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White Green Aesthetic Paper Note Instagram Story

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On February 29, 2024, I started at the University of La Salette,

Incorporated. We began by observing Ma’am Julie's classes. In St. Margaret
and St. Beatrice's classes, they started with their usual routine. Then they
reflected on their past topic, HipHop and Runway. They assessed their own
performances, noting strengths and weaknesses. Students said they learned
new things about themselves. After feedback and reflection, they moved on
to the Health component of MAPEH, focusing on Health Trends, Issues, and
Concerns, particularly the Sustainable Development Goals. In the afternoon,
from 2:00 to 4:00 PM, we checked and recorded students' past quizzes.

On March 1, 2024, we observed Sir Edsel's class in St. Veronica. Some

students were late and talking, showing that not all students are always
obedient. I prepared myself for dealing with late and noisy students,
although majority was still attentive to Sir Edsel.

From 10:00 to 11:00 AM, we observed Sir Vel's class. Students presented
their creative Jeepney art, showing innovation and commitment. They put a
lot of effort into their work.

From 11:00 AM to 12:00 PM, we observed St. Beatrice's class doing research
on Sustainable Development Goals. Although they were noisy, I tried my best
to manage them.

From 1:30 to 2:30 PM in St. Agatha's class, we observed Sir Edsel again. He
used different teaching strategies for different sections. I noticed a big
difference in how he managed the class compared to others. He encouraged
discussion because he believed pure lectures would make students

At the end of the first week, I learned a lot about the students' behavior
and interactions.
This week, Ma’am Julie taught us how to make detailed lesson
plans. She stressed the importance of thorough planning to effectively
teach students.
I completed my first lesson plan, although it wasn't perfect. It made
me realize that being a teacher is challenging. Ma’am Julie assigned us
sections to teach in Junior High School, and I got assigned to St.
Margaret's class.

This week, I focused on preparing a lesson plan for Music while

observing classes in Junior High School.

In class, I watched how Ma’am Julie guided student discussions and

asked questions to ensure understanding. In Senior High School, we
worked with St. Magdalene's class on Leisure and Recreational
Activity. They applied what they learned by participating in activities.
Additionally, we helped decorate the EMIS office with the MAPEH

During our observation on March 6, I noticed improvement in

St. Margaret's class presentations. Mr. Choa's group effectively
summarized their report in 12 minutes. Ma’am Julie suggested that St.
Beatrice's group adopt Mr. Choa's strategy to keep their presentations
concise at 6 minutes. Throughout the week, I observed students'
behavior, interactions, and skills.

For Friday, Ma’am Julie suggested that we facilitate the class

This week, from March 11th to 15th, was quite eventful for me
as it was my first time teaching. I felt a bit nervous but also excited
about the opportunity.

While teaching, I found myself multitasking a lot. Alongside

teaching, I was also busy working on my lesson plan for the following
week and preparing PowerPoint presentations to make my lessons
more engaging.

Every day, we had a post-conference where we discussed our

teaching experiences. Through these discussions, I realized that
teaching isn't easy – you really need to know your subject matter well
to effectively convey it to your students. It’s my first time so expected
its not that good but as my cooperating teachers said “That is why you
are here, you are here to learn and experience the reality of teaching”.

One of the tasks I’ve experience this week was checking the
quizzes of my students. It was a new experience for me, and it helped
me understand how important it is to assess their understanding and

Overall, this week was a valuable learning experience for

me. Despite feeling nervous at times, I gained insights into the
challenges and rewards of teaching, and I'm eager to continue
improving my skills in the future.
This week, from March 18th to 22nd, was quite challenging for me. I
made a decision to have my pre-demonstration on Saturday, which only
gave me one day to prepare instructional materials. I felt really nervous
because it was only my 3rd week, and 2nd week in teaching. Despite my
worries, I appreciated the trust that Ma'am Julie had in me, even though
the outcome didn't go as well as I hoped. It was a rushed decision, but I
still felt proud that I went through with it.

After that experience, I decided to use it as motivation for the rest of

the week. I made a commitment to myself to improve every day. I
listened carefully to the suggestions of my cooperating teachers and
tried my best to adapt quickly. It was important to me to learn from my
mistakes and grow as a teacher.

