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Amul Internship Report

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Sr.No. Particulars Page No.

1. Certificate 3

2. Preface 4

3. Acknowledgement 5

4. Terminologies and Abbreviations 6

5. List of Tables 7

6. List of Figures 8

7. Introduction 9 10

8. History 11 12

9. Analysis 13 14

10. Major Competitors 15

11. Production 16 17

12. Organization Structure 18

13. Learnings 19

14. Suggestions 20

15. Conclusion 21

16. Bibliography 22



My summer internship at Amul was a great experience of learning and growth. Visiting Amul for
the first time, I got to see the different parts of the company and learned a lot about product
development, marketing strategies, and supply chain management.

One of the best parts was seeing how Amul stays committed to quality. They combine traditional
methods with modern technology to make high-quality products and stay competitive. This mix
of old and new was clear in every department.

I am very thankful to my guide, Ganesh Das Sir, for his mentorship and guidance. His deep
knowledge of the industry and patient teaching helped me understand the dairy sector better.

This internship gave me a deep appreciation for the careful processes and strategic thinking
involved in bringing Amul products to market. It has added to my academic knowledge and
prepared me for future professional challenges. I look forward to using the knowledge and skills
I gained at Amul in my future work.


Intern, Amul Dairy


I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the management of Amul for providing me with
this valuable internship opportunity. A special thanks to Mr. Ganesh for his excellent mentorship
and constant support, which were instrumental in overcoming the challenges I faced.

I am also very grateful to Mr. Hemant Trivedi, Director of CZPCBM, for his insightful advice
and guidance in the development of this report.

Finally, I extend my heartfelt thanks to the support staff and my colleagues at Amul for their
consistent assistance and encouragement throughout my internship. Your help has been greatly

[Akbarhussain Rabadi]

Intern, Amul Dairy


1. AMUL: Anand Milk Union Limited, the cooperative dairy brand.

2. GCMMF: Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing Federation, the federation managing Amul and
other dairy cooperatives.

3. DCS: Dairy Cooperative Society, local units within the Amul network for milk collection and

4. FSSAI: Food Safety and Standards Authority of India, the regulatory body for food safety that
Amul complies with.

5. R&D: Research and Development, a department focused on innovation and improvement of

Amul’s products.


Table 1: Major Competitors of Amul………………………………………………..15


Figure 1: Organizational Structure of Amul…………………………………………18


Amul, established in 1946, is a pioneering dairy cooperative brand headquartered in Anand,

Gujarat, India. It was founded as a response to the monopolistic practices of the dairy industry
and aimed to provide fair prices to local farmers while ensuring highquality dairy products for
consumers. The cooperative model, developed under the Gujarat Cooperative Milk Marketing
Federation (GCMMF), has transformed Amul into one of India’s most trusted and renowned
dairy brands.

The name "Amul" is derived from the Sanskrit word "Amoolya," meaning "priceless." The
cooperative's core philosophy centers on empowering dairy farmers by involving them in the
decisionmaking process and sharing the benefits of growth. This model not only ensures fair
compensation for farmers but also contributes to the overall development of rural areas.

Amul offers a diverse product range, including milk, butter, cheese, yogurt, and ice cream.
Known for its commitment to quality and innovation, the brand has consistently introduced new
products and improved existing ones to meet the evolving needs of consumers. Amul's focus on
maintaining stringent quality standards and leveraging advanced technology in production and
distribution has set benchmarks in the dairy industry.

In addition to its business achievements, Amul is recognized for its significant contributions to
the Indian economy. It supports millions of farmers through its extensive cooperative network,
enhancing their livelihoods and fostering sustainable agricultural practices. The brand's success
story is a testament to the power of cooperative entrepreneurship and its ability to drive
socioeconomic progress. Through its dedication to quality, community, and innovation, Amul
continues to play a pivotal role in the dairy sector and beyond.


At first, the cooperative's main goal was to give local dairy farmers fair prices and to ensure good
milk products for people. The movement grew, and by the early 1950s, Amul had built its first
dairy plant. The name "Amul" comes from the Sanskrit word "Amoolya," meaning "priceless,"
and it represents their mission to deliver quality dairy products and support farmers.

In the 1960s, Amul launched its first major product, Amul Butter, which quickly became popular
for its taste and quality. This was followed by other dairy products like cheese, yogurt, and ice
cream. Amul's creative approach to product development and marketing, including the famous
Amul Girl advertising campaign, helped it become well-known in India.

During the 1970s and 1980s, Amul expanded and introduced new technologies to improve
production efficiency and product quality. The cooperative model was very successful,
empowering millions of dairy farmers and boosting the rural economy.

By the 1990s and 2000s, Amul had become a household name in India, famous for its wide range
of dairy products and commitment to quality. The brand continued to innovate, introducing
products like low-fat milk, probiotic yogurt, and frozen desserts.

Today, Amul is one of India's leading dairy brands, with many dairy plants, distribution centers,
and retail outlets across the country. It remains committed to its cooperative model, ensuring fair
prices for farmers and high-quality products for consumers. Amul's success story shows the
power of cooperative entrepreneurship and its ability to drive progress in rural India.


