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1 Name of the candidate PINKEE BARODE

and address(in block letters) INDORE



3 Course of study and subject M.Sc. NURSING, OBSTETRICAL AND


4 Date of admission to course

5 Title of the topic: An exploratory study to assess the practice and knowledge regarding
respectful maternity care among staff nurses in labour room at selected
hospital indore m.p.
Pregnancy is an especial, rousing and often blissful period in a woman’s life. Women may

undergo various physiological changes during antepartum, intrapartum and postpartum period.

The birthing room environment and health care provider’s attitude are important to minimize

the pain and offer a positive childbirth experience. Across the world, women endure disrespect

and abuse (D&A) during childbirth. Dearth of Respectful Maternity Care (RMC) from medical

professionals like doctors and midwives may cause patients to feel unsatisfied with the

healthcare system and lessen their obligation to seek antenatal (ANC), delivery, and postnatal

care services. Objective of the study was to assess the existing knowledge on RMC among staff

nurses working in the labour room.Every childbearing woman in every health system around

the world has the right to respectful maternity care. Women's interactions with maternity

caregivers can either empower and comfort them, or cause long-term harm and mental distress.

In any case, memories of childbirth events stick with women for the rest of their lives. While

numerous interventions try to enhance access to expert birth care, the quality of interactions

with caregivers throughout maternity care has received less attention.Respectful maternity care

is the fundamental right of the mother. RMC is recommended by the World Health

Organization and refers to care that maintains dignity, privacy, confidentiality and ensures

freedom from harm and mistreatment. It enables informed choice and continuous support

during labour and childbirth . It has been found that mothers perceived overall dimensions of

RMC still some component such as disrespect and abuse is prevalent. Respectful maternity is

the care organized for and provided to all women in a manner that maintains their dignity,

privacy and confidentiality at the time of pregnancy and childbirth. RMC not only ensures
freedom from harm but also freedom from mistreatment. It enables informed choice and

continuous support during labour and childbirth. Provision of respectful maternity care also

reduces maternal morbidity and mortality, improve women’s experience of labour and

childbirth and can address health inequalities.

6.1 Need for the study-

The investigator as an undergraduate has witnessed many cases that there is some lack in

maternity care rendered to the mothers in labour. Many studies had focused on knowledge of

respectable maternity care among staff nurses. Till now there are only few studies has been

conducted on knowledge and performance of staff nurse and the satisfaction level of the

mother, which justifies the need for this study. Staff nurses and midwives are the back bone of

midwifery they should know the importance of respectful maternity care so that they can

develop positive attitude towards respectful maternity care he need for conducting a study on

respectful maternity care (RMC) among staff nurses in labour rooms at selected hospitals in

Indore, Madhya Pradesh, arises from several important considerations:

1. Ensuring Dignified Care: Every pregnant individual deserves to receive care that

upholds their dignity, respects their autonomy, and promotes their well-being during

childbirth. RMC ensures that healthcare providers, including nurses, treat patients with

respect, kindness, and sensitivity.

2. Addressing Global and National Initiatives: Globally, there is increasing recognition

of the importance of RMC as a human right and a critical component of quality maternal

healthcare. Nationally, initiatives like the National Health Mission (NHM) in India

emphasize the need for respectful and dignified maternity care.

3. Identifying Gaps in Knowledge and Practice: Despite awareness of RMC principles,

there may be gaps in how these principles are understood and implemented by

healthcare providers, including nurses. Assessing the knowledge and practice gaps

among staff nurses can help in developing targeted interventions to enhance their

understanding and application of RMC.

4. Improving Patient Outcomes: Research indicates that respectful care positively

impacts maternal and neonatal health outcomes. Nurses play a pivotal role in the

delivery of maternity care, and their attitudes and behaviors significantly influence

patient experiences. Improving RMC practices among nurses can lead to better patient

satisfaction and health outcomes.

5. Supporting Policy and Practice Development: Findings from the study can inform

policy makers, hospital administrators, and educators about the current state of RMC

practices. This information can guide the development of policies, protocols, and

training programs aimed at fostering a culture of respectful care within healthcare


6. Contributing to Evidence-Based Practice: Evidence generated from the study can

contribute to the growing body of literature on RMC, particularly within the context of

labour room settings in Indore, MP. It can provide insights into local challenges and

opportunities for improving maternity care practices.