In addition to teaching, we also helped staple examination papers for

the grade 10 students. It was a simple task but it felt good to contribute
to the school community. We also lent a hand to the science club by
helping decorate the stage for the RYSTEC event. It was a busy week,
but I enjoyed being involved in different activities.

Throughout the week, I reflected on my decision to do the pre-

demonstration with only one day of preparation. I realized that it wasn't
the best choice because it might have compromised the learning of the
students. As a teacher, it's important to always consider the impact on
students' learning and prioritize their needs.

Despite the challenges, this week was filled with valuable lessons and
realizations for me. I learned the importance of careful planning and
taking into account the welfare of my students. Moving forward, I'll use
these experiences to become a better teacher and make more informed
decisions in the future.

This week, from March 25th to 26th, was focused on supporting the
students at our school. We assisted in organizing remedial classes for
the grade 12 students as they had their examination week. It was
important to ensure they had the extra help they needed to succeed.

The following day, we were responsible for checking the examination

papers of both the Grade 10 and Grade 12 students. It was a significant
task, but it gave us insight into the progress and understanding of the

Through these experiences, I realized that being a teacher involves more

than just teaching. It's also about assessing the students' progress to
see if they've truly learned and if our teaching methods are effective.

This week reinforced the importance of being attentive to the needs of

our students and continuously evaluating our own effectiveness as
educators. It's a responsibility that goes beyond the classroom and
requires dedication to ensure every student has the opportunity to

This week, from April 1st to 5th, felt like it went by quickly. My routine
remained the same – arriving at school by 6:40 am and attending the
flag ceremony to start the day.

Throughout the week, I focused on several tasks. I checked the quizzes

of the Grade 10 students, specifically Margaret's class. Alongside this, I
worked on creating PowerPoint presentations and planning lessons for
the upcoming week. Every Thursday at 1:30 pm, there's a check on the
lesson plans, so I made sure mine was ready.

In addition to these responsibilities, I recorded the quiz scores of my

students. I also dedicated time to practice contemporary dance with
our students, as part of preparing activities and lessons for the next

Studying my lessons thoroughly remained a priority for me. I recognized

the importance of continually improving my teaching methods. It's
crucial to adapt and adjust because students come from diverse
backgrounds, and their needs vary.

Our days often ended late due to post-conference meetings. These

meetings provided valuable insights into areas where I could improve as
a teacher. They helped me understand what I needed to retain and what
changes I could make to enhance my teaching for the following week.

Overall, this week was filled with tasks and preparations. However, each
activity served a purpose in ensuring that I could provide the best
learning experience for my students.
This week, from April 8th to 12th, was a bit shorter due to a two-day
holiday on April 9th and 10th. However, it was still productive. I got the
chance to teach in a different section, not just my usual classes, like St.
Gertrude and St. Margaret.

This experience taught me the importance of being a versatile teacher

and always being prepared for any situation.

During this week, I encountered some students who were a bit difficult
to handle. I realized that as a teacher, it's crucial to establish authority
in the classroom. Following Ma'am Julie's advice, I learned that building
authority is key to gaining respect from students, even as a practice

Teaching in a different section made me feel more like a real teacher. I

started to develop my own teaching style and methods, and sometimes
they proved effective with the students. It was a valuable lesson in
finding what works best for each group of students.

One important realization I had this week was the need to adjust my
teaching to fit the capabilities of my students. Not all students learn at
the same pace, so it's essential to be flexible and adapt to their needs
rather than sticking strictly to my own standards.

Overall, this week provided me with valuable experiences and insights

into the complexities of teaching. It reinforced the importance of being
adaptable, establishing authority, and tailoring my teaching approach to
meet the needs of my students.
This week, from April 15th to 19th, was quite busy for our cooperating
teachers, especially Ma'am Julie. She was preparing for the CAVRAA
competition, which took up a lot of her time. Despite her busy schedule,
she still found time to guide me as I prepared for my final

Time seemed to fly by quickly, and I couldn't believe that I was already
getting ready for my final demonstration. Unlike before, when I only had
one day to prepare, this time I had a whole month to get everything
ready. This gave me more time to finalize my lesson plan and make sure
everything was just right.

Throughout the week, I worked hard to prepare for my demonstration.