Application of the 5C model on Amul Dairy

1. Company

Some examples of the company related factors are given below:

1.1 Research and development

Amul Dairy spends heavily on the research and development activities to preserve its leadership
position in various product segments. Heavy investment in building the IT network, marketing,
product design and process optimization supports the distribution and promotion strategies.

1.2 Culture

Amul Dairy has a strong culture of process and product innovation. Top management supports
the innovative and creative ideas, and employees are encouraged to participate in the problem
solving process. The organizational culture supports the vision, mission and values.

1.3 Scale of production

Amul Dairy has a large scale of production, which enables the company to achieve the benefits
of economies of scale. Large scale production enhances the competitive strength of the company
and enables the company to produce better quality products at reduced costs.

1.4 SWOT-Amul Dairy

The SWOT analysis is an effective tool to analyse the company related factors. Application of
this tool in Amul Dairy’ context involves identification of key strengths, weaknesses,
opportunities and threats.

The following table presents the SWOT in the concisely summarized form:

Strengths: Weaknesses:

Strong brand name. Poor customer-oriented services.

Leverage brand equity to enter new markets. Decreasing per unit revenue.

Market leadership position. Retention issues due to high job stress.

Favourable reputation at the global stage. Lack of flexibility in the supply chain.

Large customer base.

Investment in R&D activities.

Pro-innovative culture.

Good financial health.

Opportunities: Threats:

Growing customer base in the low-end Growing criticism by environment protection

market. groups.

Opportunities to collaborate with local players The talent shortage in the market.
to expand business operations.
Rural market stagnation and urban market
The increasing trend of consuming high-end saturation.
Growing health consciousness of customers.
Strict government regulations are making it
difficult for new entrants to enter the market.

2 Customers

Customer analysis mainly covers the following points:

2.1 Market segments

Amul Dairy targets both high end and low-end market segments.

The organization's decision to choose broader and multiple segments have expanded the scope of

The targeted segments are expected to have a steady market growth rate in future.

The primary customer segment of the Amul Dairy is the family with children, which requires
Amul Dairy to do social, emotional and functional jobs to keep this market segment happy and
satisfied. The functional job includes performing core operations, the social job includes
providing augmented services to promote family and social gatherings, and emotional job
includes showing concern and commitment to take care of customers.


In the delicious world of bakery products, Amul faces tough competition from many well-known
brands and local favourites. Let's look at who the competitors are and what makes them stand

National Brands

1. Britannia

Products: Bread, cakes, biscuits, rusks


Well-known brand: Trusted by many families.

Wide distribution network: Available almost everywhere.

Variety of products: Offers a lot of different bakery items.

2. Parle

Products: Biscuits, cakes, rusks, snacks


Famous for Parle-G biscuits: Loved by many for years.

Wide range of products: Meets various tastes and preferences.

Long market presence: Known for decades.

3. ITC (Sunfeast)

Products: Biscuits, cakes, cookies


Strong marketing: Always visible to consumers.

Popular brand: Well-recognized.

New and interesting products: Keeps introducing new items.

4. Modern Foods

Products: Bread, cakes, bakery items


Focus on quality: Reliable and consistent.

Wide distribution: Easily available.

Variety in bread: Offers many types of bread.

Regional and Local Players

1. Anmol Biscuits

Products: Biscuits, cakes, rusks

Strengths: Affordable pricing: Good value for money.

Strong in local markets: Popular in specific regions.

2. Priya Gold

Products: Biscuits, cakes, cookies

Strengths: Strong in northern India: Well-liked in the north.

Good value: Affordable and tasty.

3. Local Bakeries and Artisanal Bakers

Products: Fresh bread, pastries, cakes, baked goods

Strengths: Freshness: Baked fresh daily.

Custom options: Can make to order.

Local loyalty: Loved by the community.

These competitors challenge Amul by leveraging their strengths in branding, product variety,
pricing strategies, and distribution networks. To maintain and grow its market share, Amul needs
to continue emphasizing its unique selling propositions such as highquality ingredients, strong
brand heritage, and valueformoney offerings.


Amul's production process is well-organized to ensure high-quality and consistent dairy

products. Here's a simplified look at the key steps involved:

1. Milk Collection

Collection Points: Amul collects milk from many Dairy Cooperative Societies (DCS) and
individual farmers in Gujarat. The milk is then transported to processing plants.

Quality Control: At the collection canters, milk is tested for quality and freshness. Milk that
doesn't meet standards is rejected.

2. Milk Processing

Pasteurization: Milk is heated to a specific temperature to kill harmful bacteria and then quickly
cooled, preserving its nutrients.

Homogenization: The milk is processed to evenly distribute the fat, preventing a cream layer
from forming.

3. Product Manufacturing

Cheese Production: Milk is turned into cheese by adding rennet or acid. The curds are separated
from the whey, processed, and aged to develop flavor and texture.

Butter Production: Cream is churned to separate butter from buttermilk. The butter is then
processed and packaged.