6.2 Review of literature

Reviews for this study have been gathered from a variety of primary and secondary sources,

including books, journals, and internet references. These findings have been systematically

organized and presented within the following sections:

Section-A: Review related to postnatal care.

Section-B: Review related to staff nurses‟s knowledge regarding respectful maternity care.

6.3 Problem statement

An exploratory study to the practice and knowledge regarding respectful maternity care
among staff nurses in labour room at selected hospital indore m.p
6.4 Objectives of the study

• To assess level of practice regarding respectful maternity care among staff nurses

• To assess level of knowledge regarding respectful maternity care among staff nurses
6.5 Operational definitions
• Exploratory study:- Exploratory research is "the preliminary research to clarify the

exact nature of the problem to be solved.

• Assess:- In this study it refers to the determined outcome of nursing staff regarding

respectful maternity care.

• Practice & Knowledge:- A framework used to assess individuals' understanding,

beliefs, and behaviors related to a specific topic. In this study it refers to practice and

knowledge regarding respectful maternity care.

• Respectful maternity care:- it is a human right of every woman and her baby to be
treated with care, respect and dignity, free from harm, and to maintain absolute liberty

and autonomy.

• Staff nurses:- In this study it refers to Staff nurse are trained person who are working

in Postnatal ward at selected hospital taking care of postnatal mothers. In the study it

refers to the nurse who cares for mothers in assisting the child birth and newborn

• Labour room:- a hospital room where a woman in labor stays before being taken to the

delivery room.

6.6 Delimitations
1. Limited to staff nures working in lalnour room

2. Sample size is limitedt to 30 .

3. The study is limited only to staff nurses available during study period,.

4. The data collection period is limited to only for one month.

6.7 Hypotheses :
No prior assumptions or hypotheses.

7. Methods and methodology

7.1 Source of data
• The data will be collected from staff nures working in labour room in MTH
hopspital indore.

7.1.1 Research design

The research design selected for the study is Focus Groups Observation & Interviews
O1 O2
O1 - Assessment of Knowledge.
O2 – Assessment of Prectices .
The study will be conducted in selected hospital Indore (M.P).
MTH hospital
The Population for the study includes Staff Nurse residing in MTH Hosptal.
7.2 Method of data collection
Data will be collected by using
1. socio demographic data of the respondents were collected using self-prepared questionnaire

2. semi-structured multiple choice questions questionnaire on knowledge regarding respectful

maternity care..

3. observational checklist for performance among staff nurse

7.2.1 Sampling procedure

Non probability purposive sampling technique will be used to select the samples.
7.2.2 Sample size
The sample size for the study comprises of 30 staff nurse selected hospital in indore.
7.2.3 Inclusion criteria
1.Staff Nurse who are in Hospital and are working in selected hospital MTH hospital Indore. .
2.Hospital Staff Nurse who are willing to participate in the study.
3.Hospital Staff Nurse who are present during data collection.
4.Both female and male Staff Nurse.
Exclusion criteria
Exclusion criteria for sampling includes :
1. Staff nurse who are not available during the data collection period.
7.2.6 Data collection methods
• The investigator will obtain formal permission from the concerned authority.
• The purpose of the study will be explained to the subjects and informed
written/oral consent will be obtained from them.
7.2.7 Data analysis plan
• Demographic data will be analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequency,
percentage, mean, median and standard deviation,
• .
7.3 Does the study require any investigations or interventions to be conducted on patients
or other humans or animals?
• Yes. planned teaching programe will be provided to staff nurse who are from selected
MTH Hosptals
7.4 Has ethical clearance been obtained from your institution in case of 7.3?
Yes. Informed consent will be obtained from the institution, authorities and subjects.
Privacy, confidentiality and anonymity will be guarded. Scientific objectivity of the study will
be maintained with honesty and impartiality.

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9. Signature of the candidate
10. Remarks of the guide

11. Name and designation of (in block letters)

11.1 Guide

11.2 Signature

11.3 Co-guide (if any)

11.4 Signature

1.5 Head of the department

11.6 Signature

12. 12.1 Remarks of the Principal

12.2 Signature

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