound nitrogen.
mination of nitrogen by a Kjeldahl-type method. Only trivalent
negative nitrogen is determined. Organic nitrogen in the form
of azide, azine, azo, hydrazone, nitrite, nitro, nitroso, oxime or 4 Principle
semicarbazone is not determined quantitatively. Nitrogen may
be incompletely recovered from heterocyclic nitrogen com- Mineralization of the sample to form ammonium sulfate, from
pounds. which ammonia is liberated and distilled for subsequent deter-
mination by titration.
1.2 Type of sample iTeh STANDARD PREVIEW Conversion of the nitrogen compounds responding to the test
to ammonium sulfate by mineralization of the sample with
This method is applicable
waste waters.
to the analysis of raw, potable and
sulfuric acid, containing a high concentration of potassium
sulfate in order to raise the boiling point of the mixture, in the
1.3 Range
ISO 5663:1984presence of selenium which acts as a catalyst. 1)
Liberation of ammonia from the ammonium sulfate by the addi-
A Kjeldahl nitrogen content, @N, of up to IO mg, 6beeb1242799/iso-5663-1984
in the test por- tion of alkali and distillation into boric acid/indicator solution.
tion may be determined. Using a IO ml test portion, this cor-
responds to a sample concentration of up to @N = I 000 mg/l.
Determination of ammonium ion in the distillate by titration
with standard acid.
1.4 Limit of detection
Alternatively, direct determination of ammonium ion in the
A practically determined (4 degrees of freedom) limit of detec- mineralizate by spectrometry at 655 nm. (See clause I I .)
tion, using a 100 ml test portion, is ,oN = 1 mg/l.
Using a 100 ml test portion, I,0 ml of 0,02 mol/l hydrochloric During the analysis, use only reagents of recognized analytical
acid is equivalent to @N = 2,8 mg/l. grade, and only distilled water prepared as described in 5.1.
1) Selenium has been selected as the catalyst in preference to mercury because of concern in many countries about the toxicity of mercury.
However, the toxicity of selenium must not be overlooked. See 11.2 for a suggested procedure for removal of selenium from mineralization residues.
IS0 5663-1984 (El
Add 0,lO +_ 0,Ol ml of sulfuric acid (5.3) to 1 000 +_ 10 ml of WARNING - This mixture is toxic. Inhalation of any dust
distilled water and redistil in all glass apparatus. Discard the resulting from its preparation or use shall be avoided. All
first 50 ml of distillate, and then collect the distillate in a g!ass residues containing selenium shall be collected for
bottle provided with a well-fitting glass stopper. Add about selenium recovery (11.2) or controlled disposal.
IO g of strongly acidic cation exchange resin (in the hydrogen
form) to each litre of collected distillate. Thoroughly mix 1 000 + 20 g of potassium sulfate and
10,O + 0,2 g of selenium pellets.
The highest purity sulfuric acid shall always be used. Pay par-
ticular attention to the manufacturer’s specification with 6.1 Kjeldahl mineralization flasks, specially designed, of
respect to its nitrogen content. sufficient capacity to accommodate the test portion volume to
be used in the analysis, and in any event not exceeding 500 ml.
5.4 Sodium hydroxide, approximately 500 g/l solution. They should preferably be suitable for direct attachment to the
distillation apparatus (6.2).
WARNING - This reagent causes severe burns.
ISO 5663:1984
5.5 Hydrochloric acid, standard
volumetric solution,
c( HCI) = 0,lO mol/l.
This solution shall be prepared by dilution of hydrochloric acid APPARATUS
(5.2) followed by standardization by normal analytical pro-
cedures. Alternatively, a commercial solution of guaranteed Carry out th e following procedure whenever the apparatus has
concentration may be used. been out of use for more than a few days.
5.7.3 Dissolve 20 + 1 g of boric acid (H3B03) in warm water. 8.1 Test portion
Cool to room temperature. Add 10 + 0,5 ml of methyl red solu-
tion (5.7.1) and 2,0 + 0,l ml of methylene blue solution (5.7.2) If the approximate nitrogen concentra tion of the sample IS
and dilute to 1 litre with water in a measuring cylinder. known I the test portion volume can be selected fro m table 1.
is0 56634984 (El
Table 1 - Selection of test portion 3 0,lO mol/l hydrochloric acid (5. 51 may be used for the titration of
distillates from samples containing hi gh concentrations of nitrogen.
Kjeldahl nitrogen
Volume of the test portion*
concentration, eN I
I mg/l I ml I 9 Expression of results
up to 10 250
10 to 20 100
9.1 Method of calculation
20 to 50
50 to 100 25
The Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration, expressed in
* When using the 0,02 mol /I hydrochloric acid standard volumetric
milligrams per itre, is given by the formu
solution (5.6) for titration
2 Where the flask is not compatible with the distillation apparatus, Falsely low results may also be obtained if the mineralization
the contents must be transferred quantitatively to a suitable distillation procedure is over-prolonged. The procedure given in clause 8
flask. This may conveniently be done at the water addition stage. must be carefully observed.
IS0 5663-1984 (E)
11 Notes on procedure made acid (pH 2). Reduction of this acid solution with tin(ll)
chloride (added as a solid) will produce a precipitate of red
11 .I Ammonium ion may be determined directly in the selenium which can then be filtered off and disposed of in a
mineralizate by spectrometry at 655 nm. The following pro- controlled manner.
cedure should be used.
** OfI mol/l hydrochloric acid was used for all titrations, except those for the @N = 2 mg/l standard solution,
for which Of02 mol/l hydrochloric acid was used.
iTeh This
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ISO 5663:1984
iTeh This
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ISO 5663:1984