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Erik Erikson Stages of Development

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Erik Erikson, the psychoanalyst who coined the

term, “identity crisis,” found that humans

typically go through eight stages of life.
The 8 Stages of Life That Make or Break

Born in Germany, in 1902, to Danish parents

but raised by a Jewish stepfather, Erikson grew
up with a different upbringing from his peers.
In 1927, the psychoanalyst Anna Freud
(Sigmund Freud’s youngest daughter) invited
Erikson to teach at a private art school in

Erikson began his training in psychoanalysis,

becoming deeply influenced by Freud’s ideas
on how childhood upbringing impacts people’s
personality and growth. And he realized the

“Every adult, whether he is a follower or a

leader, a member of a mass or of an elite, was
once a child. He was once small. A sense of
smallness forms a substratum in his mind,
ineradicably. His triumphs will be measured
against this smallness; his defeats will
substantiate it.”
But he felt that Sigmund Freud’s theories on
childhood overly emphasized the role of
sexuality in human development. Erikson
believed that social and cultural factors played
a more significant role in how we develop as

So he broadened his study of Freud’s theory,

and focused instead on understanding the
interaction between:

 A person’s biological being

 Individual psychological traits
 Cultural and societal upbringing
Erikson studied and interviewed children of
different cultural and societal backgrounds.
And he found that people’s personality traits
unfolded in 8 stages.

Learning Outcome:

As we go through each stage, we experience

certain challenges and setbacks. If we resolve
these challenges in a positive manner: We
grow. But if we don’t, we stagnate.
The 8 stages of development

Erikson’s theory of psychosocial development

is one of the most recognized theories of
personality in psychology. Erikson suggests
that an individual’s personality develops
throughout their lifespan, and this
development occurs in a series of eight stages.

Each stage presents a conflict or crisis that

humans must resolve for healthy development.
 Trust vs. Mistrust (0-2 years):

 When a baby cries, the expectation is that a

caregiver will attend to their needs, whether
it’s for food, a diaper change, or comfort. If
these needs are consistently met, the baby
develops a sense of trust in the world and in
their relationships.
 Autonomy vs. Shame & Doubt (2-4

In this stage, children start to assert their

independence. If encouraged and
supported, they become more confident and
secure in their ability to survive in the
Imagine a toddler learning to dress. If their
parents encourage them, they’ll develop a
sense of autonomy and confidence in their
ability to handle tasks. But if the child feels
overly criticized or ridiculed, they may feel
 Initiative vs. Guilt (4-5 years):

 Children begin to assert control and power

over their environment by planning
For example, a preschooler may want to
plan a make-believe game with friends. If
their initiative is nurtured, they’ll learn to
take leadership and improve their decision-
making ability. But if they’re made to feel
like a nuisance, they might feel guilty for
taking the initiative.

 Industry vs. Inferiority (6-11 years):

Here, Erikson emphasizes the importance of a

child’s development in their sense of pride.
Often in school, children aged 6-11 begin to
have a more concrete view of their
accomplishments and abilities.

A young pupil struggling with math, for

example, can develop a sense of competence
when teachers and parents encourage them. But
when others tease or neglect them, they may
feel inferior and doubt their abilities.
 Identity vs. Role Confusion (12-18

The focus here is one’s sense of self and

personal identity. Often, we make our
biggest academic choices in this stage: What
high school would you attend? Which
college would you apply to?
There are various factors at play, like your
family’s financial ability to send you to
certain schools. Or if your parents support
whichever academic path you’ll take,
instead of enforcing their own will. Outside
of your family, the peers you hang out with
also impact your development.
 Intimacy vs. Isolation (19-40
 This is the stage many of us may currently
be in. This typically covers your life during
college, your first jobs outside university,
your first attempts at building a business,
traveling overseas alone, or even the first
time to invest!

For other folks, this might also mean

marriage, kids, company tenure, building a
home, and so forth. A lot of people
experience the so-called “Quarter Life
crisis” at this point. But when you look at
the other stages above, you’ll see that
someone’s quarter-life crisis doesn’t happen
purely during the quarter-life stage.

Instead, there are likely unresolved

challenges during the earlier stages. Which
led to less-than-ideal personal development
in the present. When you’re at peace with
your work, finances, and personal life,
you’d often find yourself in healthier,
fulfilling relationships. The opposite is a
feeling of isolation.

Generativity vs. Stagnation (40-65 years):

The so-called “Midlife Crisis.” At this stage,

many folks have established their career and
personal relationships. When that happens,
the next step is often finding a new direction
or purpose.

This leads to two results: Not knowing what

to do, so life becomes a matter of
“compensating” for certain things, like
driving fancy cars or buying expensive

Or leveraging one’s lifetime of insights to live

a satisfying life. When you overcome this
stage positively, you focus on learning and
living more.
Ego Integrity vs. Despair (65+ years):

In retirement, a senior might reflect on life

achievements with satisfaction, feeling a
sense of completeness (ego integrity). Older
adults need to look back on life and feel a
sense of fulfillment. Success at this stage
leads to feelings of wisdom. People who
look with regret end up bitter and in
It’s important to note that even Erikson
believed people could face the above conflicts at
different points in their life, not just in the age
range he identified.

Also, successfully navigating a stage doesn’t

mean that the crisis won’t reappear. Eventually,
you may need to address them again. But by
understanding these stages, we can better
navigate our own life journey.

You are what survives you

As Erikson concluded:

“I am what survives me.”

We are defined not just by who we are in the
present, but by how we managed our past

Erikson’s 8 stages of psychosocial development

provide a roadmap for understanding our
personal and professional growth throughout
different phases of life.

From learning to trust in our earliest years, to

seeking intimacy in adulthood, to reflecting on
our accomplishments in old age, each stage
presents unique challenges and opportunities
for growth.

With every resolved conflict, we shape our

identity and leave an imprint on the world
around us.

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