Yogurt and Curd: Specific bacteria are added to milk to ferment and produce yogurt and curd.
This process is carefully controlled for consistency and quality.

Ice Cream Production: Milk, cream, sugar, and other ingredients are mixed, homogenized, and
then frozen and churned to create smooth ice cream.
4. Packaging

Packaging Formats: Amul products are packaged in cartons, pouches, and containers. The
process is automated to ensure cleanliness and efficiency.

Quality Checks: Packaged products undergo thorough quality checks to ensure they meet Amul’s
standards before distribution.

5. Distribution

Cold Chain Logistics: Amul uses a robust cold chain system to keep products fresh during

Distribution Network: Products are distributed through a large network of distributors,

wholesalers, and retailers, reaching both urban and rural areas.

6. Innovation and R&D

Product Development: Amul invests in research and development to innovate and improve
products. This includes creating new flavors, enhancing packaging, and exploring new dairy

Amul's production process focuses on quality control, efficiency, and meeting industry
standards. Advanced technology and a strong supply chain help Amul deliver high-quality dairy
products to consumers in India and beyond.


Figure 1: Organizational structure of Amul


1.Taking Responsibility

I learned the importance of taking charge of my tasks and responsibilities. Amul's focus on
accountability encouraged me to take initiative and ensure the quality of my work.

2.Amul's Unique Qualities

I discovered what makes Amul stand out from its competitors, such as its cooperative model,
commitment to quality, and innovative approach. This experience highlighted the unique
strategies that contribute to Amul's success. Communicating with Higher-Ups

3.Communicating with Higher-Ups

I learned how to be professional and communicate effectively with higher authorities. This
includes promptly addressing feedback and aligning with the organization's goals.

4.Understanding Operations

I gained a better understanding of how Amul works, from collecting milk to distributing
products. Seeing how they use technology and the cooperative model gave me a clear view of
their efficient processes.

5.Punctuality and Time Management

I learned how important it is to meet deadlines and manage time well. Amul's operations show
the need to be on time and efficient in all tasks.

6.Meeting Deadlines

I realized the value of finishing tasks before deadlines. This proactive approach keeps everything
running smoothly and boosts productivity, demonstrating Amul's commitment to excellence.


1.Digital Transformation:

Upgrade IT Infrastructure: Invest in modern IT systems for seamless integration of all business
operations, from production to sales.

Mobile App Development: Create a user-friendly mobile app to improve customer convenience,
offering features like online ordering, delivery tracking, and customer support.

2.Product Innovation:

Healthy Snack Options: Develop a range of healthy dairy-based snacks targeting health-
conscious consumers, such as low-fat cheese sticks and probiotic yogurts.

Flavored Dairy Drinks: Introduce new and exotic flavors in dairy beverages to attract younger
audiences and diversify the product lineup.

3.Sustainability Initiatives:

Renewable Energy: Invest in renewable energy sources like solar and wind to power production
facilities, reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Water Conservation: Implement water-saving technologies and recycling practices in production

processes to reduce water usage and waste.

4.Supply Chain Optimization:

Blockchain Technology: Utilize blockchain for transparent and secure tracking of products
through the supply chain, enhancing trust and traceability.

Automated Warehousing: Adopt automated warehousing solutions to improve storage efficiency

and reduce human error.

5.Customer Engagement:

Personalized Marketing: Use data analytics to create personalized marketing campaigns based on
customer preferences and buying behavior.

Interactive Content: Develop engaging content such as cooking tutorials, recipes, and health tips
to connect with customers on social media and other platforms.

6.Market Expansion:

Collaborations and Partnerships: Form strategic partnerships with local brands and retailers in
new markets to boost brand presence and acceptance.

Pop-Up Stores: Launch pop-up stores in high-traffic areas to create buzz and attract new

7.Employee Training and Development:

E-Learning Platforms: Offer e-learning courses for continuous professional development,

allowing employees to learn at their own pace.

Cross-Functional Training: Encourage cross-functional training programs to develop versatile

employees who can handle multiple roles.


My internship at Amul has been an incredibly valuable experience, especially as a newcomer to

the professional world. During my time with the company, I gained a clear understanding of how
the dairy industry operates and how Amul’s cooperative model drives its success.

Amul’s dedication to quality, innovation, and community involvement is evident in every part of
its operations, from milk collection and processing to distribution and marketing. By working on
different projects, I was able to apply my academic knowledge to real-world situations, which
greatly enhanced my practical skills and overall professional growth.

As a fresh intern, I learned how crucial it is to manage time effectively, take responsibility for
tasks, and communicate well within a large organization. Amul’s structured yet flexible
environment provided a great platform for me to explore various aspects of the business, which
has been instrumental in my development.

Overall, this internship has deepened my understanding of Amul’s operational excellence and
strategic approaches. It has also given me valuable insights into how a major dairy cooperative
functions. This experience has been essential in shaping my career aspirations and has equipped
me with the skills and knowledge necessary for future opportunities in the industry.


 Online Resource :

Amul. (n.d.). About Us. Retrieved from [Amul Official

GCMMF. (n.d.). History of Amul. Retrieved from [GCMMF Official Website]


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