Even though Ma'am Julie and the other cooperating teachers were
occupied, they never forgot to support and mentor me. I used my free
time to practice my teaching skills and study my lessons thoroughly.

Despite the challenges, I remained dedicated to doing my best for my

students. I wanted my final demonstration to be more than just a test
for my grades – I wanted it to be a meaningful learning experience for
my students. I put in extra effort to ensure that my teaching was
engaging and effective.

In addition to preparing for my demonstration, I also worked on creating

instructional materials and PowerPoint presentations for the following
week. It was a lot of work, but I knew it would pay off in the end.

Although this week was tiring, I felt excited about the possibilities of the
next week. I saw it as an opportunity to showcase everything I had been
working on and to demonstrate my growth as a teacher.

Overall, despite the challenges and busyness, I remained hopeful and

determined to make the most of the upcoming week.
This week, from April 22nd to 26th, turned out to be my best week yet. The
highlight was my final demonstration on April 22nd. I woke up early, arriving at
school by 5:50 in the morning, feeling determined to give it my all. Before
starting, I took a moment to pray in the chapel, seeking guidance from the
Almighty for a successful demonstration. It was a highly anticipated day for me,
and I was confident in my preparation.

At 11:00, in the classroom of St. Margaret, I began my final demonstration. I

kicked off the class with a prayer and warm greetings, infusing energy into the
atmosphere. Teaching that day felt natural, like any other day in the classroom.
There was a lot of interaction, with students contributing ideas and showing
enthusiasm for the activities. I was proud of their engagement and the quality
of their input. Throughout the session, I acted as a guide and facilitator, helping
to shape their learning experience.

Comparing it to my pre-demonstration, I felt that I met my own expectations. I

gave it my all and felt grateful for the support and encouragement from my
cooperating teachers. Their advice and encouragement played a significant role
in my success. It was a memorable day, marking my growth as a teacher and
boosting my confidence. The experience not only enhanced my communication
skills but also allowed me to provide valuable learning opportunities for my

Additionally, this week marked the start of 35-minute classes, presenting a new
challenge. Despite the shorter time, I remained committed to delivering quality
lessons without compromising student learning. It required adjustment, but I
focused on simplifying my discussions to ensure understanding.
Furthermore, I had the opportunity to teach the entire Grade 10 class due to
various substitutions in other subjects. I facilitated their Filipino classes, adding
to my teaching experiences for the week.

In conclusion, this week was filled with valuable lessons and achievements. My
successful final demonstration, coupled with the challenges and learning
experiences throughout the week, made it truly memorable. It marked a
significant milestone in my teaching journey, and I look forward to continuing
to grow and improve in the future.
This week, from April 29th to May 3rd, was all about adjusting to teaching in
shorter 35-minute classes. It felt like a race against time to cover the lesson and
ensure the students understood it within this limited timeframe. Despite the
challenge, it was a common experience for teachers to adapt to different time
constraints while teaching.

The 35-minute classes were introduced due to the intense heat index in Isabela,
making it difficult for students to concentrate for longer periods. It was a
solution implemented by the school to help students focus better on their

I found myself quickly adjusting my teaching methods and pacing to fit within
the shorter class duration. It required me to be more efficient in delivering the
lesson and ensuring that the students received the necessary learning in that
brief time span.

Moreover, throughout the week, I also had opportunities to substitute for other
practice teachers during the morning sessions. This meant teaching throughout
the morning, which was a new experience for me. It required flexibility and
adaptability to switch between different classes and subjects.

In addition to teaching, I also participated in extracurricular activities in the

afternoons. Along with other BPED interns, we assisted the University of La
Salette in preparing props for the upcoming Balamban Dance Festival. This
involved tasks such as painting and making cutouts of butterfly wings, utilizing
our skills and expertise in physical education.

It was a fulfilling and productive week as I not only focused on teaching but
also contributed to the institution's extracurricular endeavors. The hard work
put into both teaching and assisting with the props paid off when the
University of La Salette earned the 2nd place in the Streetdance Competition.
It was a moment of pride and validation for our efforts.

Overall, this week showcased the versatility and dedication required of

teachers. From adjusting to new teaching formats to actively participating in
school activities, it was a week filled with learning, collaboration, and

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